3F1088-04, Responds to NRC 880729 Request for Licensee plant-specific Seismic Verification Plans for Facility,Per Generic Ltr 87-02.Util Will File plant-specific Response Based Upon Generic Resolution of USI A-46

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Responds to NRC 880729 Request for Licensee plant-specific Seismic Verification Plans for Facility,Per Generic Ltr 87-02.Util Will File plant-specific Response Based Upon Generic Resolution of USI A-46
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/07/1988
From: Widell R
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR 3F1088-04, 3F1088-4, GL-87-02, GL-87-2, NUDOCS 8810170302
Download: ML20207L444 (2)


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Florida Power C O R P o R A TIO N l

s October 7, 1988 3F1088-04 l

Minent Control Desk U. S. Nuc] ear Regulatory Ocnnission Washington D.C. 20555


Crystal River Unit 3 '

Docket No. 50-302 Operatirq License No. DFR-72 Generic Intter 87-02 on Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-46 Seismic Qualification of Equipnent in Operatirg Plants

Dear Sir:

On July 29, 1988, the NRC staff issual a Safety Evaluation Report (SER) on Revision O of the Generic Inplernentation Procedure (GIP) for verification of nuclear plant equipnent, developed by the seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG). 'Ihe letter to SQUG enclosing the SER requests that SC/Xi mernber utilities provide to the NRC, within 60 days, a schedule for implementing the GIP. By letter to Mr. Shao, dated August 19, 1988, SQUG clarified that the sixty days w uld expire on October 7, 1988. '1his letter responds to that request for our plant-specific seismic verification plans for Crystal River 3, consistent with the requirements of Generic Intter 87-02, "Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipnent in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46". As a merber of SQUG and the Electric PcNur Research Institute (EFRI), Florida Power Cbrporation (FPC) has supported the many efforts on %hich the GIP is based. 'Ihe SER erdorses the methodology an-1 criteria embodied in Revision 0 of the GIP, subject to satisfactory resolution of a number of open issues ard NRC crmnents.

Accortling to the generic schalule sulmitted by SQUG in its October 9,1987 letter to Mr. L. Shao, the GIP was to be ocmpleted by the end of calendar 1988, followed by NRC review in the first quarter of 1989. Given the delay in SER issuance, this cbjective is probably no longer achievable. Cappletion of the GIP in the first quarter of 1989 is deperdent upon: (1) satisfactory and timely resolution of all outstanding issues, (2) accroplishment of all interim milestones as set forth in the schedule and (3) continued agrectncnt totween SQUG and NRC on major tectuical ard licensing issues.

8810170302 881007 PDM P

ADOCK 05000302 PNV eli Post Office Box 219

  • Crystal Aiver, Florida 32629. Telephone (904) 795-3802 [Q[

A Flon42 Progress Company

, W

. As the SER acknowledges, the GIP is not yet conplete. Several technical areas

. have not yet been fully includal in the GIP. Moreover, the SER does not resolve certain licensing issues central to cxxpletion of the GIP raised in Part 1 of Revision O. FPC will not be in a position to establish the scrpe of its A-46 ccanitment until the GIP is cxxpleted and all licensing issues resolved. Given the magnitude of the effort tequired to achieve resolution of USI A-46, final inplementation nust be carefully integrated into outage schedales. Assuming no cignificant changes in the work scrpe currently envisioned for resolution, the plant walkdown associated with the resolution of this issue can be undutaken by the conclusion of tha first refueling outage oa::urrin; more than 12 months after the final C,ER is issued and open items resolved. This schedule is contingent upon a rmeer of factors includirg: (1)

I those noted above, (2) the secpe and schedule for the conduct of SQUG training, l and (3) the rescurre problem created by many licensees cxxpoting for use of l limited industry expertise available to assist such efforts. Identification of

! safe shutdown equipmnt and other tasks n-wy to prepare for the walkdown i

will be acocmplished prior to this cntage. If the GIF is cxzpleted during the l

first quarter of 1989, and a final SER with no open itms or significant change in Work soone is is. sued in the secord quarter of 1989, this outage wculd ocmacnce for Crystal River 3 durirq the Fall of 1991. If the sdadule for GIP developwnt and lEC review slip, further, the walkdcAn and other activities l

would have to be delayed.

( FFC Will review the final GIP aftcr approval by the imC and resolution of all outstaniing issues. Based on this review, FFC will file a plant-specific i response based upon generic resolution of USI A-46. In that plant-specific response, FM may elect not to perfom certain aspects of the generic prcgram ard may redi#y aspects based upon suitable justification including the low seismic hazard existin; at cur plant site. FPC also reserves the right to l pirsue all available appeal options, particularly if early walkdcAns demonstrate that the bemfits associated with all or parts of the gencric resolution of USI A-46 have been substantially overestimted, or the costs subotantially underestimatcd.

l l Sincerely, 4

Rolf . Widell, Director Nuclear Operations Site Support AEF:

l xc: Dr. J. Nelson Grace l Rogiomi Ad:ninistrator, Rcgion II Mr. P. !!olmes-Ray Senior Resident Impoctor i


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