IR 05000298/1993027

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Corrected Pages to Insp Rept 50-298/93-27 on 931220
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1994
Shared Package
ML20059F401 List:
50-298-93-27, NUDOCS 9401140076
Download: ML20059F582 (2)


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-2- ,

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'l ,

  • Licensed operator performance had improved since the last program ,

evaluation. The improvement in command and control and communications I was noteworthy (Section 1.6). l

  • Several individual performance errors were attributed directly to a lack-of effective self-checking by the examinees (Section 1.6).

Summary of Inspection Findinos:

  • Inspection Followup Item 298/9116-02 was closed (Section 2.1).
  • , Violations 298/9209-01 and 298/9320-01 were closed (Section 2.2).

Attachments: l

  • . Attachment 1 - Persons Contacted and Exit Meeting
  • Attachment 2 - Simulation Facility Report i


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i 9401140076 940111 PDR i

G ADOCK 0 N}OO298 l PDR  ;

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1.6 Conclusions The examiners concluded that the performance of all but one of the 16 licensed operators examined was acceptable (10 of 11 on full examinations). Further, the three crews examined in the simulator were found acceptable. The I examiners also concluded, based on the individual results, the examination i material submitted, and observations during the coadministered examinations, I that the licensed operator requalification training program was effectively j maintaining proficiency of licensed operator j I

The examiners also reviewed the most recent prior requalification examination i report, OL 91-02, dated February 10, 1992, for previous findings. That report I noted some minor weaknesses in command, control, and communications;  !

examination material; and second JPM performance. During these examinations, i the operators performed better in all of these area In general, the examiners concluded that: 1


  • Licensed operator performance had improved since the last program evaluation. The improvement in command and control and communications was noteworth * Several individual performance errors were attributed directly to a lack .

of effective self-checking by the examinee !

  • Two observations indicated that in-plant procedure validation was less (

thorough than possibl !


. Simulator fidelity was acceptable with no discrepancies observe . The licensed operator requalification program was satisfactor ,

t 2 FOLLOWUP Followup (92701) ]

(Closed) Inspection Followup Item (298/9116-02): Provide Linkage From the l Licensed Operator Task Elements to the Program Training and Testing Learning )

Objectives i


This item identified a failure of the licensee's program development process 2 to provide connecting linkage from task _ elements to program learning >



objectives. The licensee's response included the revalidation of the task !

lists for licensed positions and a creation of links between task list i knowledge and ability statements and program learning objectives. The inspector reviewed linkage documents and randomly sampled learning objectives ;

to knowledge and ability links for several classroom learning objectives. The l licensee is currently in the process of using the links created in response to i





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