ML20082J509 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Three Mile Island |
Issue date: | 11/02/1983 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20082J505 | List: |
References | |
PROC-831102, NUDOCS 8312020195 | |
Download: ML20082J509 (28) | |
(To comply with the requireraents of Appendix R to 10CFR50)
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DRAFT 11-2-83 I
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l 8312020195 831130 PDR ADDCK 05000289 F
11-2-e3 DRAFT Table of Contents Page #
Scope 2
Cable Description 2
Previous Testing & Developraent of Current Design 3
Planned Testing 5
Details of Test Set-up 6
Performance Criteria 10 APPENDIX-A A-1
11-2-83 FIRE PROOF CABLE DEVELOPMEtiT AND TEST PROGRAM (To comply with the Requirements of Appendix R to 10CFR50)
Where redundant safe shutdown circuits are not separated by a minimum of 20 feet with no interveninng combustibles within a given fire area, 10CFR50 Appendix R requires that one of the redundant circuits must be protected against an exposure fire. One or three hour rated fire barriers qualified in accordance with ASTM E119 may be used to envelope one train to obtain the required protection.
Fire barriers provide a rated seal around a given tray or conduit. As such, the fire barrier design and installation are specific to each offferent tray / conduit configuration and thus the appplication of the fire barriers is very complex, labor-intensive and costly.
We are proposing that the fire barriers will not be required if one of the mutually redundant circuits is run via cable which is fire rated in accordance with ASTM-E119. Such an approach would require a technical exemption from Appendix R.
The Rockbestos Company is presently developing such a cable which would have advantages listed below.
We envision the following advantages:
Minimizes the need to provide fire barrier envelope around tray and conduit.
Installed in fewer manhours than fire barriers thereby reducing man rem exposures in radiation area. Helps to expedite the implementa-tion of Appendix R modifications.
Minimizes maintenance thereby reducing man hours labor and man rem exposure (fire barrier integrity must be checked periodically).
Little or no impact on tray and conduit loadings for seismic purposes.
Other cables in tray not derated since no envelope provided around them.
Alterations to tray configurations do not compromise basic fire barrier characteristics of cable e.g., running new cable will not compromise cable integrity.
Cable breakouts from tray are automatically provided with the same protection as cable within the tray.
If using metal sheathed cable, need for conduit in dropouts is mini-mized due to armor like nature of stainless steel sheath.
Steel sheath also provides mechanical protection and an added environmental barrier.
11-2-83 ec-n) i \\ j I
l A cable development and test program for the Rockbestos cable is outlined in this document.
SCOPE The cable, which was discussed earlier, is specifically designed to perform its intended function i.e., operation of equipment under the' conditions of a fire and its aftermath as defined by ASTM-E119. The cable is designed for continuing performance to satisfy the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ASTM-E119 fire test oven require-ment, which calls for the temperatures to peak at 1700 F at the end of the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> time-temperature curve followed by the ASTM defined hosestream test.
In addition, the cable is also designed to be operable
- for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after fire exposure.
CABLE DESCRIPTION FWR-1 & FWRS-l** cables are designed for use in nuclear power plants where assured operation of critical circuits is required under normal, LOCA, and fire conditions.
FWR-1 & FWRS-1 cables are of composite constructions. The materials composing the cables have been proven individually to meet each of the above condi-tions. By combining these materials in a sequential manner, all of the required properties are incorporated in a single construction.
lEEE 383 qualification - LOCA This data is covered in Rockbestos QR 7801, covering identical material referred to in the QR document as Firewall SR. Qualification shall be done by analysis based upon test of cable using similar materials (see Rockbestos Qualification Report).
lEEE 383 Qualification - Flame Vertical tray flame test with 70,000 BTU /hr burner. Note that this will l
be performed at the Rockbestos Research and Development Facility.
l A.
Conductors - H T Alloys.
Insulation l
Insulation - normal & LOCA conditions - Firewall SR** based polymerwhichhaddemonstrated40yearcapabifityatcon-tinuous 125'C, radiation resistance to 2 x 10 rads, and ability to survive a postulated LOCA as defined by IEEE 383 i
and Appendix A of IEEE 323. Furthermore, Firewall SR** in fire situations is converted to a non conductive ash.
- Term " operable" as defined in IE Information Notice 83-56.
- Rockbestos Identification Numbers.
11-2-83 DRAF~
Insulation - fire conditions - Proprietary combinations of inorganic materials which have been demonstrated to survive at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> under the temperature conditions as described by AST!1-E119. These materials because of the inorganic nature are not affected by aging or radiation and would have a life expectancy of at least equal to Firewall SR.
All insulation materials are qualified for Class lE.
Jacket or Metallic Sheath - Outer protection is provided by a high temperature jacket for cables to be installed in steel conduit or by a continuously welded water tight corrugated stainless steel sheath for cables to be installed in trays.
Sizes - The cable will be available in multiple conductor 14 AWG and,
Flexibility - the cable'will meet the f1EC Standard. For metal sheathed cable, the minimum bending radius will be 12 times the external diameter of the stainless steel sheath.
Performance - The construction of the cable is such that each of the material's properties is enhanced by the other materials i.e.,
- although Firewall SR is converted to a non conductive ash during fire, it supplements the fire protection provided by the inorganic layer.
Similarly, during normal operation, the Firewall SR layer provides sufficient insulation of itself, the inorganic layer provides additional insulation capability.
Cable failure, therefore, would require both layers to fail at the same point. Since the materials are different, different failure j
mechanisms would be involved and it is highly improbable that both layers would fail simultaneously.
The design is such that the cable will be capable of 40 year operation at a continuous conductor _ temperature of 125*C. Because of the higher i
resistivity of conductor material, conductor sizing will be adjusted for the required circuit performance.
PREVIOUS TESTIllG AllD DEVELOPitEtiT OF CURREllT DESIGil The present cable design evolved out of a critical cable Rockbestos had designed to meet a circuit integrity flame resistance test according to specification f!IL-W-25038E (modified) at the Rockbestos Research Development Facility in Connecticut.
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11-2-83 DRAF"
4 A.
The Specification 11IL-U-25038E The specification MIL-W-25038E was modified:
(i) to extend the test duration frca 5 minutes to 60 minutes, and (ii) to increase insulation resistance.
During the test, the Rockbestos cable has been subjected to a 2000 F gas flame source and vibration with a displacement of 1.5 mm at 30 Hz for a 60 minute period using the specified test fixture and proce-dure while retaining insulation integrity with no insulation flaking or falling off the conductor.
The ASTM-E119 Oven and Water Spray Test.
The critical cable passing the specification MIL-W-25038E was then modified using materials suited to the nuclear utility industry. The modified cable designs were then subjected to a Rockbestos oven test, which reproduced the time-temperature curve referred to in the ASTit-E119, while monitored for circuit integrity, and later subjected to a 50 PSI water spray for 5 minutes while monitored for insulation resistance.
Testing Equipment 1.
The oven is of fire brick construction and permits introduction of one cable monitored for circuit integrity.
It is a Blue M Model 9652 electric pyrogenic oven.
The continuous temperature recorder is an Omega 3-channel using Type K thermocouples.
During the oven test, circuit integrity is monitored by 2 60-watt bulbs normally off during test. Should circuit fail, affected bulb lights. Power is 220 V/110 AC single phase.
Water spray source is a laboratory faucet using city water at 50 PSI.
Insulation resistance during the water spray test is measured on a 11egohm meter (General Radio 1864).
Kelvin or Wheatstone bridge measured resistance of conductor.
Simpson digital multimeter monitored thermocouple potential (millivolt) change during time-temperature profile.
. 7" Successful results obtained from this test has led GPUll/Rockbestos to consider full scale AST!!-E119 acceptance testing.
PLAll!!ED TESTIf;G The ASTM-E119-82 standard outlines a standard method of " Fire Tests of Building Construction and 11aterials". This test is utilized to demonstrate a relative measure of fire performance expressed in hourly ratings of assemblies of masonry units and composite assemblies of structural materials for build-ings neluding bearing and other walls, partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs, and composite slab and beam assemblies for floors and roofs. The test is also " applicable to other assemblies and structural units that constitute permanent integral parts of a finished building". The E-119 test may not be representative of all fire conditions which can vary with changes in the amount, nature and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. However,*
as stated above, it does provide a relative measure of fire performance under specified fire exposure conditions. For this reason, the E-119 test has been adopted by the nuclear industry as the means for determining fire resistance:
_ ratings for:
Assemblies used to seal penetrations through structural units which have a proven fire resistance rating such that these assemblies can be considered an integral part of the structural unit in which they are installed and provide a fire resistance rating equivalent to the structural unit.
l l
Assemblies used to envelop cable systems in cable tray or conduit to l
protect those cable systems from a fire originating outside the cable tray or conduit in order to assure circuit integrity and continued l
operability of that circuit both during and after the fire. This will, in effect, place the cable system within a separate fire area, thus achieving the goal as defined in Appendix R of minimizing the effect of fires on the ability to safely shutdown the plant and maintain the plant in a safe shutdown condition.
As stated previously, the E-119 test may not be representative of all fire conditions, but it does provide a relative measure of fire performance under specified fire conditions in a controlled laboratory. The conduct of the fire test is controlled by the standard time temperature curve. The time tempera-ture curve is an approximation of the severity and duration of a fire. The E-Il9 test demonstrates the conduct of the specific test specimen under the time-temperature curve and assigns hourly fire endurance ratings to that in the following two manners:
By measuring the transmission of heat through the test specimen during the test. The hourly rating is assigned based upon the test specimen's ability to limit temperature on the side not exposed te l
the fire to not more than 250*F above its initial temperature.
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11-2-83 B.
By measuring the load carrying ability of the test specimen or the assembly the test specicen is protecting under the test exposure.
It should be noted that hourly fire endurance ratings as determined by the E-119 test during the period of fire exposure do not determine the suitability for use of the test specimen after the fire exposure.
It is apparent, from the above, that the testing of a cable's ability to with-stand the effects of a fire is a departure from the objective of the E-119 test which is to measure the fire performance of building construction and materials. The cable cannot be placed within this classification. However, since the goal of Appendix R is to minimize the effect of fires on the ability of the plant to shutdown, a cable which can withstand the effects of such fires, retain circuit integrity and continue operability both during and after the fire will achieve the ultimate goal of Appendix R though this is an alter-nate means.
If the ultimate goal of Appendix R can be achieved with the use of such a cable, a method of demonstrating the cable's ability to withstand the effects of the fire must be established. Since the E-119 test is the accepted means of demonstrating fire endurance characteristics, subjecting this cable to test conditions specified in E-119 is the most prudent choice.-
However, due to the uniqueness of the application, it becomes necessary to tailor the E-ll9 test both in the test set up and in the acceptance criteria, as close as reasonably possible to the application for which the cable will be utilized in the plant.
The primary reason for using test conditions, as specified in the E-119 test, is to assure that the cable's measure of performance when exposed to fire, is comparable to that of other cables with fire barriers. By subjecting the cable to time temperature curve conditions, an accepted means used to approxi-mate the severity and duration of a fire is achieved. The test configuration will parallel the E119 test for load carrying ability in that the temperature of the unexposed side of the insulation, that being the conductor, will'not be measured. Rather, the operability of the cable will be demonstrated under the test exposure. The test on the cable, however, will go beyond the objective of the E119 test. The proposed test will additionally determine the oper-ability for use of the cable for a specified period of time after the fire endurance test in order to demonstrate its ability for continued operation until repairs can be made.
A point by point comparison of the GPUN/Rockbestos Cable Fire Test Program with applicable sections of the ASTME-119-82 " Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building' Construction and Materials" is contained in Appendix A.
Test Method
11-2-S3 --
I 1.
ASTit-E119 Fire Endurance Test
The raceway / cable configurations will be exposed to the standard time-temperature curve specified in AST!!-E119-82 for a minimum of one hour. The standard time temperature curve is illustrated in Figure 1.
The required accuracy of the temperature control requirements under this test program is that the area under the test time-temperature curve obtained by averaging the results from thermocouple reading shall be within 10% of the corresponding area under the standard time-temperature curve.
Water Hose Stream Tests The raceway / cable configurations shall be exposed to a water hose stream test as specified below within three minutes after completion,
of the fire endurance test. The hose stream test shall be conducted for a period not less than 1 minute and not more than 1-1/2 minutes.
The hose stream shall be delivered through a 50 ft., 1-1/2 inch hose discharging through a 1-1/2 inch electrically safe fog nozzle having l
a 30* fog pattern. The nozzle will be adjusted during the hose stream test to provide the maximum water pressure at the outlet of the nozzle. Water pressure at the hose inlet shall be 100 psig + 5
- psig. The tip of the nozzle shall be held no closer than 10 feeY and no greater than 20 feet from all surfaces of the test assembly.
l 3.
Cable Electrical Tests The Rockbestos test cables will be energized in a manner which is repr'esentative of their most severe operating requirements during and after a fire.
Test Facilities 1.
Location / arrangement - Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, Ill or l
other qualified test-laboratories to perform ASTit E119 Test. They will conduct and independently certify the test.
Test Witnesses - The following organizations will be invited to witness the test.
ANI (American Nuclear Insurers) b.
N!!L (Nuclear Mutual Limited) c.
NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) d.
GPUNC (GPU !!uclear Corp.)
EEI (Edison Electric Institute) l f.
Rockbestos l
11-2-83 j
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Test Cables Three sizes of Rockbestos fireproof cable will be tested:
1 3C. AWG #6 2.
3C - AWG #14 3.
1C - AUG #14 twisted pair shielded.
The ? conductor AWG #6 and the AWG #14 cables will be considered power and control cables. The 2C AWG #14 shielded cable will be used for instrumentation.
The above cables will be tested in the following two constructions:
Stainless steel sheathed - this construction of cable will be run in cable trays and used for cable drops.
Non metal sheathed - this cable will be run in conduit.
Justification for cable sizes tested as Worst Case Conditions.
The smaller the conductor used in the ASTM-E119 oven bake test, the physically weaker it will be and the more subject to stresses of thermal excursion.
The smaller conductor will have less thermal lag because of its 2.
smaller mass and therefore overheat because of current considerations faster.
The rate of change of resistance with time for a constant rate of oxidaticn is inversely proportional to the cube of the radius of the conductor. The smaller conductor would suffer a proportionately larger reductio;. In croscectional area because of potential surface oxidation and hence woula be subjected to greater stresses (see 1 and
) leading to faste potential failure.
The 3ximum voltage stress for a given wall is maximized for the conductor. The strers increases with decreasing diameter size (maximum stress formula.
Other types of cables to be mixed in tray with the fireproof cables for test:
G.E. Vulkene 2.
Test Configuration Each of the two cable constructions will be tested in an installed con-figuration as described below, representative of its field application as typical of field installation as reasonably possible.
Cable tray configuration - for stainless steel sheathed cables.
A proposed tray test system is shown in Figure 2.
The three sizes of the Rockbestos cable will be run to include the following cable con-figurations:
horizontal run b.
vertical run c.
drop out from tray to tray d.
sharp bend - but not sharper than the allowed minimum cable bending radius.
The test tray will be a 24" wide, ladder type containing one layer of cables of different insulating constructions to simulate actual field conditions. The Rockbestos test cables will be placed on top of the other cables. Figure 3 shows a typical cross section of the test tray cable arrangement.
Conduit configuration - for non metal sheathed cables.
Figure 2 also shows a proposed conduit test arrangenent depicting 3 conduits each having a vertical and horizontal run. A 1-1/2 inch rigid steel conduit will be used to contain the 3C AUG #6 test cable. A 3/4 inch rigid steel conduit will contain the 3C AUG #14 cable and another 3/4 inch rigid steel conduit will contain the 2C AUG #14 shielded cable. No other types of cable will be mixed with l
the Rockbestos fireproof cable inside the conduit.
Cable in tray to cable in conduit transition - the stainless steel sheathed cable will be used for this cable run, but the sheathing will be removed for that section of cable which runs in the conduit.
Figure 2 shows the test arangement of the 3 test cables as each makes the transition from the tray to a conduit via the use of a suitable i
fitting. The same diameter conduits will be used as for the cable in conduit.
Cable Electrical Integrity Test 1.
The 3C AWG #6 and the 3C AUG #14 test cables will be energized with test currents equal to the maxinum steady state currents that these cables will experience in actual field applications. They will remain energized during the one hour oven test and afterwards for a total of at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> and up to 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br />.
Inrush current tests will be performed on these cables which will involve de-energizing
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L the cables from their steady state test input followed innediately by energizing them for 15 seconds with their inrush currents. The inrush current test will be performed at 5 equally spaced intervals during the 80 hour9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> energization period with the first inrush current test being performed sometime during the last 15 minutes of the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> oven test.
The 2C AUG #14 shielded cables will be energized with about 1 amp for the test period commencing at the start of the oven test. The con-ductor to shield to ground insulation resistance will be measured before the start and after the completion of the ASTli E119 test and also after the 80 hour9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> energization period.
Test Instrumentation Thermocouples used in this test program shall conform to the ASTl1E119 Standards for T/C arrangements.
All instrumentation used in the test program shall be calibrated traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.
PERFORf1ANCE CRITERIA The purpose of the test is to demonstrate circuit integrity and operability for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. The test will be extended an additional 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> to demonstrate margin.
The following performance conditions must be demonstrated in order for the cable to be considered acceptable for use in its intended function.
The control and power test cables shall feed steady state test cur-rents of 3.4 amps and 21 amps for the #14 AUG cable and #6 AUG cable, respectively, without unforced interruption during the 80 hour9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> ener-gization period and voltage drop will be measured and application made accordingly.
The power and control test cables shall feed inrush currents of 19.8 I
amps and 120 amps for the #14 AUG cable and #6 AUG cable, respec-tively, for 15 seconds at 5 intervals during the 80 hour9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> energization period. These inrush currents correspond to the locked rotor cur-rents for a '.HP and a 15 HP motor, respectively, which are the maxi-j ~
mun' motor sizes which will be connected to the corresponding cables.
The locked rotor currents stated above shall be switched in for 15 l
seconds, and current and voltage drop across the conductor shall be recorded during load.
i C.
Shield continuity shall be demonstrated through the duration of the 80 hour9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> test. The conductor to shield to ground insulation resistance will be above 50 k ohns when measured.
i l
That cable which meets all the applicable conditions above shall be considered l
acceptable for use in its intended function while indetanding a one hour fire.
SCOPE 1.1 These methods are applicable to assemblies of 1.1 The E-119 test is being utilized and tailored to masonry units and to composite assemblies of test the performance of Rockbestos cable under structural materials for buildings, including the same fire conditions that building struc-bearing and other walls and partitions, columns, tural materials performance under fire condi-girders, beams, slabs and composite slabs and tions is determined. While not constituting an beam assemblies for floors and roofs. They are integral part of the building structure in which also applicable to other assemblies and the cable will be installed, use of the E-119 structural units that constitute permanent test to demonstrate performance of the cable integral parts of a finished building.
'under the fire exposure conditions specified by the E-119 test provides a common reference point between the cable and test which have been con-ducted on cable raceway protective envelope systems.
1.2 It is the intent that classifications shall 1.2 The intent of the test is not to qualify the register performance during the. period of ex-cable as a fire barrier but to demonstrate per-posure and shall not be construed as having formance of the cable both during the period of determined suitability for use after fire expo-exposure and for a period of 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> (72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> sure.
being the criteria for acceptance) from the -
beginning of the test.
In this sense, the test will demonstrate suitability of the cable for use after the fire exposure; however, it does not mean that the cable will not be replaced once repairs are made to permit replacements of the exposed cable.
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-l Paqe A-1
1.3 This standard should be used to measure and des-1.3 The purpose of this test is to demonstrate per-cribe the properties of materials, products, or formance of the cable under fire exposure condi-assemblies in response to heat and flame under tions, not to determine its flame spread or controlled laboratory conditions and should not smoke contribution rating.
It is important to be used t, describe or appraise the fire hazards note that the Nuclear Regulatory Conmission has or fire risk of materials, products or assem-unofficially stated that the cable being tested blics under actual fire conditions. However, does not constitute an " intervening combusti-results of this test may be used as elements of ble". The term " intervening combustible" is a fire risk assessment, which takes into account utilized for determining non-compliances with all of the factors which are pertinent to an Sections III.G.2.b and d of Appendix R to assessment of the fire hazard of a particular 10CFR50 with respect to " separation of cables end use.
and equipment associated non safety circuits of redundant trains" systems required to safely Il0TE 1 A method of fire hazard classification shutdown the reactor.
based on rate of flame spread is covered in ASTil liethod E-84 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building flaterials.
1.4 The results of these tests are one factor in 1.4 As stated previously, the E-119 test is being assessing fire performance of building construc-tailored to demonstrate cable fire performance tion and assemblics. These methods prescribe a under identical exposure conditions utilized for standard fire exposure for comparing the perfor-testing cable raceway envelope systems. Atten-mance of building construction assemblies. Ap-tion will be paid to the cable configurations plication of these test results to predict the tested under the fire exposure conditions speci-performance of actual I".'ilding construction re-fied by the E-119 test in order to assure their quires careful evaluation of test conditions.
performance under actual plant fire exposure conditions.
C 2.
2.1 This standard is intended to evaluate the dura-2.1 This test is not intended to demonstrate the tion for which the types of assemblies noted in ability of the cabic to contain a fire.
It 1.1 will contain a fire or retain their struc-will, however, demonstrate the ability of the a
tural integrity or exhibit both properties cable to retain its operating ihtegrity for the dependent upon the type of assembly involved duration of the fire exposure and for at least during a predetermined test exposure.
72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the start of the fire exposure
test. By retaining its operating integrity, its y
structural integrity will also be demonstrated.
i Page A-2
2.2 The test exposes a specimen to a standard fire 2.2 The cable to be tested will be exposed to the exposure controlled to achieve specified temper-standard fire exposure controlled to achieve atures throughout a specified time period.
In specified temperature for a one(l) hour dura-some instances, the fire exposure may be fol-tion. The fire exposure will be followed by a lowed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream test. While the test is not fire hose stream. The exposure, however, may representative of all fire conditions, it will, not be representative of all fire conditions by use of the standard fire exposure conditions, which may vary with changes in the amount, provide a relative measure of cable performance nature and distribution of fire loading, venti-under fire conditions. The configurations which lation, compartment size and configuration, and will be tested will be representative of condi-heat sink characteristics of the compartment, tions of cable routing which can be expected in It does, however, provide a relative measure of any plant so that the cable can be routed in the fire performance of comparable assemblies under plant in any manner while not changing its per-these specified fire exposure conditions. Any formance characteristics as demonstrated in the variation from the construction or conditions test.
(ie, size, method cf assemblies and naterials) that are tested may substantially change the performance characteristics of the assembly.
2.3 The test standard provides for the following:
2.3 The test performed parallels the E119 test as follows:
2.3.1 In walls, partitions and floor or roof as- The test is not intended to demonstrate the
- semblies, ability of the cables to contain a fire but to demonstrate cable performance both during 11easurement of the transmission of heat, and after the fire exposure. 11casurement of the transmission of hot Same as
gases through the assembly sufficient to Z
ignite cotton waste. For load bearing elements, measurement of The intent of the test parallels this provi-
the load carrying ability of the test sion of the E-119 test in that cable perfor-a 3
specimen during the test exposure, mance will be demonstrated during the test exposure with the added feature of demons-trating cable performance for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the beginning of the test.
7 IJ 2.3.2 For individual load bearing assemblies such 2.3.2 This test does not evaluate the capability l"
as beams and columns:
lleasurement of the of unprotected steel supports to remain intact during the fire exposure test.
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load. carrying ability under the test expo-sure with some consideration for the end
-support conditions (that is, restrained or not restrained.
i 2.4 The test standard does not provide the following:
2.4.1 Full information as to performance of as-2.4.1 This test does not demonstrate the perfor-semblies, constructed with components or mance of all assemblies or configurations lengths other than those tested.
which can be expected in the plant, but the configurations tested will represent worst case conditions. Any other configuration which may exist in the plant which may differ from that which is tested can be expected to perform as well or better than' that which is tested.
2.4.2 Evaluatior of the degree by which the as-2.4.2 See response to paragraph 1.3.
sembly contributes to the fire hazard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion.
2.4.3 licasurement of the degree of control or 2.4.3 See response to paragraph
limitation of the passage of smoke or pro-ducts of combustion through the assembly.
2.4.4 Simulation of the fire behavior of joints 2.4.4 This test does not have any parallel with between building elements such as floor-this paragraph in the E-119 test.
wall or wall-wall, etc., connections.
2.4.5 11casurement of flame spread over surface of 2.4.5 See response to paragraph 1.3.
tested element.
2.4.6 The effect of fire endurance of conven-2.4.6 While not specifically part of the test, tional openings in the assembly, that is, penetrations of cable through the wall /
Q electrical receptacle outlets, plumbing ceiling of the test oven will be scaled with pipe, etc., unless specifically provided an appropriate fire seal.
ZK for in the construction tested.
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3 Page A-4 r
TIME-TEMPERATURE CURVE 3.1 The conduct of fire tests of materials and con-3.1 The conduct of this test shall be controlled by struction shall be controlled by the standard the standard time temperature curve for a period time temperature curve as shown in Fig.1. The of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> from the beginning of the test.
points on the curve that determine its character are:
1000 F(538 C) at 5 min.
1850*F(1010 C) at 2 hr.
1300 F(704*C) at 10 min. 2000 F(1093 C) at 4 hr.
1550 F(843 C) at 30 min. 2300 F(1260"C) at 8 hr.
1700 F(927"C) at 1 hr.
or more 3.2 For a closer definition of the time temperature 3.2 See response to paragraph 3.1.
curve, see Appendix A-1. (See attached Appendix A-1).
Note 2 Recommendations for Recording Fuel Flow to NOTE 2 This test will incorporate the recommenda-Furance Burners.
tions of Note 2 for recording fuel flow to the furnace burners.
The following provides guidance on the desired characteristics of instrumentation for recording the flow of fuel to the furnace burners. Fuel flow data may be useful for a furnace heat balance analysis for measuring the effect of furnace or control changes and for comparing the performance of assemblies of different proper-ties in the fire endurance test.
Record the integrated (cumulative) flow of gas (or other fuel) to the furnace burners at 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, and every 30 min. there-g after or more frequently. Total gas consumed during the total test period is also to be "ll[]
y determined. A recording flow meter has advan-o tages over periodic readings on an instantaneous or totalizing flow meter. Select a measuring and
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I Page A-5
recording system to provide flow rate readings accurate to within + 5%.
Report the type of fuel, its higher (gross) heating value and the fuel flow (corrected to standard conditions of.60 F (16 C) and 30.0 in lig) as in function of time.
Furnace Temperatures 4.
The temperature fixed by the curve for this test The temperatures fixed by the curve shall be shall be deemed the average temperature obtained deemed to be the average temperature obtained from the readings of a< suitable number of thermo-from the readings of not less than nine thermo-couples distributed within the test furnace.
couples for a floor, roof wall or. partition and The specific configuration will be determined by not less than eight thermocouples for a struc-the test facility selected for the test.
tural column symmetrically disposed and distri-buted to show the temperature near all parts of the sample, the thermocouples being enclosed in protection tubes of such materials and dimen-sions that the time constant of the protected thermocouple assembly lies within the range from 5.0 to 7.2 min (Note 3). The exposed length of the pyrometer tube and thermocouple in the fur-nace chamber shall not be less than 12 inches (305 mm). Other types of protecting tubes or pyrometers may be used that, under test condi-tions, give the same indication as the above standard within the limit of accuracy that applies for furnace-temperature measurements.
For floors and columns, the junction of the thermocouples shall be placed 12 in, away from the exposed face of the sample at the beginning of the test and, during the test, shall not C
touch the sample as a result of its deflection.
M y
In the case of walls and partitions, the thermo-6 couples shall be placed 6 in (152 mm) away from M
L the exposed face of the sample at the beginning of the test, and shall not touch the sample y
i during the test, in the event of deflection.
I Page A-6
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Ilote 3 A typical thermocouple assembly meeting these time-constant requirements may be fabricated by fusion welding the twisted ends of flo. 18 gage chromel-alumel wires, mounting the leads in porcelain insulators and inserting the assembly so that the thermocouple bead is 1/2 inch from the sealed end of a_ standard weight nominal 1/2 inch iron steel or Inconel pipe. The time constraint for this and for several other thermocouple assemblies was measured in 1976. The time constant may also be calcu-lated from knowledge if its physical and thermal properties.
See Research Report RR E-5-1001 available from ASTil headquarters.
4.2 The temperatures shall be read at intervals not 4.2 The temperatures shall be read at intervals not exceeding 5 min during the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and exceeding 5 min. for the duration of the hour thereaf ter may be increased to not more than 10 fire exposure.
4.3 The accuracy of the furnace control shall be 4.3 The accuracy of the furnace control shall be such that the area under the time temperature such that the area under the time temperature curve, obtained by averaging the results from curve, obtained by averaging the results of all the pyrometer readings, is within 10 percent of pyrometer readings, is within 10% of the corres-the corresponding area under the standard time-ponding area under the Standard time-temperature temperature curve shown in Fig. I for fire tests curve as shown in Figure 1 for the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> dura-of I hour or less duration, within 7.5% for tion of the test.
those over 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and not more than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, and within 5% for tests exceeding 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in duration.
Since the intent of this test is to demonstrate ROOFS,llALLS AfID PARTITI0riS the ability of the cable to function both during and after the fire exposure and not to contain a fire, measurement of the temperature of the unexposed surface or cable conductor is not germane to this test. See response to para-
graphs 2.1, and
U T.
I Page A-7
6.1 Results shall be reported in accordance with the 6.1 Since it is not the inter.t of this test to performance in the tests prescribed in these assign ~a' fire barrier rating to the cable, its-methods. They shall be expressed in time performance shall be classified as having been periods of resistance, to the nearest integral qualified to function both during the fire
- minute, exposure conditions specified by the standard time temperature curve for a duration of one hour followed by a hose stream test and for a period of at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the start of the fire exposure test.
Reports shall include observations of signifi-The report shall include observations of signi-cant details of behavior of the material or con-nificant details of behavior of the material struction during the test and after the furnace being tested during the test, after the furnace fires is cut off, including information on de-fire is cut-off and after the hosestream test.
formation, spalling, cracking, burning of the Information such as deformation, spalling, specimen or its component parts, continuance of cracking, burning of the specinen or specimens flaming, and production of smoke.
surrounding the cables, continuance of flaming and production of smoke shall be noted.
6.2 Reports of tests involving wall, floor, beam or 6.2 This test is not applicable to this feature.
ceiling constructions in which restraint is provided against expansion, contraction, or rotation of the construction shall describe the method used to provide this restraint.
G.3 Reports of tests which other than maximum load 6.3 Due to the nature of this test, verification of conditions are imposed shall fully define the circuit integrity as detailed in the test conditions of loading used in the test and shall program can be termed as a parallel to testing be designated in the title of the report of the under maximum load conditions. Cables will be test as a restri~ted load condition.
energized with test current equal to the maximum c
steady state conditions that these cable will experience in actual field applications. Cables will remain energized during the one hour fire exposure and continue for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from C initiation of the fire exposure. In addition, inrush current tests which involve de-energizing y p
cables from their steady state followed imme-e diately by energizing them at approximately 6 M
times their steady state test current will be y
per formed. Results of these tests will be in-a cluded in the report.
s Page A-8
6.4 Ilhen the indicated resistance period is 1/2 hour 6.4 The technique for correcting the time frame for or over, determined by the average or maximum which the cable is under a fire exposure will he temperature rise on the unexposed surface or utilized if necessary. Although it is not the within the test sampic, or by failure under intent of this test to attach a fire classifica-load, a correction shall be applied for varia-tion to the cable, deviations from the standard tion of the furnace exposure from that pres-curve exceeding the requirements of paragraph cribed, where it will affect the classification, 4.3 will be corrected in the manner prescribed by multiplying the indicated period by two by paragraph 6.4 in order to increase or thirds of the difference in area between the decrease the resistance period, whichever may be curve of average furnace temperature and the the case. Note that if this technique is em-standard curve for the first three fourths of ployed, it is expected that the resistance the period and dividing the product by the area period would increase where the test cable is between the standard curve and a baseline of located in the cable tray test configurations 68 F (20*C) for the same part of the indicated since the effect of mixing the test cable with period, the latter increased by 54*F.h or 30 C.h cables which may ignite would most likely create (3240"F min or 1800"C min) to compensate for a condition where the standard curve is ex-thermal lag of the furnace thermocouples during ceeded. The test report will reflect this if the first part of the test. For fire exposure necessary.
in the test higher than standard, the indicated resistance period shall be increased by the amount of the correction and be similarly de-creased for fire exposure below standard.
6.5 Unsymmetrical wall assemblies may be tested with 6.5 This test does not have any parallel with this either side exposed to the fire, and the report paragraph in the E-119 test.
shall indicate the side so exposed.
Both sides acy he tested, and the report shall so indicate the fire endurance classification applicable to each side.
~: 0
--I Pane A-9
Test Specimen 7.1 The test specimen shall be truly representative 7.1 Cables tested will be identical in construction, of the construction for which the classification materials, workmanship and dimensions of parts is desired, as to materials, workmanship, and to that which will be utilized in field applica-details such as dimensions of parts, and shall tions and will therefore be truly representa-be built under conditions representative of tive. Note that for simplicity and with those obtaining as practically applied in build-justification, not all cable sizes will be ing construction and operation. The physical tested. Those sizes selected for the test are properties of the materials and ingredients used representative of the worst case. Any other shall be determined and recorded.
cable sizes not included in the test can be expected to perform as well or better than those which are tested.
Test configurations also encompass any configu-ration which will be utilized in field applica-tions. Again, while not including every single configuration, the conffgurations being tested are representative of worst case conditions.
Any other configuration which may exist in the field can be expected to perform as well or better than those which are tested.
7.2 The size and dimensions of the test specimens 7.2 The intent of this test is to qualify all sizes specified herein are intended to apply for of cable for use in field applications as dis-rating constructions of dimensions within the cussed in paragraph 7.1.
usual general range employed in buildings.
If the conditions of use limit the construction to smaller dimensions, a proportionate reduction may be made in the dimensions of the specimens for a test qualifying them for such restricted C
- use, j
7.3 Uhen it is desired to include a built-up roof 7.3 This test does not have any parallel with this p
6) covering, the test specimen shall have a roof paragraph in the E-119 test.
&1 covering of 3-ply, 151b (6.8 kgm) type felt not in excess of 1201b (54kgm) per square (100 ft2 H
(9m2)) of hot mopping asphalt without gravel surfacing. Tests of assemblies with this cover-ing do not preclude the field use of other built-up roof coverings.
page A-10
FIRE ENDURANCE TEST 8.1 Continue the fire endurance test on the specimen 8.1 The intent of this test is to demonstrate as a with its applied loads, if any until failure condition of acceptance, perfornance during the occurs, or until a specimen has withstood the specified period of fire exposure (1 h) with test conditions for a period equal to that appropriate corrections for the time frame made herein specified in the conditions of acceptance per the requirements of paragraph 6.4, if neces-for the given type of construction.
sary. The fire exposure portion of the test will not be continued, with applied loads, until failure occurs.
8.2 For the purpose of obtaining additional per-8.2 The fire exposure portion of this test will be' formance data, the test may be continued beyond discontinued after 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (with appropriate the time the fire endurance classification is corrections applied per para. 6.4).
- However, determined.
circuit integrity as defined in paragraph 6.'l will be demonstrated for a least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the start of the fire exposure test as a condi-tion of acceptance. Note that a safety margin of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> for demonstrating circuit integrity will be added to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />; however, the condi-tions for acceptance will be 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the start of the fire exposure portion of the test.
HOSE STREAll TEST 9.1 The conditions of acceptance of this test, require the hose stream. However, since the 9.1 Uhere required by the conditions of acceptance, purpose of the test is to demonstrate circuit subject a duplicate specimen to a fire exposure integrity following the fire exposure and hose test for a period equal to one half of that stream, a duplicate specimen will not be indicated as the resistance period in the fire tested. The cable tray configuration and endurance test, but not for more than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, conduit configurations being tested will be immediately after which subject the specimen to removed from the furnace and subjected to a hose the impact, crosion and cooling effects of a stream after the I hr. fire expos'ure.
Q hose stream directed first at the middle and then at all parts of the exposed face, changes N
A, in direction being made slowly, pg T
-i Page A-11
9.2 Exemption - The hose stream test shall not be 9.2 Since this test requires a fire exposure for 1 required in the case of constructions having a hour, the exemption from E-119 hose stream resistance period, indicated in the fire endu-requirements is not applicable.
rance test, of less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
9.3 Operational Program - The submitter may elect, 9.3 The hose stream test, as stated in para. 9.1, with the advice and consent of the testing body, will be performed on the specimenssubjected to to have the hose stream test made on the speci-the fire endurance test and immediately fol-men subjected to the fire endurance test and im-lowing the expiration of the fire endurance test.
mediately following the expiration of the fire endurance test.
9.4 Stream Equipment and Details - The stream shall 9.4 National Standard Playpipes which utilize a be delivered through a 2-1/2 inch (64 mm) hose straight stream are not recomended for use on discharging through a National Standard Playpipe electrically live circuits. A more representa-of corresponding size equipped with a 1-1/8 inch tive test will be utilized. An electrically (29 mm) discharge tip of the standard taper safe 1-1/2 inch fog nozzle connected to a 1-1/2 smooth-bore pattern without shoulder at the ori-inch hose (50 ft length) having a 30* fog fice. The water pressure and duration of appli-pattern will more accurately demonstrate extin-cation shall be as prescribed in Table 1.
guishment under actual field conditions. The nozzle will be adjusted during the hose stream test to provide the maximum water pressure at the outlet of the electrically safe fog nozzle.
Water pressure at the hose inlet shall be 100 psig.
This is more typical of fire fighting techniques which are employed in extinguishing cable fires.
9.5 flozzle Distance - The nozzle orifice shall be 20 9.5 The nozzle shall be no closer than 10 feet and feet (6 m) from the center of exposed surface of no further than 20 feet from all surfaces of the the test specimen if the nozzle is so located test assembly. The hose stream test shall be that when directed at the center, its axis is conducted for a period not less than 1 minute normal to the surface of the test specimen.
If and not more than 1-1/2 minutes for the test C
otherwise located, its distance from the center assemblies being sprayed.
y shall be less than 20 feet by an amount equal to 1 ft (305 mm) for each 10 degrees of deviation Mh from the normal.
m Page A-12
Sections 10 through 46 are addressed towards
specific testing of structural assemblics.
Addressing sections 1 through 9 of the E-119 standard adequately describes the nature of this test and draws parallels with the E-119 test where appropriate. As a result, comparisons with sections 10 through 46 do not prove useful for cable fire testing. Specific details of the test set up and acceptance criteria are provided in " Planned Testing".
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