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Licensee Slides from Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2004
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041050604 (25)


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Meeting 1 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Desired Outcomes emonstrate that the steps taken to return Davis-Besse to ervice have been safe and conservative rovide a timeline of startup activities since the last public eeting rovide status on the Cycle 14 Operational Improvement lan, post-restart actions, and Confirmatory Order Lew Myers Chief Operating Officer - FENOC 2 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Back, Better, and Beyond

  • Milestones

-March 8 - NRC Restart Authorization

-March 9 - Mode 3

-March 11 - Reactor critical (Mode 2)

-March 14 - Mode 1

-March 16 - Synchronized to Grid

-March 17 - Mode 3

-March 23 - Repaired Feedwater Valve 780

-March 24 - Mode 3

-March 26 - Mode 2 / Mode

-March 27- Final synchronization to grid (end of outage)

-April 4 -100% power 3

avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Back, Better, and Beyond eturn to Service

-Plant materiel condition

-Reactor Coolant System leakrate

-RCS activity

-Primary/Secondary Chemistry

-Operations Performance

-Employees 4

avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Plant Performance Mark Bezilla Vice President 5

avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of February 8

  • Accomplishments

-Successfully completed control rod insertion time testing (Group 1-7)

-February 12 - Request for Restart

  1. 1 Startup Transformer -NRC Emergency Plan Inspection

-Plant in Mode 3

  • Challenges

-Restoration of Startup Transformer 6

avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of February 15

  • Accomplishments

-#1 Containment Spray Pump maintenance

-Mode 2 Readiness Reviews

-#1 Decay Heat Pump Quarterly Test

-#1 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW)

Functional Test

-Plant in Mode 3

  • Challenges Assembly of Containment -Radiation Monitor RE-4597AA (new Spray Pump boards) 7 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of February 22

  • Accomplishments

-Purged air and added hydrogen to Main Generator

-AFW #1 Monthly Test

-Received NRC Approval of License Amendment Request for Mid-cycle Steam Generator Inspection

-Emergency Diesel Generator #1 Monthly Test

-Steam and Feedwater Rupture Control System and Reactor Protection System Testing

-Received NRC Draft Order for Conditions of Restart irstEnergys CEO Tony Alexander -Emergency Preparedness Media Tour tours Davis-Besse February 26

  • Challenges

-No challenges of note 8

avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of February 29

  • Accomplishments

-Reduction of vibration on CRDM motor generator set

-Mode 2/1 restraints resolved

-Closed containment and conducted personnel airlock leakage surveillance

-Cleaned Circulating Water intake screens Circulating Water intake screens

  • Challenges

-Reactor Coolant Pump 1-2 (low motor bearing oil level)

-Circulating Water pump suction screen (repairs) 9 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of March 7

  • Accomplishments

-March 8 - NRC resolved the issues and removed restrictions for restart

-Final Restart Readiness Review for Mode 2

-March 11 - entered Mode 2 (reactor critical)

-Zero power physics testing (ZPPT)

-Conducted senior leadership team (SLT) review of ZPPT

  • Challenges

-Operations concern ~ "estimated critical boron" concentration

-Operating crew reinserted control rods Operators withdraw control rods 10 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of March 14

  • Accomplishments

-March 14 - Mode 1

-Power increased to ~14%

-Effectiveness assessment and readiness review prior to generator synchronization

-March 16 - Synchronized Feedwater Valve 780 Turbine to Grid (~20% Power)

-March 17 - Completed Overspeed Turbine Trip Testing

  • Challenges

-Feedwater Valve 780 (disk/stem separation)

-Return to Mode 4 11 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of March 21

  • Accomplishments

-Root Cause Team Assessment (Problem-solving and Decision-making) on Feedwater (FW) Valve 780

-March 23 - Repaired FW Valve 780

-Restart Readiness Meeting

-March 26 - entered Mode 1

-March 27 - Turbine synchronized to grid

  • Challenges

-Reworked Turbine Bypass Valves Turbine Bypass Valve 12 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of March 28

  • Accomplishments

-Effectiveness assessment and readiness review prior to 100%

-Nuclear Instruments and Reactor Protection System calibrations

-Maintained plant chemistry within limits (iron and silica)

-INPO Visits

-Site Pre-visit

-Simulator Observation

-AFW Assist Visit eactor Engineers monitor reactivity *Challenges

-Integrated Control System Response

-Nuclear Instrument Gain Adjustments 13 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Week of April 4

  • Accomplishments

-Nuclear Instruments and Reactor Protection System calibrations and adjustments

-Maintained plant chemistry within limits (iron and silica)

  • Challenges April 4, 2004 -D2 Normal Supply Breaker Davis-Besse at 100% power

(~ 900 MWE) 14 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

ENOC Objectives Safe Plant Operations People Development and Effectiveness

  • Plant startup and challenges were handled in a safe, Improved Outage deliberate, and conservative Performance manner Excellent Materiel Condition Fleet Efficiency and Effectiveness 15 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Operational Improvement Plan and Confirmatory Order Clark Price Manager - Business Services 16 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Cycle 14 Operational Improvement Plan

  • Continuation of the Management & Human Performance Improvement Plan
  • Focuses on our four Safety Barriers





  • Serves to further strengthen and anchor the lessons learned and the corrective actions taken 17 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Cycle 14 Operational Improvement Plan

  • 10 Improvement Initiatives
  • 88 Individual Key Actions
  • Performance Indicators designed to monitor our performance in the four Safety Barriers 18 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Monthly Management Review Meetings

  • Attendees

-Senior Leadership Team

-Site Managers

-Other owners of key actions

  • Cycle 14 Operational Improvement Plan

-Key Initiative Action Plans

-Safety Barrier Performance Indicators

  • Integrated Restart Report Commitments

-Action Plans

  • Safety Culture Monitoring Business Practice 19 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Actions for Continuous Improvement

  • Integrated Restart Report dated November 23, 2003

& Supplement to report dated February 6, 2004

-Appendix A Commitments 36

-Closed to date 11

  • Cycle 14 Operational Improvement Plan

-Appendix D Commitments 94

-Closed to date 29

  • Confirmatory Order

-Commitments 6

-Closed to date 0 20 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Operational Improvement Plan 1st Quarter Accomplishments

  • Completed several Operations improvement actions
  • Developed Forced Outage Schedule template
  • Completed SCWE training to expanded population
  • Completed SCWE refresher training for supervisors
  • Completed qualification of Apparent Cause Evaluators
  • Completed Apparent Cause Training to Managers 21 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Operational Improvement Plan 2nd Quarter Highlights provements to the Management Observation Program enchmark Conduct of Operations provements in Work Management processes evelop plans

-Improve safety margins for the Top 10 Risk Significant Systems

-Reduce and maintain Engineering backlogs

-Reduce Condition Report and Corrective Action backlogs ffectiveness assessment of corrective actions taken in sponse to November 2003 SCWE survey (May) 22 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Confirmatory Order Requirements (March 8, 2004) dependent annual assessments for 5 years ritten plan due to NRC 90 days prior to assessment ssessment report due to NRC within 45 days of completion id-cycle inspection of Reactor Pressure Vessel upper and wer head, penetrations, and Control Rod Drive mechanism anges 23 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Confirmatory Order Action Plan (March 8, 2004) lark Price - Project Manager ed von Ahn, FENOC Vice-President of Oversight -

xecutive Sponsor eveloping a Business Practice to manage the process pproach and Team Composition entative Independent Assessments for 2004

-Operations Performance (August)

-Corrective Action Program Implementation (September)

-Engineering Program Effectiveness (October)

-Organizational Safety Culture, including SCWE (November) 24 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004

Closing Comments FENOC Vision:

People with a strong safety focus elivering top fleet operating performance Lew Myers Chief Operating Officer - FENOC 25 avis-Besse ar Power Station April 8, 2004