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Remits Fee to Satisfy Fee Differential for Review of 790209 & 810810 Applications to Amend Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1984
From: Liden E
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Miller W
NUDOCS 8410010032
Download: ML18092A288 (3)


  • - . 4t OPS~G Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Nuclear Department September 24, 1984 Off ice of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention
    Mr. William 0. Miller, Chief License Fee Management Branch LICENSE AMENDMENT FEE CORRECTION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 SALEM GENERATING STATION DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311

Dear Mr. Miller:

Pursuant to your letter dated August 20, 1984, which described a combination of fees payable and refunds due, we hereby remit the sum of $500.00 to satisfy the fee differential due to your office.

Sincerely, Manager - Nuclear Licensing and Regulation Enclosure


8410010032 840924_**-~.

PDR ADOCK 05000272 P PDR The Energy People 95-2168 (75M) 12-83


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. *--* :*--****--*. i Public Service Electric and Gas Company -------*----*- '.

ATTN: Mr. R. A. Uderitz ---*-**--

Vice President - Nuclear *p;,-:1y-1~y-

\1t::~:eise____:",::in Post Office Box 236. *,;;*-~= * . . .

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Gentlemen:

We have received a copy of the following applications which were filed with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (ONRR} for review for the Salem Nuclear Generating Station: *

1. A February 9, 1979 application, as revised March 10, 1980 and April 29, 1981, which transmitted your inservice. testing program and requested relief from certain testing requirements pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g) for.Unit No. 1. Fees pursuant to 10 CFR 170.22 of the March 23, 1978.

regulations were not remitted with this request. *

2. An August.10, 1981 application for Technical Specifications relating to ("a) process and effluent monitors, (b) mechanical and hydraulic snubbers, and (c) rod position indicator for Unit Nos. l and 2.
  • A Class IV fee ($12,300) was remitted with your request pursuant to 10 CFR 170.22 of the March 23, 1978 regulations.

Based on information provided by the ONRR staff as the result of their final reviews of your requests, it has been determined that:

1. A Class III fee ($4,000) is appropriate for Item l since the review involved consideration of a single safety issue. This application was approved by letter and Safety Evaluation dated April 12, 1983.
2. Two Class III fees ($8,000) and two Class I fees ($800) are appropriate for (a) and (b) of Item 2 since the review involved consideration of two single safety issues and a duplicate unit fee for each issue. There-
  • fore, a refund of $3,500 is appropriate for this application.* This ap-plication was approved by Amendment Nos. 40 and 5 on February 2, 1982 and Amendment Nos. 48 and 13 on October 18, 1982.
  • " Public Service El'tric .and Gas Company .UG 201984 Item 2(c) of your August 10 application was withdrawn by letter dated November 14, 1983. Under the provisions of 10 CFR 170.12(a), the USNRC may retain fees regardless of the disposition of an application. How-ever, for applications filed prior to June 20, 1984, it is NRC policy not to retain fees if no review had commenced prior to withdrawal of a particular application. On this basis, it has been determined that an exemption, pursuant to 10 CFR 170.ll(b), from the fee requirements is authorized by law and such exemption is otherwise in the public interest and 'is hereby granted for Item 2(c) of your August 10 application.

Since in one instance $4,000 is due the USNRC and in the other $3,500 is due your Company, we are applying the $3,500 refund due your Company for Item 2 to the $4,000 due the USNRC for Item 1. It is requested that you remit the additional sum of $500 to this office to complete the fee due for your Febru-ary 9, 1979 application. We hope this transaction is acceptable to your Company.

  • For your information, a brief discussion of fees for applications for license amendments filed before and after June 20, 1984, is corttained in Enclosure l to this letter. If there are questions on fees, call us on 301-492-7225.

Sincerely, liam . Miller, Ch e~*

icense Fee Management Branch Office of Administration


Fee Assessment Information