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Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
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Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/2003
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML031630866 (81)






Pages 1 through 7 Attachments I through 3 Tables through Figures through Appendices through Checkoff Lists through This procedure has 0 checkoff list(s) maintained in the mainframe computer.

Conversion of commitments to TRS reference/hidden text completed by Revision Number:

Non-T/S Commitments 017

12 EIP-ZZ-002 EIP-ZZ-002 12 Rev. 021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 2 DEFINITIONS 1 3 RESPONSIBILITIES 2 4 INITIATING CONDITIONS 3 5 PROCEDURE 3 6 FINAL CONDITIONS 6 7 REFERENCES 6 8 RECORDS 7 - PAR Flowchart 2 Page - Plume Arrival Time 1 Page - Evacuation Times and Population Densities 1 Page EIP-ZZ-002 12 Rev. 021 PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS I PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance in making protective action recommendations to the State and 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) counties for protecting members of the general public.

1.2 SCOPE This procedure outlines protective action recommendations based on plant conditions and radiological dose projections.

2 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Initial Phase - the early stages of a radiological emergency which is characterized by the actual or possible presence of a plume within 10 miles of the plant. The initial phase is also called the "early phase" or the "plume phase" and is primarily concerned with protecting the public from the direct effects of the plume (i.e.,

exposure to and inhalation of airbome radioactive materials).

2.2 Ingestion Exposure Phase - similar to the Intermediate Phase of a radiological emergency except that the primary concern is protecting the public from ingestion of radioactive materials which may have been introduced into the food chain or public water supplies by deposition from the passing plume. Because both are based on deposition from the plume, the Intermediate Phase and the Ingestion Exposure Phase can occur concurrently.

2.3 Intermediate Phase - the stage of a radiological emergency which follows the Initial Phase. It is characterized by dissipation of the airborne plume and deposition of radioactive materials and is primarily concerned with protecting the public from the long-term effects of the deposited materials. Because protective actions may involve relocation of some members of the population, this phase is sometimes called the "relocation phase". The Intermediate Phase and the Ingestion Exposure Phase of a radiological emergency can occur concurrently.

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 2.4 Relocation - the long-term removal of members of the population from areas where plume deposition results in chronic exposures over a 1, 2, or 50-year period which exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protective action guide (PAG) values.

Relocation is a protective action for the public which may be recommended by the state Department of Health (DOH) during the Intermediate Phase of a radiological emergency.

3 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 CONTROL ROOM 3.1.1 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR Prior to the arrival of the Recovery Manager, in the EOF, the Emergency Coordinator has responsibility of evaluating plant conditions and/or dose assessment and making protective action recommendations to the State and local authorities. (COMN 3954) 3.1.2 RADCHEM TECHNICIAN (TECHNICAL SUPPORT)

The Radchem Technician (TS) will report to the Control Room and supply dose projection information to the EC, until the Dose Assessment Coordinator arrives in the EOF. (COMN 3412) 3.1.3 CONTROL ROOM STAFF The Control Room Staff will monitor plant conditions and assist in making protective action recommendations, until the Technical Assessment Coordinator (TSC) or the Protective Measures Coordinator (EOF), arrive at their respective facility.

3.2 TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER 3.2.1 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR The Technical Assessment Coordinator will provide the Emergency Coordinator, in the absence of the Recovery Manager, with plant assessment information and assistance for making protective action recommendations until the Protective Measures Coordinator arrives at the EOF.

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 3.3 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY 3.3.1 RECOVERY MANAGER The Recovery Manager is responsible for approving protective action recommendations to the State and local authorities.

(COMN 3954) 3.3.2 PROTECTIVE MEASURES COORDINATOR The Protective Measures Coordinator is responsible for evaluating the information received from the Plant Assessment Coordinator and the Dose Assessment Coordinator and making a protective action recommendation to the Recovery Manager.

3.3.3 PLANT ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR The Plant Assessment Coordinator is responsible for informing the Protective Measures Coordinator of needed protective action recommendations due to plant conditions.

3.3.4 DOSE ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR The Dose Assessment Coordinator is responsible for informing the Protective Measures Coordinator of needed protective action recommendations due to dose assessment projections.

4 INITIATING CONDITIONS 4.1 A General Emergency has been declared.

5 PROCEDURE 5.1 INITIAL (PLUME) PHASE PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1.1 Evaluate plant parameters and determine the appropriate protective action recommendations based on plant conditions using Attachment 1.

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 Immediate Protective Action Recommendations (COMN 3954)

Upon declaration of a General Emergency the initial protective action recommendation, as a minimum, SHALL be to evacuate a 2 mile radius around the plant and 5 miles downwind of the plant in affected sectors. This recommendation SHALL be made immediately to the offsite authorities in accordance with EIP-ZZ00201, Notifications.

NOTE: The preferred Protective Action is to Evacuate.

Sheltering should only be considered for the following situations:

  • Travel conditions that would present an extreme hazard, or
  • for controlled releases from containment if there is assurance that the release is short term and the area near the plant cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives.

The initial protective action recommendation ensures that the public receives protection from possible hazards until a more formal assessment and protective action recommendation can be made. Subseguent Protective Action Recommendations Subsequent protective action recommendations are made based on plant conditions (taking into account core and containment conditions) and/or dose assessment.

NOTE: Protective Action Recommendations should only be upgraded, never downgraded to a lesser Protective Action Recommendation.

5.1.2 If dose calculations project doses beyond 5 miles that exceed I protective action guidelines for evacuation (1 Rem TEDE, 5 Rem CDE Thyroid), or if plant conditions dictate, upgrade protective action recommendations to evacuate a 5 mile radius around the plant and 10 miles downwind of the plant in affected sectors.

CARS 200106229 EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 5.1.3 If dose calculations project doses beyond 10 miles that exceed protective action guidelines for evacuation (1 Rem TEDE, 5 Rem CDE Thyroid), inform the EC/RM. Additionally, inform the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Department of Health (DOH) of recommended protective action recommendations and assist them in actions necessary to protect the public beyond the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone. CARS 199900240 CARS 200303094 5.1.4 If affected sectors change based on meteorological conditions and weather forecasts, the protective actions should be modified accordingly and offsite authorities should be properly notified.

5.1.5 Weather forecasts MUST be updated periodically.

5.1.6 For short duration releases, (2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or less), sheltering of the public may be recommended for sectors that cannot be evacuated prior to plume arrival.

5.1.7 Attachment 2, Plume Arrival Time, may be used to determine plume arrival time.

5.1.8 Attachment 3, Evacuation Times and Population Densities, provides population estimates and evacuation time estimates.

5.2 NOTIFICATIONS 5.2.1 The Emergency Coordinator/Recovery Manager MUST ensure that appropriate notifications are made regarding protective action recommendations in accordance with EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications.

5.2.2 Protective action recommendations should be coordinated with the Department of Health (DOH) and SEMA, if possible, when their Forward Command Post in the EOF is staffed.

NOTE: Notifications that initiate or change Protective Action Recommendations should be completed with the same urgency as initial notifications (i.e.

within 15 minutes of PAR declaration or change).

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 5.3 INTERMEDIATE (RELOCATION) AND INGESTION EXPOSURE PHASES Additional protective actions may be required during the Intermediate and Ingestion Exposure phases of an event which results in a release of radioactive material into the environment.

Recommendations for these relocation and ingestion pathway protective actions are made by the Department of Health (DOH).

6 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Additional offsite protective action recommendations should no longer be required once the requirements for Plant Recovery have been met and Plant Recovery has been declared in accordance with EIP-ZZ-00260, Event Closeout/Plant Recovery.

NOTE: Offsite authorities may decide to continue previously implemented offsite protective actions until more information becomes available.

7 REFERENCES 7.1 EPA 400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents 7.2 NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation of and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 7.3 NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP- 1, Rev. 1,Supp.3 Criteria for Preparation of and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 7.4 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies 7.5 EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions 7.6 EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications 7.7 EIP-ZZ-01211, Management Action Guides For Nuclear Emergencies (MAGNEM)

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 8 RECORDS None EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 PAR FLOWCHART I

I GAP Continue to n asbDeen evaluate EALs.

, Group 2 Containment Loss Indicator EAL 1.a On ntial Notifiation I

. a) A rapid unexplained loss of CTMT pressure recommend, ss mnlmum. following an Initial Increase In pressure Evacuatlon 2 miles round nd miles Yes downwind In the affected ectors. No (SEE NOTE 2 ATT I pg 2 o 2)

Group 2 Containment Loss Indicator EAL 8 Radiation Increase Outside Containment SUBSEOLUENT PARS Unexplained lncrease in radiation levels In areas adjacent to contalnment.

Upgrade PARs (SEE NOTE , ATT. I pg. 2 of 2) as ppropriateN (SEE NOTESt 46 No ATT. I pg 2 o 2) e rne fu sr a6AR e e t 4 ~~~~~yes Yess Group 2 Containment Loss Indicator EAL 2 For short duratlon releases 100 slrpray Incomplete CTMT Isolation allowing a direct

(- 2 hra), heltering may be recommend n)/ release to the environment following a valid lor reas that cannot be vacuastedI CTMT Isolation signal (CISA, CISB. CPIS).

prior to plume *ra..y N No r (SEE NOTE 2 AtK 1 p 2 af 2) Y s roup 2 Containment Loss Indicator EAL 3 GRelease with Primary-Secondary Leakage Pri-to-sec leakage greater than Tech Spec allowable.

ang No /teprJce \ ol b) Any of the following:

1) The leaking SG pressure is decreasing In an 1 Rm TD r uncontrolled manner or completely depressurized.

a- 6 Yes 2) Manual use of the leaking SG PORV for cooldown

3) The leaking SG Is supplying the TDAFW turbine.

No Group 2 Containment Loss Indicator EAL 4 or 5 Ye s VESSEL lNo

4. Meet the entry requirements for FRZ. Red NoHes / \ l l ~MELT Ye Path Summary for CTMT.

a Dose Ct>e >-I (See Note 5. Containment Pressure

\ < f / AtL p 2 o 2)ll *) I concentration in containment 3 4%.

b) Less than I full train of CTMT *prayang CTMT cooling fans, with CTMT pressure Recommend EvacuatUon greater than 27 psig.

6 miles round nd 10 mil-s gI-dovwnvAnd In the tf cted *e-oc Nol r 79 1N Z Yes<r I~~~~ VESSEL MELT Ye IeZ1 2

fr THROUGH IC(E*l5Rlr*ry>

s n ( SAA& Not 0n Att P2 pg of2) 1\

I No IN Group 2 Containment Loss Indicato r Yes b) CTMT pressureor sump level no Increasing with a LOCA.


/~~~22 Cotlmn Yes

_ EVERE l l t~~

SE Group 2 Contalnment Loss indicator EAL I .b

_No I C b) CTMT pressuregr sump level not -H DA vMAGEH /CHARL~~~~~

Increasing with a LOCA. (See Att pA Bldg Emergec Ye ouex orte Exhat iter tans

.000 dogy Page of 2 ATTACHMENT 1

EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 PAR FLOWCHART NOTES NOTE DESCRIPTION 1 Notify Dose Assessment to use "SEVERE CORE DAMAGE" calculations.

2 The preferred Protective Action is to Evacuate.

Sheltering should only be considered for the following situations:

a) Travel conditions that would present an extreme hazard, or b) For controlled releases from containment if there is assurance that the release is short term and the area near the plant cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives.

3 If dose calculation project doses beyond 5 miles that exceed protective action guidelines for evacuation (I Rem TEDE, 5 Rem CDE Thyroid), upgrade protective action recommendations to evacuate a 5 mile radius around the plant and 10 miles downwind of the plant in affected sectors.

4 If dose calculation project doses beyond 10 miles that exceed protective action I guidelines for evacuation (1 Rem TEDE, 5 Rem CDE Thyroid), inform the EC/RM. Additionally, inform the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Department of Health (DOH) of recommended protective action recommendations and assist them in action necessary to protect the public beyond the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone.

5 If affected sectors change based on meteorological conditions and weather forecasts, the protective actions should be modified accordingly and offsite authorities should be properly notified.

6 This potential loss indicator represents a loss of the containment barrier. Increases in Radiation levels by themselves are not indicative of a loss of containment. A loss of containment will be indicated by an increase in radiation levels accompanied by an increase in airbome activity. This indicator should be evaluated to ensure that normal plant response, operator actions and design leakage is taken into consideration.

Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT

( ( EIP-ZZ-00212 (


(m/s) EAB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.5 6.4 7.3 8.2 9.1 11.0 13.6 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.6 3.6 4.0 4.4 5.3 6.7 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.3 4.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.7 6.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.1 8.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 NOTE Times in above table are in hours and tenths of hours.


EIP-ZZ-00212 Rev. 021 EVACUATION TIMES AND POPULATION DENSITIES 0-2 MILES 2-5 MILES 5 - 10 MILES AFFECTE EVACUATIO AFFECTE EVACUATIO AFFECTED EVACUATIO SECTO D N (2) TIME D N (2) TIME SUBAREA N (2) TIME R SUBAREA SUBAREA A C1 3:30 C3 3:25 C3, CIO 3:25 B C1 3:30 C3 3:25 C3,CIO,Cll 3:25 C C1 3:30 C3,C4 3:25 Cl1,Ml 3:15 D C1 3:30 C3 3:25 C4,Cl1, Ml 3:25 E C1 3:30 C4,C5 3:25 C4, Ml, M2 3:25 F C1 3:30 C4, C5 3:25 C4, M2, GI 3:25 G C1 3:30 C4, C5 3:25 C4, 01 3:25 H C1 3:30 C5 3:15 01 3:09 J C1 3:30 C5,C6 3:27 01 3:09 K C1 3:30 C6 3:27 01 3:09 L C1 3:30 C6 3:27 C7 3:09 M Ci 3:30 C6 3:27 C6,C7 3:27 N C1 3:30 C2, C6 3:27 C6, C2, C8, 3:27 C7 P C1 3:30 C2 3:25 C8, C9 3:07 Q Cl 3:30 C2 3:25 C2, C8, C9 3:25 R C1 3:30 C2,C3 3:25 ClO,C8 3:13 SUBAREA POPULATION AND EVACUATION ESTIMATE (1) (2) (1) (2)

SUBAREA POPULATIO EVACUATION SUBAREA POPULATIO EVACUATION N ESTIMATE N ESTIMATE C1 535 3:30 C9 11501 2:57 C2 557 3:25 C10 453 3:13 C3 686 3:25 Cll 378 3:15 C4 520 3:25 Ml 171 3:03 C5 216 3:15 M2 556 3:09 C6 414 3:27 GI 123 2:51 C7 1322 3:09 01 943 3:09 C8 2036 3:07 1

1. Includes permanent and transient population
2. Maximum Time Estimates (in Hours: Minutes) for evacuation ofpopulation during most critical time period.

Includes time for; a) Receiving Notification, b) Leaving Place of Work, c) Work to Home Travel, d) Preparing for Evacuating Home, and e) Travel Out of EPZ.



Pages 1 through 7 Attachments 1 through 9 Tables through Figures through Appendices through Checkoff Lists through This procedure has checkoff list(s) maintained in the mainframe computer.

Conversion of commitments to TRS reference/hidden text completed by Revision Number:

Non-T/S Commitments 022

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 2 RESPONSIBILITIES 1 3 PROCEDURE 4 3.1 TSC STARTUP 4 3.2 TSC OPERATION 4 3.3 TSC EVACUATION 4 3.4 EVENT CLOSEOUT 5 3.5 TSC SHUTDOWN 5 4 REFERENCES 6 5 RECORDS 7 Emergency Coordinator Checklist .................................... 2 Pages Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC) Checklist ............... 5 Pages Operations Support Coordinator (OSC) Checklist .................... 3 Pages Administrative (Admin.) Coordinator Checklist ....................... 3 Pages Health Physics (HP) Coordinator Checklist .............................. 8 Pages TSC (ENS) Communicator Checklist ..................................... 1 Page Chemistry Coordinator Checklist .................................... 2 Pages Security Coordinator (SC) Checklist .................................... 2 Pages Emergency Team Coordinator (ETC) Checklist ....................... 3 Pages EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER OPERATIONS 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 Establishes responsibilities for the Emergency Response Organization, provides guidance and checklists for each coordinator in the Technical Support Center (TSC) during emergency operation of the TSC, including the Operations Support Area (SA).

2 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR (EC) 2.1.1 The Emergency Coordinator has overall responsibility for TSC operations.

2.2 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (TAC) 2.2.1 The TAC reports to the EC. The TAC is responsible for directing technical analysis of plant conditions to formulate EAL'S and emergency mitigating recommendations to the EC. Responsible for coordinating Protective Action Recommendations (PAWS) consistent with plant conditions with the Recovery Manager and Dose Assessment Coordinator in the EOF prior to the arrival of the Protective Measures Coordinator (PMC) and Plant Assessment Coordinator (PAC). The TAC also evaluates Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG's). (COMN 3333) 2.3 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR (AC) 2.3.1 The AC reports to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC. The AC is responsible for ensuring the completion of the Admin Coordinator checklists. The AC is also responsible for ensuring that technical documents are available, providing food and beverage needs, and ensuring continuity of resources for the On-Site Emergency Response Organization. (COMN 3341) 2.4 TSC (ENS) COMMUNICATOR (TC) 2.4.1 The TSC Communicator reports to the EC. He is responsible for manning the ENS Communication Line and relaying technical information to the NRC.

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 2.5 HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR (HPC) 2.5.1 The HPC reports to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC. The HPC is responsible for assessing on-site radiological conditions, reviewing radiological EAL's, and directing in-plant radiation protection activities. (COMN 3331) 2.6 OPERATIONS SUPPORT COORDINATOR (OSC) 2.6.1 The OSC reports to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC. The OSC assesses plant information from the control room and technical support staff to establish emergency team priorities and direct operation support activities. (COMN 3336) 2.7 SECURITY COORDINATOR (SC) 2.7.1 The SC reports to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC. The SC establishes communications with the Shift Security Supervisor (SSS), assumes overall plant security responsibility, and directs the security force through the SSS. These responsibilities include access control, personnel evacuation and accountability, coordination of any off-site law enforcement agency involvement, and normal and emergency security activities in accordance with the security plan. (COMN 3347) 2.8 CHEMISTRY COORDINATOR (CC) 2.8.1 The CC reports to the Technical Assessment Coordinator, and assumes responsibility for plant chemistry operations from the shift supervisor. The Chemistry Coordinator directs primary and secondary chemistry operations, (including post-accident chemistry) and non-radiological environmental monitoring. The CC ensures that the TAC is aware of chemistry activities and provides input to the TSC engineering staff in assessing plant chemistry problems. The CC directs the Rad/Chem Technicians -

Chemistry. (COMN 3349) 2.9 EMERGENCY TEAM COORDINATOR (ETC) 2.9.1 The ETCs report to the OSC and assist in formation, briefing, direction, and tracking of emergency teams. The Fire Brigade and MERT continue to report to the Shift Supervisor in the Control Room.

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 2.10 STORES PERSONNEL 2.10.1 A member of the Materials Department reports to the OSC and is responsible for obtaining parts, supplies, and materials when needed.

2.11 OTHER TSC STAFF MEMBERS 2.11.1 Each TSC coordinator that arrives at the TSC is responsible for starting their Checklist. If the TSC is without power, they should start the TSC diesel per OOA-UB-EPG70 if it is within their capability.

2.11.2 All personnel are responsible for walking through the portal monitor and carding in on the accountability reader as they enter the TSC during a radiological emergency or drill.

NOTE: The portal monitor should be response checked as soon as possible by the Health Physics group 2.11.3 Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer and card out on the accountability reader. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 2.11.4 The following TSC coordinators are responsible for their attachment to this procedure.

a) Emergency Coordinator (EC) b) Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC) c) Operations Support Coordinator (OSC) d) Administrative (Admin) Coordinator (AC) e) Health Physics (HP) Coordinator (HPC) f) TSC (ENS) Communicator (TC) g) Chemistry Coordinator (CC) h) Security Coordinator (SC) i) Emergency Team Coordinator (ETC)

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 3 PROCEDURE 3.1 TSC STARTUP 3.1.1 Each TSC staff member that arrives at the TSC is responsible for carding in on the accountability card reader, assisting in the facility startup and initiating their checklist.

3.2 TSC OPERATION 3.2.1 The Emergency Coordinator ensures that Attachment 1, Emergency Coordinators Checklist, is used as a guide. The EC should periodically discuss priorities, habitability of the facility and Site radiological conditions with the HPC. If evacuation of the TSC becomes necessary refer to Section 3.3. The EC should ensure TSC personnel receive a periodic plant status update, including priorities, any change to facility habitability or Site radiological conditions.

3.2.2 Each TSC coordinator is responsible for completing their Checklist.

3.3 TSC EVACUATION 3.3.1 Evacuation of the facility should be considered:

a) When direct dose rates reach or exceed 5,000 mrem/hour, or b) When cumulative dose reaches or exceeds 4,400 mrem, or c) When iodine concentration reaches or exceeds 1.9 E-5 jiCi/ml.

3.3.2 Evacuation may be required if power is unavailable or the ventilation system fails.

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 3.3.3 Coordinators should go to the facilities as indicated depending on their availability.

a) Emergency Coordinator (EC) - to Control Room.

b) Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC) - to Field Office if habitable then Control Room.

c) Operations Support Coordinator (OSC) - to Field Office if habitable then Control Room.

d) Administrative (Admin) Coordinator (AC) - to EOF.

e) Health Physics (HP) Coordinator (HPC) - to Field Office if habitable then Control Room.

f) TSC (ENS) Communicator (TC) - to Control Room.

g) Chemistry Coordinator (CC) - to EOF.

h) Security Coordinator (SC) - to EOF.

3.3.4 Coordinators reporting to the Control Room should evaluate minimum staff required to go with them and assign others to the EOF. The OSC should take the Emergency Team Coordinators and minimum number of team members.

3.4 EVENT CLOSEOUT 3.4.1 If the emergency conditions allow the initiation of recovery operations or the closeout of the event, the Emergency Coordinator should contact the Recovery Manager (RM) and discuss implementation of EIP-ZZ00260, Event Closeout/Recovery.

3.4.2 TSC personnel continue activities in accordance with this procedure until turned over to the Recovery Organization or closeout is declared.

3.5 TSC SHUTDOWN 3.5.1 If the TSC is to be shut down, direct the Coordinators to initiate Termination and Shutdown section of their Checklist.

3.5.2 The Emergency Coordinator should make preparations with the Shift Supervisor to transfer remaining responsibilities to the Control Room.

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 3.5.3 The Administrative Coordinator assesses the status of the TSC and ensures the following actions have been completed: All functional equipment/supplies have been restored to startup conditions. The entire TSC staff has been relieved of all duties associated with the operation of the TSC. All records generated during the operation of the TSC have been collected.

3.5.4 After shifting responsibilities, inform the Shift Supervisor and Recovery Manager that the TSC is shut down.

4 REFERENCES 4.1 Callaway Plant Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) 4.2 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies 4.3 EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions 4.4 EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendation 4.5 EIP-ZZ-00213, Technical Assessment 4.6 EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Response Data System Activation 4.7 EIP-ZZ-00220, Emergency Team Formation 4.8 EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability 4.9 EIP-ZZ-00260, Event Closeout/Recovery 4.10 OTN-ZZ-00001, TSC Building HVAC System.

4.11 HPCI 96-007, Emergency Response Facility Habitability Guidelines 4.12 Severe Accident Management Guidelines EIP-ZZ-00240 EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 5 RECORDS NOTE. All Facility Logs, SENTRY and MAGNEM screen prints, office memos, notes, etc. should be attached to the Coordinator Checklist and turned in to the Admin Coordinator and/or Emergency Preparedness (EP).

5.1 QA RECORDS 5.1.1 Attachment 1, Emergency Coordinator Checklist (File K171.00 10) 5.1.2 Attachment 2, Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC) Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.3 Attachment 3, Operations Support Coordinator (OSC) Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.4 Attachment 4, Administrative (Admin) Coordinator Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.5 Attachment 5, Health Physics (HP) Coordinator Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.6 Attachment 6, TSC (ENS) Communicator Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.7 Attachment 7, Chemistry Coordinator Checklist (File K171.00l0) 5.1.8 Attachment 8, Security Coordinator (SC) Checklist (File K171.0010) 5.1.9 Attachment 9, Emergency Team Coordinator (ETC) Checklist (File K171.0010)

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

_~~~~~~~~E =_

Date Time:

INITIATION o 1. O Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the EC package.

O Clip on Emergency Coordinator badge.

O Adjust Gaitronics Volume O Review KOA-ZZ- A0002 "COMMAND AND CONTROL GUIDELINES" O2. Initiate Log Sheet.

O 3. Receive briefing by:

O Technical Assessment Coordinator. (EAL Monitoring).

O Shift Supervisor and relieve him as Emergency Coordinator.

0 4. Announce assumption of "Emergency Coordinator" duties to TSC staff.

O 5. Review plant/group status with TSC Coordinators:

O Administrative.

O TSC (ENS) Communicator.

O Health Physics.

O Operations Support/Support Area.

O Technical Assessment.

O Chemistry.

O Security.

o6. Ensure the following responsibilities have been transferred from Control Room.



O PAR MONITORING (if the RM position in the EOF is not manned).

O SAMG Implementation (if applicable).

O 7. Make a site-wide announcement that, "The TSC has accepted emergency responsibilities from the Control Room."

0 8. Announce the following: "TSC Coordinators assess your manpower needs and request additional personnel from the Admin Coordinator as needed. All excess personnel should assemble in the Operations Support Area and await further instructions."

9 After assessing manpower needs, instruct all excess personnel to return home or return to work (ALERT) and remain near their phones. Personnel sent home should remain fit for duty and will be contacted concerning shift relief and turnover.


(*) Steps are items that MUST befrequently reviewed o *1. Periodically update TSC personnel including priorities, habitability status and Site radiological conditions.

Note: Priorities should be listed on the Priority Status Board O *2. Continue activities per EIP-ZZ-0102, Emergency Implementing Actions.

O *3. Perform periodic briefs with the below individuals concerning on-site activities:

TSC Coordinators.


O On site NRC personnel.


0 Notify the RM as soon as an emergency is declared to insure Notifications are timely.

K171.0010 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CA-#259

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 hiI U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


TURNOVER o 1. Incorning Emergency Coordinator briefed on TSC status and log reviewed.

O 2. Recovery Manager and Shift Supervisor informed.

o 3. Turnover announced to TSC staff.

o 4. Turnover complete Time.

o 5. Turnover logged.

o 6. Initiate a new checklist CA# 259.

RECOVERY o 1. Declare Recovery per EIP-ZZ-00260, Event Closeout/Recovery (if applicable).

O Recovery Manager contacted.

O Shift Supervisor contacted.

O Recovery organization established.

O Make site wide announcement.


01. Shutdown TSC (if required).

O Coordinators directed to shutdown TSC Time.

O Make site wide announcement.

Emergency Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CA-#259

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 DII I Date Time:

INITIATION O 1. 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the TAC package O Clip on the Tech. Assessment Coordinators badge.

O Adjust Gaitronics Volume o 2. Ensure the TSC has power.

O Nornal power, (i.e. lights on, power available to computers, etc.).

O No Power. Start the TSC diesel per OOA-UB-EPG70. (WCE Supervisors, WCE Planners, Journeyman Electricians and EOs should be used to operate the Manual Transfer Switch MTSUB7001.) CARS 200200182 O 3. Shift the following to UPS power:

O Computer link located in the closet near the kitchen.

O PC power supplies CARS 200105972

4. If outside temperature is approximately 40°F or above, locate panel FIKUB7001 TSC Air Handling Unit Control Panel, just inside the TSC Equipment Room Door and to the left. Place the TSC Air Handling Unit Control Switch CSUB7005 in the COOL position. CARS 200002783 o 5. Initiate Log Sheet.

0 6. Activate Plant Status Boards from the Plant Computer (Cancel, type PSB, Return) or use keyboard commands on the PC.

NOTE: In the event of Plant Computer System failure, refer to EIP-ZZ-00213, Technical Assessment, for further guidance.

o 7. Turn on the Projected Status Boards using the remote control. They are connected to the PCs. Keyboard controls MUST be used for the PCs.

- O8. Obtain brief from the SS, STA or other CR personnel. Contact CR via phone as little as possible until the Control Room TSC Liaison is staffed then use the Tech Assessment Line (dial 211), always provide your name and title.

9. The following should be logged:

O Plant Status/Event Status O Current EAL(s)

O Equipment Status (equipment out of service?)

O Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) Issued per EIP-ZZ-00212.

O Dose Assessment contact (name) section Inform Control Room when accepting EAL(s) PAR(s) SAMG(s) responsibilities Additional instructions?

10. Activate Emergency Response Data System ERDS per EIP-ZZ-00217 (if not already activated) from the Plant Computer. (Cancel, type ERDS, return type in password NRCERDS, return, select F2 to activate) When ERDS is activated the system displays "Data Transmission in Progress". To return to PSB's, select Cancel, type PSB, Return; ERDS continues to run unaffected in the background. Inform the ENS Communicator if ERDS cannot be activated (i.e., loss of Plant Computer). CARS 199903613 o 11. Assign the Reactor Engineer to:

O Project Shutdown margins for current and anticipated conditions taking into consideration transient Xenon and Boron concentration.

O Perform core damage assessment using EDP-ZZ-00005.

o 12. Begin monitoring Emergency Action Levels (EAL) per EIP-ZZ-00101.

O 13. Brief the Emergency Coordinator, upon his arrival, on the TSC activities.

o 14. Place TSC Ventilation System in the Filter Mode per OOA-UB-00005. (An EO may be used if available.)

K171.0010 Page 1 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 CA-#261

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

!, 1 MYWAM U NO 0 15. Personnel Assessment O Chemistry Coordinator _____

._(Name)(1 required)

O Technical Assessment Status Board Keepers _ (Name) (3 required)

_ (Name)

_ (Name)

Engineers Lead Engineer (1 required).

Mechanical (1 required)_ _Electrical (1 required).

Reactor (1 required) I&C (I required)_

Other Other o 16 1Ensure the Facility clock is synchronized to the plant computer or control room clock o 17. Technical Assessment Group ready to accept responsibilities. Log and inform the Emergency Coordinator.

o 18. Discuss any additional support or supplies required with the Admin Coordinator.


(*) Steps are items thatMUST befrequently reviewed O *1 Engineering Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 O *2. If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should-be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904

  • 3. To obtain Plant Status Boards Free Format Log printouts from the Plant Computer terminals (not PCs), depress the Cancel key, enter FF; select the PSB from TSC, then enter Fl to assign. To get a screen capture to the color printer depress CtrI & PF20 simultaneously.

O *4 Toggle between PSB 1 and PSB2 using the Blue TOUCH areas on the Plant Computer terminals or keyboard commands on the PCs. To obtain area radiation monitors type ARM or PCD - Return.

O *5 Inform the EC of any changes in EAL's or of any conditions or trends, that could cause a change in EAL's (i.e.

radiation levels, releases, etc.).

o *6. Plant Computer turn on codes O ARM Area Radiation Monitors O PCD Dose Assessment general overview including MET data, Rad data and flow status.

O PCDU Dose Assessment for the Unit Vent, Containment and Aux Building releases.

O PCDRS Dose Assessment for Radwaste and Steam releases.

O *7. Upon entry into the Recirculation Phase of RHR perform the following:

O Direct the Chemistry Coordinator to obtain 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> RWST samples per CSP-ZZ-07540.

O Inform HPC of probable increase in Auxiliary Building dose rates.

O Inform HPC of possible valve leakage back to RWST, which could change dose rates.

K171.0010 Page 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 CA-#261

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 TUR_OR I TURNOVER O 1. Incoming Technical Assessment Coordinator briefed on TSC status and review log.

O 2. Emergency Coordinator informed.

0 3. Turnover announced to Technical Assessment staff.

O 5. Turnover complete Time.

O 6. Turnover logged.

o 7. Initiate a new checklist CA# 261.

RECOVERY o 1. Assess the following:

o a. Plant equipment status O b. Accident assessment o c. Control of radiological releases o d. Ability to resume normal operations 0 2. Continue Technical Assessment activities until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator or RM.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN O 1. When directed by the Emergency Coordinator, inform Tech Assessment staff of deactivation.

0 2. Ensure equipment and supplies are deactivated and/or stored.

0 3. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin Coordinator.

O 4. Restore PC UPS power supply to LINE.

O 5. Contact Operations to return TSC Ventilation to Normal Mode o 6. Restore TSC Air Handling Unit Control Switch to AUTO position.

lI0 7. Secure Free Format Log assignment from *3 under OPERATIONS.

Technical Assessment Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 CA-#261

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 COLOR AND DESCRIPTION OF COMPUTER POINT QUALITY CODES The Plant Computer System (PCS) assigns a "Data Quality Code" to each field input and calculated variable at the time the point is processed. These quality codes are determined by a series of checks/tests performed during both input-data validation and point processing. A list of the quality codes follows, which is ordered by severity:

1. UNK (Blue) - Unknown; point not yet processed. If a point is deleted from processing when SAIPMS is first activated, UUNKN quality code is assigned. This quality code is also displayed for calculated or derived points which have not yet cycled through their first processing period.
2. DEL (Blue) - Point has been deleted from processing. If a point was active when the SAIPMS software was activated, and was subsequently disabled from processing, the quality code DEL" is assigned and no further engineering unit conversion is attempted.
3. NCAL (Blue) - Derived point not calculable. This quality code is assigned when it has been determined that insufficient inputs exist to accurately perform the associated equation or calculation.
4. INVL (Blue) - Invalid code is generated when a point's defined hardware channel address has not been selected, does not exist, or cannot be accessed. This usually indicates either an invalid hardware channel address, or a failed hardware component. For example, if a defined card slot address does not contain a card, all points assigned to that card are tagged as INVL. Also, if a multiplexer has either failed or been taken offline, all points assigned to that multiplexer are tagged as INVL.
5. RDER (Blue) - Sensor Read Error code is generated when no test return/input is received for a point in response to a scan command/output to a valid hardware channel address. This usually indicates a faulty sensor or a multiplexer communication problem. Whenever a quality code of RDER is observed, a hardware error condition exists.
6. OTC (Blue) - Open thermocouple.
7. BAD (Blue) - The BAD (Bad Scanned Value) code is generated when the "corrected" scanned value (i.e. adjusted for A/D gain and zero-drift error) exceeds the sensor range as defined by a point's SENSOR LIMIT LOW" and SENSOR LIMIT HIGH" values in the database.
8. HRL (Blue) - Point exceeds high reasonable limits. This condition is tested after engineering unit conversion and if the value exceeds the defined High Reasonable limit, a quality code of HRL is assigned.
9. LRL (Blue) - Point exceeds low reasonable limits. This condition is tested after engineering unit conversion and if the value exceeds the defined Low Reasonable limit, a quality code of LRL is assigned.
10. REDU (Cyan) - Point fails redundant point check. If a point has a defined Redundant Point and its current value does not match the defined point within the specified tolerance, it is assigned a quality code of "REDU".

K171.0010 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 CA-#261

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

11. HIHI(Red) - Point above high alarm limit. This condition is met when a point's current value has exceeded the defined High Alarm limit, and is assigned a quality code of "HIHI".
12. LOLO (Red) - Point below low alarm limit. This condition is met when a point's current value is less than the defined LOW Alarm limit, and is assigned a quality code of "LOLO".
13. HALM (Yellow) - Point above high warning limit. This condition is met when a point's current value has exceeded the defined High Operating limit, and is assigned a quality code of 'HALM".
14. LALM (Yellow) - Point below low waming limit. This condition is met when a point's current value is below the defined Low Operating limit, and is assigned a quality code of "LALM".
15. ALM (Red) - StatelChange-of-State alarm. Any logical-value point may be alarm monitored against either a defined logical state (i.e., "TRUE", or FALSE"), or a defined change-of-state condition (i.e., "TRUE' to "FALSE", FALSE' to TRUE", or either state change). A quality code of "ALM" is assigned if the point meets any of the above conditions.
16. SUB (Cyan) - Substitute value inserted for point. If a substitute value has been entered for a point, the point is assigned a quality code of "SUB", and no further alarm checks or engineering unit conversions are made.
17. DALM (Cyan) - Point is deleted from alarm checks. If a point is currently disabled from alarm processing, it is assigned a quality code of "DALM", and no further alarm checks are made.
18. INHB (Green) - Point is inhibited from alarm by cut-out point. If a point has an assigned cut-out point, and the current state of the cut-out point matches the specified alarm inhibit state, the point is assigned a quality code of "INHB", and no alarm transaction is generated. While inhibited, the point value WILL continue to update, only the alarm condition is inhibited.
19. GOOD (Green) - Point passed all the above checks. The quality code GOOD" indicates that all defined alarm conditions, states, or values have not been exceeded or met.

K171.0010 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 CA-#261

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 Ii I I III _DMT Date Time:

INITIATION 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the OSC package.

O Clip on the Operations Support Coordinator badge.

O Adjust Gaitronics Volume o 2. Ensure the TSC has power.

O Normal power O No Power. Start the TSC diesel per OOA-UB-EPG70. (WCE Supervisors, WCE Planners, Joumeyman Electricians and EOs should be used to operate the Manual Transfer Switch MTSUB7001.) CARS 200200182 o 3. Inform Emergency Coordinator and Admin. Coordinator of your arrival.

O 4. Initiate Log Sheet O 5. Control RoomfTSC Liaison contacted and status brief obtained.

O Identify on-going jobs that need to be tracked to ensure appropriate actions are taken for briefng

/trackingpurposes. CARS 200205024 O 6. Contact Emergency Team Coordinator(s) (ETC) and obtain the Support Area (SA) status.

0 7. Personnel Assessment

a. Emergency Team Coordinator (s) Mechanical: (name) (1 required)

Electrical: (name) (I required)

b. Personnel: Mechanics (number) (2 required)

Electricians (number) (2 required)

I&C Techs. (number)(This should include the shift Techs) (2 required)

Storekeeper (name) (I required)

O 8. OSC Group ready for responsibilities Time. (Also make log entry).

O 9. Emergency Coordinator and Admin. Coordinator informed OSC ready.

O 10. Discuss any additional support or supplies required with the Admin Coordinator. OSA Support Request may be made utilizing page 3 of 3 of this attachment.


(*) Steps are items thatMUST befrequently reviewed o *1. Maintain contact with Control Room/TSC Liaison and keep Emergency Coordinator informed of significant activities/events.

O *2. Periodically brief the Emergency Coordinator on the priorities that have been established for Emergency Teams.

CARS 199903669 o *3.Inform the ETC that Support Area Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 O *4. If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904 O *5. Ensure Emergency Teams are formed and briefed as needed per EIP-ZZ-00220 Emergency Team Formation.

K171.0010 Page 1 of3 ATTACHMENT 3 CA-#262

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

___ III 'S S 0 *6. Ensure Emergency Team Coordinators track Teams as to location and progress of their assignment.

O *7. Interface with the Technical Assessment and Health Physics Groups to ensure coordination of activities.

O 8. If accountability is declared, provide Security Coordinator with badge numbers of personnel that have been assigned to an emergency team that has left the TSC.

o *9 Monitor TSC operating equipment periodically:

o TSC Emergency Diesel.

O TSC Emergency Ventilation Filter System. (NOTE: Be aware of rapidly changing radiation levels during periods of releases.)

TURNOVER O I. Incoming OSC Coordinator briefed on OSC status and review log.

o 2. Notify the Emergency Team Coordinators of the turnover.

o 3. Notify the Control Room/TSC Liaison of the turnover.

0 4. Emergency Coordinator informed.

O 5. Turnover complete Time.

o 6. Turnover logged.

7. Initiate a new checklist CA# 262.

RECOVERY o 1. Assess the following:

O Plant equipment status.

O Emergency team status. All Emergency Team work needs to be completed, turned over to Recovery or normal maintenance.

O Ability to resume normal operations o 2. Continue Operations Support activities until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator or RM.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN 0 I. Upon direction of the Emergency Coordinator/Administrative Coordinator, contact the Emergency Team Coordinator and inform of deactivation l 2. Ensure OSC/SA equipment and supplies are deactivated and/or stored.

o0~. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin Coordinator.

Operations Support Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 3 CA-#262

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032


OSA SUPPORT REOUEST Administrative (Admin.) Coordinator, The Operations Support Area (OSA) requires the following support. This support is needed (circle one)

Immediately At next Shift, at (enter time)

POSITION NUMBER NEEDED Operations Support Coordinator Electrical Emergency Team Coordinator Mechanical Emergency Team Coordinator Storekeeper Mechanical Supervisor Electrical Supervisor I&C Supervisor Mechanical Planner Electrical Planner I&C Planner Electrician Machinist Welder I & C Technician Electrical Apprentice Machinist Apprentice Welder Apprentice I&C Apprentice Insulator Plant Helper Nuclear Utility Worker Tool Room Mechanic Operating Supervisor (Shift Supervisor concurrence obtained)

Equipment Operator (Shift Supervisor concurrence obtained)

K171.0010 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 3 CA-#262

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 lI D I Date Time:

INITIATION o 1. O 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the Adniin Coordinators package.

O Clip on the Adnin Coordinators badge O Adjust Gaitronics Volume 0 2. Inform Emergency Coordinator and Technical Assessment Coordinator of your presence.

o3. Shift the SENTRY Computer power supply to UPS position.

O4. Initiate Log Sheet.


(*) Steps or items that must be frequently reviewed O3i. Equipment availability and operation.

Check on:

O Personal Computers (PC)

O SENTRY Computer (NOTE: Ensure SENTRY is operational) CARS 200105707 O Telephones O Copier O Fax

.0 Reader/Printer O Print Plotter

2. Status TSC Coordinators and keep the EC informed periodically until all positions are filled.

O Technical Assessment Coordinator O Health Physics Coordinator O Operations Support Coordinator O TSC (ENS) Communicator O Chemistry Coordinator 0 Security Coordinator o *3 Check status of TSC emergency responders per EIP-ZZ-00200 Attachment 2. DO NOT delete messages until all positions are filled. Distribute copies of Attachment 2 to the coordinators periodically until all positions are filled.

Paging or calling using the Emergency phone directory may be required.

0 Call 64777 to obtain Audix.

0 Enter 68400 and the # sign.

0 Enter the password which is only the # sign.

0 Follow the instructions to listen to the new messages and complete attachment 2.

0 Contact SAS (68785) for any positions that was logged due to Audix message transfer.

0 4 Personnel Assessment Admin/Clerical Support Personnel (call in as necessary) CARS 199903558 0 (name) One NIS Suport person should be considered.

0 (name) One person to callout/canvass additional support.

0 (name) One person for the RM in the EOF.

0 (name) One person for the LSC in the EOF.

0 (name) One person for the EC in the TSC.

03 (name) 0 (name) 0 (name)

As personnel request are made, contact Adrnin Personnel In the CM.B by calling 68369 or by Gaitronics.

K171.0010 Page 1 of3 ATTACHMENT 4 CA-#263

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 V_1_ 11111 Il I O Monitor the Declaration Status Boards.

O Ensure the Declaration Status Boards are current with the Emergency Classification announcements.

CARS 199903558 O Monitor the receipt of SENTRY Notifications at LAN printer and /or Fax machine and deliver to ENS Comnunicator.

o *6. Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 o *7 If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904 o *8. Ensure the availability of the following administrative services:

O Typing, Word Processing O Copying, Reproduction O Fax O Document control O Drawings O Message and mail Delivery O Telephone Repair and Installation O Radio Repair (Ameren Telecom.)

O3 0,

  • 9 If operations become or have the potential to become long term, coordinate with the Logistics Support Coordinator (LSC) in the EOF to address the following items for site personnel.

O Contact Security for number of personnel inside the protected area. CARS 199903558 O Meals ordered and scheduled for the entire organization; personnel informed of meal times and locations.

O Sleeping space arranged for emergency personnel: personnel informed as to location.

O Shift schedule prepared for emergency personnel: appropriate personnel notified. (Use the sign in board and Emergency Telephone Directory to make up roster.)

O JanitoriaVwaste disposal services arrangements made.

O *10. Requests for additional vendor support personnel are to be coordinated with the Logistics Support Coordinator in the EOF.

Obtain the following information from the Logistics Support Coordinator:

O Name(s) of personnel O Social Security Number O Work space requirements O Estimated time of arrival


O Supervisor Adnin, Access Control and arrange for plant access as required.

O Plant helper group to set up desk etc., as required.


  • l . Coordinate requests for additional equipment with the Logistics Support Coordinator in the EOF.

O Obtain the information from the requesting organization and supply it to the Logistics Support Coordinator:

O Explicit equipment requirements in writing O Amount needed O Delivery location O Person on site to contact o *12. Contact the Logistical Support Coordinator in the EOF and coordinate to provide Administrative Support to th entire organization.

K171.0010 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 4 CA-#263

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

__, u Ol*13. In the event of an accident or illness perform the following: (Note: DO NOTrelease the Individual's name.)

Call the control room (CRITSC Liaison via OSC) and obtain the following. CARS 199903558 O Nature of injury or illness.

O Contaminated?

o Transported offsite to doctor, hospital etc.

O If the incident may attract media attention call the JPIC Administrator or Coordinator and supply them with the information.

TURNOVER O 1. Brief the incoming Admin. Coordinator of the status of administrative activities and review log.

O2. Notify the Admin. and clerical staff of the turnover.

o3. Notify the Emergency Coordinator turnover complete.

O 4. Turnover complete Time.

5. Turnover logged.

O6. Initiate a new Checklist CA# 263.

RECOVERY 0 1. Continue Administrative activities until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator or RM.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN O 1. Upon direction of the Emergency Coordinator, begin terminating operation as follows O Responsibilities transferred to the Control Room.

O All functional equipment/supplies have been restored to startup conditions.

O Restore SENTRY Computer UPS power supply to Line position.

O Records collected, and forwarded to Emergency Preparedness Department.

O Staff relieved of TSC duties.

o2. Control Room informed of TSC shutdown.

O 3. TSC shut down Time Administrative Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 4 CA-#263

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

-ID I Date Time:


Card in on the accountability card reader.

Close front door to vestibule and back hallway door from support area.

o Direct incoming traffic to enter through portal monitor o Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

o Obtain the Health Physics Coordinators package.

o Clip on the Health Physics Coordinators badge.

o Adjust Gaitronics Volume 0 2. Inform Emergency Coordinator and Admin. Coordinator of your presence.

O 3. Initiate Log Sheet.

o 4. Shift the HPC Plant Computer power supply to the UPS position.

0 5. Personnel Assessment On Shift:

O (name) HP Ops Shift Technician (HPOPS). Obtain Plant status and radiological concerns. Status setup of Control Room / Field Office in accordance with EIP-ZZ-00102, Attachment 2. HPOPS Tech to provide HP coverage for On Shift personnel as directed by Shift Supervisor.

O (name) HP Tech Support Technician (HPTS). Obtain Plant, radiological release, meteorological, and Protective Action Recommendation status from the HPTS Tech performing dose assessment.

O (name) Chemistry Technician. The Chemistry Technician is responsible for sampling and analysis as needed to identify the source and magnitude of the emergency. Chemistry Technicians are qualified as Support Area Personnel in the Health Physics group.

0 6. OSA Responders NOTE: Minimum 14 R/C Support Personnel required, (one MUST be a Chemistry Tech.)

Assign personnel as they arrive to the TSC based on priorities, not as listed, using the below guidance.

1. 0 Contact the DAC and discuss the need to Assign R/C Support Personnel to the Rapid Plume Assessment Tech, (RPAT) position if not already dispatched.
2. 0 Assign 2 R/C Support Personnel to FMTs. HPC obtains FMT Driver from OSA, Engineering or Rad Chem Departments. Dispatch the teams and drivers
3. in accordance with EIP-ZZ-00211.
4. 0 Assign 2 R/C Support Personnel to the EOF for Dose Assessment Staff and FMT Communicator. Brief with FMTs if personnel are available, but do not
5. delay dispatching.
6. 0 Assign R/C Support Personnel to perform Onsite survey of plume if a release above normal operating limits is suspected or in progress, monitor habitability of MAF, Field Office, HPAC, and Control Room as needed.
7. D Assign RJC Support Personnel to monitor Plant Computer Screens, maintain Facility Log, and answer phones / radio. Initiate FF Logs and update HPC on any changes approx. every 15 minutes. Wind speed and wind direction should be closely monitored along with In Plant radiological conditions.

K171.0010 Page 1 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032


8. 0 Assign HP Brief Tech to report directly to the OSC to support Radiological Briefings and Emergency Teams. Al prepared radiological briefings should be 9 reviewed with HPC prior to conducting brief of Emergency Team.

0 Have R/C Techs response check portable instruments, prepare equipment and

10. supplies.

0 Have RIC Tech set up EDs in Rapid Entry Mode. Request Setpoints from HPC O Have R/C Tech ensure all OSA personnel read and sign the Emergency RWP.

11. TEDE/CDE Evaluation: mrem gamma X 3 = TEDE

_irem gamma X 40 =CDE thy

12. 0 Assign Chemistry Support Personnel to the Chemistry Coordinator (if needed).
13. 0 Assign R/C Support Personnel to communicate with the NRC via the HPN line (if requested from NRC). See Attachment #5 page 8 of 8.


14. 0 Assign R/C Support Personnel to maintain Habitability of TSC per Initiation Step 8 and Operation Step 10 of HPC Checklist. Direct R/C Tech to conduct HP briefs and provide dosimetry for personnel leaving the facility that are not assigned to Emergency Teams (as needed).

oI 7. Contact Dose Assessment Coordinator (DAC) at EOF (ext. 64999):

- Inform DAC of RPAT, FMT, Dose Assessment Staff, and FMT Communicator deployment status.

o 8. Establish Radiological Habitability Controls in the TSC:

O Portal Monitor energized and response checked.

O Set up a frisking station using a model 177 Rate Meter, as needed, to backup the portal monitor.

O AMS 3 energized and source checked.

O Control Dosimetry placed at HPC Desk.

O 9. Notify Emergency Coordinator that HP is ready for operation and habitability in the TSC is established.

o 10. HP Group ready for responsibilities at Time. (Also make log entry)..


(*) Steps are items that must befrequently reviewed.

O *1. Make Facility Announcement that "All personnel leaving the TSC should check out with the Security Officer prior to leaving the facility." If a release above normal operating limits is in progress or anticipated, announce "an HP brief will also be required."

NOTE: If a release above nornal operating limits is in progress or anticipated, ensure all personnel dispatched from the TSC are issued Electronic Dosimeters and dose is tracked. The Security Officer will verify HP briefs prior to exit.

o *2. If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904.

K171.0010 Page 2 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 III DT76 Rg W 03 *3. Review needed protective actions for On Site personnel:

O Ensure dosimetry issued to Security personnel and Security Coordinator briefed on radiological conditions, wind speed and direction.

O Inform Security Coordinator if a Release Above Normal Operating Limits occurs.

O Coordinate Assembly and Evacuation actions per EIP-ZZ-00230 with the Security Coordinator.

(Assembly and Evacuation are required at a SITE and GENERAL EMERGENCY. When discussing Evacuation routes utilizing MAGNEM, use the 10 Mile projected map.)

O IfNeeded the Hearnes Center is the preferred Care and Reception Center.

NOTE: If the Hearnes Center is not available, the Security Coordinator will provide an alternate based on discussions with SEMA.

O Determine need for R/C Support Personnel to monitor Assembly and Evacuation.

O Evaluate restricting access to areas due to release or potential release based on wind direction.

O Evaluate need for Respiratory Protection per HTP-ZZ-01201.

O Evaluate Potassium Iodide (K1) distribution to Emergency Teams, Ops Department and Security personnel per HDP-ZZ-01300 section 7, items 7.1 through 7.1A..

o 4 Obtain Respirator Issue Log and Daily Dose Report from HPACA if LAN and Mainfname Computer are unavailable in the TSC.

o *5. Monitor Plant Computer Screens associated with Group I & 2 EALs from EIP-ZZ-00 101, Classification of Emergencies. Report any changes in readings to the Technical Assessment Coordinator and EC.

O *6. Personnel requiring decontanination should be sent to HPACA. If needed, the back entrance of the TSC can be staged to receive contaminated personnel.

O Inform Security Coordinator if personnel are entering the TSC via the back entrance.

o *7. Verify sufficient inventory of the following (additional quantities are available from HPAC or Cal Facility):

O Electronic Dosimeters (ED)

O Portable Instruments O Respirators O Protective Clothing (PC)

O Consumables (rope, postings, bags, etc.)

O Plant Radios o *8 Consider preparation of Emergency Dose Extensions for selected Operations Support Area personnel in the event Plant radiological conditions change in accordance with HDP-ZZ-01450.

0 *9. Monitor Plant conditions and emergency activities to ensure personnel dose is maintained ALARA.

O Monitor and trend Plant Area Radiation monitors, including Control Room and HPACA.

O Radiation levels are expected to increase when Safety Injection recirculation is lined up to Containment.

O Monitor the RWST radiation levels when in the recirculation mode.

O Notify the EC and make announcements to the TSC as Radiological Conditions change.

O Establish radiological postings in the Plant as time and resources allow (MUST be performed prior to Re-entry).

o *10. Monitor facility habitability radiological conditions and recommended appropriate protective actions:

O Direct dose rate 2600 mrernhr, inform the EC, and commence monitoring cumulative dose.

O Cumulative dose of 24,400 mrem, recommend evacuation of the facility.

oI Direct dose rate of 25,000 mrem/hr, recommend evacuation.

O Iodine concentrations of 22.4E4 pCi/ml, inform the EC, and commence air sampling to ensure total intake does not exceed 25 rem CDE.

O Iodine concentrations of 1.9E-5uCi/ml, recommend evacuation.


  • 11. Periodically update the Emergency Coordinator on radiological conditions in the Plant and the status of TSC habitability.

K171.0010 Page 3 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 us O *12. For additional HP supporttsupplies, coordinate requests through the Admin. Coordinator or Stores person.

TURNOVER 0 1. Brief the oncoming HP Coordinator on radiological information, and any protective actions, both recommended and implemented.

o 2. Brief the oncoming HP Coordinator on the status of deployed Emergency Teams.

O 3. Review HPC Checklist and Log.

O 4. Contact Dose Assessment Coordinator in EOF

- Arrange for FMT turnover.

- Obtain weather forecast.

- Inform DAC of oncoming relief.

o 5. Notify the Emergency Coordinator of the Turnover o 6. Turnover complete Time.

o 7. Turnover logged.

O 8. Initiate a new Checklist CA# 264.

RECOVERY O 1. Discuss:

O Maintaining of personnel exposure ALARA and preventing spread of contamination.

O Survey and Posting Status.

O Need to implement EIP-ZZ-00225, Reentry O Decontamination activities.

O Need for additional assistance, supplies, or equipment.

O Long term monitoring.

O Activation of Automated Access Control.

O 2. Continue HP operations until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator or RM.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN O 1. Upon direction of the Emergency Coordinator/Adnn. Coordinator, notify R/C personnel of shutdown.

O 2. Turn over any HP support to normal plant staff.

O 3. Contact DAC in EOF.

O 4. Ensure HP equipment is de-energized, supplies and materials are stored as required. (Note: Gamma 10 should remain on.)

0 5. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin. Coordinator.

O 6. Restore HPC Plant Computer UPS power supply to LINE position.

HP Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 4 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

.~ ~~il I IW d .m NOTE: The key for the electronics cabinet is attached to the response source.

1. Verify 110 VAC power to the unit (green operational light is illuminated and no alarms are activated).
2. Set the NIMBIN power supply On-Off switch to ON and ensure the power light is illuminated
3. Set the HV-2 NIM On-Off switch to on and ensure the Positive LED is illuminated.
4. Verify that a current calibration label is affixed to the Electronics Box and the pot settings, on the box, are the same as identified on the label.
5. Inspect the monitor for physical damage.
6. Verify no alarms are activated. If alarms are activated clear alarms before continuing.
7. Ensure green operational light is illuminated.
8. Pass the Gamma-lO Response Source through the central region of the monitor. The Contamination alarm should activate on the box, a light and buzzer, and a red light on the por should illuminate.
9. Depress the reset button on the portal. The alarms should clear and the green operational ligh should remain lit.
10. If the monitor passes this check, initial and date the Pre-Operational Check Sticker affixed to the Electronics Box.

If the monitor fails the Pre-Operational Checks, tag the unit Out Of Service and notify the Health Physics Coordinator. Set up Frisking Station and have personnel entering the building and those already in the building frisk for contamination, if it is expected.

K171.0010 Page 5 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 This Startup Sequence augments HTP-ZZ-04137, Operation of the Eberline AMS-II. It is designed to be used in an Eiergency Response Facility when an H Operations Technician is not immediately available.

1) Connect AMS-3 (monitor) and air sampler to 110 VAC power.
2) Ensure monitor and air sampler have current calibration label.
3) Inspect the chart paper. Ensure an adequate supply of paper remains. If a RED line appears on the chart paper, notify Health Physics and continue the startup procedure.
4) Set monitor ON-OFF switch (located on back of monitor) to the ON position. Allow monitor to warm-up for 5 minutes.
5) Set BACKGROUND SUBTRACT switch (located on front of monitor) to the ON position.
6) Push in "PUSH TO SET" on bottom left side of monitor and note the alarm setpoint value of 20,000 cpm (this is the first scale mark to the right of the 104 scale value.
7) Set alarm setpoint to 1000 cpm by adjusting the SET knob while holding in "PUSH TO SET" butto
8) Remove sample holder located on the right front side of monitor by loosening the clamp and pulling out on handle.
9) Obtain check source from HP E-Kit Locker. Center source over sample holder opening with the recessed side of the source bracket facing the opening.
10) The audible alarm and the alarm light should energize (activate). If not notify Health Physics. (The startup procedure should not continue until the problem is resolved).
11) Press ACKNOWLEDGE button to silence alarm.
12) Verify count rate on chart recorder is as indicated on the response value listed on back of source bracket or a sticker on the instrument.
13) Remove check source. Ensure alarm light resets and count rate decreases on chart recorder.
14) Remove the filter in the filter holder. (Remove the filter retaining ring on the filter holder, this snap on the end of the filter holder assembly, and may fit somewhat tight.)
15) Obtain a new filter from the HP Emergency Kit Locker and place it on the sample holder with the "ROUGH SIDE" of filter facing upwards.
16) Replace retaining ring on the sample holder and insert the sample holder into the sample chamber.

Lock the filter holder into place.

17) Set the alarm setpoint to 20,000 cpm by adjusting the SET knob while holding in the "PUSH TO SET" button.
18) Place the toggle switch on the power cord to the "ON" position. The air sampler pump should start.
19) Ensure airflow as indicated on flowmeter is within the tolerance listed on the calibration label (read the flow at the center of the rotometer float ball.) If it is not, notify Health Physics.
20) Initial and date the Preoperational Check sticker.

K171.0010 Page 6 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

_D __I lis DI I I

1. Remove Model 177 ratemeter, frisker probe, detector cable, power cord, and check source from the E-Kit cabinet.
2. Connect detector and power cords, if not already connected, to the Model 177 ratemeter an verify the following switch settings:

Front Panel: 1. On/Off switch in "ON" position.

2. Volume adjusted to hear audible counts.
3. Response switch in "slow" position.
4. Range switch to "XI" scale.

Rear Panel: 1. Alarm set at '5'.

2. Subtract switch in "Off" position if meter has Subtract Switch.
3. Perform response check as follows:

r1 Ensure instrument has a current calibration sticker.

LI Set the range switch to the appropriate position and place the detector on the check source bracket.

LI Verify the response is within the acceptable range as specified on the response value determination form/sticker for that check source.

EI Check the instrument alarm by adjusting the ALARM SET switch so that it is slightly less than the count rate of the source.

LI Remove the source from the detector.

LII Depress the RESET button. The alarm condition should clear.

LI If the pre-operational checks are satisfactory, complete the attached pre-operational check sticker. If either the alarm or the response check failed, notify the Health Physics Coordinator and obtain an operational ratemeter.

4. Return the check source to the E-Kit cabinet.

K171.0010 Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 DIII S II ATMIMA_ _ _

The following are examples of specific information that may be requested during communication over the HPN:

1. Is there any change to the classification of the event?
  • If so, what is the reason?
2. Have toxic or radiological releases occurred or been projected (including changes in the release rate)?
  • If so, what are the actual or currently projected on-site and off-site releases, and what is the basis for th assessment?
3. What are the health effects or consequences to on-site and off-site people? How many onsite or offsite people ar being or will be affected and to what extent?
4. Is the event under control?
  • When was control established, or what is the planned action to bring the event under control?
  • What mitigative actions are currently underway or planned?
5. What on-site protective measures have been taken or are planned?
6. What off-site protective actions are being considered or have been recommended to state and local officials?
7. What are the current meteorological conditions?
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction
  • Stability Class
8. What are the dose and dose rate readings on-site and off-site?

K171.0010 Page 8 of 8 AITACHMENT 5 CA-#264

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 Date Time:

IN1TIATION L I. 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the ENS Communicators package.

O Clip on the Communicators badge.

O Adjust Gaitronics Volume o 2. Ensure the TSC has power.

O Normal power, (i.e. lights on, power available to computers, etc.).

O No Power. Start the TSC diesel per OOA-UB-EPG70. (WCE Supervisors, WCE Planners, Journeyman Electricians and EOs should be used to operate the Manual Transfer Switch MTSUB7001.) CARS 200200182 O 3. Shift the PC power supplies to the UPS position.

0 4. Emergency Coordinator and Admin Coordinator informed of your presence.

O 5. Initiate Log sheet.

o 6. Activate Plant Status Boards on the Plant Computer (Cancel, type PSB, Return).

O 7. Check dial tone on the ENS line. (If phone is manned in CR the line will not have a dial tone.)

o 8. Contact Control Room Communicator and get a brief as to the status of ENS Communications.

o 9. Accept responsibility of ENS Communications per EIP-ZZ-00201, CA-#2517B , or as directed by the NRC.

O 10. Discuss any additional support or supplies required with the Adniin Coordinator.


(*) Steps are items that must be frequently reviewed.

O 1. Call the NRC or accept transfer from the Control Room on the ENS line and inform them of your name and that you are communicating from the Callaway Plant Technical Support Center.

o *2. Remain on the phone and gather facts as requested by the NRC from individual positions, plant computer or status boards and relay those facts back to the NRC, per EIP-ZZ-00201 (NtC fax 9-1-301416-5151). (All notifications I

transnitted to the State and local agencies should also be given to the NRC Operations Center unless directed otherwise.)

O *3 Log infornation requested and relayed to the NRC as deemed appropriate.

o *4 Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 o *5 If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904 TURNOVER o 1. Brief the incoming ENS Communicator on the status of NRC requests, awaiting information and review log.

o 2. Log turnover.

3. Turnover complete Time.

0 4 Inforn Emergency Coordinator or Technical Assessment Coordinator turnover complete.

O 5. Initiate a new checklist CA# 265.

l____ RECOVERY 1 1. Continue providing the NRC with requested information.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN 0 1. When directed, assist with the TSC deactivation.

0 2. Ensure area is put into order and logs collected and give to the Admin Coordinator.

0 3. Restore PC UPS power supply to LINE.

TSC Communicator (ENS)

K171.0010 Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 6 CA-#265

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

__I Date Time:

INITIATION O 1. 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the Chenistry Coordinators package.

O Clip on the Chemistry Coordinators badge.

O Adjust Gaitronics Volume 0 2. Inform Emergency Coordinator and Admin. Coordinator of arrival and ready to assume duties of Chemistry Coordinator. (Make log entry.)

U 3. Initiate Log sheet.

O 4. Contact on shift Chemistry Tech and ensure O Remind on-duty Chem tech to card in at the Field Office during accountability.

O RERP vehicle is operational and in the parking lot.

o All sample results are updated immediately on Chemistry Data Management System (CDMS).

O Verify CCW is lined up to the SJ panel.

0 5. Personnel Assessment Rad./Chem. Chemistry technicians (2 required)

O (name), _ (responsibilities)

O (name), (responsibilities)

O (name), (responsibilities)

Rad./Chem. Technicians available. (Chenistry) _ _ (number).

O 6. Assign an available Chemistry Supervisor to the Hot Lab as needed.

o 7. Discuss plant chemistry status with Emergency Coordinator and Tech Assessment Coordinator.


(*) Steps are items that must befrequently reviewed.


  • 1. Review and distribute updated CDMS data as it becomes available:

Give a copy of CDMS Data to the:

O Tech Assessment Coordinator.

O HP Coordinator.

O Reactor Engineer.

o *2 Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 O *3. If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely. CARS 199901904 O *4 Compare latest results of Dose Equivalent I-13 1 and 100/E bar total specific activity to Group 2 & 4 EAL's per EIP-ZZ-00101 , Classification of Emergencies, and report any EAL that is being approached or exceeded to the Technical Assessment Coordinator and Emergency Coordinator.


  • 5. If SJREO 1 or SJ room radiation levels are elevated, Evaluate if RCS specific activity limit is exceeded and if plant should be Shut down.

K171.0010 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 7 CA-#267

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

_:_D I I *6. Evaluate Secondary Chemistry conditions including Primary-to-Secondary Leakage, SEE CTP-ZZ-02590 and APA-ZZ-01023..

o 7. If Post Accident Sample is requested, refer to CTP-ZZ-08 100 located in CC Packet 0 *8. Monitor Post Accident Sampling data and provide recommendations as necessary.

O *9. On a SI actuation, SJ sample cooling water will be lost.

o Request the Tech to secure high tenp samples.

1o Request Ops to open EGHV69A & B and EGHV70A & B to restore cooling flow as soon as practical.

o Discuss with HPC and EC the need to rnake a plant announcement due to the possibility of changing dose rates.

CVCS letdown samples will remain representative as long as letdown flow is available.

O *10. Identify additional support (e.g. personnel, off-site analysis) and coordinate requests through the Admin I Coordinator.

TURNOVER o 1. SO Brief the incoming Chemistry Coordinator of Chemistry activities and review log.

0 2. 0 Notify the Tech. Assessment Coordinator of the Turnover.

0 3. Turnover complete Time.

o 4. Turnover logged.

o 5. Initiate new checklist.

RECOVERY o 1. Continue Chemistry activities until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator or RM.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN O 1. Upon direction assist with TSC deactivation.

0 2. Ensure Chemistry work area is deactivated and/or stored.

3. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin Coordinator.

Chemistry Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 7 CA-#267

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 IDI ' III M i _

Date Time:

INITIATION O 1. 0 Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the Security Coordinators package.

O Clip on the Security Coordinators badge O Adjust Gaitronics Volume.

o2. Inforn Emergency Coordinator and Admin. Coordinator of arrival.

O 3. Initiated Log sheet.

4. Personnel Assessment (Call in extra personnel as required).

O Contact the Shift Security Supervisor and obtain number and names of security personnel available for assignment.

0 5 Station security officers at the Emergency Response Facilities entrances to log personnel entrance and egress.

o5.1. Ensure patrol (s) initiate a sweep of OCA/EAB at the ALERT classification per Owner Controlled Area Patrol Post Instruction. Unbadged personnel MUST evacuate the site unless authorized be EC or Security Coordinator.

CARS 200201995

6. Contact Health Physics Coordinator (Health Physics Tech Support on back shift 68496) and request:
  • Is there a Release Above Normal Operating Limits In Progress? YES / NO
  • What is wind direction? From: TO:
  • What are the affected sectors?  ? , .
  • Ensure SSS and OCA sweeps are briefed on this information.


  • If YES, contact SEMA. Normal hours 751-2748, off-hours 17188 (Troop F) and request activation of Hearnes Reception and Care Center.

O6.2 If YES, refer to OPERATIONS section #11.

7. Discuss any additional support or supplies required with the Adrnin Coordinator.


(*) Steps are items that must befrequently reviewed.

O*1 Conduct normal and emergency security activities in accordance with the Security Plan. If the plan cannot be followed, obtain authorization from the EC to deviate (refer to OTO-SK-00001 Attachment 1), in accordance with IOCFR50.54(x)(y) to deviate. Inform the ENS Communicator (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> NRC notification).

CARS 199901754 0 *2. For Security related emergencies, refer to EIP-ZZ-SKOO "Response to Security Events" Q*3. Assist the EC in Evacuation and Accountability per EIP-ZZ-00230.

o4 If accountability is declared, obtain badge numbers of personnel assigned to emergency teams that have left the TSC from the OSC, and report these badge numbers to the SSS.

l 0 *5 Personnel that leave the Facility should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 o *6. If personnel are dispatched to another facility a follow up call should be initiated in 15-20 minutes to ensure they K171.0010 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 8 CA-#2219

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 DI I El arrive safely. CARS 199901904 IO *7 Contact the HP Coordinator to determiine the affected areas in the case of a release above normal operating limits.

If Security is to be pulled back from their posts, consider requirements in Step 1, Operations (above).

O *8. Ensure that the Security Force has the appropriate dosimetry. Check with the HPC.

0 *9. Coordinate plant access control.

0 *10. Contact local law enforcement to coordinate traffic control (i.e. for evacuation routes).

O 11. If SITE Evacuation is announced, ensure Patrol(s) initiate sweep of OCA/EAB per Owner Controlled Area Patrol Post Instruction, to ensure all personnel have left areas in question. CARS 200201995 O Coordinate with HP Coordinator to determiine which site evacuation announcement is to be used.

Announcements are located in EIP-ZZ-00230, Attachment 3.

0 *12. Coordinate personnel evacuation and accountability.

(NOTE: Accountability is required within 30 minutes of declaring accountability.)

0 *13. Coordinate any off-site law enforcement agency involvement.

TURNOVER O i Brief the incoming Security Coordinator of Security activities and review log.

o 2. Notify the Emergency Coordinator of the turnover.

o 3. Turnover complete Time.

O 4. Turnover logged.

O 5. Initiate new checklist.

RECOVERY o i. Continue Security activities until directed otherwise by the Emergency Coordinator.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN o 1. Upon direction assist with TSC deactivation.

o 2. Ensure security equipment is deactivated and/or stored.

O3 3. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin Coordinator.

Security Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 8 CA-#22 19

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

__ I S Date Time:

IN1TIATION O Card in on the accountability card reader.

O Sign in on Facility Sign-in board.

O Obtain the ETC package.

O Clip on the Emergency Team Coordinator badge.

o Adjust Gaitronics Volume O Adjust Gaitronics Volume in the OSA o 2. Inform Operations Support Coordinator (OSC) of your arrival. If OSC has not reported, initiate OSC Checklist.

O 3. Initiate Log Sheet.

4. Personnel Assessment (number)

Supervisor / Planner

a. Management: l
b. Personnel: Machinist/Welders (2 required) (machinist)


Electricians (2 required)

Plant Helpers Nuclear Utility Workers I&C Other O 5. Open Key Box and Tool Cabinets.

O 6. ETC Group ready for responsibilities Time. (Also make log entry).

o 7. Operations Support Coordinator informed ETC ready.

8 Brief and Pre-stage an investigative/search & rescue team for immediate response. Team members can be reassigned after accountability and job priorities are completed.

o 9. Discuss any additional support or supplies required with the Admin Coordinator. Page 3 of 3 of this attachment, OSA Support Request, may be used as an aid.


(*) Steps are items that MUST befrequently reiewed o *1. Keep Operations Support Coordinator informed of significant activities/events.

o *2. Inform Support Area Personnel that leave the Facility that they should check out with the Security Officer. If a release above normal operating limits has occurred or is likely to occur a HP brief is required. CARS 199701061 o *3. Ensure Emergency Teams are formed and briefed as needed per EIP-ZZ-00220 Emergency Team Formation.

0 *4. Ensure Emergency Teams are tracked to location and progress of their assignment at specified intervals.

O *5. Interface with the Health Physics Groups to ensure coordination of activities.

K171.0010 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 9 CA-#262a

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032

_ _ D _ =;_;l~~~SDD

  • 6 l Ensure log and status board is maintained.

O *7 Periodically brief OSA Support personnel on Plant status and job priorities.

TURNOVER Q 1. Incoming ETC Coordinator briefed on ETC status and review log.

o 2. Notify the Operations Support Coordinator of the turnover.

o 3. Notify the OSA Support personnel of the turnover.

o 4. Turnover complete Time.

o 5. Turnover logged.

o 6. Initiate a new checklist CA#0262a.

RECOVERY o 1. Assess the following:

O Emergency team status. All Emergency Team work is completed or turned over to the Recovery Organization or normal maintenance.

o Able to resume normal operations.

O 2. Continue Emergency Team activities until directed otherwise by the Operations Support Coordinator.

TERMINATION and SHUTDOWN o i. Ensure OSA equipment and supplies are deactivated and/or stored.

0 2. Ensure documents are collected and given to the Admin Coordinator.

Emergency Team Coordinator Signature K171.0010 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 9 CA-#262a

EIP-ZZ-00240 Rev. 032 us _'

OSA SUPPORT REOUEST Administrative (Admin.) Coordinator, The Operations Support Area (OSA) requires the following support. This support is needed (circle one)

Immediately At next Shift, at (enter time)

POSITION NUMBER NEEDED Operations Support Coordinator Electrical Emergency Team Coordinator Mechanical Emergency Team Coordinator Storekeeper Mechanical Supervisor Electrical Supervisor I&C Supervisor Mechanical Planner Electrical Planner I&C Planner Electrician Machinist Welder I&C Technician Electrical Apprentice Machinist Apprentice Welder Apprentice I&C Apprentice Insulator Plant Helper Nuclear Utility Worker Tool Room Mechanic Operating Supervisor (Shift Supervisor concurrence obtained)

Equipment Operator (Shift Supervisor concurrence obtained)

K171.0010 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 9 CA-#262a


/; ISUED 0\

JUNO06 2003 DATE ISSUED (Q {o 03 ACCOUNTABLE This procedure contains the following:

Pages 1 through 6 Attachments 1 through 6 Tables through Figures through Appendices A through B Checkoff Lists _through This procedure has checkoff list(s) maintained in the mainframe computer.

Conversion of commitments to TRS reference/hidden text completed by Revision Number.

Non-T/S Commitments 007

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number I PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 2 DEFINITIONS 1 3 RESPONSIBILITIES 2 4 INITIATING CONDITIONS 3 5 PROCEDURE 4 5.1 REPORTING THE SPILL 4 5.2 SHIFT SUPERVISOR 4 5.3 OPERATING SUPERVISOR/FIRE BRIGADE LEADER 4 6 REFERENCES 5 7 RECORDS 6 Shift Supervisor Checklist for HAZMAT/OIL RESPONSE/CLEANUP .......................................... 4 Pages HAZMAT Sheets .......................................... 10 Pages OS/Fire Brigade Leader Checklist For Hazmat/Oil Response ..... 2 Pages Actions For Notifying the Control Room of Chemical/Oil Spills 1 Page Index of Property Grading and Drainage Drawings ..................... 1Page Spill Cleanup Crew Checklist .......................................... 3 Page Appendix A Hazmat Locator .......................................... 2 Pages Appendix B Above Ground Oil Storage and Use Facilities ............................. 2 Pages EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALJOIL SPILL RESPONSE/SPILL CLEANUP IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE (COMN 4414, COMN 43181) 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and information for response and cleanup of hazardous chemical and/or oil spills.

1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 This procedure applies to spills/leaks of oil, hazardous or extremely hazardous chemicals and could include fires, explosions, unplanned sudden or nonsudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which are available in the Plant. A list of bulk chernical locations, stormwater runoff (SWR) outfalls and applicable reportable quantities is provided in Appendix A. Appendix B lists all above ground equipment filled with oil.

2 DEFINIONS 2.1 APA-ZZ-00811, Hazardous Chemical/Oil Spill Prevention Control And Counter Measure Plan, contains definitions of terms used in this procedure to assess spills.


The Shift Supervisor is responsible for:

3.1.1 Ensuring that Attachment 1 is implemented when notified of a spill by plant personnel. CARS 199601213 3.2 OPERATING SUPERVISOR/FIRE BRIGADE LEADER (FSAR )

The On-Shift Operating Supervisor SHALL serve as Fire Brigade Leader. His responsibilities include the following:

3.2.1 Ensuring that Attachment 3 is implemented when directed by the Shift Supervisor. CARS 199601213 3.3 COMMUNICATOR The Communicator is responsible for:

3.3.1 Performing notifications, as directed by the Shift Supervisor, as listed on Attachment 1.

3.3.2 Performing callouts, making Plant announcements, and handling other tasks as directed by the Shift Supervisor.

3.4 PLANT EMPLOYEES 3.4.1 Plant employees have the responsibility to become familiar with the

- actions necessary to report spills or leaks composed of unknown or potentially hazardous chemicals to the Control Room.

3.4.2 Appropriate actions are listed in Section 5.1.

3.5 SECURITY DEPARTIENT The Security Department is responsible for:

3.5.1 Performing the actions listed in Attachment 1.

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 3.6 CHEMISTY AND HEALTHIPHYSICS DEPARTMENTS Chemistry is responsible for:

3.6.1 Performing actions listed in Attachments 1 and 6.

3.6.2 The on call Chemistry Supervisor is responsible for Supervising Spill Cleanup activities per Attachment 6. CARS 199601213 3.6.3 Appendix A MUST be approved by the Supervisor, Chemistry. The Hazardous Material Controller (HMC) will revise Appendix A when new bulk chemical hazardous material permits are approved.

I3.6.4 Appendix B MUST be approved by the Supervisor, Chemistry. The HMC will revise Appendix B when made aware of new bulk storage locations for oil.

4 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure should be implemented upon recognition of any leak or spill of oil/unknown or potentially hazardous chemicals.

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 5 PROCEDURE CAUTION: Any time there is a hazardous material spill or leak, there is potential for creation of a confined space or hazardous atmosphere.

NOTE: Responses to incidental spills of oil/hazardous substances are not considered to be emergency responses. However, notification and/or reporting to offsite agencies may still be required.

5.1 REPORTING THE SPILL 5.1.1 If a spill or leak is noticed which you feel may present a personnel hazard, which is not contained, or which may require a special cleanup technique, or additional personnel, the Control Room should be contacted immediately per Attachment 4.

5.1.2 If a spill or leak does not meet the criteria in 5.1.1:

a) Clean up the spill.

b) Contact the Duty Chemistry Supervisor (via the "on call" Rad/Chem Supervisor on backshifts) for direction on disposal of cleanup materials and to assess reportability/notifications required. CARS 199600744 5.2 SHIFT SUPERVISOR 5.2.1 Inplement Attachment 1 when notified of a spill by plant personnel. (COMN 4414) 5.3 OPERATING SUPERVISOR/FIRE BRIGADE LEADER 5.3.1 Implement Attachment 3, when directed by the Shift Supervisor.

CARS 199601213)

I EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 6 REFERENCES 6.1 Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) 6.2 T/S SR T/S SR FSAR 6.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 6.4 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Emergency Response Guidebook 6.5 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials.

6.6 Callaway Training Department Lesson Plan T66.009D.6 (Incident Command).

6.7 Commitments:COMN 4414, COMN 41798, COMN 41799, COMN 42177, COMN 42190, COMN 42191, COMN 43177, COMN 43181, COMN 43182, COMN 43183, COMN 43184 FSAR 6.8 APA-ZZ-00500, Corrective Action Program 6.9 APA-ZZ-00520, Reporting Requirements and Responsibilities 6.10 APA-ZZ-00811, Hazardous Chemical/Oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan 6.11 APA-ZZ-00831, Hazardous Chemical Control Program 6.12 APA-ZZ-00835, Reporting and Processing of Accidents, Injuries, and Ilnesses.

6.13 EIP-ZZ-00226, Fire Response Procedure for Callaway Plant 6.14 Callaway Plant Safe Work Practices Manual EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 6.15 APA-ZZ-00832 ,Hazardous and Special Waste Management Program 7 RECORDS 7.1 OA RECORDS 7.1.1 Shift Supervisor Checklist for Hazmat/Oil Response/Cleanup CA-#2203 attached to the CARS in QA file number Z170.0007.

7.1.2 OS/Fire Brigade Leader Checklist for Hazmat/Oil Response CA-

  1. 2203a attached to the CARS in QA file number Z170.0007.

7.1.3 Spill Cleanup Crew Checklist CA-#2203b attached to the CARS in QA file number Z170.0007.


EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008



1. Name of CalleriDateItime r l  ;-2. Location of Spill EL' Notify Person 3. Name or Stock # of Materia(s):

Reporifl S 4. Quantity:

  1. a no hiffnatlon ha bwc ecved 5 Type of InjurT
6. Hazards in Area:

Noty PIuo Romt 1 7. r or Smoke YES/NO Spill to baga d 8. Is SpilKLeak Under/Not Under Control Spwa igdainersRon el 9. Envonmental Conditions:

b OSFkBAd s Clear Snow Fog aer, en ffeao I Ughtning ke Cloudy hxnes we not afec d Rain Drizzle Wimdy I Om Wm. I - 10. DescriptionofEvent info,imtion_ _______

n l 1 I I Note: Incidental spills are those where the substance cam be absorbed,

on l Yes\ I neutralized or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees Rep( rting I t without activation of the Fire Brigade.

Spill lo / B. REPORT PROM OS/FIRE BRIGADE LEADER I. Confirm Material:

I y 2. l Rekase Duration:

g <hreZZ-O~6 IrMzlv >3. Quantity Spilled: sallb

4. Contained within Plant Buildings:

l No I . 5. Exposure Level to Toxics: HIGHItLO

6. IDLH Conditions: P iNO 7- Oz Deficient Atmosphere: Pet/Possible YS/O

_- -_, _ _- _ _- - - - J 8. Need To Evacuate Plant Site: Y p 0tch osniF 9. Exposure Beyond Site Boundary Y Bia Iar 10. Liquid to GroundlWaterwaylNA tome 11. Spill under/not under control 1 12. Fire Potential ve_so OwFbeBrigade 13. Significant Chemical interactions ven2 tD WrIpWrIs 14. Additional Manpower Needed:

Attachmernt 3 15. Supplies Needed:

16. Other Hazards in Area
17. Effects on Plant equipment Report rom / Ir \ 18. Systems Need to be Isolated/Energized:

s lader \ 9bs? / y E , 1. If quantity spilled cannot be deteriined, assume the B"Besee \See oqdey es entire contents have been spilled.

2. Spills at fixed locations on Appendix A will not N

iYo Ckenla normally cause off-site hazard Per 3. A tnsportation spill within or near the plant Anachmore Silboundary could present public hazard Use hazard radius on Hazmat sheeL sho t> l C. GA-IRONKS To M Carmcdn Aid" ('The plant emergency alam should be sounded prior to announcemenL)

'Attention in the Plant!

"Attention in the Plant!

There is a spill of (Matan) t (locat .

Tbere arelam n reported injuries. All personnel should leave the area immediately.

A Security Officer should rport to the Operating Supervisor at iron.

File Z170.0007 Page 1 of 4 AlTACHMENT 1 CARS CA2203

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 D. Contact the foowine aencies if exposure occs to the general pubic beyond the Site boundarv.

Contac Cheristry Duty &Srvso (Owner Controlled Area) Use messaee in F.

tIa VIe'an can nsuvor bsn 0 N/A for Tedwili;S. Callaway/Fulton EOC 573-642-1090/1031 Name IME:

2. Mo. Emergency Response Commission (MERC) 573-634-2436 as F E,Name TIME:

E Notify the following aencies if release is > Mortable guantitv in a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> neriod and is not contained within plant buildinss or a Spil has reached surface Yes I ACP=: water within hour. Use messae int.

< ~~~~~tDNs ET l N/A lu c

2. USCGNRC_Name__ Ti men=_

No . ~ i 3. EPA/DNR via Ameren Environmental Safety and Health EE NPE S- j (Contact one individual)

TO DETERAtNE 1 Nm ue SWROUMAL___ ____Name__Time:_ __

L - ILVED Warren Mueller 43063/314-791-9032 Steve Burns 42253/314-303-9457

/SREIEASE UN Don Richardson 44867/314-75"0886 No P IACY, HPORTALE USE FU* EPAUSCGNRC U.S. Coast Gnard National Response Ceter S-RFACE WATER? ATMFK 2 24 hr. Number 800-424-8802

\ NR / . 573-634-2436 (24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> number)

  • \EPJSCGRC Name Time:

Yes 4179S DNR Name Tme:

42177 "NOTE: Contact EPAIUSCGNRCIDNR only if Ameren Environmental Safety and Health cannot be reached.

1129 NMlE: he Nuclear Regulatoxy Commission (NRC) is required to be notified per 10CFR50.72 (b) (2) (xi) whenever a notification is made to another government agency. If necessary the Ameren Environmental Safety and Health will notify the EPA. If Ameren Environmental Safety and Health does contact the EPA, a courtesy call to the Missouri DNR WILL also be made. Ameren Environmental NOnF cAnoNs Safety and Health should then contact the Control S E Room to report their notifications.


EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 P. MESSAGE RELEASE O NIA My name is at the Callaway Plant, Reform Missouri, phone number 573-676-8840. U.S. EPA LD. No. MOD000687392 There has been a release of a Hazardous/Extremely HazardousOil material. CAS# _ _ _

The estimated quantity of the release is Ibs/allos. which began on (date/time), with a rekase duration of hn; The release was a solid/fuidseas released to the mid waterway. The release was containedt contained within the site boundary. The general public wiDwi nt be exposed beyond the site boundary. There haslbas n been an injury involved with the release.


'Attention in the plant. The spill of at (l9cation) is under control. However, personnel should avoid the area until cleanup is complete."

H. Generate a CARS per APA-ZZ-0500 and YES Evaluate regrtabilitv nsinv APA-ZZ-00520 L A S R G TAIN )ENT IS STABL (see section D and E for notification points and telephone #s)

I. EPA/DNR via Ameren Envimnmental Safety and Health NAME:

2. Callaway/Fulton EOC NAME TIME

File Z170.0007 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT I CARS CA2203

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 REVIEW TECH SPEC SURVEILLANCES See J J. TECH SPEC REVIEW PERFORM CLEANUP PER ATTACHMENT 6 For any spill inside the power block, direct Systems Engineering to evaluate the need for performing surveillances T/S SR, Make site wide T/S SR, and FSAR


IS FIT FOR ITS INTENDED (see section D and E for notification PURPOSE BEFORE ANY WASTE points and telephone #s)



1. EPA/DNR via Ameren Environmental Safety and Health NAME TIME _

AGENCIES PRIOR 2. Callaway/Fulton EOC 421 91 I




FORWARD A COPY OF L GAI-TRONICS ANNOUNCEMENT ATrACHMENT 1TO ENVIRONMENTAL "Attention in the planL The aeanup of the spiD of SERVICES DEPARTMENT M.C. 602 AND CALLAWAY at (location) is complete. Personnel may now r-enter the area.





Perform Critique of Emergency



File Z170.0007 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 CARS CA2203



(I tnk )AIR 1.0 NH 3 CAS# 7664-41-7 NOT DEFINED LOW HEALTH HAZARD ANATOMY AFFECTS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID CLOTHING l_l Respiratory corrosive to nose, throat SCBA irritation, coughing, chest pain fresh air, oxygen Eyes corrosive to eyes, blindness SCBA irritation; tearing flush with H, 0 >30 minutes Sldn severe burns, irritating Chemron suit severe irritation, liquid causes burns flush with H. 0 >30 minutes 01 Tract burns tissue SCBA abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting give lots of H 0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD FLASH POINT GAS GENERATION SUPPRESSION AGEN SP. GR.

None Ammonia Gas water spray, dry chemical or C02 0.69 May pose an explosion hazard in confined spaces.

RIACTIVITY SUBSTANCES WATER FR Acids &oxidizers hypochlorite, copper, zinc

~~~~~~~~~~~~hogen RESULTS absorbs, dilutes oxide of nitrogen reaction explosive comunds corrosion SPILL HANDLING I ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~DO

.lDO NT Control runoff if water spray is used to absorb gas Use water on liquid spills Contact Duty Chemistry Supervisor for technical guidance ____l Use water spray to absorb ammonia gas I Dike liquid spills l Page 1 of 10 ATrACHMENT 2

( (




AIR 1.0 "- 1.0 H2NNH2

-1.0 CAS 302-01-2 LOW < 0.3 MI.


____________ . I CLOTHNG l I Respiratory irritation, carcinogen SCBA . coughing, sneezing, irritation fresh air, oxygen Eyes irritation. penanent damage SCBA initation, tearing continuaUy flush with H,0 Skin irritation, absorption, toxic Chemron suit* irritation continuaUy flush with H,0 01 Trat irritation, carcinogen, toxic SCBA dizziness and nausea dilute with Hi,0, induce vomiting

  • Note: Turn-out gear is adequate unless splash or contact hazard exists.


None Gaseous Hydrazine, explosive water spray 1.02 REACTIVrrY SUBSTANCES WATER lFIR Celulosic Materials Strongacids, oxidizers lead, copper, zinc RESULTS l ammonia, oxides of nitrogen l l fire l reaction reaction SPILL HANDLING I DO DO NOT If spil drains to Turbine Bldg. sump, secure sump pump _

Use inert absorbent to dike/absorb spill Use cellulosic material to absorb spill, could cause fire Dilute spils with 10 volumes of water Oxidize small spills with dry sodium Hypochlorite. First consult Duty Chemistry Supv.

Page 2 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2

( (


HIGH DENSITY REPORTABLE NAME QUANTITY: Hazard Radius I LBJ35c WATER MERCURY AIR 1.0i t.0 I12 Ha CAS# 007-439-976 NOT DEFINED LOW HEALTH HAZARD ANATOMY AFFECTS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID CLOTHING l_l Respiratory Mercury poisoning SCBA* Only long term symptoms Remove to air Eyes Mercury poisoning goggles Only long term symptoms Continually flush with water Skin Mercury poisoning inpervious gloves Only long term symptoms. Wash with soap & water GI Tract Mercury poisoning N/A Only long term symptoms Consult physician immediately

  • SCBA's need only be worn when Mercury vapors are present (i.e., fre present)


None N/A Whatever is appropriate for surroundin fire 13.35 REDACTrVrrY.

SUBSTANCES WATER FIRE Nitric Acid Halogens Acetylene, Anmonia RESULTS N/A Mcry vapors fire, explosion fire, explosion fire, explosion SPILL HANDLING I .

DO DO NOT Use Mercury spill kit in cold lab Allow spl to dischuge to a drain Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. for technical guidance in absorbing/neutralizing spills Page 3 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2


HldH _


AIR = 1.0 13 _ Na OH 1 LOWL CAS# 1310-73-2 NOT DEFINED HEALTH HAZARD ANATOMY AFFECrS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID l l . M CLO ING l________-_____l Respiratory severe bums SCBA coughing, sore throat, dyspnea fresh air, oxygen Eyes severe burns SCBA observed degradaton of tissue continually flush with Ha70 Skin severe bums Chemron suit* redness, bum, with/without pain wash with soap & large amounts of I__ H .,0 GI Tract severe bums SCBA burns to oral pathway, pain, vomiting give water, then induce vomiting

  • Note: Tumout gear is adequate unless splash or contact hazard exists.


None N/A Use agent suitable for surrounding fire 1.54 SUBSTANCES WATER FIRE Most Metals otherchemicals l RESULTS dilution, heat N/A corrosion, H Gas see MSDS SPILL HANDLUNG ..

DO, DO NOT Secure Turbine Bldg. sunip pump if spiUi dmains to Turbine Bldg. snp _________________________

Flush chemical into sump with large amounts of water.

Dike outdoor spills with inert absorbent material.

Page 4 of 10 AITACHMENT 2




-0.9 AIR 1.0 1



Respiratory irritation SCBA coughing, general irritation fresh air, oxygen Byes severe irritation, damage SCBA severe eye irritation, tearing continually flush with H? 0 Skin _irritation Chemron suit* reddening, irritation flush for> 1 minutes Gl Tract burns, death SCBA abdoninal pain, nausea, vomiting give lots of water

  • Note: Tmout gear is adequate unless splash or contac hazard exists.


_ None NUse ent suitable for surroundin fir 1.3 REACTIVTY SUBSTANCES WATE lFIRE Acids Metals Organic Materials RESULTS Dilution toxic fumes chlorine gas oxygen Reactive SPILL HANDLING I DO DO NOT Dike spUwith sand or inert absorbent Dilute with large amounts of water Allow runoff into sewers or waterways. Toxic to marine life.

Neutralize with dilute Hydrochloric acid Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. prior to neutralizing _

Page 5 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2




-1.0 CAS#


H2S04 7664-93-9 LOW < 0.4 m Ile HEALTH HAZARD ANATOMY AFFECTS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID CLOTHING Respiratory irritation, burns SCBA coughing, irritation fresh air, oxygen Eyes serious bums, blindness SCBA irritation, tearing, loss of vision continually flush with H,0 Skin serious burns Chemron Suit* irritation, burns wash with soap & large amounts of H,0 01 Tract burns, death SCBA burns to mouth, throat, stomach give lots of water

  • Note: Turnout gear is adequate unless splash or contact hazard exists.


None N/A Dry chemical or CO? 1.84

  • see MSDS SPILL HANDLING I DO DO NOT Secure Turbine Bldg. sump pump if spill drains to Turbine Bld. sump Apply water to sulfuric acid, violent reactions occur, Neutralize wid soda ash (stock number 14-015)

Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. before neutralizing

-Page6 of 1 0 ATTACHMENT 2

C (




CAS# UNKNOWN LOW HEALTHHAZARD ANATOMY AFFECTS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID l ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__

_l CL OTHIN G l l Respiratory Unknown SCBA Unknown fresh air, oxygen Eyes Unknown SCBA Unknown continually flush with Ho,0 Skin Unknown Chemron Suit Unknown continually flush with H,0 Gl Tract Unknown SCBA Unknown Gives lots of water j FLASH POINT UnknownUnnwDontuesldwtrsraUkon GSGNRTO UPESO GN P R REACTIVrTY __

SUBSTANCES l WATER l;FIRE Other Chemicals l Metalsll RES LT Reactive? Toxic Gases? Reactive? Corrosive?

SPILL HANDUNG I DO [DO NOT Secure sump pumps f materials enter drains Allow material to enter drains.

Dike outdoor spills. Use inert materials Flush or dilute with water unless advised by Chemistry.

Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. for gudance in absorbing/neutralizing Page 7 of 10 ATrACHMENT 2

( (

HAZMAT SHEET EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 VAPOR PRESSURIMM Of H (VOLATILITY) Ia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



AIR = 1.0 H3PO4 (75%)

Not Determined I CAS# 7654-38-2 LOW (Not Tested) (Not Tested)


Respiratory Irritation, burns SCBA Coughing, irritation respiratory distress Fresh air, oxygen Eyes Serious burns, blindness SCBA Irritation, tearing, loss of vision Continually flush with Ho,0 Shin Serious bums Chemron Suit Irritation burns Wash with soap and large amounts HO GI Tract Burns, death SCBA Burns to mouth, throat, stomach Give lots of water FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD l FLASH POINT l GAS GENERATION l SUPPRESSION AGENT I SP. GR.

None N/A Water Fog, CO 2 , Foam, Dry Chemical 1.58 REACTIVrrY SUBSTANCES WATER F FIRE l Strong Caustics Metals Organic Materials RESULTS Dilution Phosphorous Oxide l Reactive Corrodes, Hydro en Not Reactive SPILL HANDLJNG l O DO NOT Dike Spill with sand or inert absorbent ___

Recover as much pure product as possible Flush with water to Building Drains or Environment Absorb spill or leak residuals with clay, soil .

Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. to determine if recovered product is useable Page 8 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2



DENSITY REPORtTABLE NAME QUANTITY: Hazard Radius 475 GAL WATER 24 N/ C atlon and Anion Resin AIR - 1.0 Copolym or styrene and divlnylbenzene LOW CAS#

069011.20-7. 069011.18-3 < 0.4 mile HEALTH HAZARD ANATOMY AFFECTS PROTECTIVE SYMPTOMS FIRST AID CLOTHING Respiratory irritation primarily from fines Dust/mist respirator coughing, breathing difficulty fresh air, oxygen Eyes severe irritation, corneal damage Chemical goggles irritation, tearing, loss of vision continually flush H2 0. DO NOT rub eyes.

Sin irritation especialy open wounds Chemron suit iritation, burns wash with soap & large amounts of H2 0 GI Tract irritation Dust/mist respirator chokng hazard DO NOT induce vomiting. Give cups water.

Note: Turnout gear is adequate.


None organic amines, toxic compounds see MSDS Water spray, dry chemical, or CO2 41 lb/fi3 REACTIVITY SUBSTANCES WATER FIRE l Metals l Other substances l RESULTS None organic amines, toxic compounds -MSDS none strong oxidizers*

se w MSDS SPILL HANDLING DO DO NOT Sweep and or wet-dry vacuum splled mateial Dispose of resin in sanitary trash. Contact Chemistry to coordinate disposal of resin.

Wear Chenron suit and chemical goggles Flush to Storm Water Runoff conveyance Contact Duty Chemistry Supv. before cleanup of greater than I cu. fL Flush to Sanitary sewer system Page 9 of 10 A¶I'ACHMENT 2



DENSITY REPORTABYLE NAME QUANTITY: Hazard Radius 3 pints WATER jl Monoethanolamine (ETA) 99%

AIR 1.0-I 1.0 H2N-NH2

-1 .0 CAS# 302-01-2 LOW .c0.3 MI.


__ CLOTHING l l Respiratory irritation, carcinogen SCBA coughing, sneezing, irritation fresh air, oxygen Eyes irritation, pemanent damage SCBA irritation, tearing continually flush with H,0 Skin irritation, absorption, toxic Chemron suit* irritation continually flush with H-)0 GI Tract _ = irritation, carcinogen, toxic SCBA dizziness and nausea dilute with H0, induce vomiting Note: Turn-out gear is adequate unless splash or contact hazard exists.


None Gaseous Hydrazine, explosive waterspray 1.02 REACTIVTY_

SUBSTANCES WATER FIRE Cellulosic Materials Strong acids, oxidizers lead, copper, zinc RESULTS armmonia, oxides of nitrogen fire reaction reaction SPILL HANDLING __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

DO DO NOT If spill drains to Turbine Bldg. wmp, secure sTMp pump Use inert absorbent to dike/absorb spill Use cellulosic material to absorb spill, could cause fire Dilute spills with 10 volumes of water Oxidize small spills with dry sodium Hypochlorite. First consult Duty Chemistry Supv.

Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2


See A 3. Quantity:

4. Type of Injury:
5. Hazards in Area:

Meet with person 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~6.

Mm or Srokm

_.ftorm ESN YESI reporting spl at 7. Spill Under/Not Under Control eporUn spated 8. Obtain location of person reporting designatedI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~spill kbcatlon needed spl

. ~~Use Appendkc A

/ \ ~~~~Hazmnat Locator or Appendx B B. HAZARD ASSESSMEW/NOlFY CONTROL-ROOM Was Material\ Above Ground Oil 1. Confinn Material:

Storage &Use 2. Release Duration: _hrs Facliies 3. Quantity Spilled: gal/lbs

4. Contained within plant buildings: YES/NO
5. Exposure Level to tcoxics: 1KWLQW
6. IDL Conditions: YESINO
7. 02 deficient atmosphere present/possible YEStNO
8. Need to evacuate plant site YESIN Mater/a on Handle SpiN 9. Exposure Beyond Site Boundary XESliQ atlac. o n Using MSDS, 10. Liquid to GroundlWaterwav/NA S tachee NFPA, DOT 11. Spill undedotunr control Guidebooks 12. Fire Potential YES/NO or Hazardous 13. Significant chenical interactions YSN MateriaI Permit 14. Additional Manpower Needed:

a) Fire Brigade b) MERT Handle Spill c) Spill Contrator per Attachment 2 d) Chemistry c- e) BP Support f) Air Tank Support (HP) g) Ambulance____________

PERFORM AT h) Nurse SCENE i) Security HAZARD ASSESSMENT 15. Supplies Needed:

See B 16. Other Hazards in Area:

17. Effects on Plant Equipment:
18. Systems needed to be ISOIATE/ENERG]ZED, etc:

/Spill of \ Provide Tumover

< OVHazardous > To Cleanup Crew Substance? Per Attach 6 Note: Incidental spills are those where the substance canbe absorbed, neutralized or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees without activation of the Fire Brigade.

1oNo Call out ~~~~C ESTABLISH INCIDEINT COMMAND Fire Brigade per 1. Establish command point upwind if outside.

2. Appoint communicator.

_ 3. Assign/direct pasonnel.

ESTABUSH AT 4. Brief emergency response pesonnel.

a) The mials involved and precautions.

COMMAND b) Health effects.

See C c) Task objectives 4184 d) Chemical Protecive clothing and equipmenL

{q3182 File Z170.0007 Page 1 of 2 ATTACIMENT 3 CARS CA-#2203a

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 D. PROTECTIVE ACIONS (COMN 43177)

1. Remove personnel fnm affected area (F.B.).
2. Request accountability as necessary (C R.).
3. Adninister first aid (MERT).
4. Establish boundarieslcontrol access (security).
5. Decontaninate affected personnel.
6. Observe personel closely for symptoms of chemical exposure.
7. Request medical support and folow-up for anyone who becomes contaminated.


1. Stop other evoludons in the area that may advasely affect spill.
2. Control sources of heat, spark and flame.
3. Separate equipment. supplies, or substances that could cause adverse chemical reactions.
4. Ventilate areas indoors.
5. Control chemical contamination.
6. Stop spill.
7. Contain spill NOTE: Use property grading and drainage drawings in Attachment S if necessary.



1. If a spill or leak is noticed which you feel may present a personnel hazard, which is not contained, or which may require special cleanup techniques or additional personnel, go to 3 of this attachment. CARS 199601213)


2. If a spill or leak does not meet the above criteria:

a) Clean up the spill b) Contact the Duty Chemistry Supervisor (on backshifts this is via the "on call" Rad/Chem Supervisor. The Control Room can supply this information if needed) for direction on disposal of cleanup materials and to assess I reportability/notifications required. CARS 199600744)

3. Contact the Control Room Shift Supervisor at ext. 9-911/68233/68234 or on Gaitronics Channel 1 request the Control Room Shift Supervisor to pick-up on Gaitronics Channel 2. Standby to be asked information pertaining to the spill by Control Room Personnel.
4. Let the Control Room hang up first to ensure that all required information has been received.
5. Leave the immediate area of the spill.
6. Stand by to provide information and assistance to investigating personnel upon arrival.

Page 1 of 1 ATTACEMNT 4

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008

'\_; INDEX OF PROPERTY GRADING AND DRAINAGE DRAWINGS DRAWING NUMBER TITLE 8600-X-88287 Property-Grading Details, General Notes, Symbols, Summary of Quantities Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88290 Property-Grading Key Plan Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88291(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Power Block Area Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88292(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Ultimate Heat Sink Area Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88293(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Cooling Tower No. 1 Area Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88294(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Cooling Tower No. 2 Area Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88295(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Switchyard Area - East Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88296(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Construction Plant Area Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88300(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading P.M.P. Drainage Plan Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-88301 Property-Grading Downspout and Storm Drain Plan Final Grading and Drainage 8600-X-89719(Q)(UNO) Property-Grading Switchyard Area - West Fmal Grading and Drainage NPDES-001 NPDES Storm Water Information Outfalls 010-015 Page of 1 ATTACHMENT 5

EIP-ZZ-03010 Rev. 008 SPILL CLEANUP CREW CHECKLIST A. CONUACTOR 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~(conta one)

CwVact Duty I. React Environmental Engineers 314-772-2326 Cheasby Supervisor b fla on car 2. Clean Harbors 800-645-8265 RadlOem Supemsordufr ARS 1900744 bashft) D StM daniqP ADS 159601213 a3nd 3ecsse nover Note: Contractor assistance may be required when ltvel B or above woRS 16a13ndom Perasonnel Protective Equipment is required, the size of the area affected is large, or at the discretion of the on call Chemistry Supervisor.

rA apaba~bsi>B. SPILL CLEANUP P IORrY (Shift Supervisor)

Yes YesCan the spill wait until the next AM weekday shift to cleanup?

If not, then contact the appropriate departments to call out NO we§ndpersonnel to ckanup the spill. Jfhe spill can wait, place the

<1 rmd webdw m a safe condition and wait until next AM weekday to areain

/ \ r/ sAM cleanup.

rs5 ~~~~~~~~~~s No - C. MATERIAL IDENTIFATION (Iuty Chemistry Supw.)

NO lC uanUaianc le The material being ckaned must be identified and communicated

< kaide  ? SuperAwindoW to the personnel performing the cleanup.

D. IDENTIFY THE HAZARDS OF THE MATER1AL I CabctdSupenrsor. HP l (Duty Chemistry Supv) for R,'Ch*m Review the HAZMAT permit and MSDS for the matrial.

If the nateial cannot be identified, evaluate the chemical No ZMated~ characteristics of the material (i.e, pH, flammability, hazardous

<SesGateCher>kw atmosphere, etc.).

E. D INENECESSARYE (Duty Chemistry Supvr)

Calaway Plant Safe Work Practices Manual provides a fist of personal protective equipment and cleanup supplies.

Spill response material can be obtained from MCS data base by using the keyword of SPIL CSEPxwsoe F. BRE:N (COMN43183) CARS 199601213 (Duty Chemistry Supvr) rmhe necessary Performed per page 2 of this attachment Se E G. SPILL C (Duty Chemistry Supvr) drIorlolnup pe. mTh HAZMAT pennit provides general cleanup guidelines for stock items. If the specific identity is not known, 42191 l aean up ap g claup methods should be based on the characteistics of the matera detrmined in step D.

aeaW E 9 LH. hnmediately aer emergency, provide for treating, For R0ace7lseay storing and disposing of recovered waste, contaminated e - soil or surface wat or any other material that results

.wmwmdam from arelease per APA-ZZ00832.

perFPiae30d gt1 ACaARe Fwad a lotAmeren Emhkorwnerk Saetyr &Hedbl, MC $02 1

IPofbrm C6fipe df File Z170.0007 Page 1 of 3 ATTACBHIENT 6 CARS CA-#2203b


Name of Chemistry Supervisor Completing Briefing Checklist:

Name of Clean-up Crew Supervisor:

[] Location of spill to be cleaned up Ii] Name of chemical to be cleaned up

[] Quantity of chemical to be cleaned up

[] Equipment in cleanup area in safe condition (WPA i.e. de-energized)

[] Potential health effects LI Eyes

-_I Skin a] Ingestion

[] Inhalation E] Carcinogen

[] Oither

[] Signs and symptoms of exposure i]2 First aid measures I] -Other safety measures I] Flammability

[] Incompatibilities

[] Reactivity LI Other

[] Required personal protective equipment

- [ Method of clean up

- [ Tools and equipment needed

[] Disposal method

[] Applicable Hazmat permitslMSDS's attached to this checklist.

I NOTE: This spill clean-up crew checklist should be available at the clean-up area.

File Z170.0007 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 6 CARS CA-#2203b


Indicate Scale: Equals sq. ft. No. of drums of clean up waste Approximate Total Man-hours: Depth of Excavation_ _ inches Indicate Spill Perimeter with a solid line ___ _

Indicate Spill Source with symbol cc: Ameren Environmental Safety & Health MC 602 File Z170.0007 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 6 CARS CA42203b