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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20212L9054 October 1999Forwards Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 990511 Application for Amend,As Supplemented on 990603 & 0728.Proposed Amend Would Make Changes to TSs by Deleting Definition,Site Boundary & Use
ML20212K75630 September 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/99-05 on 990731-0921,site Insp & 990929 Public Meeting.No Violations Noted
ML20211G10125 August 1999Confirms Discussions & Agreement to Have Mgt Meeting in Region III Office on 990929.Purpose of Meeting to Discuss Decommissioning Activities,Priorities,Challenges & Successes & to Preview Plans & Schedules for Next Year
ML20210V05617 August 1999Advises of Plan to Stop Using Ofc Complex at Plant,Which Consumers Energy Co Had Provided for NRC Resident Inspectors Under 10CFR50.70(b)(1)
ML20210S69612 August 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/99-04 on 990609-0730.No Violations Noted.No Safety Issues or Enforcement Items Were Identified During Insp
ML20210L0323 August 1999Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Being Released in Entirety & Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 6)
ML20209D6957 July 1999Ack Receipt of Which Requested That NRC Reconsider Decision to Move NRC Resident Inspector from Big Rock Point Plant.Determined Decision to Be Correct One
ML20196E16021 June 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/99-03 on 990416-0608.No Violations Noted.Overall,Reactor Decommissioning Activities Performed Satisfactorily
ML20207D11527 May 1999Informs That Effective 990328,NRC Ofc of NRR Underwent Reorganization.Within Reorganization,Division of Licensing Project Management Created
ML20206P0927 May 1999Responds to Discussing Impact That Delays to Wesflex Sys Approval Would Have on Big Rock Point Decommissioning Cost & Schedule
ML20206H1014 May 1999Forwards Safety Evaluation for Exemption from Certain Physical Protection Requirements.Enclosure Contains Safeguards Info & Being Withheld
ML20206E37229 April 1999Informs That Based on Licensee Determinations That Changes in Rev 1 Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Defueled EP & That Plan Continues to Meet Applicable Stds of 10CFR50.47(b) & Requirements of App E to Part 50,NRC Approval Not Required
ML20206B73826 April 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/99-02 on 990226-0415.No Violations Noted.Activities in Areas of Facility Mgt & Control,Decommissioning Support,Spent Fuel Safety & Radiological Safety Were Examined
ML20205E34729 March 1999Informs That USNRC Granted Encl Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR73,to Allow Implementation of Safeguards Contingency Plan Reflecting Permanent Shutdown & Defueled Condition of Brpnp in Response toSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20204F46119 March 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/99-01 on 990113-0225.One Violation of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violation,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy
ML20203C8978 February 1999Informs That NRR Contracted with PNNL to Evaluate Storage of Spent Fuel at Number of Decomissioning Nuclear Power Facilities.Forwards Request for Info Re Spent Fuel Storage at Big Rock NPPFuel cladding
ML20199H24315 January 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-09 on 981201-990112 & Nov.One Weakness Identified Re Event Involving Ungrappling Fuel Bundle Without Being Fully Seated in Rack & Without Independent Verification That Ungrappling Bundle Was Proper
ML20199D97113 January 1999Forwards Plant Defueled TS Administrative Replacement Pp.On 990104 Staff Informed NRC That Pp Numbering for Table of Contents Was Incorrect.Subj Pp Requested to Be Replaced with EnclHigh Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20199E07813 January 1999Informs That Staff Has Received Request for Exemption from Various 10CFR73 Pyhsical Protection Requirements Dated 981112.Exemption Request Improperly Based on Requirements of 10CFR50.12 Instead of Applicable Requirements of 10CFR73.5Exemption Request
ML20199E18413 January 1999Forwards Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Exemption from Certain Physical Protection Requirements of 10CFR73.Assessment Forwarded for Fr Publication
ML20198K65524 December 1998Forwards Amend 120 to License DPR-6 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes License DPR-6 & App A,Ts to Reflect Permanently Shutdown & Defueled Status of Plant
ML20196H3173 December 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-08 on 980827-1130.No Violations Noted.Inspection Covered Activities in Areas of Radiological Safety
ML20154M22114 October 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-07 on 980827-1007.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Examination of Activities in Areas of Facility Mgt & Control,Decommissioning Support (Including Physical Security),Sf Safety & Radiological Safety
ML20154E01230 September 1998Forwards Exemption from 10CFR50.54(q) Re Plant & Suppls ,1120& 980302,0429 & 0828 Which Requested Exemption from Certain Protions of 10CFR50.47(b) & App E to 10CFR50 to Allow Brpnp to Discontinue Offsite EP Activities
ML20239A2493 September 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-06 on 980716-0826.No Violations Noted.Overall,Reactor Decommissioning Activities Were Generally Performed Satisfactorily & as Planned.Potential Weaknesses Were Identified in Review of SE Procedure
ML20237E27325 August 1998Discusses NRC Insp Rept 50-155/98-03 on 980527.Violations Noted.Insp Findings Documented in NRC Insp Rept Sent to Util by LtrEnforcement Discretion
ML20237C54619 August 1998Refers to Revs 133,134 & 135 to Portions of Big Rock Point Plant Emergency Plan.Based on Determinations That Changes in Revs 133-135 Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Emergency Plan,Nrc Approval Not Required
ML20236Y0445 August 1998Forwards Summary of Decommissioning Insp Plan Through March 1999.Plan Will Be Updated Approx Twice Each Yr & May Be Revised at Any Time Based on Future Insp Findings,Events & Resource Availability
ML20236V06528 July 1998Ack Receipt of 980605 Request for Withdrawal of 980325 Request for License Amend for DPR-6,paragraph 2.C.(5), Physical Protection & Closes TAC MA0756
ML20236U43124 July 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-05 on 980528-0715.No Violations Noted.Nrc Concern That Programmatic Assessments of RPP Were Not Initiated Following Identification of Multiple Deficiencies in RP Program During First Half of 1998
IR 05000155/19980048 July 1998Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-155/98-04Fuel cladding
ML20236M4137 July 1998Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 980512,transmitting Changes Identified as Rev 14 to Big Rock Point Security Suitability, Training & Qualification Plan.No NRC Approval Required
ML20249C43925 June 1998Ack Receipt of ,Which Transmitted Changes to Rev 14 to Suitability,Training & Qualification Plan,Submitted Under Provisions 10CFR50.54(p)
ML20249B30416 June 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-03 on 980407-0527.Violation Noted & Being Considered for Escalated Enforcement Action. Notice of Violation Not Presently Being Issued for Insp Finding
ML20248F35428 May 1998Responds to to P Harris Which Requested That NRC Retain Resident Inspector at Big Rock Site to Monitor Project for Period of Five Years.Informs That NRC Intends to Assign Inspector to Site for One Year
ML20247M94815 May 1998Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 980312,which Transmitted Changes Identified as Rev 7 to Safeguards Contingency Plan,Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p)Safeguards Contingency Plan
ML20217D12221 April 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/98-02 on 980203-0406.No Violations Noted.Emergency Preparedness Exercise Was Completed Satisfactorily,However,Unusual Event Was Declared When Algae Containing Co-60 Alarmed Discharge Canal Radiation Monitor
ML20217A59916 April 1998Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Proposed Changes to Proposed Defueled TS as Detailed in .Questions Were Discussed W/Licensee Staff on 980121-22 & 980311.RAI Summarizes Questions That RemainOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20216J44116 April 1998Informs That Consumer Request for Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.54, Condition of Licenses, Based On,In Part,Determination That Plant Permanantly Shut Down & Defueled Not RequiredExemption Request
ML20216J98616 April 1998Forwards SE Approving Licensee 970919 Submittal of Training Program for Certified Fuel Handlers.Comments Also EnclJob Performance Measure
ML20247L40214 April 1998Discusses Rev 131 to Chapter 5 & Rev 132 to Chapters 2,3 & Appendix H of Big Rock Point Plant Emergency Plan Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q).No NRC Approval Required
ML20216G9078 April 1998Responds to Asking Number of Questions Re Activities at Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant.Particularly on 980203 NRC Requested Addl Info from Utility Re Proposed Changes to Emergency Preparedness Plan
ML20217J2132 April 1998Forwards Copy of Each Revised Forms 398,personal Qualifications Statement & 396,certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee.Due to Error on Instructions for Form 398,addendum for Completing Form Are ProvidedFitness for Duty
Generic Fundamentals Examination
License Renewal
IR 05000155/199701520 March 1998Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-155/97-15
ML20246H00919 March 1998Discusses Rev 130 to App a of Big Rock Point Nuclear Plants Emergency Plan,Received in Sept 1997.NRC Approval Not Required Based on Determination That Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Emergency Plan
ML20203K75026 February 1998Forwards Summary of Decommissioning Insp Plan for Remainder of Fy 1998.Plan Will Be Updated Approx Twice Each Yr & May Be Revised at Any Time Based on Future Insp Findings,Events, Resource Availability
ML20203H85123 February 1998Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Exemption from Offsite Emergency Planning Requirements.In Accordance with 10CFR50.30(b),response Must Be Executed in Signed Original Under Oath or Affirmation
ML20202J81114 February 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-155/97-15 on 971205-980202 & Notice of Violation.Activities in Areas of Facility Mgt & Control, Decommissioning Support & Spent Fuel SafetyHigh Radiation Area
ML20203E08113 February 1998Informs That on 980331 & 0401,NRR Will Be Holding 1998 Decommissioning Power Reactor Counterparts Meeting in Arlington,Tx.Recipient Requested to Make Presentation at Subj Meeting.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20202D7758 February 1998Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 980116,which Transmitted Changes Identified as Rev 32 to Big Rock Point Security Plan, Submitted Per 10CFR50.54(p).Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan