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NRC-2019-000052 - Resp 1 - Final. Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/21/2018
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ML18360A576 List:
FOIA, NRC-2019-000052
Download: ML18360A562 (36)


l!Ql.<2P1.8_ . __ __ ______ __ U.S. Nu.clear. Regul(ltory Commis$ion Qpe,ations Centel' Event Ilep}>>'I _ .. _______

  • ___________ Page ~ __

Agree_meri~ S~ate (AGR) E.vent_# 52529 Rep Org: ILLINOIS EMERGENCY MGMT. AGENCY Notification baite 1Ti~e:0210312011 H:51 (EST)

Li~risee: ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN INTERNATIONAL Ev,nt Date/ Time: 01/29/2017 (CST)

Last Modi~cation: 02/03/2017 Region: 3 Docket#:

City: CHICAGO Agreement State: Yes Coun~: Licens~ #: GL 9223295 State: IL NRC Notifi,d by: DAREN PERRERO Notifications: ERIC DUNCAN R3DO HQ Ops Officer: MARK ABRAMOVITZ NM$S_EVENT~_NOTIFIC/ffl EMAIL Emergency Clas.J: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1jJ . . . - . .

AGREEMENTSTATE REPORT-STOLEN X-RAY FLUORESCJ::NT ANALYZER "On Sunday evening January 29, 2017 an instrument case containing a portable lead in paint analyzer belonging to an Environmental Design International, .Inc. emplQyee was stolen from a vehicle. The general licensee reported the event the following day to. the Agency but had already been in contact with t_he Chicago Police Department who were investigating. The theft took place in the Near West Side neighborhood of Chicago* while*the locked case was in the trunk of a vehicle. This devtee can only be operated with a password. The maximum surface radiation level from the device as reportep by' the manufacturer ~oes not exceed 0.1 milliR/h. It contains an IAEA Category 5 level source, the lowest risk category assigned by the IAEA in that no one ~ould be permanently injured by this source and if the radioactive material-could _be disp~rsed,would not per~anently injure anyone;"

Manufacturer: Niton M9del: XLp-300 Serial Numl:>er: 84640 .

Source Manufacturer: Eckert & Ziegler .

Source Activity: 25 mCi Cd~109 . '

Source Model: XFB-3 Source*S~rial Number: TR3831 llllnols Event: IL 17003' THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT*s* LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category ~ sources.a are either sources. that ate .very unlikely to cause

p12~1.lo1~~ _ 11.§.'. f!!!~!'!~".!l:fl~~'!_"l_.~!l!!!'!!_~i~!'.~!.!~!!~'!!..9.~!l!!'!!_*~~!!!.!l:~o_t!_ _ _... _ . . Page-2 ~

pem:i~ne_nt injl,r.ry to individu~~ C>r *~ontain a very small amount of radiciact!ve IT)at~ria_l that would. not cause .a11y permanent injury. Some of these sources, s1Jcih as moistur~ densit{gauges *or thickne~s*gauge~ (haiare Ca.t~gory 4, the ~rn<>~rit Qf ui1shiel~~~ radioa<<nive rilaterial, if not safely managecf ot securely protected, coul~ pOSS!bly ~ .

althciugti it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled It or were otherwise ih contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional informa.tion go to http:llwww~ *

          • "**-**********~********** ... ~*'.*-A:*fr*~******"'**"i'.******-***~******,..**************'*'***'*****'fr***'****************11!'**********'**********

. U.S, NuclearcRegulatory Commission Op_erations Center_Event R~o'!___ _______ .. --*** Pilge_l .


Agreement State (AGR) Event# 52610 Rep*Otg: CALIFORNiA RADIATION CONTROL PRGM Notification Date /Time:()3/13i2017 18:09 (EDT)

License,: AESCO TECHNOLOGIES, INC, Event Date/ Time: 03/12/2017 (PDT)

Last Modification: 03/13/2017 Region: 4 Docket#:


  • Agreement State: Yes County: License#: 7197-30 State: CA NRC Notifieij by: KATHLEEN H_ARKNESS Notifications: NEIL OK_EEFE R4DO HQ Ops Officer: HOWIE CROUCH NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY CNSN$ (MEXICO) FAX 10 CFR Section: ILTAB EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 . . . ..

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN TROXLER MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following information was obtained from the state of California via email:

"A Troxler model 3440, serial nµmber.69286 moisture density gauge was stolen from a gauge user's locked vehicle during .the night of March 11, 2017. The vehicle was parked at his residence overnight (in North ridge, CA and with pennission f~om the RSO) due to an early morning joQ on March 12, 2017. This Troxler model contains an 8 mCi C.s-137 sealed source and a 40 rTiCi Am-241:Be sealed soµrce.

"The Troxler's Cs-137 source rod was locked into SAFE mode with a p~dlock and the transport case had two locked p_adlocks. One chain with two locks secured the transport case to the crew cab seat, within the locked truck. Los Angeles Police Dept. [LAPDJ responded and found the*truc:;k's Y11indow had been broken. The police a

toqk.fingerprints from the vehicle and filed a report. In addition, LAPD advised AESCO to place Cralgs List ad un_der Lost.and Found offering a reward for the retu~ of the stolen gauge."

California report number: 5010-031217 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS ' A "LESS

. . .THAN

. CAT. 3* .LEVEL. OF RADIOACTIVE . MATERIAL Sources that are *11 Less than IAEA Category 3, soui:ces.," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very sman* amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent Injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amo.unt of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly ,.

  • I!~J/2018 _ . . _ . *- _ !h~:JY~~l~J.~~'!.~il_~iy_Com~i!_sj'!_~Qp~~'!!'.~.f!!'!~!~"l.iJ.~~!J!._Ort_ . .. . _ Pagel .

alltj9~gJ1 i\ is Unli~ely - terTlpOrarily injur~ S0rn8l).ll8 WhO hancfled, it Or Were 0Qi!31Wi$8 in COfltBct With it, Di' who W8l"EI cldse to it for a period of ma11y we_eks. For at:lditional inf~n:nation go to http://www~ * . .*


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l!tll/J..0!§. __ -** . . -~---- ---~----P!_~~ Nuclea_r}!!...-lulato,y Co.mmission ()pe_ralions Center.Event ReRf!.11 __________________ _: Page J __

Agreement Stat~ (AG~) Event#

  • RepOt~: till$ DEPT OF STATE.HEALTH.SERVICES ~ptification Pa!e/Time:63i18i201l t3:54 *ct:ot)

License,: RANGER EXC,AVATING LP EventDate/Time:.03/18/2017 06:15 (CDT)

Last Modifi~tion: os11 ai2011

'Region: *4 Docket#:/

City: AUSTIN Agreement State: Yes County: l,.icense #: 06314 State: TX NRC N9tifieiby: CHRIS MO.ORE Notifications: NEIL OKEEFE R4DO HQ Ops Officer: BETHANY CE~_ERE DESIREE DAVIS ILTAB Emergency Class: NON EME:RGENCY NMSS...;EVEf'.ITS_NOTJFICATI EMAIL 10 CFR Section: CNSNS (MEXICO) EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This RS-G-1.9material . event . contains.. a "Less. than . Cat

. 3" level ofradioactive

. . . . material as. defined . . in- . lAEA .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOl,..EN MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following was received from the state of Texas via email; "On March 18, 2017, the Agen,cy [Texas Oepartmentof State Health Seryices].was notified by the licen!:lee thaJ a Troxler model 3440 mQisture density gauge, seiial #6473~, containing _a 1.48.GBq _(40 mCi) Arn-Be source and a 0.3 GBq (8 'm.G!) .Cs-137 ~ource was _stqie~. The liqens~e statec! a technif::jan improperly topk tl"!e gauge home and left it in the l:!ack of his pickup truck, The squrce~ wer!=l locked and insid(:l their qa~e. The .~se was secured by two locking me.ch8-l')i$1T!S, both IA!ere ClJJ sometime during the r,,ightbefore 0~_15 econ. Lop~Uav., enforc~ment was notified: Addi~iqnal informatiqn .will be provided as it Is rec;Eiived in accor~ance With SA~300." ' .

Texas Incident#:. I 9472

  • THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS iHAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources thE!t are "Less. t~anJAl:A Category 3 ~Qu~~;~ are el~er-sources.that are-very Ul')U~e!y t<> ~use permanent injury to indivi_dUSl!il (?r COn.~i~ l:i very small 811101.Jr:'t of radioa.ctiVEJ me~er'ial that WOUid !lOt C~US8 a~y permanent injury. Sonie of these sources, such as 1'!1bi$.tur~ den$.ity ga1,1ges or ihi,ckness. gauges thl!lt are Category 4, the amount of unshie.lded radioaptive material, If not'safely managed or securely protecti:l.d; could pqssibly-although It Is unllkely - te.mpo~arily Injure sQmeohe who handlE!c! !t or were o~herwise In contact wijh It; qi: who were close to it for a period qf many weeks. For additional lnformation go to http://www- * * .

                          • ~***********"**************..************~*'II:***~******'**'*'******'*"""**************~***********'***:*~****"'*--**************

Ji/23/2018 U.S. _Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operaiions Center Event Report__

Agreement S_tEitE! (AGR) Everit# 52644" Rep Otg: TEXAS DEPT bi='stA'l'E i-iEALtH* SERvices Notifi~tion Date "i Time:03;2a/2thi 68:57: (EPT)

Licensee: FUGRO CONSULTANTS Event i>ate / Time: 03/28/2017 07:00 (CDT)_

~st Modific~ti~m: 03/28/2017 Region: *4 i>ocket #:

City: FORTWORTH -Ag"feement State: Yes Counfy: Li~en,, #:_ L-05843 State: TX.


  • AGR.EEMENT_STATE This material event contains a "Less ~han Cat 3" level of radioactive material as define!:f in IAEA RS;.G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT* STO_LEN TROXLER MOISTURE DENISTY GAUGE The following information was provided by ttie.State of Texas via email:_

"On March 28, 2017, the Agency [Department of State H~alth Servjces] was.notified by the licensee that-a Troxler Model 3411 moisture/cterisity*ga'uge was.stolen from ~me of Its trucks. ThE{gauge contains a_40 milliCurie *

  • americium.:241 source and an'eight milliburie cesium-137 source, The gauge had been used at a Job site the day before by a techl'.lician and taken tp their hOn:ie [located in F:ort Worth] for tlie night; s_tored (lockec!) in the I:>~ of _

the trucl_<. Since the operating rpd for the ~sium* source was looked in _the shi~ldec! P<>sni.~n' and the c~se was ~lso a

locked, the licens~ does not believe member"oftije general pl.iJ:>lic wQuld receive any significant exposure. The radiation safety officer stated he would provide additional information to the Agency as soon as he completed his interview with the technician. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with sA-300."

TX Incident#: 1-9475

  • The following* information was pr9vided ~Y the State of Texas via email, *.

The stolen moisture c!erislty gauge was actually a Trox!er 3430 versus a Troxler 3411 l\lS described in the above

.paragraph. *

  • Notified R4DO (Hipschman), NMSS !;:vents Notification group*; ILTAB, and Mexico via email.

___ **---** --~----* ___y.s. _!f!'.!~~r Re_gulatQry Commission ()peratio_'!._S. (:e11ter Event li!!J!,o,:!_ ___________________________ Page 2 __

THIS. MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3* LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources thatare "Less than IAEA Category*3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amountof radioactive material that would ricitcause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that'are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, If not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly -

although it_ is unlikely - tempor~rily injure some.o_ne wtio handled it or. were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close .to it for a period of ma_ny weeks. For ~dditional information go to http://v.rww-

                                      • '"*************"*********tt'********~************************'**'*********"'**************************~*************;

!J/2312018 .. U.S._Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Cenlf?i.EventReport Agreement $tate (AG8) Event# '52656 Rep Org: OR tiEPT OF HEALTH RAD PROTECTION Notlfic~tiorj D~t, /Tl~e:04162&011 10:3.6 (Ebf)

Licensee: JRT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Event Dat, / Tiriie: 04/02/2017 (PDT) tasfM<>dificaii9n: 04/02/2017 Region: 4 Dock~i#:

City: *MERLIN Agree~nt State: Yes

.County: l,.icense #: 911 eo State: OR NRC Notified by: TODD CARPENTER Notifications: THOMAS HIPSCHMAN R400 HQ Ops Officer: HOWIE CROUCH NMSS_EVENTS....;,NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emerg~ncy Class: NON EMERGENCY ILTAB EMAIL 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a ,;Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G.:1.9 OREGON AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE An Oregqn state licensee reported tt,lat a Campbell Pacific moisture density gauge model CPN~MC3 (serial number* MC380304170) was stolen from a jobsite in Merlin, *oR sometime late last nighf or early this morning. The licensee reported that the gauge was properly secured in a temporary storage building when the building was burglarized. The gauge and other equipment were stolen-during* the burglary. The licensee has contacted the local police department.. *

Ttie state of Oregon will be contacting state and county officials to request public notification about the stolen gauge.

Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources, a are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury t9 _in~ividual~ or con~in a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause ,ariy permanent injury. Some 9f these s9urces, such a~ moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category of 4, the amount u_rishi~lded. ra~i(?actlve n,aterlal, if not S!ilfely manage~ or securely protecte~; cc;,uld possi~ly -

  • although It is unlikely - teriiporarily injure som~one who handled it or were otherwise in contact with i~, or Who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http:/ fi*'t'*************************tlr111**"'******,.*11t************************t1****~*'!'0****************************fl*1t*************************

l1Q3(20l B ... _*-**-* __________ U.S. Nuclear lleg}llatory QJ_mmission Operations Center. Event ReR.tH1 __ _____ *___________ Page* I ..

Agreemeh~ State (AG~) Event# 52694 Rep_Org:* ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT or= HEALTH Notification Date/Time:Q4/19f201'-i' 11:31 .. (EDT)

Licensee: CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING S_ERVI Event Da"te-/ Time: 04/18/2017 12:10 (CDT)

Last Modification:_ 04/21/2017 Region: 4 Docket_#:

City: HOT SPRINGS Agreement State: Yes County: GARLAND License.#: ARK-0750-03121 State: AR*,


Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY ILTAB EMAIL 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" levei of radioactive material as defined iri IAEA RS-G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN MOISTURE DENSITY GAU.GE; The following information was provided by t~e State of Arkansas via email: *

"Qn April 18, 2017, at 1210 [CDT], the licensee contacted the DepartmenUArkan~as Department of Health]

reporting that a moisture density gauge was missing from the permanent storage facility in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

and presumed stolen. In c!ddition to the Department, the licensee had notified local law enforcement office~:

"The licensee believes that the gauge was taken between Friday, April 14, 2017 and Tuesday morning, April 18, 2017. The licensee believes that the gauge may be* in possession of aformer employee.

"The gauge is a Troxler, Model 3440, Serial Number 15160, containing 40 milliCuries of Americium-241 and 8 milliCuries of Cesil!m-137. * * *

"In a~rdance with RH-1501.c.1 A (1 O CFR 20.2201 (a)(1 )(i)) the stolen gauge is immediately reportable.

"Law Enforcement is Investigating.

"The l?tate of Arkansa!, is awamng the qutcome of ihe law enfqrcement investigation ~nd a written report from the licensee_. T~e S~te's ~vent Is AR-2017-001."


The following information was received via E-mail:

11/23/2018 U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oper11tlons CenierEventReport ...

"Tbe Arkansas Department of Health Radiation Gqnt_rol Secti<>n re~ived notification that the noxler Electronic

µib_or~t<>~es Gaug~ (Me>del *()* S_erial Number 15160) reported s_tolen on April 19, 2017; was r~covered, inflot Springs Village by the Garland County Sheriffs office. The gauge dqes not ap*pear to be darri~ged, arid has been tran*sported to the licensee's permarfent storage 1o~t,ion. Alealc test tias Seen peiformed by the 1icerisEie. The Department considers the matter closed pending receipt of the licensee's report _and leak test results."

  • Notified R_4DO (Azua), *1LTAB (Salisb4ry), and NMSS Events Notification Group.


.Sources that are 0 Less. tJtan IAEA Category 3 solirce_s, 0 are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury tq indivl~lJ~ls or contain a very small _amount of radioacliv,e material that would n_ot cause ~ily perr:nan~nt inj!Jry. Some of thes~ *sources, su_p'1 as, mpis~re d_ensity gauges or thickness _ga4~es ,tttat a,:e Category 4, the amquot of unshielded. ra_dioa~ive material, if n9t safely managed or securely protected, could. possi~ly - .

aithough ft is unlikely _. tempqrarily injure sornecme whe> handled it or were otherwise i~ contact with' it, or who were clc>s~ to It fQr a pertod of many w~~~$. _F<>r addlticmal information go to http:/iwww~ *

. pub.iaea.o~/MTCD/publicatlons/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf.

I~(Jll},~l<<.____________ ________ U.S. "Nuclear Reg_1+/-lato_'!__Comm'ission OJ!.eralions .Center Event R_eport ---**-** *-*-**--- _____ Page.I Agreement Sta~e (A~R) Event# . 52735 Rep Org: CALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL PRGM Notifi~tion pate JTinui:p5/05/2Q17 16:02'" (EDT)

Licensee: s~2 ENGINEERING, INC. Event Date /Time: 05/01/2017 (POT)

Last Modification: 05/05/2017 Region: 4 -Docke~#:

  • City: RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agreement State: Yes.
  • Counfy: Li~ense #: 7192-36 State: CA NRC Notified by: DONALD O_ESTERLE Notifications: MARK HAIRE R4DO HQ Ops Officer: STEVE SANDIN NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY GREGORY AHERN ILTAB 10 CFR Sectit>n: CNSNS (MEXICO) **FAX AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS,.G-1.9.. . .

AGR!:EMENT STATE REPORT - THEFT OF TROXLER MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following information was provided by the State of California:

"S-2 Engjneenng reported the loss ofa Troxler 3411-B # [S/N] 12398 moisture d~nsity gauge.that had been in storage at a job site in Barstow, CA. This <;levice contains 0.296 GBq (8 mCi) of Cs~137 and 1.48 GBq (40 mCi) of Am-241. .

The licensee was condt,icting ,a physical Inventory of their devices containirig radioactive material and found this

  • one to be missing fro~ the locked storage box.

"The licensee checked with all of their authorized gauge users to determine if the device was in use _but not checked out properly before reporting it as lost. The last docum~nted use of the dE:lnsity gauge was Sept. 22, 2016.

"This investigation is ongoing."

The licensee notified their Local Law Enforcement Agency (LLl:A) of the theft.

CA:5010 Number: 050417 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3* LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources ttiat are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources.a are.either sources that are \lery unlikely to cause

!]12312018_ . . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OP.erations Centei'EveniRepoit _ Page 2 _

permari~rat injury to indiviglJlils qr .contain a very ~rna!I amount of radioaetivEi materi.1;11 Jhat would not ca Lise. any -

pel"!'Jlanent injury, Some of these source~. such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges ihat ~re Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could*possibly ..

. although it is unlikely- temporarily injure someon1:t Who handled it or were otherwise ih contact witif'it, t>r'wtio Were

. close to it for a period of many weeks. fot additional informatioh go to;ub1221_~eb:pdf

      • 'fr*****tr************'****lt'f!***~****"***********fl:*1':***~***~"'**********"'**********~*******<&******************f:****~*************~***

.JlfJ}il,01§______ -****---- .. _____ U.S. Nu~}datory_Commission _Oµr(llions Cenur Event1l.eport____ --....... ___________ l!JJ:£1. _

Agreement State (AGR) Event# 52831

  • Rep Org: MARYLAND DEPt'oF THE ENVIRONMENT N!)tification Date /Time:()6[28/2017 09:49 (EDT)


  • Ev,ntDate/Time:06/28/2017 07:15 (EDT)

Last Modifiecition:.07/05/2017 Re*g1on: 1 Docket#:

City: HANOVER Agreement State: Yes County: License#: MD-03-1~4'01 State: MO NRC Notified by: ALAN JACOBS<;)N Notifications: RAY POWELL R1DO HQ Ops Officer: BETHANY CECERE NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Clas.s: NON EMERQENCY DENNIS ALLSTON ILTAB 1oCFR Section: BERNARD STAPLETON IRD AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a*i*Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following is excerpted from an email from the Maryland Department of the Environment:

On 06/28/2017 at 7:15 EDT, the State project engineer (PE) reported that his project trailer had been broken into

_and a portable nuclear gauge (serial number 062051) _was stolen. the equipment was kept stored, with a lock on the outside of the trailer and then locked inside the trailer. The gauge was stored locked in its carrying case.

The gauge model number is Troxler 3440. The gauge contains an-8 mCi cs~137 source and 40 mCi Am-241/Be source.

  • Prince George's County Police Department was notified.

The following report w~s received via e-mail: .

"The Maryland Department of the Environment (MOE) has reported that the portable nuclear gauge stolen on June 28, 2017 .fror:n a Maryland Dep1:1rtment .of Transportaiior'I, St~te Highway Administration (SHA) Project has* been*

recovered._* Th~ gauge Was apparen~y fou'1d aband~n~d on a resldentlal ptoperty*1n D.lsti'lct Heights, Maryland _and recovered by Prince Georg~s County Police on July 4, 2017 with assistance froin the Prince Georges County .

Fire/EMS Department's HAZMAT Division. The gauge was not damaged. Inspectors from the MDE's Air and Radiation Administration inspected the gaug~. confirmed the device was not damaged and it was returned to the

_SHA Radiation Safety Officer on July 5, 2017." *

  • l!l23Q0I_8 _ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Opetations Center Event R~it

. *-*-*-*- ~----.- .... --- '-**-***--* - . .. *--*-. -**-**--*---- -- ..... - .. --~---- -- .... ---* .*. *-- ... ----------- ... ____ _

Notified the R100 (Ferdas), ILTAB (Tucker), IRD (Grant), and NMSS Resources (via e-mail).

THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that ar~ "Less than ,IAEA Categoiy 3 so':irces;9 are either sources that are very Lmlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any perma~ent injury. Some*c:,f the~ sollrces, such as,mt>isture densi~ gauges or thickness gauges Ul~t are Cat~gory 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if npt safely, managed or securely protected, could possibly -

although It Is unlikely - temporarily Injure someone whq _handjed It or were otherwise in contact with it, or whp were to close it for a period of many weeks ..For additional information go to http://www:. *

  •;pdf *

.!!12},~0J8 -*---------*-* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory_Conrmissio" Ope.rations Center Event ~ep!)l'I ____________ _ _______.!fu:Ll __

Agreement State (AGR) Event# 52893 Rep Otg: MARYLAND DEPT OF THE ENVIRONMENT Notification Date/ Time:QB/09/2017 15:27 (EDT)

Licensee: HILLIS-CARNES Event Date/ Time: 08/08/2017 (EDT)

Last Modification: 08/09/2017

.R~gl_on: 1 Docket#:

City: .ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION Agreement State: Yes County: License #.: MD-03-054-01 State: MD NRC Notifiet,t by: GHARLES cqx Notifications: BRICE BICKEn R1D()


AGREEMENT STATE This material event .contains a "Less than Cat *3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS,-G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN AND RECOVERED MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following was received from the Maryland Department of the Environment via email:

"On August 8, 2017, Hillis-Carnes, Maryland Licensee MD-03-054.-01, notified ttie Maryland Radiological Health Program (RHP) that a fiel~ technician had his van ~c:irjacked ~t .the Key*s Point temporary jq~ site. His Troxler .

moisture density gauge model 3430 (serial number 31733) was still in the van and locked. The licensee notified

. Baltimore police. . *

"On August 9, 2017, the Maryland Department of the Environment Emflrgency Response Division was notified by the Baltimore polic,e that the van a_nd the Troxler gauge were recovered at O'Donnell Heights the evening of.August

8. An RHP inspector went to the site and took pos~ession of the gauge and is notifying the licensee so they can retrieve it. *

"Troxler 3430 has a Cesium 137 sealed source less that 9 milliCuries and a 44 milliCurie AmBe source. No indication of any damage'." . . . .

THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONT~IN~ A "LESS THAN CAT 3w LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources, are either sowces that are v_ery unlikely to cause 0

permanent injury to individuals or coritain a very srriail amount of radi()active material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category.*

4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly -

although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it cir were otherwise in contact with it, or who were

JJ/2312018 U.S, Nu.clear Regu,atory Commission Operations Center Event Report Page2_

cl.ose to it for a perio~ of f!1any w;e~!:!'. For aqditiQnal infonnatio; go to httj>://www- *


.:..*****~******** *'"***********~**t***********~********************"'*****************************~**************..*****,,***************

11123(101 B__ -*-- _____ ***--* __ __J.l.S; Nuclear Regul'fl'L"l_ Co,nmission .Operations C(!nt,rEvent Rep~rt __ . ___ . ---*-- __ *-- Page J _

Non-A,greeriient State Event# 52~1 Rep 6tg: M1c~1GAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRE'cficifi;s Ndt!fication bate /Time:oa1a112i)1t "12:40 (EQT)

Licensee: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Event Date/ Time: 08/18/2017 14:00 . (EQT)

- * -

  • 1 * * * *
  • Last Modifi~tion: 08/31/2017 Region: 3. Docket#:

City: MARQUETTE AgreenJ9nt s~te: No County: License #: GL State: Ml.


.10 CFR Section:

20.2201(a)(1)(i) LOST/STOLEN LN~>1000X m~ter.ial event contains-a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioaetiv~. material a~ gf:!fineo in IAEA RS-G-1.9 STOLEN THEN IMPROPERLY DISPOSED OF TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS A trustee prisoner was found to have removed 10.tiitium 'bulbs' frpm 1Q' signs at.Marquette Branch Prison. The trustee prisoner was using (he tritium bulbs. as night lights. Eight of the 1o* tritium bulbs were recovered, The ~rustee pri~pner admitted tP h!iving ~rokel')..MIO of the tritium bulbs and then flushe.d them down a toilet. The activity level of the tritium bulbs is unknown at this time.

  • The recovered eight tritium bulbs are currently in secure storage. These tritium bulbs will be disposed of by an approved/licensed contractor. the. tru~tee prisQnE!rhas. been removed from trustee status.

THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAl~S A "LESS THAN CAT 3* LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL So!,lrce~ that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 s*ources," are ei.ther sources that are very unlikely ~o cause .

permanent injtlry to individuals or contain a very s.mal! a.mount of radioa,ct[ve material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of tl:lese source!',, Sl!Ch as mqisture density gauges or thickn1:1ss g.auges .that are Category 4, the of Uri~hielded ra_qi9.actiye !Tlc!t~ri~I. if not saf~ly manag~d or securely.p~o\ected, could po~si~ly -

although it is unli!<1:1Jy - teinpor~rily injure. som~one ~hc>.,ha.n.dled it.or were otherwise in contact with .it, or who were .

close to it for'~ period of rha!)y weeks. Fqr a.dq)tional information go to http://www~ i21_web.pdf *

                                    • '****"****lr*********************'*********-**************,.:'*******"****.*****'********************'************'b****

11(23/20[8_ . U.S. Nuclear Regulator, Con,missi(!il Opetatlom, Center Ev~i,t Report _Page.i Agreement State (AGR) Event#

  • 52978 Rep Org: FLORIDA 'BUREAU OF M.OIATION'CbNTROL Notifi~tion Date/ 'rime:09i19i201'7 *16:54 (EOT)

Liceiriseit: GFA INTERNAilONAl INC; Event Date/ Time: 09/19/2011 (EDT)

.. ~st Modifi~tio~: 09/20/2017

~eglon: 1 Docket#: **

City: FT. MYERS Agreement state: Yes

.Co1:1nty: Licens~ #: ;30~1-2 State: FL NRC Notified by: Tlfv1 DUNN Notifications: SILAS KENNEDY R1DO HQ Ops Officer:* DAN LIVERMORE NMSS_EVENT~_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency (:lass: NON EMERGENCY .

10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains *a ;tess than Cat 3" level of ral;Jioacdve material as defin~t:i in IAEA RS-G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN TROXLER GAUGE The following infomiation was received from the State of Florida via email:

"(The State of Florida Bureau of Radi~tion Control] received a call from [the licensee] RSO to repo~ a stolen.

  • Troxler gauge. An employee from GFA lnternatiqnal had the gauge stolen from the back of his truck while at a convenience store. Awaijing the police report for more information. .

The st<>len gauge is a Troxler M9isture Density Model 3430, S/N 29415, containing two so1._.1rces; 8 mCi Cs'-137 and 40 mCi Am241/Be.


.The fqllowing information was received froilithe S\ate of Florida via e~ail:

"[The State of Florida Buteau. of Radiation Control] received a call from [the licens~e RSO) to repoit that the gauge ha~ been found. A contractor onsite found the. gauge on 9/19 and secured 'It !Jritil [the licensee RSO] couid *be .

located*and took possession of the gauge on 9/2'9. The case has a ~mall'crack, but alfradiation reading*fare norn:ial. n . . . . . .

Incident Number:* FL 17-256 Notified R1 DO (Kennedy) an~ NMSS Events Notification via email.

J~iii~!TERIAL.EVENT C~~;i:<<~;_~~~o:~~n;:;~~;~;~: -:6~~J~;~:~:TERIAL________ --~ - ,

Sources that are "Lea$ than IAEA Category 3sources: are either sources t!lat are very unlikely to cause perinarient injury to individuals cir coritaiil a very *small amount of radioactive material that Would not cause ~my

  • permanent injury, Some cif these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive rriateiiai, if not safely managed or securely pi"otected,'coLild possibly,.

although it is unlikely - tfi3mporarily injure someone who handled it otwere otherwise in contact with it, or who were


close to it for a period of ma_ny week.s. _For additional information go to http:l/;pdf *

      • ~*************"'********""*******************"'************************1'1***fl****"**"'******~***********.,..***********:*****!***********1'r


  • U.S, Nuclear. ~egulatory.Commission_OperationsCenter Event Report_

Agreement State (AGR) Eve!it#

Rep Org: cALiFORNIA RAO.IA'riON cbNTROL PRGM N<,titlcation Date , Time: 1dio~t?C>17 . 19:48 (Eb.T)

Licensee: MILp:NNIUM CONSULTING ASSOCIATES Event Oat~/ Time: 10/08/2017 14:17 (PDT)

.Llist .Modificatior-: .10/09/2017 Region: *4 Docket#:

- Ci~: OAKLAND Agree~nt State: Yes


  • License #: N/A State: CA NRC Notifiett by: EPHRIME MEKURIA Notifications: RAY KELLAR R400 HQ Ops Officer: MARK ABRAMOVITZ NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Ciass: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a 'tess than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS~G-:1.9 . .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN Cd-109 SOURCE The following report was received via e-mail:

"C~lifornia 6.ES (Office of Emergency Services] notified RHB [Radiation Health Branch] Sacijlmento of the following hazardous material spill reporfon October 8, 2017: *

"On October 8, 2017, !=It 1417 [PDl], XRF equipment user, from Millennium Consulting Associates, notified Cal OES that the Niton XRF equipment, Mo~el XLp303, SIN 21870, he uses was stolen from his vehicle that was parked in front of his residence in Alameda. CA. The theft was noticed by the licensee on Sunday October 08, 2017 about 1145. *

"The Nlton XLp300 contains a 11(::ensed material Cd-109, 40 mCi as of 08/28/16. [The licensee] reported this in9ident to the Alameda Police on October~. 2017at *14:45, the Case# is 17-5776.a

  • C~lifornla Report Number: 5010-100817 A Niton Xlp300 is used to. analyze lead content.

THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "L~SS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources ttiat are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources.,* are either soµrces that are very unlikt;tly to cause

  • a permanent Injury to indlvid1,1als or contain very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent Injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges

\ .

that are Category

!!(J,Jqo1_~ ****-- ------***-*--** .U.S._ Nqclear J!.egulatory Commissio.n. <Jp~ra1ions Cen;er £vent Rg!>rt ________ .----*----- Page 2__

4, the amount of unshielc;ted radioactive_materi~I; if not !!,afely m~naged or e;ecurely protected, could possibly.:. .

although It is unlikely - temporarily injure someqne who handled it or. were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks, For additional Information go to!MTCD/publicatioris/PDF/Pub1227_web;pdf

/1123120~~ *u;s. Nuclear_Regulatory ommissio,i Qpei'tllions C~ter EventRepol1 Ag~ment State (AGR) 53013 Rep Org: M1Ss1ssfPPI b1V*oi: RAD HEALTH Notification Date/Time:10/131zo1*1 t5;3B '(i:Ot)

Licensee: SOUTHERN RECYCLING Event Date / Time: 09/08/2017 (CDT) 41~t Modificatic:,n: 12/19/2017 ReQIOn: 4 Doc;ket#:

City: WALLS Agreement Staie: Yes C~~.nty: DESOTO License #: Gl.,-3!:)7 State: MS NRC Notified by: B~NJAMIN CULPEPPER Notifications: THOMASHIPSCHMAN* R4DO HQ Ops Officer: RICHARD SMITH N~SS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Em~rtJ!!ncy Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:


  • This material event contains a "Less thal') Cat 3" level of racHoa.ctive materi~I as defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOSS OR THEFT OF LICENSED NUCLEAR MATERIAL The following was reported from the State of Mississippi:

Description of-Incident L_icensee reported .t~at.their Niion gun.was discovered to be misplaced or ~tolen on

~eptember 8, 2017. A letter was received by Mississippi State.Department of.Health: Division of Radioiogical

. Health (DRH) from the licensee on October 13, 2017 briefly detailing that their equipment had been lost or stole.n.

DRH intends to issue a violation letter to SotJ!hem Repycling due to the late notification. Also, due to lacking information, DRH cannot confirm if the ~evice reported to have been stolen/lost contains radioactive material.

ORH has attempted to contact the Licensee a number of times to acquire more information; however, there has been no response. DRH will continue contacting the licensee for more inforrm1tlon and will updi:lte this report once complete.

lsotope(s): Cd-109 (potentjally lost source not confirmed), with an activity of 10 mCi.

The DRH Health Physicist stated that t~is would give a reading Qf approximately 20 mRem at one foot if unshielded.

  • Missi&l;lippi has assign~d an incident number of MS17006.

l}/23(1.018 -----*-* --** _____ _ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co.mmlssion Operfllions Center Event,Rep~rt --*-----*---*-*-*--*----Page 1__ _

Agreeiment _State (AGR) Event# 53016 Rep Org: CALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL PRGM Notificatio.n Date /Time:1(}/16/2017

  • 08:36 * (EDT)

Licensee: ~9kE TECHNOLOGIES Event Date/ Time: 10/15/?017 17:0!) (PDT)

Last_.Modification: 10i16/2017 Reglpn: *4 Docket#:

City: REDLANDS Agreement State: Yes Co11nty: License #: 7897 .

State: CA NRC Notified by: ROBE_RT GREGER Notifications: MIC~EL VASQUEZ "R4DO HQ Ops Officer: VINCE KLCO NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY CNSNS.(MEXICO) EMAIL 10 CFR Section:* ILTAB EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Category 3" level of radioactive material as defineq in IAEA RS-G-1.9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN WELL LOGGING SOURCES The following information was received from the State of California:

"The licens~e discovered at approximately [1700 PDT] on 10/15/17 that two 3 Ci Am-241Be well logging sources had been stolen from their star.age area at Weller Ranch in Kem County. Locks had been cut and the sources were removed from the approximate 12-foot storage pipe. Additionaily, an approximate 2500 [pound] calibration _

water tank was also missing.

"The FBI was notifi~d by CA Radiologic Health Branch [RHB] at approximately [2030 PDl] on 10/15/17.

RHB wiil be onsite 10/16/17."

California 5010 Number: 101517 .

  • *
  • UPDATI;: FROM RO.Bl:RT GREGER TO DONALD r-,,ORWOOD AT 1511 EOt ON 10/16/2017 * * *

"The two w~ll logging soura,s have beef'!. accounted for. An unauthoriz~d individ1:1al h!!d acces~ed tt,,e s.ources, removing th~m from their st<:irag~ location on his father's ranc~ land ar:id dl.scardlng ~h.em a short clls~nce ~way without any knowledge of what they were. The unauthorized individual also took the water calibration tank for his personal use. .

"The weU logging sources, are back in the pc:,ssession of the licensee."

11/23/2018 .U.S,. Nucl~ar Regulatory Commission ()peratiOIIS Center Evl!nt Report . ...

Notified R4DO (Vasquez) ; N~SS Events Notification, CNSNS (MEXICO) and ILTAB vi~ email.

  • THI~ MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "CATEGORY 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Categoi:y 3 sources, if no.t safely managed or securely protected, could cause permanent hijlliy to a person who handled them, or were otherwise. iii cohtactwith them, for some hours. It could possibly- although if is unlikely- be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of days to weeks. These sources are typically used in practices Such, as *fixed ind1..1Str;'a1 gaug~ involving high activity sources (for example: lev~I gauges, dredger gauges; convey<>t gauges a!Jd spin,11ir;ig p_ipe gaug~~) and Well logging. For additional.Information go to http://www-pub.iaea:o1:9/MTCD/pi.iblications/PDF/P'ub1227--'web.pdf * . . . .

!ltJ.~fe0l8 *- _______ _ ___ U.S. Nucleadleff!!~laiory Commission ()perations Cent~, E11ent Report ______________ . _Page J_

Agteemen, State (AGR) Event# 5~027 Rep Otg: SC DIV OF HEALTH & ENV CONTROL Notification pate I T,me; 10120/201'1 14:42 . (EDi)

Licensee: GEO METRICS Event. Date / Time: 1ci/20/2017

  • 13:37 (EDT)

Last Modification: 10/23/2017

  • Region: 1* Docket#:

City:* CONWAY Agreement state: Yes County: License #: 553 State: .SC NRC Notified by: ANDREW ijOXBURGH Notifications: ANNE DeFRANCl~CO R1DO HQ Ops Officer: DONG HWA PARK NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATI EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY ILTAB EMAIL 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a 11 Less than Cat 3" level cit radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 .. .. . ..

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT.- STOLEN GAUGE The licensee notified the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control that an lnstrotek Model 3500 moisture density gauge serial number 3055 was sto_lEm from the licensee's truck during a lunch break. The gauge contained 11 mCi of cs~.137 and 44 mCi of Am~241 :Be. LLEA was notified of the incident. ' .


The following update was received from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control via email:

"The liQensee notified the Department [South Carolina Department of Hei!lth and Environmental° Control] at approxima'tely 1330 [EDT] on October 2Q, 2017 that one. C>f its gauges had been stolen from the back of one of i_ts trucks while on a II.inch in Myrlie Beach, SC. The gaug~ is ail lnstrotek Model 3500 moisture density gauge serial number 3055. The gauge contained 11 mCi of Cs-137 and 44 Ci of Am-241:Be. The licensee is in the pro*cess of getting a copy of the police report to submit to the Department."

Notified the R1_DO ('3ickett), ILTAB and NMSS_Events (via email).

THI~ MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE _MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources.a are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause.any permanent injury. Some of these sources; such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category

11123/201 B . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co,nmission Oft}!l'Jltio11s_ Ce,,ter Event Report Page :i 4, me amQurit of un$~il\!tded radic:,active mEtterial: if not ~afely inanaged or securely protected, could po1:1sibly -

  • altho4gh it is unlikely -*tempprarily injur¢ someone wno han~led .it or were otherwise in contact with it, or WhQ were*

close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to

1l(ll~O!f, _________ _________ U.S. Nu.clear Regulat((rt-O>mmission ()peraiions Cenier Event~epft ______________ . __ Page .J _

Agteemen~ State (AGR) Event# 53062 Rep Org: OHIO . BUREAU OF RADIATION PROTECTiON Notification Date/Time:H1oai20W 15:06 (EST)

Licensee: NOT SPECIFIED . Event Date/ Time: 09/0212017 (EST)

Last M;dification: 11/29/2017 Region: 3 Docket_#:

Cln,: AKRON Ag*ree~nt s~te: Yes County:. .Li~erise #.: GENE~L LICENSE StaJe:, OH NR_C Notified by: STEPHEN JAMES Notifications: HIRONORI 'PETERSON R3DO HQ Ops Officer: VINCE KLCO . NMSS_EVENTSj\JOTIFICATI *EMAIL Emergency Ciass:* NON EMERGENCY CI\JSC (CANADA) EMAIL 10 CFR Section; ILTAB EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of material as defined in IAEA RS-G".'1.9 .. .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - MATERIAL STOLEN AND NOT RECOVERED The following infonnation was received from the State of Ohio via email:

"A local Health District e_mployee had a Niton Xlp 300 XRF with a 50 mCi Cadmium~109 source stolen overnight on Saturday, September 2, 2017. It was in th~ car in their garage and someone came in and took it. The employee .

had worked late at a job si~ that day and brought the gauge home instead of returning to the office. Employee's garage door did ne>t close for some reason that hight arid they were unaware t,hat it was open when they went to bed. T~ere were several other cars broken into that night in employee's nelghborhood. was filed with local


police department. Device has.not yet been recovered."

Source/Radi.oactive Material: Sealed Source; Radi()nucli~e: Cd-109; Activity: 50mCi; Device Name: _X-RAY Fluorescence (XRF); Model Number: Niton XLp 300; Manlifa_ctu.rer: Thenno $qientific Analytical; Serial Number:

Ohio Item Number: QH170007


The following report was received ','.la e-n.tall:

"Note: According to. device owner,. the manufacturer told them that this incident was NOT reportable to their regulatoiy agency. The owner reported the ev~nt on 11/6/1*7 as a result of more research on their part.*

11/2312018 .. U.S; Nuc1earRftUlaf(}ry Commission Oper!Jiions Center EveniReport . ... _ . __ Pagei

,U~DATE; The g_~~~~ was tour19 P¥ a_ member of t~l
l. ~ub.lic in .t.~e\r ya~. wh~re it h~d ~P.PEfrenUy be.en aban~C>ned.

The local health d1stnct was not1fiec':f based on contact information on case. The case was still locked when found.

as t~e de.v!ce.*1s now. ~ack in the possession of the local health district of 11 /27/17." .

Notified the R3DO (Dlincar'i), NMSS Events ~esources and CNSC (via e~mail) .


Sources that are *te~s than IAEA Category 3 sources/ ;al'¢. either sources that are very unlikely. to cause permanenlinjury tq lndividt,11:lls or cohtali;i a very smaiall'!~~~t Qf:!'~dloactlve material that would rtm c~u.1s~ a{ly .

permanent injury. Some* of the~. s9urces, siicll a~ m,oisture *aensify gauges or thickness ga!Jges 'that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radio~e-material, if npt safely ma.naged or se~urely protected, could possibly~

althouQh i~ -is unlik~I~ .~ ~_mporaril>' inju~e son:iellfle v.,ho. ~andl!:)d it_ or were ti\h_en.vise in contact with it, or who were close to It for a period Of many we~~s.. Foq1ddltlonal Information go to http://www-pubJaea;org/MTCl;)/publicaticins(PDF/Pubf227_web.pdf .

. [I(JJ{lOIB __ . ---**----*- U.S. Nucll!ar. Regulatol'f9>>!tmission O~aiions Cf!lltfr ,Event~~-- *-*--*-- ______ Page I __ _

Agr~e.ment Stat~ (AGR) 53~6 Rep Org: CALIFORNIA RADIATION d6r'.;iiRoL PRGM N_otiffo.-tion Date 1Tiine: 11/10/201 t 20:06 (EST)

Licensee: PUR~ELL, RHODES,.& ASSOCIATES . ~vent Da~e / Tlmei 11.,10/2011 (.PST)

Last Modifieatif:,n: 11/10/2017 Regl~n:: *a pocket#:

City:* PLEASANT HILL Agreement State:

  • Yes County: ~i.cense #: 2898s07 S~te: CA

.NRC Notlfie~ by:* NIKA H.EWAPl$RAM N~tiJlcatlons: JEREMY GROOM R4DO HQ Ops Officer: MARK ABRAMOVITZ NMSS_EVENTS_NQTIFiCATI E'MAIL Einerg~ncy Cla~~: NON EMERGENCY CNSNS (Mt;XICO). FAX 10 CFR-Sectli:>n: ILTAB EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This m~t~rial ¢vent cont_ain~ a"Le~s. than Cat 3" level of radioa9t!ve. material a~ defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 ,

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT~ STOLEN MOISTURE DENSITY GAU.GE The following report was received via e-mail:

"On 11./10/1~. C~lifomi~ Office 9f Em~rgency S~rvices (OES) ccmtacted RHB [RadiQlogic Health Brancl,l] to report a stolen d~nsity gauge.. Thi~ ga~gf;! js a CPN Model;MC~3, ,SIN M:i110QQ525 containing 1o mCi Qf Cs-1;37 and 5,0 mCi <>~ Am-241. The. gauge w1:1s sio1en while mom,entarily unattende,d in the lice11see'~Jacility parking lot. The lot has vid09 surv~illan90*and th,e_footage js being revi,ewed by tl,le ~SQ for infc;>rr,nation., Immediately after the incide11t, a report was file~ with the Concord Pol!cEl o*epartment. .* RHB wjll fte following up on .this investigation.~

Caiifornia repc;,rt:-111017

  • THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LES$ THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources,* are either sources that are very unlikely to cause to permanent iiij!,11)' individuals pr C6n~II')' 8. V!l"Y SMi:111 arn9uni .of rad'ioa9tlve m~~erial that WOUid. no~ ~USE! .any permanent injury. Some of these. spurtjes, ~ut:h as moisture *density gauges or 'tttickness gauges thf:11 are Category

~. the amount of lmshi.elded r~~!oa~ive m!it~rl~I. if.not.s1:1fely rn~naged or, .co4ld possibly*.*

  • although it-i~ unl,ikely_ -*,,9ra.J:ily irijure scm:ieon~. w~o.hal'.ldJ~~ It or were oth.erwise in contact with it, or wlio were .

close to iffor a period of rrial'.'Y wee~~- For adqltional Information 99 to tittp://www~ . * ,

  • pub.laea,org/MTCD/publicatic>n$/PDF/Pub12i1_web.pdf *
                              • .********""'***'**""*********************'************************************************'*******.......,i;\,fl***************

. _lll!.312018 ~. U.S, Nuclear Regulatory_C;,_mmissio11 Opet'(liions Center event Rj!port Agi'~ement State (AGR) ,Event# 53078

. Rep Org: CAUFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL PRGM . Notification*oate I Time: 11i1'8ii201t 01:o"a". (EST)


  • Event Date/ Tl~e: 11/17/2017 00:00 (PST)

µi$t IY!od!fjcation: 11/18/2017

~eg,on: *4 Docket#:

City: HAYWARP Agreement State: Yes Co1.mty: Licens, #:. 294.3~01

  • State: CA NRC Notifie.~ by: K. ARUNIKA HEWADIKAR, N~tjflcation$: JASON KOZAL R4DO HQ Ops Officer: STEVE* SANDIN NMSS_EVENTS.J.jOTIFICATI eMAiL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY ILTA~ EMAIL 10 CFR Section: CNSNS (MEXICO) EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1.9 . . . .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following inf~rmation was received from the State of California via email:

"On 11 /17/17, the RSC [Radiation Safety Officer] conti:icted RHB [CA Radiologic Health Branch] to report a stolen o

~oisture ~ensity gaug~.

  • the stoien gauge is a CPN Model MC11DR, SiN MD902092t6, cc;mtaitilng 1 mCi of. Cs-137 and*so*mci of Am-241. The 1,1sei" had taken tile gauge hoine and left itse¢.ure.d*in,the back cif his truck. The tr:uck was parked at his residence * . *.. Ac9qrding tp fhe user,* most likely between midnight and_* 5 AM"of 11/17/17, the chain loc~ing the gaug~ to the truck bed was removed an_d the case was dragged behind a building where the locks on the box were broken and the gauge was remove(:!. The box was recovered without the gauge. (The] RSO had notified San Jose Police Department of this incident (Event# P173210429). RHB will be following up on this investigation. *

"5010 NUMBER (Date Notified):. 111717" THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less thari IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very i.mlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals cir contain.a very sm~II amount of radioactive material tfiat would *not ca*use any permanent injury. Some_ of tl"\ese sources, such as moisture density ~auges or thi9.knei3~ gauges that are Category 4*, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed cir securely protected, i::ould possibly - **

although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise iili contact with it, or who were

  • close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional Information go to<;;D/publicat_ions/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf

___________ U.S. Nuclear.Regulatory Commission ()pe,ations Ce_nter.Event Report _________________ .£ef:!!J. __ *

........~~***********************************<<**********~***************************************** ...******.................... ~.~****

. Page-,~-

Agreement S~te (AGR) Event# 53079 Rep Org: ILLINOiS EMERGENCY MGMT. AGENCY Notification DatelTime:1112012017 1<>:31 (EST)

Licensee: GSG MATERIAL TESTING INC. Event Date/ Tune: 11/1~017 00:00 (CST)

~t r,odifieation: 11/20/2017 Region: 3 - l>Qcket#:

CiW: Chicago Agreement State: Yes Co~oiy: License#: IL-02340-01 State: IL NRC Notifleij by: GIBB VINSON Notifications: LAURA KOZAK. R3DO HQ Ops Officer: ANDREW WAUGH


Em,rgency Class: NON EMERGENCY ILTAB EMAIL 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radi~ctive material as definf:!d in IAEA RS-G..;1,9 AGREEMENT STATE REPORT* STOLEN.MOISTURE DENSITY GAUGE The following information was received from the S~te of Illinois via email:

"The *Ageocy [Illinois Emergency Management Agency]. was notified on 1.1/19/17 by ihe licensee's RSO [Radiation Safety 'Officer] tt:tat a grey Dodge Caravan ~n.tairung a Troxler Model 3430 gauge [serial number 33605]

containing 9 mCi'Cs.137 and 44 mCi Ani241/Be had ~een stolen from a technician's residen~ s9metime during tl:le nightlei:irly morning. The licensee believes it is a random theft of the vehicle and the equipment inside. A police report has been filed and the investigation is ongoing.*

"Item Number: ll170001° THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAiNS A *LESS THAN CAT 3n*LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources,* are either sources that are very unlik~ly to Cc!U~e permanent injury to. individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any

. permanent injury. Sorrie of these sourCes, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly*

although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it orwere otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to

L!Q}!?~!~- ----*--*---*--*------*- ___ U.S. Nuclear Regulat(!ry Con.,mission ()perai!ons Center. Event Report __ *--* -------* . .

  • __ .... Pagd Agree_ment State (AGR)
  • Evertt# 53094 Rep Org: OHIO BUREAU or= MD.IATION PROTECTiON Notification Date /Time:11;271201*1 . 15:26 (EST)

Licensee: ALT & WITilG ENGINEERING, INC. Ev~mt D~t, / Time: 111211~_017 (~ST)

  • Last Modificatiori: 11/29/2017 Region: 3 *o~cket#:

C~: WEST CHESTER Ag"ree1mmt State: Yes .*

County: Liceru~e #: 31~10990003.

State: OH NR_C N~tifie~ by: MICHAEL SNEE 'iiilotlffoailons: 'ERIC-DUNCAN R3DO HQ Ops Officer: STEVEN VITTO

  • NMss_EvEr*fra_NoT1F1cAT1 EMAIL Emergency (:la~s: NON EMERGENCY
  • ILTAB EMAIL 10'CFR Section: CNSC (CANADA) EMAIL AGREEMENT STATE This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA RS-G-1';9 ,
  • AGREEMENT ~TATE EVENT REPORT - STOLEN PORTABLE GAUGE The foilowing was received from the State of Ohio via email: .

nThe licensee's technician perfonned work u~ing the *gauge a_t a job site in Blue Ash, Ohio on .11/24/17. After leaving th_e job site, the technician stopped ~t several locations [before] arriving home. The gauge was discovered missing on 11/27/17 when the :technician arrived at the. licensee's facility. The storage container for the gauge was not broken into indicating that it had not been locked. A report was filed with the Cincinnati Police Department. *


Mam,ifacturer: CAMPBELL, PAc°IFIC NUC Mo~el Number: MC-1 Serial Number: 70603768 Activity: Cs~137:10r'nCi and Am-Be: 50rri<:;i" OhlQ Ref~rence*Number: OH 2017-070

  • *

The following .report was .received vi~ e~mall:

"On 11 /28/17 ODH [Ohio Department of Health) inspectors visited each of tt,e locations the technician visited after

)leaving the job site on 11/24/17. The inspectors searched in dumpsters, other containers, an~ aroul'!d the buildings to try to locate the device. They also took radiation surveys in each of the areas. The surveys Indicated no **


!112~/1,_~1~. f!~~!Yc.~~1-'!~1:.~~~~~~-9..'!l!l'!!~!!!!'.IJ_Qf!!!!!IJi'!!!!.~1.'t'!!_.~l!~i!!!J~,j *- . . Page,2 increased radiation levels an!:! the gauge was not found by the QDH inspectors. This incident remains 9pen.*

Ohio Report: OH170010 Notified the R3DO (Duncan) and NMSS Events Resource (via e-mail).


Sources that ate "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources,* are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or cohtail'! a very sman a.rr1oun.~ o(n,1dloactlve material that would n9t cause an.y permanent injury. Some Of thaSf:I sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges lhatare Category

4. the amount of unshielded radioaptive material, if npt safely managed or securely protected; could possibly: -

althouQh .i~ is unlikely - temporarily in.jur~ som~9~e who;handl~d it or we~ tif.!,erwise in contact with it. or who were* to It for a period Of many w1;1~k1?, .Fo.r lnformatlon go to http://www-

  • pub.iaea.qrg/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub122.Lweb.pdf
  • ll(]}G!(,,18 _____ ,____ ,____ , _____U.S. Nuclear..Regulato/')'fa~mission Qperaiions Cent;r EventR~J!!L.---*---****---*-- Page J Agreer;nent S~t~ (AG~) . Event#

Rei> Org: FLORioA"suREAU OF RAt>'1AtioN*coNTRbL.Notifi~tion natel'l'ime.;fii19/2017

  • 1'8:28 (EST)

License~: REYNOLDS*. SMitH AND HILLS' cs. INC. Event. Date / Time: 1111'412*011 (EST)

  • * * * .~st Modification:.1211si2611 Regl~n: 1 Dock~t#:

City: ORLANDO Agreement State: Yes

. County: L,icense #: *2732~2 State: FL NRC Notifieif by: TIM 'DUNN . Notifications: DONNA JANDA R1DO HQ Ops Officer: VINCE KLCO NMSS..:.EVENTS_NOTl~ICATI EMAIL Emergency Cla~s: NON EMERGENCY ILTAB EMAIL 10 CFR Section:

AGREEMENT STATE This m~terial event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material as defined in IAEA -

RS~G-1;9. . . . . .

AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STOLEN AND RETRIEVED TROXLER GAUGE The following information was excerpted from an email received from the State of Florida:

The State of Florid;;i received a notice on 11/15/17 that a Tro,Xler Gauge and a pompany vehicle was stolen from the licensee by an. E!mployee. A City of Orlando Police report was issued (2017-442672). On 12/7/2017, ~ notice .

was received from the licens~ to inform State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control that the gauge was found

  • intact and undamaged.

The Troxler moisture density gauge. ts a model num~er 3440; serial number 27931; Cs-137/Am~e; 8mCi/40mCi.

Florida Incident Number:. FL17-298.

  • THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" L,EVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are ei!t)er so:urces that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to Individuals or contain a very ,small atne>unt of radioactive material that would *not cause any permanent injury. Sorri.e o.f these sources, such as moisf:ure density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material_, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly -

although It. is unlikely - temporarily injure someone w~Q hand!.ed It or Were otherwise !n contact with it, or who were a

close to it for period of many weeks; For a~ditional information go to. http://wwv,i- . THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co,nmission

- -*-**-*-**--*-**-'*-----**------*-- Opmitions CenierEvent Repo_rt So~roes tt)at are "L~ss .t~~n IAEA Category 3 sour~.- are either sources that are very 1,mlikely to ~use

  • permane!lt !rijury to i[ldividuals or eon~in a very small ~mount of radioactive material tl)at wol!I~ not caJ1se ariy permanent injury. Som~ of these so1,1rces, such as* moisture density gai.iges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, thef amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not. safely *maiiage'd or securely protectea, *could possibly ~ .

although it is unlikely - temporarily iriji.ire someone who handled it ()r were otherwise in contact with it, ~ who were to close it for a peri9d oi many weeks*. i=_or additional information go to