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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236F81330 June 1998Rev 0 to Defueled SAR Dresden Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Commonwealth Edison CoSafe Shutdown
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Barrier
Zebra Mussel
Emergency Lighting
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Overspeed trip
Water rod
Water hammer
ML20135E85528 February 1997Verification Screening of Key Parameters for Twelve Risk Significant SystemsSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20138K20818 November 1996Rev 0 to Roles & Responsibilities of Dresden Engineering Assurance Group
ML20092D22923 May 1995Rev 0,mod M12-2&3-94-004 to Nep 04-03, 10CFR50.59 SeSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Fuel cladding
Flow Induced Vibration
Water rod
ML20092C73712 May 1995Partially Withheld,Rev 1, Shroud & Shroud Repair Hardware Analysis Volume I,Shroud Repair HardwareOperating Basis Earthquake
Finite Element Analysis
Design basis earthquake
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20092C78012 May 1995Rev 1, Shroud & Shroud Repair Hardware Analysis Volume:1, Shroud Repair Hardware Backup CalculationsDesign basis earthquake
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20092C82811 May 1995Partially Withheld,Rev 1 to Dresden Units 2 & 3 Top Ring Plate & Star Truss Stress Analysis Backup CalculationsFinite Element Analysis
ML20092C84531 December 1994Partially Withheld Rev O, Primary Structure Seismic Models, Dec 1994
ML20086A30031 October 1994Reactor Bldg Crane & Cask Yoke Assembly Mods
ML17187A80428 February 1994Containment Analysis of DBA-LOCA to Update Design Basis for Lpci/Ccs, for GENE-637-042-1193
ML20125D1281 December 1992Methodology for Estimating ECP in Dresden Unit 2 RWCU Piping
ML20082A69331 March 1991Structural Evaluation of Com Ed BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Stud CrackingHydrostatic
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20067B4924 February 1991Nonproprietary Fracture Toughness Evaluation of Shell Side Lpcis Heat Exchanger for Dresden Station - Unit 2Finite Element Analysis
ML17202L28829 June 1990II Upper Vessel Contract Variation Review.
ML20059B85529 August 1989LOCA-ECCS Analysis Single Failure Diesel Generator. Related Info EnclFLEX
ML20244B51231 March 1989Determination of Potential Radiological Consequences from Fuel Handling Accident at Dresden Nuclear Power Station Unit 1Fuel cladding
ML20079B65412 July 1988Nuclear Safety-Related,Containment Cooling Svc Water Pump Room Cooler Heat Load Study, for Plants
ML20236G31230 June 1987Monthly Plant Status Rept, June 1987
ML20214S30828 May 1987Weekly Status Rept,Assessment of Embedment Plates Status as of 870528
ML20215K24430 April 1987Assessment of Embedment Plates Status as of 870430, Weekly Status Rept
ML20204J74312 March 1987Assessment of Embedment Plates Status as of 870308, Weekly Status Rept
ML20212F83631 May 1986Evaluation for Effects of Dresden Unit 3 Polyurethane FireSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20210Q59728 April 1986Rev 0 to Design Assessment of Dresden Units 2 & 3 Control Room Panel MountingSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20138S00329 October 1985Rev 5 to Policy Statement Delineating Requirements & Procedures Re Emergency Plan & Procedures
ML20117D34131 May 1985Detailed Control Room Design Review Final Summary ReptLoop seal
Emergency Lighting
ML20099F35031 October 19842 Hydrogen Water Chemistry Program:Assessment of Plant Operation During Initial Fuel Cycle Through Jul 1984Grab sample
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Fuel cladding
ML18041A12514 September 1984Rev 4 to, 180-Day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 & 3.Safe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20211B07424 May 1984Leak-Before-Break Justification Rwcu,Dresden Station Units 2 & 3,Quad Cities Station Units 1 & 2Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20080A92127 December 1983Rev 4 to Control Rod Sequence Package
ML20072N89827 June 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept, Vol 5,Safety Relief Valve Discharge Piping AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Finite Element Analysis
Subsequent actuation
ML20077C39218 June 1983Rev 00 to Dresden 2 Main Steam Monitoring Procedure Test- Analysis CorrelationFinite Element Analysis
ML20072N95331 May 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 7,Unit 2 Torus Attached Piping & Suppression Chamber Penetration AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20072N92531 May 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 6,Unit 1 Torus Attached Piping & Suppression Chamber Penetration Analysis
ML20072N87731 May 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 4,Internal Structures AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20072N85431 May 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 3,Vent Sys AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20072N84331 May 1983Plant Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 2,Suppression Chamber AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
Subsequent actuation
ML20072N82731 May 1983Plant-Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 1,General Criteria & MethodologySafe Shutdown Earthquake
Subsequent actuation
ML20072K81731 May 1983Rev 0 to Dresden Nuclear Power Station,Units 2 & 3,Plant- Unique Analysis Rept,Vol 3,Vent Sys AnalysisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20072A4769 May 1983Rev 3 to 180-Day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11 for Dresden 2 & 3 & Quad Cities 1 & 2
ML20076L18630 September 1982Rev 1 to Improved Dynamic Vacuum Breaker Valve Response for Quad Cities 1 & 2
ML20063H04827 July 1982SEP Topic III-5.A,High Energy Pipe Breaks Inside Containment, Revised Draft Interim Progress ReptFinite Element Analysis
Through-Wall Leakage
ML20054H28019 May 1982Impact Effects on Spent Fuel Pool Slab
ML20040D77615 January 1982180-Day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station,Units 2 & 3.
ML20040D78015 January 1982180-Day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11 for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2.
ML20039C40431 December 1981Control Room Habitability Study for Dresden 2 & 3, Final ReptPotassium iodide
ML17194A37231 December 1981Control Room Habitability Study for Quad Cities 1 & 2, Final ReptPotassium iodide
ML20038B94123 November 1981180-day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11.Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20038B93923 November 1981180-day Rept in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11.Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML17193A70830 November 1980SEP Review of NRC Safety Topic VI-7.A.3 Associated W/ Electrical,Instrumentation & Control Portions of ECCS Actuation Sys.Scram Discharge Volume
Fuel cladding
Coast down
ML19339D02430 November 1980SEP Review of NRC Safety Topic VI-10.A Associated W/ Electrical,Instrumentation & Control Portions of Testing of Reactor Trip Sys & Engineered Safety Features,Including Response Time.Coast down