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Unit 2 Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/2003
From: Zwolinski J
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML032180040 (114)


Indiana Michigan Power Company 500 Circle Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 1395 INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER July 29, 2003 AEP:NRC:3004 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(iii) 10 CFR 50, Appendix E.V Docket Nos: 50-315 50-316 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop O-P 1-17 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 TRANSMITTAL OF EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(iii), Indiana Michigan Power Company, the licensee for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2, is transmitting RMT-2080-EOF-001, Activation and Operation of the EOF, Revision 4, RMT-2080-EOF-002, Emergency Termination and Recovery, Revision 2, RMT-2080-TSC-001, Activation and Operation of the TSC, Revision 3, and RMT-2080-JPIC-001, Activation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC, Revision 1.

A revision summary has been included for each of the procedures being transmitted.

This letter contains no new commitments. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brian A. McIntyre, Manager of Regulatory Affairs, at (269) 697-5806.

Sincerely, Jo4 A. Zwolinski Director of Design Engineering and Regulatory Affairs DB/rdw

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AEP:NRC:3004 Page 2


Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures C: J. L. Caldwell, NRC Region III (2)

K. D. Curry - AEP Ft. Wayne, w/o attachment J. T. King, MPSC, w/o attachment MDEQ - WHMD/HWRPS, w/o attachment NRC Resident Inspector M. A. Shuaibi - NRC Washington DC

ATTACHMENT TO AEP:NRC:3004 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES RMT-2080-EOF-001, Revision 4 RMT-2080-EOF-002, Revision 2 RMT-2080-TSC-001, Revision 3 RMT-2080-JPIC-001, Revision 1



Number: RMT-2080-EOF-001 Revision: 4 Change: 0


Activatinn and Oneratinn of the 1EnF Section or Step Change/Reason For Change Marginal markings used.

Step 2.7 Change: Changed 'Security Director' for implementing the shift designation attachment to 'SchedulinglPlanning Manager.

Reason: The Security Director position has been eliminated. The S/P Manger has taken over the responsibilities. , Change: Added step 2.1 to clarify the responsibilities of the SEC.

Step 2 Reason: Clarify the responsibilities that may not be delegated. These responsibilities are located in PMP-2080-EPP-100. Correction criteria: m , Change: Third bullet: Added clarifying information to contact building Step 1 maintenance to isolate ventilation in the EOF.

Reason: Clarify how to accomplish the step. , Change: Added Berrien County EOC to the list of EMD-32 fax Step 7 recipients.

Reason: To facilitate rapid communication. 2, Change: Changed Security Director to 'Scheduling/Planning Manager'.

Step 2 Reason: The Security Director position has been eliminated. The S/P Manger has taken over the responsibilities. 2 Change: Deleted Security Director to from the routing instructions table.

Reason: The Security Director position has been eliminated. The S/P Manger has taken over the responsibilities. 5, Change: Added 'to Berrien county' to end of first line and changed Step 1.1.3 'EMD-32a or EMD-32bY to 'EMD32'. Replaced sub-step b with a new b and c to clarify instructions for giving EMD-32 information to the county and for verifying that the information was received.

Reason: The county was added to the list of agencies that receive the faxed EMD-32. 5, Change: Added 's' to Request.

Step 1.1.4 Reason: To match the title of the attachment.



Number: RMT-2080-EOF-01 Revision: 4 Change: 0


Activation and Over ration of the EOF Section or Step Change/Reason For Change 5, Change: Added 'to Berrien county' to end of first line. Replaced sub-Step 1.2.3 step b with a new b and c to clarify instructions for giving EMD-32 information to the county and for verifying that the information was received.

Reason: The county was added to the list of agencies that receive the faxed EMD-32. 5, Change: Changed the instructions for maintaining communications with Step 1.2.5 the county.

Reason: To give the county the option of not maintaining continuous communications. 8, Change: Deleted 's' on communication and added step 2.1 to clarify the Step 2 communication link with the MSP.

Reason: To give the state the option of not maintaining communications on a continuous basis.

Figure 2 Change: Deleted the Security Director and associated responsibilities.

Reason: The position has been eliminated. Duties have been given to the Scheduling and Planning Manager and/or the Security officers at the EOF.


rotw= RMT-2080EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 1 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Reference l lEffective Date:zb3I B. K. Molloy S. M. Partin Emergency Planning Writer Owner Cognizant Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS PRPOSE AND SCOPE.. .................... 3 2 DETAILS .......................................................... 3 3 REFERENCES ...................................................... 4 : Activation ....................................................... 6 : Briefings .............................. 8 : Habitability .............. .................. 9 : Dose Assessment ............................... . ......... 10 : Meteorological Data ......................... ................... 13 : Pasquil Category ................................................. 15 : Classifications .............................. 16 : Protective Action Recomendations (PAR) ................................. 18 : Document Transmission/Distribution .............................. 21 0: Fi ld Teml C o ns ... ..... .oo....................... ....

o.icatio 2U3 1: Environmental Saxnpling................. ............ o.............. ... ..... 27 2: Shift Designation... ................ 29 3: Dialogic Paging System . .. 1.........

31 4: L ogistical Support ...... ..... 3.........


Pawn =,RMT-2080EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 2 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Reference I a Effective Date:yIQ1(2jl2 C. J. Graffenius S. M. Partin Emergency Planning Writer Owner Cognizant Organization 5: County Com m nications....................................................... 34 6: ENS Communications ................. .............. 36 7: HP13N Communications ........................... 37 8: Michigan State Police Communications ..................... .......... 38 9: External Support ................ 39 0: Information Requests ................ ......... .................. 41 Data Sheet 1: Meteorological Forecast .................... .......... 0............. 42 Data Sheet 2: Offsite Survey Log .................... ........... 43 Data Sheet 3: Environmental Samiple Collection ............................................... 44 Figure 1: D3efinitions and Abbreviations .................................................... 45 Figure 2: Position Descriptions .............. ..47

Reference RMT-2080-EOF001 I Rev. 4 _ Page 3 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This procedure provides guidance to Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) personnel during emergencies.

1.2 Use of this procedure is restricted to emergency conditions or drills/exercises only.

NOTE: 10 CFR 50.54(x) and (y) describe the actions required if deviation from Technical Specifications or License Condition becomes necessary.

2 DETAILS 2.1 The Emergency Director (ED) implements this procedure.

2.2 Use Attachment 1, Activation, when an emergency response is initiated.

2.3 Use Figure 1, Definitions and Abbreviations for a listing of abbreviations, acronyms, and their meanings.

2.4 Figure 2, Position Descriptions contains supplemental directions for ERO personnel.

2.5 IF additional assistance from other utilities or agencies is required THEN refer to "Agreements With Off-Site Support Agencies" in the Emergency Plan. Phone numbers are available in the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

2.6 IF emergency responders have been directed to the Buchanan Office Building per Dialogic pager code '007', THEN make the following provisions:

NOTE: The Shift Manager/SEC may direct that alternate communication links be used after initial contact is established with the control room.

2.6.1 Establish a line of communication with the affected unit Control Room or Unit 1 Control Room if a dual unit event is in progress.

a. Any available personnel (such as the Control Room Communicator, Operations Advisor, or PET Operations) may establish communications between the EOF and the Control Room.

2.6.2 When conditions warrant (i.e., safe conditions at the plant) arrange for transportation of necessary OSC/TSC responders to the plant site.

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-OO1 I Rev. 4 1 Page 4 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF lNOTE: 0 = Optional M = Mandatory 2.7 Perform activities based on the following table.

Activity Attachment/ Responsible Position UE Alert SA GE Procedure Activation 1 ED 0 M M M Briefings 2 ED M M M M Habitability 3 EAD M M Dose Assessment (EMD-32) 4 EAD 0 M M PAR 8 ED M Core Damage Assessment PMP-2081- Reactor Physics Analyst 0 0 0 EPP.105 Classification 7 ED M M M M Document Transmission 9 Communications Director 0 M M M Distribution Field Team Communications 10 FMT Coordinator 0 M M Environmental Sampling 11 Field Teams _ _

Logistical Support 14 Scheduling/Planning 0 0 Manager Shift Designation 12 Scheduling/Planning 0 0 0 0 Manager Information Requests 20 Communications Director External Support 19 Industry Support 0 0 0 Communicator ENS Communications 16 ENS Communicator M M M HPN Connunications 17 HPN Communicator m M M County Communications 15 Berrien County M M Communicator State Communications 18 MSP Communicator M M Termination/Recovery RMT-2080- ED M M M EOF-002 3 REFERENCES 3.1 Use


3.1.1 PMP-2080-EPP-101, Emergency Classification.

3.1.2 PMP-2081-EPP.105, Initial Core Damage Assessment.

3.1.3 RMT-2080-EOF-002, Emergency Termination and Recovery.

3.1.4 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.

Reference I RMT-2080EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 5 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF 3.2 Writing


3.2.1 Source References.

a. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.
b. EPA 400-R-92001 Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents.
c. Dose Assessment Program - Computer Program, Rev. 7.
d. Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.
e. Evacuation Time Estimates for the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Plume Exposure Emergency Planning Zone HMM Associates July 1992 (Rev.1).

3.2.2 General References

a. Michigan Emergency Preparedness Plan.
b. Berrien County Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 6 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 1 Activation Pages:

6 -7 NOTE: The EOF should be activated within 60 minutes of the time of a declaration of an Alert, SAE, or GE.

I Ensure the facility has the following or an acceptable alternate prior to activation.

1.1 Equipment

  • Facility Power Plant Process Computer (RDR)

Dose Assessment Programs and Printers

  • Area Radiation Monitor
  • Clocks set with the Plant Process computer 1.2 Communications 1.2.1 Telephones, Fax machines, or Radios to:
  • State of Michigan Emergency Operations Center
  • Berrien County Emergency Operations Center 1.2.2 Field Monitoring Team Radios 1.2.3 Communications with the Control Room 1.2.4 Managers Telephone Bridge 1.3 Personnel NOTE: With the exception of the Emergency Director, the use of non-qualified personnel is permissible provided they are briefed and understand the position specific requirements.

O Emergency Director O Communications Director o Environmental Assessment Director o Boardwriter o Communicator - Berrien County Sheriff Department O Communicator - Michigan State Police 0 Communicator -ENS

Reference l RMT-20S0-EOF-00 Rev. 4 1 Page 7 of 50 Activaion and Operation of the EOF Attachment 1 lActivation l Pages:

2 Perform the following:

Assume responsibilities for communications with offsite agencies.

Assume responsibilities for Classification, Notification and PARs from the SEC.

Determine the time the control room will issue their last EMD-32.

Determine the time the EOF will issue the first EMD-32, Nuclear Plant Event form. The END-32a must be issued within 15 minutes of a classification or PAR change. The EMD-32b must be issued within 30 minutes of the last EMD-32a or EMD-32b.

2.1 The Emergency Director shall not delegate the following:

Classification of the emergency, Directing the notification of offsite officials,

  • Approval of PARs to offsite emergency management agencies.

3 Perform a facility brief.

4 Activate the facility.

5 Inform the other ERO facilities that the EOF has been activated.

. Reference 7 RMT-208G-EOF-001 Rev. 4 R l Page 8 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 2 Briefings Page:

8 1 Announce the briefing time 2 to 3 minutes prior to it beginning.

2 Ensure everyone is paying attention, there are no phone conversations or side discussions taking place, and personnel remain stationary during the brief.

3 Perform the briefing. (Time limits are for reference only.)

3.1 Current Plant Status (1- Minute Maximum)

- Major on-going events

  • Major Equipment out of service
  • Prognosis
  • Facility priorities 3.2 Current Classification (30-Seconds Maximum)
  • PAR in effect a Anticipated changes in classification or PAR 3.3 Status of the EOF (for initial briefings up to and including activation)

Activation Status (When command and control will be taken over from the Control Room),

  • Problems delaying activation, Time the first EMD-32 is required for transmission to the State (at activation only).

3.4 Ask the EOF team for updates on important information Don't solve the problems here. Delegate; then update at the next briefing if necessary.

3.5 Ask the EOF team if anyone is having any problems Don't solve the problems here. Delegate; then update at the next briefing if necessary.

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 9 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 3 l Habitability l Page:

NOTE: The EOF has no specific habitability requirements because it is outside the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone. Actions taken are at the discretion of the EAD.

IF a radioactive plume is expected to pass over the EOF, THEN:

Issue dosimetry to all EOF occupants.

Shelter or evacuate non-essential personnel in the Buchanan Office Building.

Turn off or close dampers on ventilation systems that draw air from outside the facility. (Contact building maintenance personnel for assistance.)

Have personnel remain in the EOF and office building.

Perform routine surveys to assess dose rates, airborne activity, and post plume contamination.

2 Maintain the dose to the occupants of the EOF below the following for the duration of the emergency.

TEDE < 5 Rem CDE Thyroid < 25 Rem

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 10 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 4 Dose Assessment Pages 1 UNLESS the State of Michigan EOC has been notified in advance of a delay or change in frequency, THEN transmit Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data forms (EMD-32b) to the State of Michigan at least every 30 minutes.

2 Obtain and record an 8-hour and 24-hour weather forecast on Data Sheet 1, Meteorological Forecast.

2.1 Forecasts are normally obtained through Murray and Trettle. The phone number is available in the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

2.2 Provide Data Sheet 1, Meteorological Forecast, to the runners for distribution.

2.3 Obtain subsequent forecasts approximately every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

3 IF a projected dose is NOT available from the Dose Assessment Program, THEN use projected doses based on measured dose rates from the field and expected duration of the exposure time.

4 IF projected doses are NOT available and a PAR is necessary, THIEN use the default PAR. See Attachment 8, PAR.

S Obtain Meteorological Data. See Attachments 5, Meteorological Data, and 6, Pasquill Category, for additional information and help.

6 Obtain radiological data as applicable.

6.1 Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) data listed in order of preference:

  • Direct readings from the Local Area Data Acquisition Modules 6.2 Field Team data
  • Radiation reading
  • Iodine concentration in glCi/cc
  • Sample location

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 Page 11 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 4 Dose Assessment l Pages:

7 Determine the Coolant Type from:

EOF Reactor Physics Analyst Technical Support Center Plant Evaluation Team

  • GO TO Initial Core Damage Assessment procedure, PMP-2081-EPP-105.

8 Determine the Projected Duration of the Release.

IF the projected duration of the release is unknown, THEN use 1-hour.

IF releases are occurring from multiple points, THEN use the longest projected duration.

9 Determine if an Actual Release versus a Potential Release is occurring.

9.1 An actual release is occurring when any of the following are true:

Valid indication on release point radiation monitoring system channels are present that are associated with a classified event, or r,, Measured offsite radiation readings indicate a release is in progress, or

  • Indications exist that an unmonitored release may be occurring.

9.2 A potential release exists if calculated data is postulated based on present plant conditions (i.e., Containment Loss Of Coolant Accident, CLOCA).

10 Complete the EMD-32b form.

The EMD-32b, Release/Offsite Dose Data section, is only required to be completed if a release is or is suspected to be occurring.

. The EMD-32b, Measured Offsite Radiation Levels section, needs only be reported when available.

11 Review the EMD-32b form to determine if a change in classification or PAR is required.

12 IF a change is necessary, THEN:

6 Follow the instructions on the Classification or PAR attachment.

. Reference l RMT-2080-EOF001 I Rev. 4 l Page 12 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 4 Dose Assessment Pages:

10 - 12 13 IF a change is not necessary, THEN:

The ED approves the EMD-32b form.

Provide the EMD-32b form to the Fax operators for transmittal.

I Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF01 I Rev. 4 [ Page 13 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 5 Meteorological Data Pages:

NOTE: Wind speeds are expressed as Miles per Hour. To convert Knots to Miles per Hour multiply by 1.15.

Consider lake breezes in the dose assessment process if all the following are true:

  • The current date is between April 15 and October 31,
  • The current time is between 1-hour after sunrise and 1-hour after sunset, Ambient temperature measured at the main tower must be greater then the Lake Michigan temperature,
  • Wind speed on the shoreline tower is 5 13.4 Miles per Hour, Pasquill category must be A, B, C, or D, Shoreline tower wind direction is FROM 2058 to 23° (i.e., Wind is from the lake).

1.1 Obtain meteorological data from one of the following sources. Sources are listed in order of preference.

1.1.1 Plant Process Computer

  • 10 Meter Main
  • 10 Meter Backup
  • 60 Meter Main 1.1.2 Murray and Trettle
a. Obtain the phone number from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.
b. Request to speak to a meteorological forecaster.
c. Obtain Wind Speed in Miles per Hour Wind Direction from, in degrees
  • Pasquill Category as a letter NOT a number
  • Eight and 24-hour meteorological forecast

Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF-001 l Rev. 4 l Page 14 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Meteorological Data Pages:

1.1.3 Manual Acquisition of Meteorological Tower Data a Contact the Technical Support Center and request a team be dispatched to collect this data.

1.1.4 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  • Obtain the plants NOAA phone extension from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

Use any NOAA weather radio.

  • Use the NOAA website

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-OO1 l Rev. 4 l Page 15 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 6 Pasquill Category Page:

15 1 Obtain Pasquill Category data from one of the following sources. Sources are listed in order of preference.

1.1 Plant Process Computer 1.2 Temperature Differential AT F T O60m-TlOm Pasquill Category AT C - T 60m - T lOm (Z -50 Meters) (Z -50 Meters)


,;*,4,,' .o .p 5 ti

-1.8 < AT F - 1.6 B -1.0 < AT C -0.9

-1.4 < T F S-0.5 D -0.8 < AT C S - 0.3

+1.3 < T°F +3.6 F +0.7 < ATOC SF +2.0 1.3 Standard Deviation of the Horizontal Wind Direction (STD)

STD Pasquill Category

2. .2 A5 4 + .A

-Ky. ~ --

22.5 STD > 17.5 B 1T)7 >~ ~52 >S ~ 1 IS ~ -A 12.5 STD > 7.5 D 3.82:SID > 2.1 F 1.4 Murray and Trettle

  • See Attachment 5, Meteorological Data.

- 1.5 Observation Incoming Solar Radiation (Day Only)

(1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after sunrise to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> before sunset)

Sun Angle Cloud Cover Degrees from Horizon None 1/8 - 5/8 5/8 - 7/8 8/8 Middle Clouds Low Clouds

+ -A: i5 35 ,'

t,.:; i.,':..- - Slight Slight g l.ight Slight 350 - 600 Moderate Slight Slight Slight Slight


  • i.! 60o~i: -:i -' Strong Strong Moderate . . Slight Slight D ay _ __ __ _N_ _ig

_ _ht__

Wind Speed @D 10 meters Incoming Solar Radiation Thinly Overcast or s 3/8 Miles per Hour (Mph) Strong Moderate Slight 2 4/8 Low Clouds Clouds Mph*5 A A-B B _

5 < Mph* 7 A -B B C __ F 7 < Mph S 11 B B-C C D E 11 < Mph S 13 C C-D D __D Mph > 13 C D D D D

Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 16 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 7 Classifications Pages:

16 - 17 1 Perform classifications using PMP-2080-EPP-101.

2 If a classification upgrade is made:

2.1 Note the time of the classification and determine the 15-minute notification time.

2.2 Notify the control room to initiate plant public address announcements and sound the Nuclear Emergency Alarm as specified in the control room procedures.

2.3 Complete an EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification, form.

2.3.1 Reason for Classification:

IF (H-1) SEC Judgement is used, THEN select the reason most applicable to the situation.

2.3.2 Radiological Release in Progress Due to Event is yes when:

  • Valid indications on release point radiation monitoring system channels are present that are associated with a classified event, or
  • Measured offsite radiation readings indicate a release is in progress, or
  • Indications exist that an unmonitored release may be occurring.

2.3.3 IF the classification is a General Emergency, THEN develop a PAR.

2.4 The ED approves the classification upgrade.

2.5 The ED notifies the State/County authorities.

2.5.1 If the State EOC has NOT been activated:

  • Transmit the EMD-32a to the Berrien County Sheriffs Department
  • The ED discusses the EMD-32a data and applicable PARs, with the Berrien County Sheriff's Department.

2.5.2 If the State EOC has been activated:

Transmit the EMD-32a to the State of Michigan EOC.

The ED discusses the EMD-32a data, and applicable PARs, with the State EOC.

I Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 17 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Pages:

Attachment 7 Classifications 16 - 17 2.6 Notify the other facilities as applicable.

2.7 Perform a facility brief.

2.8 Update the facility status boards/maps with classification data, PARs, and Protective Action Orders received from the State of Michigan.

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 18 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 8 Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) 18 - 20

[NOTE: PARs must accompany the declaration of a General Emergency. J 1 Note the time of the PAR and determine the 15-minute notification time.

2 Use the Default PAR if:

A General Emergency has been declared for non-radiological release conditions, or

- It is not possible to determine the Site Boundary TEDE or CDE dose and a release is, or is suspected to be, in progress.

3 Prior to developing a PAR, consider any forecasts of changing weather conditions.

4 IF a PAR or change in PAR is based on Dose Calculations, THEN an EMD-32b, Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data sheet must accompany the EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification form.

5 Compare field team data to the projected area of the PAR.

6 IF the field team data indicates the plume is outside the projected area, THEN change the PAR to include the actual data.

7 Update the EMD-32a with the PAR information.

8 The ED approves the PAR change.

9 The ED notifies the State/County authorities.

9.1 If the State EOC has NOT been activated:

Transmit the EMD-32a (and EMD-32b as applicable) to the Berrien County Sheriff's Department.

  • The ED discusses the EMD-32 data, and applicable PARs with the Berrien County Sheriffs Department.

9.2 If the State EOC has been activated:

Transmit.the EMD-32a (and EMD-32b as applicable) to the State of Michigan EOC.

The ED discusses the EMD-32 data, and applicable PARs with the State EOC.

10 Notify the other facilities as applicable.

11 Perform a facility brief.

12 Update the facility status boards/maps with classification data, PARs, and Protective Action Orders received from the State of Michigan.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 20 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attacmt 8 Protective Cfl Action Recommendations (PAR) Pages:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~18-N 11.25 I

I 01.25 Evaluate beyond 10 mile radius to determine extent of area with dose No No rates 21 rem TEDE or 2 5 rem Thyroid CDE

  • 0 Sectors l Areas PAR hs.

A,B &Cto5 miles I and2 Evacuate ara t ' .

B,C&Dto5miles 1,2and3 as indicated on Discuss results of C. D & E to 5 miles 1, 2 and 3 DAP printout evaluation with State D, E, & to miles 1, 2 and 3 Y .

E,P&Gto5miles 1,2and3

. . F,G&Hto5miles Iand3 I Default PAR G, H & J to miles I and 3 H, J & K to 5 miles I and 3 Determine affected areas as follows: J. K & L to miles I and 3 A. Direction wind is blowing from (in Degrees) K, L & M to miles I and 3 B. Using diagram above, locate sector opposite direction Identified in A LM& Nto s miles 1 C. Downwind sectors (sector identified in B plus 2 adjacent ectors)_

D. Convert downwind sectors to areas using the Sectors to Areas table. M, N P to miles I E. PAR is: Evacuate areas (from D) N, P&Qto5miles I P, Q &RR to 5 miles I QR&Ato5miles I RA&Bto5 miles I and 2

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 I Page 21 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 9 Document Transmission/Distribution Page:

NOTE: Some of the facility Fax machines are designated within the phone directory as TRANSMIT and others as RECEIVE. These machines should remain in their designated mode to better facilitate communications between facilities.

1 Ensure the Fax machine dates and times are set correctly.

2 Obtain the Fax machine phone numbers for the facilities and off site agencies from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

3 Forward all documents for duplication and distribution to the facility runners.

4 Forward all original documents to the Communication Director.

5 Log all incoming and outgoing Fax's in the facility Fax Log.

6 IF a Fax is NOT specifically addressed to an individual or position, THEN distribute incoming Fax's to all positions as described on the facility distribution map located in the copy area.

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 22 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 9 l Document Transmission/Distribution l Page:

7 The following table gives additional direction on the transmission and distribution of material:

Document Destination Frequency Additional Instructions Nuclear Plant Event State EOC EMD-32a The EMD-32a and b forms Notification Form Berrien Within 15 minutes of a transmitted to the State of (EMD-32a) County EOC classification or PAR Michigan should have I

change priority over all other Nuclear Plant Event Fax's.

Technical Data EMD-32b (EMD-32b)

  • 30-Minutes after EMD-32a or EMD-32b is sent; Accompanying EMD-32a at General Emergency, OR PAR upgrade due to dose.

TSC As Available ENCIJPIC As Available Distribution to the ENC/JPIC members.

EOF As Available Distribute to EOF Personnel members.

Meteorological State EOC As Available None Forecast Data Sheet I Berrien As Available None County EOC NRC As Available None EOF As Available Distribute to EOF Personnel members.

Boardwriter Notes EOF As Available Distribute to EOF Personnel members.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 Page 23 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 10 Field Team Communications Pages:

NOTE: Assistance with off-site radiation protection activities may be arranged with the Industry Support Communicator and EAD per Step 2.5, Details, of this procedure.

I WHEN dose assessment is considering lake breezes, THEN dispatch the field teams along the standard routes to locations either North and/or South of the plant to determine if the plume is moving in a parallel path to the Lake Michigan shore line.

NOTE: Verbal permission from the EAD and SEC may be used to authorize KI administration for field team members. RMT-2080-0SC-O01, Data Sheet 3, KI Consent Form, should be completed as soon as practical thereafter.

2 IF the projected offsite dose rates for the team positions exceed 1 rem/hr TEDE or 5 rem/hr CDE Thyroid, THEN consider:

Repositioning the team(s) to reduce the overall expected exposure.

0 Distribution of Potassium Iodine (KI) to team members.

3 Have the field teams perform surveys based on the appropriate release status:

3.1 Pre-release - no release has occurred.

3.1.1 Determine the postulated direction and dispersion width of the plume based on the wind direction, wind speed, Pasquill Category stability class, and its associated isopleth.

3.1.2 Position the survey vehicles downwind on Red Route 1.

3.1.3 Have the survey vehicle traverse the downwind portion of the route while surveying for radiation readings above background.

3.1.4 IF above background readings are reported, THEN notify the EAD immediately. An unmonitored release may be occurring.

3.2 Plume Phase

- Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-O01 Rev. 4 l Page 24 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF 0 Field Team Communications Pages:

3.2.1 Determine the postulated direction and dispersion width of the plume based on the wind direction, wind speed, Pasquill Category stability class, and isopleth.

3.2.2 Use the projected dose rates as guidance to determine the best distance from the plant to collect airborne sample data without risking overexposure to field team members. Iodine and particulate materials tend to plate out quickly on surrounding surfaces. Airborne samples should be collected at the location of the highest dose rate reading within the plume.

3.2.3 Direct the survey teams to perform either a full traverse or plume definition survey.

a. Full Traverse
1. Direct the survey teams to traverse the plume reporting back, as a minimum, boundary (0.1 mR/hr) and centerline (highest reading) data.
2. IF an air sample is necessary, THEN have it taken at the plume centerline.
3. Record the Field Team data on Data Sheet 2, Offsite Survey Log.
4. Plot the data on a map to define the plume boundaries and centerline.
b. Plume Definition
1. Direct the survey teams to:

Enter the plume until > O.

0 mRlhr is detected.

  • Immediately exit the plume.
  • Report back the plume boundary location and radiation reading.
2. Record the Field Team data on Data Sheet 2,Offsite Survey Log.
3. Plot the data on a map to define the plume boundary.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 l Rev. 4 Page 25 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 10 Field Team Communications Pages:

3.2.4 IF field teams report a reading 2 lR/hr, THEN immediately notify the EAD. A change in the emergency classification may be necessary.

3.2.5 Compare the field team data to the most recent PARs.

3.2.6 IF the field team data does NOT match the projected location of the plume, THEN immediately notify the EAD. A change to the PAR may be necessary.

3.3 Post Plume Phase 3.3.1 The post plume phase should be performed in 2 stages: (initial and long term)

a. Initial (Ground Deposition Foot Print)
1. Direct the field monitoring teams to traverse the areas the plume covered starting close-in to the plant and working outward.
2. Plot the results on a map to determine the extent of the ground deposition.
3. WHEN the deposition footprint has been determined, THEN initiate the long-term post plume phase sampling.
b. Long Term NOTE: Though the emergency may have been terminated-prior to entering the long-term post plume phase, these directions are intended to give the field team guidance for the collection of samples.
1. Direct the field teams to collect soil, water, snow, and vegetation samples as applicable within the ground deposition area. Take samples in locations to define deposition on the ground.
2. Direct the field teams to collect soil, water, snow, and vegetation samples as applicable outside the ground deposition area. Negative results are necessary to confirm no hazards are present.
3. Plot the sample positions on a map to allow for further deposition analysis.

I Reference T RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 26 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 10 Field Team Communications 23 -26 4 Direct field team(s) to one of the following locations (as appropriate) for analysis of sampling media as necessary during/after the emergency:

  • Plant counting facility (OSC counting facility, Chemistry Lab., or RP counting facility).

Palisades Nuclear Plant (coordinated with the Industry Support Communicator).

5 Analyze (or direct the analysis of) sampling media per RP and/or Chemistry counting room procedures.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF001 I Rev. 4 7 Page 27 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 11 Environmental Sampling 27 -28 1 Collect samples that are representative of the topography of the area unless otherwise specifically requested.

2 Change the volume or surface area of samples collected as conditions warrant. Note the changes in the comment section on the appropriate form.

3 Log all samples on Data Sheet 3, Environmental Sample Collection, giving a specific location listed in order of preference.

Physical location

  • On a map
  • Using landmarks; ensure sufficient references are documented to relocate the specific area.

4 Perform Plume Surveys, as directed:

4.1 Plume Traverse 4.1.1 Traverse the route as instructed by the EOF, keeping the closed window probe outside the vehicle.

4.1.2 Record the location and reading on Data Sheet 2, Offsite Survey Log, where the instrument indicates:

  • The leading edge of the plume (0.1 mR/hr)
  • The centerline (highest reading) of the plume
  • The trailing edge of the plume (0.1 mR/hr) 4.1.3 Transmit the data to the EOF.

4.1.4 IF an air sample was requested, THEN re-enter the plume to the instructed location and obtain the sample. This is normally performed at the plume centerline.

4.2 Plume Definition 4.2.1 Start the route as instructed by the EOF, keeping the closed window probe outside the vehicle.

4.2.2 Record the location and reading on Data Sheet 2,Offsite Survey Log, where the instrument indicates the leading boundary ( 0.1 mR/hr) of the plume.

Reference l RMT-2080-EOF-OO1 l Rev. 4 l Page 28 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 11 Environmental Sampling Pages:

4.2.3 Exit the plume.

4.2.4 Transmit the data to the EOF.

5 Obtain an air sample as follows:

Draw a minimum of 4 cubic feet of air.

Document all air sample data on the air sample envelope.

6 Obtain soil, snow, water, and vegetation samples as follows:

- Use Data Sheet 3 for instructions for collection and documentation of environmental samples.

7 Return collected samples to the location specified by the EOF for analysis.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF001 Rev. 4 Page 29 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 12 Shift Designation Pages:

NOTE: Obtain individual phone numbers from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

1J 1 Managers coordinate shift turnovers to ensure plant conditions allow individuals to report to their respective facilities without undue risk or exposure.

2 Scheduling/Planning Manager coordinates and communicates any plant access restrictions with the security force. I 3 Finalize routing instructions prior to notifying any individuals.

4 Obtain position lists specific to the OSC and TSC from RMT-2080-OSC-001 and RMT-2080TSC-001.

5 IF roadblocks have been established by local or state law enforcement, THEN the State EOC should be notified with the list of oncoming personnel to allow passage through roadblocks.

6 IF desired, THEN the Dialogic Paging system can be used to contact off-duty team members. Attachment 13, Dialogic Paging System gives detailed instructions for reprogramming and activation.

Shift Start Time:

Routing Instructions:

Position Title Name Berrien County Liaison Boardwriter Communicator - Berrien County Sheriff Department Communications Director Communicator - Michigan State Police Communicator -ENS

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 30 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachmnent 12 Shift Designation Pages:

Communicator -HPN Computer Analyst Emergency Director Engineering Design & Site Services Manager Environmental Assessment Coordinator (1)

Environmental Assessment Coordinator (2)

Environmental Assessment Director Fax Operator Field Monitoring Team Coordinator Industry Support Communicator Michigan State Police Liaison Operations Advisor Reactor Physics Analyst Regulatory Affairs Coordinator Runner (1)

Runner (2)

Scheduling & Planning Manager

Reference RM'T-2080-EOF001 Rev. 4 Page 31 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 13 Dialogic Paging System Pages:

NOTE: The Dialogic Paging system can be reprogrammed to contact off-duty members of the Emergency Response Organization. These actions should only be performed from one facility, preferably the EOF, and should be done to provide subsequent staffing for ALL facilities.

1 Prior to contacting Dialogic:

1.1 Notify the facility managers to instruct all ERO members who are currently in a facility, NOT to respond to the page.

1.2 Prescript the instructions (Dialogic refers to this as a greeting) that will be recorded prior to the activation of the pagers. Consider:

1.2.1 All ERO pagers will be activated. You cannot select a specific team for response.

1.2.2 Having ERO members contact the EOF at particular phone number(s) to receive further instructions after accepting a position.

1.2.3 Where and how the individuals should report. If a release has occurred, it may be advantageous to have member's report to the EOF for transport to the plant.

1.2.4 What time the ERO members are to report.

1.3 Obtain the password code, located in the Dialogic Pager Code lock box in the EOF.

2 To change the recorded instructions for responding ERO members and activate the scenario:

2.1 Call Dialogic. The Dialogic Pager Activation phone number can be obtained from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

2.2 The system will ask you for your company ID number, followed by the # sign.

Enter 1344 #

2.3 The system will ask for your scenario activation password, followed by the # sign.

Enter the password code followed by the # sign.

. Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 l Rev. 4 l Page 32 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 13 Dialogic Paging System Pages:

1 - 32

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31 2.4 To start a scenario, enter the scenario ID followed by the # sign or press # alone for more options. Enter 911 #

2.5 The system will state:

2.5.1 To listen to the current scenario message, Press 1 2.5.2 To re-record the scenario message, Press 2 The system will direct you to record the new message followed by the

  1. sign.

2.5.3 To start the scenario, Press 3 The system will respond with "The scenario is building". Press # and hang up.

2.5.4 To return to the main menu, Press #

. The system will give more options to consider or press # to end this call.

2.6 Reports will be faxed to the EOF containing the names of the individuals who have responded and accepted a position.

2.7 Forward results to the appropriate facility managers.

Reference RMT-2080-EOF001 Rev. 4 Page 33 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 14 Logistical Support Page:

33 NOTE: The Scheduling and Planning Manager can provide the following services to the ERO. This position has the authority to purchase or lease materials and equipment necessary to support the ERO and the Plant and to generate contracts necessary for the augmentation of staffing.

  • Arranging lodging for ERO personnel who cannot return to their homes because of an evacuation.
  • Arranging lodging for personnel responding from outside agencies.
  • Providing for the purchase of food to ERO facility members and support personnel.
  • Purchasing or renting equipment necessary to mitigate or respond to emergencies.
  • Providing for additional assistance from contractors or other agreement facilities.
  • Arranging for delivery of equipment and materials.
  • Providing assistance for contractual issues.
  • Other services as deemed necessary by the Emergency Director.

1 Obtain permission from the Emergency Director to initiate the requested actions.

2 Generate the appropriate documents necessary to perform the requested action.

3 UPON completion of the documents, THEN obtain the Emergency Director's approval.

4 IF the materials need to be brought into the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone, THEN:

Obtain concurrence from the Environmental Assessment Director for delivery restrictions.

Discuss the delivery route with the TSC Security Director.

Ensure the State of Michigan EOC has been notified of the intended delivery and route; 5 Implement the approved request, including any restrictions.

Reference l RMT-2080-EOF01 l Rev. 4 l-Page 34 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 15 County Communications Pages:

1 -35

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~34 NOTE: The Berrien County Emergency Operations Center may not be operational immediately after the declaration of a Site Area or General Emergency.

Continue to communicate with the Berrien County Sheriff's Department until the Berrien County EOC is operational.

Contact the appropriate Berrien County facility based on the emergency classification.

1.1 Alert 1.1.1 Contact the Berrien County Sheriff's Department.

1.1.2 Once communications are established and upon activation of the EOF ensure that the unaffected Control Room is informed that the EOF has taken over communications with Berrien County. This may be done via the Boardwriters' or Managers' Bridge.

1.1.3 UPON receipt of an EMD-32, THEN provide the following information to Berrien County:

a. Provide your name, title (BCSD Communicator), and your telephone number.
b. Verify that the county has received the latest EMD-32 form.
c. IF the county has not received the latest EMD-32 form, THEN, provide all information on the EMD-32 form verbally.

1.1.4 UPON receipt of any inquiries from the Sheriff's Department, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Requests attachment.

1.1.5 UPON completion of each communication with the Sheriff's Department, THEN hang up the phone and re-establish communications when necessary.

1.2 SAE OR GE 1.2.1 Contact the Berrien County Liaison at the Berrien County EOC. This individual is provided to the county EOC by AEP and is an AEP employee.

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF001 I Rev. 4 { Page 35 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF 5 County Communications Pages:

I - - 35

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~34 1.2.2 Once communications are established and upon activation of the EOF ensure that the unaffected Control Room is informed that the EOF has taken over communications with Berrien County. This may be done via the Boardwriters' or Managers' Bridge.

1.2.3 UPON receipt of an EMD-32, THEN provide the following information to Berrien County:

a. Provide your name, title (BCSD Communicator), and your telephone number.
b. Verify that the county has received the latest EMD-32 form.
c. IF the county has not received the latest EMD-32 form, THEN, provide all information on the EMD-32 form verbally.

1.2.4 UPON receipt of any inquiries from the Berrien County EOC, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Requests attachment.

1.2.5 Maintain constant communications with the Berrien County EOC, unless the county requests that constant communications be terminated.

. Reference l RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 _ Page 36 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 16 ENS Communications 36 1 Contact the NRC using the Emergency Notification System phone.

1.1 Dial the MAIN number listed on the phone. IF there is no answer, THEN dial the BACKUP number.

1.2 Once communications is established state the following:

'This is the D. C. Cook Emergency Operations Facility. This is an initial contact notification to ensure communications have-been established. The EOF is not activated at this time. Communications relative to plant status should continue from the control rooms.

2 Provide the NRC Duty Officer with the following information relative to plant conditions:

Current emergency classification.

Emergency Condition Category (ECC) under which the emergency was declared. Include the ECC number, title, and a brief description of the actual event.

  • Current plant conditions.

3 Continue to notify the NRC of changes such as:

Changes to the emergency classification Status of injured personnel Equipment unavailability Damage control team status Calculated leak rates Core damage assessment Fission product barrier status 4 UPON receipt of any inquiries from the NRC that cannot be answered using data already available from other sources, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Requests attachment.

  • Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 37 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 17 HPN Communications Page:

l I

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~37 I Contact the NRC using the Health Physics Notification System phone.

1.1 Dial the MAN number listed on the phone. IF there is no answer, THEN dial the BACKUP number.

1.2 Once communications is established state the following:

"This is the D. C. Cook Emergency Operations Facility. This is an initial contact notification to ensure communications have been established.

Communications relative to Health should continue from the control rooms."

2 Provide the NRC Duty Officer with the following information relative to plant conditions:

Current emergency classification.

Emergency Condition Category (ECC) under which the emergency was declared. Include the ECC number, title, and a brief description of the actual event.

  • Current plant conditions.

3 Continue to notify the NRC of changes from the EMD-32 such as:

Changes to the emergency classification Meteorological data Radiological releases Calculated offsite dose and dose rates Field Team monitoring data

  • PAR 4 UPON receipt of any inquiries from the NRC that cannot be answered using data already available from other sources, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Requests attachment.

Reference } RMT-2080-EOF-001 l Rev. 4 l Page 38of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 18 Michigan State Police Communications Page NOTE: Phone extension 1088 exists in the control rooms and the EOF MSP Communicators position. Communications should already be established between the Control Room and the MSP.

1 Contact the Control Room and the MSP Operations Center by:

1.1 Using EOF phone extension 1088, pick up the handset and listen for a dial tone.

1.2 IF a dial tone is present, THEN using another phone, contact the Control Room MSP Communicator by dialing extension 1088.

1.3 IF a dial tone is NOT present, THEN identify yourself and wait for a reply from the Control Room and/or the State.

2 WHEN communication is established, THEN provide the current activation status of the EOF.

2.1 Maintain continuous communications with the state unless, directed otherwise by the state.

3 IF, after activation, the EOF is NOT capable of faxing EMD-32 forms to the State, THEN transmit the information verbally.

Provide your name, Title (MSP Communicator), and your telephone number (1-269465-5901-Ext. 1088).

Provide the remainder of the information as entered on the EMD-32a or EMD-32b.

4 UPON receipt of any inquiries from the MSP, that cannot be answered using data already available from other sources, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Request attachment.

  • Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 39 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 19 External Support Page:

1 UPON declaration of an Alert, SAE, or GE, and activation of the EOF, THEN contact the following agencies. Obtain phone numbers and contact names from the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

American Nuclear Insurers (ANI)

  • Institute of Nuclear Power Operators (INPO)
  • Westinghouse 2 Provide each with the following information:

2.1 ANI Plant status

  • Current emergency classification
  • Offsite Protective Action Orders 2.2 INPO Plant status Unavailable equipment Current emergency classification
  • Offsite Protective Action Orders 2.3 Westinghouse
  • Plant status
  • Unavailable equipment
  • Current emergency classification 3 UPON receipt of any inquiries that cannot be answered using data already available from other sources, THEN follow the instructions on the Information Requests attachment.

4 IF requested, arrange for assistance from the following power plants per Step 2.5, Details, of this procedure.

  • Palisades Nuclear Power Plant for analysis of sampling media (Reciprocal Laboratory Use Agreement).

. Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 1 Page 40 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF 9 External Support Page:


  • Palisades Nuclear Plant or Fermi II for assistance with off-site radiation protection activities.

Reference l RMT-2080-EOF001 Rev. 4 l Page 41 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Attachment 20 Information Requests Page:

41 NOTE: Information requests are designed to document questions and answers for information not normally available.

1 Generating a request.

1.1 Print information request on all-purpose forms in complete and legible format.

1.2 Supply the following minimal information:

  • Position requesting the information.
  • Position the request is being sent to.
  • Detailed question.

1.3 Retain the bottom copy.

1.4 Forward the request to the Communications Director.

1.5 The Communications Director:

1.5.1 Reads the request and ask for clarification if necessary.

1.5.2 Forwards the request to the appropriate position.

2 Responding to a Request.

2.1 Print responses in complete and legible format.

2.2 Forward the response to the Communications Director.

2.3 The Communications Director:

2.3.1 Forwards a copy of the response to the originator.

2.3.2 Retains the original message form.

- Reference l RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 42 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Data Sheet 1 Meteorological Forecast Page Facility: Cook Nuclear Plant Time/Date Forecast Obtained:

Forecast Source: Murray & Trettle NOAA Other A. Eight Hour Forecast

1. Wind Direction: Degrees From
2. Wind Speed: Miles Per Hour
3. Differential Temperature: IF or 0C
4. Stability Class:
5. Remarks:

B. Twenty-four Hour Forecast

1. Wind Direction: Degrees From
2. Wind Speed: Miles Per Hour
3. Differential Temperature: IF or IC
4. Stability Class:
5. Remarks:

Reference I RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 l Page 43 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Data Sheet 2 Offsite Survey Log Page:

Date Time Leading Edge Centerline Trailing Edge l Initials Location Reading .Location Reading Location Reading


I I. I I_-

I Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF001 l Rev. 4 l Page 44 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Data Sheet 3 Environmental Sample Collection Page:

44 Environmental Sample Collection Data Sheet Date: Time: Sampled By:

Type: Soil Snow Water Vegetation Location: Location Comments:


1) Do NOT obtain samples from disturbed areas or under trees containing foliage.
2) Remove sufficient soil from the surface of the area to fill a 4-liter sample container.
3) Mark all containers with the date, time, and samplers initials.

Surface area of material removed cm2 Snow

1) Do NOT obtain samples from drifts, disturbed areas, or under trees containing foliage.
2) IF additional snow has fallen since the release occurred, THEN remove fresh snow to obtain a representative sample.
3) IF it was snowing during the plume phase, THEN take the sample to- the depth of the accumulated snow exposed to the plume.
4) Collect a minimum of 12-liters of snow.
5) Mark all containers with the date, time, and samplers initials.

Surface area of material removed cm2 Depth cm Water

1) Do NOT collect samples from stagnant pools under trees containing foliage.
2) Avoid disturbing and collecting the surrounding sediment.
3) Collect a minimum of 4 liters of water.
4) Mark all containers with the date, time, and samplers initials.

Sample obtained from a: Stagnant Pool Running Tributary Vegetation

1) Do NOT obtain samples from disturbed areas or under trees containing foliage.
2) Cut as close to the root as possible, when sampling ground vegetation.
3) Remove material from the outer, exposed areas only, when sampling trees or bushes.
4) Collect only the normally edible portion, when sampling foodstuffs.
5) Collect a minimum of 12 liters of vegetation.
6) Mark all containers with the date, time, and samplers initials Surface area of material removed cm2

. Reference T RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 l Page 45 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure 1 Definitions and Abbreviations 45 -46 Term Meaning AEP American Electric Power ANI American Nuclear Insurers BCSD Berrien County Sheriff's Department CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CLOCA Containment Loss of Coolant Accident DAP Dose Assessment Program EAD Environmental Assessment Director ECC Emergency Condition Category ED Emergency Director EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification form EMD-32b Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data form EOC Emergency Operations Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility ENS Emergency Notification System ERO Emergency Response Organization FMT Field Monitoring Team GE General Emergency HPN Health Physics Network INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations JPIC Joint Public Information Center KI Potassium Iodine thyroid blocking agent

.Reference RMT-2080-EOF-001 I Rev. 4 Page 46 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure Definitions and Abbreviations Pags-Term Meaning MSP Michigan State Police NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OSC Operations Support Center PAO Protective Action Order PAR Protective Action Recommendation PC Personal Computer PET Plant Evaluation Team PPC Plant Process Computer PORV Power Operated Relief Valve RDR Real-Time Data Repository RMS Radiation Monitoring System SAE Site Area Emergency STD Standard Deviation TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TSC Technical Support Center X/Q Mathematical term for Dispersion Coefficient AT Net Temperature Difference AZ Net Vertical Distance

Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF001 Rev. 4 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

47 - 50 The position descriptions provided are intended as guidance. Deviations and additions to these descriptions are allowed as long as the accomplished objectives can be achieved.

Berrien County Liaison

  • Reports to the Berrien County EOC at an SAE or GE. He should be dispatched at an Alert if escalation is expected.
  • Assists county personnel with interpretation of data supplied by plant and state facilities as necessary.


  • - Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Obtains data from the other facilities and the EOF that is considered common to all facilities and the affected control room in a chronological order.
  • Provides other facilities with information and decisions generated in the EOF.
  • Maintains the Emergency classification Board with the proper emergency classification, classification time, and reasons for the classification.
  • Documents incoming messages or inquiries to other EOF personnel on all-purpose message forns and forwards them to the Communication Director.
  • Provides the EOF runners with copies of board data at, at least, 15-minute intervals.

Berrien County Sheriff Department Communicator

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Prior to activation of the Berrien County EOC, provides plant status to the county.
  • Upon activation of the Berrien County EOC, provides plant status and radioactive release data to the Berrien County Liaison.

Communications Director

  • Reports to the Emergency Director.
  • Directs and coordinates communication activities within the facility.

Computer Analyst

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provides for all repair/replacement of computer related equipment in the EOF.
  • Operates the PPC/RDR used to display data throughout the EOF.

Emergency Director

  • Is responsible for the overall command and control of the emergency.
  • Assumes responsibility for Classification, Notification and PAR's.
  • Communicates with senior state and county officials on plant conditions and PARs.
  • Reviews press releases.
  • Directs and coordinates EOF activities.
  • Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF-001 _ Rev. 4 _ Page 48 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

47 -50

  • Activates the EOF.
  • Maintains regular communication with the other facility managers on the Managers Bridge.
  • Updates EOF members through facility briefs on the status of the emergency approximately every 30 minutes.
  • Informs the Environmental Assessment Director of changes in plant parameters that may effect off-site releases or PARs.

Engineering Design & Site Services Manager

  • Reports to the Emergency Director.
  • Coordinates engineering and technical support from sources outside the ERO.
  • Provides engineering support and analysis to the EOF.

ENS Communicator

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provides information to the NRC relative to plant equipment conditions and plant status.

Environmental Assessment Coordinator

  • Reports to the Environmental Assessment Director.
  • Evaluates plant effluent readings for indications of radiological releases.
  • Evaluates off-site field team data.
  • Performs dose assessment.
  • Generates EMD-32 Nuclear Plant Accident Notification forms.
  • Make recommendations to the Environmental Assessment Director relative to radioactive- releases and plant- status.

Environmental Assessment Director

  • Reports to the Emergency Director.
  • Directs and coordinates offsite radiological assessment.
  • Provides basic direction to the Environmental Assessment Coordinators for performing dose assessment.
  • Directs the Field Team Coordinator for placement of survey vehicles.
  • Provides overall radiological habitability assessments of the EOF.
  • Requests off-site assistance per pre-arranged agreements with other utilities, if necessary.

Fax Operator

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provides Fax services to personnel within the EOF.

Reference l RMT-2080-EOF001 l Rev. 4 l Page49of50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

47 -50

  • Forwards all copies of incoming Fax's to the facility Runners for distribution and maintenance.
  • Forwards all original outgoing Fax's and data sheets to the Communications Director.

Field Monitoring Team Coordinator

  • Reports to the Environmental Assessment Director.
  • Directs off-site monitoring teams for tracking of radioactive releases (Plumes).
  • Directs off-site monitoring teams for collection of post plume samples.
  • Provides data plots to the Environmental Assessment Team showing plume locations and footprints.

HPN communicator

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provides information to the NRC relative to radiological conditions on-site and off-site releases.
  • Provides PARs and Protective Action Orders information.

Industry Support Coordinator

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provides communications links to ANI, Westinghouse, and INPO relative to plant status and radioactive releases.
  • Arranges for assistance per pre-arranged agreements with other utilities, if necessary.

Michigan State Police Communicator

  • Reports to the Communications Director
  • Provides plant-status-and PAR data-to -the State of-Michigan-EOC.

Michigan State Police Liaison

  • Reports directly to the State of Michigan Emergency Operations Center in Lansing, Michigan.
  • Reports to the State of Michigan EOC at a SAE or GE. He should be dispatched at an Alert if escalation is expected.
  • Obtains answers to inquiries form the State of Michigan and ensuring these responses are relayed to the State.
  • Assists state personnel with interpretation of data supplied by plant facilities as necessary.

Reference 7 RMT-2080-EOF-001 Rev. 4 Page 50 of 50 Activation and Operation of the EOF Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

47 - 50 Operations Advisor

  • Reports to the Emergency Director.
  • Assists the ED with classification determinations.
  • Provides EOF personnel and off-site agencies with plant status clarifications.

Reactor Physics Analyst

  • Reports to the Engineering Design & Site Services Manager.
  • Provides EOF personnel with the current core status.
  • Coordinates core damage assessment with TSC-PET personnel.

Regulator Affairs Coordinator

  • Reports to the Emergency Director.
  • Provides guidance to the Emergency Director for license-based decisions and actions.
  • Primary EOF contact for the NRC site response team.


  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Picks up and delivers copies of forms generated by EOF personnel needing either faxing to other facilities or duplication and distribution to EOF personnel.

Scheduling & Planning Manager

  • Reports to the ED and Engineering Design and Site Services Manager.
  • Provides support for items such as meals, transportation, temporary lodging, and other logistical issues for personnel within the ERO and other organizations responding to the facility.
  • Coordinates shift relief for ERO personnel.
  • Purchases, leases, or contracts with suppliers for equipment, materials, or personnel necessary to support the emergency.

Telecommunications Personnel

  • Reports to the Communications Director.
  • Provide any communications equipment or repair/replacement necessary to support the emergency facilities.



Number: RMT-2080-EOF-OMQ

  • bRevision: 2 Change: 0 Te: .

Vtnrevn~ Orarmnatn nnrl IWa#~fiw Fvs. u  %

Section or Step C1aneeoason For Change Step 1.1 Change: Added 'or Emegency Dirtor (ED)' to last line.

Reasdn: Ile ED implements this procedure.

Step 2.5 Change: Deleted 'the ED' asnd the 's' on 'terminates'.

Reason The ED I emets this procedure. 1ot nessary to mention the title.

Step 2.5 .Change: Added 2 bullets to ierify that the final EMD-32 form is received by the Mihigan State Police Wnd to notfy.the NRC via the 'red phone' that he event is terminated.

._____ Reason: Provide additional

_ for terminating an emergency.


.. I

Er RMT-2080-EOFO02 Rev.2 Page of S Emergency Termination and Recovery Information IEffeft Date. ,

S.K. Moly S. M. Partin Emergenc Planning Writer Owner CogizbMant OrgMntion TABLE OF CONTENS 1 . 1POSCEEDSCOP~amooo C0 }i.......................................2 2 D ]TAA]LS5.......

3 71 RXlEN M<3............ ......

5 i

I II i


Information RMT-2080-EOF-002 Rev. 2 2 f5 ePae Emergency Termination and Recovery I PURPOSE AND SCOPE.

1.1 This procedure provides guidance to the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) for termination of the cmergency and initiatng recovery actions from an Alert, Site

  • Area Emergency,-eneral Emergency, or when directed by the Site Emergency Coordinator (SEC) or Emergency Director (ED).

1.2 The termination of an emergency and subsequent recovery efforts will depend on the nature of the emergency and the status of plant systems following the emergency.

The general provisions within this procedure are expected to be applicable to all emergencies, however, it is permissible to supplement or deviate from this guidance with provisions specific to the emergency at band.

1.3 Use of this procedure is restricted to emergency conditions or drills/exercises only.

2 DETAILS 2.1 EF the Emergency Directors' (ED) position has been staffed THEN, the ED a the responsibilities for iniplementationof this procedure OTHERS, the SEC maintaint resp s s 2.2 Prior to termination of the emergency or reduction in th emergenc staff and its facilities the ED:

  • Evaluates existing conditions with respect to the criteria established for each emrgency classification.

Determines -that plant conditions are stable and will Continle to improve.

  • Determines the plant has control of and terminated any non-routine releases of radioactive material to the environment and dose assessmentprotective acion re datons ran be teininated.
  • Determines the control or cessation of any fires, floods, atquakes, indstorms, or similar natural occurrig enm

. Determines equipmentavailability is adequate and can be accessed for repair or redundant systems are available.

Determines e plant status relative to technical speeffcations, including any compensatory actions.

  • Determines that long term core cooling is available.,

IInformationI RMT-2080-EOF-002 Rev. 2 I Emergency Termination and RPcovery

  • Detemines offsite power is available for long term operation of emergency equipment Detennies offiite conditions will not limit access ofpesonnel or support resources.

Determines access to radiological areas of the plant neessary for operation of plant equipment is adequate.

Ensures all required notifications bavr been completed.

2.3 Obtain Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) concurrence with the above evaluation fora Site Area Emergency or General Emergency only. PORC concurrence is not required for an UnusualEvent-or Alert.

2.4 IF it is determined the emergency can be terminated THEN prior to termination the ED obtains agreement to terminate the emergency with the NRC and the State of Michigan, (or Berrien CounLty if the State EOC is not operatiorial).

2.5 IF an agreement is reached, THEN terminate the emergency by:

  • . FaAng a final EMD-32a form to offsite agencies indicating hat the event is
  • Verifing via the MSP Communicator that the final EMD-32a form was received by the state, Notifying the NRC via the ENS Communicator Rd Phone-NRC Operations Center) that the emergency is terminated, lnforming the ERO that te event is terminated.

2.6 UPON termination of-the emergency, THEN the ED:

2.6.1 Assembles a Recovery Team with the following recommended disciplines:

  • Managerial

. Operations

. Engineering

. Maintenance Radiation Protection

Infmation RMT-2080-EOF-002 I Rev. 2 Page 4 f Emergency Termination and Recovery'

  • Radiation Protection Che.istry Safety
  • Scheduling
  • Businesses Services
  • Emergency Plaming Plant Protection Ucensing
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Trahnft ..

2.6.2 The ED brief the Recovery Team on arnt plant and emergency status.

l NOTE: Steps 2.6.3 and 2.6.4 should be perfozmed co e .

2.6.3 The Recovery Team:

1. Develops an initial recovery planand recovery a tion
2. Obtains PORC approval of the plan
3. Implements the plan 2.6.4 The Recovery Team:

.. Apprises all offsise agencies of the recovery process.

  • Coordinates recovery activities with offshe agencies, as applicable.
  • Assembles all doumentaton genertd durig ihe emergency.

Terminates all emergency radiation exposure limit controls.

. Obtains PORC review and approval of any procedures to be used relative to nuclear safety and plant recovery.

Information Rev. 2 RMT-2080EOF-002 Page 5 of 5 Emergency Termination-and -Recovery.

  • Documents any procedural changes or corrections instiuted duiing the emergelncy either through termination or the procedure change process.
  • Restores the emergency response iliies and orga tion to its full readiness.

2.7 WHEN the plant has been restored to its pre-emeigency statos or to a modified pre-emergency statu capable of power operations, THEN the ED termiates recovery efforts.



3.1.1 None 3.2 Writing


32.1 Source References

a. D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan
b. NUREG-0654 Criteria For Preparation And Evaluation Of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness In Support Of Nuclear Power Plants.

3.2.2 General References

a. 10 CFR 0, Appendix E I



Number: RMT-2080-TSC-001 Revision: 3 Change:


Activation and ODexration of the TSC Section or Step Change/Reason For Change, Marginal markings used. , Change: Replaced step to provide directions to obtain a turnover from Step 2 the Shift Manager and perform a facility briefing.

Reason: Clarify the instructions for activation. , Change: Replaced step to provide explicit directions on the timing of Step 3 assuming responsibilities.

Reason: Clarify the activation process. , Change: Added steps 3.1 and 3.2 to clarify the duties of the SEC.

Step 3 Correction criteria - m Reason: Clarify what duties may not be delegated. These duties are also listed in PMP-2080-EPP-100. , Change: Renumbered the original step -3 and added 'the control room' Step 4 to the new step 4.

Reason: To ensure that the control room is notified. 0, Change: Added a clarifying example (example: security event) to the 4 b Step 2.1 bullet of step 2.1 for things to consider during an evacuation.

Correction criteria: r.

Reason: To clarify the step. 0, Change: Listed the evacuation routes generally referenced in the step.

Step 2.2 Correction criteria: r Reason: Clarify the routes available. 0, Change: Added 2 bullets to the step to provide guidance for dealing Step 2.4 with off site agency personnel that may be on site during an emergency.

Reason: To ensure that all personnel are considered for on site protective actions.


POWERA - wRMT-208o-TSC-oo1 Rev. 3 Page 1 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Reference I Effective Date:201-3 B. K. Molloy. S.M. Partin Emergency Planning Writer Owner Cognizant Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................ 3 2 DETAIS. . 3 3 REERENCES .. 5 : Activation ........... .6 : Briefings ... 8 : Habitability . . . 9 : Shift Designation . . .11 : Document Transmission/Distribution . . .12 : EiRDS ........................................... 14 : Radiological Assessment/Release in Progress ................................. 15 : Team Requests and Prioritization . . . 17 : Accountability. . . ....... 18 0: Site Evacuation .. . 19 1: Lo4ss of DR .. . ....... 22 2: Dose Extension and Authorization . . .23 3: KI Adainistration . . .26 4: Classification . . .27

MoWRIC l RMT-2080-TSC-OO1 Rev. 3 Page 2 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Reference Effective Date:1 D3V)

B. K. Molloy S.M. Partin Emergency Planning Writer Owner Cognizant Organization Data Sheet 1: Response Team Request ..................... 28 Data Sheet 2: Radiation Monitoring System ..................... 29 Data Sheet 3: Dose Extension Form ..... 31.............

31 Figure 1: Definitions and Abbreviations ...................... 32 Figure 2: Position Descriptions . .................... 34

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 3 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This procedure provides guidance to Technical Support Center (TSC) personnel during emergencies.

-1.2 Use of this procedure is restricted to emergency conditions or-drills/exercises only.


.NOTE: 10 CFR 50.54(x) and (y) describe the actions required if deviation from Technical Specifications or License Condition becomes necessary.

2.1 The SEC/Assistant SEC implements this procedure.

2.2 Use Attachment 1, Activation, when an emergency response is initiated.

2.3 Refer to Figure 1, Definitions and Abbreviations, for a listing of abbreviations, acronyms, and their meanings.

2.4 Refer to Figure 2, Position Descriptions, for supplemental directions for ERO personnel.

Reference l RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 l Page 4 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC NOTE: 0 = Optional M = Mandatory 2.5 Perform activities based on the following table.

Activity Attachment Responsible Position UE Alert Site General Area Activation 1 SEC/Assistant SEC 0 M M M Briefings 2 SEC/Assistant SEC M M M M Habitability 3 RAC 0 M M Shift Designation 4 SEC/Assistant SEC 0 M M M Document 5 Administrative 0 M M M Transmission/Distribution Coordinator Emergency Response Data 6 Computer Analyst 0 M M M System (ERDS)

Radiological 7 RAC 0 M M M Assessment/Release in Progress Team Requests/Team 8 PET/SEC 0 0 0 Priority Team Status 8 Team Coordinator 0 0 0 Accountability 9 Security Director 0 M M Site Evacuation 10 Security Director 0 M M Loss of RDR 11 PET OPS/RAC (ARAC) 0 0 0 0 Dose Extension 12 SEC M M M Authorization PotassiumIodide (KI) 13 SEC M M M Administration Authorization _

Classification 14 SEC M M M M Core Damage Assessment PMP-2081- PET Reactor Physics M M M EPP-105 Analyst Barring of the Plant PABX RMT-2080- Security Director 0 M M OSC-001, Attachment 5 Fission Product Barrier 12-PMP-2080- PET Operations 0 0 0 0 Status (relative to EPP-101 Emergency Classifications) _

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 l Rev. 3 Page 5 of 371 II Activation and Operation of the TSC I



3.1.1 EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents 3.1.2 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 3.1.3 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan 3.2 Writing


3.2.1 Source References

a. EPA-400-R-92-001
b. 10 CFR 20
c. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan
d. NRC Commitment #3863 3.2.2 General References
a. 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 6 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 1 Activation 6 - 7 NOTE: The TSC should be activated within 60 minutes of the time of a declaration of an Alert, SAE, or GE.

1 Ensure the facility has the following or an acceptable alternate (as determined by the Assistant SEC or SEC) prior to activation.

1.1 Equipment

  • Facility Power
  • Continuous Air and Area Radiation Monitor
  • Clocks synchronized with the PPC 1.2 Communications
  • Telephones, Fax machines, or Radios
  • Communications with the Control Room Managers Telephone Bridge
  • Communicators Bridge 1.3 Personnel NOTE: The use of non-qualified personnel is permissible if they are briefed and understand the position specific requirements.

o Administrative Coordinator o Boardwriter o Control Room Communicator (located in the Control Room, but vital to TSC operation) o SEC o PET Operations or PET Training o PET Maintenance Engineering o PET Reactor Physics Analyst

  • o Radiological Assessment Coordinator *
  • Position may not be necessary in all situations (e.g., non-radiological emergencies).

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 7 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 1 Activation Page:

6 -

2 Perform the following:

  • Obtain a turnover from the Shift Manager.
  • Perform an initial facility briefing.

3 Simultaneously assume responsibility for command and control, classification, Protective Action Recommendations, and declare the TSC activated.

3.1 The SEC shall not delegate the following until responsibilities are turned over to the Emergency Director.

  • Classification of the emergency
  • Directing the notification of offsite officials
  • Approval of PAR to offsite emergency management agencies.

3.2 The SEC may direct the control room to retain notification duties.

4 Inform TSC personnel, the control room, and the other ERO facilities that the TSC has been activated.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 J Page 8 of 37-Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 2 Briefings Page:

1 Announce the briefing time 2 to 3 minutes prior to it beginning.

2 Ensure personnel are paying attention, there are no phone conversations or side discussions taking place, and personnel remain stationary during the brief.

3 Perform the briefing. (Time limits are for reference only.)

3.1 Current Plant Status (1 Minute Maximum)

  • Major on-going events
  • Major equipment out of service
  • Prognosis 3.2 Current Classification (30 Seconds Maximum)

. Anticipated changes in classification or PAR 3.3 Identify any high priority information that the Control Room is waiting for from the TSC (30 seconds maximum) 3.4 Identify the TSC's first priority (15 seconds maximum) 4 Status of the TSC (not required after activation)

  • Activation Status (When command and control will be taken over from the Control Room)

Problems delaying activation 5 Ask the TSC team for updates on important information

  • Don't solve the problems here. Delegate; then update at the next briefing if necessary.

6 Ask the TSC team if anyone is having any problems

  • Don't solve the problems here. Delegate; then update at the next briefing if necessary.

Referec l RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 l-Page 9 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachmnent 3 .Habitability Paes 9

1 TSC Ventilation System 1.1 Request permission from the Control Room to place the TSC ventilation system in the recirculation mode if any of the following apply:

The emergency involves a loss of coolant accident 0 The Control Room Pressurization System has been activated 0 Other air quality issues (e.g.,. smoke, fumes) affect the TSC.

1.2 IF permission is obtained from the-affected unit control room, THEN place the TSC ventilation switch in the recirculation mode. This switch is located on the north wall of the communications room.

1.3 Inform the SEC that the TSC ventilation has been placed in the recirculation mode.

2 Radiological Monitoring 2.1 Periodically assess the TSC for protective actions (evacuation, KI administration) for TSC personnel based upon the following:

Parameter Action Level Recommended Action Whole Body Dose Rate 2 R/hr. dose rate Evacuate TSC immediately Total Effective Dose 3 rem individual(s) Evacuate affected Equivalent cumulative dose individual(s) immediately 1-131 Airborne 2E-5 ptCi/cc

  • Evacuate TSC immediately Concentration AND recommend KI administration *
  • KI should be distributed when activity reaches approximately 2E-5gCi/cc of I-131.

KI is available in the TSC NRC room. Obtain authorization from the SEC and consent from affected individuals using Data Sheet 3 of 12-RMT-2080-OSC-001.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 Page 10 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 3 Habitability Pages-3 Evacuation of TSC 3.1 Per the recommendation of the RAC, or based upon the SEC's discretion, the TSC may be evacuated for radiological or other habitability considerations. This should be accomplished via the following guidance:

Only the minimum number of staff members (as determined by the SEC) should be relocated to the unaffected unit's Control Room. All others should be evacuated to the OSC for radiological assessment and possible site evacuation.

Staff members evacuating to the OSC will do so by following the route designated by the RAC.

Notify the SEC, Controi Room, OSC and EOF of the evacuation of the TSC.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 11 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 4 l Shift Designation Page:

1 Facility Managers coordinate shift turnovers to ensure plant conditions allow individuals to report to their respective facilities without undue risk or exposure.

2 Managers should determine manpower resources required for next shift designation and report this to the EOF Security. Director.

3 To aid in the callout process, provide a list of the TSC responders currently in attendance to the EOF Security Director, using the following table:

Position Title TSC Responders Currently in Attendance Assistant Radiological Assessment Coordinator Radiological Assessment Coordinator Site Emergency Coordinator TSC Administrative Coordinator TSC Boardwriter TSC Control Room Communicator TSC Administrative Support TSC PET-Computer Analyst TSC PET-Maintenance TSC PET-Operations TSC PET-Training TSC Team Coordinator TSC PET-Reactor Physics Analyst TSC Public Affairs Liaison TSC Security Director Assistant SEC

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 12 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 5 Document Transmission/Distribution Pages:

12 - 13 NOTE: Some of the facility Fax machines are designated within the phone directory as TRANSMIT and others as RECEIVE. These machines should remain in their designated mode to better facilitate communications between facilities.

1 Documentation to be Distributed or Transmitted (Faxed or hand carried) 1.1 Ensure the Fax machine Dates and Times are set correctly.

1.2 Fax machine phone numbers for the facilities and offsite agencies are available in the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.

1.3 Duplicate all documents for distribution per Steps 1.6 and 1.7.

1.4 Forward all originals to the Administrative Coordinator.

1.5 Log incoming and outgoing faxes in the facility Fax Logbook.

1.6 Distribute incoming faxes to the positions as described on the facility distribution map located in the copy area.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 13 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 5 Document Transmission/Distribution Pages:3 1.7 The following table gives additional direction on the transmission/distribution of material:

Document Destination Frequency Additional Instructions EMD-32a (class. Upgrade) Received from EOF Upgrade or. Distributed to TSC and/or EMD-32b (technical 30 minutes personnel.


Technical Information Sheet Obtained from the 15 minutes Only sent/distributed (PMP-2080-EPP-100, Data Control Room, it is ONLY when the PPC is Sheet 1) Faxed to the EOF when the unavailable; copies to (Completed/distributed ONLY and ENC or JPIC; PPC is TSC personnel.

when the PPC is unavailable) also distributed in unavailable TSC Radiation Monitoring System Obtained by the 15 minutes RAC completes this form Data Sheet (Data Sheet 2 of RAC or designee, it ONLY with data of interest.

this procedure) is Faxed to the ENC when the Only sent when the PPC (Completed/distributed ONLY or JPIC; also PPC is is unavailable.

when the PPC is unavailable) distributed in TSC unavailable TSC Plant Chronological Distribute in TSC As TSC Boardwriter prints a Status Board Notes available copy of the status board before cleaning to make room for new data.

Response Team Request (Data Approved by the As TSC faxes this form to Sheet 1 of this procedure) SEC, this form is necessary the OSC; this information Faxed to the OSC can be disseminated concurrent with verbal communications through the TSC OSC Communicator.

Persons Responding Report Received from 15 min. Distributed to (Dialogic) Dialogic (for 1 hr. SEC/Assistant SEC (ERO after pager personnel responding to activation) emergency or next shift)

Reference l RMT-2080-TSC-001 l Rev. 3 l Page 14of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 6 ERDS Page NOTE: 10 CFR 50, Appendix E requires ERDS to be activated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> following an Alert or higher event classification.

1 Activate ERDS from the PPC by:

1.1 Clicking on 'Cook E-Plan Tasks'.

1.2 Clicking on the appropriate unit designator (1, 2, or Simulator).

1.3 Either

Type in "ERDS" and press enter or

  • Click on "ER", then ERDS" 1.4 Activate the ERDS transmission to the NRC by:
  • Pressing the F1 key or
  • Click on the screen location labeled "ACTIVATE" 2 IF ERDS transmission is lost, THEN:

. Press the F3 key or

  • Click on the screen location labeled "RECONNECT" 3 Terminate ERDS transmission by:

3.1 Contacting the NRC to request permission to terminate the ERDS transmission.

(The ERDS Operation Center phone number is located in the Emergency Response Organization Phone Directory.)

3.2 IF permission is granted, THEN:

  • Press the F2 key or e Click on the screen location labeled "TERMINATE"

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 l Page 15 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 7 Radiological Assessment/Release in Progress 15 - 16

.1 Review the Radiation Monitoring System channel and meteorological data concentrating on:

1.1 Effluent release points; 1.1.1 IF an unmonitored release is suspected to be in progress and the associated RMS monitor is unavailable, THEN dispatch off-site monitoring team(s) immediately to perform a site boundary survey, and inform the SEC and EAD.

1.2 Containment high range area monitors. Trigger points for classification changes are:

10 R/hr - Alert

  • 200 R/hr - SAE 1000 Rhr - GE 1.3 Channel operability status; 1.4 Trends; NOTE: PPC displays what direction the lwind is coming from (e.g., a PPC display of wind direction at 2700 indicates that the wind is coming from due west).

1.5 Wind speed and wind direction.-

2 Review current locations of personnel within the facility to:

2.1 Determine occupied downwind facilities; 2.2 Evaluate the need for pre-release facility evacuation.

3 Evaluate radiological conditions for the OSC by:

3.1 Review Radiation Monitoring System monitors to determine site radiological conditions; 3.2 Determine best entry and egress team routes.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 16 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 7 Radiological Assessment/Release in Progress Pages-4 IF any significant changes occur which could affect teams or other plant personnel, THEN notify:

  • Radiation Protection Director (in the OSC)
  • Site Emergency Coordinator 5 IF a radiological release is imminent or occurring, THEN:

5.1 Immediately notify the Assistant SEC or SEC.

5.2 Evacuate downwind facilities.

5.3 Inform the Radiation Protection Director in the OSC. Determine consequences and implement corrective actions for dispatched teams and other occupied facilities.


Sheltering in an unaffected area of the plant

  • Evacuation back to the OSC
  • Effect on or need for on-site accountability and evacuation
  • Facilities occupied outside the Control Rooms, TSC and the OSC 5.4 Pinpoint the release origin point with the assistance of the PET.

5.5 Initiate Control Room, TSC, OSC, and assembly area habitability assessments.

5.6 Evaluate the need to administer KI to individuals exposed to, or-potentially exposed to the plume.

5.7 Evaluate the need for any uptake assessments or medical follow-up observations for individuals exposed to the plume.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 17 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 8 Team Requests and Prioritization Page:

17 NOTE: The SEC approves requests for OSC teams.

1 Request a response team by:

1.1 Completing Data Sheet 1, Response Team Request.

1.2 Obtaining RAC opinion/concurrence on the feasibility of the team being able to perform the task (from a radiological standpoint).

2 The SEC determines overall need and team priority by:

2.1 Determining the immediate need of the request.

2.2 Comparing the need to teams already being assembled or dispatched. Consider:

. The effect on the OSC of re-prioritization of previously requested teams

  • Possibility of existing teams performing the work 2.3 The SEC then approves the request as appropriate and determines team priority.

3 The TSC Team Coordinator:

3.1 Updates the team status board.

3.2 Informs the OSC verbally of the request.

3.3 Updates the OSC of team priorities as they are established or changed.

4 WHEN the SEC has approved the request, THEN transmit Data Sheet 1, Response Team Request, to the OSC.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-ool Rev. 3 Page 18 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 9 Accountability l Page:

18 NOTE: Plant conditions may have required the evacuation of the SAS or GAS 1 Notify the SAS or CAS to initiate accountability per Security procedures.

2 WHEN accountability has been completed, THEN notify the SEC of any unaccounted for individuals [Commitment #3863]. This must be accomplished within 30 minutes of the accountability order.

3 IF individuals are unaccounted for, THEN the Security Director shall:

3.1 Provide a list of unaccounted personnel to each of the facilities.

3.2 Instruct the managers of each facility to verify the missing personnel are not in the facilities.

3.3 Initiate searches for the missing personnel. Searches can be done via:

Plant public address system Plant personnel paging system

  • Assembling search teams via the TSC 3.4 Provide the SEC and facilities with periodic updates on status until all missing personnel are accounted for.

Reference l RMT-2080-TSC-O01 l Rev. 3 l Page 19 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 10 Site Evacuation Pages:

19 - 21 I IF in an alert, THEN:

1.1 Recommend to the SEC the immediate evacuation of containment buildings and the Auxiliary Building of all personnel not responding to the emergency.

1.1.1 IF the recommendation is approved and has not already been performed by the Control Room, THEN:

a. Notify the Control Room that an announcement will be made.
b. Notify the other emergency facility managers the announcement will be made.
c. Make the following announcement 2 times on the plant public address system:

"Attention all plant personnel. Attention all plant personnel. Because of plant conditions, all personnel within the Auxiliary and Containment buildings immediately evacuate the area."

1.2 Recommend to the SEC that all non-essential personnel be required to leave site.

1.2.1 IF the recommendation is approved and has not already been performed by the Control Room, THEN:

a. Notify the control room that an announcement will be made.
b. Notify the other emergency facility managers the-announcement-will be made.
c. Make the following announcement 2 times on the plant public address system:

"Attention all plant personnel. Attention all plant personnel. Because of plant conditions, all non-essential personnel are to leave the plant site at this time using their vehicles and normal plant access routes."

d. Make the same announcement 2 times in the training building by:

Dialing 1646

e. Initiate Security actions (via the TSC Security Director) to evacuate all personnel from all plant facilities outside the protected area.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 20 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 10 Site Evacuation 19 - 21 NOTE: It is possible to enter a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency without having passed through an Alert. Because accountability is required at a Site Area Emergency or a General Emergency, all personnel within the plant-protected area should be. either at or in the process of reporting to an emergency assembly area.

2 IF in a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency, THEN:

2.1 Obtain directions from the RAC for the evacuation process and route to be used.

- Consider:

If a release of radioactive material has occurred.

The potential for a release of radioactive material to occur during the evacuation process.

  • Wind direction, wind speed, and the potential for a wind shift

- Current weather conditions or plant conditions that might affect evacuees' safety (e.g., security event).

If sheltering is preferred over evacuation until a release of radioactive material is terminated or other conditions warrant.

  • If evacuees should use personal vehicles or mass transit.

If evacuees should assemble at an off-site location outside the 10-mile EPZ for further instructions or subsequent staffing.

2.2 Notify-the SEC of the intended route and evacuation process to be used (normal access, north, or south along the beach).

2.3 IF the evacuees cannot use their personal vehicles, THEN:

. Arrange for mass transportation to be available at a predetermined pickup point through the Berrien County EOC.

Release personnel only after transportation has been confirmed in route or in place.

2.4 IF the Security procedure for the evacuation of personnel outside the protected area has not already been initiated, THEN initiate the procedure.

Determine if special instruction are required for offsite agency personnel (e.g., National Guard, MSP, etc.) stationed in the owner controlled area.

Take appropriate action (e;g., evacuation, shelter, relocate on site, issue dosimetry, etc.) as necessary to protect the offsite agency personnel.

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 l Rev. 3 - Page 21 of 37

- Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 10 Site Evacuation Pages:

19 - 21 2.5 Request a team from the OSC to brief evacuees and direct them offsite using the recommended evacuation route.

2.6 Periodically report the evacuation progress to the SEC until completed.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 22 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 1 I Loss of RDR l22 NOTE: Loss of the RDR or PPC in any facility will require personnel from the TSC to respond and supply data as needed. The methods used for collection of data are listed in order of preference to minimize interference with control room operations and employ ALARA principals.

IF the RDR is not available in a facility, THEN determine which data is needed. It is recommend this data be supplied at 15-minute intervals with significant changes being transmitted immediately.

1.1 RMS (RAC or ARAC) 1.1.1 Obtain data from:

RMS Interface Terminals PPC

. Unaffected control room Control Terminal

  • Affected control room Control Terminal
  • Local DAM readings (request a team from the OSC) 1.1.2 Record RMS data for requested charnels on Data Sheet 2, Radiation Monitoring System.

1.1.3 Supply data sheets to TSC Administrative personnel for transmittal and dissemination (as per Attachment 5, Document Transmission/Distribution, of this procedure).

1.2 Plant Status (PET Operations or PET Training) 1.2.1 Obtain data from:


  • Affected control room
  • Available local devices (request a team from the OSC) 1.2.2 Record plant status data on Technical Information Sheet (PMP-2080-EPP-100, Data Sheet 1).

1.2.3 Supply data sheets to TSC Administrative personnel for transmittal and dissemination.

1.2.4 WHEN the RDR returns to service, THEN recall any field teams, if appropriate.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 23 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 12 Dose Extension and Authorization Pages:

23 - 25 NOTE: The SEC authorizes dose extensions (doses in excess of 10 CFR 20 and per.

the guidance in EPA400-R-92-001) for individuals/teams during emergencies. Section 1 is provided as guidance when considering dose extensions. Exposures exceeding 25 REM whole body should only be considered and used as a last resort. The use of ALARA principles and multiple personnel shall be considered first.

1 Precautions and Limitations 1.1 Dose to all workers during an emergency should be limited to 5 rem whole body when practical.

1.2 Dose to workers performing emergency services under emergency conditions are treated as a once in a lifetime exposure.

1.3 Individuals who have received > 10 rem in a previous incident have received their "once in a lifetime" exposure and are not allowed to exceed 10 rem in this incident.

1.4 Dose extensions should not be authorized for exposures which would be accrued in an emergency that are not related to the incident. Administrative dose limits should apply in these cases.

1.5 Minors and Declared Pregnant Females are not to be considered for receiving

- emergency doses.

1.6 Workers should not be allowed dose limits greater than 5 rem whole body unless both of the following conditions have been satisfied.

' Lower doses through the rotation of workers or other commonly used dose reduction methods are not possible, and, a Instrumentation is available to measure their exposure.

1.7 Workers performing services during emergencies should, for the duration of the incident, be limited to:

Dose to the lens of the eye to three (3) times the listed whole body values

. Dose to any other organ, including skin and body extremities, to ten (10) times the listed whole body values

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 24 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 12 Dose Extension and Authorization Pages:

1.8 Exposures should be limited as follows:

1.8.1 Protection of Valuable Property 10 rem whole body per incident for the protection of valuable property 1.8.2 Protection of Large Population

a. < 25 rem whole -body per lifetime if the exposure of workers that is incurred for the protection of large population may be considered justified for situations in which the collective dose avoided by the emergency operation is significantly larger than that incurred by the workers involved
b. > 25 rem whole body per lifetime if the exposure of workers that is incurred for the protection of larger populations may be considered justified for situations in which the collective dose avoided by the emergency operation is significantly larger than that incurred by the workers involved provided:
  • The dose received is on a voluntary basis

. The individual has full awareness of the risks involved

  • The individual has signed next to his/her name on the dose extension form 1.8.3 Life Threatening Situations
a. < 25 rem whole body per lifetime for life saving activities
b. > 25 rem whole body per lifetime for an unavoidable life threatening situation provided:
  • The Dose received is on a voluntary basis
  • The individual has full awareness of the risks involved (see Section 2 of this attachment)
  • The individual has signed next to his/her name on the dose extension form 1.9. Dose extensions are given for the task, not for the duration of the emergency.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 25 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 12 Dose Extension and Authorization 23 - 25 2 Pi'ovide the information contained in this section to the individuals receiving emergency dose extensions:

Health Effects Associated with Whole Body Absorbed Doses Received Within a Few Hoursa Whole Body Early Fatalitiesb Whole Body Prodromal Effectsc Absorbed dose (rad) (percent) Absorbed dose (rad) (percent affected) 140 5 50 2 200 5 100 15 300 50 150 50 400 85. 200 85 460 95 250 98

'Risks will be lower for protracted exposure periods.

b Supportive medical treatment may increase the dose at which these frequencies occur by approximately 50 percent.

' Forewarning symptoms of more serious health effects associated with large doses of radiation.

Approximate Cancer Risk to Average Individuals from 25 rem Effective Dose Equivalent Delivered Promptly. To estimate average cancer mortality for moderately higher doses the results may be increased linearly.

Age at exposure (years) Appropriate risk of premature Average years of life lost if death (deaths per 1,000 premature death occurs persons exposed) (years) 20 to 30 9.1 24 30to40 7.2 19 40 to 50 5.3 15 50 to 60 3.5 11 3 Complete Data Sheet 3, Dose Extension Form (using TSC Administrative personnel between the OSC and TSC as necessary).

3.1 Once SEC permission has been obtained, individuals may be dispatched from-the OSC.

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 26 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 13 KI Administration Page:

NOTE: The SEC authorizes the use of KI during emergencies, under the recommendations of the RAC or RPD. Section 1 provides guidance for when KI should be administered.

1 The RAC or RPD should consider KI administration to affected individuals in the following instances:

1.1 Prior to teams being dispatched when a radioactive release is known or suspected following fuel or clad damage.

1.2 Prior to teams being dispatched when airborne concentrations to iodine are likely, suspected, or unknown following fuel or clad damage.

1.3 Within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of a known or suspected uptake of iodine.

1.4 When I-131 airborne concentrations approach 2E-5pCi/cc.

2 IF the RAC or RPD determines that KI administration is advisable, THEN request authorization of the SEC for KI administration.

3 IF authorization for KI administration has been obtained from the SEC, OBTAIN consent from individual(s) via 12-RMT-2080-OSC-001, Data Sheet 3, KI Consent Form.

4 IF consent has been given, THEN administer KI per the instruction of the RAC or RPD.

NOTE: KI is normally taken once per day for 10 days.

5 UPON completion of KI administration, RETURN the completed KI Consent Form to RP.

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 l Page 27 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Attachment 14 Classification Page:

27 Perform classifications using PMP-2080-EPP-101.

2 IF a classification upgrade is warranted and the EOF has not been activated:

  • Note the time of the classification.

Notify the control room of the following:

> classification upgrade

> the time of the classification

> to initiate plant public address announcements

> sound the Nuclear Emergency Alarm as specified in the control room procedures

> to make off-site notifications as specified in the control room procedures.

Notify the other facilities as applicable.

  • Perform a facility brief.

3 IF the EOF has been activated, THEN the Emergency Director must approve all classification upgrades.,

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 Page 28 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Data Sheet I Response Team Request l 28 TIME/DATE ____________________________________________________I_________________________________________





Reference l7NT28TC00 e.3 l. -Page 29 of 3-Activsation and Operation of the TSC Data Sheet 2 lRadiation Monitoring System 29 -ages Unit No. Date Time Data Collected by Reviewed by ALARMS I TRENDS MONITOR CURRENT READING UNITS LOCATION mRJW 1 VRS-1101 1201 mR/h Upper CTMT Area 2 I VRS-2101 I 2201 mRlh Upper CTMT Area I R/h Upper CTMT High Range Area 3 VRA-1310 2310 I R/h Lower CTMT High Range Area 4 VRA-1410 /2410 Lower CTMT Airborne 5 I ERS-1301 I 2301 PCi Particulate .

6 I ERS-1303 I 2303 PCi Lower CTMT Airborne Iodine 7 I ERS-1305 / 2305 Aci/cc Lower CTMT Airborne LRNG 8 I ERS-1307 / 2307 pCi/cc Lower CTMT Airborne MRNG 9 I ERS-1309 / 2309 pCi/cc Lower CTMT Airborne HRNG Lower CTMT Airborne 10 ERS-1401 /2401 pCi Particulate 11 I ERS-1403 / 2403 pCi Lower CTMT Airborne Iodine 12 I ERS-1405 I 2405 I ACilcc Lower CTMT Airborne LRNG 13 I ERS-1407 I 2407 gCi/CC Lower CTMT Airborne MRNG 14 I ERS-1409 I 2409 pCi/cc Lower CTMT Airborne HRNG 15 I VRS-1501 I 2501 pci Unit Vent Effluent Particulate I Unit Vent Effluent Iodine 16 I VRS-1503 1 2503 pci I Unit Vent Effluent LRNG 17 I VRS-1505 I 2505 pci/cc I Unit Vent Effluent MRNG 18 I VRS-1507 I 2507 I pCi/cc 19 VRS-1509. 2509 Unit Vent Effluent HRNG I pCi/c SIG PORV Loop I 20 MRA-1601 /2601 I pCi/cc SIG PORV Loop 4 21 I MRA-1602 I 2602 . .~~~~

pci/cc 22 MRA-1701 /2701 SIG PORV Loop 2 I plCi/cc SIG PORV Loop 3 23 MRA-1702 I 2702 PCi/CC I Gland Steam Leakoff LRNG 24 SRA-1805 / 2805 I pCi/cc Gland Steam Leakoff MRNG 25 SRA-1807 I 2807 pci/cc I Gland Steam Leakoff HRNG 26 SRA-1809 I 2809 I I lCi/cc Steam Jet Air Ejector LRNG 27 SRA-1905 I 2905 pCi/cc 28 SRA-1907 12907 Steam Jet Air Ejector MRNG I RCi/CC Steam Jet Air Ejector HRNG 29 SRA-1909 12909 I pCic SIG Blowdown 30 DRS-3101 I 4101 Aci I SIG Blowdown Treatment 31 DRS-3201 I 4201 pci I1 CFM Gland Steam Leakoff Flow 32 SFR-1810 12810 I CFM Steam Jet Air Ejector Flow 33 SFR-1910 I 2910 I CFM Unit Vent Effluent Flow 34 VFR-1510 I2510 I MPH

.35 Wind Speed I Wind Direction 36 e(From) 0 37 Air Temp. AT - F

Reference l RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 Page 30 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Data Sheet 2 Radiation Monitoring System Pages:

ALARMS: (H) High, (A) Alert, (F) Fail, etc. TREND: t (Increase, Decrease, Steady, etc.)



650' SFP Area 633' Hallway 609' Hallway 587' Hallway_

573' Hallway 609' Access Control Emergency Sampling Ul 591' BDFT Area U2 591' BDFT Area

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 l Page 31 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Data Sheet 3 lDose Extension Formn Page:

Request Date: Time:

Estimated Dose Rate:

Estimated Stay Time:

Estimated Dose:_

Reason for Dose Extension Request:

Name~ ;2SNe Current'Incident Dose Dose e L t

'V ~ n Name SSN Current Incident Dose Dose Extension Limit Radiological Assessment Coordinator: Date/Time:

Approval Authority (Non-Delegable Signature)

Site Emergency Coordinator: Date/Time:

Approval Authority (Non-Delegable Signature)

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 __7 Rev. 3 l Page 32 of 37 Attivation and Operation of the TSC Figure 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Page:

Term Meaning ARAC Assistant Radiological Assessment Coordinator CAS Central Alarm Station DAM Data Acquisition Module EAD Environmental Assessment Director (EOF)

EOC Emergency Operations Center (Lansing)

EOF Emergency Operations Facility ENC Emergency News Center ERDS Emergency Response Data System ERO Emergency Response Organization GE -- General Emergency JPIC Joint Public Information Center KI Potassium Iodide (thyroid blocking agent)

OSC Operations Support Center PAR Protective Action Recommendation PET Plant Evaluation Team PPC Plant Process Computer RAC Radiological Assessment Coordinator RDR Real-time Data Repository RMS Radiation Monitoring System SAE Site Area Emergency

Reference RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 l Page 33 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Figure 1 Definitions and Abbreviations 32 33 Term Meaning SAS Secondary Alarm Station SEC Site Emergency Coordinator TSC Technical Support Center IUE - Unusual Event

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 Rev. 3 Page 34 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

The position descriptions provided are intended as guidance. Deviations and additions to these descriptions are allowed as long as the accomplished objectives can be achieved.

Assistant SEC

  • Ensures all TSC staff carry out their assigned functions;
  • Ensures timely exchange of information within the TSC staff and among interfacing facilities;
  • Manages the activities of the Plant Evaluation Team (PET);
  • Works with the Operations Support Center Manager to implement repair and corrective action activities;
  • Interfaces with the SEC on matters such as emergency classification and on-site actions in progress.
  • Confers and/or advises the Public Affairs Liaison in determining responses to requests for information when requested.
  • Fulfills SEC duties in the absence of the SEC.

Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Assistant RAC

  • Provides expertise in the area of radiation protection to the PET and Assistant SEC;
  • Provides assistance to the Radiation Protection Director in determination of protective actions for on-site personnel, including emergency response teams.. These protective action determinations include:

> Assembly/evacuation of non-essential personnel,

> Evacuation of on-site emergency response facilities due to adverse radiological conditions,

> Administration of KI.

Determines staffing needs in the area of radiation protection and informs the SEC/Assistant SEC of deficiencies in this area.

  • Obtains the approval of the Site Emergency Coordinator (SEC) for individuals to exceed the dose limits specified in 10 CFR 20.
  • Periodically assesses TSC radiological habitability and makes recommendations to the SEC/Assistant SEC for facility evacuation if necessary.
  • Obtains RMS data from the Control Terninal or directly from radiation monitors when the PPC is unavailable. Applicable data is transcribed on the Radiation Monitoring System Data Sheet for transmission to the EOF and applicable public information center (ENC or JPIC).

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 l Page 35 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Figure 2 Position Descriptions Pages:

Plant Evaluation Team

  • Requests OSC response team(s) (through the SEC) to perform diagnostic or mitigating actions as necessary;
  • Provides an independent technical analysis of plant conditions;
  • Develops corrective action recommendations;
  • Provides technical assistance to Operations personnel when requested;
  • Monitors fission product barrier status (PET Operations);
  • Recommends emergency classification changes as necessary;
  • Responds to questions from off-site agencies, as directed by the SEC/Assistant SEC;
  • Provides a person to act as Scribe in updating the Plant Status Board in the event that the PPC becomes unavailable (PET-Training representative is suggested), as requested by the Administrative Coordinator.

Public Affairs Liaison

  • Communicates with public affairs personnel at the ENC or JPIC to provide information relative to the emergency when requested.
  • Confers with the SEC/Assistant SEC to determine responses to public affairs personnel information requests when necessary.

TSC Boardwriter Maintains the chronological event status board based upon information obtained from the Control Room Communicator and as deemed necessary by the Assistant SEC;

  • Communicates information from the TSC to the EOF and Control Room, including status/activities of the OS;
  • Relays incoming messages/requests to the applicable TSC member when requested by the Control Room or EOF.

TSC Administrative Support

  • Transmission of hard copy documents from the TSC to the EOF and/or OSC;
  • Transmission of hard copy documents from the TSC to the ENC or JPIC as appropriate (see Attachment 5 "Document Transmission/Distribution" for documents that are "routinely' transmitted).
  • Hand carries documents between the TSC and Control Room (conditions permitting);
  • Duplicates and distributes documents within the TSC;

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-00 l Re.- l Pae3of7 Activation and-Operation of the TSC Figure 2 lPosition Descriptions Pages:

  • Performs general administrative tasks as directed by the Administrative Coordinator (see Attachment 5 "Document Transmission/Distribution" for documents that are "routinely" distributed).

TSC Team Coordinator

  • Communicates directions regarding team dispositioning from the Assistant SEC or SEC to the OSC;
  • Receives status reports on emergency response teams from the OSC and provides this information to the TSC.
  • Relays messages from the OSC to the applicable TSC personnel.

TSC Administrative Coordinator

  • Directs and coordinates communications activities in the TSC, including providing direction to the FAX Administrative Support, Boardwriter, and TSC Team Coordinator;
  • Duplicates and distributes hard copy documents within the TSC;
  • Transmits hard copy documents to the EOF, ENC, or JPIC;
  • Acquires technical documents (prints, procedures, technical manuals, etc.) at the request of the Plant Evaluation Team.
  • Compiles information to be reported off-site from the PET and RAC;
  • Obtains approval of the SEC/Assistant SEC prior to releasing any information off-site.
  • Announces information over the plant Public Address system as directed by the SEC/Assistant SEC.
  • Assigns a TSC member to act as a Scribe in updating the Plant Status Board in the event that the PPC is not functioning. (It is suggested that the PET-Training representative perform this function.)

Security Director

  • Initiates and oversees Security actions for site personnel assembly and accountability when requested by the SEC.
  • Initiates and oversees Security actions for evacuation of site personnel when requested by the SEC.
  • Implements Security actions to bar the PABX (plant telephone system) upon the declaration of a Site Area Emergency or higher classification.

Reference I RMT-2080-TSC-001 I Rev. 3 _l Page 37 of 37 Activation and Operation of the TSC Figure 2 lPosition Descriptions l 3p4 37 Site Emergency Coordinator

  • Reviews the emergency situation with the Shift Supervisor.
  • Assumes the Site Emergency Coordinator responsibilities from the Shift Supervisor for overall management of plant and emergency response functions, and assures that proper actions are being taken to mitigate the event.
  • Ensures that the proper State/County authorities, NRC and AEP officials are notified.
  • Makes recommendations to State/County authorities responsible for offsite emergency measures during the initial phase of the nuclear incident prior to activation of the EOF.
  • Orders the assembly, accountability, and evacuation of all non-essential plant personnel upon the declaration of a Site Area Emergency (or higher) classification, or at a lower classification if deemed prudent by SEC judgement. (Accountability may be performed via the plant exit turnstiles, rather than assembly areas, if so designated by the SEC.)
  • Grants approval of PET requests for OSC team actions.
  • Prioritizes OSC team missions by importance.
  • Orders the evacuation of the TSC for habitability concerns, if necessary, and relocation or evacuation of TSC personnel.
  • Relinquishes all TSC and Control Room responsibilities and functions relative to Classification, Notification, and PAR's upon activation of the EOF.



Number. RMT-2080PIC-001 Revision 1 Change: O 4


A etsv aL 1 ,i am i nl %*.n tey, M . rt11W -

Section or Step ChangefReason For Change Table of Contents, Change: Augmented "Rumor Control" with 'Public Inquiry" throughout Step 2.5, these sections of the procedure.

Attachments I and Reason: FEMA has revised the term "Rumor Control" to "Public 3, Figures and 2 Y"-

Title Change: Added "ENC" to title.

Reason: Procedure is used for the Emergency News Center and Joint Public Information Center.

Step 1.1 Change: Added "Emergency News Center (ENC)" to this step.

Reason: -Procedure is used for both the Emergency News Center and Joint Public Information Center.

Step IA Change: New step to state conditions uneIr vhic procedure may be used (actual emergency, or drill/exercis#).

Reason: Bnngs procedure in alignment wiih other emergency plan

______ hn~~iplemntigpmocedire Step 2.5 Change: Changed '0" to "M" under fecility activafion at the alert level.

Reason: Makes ENC activation mandatory at anAlmt level. , Change: Added "The ENC will be activated at an Alert."

Note prior to Step Reason: Makes the ENC activation mandatory at an Alert level. ,Step Change: Added radios to the list of pment.

1.1 Equipment Reasorn Media monitoring personnel monitor radio station broadcasts during emergencies. ,Step Change: Added Site Area Emergency or General Emergency" behind 13 Personnel the State of Michiganand Berrien County representatives.

Reason: These personnel will not be present until a SAE or GE is dec- -  : , Step Change: Changed the minimum number of Rumor Control/Media 13 Personnel Monitoring personnel required to acivate from 6 to 4 Rumor Control and 3 to 2 Media Monitoring.

Reason. Facility is able to activate with this number of personnel.



Number: RMT-2080-JPICO1 Revision: 1. Change: O Tie: Acivation tnd Operaation ofthe ENC/}PIC .

Section or Step Change/Reason For Change , Step Change: Added a statement that activation of tb ENC does not require 2 prior permission ofthe State of Michigan.

Reason: To clarify to ENC(PIC personnel that ictivation of the ENC does not need State of Michigan appoal. , Step Change: replaced 'statement' with "press release'.

2 Reason: To make the term consistent with the rest of the procedure Attachmen 3, Step Change: Added P1IM in parenthesis behind RCMM (Rumor 2A Corol/Media Monitoring).

Reason: To transition from RCMM to PIMM (PIblic nquiryMedia Monitoring); PI is being phased in by FEMA. , Step Change: Added PIMM in parenthesis behind RCMM (Rnmor 2.5 Control/Media Monitoing).

Reason. To traniion from RCMM to PIMM (Public nquiryMedia Monitoring); PI is being phased in by FEMA.

Atachment 4, Step Change: Added PM in parenthesis behind RCMM (Rnmor 6 ControMedia Monitoring).

Reason: To tsitim from RCMM to PIMM (Public InquiryMedia Monitoring); PI is being phased in by FEMA.

Figre i Change: Added "AL to the list of definitions for Alert; added EOC" to the list of definitions for Emergency Operations Center, added PMM to the list of definitions for Public InquiryMedia Monitoring.

Reason: To define acronyms used in the procedure.

Figure 2. Change: Removed "EOF".from the description ofwho comm cates

. with the Technical Communicator.

Reason: Technical Communicator no longer commuicates with EOF on a bridge circuit Figure 2 Change: Added description of Receptionist duties; added Public Inquiry in parenthesis behind Rumor Control.

Reason: Duties were not prEiously defined in the procedure; Public kquirytermisbeing phasedinbyFEMA.

. _ _ I RMT-2080-jPIC-001 - Rev. 1 Page 1 of 13 Activation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC I Reference Effective Date:

C. J. Oraffenius S. M. Partin rmersency Flamning

.Writer Owner Cognizant Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS I PURPOSE AND SCOPE. A.

2 DETAILS__... 01

-1 3 "WrroNmQev KMW  %.41_*11_

r-AXLAIN 6_0@ @-!-* -@-Al : Activation 4 : Briefing Statement Development U : Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) 7 I IMia C : .. Mn4nTerin&

a- ...... aa n .l n ---------

.. l_ .

m--- ea .. n .. n . n . n : Media Suppor L.................... . . . . .n . . . . n. . . . .... n .... _ . .. . . .... n .. .. . 9 : AudioVisual upport ___.. _ . ._.. _.. 10 Figure 1: Definitions ant I Abbreviations. .. 11.

Figure 2: Pndtifn neseriinf

, _._ A_ _^ __

int -------

_........ 12


1.1 lhis procedure provides guidance for activation and operation of the Emergency News Center (ENC) and Joint Public Informition Center (JPIC).

1.2 This procedure may be used as guidance for setting up a media center.

1.3 The Joint Public Infomation Center (JPIC) requires State of Michigan approval prior to activation.

1.4 Use of tiis procedure is restricted to emergency conditions or drills/exercises only.


2 DETAILS 2.1 The Media Center Manager implements this procedure.

2.2 Use Attaclmcnt , Activation, to activate the ENCfJPIC.

23 Use Figure 1, Definitions and Abbreviations, for a listing of abbreviations, acronyms and theirmeanngs.

2.4 Figure 2, Position Descriptions, contains l directions for ERO personnel.

NOTE 0 Optional M Mandatory 2.5 Perform activities based on the following tables:

Activity Attachment. Responsible Position UE AL SA GE Facility Activation I Media Centermanager M M M and suport Media Release 2 Briefing Statement 0 M M Development Writer

.Rumor Control 3 Rumor Control (Public 0 M M (Public Inquiry)


Media Monitoring Coordination 4

Inquiry)/Media Monitoring Coordinator Rumor Control (Public Inquiry)/Media

.__________-Monitoring Coordinator:

- M M I Media Support S Media Area Coordinator; M M Audio/Visual 6 AudiolVisual 0 M M Coordination Coordinator Security RMT-2060- Site Protective Services 0 M M]

SFI-204 .________


Reference lT-2080-JrIC21 l Rev. I l Page 3 of 13 Ativation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC 3 REFRENCES 3.1 Use


3.1.1 RMT-2060-SFI-204, "Security Action During Energency Conditions EOF/JPIC" 32 Writing


3.2.1 Source References

a. AEP Emergency Response Manual
b. CookNuclear~lantEmergency Plan
c. NUREG-0654, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation ofRadiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support ofNuclear Power Plants' 322 General References
a. 10 CFR.S.47

Reference 7 RMT-2080JPIC-001 .. ,Rev. l Page 4 of 13 Activation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC I

Attachment I Activation .ageS NOTE: he ENC will be activated at an Alert The JPIC will be activated at a Site

.OTE: Area Emergency or Geneal Emergency or may be activated earlier if I conditions dictate and is ordered by the State of Michijan 1 Ense the Eacility has the following or an acceptable alternate prior to activation.

Recommended setup of the facility is available in the 'Refncrice Material" section of this procedure book.

1.1 Equipment

  • Facility Power Plant Procs Computer (PPC)
  • Clocks set with the PPC time
  • Televisions/hadios for monitoring Media Broadcast 1.2 Communications Telephones and fax machines
  • Audiovisual equipment 1.3 Personnel Utility Spokesenr
  • . Media Center Manager Support Office Coordinator State of Michigan Representative (Site Area Emergency or General Emergency)
  • Berrien County Representative (Site Area Emergency ior General Emergency)

Rumor Control (Public Ib2qiry/Media Monitoring Coordinator

  • 4 Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) personnel
  • f2 Media Monitors
  • Briefing Statement Writer
  • 'Audio! Visual Coordinator

. *MediaArea Coordinator

  • Technical Communicator
  • .e Media Center Manager may activate with fewer personnel stated for these positions after assessing onditions.

2 IF the JPIC is to be activated obtain permission from State of Michigan entative to activate the JPIC. No permission is necessary to activatt the ENC.

Referenee AttachmentI; RMf-20804P1C-OOI Rev. I Activation and Operation of the ENCJPIC Ac v l Page 5 of 13 Pages:

I 3 Activate the facility.

4 Notify the following that the JPIC has been activated:

  • JPIC staff
  • Bemien County EOC
  • Corporate offices i Media 5 Advise regional and istict operaions to forward -llnphone calls to the IC1Unor Control (Pubc Inquiry). I

Reference I RMT-208OJPIC-0O1 *] Rev. I T Page 6 of 13 Activation and Operation of the MUCJPIC l Attachment 2 Bneing Sttement Development Page:

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 6 1 - Gather writtep and verbal event-related information from:

  • Plant soudces
  • Benien County

- . Other ofsite orgbniztion/agency reprates present, if any.

2 Consolidateiheinfomation into a draft joint newrelease.

3 Obtain PIT review dapoval.

4 Issue the statement with corrections c oated.

5 Distnbute copies to the news media and various JPIC sections.

Reference RMT-2080-JPIC01 Rev. 1. Page 7 of 13

-Actiationand Operation of the ENC/JPIC Attacbment 3 Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) 7 1 The RCMM (PIMM) Coordinator shall:

1.1 Obtain a briefing on the status of the emergency from the Media Center Manager.

1.2 Briefthe Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) and Media Monitoring personnel.

1.3 Brief JPIC members on Rumor Control (Public Irtpuiry), Media Monitoring activities.

13.1 Summanrizeicquested information tnds via telephone log sheets, television monitoring-logs and-videotapes.

1.32 Assign one Rumor Coitrol (Public Inquiry) communicator to sit in on all media briefings to see if information released by the spokespersons is subsequently reported accurately by the media. If it is not, inform the JPIT.

2 Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) operators will:

2.1 Answer callers in a polite, courteous, professional r.

2.2 (ive out accurate, approved incident-rdated information.

2.3 Log each call received on the Rumor Control (Plic Inquiry) Call Form in the Reference section of this procedure book 2.4 IF a question cannot be answered immediately, THEN:

  • Obtain the caller's phone number
  • Obtain the caller's name
  • 6 Indicateif the caller is fiom he media
  • Repeat the question back to the caller to ensure it corretly captures the callers concern
  • Indicate RCMM (P1MM) Coordinator follow-up is required 2.5 Forward all data sheets to the RCMM (P1MM) Coordinator.

Reference RMT-2080JPIC001 Rev. 1 Page 8 of 13 Activation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC Attachment 4' Media Monitoring Pae 1 Ensure TV monitors are connected to available VCRs and tuned to the following stations:

WNDU-TV, Channel 16 - South Bend, Indiana a WSBT-TV, channel 22 - South Bend, Indiana WSJV-TV, Channel 28- Elkart, Indiana 2 Monitor the TV channels listed above andvideotape broadcast segmentsrelated to the incident.

3 Ensure that the radios are tuned to the following BBS stations:

  • WIRX-FM, 107.1 MHz - Benton Harbor, Michigan
  • WHF-FM, 99.9 MH - Benton Harbor, Michigan
  • WNSN-FM, 101.5 MHz-SouthBend, Indiana 4 Connect audio tape recorders to the radios and continuously tape record each station throughout the emergency.

S Complete the 3PIC Media Monitoring Activity Form, found in the Reference section of the p dure book, for each broadcast that mentions the micident 6 Notify the RCMM (PIMM) Coordinator immediately of any discrepancies between approved media statements and the information beingodcast

. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Reference RMT-2080-JPIC001 Rev. 1 Page 9 of }3 Atvation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC Ataclznient 5 Media SUpport Page:

1 EFsure press kits, 8nnual reports, copies ofthe "JPIC Initial News Statemet and other informational handouts are available in the Media Wok Area.

2 Provide Security whith a list of AEP, State of Michigan, Berrien County, NRC, and FEMA personnel expected to arrive at the PIC.

3 Inform Security that access for additional personnel from the offsite agences listed in 2, above, must be approved by the Media Area Coordinator.

4 Post a copy ofthe latest press statement in the Media Work Area and leave a supply for late arriving media personnel.

S Post the latest emergency classification on the whiteboard in the front of the Media Briefing Area 6 Ensure that each media briefing is videotaped and each briefing's tape labeled appropriately.

Reference RMT-2080-PIC001 Rev. 1 Page 10 of 13 Actvation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC Attichment 6 Audio/Visual Support Page:

1 Set up all necessary audiovisual equipment as follows:

1.1 Microphones on the moderator's podium, sp son's table, and in ather locations as needed.

1.2 Video cameras and recording equipment to make a video record of each media briefing.

1.3 Whiteboards, maps and plant diagrams as needed in the Media Biefing Areaad -

Media Wok Area.

1.4 Media Monitoring televisions and video recorders in the Medii Monitoring Area 1.5 Video playback units and monitors in the Media Work Area for use by the media to view briefing tapes.

2 Videotape every media briefing. A separate tape should be used for each briefing and labeled as to date, time and tape number.

3 Provide a copy of each videotape to the Media Area Coordinator.

4 Operate and maintain audio/visual equipment as needed.

Reference RMT-20804JPIC-001 Rev. 1 Page 11 of 13 Activation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC I

Figure 1 Definitions and Abbrevations AL Alert I BCEOC Berrien County Emergency Operations Center:

BCSD Berrien Conty Sheriff s Department DSO NRC Director of Site Operations ED Emergency Director ENC Emergency News Center EOC Emergency Operations Center (State of Michigan, Lansing) I BOF Emergency Operations Facility ERO Emergency Resps Organization FEMA Federal Emergency-Management-Agency GE cneral Emergency JPIC Joint Public Information Center JPIT Joint Public Information Team is compised of the AEP and all

._____________ offlie agency spokesperwns MSP Mlichigan State Police NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OSC perais Support Center PMM RCMM.

Public InuirylMedia Monitoring Rnmor ControlMedia Monitoring I

SAE Site Area Emergency SEOC State Emergency Operations Center TSC Technical Support Center UE Unusual Event

Reference RMT-2080JPIC-001 Rev. I Page 12 of 13 Activation and Operation of the E&CIJPIC Figure2 l Position Descriptions 'ages:

Media Center Manager

  • Responsible for coordinating information at the JPIC ith counterparts from the county and state.
  • Maintain contact with AEP management to develop news release. Supervise comunications with the news media.
  • Relay information to others involved with the cmergency.

Technical Communicator:

  • Responsible -forestablishing communications with the Public Affirs Liaison in theLTSC.
  • Obtains plantstatus, milestones, andother informationregarding-the emergecyvia tie Public Affairs telephone bridge.
  • Monitors PPC (RDR) data in conjunction with communications with the TSC to keep ENC/JPIC staff informed ofplant status, milestones regarding the emergency.

Utility Spokesperson: r

  • Is the "single utility spokesperson When dealing with the news media throughout the emergency.
  • Is the only source of utility statements quoted in press briefings or releases.
  • Represent the utility at formal press briefings to answer technical questions about the incident.

Support Office Coordinator:

  • Is responsible for directing the overall operation of the Support Office, including clerical fimctions, such as copying, f , etc.
  • Responsible for dealing with Incoming media and company calls to the Support Office.

Audio/Visual Coordinator.

  • Is responsible for setting up A/V equipment in the Media Briefing and Work Areas, the Media Monitoring Area and for videotaping press briefings.

Rumor Control (Public Inquiry)Wedia Monitoring Coordinator:

  • Is responsible foroverseeing teloggofin~coming telephonecall th te Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) Center Log and providing accurate information on the incident to the callers.
  • Informs personnel at the JPIC Command Center of the major concerns of the public based on infonnation from those calls.

Reference RMT-28o-JPIC0-1 Rev. 1 Page 13 of 13 Acdtivation and Operation of the ENC/JPIC Figure 2 l Position Descriptions Pages:

Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) Operators and Media Monitors:

  • Responsible for answering telephone calls from the public regardn the incident, loggi each call on a separate log form and submitting them to the Rumor Control (Public Inquiry)


  • Responsible for monitoring television coverage of te ncident for accmicy and reporting any inaccuracies to the Rumor Control (Public Inquiry) Coordinator.

Media Area Coordinato.

  • Responsibleforensuring thatmedia. representatives have adequate filites-o properly cover mediabrieflngLs
  • Provide press kits and related printed materials for general background infomfion as well as written statements from each briefing.
  • Does NOT speculate on ecnts, nor attempt any technical explanation of plant and recovexy operations to the media. -

Briefing Statement Writers:

  • Responsible for gathring information on the incident and recovery operations from cach organiation r nted in the Command Center.
  • Incoorate the information into a single, organized news release.


  • Checks identification/credentials of media and government presentives upon arrival to the Buchanan Office Building.
  • Directs media and govenment representatives to the appropriate areas of the building.