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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000352/199002115 November 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-21 & 50-353/90-20 on 900827-31.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emeergency Preparedness ProgramSiren
IR 05000352/199002218 October 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-22 & 50-353/90-21 on 900912-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Engineering Organization,Staffing,Communications,Mgt Support,Design Changes & Mod Process
IR 05000352/199002012 October 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-20 & 50-353/90-19 on 900813-0916.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Radiation Protection,Surveillance & Maint,Emergency Preparedness & Security
IR 05000352/19900193 August 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-19 & 50-353/90-18 on 900709-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Control Program,Including Organization & Staffing,Training & Qualification of Personnel & Applied Health Physics
IR 05000352/19900173 August 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-17 & 50-353/90-16 on 900522-0701. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Radiation Protection,Surveillance & Maint,Emergency Preparedness,Security,Engineering & Technical Support
ML20055F56225 June 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-80 & 50-353/90-80 on 900521-25.Plant Transient Response Implementing Plan (Trip) Procedures Technically Acceptable.Major Areas Inspected:Comparison of Trip Procedures W/Specific Technical Guidelines
IR 05000352/199000311 February 1990Insp Repts 50-352/90-03 & 50-353/90-03 on 900116-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Design & Surveillance Program for Compliance W/Atws as Described in 10CFR50.62 & NUREG-0991,SSER 9
IR 05000353/198908127 September 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-81 on 890731-0804.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Readiness of Licensee to Safely Conduct Power Operations at Facility Considering near-term Full Power LicensingStroke time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Grace period
IR 05000352/198901522 September 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-15 & 50-353/89-24 on 890626-0730.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint & Surveillance Testing,Review of LERs & Periodic Repts & Operational Events.Viewgraphs from 890724 Meeting Encl
IR 05000352/19890177 September 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-17 & 50-353/89-25 on 890724-27.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Effectiveness of Training Conducted to Correct Inability of Operators to Properly Classify Events in Escalating Emergency
IR 05000352/19890165 September 1989Insp Rept 50-352/89-16 on 890807-11.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Corporate Engineering Group & Support Provided to Facility & Mods Performed During Plant Second Refueling Outage
IR 05000353/19892018 August 1989Corrective Action Insp Rept 50-353/89-201 on 890424-28. Plant Design Meets Licensing Commitments.Major Areas Inspected:Mechanical Sys,Verification of Nonstandard Computer Codes & Incorrect Nameplate for RHR Pump MotorSafe Shutdown
Finite Element Analysis
High Energy Line Break
Water hammer
IR 05000352/198901228 July 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-12 & 50-353/89-19 on 890529-0625. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint & Surveillance Testing,Review of Lers,Periodic Repts & Operational Events & Sys WalkdownsHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Fire Barrier
Fuel cladding
Fire Watch
IR 05000352/198901420 July 1989Enforcement Conference Rept 50-352/89-14 on 890717.Major Items Discussed:Findings of NRC Insp Rept 50-352/89-14 Re Shipment of Seavan to Vendor Site in Oakridge,Tn
IR 05000353/198902013 July 1989Preoperational Safety Insp Rept 50-353/89-20 on 890530-0621. Programs Adequate to Support Testing & Startup.Major Areas Inspected:Control of Radioactive Matl & Contamination, Surveys & Monitoring,Facilities & Equipment & ALARAHigh Radiation Area
Non-Destructive Examination
Locked High Radiation Area
ML20246K5777 July 1989Reactive Insp Rept 50-352/89-14 on 890629.Violation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances Surrounding Shipment of Seavan to Quadrex Recycle Ctr
IR 05000353/19890215 July 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-21 on 890530-0602.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Activities Re NRC Bulletin 79-14 Concerning Pipe Supports & Preservice Insp of Piping & Components
IR 05000352/198901119 June 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-11 & 50-353/89-17 on 890522-26 & 0607. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Changes to Emergency Preparedness Program,Emergency Facilities,Equipment, Instrumentation & Supplies
IR 05000353/198902315 June 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-23 on 890605-07.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Liquid & Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Control Programs & Solid Radwaste Program Including Installations,Testings & CalibrOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Post Accident Monitoring
IR 05000353/198901817 May 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-18 on 890429-0506.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Structural Integrity Test Procedures & Implementation & Qa/Qc Involvement W/Integrity Test Procedures
IR 05000353/198920012 May 1989Independent Const Assessment Insp Rept 50-353/89-200 on 890330-31.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Final S&W Independent Const Assessment Rept & Licensee Action Re Deficiencies & Issues Identified During OverviewNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
IR 05000352/198900911 May 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-09 & 50-353/89-15 on 880329-0423. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Radiological Controls,Surveillance Testing,Maint,Emergency Preparedness,Security & Engineer/Technical SupportSafe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Stroke time
Fire Watch
IR 05000353/198901319 April 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-13 on 890227-0316.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program Implementation,Preoperational Test Procedures,Preoperational Test Results & Qa/Qc Involvement in Test ProgramLocal Leak Rate Testing
IR 05000352/198900814 April 1989Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Repts 50-352/89-08 & 50-353/89-14 on 890307-09 & 20-23 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Action on Previously Identified Items & Security Program Plans
IR 05000353/19890117 April 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-11 on 890213-0326.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Work Activities,Security Implementation,Environ Qualification of Equipment & Proposed Tech SpecsSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Stroke time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Scram Discharge Volume
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000352/19890037 April 1989Insp Rept 50-352/89-03 on 890227-0326.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Routine Daytime & Backshift Operations,Including Plant Tours,Observations of Maint & Surveillance Testing & Review of Lers & Periodic ReptsSafe Shutdown
Weld Overlay
High Energy Line Break
Missed surveillance
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML20244D4893 April 1989Insp Rept 50-352/89-07 on 890306-10.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp Activities to Ascertain Activities Conducted Per Applicable ASME Code & Regulatory Requirements & Licensee Response to Generic Ltr 88-01Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
IR 05000353/19890073 April 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-07 on 890126-0203.No Violations, Deviations or Unresolved Items Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Programs That Identify & Control Specific Differences in Design & Const of Both Units
IR 05000352/198802431 March 1989Insp Rept 50-352/88-24 on 881107-1218.No Apparent Vulnerabilities in Balance of Plant Found Which Have,To Date,Contributed to Reactor Challenges,I.E.,Recurrent Scrams.Major Areas inspected:balance-of-plant SysUltimate heat sink
Stroke time
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fuel cladding
IR 05000353/198820323 March 1989Insp Rept 50-353/88-203 on 890103-06.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:S&W Evaluation of Closed Action Items, Observation Repts to Reflect Action Item Unresolved Issues & Status of Compliance W/Previous InspSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
High Energy Line Break
Battery sizing
Water hammer
IR 05000353/198901222 March 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-12 on 890224-0303.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Insp Findings,Procedure Reviews,Qa/Qc Interfaces & Tours of Facility
IR 05000352/198908021 March 1989Maint Team Insp Repts 50-352/89-80 & 50-353/89-80 on 890130-0210.Weaknesses Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Program & Program Implementation,Including Equipment Walkdowns & Observation of Maint Work
IR 05000352/198900417 March 1989Insp Rept 50-352/89-04 on 890124-0226.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Tours,Observations of Maint & Surveilance Testing & Review of Lers,Periodic Repts, Operational Events & Sys WalkdownsSafe Shutdown
Missed surveillance
Fuel cladding
IR 05000353/198901010 March 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-10 on 890206-16.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program Implementation,Preoperational Test Procedures,Preoperational Test Results & Qa/Qc Involvement in Test ProgramTemporary Modification
IR 05000352/19890067 March 1989Insp Repts 50-352/89-06 & 50-353/89-06 on 890123-27. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Safe Shutdown Capability of Plant in Event of FireSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
IR 05000352/19890052 March 1989Safety Insp Repts 50-352/89-05 & 50-353/89-08 on 890130- 0203.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radiological Controls Program,Including Unit 1 Outage Activities & Changes to Health Physics OrganizationHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
IR 05000353/19890091 March 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-09 on 890131-0207.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Overall Power Ascension Program Including Training for Test Engineers.Two Unresolved Items Identified Including Limiting Control Rod WithdrawalShutdown Margin
IR 05000352/198900122 February 1989Insp Rept 50-352/89-01 on 890117-20.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation in Accordance W/Reg Guide 1.97, Rev 2Post Accident Monitoring
High Energy Line Break
IR 05000353/198900314 February 1989Insp Rept 50-353/89-03 on 890109-19.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Overall Power Ascension Program, Including Procedure Review,Qa/Qc Interfaces & Tour of Facility
IR 05000353/198802528 October 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-25 on 8880912-1016.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Work Activities,Procedures,Records Re Spent Fuel Pool Racks,Preoperational Test Procedure Review, Startup Test Activities,Engineering & Deficiency ReptsSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
IR 05000353/198802218 October 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-22 on 880912-23.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program,Including Review of Implementation Requirements,Preoperational Test Procedures & Integrated Sys Flush Test
IR 05000353/198802411 October 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-24 on 880912-15.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Installation of safety-related Instrumentation Components & Status of Previously Identified Open Items
IR 05000353/19880266 October 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-26 on 880927-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corporate Emergency Support Program,Staffing,Training,Mgt Support & Communications
ML20207K8684 October 1988Daytime & Backshift/Holiday Insps of 880815-0924.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Tours,Sys Walkdowns,Observations of Maint & Surveillance & Review of LERs & Periodic Repts.Supporting Info EnclUltimate heat sink
Fuel cladding
Power change
IR 05000353/198802128 September 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-21 on 880808-0911.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Work Activities,Procedures,Records Relative to Preoperational & Technical Tests,Independent Design & Const Assessment & WeldingNondestructive Examination
IR 05000352/198801823 September 1988Insp Rept 50-352/88-18 on 880816-19.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Fire Protection/Prevention Program, Including Program Administration & Organization,Equipment Maint,Insp & Test,Qa Audits & Facility ToursSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000353/198820023 September 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-200 on 880808-12.Insp Scope & Objective: Independent Design & Const Assessment Review Plans Prepared in Sufficient Technical Depth to Permit Adequate Evaluation of Design & Const of FacilitySafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Nondestructive Examination
High Energy Line Break
Battery sizing
IR 05000353/198802014 September 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-20 on 880808-12.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program Implementation Requirements & Preoperational Test Procedures Activities in Qa/Qc Interface W/Preoperational Test Program
IR 05000353/19880178 September 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-17 on 880725-29.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program,Including Review of Implementation Requirements,Procedures & Test Witnessing of Emergency Diesel Generator a
IR 05000353/19880192 September 1988Insp Rept 50-353/88-19 on 880808-12.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preservice Insp Activities to Ascertain Whether Licensee Activities Conducted in Compliance W/Applicable ASME CodeDissimilar Metal Weld