IR 05000353/1989003

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Insp Rept 50-353/89-03 on 890109-19.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Overall Power Ascension Program, Including Procedure Review,Qa/Qc Interfaces & Tour of Facility
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/1989
From: Blumberg N, Marilyn Evans
Shared Package
ML20235F840 List:
50-353-89-03, 50-353-89-3, NUDOCS 8902230028
Download: ML20235F846 (9)


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. Report N /89-03 Docket N License N CPPR-107 Licensee: . Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101

. Facility Name: Limerick Generating Station, Unit 2 Inspection At: Limerick, Pennsylvania

. Inspection Conducted: January 9-19, 1989 Inspectors: DM . kn2/vtd>

Michele G. Evans, Reactor Engineer date Division of. Reactor Safety-Approved by: -!

Norman J. B16mberg, Chief J'

/ Y date '

Operations Section, Operations Granch, DRS Inspection Summary: Inspection on January 9-19,* 1989 (Report No. 50-353/89-03)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the overall power ascension program including procedure reviews, QA/QC interfaces and tours of the facilit Results: No violations were identified. Licensee' preparations for the initial startup of the facility were reviewed and determined to be far advanced relative to a projected fuel load date of June 1,198 of 159 startup test procedures were provided to the inspector for review prior to the conclusion of the inspection. Thirty test procedures were reviewed and determined to be adequate. Preparations for startup including staffing of the startup organization and QA/QC plans for monitoring and reviewing test results- l were found to be progressing adequatel j Note: For acronyms not defined in report, refer to NUREG-0544, " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms."

gRo2230028 890214 o ADOCK 05000353 PDC b -

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L DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Philadelphia Electric Company D. Di Paolo, Superintendent, Unit 2 Quality Assurance (QA).

G. Edwards, Operations Transition Manager J. Hutton, Start-Up Operatione Coordinator G. Lauderback, Supervisor, Unit 2 Start-Up Quality Control-A. S. MacAinsh, Manager, Limerick; Quality J. McElwain, Superintendent, Technical Monitoring

  • J. Mehaffey, QA Engineer R. Stipcevich,. Project Engineer G. Tepper,. Electrical Construction Engineer
  • W. Ullrich,: Manager, Unit.2 Start-Up
  • H. Weigle,~ Superintendent, Unit 2 Start-Up Operations General Electric
  • D. Atkinson, Start-Up NSSS Test. Supervisor J
  • A. Jenkins, Start-Up Test Program Supervisor


NRC! Personnel

  • R. Fuhrmeister, Resident Inspector
  • R. Gramm, Senior' Resident Inspector

The inspector also contacted other members of the licensee's Operations, Technical, Test and QA/QC staff .0 Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)

2.1 Overall Power Ascension Test Program Scope The documents used as references during this inspection are listed in Attachment A. The inspector reviewed the administrative procedures listed in Attachment B. The inspector also held discussions with the Startup Test Program Supervisor and the Startup NSSS Test Supervisor to review the approaches to be taken to assure adequate administration of the power ascension test program and to determine the current status of the power ascension test procedures necessary to implement the test program as defined in Chapter 14 of the FSAR.





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, -3-The inspector. verified that administrative measures have~been established to assure the following:

  • Test procedures are current prior:to us * Test personnel are knowledgeabl * Controls exist for' test procedure change * Interruption in-tests ~are controlle .

< * Tests are properly coordinate * Unusual events and test deficiencies are documente * Tests are schedule * Test results are reviewe * Test acceptance criteria are define * Proper retest and review are accomplished following test deficienc . correctio Findings The licensee's administration program was' determined to satisfy the above attributes. The licensce's administrative program' utilizes features from other recent startup programs and also utilizes normal station administrative controls were practicabl Of the 159 Startup Test Procedures-(STPs) needed to implement the PATP, 128 STPs had been transmitted to'the Senior Resident Inspector for NRC review at'the conclusion of this inspection. 64 of the 128'STPs had received formal station approvals while the remaining 64 STPs had received

- all approvals with the exception of the plant manage . The licensee had not finalized its staffing plans for the startup test organization, and will not do so until a later date, which is closer to the estimated fuel load date. Staffing will be further reviewed by the inspector during a subsequent inspectio Conclusions No unacceptable conditions were identified. The licensee's administrative controls, procedure status and staffing plans were found to be adequate.

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_4 2.2 . Poy9r Ascension Test Procedure Review Prccedure Review Scope The licensee's PATP test procedures of Attachment C were reviewed for their conformance to the requirements and guidelines of the references

. listed in Attachment A and for the following attributes:

  • Appropriate management review ar.d approval has been accomplishe * Appropriate committee review has been accomplishe * Procedure is in the proper forma l
  • Test objectives are clearly stated and consistent with the FSA * Appropriate references are liste * Appropriate prerequisites and precautions have been include j I
  • Initial test conditions are specifie j
  • Acceptance criteria are clearly state * Provisions have been made to identify test equipment utilize * Provisions have been made to identify personnel performing the tes * The procedure is technically adequate and workabl * Temporary jumpers, installations and lifted leads are properly restore * Provisions have been made for recording, evaluating and approving test dat * Provisions have been made to identify test deficiencies and exceptions and to document their resolution Findings During review of STP's 6.0 and 6.1 the inspector noted a discrepancy between the STP acceptance criteria and the GE test specification regarding SRM count rate. In addition, during review of STP 16.0, the inspector noted a discrepancy between the test conditions identified in the GE test specification compared to the actual test procedure. The inspector discussed these discrepancies with the Startup NSSS Test Supervisor who acknowledged the inspector's concerns. Changes to the GE test specification will be prepared to correct these item _- ____ _-____ _ _ _ _

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-5- .j Conclusions No unacceptable conditions were identified. T.he procedures reviewed were found to satisfy the above attributes and to adequately meet the requirements and guidelines of-the reference .0 QA/QC Interfaces with the PATP The inspector held discussions with licensee representatives to determine the current involvement of QA/QC in the Power Ascension Test Progra Review of.Startup Test Procedures (STPs) is being conducted by the licensee's Quality Support Group. Monitoring of power ascension testing uc will be performed by the licensee's Technical-Monitoring Group. The Guidelines for test monitoring are currently being developed. At the time of this inspection, the licensee had not determined which QA/QC-group would be responsible for STP results review. The inspector will-further review QA/QC' involvement in power ascension test monitoring and STP results review in a future inspection following licensee formalization of their plan .0 Plant Tours The inspector made several tours of various areas of the facility'to


observe work in progress, housekeeping, cleanliness controls and status of construction activitie *

No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Exit Interview At the conclusion of the inspection on January 19, 1989 an exit meeting was' held with-licensee personnel (identified in Section 1.0) to discuss the inspection scope, findings and observations as detailed in this report. At no time during this inspection were written inspection findings provided to the licensee by the inspecto Based on NRC Region I review of this report and discussions held with licensee representatives during the inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to'10 CFR 2.790 restrictions, i

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. Attachment A References

  • Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2, August 1978, " Initial Test Program for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plant."

ANSI N18.7-1976, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants."

  • Limerick Generating Station Unit 2, Technical Specifications, DRAFT
  • Limerick Generating Station Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Chapter 14, " Initial Test Program."

= GE Specification, NEB 0 23A1918, Revision 2, "Startup Test Specification, Limerick Units 1 and 2."



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Attachment B Administrative Procedures Reviewed

  • Limerick Generating Station A-200, Startup Test Procedure Format and Content, Revision * Limerick Generating Station A-201, Startup Test Procedure Control, Revision * Limerick Generating Station A-202, Startup Test Implementation, Revision * Limerick Generating Station A-203, Startup Test Program Personnel Training and Qualification, Revision .

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l Attachment C Power Ascension Test Procedures' Reviewed Startup Test-Procedure (STP) - 2.0, Radiation Measurements'- Main Body, Revision 0, November 25, 198 .;

STP-2.1, Radiation Surveys, Revision 0, November.25; 198 'STP-6.0, . SRM Signal to Noise Ratio and Minimum Count' Rata Determination, Revision 0, September. 22, 198 STP-6.1, SRM Signal to Noise Ratio and Minimum Count Rate Determination, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-6.2, Approach to Criticality - SRM Response to Control Rod Withdrawal, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-6.3, SRM Non-Saturation Demonstration, Revision 1, September 22, 198 STP-10.0, IRM Performance - Main Body, Revision 1, December 16, 198 STP-10.1, SRM/IRM overlap, Revision 1, December'16, 198 STP-10.2, IRM Range 6-7 Continuity, Revision 1, December 16, 198 .

STP-10.3, IRM/APRM overlap, Revision 1, December 16, 1988 STP-11.0, LPRM Calibration - Main Body, Revision 0, January 11, 198 STP-11.1, Verification of Proper Connection of LPRM Detectors. and Readout Equipment, Revision 0, January 11, 198 STP-11.3, LPRM Calibration with Process Computer, Revision 0, January 11, 198 STP-11.4, LPRM Operational Verification During Rod Withdrawal, Revision . Janua ry 11, 198 STP-12.0, APRM Calibration-Main Body, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-12.1, Constant Heatup Rate APRM Calibration, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-12.2, Low Power APRM Calibration, hevision 0, September 22, 198 STP-12.3, High Power APRM Calibration, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-16.0, Selected Process Temperatures-Main Body, Revision 0, September 22, 198 ,

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I l STP-16.2, Bottom Head Drain Temperature, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-16.3, Recirculation Pump Trip Recovery Data, Revision 0, September 22, 198 STP-18.0, Trip Uncertainty - Main Body, Revi.sion 0, September 2, 198 STP-18.1, Trip Uncertainty - Determination, Revision 0, September 2, 198 '

STP-24.0, Turbine Valve Surveillance - Main Body, Revision 0, December 16, 198 STP-24.1, Stop Valve Testing, Revision 0, December 16, 198 STP-24.2, Control Valve Testing, Revision 0, December 16, 198 STP-24.3, Bypass Valve Testing, Revision 0, December 16, 198 STP-26.0, Relief Valves - Main Body, Revision 0, September 2, 198 STP-26.1, Relief Valve Low Pressure Test, Revision 0, September 2, 198 STP-26.2, Relief Valve Rated Pressure Test, Revision 0, September 2, 198