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NRC-2018-000725 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/15/2019
FOIA, NRC-2018-000725
Download: ML19053A689 (12)


  • *l'I
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  • ' ' NAY l O1976 II I!


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  • 1r>-fftf*AWV£S llwlnl,, ,t,p~r,11~0,~,

.,,.,,,.., l:'J.Ml'IMizlil, l><I"'* *~ Niiht.e *P.Ot.itt aM mo "'11,/tiut, IWbil or deDILdJoor<<d ot I.P')IJU

=.If! m~t.\tf rtn, rotMra, ftaUr<<. "~fbrorMtt, 1/Jlp,lsl#rl, h4Jf_ bl'OUler.,

11\VIIIU f pnt,Jot,.1* mtJrrilzke. ml' t, C'i'4 oil<< Off" Y6U 1/Jan)' *o&*eqrttllt to Ulr ~ I I , of tl&fa !lUtSfkiWJll't. it 1111/I bl tu 1"""poua

  • fur,wlt,d, 0)¥ Form ;;t 0354.)

,.,. I l..: - :-~~ Na..1tahll

"'"'"' C6Q1IU)I o( * ~ e~-

I Father Mother Charles frank Bazata.

Alma A1y1ettnger Bazata v 100 Dead 92 Pres. Home.Car11s1 *PA.USA USA USA USA f Wffe Marte p erre sencmuter ,__ 35 RT2,Bx97,.01ckerso , MO II E FRENCH Fath.-1 -Lav Noel Senequ1er- zet 65 Papeterie de la Go t Domenetzere, Fran e FRAN E FRENCH Mo .-in-Law Marte-Magde1efne Sap~ s.-c. Dead' .

. 'Brother Charles Frank Baz~ v* 68 . M1aa1, Florida USA USA S1ster Beatrice Brown {)J.~ ~ 67 Dead USA USA Ex Wf.fe 5101 Rfver Rd.

Diana _Ch.trl~fson~ata .

(b) (6)

Penelope .Grant, Bazata *.

rf', *

' Chevy *Chase. MD Sfctly USA Ex Wffe *

(Dates and laces for 111rrfages and divorces

? London, England (fult~t- knovn) tsted.on reverse si e)

Australt Brftfsh.

i l&. REJ,'E~C~.(Nomt 'thlW./'RfOII.'* Ni>t Ref#~'vtt tJr Employer,, Whl> Wfll A.c,q~tai Wit,\ 'ri>tJ), .

Reference list attached.

., CB8.'t1flCA2'ION I Aou, ~.OU .o/tM obow qumton., lt1rtrti ~ 1M lltf61'111r,t/qt,;fwt,l,Md " 071,!1111r ro* thu1.qli#llons II Nrrecl Md to/rlfl( tA~ &!it of Ill.)' l<MJwlrdg1 (Ill(.( " ' ~ On4 *l Ptldtntontl lAal i'r fa of gttllf lmpOTVM~I '111 IM. e'>lll'"r(/.twA 6/ 111).' .t/glbl/l.ty to, lfflJriJy ~ - ot ~,.

o.uuiorkfl.llo11. { mtrl<* t/Jb ,tti<<ffWII to w V: s.,~, BMro Collllllls*li>il IOilA dlt un1UtWWllnl/ 111111 il ll'lll. o,. IU<<l 6Jt a,.,. COJM1ledo11111 fO,,Y~ o(I( ltA du{Y ro protttt 111,.,e~~ ofthl.albml#_,rurgyp~J,ct. ofld.fllllh l<1101D~f thl oro1t16slonofmourlol

/od f110:Y o, 111(/t,eltfll C<1,u,t.(;;, r,Jeclk,n 0/ 1>>.)' .oppl/l:OWfl. or' dlt'11fnol. o(ltr fftl/Jl.o.)'rMf/1; I ~ t/,al, aAj, /a/41114ltmtnl littt!A 1110,, b, f'Ul'..blltd.

o, a1,ton.y IPldtl' Sffl/o11 lo~!* 'l'ilU llJ, V, .$:- Cof- , _. , , , ,, .

  • , 'l'o ~s ~tLt.EDOU.'r ar*AotNCY 01u*11tM EM)'lOYINCI , , ,.

I I ti ( I I


. . . S~1a16st It US rluclear Re lator.y C011111fstfo11 ADDRESS Washington, o. c. 20555 WU,l, PBRSON ffAVJ: ACX:ESS TO: I

.....I 0 0 .i I I

iiESflUCl'EDDA'l'A '(41 No I'

  • 11 X

~XCZ.l!SJON AlEA Yu O No 0 I

........... I I I 'l I FOPS4 Ii I


1-Ll!AWJ)..>>ctoxo J.&~ ~ ~ ~ n1, $Wt: (l) ~

  • u4 .BMt... ~0111, l'f.Jlff,* (3) ltfflm~*  !

Or4e.r ot ~tea (l."' ~ OXle ~ t Slcle (Oli~) to 'bf co,, ~ ..ltevtm ~<<* Mt0a ctci.) \'

1 I.

115 It Marrfed Qfana. C,*Baza~- Newark, HJ 1942 or 1943<, * *. * 'IJ.L.*. *, .. * .. *!

  • f:

Divorced * * * '.

  • 1fashtngton. D.c. 1945. 6t or 7 Married Penelope G.
  • Bazata- .London, England 1/5/48..~ . .


  • Kens1ngton, London,.England (Applted.1/15/52 and

.. I ** , ;41vorc.e #1740 was granted 2/,27/!2) ~

Mlrrfed Marje P. Senequter-- Attbe$, f'rance 5/10/70 I 4- , ... **

' I*

..,. ... .. '!*... ,; . I l,t..; . ... I *~

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  • L SECURITY' QUESflONN B. U yov, on,wer ro A It "YH'!, 414 yov, dwlt19 the petfo4 of ,..,c1' r,,,~1,,h~ or ouoclotlon, h1N* tho 1pecltlc lnl*nt to fyrth,, I, YCJES ~

tt.e 01111 of *~h or9011borlon or q,ovp of p,r,011, to ov,,,htow or onrt11t" "th* GoveJDtMtlf of ,,.. U11lt*)f $tot* or fl'IY p01itlcol 11/Wlvl1I011 thett~f l>y fore,, vlol111C*, or V11lowf11t aeon,t * . * .* '.

6, If )'9111 <J111wer toOuHt/0111 ,. o, 5o, .ohv* 1, ':¥**", 11010 l>elow, vMer "'"' No, 11, or OIi o 1oporote th!** ro h ottoc~d *o ond tt1o4o o port of thl,

~ttlonnolr*, the 110111n of oll ,111ch oroo11l1otlo11* 4,,.1 dot.. of ,.,,1111>,11Mp, Gin cOMpl,M d,tolh of yOVt ~etlvlllu 1h..1l11*~"'°"' ""1

  • 111plot1otlon you d11lr1 t19<<dl110 >'°"' t111ml>er1lilp or octlvltlu, ME ADDRESS l"ROM TO Of'f'IC "EL.O 7, *ORGANIZATION MeMSERSHIP (lnclll4* oll pre ..111*rshlp oll po1t 111e111 era Ip 111ln9""t
  • lost 10 y1or1 In oll oroo11botlont (txcopt o or v11lo,ia olld relloloc,a oroo11l1otlon1) nol cove,1d b Qu.. 110111 5, ond 6, obove,) '

$. Hov* yo11 ever be*11 orr**t*d, ct.oro*4, Of lioW l>y Fe<l,rot. Sto1e, ~ 0,1,,, low ,11force10er1t O',/lhQrltiH f<< 011y vlolatloa ol otay YES~

f*derol low, $tot, faw, c.0111117 or 11>unlclpol low, requlotlon, .Of ordllionce? *oo i1otf11clvtfe Oll)'thl"9 thot hom111d l>1f9t9 yo11r l6tl, bhtt.40)', Oo 1101 lnclll4* traffic vSolotlone lot wlll~I, o fin, .of $30.00 ~ Ins wo*. l111po,..t, All oth*r ~h0<9n 1a11a1 .t.*

lnClll4ech;v.t1 If th.r WefO 4lt1111H04, I . I f I I Cll'\' I tryov* anawlll' ls "Y**"* c:0111Plot1 all c<'l1tl** lfl ltt<&t, ~*low, 9, ARRE$T$ (Co~pleto A,B,C, ori4 0 for ,act. co11, IMle1d* oll otr11tr~ f1,,.,, oth,, th011'"'l110, lrof£1c vlolotloi,1 evtt1 If the chor;u w*ro dl1111fu1d,)


  • PU I w ~E sr AN N D, ACTlON TAKEN

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.1N$YAl,ICTION$ 'YO APPC,ICANT UPON COMP&,ETiON OF ABOVE a Now rhot rhe for,r, 'JI tlt11td, ploc* It ht th* pro,oddreo*d "IVtlop* fe1rra;,h,<I, ilo" ocrou ,r.. envelope flc,p on the lltae provU,d, and offhc rhe .cfot* of 1lono111r1, O*nv,, thl.,*ol*d *11v1tope to yo11r t~lorer 'i1a111t,ll<1ttlr ~ 1t1oll dlr,ct to th, oddren*** *, '


(l,e, copy lro111 side PLEi\$l .. 'Before Mokl119 011y etltrlH Oft thlt 1lclt1 (I) ~.111ov* ~d rever,, co,bo,1 p~f, (2) Rev.r** l'h* o,der of copl**

  • Ofl*

(oritlfiol) ro be copy or,e ,enrH *14* olso, etc,)

11, AtlOITIOtjAI. $PACC f"OA f>~IUIISJ.ilNC IN ,oAMATION IN ITCMS ,. TO 10, .(hldleo** lttll\ fl\llllbtn ro ..... ,c.. Oftlwer* opply,)


/tJ IJ 6)SS --

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i (b) (6)

  • -y$,=e;r; t7/J/ #'~. ~J:

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  • ,e-i -:.t * .. '

. .

  • Douglas Oel.Jitt Bazata.

REFERENCE LIST j'-1. DavhLfegan(Ernerson (b) (6) )

,I (b) (6)


J,. Prof. Alan Haemer '((b)(6) )

V (b) (6)

. v--<b)(6)

  • £. Frederick & Harriet Wildman ((b) (6) ) Occupation* Wine Importer


~4. Paul Cyr(Might work for FEA, Wash. D.C.)

  • Business phone in ~Wash., D. c. area- 961-8637

.I Is. . (b)Robert (6)

VanRoUen ((b) (6)


~ 6. Col. William Pietsch ((b)(6) )

(b) (6) .

. J'. Hon. wn liam E. Colby (b) (6) .

("' / s. Col

  • Lu~i en E.
  • Cone! ein (:(b) (6) )

V' (b) (6)

  • t t- . Business. phone with DEA, WDC- 382-8825 r1'


  • Glen Wolfe ((b) (6) '>

. (b) (6)

L. Frederick Schwartz (Plaza

~IIJ, (b) (6) .

(b) (6) 1* Or. Bernard Knox ( (b) (6)

J Director of.Hellenic Affairs (b) (6)



,. I

-~, Dougla~ DeWitt Bazata REFEIRENCE llST (Continued) * . ...

12. Hon * .Phi111p Chadbourn
  • Chief of Propaganda and Protocal (b) (6)

~ ~1a. Dr. Albert Rohan (Austrian citizen) 0

'(,P/ c/o Austrian State Department *

/' Vienna, Austria *

14. Edwinston Robbins and/or his wife (Phone #(b} (6) )


(Robbins also has a* residence somewhere in Pe~nsylvania- Phone. #Lawrence (b) (6) )

~i, 15. Baron Hans-Georg VonStudnitz

~,. (b)(6)

  • Baroness Madelein VonMunm (b) (6) .

~ -or-

. *(b) (6)

17. Jeoffrey Ha11owes (b) (6)




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  • 0 1,1 c/'l't5tpa;-:t:',e- ~/tdU/
  • . ~ISL: /JA/PtfG ~*

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~ INSTK'vC'rl,.0."18 .!., J"A'Ud AEC.l HM 1WO .PARn. ,.U,l,. SEC'l'IONS 0}' IJOT/t PARTS >!UST IIC COMPLET&D. UN£ESS 80'/'JI l'/1.R'/'$

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  • .}'ol'II) Af>ptovfd )

..O.M,~. *s .. yoJts 1

. II f ..tR~ COM/'/,E'rJ:J.,Y AND "f'ROPERL'I EXECU'l'F.'D. "l'IIB FORM WILT, NOf' 1Jl! ACCE'P'rl:D. Uort: Ofl¥ ~,;:r/£1 llt'f wwJr, /amlZ/;lr¥.~ ~o'11r. ,,._  !

t I

U1/ l",rl.\ oil q*ta:i<,11*, Do ROt ~ " lDIIJ~u.t {Int nodlttg t.hf t,utru.~,u an4 ~tfff/lcotlo11 o.c ~ rt..d o/lM/orm. 'l'fPI: OR l>IUN'l' ALL /f.NSWER.$.

1/ ftll>rt *pqc, iJI nq<dr~ rnttr us ~,,. 11 ois ~ &ot.4: c,/ "'1* /or-m a, ,atv.,,;t,. o4d,'tJ.o,u,1. ,,-~~* o.nt/. /Jadkote d.e 11.tM 11cm11hn Jo 111hkla tlH ans111cr*' *

, I!

, apply, Q-.k1ttons rtJAkli d~ rw,t Of>ply 1liould bUMrkrd "No11t*, * * ,  !

nA.MI:: (IAJf,. 1-V*r. MltJJ/.~) 4, Dt:l:ICltll"llON / I i

?ltlZ,9 Tli JrJu<l4s .:)d Id r T I I

t AloL Offl£R-NAMES (i 111arrlotfl, an4 ~ U-.ot 11

!!, 1N1IIJ,11 nom,, 110mt1 i>:, /otmfr

, wernfed)

$. S CJAL SECUJllT'X' * *o.

(b) (6) DATE 1



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S. l\lt an *x.* la Ap,propJl.aW BQJt; Stos>t O



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  • ~'$wl81.atc)O~.,!} l~O.l!T h',~L.


~ I 7 :1.

' M.irled Dlvomll (J i

  • .l! r. ~ - ax. 9* ':J ~ '/ ~ (Datt & Platt cf lJll/¢r<<(I} I g

~"RS,(!,'v*- #.t .. .'ul U.:1 .... . -

~. ALX. OJ{& nESll>ENCES .10.R 'l'AST 1, Y&\RS DATES t~ CITIZENSHIP; U.S.~ .Aile~ 0 tI 2c~ 7 1', rl'J,t'-'11/ Sr. t'l/l~;'/,,/t" ~ I 4/ - - A.lfU,S.CAtl%Co.bdleato, ,  :

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Date No.

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Il ll, )'01':tlON' COUNT:tlF.$ VISIUI> (B~cl111l,*t ~/ NIJl/4,y &rukt <md. U,$. Cqvtrnm.t~ 0//lcl#f ;;(,r,d) j"- ,.., I "'~" .. .. *

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....,.......,..,.....,....--....----*;.**--------- 1926.fflt J;HERGY COMMISSION ' -

itlli?i10N ,o n>>.'OAAI> ,OAu ee

  • WASHINCtON, o.c. 20545 I '* 0 0*.!$,R F'ORM ).ppnove:o
r~~:r~*M:?,.,.,, PERsoNHE1:. sEcuR1rv* ouEs110Ni**RE , *M*


~- NAME (J-111,. f'na,, M14,ii.) ~ _, / . , . . . , . $0CfA\. Ste. NO, ' 11* tlAME OF .AGI: OR FIRM EMPLOnN~

!t~.z/JT,~ ?2>&1i1Hf PcDY/; .."'!i(~) ~6_) _ _.. . , _. _ At.£_ e . 1 ._ ,. *


t/NLESS ~Mfitfi'tEL'f. 'Atll1 i>ROPERf.Y EXECUTED. T~ oniwet$ or stafc1M11,s on this for,,. ore p1lvilc9cd inlortr.otlor, between ro" cw! the Govcrnmenr, Tf Pe OR PRINT ALL ANSWERS. Write. "'None when cppllco61e, Enter ht lie,..,. J 1 Qfl'/ ot!rJltiol'IOI ln(ormoll,on, which 1110)' liCNe O hor/n9 on Y0!.11 sccu,Ur elecvonc1t, t( more $pOC:C Is teqvJred, c;olfocl. Otldirlonol sneets ond lt1dlcol1t ffiit I rem l)l,ll))Otrs to wPllc1t th. onswe,s or,ply*

., $A. Iv* Jou Mw, ~ wlt~H'JI th* lo,, 10 to tll* eo-u,.,,, Po,1y, U.$.A,, wi.1,t.,

v***'""t lttv* yow~,._, o Me,nl,o, of ony o,t90IH101;0,. or 9rout ~* t*1101t1 lr-crv,fft9 lvt "' llmlt~d 1h* p*rlff of YOYI' tlltMhrtl.lp ot ouoclotiOII you lc,-.w wos o4vo,otint ~ ftochlftf t!.ot tltt Cov**flm4nt of *"* U11ittd $toru, o, 011y $tot, o, Oft)" "litleol 111'l>olvhl0ft th.roof tltovld'" ovtrtlirowft o, ovtOllfllod iy lor,*, ¥lol*11~*, or Ol'I'/ y11lowful 1111011s? i 6,

8. If Y<>w 0111we, to A ** "Y**"* 411 yov, 411rl~ 11'* ,eilff of sue~ m*Mberalll~ or ostodoti~, llovo th sp*cWc f1ue11t to f111th*

th* 011111, c-1 uch ~90'tla011011 o0t 9rqvp of p,r10t1* to overtllrow o, ovtllurll th* Govtrftfll*nl of the U\ltod $101.. or Oft'/ $tot* o, ony oolltlcol 1~<11-.,1,1~ thereof \,y fore*, vl0Te11ct, c,, ynlowful Mt<Hls?

If yow 011,w,r ,o Qu.,,rlor,1 4, or $4_. *v* I* "Y**", ,101* ~,low, Ylldet II** No. n, °" '°" o np11rote shnt 10'"0 ouo~t,.,d 10 o"i 1110'!* o port of t1ua I

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f'IOMU of olt svc\ or110l'l1otl0111 ~ dotu ,of 1111t111N11hlp. Gin c01111ltto 4ttolh of )IOI/I o~rMtln th***i" 0"' Nk* or,y

  • rrl011otlo11 )'OU dolt* ,t;oroi11t yOVt"AMfllt~*r* or oc.tlvitlu, ADORE$$ f'ROM TO OFFICE HELO I

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I 8, Hav9 ,-~ ,.,.,, '"" orruttd, cho,oe4. ~ *.,U l>y fe<ltrol, $tot,, o* othtr low ,11,orcn1el'tt oi,rhorltlt11 tor O"Y v:olotlo11 of 11ny fe4t,o1 low, $tott low, ~O!l"Y or m..,nJ~lpol l~w, ro111lotlo11, Of ordh1~u'l Do°' l11d114, on)'thlno tho, ho1per..d l>tfo*, yovi 16tt, blrrMgy. Do o11ot *,11cfyh trorhc violotlorn lo, wMcfi ~ fiM of $30,00 or ftu v,o* *1111pottl, AU o,.,,, d1q,ou r-w,t i, ,v,11 lf_th*y wtrt dh1111u,4, * * * .,

, If yw, -.itawer h "Yea", ~-Ofl'IPl~te a.H Mttlu 111 JtM t, b,tow.

9. I.RRE$T$ (COll'lpt,,. A,e.c. 011,I O ,~ '°'"' co.o. f11cf114* ol I ,orrutf GM ,,.... otl,tr ffiC'I\ mlrao* trofllc. vlolotlo,n' ,vo if tt., chorg, f wero diu,in-4,)

A, OAU ~. CHARGE c;. ~}t~!!tO~~~~~ 0, ACY&ONYAK[N


  • A, To YOl/t' lr.Mwl*49* fioY~,YW .v*r ~*~I\ hlYHtl;oted \y OJ'I)' \uoa'>ch ol rht F*4tto1 Gov'e,-,iltt - .

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&. To yov,, k110wfe,f~* "*"* yw ever Ii**" HfvsH cltfl'*~* or o~J*u ovt*.o,botlon *Y ,:rr; t.fo11ch of tht ftlerol Qov*t1111Mnlf If y~r Ol'Jwet ,~ ettJ..., A o,r 8 11 "Y*f", pf*ost f.,nl*h 4troil, In 11,1a U.

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