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Slides: NRC Fundamental of Emergency Preparedness Beaver Valley Power Station, August 13, 2015
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/13/2015
From: Robert Kahler
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Kelly Grimes
Download: ML15230A288 (51)


NRC Fundamentals of Emergency Preparedness Beaver Valley Power Station August 13, 2015 Robert Kahler, Branch Chief



-Office of Nuclear Security & Incident


  • Division of Preparedness & Response

-Inspection and Regulatory Improvements Branch

NRC Public Web Site

NRC Public Web Site 1


NRC Public Web Site

Workshop Overview

  • Role of the NRC in the Federal Government
  • Introduction and History of EP at NRC
  • Emergency Classifications
  • EP Regulations, Guidance and Generic Communications
  • EP Inspection Program and Enforcement
  • EP Going Forward

Role of the NRC in the Federal Government

Executive Branch

  • Comprised of several different entities:

- Executive Office of the President

  • Support staff and Councils

- Executive departments

  • e.g., DHS, Department of State, Department of Defense

- Independent agencies and government corporations

- Quasi-Official agencies

  • e.g., Smithsonian Institution

NRC Commissioners Vacant


Commissioner Commissioner Chairman Commissioner Jeff Kristine L. Stephen G. William C.

Baran Svinicki Burns Ostendorff

NRC Staff

  • Approximately 3800 staff working at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD, four regional offices, and a training center:

- Region I King of Prussia, PA

- Region II Atlanta, GA

- Region III Lisle, IL

- Region IV Arlington, TX

- Technical Training Center, Chattanooga, TN

  • Directed by Executive Director for Operations (EDO)

- carries out policies and decisions of Commission

Introduction and History of EP at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Emergency Preparedness

  • Overall objective/philosophy of EP at NRC

- There is reasonable assurance that adequate protective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency

  • Reasonable Assurance finding made before facility licensed
  • Inspected over lifetime of facility

- defense-in-depth

- not based on probability of accident

- EP is for ALL initiating events

  • Operational accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack

History of EP Requirements

  • 1958 - Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

- Outlines procedures for radiological emergency response

- Raised concern regarding adequacy of emergency planning as plant size increased

  • 1970 - AEC drafted guidelines for public comment

- New Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50

- Onsite and Offsite

  • 1973 - AEC designated as lead agency for radiological emergency planning

Atomic Energy Act of 1954 Energy Reorganization Act of Made development of 1974 commercial nuclear Addressed conflict of interest between energy possible regulating & promoting nuclear power Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Nuclear Regulatory Department of Energy

  • development and Commission (Cabinet agency) production of nuclear January 19, 1975
  • development and weapons (Independent agency) production of nuclear
  • license and regulate weapons
  • development and regulation of civilian uses civilian nuclear materials
  • promotion of nuclear
  • may enter into agreements power of nuclear materials to delegate authority over
  • Sought to ensure public some materials to states
  • other energy-related work health and safety without
  • license and regulate inhibiting nuclear industry civilian nuclear facilities growth
  • does not regulate defense nuclear facilities
1. The JIC 1 2
2. Gov. Thornburg and Pres. Jimmy Carter
3. Harold Denton and the Carters 4 3
4. Rad Techs
5. Unit 2 CR (G.

Miller plant mgr.

on left 5

6. Unit 2 Control Room 6

History of EP Requirements

  • Post-Three Mile Island

- General Accounting Office (GAO) urged adoption of EPZ concept

- FEMA designated lead agency for offsite oversight

- MOU delineating FEMA and NRC roles

  • NRC retained responsibility for judging whether or not the overall state of emergency preparedness was satisfactory for licensing, considering FEMA findings regarding offsite preparedness

History of EP Requirements Seabrook Siren Trucks

History of EP Requirements

  • March 28, 1979
  • September 11, 2001
  • March 11, 2011
  • November 23, 2011

Emergency Classifications

  • Unusual Event (UE)

- No release expected

  • Alert

- Release a small fraction of EPA PAGs

  • Site Area Emergency (SAE)

- Release not expected to exceed EPA PAG levels beyond site boundary

  • General Emergency (GE)

- Releases reasonably expected to exceed EPA PAG levels offsite

  • NOTE: GE does NOT NECESSARILY mean a release is in progress

Flow of Events

  • Initiating Condition (IC)
  • Emergency Action Level (EAL)
  • Emergency Classification Level (ECL)
  • Offsite Actions, if necessary

EP Regulations and Guidance Generic Communications

EP Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50

-- the 16 planning standards

NRC EP Public Web Site

10 CFR 50.47(b)

  • 16 Planning Standards

- Must be met in licensee and State and local emergency plans

- Supplemented by requirements in Appendix E

- Supporting guidance in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 and FEMA REP Manual

- Power reactor sites only

- FEMA 44 CFR 350 is nearly identical

- Direct relationship to NUREG-0654 (1)=A, (2)=B, etc.

10 CFR 50.47(b) 16 Planning Standards (1) Responsibilities (9) Accident Assessment (2) Onsite ERO (10) Protective Actions (3) Response Support (11) Rad Exposure Control (4) Classification Scheme (12) Medical Support (5) Notifications (13) Recovery & Reentry (6) Communications (14) Exercises & Drills (7) Public Education (15) Training (8) Emergency Facilities (16) Plan Maintenance

10 CFR 50 Appendix E Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities

  • Contains requirements for emergency plans for all applications under Part 50 and Part 52

- Binding on license applicants and licensees

  • Invokes the planning standards in §50.47(b) for power reactors, and contains supporting requirements

10 CFR 50.54(q)

- §50.54(q)(1) defines terminology

- §50.54(q)(2) follow and maintain the effectiveness

- §50.54(q)(3) and (4) make changes to emergency plan without prior NRC approval:

  • Does not result in Reduction in Effectiveness (RIE)
  • continues to meet Appendix E and §50.47(b)

- Changes that do not meet these criteria must be submitted for prior NRC review and approval as a license amendment

10 CFR 50.54(t)

  • Periodic review of licensees EP program
  • Evaluation of licensees drills and exercises and emergency response capabilities
  • Adequacy of interface with offsite agencies
  • Report is made available to State and local governments

10 CFR 50.72 - Notifications

  • Emergencies

- Notify NRC immediately following notification of State and local agencies and not later than one hour after declaration

- Immediately notify NRC of emergency class escalation

- Maintain open line with NRC

  • Non-emergency events

- Any event that results in a major loss of:

  • emergency assessment capability
  • offsite response capability (e.g., alert and notification system)
  • offsite communications capability

EP Guidance

- Provides an acceptable method for licensee compliance with regulations for the content of emergency plans

- Guidance on making changes to Emergency Plans

  • NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1

- Licensee guidance for complying with § 50.47(b) & App E

- ORO guidance for complying with 44 CFR 350.5 31

EP Guidance

- Introduced generic Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs)

- Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities

  • EAL Scheme Guidance 32

Generic Communications

  • Regulatory Guide (RG)
  • Information Notice (IN)
  • Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS)


  • NRC staff guidance and instructions
  • Licensing action procedures and acceptance criteria
  • Staff suggested course of action
  • Not a substitute for regulations
  • No compliance required
  • Licensees may propose alternatives


  • Conference proceedings prepared by NRC or contractors Example: NUREG/CP-XXXX
  • Publications resulting from international agreements Example: NUREG/IA-XXXX

Regulatory Guide (RG)

1. Power reactors 6. Products
2. Research and test 7. Transportation reactors 8. Occupational health
3. Fuels and materials 9. Antitrust and facilities financial review
4. Environmental and 10.General siting
5. Materials and plant protection

RG Functions

  • Acceptable methods to implement regulations
  • Evaluation techniques for specific problems or postulated accidents
  • Contains data required for reviewing permit and license applications
  • Not substitute for regulations
  • No compliance required
  • Licensees may propose alternatives

Information Notice (IN)

  • Recently identified significant operating experience (OE)
  • Recently completed research results
  • Licensees evaluate information notices for applicability

RIS Functions

  • Informs licensees of technical or policy positions not previously communicated or fully understood
  • Reports NRC endorsement of industry developed documents
  • Solicit voluntary pilot program participation
  • Informs licensees of regulatory relief opportunities
  • Announces regulatory documents issuance
  • Requests voluntary submittal of information for NRC administration of regulatory process

EP Inspection Program and Enforcement

Emergency Preparedness Cornerstone

  • 3 Performance Indicators
  • Baseline Inspection Program 41

Performance Indicators

  • Drill and Exercise Performance (DEP)
  • Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation (ERO)
  • Alert and Notification System Performance (ANS)

Baseline Inspections

- Exercise Evaluation (biennial exercise)

- Alert and Notification System Testing

- Emergency Response Organization Augmentation

- Emergency Action Levels And Plan Changes

- Maintenance of Emergency Preparedness

- Drill Evaluation (resident inspector)

- Exercise Evaluation (hostile action)

- Scenario Evaluation

Significance Levels

  • Green Very low safety significance (licensee response band)
  • White Low to moderate safety significance (increased regulatory response band)
  • Yellow Substantial safety significance (required regulatory response band)
  • Red High safety significance (unacceptable performance band)

EP Going Forward Topics: The Future of EP

  • Revision to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1
  • Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendations
  • Outreach
  • Decommissioning

Revision to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1

  • Target for issuance of Revision 2 is Early 2017
  • Coordination with FEMA

- NUREG-0654 is joint document between NRC & FEMA

  • Public Comment Period


  • Tiered Approach to Recommendations
  • Tier 1 - Without Delay

- Staffing and Communications

  • Tier 2 - as resources are available

- Multi-unit dose assessment

- Equipment and facilities needed during station blackout (SBO)

- Training and exercises for multi-unit and SBO scenarios

  • Tier 3 - long term

- Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR)

  • Multi-unit events and SBO

- Distribution of Potassium Iodide (KI) beyond 10 miles

- Public Education

- EPZ size

Current Outreach

  • FEMA regional planning meetings
  • NREP Conference
  • NEI Communications Forum
  • Regulatory Information Conference
  • Webpage
  • Quarterly EP Newsletter


Decommissioning Reactors

  • Permanently cease operations

- Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant

- San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

- Crystal River-3 Nuclear Power Plant

- Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

- Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (2019)

  • Decommissioning EP Rulemaking

- Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR)

- 2019

Contact Information Robert Kahler Office: (301) 287-3756 email: