IR 05000353/1988020

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Insp Rept 50-353/88-20 on 880808-12.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program Implementation Requirements & Preoperational Test Procedures Activities in Qa/Qc Interface W/Preoperational Test Program
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1988
From: Eapen P, Vankessel H
Shared Package
ML20154Q808 List:
50-353-88-20, NUDOCS 8810040077
Download: ML20154Q819 (10)





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Report N Docket N License No. ,CPPR-107 Category B Licensee: Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 Facility Name: Limerick Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 Inspection At: Limerick, Pennsylvania Inspection Conducted: August 8 - 12, 1988 Inspector: * h' Sf84lIf Henri F. vanKessel, Reactor Engineer date Approved by: N. 9 4 !II p P. K.Section, rapen,EB,Chief,'5pecial Test Programs datc DRS Inspection Summary: Routine Unannounced Inspection on August 8-12, 1988 (Inspection Report No. 353/88-20)

Areas Inspected: Preoperational test program, including the review of the preoperational test program implementation requirements, preoperational test procedures activities in the QA/QC interface with the preoperational test program, the test witnessing of preoperational test for Emergency Diesel Generator C and for the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System (2P23.1)

Results: No violations were identifie PDR G80919 O ADOCK 05000353 PDC

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. . Persons Contacted 1.1 Philadelphia Electric Company (PEco)

  • J. Corcoran, Manager Quality Assurance
  • 0. A. 01Paolo, Supririntendent Unit 2 QA
  • R. Hatton, Quality Engineer (Bechtel)

J. Higgins, Startup Engineer C. Howard, Startup Engineer

  • C. Kelly, QA Engineer (Bechtel)

D. Kelsey, PM N ardinator G. Lauderback, S/U QC Supervisor

  • K. W. Meck, Asst Supt. QA W. L. McCullough, Project Startup Engineer (Bechtel)

J. W. Hehaffy,-QA Engineer

  • R. L. Payne, Of, Engineer L. Perkowski, Sr. Technical Assistant, I&C Branch
  • R. P. Roe, QC-NDE Level III
  • D. L. Schmidt, QC-NDE Level I!!
  • G. Stout, Quality Engineer (Bechtel)

G. Strong, Startup Engineer

  • W. T. Ullrich, Startup Manager Unit 2
  • R. D. Weingard, Engineer, I&C 1.2 LS. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • A. McBrearty, Reactor Engineer R. L. Fuhrmeister, Resident Inspector
  • R. A. Gramm, Senior Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present during exit meeting held on August 12, 198 .0 Preoperational Test Program 2.1 Preoperational Test Procedure Review (70336)

Preoperational test procedure 2P49.1, Residual Heat Removal System, was reviewed for the following attributes:

  • Management review and approval
  • Procedure format
  • Clarity of stated objectives
  • Prerequisites
  • Environmental conditions

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  • Acceptance cr?ieria and their sources
  • References
  • Initial conditions
  • Attainment of test objectives
  • Test perfoi-mance documentation and verification
  • Degree of detail for test instructions
  • Restcration of system to normal after testing
  • Identification of test personnel
  • Evaluation of test data
  • Independent verification of critical steps or parameters
  • Quality cuntrol and assurance involvement No noncompliances were identified by the inspector within the scope of this inspectio .2 Test witnessing The inspector witnessed the following testt
  • post Bearing Reconditioning Run-In Test for Standby Diesel Generator * Preoperational Test 2P23.1, Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Syste Test witnessing by the inspector included observations of the following attributes:
  • Overall crew performance
  • Use of latest revised and approved procedure by test personnel
  • Designation of one person in charge of conducting the tests
  • Availability of sufficient test personnel to perform the tests
  • Coverage of test prerequisites

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  • Use of acceptance criteria to evaluate test results

Verification that plant supporting systems are in service

In-service status of calibrated special test equipment required by the test procedure

Adherence to the test requirements of the test procedure during the testc

  • Timely and correct action by test personnel during the performance of the tests

Data collection for final analysis by test personnel The run-in test of D/G-C was performed in accordance with test instructions orovided by the vendo Inese same instructions were also used for the run in test of D/G-A (See Inspection Report 50-353/88-17).

The following run-in schedule was used in terms of percent load versus time period:

Hours  % Load 1 25 1 3 .5 3 7 .5 3 100 The inspector made independent readings from the local panel instrument Pyrometur readings showed a maximum temperature differential of 200'F versus a max allowable of 300' The pressure dif ferential on the lube oil strainer did not exceed the allowable 10 psid. The actus1 max, pressure differential was 5 psi Problems had been experienced prior to this test with the thermostatic bypass valve of the Jacket water system. This control valve contad-power pill which controls valve notion. It contro11ea the jacke4 a at too low a temperature (144*F which is well belew the optimum cor.or '

range of 155-160*F). Temporary (non-qualified) replacement power pills had been installed to permit test continuatio The new power pill was controlling the jacket water at slightly below the optimum range, at 154 A non-conformance report (224A-618/5-30M) was issued to address the proble ,





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There was a test exception for the crankcase vacuum which was too low (.3 inches of water). The desired range is .4 to 2.5 inches of wate The orifice which controls this vacuum will be modified to prov*de 1 inches of water of vacuu The test was successfully concluded following the run-in schedule ;hown above. No unacceptable conditions were noted during this test. The inspector witnessed selected steps of preoperational test procedure 2P23.1 for the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System, Startup Subsystem 23 Problems were experienced with Level Alarm Switches LISHL 20-220A-D for the high and low level alarms of the diesel fuel oil storage tanks. The switches are designed for tanks of 30 feet height or below. The actual height of the storage tanks is about 3 feet. Control action therefore is taking place over a very small angle on the circular cam (about 7'). Four test exceptions were issued against the high and low level alarm steps of the procedure during the witnessing period. Recalibration of these level alarm switches is planned by the licensee. The inspector will follow all of these test exceptions during future NRC inspections. Apart from the level alarm switch problems, no unacceptable conditions were note . QA/QC Interface (35301)

The QA Audits and Surveillances listed in Attachment A were reviewed to ascertain the continued QA/QC involvement with the preoperational test progra With reference to the finding in audit 25-96, as reported in inspection report 50-353/88-17, concerning the timely provision of the input for the PM Data Base prior to system turnover, the licensee had taken the follow-up action to address the inspector's concer The decision for the Project Startup Engineer, not to sign the turnover document unless the input for the PM Data Base had been sent to the Startup PM Coordinator, has been incorporated in Startup Adninistrative procedure A06.1, "System / Component Turnover to PECo."

In Surveillance Check Repert 25-041, a water spill incident was investig:ted. Water ' "" 4000 gals) was accidentally dumped from the RHR System via the di... supply to the .aain steam MSRV into the Unit 2 Orywell . As part m '" rrective action taken, PECo Startup advised personnel that in the (w .;e they are to open tell-tale valve (s) outside the test boundary to ascertain any through laakag The inspector enquired whether the licensee plans to incorporate opening of the tell tale valves as a precaution in the portinent test procedure (s).

Startup management agreed to review this matter for feasibility. The inspector will follow the resolution of the above action during future NRC inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ - - .


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In Finding Report 25-157 (Audit Report 25-090) it was found That Blue Tag Testing had not been performed to the latest revision of drawing M71-48(2),i.e.20BR. In addition, drawing M71-48-24BR was used without amendments when amendment FMC-M-2031 was activ Both documents were current at the time of the start of the tes It was determined that this oversight did not affect the test. The correctics action was to provide additianal training to field engineers and startup perscnnel to identify the latest design document revision, including outstanding change docu-ments, via "system 38" (Network Computer Program). The inspector enquired whether the licensee plans to revise applicable administrative procedures to require that the drawing revisions be checked for latest status prior to the test and that the effects of drawing changes be reviewed for their impact on the test procedure and the validity of the test data obtained from the test. Startup management agreed to review this matte Independent Effort A review was made of the calibration records for the indicating instruments, listti in Attachment B for Standby Diesel Generator C local panel F It was found that the use of calibration stickers for instruments on local and controi room panels was discontinued in early 1988 as a result of an INPO recommandation to PEco. Calibration records, however, are being >

maintained. A calibration sheet was found for all of the instrumerts listed in Attachment i i It was noted that th) calibration frequency was not shown on the i

individual calibration sheets. This inforr ation, however, is provided in the CHAMPS preventive mainterance computer output. The calibration frequency of all of the instrumente listed in Attachment B was 'ound to be 3 years (every othe ' refueling outage). It was concluded that all of the instruments of Attachment B had a valid calibratio The inspector also reviewed evidence on the timely transmittal of the

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Date Base information prior to system turn over. The inspector verified that the fo11 ewing transmittals were ,

accomplitned prior to the turnover date, t Speedletter to G. Feenstra, S/U Supervisor, from D. Kelsey, PM Coordinator, on S/U System 28E, 0/G Enclosure HVAC System, dated 5-11-88.

. *,eedletter to R. Ballou, GE Startup. from D. Kelsey, PM ordinator, on S/U System 76F, Post Accident Sampling, dated

' 16-88.

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7 Sneedletter to R. Ballou, GE Startup, from D. Kelsey, PM Coordinator, on S/U System 63A, Safeguards Piping Fill, Jated 5-13-8 All of the above speed letters transmitted the following data for review:

Unit 2 CHAMPS data sheets

  • Unit 1 PM Baseline Data marked up for Unit 2
  • Unit 1 Lube List marked up for Unit 2 5. Plant Tours The inspector made several tours of the plant including the Reactor Enclosures to observe the status of construction, work in progress, housekeeping, testing activities and cleanlines No unacceptable conditions were note . Exit Interview At the conclusion of the site inspection, on August 12, 1988 an exit interview was conducted with the licensee's senior sitc representatives (denoted in Section 1). The findings were identified and previous inspection items were discusse At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector. Based on the NRC Region I review of this report and discussions held with licensee representatives during this inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restrictions.


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Attachment A Review of Audit / Surveillance Reports Report _N Description Prep. Date 25-41 Investigation of Water Spill into Drywell 08-05-88 1.tnit 2 during RHR test 2F4 Blue Tag Testing of 2P-54A, 07-05-88

"Emergency Service Water" 25-89 Preop. Testing of System 2-91A, 04-28-88

"Control Room Annunciation" 25-90 Blue Tag Testing of Startup System 05-12-88 24A, Standby Diesel Generators 25-91 Witnessing of preoperational test 05-04-88 IP4.1, 4KV Safeguards Power 25-92 Witnessing of Preop. Test 2P17.1, 05-25-88

"Instrument AC Power"25-200 Control test equipment for Unit 2 S/U support 06-08-88

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Attachment B Limerick 2

"C" Diesel Generator local Panel Instruments Cal. Sheet Instrument N Description Available Cal. Date Cal. Due Date l I I I PIGA-221C lS. avenging Air Pressure l Yes l02-04-88 levery 3 yetr-


Water "Pressure (R)l Yes l02-04-88 l


PIGA-220C lICC (B)l l l l Engine Suction l Yes l06-22-88 l


l Temp. (B) l l l


TIGA-201C l Pump Disch. Temp. (R) '

Yes 104-?.9-88 l l Fuel Oil Pressure, to Yes l04-29-88 l


l Engine (k) l l l PI20-225-C-1 l Fuel Oil Pressure, to l l l

[ Filter (B) l l l l Fuel Oil Pressure, to l l l


l Engine (R) l Yes l04-29-88 l PI20-225-C-2 l Fuel Oil Pressure, to l l l l Filter (B) l l l


lSA Pressure #1 (R) l Yes l06-22-88 l PIGA-230C lSA Pressure #2 (B) l l l lJW Header Disch Temp. l Yes 106-20-88 l TIGA-210C l Pump Suction Tem,a. (B) l l l


l Lube Oil Header Pr ess l l04-30-88 l l(R) l l l PIGA-201C l Lube Oil Turbo (B) l l l l Lube Oil to Engine l Yes l04-30-88 l l Press (R)  ! l l PIGA-202C l Lube Oil Pump Disch.(B)l l l lICC Temp. (R) l Yes l06-20-88 l TIGA-220C lAC " (B) l l l PGGA-201C l Crankcase Vacuum, l Yes l04-30-88 l PIGA-222C l Turbo Blower Vaccum, l Yes 102-04-88 l l

l inches l l l


TIGA-222C l Pyrometer (Diesel) l Yes 106-16-88 l


SIGA-201C* l Speed, rpm l Yes 106-18-88 l


PDI-20-224C-1 l Pressure Inttereutial l Yes l04-30-88 l '

P01-20-224C-2 l Pressure Interreutial l Yes 104-30-88 l


A/CG-501-1 lNullmeter l Yes 106-04-88 l

" " "

W/ lKW l Yes l06-04-88 l

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Attachme'nt B 2

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VAR " [ VAR l Yes 106-04-88 l V/ " l Generator Output l Yes l06-06-88 l


IVoltage l l l AF/ " l Generator Field Current l Yes l06-08-88 l


VF/ " l Generator Field Voltage l Yes l06-03-88 l



F/ l Frequency Meter l Yes l06-10-88 l


  • New identification: SI-MI-274-1


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