IR 05000254/1985020

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Forwards Insp Repts 50-254/85-20 & 50-265/85-22 on 850610-14.Potential Enforcement Finding Re Inadequate 10CFR21 Review & One Open Item Noted.Notification Requested If Notice of Violation Not Issued within 1 Month.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1985
From: Grimes B
To: Norelius C
NUDOCS 8510310327
Download: ML20138L509 (1)


_ _ _ _ . _ . _ . October 25, 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Charles E. Norelius, Director Division of Reactor Projects


Region III


FROM: Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor i


and Technical Training Center Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement SUBJECT: QUAD CITIES INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-E54/85-020 AND 50-265/85-022


Enclosed is the report (and attendant Form 766) of the inspection performed at the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station by Messrs. R. Pettis, J. Craig, J. Petrosino, R. McIntyre, and Ms. N. Miegel of the Vendor Program Branch on June 10-14, 1985. The inspection report contains one potential enforcement finding 254/265-85-020/022-01 involving an inadequate 10 CFR 21 review performed by Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO). In addition, the inspection report contains one open iten (254/265-85-020/022-02). This potential violation and the open item are being referred to you for appropriate followup and resolutio If ycu do not plan to issue a Notice of Violation within the next month, please let me kno The Vendor Program Branch would like to thank Region III, particularly Mr. Al Madison and Mr. Al Morrongiello, for their cooperation in coordinating and conducting this inspectic If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please call R. Pettis (FTS 492-9039) or J. Craig (FTS 492-9043).

Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor and Technical Training Center Prngrams Office of Inspection and Enforcement Enclosures:

1. Inspection Report 50-254/85-020 and 50-265/85-022 2. Inspectors Report (Fonn 766)

3. Potential Enforcement Finding 254/265-85-020/022-01


DISTRIBUTION: w/o enclosures l .sES '

PDR VPB Reading

, DQAVT Reading

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8510310327 851025 PDR ADOCK 05000254 G PDR

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