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IR 05000325-03-008 & 05000324-03-008, on 08/11/03 Through 08/29/03, Carolina Power & Light, Brunswick Units 1 & 2. Safety System Design and Performance Capability
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/2003
From: Ogle C
Division of Reactor Safety II
To: Keenan J
Carolina Power & Light Co
Download: ML032820550 (26)

See also: IR 05000324/2003008


October 9, 2003

Carolina Power and Light Company

ATTN: Mr. J. S. Keenan

Vice President

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant

P. O. Box 10429

Southport, NC 28461



05000325/2003008 and 05000324/2003008

Dear Mr. Keenan:

This refers to the safety system design and performance capability team inspection conducted

on August 11-15 and August 25-29, 2003, at the Brunswick facility. The enclosed inspection

report documents the inspection findings, which were discussed on August 29, 2003, with

Mr. C. J. Gannon and other members of your staff.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and

compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.

The team reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed


Based on the results of this inspection, one finding of very low safety significance (Green) was

identified. This issue was determined to involve a violation of NRC requirements. This finding

has very low safety significance and has been entered into your corrective action program.

However, the NRC is withholding the treatment of this issue as a non-cited violation as provided

by Section VI.A.1 of the NRCs Enforcement Policy, pending our review of your corrective

actions related to restoration of compliance. If you contest this finding, you should provide a

response with the basis for your concern, within 30 days of the date of this inspection report to

the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-

0001, with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region II; the Director, Office of Enforcement,

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; and the NRC

Resident Inspector at the Brunswick facility.

In accordance with 10CFR 2.790 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system

CP&L 2

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at

rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Charles R. Ogle, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket Nos.: 50-325, 50-324

License Nos.: DPR-71, DPR-62

Enclosure: NRC Inspection Report

w/Attachment: Supplemental Information

cc w/encl:

C. J. Gannon, Director

Site Operations

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant

Carolina Power & Light

Electronic Mail Distribution

W. C. Noll

Plant Manager

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant

Carolina Power & Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution

Terry C. Morton, Manager

Performance Evaluation and

Regulatory Affairs CPB 7

Carolina Power & Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution

Edward T. ONeil, Manager

Support Services

Carolina Power & Light Company

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant

Electronic Mail Distribution

Licensing Supervisor

Carolina Power and Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution

(cc w/encl contd - See page 3)

CP&L 3

(cc w/encl contd)

William D. Johnson

Vice President & Corporate Secretary

Carolina Power and Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution

John H. O'Neill, Jr.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge

2300 N. Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037-1128

Beverly Hall, Acting Director

Division of Radiation Protection

N. C. Department of Environment

and Natural Resources

Electronic Mail Distribution

Peggy Force

Assistant Attorney General

State of North Carolina

Electronic Mail Distribution

Chairman of the North Carolina

Utilities Commission

c/o Sam Watson, Staff Attorney

Electronic Mail Distribution

Robert P. Gruber

Executive Director

Public Staff NCUC

4326 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC 27699-4326

Public Service Commission

State of South Carolina

P. O. Box 11649

Columbia, SC 29211

Donald E. Warren

Brunswick County Board of


P. O. Box 249

Bolivia, NC 28422

(cc w/encl contd - See page 4)

CP&L 4

(cc w/encl contd)

Dan E. Summers

Emergency Management Coordinator

New Hanover County Department of

Emergency Management

P. O. Box 1525

Wilmington, NC 28402

Distribution w/encl:

B. Mozafari, NRR

L. Slack, RII EICS






DATE 10/7/2003 10/9/2003 10/9/2003 10/9/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/9/2003







DATE 10/9/2003






Docket Nos.: 50-325, 50-324

License Nos.: DPR-71, DPR-62

Report Nos.: 05000325/2003008 and 05000324/2003008

Licensee: Carolina Power and Light

Facility: Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2

Location: 8470 River Road SE

Southport, NC 28461

Dates: August 11-15, 2003

August 25-29, 2003

Inspectors: J. Moorman, Senior Reactor Inspector (Lead Inspector)

N. Merriweather, Senior Reactor Inspector

R. Schin, Senior Reactor Inspector (Week 1 only)

M. Thomas, Senior Reactor Inspector

M. Maymí, Reactor Inspector (Week 2 only)

N. Staples, Reactor Inspector

Approved by: Charles R. Ogle, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety



IR 05000325/2003-008, 05000324/2003-008; 08/11-15/2003 and 08/25-29/2003; Brunswick

Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2; safety system design and performance capability.

This inspection was conducted by a team of inspectors from the Region II office. The team

identified 1 Green unresolved item. The significance of most findings is indicated by their color

(Green, White, Yellow, Red) using IMC 0609, Significance Determination Process (SDP).

Findings for which the SDP does not apply may be Green or be assigned a severity level after

NRC management review. The NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial

nuclear power reactors is described in NUREG-1649, Reactor Oversight Process, Revision 3,

dated July 2000.

A. NRC-Identified and Self-Revealing Findings

Cornerstone: Mitigating Systems

Green. The team identified a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design

Control requirements. The Technical Specification (TS) allowable value for the

Condensate Storage Tank (CST) Level - Low function, for automatic high pressure

coolant injection (HPCI) pump suction transfer to the suppression pool, was not

adequately supported by design calculations. The calculations did not adequately

address the potential for air entrainment in the HPCI process flow due to vortexing. This

finding is in the licensees corrective action program as Action Request 102456.

This finding is unresolved pending further NRC review of the requirements for the CST

Level - Low function and of the corrective actions related to restoration of compliance

with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design Control requirements. The finding is

greater than minor because it affects the design control attribute of the mitigating

systems cornerstone objective. It is of very low safety significance (Green) because the

finding is a design deficiency that will not result in loss of the HPCI function per GL 91-

18 (Rev. 1) and the likelihood of having a low level in the CST that would challenge the

CST level - low automatic HPCI suction transfer function is very low. In addition,

alternate core cooling methods would normally be available, including reactor core

isolation cooling (RCIC) as well as automatic depressurization system and low pressure

coolant injection. (Section 1R21.11. b)

B. Licensee-Identified Violations




Cornerstones: Initiating Events and Mitigating Systems

1R21 Safety System Design and Performance Capability (71111.21)

This team inspection reviewed selected components and operator actions that would be

used to prevent or mitigate the consequences of a loss of direct current power event.

Components in the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI), reactor core isolation cooling

(RCIC), and 125/250 volt (v) direct current (dc) electrical systems were included. This

inspection also covered supporting equipment, equipment which provides power to

these components, and the associated instrumentation and controls. The loss of dc

power event is a risk-significant event as determined by the licensees probabilistic risk


.1 System Needs

.11 Process Medium

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the licensees installed configuration and calculations for water

volume in the condensate storage tank (CST) and for net positive suction head for the

HPCI pump. This included reviews of system drawings and walkdown inspection of

installed equipment to compare arrangements and dimensions to those used in the

calculations. The team also reviewed the licensees calculations supporting the

Technical Specification (TS) setpoint for the CST level instrumentation which initiates an

automatic transfer of the HPCI pump suction from the CST to the suppression pool.

This included checking the adequacy of the calculations and comparing calculated

values to values in the TS and in the instrument calibration procedures.

b. Findings

Introduction: An unresolved item of very low safety significance (Green) was identified

for inadequate design control of the HPCI suction source from the CST. The

calculations which determined the CST low level setpoint for automatic HPCI system

suction transfer from the CST to the suppression pool did not adequately account for air

entrainment in the process flow due to vortexing. This finding involved a violation of

NRC requirements. However, it is unresolved pending further NRC review of the

requirements for the CST Level - Low function and corrective actions related to

restoration of compliance.

Description: Vortexing in pump suction sources is a well known phenomenon. It is

discussed in typical textbooks on centrifugal pumps. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.82,

Sumps for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems, dated June

1974, discussed the need to preventing vortexing. Regulatory Guide 1.82, Rev. 1,

dated November 1985, and Rev. 2, dated May 1996, included specific guidance on how

to prevent air ingestion due to vortexing in containment heat removal systems. That


guidance included limiting the Froude number (Fr) to less than 0.8 for BWR suppression

pool suctions [where Fr is equal to the inlet pipe velocity (U) in feet per second divided

by the square root of {the suction pipe centerline submergence below the water level (S)

in feet times gravity (g) in feet per second squared}]. NRC NUREG / CR-2772,

Hydraulic Performance of Pump Suction Inlet for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in

Boiling Water Reactors, dated June 1982, included experiments on suctions from tanks

and showed almost no air entrainment with a Fr of 0.8. The experiments also showed

that air entrainment increased dramatically when Fr reached 1.0. The BWR Owners

Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines included guidance on preventing vortexing in

emergency core cooling system pump suctions from the suppression pool. This

guidance included a vortex limit curve based on maintaining Fr less than 0.8.

All of the above references addressed suction pipes that extended into a tank/sump. A

more recent research paper published in 2001 by ASME titled Air Entrainment in a

Partially Filled Horizontal Pump Suction Line described tests on air entrainment. The

tests were conducted at various flowrates, in a horizontal suction pipe that did not

extend into the a tank; a configuration similar to the HPCI suction from the CST at

Brunswick. The papers conclusions about vortexing and air entrainment at high flow

rates were similar to those of the previous references where a suction pipe extended

into a tank.

Brunswick Units 1 and 2 TS Table stated that the allowable value for the HPCI

system automatic suction transfer from the CST to the suppression pool was a low CST

level of $ 23 feet 4 inches above mean sea level. (NOTE: That value represented 3 feet

4 inches above the bottom of the CST.) Once initiated, the HPCI suction transfer

involved first opening the suppression pool suction valves (E41-F041 and F042) and then

closing the CST suction valve (E41-F004). The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report

(UFSAR) stated that for each units CST:

...the HPCI and RCIC pumps take suction through a 16-inch line

connected to the tank with a nozzle centerline 2 feet above the tank

bottom. Level instruments will initiate an automatic transfer of the pumps

suction path to the suppression pool suction if level approaches this

connection. For HPCI the setpoint is above the 3.3-foot TS limit and

below the 3.5-foot calibration maximum allowed value. To allow time for

the suction transfer to take place, this setpoint provides a margin of

approximately 10,000 gallons in the tank after the setpoint is reached and

before air will be entrained in the process flow.

The calculation of record that supported the TS allowable value was Calculation 0E41-

1001, High Pressure Coolant Injection System - Condensate Storage Tank Level - Low

Uncertainty and Scaling Calculation [E41-LSL-N002(3) Loops], Rev. 1, dated March

29, 1999. The team noted that Calculation 0E41-1001 stated that its objective was to

determine the allowable value and setpoint for the CST low water level trip function for

the HPCI system. However, the calculation did not include a hydraulic analysis to

determine the allowable value. Instead, it relied on a design basis input from

Engineering Service Request (ESR) 97-00026, Action Item 2, for the allowable value.


ESR 97-00026, Action Item 2, stated its objective: ... the analytical limit for the HPCI

and RCIC CST low level transfer function is 23 feet 4 inches. Provide a basis for this

analytical limit. The basis should address air voids ... It also stated: This ESR action

item will show that using the TS limit as the analytical limit is acceptable. The ESR

included Condition Report (CR) 97-02379 Task 2 (approved August, 27, 1997) as an

attachment. The team noted that the ESR relied entirely on CR 97-02379 Task 2 for

concluding that using the TS limit as the analytical limit was acceptable. However, the

ESR also stated: This CR review was not conducted as a design basis input with

formal testing and design verification.

CR 97-02379 Task 2 stated that its objective was to determine if a vortexing problem

existed in the CST when running the HPCI pump. Task 2 further stated that it was

responding to an operating experience event where a nuclear plant had identified that

they had failed to account for unusable volume in their CST due to vortexing concerns.

It described a scale model test that had been performed by another nuclear plant to

conclude that no vortexing would occur in their CST. However, the CR noted reasons

why this test could not be relied upon as a design input. The CR also contained results

from an informal test performed by the licensee. The CR concluded that, based on the

results of the informal testing and engineering judgement, air ingestion may briefly occur

during the transfer process; however, the air ingestion would be of such limited duration

and such a small percentage that there was no concern for damage to the HPCI pumps.

The team noted that the informal test used a small scale model without determination

that the results would be applicable to the installed CST and HPCI suction, the test was

performed without calibrated instruments, and the test was not independently verified.

The team considered that the informal test was not suitable for use as an input to a

design basis calculation.

Subsequently, action request (AR) 00005402 documented an engineering audit concern

with relying on ESR 97-00026 as a design basis input to a calculation. ESR 01-00322

was then written to respond to AR 00005402. ESR 01-00322 stated that its purpose

was to document the technical resolution of the CST intake vortex formation issue and

to insert appropriate references into design documents. ESR 01-00322 included an

extensive review of reference documents on vortexing. It included references to LERs

and INPO Event Reports on vortexing issues at other nuclear plants; NUREG/CR-2772;

and several research papers on vortexing. The team noted that ESR 01-00322 did not

reference NRC Regulatory Guide 1.82.

ESR 01-00322 agreed with the conclusions of CR 97-02379 and ESR 97-00026 that the

TS allowable value of 23 feet 4 inches was adequate. It concluded that the potential for

a significant air ingestion event was of sufficiently low probability to be considered non-

credible. The team noted that this conclusion was based primarily on the CR 97-02379

informal test and on a research paper by A. Daemi of the Water Research Center in

Tehran, Iran, that had been presented to the American Society of Civil Engineers in

1998. The research paper tested the effect of an intake pipe protruding various

distances into a reservoir and found that a pipe that did not protrude into the reservoir

showed some vortexing but no air entrainment while a pipe that did protrude into the

reservoir would have significant vortexing and air entrainment into the pipe. ESR 01-

00322 considered that, since the NUREG/CR-2272 tests used a configuration where the


suction pipe protruded into the tank and the licensees HPCI suction pipe did not

protrude into the CST, the NUREG/CR-2272 conclusions were not applicable to the

Brunswick design. The NRC team noted that the research paper by A. Daemi was

significantly flawed for applicability to Brunswick in that it did not state what flowrates

were used in its tests and apparently used gravity flow. Regulatory Guide 1.82 and

NUREG/CR-2272 indicate that flow velocity is one of the most important factors in

vortex formation. A suction pipe that would have little or no vortexing at low flow

velocities (e.g., gravity flow) could have significant vortexing at higher flow velocities

(e.g., a HPCI pump at 4300 gpm). The team considered that both sources of

information on which the conclusions of ESR 01-00322 were based were not suitable for

use as inputs to safety-related design calculation 0E41-1001.

The HPCI pump was designed to automatically start and establish a flowrate of

4300 gpm. Licensee procedures did not contain guidance to reduce that flowrate when

the CST level approached the low level switchover setpoint. Using the NUREG/CR-

2272 methodology, the team calculated that, at a HPCI pump flowrate of 4300 gpm, an

Fr of 0.8 would be reached at a CST level of 5.0 feet and an Fr of 1.0 would be reached

at a CST level of 3.9 feet. Considering the automatic suction transfer actuation setpoint

and the valve stroke times, the HPCI pump suction pipe could be exposed to a suction

Fr in excess of 0.8 (some air entrainment) for about 8.9 minutes and over 1.0 (over 2%

air entrainment) for about 5.0 minutes. Calculations that used the 2001 ASME research

paper equations provided different results: air entrainment in the process flow would

start at a tank level of 3.2 feet and would exceed 2% at tank levels below 3.0 feet. This

would represent a HPCI pump suction pipe exposure to some air entrainment in the

process flow for about 1.8 minutes and to over 2% air entrainment for about

1.1 minutes. The team concluded that the plant design was not consistent with the

UFSAR in that the TS allowable value for the HPCI automatic suction transfer would not

prevent air from becoming entrained in the HPCI process flow.

During this inspection, team and licensee measurements of the installed CST

configuration revealed non-conservative errors of about 1.5 inches in the actual heights

of the Units 1 and 2 CST level switches above the HPCI suction pipes. These would

result in additional non-conservative errors in the HPCI automatic suction transfer


The licensee entered this issue into their corrective action program as AR 102456102456 This

AR included an operability determination and planned corrective actions that were

reviewed by the team. The operability determination concluded that the CST Level -

Low instrument was operable with the existing TS allowable value and related setpoint

and no compensatory measures were needed. This conclusion was based on the

following: 1) HPCI operation during design or licensing basis events would not

challenge the CST Level - Low instrument; and 2) Operator actions consistent with

plant procedures would not result in 4300 gpm HPCI flow for the full duration of the

suction transfer. The operability determination did not include an analysis which

assured that the instruments allowable value was adequate to prevent significant air

entrainment during the full duration of a CST Level - Low setpoint initiated suction

transfer while the HPCI pump was operating at its maximum flowrate of 4300 gpm.

However, the teams interpretation of licensing basis documents indicated that the CST


Level - Low function was required to be able to protect the HPCI pump from damage

from any suction hazard that could occur. This included air entrainment in the process

flow due to vortexing that would result if the CST level became low while the HPCI pump

was operating at about 4300 gpm, even if this could only occur outside of a design basis


The licensees corrective actions for this issue were in AR 102456102456 This AR included

only two planned corrective actions. The first corrective action was: Issue a UFSAR

change package to correct the description of HPCI air entrainment potential during

suction swap. This was described in more detail in the AR under Section 3,

Inappropriate Acts, item 4: Error 4 was a simple text error by BNP engineering where

the concept was understood (no significant air at the pump) but was not translated into

specific detailed words. The second corrective action was: Issue an evaluation to

update the HPCI CST level switch design basis information to reflect the evaluation

provided in the operability review portion of this AR. The operability determination

portion of the AR concluded that the CST Level - Low automatic HPCI suction transfer

function would not be challenged during design basis events and consequently the TS

allowable value was adequate.

The documented corrective actions in AR 102456102456did not appear to be sufficiently

comprehensive to restore compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design

Control. The licensees planned corrective actions did not specifically include revising

the design calculation, 0E41-1001. In addition, they did not include assuring that the

CST Level - Low suction transfer function will protect the HPCI pump if it is operating at

its maximum flowrate during the transfer. The planned corrective actions identified in

the AR did not include obtaining a certification from the pump vendor that the pump can

withstand a certain amount of air in the process flow for a certain amount of time without

pump damage. [This was subsequently done by the licensee.] The planned corrective

actions identified in the AR also did not include submitting a license amendment request

to the NRC to revise the TS allowable value, remove the CST Level - Low function from

TS, or add an operator action to throttle HPCI pump flow at low CST levels so that the

existing setpoint will be able to protect the pump. This issue will remain unresolved

pending further NRC review of the design basis and operability requirements for the

CST Level - Low suction transfer function. Specifically, the NRC will review whether the

CST Level - Low function is required to be able to protect the HPCI pump from damage

only during design basis events; or if it is required to be able to protect the HPCI pump

from damage due to air entrainment if the level is the CST becomes low with the HPCI

pump operating at a flowrate of about 4300 gpm, even if this could only occur outside of

a design basis event.

Analysis: Design Calculation 0E41-1001, for the CST Level - Low setpoint and TS

allowable value was inadequate. The finding is greater than minor because it affects the

design control attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone objective. It is of very low

safety significance (Green) because the finding is a design deficiency that will not result

in loss of the HPCI function per GL 91-18 (Rev. 1) and the likelihood of having a low

level in the CST that would challenge the CST Level - Low automatic HPCI suction

transfer function is very low. In addition, alternate core cooling methods would normally


be available, including RCIC as well as automatic depressurization system and low

pressure coolant injection.

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design Control, requires in part, that

design control measures shall include provisions to assure that appropriate quality

standards are specified and included in design documents. Contrary to the above

requirements, the NRC identified during this inspection that, from 1999 to August 2003,

licensee Calculation 0E41-1001 and associated design documents did not adequately

consider air entrainment in the HPCI pump process flow due to vortexing in the CST for

the current TS value for the CST Level - Low setpoint for automatic transfer of the HPCI

pump suction from the CST to the suppression pool. This finding was entered into the

licensees corrective action program as Action Request 102456 and is unresolved

pending further NRC review of the requirements for the CST Level - Low function and of

the licensees corrective actions related to restoration of compliance with Criterion III of

10 CFR 50, Appendix B. This finding is identified as URI 05000325, 324/2003008-01,

Failure to Adequately Consider Vortexing in the Calculation for CST Level for Automatic

Transfer of the HPCI Pump Suction.

.12 Energy Sources

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed appropriate test and design documents to verify that the

125/250 vdc power source for HPCI system valves and controls would be available and

adequate in accordance with design basis documents. Specifically, the team reviewed

the 125/250 vdc battery load study, 125 vdc battery charger sizing calculation, and

125/250 vdc system voltage drop study, and battery surveillance test results, to verify

that the dc batteries and chargers had adequate capacity for the loading conditions

which would be encountered during various operating scenarios. The team reviewed a

sample of HPCI motor operated valves (MOVs) to verify the adequacy of available motor

output torque, stroke times, thermal overload heater sizing, and valve performance at

reduced voltages. The team also reviewed portions of a voltage study to verify adequacy

of voltage for HPCI solenoid valves 1-E41-F025 and -F026 under worst case voltage

conditions. A list of related documents reviewed are included in the attachment.

The team reviewed design basis descriptions and drawings and walked down the HPCI

and RCIC systems to verify that a steam supply would be available for pump operation

during a loss of station dc power event. This included review of the steam supply drain

systems and review of a recent modification to the HPCI steam supply drain system.

The team reviewed the HPCI steam supply drain pot flow orifice inspections; the drain

pot level switch logic and calibration records, and the drain pot drain line isolation valves

modification to verify that the HPCI steam supply would be available if needed. The

team reviewed functional valve testing for the HPCI and RCIC turbine exhaust vacuum

breaker check valves to verify adequacy of acceptance criteria and to verify that vacuum

breaker functionality was being maintained.


b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.13 Instrumentation and Controls

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed electrical elementary and logic diagrams depicting the HPCI pump

start and stop logic, permissives, and interlocks to ensure that they were consistent with

the system operational requirements described in the UFSAR. The team reviewed the

HPCI auto-actuation and isolation functional surveillance procedures and completed test

records to verify that the control system would be functional and provide desired control

during accident and event conditions in accordance with design. The team reviewed the

calibration test records for the CST low water level instrument channels to verify that the

instruments were calibrated in accordance with setpoint documents. The team also

reviewed the records demonstrating the calibration and functional testing of the HPCI

suppression pool high level instrument channels to determine the operability of the high

level interlock functions of HPCI.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.14 Operator Actions

a. Inspection Scope

The team assessed the plant and the operators response to a Unit 1 initiating event

involving a loss of station battery 1B-2. The team focused on the installed equipment

and operator actions that could initiate the event or would be used to mitigate the event.

The team reviewed portions of emergency operating procedures (EOPs), abnormal

operating procedures (AOPs), annunciator panel procedures (APPs), and operating

procedures (OPs) to verify that the operators could perform the necessary actions to

respond to a loss of dc power event. The team also observed simulation of a loss of dc

power event on the plant simulator and walked down portions of Procedure 0AOP-39,

Loss of DC Power. The simulator observations and procedure reviews focused on

plant response and on verifying that operators had adequate instrumentation and

procedures to respond to the event. The team reviewed operator training records

(lesson plans, completed job performance measures, etc.) to verify that operators had

received training related to a loss of dc power event.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.


.15 Heat Removal

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed historical temperature data for the Unit 2 battery rooms to verify that

the minimum and maximum room temperatures were within the allowable temperature

limits specified for the batteries.

The team reviewed heat load and heat removal calculations for the HPCI and RCIC

rooms. The team also reviewed the calculated peak temperature and pressure

responses during high energy line break and loss of coolant accidents for these rooms.

The team reviewed service water temperature and flow requirement calculations for the

HPCI and RCIC rooms and fan coolers. These reviews were conducted to verify the

adequacy of design for the room coolers, and to verify that heat will be adequately

removed during a loss of dc power event.

The team also reviewed HPCI and RCIC room cooler thermostat calibrations, inspection

and cleaning records, and corrective maintenance history to verify room coolers were

properly maintained and would be available if called upon.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.2 System Condition and Capability

.21 Installed Configuration

a. Inspection Scope

The team visually inspected the 125/250 vdc batteries and battery chargers, dc

distribution panels, dc switchgear, and dc ground detection systems in both units to

verify that the dc system was in good material condition with no alarms or abnormal

conditions present and to verify that alignments were consistent with the actions needed

to mitigate a loss of dc power event. The batteries were inspected for signs of

degradation such as corrosion, cell discoloration, plate buckling, grid cracks, and

excessive plate growth.

The team walked down the HPCI and RCIC systems and the CST to verify that the

installed configuration was consistent with design basis information and would support

system function during a loss of dc power event.

The team walked down portions of the HPCI system to verify that it was aligned so that

it would be available for operators to mitigate a loss of dc power event. During this

walkdown, the team compared valve positions with those specified in the HPCI system

operating procedure lineup, and observed the material condition of the plant to verify

that it would be adequate to support operator actions to mitigate a loss of dc power


event. This also included reviewing completed surveillance tests which verified selected

breaker positions and alignments.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.22 Design Calculations

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the thermal overload sizing calculations for a sample of Unit 1 HPCI

MOVs to verify adequacy of the installed overload relay heaters. The team also

reviewed calculations that assessed the stroke times and motor torque produced at

reduced voltage to verify that they would exceed or meet minimum specified

requirements. The valves and calculations reviewed are listed in the attachment.

The team reviewed design basis documents, probabilistic risk assessment system

notebooks, UFSAR, selected piping and instrumentation diagrams, selected TSs,

system reviews, ARs, and the corrective maintenance history for HPCI and RCIC

systems to assess the implementation and maintenance of the HPCI and RCIC design


b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.23 Testing and Inspection

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the 125/250 vdc battery surveillance test records, including

performance and service test results, to verify that the batteries were capable of

meeting design basis load requirements.

The team reviewed functional and valve operability testing (stroke times), and corrective

maintenance records for HPCI and RCIC selected valves, including the minimum flow

bypass valves, and steam admission valve. This review was conducted to verify the

availability of the selected valves, adequacy of surveillance testing acceptance criteria,

and monitoring of selected valves for degradation.

The team reviewed HPCI and RCIC system operability tests to verify the adequacy of

acceptance criteria, pump performance under accident conditions, and monitoring of

system components for degradation.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.


.3 Selected Components

.31 Component Degradation

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed in-service trending data for selected components, including the

HPCI and RCIC pumps, to verify that the components were continuing to perform within

the limits specified by the test.

The team reviewed the maintenance history of the 125/250 vdc batteries, 125 vdc

battery chargers, and selected 4160 v alternating current (ac) and 480 vac breakers to

assess the licensees actions to verify and maintain the safety function, reliability, and

availability of the components in the system. The team also reviewed the preventive

maintenance performed on selected 4160 vac and 480 vac breakers to verify that

preventive maintenance was being performed in accordance with maintenance

procedures and vendor recommendations. The specific work orders and other related

documents reviewed are listed in the attachment.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.32 Equipment/Environmental Qualification

a. Inspection Scope

The team conducted in-plant walkdowns to verify that the observable portion of selected

mechanical components and electrical connections to those components were suitable

for the environment expected under all conditions, including high energy line breaks.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.33 Equipment Protection

a. Inspection Scope

The team conducted in-plant walkdowns to verify that there was no observable damage

to installations designed to protect selected components from potential effects of high

winds, flooding, and high or low outdoor temperatures.

The team walked down the HPCI and RCIC systems and the CST to verify that they

were adequately protected against external events and a high energy line break.


b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.34 Operating Experience

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the licensees dispositions of operating experience reports

applicable to the loss of dc power event to verify that applicable insights from those

reports had been applied to the appropriate components.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.4 Identification and Resolution of Problems

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed corrective maintenance work orders on batteries, battery chargers,

and ac breakers to evaluate failure trends. The team also reviewed Action Requests

involving battery problems, battery charger problems, and charger output breaker

problems to verify that appropriate corrective action had been taken to resolve the

problem. The specific Action Requests reviewed are listed in the attachment. The team

reviewed selected system health reports, maintenance records, surveillance test

records, calibration test records, and action requests to verify that design problems were

identified and entered into the corrective action program.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

4. Other Activities

4OA6 Meetings, Including Exit

The lead inspector presented the inspection results to Mr. C. J. Gannon, and other

members of the licensee staff, at an exit meeting on August 29, 2003. The inspectors

confirmed that proprietary information was not provided or examined during this





L. Beller, Supervisor, Licensing

E. Browne, Engineer, Probabilistic Safety Assessment

B. Cowan, Engineer

C. Elberfeld, Lead Engineer

P. Flados, HPCI System Engineer

N. Gannon, Director, Site Operations

M. Grantham, Design

C. Hester, Operations Support

D. Hinds, Manager, Engineering

G. Johnson, NAS Supervisor

W. Leonard, Engineer

T. Mascareno, Operations Support

J. Parchman, Shift Technical Advisor, Operations

C. Schacher, Engineer

B. Stackhouse, Systems

H. Wall, Manager, Maintenance

K. Ward, Technical Services

NRC (attended exit meeting)

E. DiPaolo, Senior Resident Inspector

J. Austin, Resident Inspector



05000325,324/2003008-01 URI Failure to Adequately Consider Vortexing in the

Calculation for CST Level for Automatic Transfer of

the HPCI Pump Suction (Section 1R21.11. b)





0AI-115, 125/250 VDC System Ground Correction Guidelines, Rev. 6

0AOP-36.1, Loss of Any 4160V Buses or 480V E-Buses, Rev. 25

0AOP-39.0, Loss of DC Power, Rev. 16

0OI-01.02, Shift Routines and Operating Practices, Rev. 31

0OI-50, 125/250 VDC Electrical Load List, Rev. 25

0OP-50.1, Diesel Generator Emergency Power System Operating Procedure, Rev. 55

0PM-ACU500, Inspection and Cleaning of the RHR/Core Spray Room Aerofin Cooler Air Filters

and Coolers, Rev. 7

1APP-A-05, Annunciator Procedure for Panel A-05, Rev. 46

1APP-UA-23, Annunciator Procedure for Panel UA-23, Rev. 45

1EOP-01-RSP, Reactor Scram Procedure, Rev. 8

1OP-19, High Pressure Coolant Injection System Operating Procedure, Rev. 58

1OP-50, Plant Electrical System Operating Procedure, Rev. 64

1OP-51, DC Electrical System Operating Procedure, Rev. 40

2APP-A-01, Annunciator Procedure for Panel A-01, Rev. 44

OPIC-TMR002, Calibration of Agastat 7020 Series Time Delay Off Relays, Rev. 18

OPM-BKR001, ITE 4KV-line Breaker and compartment checkout, Rev 27

OPM-BKR002A, ITE K-line Circuit Breakers, Rev 31

OPM-TRB518, HPCI & RCIC Steam Inlet Drain Pot Flow Orifices Inspection, Rev. 3


1-FP-60085, High Pressure Coolant Injection System Unit 1, Rev. J

Contract No. 71-2162, Dwg. No. 1, General Plan for Condensate Storage Tanks by Brown &

Root, Inc; Rev. C

D-02523, High Pressure Coolant Injection System Unit 2, Sh. 1 & 2, Rev. 52 & 45

D-02529, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Unit 2, Sh. 1 & 2, Rev. 52 & 36

D-25023, Sheet 2, Unit 1 High Pressure Coolant Injection System Piping Diagram, Rev. 45

D-25023, Sheet 1, Unit 1 High Pressure Coolant Injection System Piping Diagram, Rev. 54

F-03044, Units 1 & 2 480 Volt System Key One Line Diagram, Rev. 18

LL-7044, Instrument Installation Details Units 1 & 2, Sh. 15, Rev. 10


0E41-1001; High Pressure Coolant Injection System - Condensate Storage Tank Level - Low

Uncertainty and Scaling Calculation (E41-LSL-N002(3) Loops), Rev. 1, dated March 29, 1999

9527-8-E41-06-F; NPSH Requirements - HPCI and RCIC; dated March 26, 1987

BNP-E-6.033, AC/DC MOV Thermal Overload Sizing Calculations, Rev. 3

BNP-E-6.062, 125/250 Volt DC System Voltage Drop Study, Rev. 3

BNP-E-6.074, 125/250 Volt DC Battery Load Study, Rev. 2

BNP-E-6.079, 125 Volt DC Battery Charger Sizing Calculation, Revision

BNP-E-6.109, Unit 1 Stroke and Motor Torque Calculations for 250VDC Safety-Related MOVs,

Rev. 5

BNP-E-8.013, Motor Torque Analysis for AC MOVs, Rev. 4


BNP-EQ-4.001, Temperature Response in RHR and HPCI Rooms Following LOCA with


BNP-MECH-E41-F002, Mechanical Analysis Report to Verify Minimum Torque Availability,

Rev. 3

BNP-MECH-RBER-001, Reactor Building Environmental Report, Rev. 0A

HVAC Flow Rates, Rev. 0

M-89-0021; HPCI/RCIC NPSH with Suction from the CST; Rev. 0, dated November 27, 1989

PCN-G0050A, RHR Room Cooler Allowable Service Water Inlet Temperature, Rev. 2

Design Basis Documents

DBD-19, High Pressure Coolant Injection System, Rev. 11

DBD-51, DC Electrical System, Rev. 5

Engineering Service Requests

ESR 97-0026; Provide a Basis for the Analytical Limit for the HPCI and RCIC CST Low Level

Transfer Function; dated November 24, 1997

ESR 98-00067; HPCI/RCIC Reserve Capacity in CST; Rev. 1, dated February 17, 1998

ESR 99-00404; HPCI/RCIC Drain Pot Piping Boundary Changes; dated February 25, 2000

ESR 01-00322; Document the Technical Resolution of the CST Intake Vortex Formation Issue;

dated September 25, 2001

ESR 99-00405, HPCI Design Conversion To Fail Open for E-41-F028/29, Rev. 0

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report

UFSAR Section 5.4.6, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System

UFSAR Section 6.3, Identification of Safety Related Systems - Emergency Core Cooling


UFSAR Section, Emergency Core Cooling Systems

UFSAR Section 8.3.2, DC Power Systems

UFSAR Section 9.2.6, Condensate Storage Facilities

Improved Technical Specifications Section 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating

Section 3.5.3, RCIC System

Section 3.8.4, DC Sources - Operating

Section 3.8.6, Battery Cell Parameters

Section 3.8.7, Electrical Distribution Systems - Operating

TS Bases Section 3.5; Emergency Core Cooling Systems and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling


List of Valves Inspected

1-E41-F001, HPCI Steam Supply Valve

1-E41-F006, HPCI Main Pump Discharge Valve

1-E41-F007, HPCI Main Pump Discharge Valve

1-E41-F008, HPCI Test Bypass to CST Valve


1-E41-F011, HPCI Redundant Shutoff to CST Valve

1-E41-F012, HPCI Test Line Miniflow Valve

1-E41-F041, HPCI Suppression Pool Suction Valve

1-E41-F042, HPCI Pump Suction Valve

Completed Maintenance and Tests

0PT-09.2, HPCI System Operability Test, completed 06/27/03, 04/03/03, 01/10/03, 08/20/03,

05/29/03, 04/04/03

0PT-20.10, Testing of Valves E41-F076, E41-F077, E51-F063, E51-F064, completed 04/24/02,

03/08/02, 03/10/03, 04/22/02

0PT-10.11, RCIC System Operability Test, completed 06/06/03, 03/14/03, 12/20/02, 07/31/03,

05/08/03, 04/03/03

0PT-09.3, HPCI System - 165 Psig Flow Test, completed 04/20/03, 03/26/01, 03/29/02,


0PT-09.7, HPCI System Valve Operability Test, completed 07/25/03, 05/02/03, 02/07/03,

05/01/03, 04/01/03

0PT-10.1.8, RCIC System Valve Operability Test, completed 07/04/03, 04/10/03, 07/03/03,

04/09/030PT-10.1.3, RCIC System Operability Test - Flow Rates at 150 Psig, completed

03/18/00, 03/29/02, 03/23/01, 04/02/03

Completed Work Orders (WOs) and Work Requests (WRs)

WO 49443-01, HPCI Turbine Restricting Orifices Inspection, completed 03/13/01

WO 49442-01, RCIC Turbine Restricting Orifices Inspection, completed 03/15/01

WO 45798-01, HPCI Turbine Supply Steam Drain Pot Hi Level Switch Calibration (Unit 2),

completed 02/06/01

WO 192543-01, HPCI Steam Supply Valve 2-E41-F001 Repairs due to Leakage Past the Seat,

completed 03/31/03

WO 45817-01, HPCI Turbine Supply Steam Drain Pot Hi Level Switch Calibration (Unit 1),

completed 11/25/01

WO 46107-01, Calibration of RHR Room Cooler Thermostats, completed 11/09/00

WO 50172-01, Inspection & Cleaning of the RHR Room Cooler, completed 03/05/02

WO 50171-01, Inspection & Cleaning of the RHR Room Cooler, completed 03/05/02

WR AFQO 001, HPCI Turbine Supply Steam Drain Pot Hi Level Switch Calibration (Unit 2),

completed 06/07/96

WR AITI 001, HPCI Turbine Supply Steam Drain Pot Hi Level Switch Calibration (Unit 1),

completed 08/03/95

WR ABPD 003, Calibration of RHR Room Cooler Thermostats, completed 09/13/00

WR ABPD 002, Calibration of RHR Room Cooler Thermostats, completed 06/25/97

WR AGEB 002, Calibration of RHR Room Cooler Thermostats, completed 08/21/97

WR AIWK 004, Inspection & Cleaning of the RHR Room Cooler, completed 03/09/02

WR/JO ANRR001, 1A-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WR/JO ANTK001, 1A-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WR/JO ANSN001, 1B-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WR/JO ANST001, 1B-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WO 0004546501, 2B-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WO 0004546401, 2B-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test


WO 0004546301, 2A-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WO 0004546601, 2A-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Performance Capacity Test

WO 0004635001, 1A-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Service Capacity Test

WO 0004635101, 1A-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Service Capacity Test

WO 0004634901, 1B-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, Service Capacity Test

WO 0004634801, 1B-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, Service Capacity Test

WO 0017812801, 2B-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, 2B-2 Service Capacity Test

WO 0017569601, 2B-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, 2B-1 Service Capacity Test

WO 0017400501, 2A-1 Batteries, 125 VDC, 2A-1 Service Capacity Test

WO 0017414101, 2A-2 Batteries, 125 VDC, 2A-2 Service Capacity Test

WO 0040723401, OMST-BATT11W, 125 VDC, Weekly Test

WO 0040495901, OMST-BATT11W, 125 VDC, Weekly Test

WO 0040496001, OMST-BATT11W, 125 VDC, Weekly Test

WO 0040777701, OMST-BATT11W, 125 VDC, Weekly Test

WO 0037714901, 1B-1 & 1B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256501, 1B-1 & 1B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0030900101, 1B-1 & 1B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0028260501, 1B-1 & 1B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0038119301, 1A-1 & 1A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031639601, 1A-1 & 1A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256401, 1A-1 & 1A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0028260601, 1A-1 & 1A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0030391401, 2A-1 & 2A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0030391501, 2B-1 & 2B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256201, 2A-1 & 2A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256301, 2A-1 & 2A-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256601, 2B-1 & 2B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0031256701, 2B-1 & 2B-2 OMST-BATT11Q Quarterly

WO 0004680801, HPCI Auto-Actuation and Isolation Logic System Functional Test

WO 0017956801, HPCI Auto-Actuation and Isolation Logic System Functional Test

WO 0039711701, 1MST-HPCI27Q and RCIC CST Low Water Level Instrument Calibration

WO 0031316101, 1MST-HPCI27Q and RCIC CST Low Water Level Instrument Calibration

WO 0039317801, 2MST-HPCI27Q and RCIC CST Low Water Level Instrument Calibration

WO 0031323101, 2MST-HPCI27Q and RCIC CST Low Water Level Instrument Calibration

WO 0038677201, HPCI Suppression Pool High Level Instrument Channel Calibration

WO 0031264601, HPCI Suppression Pool High Level Instrument Channel Calibration

WO 0038677301, HPCI Suppression Pool High Level Instrument Channel Calibration

WO 0004589001, Calibrate 1-E41-FSHL-N006 in accordance with OPIC-DP-S001

WO 0007165101, Replace HPCI pump discharge line flow switch

WO 0043163601, Perform single cell charging on 1-1A-2 Cell #43 IAW OSPP-BAT010

WO 0043161301, Perform single cell charging on 1-1B-1 Cell #13 IAW OSPP-BAT010

WO 0042888401, 1-1B-1 125 VDC Battery Cell # 13 has a low voltage reading

WO 0041657401, Perform single cell charging on 1A-2 Battery Cell # 1

WO 0037821401, 1B-2 Battery Cell # 53 has a cell voltage of 2.124, minimum voltage is 2.13

WO 0033286001, 1-1B-2 Battery corrosion found on positive terminal of battery cell # 52

WO 0033285401, 1-1A-1 Battery corrosion found

WO 0033285301, 1-1A-2-125VDC-BAT, Replace Cell # 7 on Battery 1A-2

WO 0016351401, Equalize 1-1B-2-125VDC-BAT IAW OPM-BAT004


WO 0014092401, 1-1B-2 Cell # 1 needs to be replaced due to low specific gravity reading

WO 0006930901, Using ESR 00-00345 and WO Task Instructions, Replace Cell # 54 in 1-1B-

125VDC-BAT while batteries remain on line

WO WR/JO 99-ADIK1, Troubleshoot and assist operations in ground hunting for 1B Battery

Bus IAW OAI-115 and 1OP-51

WO 0043131301, 1-1A-2-125VDC-CHRGR investigate breaker trip/charger voltage card


WO WR/JO 99-AFEC1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 1-1A-1-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 99-AFED1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 1-1A-2-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 99-AFEE1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 1-1B-1-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 99-AFEE2, Place 1-1B-1-125VDC-BAT on equalize

WO WR/JO 99-AGKA1, Investigate problem with 1-1B-2-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 99-AGKA2, Troubleshoot ground on 1-1B-2 Battery Charger during Unit 1 outage

WO WR/JO 99-AFEF1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 1-1B-2-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 98-ACNW1, Troubleshoot and Repair 1-1B-2-125VDC-CHRGR

WO 0033286301, Perform OMST-BATT11Q to remove corrosion from battery terminals

WO 0033286201, Perform OMST-BATT11Q to remove corrosion

WO 0027849301, 2-2A-1-125VDC-BAT, Perform DLRO measurements

WO 0027849201, 2-2B-1-125VDC-BAT, Perform DLRO measurements

WO 0016331601, 2-2B-1-125VDC-CHRGR has no output voltage please investigate and repair

WO 0013345101, The corrected specific gravity was less than the required 1.205 tolerance

WO WR/JO 99-ADML1, Place 125 VDC Battery Banks 2A-1, 2A-2, 2B-1, 2B-2 on equalize

WO WR/JO 00-ADJS1, Replace Cell # 27 in 2-2A-2-125VDC-BAT

WO WR/JO 00-ADEE1, Clean off electrolyte on cell #27 of 2-2A-2 Battery

WO WR/JO 99-AAGJ1, 2-2A-2-125VDC-BAT individual cell voltage out of tolerance

WO WR/JO 00-AARJ1, Troubleshoot 2-2B battery bus ground

WO WR/JO 99-ACRS1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 2-2A-2-125VDC-CHRGR

WO WR/JO 99-ACSW1, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 2-2A-1-125VDC-CHRGR

WO 0011166201, Replace float/equalize toggle switch on 2-2B-1-125VDC-CHRGR

WO 0017170101, Specific gravity on Cell #56 of battery 1B-2 out of tolerance

WO WR/JO 99-AAGE1, 1-1B-2-125VDC-BAT Cell #37 voltage low

WR/JO ASLE001,1-E6-AV4-52, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker PM

WR/JO ADUE001,1-E5-AU9-52, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker PM

WR/JO ADKC001,1-E6-AX1-52, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker PM

WR/JO 99-ACPT1,2-2CB-C56, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker


WR/JO 00-ABHD2,1-1CA-C05, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker


WR/JO 00-ABDH1,1-1CA-C05, 5175 480 VAC Distribution System, Substation Breaker


WR/JO ACDU001, 2-2A-GKO-72, 5240 125 VDC Battery Charger System, Circuit Breaker

Functional Test

WR/JO ACDX001, 2-2A-GK3-72, 5240 125 VDC Battery Charger System, Circuit Breaker

Functional Test

WR/JO AAKO001, 2-2CB-C56-52, 5240 125 VDC Battery Charger System, Circuit Breaker


WO 0005034401, PM on 1-E2-AH1

WO 0017871402, In-situ Test of Mag Latch for 1-E6-AV4-52


WO 0030223001, Overload Relay Setting Change

WO 0017871002, In-situ Test on 1-E6-AV4-52

WO 0029973501, Circuit Breaker Tie Between Unit Substation E5&E6

WO 0017868201, In-situ Test of Mag Latch of E5-E6 Tie Breaker

WO 0005033201, PM on 1-E2-AH1

WO 0012789501, Breaker Operator Replacement

WO 0005030701, PM on Breaker 1-1B-GM1-72

WO 0005009301, PM on Breaker 1-1B-GM4-72

WO 0029610701, PM on Breaker 2-2B-GM1-72

WO 0029609301, PM on Breaker 2-2B-GM4-72

WO 0013432712, Test/Replace Breaker 2B-1-125VDC-Charger AC CKT

Completed Surveillance Procedures, Preventive Maintenance (PM), and Test Records

0PT-12.6, Breaker Alignment Surveillance, Rev. 42, Completed 8/2/03, 8/9/03, 8/16/03, 8/23/03

Action Requests (ARs)

087358, Deficiencies related with valve 2-E41-F001

CR 97-02379; Determine if Vortexing Problem Exists in the CST When Running the HPCI

Pump; dated August 27, 1997.

AR 00005402; Vortexing in CST Needs More Formal Analysis than CR 97-02379; dated

December 30, 1998.

AR 00098654, 125 VDC 1A-2 Battery Charger Main Supply Breaker Trip

AR 00047078, 1B-2 Cell # 56 Failed Specific Gravity

AR 00071076, Positive Plate Discoloration and Expansion

AR 00071079, 1B-2 Battery cells have positive plate discoloration and expansion

AR 00058078, Battery 1A-2 has low voltage cells

AR 00053109, Visual signs of degradation on 2B-1 battery

AR 00083997, 2A-1 Battery Cell #31 cracked cell top

AR 00085750, 1B-2 Battery Cell #53 has a low voltage

AR 00044684, 1B-2 Batteries are A(1) under new Maintenance Rule criteria

AR 00052618, DC MOV Thermal Overload Heater Sizing

AR 00076440, BESS Calculations Self Assessment 50952

Action Requests Written Due to this Inspection

101924, Update periodic maintenance program to add periodic replacement of diaphram in

valve E41-PCV-152, dated 08/14/03

102321, Valve E41-F042, reduced voltage strike time calculation basis, dated 08/19/03

102456, CST Vortexing Documentation Discrepancies; dated 08/20/03

103005, Note in 0PT-09.2 Referring to Auto Closure of HPCI Steam Line Drains (F029 and

F028) should have been removed by ESR 99-00405, dated 08/26/03


103106, Correct procedure inconsistencies in preventative maintenance Procedure

0PM-BKR001, ITE 4KV Breaker and Compartment Checkout, dated 08/27/03

103252, Procedure Enhancement to 0PT-09.3, Rev. 50, HPCI System - 165 Psig Flow Test.

Add Procedural Guidance to Ensure that HPCI Minimum Flow Isolation Valve E41-F012 Goes

Closed After Proper Flow Setpoint is Reached, dated 08/28/03

103256, Procedure Enhancement to 0PT-09.2, Rev. 111, HPCI System Operability Test. Add

Procedural Guidance to Ensure that HPCI Minimum Flow Isolation Valve E41-F012 Goes

Closed After Proper Flow Setpoint is Reached, dated 08/28/03

103299, Provide procedural guidance as to when a Shift Technical Advisor should activate their

post, dated 08/28/03

Lesson Plans/Job Performance Measures (JPM)

Lesson Plan CLS-LP-51, DC Distribution, Rev. 0

Lesson Plan CLS-LP-302-G, Electrical Failure Related AOPs (AOP-12.0, AOP-22.0, AOP-36.1,

and AOP-39.0), Rev. 0

AOT-OJT-JP-051-A01, DC Ground Isolation for P, N, and P/N, Rev. 1

AOT-OJT-JP-302-G01, Loss of DC Power - Transfer of DC Control Power, Rev. 2

Miscellaneous Documents:

Brunswick Nuclear Plant Probabilistic Safety Assessment

RSC 98-24, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Notebook, Rev. 0

RSC 98-23, HPCI System Notebook, Rev. 0

HPCI System Periodic Review, dated 02/20/03

RCIC System Periodic Review, dated 02/20/03

Maintenance Rule Scoping and Performance Criteria, System 1001, ECCS Suction Strainer

Vendor Manual FP-3808, Battery Charger, Rev. G

Specification 137-002, 125 Volt Battery Chargers, Rev. 7

Engineering Evaluation BNP-DC-03, Overload Heater Resizing for Valves 1-E41-F001, F006,

F007, and F008, Rev. 0