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Forwards Response to 771215 Ltr Re Reliability of Standby Diesel Generator Units
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1978
From: Robert E. Uhrig
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17212A360 List:
L-78-207, NUDOCS 8107210127
Download: ML17212A361 (4)


t Enclosure P. O. BOX 3

013100, MIAMI PI 33'101


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cLORIOA POVIER h I.IGHT COMPANY June 16, 1978 L-78-207 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S ~ Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir:

Re: St. Lucie Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-335 Diesel Generator Tnformation The attached information is submitted in resaonse to a letter from Karl R. Goller dated December 15, 1977.

Very truly yours,

~'~ ~ ~m~~


Robert E. Uhrig Vice President RZU/mS/bb Attachment cc: Nr. James P. O'Reilly, Region ZI Harold F. Reis, Esquire

"~ i 7'3005 i 81072iOi27 Bi070'P

~ PDR *DOCK 0800033S I, F PDR i (

~ ~

s S. Are an! foraion oases suck as propane, freon, halon, c roon dioxide, etc. s tored in the: Diesel Engine room?

Yes No > or adjacent buildings'? Yes No x If yes, (other than hand portable fire extinguishers), th n identify gases and give approximat tank size.

Gases Volume (ft )

T. Does control sys m autcmatically bypass, in em rgency starting, any engine temporarily out of service for maintenance? Yas lio x I-. yes, tf en how many failures to bypass have occured?

Does the control system automatically override the test mode under emergency conditions? Yes < No x

Y. Have repetitive mechanical failures occurred in any component part or sub+s'iM of the engi ie, generator, or s~i tch gear, e.c. 7 Yes If ves, then which part or subsyst m.


a less of lcbricaticn e

'Yc'w, any fl u es? ~ ~

Tive are 4 : tm-3  ? abc ~ gf am e care vote: QKQBxgers I Ger

~mt Give nature of failure. alar+~ar a 1

@y ces"gn). ai m, LK pup rM ."m cetyl~

Desi'nance Ce'mme 335-77-42,.

20Q i~l~nt~ ~

~aB 1 011 1 a follcwup remr" 41, of S/1S/78 sm ~a~~ ar'mrna.

bms i bcarg+~le l

W. 'Aould perioaic (yearly or other) evalua ion and/or testing by "outside experts" con ribute significantly to the diesel-ganara or reliability? Yas No Give M. i i'i >>.

brief reasons for the answer. Me have suf icien't knowledge Y

l r'-chara rs has confirmed -in-house evaluation alluded to Y o v

~ e i ~ '

X. l. Give the accumulated time-load operating record for each diesel-generator unit from installation to the present (Running Hours):

Preoperational test Date 8-75 Engine

Serial No.:

Surv. Testing t<aintenance Hrs.

6:  :

Emer and gency:

Other  :

Total Hours No Load: Loaded  : Service Hrs.


~10  : ~161: ~ 15 186 lB: ~3.0 ~124: ~ 15 igQ s 4

e e e

tOTE: Total Hours were read off nour meter . emaining numo are rough estimates.

Z. Surveillance test load (percent of contimmns ratarrr)

3. Give the projected or olarned time-load 'operation for 95-100% a~~ 1-7S each diesel-generator unit during the next 12 months.
Surveillanc Emergency Total
haintenance Hrs. and other Hours Se. vice Hrs.

~36 ~36 r~ P Qvide the fol 1owi ng summary of the periodic surveil lance testing experience:

Starting d=te surveillance testing (QL date) 3>>1-76 a.

b. " st of int rval ~they' ~~ S'~s 'eriodic SG>>

c Total numb r of surveillance tests perrormed 80*

de 5 failure m start i ~ ~ki'lure to accept 1o d >- ~d tete ce-c". dtti' 5

E then turbo- aai'iure d ~ to equipment not being operative during emergency charger fail ed ~hindi ti on- pmbl

.e. Supply a copy oa the surve;llance test procedures with this cc"pleted auestionnaire.

gl r
