IR 05000321/2012007

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IR 05000321-12-007; February 27 to March 2, 2012; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1; Post Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal, Phase 1
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2012
From: Vias S J
To: Madison D R
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Linda Gruhler 404-997-4614
Download: ML12089A130 (17)


March 29, 2012

Mr. Dennis Vice President Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant 11028 Hatch Parkway North Baxley, GA 31513


Dear Mr. Madison:

On March 2, 2012, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed a Post-Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal at your Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, in accordance with NRC Inspection Procedure (IP) 71003. The enclosed report documents the inspection results, which were discussed on March 2, 2012, with Mr. W. L. Bargeron, Plant Manager, and other members of your staff. The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations, and with the conditions of your license. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed plant activities, and interviewed personnel. Based on the inspection sample selected for review, no findings were identified. The inspectors identified two observations associated with the implementation of one-time inspections for two Aging Management Programs (AMPs). These observations consisted of issues of concern that, if found during the period of extended operation (PEO), would be characterized as performance deficiencies in the NRC Reactor Oversight Process. These observations are subject to further NRC inspection during the second phase of IP 71003 to provide reasonable assurance that your license renewal commitments are met. However, the inspectors determined that the overall implementation of AMPs activities reviewed during the Unit 1 refueling outage was consistent with the license renewal commitments. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its Enclosure, and your response (if any), will be available electronically for public inspection in

2 SNC, Inc. the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS)

component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/ Steven J. Vias, Chief Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-321 License Nos. DPR-57


NRC Post-Approval Site Inspection For License Renewal, Inspection Report 05000321/2012007


Supplemental Information cc w/encl: (See Pages 3 and 4)

2 SNC, Inc. the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS)

component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/ Steven Vias, Chief Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-321 License Nos. DPR-57


NRC Post-Approval Site Inspection 10 For License Renewal, Inspection Report 05000321/2012007


Supplemental Information cc w/encl: (See Pages 3 and 4) Distribution w/encl: C. Evans, RII EICS (Part 72 Only) L. Douglas, RII EICS (Linda Douglas) OE Mail (email address if applicable) RIDSNRRDIRS PUBLIC RidsNrrPMHatch Resource X PUBLICLY AVAILABLE G NON-PUBLICLY AVAILABLE G SENSITIVE X NON-SENSITIVE ADAMS: X Yes ACCESSION NUMBER: ML12089A130 X SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE X FORM 665 ATTACHED OFFICE RII:DRS RII:DRS RII:DRS RII:DRP SIGNATURE /RA via email/ /RA/ /RA/ /RA/ NAME J. Rivera-Ortiz B. Collins S. Vias F. Ehrhardt DATE 3/ 26 /2012 3/ 26 /2012 3/ 28 /2012 3/ 27 /2012 E-MAIL COPY YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFFICIAL RECORD COPY DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DRS\ENG BRANCH 3\INSPECTIONS\INSPECTION AREAS\LICENSE RENEWAL\HATCH\HATCH U1 IP71003-PHASE 1 IR 2012-007.DOCX 3 SNC, Inc. cc w/encl: S. Kuczynski Chairman, President and CEO Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution J. L. Pemberton SVP & General Counsel-Ops & SNC Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution D. G. Bost Chief Nuclear Officer Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution Paula Marino Vice President Engineering Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution T. A. Lynch Vice President Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Dennis Vice President Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution T. E. Tynan Site Vice President Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution M. J. Ajluni Nuclear Licensing Director Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution B. D. McKinney, Jr.

Regulatory Response Manager Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution D. W. Daughhetee Licensing Engineer Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution T. D. Honeycutt Regulatory Response Supervisor Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution L. Mike Stinson Vice President Fleet Operations Support Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution N. J. Stringfellow Licensing Manager Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution L. P. Hill Licensing Supervisor Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution L. L. Crumpton Administrative Assistant, Sr. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Steven B. Tipps Hatch Principal Engineer - Licensing Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Electronic Mail Distribution W. E. Duvall Site Support Manager Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Electronic Mail Distribution Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant U.S. NRC 11030 Hatch Parkway N Baxley, GA 30334 cc w/encl: (continued on page 4)

4 SNC, Inc. cc w/encl: (continued from page 3)

Mr. Ken Rosanski Resident Manager Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Oglethorpe Power Corporation Electronic Mail Distribution Mark Williams Commissioner Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Lee Foley Manager of Contracts Generation Oglethorpe Power Corporation Electronic Mail Distribution Arthur H. Domby, Esq.

Troutman Sanders Electronic Mail Distribution James C. Hardeman Environmental Radiation Program Manager Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Al Frazier Emergency Response and Radiation Program Manager Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Judson H. Turner Director Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Cynthia A. Sanders Radioactive Materials Program Manager Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution

James A. Capp Program Coordination Branch Chief Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution Mr. Steven M. Jackson Senior Engineer - Power Supply Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Electronic Mail Distribution Reece McAlister Executive Secretary Georgia Public Service Commission Electronic Mail Distribution Chairman Appling County Commissioners County Courthouse 69 Tippins Street, Suite 201 Baxley, GA 31513 Amy Whaley Resident Manager Electronic Mail Distribution Enclosure U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II Docket Nos: 50-321 License Nos: DPR-57 Report No: 05000321/2012007 Licensee: Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Facility: Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Location: Baxley, Georgia 31513 Dates: February 27 to March 2, 2012 Inspectors: J. Rivera-Ortiz, Senior Reactor Inspector (Lead) B. Collins, Reactor Inspector Approved by: Steven J. Vias, Chief Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety



IR 05000321/2012007; February 27 to March 2, 2012; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1; Post Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal, Phase 1.

The report covers an inspection conducted by two regional inspectors in accordance with NRC Manual Chapter 2515 and NRC Inspection Procedure 71003. Based on the sample selected for review, the inspectors determined that commitments, license conditions, and regulatory requirements associated with the renewed facility operating license were met. The inspectors also determined that the licensee had administrative controls in place to ensure completion of pending actions scheduled both prior and during the period of extended operation (PEO). The inspectors identified two observations associated with the implementation of one-time inspections for two Aging Management Programs (AMPs). These observations consisted of issues of concern that, if found during the PEO, would be characterized as performance deficiencies in the NRC Reactor Oversight Process. The licensee entered all observations into the station's Corrective Action Program (CAP) for evaluation and resolution. The NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is described in NUREG 1649, "Reactor Oversight Process," Revision 4, dated December 2006. A. NRC-Identified and Self-Revealed Findings None

B. Licensee-Identified Violations

None 3



4OA5 Other Activities

.1 Post-Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal - IP 71003 (Phase 1)

a. Inspection Scope

(1) Implementation of License Conditions and Commitments, including Aging Management Programs The inspectors reviewed a sample of license renewal activities scheduled for the Unit 1 spring 2012 refueling outage, which was the second-to-last outage prior to the period of extended operation (PEO). The inspectors selected this refueling outage because it would present the best opportunity to observe the majority of the one-time inspections associated with license renewal commitments. The inspection's objective was to maximize observations of the actual implementation of license renewal activities before the beginning of the PEO (August 7, 2014), and verify that the licensee completed the necessary actions to: (a) comply with the conditions stipulated in the renewed facility operating license; (b) meet the license renewal commitments described in NRC Memorandum dated March 6, 2007, (ADAMS Accession Number ML070640041), and (c) meet the future inspection activities described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) supplement submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21(d). The license renewal application (LRA) for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant and the corresponding NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) documented in NUREG-1803 are publicly available on ADAMS under accession numbers ML003688151, and ML020020307, respectively.

The inspectors reviewed supporting documents; conducted interviews with licensee staff; observed in-process outage activities; and performed visual inspection of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) including those not accessible during power operation. The commitment items and AMPs selected for the inspection sample are summarized below based on their description in Appendix A of the LRA. The specific inspection activities conducted for each AMP are also described below. Specific documents reviewed are listed in the report attachment.

Commitment Item 6 - Galvanic Susceptibility Inspections: The LRA described the Galvanic Susceptibility Inspections as a new AMP that would provide for condition monitoring via one-time inspections to provide objective evidence that galvanic susceptibility is being managed for specific components within the scope of license renewal. The first one-time inspections would consider the more corrosive raw water environment and include a sample population of carbon-to-stainless-steel weld connections that should exhibit the largest electrochemical potential difference among the existing galvanic couples. The inspection samples would be expanded to other water systems if the examined carbon-to-stainless welds show galvanic corrosion. The inspection of in-scope components would use one or more examination methods, which may include ultrasonic thickness determinations, radiographic testing, depth gauges, and pipe removal and analysis. These one-time inspections would be performed prior to the beginning of the PEO of each Unit.

The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, and implementing inspection and test procedures to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA and corresponding SER. The inspectors also discussed the process used to select the inspection samples under this AMP and the criteria to be used for scope expansion with licensee personnel. The inspectors reviewed the examination reports listed below to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures and consistent with the program attributes described in the licensing basis documents.

  • WO SNC339429 - License Renewal Inspection: Inspect Component 1E11F103A (Residual Heat Removal(RHR)/Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) System) Commitment Item 7 - Treated Water Systems Piping Inspection Program: The LRA described the Treated Water Systems Piping Inspections (TWSPI) as a new AMP that would provide for condition monitoring via one-time examinations intended to provide objective evidence that existing chemistry control is managing aging in piping that is not examined under another inspection program. This AMP would examine a sample population of carbon and stainless steel tubing and piping in the treated water systems. The expansion of inspection points and the subsequent examination of in-scope components would depend on the results of the initial inspections. The inspections would be conducted using various techniques including, but not be limited to, volumetric or destructive examination. The specific sample population, examination methods, and acceptance criteria would be defined in the inspection and trending procedures. These one-time inspections would be performed prior to the PEO of each Unit.

The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, implementing inspection and test procedures, and inspection records to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA, and the corresponding SER. The inspectors also discussed the process used to select the inspection samples under this AMP, and the criteria to be used for scope expansion with licensee personnel.

Additionally, the inspectors directly observed licensee personnel during the execution of the one-time inspections listed below to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures and consistent with the program attributes described in the licensing basis documents.

  • WO SNC108091 - License Renewal Inspection: Disassemble/Inspect 1 E51D005 Minimum Flow Bypass Restrictive Orifice (RCIC System)* WO SNC108319 - License Renewal Inspection: Inspect Outboard and Inboard Steam Isolation Valve 1E41F003/F002 (High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System)
  • WO SNC108354 - License Renewal Inspection: 1P42/1B31 Sample D-1- 1 (Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System) Commitment Item 8 - Gas Systems Component Inspections: The LRA described the Gas Systems Component Inspections as a new AMP that would provide for condition monitoring via one-time condition monitoring aging management activities designed to provide objective evidence that the aging effects predicted for systems with gases as internal environments are being adequately managed. The scope of this program would include susceptible locations in several systems within the scope of license renewal. The inspection activities will use examination techniques designed to ascertain whether significant loss of material or cracking has occurred in the sample population. These one-time inspections would be performed prior to the beginning of the PEO of each Unit.

The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, and implementing inspection and test procedures to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA and the corresponding SER. The inspectors also discussed with licensee personnel the process used to select the inspection samples under this AMP and the criteria to be used for scope expansion. Additionally, the inspectors directly observed licensee personnel during the execution of the one-time inspections listed below to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures and consistent with the program attributes described in the licensing basis documents.

The LRA described the residual heat removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger Augmented Inspection and Testing Program as a new condition monitoring program that would provide enhanced aging management of both the shell and tube sides of the Unit 1, and Unit 2 RHR heat exchangers. The RHR heat exchangers would be visually inspected, and eddy current testing would be done on a regular basis. This inspection program would be implemented prior to the beginning of the PEO of each Unit.

The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, and implementing inspection and test procedures to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA and the corresponding SER. Additionally, the inspectors discussed with the license the preliminary eddy current inspection results for the Unit 1 RHR-1A heat exchanger inspection, conducted during the Unit 1 spring 2012 outage, and reviewed the final report for the Unit 1 RHR-1B heat exchanger eddy current inspection, completed in 2006, to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures and consistent with the program attributes described in the licensing basis documents.

Flow Accelerated Corrosion Aging Management Program: The LRA described the Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) Program as an enhanced AMP designed to monitor pipe wear in those systems that have been determined to be susceptible to FAC-related loss of material. The susceptibility of piping to FAC would be predicted using a computer model specifically developed for FAC analysis. The FAC model would predict FAC rates in piping, and calculates the time remaining until reaching the defined critical wall thickness. The detection of wall thinning would include various examination methods such as Ultrasonic testing (UT), Radiographic testing (RT), and visual examinations. The enhanced examination methods and frequencies would be based on industry and plant specific operating experience as opposed to computer modeling. Examinations to detect erosion, erosion-corrosion, as well as FAC, would be performed as part of the enhanced program. For both units, the FAC Program would be expanded to include additional piping for certain systems that are already included in the current program. For Unit 2 only, portions of the radioactive decay hold-up volume (main steam and steam line drains, and condensate drains) will also be included. These program enhancements would be implemented prior to the beginning of the PEO of each Unit.

The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, and implementing inspection and test procedures to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA and the corresponding SER. The inspectors also discussed the criteria for scope expansion for an UT examination of component 1-MSD-10 with licensee staff. The examination of 1-MSD-10 revealed wall thinning indications during the Unit 1 spring 2012 outage requiring scope expansion. Additionally, the inspectors directly observed and reviewed the final examination report for the UT examination of component 1-MSD-14, which was selected as a result of the scope expansion from 1-MSD-10. The inspectors reviewed these activities to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures and consistent with the program attributes described in the licensing basis documents. Boiling Water Reactor Vessel And Internals Aging Management Program: The LRA described the Boiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) as an existing AMP resulting from the association of utilities to focus on resolution of BWR vessel and internals issues. The BWRVIP Program inspection and evaluation reports would specifically address the reactor vessel components and reactor internals relative to the requirements of 10 CFR 54. The BWRVIP Program inspection and evaluation documents would provide for reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and reactor internals examination utilizing a combination of ultrasonic, visual, and surface methods, including pressure testing. The specific methods to be used and the frequency of examination would be in accordance with the applicable BWRVIP inspection and evaluation report, unless a specific exception is identified to the NRC. The BWRVIP inspection and evaluation reports applicable to Plant Hatch reactor assembly components would be:

  • BWRVIP-74 RPV Shell and Heads, Nozzles, and Appurtenances* BWRVIP-76 Shroud (including repair hardware) The inspectors reviewed licensing basis documents, AMP administrative procedures, and implementing inspection and test procedures to verify that the program was developed as described in the LRA and the corresponding SER. Additionally, the inspectors reviewed final examination data sheets, and portions of the corresponding digital video disks (DVDs), for the visual examinations of the reactor vessel internal components listed below, to verify that the implementation of the program was in accordance with the established procedures, and consistent with the program attributes described in the in the licensing basis documents.
  • RPV Interior Surfaces - Component ID: RPV Int 045-090 deg (DVD 31)
  • Jet Pump Riser Welds - Component ID: JP 16 RS-2 (DVD 17)
  • Steam Dryer Vertical Partition Welds - Component ID: Bank 3 to 2 Vertical Partition Weld 3 (DVD 4)
  • Steam Dryer Horizontal Welds - Component ID: Upper Horizontal Hood 5 Weld (DVD 01) (2) Review of License Renewal Commitment Changes The inspectors identified that no changes were made to the commitment items selected for review. The review of remaining license renewal commitment changes would be completed during the second implementation phase of inspection procedure 71003. (3) Review of Newly-Identified SSCs This inspection requirement would be completed during the second implementation phase of inspection procedure 71003. (4) Review of the Description of AMPs and Time-Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA) in the UFSAR Supplement The review of the description of AMPs and TLAAs in the UFSAR supplement submitted pursuant 10 CFR 54.21(d) would be completed during the second implementation phase of inspection procedure 71003.

b. Findings and Observations

No findings were identified. The inspectors determined that the licensee met the license renewal commitments, license conditions, and applicable regulatory requirements for the inspection samples selected for review. The inspectors determined that the overall implementation of Aging Management Program activities reviewed during the Unit 1 spring 2012 refueling outage was consistent with the license renewal commitments. The inspectors also determined that the licensee had administrative controls in place to ensure completion of pending actions scheduled both prior and during the period of extended operation.

The inspectors identified the two observations described below, which if identified during the PEO, would be characterized as performance deficiencies, and processed in accordance with NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0612, "Power Reactor Inspection Reports." These observations are subject to follow-up inspection during the second implementation phase of inspection procedure 71003 to provide reasonable assurance that the license renewal commitments are met. (1) Observation for Commitment Item 6, Galvanic Susceptibility Inspections The inspectors identified that the licensee did not conduct a non-destructive examination (NDE) activity for WO SNC105364 in accordance with the administrative controls described in the UFSAR supplement for license renewal. The team identified that a radiographic examination performed under this WO was not fully prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate to the circumstances, in accordance with the applicable quality assurance controls described in the UFSAR supplement. Specifically, the licensee selected a radiographic examination method (i.e., digital radiography) which was not discussed in any of the implementing procedures for the Aging Management Program. While the selected method provided effective results to identify the aging effects of concern under this program, the activity was not performed following the quality assurance standards described in the UFSAR for license renewal activities. This issue had no impact on plant safety and the selected examination method was demonstrated to be effective in identifying the aging effects of concern.

The licensee entered this issue into the site's CAP as Condition Report (CR) 417114. (2) Observation for Commitment Item 7, Treated Water Systems Piping Inspection Program The inspectors noted that one of the criteria for unacceptable relevant indications in implementing visual inspection procedure 42IT-QCX-006-0 of this AMP was, "any corrosion or erosion that is judged to reduce the pressure retaining wall thickness by more than 10% before the end of the period of extended operation." Based on discussions with the license's NDE examiners during field observations, the inspectors identified that the examiners were looking for actual indications of 10% or more in wall thickness reduction rather than indications that could reach the 10% wall reduction during the PEO. The inspectors determined that the examiner's understanding of the inspection criterion for percentage of wall reduction was inconsistent with the criteria established in the implementing procedures for this AMP. Additionally, the implementing visual inspection procedure did not provide specific guidance for the examiners to identify what indications could reduce the pressure retaining wall thickness by more than 10% before the end of the PEO. This issue had no impact on plant safety and the selected examinations observed by the inspectors did not identify unacceptable relevant indications that would be affected by the misapplication of the 10% wall thickness criterion.

The licensee entered this issue into the site's CAP as CR 417115.

4OA6 Management Meetings

.1 Exit Meeting Summary

On March 02, 2012, the inspectors presented the inspection results to Mr. W. L. Bargeron, Plant Manager, and other members of the licensee staff. The licensee acknowledged the issues presented. The inspectors confirmed that none of the potential report input discussed was considered proprietary.




Licensee Personnel

D. So, License Renewal Engineer
J. Hornbuckle, Materials Programs-Corporate
S. Tipps, Principal Licensing Engineer
W.L. Bargeron, Plant Manager




Opened and Closed






42IT-PES-003-0, Gas Systems Component Inspection Program, Version 2.0 42IT-PES-004-0, Treated Water Systems Piping Inspections Program, Version 2.0 42IT-PES-005-0, RHR Heat Exchanger Augmented Inspection And Testing Program, Version 1.0 42IT-QCX-002-0, Galvanic Susceptibility Procedure, Version 2.0 42IT-QCX-005-0, Gas Systems Component Inspection Program:
General Examination
Procedure, Version 2.0 42IT-QCX-006-0, Treated Water Systems Piping Inspections Program:
Visual Examination Procedure, Version 2.0
AMP-GSI-OTI, Galvanic Susceptibility Inspections Program, Version 1.0
NMP-ES-010, SNC BWR Vessel & Internals Program (HNP), Version 6.2
NMP-ES-011, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Program, Version 11.0
NMP-ES-024-206, Visual Examination of the Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals, Version 10.0
NMP-ES-024-510, Ultrasonic Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Examination Procedure, Version 6.0
NMP-ES-024-601, Radiographic Examination, Version 4.1

Work Orders

WO SNC099460 - License Renewal Inspection: 1E11-F028A Valve Modification, 03/01/12WO SNC105364 - License Renewal Inspection: Inspect Dissimilar Metal Welds in Component
WO SNC106929 - License Renewal Inspection: Remove Pipe Cap/Inspect 1E41F123B Test Valve WO SNC106965 - License Renewal Inspection: TWSPI Inspection of 1E21D001B Restricting Orifice and Piping, 02/29/12 WO SNC108088 - License Renewal Inspection: Disassemble/Inspect 1E51D003 Steam Supply Steam Trap in RCIC Room, 03/01/12 WO SNC108091 - License Renewal Inspection: Disassemble/Inspect 1E51D005 Minimum Flow Bypass Restrictive Orifice WO SNC108319 - License Renewal Inspection: Inspect Outboard and Inboard Steam Isolation Valve 1E41F003/F002 WO SNC108343 - License Renewal Inspection: Drywell Sump Cooler, 1G11B001 Inlet
WO SNC108354 - License Renewal Inspection: 1P42/1B31 Sample D-1-1
WO SNC108389 - License Renewal Inspection: Volumetric UT Thickness of 1C11 SCRAM Discharge Header Elbow, 2/24/12 WO SNC339429 - License Renewal Inspection: Inspect Component 1E11F103A WO SNC360464 - License Renewal Inspection: Perform Visual Inspection of Min Flow Bypass Check Valve 1E51F021 and Connecting Piping up to MOV 1E51F019, 2/28/12


Armstrong Machine Works Drawing No. 5133 - MPL No.
E51-D003, RCIC Steam Supply Trap, 11/12/69
H-11716, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, CRDHS Hangers & Restraints, 5/27/86 H-45370, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Main Steam Drains FAC Inspection Isometric, Revision 3.0
HB-16062, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Nuclear Boiler System Sheet 1 - ISI Boundary Diagram, Revision 7.0
HB-16331, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Core Spray System, Version 7.0
HB-16334, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, RCIC system, Sheet No. 1, Version 9.0
HL-16334, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, RCIC system PI&D, Sheet No. 1, Version 5.0
HL-16335, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1, RCIC system PI&D, Sheet No. 2, Version 4.0 P52-F-554, P52 Instrumentation Isometric Drawing, Rev. 1 234A9302RJ Sheet 2, General Electric IDS Recirculation System Drawing, Rev. 20 CC00948, Gate Valve (W/SB-2 Limitorque Operator), 08/26/98

Condition Reports

CR 415576, MWO Work Instructions Incorrectly Identify TE in Thermowell, 02/28/12
CR 417112, License Renewal Inspection Visual Exam Guidance, 03/01/12
CR 417113, General Guidance for Performing License Renewal Visual Exams Present Vulnerability, 03/01/12
CR 417114, Choice of NDE for License Renewal Inspections, 03/01/12
CR 417115, Consistency Between Procedure Criteria And Implementation In The Field, 03/01/12

Other Documents

Calibration Record for Ultrasonic Digital Thickness Gage Serial
100114412, 01/06/12
Ultrasonic Transducer Certification for Serial
736284 NDE Examiner Certification for NDE S12H1U563, 01/31/12 S12H1U563, Ultrasonic Flow Accelerated Corrosion Report, 3/1/12 Certified Test Report for UT Couplant Ultragel
II-11225, 03/29/11 UT Calibration Block Certification for Serial 06-3446