B12388, Submits Addl Info Re Exemption Request Per 10CFR50,App R for Separation of Redundant Safe Shutdown Equipment in Svc Bldg Mens Locker Room (Fire Area S-9).Addl Cables Identified That Run Through Cable Chase.Diagram Encl

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Submits Addl Info Re Exemption Request Per 10CFR50,App R for Separation of Redundant Safe Shutdown Equipment in Svc Bldg Mens Locker Room (Fire Area S-9).Addl Cables Identified That Run Through Cable Chase.Diagram Encl
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1987
From: Mroczka E
B12388, NUDOCS 8701090361
Download: ML20207K224 (3)


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BERLIN, CO N N ECTIC U T P. O. BOX 270 H ARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 06101 Tat senowa 203-686 6911 January 6,1987 Docket No. 50-213 B12388 Re: 10CFR50, Appendix R U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


(1) W. G. Counsil letter to D. G. Eisenhut, dated March 1,1982,


Fire Protection.

(2) 3. A. Zwolinski letter to W. G. Counsil, dated Novembcr 14, 1934,


Exemption from the Requirements of Appendix R to 10 CFR 50, Sections II.G.2 and I!!.G.3.

(3) 3. F. Opeka letter to C. I. Grimes, dated June 13, 1986,


Haddam Neck Plant, Fire Protection Evaluation Shutdown System Availability Report.


Haddam Neck Plant Fire Protection - Men's Locker Room In Reference (1) CYAPCO requested an exemption from the provisions of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2 for separation of redundant safe shut-down equipment in the Service Building Men's Locker Room (Fire Area S-9). As shown in Figure 1, power cables for service water pumps A, B, C and D do not meet the separation requirements inside the cable chase in the Men's Locker Room.

In Reference (2), the NRC issued a safety evaluation on various Appendix R exemption requests. However, the exemption request for the Men's Locker Room was not addressed and is still pending. The purpose of this letter is to provide supplemental information regarding this exemption request to assist NRC Staff review. Specifically, additional cables have been identified that run through the cable chase in question. Service water pump power cables, electric fire pump power and control cables and diesel fire pump control cables emerge from the cable spreading area (Fire Area S-17) into an underground duct line.

The cables pass through an enclosed cable chase in the Men's Locker Room and into a duct bank. The referenced cable chase in Fire Area 5-9 is enclosed on three sides with two layers of 5/3 inch gypsum board on metal studs. The fourth wall is of concrete block. The Men's Locker Room area is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, hose station cabinets and portable extinguishers.

These features, along with the one-hour equivalent fire enclosure surrounding the cable chase, provide protection for these cables from fires in the Men's Locker 8701090361 870106 PDR ADOCK 050002134 F ppy ; (ll g

Room. The cable chase itself is a non-occupied . area with no transient combustibles. In the unlikely event control or power cables to the fire pumps are damaged, the diesel fire pump can be started manually from the intake structure. Based on the information provided above, an equivalent level of fire protection to that required by Section III.G.2.a of Appendix R is provided in the cable chase.

It should be noted that the information in Reference (3) is incorrect in that it states that fire barriers exist between the A/C and B/D service water pump power cables and between the diesel fire pump and electric fire pump cables inside the cable chase. This information will be corrected in the next revision to the Fire Protection Evaluation Shutdown System Availability Report.

If you have any questions, please contact my staff.


E. J.'Mpczk'a' I () '



SeniorNice President cc: Dr. T. E. Murley, Region I P. D. Swetland, Sr. Resident Inspector l


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O Description of Cables in Electrical Chase-Fire Area S-3B (Old Fire Area Designation S-17)

Top of Chase




1. All Cables have a

'. Flamastic coating.

2. Pictures shown have screwed on Front cover removed.

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i l' .ie, a hkhl ) 1 l l I Service Water Pump (A) Diesel Fire Pump Control Rm. status Power Cables annunciation cable #113PL4 (B) Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump Cables Pump A - 114PL1 Power #106PL1 Pump B - 130PL1 Start /Stop Control #106PL4 Pump C - 146PL1 Status Indication #1M137 Pump D - 156PL1 Undervoltage Control #113PLS l l l q -


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s. Bottom of Chase

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