IR 05000352/1993031

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Insp Repts 50-352/93-31 & 50-353/93-31 on 931201.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Protected Area Physical Barriers & Detection Aids
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1993
From: Mccabe E, Ratta A
Shared Package
ML20059F411 List:
50-352-93-31, 50-353-93-31, NUDOCS 9401140014
Download: ML20059F416 (3)


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License / Docket / Report Nos.:NPF-39/50-352/93-31 NPF-85/50-353/93-31 Licensee: Philadelphia Electric Comoany j


2301 Market Street Philadelohia. Pennsylvania


Facility Name: Limerick Generating Station. Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: Limerick. Pennsylvania Inspection Conducted: December 1.1993


Inspectors: A C k M, h ,b 81N97 l A. Della Ratta, Physical Security inspector Date l D. F. Limroth, Senior Reactor Engineer


Approved By: $ 0 . b N , b- 2M91 j E. C. McCabe, Chief, Safeguards Section Date ;

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards j SCOPE


Protected Area Physical Barriers and Detection Aids l


Inspected aspects of the licensee's physical security program were determined to be appropriately i directed towards assuring public health and safety. Management support for the security i program continued to be a strength, as evident by the construction of a new access control center. No safety concerns or violations of regulatory requirements were identifie PDR ADDCK 05000352 G PDR

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Details Key Personnel Contacted ,

Licensce and Contractor Personnel l
  • M. Karney, Manager, Security - Limerick Generating Station (LGS)
  • D. Neff, Regulatory Engineer - LGS J. Karkoska, Chief Security Coordinator - LGS
  • L. Weikel, Chief Security Coordinator - LGS W. Semple, Technical Assistant - LGS
  • R. Kester, Site Captain - Protection Technology Inc. (PTI)

H. Murray, Security Officer - PTI U. S. Nuclear Reeulatory Commission - Reelon I

  • E. McCabe, Chief, Safeguards Section
  • N. Perry, Senior Resident Inspector T. Easlick, Resident Inspector M. Luarowitz, Reactor Engineer

Present at the telephone exit interview on December 15, 1993 , Purpose and Scope of the Inspection In August 1993, the licensee initiated construction of a new protected area (PA) access control center. That access control center was completed by November 15,1993, and was officially opened on November 29,1993. The purpose of this inspection was to determine if the PA barriers, access control equipment and intrusion detection systems (IDS) applicable to the new access control center were in compliance with NRC requirements. We also reviewed the action taken by the licensee for a cable pulling control concern initially inspected by an NRC inspector on November 12, 199 .0 Protected Area Physical Barriers and Detection Aids The inspectors conducted a physical inspection of the PA barrier in the Technical Support Center (TSC) addition on December 1,1993. The inspectors concluded, through observation and interviews with the licensee, that the barrier was installed in compliance with NRC requirements. The inspectors also inspected the access control equipment and the PA detection aids in the TSC addition and concluded that they were insalled and !

operated in compliance with NRC requirements. Additionally, the inspectors reviewed 1 the licensee's controls associated with cable pulls through conduit at the TSC additio This concern was initially inspected by an NRC inspector of a different discipline on November 15, 1993. The concern was for the potential for introduction of unauthorized material from the owner control area (OCA) side through the conduit into the P .. ..


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The inspectors determined that all cable was procedurally required to be pulled and -

fished through the conduit from the PA to the OCA side. No cases of any pulls in the i other direction were ident 11ed. Also, inspector review of conduit size and configuration !

concluded that attempts to introduce unauthorized material into the PA via this route were i unlikely to be successful. The inspectors concluded that there were adequate safeguards


against unauthorized material being introduced into the PA through the condui After initial NRC review, the licensee had initiated an additional control measure by ,

repositioning the security post at the TSC addition to the OCA side of the barrier to '

enhance the observing Security Officer's view. Inspector review concluded that this *

enhanced the safeguards against contraband being introduced through the conduit into the P .0 Exit Interview


The inspector conducted a telephone exit meeting with the licensee's representatives indicated in Paragraph 1.0 on December 15, 1993. At that time, the purpose and scope of the inspection were reviewed and the findings were presented. The licensee representatives acknowledged the inspection finding i n


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