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Forwards Training Program Requirements Matrix,Reflecting Results of Review of Operator Requalification Program Submitted on 820511.Approval of Six Requirements Per 10CFR50.54 (i-1) Requested
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1986
From: Bordine T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8602280055
Download: ML18052A297 (7)


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consumers Power company General Offices: 1945 West Parnell Ro11d, Jackson, Ml 49201 * *{517) 788-0550 February 25, 1986

Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulatory Cormnission Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT -

NUCLEAR OPERATOR TRAINING PROGRAM REVISIONS Consumers Power Company on May 11, 1982 submitted revised Reactor Operator, Senior Reactor Operator, and Requalification Training Programs in response to several TMI items. These NUREG 0737 items required upgrading of our training and qualifications. NRC letter dated December 2, 1982 enclosed a Safety Evaluation Report approving our upgraded programs.

The operator requalification program (Procedure No, 4.0) currently in use has undergone numerous format revisions from the previously NRG-approved version.

It should be noted that the Reactor Operator Training, Senior Operator Training and Operator Requalification Training Program have been merged into one program and has since been accredited by the INPO Accreditation Board.

Revisions to the program are currently in progress through implementation of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT). A copy of the completed program will be submitted pending completion of these final revisions.

We have checklisted the requirements of our 1982 operator requalification program via an independent evaluation by our Quality Assurance Organization.

Each requirement in the 1982 program was first evaluated to determine the source of the requirement: ie, if it originated in CP Co; 10CFRS5, Appendix A; ANS 3.1-1981, etc. The attached "Training Program Requirements Matrix" reflects the results of our initial review. Due to organizational changes and other reasons specified in the attached "cormnents" column, several previously approved requalif ication training program requirements may be considered a change "by which the scope, time allotted for the program or frequency in conducting different parts of the program is decreased." These requirements are specified on the attached. Six requirements from our original 1982


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~t&55~s5 PDR' I

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Director, 2 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear. Operator Training Program Revisions February 25, 1986 NRG-approved operator requalification program may be considered subject to NRC approval in accordance with 10CFR50.54(i-l). Your approval is, therefore, requested. Your review of our completed training program will also be requested pending completion of our final revisions.

Pursuant to 10CFR170.21, a check in the amount of $150.00 is enclosed.


Thomas C Bordine Staff Licensing Engineer CC Administrator, Region III, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades Attachment OC0185-0022-NL02

Attachment Page 1.

TRAINING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS MATRIX Checklist Original Program #1302 Location In. Source Number Reference Revised Prog/Proc Reference Comments

19. V.A) Preplanned Lecture Series NTD Program 4, Continuous B Examinations are* periodic during Examination shall be adminis- Licensed Operator Train- continuing t"raining and may con..:.

tered after each lecture with ing, Sec. 7.0, Pg 45 as tain several topics. The require-~

performance standard of 80% specified topic lectures ment for one exam after each lectuWI' expected can be given at the re- was found to be too restrictive in quest of the Operations that several exams could result dur-Department in addition to ing a day in which multiple lectures those topics listed in the occurred.

course description.

(b) Attaining an overall score of 80% or greater on periodic exams during the lecture series.

38. 1302 V.B.7 Palisades Plant Adminis- A Plant drills are no longer scheduled Each licensed individual per- trative Procedure A 4.05 since the addition of the plant spe-formance shall be evaluated Sec. 5.2a Licensed Oper- cific simulato"r during (1) Nuclear plant sim- ator Performance Evalua-ulator exercises and (2) plant tions. All facility drills licensed operators will be subject to a documented annual observation/evalua-tion of their individual performance for the opera-ting facility and the facility simulator.
  • Source Codes: A-10CFR55, Appx A, B=ANS 3.1~1981, C=10CFR55, D-NRC Letter to all licensees, 28 March 1980, HRDenton OC0185-0022A-NL02

Attachment Page 2*

TRAINING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS MATRIX Checklist Original Program #1302 Location In Source Number Reference Revised Prog/Proc Reference Comments

47. 1302 V.C.l Palisades Plant Adminis- B The review requirement for procedural Changes to emergency procedures trative Procedure A 4.05, changes pertinent to plant operations technical specifications per- Sec 5. 2 A prior to the licensee assuming s h i .

tinent to plant operations and operation responsibilities has bee plant modifications shall be removed from the training program and reviewed prior to the licensee incorporated in the Plant Administra-assuming shift operations tive Procedures.


(c) Operational Review.

Each licensed Operator shall be cognizant of f ac-ili ty design changes/ mod-ifications, procedure changes, facility license change, License Event Re-ports and NRC Inspection and Enforcement Bulletins.

All licensed operators shall read the "Licensed Operator Review Book" and maintain themselves current of all routing entered into the book *

. *Source Codes: A-10CFR55, Appx A, B=ANS 3.1-1981, C=10CFR55, D-NRC Letter to all licensees, 28 March 1980, HRDenton OC0185-0022A-NL02

Attachment Page 3 TRAINING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS MATRIX Checklist Original Program /11302 Location In Source Number Reference Revised Prog/Proc Reference Comments

51. 1302 V. C 2 Operating Experience Palisades Plant Adminis- . Training Administrator and Operations Review Program Selection of the trative Procedure A 4.05, Training Shift Supervisor have suf-information shall be by the Sec. 4.4. ficient experience and background .-._

Shift Technical Advisor/Shift The Operations Training determine the selection of ~

Engineers, Operation Superint~n Shift Supervisor shall: information.

dent artd Training Supervisor. (c) Coordinate with the Training Administra-tor-NTD in determining the schedule and con-tent of any training courses.

(f) Evaluate and distri-bute applicable opera-ting experience infor-mation to the opera-ting shifts and to initiate a request for training if classroom instruction is required.

  • Source Codes: A-10CFR55, Appx A, B~ANS 3.1-1981, C=10CFR55, D-NRC Letter to all licensees, 28 March 1980, HRDenton OC0185-0022A-NL02


Page 4 Checklist Original Program #1302 Location In Source Number Reference Revised Prog/Proc Reference Comments

63. 1302 V.D.I Annual Requalifica- Palisades Plant Adminis- B Training Administrator and Operations tion Examination .*** trative Procedure A 4.05 Training Shift Supervisor have
  • covering the categories of less Sec. 5.3. sufficient experience and background than 70%, or a complete examin- to determine* the selection of tion, whichever is determined Accelerated Training information.

by the Operation Superintendent When an operator fails to meet the completion require-ments for any level training, he shall be required to satisfactorily complete an accelerated training program, unless waived based on the require-ments of Sec. 12.0, of this proce-dure. The Operations Training Shift Suprv & the Training Admin-istrator-NTD shall:

a. Provide accelerated training as needed to upgrade the indivi-dual operator's level of knowledge in areas found to be deficient at any level of training, ~s well as the completion of train-ing requirements not met due to personal or job-related problems.
b. Provide accelerated upgrade train-ing as needed to recover an opera-tor's failure of all or any part of the NRC license exam (RO/SRO) based on the areas of deficiency noted during the evaluation of the indivi-dual l.icense exam results.
  • Source Codes: A-10CFR55, Appx A, B=ANS 3.1-1981, C=10CFR55, D-NRC Letter to all licensees, 28 March 1980, HRDenton OC0185-0022A-NL02

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Attachment Page 5 TRAINING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS MATRIX Checklist Original Program 111302 Location In Source Number

  • Reference Revised Prog/Proc Reference Comments 74A. 1302 V.E.l Special Requalifi- NTD Procedure 4, Sec. 5.2 B 80% in each area was considered too cation Programs A different written exam- restrictive and was revised to estab-The performance standard .shall ination and answer key tablish one criteria for grading a .

be at least 80% in each written shall be used for each annual examinations. A grade of I category and a satisfactory re- exam date administered. than 80% overall will require acceler-sult in each oral category. A license individual who ated training in all categories less received less than 70% in than 80%.

any category on the annual written examination or an overall grade less than 80%

shall be placed in an accel-erated training program. A grade of less than 70% in any category shall require accelerated requalification in that category. A grade of less than 80% overall requires accelerated train-ing in all categories less than 80%. , Successful com-pletion of the accelerated training shall be by grade

.criteria established for the annual written exam.

  • Source Codes: A-10CFR55, Appx A, B=ANS 3.1-1981, C=10CFR55, D-NRC Letter to all licensees, 28 March 1980, HRDenton OC0185-0022A-NL02