IR 05000333/1992020

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Insp Rept 50-333/92-20 on 921011-1114.No Violations Noted. One Unresolved Item Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Maint,Engineering & Technical Support & Qa/Safety Verification
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/1992
From: Eselgroth P
Shared Package
ML20126B288 List:
50-333-92-20, NUDOCS 9212220042
Download: ML20126B291 (10)


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U.S. NUCLEAR HliGULATORY COMMISSION Region i Report No.: 92 20


Docket No.: 50-333 License No.: DPR 59


l.icensee: New York Power Authority P.O. Ilox 41 Lycoming, New York 13003 Facility: James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 1.ocation: Scriba, New York Dates: October 11,1992 through November 14, 1992 Insixctors: W. Cook, Senior Resident inspector R. Plasse, Jr., Resident inspector Approved by: / '

ts _ (2[9/92 Peter TV. Eselgrppf Chief Date


Reactor Projects Section 111, DRP l

l lhS1'RCHON SE1MARD Routine NRC resident inspection of plant operations, maintenance, engineering and technical support, and quality assuranec/ safety veriticatio lES111/I3: See Exceutive Summary


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- 9212220042 921211 PDR ADOCK 05000333 0 PDR:  :

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Page N .0 SUhth1 ARY OF FACILITY ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ! N YPA Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 N RC Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

' PLA NT OPER ATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ! Routine Plant Operations Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1.I Operational Safety Verincation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Reactor Protection System (RPS) Loss of Power Event


...._...... 3 , Previously identified items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _4 2.3.1 (Closed) Violation 91-08 01: Inadequate Review of Fire Protection and Prevention Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 i hi A I NTE N A N C E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

! Observation of hiaintenance Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Previously identified items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2.1 (Closed) Unresolved item 90-04-04: Inadequate Controls for Gagging of Relief Valves ......................... 5 i

3.2.2 (Closed) Unresolved item (90-07 04): Discrepancy in QA


classification of 10 hiOV-57 and 10 MOV-67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2.3 (Closed) Unresolved item (90-07-03): Inadequate Valve' Motor Ope rato r Desig n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2.4 (Closed) DEO hit.018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2.5 (Closed) DEO.ENG.040 . . . . . . . .................. 7 SAFETY ASSESSMENT / QUALITY VERIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

> Previously identified items , , . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.1.1 (Closed) Unresolved Items 90-08414 and 92-01-01: Various QA Program Weaknenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 M ANAGEMENT MEETINGS ......................., ......... . -8 NOTE: The NRC luspection manual procedure or temporary lustruction that was use<1 as inspection guidance is listed for each applicable report section, i

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James A. Fitzi'atrick Nuclear Power I'lant f i-


NitC Region i Inspection Report No. 50 333/92-20  ;

, October 11, 1992 - November 14, 1992 11tu1L0ntistilo. tis .

Overall performance by the operations staff was good. Licensed operator response to a short t duration loss of shutdown cooling and reactor building ventilation isolation was appropriate. I hlitlltirlunite A number of previously identified items were reviewed and closed during this inspection t


period. l'reliminary review of the results of the relay room CO2 discharge test has prompted further NRC followup. An unresolved item (92-20 01) has been assigned to track the !

inspector's review effort Sak1LAutSittent/Oultilly Verificillinu Two unresolved items involving previously identified Quality Assurance program implementation weaknesses were close ,


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IllJAllS SUMM Al(Y OF FACil.lTY ACTIVITil3 NYl%_Activilin During this inspection period, the unit remained in cold shutdown with the core loade NYPA continued to complete outstanding work tasks necessary to support plant restar .2 Nir 2ktiXilio The inspection activities during this report penod included inspection during normal, backshift and weekend hours by the resident staff. There were thirteen hours of backshift -

s (evening shift) and three hours of deep backshift (weekend, holiday and midnight shift)

inspections during this period. Approximately 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br /> of backshift and deep backshift inspections were conducted by the Readiness Assessment Team inspection on site during this a

report perio Region based inspectors continued to review NYPA's corrective actions and program improvement initiatives in the Fire I cotection and Appendix R program areas, including the resolution of hre door survedlance deficiencies. which will be the subject of Inspection Repmt 92-14 On October 20, a public exit meeting for the Readiness Assessment Team Inspection was conducted at the FitzPatrick Training Center. The results of this inspection and initial NYPA response to the restart concerns identified were documented in inspection report 50-333/92-82, dated November 12, 199 .0 P1, ANT OPEll ATIONS (71707,71710,93702) _ lieuLindatLLLMentiedeXies During the inspection period the inspectors observed control room activities including operator shift turnovers, shift crew briefings, panel manipulations and alarm response, and routine safety system and auxiliary system operations conducted in accordance with approved operating procedures and administrative guidelines. The inspectors made independent verification of safety system operability by review of operator logs, system markups, control panel walkdowns and component status verifications in the field. Discussions were held with operators and technicians in the field to assess their familiarity with current system status and personnel response to events during the inspection period. In addition, during plant tours, inspectors reviewed routine radiological control practices. The activities inspected were acceptabl _ _ _ _ _

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2.1.1 Opciational Safety Verificalkn The inspector conducted partial control room and in plant walkdowns of the following systems:


11 and D emergency diesel generators


A and 11 standby liquid control


A and 11 cmcrgency service water



Reactor protection system s

The activities inspected in this area were found acceptabl .2 ILllgaclor ProtectionJntem (RPS) Loss of PowediYEnt On November 4. NYPA made a 10 CFR 50.72 notification of an ;:ngineared safety feature (ESP) actuation caused by a loss of power to the 11 RPS bus. Tine 0 FPS bus power was lost while starting the 11 condensate booster pump. At the time of the event, the 11 RPS was being powered by alternate power (115 kv offsite power) via the electrical protection assembly (EPA) unit. The starting of the large AC }rwered pump resulted in a momentary voltage drop in the supply voltage to the 13 RPS syaem. The EPA unit tripped on undervoltage resulting in deenergiring the 11 RFS system. This caused the residual heat remova! (RilR) shutdown cooling system c..;d the reactor building ventilation system to isolate, and the automatic initiation of the standby gas matmer: spicr., (SBGT).


The inspector reviewed the event and determined that all safety systems functioned properly in tesponse to the event. The operators restored the safety systems to their appropriate con 0guration and reinitiated RilR shutdown c(x> ling 13 minutes after the event. Reactor coolant temperature was 160'F prior to the event. After shutdown cooling was restored, reactor coolant temperature was determined to be 162*F. The inspector determined the operators properly responded to the event and the safety significance of this event was m'inor for the existing plant conditions (i.e., very low decay heat due to reactor refueled and shutdown for approximately one year). The inspector noted that with the plant operating or just after plant shutdown with a signi0cantly higher decay heat generation rate, the consequences of using alternate power to feed the RPS buses and changing electrical loads may be more signi0 cant. At the end of the inspection period, the operating review group (ORG) was evaluating this event to determine the root cause, in addition, the inspector informed NYPA that a similar event occurred recently at liope Creek. NYPA planned to-consider the Hope Creek lessons learned in developing their root cause and event assessmen The inspector had no further questions and planned to followup this event after NYPA~

completed their ORG revie ei

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l 4 WeviemlyRndEc1Lilenis ,

2.3.1 LGmedLYielation 91-08-01: Inadequatejlexie20Eiiclmietden.and_Pretendaa heceduits  ;

NYPA agreed with the violation. This violation resulted from the failure to update the appropriate fire preplan procedure after completion of a plant modification, which added -i additional fire hazards. SpeciHcally, NYPA installed the hydrogen addition system which  !

resulted in hydrogen and oxygen lines being routed in the vicinity of the condensate booster ,

pumps. The Fire Preplan Procedure, (FPP) 5.21, Turbine lluilding lilevation 252' (North),

covers the location of the condensate booster pumps and the condensate pumps. The inspector reviewed revision 3 to F"P 5.21, dated August 30,1991. In this revision, NYPA  !

noted the hydrogen and oxygen lines in the harards section of the preplan and the inspector determined that the information was adequate. In addition, at a May 28,1992 meeting with }

the NRC to discuss several Are protection and Appendix R improvements, NYPA committed to complete a review of all their fire pre-plans prior to plant restart. This review was intended to provide additional guidance to fire brigades of the potential fire hazards and  !

equipment loss in the various fire areas. This Violation b closed.


i DhseIyadutLofEnintt!Hulte_Attivities The Lnspector observed and reviewed selected portions or preventive and corrective maintenance to verify compliance with codes, standards and Technical SpeciGcations, proper  ;

i use of adminhtrative and maintenance procedures, proper QA/QC involvement, and appropriate equipment alignment and retest, The following activities were observed:


Portions of control rod drive exercising and stroke timing conducted per ST-20N, on October 19., 1992.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) discharge test in the relay room conducted in accordance with STP-76Ali, on November 11,199 This CO2 discharge test was aborted due to CO2 leakage into the control room. A critique of the test, ;dentincation of the in leakage pathways, and analysis o information gathered was being developed at the conclusion of the inspection perio The inspectors plan to followup this event in _the subsequent inspection period after NYPA's review and assessmen, . ;ompleted The NRC review and assessment of


NYPA's response to this event is unresolved. Unresolved item 92-20 0 .






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E Previoudy Identified items l 3.2.1 (Clowd) Unresolysd item 90-04-04: Inadequate Controls for Gagging of Relief Valves '

The inspector determined NYPA had inadequate relief valve gagging controls based on two r separate events involving damage to relief valves or their improper restoration as a result of


gagging. In the past, to support testing operators routinely gagged relief valves without procedural guidance (i.e., torquing and disassembly / reassembly requirements). NYPA short term corrective actions for all gagging evolutions dictated that the operations department would request the maintenance department to install the gagging device. This short term action appeared to be effective, in that, no additional problems have been identified due to improper gagging of relief valves, Besides requiring that the maintenance department assume responsibility for relief valve gagging, NYPA plans to complete implementation of a formal preventive maintenance program for relief and safety valves. The Planned hiaintenance Task Force (PAlTF)

completed an in-dopth evaluation of the previous 15 year maintenance history of all plant

safety and relief valves. The evaluation entitled, Preventive hiaintenance Evaluation for Relief and Safety Valves, PME 117, was reviewed by the inspector. Based on this evaluation, NYPA has commiped-to complete additional maintenance program improvements ,

including more detailed work instructions for relief valve maintenance which will include valve specific gagging instructions and permanent tool storage control of all gagging device ,

in addition, the PMTP is presently evaluating PME-Il7 to determine appropriate preventive


maintenance tasks to increase relief and safety valve component reliability, This unresolved ,

item is close .2.2 (Closed) Unresolved item (90-07-04): Discrepancy in OA classification of 10 hlOV-57 and 10 MOV-67 -

This unresolved item identified an apparent discrepancy between the QA category and the primary containment isolation valve (PCIV) requirements for the A residual heat removal (RilR) to radwaste motor-operated valves (MOVs) 10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV-67. The inspector noted that the QA classification for the valves was ASME category 11/111 (non-safety related), however, each valve was listed in Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.7-1

. for PCIVs and the valves receive PCIV isolation signals (typical of safety related


The inspector reviewed administrative procedure (AP)-1.04, Technical Specification Lists and Tables, Revision 1, dated October 14, 1992. The purpose of AP-1.04 is to provide administrative controls for lists and tables removed from Technical Specification Attachment 1 of AP 1.04 contains the table listing all PCIVs (previously TS table 3.7-1).

This table was deleted from Technical Specifications by amendment number 173: Presently, any proposed change to the existing PCIV table in AP 1.04 requires an independent technical l





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fi review by the technical services department and a 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation justifying the change. Revision I to AP 1.04 deleted 10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV-67 from the PClV table. The inspector reviewed the technical basis for this change, documented in safety evaluation JAF-SE-92-033, dated February 21,1992. NYPA determined 10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV 67 were correctly classified as QA category 11/111 and did not perform a containment isolation function. The design basis for 10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV 67 receiving isolation .

signals was to prevent the loss of water inventory from the residual heat removal (RHR) ,

suction piping between the RHR pumps and the RilR shutdown cooling suction isolation valve, (10 MOV-18), after 10 MOV-18 closes on a shutdown cooling isolation. This unresolved item is close .2.3 (Closed) Untnolved Item (90-07 03): Inadeguate Valve MoipLQperator Design This unresolved item identified an example where the valve stroke times for valves 10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV-67 were greater than the TS allowable stroke times. To resolve the issue NYPA modified the worm gear sets to reduce the stroke times. As discussed in section 4. above,10 MOV-57 and 10 MOV-67 were not safety related valves and have been deleted from the PCIV table. The inspector reviewed NYPA corrective actions for this discrepancy, documented in memorandum JMD-91-028, dated January 28,1991. The inspector determined NYPA took appropriate actions to ensure this problem did not exist for other TS PCIVs. This unresolved item is close .2.4 (Closed) DEO.MT.018


l This Diagnostic Evaluation Observation (DEO) identif'd weaknesses in NYPA's control of-temporary scaffolding in the reactor plant. The Restart Assessment Team Inspection (RATI)

reviewed NYPA's scaffold control program procedure PSO-51, Erection of Scaffolds Near Safety Related Equipment, and toured the plant to ensure compliance with NYPA's controls as stated in the PSO. The RATI identified several program weaknesses. The RATI team identified one example where scaffolding was installed without tie-downs in close proximity to the A battery charger. A Notice of Violation was issued for this deficienc Based on the NRC i.lentified weaknesses, NYPA conducted inspections of scaffolding in all plant areas. . This ruulted in the identification of additional discrepancies as documented in j NYPA Adverse Quality Condition Reports (AQCRs). The inspector reviewed the responses to the AQCRs and determined the short term recommended corrective actions appeared appropriate to resolve the identified discrepancies. Inspector review of long-term corrective -


actions and procedure improvements will be conducted after NYPA completes their review and responds to the RATI violation (92-82-02). In addition, the inspectors plan to complete plant tours priar to reactor restart to independently verify that the remaining temporary scaffolding will not potentially impact safety related equipment during a seismic event. This -

DEO is closed. Additional inspection followup will be tracked by violation 92-82-02, a

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2 3.2.5 LChad1.DEO.ENG.040


This Diagnostic livaluation Observation (DEO) identified the use of a ternparary exhaust fan fo ventilation of a security concentrator. The condition was discovered during a plant l

walkdown and appeared to be an example of an unauthorized temporary modification. In j response to the Diagnostic Evaluation Team (DET) inquiry of the condition, the fan was removed and the registers of the cabinet were cleaned. NYPA review of the event -

determined the exhaust fan was an unauthorited temporary modification. Prior to plant startup, NYPA committed to have the technical services department conduct a review of the active work requests and to walkdown safety related systems to ensure no additional unauthorized temporary modincations exist. To ensure proper hnplementation of the -

temporary modification process in the future, NYPA has committed to provide additional training to all affected plant personnel prior to December 31,1992. To address the specific example cited in the long-term, the I&C _ department is developing a preventive maintenance program for security equipment including the concentrators. In addition, the security staff

. plans to initiate work requests to the I&C department for future security equipment problem This DEO.ENG.040 is closed. The inspector notes that the RATI conducted a detailed review of temporary modi 0 cations and their findings and assessment were documented in section 2.3.3 of inspection report 50 333/92-82. An unresolved item was identiGed to track resolution of identiGed weaknesses prior to unit restar .0 SAFETY ASSESSMENT / QUAI.lTY VERIFICATION (71707,93702)

, Previously identified items 4.1.1 (Closed) Unruolved items 90-08-04 and 92-01-01: Various OA Program Weaknesseji These unresolved items identified several QA program weaknesses. Specifically, NYPA review and corrective actions for identified problems were not consistently timely and effective to prevent recurrence. To address these identified concerns, NYPA completed QA


surveillance report (SR) 1583, dated September 23,1992. The purpose of the surveillance report was to review closed QA reports over the last six years to determine if identified deficiencies were properly evaluated for appropriate corrective action. NYPA reviewed 2254 - '

closed QA reports and determined that all but 50 reports were found to be appropriately resoived. The inspector reviewed SR 1583 and concluded the audit was of high quality and provided adequate justi0 cation and recommendations for resolution of the 50 identified deficient reports. The inspector concluded that the QA Gndings in SR 1583 were indicative of past performance weaknesses in the QA program. Recent NRC reviews of the effectiveness of the QA program have indicated generally acceptable results. The inspector reviewed all the Technical SpeciGcation (TS) QA audits completed between October 199.1 and March 1992 and found them to meet the TS requirements as documented in inspection Report 92-03. In addition, the recent Restart Assessment Team inspection (RATI) reviewed the QA prognm and determined that the recent QA audits were detailed and the audit findings


indicated a thorough evaluation. These unresolved items are closed.




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8 M ANAGEMENT MEETINGS At periodic intervals during the course of this inspection, meetings were held with senior facility management to discuss inspection scope and findings, in addition, at the end of the period, the inspectors met with licensee representatives and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection as they are described in this repor .

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