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Vol 1, Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment.
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Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1980
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ML17193A490 List:
TASK-03-12, TASK-3-12, TASK-RR NUDOCS 8011040203
Download: ML19339A532 (77)


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R3 vision 1 November 1, 1980 I TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 Page 1.0 STUDY OBJECTIVES 1 2.0 STUDY RESULTS 1 3.0 STUDY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2 4.0 DETAILED EVALUATION 3 4.1 Definition of Postulated Accidents 3 4.2 Identification of Class lE Components 4 Required to Function Under Postulated I 4.3 Accident Conditions Definition of Environmental Service 5 conditions 4.4 Evaluation of Environmental Qualification 9 4 Data 4.5 Class lE Equipment Qualification Plan 10 4.6 Submittal of Licensee Event Reports 12


12 I APPENDIXES A Dresden Unit 2 and Common Systems List B Dresden Unit 2 and Common Specific and General Use Components List Sorted by System C Dresden Unit 2 Key Plan Identifying Harsh I Environmental Areas and Tabulation of Service Conditions VOLUME 2 D Dresden Unit 2 and Common Component Evaluation I Worksheets Sorted by System for Components with Nonharsh Service Conditions I I "

l Revision 1 !" November 1, 1980 VOLUME 3 E Dresden Unit 2 and Common Component Evaluation l Worksheets Sorted by System for Components with I liarsh Service Conditions and Qualification Data F Dresden Unit 2 and Common Component Evaluation Worksheets Sorted by System for Components with Ilarsh Service Conditions and outstanding Items a g , 1 I I I I I I I I I I I y u1

I R;vicion 1 Novembsr 1, 1980 l 1.0 STUDY OBJECTIVES This study has been prepared in response to NRC letters . ,lW dated March 6, 1980, and March 28, 1980, on the subject of environmental qualification of electrical equipment. It has I been prepared by Bechtel Power Corporation, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for Commonwealth Edison Company's Dresden Nuclear Power Station Unit 2. The scope of the study includes:

a. Preparing a master list of all engineered safety feature (ESF) systems
b. Identifying all components required to function under postulated accident conditions
c. Defining environmental service conditions for the components identified above
d. Establishing maximum flood elevation inside con-tainment I e. Evaluating qualification data for components and documenting bases of equipment qualification Recommending action to be taken where qualifica-I f.

tion data for components does not exist or is inadequate for station service conditions I g. Where qualification data does not exist, preparing a justification for continued station operation, or identifying those items for which a licensee I event report (LER) should b grepared by Commonwealth Edison Company Preparing a report documenting the results of the I h. study

i. Preparing contract documents to specify testing and analysis where required to resolve outstanding items
j. Preparing procurement documents for replacement I equipment where existing equipment is identified for replacement
k. Performing engineering for equipment relocation and modification where necessary to resolve open items 2.0 STUDY RESULTS The systems required to function following the postulated accidents have been identified and the essential components Environmental service conditions have been estab-I listed.

lished. Evaluation of environmental qualification test  ! reports have been completed. Data sheets (Appendixes D, E, I l

Revision 0 June 2, 1980 I and F) are provided for all essential components. Appen-dix D contains data sheets for components with nonharsh service conditions. Appendix E contains data sheets for I components with harsh service conditions and for which qualification data is complete and adequate. Appendix F contains data sheets for components with harsh service I conditions and for which qualification data is incomplete I I I I I I I I I I I I B E t la

l Revision 1 November 1, 1980 I or inadequate. Data sheets in Appendix E also contain I specific actions to be taken to resolve outstanding items, and justifications for continued station operation while the action item- are implemented. Table 2-1 provides a tabu- i lation of a ss. ems included in the study, percent of system I components with outstanding items, and percent of outstanding qualification data items. 3.0 STUDY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Investigations in response to NRC letters dated F. arch 6, 1980,

g and March 28, 1980, on the subject of environmental qualifi-
E Cation of electrica equiP ment, indicate that a significant number of components are either not subjected to harsh
environmental service conditions or have qualification data l documented. Vendors have been contacted and confirming letters have been written to the equipment manufacturers requesting qualification data, if available, or component iE materiais data for ane1ysis. Table 3-1 proviaes a list of
g letters written. Resolution of qualification status for the remaining components is being pursued in one or any combina-lg tion of the following methods:

lg a. Equipment will be subjected to worst case environ-l- mental service conditions and performance / function l tested following exposure. A test report will be ils prepared for each test. lg b. Where long-term temperature conditions are based lg on criteria established prior to station operation i and referenced in the FSAR, actual worst case i plant conditions (including measurements of area l temperatures, where required) will be utilized to l reanalyze station environments and establish actual environmental service conditions. Where

I conservatism in design results in lower actual temperatures, qualification will be based on i actual conditions. Qualification will not be lg required where actual conditions reduce low tem-l5 Perature harsh environments to nonharsh or mild l environments.
c. Equipment will be replaced with qualified equipment.
d. Equipment will be relocated and/or shielded.


I lI 2

l I Revision 1 November 1, 1980

e. Where qualification data may exist but materials data is required to determine existence of suitable 1 I

test reports, additional vendor contacts will be made and investigations performed. Contract packages for qualification testing have been prepared I and are scheduled to be issued for bid before January 1, 1981. Procurement documents for replacement components are being prepared and are scheduled to be issued for bid during the I first quarter of 1981. Vendor contacts have been made and work is in progress where additional qualification data may be obtainable. Replacement components will be installed during the first refueling outage after the new components are I received onsite. When the outstanding items identified in Appendix F are closed out, all Class lE electrical components will be qualified and the basis of the qualification documented. It is recommended tiat work continue as outlined above to close out the outstanding items in Appendix F. 4.0 DETAILED EVALUATION 4.1 DEFINITION OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS Reference 2 of NRC letter dated March 28, 1980, defines the postulated accident conditions to be addressed as the loss-I of-coolant-accident / main steam line break (LOCA/MSLB) inside the containment and the MSLB and main feedwater line break (FWLB) outside the containment. During the NRC site audit I performed July 28-30, 1980, the scope was expanded to include all high-energy line breaks (HELB) both inside and outside containment. I For the Dresden Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, the LOCA/MSLB inside the containment is discussed in FSAR Sections 5.2.3 and 6.2.7. The HELBs outside the containment are discussed I in Special Report 37, Revision 1, submitted to the NRC in February 1975. In evaluating the effects of the HELBs, concurrent multiple breaks were not evaluated. l For the LOCA inside the containment, worst case environmental conditions are established by th? double-ended recirculation . line break. The environmental conditions which result from this accident are described in Section 4.3 and Appendi C. The NRC letter dated March 28, 1980, requires qualificttion ( inside drywell be demonstrated based on a plant-specific MSLB analysis. If such an analysis has not been performed, I qualification must be demonstrated for 6 hours at 340F. The results of the Dresden plant-specific steam line break analysis are included in Appendix C. For HELBs I outside the containment, Special Report 37 identifies the locations of postulated breaks. I I 3

I Ravicion 1 Novembar 1, 1980 In support of this study, analyses were performed to establish equipment integrated radiation doses as a result of the postulated accidents. These environmental conditions are discussed in Section 4.3. The following postulated accidents involving HELBs were analyzed to establish the worst environmental conditions:

a. LOCA inside drywell
b. MSLB inside drywell I
c. Main steam line break in the steam tunnel
d. Main feedwater line break I e. High-pressure coolant injection (HPCI) steam line break
f. Isolation condenser line break
g. Reactor water cleanup (RWCU) line break I Where components, because of their location, could be sub-jected to d.'.Zfering environments for the various accidents, the most severe environmental conditions were utilized for I qualification. Components located within compartments with postulated HELB would be subject to pressure, temperature, and humidity conditions resulting from that postulated accident, but would not be subjected to radiation doses in I excess of 5 x 104 rads simultaneously. These same compo-nents could be subjected to radiation doses in excess of 5x 04 rads following a LOCA, but these doses would not be I simultaaeous with pressure, temperature, and humidity. To simplify this analysis, qualification data was initially sought which demonstrated operability of these components I for the combination of all environmental conditions. Where qualification could not be demonstrated for the entire spectrum of conditions simultaneously, components were evaluated for the conditions associated with each individual accident. Environmental conditions are based on accidents for which the specific component must function. Components exposed to harsh environments during accidents for which I they are not required to function do not require qualificacion for those environments. Where qualification testing is to be performed, testing will be performed for each postulated environment separately.

4.2 IDENTIFICATION OF CLASS lE COMPONENTS REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS The Dresden Nuclear Power Station FSAR and emergency pro-cedures wer: reviewed to identify the engineered safety I feature systems which are required to mitigate the conse-quences of the postulated accidents discussed in Section 4.1. 1 I '

I Revision 1 November 1, 1980 , These systems are those needed to achieve reactor shutdown, contain. ment isolation, reactor core cooling, containment and reactor heat removal, and to prevent the release of radio-I active material to the environment in excess of the guide-lines of 10 CFR 100. I I E I I I I I I I I i I I I 'I '" I

R vision 1 November 1, 1980 Appendix A provides the master list of Unit 2 and common systems required to function following all of the postulated accidents discussed in Section 4.1. Table A-1 identifies I the systems required to function fc11owing each of the postulated accidents. The station piping and instrument diagrams and electrical schematics were reviewed to determine the specific compo-nents which must function following the postulated acci-I dents. Based on this review, a master components list has been developed for each system identified in Appendix A. The master components list identifies each Class lE and/or essential electrical component that is required to function I following the postulated accidents discussed in Section 4.1. Appendix B provides the master components list for Unit 2 and common systems. Throughout this report Class lE is used I in reference to components designed to Class lE as well as components not designed to Class lE, but which are essential following the postulated accidents. 4.3 DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE CONDITIONS 4.3.1 Inside the Drywell .I The drywell pressure and temperature response following the postulated LOCA are provided in FSAR Figures 5.2.11 and 5.2.12, respectively.* The drywell temperature response following the postulated steam line break is provided in Figure C.8 in Appendix C. The maximum humidity inside the Chemical I drywell is defined in FSAR Table 5.2.2 as 100%. sprays are not used in the Dresden design. Demineralized water containment spray is utilized and considered in the evaluation. The Dresden FSAR does not provide integrated I radiation doses inside the drywell. Studies were performed to establish the integrated doses inside the drywell for a postulated LOCA/MSLB. The integrated doses for 1 day, I 30 days, and 1 year are provided in Appendix C. methodology is described in Section 4.3.5. The study Radiation doses are evaluated for actual equipment operating times. Appendix C I also defines the containment spray fluid and provides the maximum drywell pressure, temperature, humidity, and flood elevation. I I I

  • These two figures are reproduced as Figures C.6 and C.7 in Appendix C.

I e

-l5 ' Ravicion 1 Novemb:r 1, 1980 4.3.2 Outside the Drywell, Subject to HELB HELB is discussed in detail in Special Report 37, Revision 1, I submitted to the NRC in February 1975. The environmenta conditions (pressure, temperature, and humidity) due to a pipe break in the steam tunnel, turbine building, and reactor 'g building are listed in Appendix C. Radiation doses follow-Flooding g ing an HELB outside the drywell are nonharsh. does not occur outside the drywell as a result of the postu-

g lated line breaks. Chemical and demineralized water spray d not exist outside the drywe . For this study, the
I environmental effects of a pipe break are considered only in the compartment in which the break occurs as well as areas open to the break area.

4.3.3 Outside the Drywell, Post-LOCA Radiation Exposures Integrated doses have been calculated for areas outside the drywell. Doses were established for 1 day, 30 days, and 1 year exposure. Integrated doses of less than 5 x 104 rads during a component's service life are evaluated as nonharsh environmental conditions. Integrated doses of 5 x 104 rads and greater are evaluated as harsh environmental conditions. 'I l Appendix C provides integrated doses as a function of expo-sure time for areas containing components identified in Appendix B. The radiation study methodology is described in Section 4.3.5. 4.3.4 Nonharsh Areas ll Plant areas which are not covered in the above referenced W Appendix C tablec are considered nonharsh environmental areas with respect to HELB and post-LOCA radiation. l I These areas are either maintained in a suitable environ-mental condition by safety-related heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, or are considered non- l ,g harsh because they are controlled to less than 104F prior to Ig the postulated accidents and are relatively large open areas with no large motors or other equivalent heat sources. I Where environmental conditions are maintained by HVAC equip-ment, the HVAC system is provided with redundant components and/or a backup power supply for reliable operation. Safety-related HVAC systems are p Nvided for the following areas:

a. Control room, cable spreading room, battery rooms, computer room, and electrical equipment room I b. Standby diesel generator room I

I 6 I

I Revicion 1 Novemb:r 1, 1980

c. IIPCI room
d. Low-pressure coolant injection corner rooms 4.3.5 Radiation Study Methodology I A radiation study was performed to establish integrated doses to equipment following a postulated LOCA. The core fission product inventory was based on General Electric document " Radiation Source Information for NUREG 0578 I Implementation, Computer Run Identified as SNUMB 7007s" dated November 1979.

I The fission products were diluted into the appropriate fluid media as follows: Fluid Noble Gases (%) IIalogens(%) Other(%) Suppression pool liquid 50 - 1 Reactor coolant liquid 100 50 1 Containment atmosphere 100 25 - Reactor steam 100 25 - I Dilution of the fission products was considered using the fluid volume as the dilution media. For components located inside the drywell, only gamma doses I were considered if the component was enclosed in a nonor-ganic material (e.g., valve motor actuators in metal enclo-sures). The gamma dose was established based on immersion I of the component in the gaseous drywell atmosphere for the time which the component must remain functional. For com-ponents enclosed in organic material (e.g., cable), beta I radiation doses were also calculated. Where components enclosed in organic materials are installed in metal enclo-sures (e.g., cable in conduit or flex-conduit), beta radia-tion will be neglected. Inspections have been performed in I the Dresden 2 drywell, confirming that all equipment and cable is enclosed in nonorganic materials. doses have not been considered. Therefore, beta For components located outside the drywell, source terms were established for piaing systems containing reactor I steam, reactor coc-la.: id, suppression pool liquid, and containment atmospha _nce the piping wall thickness is I I 7

I I R::vigion O June 2, 1980 sufficient to shield against beta radiation, only gamma radiation need be considered. Each Class lE component was located with respect to th'e piping systems containing post-LOCA radioactive fluids. The integrated dose was established based on the piping source term, distance from pipe to com-ponent, and component operating time. Where a component couta receive doses from more than one vivins erstem, the .I !g doses were added to derive a total dose. Appendix C, Table C-3, provides integrated doses as a function of time calculated 1 foot from the greatest single source in each .I major plant area. 4.3.6 Aging In this study, the need to consider aging is based on the evaluation of component design and application. The effects 3 of aging have also been considered based on Enclosure 4 to

 .5  NRC Bulletin 79-OlB, " Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class lE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors" and NUREG-0588, " Interim Staff Position on Environ-I  mental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment."
a. Components Located Inside the Drywell l

The environmental conditions inside the drywell are defined as harsh (Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.4) and hence the effects of thermal and radiation I aging are evaluated for all Class lE electrical components. l

b. Components Located Outside the Drywell
l. Radiation aging The components which are located outside the drywell and steam tunnel are exposed to insignificant amounts of radiation during I I normal operating conditions. The effects of radiation aging are therefore not considered in the qualification evaluation of these I

components. Under postulated accident conditions some I compongnts 5 x 10 may be exposed to greater than rads (integrated radiation dose). The effects of this short-term radi3>. ion exposure are considered in the qualifica-I tion evaluation. Components located inside the steam tunnel are evaluated for radiation aging. I I

  • Rsvicion 1 Novcmb r 1, 1980
2. Thermal aging Most areas outside the drywell are maintained I in a suitable envircnmental condition by safety-related HVAC equipment. The normal maximum environmental design temperature is I 103F, which in this study is defined as a nonharsh environment (Section 4.3.4).

Thermal aging for these components is not required since the normal and post-accident I environments are nonharsh. In addition, temperature extremes (up to 120F) may occur in some plant areas. However, these con-I ditions would result only during periods of extreme outdoor temperatures. Equipment designed and installed per industry standards I would be capable of satisfactory operation without exhibiting age-related degradation due to these temperature extremes. Therefore, the effects of thermal aging are not considered for components located in areas where the maximum ambient temperature is maintained at 120F or below. l 4.4 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION DATA - Appendix B identifies all specific components required to I function following the postulated accidents. In addition, this study covers general use electrical items such as motor lubricating oil, sealants, tape, terminal blocks, gaskets, etc. These general use items are discussed in Section 4.5. For each specific component identified in Appendix B, a , I I component evaluation worksheet was prepared. These work-sheets identified the harshest environment each compo-nent would be subjected to following the postulated acci-dents. Environments were considered nonharsh when the I temperature was controlled to 104F or less and the maximam integrated radiation dose was less than 5 x 10 4 rads. Areas where infrequent temperature extremes up to 120F could occur I and temperature variations are not a result of the postulated ac;idents are considered mild environments. Equipment in these areas functions normally in the same environment as I postulated for post-accident conditions. For nonharsh and mild environments, qualification data is not required. I 9

l 5 R vision 1 Novemb3r 1, 1980 Because industry standards did not exist for environmental qualification of Class lE electrical equipment during the time the Dresden station was designed and constructed, qualification testing was not required for these components when orig'nally purchaaed. However, many of these same componenta were used in later designs and qualification testing data is available. Also some testing has been performed by the Nuclear Steam System Supplier in response to NRC IE Bulletin 79-01. These qualification reports have been evaluated to determine their applicability to the components identified in Appendix B. Where applicable qualification data exists, this data is entered on the component evaluation worksheets to document the suitability of the component. Some components will be qualified by analysis or a combination of analysis and testing. In these cases, the component evaluation worksheets will reference the subject analysis and testing and document the suitability of the component. Finally, for those components which are exposed to harsh environments and for which data is not available and qualifi-cation by analysis is not appropriate, the qualification status aill be resolved >v testing, replacement, or reloca-tion of the component to a nonharsh environment. I The component evaluation worksheets are provided in Appen-dixes D, E, and F (Volumes 2 and 3) for Unit 2 and common components. The qualification plan to be followed to resolve outstanding items is discussed in Section 4.5. 4.5 C LASS lE EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION PLAN 4.5.1 Specific Components Where it has been demonstrated that a component will not I function under the postulated environment, an LER will he prepared. Where existing data is not available to demonstrate qualification of a component, one or more of the following methods will be utilized to resolve the status of the I component:

a. The component will be tested under worst case environmental conditions.


l Revision 1 W November 1, 1980 I b. Analysis of actual in-plant environmental condi-tions will be performed to determine if actual in-plant environmental conditions are harsh.

c. An identical component from the spare parts inven-tory or one of the installed components will be tested.
d. The component will be relocated in a nonharsh environment.
e. The component will be replaced.

4.5.2 General Use Components I A walkdown inspection of accessible electrical boxes and cable connections was performed in the Dresden Unit 2 d ry-well. The inspection was performed during a 4-day outage in May 1980. I The purpose of the inspection was to identify miscellaneous general use electrical items (i.e., gaskets, seals, grommets, I terminal blocks, splices, and termination tapes) used inside the drywell. In addition, the condition of cable at the electrical boxes and component terminations was inspected. Boxes which did not have preassigned numbers were numbered I by the inspection team. 79-OlB prefix. These field-assigned numbers had a During the inspection, any damage noted was reported to station electrical personnel for correction. Splices and termination tapes were not found in the electric al boxes inspected. The results of the electrical box instection are provided in Table 4-1. I Where qualification data is not available for existing installed materials, procedures will be written to replace these items with qualified materials. Gasket material suitable for the accident environment will be maintained onsite and procedures implemented to ensure suitable gasket material is utilized on Class lE components, and to ensure that when boxes are opened, gasket material damaged (due to aging or the opening of the box) can be replaced. The station inventory of lubricating oils, greases, and other general use items will include qualified materials and steps implemented so that only these materials are utilized on Class lE components. I I 11

l Ravicion 0 E June 2, 1980 4.6 SUBMITTAL OF LICENSEE EVENT REPORTS In the event any Class lE electrical equipment item is I determined not capable of meeting its required function under the established service conditions, Bechtel will advise Commonwealth Edison Company so that an LER can be I submitted. LERs, when submitted, will identify the condi-tions under which the component must function and the basis for the determination that it is incapable of functioning. Where justification for continued station operation exists, this will be included in the LER. LERs will not be submitted for items documented as not being I capable of meeting their required function in the previous responses to requests for information by the NRC.


a. USNRC Letters to Mr. D. Louis Peoples, Director of Nuclear Licensing, Commonwealth Edison Company, I dated March 6, 1980, and March 28, 1980, concern-ing environmental qualification of electrical equipment.
b. Dresden Nuclear Power Station Final Safety Analysis Report, Docket Number 50-237 and 50-249
c. Analysis of Effects of Pipe Break Outside Primary Containment, Dresden Station, Units 2 and 3, Special Report No. 37, Revision 1, February 1975
d. Dresden Station Emergency Procedures, DGA-1, Loss-of-Coolant (Break Inside Drywell), Revision 4, January 1980; DGA-2, Lo ss-of-Coolan t (Slow Leak),

Revision 2, January 1980; DGA-3, Loss-of-Coolant (Break Outside Drywell), Revision 4, January 1980

e. Report on Results on Qualification Data Search for Dresden Units 2 and 3, NEDO-24218, General Elec-tric Company, November 1979
f. NUREG 0588, Interim Staff Position on Environmen-tal Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment l

I I 12

Revision 1 l Novembar 1, 1980 m TABLE 2-1 COMPONENT QUALIFICATION STATUS I Co;aponents With Outstanding Outstanding I Gystem Number of Components Items (%) Qualification Data Items (%) Reactor Protection 8 0 0 Core Spray 22 63 37 I High-Pressure Coolant Injection 61 18 8 Auto Depressurization/ 47 21 4 I Main Steam Low-Pressure Coolant 54 44 22 I Injection 44 9 3 Pressure Suppression Standby Gas Treatment 23 69 9 Service Water 5 40 22 Diesel Oil Piping 6 0 0 Containment Isolation 33 18 9 Control Rod Drive 542 0 0 Hydraulic Reactor Recirculation 45 22 15 2 0 0 I Process Radiation Monitoring ) Reactor Building 4 0 0 Ventilation Control Room HVAC 13 0 0 Standby AC Power 30 26 12 l Standby DC Power 20 0 0 Isolation Coni.enser 10 40 22 General Use Electrical 38 97 93 Totals 1,007 14 8 1

1 1 Rsvicion O l Juno 2, 1980 I g TABLE 3-1 LISTING OF LETTERS TO MANUFACTURERS REQUESTING QUALIFICATION DATA I i Letter  ; Manufacturer Chron Number Date Sent 1 Automatic Switch 772 May 6, 1980 J Barkdale 804 May 9, 1980 < Barton 820 May 9, 1980 i 3, 1980 Buffalo Forge 883 May Chromalox (Dave kay 876 May 22, 1980

     & Associates)                                                   J 836             May 15, 1980 I Cutler Hammer Dresser Industries Edwin L. Wiegland 784 876 May 8, 1980 May 22, 1980 (Dave Ray & Associates)

Fenwal 785 May 8, 1980 Electromotive Division 834 May 13, 1980 G.M. I General Electric (cable) General Electric (motors) GE (neutron monitoring 911 912 913 May 29, 1980 May 29, 1980 May 29, 1980 I preamplifiers) Foxboro Gould 904 835 May May 22, 13, 1980 1980 Harlo 877 May 22, 1980 I Leeds & Northrup Limitorque Magnetrol 893 914 813 May May May 22, 29, 13, 1980 1980 1980 Mercoid 815 May 13, 1980 Namco Snap-Lock 845 May 15, 1980 Raychem Corporation 915 May 29, 1980 Simplex Wire & Cable 892 May 22, 1980 Company Static-O-Ring 846 May 15, 1980 United Electric Control 848 May 16, 1980 Versa 847 May 15, 1980 Yarway 833 May 13, 1980 Temptron 842 May 13, 1980 I Static-O-Ring (2) Essex H.K. Portor Company 916 917 918 May May May 29, 29, 29, 1980 1980 1980 (Limitorque Peerless) I I

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Revision 0 June 2, 1980 TABLE 4-1 TABULATION OF FIELD INSPECTION DATA FOR ELECTRICAL BOXES INSIDE THE DRYWELL Box Location Component Number Type Elev Azim Terminal Blocks Type Remarks MO-2-1301-4 79-018-11 Pull 538 190 NA MO-2-1301-4 79-01B-25 Pull 536 85 NA 18" x 18" Box AO-2-203-1A 79-01B-16 Term 524 15 Could not be identified, similar to Allen Bradley AO-2-203-1A 79-01B-17 Term 522 15 GE 264B965 AO-2-203-1B 79-01B-14 Term 524 5 Could not be identified, Cable insulation cracking similar to Allen Bradley in the box AO-2-203-1B 79-018-15 Term 522 5 GE 264B965 AO-2-203-lC 79-01B-20 Term 524 355 Could not be identified, One conduit loose similar to Allen Bradley AO-2-203-1C 79-01B-21 Term 522 355 GE 264B965 Silicon rubber and cables hanging loose AO-2-203-lD 79-OlB-18 Term 524 5 Could not be identified, Flex burnt and broken similar to Allen Bradley AO-2-203-lD 79-01B-19 Term 522 5 GE 264B965 MO-2-220-1 None NA NA NA NA Component located at 517 elev and 355 Az S0-2-220-44 79-01B-3 Pull 539 280 NA

m m M - m m m m m m m m m m e e Revision 0 June 2, 1980 Table 4-1 (Continued) Box Location Component Number Type Elev Azim Terminal Blocks Type Remarks MO-2-1201-1 79-01B-1 Pull 540 45 NA Box support loose MO-2-1001-1A 79-01B-33 Pull 525 0 NA MO-2-1001-1B 79-OlB-28 Pull 538 120 NA POS SW for None NA NA NA NA Valve in basement, AO-2-1501-25A Inaccessible POS SW for None NA NA NA NA Equipment could not be AO-2-1501-25B located POS SW for None NA NA NA NA Inaccessible AO-2-1501-26A , POS SW for 79-01B-13 Pull 527 210 NA AO-2-1501-26B AO-2-220-51 79-OlB-4 Pull 575 185 NA AO-2-220-52 79-01B-4 Pull 575 185 NA Two screws missing SRM/IRM NA NA NA NA NA About 1 foot cable with-out flex conduit

s - awu--.-m. m - - - --- " ' = = 'I l I  : I I 1 APPENDIX A DRESDEN UNIT 2 AND COMMON SYSTEMS LIST I I I I !I I I I I


I l l - - --- - _ - - -

 --                                                                                 l Facility:   Dresden                                       Rev 4 Unit:       2                                             November 1,     1980 Docket:     50-237 I

l DRESDEN 2 AND COMMON l Systems or Portions of Systems Required Following a LOCA, MSLB, or Other HELB

1. Reactor Protection System l
2. Core Spray System
3. High-Pressure Coolant Injection System
4. Auto Depressurization System / Main Steam System
5. Low-Pressure Coolant Injection / Containment Spray System l
6. Pressure Suppression System
7. Standby Gas Treatment System
8. Deleted (Included With 1)
9. Service Water System
10. Diesel Oil Piping System
11. Containment Isolation System *
12. Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System
13. Reactor (Nuclear Boiler) Recirculation System
14. Process Radiation Monitoring System 15A. Reactor Building Ventilation System ISB. Control Room, Office, and Drywell Air Conditioning
16. Standby Alternating Current Power
17. Standby Direct Current Power
18. Isolation Condenser System l
19. General Use Electrical Equipment I
  • Containment isolation includes all components in various systems performing the containment isolation function.


M M M M M M M Revision 1 November 1, 1980 TABLE A-1 SYSTEMS ( AND ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS REFERENCED IN APPENDIX B) REQUIRED FOLLOWING EACII POSTULATED ACCIDENT I LOCA LOCA MSLB MSLB Feedwater HPCI RWCU Isolation Large Small Inside Outside Line Line Line Condenser System Break Break Drywell Drywell Break Break Break Line Break R2 actor Protection X X X X X X Core Spray X X X X X IIPCI X X X (2) ADS /MS X X X LPCI/ Containment Spray X X X X X Pressure Suppression X X X SGTS X X X X X Service Water X X X X X Diesel Oil Piping X X X X X Containment Isolation X X X X X (3) Control Rod Drive X X X X X Process Radiation Monitoring X X X X X X X X RB HVAC X X X X X X X X Control Room IIVAC X X X X X X X X Standby AC Power X X X X X , Standby DC Power X X X X X Isolation Condenser (2) General Use Electrical X X X X X X X X (1) This table is provided to identify which systems must be qualified for each postulated accident environment. (2) Items required are the break detection devices and isolation valves. (3) Items required are the RWCU isolation valves. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___________-___-_____l


               !                                                                           1 I


.I I

iI lI - __

I Fccility: Unita Docket: Drscdtn 2 50-237 Rav 4 November 1, 1980 ; MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Reactor Protection SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification . Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name (**) ment ment

  *LS-2-302-82A,B,C,D      Level Switch (M-34)                                                    X PC 2-503A,D,C,D          Press. Owitch Low (M 13)                                               X(2)
  *AO-2-203-1A,B,C,D       Globe Valve Air Operated           X I                           (M-12)


  *AO-2-203-2A,B,C,D       Globe Valve Air Operated (M-12)
  *PS-2-1621-A,B,C,D       Press. Switch - High                                                   X (M-25)
  *PS-2-263-55A,B,C,D      Press. Switch (M-26)                                                   X
  *LIS-2-263-57A,B         Level Indication Switch                                                 X (M-26)
  *LIS-2-263-58A,B         Level Indication Switch                                                 X (M-26)

X( ) I RAM 2 0752 A,C,0,0, C,P,0," IRM Preamplifier RAM 2 0752 A,C,C,0 CRM Rcamplificr X(3)

  ***TE-2-1291-60 A,       Temperature Element                                                     X B,C,D,E,F,G,H
  • These components are listed for information only.

Their qualification evaluation is covered with their respective systems.

  **   Shows P&ID number of respective system
  *** Area temperature detectors for reactor water cleanup                                                         I (1) This listing includes .< ' itional miscellaneous components I       required to detect o_ .uttigace the specified accidents.

Some of these components are not part of the reactor protection system. l

Facility: Dresden Rev 4 Unit 2 November 1, 1980 Docket: 50-237 Page 2 SYSTEM: Reactor Protection ( (Continued) (2) These components have been deleted because, although they can initiate a scram, the scram is an anticipitory scram for conditions not related to the postulated accidents. (3) These components have been deleted because their function is to monitor transients not associated with the postulated accidents. I



Facility: Drceden Revision 3 Unit 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Core Spray I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED NITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain- Contain-ment ment l MO-2-1402-25A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X j MO-2-1402-24A,3 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1402-4A,B Globe Valve, Motor Operated X FT-2-1461A,B Flow Transmitter X PT-2-1460A,B Pressure Transmitter X 2-1401A,B Core Spray Pump X MO-2-1402-3A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X FS-2-1464A,B Flow Switch X  ! MO-2-1402-38A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X PS-2-1466A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X l I E I

1 R3vicion 4 j I Fccility: Unit: Docket: Drc; don 2 50-237 November 1, 1980 I MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: High-Pressure Coolant Injection SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain- Contain-ment ment MO-2-2301-5 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-2301-3 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X SV 12 Turbine Stop Valve X PT-2-2359 Pressure Transmitter X FT-2-2358 Flow Transmitter X MO-2-2301-9 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X I (de) Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-2301-8 (dc) None Turbine Gland Seal Condenser X Hotwell Drain Pump (de)

      ? 2-2382               Pressure Transmitter                                                                                                        X MO-2-2301-35             Gate Valve, Motor Operated                                                                                                  X MO-2-2301-6              Gate Valve, Motor Operated                                                                                                  X S0-2-2301-30             Air Operated Valve,                                                                                                         X Solenoid POS - 2 2301 30          "ir Operated Valvc,
                              .                                                                                                                          X II)     (

Position Switch I S0-2-2301-29 Air Operated Valve, Solenoid X l I I I

'l m Ravicion 4 November 1, 1980 High-Pressure Coolant Injection (Continued) Page 2 SYSTEM: SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location  ! Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name ment ment POS 2 2301 20 " air Opcratcd Valvc, X(1) Pccition Cuiteh Steam Supply Isolation X MO-2-2301-4 Valve I NONE Motor Speed Changer X Motor Gear Unit X NONE Emergency Oil Pump X NONE Auxiliary Oil Pump X NONE i NONE Gle.atd Steam Exhauster X l l Fan PS-2-2389A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X MO-2-2301-14 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X l MO-2-2301-15 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X 1

' I  MO-2-2301-48            Gate Valve, Motor Operated                    X MO-2-2301-49            Gate Valve, Motor Operated                    X S0-2-2301-64            Air Operated Valve,                           X Solenoid For-2 2301 Si          Air Operated Valvc                            X II) n__: t       -_ c..      m_t a w w a w avaa  u vi a ww a s S0-2-2301-65           Air Operated Valve,                           X Solenoid POC 2 2301 SS      -
                              " air Operatcd Valvc,                        X II)

Pocition Switch MO-2-2301-36 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-2301-10 Motor-Operated Valve X I

l Revision 4 5 November 1, 1980 SYSTEM: High-Pressure Coolant Injection (Continued) Page 3 J?ECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside

'I    Plant Identification Primary    Primary Contain- Contain-Number                 Generic Name            ment       ment 2-2386                   HPCI Motor Control Signal                 X Convertor PS-2-2360                Pressure Switch                           X LS-2-2351A,B             Level Switch                              X LS-2/3-2350A,B,C,D       Level Switch                              X

! FS-2-2354 Flow Switch X 4 PS-2-2368A,B Pressure Switch X l LS-LCS-1 Level Switch X DPIS-2-2352 Differential Pressure X Indicating Switch DPIs-2-2353 Differential Pressure X Indicating Switch TS-2-2370A,B,C,D Temperature Switch X TS-2-2371A,B,C,D Temperature Switch X

 ,    TS-2-2372A,B,C,D         Temperature Switch                        X
 ;    TS-2-2373A,B,C,D         Temperature Switch                        X (1) This component has been deleted because it is used for position indication only and failure of the switch will not affect the associated valve control circuit.


Focility: Drc den Rcvicion 4 Unit 2 November 1, 1980 Docket: 50-237 I MASTER LIST I CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Auto Depressurization/ Main Steam SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Primary Outside Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain-ment Contain-ment X I 2-203-3A Target Rock Valve and Associated Solenoid 2-203-3B,C,D,E Electromatic Relief Valve X I and Associated Solenoid Valve i I AO-2-203-1A,B,C,D Main Steam Isolation Valve with Associated Solenoid Valves X POC 2 203 1A,0,C,0 Main Otcam Icciation X Valec, Pccition Switch MO-2-220-1 Globe Valve, Motor Operated X TS-2-261-15A,B,C,D Temperature Switch X I 16A,B,C,D 17A,B,C,D 18A,B,C,D i MO-2-220-2 Globe Valve, Motor Operated X AO-2-203-2A,B,C,D Main Steam Isolation X l Valve with Associated l Solenoid Valve l X II) I POC 2-203 2A,0,0,0 Main Otcam Icciation Valve, Position Switch DPIS-2-261-2A,B,C, Differential Pressure X I D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M, N,P,R,S Indication Switch PC--2 0251 20A,0,0,0 Pressurc Switch X (1) These components have been deleted because, although they I initiate a scram, the scram is an anticipatory scram for conditions not related to the postulated accidents. I

Facility: Drccdcn Rsvicion 4 Unit 2 Novembar 1, 1980 Docket: 50-237 l MASTER LIST E CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT e REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Low-Pressure Coolant Injection / Containment Spray i SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Pratary Outside Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Nama Contain- Contain-ment r.'en t MO-2-1501-5A,B,C,D Gate Valve, Motor Operated X PS-2-1554A,B,C,D,E, Pressure Switch X F,G,H 2-A,B,C,D-1502 II Coolant Injection Pump X I MO-2-1501-3A,B Globe Valve, Motor Operated (and Position Transmitter) X DPT-2-1543A,B Differential Pressure X Transmitter MO-2-1501-llA,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-32A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-13A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X FT-2-1549A,B Flow Transmitter X MO-2-1501-18A,B Globe Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-19A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X FT-2-1551A,B Flow Transmitter X PS 1501 -58 A , B Flow Switch X I l I I I

I Revision 4 November 1, Page 2 1980 SYSTEM: Low-Pressure Coolat.t Injection / Containment Spray (Continued) SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATt.i> WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Primary Inside Location Outside Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain- Contain-ment ment MO-2-1501-21A,B Angle Ve'" . Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-22A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-27A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-28A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operatec X 2-A,B,C,D-1501-44 Containment Cooling Ser- X vice Water Pumps FT-2-1543A,B Flow Transmitter X MO-2-1501-38A,B Glebe- Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1501-20A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X I I I I , I I I I I I

i I Facility: Drecdon Revicion 4 Unit: 2 November 1, 1980 , Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS I SYSTEM: Pressure Suppression i I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Primary Primary Contain- Contain-ment ment LT 2 1541 1 Lceci Transmitter X II S0-2-1601-68 Solencid Valve X I S0-2-1601-69 Solenoid Valve X POC 2 1501 51 Octc Valec, Air Opcrated } X (Pccition Cwitch) POC 2 1501 50 Outtcrfly Valec, "ir X( I Operated (Pccition C'a i t t , ' S0-2-L.201-2A,B Solenoid Valve X S0-2-8501-4A,B Solenoid Valve X S0-2-9203A,B Solenoid Valve X S0-2-9204A,B Solenoid Valve X S0-2-8501-6A,B Solenoid Valve X PS-2-1632A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X PS-2-1501-62A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X PS-2-1629A,B Pressure Switch X PS-2-1621A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X PS-2-1628A,B Pressure Switch X I PT-2 1525 Prcssurc Transmitter X(3) I I

Ravicion 4 l November 1, 1980 SYSTEM: Pressure Suppression (Continued) Page 2 , I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside I Plant Identification Primary Contain-Primary Contain-Number Generic Name ment ment I P'd 2 1501 22 "uttcrfly "alvc, . .i Operatcd ("osition r X(2) I n. n _N ._ _ , .i f.n 1 ,. A. c. v n._.m

                                                 .2  m. w_ u..s
m. _ ._ .f .s ,.. , F. _
                                                                            . l e.e _   ,   ..

2_ V. . I r Operated ("csitica l Cwitch) m , , , e.., m,_u_ u._,.._ 1_

                                                                                   .. mymm____mm_2   m v,(2)
                  . e n. .


n. m e . . mm- . . ,

fPecition Switch) X S0-2-1601-70 Solenoid Valve y(2) E00 2 1501 52 "utteefly "alvc, .".ir Opareted ("ositica Cwitch) AO-2-1601-55 Air Operated Valve, X Solenoid o2_ v,, ( 2 ) mm-

             .     .en.


                           ,    ce

u m s. m r ,. . y

                                                                           .m.._.m,        .

Operated (Position Switch)

                   . e. n .
                           , ,,            n
                                           .._ m m _ ._ , ., . .

u._.,.._ .-, ..2 ._ v,(2)

n. m c . .. 2 Operatcd ("Osition I nmc ,__,en, ,,

w2. m _t. ,s n..m.m

                                               .        _._ e , ,.. u.._.,...,       _      ,

y(2) I Operated ("csition e..: m _ t..s, I v.. ( 2 ) ees r, s. e. n , .e .r m.

                                           ..      . m m _. _ r , .,.       . .. ,         ..1     _

Opcrated ("Ocition 0 aitch) I n. .n e

              . . .,  e. n .,    en
                                 .          n. .. . m m. ._ _ r.,

Operated (Pocition

                                               - 1 m _t.

s i.. u.._,.., _

                                                                                            .m. 2 ._                  v.. ( 2 )

I S0-2-1601-66 Solenoid Valve X X I MO-2-1601-57 Globe Valve, Motor Operated  ; I l 1 I l l

1 1 Rovicion 4 November 1, 1980 SYSTEM: Pressure Suppression (Continued) Page 3 SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location I Plant Identification Inside Primary Outside Primary Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name ment ment POC-2-1501 59 Clobc Valvc, Air Operated X( } (Pcsition Switch) S0-2-1601-67 Solenoid Valve X I POC 2 1501 20A Dutterfly Valvc, Air Operatcd (POcition Switch) X POS-2-1501-200 Outterfly Valvc, Air X Operated (Position Ewitch) BPT 2 1502 12 Differential Prcssurc X Transmitter DPIS-2-1622A,B Differential Pressure X Indication Switch LT 2 1525 Lcvci Transmittcr X S0-2-1601-65 Solenoid Valve X S0-2-1601-71 Solenoid Valve X S0-2-1601-50A,B Solenoid Valve X S0-2-1601-51A,8 Solenoid Valve X SO-2-1601-52A,B Solenoid Valve X PS-2-1620 Pressure Switch X (1) This component has been deleted because it provides indication only. (2) This component has been deleted because it is used for position indication only and failure of the switch will not affect the associated valve control circuit. I (3) This component has been deleted because its function is required during normal operation only. (4) This component has been deleted because it is used for contain-ment pressure control during normal operation only. I 1 l

Facility: Dresden Revision 3 Unit: 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 I MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Standby Gas Treatment I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location (elevation) Inside Outside Primary Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain- Contain-ment ment 2/3-A,B-7506 Pan X FT-2/3-7541-40A,B Flow Transmitter X FS-2/3-7541-45A,B Flow Switch X MO-2/3-7507A,B Butterfly Valves - Motor X Operated MO-2-7503 Butterfly Valve - Motor X Operated MO-2/3-7504-A,B Butterfly Valves - Motor X Operated MO-2/3-7505-A,B Butterfly Valves, Motor X Operated TSH-2/3-7541-llA,B Temperature Switch X CCn 2/3-7541-35A,0 CCn X III 2/3-A,B-7503 E1.ectric Air Heater X  ; FSL-2/3-7541-41A,B Flow Switch X 2223-28A,B Local Control Panel X l (1) This component has been deleted because it is integral I to MCC 28-2 which is included elsewhere in this report. l I lI l l

I Facility: Unit: Docket: Dresden 2 50-237 Revision 3 June 2, 1980 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Service Water SPECIFIC COMPONENi5 ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location 1 Inside Outside Primary Primary I Plant Identification Nunicer Generic Name Contain- Contain-ment ment . l I 2& 2/3-3903 Diesel Generator Cooling X Water Pumps i 2-5746A,B Emergency Air Cooler X l Reactor Building I 2-5747 HPCI Building Cooler X I I I , l l I  : I I I , i


.I   Plant Identification Number                                    Generic Name Contain-ment Contain-ment 2-5203                        Diesel Oil Transfer Pump                                 X 4

2/3-5203 Diesel Oil Transfer Pump X l LS-2-5241-3 Level Switen (High/ Low) X LS-2/3-5241-3 Level Switch (High/ Low) X S0-2-5202 Solenoid Valve X SO-2/3-5202 Solenoid Valve X I I I l I I I

Facility: Dre: den Revision 3 Unit: 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 ) l MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Containment Isolation SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside I Plant Identification Primary Primary Contain- Contain-Number Ge,.eric Name (**) ment ment

 *AO-2-203-1A,B,C,D       Globe Valve, Air Operated     X (M-12)
  *AO-2-203-2A,B,C,D      Globe Valve, Air Operated                X (M-12)
  *MO-2-220-0             Globe Valve, Motor            X Operated (M-12)
  *MO-2-220-2             Globe Valve, Motor                       X Operated (M-12)

Solenoid Valve (M-26) I *SO-2-220-44

  *SO-2-220-45            Solenoid Valve (M-26)

X X MO-2-1201-1 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1201-2 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X j MO-2-1201-3 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1001-1A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-1001-2A,B,C Gate Valve, Motor Operated X l MO-2-1001-5A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X

  *MO-2-1501-5A,B,C,D     Gate Valve, Motor                        X Operated (M-29)
  *SO-2-305-120           Solenoid Valve                            X
  *SO-2-305-121           Solenoid Valve                            X
  *SO-2-305-122           Solenoid Valve                            X I

Revicion 4 November 1, 1980 l l SYSTEM: Containment Isolation (Continued) Page 2 SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary l Plant Identification Contain- Contain- I I Number

 *SO-2-305-123 Generic Name (**)

Solenoid Valve ment ment X

 *MO-2-1501-22A,B         Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-29)
 *MO-2-1501-18A,B         Globe Valve, Motor                                                                                                                 X Operated (M-29)
 *MO-2-1501-19A,B         Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-29)

I *MO-2-1501-38A,B Globe Valve, Motor Operated (M-29) X

  *MO-2-1501-20A,B        Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X I                          Operated (M-29)

Gate Valve, Motor X

  *MO-2-1501-13A,B Operated (M-29)
  *MO-2-1501-28A,B        Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-29)
  *MO-2-205-2-4           Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-26)
  *MO-2-1301-1            Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                      X Operated (M-28)
  *MO-2-1301-2            Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-28)
  *MO-2-1301-3             Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                 X Operated (M-28)
  *Mc-2-1301-4             Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                      X Operated (M-28)

I *MO-2-1402-3A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated (M-27) X

  *MO-2-1402-25A,B         Gate Valve, Motor                                                                                                                  X Operated (M-27)
  *MO-2-1402-4A,B          Globe Valve, Motor                                                                                                                 X I                           Operated (M-27)                                                                                                                             l I

1 Rnvicion 4 November 1, 1980 SYSTEM: Containment Isolation (Continued) Page 3 SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name (**) ment ment

   *MO-2-2301-36           Gate Valve, Motor                         X Operated (M-51)
   *MO-2-2301-9            Gate Valve, Motor                         X Operated (M-51)
   *MO-2-2301-5            Gate Valve, Motor                         X Operated (M-51)

AO-2-2001-105 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) AO-2-2001-106 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) AO-2-2001-5 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) AO-2-2001-6 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) POS-2-2001-105 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Position Switch) POS-2-2001-106 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Position Switch) POS-2-2001-5 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Position Switch) I POS-2-2001-6 Gate Valve, Air Operated X (Position Switch) MO-2-3702 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MO-2-3703 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X  ; 1 MO-2-3706 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X

    *AO-2-1601-60          Butterfly Valve, Air                       X Operated (M-25) l l    *AO-2-1601-61          Gate Valve, Air Operated                   X (M-25)

Rsvicion 3 June 2, 1980 SYSTEM: Containment Isolation (Continued) Page 4 SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name (**) ment __ ment

   ,* AO-2-1601-20A,B       Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
    *AO-2-1601-23           Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
    *AO-2-1601-24           Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
    *MO-2-1601-57           Globe Valve, Motor Operated               X (M-25)
    *AO-2-1601-62           Globe Valve, Air Operated                 X (M-25)
    *AO-2-1601-21           Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)

, *AO-2-1601-39 Butterfly Valve, Air X Operated (M-25)

    *AO-2-1601-58           Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
    *AO-2-1601-56           Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
    *MO-2-1601-57           Globe Valve, Motor                        X Operated (M-25)
     *AO-2-1601-22          Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
     *AO-2-1601-63          Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)
     *AO-2-1601-55          Butterfly Valve, Air                      X Operated (M-25)

AO-2-4720 Air Operated Valve X (Solenoid) AO-2-4721 Air Operated Valve X (Solenoid) I

l Rnvision 4 November 1, 1980 i SYSTEM: Containment Isolation (Continued) Page 5 ' I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location I Plant Identification Inside Primary Outside Primary Contain- Contain-Numbpr Generic Name (**) ment ment PO C -- 2 '720 "ir Opcrated Valvc

                              .                                                  X(1}

(Position Cuitch) POC 2 4721 "ir Opcrated Valvc X (Pccition Switch)

 ?-700-733A,B,C,D,E          Solenoid Ball Valve                                 X 3-700-736A,B,C,D,E          Squib Shear Valve                                   X
  • These components are listed here for information only. Their qualification evaluation is covered with their respective systems.
 ** Shows P&ID Number of respective system (1) This component has been deleted because it is used for position I

indication only and fai. lure of the switch will not affect the associated valve contro. circuit. I I , I I l

Facility: Drccdan Revision 3 Unit 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS I SYSTEM: Control Rod Drive Hydraulic I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Primary ment Primary Contain- Contain-ment

   *SO-2-305-ll7            Scram Solenoid Valve                     X
   *SO-2-305-118            Scram Solenoid Valve                     X S0-2-0302-20A,B          Scram Solenoid Valve                     X S0-2-0302-19A,B          Scram Solenoid Valve                     X LS-2-0302-82A,B,C,D      Level Switch                             X POS-2-302-21A,B          Air Operated Valve                       X (Position Switch)

I POS-2-302-22 Air Operated Valve (Position Switch) X

   *SO-2-305-120            Solenoid Valve                           X
   *SO-2-305-121            Solenoid Valve                           X
   *SO-2-305-122            Solenoid Valve                           X
   *SO-2-305-123            Solenoid Valve                           X I


  • Typical e 177 valves.

i l I

Fccility: Drendan Revision 4 Unit: 2 November 1, 1980 l l Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS I SYSTEM: Reactor (Nuclear Boiler) Recirculation SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Primary ment Primary Contain- Contain-ment LITS-2-263-73A,B Level Indicating X Transmitter Switch PS-2-263-1llA,B,C,D Pressure Switch X 1 PT-2-5n,0 Precourc Trancmitter X LT 2 5'S A,0 Lcycl Transmitter X  ; I PT 2 502 PS-2-263-52A,B Prcssurc Transmitter Pressure Switch X X PS-2-263-55A,B,C,D Pressure Switch X LT 2 253 51 Lcycl Transmittar X(2) MO-2-205-2-4 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X POC 2 220 51 Cicbc Valvc, Air Opcratcd X (3) (Pccition Switch) AO-2 220 51 Cicbc Valvc, Air Operated X (3) ) (Colencid) Pos-2-220 r> 2- 01che Va+ve, Air Operatel X (3) ( Pc a iMon-Swi-teh} AO 2 220 52 Cicbc Valve, Air Operated X (3) (Celencid)- E

Rsvicion 4 I November 1, 1980 i Page 2 I SYSTEM: Reactor (Nuclear Boiler) Recirculation (Continued) SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain-ment Contain-ment , 1 LITS-2-263-59A,B Level Indicator X l I Transmitter Switch X i l l LIS-2-263-57A,B Level Indicator Switch I LIS-2-263-72A,B,C,D Level Indicator Switch X f LIS-2-263-58A,B Level Indicator Switch X Clcbc Valve, ?.ir Operated X (4 POC-2 220 di in.  : x: - n..: w gavoawavaa ww A ww as , AO-2-220-44 Globe Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) P00--2 220 15 Cicbc Valve, Air Operated X I4) ("csition Switch) AO-2-220-45 Globe Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) DPIS-2-261-35A,B,C,D Differential Pressure X E,F,G,H Indicating Switch I DPIS-2-261-34A,B,C,D Differential Pressure Indicating Switch X i MO-2-202-5A,B Gate Valve, Motor Operated X Motor Operatcd Valvc X (5) MO 2 202 4A,O MO-2-202-7A,B Motor Operated Valve X MO-2-202-6A,B Motor Operated Valve X l 1 i MO-2-202-9A,B Motor Operated Valve X (1) These components have been deleted because they are required i for control of the feedwater regulation valve during normal operation only. l 1 l l (2) This component has been deleted because it provides indication only. lI 1

Revision 4 i November 1, 1980 Page 3 I SYSTEM: Reactor (Nuclear Boiler) Recirculation (Continued) (3) This piping system does not penetrate drywell therefore these valves are not required for containment isolation. (4) This component has been deleted because it is used for position indication only and failure of the switch will not affect the associated valve control ciruit. 1 (5) These valves have been deleted because they are wired out l I to remain inoperable, and their function is not required following an accident. l I I iI lI iI .I I .I , I 'I I I I I

l Facility: Drecdsn Revision 3 .5 Unit: 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 I MASTER LIST

  • Process Radiation Monitoring SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Outside

. Primary Primary l Plant Identification Contain- Contain-

  =         Number                  Generic Name          ment       ment RE-2-1735A,B             Rx Building Ventilation                  X Exhaust Radiation Element il il
!I I


Facility: Dro: den Rovicion 3 Unit: 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Reactor Building Ventilation SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Primary Outside Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name ment ment I AO-2-5742A,B Butterfly Valve, Air X Operated (Solenoid) AO-2-5741A,B Butterfly Valve, Air X Operated (Solenoid) I I I I I - lI l l lI

E Pccility' oroco:n noviolon 3 i 5 Unit: 2 June 2, 1980 l Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Control Room, Office, and Drywell Air Conditioning SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Primary Outside Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name _ ment ment 2/3-5772-100 Isolation Damper and X I Solenoid Valves 2/3-5772-99 Damper X I 2/3-5772-101 Isolation Damper X 2/3-5731 Supply Air Fan X 2/3-9472-024 Damper X 2/3-9472-023 Damper X 2/3-5772-62 Damper X 2/3-5728 Return Air Fan X

 ';. 2/3-5790                Diesel Generator Room Fan                X

2/3-5732A,B Control Room Air Con- X ditioning Compressors SE-2/3-8941-013 Smoke Detector X l SE-2/3-9441-003 Solenoid Valve X l SO-2/3-9441-004 Solenoid Valve X l I I I I

Drccdcn R;vicion 3 Fccility: l Unit: 2 Juno 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 lI l MASTER LIST l l CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT l REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Standby Alternating Current Power SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM I Location Inside Primary Outside Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name Contain-ment Contain-ment 2-5209 Standby Diesel Generator X Standby Diesel Generator X 2/3-5209 SWGR 23-1 4.16 kV Switchgear X SWGR 24-1 4.16 kV Switchgear X SWGR 28 480 V Switchgear X SWGR 29 480 V Switchgear X MCC 28-1 480 V Rx Building MCC X MCC 28-2 480 V Turbine Building MCC X MCC 28-3 480 V Turbine Building MCC X I MCC 28-7 480 V Rx Building MCC X MCC 29-1 480 V Rx Building MCC X MCC 29-2 480 V Turbine Building MCC X MCC 29-3 480 V Rx Building MCC X MCC 29-4 480 V Rx Building MCC X MCC 29-7 480 V Rx Building MCC X RPS Bus 1 120 V ac Reactor Protec- X I tion System Bus 1 X RPS Bus 2 120 V ac Reactor Protec-tion System Bus 2 I I

R3vicion 3 June 2, 1980 SYSTEM: Standby Alternating Curront Power (Continued) Page 2 SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITil ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside 'r ' Primary Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain- 1 Number Generic Name ment ment 120/240 V ac Essential X Essential Service Bus Service Bus X Instrument Bus 120/240 V ac Instrument Bus X Essential Bus 120/240 V ac Essential MMG Set Bus Supply MMG Set X 2252-21 D/G 2 Excitation Cabinet X 2223-41 D/G 2/3 Excitation Cabinet D/G 2-2/3 Engine Control Panel X None None D/G 2-2/3 Speed Sensing Panel X at Engine D/G 2 Relay and Meter Panel X None D/G 2/3 Relay and Meter Panel X 2223-33 4 kV Nonsegregated Bus X I None 4 I

;I I


Fccility: Dros/en R vision 3 Unit 2 June 2, 1980 Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Standby Direct Current Power SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATE!' WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification Contain- Contain-Number Generic Name ment ment 250 V Batt Chgr 2 250 V Battery Charger X 250 V Batt Chgr 2/3 250 V Battery Charger X MCC 2 (Turbine 250 V dc Turbine Building X Building) MCC I MCC 2 (Rx Building Bus 2A & 'B 250 V dc Reactor Building MCC X 250 V Battery 250 V de Battery X 125 V Batt Chgr 2 125 V Battery Charger X 125 V Batt Chgr 2A 125 V Battery Charger X 125 V Battery 125 V dc Battery X 125 V DCDP Main Bus 2 125 V dc Turbine Building X Distribition Panel (Main Bus) 125 V DCDP Res Bus 2 125 V dc Turbine Building X Distribution Panel I 125 V DCDP Main Bus 3 (Reserve Bus) 125 V dc Reactor Building X Distribution Panel (Main Bus) 48/24 Batt 2A & 2B 48/24 V Battery X 24V Batt Chgr 2A & 24 V Battery Charger X 2B (+) i 24 V Batt Chgr 2A & 24 V Battery Charger X 28 (-) 48/24 DCDB 2A & 2B 48/24 V dc Distribution X Panel

Fccility: DrcCdan R vision 4 Unit 2 November 1, 1980 i Docket: 50-237 MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDPNT CONDITIONS SYSTEM: Isolation Condenser SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary Primary Plant Identification Contein- Contain-Number Geleric Name ment ment POC 2 1301-17 Cicbc Valve, ?.ir Operated X(

                               'Pccition Switch)

Globe Valve, Air Operated X I AO-2-1301-17 (Solenoid) III POS 2-1301-20 Clebe Vclvo r-Air Operated X (Pccition Switch)- AO-2-1301-20 Globe Valve, Air Operated X (Solenoid) MO-2-13rl-3 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X (de) MO 13 01-4 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X MD-2-1301-1 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X Mr.-2-1301-2 Gate Valve, Motor Operated X (dc) DPIS-1349A,B Differential Pressure X Indicating Switch DPIS-1350A,B Differential Pressure X Indicsting Switch (1) This component has been deleted because it is used for position indication only and failure of the switch will not affect the associated valve control circuit. 9 E  ; 11 I i l

I Fccility: Dresden Revision 4 i Unit 2 November 1, 1980 l l Docket: 50-237  ! 1 I MASTER LIST CLASS lE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO FUNCTION UNDER POSTULATED ACCIDENT CONDITIONS ! SYSTEM: General Use Electrical Equipment I SPECIFIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE SYSTEM Location Inside Outside Primary I Plant Identification Number Generic Name ment Primary Contain- Contain-ment Cable 5 kV Power X Cable 600 V Power and Control X X I Cable Instruments X X Cable Thermocouples X X Electrical Pene- High-Voltage Power X X tration , l Electrical Pene- Low-Voltage Power & Control X X  ! tration Electrical Pene- Instruments X X l tration i l Electrical Pene- Thermocouples X X l tration Terminal Blocks Terminal Blocks X X l I I I

.,n_     ,u   -. a -  _m e   _ -,    -u   - .-- . ,--           -a,- - -   ~v -

I 1I I AeeeNO1x c g eacSoeN UN1T 2 xex ,LAN IDENTIFYING HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL  ! l AREAS AND TABULATION OF SERVICE CONDITIONS I I l g , l I 1 l I i l I I I I 1 I .I I lI 1 . . . _ __ - -

Revision 4 November 1, 1980 I LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES I Plan view general arrangement drawing Figure C.1 identifying harsh environmental areas for i Dresden Unit 2 el 476'-6" Plan view general arrangement drawing I Figure C.2 identifying harsh environmental areas for Dresden Unit 2 el 517'-6" Figure C.3 Plan view general arrangement drawing identifying harsh environmental areas for Dresden Unit 2 el 545'-6" Figure C.4 Plan view general arrangement drawing identifying harsh environmental areas for Dresden Unit 2 el 570'-0" Figure C.5 Plan view general arrangement drawing identifying harsh environmental areas for I Figure C.6 Dresden Unit 2 el 589'-0" and 613'-0" FSAR Figure 5.2.11 providing the drywell I pressure response following the postulated LOCA FSAR Figure 5.2.12 providing drywell temp-I Figure C.7 erature response following the pos.ulated LOCA Figure C.8 Drywell temperature response following the postulated steam line break . l Maximum environmental conditions inside the I Table C-1 drywell following the postulated LOCA/SLB Table C-2 Maximum environmental conditions outside the I Table C-3 drywell following the postulated HELB Post-LOCA maximum radiation doses for areas outside the drywell for 1 day, 30 days, and I. 1-year exposure. (Where times other than 1 day, 30 days, and 1 year apply calculated values for the appropriate time are uti-I lized.) I I I

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m M M M M m m m a e m M M M M 'M M M m Revision 1 November 1, 1980 TABLE C-1 MAXIMUM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS INSIDE THE DRYWELL FOLLOWING THE POSTULATED LOCA/SLB Relative Containment Gamma Submergence Temperature Pressure ilumidity Spray Radiation Elevation 7 281F 63 psia 100% Demineralized 1 day-4.3x10 rads 505'-6" water 30 day-lx10 8 rads 1 year-1.1x10 8 rads

W M M M mM M m m m M M M M M M M M e Revision 1 November 1, 1980 TABLE C-2 MAXIMUM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS l OUTSIDE THE DRYWELL FOLLOWING THE POSTULATED HELB  ! Maximum Maximum Relative Pressure Temperature Humidity Area Pipe Break (psia) (*F) (4) Steam tunnel Main steam / 27.0 242 100 feedwater High-pressure heater bay Main steam / Not evaluated - No equipment which feedwater is required to function is located in this area Turbine Building Main steam Not evaluated - No equipment which el 538'-0", is required to function is located north of Column G, in this area between Columns 40 and 42 and 46 and 48 Reactor feed pump room Feedwater Not evaluated - No equipment which is required to function is located in this room Diesel generator room Feedwater Not evaluated - Qualification for the environment due to a postulated feedwater line break is not required because three diesels are available to proviJe emergency ac power. 1

Revision 1 November 1, 1980 TABLE C-2 (Continued) Maximum Maximum Relative Pressure Temperature flunidity Area Pipe Break (psia) ('F) (%) Torus compartment liigh-pressure 27.0 242 100 (region of postulated IIPCI coolant injection line break) steam Reactor water cleanup heat Reactor water Not evaluated - Only containment iso-exchanger and holding pump cleanup lation valves are required to function. room Oualification will meet conservatively assumed drywell LOCA conditions. Reactor building pipe chase Isolation condenser 27.0 242 100 el 589'-0", 570'-0", and 545'-6" south of drywell between columns L and M near column 47; and isolation condenser area


  • 1 Day 30 Days 1 Year 7

Torus SP 1.5x10 3.2x10 3.9x10 5 5 6 Low-pressure coolant injection SP 2.4x10 9.4 10 1.7x10 corner rooms 6 High-pressure coolant MS 6.6x10 1.6x10 1.7x10 injection room 5 5 6 Steam tunnel SP 1.9x10 7.0x10 1.3x10 6 6 7 Ree-tor building RW 2.5x10 7.8x10 1.4x10 f1 5t7'-6" 5 6 Re r. ' ~- building CA/SP 2.2x10 6.2x]0 1.1x10

                   ,a e3      .< 5 6 5                 5                 5 Fieactor Nilding                         CA                  2.2x10            5.4x10            6.1x10 el 57C'-0" 6

React: . building RW 3.2x10 1.1x10 1.8x10 el 589'-0"

  • SP = Suppression pool liquid RW = Reactor water e MS = Reactor steam CA = Containment airborne}}