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NRC Email from Steven Orth to Braidwood Communications Team, Bwd IEPA Violation
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/2005
From: Steven Orth
FOIA/PA-2006-0115, FOIA/PA-2010-0209
Download: ML061710223 (25)


From: Steven Orth To: Braidwood Communications Team Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2005 11:14 AM


Fwd: bwd iepa violation Greetings, Braidwood received the attached violation from IEPA.

Steve CC: Bruce Burgess; jsrl Information in this record was de!eted G jG in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, exemptions ,' Ie FOIA- , o -- /10

From: "NXS@NRC.GOV" <>

To: "" <>

Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2005 10:15 AM


bwd iepa violation CC: "RAS @NRC.GOV" <ras>

tREcE1'E 12/36/2005 14:49


)Oa1 N ir'I No AwifVENW.SI. P.D. So%19.176. 5F1N~fu-ý0 hxw,.-I 6279J-9276 -1 at~ 782-3397 ROD~ R.6cOLAMiCKt GOVERNOR DOVGLJ.S P.SCWTT. DIPEcTOR 2171785-0561 Decaniber 16, 2005 CEaýT1FLD MAIL#~ 7004 2510 00018 643 90O27 RETUM~' RECEIPT REQUMSED Exelou Generntioin - Braidwood

  • Aun: John, Petra RR I Box 84.

Biaccvil~e, IL 60407 Re: .Vio~lation Notice: EM, LON GMNEfATION - BflAXDWOOD STATION

  • Violationa Notice Va.: W-2005-00537

Dear Mr. John PePtro:

Th ,is ,conthiiies a Violatioii Notice pursaot t6.Section 31 (a)CI) of tht Illinois Eavironrneiital Protaction Act, 415 ILCS 5/31 (a)(1). and is based upon 'eie ofavailable information and investigation)by represcnitatives Of the Illinois Eawvirowniental Protaciion Agency ("Ill inols EPA").

The ,1111noix EPA hereby providcs notice ot vi0latiowý of en'Viron'men1?l statutes, regulalions or pormit snsiet .fbrth in AT ahehn~t A to this le~ttcr. Attachmin~t A lnclixes an expl=4n~on of the ActIvites thiitthe Illinois EPA believes mziyrcso'jvcthe specified.violations=Includingan estimnate Of a reasanableo time period to complete the ncccssry*acrivities. Howecver, due -to the nature and 3eriottstess of 1he -violatioils 'cited, ple~ase be advised iti-t re'solution ofT the violations mjay also iequire the involir'ament ofq p~osccuroria) authbrity farptrposts thot may include' zoznoq others, ilia imposition ofstatutitypenelties.

A written response, which may Include a qusfo Leengihrpeettveofhelioz

  • ~~ ~ cuuitd~~ via ceniflEd mnail to the Illinois EPA withif 45 days oftecipt ofilliisieter.


The rebponc mnust ddress eacli Ylioation specified in AtaA~hmnt A and-incluide for' eaczh, an explanation of the activities tbut %Villb~e lm'plemnenta~1 and the time.sciicd~iI for rthe copeto I f each activity. -Alxo, if a pollution pvndioa activity will be implemened, 1 idicare 411t intentilon in any written rasponse. The written respotise will Constit%%e. n pvvposed Compliance Corinutmerit

  • A~tetmeuir ("CCA") Pursuant to ScýOrn 31 Of tho Act. The [Illinois EPA will revie th rooe CCA an~d will accept or reject the proposal within 30 dayz of'reccipt.

If alirelywdvain response to this Vi~lation.Notice is Aor Provided, it shall he considered a waiver Of~tho ,OPPOrTIUnity to Twsond and mcet. zrti the Ilhioojs EPA nay-proteed writh a refcn-mi to the FT95erUt01iAl auillzority.

aomw.0to 430Z N~aie Maini 54iut.Rorijod. XL61b03 _4131rto*Va!A~l~J .Ii~~nS.b~PaiwI OfE- s;

- ~1Soh5w.~t.'LO11-U4shs8;1 D ~tfyi. e$~, PIAL- ILS b~Fo,.3' 601 9a 30VW. 3dm t..Iui MAC.. IA4 Wom.. IL62950 -Ilia) 9S.Fn~a

RECEIVED 12126/2085 14:49 DEC-Ir'-20(s 11:15 P 03/e5-ow Page 2 of 2 EIELON GE413RATIEYNt- RAIDWV/OD STAT TOM VN W-2005-00537 Written communications should bc dirctd to BE3VERLY BOOKER at the 1LLINOIS EPA, 13UMPU OF WATEN( CAS 019, P.O. 13OX 19276'. SPRiINGFIELD, 1LLINO'IS 62794-9276. All coiau.1icaiow nti ms incvlude refercnecx to this Violatliln Notice numnber, W-2005 -00':37.

Questions eegfarding 4iis Violation Notice shourd be difet .rdto GaryEOIpee at 21 Zr/5-0561.

Sincerely, Macbzel S. Garrmtson. Maxugger Complian~ce Amusoe Section Burcau of Waler Attachment cc: MelbUZZ, Pei bcc: Gary ForseeJ02 File Beverly Booker Dave IlcMITf4n, PWS

  • Elgin.Region, pWS Connie Tonsor, DLC Chuck Guhnnrsori2 DLC
  • Terri LeM'&sters, .PWS Marcia Wilihite

RECEIVED 12/1612005 14:49 LEC~ iG-2MS 11:"15 P. 04d25 PAGE NO. I OF 2)


Questions regarding the violationa identified in this attachment should be referred to Gary Forsee at (217) 785-g561.

A r.avLew -of inforr.ation avai.Iable to the Illinois. EPA indicates the violation of statutes, .regulationrs, or perm.its. following Uiolation is an explanation of the activities that the Included with vsch type of tiry resolve the violation Illinois EPA believes including 2n estimated time pvriod for resolution.

Groundwateor xualltyz No peron' shall cause,..threaten, or al-low the release resource groundwatar sLch.that treatment or additi~naL of any. contaminant to a to continue an existizg use or to assure a potential treatment is necessary or such that the exist:ng or potential qse of such use of such groundwater, Exalon Generation - Braidwood Statlon must eease groundwater is.precluded.

and decease of any. further violations of the Act.

V~ioXlaion Violation Dese~i~tio, Sampling =esulto indicate violations of Section 12 -of the General .Prohibition Against Use Impairment of the Act, Groundwater, -and -the causing of the groundwater quality Resource of triti6nm (20,000 PCi/L) to be exceeded during the standard timne period and at the Xpqhtion is) desi-gnated below:

RW-2 10.5 ft. depth 58,62.1 pCi/L" RW- "

20.5 ft. dzpth 170,024 pCi/Ia fW-2 R 25ft. depth' 223,88BpCi/L Rule/s~eg. section 22(a), and. (d) of thS Act,. 415 ILCS 5/12, " .

Code 620.115, 35* 111. Adm. Code 6 2 0.31(a) (1)" and 35 IlL. Adm. ,

(2); and 35 Ill. Adm.. code 620".4l0(e) (3).

12101/05 Sampling jesults indicate violations oa Section the General Prohibition AgaLnst Use ImpAirment3,2 .of the Act,

  • Groundwater during the time period .and at. of Resource /

the location (a) deslgnaio* below:

Private well . located at horse barh North of pono

.-~- ~A 1,251 pCi/L RUle/Req.. SeatiOn l2(a), and (d) of the Act, 415 iLCS 5/12, Code 620.11S, and 35 r11. Adm. Code 620.301(a) (1) 35 Il!. Rdm.

4nd (2). ~-- -7

RMCE[VED 22/1612605 14.49 DEC-1-205 11: 12 P. 05/05 PAGE NO. 2 OF 2 ATTAC3EONT X


Vlolation Violation Date Description 12/06/0S Sampling results indicate violations cf Section 12 of the Act, the Genere.l Prohibition Against Use tmpairmnht of Resource Groundwater, and the causing of the groundwster quality of tritiura (20,000 pC+/-/L] .to be exceeded during the timnastandard and at the locationfs) designabcd below:

period VB-3-4 $8,489 VB-3-3 43,094 pCi//L pCi/L 0q =n *'. i;:*.:*:5:**/-

VB-j-2 32,830 pCi/L V1-3-6 53,572 pCi/L rr-h%. 4 RV-2 P 33,736 ýi/L - -

Rule/R~eg .Section 12(a), and (d) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/12, 35 Il.

Coda 620.115, 35 Ill. Adm.

Adm. Code 620.301(a) (1) and (2), and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.410(e)(3).

sampling resulta indicate violations 9f Sactlion 12 of the

,the General Pxohibition Against Use Impairment of Reaozrce Act, Groundwater during the time period and at the location designated below: (s)

Pond locatedjust north of Smiley Rd.. *and weat of the 2,347 p~i/L blow-down line, 2,464 pCi/L (i' "

Rule./T~g. Section 12(aj, (d), and (f) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/12.

Tnrwo a0 TOTA4L P.85

Exelon Generation Company. LLC Braidwood Station Nuclear 35100 South Rt 53. Suite 84 Satcevifle. IL60407-96i9 February 2, 2006 BW060011 Ms. Beverly Booker Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Water, GAS #19 P. O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276


Braidwood Station Response to Violation Notice W-2005-00537


Letter from Illinois EPA, 'Violation Notice: Exelon Generation -

Braidwood Station," dated December 16, 2005

Dear Ms. Booker:

In the referenced letter, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) issued a Violation Notice to Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) regarding groundwater quality at Braidwood Station and adjoining property. The Violation Notice is based on sampling results obtained between December 1 and December 12, 2005, that indicate the level of tritium exceeds the standards set forth in Section 12 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act and the Illinois Pollution Control Board's regulations.

The enclosure to this letter contains Exelon's response to the Violation Notice. The response describes our actions to protect and inform the public, cease the release of tritium to groundwater, prevent future release of tritium to the groundwater, and our plans to address the elevated le*,els of tritium in the .existing groundwater.

In accordance with 415 ILCS 5/31, "Notice; complaint; hearing;" subdivision (a)(2)(C), Exelon requests a meeting with representatives of the Illinois EPA to discuss this matter. We will contact the Illinois EPA to arrange this meeting.

This written response is being submitted within 45 days of Exelon's receipt of the Violation Notice via certified mail (i.e., December 20, 2005). -By submitting this response, Exelon is not admitting that it has violated the Illinois Environmental Protection Act or the regulations of the Illinois Pollution Control Board. If you have any questions about this response, please contact Kenneth Ainger at 630 657-2800.

Respectfully, Keith J. Poison Site Vice President Braidwood Station VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED

ENCLOSURE RESPONSE TO VIOLATION NOTICE W-2005-00537 I. Violation Notice Allegations On December 16, 2005, the Illinois EPA issued the following in a violation notice to Exelon Generation Company, LLC:

Groundwater Quality No person shall cause, threaten, or allow the release of any contaminant to resource groundwater such that treatment or additional treatment is necessary to continue an existing use o" to assure a potential use of such groundwater, or such that the existing or potential use of such groundwater is precluded. Exelon Generation - Braidwood Station must cease and decease of any further violations of the Act.

Violation Violation Date Description 12/12/05 Sampling results indicate violations of Section 12 of the Act, the General Prohibition Against Use.Impairment of Resou.rce Groundwater, and the causing of the groundwater quality standard of tritium (20,000 pCi/L) to be exceeded during the time period and at the location(s) designated below:

RW-2 10.5 ft. depth 58,621 pCl/L RW-2 .. 20.5 ft. depth. 170,024 pCi/L RW-2 25 ft. depth 223,888 pCi/L Rule/Reg; Section 12(a), and (d) of .the Act, 415 ILCS 5112, 35 III. Adm. Code 620.115, 35 1ll. Adm. Code 620.301(a)(1) and (2), and 35 111. Adm. Code 620:410(e)(3).

12/07/05 Sampling results indicate violations of Section 12 of the Act, the General Prohibition Against Use Impairment of Resource Groundwater during the time period. and atthe location(s) designated below:

Private Well located at horse barn North of pond 1,151 pCi/L Rule/Reg. Section 12(a),.and (d) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/12, 35 II. Adm.Code

.620.115, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.301(a)(1) and (2).

12/06/05 Sampling results indicate violations of Section 12 of the Act, the General Prohibition Against Use Impairment of Resource Groundwater, and the causing of the groundwater quality standard of tritium (20,000 pCi/L) to be

  • exceeded during the time period and at the location(s) designated below:

VB-3-4 58,489 pCi/L VB-3-3 43,894 pCi/L VB-3-2 32,830 pCi/L VB-3-6 53,572 pCi/L P-4 33,736 pCi/L RW-2 33,736 pCi/L

I-Rule/Reg. Section 12(a), and (d) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/12, 35 III. Adm. Code 620.115, 35 IIl.Adm. Code 620.301(a)(1) and (2), and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.41 0(e)(3).

Violation Violation Date Description 12/01/05 Sampling results indicate violations of Section 12 of the Act, the General Prohibition Against Use Impairment of Resource Groundwater during the time period and at the location(s) designated below:

Pond located just north of Smiley Rd. and west of the 2,347 pCl!L blow-down line. 2,464 pCi/L Rule/Reg. Section 12(a), (d), and (f) of the Act, 415 ILCS 5/12.

II. Exelon Response The following response describes our actions to protect and inform the public, cease the release of tritium to groundwater, prevent future release of tritium to the groundwater, and our plans to address the elevated levels of tritium in the existing groundwater. In order to further assist the Illinois EPA in an understanding of site conditions, We are including in Attachment 1 a summary of key investigative data collected to date at the site. These data summaries are cohsidered preliminary, as we are collecting additional data and.continuing our evaluations, and.include:

1. A base map of monitoring locations and key site features.
2. Groundwater level contour maps of the shallow and deep zones of the upper aquifer.
3. Estimated tritium concentrations presented in contour maps of the shallow and.

deep 'zones.

4. A hydrogeologic cross-section.
5. A table summarizing permanent and temporary well monitoring specifications.
6. A table summarizing sample results for tritium analyses from wells in the site area; and
7. A table summarizing tritium results from samples collected at private wells.

Protection-and Notification of the Public Exelon's first priority In response to this issue is the protection of the public. When we

'determined in'late November 2005 that tritium in groundwater had likely migrated off the Braidwood Station property, we notified potentially affected residents. Door-to-door initial notifications were made to inform them of the status of our investigation, present them a fact sheet from the U. S. EPA regarding tritium, offer to sample their private wells for the presence of tritium, and respond to their questions and concerns. The results of the private well sample analyses, conducted by an independent laboratory, were provided to the residents. On December 12, 2005, Exelon conducted a meeting with the potentially affected local residents to update them on the status of our ongoing investigation, explain future actions and address their questions ahd concerns. In addition, we have met individually with a number of residents to address specific 2

concerns. A second round of door-to-door updates was conducted with the potentially affected residents on December 29, 2005, during which we provided those residents a copy of our December 29, 2005 news release and Invited them to another update meeting which was held on January 26, 2006.

In addition to sampling private. wells, Exelon obtained permission from potentially affected residents to drill temporary wells on their property and to sample water from ponds on their property to determine the migration of the tritium in groundwater.

Exelon's plume characterization team continued sampling, analyzing and notifying adjoining land owners until the leading edge of the tritium was identified. Exelon has sampled over 31 private wells, drilled and sampled over 150 monitoring wells on and off the property, and sampled nearby surface water ponds offsite to laterally and vertically identify the distribution of tritium in the groundwater.

In order to identify potential users of groundwater in the down-gradient direction of flow (which is to the north) from the blowdown pipeline, Exelon initiated a comprehensive well inventory and well records search. This search is being conducted through the Illinois State Water Survey and includes groundwater users that can be identified within a one mile'radius of the blowdown pipeline. The location of the wells, their use, depth and construction are being compiled for future evaluations. This Well inventory, along with previously identified well users (private residences where wells have already been sampled), will form the basis of Exelon's notification list. This list will identify additional private, as well as public, water supply users that would be notified if it is determined there is a potential for impact to their water supply wells.

Cessation of Release of -Tritium to Groundwater Liquid radioactive effluent releases into the Braidwood Station circulating water blowdown line were suspended on November 23,-2005. This action was taken until additional information Could be collected and testing conducted to ensure the integrity of the pipeline at all locations. Braidwood Station has not processed any liquid radioactive effluents through the circulating water blowdown pipeline since NoVember.23, 2005.

As a result of suspending liquid radioactive effluent releases into the circulating water blowdown pipeline, temporary 20,000 gallon water storage tanks are being used to store liquid radioactive effluents onsite until new radioactive waste processing equipment is made operational.

An acoustical leak detection test was completed on January 6, 2006 to verify the integrity of the circulating water blowdown pipeline.. A tethered acoustical sensor head inserted into the pipe was carried by the circulating water blowdown flow providing leak detection as it traversed along the pipeline length. The sensitivity of the sensor was determined by Exelon Engineering to detect a one gallon per minute leak under normal operating blowdown line pressure. One anomaly was identified at the end of the pipeline near exposedthe Kankakee River. This area was excavated and a visual inspection of the pipe determined there was no leak.

Although there have been no liquid radioactive effluent releases through the circulating water blowdown pipeline since November 23, 2005, because the vacuum breaker valves installed along the length of the blowdown pipeline have been a source of leaks and 3

spills, a daily visual inspection of the blowdown pipeline is being conducted to verify no gross leakage.

In addition, Exelon has completed the following activities.

" Installation and sampling of over 30 shallow (approximately 15 ft. deep) and over 20 deep (approximately 25 ft. deep) monitoring points adjacent to the blowdown pipeline.

  • Laboratory analyses of over 60 samples for tritium as a direct indicator of leakage from the blowdown pipeline and 45 samples for chloride and sodium which have been established as an indicator of the Braidwood Station cooling lake water flowing in the blowdown pipeline.

" Measurement of water levels along the blowdowh pipeline and comparison with the regional, shallow groundwater table to determine if significant leaks are creating a mounding effect on the water table.

o Comparison of the three dimensional distribution of tritium in the groundwater to the plumes located south of Smiley Road to determine if it correlates with an on-going, or active release from the blowdown pipeline.

The above activities have relied upon groundwater data collected to date near and down-gradient of the blowdown pipeline. None of the data have indicated to Exelon and to its hydrogeologic experts that tritium measured in the groundwater on and off property has come from an active leak in the circulating water blowdown pipeline or vacuum breakers.

Prevention of Future Release of Tritium to Groundwater Exelon is taking several actions, as described below, to prevent future releases of.tritium into the groundwater. These include a potential design change involving discharge of liquid effluent into an additional circulating water blowdown pipeline* a project to significantly reduce the overall liquid discharge of tritium from. Braidwood. Station, and, in the event of a future spill, procedure changes to create a more effective response to minimize theimpact to the environment.

Liquid effluents will not be introduced into the Current circulating water blowdown pipeline unless leakage from this pipeline and vacuum breaker valves can be prevented With a high level of confidence. Exelon is currently exploring options for an -alternate pipeline for discharge of liquid radioactive effluents that would maintain the current discharge point, but eliminate concerns with the existing circulating water blowdown pipeline and vacuum breaker valves.

Additionally, a project is underway at Braidwood Station to minimize liquid radioactive effluent releases Into the circulating water blowdown pipeline in the future with the installation of new water processing equipment in the radioactive waste system. These improvements include state-of-the-art technologies in reverse osmosis and an additional unit to recycle existing liquid radioactive waste inventory into water that meets our quality requirements for the reactor coolant system. Also, Braidwood Station intends to install a means of converting liquid effluents to gaseous effluents.


Exelon is also looking into methods of reducing the production of tritium through various changes in reactor core configuration and primary water chemistry. These include potential changes in the reactor fuel rod design, "burnable poisons" in the reactor core, and fuel cycle length. Exelon is also partnering with its vendors to explore possible new technologies in tritium separation.

Finally, in the event of a future spill, the following actions are being taken to improve Exelon's response .and minimize the impact to the environment.

1. A corporate environmental manager was assigned the action to institutionalize Exelon's tritium environmental spill response.knowledge. The manager will utilize input from the various functional areas to develop an integrated set of procedures to mitigate and remediate spills with the potential to contain radioactive isotopes. Appropriate personnel will be trained on these procedures.

A review of the effectiveness of the procedure development and training will be conducted at a suitable interval following completion.

2. The knowledge of Braidwood Station personnel regarding environmental regulations and reporting requirements will be.enhanced with additional training.

Training programs for personnel in the Operations, Chemistry/Environmental, and Radiation Protection Departments will be analyzed to determine additional knowledge requirements to address low level radioactivity spill reporting and personnel will be trained and tested onthe changes. General training for all employees will be reviewed to identify any needed changes.

3. Exelon's applicable procedures/programs will be reviewed to ensure the Illinois regulations governing radioactive contamination of groundwater are correctly reflected and Implemented In those documents.

Plans to Address Elevated Levels of Tritium in Existing Groundwater Exelon proposes to address the elevated levels of tritium in existing groundwater through the Illinois EPA's Site Rernediation Program (SRP). Participation in the SRP will include the following.

1. Conduct of a focused site investigation to characterize the extent of contamination. The investigation will focus on tritium. Since November 2005, Exelon has conducted extensivesampling as described above, and is currently evaluating the results to determine if additional sampling is necessary. A well survey, as described above, consistent with SRP rules and Illinois EPA policy, will also be included. Prior to submitting the final Site Investigation Report, Exelon will contact the Illinois EPA SRP staff to obtain input on any additional needs. The Site Investigation Report will be submitted as soon as possible, but no iater than March 24, 2006.
2. Development of remedial objectives.. As part of this step, Exelon will not only evaluate compliance with Part 620.410(e)(3), but risk to the public as well.

Work on developing a Remedial Objectives Report (ROR) will-commence as soon as possible, and will be submitted no later than 30 days after Illinois EPA approval of the Site Investigation Report.


3. Preparation of a Remedial Action Plan. Based on the results of the Site Investigation and the Remedial Objectives Report, a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) prepared and submitted. Options are currently being evaluated which include pumping areas of high concentration and returning these waters to the circulating water system. The RAP will include a schedule for all .activities from startup to completion, and also provide for quarterly reports.

This plan will be submitted within 30 days of approval of the Remedial Objectives Report.

4. Submission of a Remedial Action Completion Report (RACR). Once the RAP is approved, the final remedial design will commence within 30 days and the final RACR will be submitted within 30 days of completion.

The site has not yet been precisely identified, but generally is shown as the area on figures 4 and 5. *Areas separate from this site, to the east along the routing of the blowdown pipeline, are currently being investigated.

As part of the overall strategy to address this issue, a community relations plan is being implemented. The plan builds on Braidwood Station's existing community outreach program that has been used, as described above in this response, to'conduct multiple communications to keep the-public informed.. Exelon intends to continue this effort.

The community relations plan includes development of a website with access to a fact sheet on the Braidwood tritium issue, a telephone hotline for interested members of the public to acquire information on the issue, and an upcoming community information night. The actions in our community relations plan-may be adjusted overtime, as.the circumstances of this issue evolve. Our current community relations action plan will be submitted by March 1, 2006.


.Attachment 1 Summary of Key Investigative Data Figure 1 Groundwater Monitoring Locations Figure 2 Average Groundwater Contours Shallow - January 20.06 Figure 3 Average Groundwater Contours Deep - January 2006 Figure 4 Estimated Tritium Results Shallow Groundwater Zone Figure 5 Estimated Tritium Results Deep Groundwater Zone Figure 6. Site Specific Hydrogeologic Profile Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Specifications Table 2 Summary of Tritium Results in-Monitoring Wells Table 3 Summary of Tritium Results at Private Wells

DRAFT Page 1 of 6 TABLE 1 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCrION SPECIFICATIONS "EXELON GENERATION BRAIDWOOD STATION Well Boring Ground Well Well Screen Topy of Riser Screen Top Screen Bottom Stick Number Total Depth Surface Diameter Material Interval Elevation Elevafion Elevation tip (ftBGS) I (NGCVD) 2 (inches) (ft IGS) (NG VD) (GVD) (NGVD) (ftAGS) pVe MW-101 1.0.0 599.49 2 5 to 10 602.77 594A9 589.49 3.28 PVC MW-102 11.0 602.42 2 6toll 605.70 596.42 591.42 3.28 PVC

-MW-103 8.0 595.72 2 3to8 598.84 592.72 587.72 3.12 PVC MW-104 8.0 596-60 2 3 to 8 598.80 593.60 588.60 PVC 2.20 MW-105 16.0 597.29 2 11 to 16 600.74 PVC 586.29 581.29 3.45 MW-105D 24.0 597.22 19 to 24 598.20 578.22 573.22 0.98 PVC MW-106 1.6.0 599.60 2 11 to 16 602.73 588.60 PVC 583.60 3.13 MW-106D 27.0 599.70 1 22 to 27 601.81 577.70 PVC 572.70 2.11 MW.107 16.0 599.85 2 11 to 16 603.24 PVC 588.85 583.85 3.39 MW-108 16.0 599.76 2 11 to16 603.10 588.76. 583.76 3.34 MW-109 2 PVC 16.0 598.81 11 to16 601.23 587.81 582.81 2.42 PVC MW-110 20.0 604.01 3 .9.5 to 19.5 607.27' PVC 594.01 584.01 3.26 MW-111 16.0 60329 4 5.5 to 15.5 607.20 597.29 587.29 3.91 PVC MW-11ID 263 603.17 1 21.5 to 26-5 605.05 581.67 576.67 1.88 PVC MW-112 16.0 598.57 5 5.5 to 15.6 602.62 592.57 PVC 582.57 4.05 MW-112D 26.5 598.61 1 21-5to 26.5 600.85 577.11 572.11 PVC 2.24 MW-I 13 16.0 596.10 6 5.5 to 15.7 599.77 590.10 580.10.

PVC 3.67 MW-113D 24.0 596.14 19 to 24 596.90 577.14 572.14

1. PVC 0.76 VB-2.1 15.0 601.27 10 to 15 605.71 591'.27 1 PVC 586.27 4.44 VB-2-2 15.0 596.82 1 10 to 15 600.16 PVC .586.82 581.82 3.34 VB-2-2D 29.5 596.49 1 24.5 to 29.5 598.95 571.99 566.99 2.46 VB-2-3 15.0 595.95 1 *PVC 10 to 15 600.16 PVC 585.95 580.95 4.21 VB-2-4 15.0 596.08 1 10 to 15 600.82 586.08 581.08 4.74 PVC VB-2-5 15.0 595.76 1 10 to 15. 599.82 PVC 585.76 580.76 4.06 VB-2-5D 24.0 595.76 I 19 to 24 596.78 576.76 PVC 571.76 1.02 V1B-2-6 15.0 596.01 1. 10 to 15 601.44 PVC 586.01 581.01 5.43 VB-2-6D 24.0 596.01 ~1 19 to 24 596.77 577.01 572.01 0.76 PVC VB-2-7 15.0 600-51 10 to 15 602.04 PVC 590.51 535.51 1.53 CRA 16R41 P[rewntafit 3 - T"

Page 2 of h DRAFT TABLE 1 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS EXELON GENERATION BRAIDWOOD STATION Well Boring Ground Well Well Screen Top of Riser Screen Top Screen Bottom Stick Surface Diameter Material frnten'al EIevation Elevation Elevatiot Up Mnnber Total Depth (ftBGS)' (NGVD)2 (inches) (ftBGS) . (NGVD) (NGVD)) (NGVGV) (ftA GS)

VB-2-7D 2,5.0 600.51 1 PVC 20 to 25 602.28 580.51 575,51 1.77 VB-2-8 15.0 598.18 1 PVC 10 tO 15 599.05 588.18 583.18 0.87 V13-2-9 14.0 1 PVC 9 to 14 VB-2-9D 28.0

  • 1 PVC 23 to28 - *
  • VB-3-1 15.0 596.38 1 PVC 10 to 15 600.99 586.38 58138 4.61 VB-3-2
  • 15.0 596.49 1 PVC 10 to 15 601.51 586.41 581.49 5.02 VB-3-3 15.0 59627 1 PVC 10 to 15 (00.03 586.27 581.27 3.76 VB-3-4 15.0 596.18' 1 PVC 10 to 15 601.37 586.18 581.18 5.19 VB-3-4D 25.0 596.18 1 PVC .20 to 25 600.82 576.18 571.18 4.64 VB-3-5 15.0 1 PVC 10 to 15 VB-3-6 15.0 1 PVC 10 to *15 VB-3-7 14.5 59624 1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 599.49 586.74 581.74 3.25 VB-3-7D 24.0 596.24 1 PVC 19 to 24 597.04 577.24 572.24 0.80 14.5 596A4 I P'VC 9.5 to 14.5 599.51 586.94 581.94 3.07 VB-3-8 24.5 595.68 1 PVC 19.5 to 24.5 596.62 577.18 572.18 0.94 VB-3-9D VB-3-10 13.0 596.43 1 PVC 8 to 13 599.28 58S.43 583.43 2.85 VB-3-1OD 23.5 596.49 .1 PVC 18.5 to 23.5 598.44 577.99 572.99 1.95 VB-1-1 15.0 602.14 1 PVC 10 to 15 605.62 592.14 587.14 3.48 VB-1-1D 32.0 1 PVC 27 to 32' VB-1-2 15.0 599.94" 1 *PVC 10 to 15 604.65 589.94 .584.94 4.71 VB-i-2D 28.0 1 PVC .23 to 28
  • 4 VB-1-3 15.0 599.64 1 PVC 10 to 15 603.61 589.64 584.64 3.97 VB-I-3D 27.5 1 PVC 22;5 t6o27.5 V13-1-4 15.0 599.32 1 PVC 10to 15 601.50 589.32 584.32 2.18 VB-1-4D 28.0 1 PVC 23 to 28 VB-1-5 15.0 600.17 1 PVC 10 to 15 603.85 500.17 585.17 3.68 VB-1-5D 28.0 1 PVC 2-3 to 28 4 VB-1-6 15.0 1 PVC 10 to 15 605.34 "

CRA 10I(*lP 'm-ntation3,- T!

DRAFT Page 3 of 6 TABLE 1 I MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS EXELON GENERATION' BRAIDWOOD STATION Well Boring Ground Well I'Vell Screen Top of Riser Screen To)y Screen Bottomt Stick NVumber Total Depth Surface Diameter Materinl Interval Elevation Elevation Elevation (flS (NGVD)

(ft BGS)' (NGVD) 2 (inches) (ft GS). (NGVD) (NIG VD)

(ft AGS)

VB-1-6D 27.0 1 . PVC 22 to 27 4 VB-1-7 15.0 I PVC 10 to iS 603.62 VB-1-7D 26.5 600.48 1 PVC 21.5 to 26.5 602.80 -.578.98 573.98 2.32 VB-I-8 15.0 PVC. 10 to 15 603.36 VB-1-8D 26.5 600.15 1 PVC 21.5 to 26.5 602A9 578.65 573.65 2.34 VB-1-9 15.0 4

1. PVC 10 to 15 601.86 VB-1-9D 27.0 1Pvc 22 to 27 5.

RW-1 25.0 596.68 1 PVC 5 to 25 591.68 572 2.68 599.36 RW-2 24.0 596.59 PVC 4 to 24 599.30 591.59" 571.59 2.71 RW-3 24.0 596.24 PVC 4 to24 599.19 592.24 572.27 2.95 RW-4 24.0 596.31 I PVC 4 to 24 598.77 592.31 572.31 2.46 BLA- 17.0 600,38 PVC 12 to 17 605.58 588.38 583-38 5.20 BL-2 14.5 600.16 1* .PVC 9.5 to 14.5' 604.84 590.66 585.66 4.68 BL-3 23.0 600.60 1 PVC S18to 23 604.50 582.60 577.60 3.90 BL-4 14.5 599.76 1. PVC 10 to 15 601.91 589.76 58-1.76 2.15 BL-5 21.0 599.76 1 PVC 16 to 21 602.60 583.76 578.76 -284 BL-6 16.5 597.74. 1 .*PVC 11.5 to 16.5 601.83 586.24 581.24 4.09

  • BL-7 14.0 597.57 .1* PVC- 9 to 14 601.08 588.57 583.57 3-51 BL-8 18.0 598.53
  • Pvc 13 to 18 602.29 585.53. 580.53 3.76 B1L-9-" 12.5 599.75 1 PVC. 7.5 to 12.5 602.75 592.25 587.25 3.00 BL-9 21.0 599.60 1 PVC 16 to 21 602.49 583.60 578.60 2.89 B3L-9D 29.0 599.65 1 PVC 24 to 29 600.36 575.65 570.65 0.71 BL-10 17.0 602.49 1 *PVC '12 to 17 590.28 58528 2.88 605.37 BL-IOD 32.0 602.43 1 PVC 27 to 32 605.16 573.43 570.43 2.73 BL-11 16.5 597.47 PVC 11.5 t 16.5 600.65 585.97 580.97 3.18 BL-11D 28.0 59734 PVC 23 to 28 599.09 574.34 569.34 1.75 BL-12 17.0 598.03 PVC 12 to 17 *601.60 586.03 581.03. 3.57 BL-12D 28.0 '598.10 1 PVC 13 to 28 599.87 575.10 570.10 1.77 CRA 16841 I'Mient"Ihm 3- T I

DRAFT Page 4 of 6 TABLE 1 7,


  • Well Well Screen Top of Riser Screen Tol, Screen Bottom Stick Number Total Depth Surface Diameter Material Iterval I. Elevation Elevation Elevation up (ft BGS)I 2 tft AGS)

(NGVD) (inches) (ftBGS) (NGVD) (NG-,D) (NGVD)

BL-13 , 15.0 598.07 *1" PVC 10 to 15 601.37 588.07 583.07 3.30 BL-13D 24.5 598.05 PVC 19.5 to 24.5 (600.82 565.55 564.55 2.77 BL-14 18.0 597.34 1~ PVC 13 to 18 601.26 584.34 579.34 3.92 BLr14D 265 597.A6 1 PVC. 21.5 to 265 599.90 575.96 570.96 2.44 BL-15 17.5 597.29

  • 1 PVC 12.5 to 17:5. 600.98 584.79 579.79. 3.69 BL-15D 24.0 597.54 1 PVC 19 to 24 598.50 578.54 573.64 0.96 BL-16 17.0 597.12
  • 1' PVC 12 to 17. 60030 585.12 580.1.2. 3.18 13L-16D 24.0 597.28 *1 PVC 19 to 24 598.17 578.28 573.28 03.89 BL-17 14.5 597.01. PVC 9.5 to 14.5 -597.62 587.51 582.51 0.61 BL-17D 24.0 597.01 1 PVC 19 to 24 598.1.1. 578.01. 573.01. 1.10 BL-18 14.5 596.82 1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5. 597.59 58732 58232 0.77 BL-19 9.0 594.94 PVC
  • 4to9 595.55 590.94 585.94 0.61 BL-20D 28.0 596.89- .1 PVC 23 to 28 600.45 573.89 568.89 3.56 P-1 14.5 594.90 PVC 9.5 TO 14.5 595.59 585.40 580.40 S0,69 P-2 14.5 595.65 PVC 9.5 TO 14.5 596.27 58.15 581.15 0,62 P-2D 23.5 595.88 ,1 PVC .18.5 to 23.5 59655 577.38 0.67 572.38 P-3 145 595.69 PVC 9.5 TO 14.5 596.26 586.19 581.19 057 P-4 14.5 PVC 9.5 TO 14.5 597.14
  • 1 P-4D 27.0 596A6 PVC 22 to 27 *59922 574.46 569.46 2.76 P-5 15.0 PVC . 10to 15 .597.06 P-SD 27.0 596.34 PVC 221o27 599.37 574.34 569.34 3,03 P-6 14.5 4 1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 597.85 P-7 14.5 599.77 I PVC 9.5 to 14.5 600.24 590.27 585.27 0.47 P-8 14.5 595.49 PVC 9,5 to 14.5 596.24 585.99 580.99 0.75 P-9 145 598.55 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 599.19 589.05 584.05 0.64 P-10 14.5 596.08 1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 596.58 586.58 581.58 0.50 P-I1 14.5 595.19 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 596.23 585.69 580.69 1.04 I

P-12 14.5 595.56 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 596.13 586.06 581.06 0.57 CR,- 16841 rcstM1afk.1 3 - TI


  • Well Screen Top of Riser Screen Top Screen Bottomn Stick Murnber Total Depth Sitrface Diameter Material- Interval Elevation Elevation Elevation up (ft BGS) I (NGVD) 2 (inches)

(fIUGS) (NGVD) (NGVD) (NGVD) (ftA S)

P-13D 27.0 596.11 1 PVC 569.11 221o27 598.76 574.11 2.65 P-14 15.5 I PVC 10.5 to 15.5

  • P-14D 28.0 1 PVC 23 to 28 D-1 15.0 599.64 1 PVC 10 to 15 603.69 589.64 584.64 4.05 D-1D 27.0 599.82 1 PVC 22 to 27 603.77 577.82 572.82 3.95 D-2 15.0 598.78 I PVC 10 to 15 601.92 588.78 583.78 3.14 D-2D 27.0 598.65 1* PVC 22 to 27 601.47 576.65 571.65 2.82 D-3 15.0 599.00 PVC 10 to 15 602.48 589.00 584.00 3.48 D-3D 27.0 598.91 S602."

PVC 22 to 27 576.91 571.91 3.31 D-4 15.0 598.48 1* PVC 10 to 15 602.55 588.48 533.48 4.07 D-5 15.0 598.58 PVC 10 to 15 602.27 588.58 583.58 3.69 5-1 14.5 594.99 1" PVC 14.5 595.60 585.49 9580.'49 0.61 S-11D 28.0 .1 PVC 23 to28 4

  • S-2 14.5 592.72 1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 593.32 583.22 5*8.22 0.60 S-2D 23.5 592.72 PVC. 18.5 to 23.5 593.98 574.22 .569.22 1.26 1

S-3 14.5 592.65 .1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 593.37 583.15 .578.15 0.72 5.4 14.5 594.23 I PVC 9.5 to 14.5 594.63 584.73 579.73, 0.40 S-4D 24.5 PVC 19.5 to 24.5 S-5 14.5 592.76 PVC 9.5 to 14.5' 593.44 583.26 578.26 0.68 5-6 14.5 594.99 PVC 14.5 595.57 585.49 580.49 0.58 5-7 13.6 1 PVC 8.6 to 1336 S-7D 27.5 "1 PVC 22.5 to 27.5 G-1 14.5 590.70 *1 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 59535 581.20 576.20 4.65 G-2 14.5 590.24 1 PVC. .9.5 to 14.5 590.82 580.74 575,74 0.58 G-2D 24.0 1 PVC 19 to 24 G-3 14.5 592.34 PVC 9.5 to 14.5 592.93 582.34 577.84 0.59 F-I 14.0 595.27 PVC 9 to 14 596.25 586.27 581.27 0.98 F-1D 24.0 595.27 PVC .19 to 24 596.19 576.27 571.27 0.92 CRA 1I841 Presentatfiko 3-TI

DRAFT V Page 6 of 6 TABLE 1 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS EXELON GENERATION BRAIDWOOD STATION Well Boring Ground Well Well Screen Top of Riser Screen Top Screen Bottomn Stick Number Total Depth* Surface Diameter Material lnteruaf Elevation Elevation Elevation Up (ft UGS) ' (NG VD)1 (inches)* (ftB3GS) (N,.VD) (NGVD) (NGVD) (ft AGS)"

F-2D 2-5.0 594.05 1 'PVC 20 to 25 597.26 574.05 569.05 3.21 F-3D 25.0 594.59 PVC 20 to 25 597.36 544.59 539.5) 2.77 1

F-4D 29.5 PVC 24.5 to 29.5

  • 1 F-5D 27.0 PVC 22 to 27 4 1

F-6D 27.5 4. 1 PVC 22.5 to 275 F-7D 28.0 l PVC 23 to 28 5.

F-SD 26.0 1 PVC 21 to 26 C-1 14.0 595.00 1. PVC 9 to 14 595.78 586.00 581.00 0.78 C-1D 24.0 595.00 PVC 19 to 24 595.87 576.00 571.00 0.87 4

C-2 15.5 PVC 10.5to 15.5 *t

  • 1 1.

C-2D 27.5 PVC 22.5 to 27.5

1. *t *t 4-"

A-I 15.0. 1 PVC 10 to 15

  • A-11D 25.0 PVC 20 to 25 Notes ft BGS - feet below ground surface 2 NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical Datum 3 PVC - polyvinyl diloride above ground surface

" Abandoned ground surface not yet shot, survey data incomplete CRA If$8)1 Prtawntifiat f I

.. ;I -.

DRAFT7 Page I of 4 TABLE 2



A-1 GWO11106-MB-A-1 1/11/2006 33 A-ID GWO11106-MB-A-ID 1/11/2006 60 BL-01 GW-111705-JK-BL-01 11/17/2005 70 BL-02 GW-111705-JK-BL-02. 11/17/2005 156 BL-03 OW-111805-JK-BL-15 11/18/2005 0 BL-04 GW-111805-JK-BL-14 11/18/2005 40 BL-05 GW- 111805-JK-BL-13 11/18/2005 102 BL-06 GW-1 1805-JK-BL-12 11/18/2005 114 BL-07 GW-111805-JK-BL,-1I 11/18/2005 39.

BL-0S GW-111805-JK-BL-10 11/18/2005 90 BL-09 GW-012506-JL-BL-9 1/25/2006 4809 BL-09D GW-012506-JL-BL-9D 1/25/2006 20383 BL-10 GW-010406-JL-BL-10 1/4/2006 -104 BL-10D GW-010406-JL-BL-10D 1/4/2006 7535 BL-11 oW-O1 0306-JL-BL-11 1/3/2006 13 BL-11)D GW-O01306-JL-BL-11 D 1/3/2006 -27 BL-12 " GW-010306-JL-BL-12 1/3/2006 -39 BL-12D GW-0I0306-JL-BL-12D 1/3/2006 -35 BL-13 GW-010306-JL-BL-13 1/3/2006 -16

.9 BL-13D GW-010306-JL-BI,-I3D 1/3/2006 13L-14 GW-010306-JL-BL-14 1/3/2006 -37 BL-14D GW-010306-JL-BL-14D 1/3/2006 -91 BL-15 GW-010306-JL-BL-15 1/3/2006 146 BL-15D GW-0i0306-JL-BL-15D 1/3/2006 -49 BL-16 GW-010306-JL-BL-16 1/3/2006 3364 BL-16D GW-010306-JL-BI-16D 1/3/2006 -91 13L-17 G W-010306-JL-.L-17 1/3/2006 -44.

BL-17D GW-010306-JL-BL-17D 1/3/2006 -126 BL-18 GW-120105-DS-BL.-18 12/1/2005 10lS..

BL-19 GW-1 20105-DS-BL-19 .12/1/2005 37 BL-20D GW-010406-JL-BL-20D 1/4/2006 -117 C-1 .GW-010306-JL-C-1 1/3/2006 -80 C-1D GW-01 0306-JL-C-1 D 1/3/2006 -140 C-2 GW-012406-MB-C-2 1/24/2006 -48 C-2D GW-012406-MB-C-2D 1/24/2006 147 D-I GW-010406-JL-D-1 1/4/2006 -13 D-ID GW-010406-JL-D-1D 1/4/2006 -141 D-2 GW-010406-JL-D-2 1/4/2006 -165 D-2D GW-010406-JL-D-2D 1/4/2006 -36 D-3 GW-010406-JL-D-3 1/4/2006 -168 D-3D GW-010406-JL-D-3D 1/4/2006 5110 D-4 GW-120605-JRB-D-4 12/6/2005 91 D-5 GW-120205-MK-D-5 12/2/2005 73 Ditch at Culvert Ditch at Culvert-12/22/05 12/22/2005 1007 Ditch by Alpha Gate Ditch by Alpha Gate-0O/12/06 1/12/2006 -30 F-1 GW-010306-JL-F-I 1/3/2006 -44 F-1D GW-010306-JL-F-lD 1/3/2006 -56 CRA 16641Pum mul 3"-T1-

1' '~,

DRAFT Page 2 of 4 TABLE2



F-2D GW-011206-MB-F-2D 1/12/2006 546 F-3D GW-011206-MB-F-3D 1/12/2006 1689 F--ID GW-012406-MB-F-4D 1/24/2006 -222 F-SD GW"012406-MB-F-5D 1/24/2006 1512 F-6D GW-012406-MB-F-6D 1/24/2006 689 F-7D GW-012406-MB-F-7D 1/24/2006 575 F-8D GW-012406-MB-F-SD 1/24/2006 872 GW-120605-JL-G-1. 12/6/2005

  • 133 G-1 G-2 GW-120605-JL-G-2 12/6/2005 87 G-3 GW-120605-JL-G-3 12/6/2005 81 MW-101 GW-111505-JK-17-Dup 11/15/2005 162 GW-II 1505-JK-17 11/15/2005 157 MW- 102 MW-102 3/24/2005 58 MW-103 GW-111505-JK-13-Dup 11/15/2005 1970 MW-103 GVV 111505-JK-13 11/15/2005 2497' MW-104 MW-104 7/28/2005 1.42
  • MW-1 05 GW-010406-JL-MW-105 1/4/2006 169 MW-105D GW-0104064L-MW-105D 1/4/2006 -120 MW-106 GW-010406-JLTMW-106 1/4/2006 -35 MW-106D GW-010406-JL-MW-106D 1/4/2006 -25 MW-107 *GW-l 11605-JK-19 11/15/2005 269 MW-108 GW-111605-JK-20 11/15/2005 91 MW-109 GW-093005-DC-03 9/30/2005 305 MW-110 GW-010406-JK-MWI 1.0 1/4/2006 -104 MW-111 GW-010406-JL-MW-1 11 1/4/2006  :-78 MW-1 1 D GW010906-MB-MW111D 1/9/2006 -66

.'GW-010406-JL-MW-112 1/4/2006 -127 MW-112D GW010906-MB-MW112D 1/9/2006 -111 MW-113 GW-010306-JL-MW-113 1/3/2006 MW-113D GW-010306-JL-MW-113D 1/3/2006 4772

.P-1 GW-120105-DS-P-1 12/1/2005 2484 P-10 GW-120605-JL-P-10 12/6/2005 1"23 P-11 GW-120605-JL-P-11 12/6/2005 1476 P-12 GW-120605-JL-P-12 12/6/2005 1622 P-13D GW-012506-JL-P-13D 1/25/2006 217122 P-14 GW-012406-MB-P-14 1/24/2006 2537 P-14D GW-012406-MB-P-14D .1/24/2006 2388 P-2 GW-010306-JL-P-2 1/3/2006 2045 P-2D GW-010306-JL-P-2D 1/3/2006 2384 P-3 GW-120205-MK-P-3 12/2/2005 3258 P-4 GW-012506-JL-P-4 1/25/2006 9588 P-4D GW-012506-JL-P-4D 1/25/2006 38965 P-5 GW-010306-JL-P-5 1/3/2006 6166 P-5D GW-010306-JL-P-5D 1/3/2006 2165 P-6 GW-011806-MB-P-6 1/18/2006 110 P-7 GW-120105-DS-P-7 12/1/2005 1210 P-8 "GW-120605-JL-P-8 12/6/2005 2212 I.RIA W461 Prew.qlkv,3- T2

  • 1 DRAFT Page 3 of 4 TABLE 2



  • Location Sample N.Ianme Sample Date 3H-Tritiunm (pCiIL)

P.-9 GW-121305-JL-P-9-recount 12/13/2005 27 P-9 GW-121305-JL-P-9 12/13/2005 111 PW-6P Pond-12/08/05 12/8/2005 142 RW-1 RW-1~12/04/05 12/4/2005 7855 RW-2 GW-121.305-JL-RW2@20' 12/13/2005 '171166 RW-2 GW-121305-JL-RW20T25- 12/13/2005 246442 RW-2 GW-121305-JL-RW2@10' 12/13/2005 54111 RW-3 GW-120205-JL-RW-3 12/2/2005 197 RW-4 GW-120205-JL-RW-4 12/2/2005 380 S-I GW-120605-IL-S-1 12/6/2005 83

.- 2 GW-010306-JL-S-2 1/3/2006 62 S-2D GW-010306-JL-S-2D 1/3/2006 -2 S-3 GW-120605-JL-S-3 12/6/2005 57 S-4 GW7120605-JL-S-4 12/6/2005 i0s6 S-5 GW-120605-JL-S-5 12/6/2005 1874 S-6 GW-i"20605-JL-S-6 12/6/2005 411 S-7 GW-012406-MB-S-7" 1/24/2006 1373 S-7D GW-012406-MB-S-7D 1/24/2006 1546 SG-1 SG-1 7/28/2005 61.3 SG-2 SG-2 7/28/2005 1970 SG-3 SG-3 7/28/2005 -21.4 Sw-1 Lake#1-i1/30/65 11/3012005 2464 SW-2 GW-012506-JL-SW-2 1/25/2006 2441 SW-3 GVV-120205-NW-FTL-Lake 12/2/2005 96.

SW-4 GW-120205-SE-FTL- Lake 12/2/2005 83 VB-1 VB-1-05/27/2005 5/27/2005 51295 VB-1-1 GW-010406-jL-VBI-1 1/4/2006 425 VB-I-ID GW-OI 0406-JL-VBI-ID 1/4/2006 -132 V13-1-2 GW-l1 1705-JK-VBI-2 11/17/2005 337 VB-1-2D GW-011306-MB-VBI-2D. 1/13/2006 238 VB-1-3 GW,11 1605-DC-VB1-3 11/15/2005 206 VB-1-3D G1W-0"iI 306-MB-V9-3D 1/13/2006. 19431 VB-i1-4 GW-111605-DC-VBI-4 11/15/2005 384 VB-1-4D GW-011306-M.BI-,14D 1/13/2006 7.424 VB-1-5 GW-111605-DC-VBI-5 11/15/2005 130 VB-1-5D GW-011306-JL-VBI-5D 1/13/2006 22928 VB-1-6 GW-112205-JL-VBI-6 11/22/2005 95 VB-1-6D GW-011306-JL-VBI-6D 1/13/2006 41 VB-I-7 GW-112205-)L-VB1-7 11/22/2005 140 VB-1-7D GW010906-MB-VBI-7D 1/9/2006 -116 vB-i-SD yB-I-s GW-I 12205-JL-VB.-S 11/22/2005 57 VB-1-8D GW010906-MB-VB1-8D 1/9/2006 10877 VB-1-9 GW-112205-IL-VBI-9 11/22/2005 107 VB-1-9D GW-011306-MB-VBI-9D 1/13/2006 3370 VB-2-1 GW-111505-DC-VB2-1-Dup 11/15/2005 2.38 VB-2-2 GW-010406-JL-VB2-2 1/4/2006 5232 VB-2-2D GW-010406-JL-VB2-2D 1/4/2006 4037 CRA 16M41Pr, n,Iikn 3-'2

DRAFT Page4 of 4 TABLE 2



VB-2-3 GW-1 11505-DC-VB2-3-Dup *1/15/2005 3-,60 Vb-2-3 GW-111505-DC-VB2-3 11/15/2005 :3940 VB-2-4 GW-1 I 1505-DC-VB2-4-Dup 11/15/2005 3350 VB-2-4 GW-1 11505-DC-VB2-4 '11/15/2005 3664 VB-2-5 GW-010306-JL-VB2-5 1/3/2006 3834 VB-2-5D) GW-010306-JL-VB2-5D 1/3/2006 102 VB-2-6 GW-010306-J L-VB-2-6 1/3/2006 1412 VB-2-6D GW-01 0306-JL-VB-2-6D 1/3/2006 44 VB-2-7 GW-010406-J L-VB2-7 1/4/2006 -60 VB-2-7D GW-010406-JL-VB2-7D 1/4/2006 -53 VB-2-8 GW-121405-JS-VB-2-8 12/14/2005 -103 VB3-2-9 GW-011206-MB-VB2-9 1/12/2006 78 VB-2-9D GW-0"1 206-MB-VB2-9D 1/12/2006 -65 VB-3 VB-3-05/11/2005 5/11/2005. 1521 VB-3-1 GW-111505-DC-VB3-1 11/15/2005 5959 VB-3-1 GW-111505-DC-VB3-l-Dup 11/15/2005 5460 VB-3-10 GW-010306-JL-VB3-10 1/3/2006 12076 VB-3-1 GD GW-010306-JL-VB3-IOD 1/3/2006 10b8736 VB-3-2 GW-111505-DC-VB3-2 11/15/o2005 32830

  • VB-3-3 GW-111605-DC-VB3-3 11/16/2005 43894 VB-3-4 GW-010306-JL-VB3-4 1/3/2006 29286 VB-3-4D GW-010306-JL-VB3-4D 1/3/2006 796 VB-3-5 GVV-1 12205-JL-VB3-5 11/22/2005 95 VB-3-6 GW-1 12205-JL-Vf33-6 11/22/2005 53572 VB-3-7 GW-010306-JL-VB3-7 1/3/2006 -126
  • Vli-3-7D GW'010306-JL-VB3-7D 1/3/2006 -205 VB-3-8 GW-1.20205-MK-VB-3-8 12/2/2005 171 VB-3-9D) GW-010406-JL-VB3-9D .1/4/2006 19605 CRA It.ll Prre.utsion3-T2

A DRAFT Paige I of 1 TABLE 3



Pw-1 11/30/2005 -26 PW-2 11/30/2005 48 PW-3 11/30/2005 25 PW-4 12/2/2005. 43 PW-5 1/19/2006 -12 PW-7 12/7/2005 -58 Pw-8 12/8/2005 1367.

PW-9 12/5/2005 142.

PW-10 12/7/2005 72 Pw-11 12/5/2005 99 PW-12 12/7/2005 44 PW-13 12/7/2005 -62 PW-14 12/14/2005 -118 PW-15 12/14/2005 -51 CRA *SA4]Premenlalm 3 - 73