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Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/2003
From: Grobe J
Download: ML030410035 (12)


January 24, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel /RA/


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held December 10, 2002. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.


As stated cc w/att: S. Rosenberg, OEDO W. Dean, NRR A. Mendiola, NRR S. Bloom, NRR J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII G. Grant, RIII S. Reynolds, RIII C. Lipa, RIII D. Hills, RIII D. Simpkins, RIII J. Jacobson, RIII S. Burgess, RIII R. Lickus, RIII S. Thomas, RIII M. Holmberg, RIII DB0350

MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, IMC 0350 Oversight Panel


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held December 10, 2002. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.


As stated cc w/att: S. Rosenberg, OEDO W. Dean, NRR A. Mendiola, NRR S. Bloom, NRR J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII G. Grant, RIII S. Reynolds, RIII C. Lipa, RIII D. Hills, RIII D. Simpkins, RIII J. Jacobson, RIII S. Burgess, RIII R. Lickus, RIII S. Thomas, RIII M. Holmberg, RIII DB0350 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\Davis-Besse 0350\internalmtgminutes\internalmtgminutes1210.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box:"C" = Copy without enclosure "E"= Copy with enclosure"N"= No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII NAME DPassehl CLipa JGrobe DATE 1/13/03 1/12/03 1/24/03 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

MEETING MINUTES: Internal IMC 0350 Oversight Panel Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DATE: December 10, 2002 TIME: 10:00 a.m. Central ATTENDEES:

J. Grobe K. McConnell B. Dean J. Hopkins C. Lipa J. Jacobson D. Simpkins J. Collins S. Thomas D. Passehl G. Wright Agenda Items:

1. Discuss Plant Status and Inspector Insights
  • Reactor coolant system (RCS) is in a deep drain condition. Current level is at 10" above the hot leg centerline. Seventy-four valves are scheduled for maintenance during this arrangement of the RCS. Fifty-five are complete with the remaining items delayed due to parts availability.
  • 80% failure of welds between the tubes to tubesheet in the feedwater preheater 1-6. Licensee is evaluating the cause.
  • Three individuals had identified dose rate alarms with no actions taken. Item is under review by licensee.
  • Electrical and diesel fire pumps inoperable. Licensee considered bringing in new temporary pump, but availability of diesel fire pump at low lake temperature was analyzed as a preferred method.
  • Axial cracks were identified in two of the four thermosleeves for high pressure injection paths into the reactor coolant system. The two cracked thermosleeves are downstream of HP-58 and HP-59. The remaining two thermosleeve boroscope images were reviewed by Framatome and no indications were found.

Licensee plans to replace the two cracked thermosleeves.

System Reviews are expected to be complete this week. All 5 of the latent issue reviews were performed by the old Engineering Assessment Board (EAB) and considered to be good reviews. The old EAB did review and approve the scope of all 31 system reviews. Approximately 15 of the system reviews were reviewed and accepted under the old EAB. Twenty-three system reviews generated comments from the old EAB. Eight system reviews were not reviewed by the old EAB. The new EAB will not review the remaining system reviews.

Concerns were raised by Davis-Besse Oversight Panel members about the consistency in quality of review by the new EAB and the new EAB procedures. Henry Stevens was positioned as the new EAB Chairman. This choice was questioned due to Mr. Stevens being the QA Manager that reviewed the reactor vessel head inspection during the 2001 outage. Further the system engineers responsible for the remaining unreviewed system reviews did not have a review that went through the old EAB review process. Jim Powers and Lew Myers have final approval now for system reviews after the old EAB was disbanded.

Jack Grobe presented a summary of a meeting between Davis-Besse Oversight Panel personnel and Licensee engineering management and staff. In the meeting 560 condition reports under System Health category were identified as mode restraints. 77 of these condition reports declared equipment inoperable. 29 of these issues were identified for significance. J. Grobe asked the licensee to clarify the issue of significance and operability. A definition for operability was agreed upon, equipment that does not meet a specific requirement in technical specifications or prevents performance of its purpose during accident mitigation. The licensee identified a process to scrub condition reports for operability issues.

The DBOP had remaining concerns on the design issue review and the significance issue review. The DBOP has requested the licensee to hold a public meeting, tentatively scheduled for December 23, 2002, to justify extent of condition review.

Essentially if design reviews identify operability issues, why will all systems not be under review.

Contractor reduction in force has occurred over the previous week. Most engineering support contractor workers were released. All contract NRC inspector interface staff were released. Communications issues on inspections have arisen due to the recent downsizing. The DBOP is working to identify the issues and resolve them.

J. Grobe provided a summary of a meeting he had with Lew Meyers. L. Meyers provided themes for the upcoming public meetings; licensee making progress, discovery is over, find and fix mode, core reload mid January, discuss lower head inspections and emergency sump modification and manager observation program results. J. Grobe asked L. Meyers several questions, specifically on the issue of how to determine if safety culture has changed. Questions were asked about the loss of credibility with the public due to the safety culture and the possibility of an independent contractor to track issues. L. Meyers concluded his themes for the public meetings with a desire to present that Davis-Besse would not be a financial black hole for FirstEnergy Corp.

J. Grobe attended the licensee Reactor Oversight Panel (ROP) meeting. He noted a difference in the tone of the meeting. It was less intrusive and more cost focused.

1.a Discuss Management and Human Performance Inspection Geoff Wright presented to the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel the status of the Management and Human Performance Inspection. The inspection team was on site in October but was unable to fully complete the inspection due to the licensee being incomplete on several topics. The Operations and Off-Site Committee Root Cause

reports were not available for the October inspections. The Engineering Root Cause report was added by the licensee on suggestion by the inspection team.

G. Wright informed the DBOP that a formal exit for the work completed in October was scheduled for December 18, 2002. Two items were presented as the focus for the exit.

Licensee reviews completed to date were meaningful, but the overall approach was not sufficient to determine if all errors could be found. The Operations, Off Site Observation and Engineering reviews were not complete for review. The DBOP noted that the operations report was just completed, but G. Wright informed the panel that it would not be covered in this exit.

J. Grobe noted that the Operations Root Cause report was discussed in the licensee ROP meeting. He noted that the comments made about the report, marked it as not balanced with not enough supporting data.

G. Wright updated the DBOP on the future activities of the inspection team. A partial inspection report would be completed for DBOP review on activities completed to date.

The inspection team expects to be at the site for the 2nd or 3rd week in January to complete phase 1 of the inspection.

1.b Confirmatory Action Letter Update John Jacobson asked about the status of the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) Update.

The document itself was still under review by C. Lipa. The DBOP noted that Sam Collins approval would be required prior to issuing this document.

A discussion was held on the CAL items that could be modified or closed.

  • The quarantine item could be conditionally closed.

Quarantine components or other material from the RPV head and CRDM nozzle penetrations that are deemed necessary to fully address the root cause of the occurrence of degradation of the leaking penetrations. Prior to implementation, plans for further inspection and data gathering to support determination of the root cause will be provided to the NRC for review and comment.

  • The root cause item could be partially closed.

Determine the root cause of the degradation around the RPV head penetrations, and promptly meet with the NRC to discuss this information after you have reasonable confidence in your determination.

  • The extent of condition issue needed to be rewritten.

Evaluate and disposition the extent of condition throughout the reactor coolant system relative to the degradation mechanisms that occurred on the RPV head.

  • The head replacement item could not be closed until the relief requests on the reactor vessel head are approved.

Obtain NRC review and approval of the repair or modification and testing plans for the existing RPV head, prior to implementation of those activities. Prior to restart of the reactor, obtain NRC review and approval of any modification and testing activity related to the reactor core or reactivity control systems. If the reactor vessel head is replaced in lieu of repair or modification, the replacement must comply with appropriate Commission rules and industry requirements.

  • The licensee determination of safety significance item could be closed.

Provide a plan and schedule to the NRC, within 15 days of the date of this letter, for completing and submitting to the NRC your ongoing assessment of the safety significance for the RPV head degradation.

The DBOP determined additional review was necessary prior to drafting the modifications or closures.

2. Discuss Action Items Item 54a: On the TSP Allegation, B. Dean believed B. Bateman thought a calculation for sufficient volume of TSP was completed to technical specification value. However some members of the DBOP questioned whether the calculation was to technical specification or actual TSP level at Davis-Besse.

Item 54b: On the generic question of TSP technical specification requirements including the effects of maximum allowed leakage, several methods for resolution are still under consideration. B. Bateman was deemed the responsible party for this investigation, which now falls outside the purview of the DBOP.

Item 83: Item Closed.

Item 85: Item reassigned to J. Jacobson. Discussion on draft letter in Section 1.b above.

Item 88: Update item with date of receiving TIA, December 6, 2002.

Item 113: Discussion on procedure for maintaining UCS representative on service lists. A DBOP member indicated that due to proper procedures, the UCS representative would be removed 90 days after the DD was issued, 09/24/02. Several DBOP members requested that the UCS representative remain on the service lists to ensure public confidence in the DBOP activities. Communications with the Office of Public Affairs were deemed necessary to secure this activity.

Item 121: The DBOP wished to close this item through the meeting summary of the 11/26/02 public meeting discussing the Undervessel Nozzle possible leakage. In the meeting summary, the request was made for a statement setting forth that the NRC understands the NOP/NOT leak test plan and has no outstanding concerns. Further that the leak test mockup and test

itself should provide a reasonable assurance for a qualified leak test. B.

Dean took responsibility for this item.

Item 127: A time for completion of this decision was requested. J. Hopkins is taking the lead on this issue.

Item 128: Item Closed.

New Item 129: Survey NRR and Headquarters management for possible future Davis-Besse site visits or tour requirements. J. Hopkins is taking the lead on this issue.

New Item 130: Determine actions for Davis-Besse end-of-cycle meeting and senior management briefings. C. Lipa is taking the lead on this issue.

3. Discussion of Licensing Issues and Actions No new items were discussed, with the exception of those noted in Section 2. Action Items, above.
4. Discuss/Update Milestones and Commitments T. Kozak to have a SERP on 12/12/02 on the worker overexposure issue.

The Commission Briefing on LLTF/DBOP is expected on 01/21/03. J. Grobe was asked to attend.

IMC 0350 Oversight Panel Action Items Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 24a Discuss making Panel Discuss by June 30, after safety information related to significance assessment complete.

HQ/licensee calls publicly 6/27 - Invite Bateman to panel mtg.

available To discuss what else is needed to closeout the CAL (i.e. quarantine plan). 7/2 - NRR not yet ready to discuss. 7/16 - See if procedures have changed on CAL closeout -

does JD need to send letter? 7/18

- Discussed - is there an applicable regional procedure? 8/6 -

Discussed. Need to determine the final approach on the core removed from the head and the final approach on the head before the quarantine can be lifted. 8/22 -

Revisit action item after letter sent to licensee confirming plans with old vessel head (head may be onsite longer than originally anticipated) 8/29 - Memo to be sent to Region, with a letter to go out next week. 10/01- Discussed.

1) Conduct NRC staff survey-due 10/7 2)Memo to NRR - due 10/11
3) Region to issue letter 11/07-Letter required from NRR on head quarantine status. 11/19 - Letter in draft

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 54a Review TSP amendment D. Pickett 7/9 - Discussed. Will wait for and advise the panel on response from licensee. 7/16 -

the need for a TIA on Discussed - added action item 54b.

Davis-Besse (7/2) 8/6 - Sent to the licensee on7/22 and a response is due by 8/22.

8/22 - Discussed - need to check if response has been received. 8/27

- Received response - DRS is reviewing - will fax to NRR for 54b.

8/29 - Discussed, DRS report of response to be issued to panel prior to item 54b. 10/1-Discussed.

DRS coordinating with NRR 11/07-Discussed - On hold for draft with specific information. 12/10 - B.

Dean believed B. Bateman thought a calculation for sufficient volume of TSP was completed to technical specification value. However questions whether the calculation was to technical specification or actual TSP level remain.

54b Initiate correspondence T. Mendiola 7/18 - Memo will be sent to w/NRR to evaluate generic Hannons group. 8/6 - Discussed -

implications (7/16) not yet issued. 8/13 - Discussed -

need info from 54a first. 10/1 -

Discussed. Forward to B. Bateman

- due 10/18. 12/10 - B. Bateman was deemed the responsible party for this investigation, which now falls outside the purview of the DBOP.

73 Send feedback form on Lipa 8/6 - Generate feedback after IMC 0350 procedure to Mendiola panel meetings reduced to once IIPB (8/6) per week. 8/29 - Discussed - no change. 10/1 - Discussed. 11/7 -

D Passehl sent email to C Carpenter and D Coe indicating that we would be able to perform a review of the draft IMC 0350 during the first quarter of 2003.

12/3- discussed.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 74 Matrix strategy for UCS Lipa 8/13 - Discussed. 8/22 -

and other requests. (8/8) Discussed - matrix is being developed will send out for review when ready. 8/29 - Discussed -

matrix has been started. 10/1&

10/15 Discussed. 11/07 - A top ten list will be created to prioritize strategy.

83 Verify results of ongoing Panel Longer term item. 12/10 - Item research related to the Coffin closed.

technical root cause evaluation has not changed NRC/DE conclusions (8/13) 85 Send letter/action plan to Dean (DE) 8/22 - Discussed - NRR will send the licensee regarding Hopkins draft to RIII by 8/30. 8/27 -

actions required to be Discussed - letter being drafted completed to close CAL 12/10 - J. and should be ready next week.

item related to quarantine Jacobson 9/19- On hold due to crack - get (8/20) letter out to licensee re: from Mode 3 to Mode 2. 10/8 - Discussed.

Memo is with Mendiola at the start of concurrence review. 10/15 -

Discussed. 12/3 - memo received 11/15. 12/10 - Letter under review by C. Lipa.

88 Develop draft proposal on Burgess 8/27 - Working to a due date of how to assess 8/30 to present to the panel next significance/respond to week. 10/1 - Discussed. 11/07 -M.

TIA (8/20) Reinhart rewriting draft. Due from NRR to RIII 11/30. 12/3 -

Discussed. 12/10 - TIA received 12/06.

91 Call McClosky to discuss Lipa 9/17 - Called - need to check back.

docketing Return to 10/1 - Discussed. Jack to discuss Service Plans (9/3) with L. Myers 95 Interpret CAL & TS and Lipa 10/1 - Discussed. 11/19- Will be define which mode change Thomas defined as Mode 2 in CAL update needs approved (9/5) letter 97 Bulletins 2002-01 and NRR 11/07 - Discussed, further 2002-02 response and research and discussion required.

acceptance (9/5)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 99 Bring to panel all Jacobson/ 9/24 - Decision for C. Lipa to 95002/95003 attributes Lipa discuss item with J. Jacobson.

(9/5) 10/1 - Discussed. Due 10/11.

10/15 - Discussed. 11/07 - RAM item inclusion for discussion at 11/19 panel meeting 10/1-Discussed 11/07 - Report discussed. D. Simpkins to When AIT F/U IR is determine if item 6 will be followed issued, consider item on 107 Panel up by OI. D.Passehl will inform OI records& communication panel has reviewed items and sees accuracy (9/17) no further need for follow up actions on items 5 & 6 Remove UCS 10/1- Discussed (90 days from representative from C. Lipa/ 10/15) 12/10 - Discussed keeping 113 service lists 90 days after A.Mendiola UCS on lists for longer period of DD is issued (9/24) time.

10/1 - Discussed. 10/8 -

Details of expected visit to Hopkins/ Discussed, Due 10/15. 10/15 -

114 site (9/24) Sheron Discussed. 11/07 -Clarification on visitor status deemed necessary Decision on appropriateness of visual Grobe inspection of lower vessel 12/3 - Meeting was held 121 nozzles. Set up public 11/26/2002 at Headquarters 12/10 - B.

meeting to discuss this 12/10 - Closed.

Dean and contingency plans for NOP/NOT (11/07)

Memo to RIII on quarantine. RIII letter to Mendiola licensee on CAL.

122 Lipa Go through minutes for Mendiola pre-decisional release through items (11/07)

Review LLTF report for Mendiola/

125 0350 issues / SMRT team Lipa Review Davis-Besse/Vessel Head 126 Degradation web site Strasma content for ease of use by the public. (11/07)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated)

Decision of the extent of 12/10 - Completion date requested the needs for resolution of 127 the technical root cause (11/19)

Assess new items under Jacobson 12/10 - Closed.

allegations will interfere 128 with acceptance of relief requests A27, A28 and A2 (11/19)

Survey NRR and J. Hopkins Headquarters 129 management for possible future Davis-Besse site visits or tours (12/10)

Survey NRR and J. Hopkins Headquarters 130 management for possible future Davis-Besse site visits or tours (12/10)