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Urges That No Decision Be Rendered Re Alternate Sites in State of Nc Until Official State Position Determined
Person / Time
Site: Perkins  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1979
From: Neal S
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML19210D943 List:
NUDOCS 7911290066
Download: ML19210D942 (2)


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'{ d7.3 November 6, 1979

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1 Mr. Joseph M.

Hendrie hY p;Ig,g[

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.i Chairman a

Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Washingten, D.


20555 RE:

Duke Power Company's application to build nuclear powered electric generating units on the Yadkin River (Perkins )

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...a Mr. Davif Scrincer, a constituent and concerned resident, has brough to hy attention the request from the Nuclear Regulatory Ccr. mission to the State of North Carolina requesting the state's view as to the availability of condenser cooling water for thermal electric generating units.

The enclosed copy of a letter to Mr. William A.

Raney, Jr. from Mr. Charles A.

Barth, Counsel for the NRC staff, dated October 11, 1973 advised the state that NRC is reassessing site alternatives to the Perkins site, proposed by Duke Power Company "for a facil-itv. cf ac. c. roximatelv..;,000 megawatts of electricity."

The fact is that Duke Power Company is not planning and never has clanned one 4,000 megawatt facility.

The ccmpany is planning to bullf three 1,280 megawatt units.

Tn.e significance c:. :nis is that even thcuch there would not be water c.apacity te handle cccl_n; for cne 4,000 megawatt unit, I am old it would be entire'.y ecssible for Iake Norman, a considerably larger reservoir cf water

'n the Catawba River, to acccamodate the building of a ccchinaticn oof ccndenser cooled and ecwer eccled units :.t share were a mix amonc the various units.

I am advised that NRC has licensed a number ci stations that have mixed cooling facilities.

Mr. 3arth, as you can see from the correspondence, had wri::en

an Assistant Attorney General of the State of North Carclina.

He received a reply, nc: frcm the Attorney General's office, but frcm Mr. Senten in the Environmental Operations Section of the North Carclina Depart.en: cf Natural Resources in which Mr. Een:cn says that it is his eerscnal ceinien that technology other than 1434 076 watwwo omt.

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2 once through cooling would be required.

Mr. Barth is new usi.g the personal opinion of one state government employee as the


official position of the state of North Carolina before the Nuclear Regulatory Commiscion.

The fact is that the state of North Carolina has not yet developed an official position on


this issue, although they have been requested to do so and we anticipate some action relatively soon.

Mr. Chairman, it is my understanding that you will soon be called


upon to make a judgment as to whether or not there are alternate sites in North Carolina which can be available to Duke Power Com-pany and I strongly urge you not to make such a decision based on the obviously incomplete information a your disposal at this time.

It is imperative that we get the state's position on this issue before final judgment is made, rather than using the personal opinion of just one person.

Your very careful consideration will be appreciated.

Bes t wishes,,

-'i no P

STEPF.IN L. NEAL U.S. Congressman


SLN:mh V

Enclosures l434 U//
