3F0388-13, Lists Responses to Specific Concerns in Generic Ltr 88-03 Re Generic Safety Issue 93 Concerning Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps

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Lists Responses to Specific Concerns in Generic Ltr 88-03 Re Generic Safety Issue 93 Concerning Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1988
From: Ken Wilson
REF-GTECI-093, REF-GTECI-NI, TASK-093, TASK-93, TASK-OR 3F0388-13, 3F388-13, GL-88-03, GL-88-3, IEB-88-003, IEB-88-3, NUDOCS 8803220417
Download: ML20148C512 (3)


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Florida Power CORPORATION March 18,1988 3F0388-13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C%rmission Attention: W w nt Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Operatirq License No. DPR-72 Generic Safety Issue 93 l Steam Binlig of Auxiliary Feedsater PLmps l Generic letter 88-03 (Ref. IEB 85-01)

Dear Sir:

l Florida Pcwer Corporation (FPC) is subnittirg this response in accordance with NRC letter dated February 17, 1988.

The two specific correrns in Generic Intter 88-03 are ackiressed as follows:

Concern 1. Maintain procedures to monitor fluid corrlitions within the AW l system each shift during times when the system is required to be operable. This nonitoring should ensure that fluid temperature at the AW pmp discharge is maintaincd at about ambient levels.

Responce 1. Cperating Daily Surveillance Log, Surveillance Procedure SP-300 l inc1tdes a check each shift durity redes 1 thru 4 to monitor the discharge pipiry for both the motor driven ard turbine driven emergency feedwater pumps to ensure that the piping is not hot to the touch.

Con rn 2. Maintain procedures for recognizing steam bindirg and for restoring the AW system to operable status, should steam bindiry oOCur.

Responso 2. The Emergency Feedsater System Operating Procedure OP-450 contains two sections (5.6 and 5.7) dcdicated to potentially steam bound pmps and to the remvery of steam bourd emergency foodsater pumps.

One section ackiresses the rotor driven emergency feetaater pump ard the <wnd section addresses the turbine driven emergency footaater pmp. {

8803220417 880318 j PDR ADDCK 05000302 G PDR


Post Of fice Box 219

  • Crystal River, Flonda 32629
  • Telephone (904) 795-3802 t A Flonds Progress Company

March 18, 1988 3F0388-13 Page 2

'Ihe staff time to perfom the requested confirmation was approximately one hour since these recont --Mations have been inplemented at CR-3. 'Ihe staff time to prepare and review the requested hmtation was about 4 hcurs.

Sincerely, K. R. Wilson, Manager Nuclear Operations Licensing xc: Dr. J. Nelson Grace Regional Administrator, Region II Mr. T. F. Stetka Senior Resident Inspector

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S'IXIE OF FIIRIIA 000 NIT OF CI'IHJS K. R. Wilson states that he is the Manager, Ntclear Operations Licensing for Florida Power Corporation; that he is authorized on the part of said ocupany to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Cm=imion the informatico attached heroto; and that all sucts statments made and matters set forth therein are true ard conect to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief.

K. R. Wilscm, Manager, Nuclear Operations Licensing Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this 18th day of Mardi,1988.

qlhfCV ,

I' Public Notary Public, State of Florida at large, My &==imion Expires:

NOT ARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDAs so co r f aran, eved <!En v's'as'.

