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December 2008 OL Exam (SRO Exam with Answers)
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/2008
Tennessee Valley Authority
Download: ML090210376 (75)


HLT 0707 NRC RO Written Examination Page 1 of 100


A loss of all off-site power and main steam line break have occurred on Unit 3 resulting in the following plant conditions:

  • RPV pressure 50 psig and steady.

(-) 100 inches and steady, being maintained by RHR Loop I at 22,000 gpm.

  • Drywell pressure 19 psig and rising.
  • Drywell temperature 235 OF and rising.
  • Suppression Pool Temp 205 OF and rising.

Which ONE of the following describes the actions that MUST be taken based on the above conditions?


RHR Loop II MUST be aligned for LPCI injection to ensure RHR pumps do not exceed NPSH limits.


RHR Loop II MUST be aligned for LPCI injection to ensure adequate core cooling.


RHR Loop II MUST be aligned for Drywell Spray.


RHR Loop II MUST be aligned for Suppression Pool Cooling.

HLT 0707 NRC RO Written Examination Page 2 of 100


Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 and 2 control rooms have been abandoned due to a toxic gas release.
  • Control has been established at Backup Control Panel 1-25-32.
  • RHR Loop II is in Suppression Pool Cooling with both RHR pumps running.
  • Reactor Pressure is 110 psig and lowering due to the cooldown.
  • Reactor water level is (-) 48 inches and lowering slowly.
  • The Unit Supervisor has directed that RHR be lined up for LPCI injection in accordance with 1-AOI-100-2, "Control Room Abandonment."

Which ONE of the following describes the location where this lineup is performed and the method of monitoring injection flow?

Operating the LPCI Injection valves can be accomplished from (1) and injection flow is monitored by (2).




480V RMOV Board 1B RHR Total Flow indication from Panel 1-25-32 B.

480V RMOV Board 1B RHR pump amps from 4KV Shutdown Board C C.

Backup Control Panel 1-25-32 RHR Total Flow indication from Panel 1-25-32 D.

Backup Control Panel 1-25-32 RHR pump amps from 4KV Shutdown Board C

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Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is in Mode 4 at 185 OF and lowering slowly.
  • RHR SYSTEM I MIN FLOW INHIBIT switch, 1-HS-74-148 is in INHIBIT.
  • RHR SYS I LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE, 1-FCV-74-53 is fully open.
  • RHR SYS I LPCI OUTBD INJECT VALVE, 1-FCV-74-52 is throttled open.
  • 480V RMOV Board B de-energizes due to an electrical fault.

Which ONE of the following describes the status of RHR Loop I following the loss of 480V RMOV Board B and the final position of the RHR Inboard Injection valve 1-FCV-74-53?

RHR Pumps 1A and 1C (1). The RHR SYS I LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE, 1-FCV-74-53 (2).




trip on loss of a suction path closes due to Group II logic signal B.

trip on loss of a suction path fails open on loss of power C.

remain in operation closes due to Group II logic signal D.

remain in operation fails open on loss of power

HLT 0707 NRC RO Written Examination Page 4 of 100


Given the following plant conditions:

Unit 2 is aligned with RHR Loop I in Shutdown Cooling and RHR Loop II in standby readiness.

A leak occurs in the RPV, which results in the following conditions:

- RPV level at 0 inches and slowly lowering

- Drywell Pressure at 3.0 psig and slowly rising

- RHR Pumps 'A' and 'C' TRIPPED Which ONE of the following describes the minimum actions required to align RHR Loop II for injection to the RPV?


After FCV-74-47 OR FCV-74-48 is closed, push the RHR SYS II SD CLG INBD INJECT ISOL RESET 2-XS-74-132.


After FCV-74-47 AND FCV-74-48 are closed, start RHR Loop II pumps, reset PCIS, and open the inboard injection valve.


After FCV-74-47 OR FCV-74-48 is closed; reset PCIS, push the RHR SYS II SD CLG INBD INJECT ISOL RESET 2-XS-74-132, and open the inboard injection valve.


After FCV-74-47 AND FCV-74-48 are closed, reset PCIS, push the RHR SYS II SD CLG INBD INJECT ISOL RESET 2-XS-74-132, and open BOTH injection valves.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 5 of 100


Unit 2 is at 100% rated power when the following annunciators are received:

  • "HPCI 120 VAC POWER FAILURE" (9-3F W7).

Which ONE of the following describes the current HPCI status and the action required to return HPCI to a normal standby lineup?

The HPCI system (1) be manually initiated if required. (2) to restore HPCI to a normal standby lineup.




can Restart Div II ECCS inverter per 2-AOI-57-11, "Loss of Power to an ECCS ATU Panel/ECCS Inverter."


can Transfer 250V RMOV Board A to ALTERNATE per 0-OI-57D, "DC Electrical System."


CANNOT Restart Div II ECCS inverter per 2-AOI-57-11, "Loss of Power to an ECCS ATU Panel/ECCS Inverter."


CANNOT Transfer 250V RMOV Board A to ALTERNATE per 0-OI-57D, "DC Electrical System."

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Unit-1 is operating at 100% rated power when CORE SPRAY SYS I SPARGER BREAK (9-3C W14) alarms on Panel 9-3.

Which ONE of the following describes the principle of operation of the Core Spray Leak Detection instrument due to a Core Spray pipe break between the RPV wall and the core shroud?

The pressure sensed in the Core Spray pipe will be (1) causing a (2) P to be sensed by the Leak Detection P transmitter.




higher lower B.

higher higher C.

lower lower D.

lower higher

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Given the following Unit 3 plant conditions:

  • 480 V Shutdown Board 3A tripped due to an electrical fault.

Which ONE of the following describes the SLC pump which should be started and the status of the squib valves once the appropriate pump is started?

The OATC should start the (1) SLC Pump. Once started, (2) should fire.




3A both squib valves.


3A only the "A" squib valve.


3B both squib valves.


3B only the "B" squib valve.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 8 of 100


Unit 1 is performing 1-SR-, Reactor Protection System Manual Scram Functional Test with the following conditions:

  • All four (4) SCRAM SOLENOID GROUP A LOGIC RESET, red indicating lights extinguished.
  • The OATC failed to properly reset the 1/2 scram on RPS A and SCRAM SOLENOID GROUP A LOGIC RESET red indicating lights 2 and 3 remained extinguished.

Which ONE of the following describes the final STEADY STATE condition of the plant to this event and the reason for that condition?

Inserting a manual 1/2 scram on RPS Channel B will cause (1) of the control rods to insert. This is caused by (2).





Scram Discharge Volume high level.



Backup Scram Valve actuation.



Scram Discharge Volume high level.



Backup Scram Valve actuation.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 9 of 100


Which ONE of the following Reactor Protection System scram signals is delayed for six (6) seconds once the setpoint has been exceeded and the basis for that delay?

The scram signal for (1) is delayed for six (6) seconds to take into consideration the (2).




APRM Flow-biased STP (.66W +66%)

fuel thermal time constant.

B APRM Flow-biased STP (.66W +66%)

nominal MSIV closure time.


APRM High Flux < 120% RTP fuel thermal time constant D.

APRM High Flux < 120% RTP nominal MSIV closure time.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 10 of 100

10. Following a reactor scram on Unit 1 the following conditions were observed:
  • RPV level is (-) 15 inches and rising with feed water injection.
  • Reactor pressure is 940 psig being controlled by Bypass Valves.

Which ONE of the following describes the appropriate action to monitor and control reactor power?

(1) path RC/Q of 1-EOI-1, RPV Control and control reactor power using (2).




Remain in 1-AOI-100-1, Reactor Scram and 1-OI-85, CRD System.


Remain in 1-EOI Appendix 1D, Insert Control Rods using Reactor Manual Control System.


Exit 1-AOI-100-1, Reactor Scram and 1-OI-85, CRD System.


Exit 1-EOI Appendix 1D, Insert Control Rods using Reactor Manual Control System.

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11. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:

A reactor startup is in progress following refueling, with ALL 8 Reactor Protection System (RPS) Shorting Links installed.

The reactor is in Mode 2.

IRM "G" is on Range 7, all other IRMs are on Range 8.

An electronic failure in the B Source Range Monitor (SRM) drawer results in a SRM HIGH/INOP (9-5A W13) alarm.

Which ONE of the following describes the plant response and required action, if any, to continue the startup?

The SRM failure will initiate a (1). The startup may continue (2) bypassing SRM "B" in accordance with 1-OI-92, "Source Range Monitor System."




Control Rod Withdraw Block after B.

SRM HIGH/INOP alarm ONLY without C.

Control Rod Withdraw Block without D.

SRM HIGH/INOP alarm ONLY after

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12. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • Operating at 100% rated power.
  • The normal feeder breaker to 4KV Shutdown Board C inadvertently trips.
  • The alternate breaker from Shutdown Bus 1 fails to close.
  • 4KV Shutdown Board C is now being powered from C Diesel Generator.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect on Average Power Range Monitors (APRM) and Rod Block Monitors (RBM) due to this electrical transient?


Power Range Neutron Monitoring (PRNM) is not affected by this transient.


All APRM channels generate a Critical Fault and RBM B generates a Non-critical fault.


All APRM channels generate a Non-critical Fault and RBM B generates a Critical fault.


All APRM channels and RBM channels generate a Non-critical fault.

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13. Given the following Unit 2 plant conditions:
  • A Group I isolation occurred from Steam Tunnel high temperature.
  • HPCI and RCIC automatically initiated and RPV level was slowly restored until both HPCI and RCIC tripped on high RPV level.
  • RPV level again began to lower.
  • With RPV level (-) 25 inches and lowering, the breaker supplying power to 2-71-8, RCIC Steam Supply Valve tripped open.

Which ONE of the following describes the status of the RCIC system and, based on that status, the effect on RPV level recovery efforts?

The RCIC Steam Supply Valve, 2-71-8 will (1) when RCIC receives another initiation signal. Based on this response, RPV level will (2).




remain open lower due to RCIC injection into the A feedwater line.


remain open rise due to RCIC injection into the B feedwater line.


remain closed lower due to HPCI injection into the A feedwater line.


remain closed rise due to HPCI injection into the B feedwater line.

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14. The following plant conditions exist:
  • Reactor Level at (-) 130 inches for 8 minutes.
  • Drywell pressure is at 2.3 psig.
  • Reactor Pressure is at 600 psig.
  • CS pumps A and C are running.
  • RHR pumps failed to start.

The ADS confirmatory level instrument (LT-3-184) on System I has failed upscale.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the ADS system and the reason for this response?


ADS valves are NOT open. RHR is required to be operating.


ADS Valves are open. ADS System II Logic has actuated all ADS valves.


ADS valves are NOT open. Both Systems I and II logic are required to actuate all ADS valves.


ADS valves are open. The instrument failure is in the conservative direction.

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15. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • Reactor power is at 100% with all systems in a normal lineup.
  • Instrument Mechanics (IM) are performing calibrations on the drywell pressure sensors when an inadvertent Group 2 and Group 6 PCIS isolation signal is received on Unit 1.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) system and the effect these PCIS isolations will have on plant operation?

Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) trains (1) will be operating. As a result of this PCIS malfunction, the reactor will (2).




A, B and C continue to operate until PCIS is restored to a normal condition.


A, B and C scram due to a Group I isolation from steam tunnel high temperature.


A and B only continue to operate until PCIS is restored to a normal condition.


A and B only scram due to a Group I isolation from steam tunnel high temperature.

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16. Unit-1 is operating at 100% rated power when the following annunciator alarmed:


Which ONE of the following describes the primary sensor that initiated the annunciator and one of the secondary indications which could be used to verify its accuracy?

The annunciator is initiated by the MSRV (1) and can be verified using the MSRV (2).




valve position indication tail pipe temperature B

valve position indication tail pipe flow monitor C.

tail pipe flow monitor tail pipe temperature D.

tail pipe temperature tail pipe flow monitor

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 17 of 100

17. Given the following Unit 3 plant conditions:
  • A reactor scram has occurred due to a spurious Group I isolation.
  • Reactor pressure is being maintained 800 to 1000 psig using MSRVs in accordance with 3-AOI-Appendix 11A, "Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems, MSRVs."

Which ONE of the following describes the method of operating the MSRVs and the basis for the prescribed method?

MSRVs are opened in a (1) to ensure (2).




numerical order by switch UNID that both CAD tanks receive an equal loading.


numerical order by switch UNID even heat distribution in the Suppression Pool.


specific order per the Appendix that both CAD tanks receive an equal loading.


specific order per the Appendix even heat distribution in the Suppression Pool.

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18. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • A reactor startup is in progress from cold conditions.
  • The reactor is critical with a heat up in progress at 180 OF.
  • The heat up rate is currently 80 OF/hr.
  • 1A and 1B Condensate pumps and 1A Condensate Booster pump are operating.
  • RPV level is (+) 30 inches and steady.

Which ONE of the following describes the appropriate method used to return RPV level to the normal control band under these conditions, and the reason for using that method?


CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL in MANUAL can be used to raise injection flow to as high as 80 gpm.


RWCU BLDN FLOW CONT in MANUAL to reject less water to the main condenser due to thermal expansion from the heat up.


RFW SU LVL CONT in AUTOMATIC to control level and prevent distracting the OATC during the startup.


CNDS FLOW CONTROL SHORT CYCLE in MANUAL to raise Condensate Booster pump discharge pressure to raise injection flow.

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19. Regarding the Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) train, which ONE of the following describes the temperature set point that will trip the relative humidity heater and the basis for maintaining relative humidity within the SGT train?

The "SGT FILTER BK RH HTR CONT TEMPERATURE" annunciator will alarm and trip the Relative Humidity heater at a set point of (1) OF. Moisture is controlled within the SGT train to prevent damage to the (2).




180 Charcoal Adsorbers.


180 HEPA filter.


80 Charcoal Adsorbers.


80 HEPA filter.

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20. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Diesel Generator (DG) 3EA is running in parallel with the grid during the monthly load surveillance test.
  • The DG Mode Selector Switch for 3EA DG is in the PARALLEL WITH SYSTEM position.
  • 3EA DG load is currently 2400 KW and steady.

Which ONE of the following describes the expected response of 3EA DG if the DG Mode Selector Switch was moved to the UNITS IN PARALLEL position, and the reason for that response?

The 3EA DG would (1). This is a result of (2) speed droop control.




trip on Overload (51X) zero B.

trip on Overload (51X) automatic C.

continue to operate normally automatic D.

continue to operate normally zero

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 21 of 100

21. Given the following plant conditions:

Unit 3 is in a normal lineup.

The following alarm is received:


It is determined that the alarm is due to a Unit 3 Unit Preferred AC Generator Over-voltage condition Which ONE of the following describes the result of this condition?

Unit 3 Breaker 1001 _____(1)_____; Unit 2 Breaker 1003 ______(2)____; and the Motor-Motor-Generator (MMG) set ________________(3)__________________.

(1) (2) (3)


trips OPEN; is interlocked OPEN; automatically shuts down.


is interlocked OPEN; trips OPEN; automatically shuts down.


trips OPEN; is interlocked OPEN; continues to run without excitation.


is interlocked OPEN; trips OPEN; continues to run without excitation.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 22 of 100

22. Which ONE of the following describes the analyzed time in which the 250V Battery Board can carry a full electrical load without a battery charger connected, and the analyzed transient or accident that is the basis for that time?

The 250V DC battery board can carry a full load for (1). This capability is required to provide vital equipment power during a(an) (2).




30 minutes.

Appendix R fire.


30 minutes.

Design Basis LOCA.


60 minutes.

Appendix R fire.


60 minutes.

Design Basis LOCA.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 23 of 100

23. Which ONE of the following is a concern to plant operation if the Plant/Station Battery Rooms HVAC units are not operating properly?


The design limit for hydrogen concentration in the rooms may be reached when the batteries are being charged.


Electrical Maintenance will not be able to obtain accurate cell specific gravity readings if temperature is above 90 OF.


The lead-calcium batteries tend to release toxic gas into the atmosphere above 90 OF.


The quarterly battery SR frequency is lowered to weekly when temperatures are outside the 70 OF to 90 OF temperature range.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 24 of 100

24. Given the following Unit 3 plant conditions:
  • Operating at 100% rated power with all equipment in a normal lineup.
  • A total loss of all off-site power occurs in conjunction with a large break LOCA.
  • Drywell pressure peaks at 22 psig and is subsequently lowered to 2.3 psig using Drywell Sprays.
  • RPV pressure lowered to 400 psig and is stable.
  • RPV level drops below (-) 122 inches.
  • Assume no operator actions.

Which ONE of the following describes the expected response of the RHR pumps and SGT system as a result of these conditions?

When the DG output breakers close, RHR pumps will start (1). The B SGT fan (2).




in 7 seconds auto starts ONLY if A SGT fan fails to start B.

in 7 seconds auto starts in 40 seconds C.

immediately auto starts ONLY if A SGT fan fails to start D.

immediately auto starts in 40 seconds

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 25 of 100

25. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The Unit 3 Control Air system is aligned with the "G" Air compressor running and loaded.
  • Subsequently, the Unit 3 Control Air system pressure falls to approximately 60 psig due to a rupture.

Which ONE of the following describes the final plant configuration pertaining to the Control Air system.


All Units Control Air system pressure will drop and a manual scram will be required for all units.


The effects on Unit 1 and 2 will not be as severe as on Unit 3 because of the automatic unit separation capability.


The effect on Unit 3 will not be experienced on Unit 1 and 2 because of the alignment of the closed manual header isolation valve between Unit 2 and 3.


All Units Control Air system pressures will drop, all Control Air Compressors will full load, and the Service Air Compressor will unload due to the Surge Condition experienced on Unit 3.

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26. Unit 2 is at rated power with the following indications:






Recirc Pump Motors "2A" and '2B' Winding and Bearing Temperature Recorder (2-TR-68-84) are reading 170 oF and 188 oF respectively and rising.

RBCCW Pump Suction Header Temperature Indicator (2-TIS-70-3) is reading 94 oF and rising.


Area Radiation Monitor RE-90-13A and RE-90-14A are in alarm reading 55 mr/hr and rising.

Which ONE of the following describes the actions that should be taken in accordance with plant procedures?

Enter 2-EOI-3, "Secondary Containment Control" and _________________________


Trip and isolate '2B' Recirc Pump.

Enter 2-AOI-68-1A "Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease OPRMs Operable."


Trip and isolate '2B' Recirc Pump.

Commence a normal shutdown.


Trip RWCU pumps and isolate the RWCU system.

Commence a normal shutdown.


Trip RWCU pumps and isolate the RWCU system.

Close RBCCW Sectionalizing Valve 2-FCV-70-48.

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27. A scram has just occurred on Unit 2 with the following conditions:
  • All blue Scram lights on the Full Core Display are energized.
  • All Accumulator Trouble lights and Rod Drift lights on the Full Core Display are energized.
  • All IRMs are inserted and on Range 3 and lowering.

Which ONE of the following describes the current status of the CRD hydraulic system and the action(s) necessary to insert the remaining control rods?

CRD system flow is being directed to the charging water header and (1).

In order to insert the remaining control rods, the OATC must first (2).




Scram Discharge Volume close 2-85-586 in accordance with 2-EOI-Appendix 1D.


Scram Discharge Volume reset the RPS scram signal in accordance with 2-AOI-100-1.


cooling water header close 2-85-586 in accordance with 2-EOI-Appendix 1D.


cooling water header reset the RPS scram signal in accordance with 2-AOI-100-1.

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28. Which ONE of the following combinations of the alarms and indications numbered below characterizes the possibility of an uncoupled control rod?

"Red" (- -) on the Full Core Display.




"Red" (48) on Four Rod Display.




Blank rod position indication on Four Rod Display.


1, 2, 4 B.

2, 4, 5 C.

2, 3, 4 D.

1, 2, 5

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 29 of 100

29. Unit 2 is starting up with the following plant conditions:
  • Total steam flow is at 20% of rated flow.
  • Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) Group 22 is latched with limits from 00-04. (a double asterisk on the pull sheet applies for this group)
  • The OATC selects the first rod in Group 22 and takes the ROD MOVEMENT CONTROL switch to the ROD OUT NOTCH position.
  • The selected rod triple notches to position 06.

Which ONE of the following describes the RWM response to this condition and the reason for that response?

The RWM ROD BLOCK (9-5B W35) (1). The reason for that response is (2).




will alarm a Withdraw Block is applied due to power below the Low Power Set Point (LPSP).


will alarm a Withdraw Block is applied since the single notch restraint limit for Group 22 control rods has been exceeded.


will NOT alarm Notch 06 is the Alternate Withdraw Limit for that control rod and will NOT result in a Withdraw Error.


will NOT alarm a Withdraw Block is NOT applied with power above the Low Power Set Point (LPSP).

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30. Unit 2 is at 100% rated power with the following plant conditions:
  • 2C Reactor Feedwater Pump (RFP) tripped due to thrust bearing wear.
  • RPV level lowered to (+) 24 inches before recovering to normal.

Which ONE of the following describes the Recirculation System response and the reason for that response?

The Reactor Recirculation Pumps (RRP) will (1). The reason for that response is that individual RFP flow is <19% (2).




runback to 28%

AND one RRP discharge valve is <90% open.


runback to 28%

OR one RRP discharge valve is <90% open.


runback to 75%

AND RPV level is <27 inches.


runback to 75%

OR RPV level is <27 inches.

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31. A LOCA has occurred on Unit 2 with the following plant conditions:
  • RPV level is (-) 50 inches being restored with HPCI.
  • RPV pressure is 700 psig and steady.
  • Drywell pressure is 14 psig and lowering.
  • RHR Loops I and II are operating in Drywell Spray mode in accordance with 2-EOI Appendix 17B, "RHR SYSTEM OPERATION DRYWELL SPRAYS."

Unit 1 RPV level has just dropped below (-) 122 inches.

Which ONE of the following describes the Unit 2 RHR system response and the actions required to restore Drywell Sprays on Unit 2?

Unit 2 RHR pumps (1) will trip. RHR pumps (2) to re-establish Drywell Sprays on Unit 2.




2A and 2C 2B and 2D will continue to run and 2A and 2C can be restarted in 60 seconds B.

2A and 2C 2B and 2D will continue to run and 2A and 2C can NOT be restarted until the Unit 1 CAS clears C.

2A, 2B, 2C & 2D 2B and 2D can be restarted in 60 seconds. 2A and 2C can NOT be restarted until the Unit 1 CAS clears D.

2A, 2B, 2C & 2D 2B and 2D can be restarted in 60 seconds. 2A and 2C can ALSO be restarted in 60 seconds

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32. Unit 2 is at 100% power with the following plant conditions:

SIX MONTHS following a refueling outage.

An electrical problem caused a trip of BOTH Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps.

Pump restart is delayed.

The Fuel Pool Temperature was 90 oF when the pumps tripped.

Which ONE of the following is the calculated time to reach the fuel pool temperature Operating Limit and Technical Requirements Manual Limit?

The Operating Limit will be reached in (1). The TRM limit will be reached in (2).




16.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />.

32.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.


26.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />.

58.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.


26.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />.

64.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />.


43.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br />.

52.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />.

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33. Which ONE of the following describes the reason for Extraction Non-Return Valve closure when a turbine trip signal is received?


Protect the heater tubes from excessive vibration when the steam flows back to the turbine.


Protect the turbine casing from over-pressurization when the steam flows back to the turbine.


Protect the moisture separators from over-pressurization on CIV closure.


Protect the turbine from overspeed when the steam flows back to the turbine.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 34 of 100

34. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The Radwaste system Waste Collector Pump has failed due to bearing damage.
  • Waste Collector Tank level is upscale at 38,000 gallons.

Which ONE of the following describes the action required to correct this problem and the effect on plant operation until it is completed?

To correct this problem perform the following: (1). Until this action is complete, the (2) sump levels will continue to rise.




Lineup to pump the Waste Collector Drywell, Reactor Building and Tank to the Waste Surge Tank.

Turbine Building Floor Drain B.

Cross-tie Waste Collector Pump Drywell, Reactor Building and suction to the Waste Surge Pump.

Turbine Building Floor Drain C.

Lineup to pump the Waste Collector Drywell, Reactor Building and Tank to the Waste Surge Tank.

Turbine Building Equipment Drain D.

Cross-tie Waste Collector Pump Drywell, Reactor Building and suction to the Waste Surge Pump.

Turbine Building Equipment Drain

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35. Unit 2 is in Mode 2 during a reactor startup at ~ 2% power.

The Off-gas system is aligned as follows:

  • "A" SJAE is in service.
  • Adsorber control switch (HS-66-113)


  • Adsorber train "A" inlet (FCV 66-113A)


  • Adsorber bypass valve (FCV 66-113B)


  • Off-gas system isolation valve (FCV 66-28)

OPEN Which ONE of the following describes the effect on the Off-gas system alignment should one of the OG Post-Treatment radiation monitors fail upscale?

The Adsorber INLET valve (66-113A) will (1). The Adsorber BYPASS valve (66-113B) will (2). The Off-gas isolation valve (66-28) will (3).





open close remain open B.

open close close C.

remain closed remain open remain open D.

remain closed remains open close

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 36 of 100

36. Given the following Unit 1 plant status:
  • The unit was operating at 100% rated power.
  • A Loss of Off-Site Power has occurred.
  • 1-EOI-1, RPV Control was entered on low RPV level.
  • RPV level is being maintained at (-) 20 inches.
  • Drywell pressure is 1.2 psig and steady.


Drywell pressure rises above 2.5 psig.


0-RM-90-259A or B reading 300 cps.


Reactor Zone exhaust radiation rises above 75 mr/hr.


Refuel Zone exhaust radiation rises above 75 mr/hr.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 37 of 100

37. Unit 3 Reactor Building Ventilation is running with the Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) Systems in a normal standby lineup.

An event occurs which results in the following Unit 3 plant conditions:

  • Reactor Water Level increasing from a low of +8 inches.
  • Drywell Pressure 1.5 psig and steady.
  • Reactor Building Exhaust duct radiation 62 mR/hr and increasing slowly.
  • Refuel Floor Exhaust duct radiation 65 mR/hr and steady.

Which ONE of the following describes the Secondary Containment ventilation lineup for these conditions?

The SGT systems are (1). Reactor Building ventilation is (2) and Refuel Floor Ventilation is (3).





running with suction from secured with running with the Reactor Building.

dampers isolated dampers open.


running with suction from running with secured with the Refuel Floor.

dampers open dampers isolated.


in a normal standby running with running with lineup.

dampers open dampers open.


running with suction from running with running with the HPCI gland exhauster.

dampers open dampers open.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 38 of 100

38. Given the following Control Room Emergency Ventilation (CREV) system conditions:
  • CREV Train "A" was started to prove operability following maintenance on the charcoal trays using the STOP-AUTO-START switch on Panel 9-22.

Which ONE of the following describes the CREV system response should a valid CREV initiation signal be received?

On a valid initiation, CREV Train "B" would (1) and CREV Train "A" would (2).




initiate shutdown.


initiate NOT shutdown.


NOT initiate shutdown.


NOT initiate NOT shutdown.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 39 of 100

39. Which ONE of the following describes the response of thermal limits due to the trip of a single recirculation pump from 100% rated power?

A single recirculation pump trip from 100% rated power will cause the value of Critical Power to (1) and the Critical Power Ratio will (2).




lower lower B.

lower rise C.

rise lower D.

rise rise

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 40 of 100

40. Given the following Unit-2 conditions:
  • A Loss of Off-site power and LOCA has occurred.
  • 480V Load Shedding Logic has actuated.
  • The Unit Operator immediately clears the "A" RBCCW pump white disagreement light while surveying panel 9-4.
  • No other actions were performed.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect on the RBCCW system?


"A" pump auto starts after 40 sec; "B" pump can be manually started immediately.


"B" pump auto starts after 43 sec; "A" pump can be manually started after 40 sec.


"A" pump auto starts after 40 sec; "B" pump auto starts after 43 secs.


"B" pump auto starts after 43 sec; "A" pump can be manually started immediately.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 41 of 100

41. The following plant conditions exist:

Complete loss of offsite power on Unit 2.

All 4KV Shutdown boards are being supplied by their Diesel Generators.

DW pressure: 2 psig slowly rising.

RPV level: (-) 140 inches and stable.

RPV pressure: 800 psig and stable.

HPCI and RCIC are injecting to the vessel.

250V Reactor MOV BD 2A UV (9-8C W4) is in alarm.

What ONE of the following describes the required action to restore 2A 250v Reactor MOV Board voltage to normal?

On 250V Battery Charger (1), perform the following: (2).




2A Place the Emergency ON select switch in Emergency ON.


2A Manually re-close the normal feeder breaker following a 40 second time delay.


3 Place the Emergency ON select switch in Emergency ON.


3 Manually re-close the normal feeder breaker following a 40 second time delay.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 42 of 100

42. Given the following plant conditions:

Reactor power is 38% power.

Main turbine load is 23%.

Turbine bypass valves are partially open.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the reactor if the Main Turbine Generator inadvertently trips?

The reactor will.


scram on High Reactor Pressure.


immediately scram on Turbine Stop Valve closure.


continue to operate at 38% power with Bypass Valves open.


continue to operate above 38% power due to a loss of Feedwater heating.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 43 of 100

43. Unit 2 has received a scram signal but some of the control rods failed to fully insert. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to insert control rods as directed by 2-OI-85, "Control Rod Drive System."

Which ONE of the following control rod insertion processes can ONLY be accomplished in the main control room as directed by 2-OI-85, "Control Rod Drive System?"


Removal and replacement of RPS scram solenoid fuses.


Venting and re-pressurizing the Scram Pilot Air Header.


Venting the over piston area.


Raised cooling water differential pressure.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 44 of 100

44. Which ONE of the following describes the emergency action level required by EPIP-1, "Emergency Classification Procedure" when the control room must be abandoned and AOI-100-2, "Control Room Abandonment" is entered?

If the control room is evacuated and backup control from Panel 25-32 is NOT established within (1), EPIP-1 requires upgrading the classification to a/an ______(2).




20 minutes Alert B.

20 minutes Site Area Emergency C.

15 minutes Alert D.

15 minutes Site Area Emergency

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 45 of 100

45. Which ONE of the following describes the response to a partial loss of RBCCW?

Should the system discharge header pressure drop to less than __(1)___, isolation valve FCV-70-48 would close, causing RBCCW System loads (2) to lose RBCCW cooling.

1. RBED sump HX
6. DWED sump HX
7. RWCU non-regenerative HX
3. Recirc pump seal coolers
8. Recirc pump motor coolers
4. RR system sample coolers
9. DW coolers
5. RWCU pump seal coolers (1)



67 psig; 3,6,8,9.


57 psig; 3,6,8,9.


67 psig; 1,2,4,5,7.


57 psig; 1,2,4,5,7.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 46 of 100

46. Units 2 and 3 are operating at 100% power when a leak develops in the Control Air header, causing pressure to lower slowly. All available compressors are in service.

Which ONE of the following statements describes the response of the Service Air System?

Service Air to Control Air Crosstie Valve (0-FCV-33-1) will OPEN at (1) and will (2) when Control Air pressure drops below 30 psig.




95 psig fail open B.

95 psig fail closed C.

85 psig fail open D.

85 psig fail closed

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 47 of 100

47. Unit 3 is in Cold Shutdown with the following plant conditions:
  • Both reactor recirc pumps are removed from service for maintenance.
  • During this time RHR Loop I remained in standby.
  • At 12:00, the Unit Supervisor is informed that an RHR Loop I surveillance needs to be performed that will require declaring RHR Loop I inoperable.

Which ONE of the following describes the EARLIEST time and the MAXIMUM duration that RHR Loop I may be made inoperable for surveillance testing?

RHR Loop I may be made inoperable (1) and can remain inoperable (2).




immediately as long as RHR Loop II is operable.


immediately for no longer than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.


after 16:00 as long as RHR Loop II is operable.


after 16:00 for no longer than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

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48. Unit 1 is performing a fuel pool cleanout when a failure of the Main Grapple hooks result in an irradiated fuel bundle being dropped into the reactor vessel.

Unit 1 Ventilation Radiation Monitors read as follows:

- Channel A Reactor Zone Detector A 1-RM-90-142A 100 MR/HR Reactor Zone Detector B 1-RM-90-142B 100 MR/HR Refuel Zone Detector A 1-RM-90-140A 40 MR/HR Refuel Zone Detector B 1-RM-90-140B 60 MR/HR

- Channel B Reactor Zone Detector A 1-RM-90-143A 45 MR/HR Reactor Zone Detector B 1-RM-90-143B 62 MR/HR Refuel Zone Detector A 1-RM-90-141A 100 MR/HR Refuel Zone Detector B 1-RM-90-141B 100 MR/HR Based on the above conditions, which ONE of the following describes the response of the plant ventilation system?

Refuel Zone Supply and Exhaust fans on (1) and Reactor Zone Supply and Exhaust fans on (2).




Unit 1 only will trip all three units will trip.


Unit 1 only will trip Unit 1 only will trip.


all three units will trip.

all three units will trip.


all three units will trip.

Unit 1 only will trip.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 49 of 100

49. Unit 2 is at 100% rated power with the following conditions:
  • DRYWELL PRESSURE ABNORMAL (9-5B W 31) in alarm.
  • DRYWELL FD SUMP LEVEL ABN (9-4C W 2) in alarm.
  • Drywell venting is in progress using 2-AOI-64-1, "Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High, or Excessive Leakage into Drywell."
  • Drywell pressure is 2.2 psig and steady.

Assuming no further operator action, which ONE of the following describes the plant response if 480V Shutdown Board 2A de-energized due to an electrical fault?

The Drywell vent lineup would be (1). Drywell pressure would (2).




unaffected lower due to non-essential RBCCW loads isolating.


unaffected remain steady at 2.2 psig.


isolated lower due to non-essential RBCCW loads isolating.


isolated rise due to RPS A de-energizing.

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50. Given Unit 1 at 100% rated power:

Which ONE of the following describes the unit response if the Max Combined Flow Limit setting was inadvertently reduced from 125% to 75% over two minutes?

Main Generator load would (1), Main Turbine Bypass Valves would (2) and reactor pressure would (3).





remain the same open remain the same B.

lower remain closed rise C.

remain the same remain closed remain the same D.

lower open rise

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 51 of 100

51. Which ONE of the following describes the Suppression Pool temperature limit and bases for injecting Standby Liquid Control into the reactor?

Standby Liquid Control must be injected prior to exceeding (1) O F. This is based on injecting (2) prior to Emergency Depressurization being required due to high Suppression Pool temperature.




95 cold shutdown boron weight B.

95 hot shutdown boron weight C.

110 cold shutdown boron weight D.

110 hot shutdown boron weight

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 52 of 100

52. A LOCA has occurred on Unit 2 resulting in the following conditions:

2-EOI-1, "RPV Control" and 2-EOI-2, "Primary Containment Control" are being executed.

Drywell Sprays could not be initiated due to logic failures.

Drywell pressure 15 psig and slowly rising.

Drywell temperature 305 OF and steady.

Suppression Pool level 15.5 feet.

Suppression pool temperature 140 OF and steady.

ADS was manually initiated due to high Drywell temperature.

The six ADS valves have now closed due to low reactor pressure.

Normal range level indicates

(+) 34 inches.

Emergency range level indicates

(+) 58 inches.

Shutdown Floodup level indicates

(+) 30 inches.

Which ONE of the following describes the current status of RPV level instrumentation?

Reactor water level (1) be determined. The Shutdown Floodup instrument (2) be used for trend indication.








HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 53 of 100

53. Which ONE of the following describes the condition where Emergency RPV Depressurization is required based on Suppression Pool level and the basis for that requirement?

Suppression Pool water level below (1) requires Emergency RPV Depressurization based on level below the (2).




12.75 feet downcomer pipe exits.


12.75 feet HPCI Exhaust Line exit.


11.50 feet downcomer pipe exits.


11.50 feet HPCI Exhaust Line exit.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 54 of 100

54. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • HPCI 120VAC POWER FAILURE (9-3F W7) is in alarm.
  • A LOCA has occurred initiating a scram on Low Reactor Water Level.
  • Reactor water level

(-) 122 inches and lowering

  • Drywell pressure 1.8 psig and steady
  • A Pre-Accident Signal (PAS) has just been received and all ECCS equipment respond as designed.
  • Assume NO operator actions.

Which ONE of the following describes the time that must elapse before ADS automatically initiates and the reason for this response?

ADS will initiate in (1). This actuation is in response to a (2).




265 seconds LOCA inside the Drywell B.

360 seconds LOCA inside the Drywell C.

265 seconds LOCA outside the Drywell D.

360 seconds LOCA outside the Drywell

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 55 of 100

55. An ATWS has occurred on Unit 1. The following conditions exist after the OATC initiated Standby Liquid Control (SLC) injection using the 1A SLC pump:
  • Pump Running Red Light On
  • Squib Valve Continuity Lights Off
  • SLC Pressure 1200 psig
  • Reactor Pressure 1000 psig

Which ONE of the following describes the status of SLC and the appropriate action?

Standby Liquid Control (1) injecting into the RPV. Perform the following: (2).




is NOT Initiate SLC pump 1B.


is NOT Fire the squib valves locally.


IS Manually isolate RWCU.


IS Fire the squib valves locally.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 56 of 100

56. Given the following plant conditions:

A Site Area Emergency has been declared due to gaseous effluent releases above 100 mrem TEDE.

High radiation has been detected in the air inlet to the Unit 3 Control Room.

Radiation Monitor RE-90-259B is reading 275 cpm above background.

Which ONE of the following describes the Control Room Emergency Ventilation (CREV) System response?


BOTH CREV units will automatically start and will continue to run until Control Bay Ventilation is restarted; then, they must be manually stopped.


BOTH CREV units will automatically start and will continue to run until Control Bay Ventilation is restarted; then, they will automatically stop.


The Selected CREV unit will automatically start and will continue to run until Control Bay Ventilation is restarted; then, it will automatically stop.


The Selected CREV unit will automatically start and will continue to run until Control Bay Ventilation is restarted; then, it must be manually stopped.

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57. Concerning a fully pressurized (60 minute) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), which ONE of the following describes the value of the protection factor and the significance of receiving an alarm while wearing a SCBA?

The protection factor provided by a SCBA is (1). An alarm sounding while wearing the above SCBA indicates that (2) remain(s) before all air is expired.




10,000 approximately 5 minutes B.

10,000 approximately 10 minutes C.

1,000 approximately 5 minutes D.

1,000 approximately 10 minutes

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 58 of 100

58. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A significant voltage transient on the grid initiated a fault on Unit Station Service Transformer (USST) 2A.
  • A fire on USST 2A resulted in actuation of fire suppression systems.
  • Subsequently, all off-site power was lost due to continued voltage transients on the grid.

Which ONE of the following describes the required operator actions to restore Electric Fire Pump B to service and the location where these actions are performed?

Proceed to (1) and perform the following: (2).




4KV Shutdown Board B Place the NORMAL/EMERGENCY switch for Fire Pump B to EMERGENCY and then back to NORMAL.


4KV Shutdown Board B Re-close the breaker for Fire Pump B.


4KV Shutdown Board C Place the NORMAL/EMERGENCY switch for Fire Pump B to EMERGENCY and then back to NORMAL.


4KV Shutdown Board C Re-close the breaker for Fire Pump B.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 59 of 100

59. Which ONE of the following describes the logic arrangement for the Reactor Feed Pump High Water Level Trip and the basis for that trip?

The Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) High Water Level Trip logic is (1) and is designed to prevent damage to the (2).




one-out-of-two-twice RFP turbines B.

one-out-of-two-twice Main Turbine C.

two-out-of-two-once RFP turbines D.

two-out-of-two-once Main Turbine

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 60 of 100

60. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • Reactor power 28%
  • Reactor water level

(-) 85 inches and stable

  • Reactor Water Level Band

(-) 55 to (-) 100 inches using HPCI

  • Reactor Pressure 985 psig and rising slowly
  • Reactor Pressure band 800 to 1000 psig using MSRVs Which ONE of the following describes the Reactor Water Level response to opening a MSRV and the reason for that response?

Opening a MSRV will cause indicated level to be (1) due to (2).




lower lower P across the dryers and separators.


lower higher P across the dryers and separators.


higher lower P across the dryers and separators.


higher higher P across the dryers and separators.

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61. Given a condition where a rising Drywell Average Air Temperature CANNOT be restored or maintained, which ONE of the following temperatures will require initiating a reactor scram?

Before Drywell Average Air Temperature exceeds (1) OF, a manual reactor scram is required in accordance with EOI-2, Primary Containment Control?


150 B.

160 C.

200 D.


HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 62 of 100

62. Given the following Unit 2 plant conditions:
  • An inadvertent Group 6 isolation occurs due to a bag of contaminated trash being brought too close to the Unit 2 Reactor Zone Ventilation Radiation Monitors.
  • When the bag is removed, the NUMAC radiation monitor readings return to normal.

Which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM operator action(s), if any, are required to reset the Group 6 isolation?

The NUMAC radiation monitors (1) reset. The PCIS isolation indication on Control Room Panel 9-4 (2) reset.




must be manually must be manually B.

must be manually will automatically C.

will automatically must be manually D.

will automatically will automatically

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 63 of 100

63. Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
  • RX ZONE EXH RADIATION MONITOR DNSC (9-3A W35) is in alarm.
  • Reactor Zone Radiation detector 2-RE-90-142A has failed to a DOWNSCALE condition.

Which ONE of the following subsequent instrumentation failures will cause a Reactor Zone Isolation?

Radiation monitor (1) will initiate a Reactor Zone isolation if it fails (2).




2-RE-90-142B upscale B.

2-RE-90-143B downscale C.

2-RE-90-143C upscale D.

2-RE-90-142C downscale

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 64 of 100

64. Given the following plant conditions:

Unit 2 is at 100% power.

During the backwash of a Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Demineralizer, the Backwash Receiving Tank ruptured.

The RWCU system has been isolated.

Secondary Containment conditions are as follows:

- ALL Reactor and Refuel Zone radiation monitors trip on high radiation.

- NO Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) train can be started.

Refuel zone pressure: (-) 0.12 inches of water Reactor zone pressure: (+) 0.02 inches of water

- AREA RADIATION LEVELS RB EL 565 W, 565 E, 565 NE: 250 mr/hr RB EL 593 upscale RB EL 621 upscale Which ONE of the following describes the required action and the type of radioactive release in progress?


Initiate a shutdown per 2-GOI-100-12A, "Unit Shutdown." An Elevated radiation release is in progress.


Initiate a shutdown per 2-GOI-100-12A, "Unit Shutdown." A Ground-level radiation release is in progress.


Scram the reactor and Emergency Depressurize the RPV. An Elevated radiation release is in progress.


Scram the reactor and Emergency Depressurize the RPV. A Ground-level radiation release is in progress.

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65. Which ONE of the following EOI-3, "Secondary Containment Control" entry conditions CANNOT be determined using control room indications and the appropriate operator action if it has been exceeded?

The entry condition is (1). Operate ALL available floor drain and equipment drain sump pumps from the (2).




SECONDARY CNTMT FLOOR DRAIN main control room panel 9-4.



SECONDARY CNTMT FLOOR DRAIN radwaste control room.



ANY SECONDARY CNTMT AREA main control room panel 9-4.



ANY SECONDARY CNTMT AREA radwaste control room.


HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 66 of 100

66. Given the following conditions involving Foreign Material Exclusion (FME):
  • An outage worker was placing a plastic FME cover on a vacuum breaker inside the Torus.
  • He inadvertently dropped the cover into the Suppression Pool.
  • The cover immediately sank to the bottom of the Torus.
  • The cover was still visible from the catwalk.

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions for this situation?

Work in the Torus (1). The FME cover MUST be retrieved (2).




MUST be stopped.

before job closeout.


MUST be stopped.



may continue.

before job closeout.


may continue.


HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 67 of 100

67. Which ONE of the following describes the proper orientation of a fuel bundle within a control rod cell while performing a Core Load Verification in accordance with 0-GOI-100-3C, "Fuel Movement Operations During Refueling", Attachment 6?


Channel spacer buttons are adjacent to the control blade and adjacent to each other.


The bundle serial number is readable as viewed from the center of the reactor core.


Channel fasteners for each bundle in the cell are aligned to the outside corners.


Orientation boss on the lifting bails point towards the center of the reactor core.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 68 of 100

68. Which ONE of the following describes the management level required to provide FINAL approval of maintenance with a RED RISK classification in accordance with BP-336, RISK DETERMINATION AND RISK MANAGEMENT?


Risk SRO B.

Shift Manager C.

Operations Manager D.

Plant Manager

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 69 of 100

69. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 2 is coming out of an outage making preparations for re-start.
  • Mode Switch is in the REFUEL position.

As the Unit Operator, you receive a phone call from the Refuel Floor SRO to inform the Control Room that the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Head is fully tensioned.

Which ONE of the following describes the correct operating MODE in accordance with Technical Specifications?


Mode 2 B.

Mode 3 C.

Mode 4 D.

Mode 5

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 70 of 100

70. Which ONE of the following satisfies the criteria that identifies a "Complex Infrequently Performed Test or Evolution?" (CIPTE)


Primary System/Reactor Coolant System Barrier Hydrostatic Pressure Test.


Rod Worth Minimizer functional test prior to startup in accordance with 1-GOI-100-1A.


HPCI Main and Booster Pump Set Developed Head and Flow Rate Test at Rated Reactor Pressure per 3-SR-


Functional test conducted per the Work Order to verify operability of the RHR Inboard Injection Valve following maintenance.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 71 of 100


Which ONE of the following Process Radiation Monitor systems will NOT be adversely affected by a loss of Reactor Protection System (RPS) Bus A?


Main Steam Line radiation monitors.


Refuel Zone Ventilation radiation monitors.


Reactor Zone Ventilation radiation monitors.


Control Room Emergency Ventilation radiation monitors.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 72 of 100

72. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A Fuel Pool cleanout is in progress of Unit 2.
  • A failure of the Refuel Bridge monorail hoist allowed a bucket of irradiated stellite ball bearings to be raised above the fuel pool water level.
  • The Refuel Floor radiation levels initiated a Group 6 isolation on all three units.
  • The AUO operating the Refuel Bridge received a dose of 12 rem while manually lowering the bucket below the water level.

Which ONE of the following describes whether or not this constitutes an emergency exposure in accordance with EPIP-15, "Emergency Exposures" and the basis for this conclusion?

In accordance with EPIP-15, "Emergency Exposures," this (1) constitute an Emergency Exposure. The basis for this conclusion is (2).




DOES only 25 rem is allowed for equipment problems.


does NOT only planned exposures are covered under EPIP-15 limits.


DOES spontaneous actions taken to mitigate a problem are covered by the EPIP-15 exposure limits.


does NOT this exposure is classified as a Planned Special Exposure.

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73. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • A reactor scram has occurred.
  • HPCI is needed to maintain reactor water level.
  • Suppression pool temperature is 145 oF.
  • Suppression pool level is 13.25 feet.

Which ONE of the following describes the reason HPCI is operated with a suction from the CST if possible?


The HPCI turbine exhaust pressure is likely to exceed the Primary Containment Pressure limit.


The HPCI pump shaft seals are not designed to operate at temperatures in excess of 140 oF and may fail.


The suppression pool provides insufficient NPSH to the HPCI pump and cavitation may occur at rated flow.


The HPCI lube oil will exceed allowable temperatures and the HPCI function could be lost due to damaged bearings.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 74 of 100

74. Given the following plant conditions:

Which ONE of the following procedure classifications is inappropriate to be used in conjunction with SAMG implementation?


Abnormal Operating Instructions (AOI).


Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP).


Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) Flowcharts.


Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) Appendices.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 75 of 100

75. Unit 3 is performing a Reactor Startup with the following conditions:
  • RPV pressure is at 750 psig.

Reactor power is at Range 6 on the IRMs.

  • The Woodward Governor for 3A RFP fails upscale and the Reactor scrams on APRM High-High.
  • The Operating Crew stabilizes the Unit.





Which ONE of the following actions should the Unit Supervisor direct to be completed within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />?


Inject Standby Liquid Control.


Place SJAEs on Auxiliary Boiler Steam supply.


Open 3-FCV-1-56 Main Steam Line Drain.


Place Steam Seals on Auxiliary Boiler Steam supply.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 76 of 100

[76. Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is starting up following refueling on 12/17/2008.
  • Power level is being held at 30% to allow maintenance on RFPT 1B.
  • 1A Recirc VFD inadvertently tripped at 1400 due to human error locally at the VFD.
  • 1A Recirc Pump was restarted at 1415.

Which ONE of the following describes the requirement for performing 1-SR-, Jet Pump Mismatch and Operability?

Surveillance 1-SR-, Jet Pump Mismatch and Operability is required to be performed NO LATER THAN (1).


1815 on 12/17/2008


1800 on 12/17/2008


1415 on 12/18/2008


1400 on 12/18/2008

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 77 of 100

77. Given the following conditions:
  • Unit 1 is operating in Mode 1.

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions per TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS for the given conditions and the basis for that action?

Technical Specifications require: (1). The basis for that action is (2).




Place the MODE Switch the FSAR analysis for a DBA requires BOTH in SHUTDOWN recirc pumps to be operating.


Place the MODE Switch to ensure MCPR and LHGR limits in SHUTDOWN are not exceeded.


Be in MODE 3 to ensure sufficient thermal margins in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during abnormal operational transients.


Be in MODE 3 to place the plant in a MODE where in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> the LCO does not apply.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 78 of 100

78. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 1/2 control room has been evacuated due to a toxic gas intrusion.
  • Control has been established at both Backup Control Panels.
  • All four Unit 1/2 diesel generators have been started.
  • Both units have initiated a cooldown at < 90 OF.
  • The Shift manager has directed both units to initiate and maximize Suppression Pool Cooling.

Which ONE of the following describes the required RHR pump lineup for each unit and the basis for that lineup?

The RHR pump lineup is (1). The basis for the required lineup is to (2).




Unit-1 Div I, Unit-2 Div II equalize loading of all four U1/2 4Kv Shutdown Boards B.

Unit-1 Div I, Unit-2 Div II ensure PREFERRED pumps for LPCI injection remain available.


Unit-1 Div II, Unit-2 Div I equalize loading of all four U1/2 4Kv Shutdown Boards D.

Unit-1 Div II, Unit-2 Div I ensure PREFERRED pumps for LPCI injection remain available.

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79. Given the following conditions:
  • Unit 1 and 2 are operating at 100% rated power.
  • Unit 3 is in a refueling outage.
  • A temporary loss of 250V RMOV Board 2B occurred due to an outage clearance error.
  • 250V RMOV Board 2B has been restored.

Which ONE of the following describes the required Unit 2 actions due to this error?


Reset and restore EHC to Reactor Pressure Control. Enter, then exit Technical Specification action statement 3.5.3.A due to a temporary RCIC controller failure.


Reset and restore EHC to Header Pressure Control. Enter, then exit Technical Specification action statement 3.8.4.A due to a temporary loss of the 250V RMOV Board.


Reset and restore EHC to Reactor Pressure Control. Enter, then exit Technical Specification action statement 3.8.4.A due to a temporary loss of the 250V RMOV Board.


Reset and restore EHC to Header Pressure Control. Enter, then exit Technical Specification action statement 3.5.3.A due to a temporary RCIC controller failure.

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80. Unit 3 was operating at 100% rated power when a Main Turbine trip resulted in the following indications:
  • Reactor Water Level (-) 25 inches and recovering.
  • Reactor Pressure 900 psig and lowering.
  • 3-TS-1-60A 140 0F and rising.
  • 3-TS-1-60B 185 0F and rising.
  • 3-TS-1-60C 187 0F and rising.
  • 3-TS-1-60D 182 0F and rising.
  • The Radcon Manager reports the dose rate at the site boundary is 1.5 R/hr.

Which ONE of the following is the cause of these indications and the action required to mitigate the event?

Plant conditions indicate a (1) has occurred. The Unit Supervisor must (2) to mitigate this event.




main steam line break in the Turbine Bldg enter 3-EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control.


main steam line break in the Turbine Bldg enter 0-EOI-4, Radioactivity Release Control.


Group I auto isolation failure with fuel damage enter 3-EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control.


Group I auto isolation failure with fuel damage enter 0-EOI-4, Radioactivity Release Control.

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81. Given Unit 2 at 100% rated power:

While performing rounds, the U2 Rx Bldg AUO discovered 2-HS-74-158 on 480V RMOV Board 2B in the SHUTDOWN position for Suppression Pool Suction valves 2-FCV 74-24 and 2-FCV-74-35.

Which ONE of the following describes the operational concern associated with the discovery of 2-HS-74-158 in the SHUTDOWN position and what action is required?


The RHR suction path is no longer OPERABLE. Restore RHR to OPERABLE in 7 days per Tech Spec 3.5.1.A B.

The RHR suction path is no longer OPERABLE. Return 2-HS-74-158 to NORMAL in 7 days per Appendix R C.

A fire could cause a Loss of Safety Function. Restore RHR to OPERABLE in 7 days per Tech Spec 3.5.1.A D.

A fire could cause a Loss of Safety Function. Return 2-HS-74-158 to NORMAL in 7 days per Appendix R

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82. Unit-2 is at 95% rated power with the following conditions:
  • Trinity 1 500 Kv line has been removed from service to perform maintenance on switchyard breaker 5234.
  • Main Generator reactive load is 110 Mvars outgoing.
  • System voltage is 505 Kv.
  • System frequency is 59.97 Hz.
  • TVA Transmission System Load Coordinator has just declared an Emergency Load Curtailment Plan (ELCP) for the TVA transmission network.

Which ONE of the following describes the required action per plant procedures and the status of off-site power circuits to the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant?

Direct the Unit Operator to (1). Off-site power circuits to Browns Ferry (2).




raise reactor power to 100% in accordance with are NOT qualified.

0-AOI-57-1F, Emergency Load Curtailment.


raise reactive load to 200 Mvars in accordance with are NOT qualified.

0-AOI-57-1E, Grid Instability.


raise reactor power to 100% in accordance with remain qualified 0-AOI-57-1F, Emergency Load Curtailment.


raise reactive load to 200 Mvars in accordance with remain qualified.

0-AOI-57-1E, Grid Instability.

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83. Given the following Unit 2 conditions:

Reactor pressure: 10 psig Drywell temperature: 250°F Secondary Containment temperatures:

74-95F 220°F 74-95C & D 245°F 69-835A thru D 260°F 69-29F, G & H 200°F Reactor water level indications:

LI-3-58A & B Erratic LI-3-53, 60 & 206 0 inches LI-3-55 0 inches Which ONE of the following describes the required action and the basis for that action?

Enter ________(1)__________ due to _______________(2)______________ in the reference legs.



2-EOI-C-1, "Alternate Level Control;"

flashing steam B.

2-EOI-C-4, "RPV Flooding;"

flashing steam C.

2-EOI-C-1, "Alternate Level Control;"

non-condensible gases coming out of solution D.

2-EOI-C-4, "RPV Flooding;"

non-condensible gases coming out of solution

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84. Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
  • Reactor power is at 100% rated.
  • Unit-2 Cycle 15 exposure is calculated at 30,000 MWd/MTU.
  • During performance of 2-SR-, Turbine Bypass Valve Cycling, Bypass valve #4 failed to open as required.

Which ONE of the following describes the most limiting Abnormal Operational Transient analyzed in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and the most limiting Fuel Type during that transient?


Generator Load Reject A10 B.

EHC Pressure Regulator Failure A10 C.

Generator Load Reject GE14 D.

EHC Pressure Regulator Failure GE14

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85. Given the following plant conditions:

Unit 2 is at 100% rated power.

A Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) drain line cracks and is spilling into the Reactor Building.

Area Radiation Monitors in the Reactor Building read as follows:

Reactor Building Elevation 593 >1000 mR/hr Reactor Building Elevation 565 West 800 mR/hr Reactor Building Elevation 565 East 850 mR/hr Reactor Building Elevation 565 Northeast >1000 mR/hr RWCU Leak Detection Temp High (9-3D W 17) is in alarm.

Which ONE of the following describes the required action that MUST be directed by the SRO?


Enter 2-GOI-100-12A, "Unit Shutdown" and commence a normal shutdown / cooldown.


Enter 0-EOI-4, "Radioactivity Release Control" and initiate a Reactor Scram.


Rapidly depressurize the reactor, to the Main Condenser with the Main Turbine Bypass Valves per 2-EOI-1, "RPV Control."


Emergency Depressurize the reactor per 2-EOI-C2, Emergency RPV Depressurization.

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86. Unit 2 is being shutdown because the RHR Loop II has been inoperable for 6 days.
  • RHR Loop II is tagged out for maintenance on the outboard injection valve.
  • A cooldown is in progress.
  • Reactor pressure is currently at 150 psig.

Which ONE of the following describes the minimum required RHR pumps for an OPERABLE Low Pressure ECCS subsystem, and can RHR Loop I be flushed in preparation for shutdown cooling under this condition?

An OPERABLE Low Pressure ECCS subsystem requires (1). In order to comply with Technical Specifications, flushing RHR Loop I (2) allowable.




one RHR pump is B.

one RHR pump is NOT C.

two RHR pumps is D.

two RHR pumps is NOT

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87. Given the following plant conditions:

Unit 3 is performing a startup and heatup in accordance with 3-GOI-100-1A, "UNIT STARTUP."

IRM 'B' is in BYPASS.

No IRM Range Switches are being manipulated.

All OPERABLE IRMs are on Range 7 when a half-scram occurs on RPS 'A'.

The Reactivity Manager reports the cause of the half-scram was due to a momentary Upscale Trip on IRM 'G;' but, the IRM is currently reading normal.

Whose approval, if any, is required in accordance with 3-GOI-100-1A to bypass IRM 'G', and what are the required actions per Technical Specifications, if any?


NO approval is required.

NO Tech Spec action is required.


SRO approval is required.

Place ONE IRM channel in the TRIP condition.


SRO approval is required.

NO Tech Spec action is required.


NO approval is required.

Place ONE IRM channel in the TRIP condition.

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88. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit-2 is in Mode 2 with a heat-up in progress.
  • RPV pressure is 400 psig.
  • APRM #1 is in BYPASS due to a Critical Fault.
  • RWM is latched to Rod Group 32.
  • Recirc Flow transmitter 2-FT-68-5C has just failed upscale.

Which ONE of the following describes the impact of the above failure and the MINIMUM required action per Technical Specifications to continue with the start-up?


Direct placing APRM #3 in the TRIP condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Leave APRM #1 in BYPASS.


Direct placing APRM #3 in BYPASS, THEN place APRM #1 in the TRIP condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


Direct APRM #1 be un-bypassed, THEN direct placing APRM #3 in BYPASS.


Direct placing APRM #3 in BYPASS, THEN place RPS A in the TRIP condition within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

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89. A loss of all off-site power and LOCA have occurred on Unit 1 which resulted in the following plant conditions:
  • RPV pressure 960 psig and stable.
  • RPV water level

(-) 114 inches and lowering.

  • Drywell pressure 14 psig and rising.
  • Drywell temperature 285 OF and rising.
  • Suppression Pool level 15 feet.
  • Suppression Pool temperature 175 OF and rising.

Execution of 1-EOI-1, RPV Control and 1-EOI-2, Primary Containment Control is in progress.

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions based on the given conditions?


Exit 1-EOI-1 path RC/P and execute 1-EOI-C2, Emergency Depressurization.


Execute 1-EOI-1 Step RC/P-3 and Rapidly Depressurize the RPV.


Execute 1-EOI-1 Step RC/P-7 and lower RPV pressure to stay in the safe area of the HCTL Curve.


Remain in 1-EOI-1, RPV Control and execute 1-EOI-Appendix 11B, Re-Open MSIVs concurrently.

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90. Unit-2 is operating at 100% rated power.

The Instrument Mechanics report that the root valves for all Flow Transmitters (FT) and Pressure Differential Indicating Switch (PDIS) on Main Steam Line A are isolated.

Which ONE of the following describes the required action per Technical Specifications and the effects on Feedwater Level Control System (FWLCS)?


Isolate the MSL within 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> Bypassing MSL flow input to FWLCS could cause a scram on low level B.

Trip the channels within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Bypassing MSL flow input to FWLCS could cause a scram on low level C.

Isolate the MSL within 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> Bypassing MSL flow input to FWLCS could cause a trip on high level D.

Trip the channels within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Bypassing MSL flow input to FWLCS could cause a trip on high level

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91. Which ONE of the following describes the Technical Specification limits for closure times for the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) and the bases for that limit?

The MSIVs are designed to close in (1) in order to (2).




less than 3 seconds minimize the radiological dose following a DBA LOCA.


less than 5 seconds minimize the mass loss following a DBA LOCA.


greater than 3 seconds minimize the RPV pressure transient following a Group I Isolation.


greater than 5 seconds minimize Primary Containment pressure following a steam line break.

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92. Given the following conditions:
  • Unit 2 had been operating at 100% rated power for 370 days since refueling.
  • The A high pressure heater string, 2A1 and 2A2, have been isolated due to a high level and tube leak in the A2 heater. And all required actions have been completed.

Which ONE of the following describes the highest allowable steady state power limitation and most limiting MCPR limit under the current plant conditions?

Maintain (1). The most limiting MCPR limit is (2).




less than 95% power in accordance with 2-AOI-6-1A, 1.50 High Pressure Feedwater Heater String/Extraction Steam Isolation.


less than 95% power in accordance with 2-AOI-6-1A, 1.48 High Pressure Feedwater Heater String/Extraction Steam Isolation.


less than 920 MWe in accordance with 2-OI-6, Feedwater 1.50 Heating and Misc Drains System Illustration 1.


less than 920 MWe in accordance with 2-OI-6, Feedwater 1.48 Heating and Misc Drains System Illustration 1.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 93 of 100

93. A seismic event has resulted in the following Unit 2 plant conditions:
  • RPV level is (-) 125 inches and lowering slowly.
  • RPV pressure is 450 psig with a cooldown in progress at <90 OF/hr.
  • RHR Loop II is lined up for Drywell Spray.
  • All other ECCS systems are unavailable.
  • Drywell pressure is 4.8 psig and lowering.
  • ADS has been inhibited in accordance with 2-EOI-1, RPV Control step RC/L-7.

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions to mitigate this event?


Enter 2-EOI-C1, Alternate Level Control and direct performance of 2-EOI-Appendix 6A, Injection Subsystems Lineup Condensate.


Enter 2-EOI-C1, Alternate Level Control and direct performance of 2-EOI-Appendix 5A, Injection System Lineup Condensate/Feedwater.


Enter 2-EOI-C2, Emergency Depressurization and direct performance of 2-EOI-Appendix 6A, Injection Subsystems Lineup Condensate.


Enter 2-EOI-C2, Emergency Depressurization and direct performance of 2-EOI-Appendix 5A, Injection System Lineup Condensate/Feedwater.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 94 of 100

94. Consider the following situation with two Licensed Senior Reactor Operators newly assigned to Operations Group #3 on the first day of a new calendar quarter:
1. SRO-1 has an active SRO license.
2. SRO-2 has an inactive SRO license.
  • SRO-2 was under instruction for three complete 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts.
  • SRO-1 has been on shift for three 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts.
  • SRO-1 was called for Fitness-for-Duty random testing for two hours during his second 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shift.

Which ONE of the following describes the required shift time SRO-1 must have to maintain an active license and the required shift time SRO-2 must have to activate his/her license?

SRO-1 must stand (1) to maintain an active license. SRO-2 must stand (2) to activate his/her license.




three additional shifts two additional shifts B.

three additional shifts four additional hours C.

two additional shifts two additional shifts D.

two additional shifts four additional hours

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95. Unit-2 is in Mode 5 loading fuel into the reactor when the following indications are received:
  • SRM PERIOD (2-XA-55-5A, window 20).
  • SRM HIGH/INOP (2-XA-55-5A, window 13).
  • RX BLDG AREA RADIATION HIGH (2-XA-55-3A, window 22).

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions to mitigate this condition?

Direct the Unit Operator to enter (1) and (2).




2-AOI-79-1, Fuel Damage During Refueling, evacuate ALL personnel from the Refuel Floor.


2-AOI-79-2, Inadvertent Criticality During Incore evacuate ALL personnel from Fuel Movements, the Refuel Floor.


2-AOI-79-1, Fuel Damage During Refueling, evacuate ONLY non-essential personnel from the Refuel Floor.


2-AOI-79-2, Inadvertent Criticality During Incore evacuate ONLY non-essential Fuel Movements, personnel from the Refuel Floor.

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96. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 2 is at 100% rated power.
  • RHR Loop II is INOP 2 days into a 7 day action statement per TSR 3.5.1.A.

Which ONE of the following equipment failures would result in the most limiting Technical Specification LCO action and the reporting requirements that would result from that failure?

If (1) was declared INOPERABLE, a (2) report to the NRC would be required.




Core Spray Loop I 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> B.

Core Spray Loop I 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> C.

Diesel Generator A 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> D.

Diesel Generator A 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />

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97. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Unit 2 is at 100% rated power.
  • HPCI OIL FILTER DIFF PRESS HIGH 2-PDA-73-53 (9-3F W34) has alarmed.
  • Investigation revealed that P transmitter 2-PDS-073-0053 has failed and requires replacement.
  • A Work Order was written on 10/15/2008 to disable annunciator (9-3F W34), replace the transmitter when available, then re-enable the annunciator once post-maintenance testing is completed.
  • The transmitter has been ordered and is expected to arrive 01/15/2009.

Which ONE of the following describes the required actions per OPDP-4, Annunciator Disablement?

A (1) evaluation is required prior to disabling the annunciator and this action must be AUDITED every (2).




Technical 12-hour shift.


Technical 30 days.


10CFR50.59 12-hour shift.


10CFR50.59 30 days.

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98. Unit 2 is in a refueling outage with the following plant conditions:
  • A Refuel Floor overhead crane failure has led to dropping a loaded Multi Purpose Canister (MPC) into the Unit 2 fuel pool during a core off-load.
  • RA-90-1A, Fuel Pool Floor Alarm is in alarm.
  • RA-90-140A, Refueling Zone Exhaust is reading 230 mr/hr and rising.
  • Radcon reports dose rates at the site boundary are 8 mr/hr and rising.
  • No TVA Emergency Response Facilities are staffed or activated.

Which ONE of the following describes the current Emergency Action Level and the action required to continue assessing plant conditions?


NOUE in accordance with 4.1-U. Direct CECC EPIP-8, Dose Assessment be performed.


ALERT in accordance with 3.2-A. Direct CECC EPIP-8, Dose Assessment be performed.


NOUE in accordance with 4.1-U. Direct EPIP-13, Dose Assessment be performed.


ALERT in accordance with 3.2-A. Direct EPIP-13, Dose Assessment be performed.

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99. Given the following Unit 1 plant conditions:
  • Reactor power is 64%.


  • RPV pressure is being maintained by Bypass Valves.
  • RPV level is being maintained by RFPTs in AUTOMATIC.

Which ONE of the following procedures, when implemented, will result in the MOST immediate AND substantial reduction in reactor power?


1-EOI Appendix 1D, Insert Control Rods Using Reactor Manual Control System.


1-EOI Appendix 1F, Manual Scram.


1-EOI Appendix 3A, SLC Injection.


1-EOI Appendix 4, Prevention of Injection.

HLT 0707 NRC SRO Written Examination Page 100 of 100 100. Unit 2 was operating at 90 % RTP when the following annunciator alarms were received:


Which ONE of the following describes the appropriate procedure to be executed and the required action(s) to mitigate this event?

Direct the Unit Operator to enter (1). The required action(s) are to (2).




2-AOI-66-2, Offgas Post-Treatment initiate a Core Flow Runback Radiation HI-HI-HI then manually scram the reactor.


2-AOI-66-2, Offgas Post-Treatment initiate an Upper Power Runback to Radiation HI-HI-HI maintain Off-Gas radiation within ODCM limits.


2-AOI-90-2, WRGERMS Alarms initiate a Core Flow Runback then manually scram the reactor.


2-AOI-90-2, WRGERMS Alarms initiate an Upper Power Runback to maintain Off-Gas radiation within ODCM limits.