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Rev 1 to Procedure 5000-ADM-7350.06 (EMP-002), Modifications
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/13/1998
Shared Package
ML20198H339 List:
5000-ADM-7350.0, NUDOCS 9812290346
Download: ML20198H483 (66)


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09-21-98 10:28:16 ATTACHMENT 20 Number ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

Applicability /&w Responsible Office Effective Date GPU Nuclear Configuration Cont.

8/14/98 This document is witNn QA plan scope X

Yes No Safety Reviews Required X

Yes No SE-945100-085 List of Effective Pages fage Revision fagg Revision.

Fast Revision Page REld9B 1

1 E2-1 i'

2 1

E2-2 1

3 1

E2-3 i

4 i

E2-4 1

5 1

E2-5 1

6 1

E3-t I

7 1

E3-2 1

8 1

E3-3 1

9 I

E3-4 1

10 1

E3 5 I

11 1

E4-1 1

12 1

ES-1 1

13 1

E5-2 1

14 1

E5-3 1

15 I

E6-1 l

16 1

E6-2 1

El-1 I


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kNb NNbNN k:

h (Originator) y M., Meeh/Struct Engrg-(

  • ]

Q C)$

(Concurred By)

Mgr., Mech /Struct Engrg -




OC (Concurred By)


Mgr., Mech /Struct Engrg-


8/6/98 Parn.

(Concuned By)

Director, Coefig. Control- 0C


8/5/98 (Approved By) y Director, Config. Control-TMI k


OdigIk l938 I

9812290346 981222 PDR ADOCK 05000219 P


g. '

7J iT

09-21-98 10:28:16 Number ENGlNEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06


Title Modifications REV



This new procedure is being issued to provide guidance based on the graded approach for the preparation. review, and approval of technical documents for configuration changes.

0-01 Revised to Correct Safety Review Status i

Revised to implement Prep Project Management recommendations for consistency with 1000-PLN-7340.00.

2 General revision to reflect organizational changes consistent with the transition from Technical Functions Division to the new Engineering Division.

Exhibit 2 Section 8.0 revised to address Corrective Action #2 for Oyster Creek Root Cause.

Evaluation DR96-252.

Section 4.1.6 revised for clarification only.

O Major Revision. (lI/5/97)

NOTE: Revision to Rev. O due to change of "long" number to 5000-ADM-7350.06 Terminology changed from " Configuration Change" to " Modification" to more accurately reflect intent of procedure and to be consistent with INPO AP-905. CCDs now become MDs.

Removed Director, TMI and Director, OC signatures from cover sheet. Added Director, Con 6guration Control-OC. Changed approval signature from Director, Engineering to Director, Configuration Control - TMI.

Bills of Material and sketches allowed to be an attachment to a Modification Document without uniquely numbering the attachment.

Revised means of assigning document numbers to all Modification Documents to provide a consistent numbering scheme between Oyster Creek and TMI.

Form for handwritten BOM and optional Modification Checklist included.

Requirements for performing design verification moved from section 4.3 to 4.2.

Clarified tactical plan turnover task handling.

Clarified handling of sketches / drawings prepared for a modification.

Highlighted 1000-ADM-1230.10 as computer hardwarc/sofhvare change requirement.

Added QV signature to MD cover shect.

Added Electrical Loading Data form as Exhibit 6.

Deleted flowchart.

Incorporated TCN 97-OC-001 2

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Title Modifications REV



Added definition of Reviewer. Revised DV requirements in 4.2.7 to refer to EP-006 and EP-009.

Added words in 4.3.4 to allow the use of eendor drawings. Added NOTE to ensure vendor drawmas are adequate for use by field. Revised Manager / Supervisor responsibilities so that Managa is requ.d for NSR and RR mods only. Removed reference to EMP-013 in section 6.12.

Added " Reviewer" under Approvai signature line, page E2 1. In Exhibit 2, added text to clarify use of AP-1047 including referencing TP series documents for testing and identification of test agent page E2-4. Revised item 17 of Exhibit 3 for setpoints. Added Item 22 in Exhibit 3 for review of plant level criteria TMl SDD-TI-000, Div. I and OC-SDD-000, Div.1. Added item 23 to Exhibit 3 for Maintenance Rule compliance. Added item in Exhibit 5 to c.rure ANI inspection requirements considered. Added guidance in Sections 4.1.6 and 4.2.3 for partially completed modifications. Added guidance in Section 4.3.9 for revisions to MDs. Incorporated TCN 97-TMI-004, TCN 97-OC-005 and TCN 98-OC-002.

t i


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Title 1

Revision No.

Modifications 1





... 8 4.1 General..

_8 4.2 Documentation Requiresnents..

.9 4.3 Additional Documents (depending on the nature of the work).,

__10 4.4 Reviews..

._12 j

4.5 Expedited Modifications._

... 13 1




14 7.0 EXHIBITS............

15 EXHIBIT 1, Stepped Approach Criteria..

............ E l-1 j

l EXHIBIT 2, Modification Documentation _

.... E2-1 EXHIBIT 3, Engineering Modification Design Concems..

_ E3-1 l

EXHIBIT 4, Bill of Materials input Sheet

._ E4-1


EXHIBIT 5, Modification / Document Update Considerations..

.ES-1 EXHIBIT 6, Electrical Loading Data..

E6-1 l

l l

l l



09-21-98 10:28:16 Number nruct m,


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

1.0 PURPOSE To provide guidelines and requirements for the preparation, review, and approval of modifications and support facility change tie-ins performed at Oyster Creek, TMI 1, and TMI-2 operational systems and facilitics for Post Defueling Monitored S orage. This guidance is based on a " stepped approach",

providing minimum review and documentation requirements for simple modifications with increasing review and documentation requirements for more complex modifications.

l This procedure maintains configuration control of GPU Nuclear plants in accordance with 1000-POL-7340.00 (Ref. 6.9). It also provides the minimum requirements for design control to meet the requirements of the GPU Nuclear OQA Plan,1000-PLN-7200.01 (Ref 6.6) or the PDMS QA Plan, 1000-PLN 7200.04 (Ref. 6.7) when implemented.


i This procedure applies to all divisions of GPU Nuclear and to all contractors (consultants, architect / engineers (AE), etc.) when conducting activities which affect plant configuration.

This procedure is optional for Support Facility Changes and TMI-2 deactivated systems and facilities for PDMS.

All changes to digital equipment must be evaluated and as appropriate comply with the requirements of 1000-ADM-1230.10 (Reference 6.3). In addition, EP-034 (Reference 6.28) shall be used for changes to plant process computer hardware / software and other computer systems listed in EP-034. This procedure (EMP-002) applies to all other computer hardware / software changes not listed in EP-034.

This procedure does not apply to fuel reload and core consumables.

This procedure does not address temporary modifications; refer to the plant specific procedures covering temporary modifications (108.8 for Oyster Creek and AP 1013 for TMI).

Engineering evaluations and equivalent replacements (TMI)/ alternate replacements (OC) are addressed by other specific engineering procedures (EP-046 and EP-047 for TM1 and 124.2 for Oyster Creek).

Procedure changes are addressed by other specific division and site procedures.

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Confinuration Change - A configuration change is defined as a modification, support facility change, support facility change tie-in, an equivalent replacement (TMI)/ alternate replacement (OC), temporary change or a procedure change.

3.2 Construction Tests - Generic Electrical and Mechanical tests, piping system flushes, piping system hydrostatic pressure tests, and instrumentation and control system integrity tests and 5



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Number wucten ENGINEERING 5000 ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications I

calibrations which are performed in accordance with existing approved Plant Maintenance procedures following sufficient completion ofmodification construction activities.

3.3 Emedited Modification - A modification with accelerated documentation and resiew schedule order to:

Prevent a near term unsafe condition from developing or continuing Prevent near term personnel injury or equipment damage Mitigate the conscquences of an accident Terminate the releases of radioactive material to the environments 3.4 functional Test Procedure - An integrated system functional test'. To the extent practical, an integrated system functional test shall demonstrate the capability of a new or modified component or system to meet all design requirements relative to function and performance, including abnormal operating modes and failure modes. A functional test procedure shall be specified when existing plant procedures are not sufficient to ensure comprehensive integrated system functional testing and (1) the test is to be performed on in-senice plant equipment, (2) the test will affect in-service plant equipment, (3) the test result will serve as the final documentation verifying component or system operability as required by the Technical Specifications, or (4) the significance or complexity of the test warrants interdepartmental technical review and approval.

Functional test procedures are generally performed following the completion of all specified construction tests but prior to the acceptance of a rnodification into initial senice by the Plant Operations Department.

3.5 Modification - Any physical or functional change in the design or design basis of a plant structure, system, or component (including deletions, additions, and new systems), where:

The change includes hardware or software with different design requirements san the existing hardware or sofhvare; or The change requires revising design output data on a design document; or The change requires revision to a design calculation 3.6 Modification Documentation (MD) - One document that combines the concepts and criteria considerations for the modification, engineering and constructability requirements.

l 3.7 PERF Team - Performance Team assembled to provide focused management to a specific area


or project to be accomplished. For complete description refer to 1000-PLN-7340.00 (Ref. 6.8).


3.8 Proiect ManancI (PM) - The GPU Nuclear individual assigned the responsibilhy of project team leader and given the authority to provide day-to-day direction of the Project Team members to 6

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1 Number nueten ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications I

assist the team in achieving its goals. For a more complete description refer to 1000-PLN-7340.00 (Ref. 6.8).

3.9 Proiect Team - A group assembled by the Project Manager /PERF Team to cany out the project for which it was created. Members of the Project Team are selected from various functional i

areas within GPU Nuclear for their technical expertise, to represent their depanment concems, and to communicate with their department conceming the progress of the project. For a more complete description refer to 1000 PLN-7340.00 (Ref 6.8).

l 3.10 Reviewer-Performs review of modification for approval signature. Reviewer must be RTR qualified and be knowledgeable in the items being modified. Reviewer must be the responsible section manager or designee for NSR or RR classified modifications.

3.11 Safety Review -- A process to determine whether a proposed change would adversely affect existing safety or environmen:J conditions including those governed by the site's FMR or l

Technical specifications. For a mett complete description, refer to 1000-ADM 1291.01 (Ref.

6.4) or EP-016 (Ref. 6.23).

The Safety Review process begins with a Safety Determination to identify if a modification has any potential adverse effects on nuclear safety or environmental concerns.

The Safety Review process may require a Safety Evaluation dependmg upon the result of I

completing the Safety Determination. The Safety Evaluation will establish whether plant safety has been affected and to what extent.

If the Safety Review is determined to be completc with the Safety Determination, then this single form constitutes the safety review package and requires an RTR. If a Safety Evaluation is required, an RTR and ISR are required. The RTR is required for construction and, if necessary, the ISR is required for turnover.

3.12 Sketch - A graphic presentation, which does not necessarily follow design standards. Its purpose is to convey or clarify information but is not intended to change plant configuration.

3.13 Sunnort Facility Chanac - Changes that do not change or potentially affect any primary, secondary, or balance of plant system or structure (including radwaste processing, storage, handling or reduction). These are usually stand alone buildings and equipment within those buildings, or site improvements. Trailer movements are facility changes, but notification via EMP-021 (Ref. 6.14) must be made for the trailers and any underground services.

i 3.14 Sunoort F_agj?v Channe Tie-Ins - Support facility changes that involve interfaces or tie-in with l

any plant systems or affect the plant Safety Analysis Report (SAR) e.g. - those that could affect r

existing plant provisions for fire protection, tornado protection, hurricane, or flood protection. A support facility change that could potentially impact plant underground systems is considered a support facility change tie-in; e.g., digging that is in close proximity to a plant system,


underground piping, or electrical cables.


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g Number aructun ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

3.15 TMI-2 Ooerational Systems and Facilities - Systems and facilitics described in Chapter 7 of the PDMS SAR.

3.16 TMI-2 Deactivated Systems and Facilities - Systems and facilities described in Chapter 6 of the PDMS SAR.

4.0 PROCEDURE /REOUIREMENTS 4.1 General 4.1.1 Review design and Licensing Basis and select inputs to the design process from the latest documents of record, Exhibit 3 provides guidelines to begin that review.

Document inputs in the Modification Document (MD).

4.1.2 Modification Documents (MD's) shall be released with a Configuration Management Transmittal (CMT) per 1000-ADM 1215.02 (Ref. 6.2).


lq Km.=m%MA Installation may proceed after documents have been reviewed and approved by the engineering group responsible and issued via the work authorization system in parallcl with the formal release per 4.1.2 above.

4.1.3 Identify documents which will be affected by the modification and will need to be updated. Exhibit 5 may be used as a guide to identify potentially affected documer ts.

4.1.4 Turnover tasks to be performed to revise the affected documents will be identified and statused in the Tactical Plan in accordance with plant procedures concerning modification and configuration control (AP 1043, Ref. 6.11 and 124,6.10) and 1000-PLN-7340.00 (Ref. 6.8). When turnover tasks are not on the procedures referenced in 4.1.4, they should be added for the specific change (e g. PRA to be updated, SDBD impacted by the change, system calculations changed to reflect new configuration, etc.).

4.1.5 If an unexpected, unplanned need arises to install a modification during maintenance, Engineering may provide verbal or written instructions, including sketches, to resolve issues that would normally be addressed under this procedure.

4.1.5. I Release of these engineering instructions shall be preceded by completion of a Safety Review in accordance with 1000-ADM-1291.01 (Ref. 6.4).

l Prior to the release of the engineering instructions, the engineer shall review Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this procedure and identify all additional documentation 8

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DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002) l Title Revision No.

Modifications I

needed to support the change. The engineer shall also ensure that engineering instructions reflect appropriate documentation requirements.

For systems which fall under the scope of the OQA Plan, all applicable wTitten documentation described in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 shall be accomplished prior to retuming the system or component to service.

For those systems which DO NOT fall under the scope of the OQA Plan, the system may be retumed to service prior to completion of documentation.

4.1.6 The Project Team shall contact end users to determine special operational and maintenance requirements for the modification including any special requirements due to partial completion of the modification. Include these requirements as part of the Modification Documentation (MD).

4.2 Documentation Requirements The following provides minimum documentation requirements for all modifications. The decision criteria for applying the stepped approach for specific documents is found in Exhibit I.

4.2.1 Determine the quality classification of the work to be performed by reviewing the Quality Classification List (QCL) for affected structures, systems, components, and subcomponents. For new components or change of classification of existing components, initiate request per EP-011, Quality Classification List (Ref. 6.21).

4.2.2 The Modification Documentation (MD) is describcd in Exhibit 2. For extremely simpic modifications (in terms of documentation and field instmetions required), information contained in the Modification Documentation (MD) may be documented on the Generation Maintenance System-2 (GMS-2) Work Request.

4.2.3 A Safety Revicw that meets the requirements of 1000-ADM 1291.01 (Ref. 6.4)is required for all modifications. The Safety Review shall fully consider the effects of partial completion and adequatcly assess the partially completed status of the modification if applicable.

4.2.4 If a Fire Hazard input and Status Form is required, initiate as described in EP-013 (Ref.




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hy Number uuctan ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

4.2.5 If an EQ Input and Status Form is required, initiate as described in EP-031 (Ref. 6.26).

4.2.6 If an Environmental Determination Form is required, initiate as described in 1000-ADM-4500.03 (Ref. 6.5) 4.2.7 If the responsible engineer determines that the modification or a portion of the modification is within the scope of the appropriate OQA plan for desien control. then the modification or the appropriate portion of the modification shall be design verified in accordance with EP-006 and EP-009.

Use EP-006 (Ref 6.18) for calculation design verifications.

Use EP-009 (Ref. 6.20) for all other design verification.

AE's working under their own QA plan may perform design verifications per their own procedures which meet the design verification requirements of ANSI N45.2.11-1974 (Ref. 6.1).

4.3 Additional Documents (depending on the nature of the work) 4.3.1 If the modification is within the scope of the appropriate OQA plzn, technical calculations prepared to support the modification must meet the requirements of EP-006 (Ref. 6.18) or procedures within the allowances of EP-006 which meet the requirements of ANSI N45.2.11-1974 (Ref. 6.1).

4.3.2 Ifit is necessary to define the technical requirements for equipment, materials, or services associated with the modification, preparc procurement specifications per EP-004 (Ref.

6.16) Purchase requisitions for items to be installed shall be prepared using specific plant procedures.

4.3.3 Preparc Bills of Material (BOM's) to identify items to be ins '.;cd BOM's are to be prepared per EP-028 (Ref. 6.25) and are acceptable in electronic or written form. BOM's must contain adequate technical description, application Quality Classification, any procurement Quality Classification, stock symbol number or PR number and CGD/CGE number. BOM's may be an attachment to the MD or may be a separate document with a unique number. BOM information may be shown on a drawing and as such must provide at least the information requirements per section

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Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

If attached to the MD, complete Exhibit 4 as the attachment.

If numbered, use the MD Project Tracking Number. For example, the BOM associated with MD-F821-xxx shall be BOM-TI-MDF821-XXX.

4.3.4 Who required by Exhibit 1, Item 6, construction drawings shall be prepared to provide


graphic representation of the modification for use during installation. Construction j

drawings provided by a vendor or A/E may be used without full compliance to section The engineer must ensure that the drawings provide adequate information for construction.

4.3.4.I Prepare rip-out sketches or demolition drawings as appropriate. Construction drawings must have sufficient detail to stand as 6e as-built or easily allow for updating of the as-built ("use") drawing. Drawings and sketches may be prepared by the design engineer or by D&D. Drawings prepared shall possess the following attributes of EP-002 (Ref. 6.15):

Uniquely numbered using the MD Project Tracking Number. For example, the first drawings associated with MD-F821-xxx would be DWG-F821 xxx Rev.O.

l Must identify affected 'use" drawings.

Are keyed to a BOM.

Arc relcased as a separate document.



Safety Classification marked on the drawing.

Signed by the originator, engineer and an approver.


%p%-3 s tas+ $ygp$g

._x.w %

The engineer may also sign as the originator or the approver, but not all

3. Drawings require a minimum of 2 independent signatures.

l t If no drawings are prepared for the modification, place a list of known affected drawings in the MD. If sketches are prepared, uniquely number them using the MD Project Tracking Number. For exampic, the first sketches associated with MD-F821-xxx would i1

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Number aru san ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revis!. s No.

Modifications I

be SK-F821.ux Rev. O. As an alternative, the sketch can be attached to the MD.

i 4.3.5 If the modification involves installation ofnew components or if existing components are


being replaced with a different component, process Component identification Request Forms (CIR) per EP-035 (Ref. 6.28).

I 4.3.6 Review and issue vendor documentation per EP-021 (Ref. 6.24) 4.3.7 If the modification requires hardware or software changes for plant computer systems listed in EP-034:

ensure requirements of 1000-ADM-1230.10 (Ref. 6.3) are satisfied.

follow EP-034 (Ref. 6.27) to task the Process Computers section of Engineering to make changes.

l 4.3.8 Site space allocation shall be approved per EMP-021 (Ref. 6.14).

l 4.3.9 Previously released documents that require revision during the modification process shall be revised per EMP-015 (Ref. 6.13) using Engineering Change Documents (ECDs), if applicable, or per the procedure that generate.1 the previously released document. The modification document (MD) may be revised by increasing the revision number. Ensure l

any information provided in ECD's to the previous revision is included. Revise the i

SE/SEDR to reficct the information ia the MD if required. EMP-015 contains specific guidelines as to those documents that may be modified by an ECD. Those previously released documents that may not be revised by an ECD shall be revised per the requirements of the applicable governing procedure (EP-006, EP-016, etc.)

l A " roll-up" Engineering Change Document (ECD) will be issued at the completion of the modification installation using EMP-015 and EP-002 (Ref. 6.15).

l 4.3.10 At Oyster Creek, if the change involves connecting radioactive to non-radioactive systems, use ES-036 for guidance.

4.3.11 Document setpoints and setpoint basis per EP-053 for TMI and per 125.4 for Oyster Creek.

4.4 Reviews 4.4.1 A project review (using a stepped approar.h) is required for every modification; refer to 1000-PLN-7340.00 (Ref. 6.8) and EMP-014 (Ref. 6.12). The depth of review is determined by the Project Team.

4 4.4.2 Quality Verification (QV) review is required for nxxiifications when:

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Number wcua,,


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

l ne modification or a portion of the modification is within the scope of the e

appropriate OQA plan (i.e., for RR and NSR modifications).

l He modification involves welding and a govcming construction code has been l


The modification includes QV requirements (non QV or non code required), i.e.,

inspections that may be justified based on complexity or cost of the modification such a: turbine / generator repair or facilities projects.

QV reviews will be documented by signature on Exlubit 2, coversheet.

4.4.3 Engineering reviews required by Exhibit 3, Engineering Modification Design Concems, must be conducted as part of the normal review process.

l 4.5 Expedited Modifications 4

4.5.1 An Engmeering Director's authorization is required to conduct work as an expedited modifications. The following are minimum requirements:

Written instructions and/or sketches.

e A completed Safety Review 4.5.2 Documentation requirements of paragraph 4.2 that are not required for turnover shall be met following the completion of work. The specific schedule for meeting these requirements shall bc determined by the Engineering Director.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Enameerina Directgr 5.1.1 Provides appropriate management attention to procedure compliance, to monitoring, and to trending performance of personnel using this process.

l 5.1.2 Approves expedited modifications relcased for correction of unsafe conditions and j.

determines a schedule for completing documentation.

5.2 Engingerina Mananer/Suoervisor/Fimetian=1 En i &4 Suocrvisor(FES) 5.2.1 - Ensures that procedures are followed for modification packages.

L 5.2.2 Reviews and approves Modification Documentation. NSR and RR classified j

modiccations shall be approved by the responsible section manager or designee.


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'09-21-98 10:28:16 Nurnber uucuAN ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

I 5.3 Desian Ennincer 5.3.1 Preparcs design documentation in accordance with this procedure and other applicable procedures.

5.3.2 Identifies affected documents (Exhibit 5 checklist may be used as a guide as applicable to the specific change). Note that the checklist is not a required part of the MD.

5.4 Project Team /Proiect Mananer 5.4.1 Esutblishes review rquirements.

5.4.2 Closes out the project.

5.5 Reviewer 5.5.1 Ensures that procedures are followed for modification packages.

5.5.2 Reviews and approves Modification Documentation. Reviewer must be the responsible section manager or designec for NSR or RR classified modifications.


6.1 ANSI-N45.2.11-1974, "QA Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" 6.2 1000-ADM-1215.02, " Configuration Management Transmittal" 6.3 1000-ADM-1230.10 " Computer Systems Control" 6.4 1000-ADM 1291.01 " Safety Review Process" 6.5 1000-ADM-4500.03, " Environmental Determination Procedure" 6.6 1000-PLN-7200.01, "GPUN Operational Quality Assurance Plan for Three Mile Island Unit I and Oyster Crcck" 6.7 1000-PLN-7200.04, "PDMS QA Plan" j

6.8 1000-PLN-7340.00, "GPU Nucicar Project Approval and Management Process" 4

6.9 1000-POL-7340.00, " Configuration Managemem" 6.10 124, " Plant Configuration Change Control" (Oyster Creek) 14 l

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Number muetsA,

ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002) l Title Revision No, Modifications -

1 6.11 AP 1043, " Control of Plant Mods"(TMI) l-6.12 EMP-014," Project Reviews"(5000-ADM-7311.03) 6.13 EMP-015," Engineering Change Documents"(5000-ADM-7350.03) 6.14 EMP-021,"On-Site Spacc Allocation Request"(1000-ADM-7350.04)


6.15 EP-002, "Use Drawings and Construction Drawings / Sketches" (5000-ADM-7312.0I) 6.16 EP-004, " Specifications" (5000-ADM-7315.0 l)

-6.17 EP-005, " Modification and System Design Descriptions"(5000-ADM 7313.01)

6. I8 - EP-006, " Calculations" (5000-ADM-7311.01) 6.19 EP-007 " Standard Computer Program Control"(5000 ADM 7340.01) 6.20 EP-009, " Design Verification" (5000-ADM-7311.02)

I 6.21 EP Oll," Quality Classification List"(5000-ADM-7313.02) 6.22 EP-013, " Fire Protection Evaluation" (5000-ADM-7370.01) 6.23 EP-016," Nuclear Safety / Environmental Determination and Evaluation"(5000 ADM 1291.01) 6.24 EP-021, " Control of Technical Manuals and Vendor Technical Information" (5000-ADM-7316.03) 6.25 EP-028, " Bill of Materials (BOM)" (5000-ADM-6320.0l) 6.26 EP-031, " Equipment Environmental Qualification" (5000-ADM-7317.01) 6.27 EP-034. "On-Site Computer Configuration Control Procedure" (5000-ADM-7340.02) 6.28 EP-035, " Component Identification Requests" (5000-ADM-7341.03) 6.29 EP-045 " Control of System Design Basis Documents and UFSAR Updne Review" (5000-ADM-7313.03) 6.30 Site Security Plan 6.31 EP-053,"Setpoint and Setpoint Basis Configuration Management" 6.32 125.4, Administration of Setpoints f~


09-21-98 10:28:16 Number arucu4n ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications I

7.0 EXHIBITS 7.1 Exhibit 1 - Stepped Approach Criteria i

7.2 Exhibit 2 - Modification Documentation 7.3 Exhibit 3 - Engineering Coafiguration Concerns 7.4 Exhibit 4 - Bill of Materials Input Sheet l

7.5 Exhibit 5 Modification / Document Update Considerhdions 7.6 Exhibit 6 -Electrical Loading Data l

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$000-ADM 7350.06 j


l Title Revision No.

Modifications 1




Determine the Quality Classification for affected structures, systems, components, and subcomponents by l

checking the computerized QCL Database in GMS2. Also determine if there is any interfacc with NSR equipment or systems.


. An MDD or SDD is required if a_ny of the following pertain:


this is a new system, l


it is directed by management, there are significant changes to basic system functions or requirements.



Calculations are required if developing new, or changing existing, design parameters or if required by codes or standards.


A Fire Protection Evaluation (FPE)is required if the project involves any of the following:

adds or deletes combustibles, a.


changes or interfaccs with fire protection feature / system, impacts the Appendix R safe shutdown logic or c.


affects Life Safety Code (NFPA Code 101) 5.

Environmental Qualification input & Status (EQlS) review is required if the project includes any of the following:

impacts on existing environmental conditions that may result from a MSLB, FWLB, or HELB a.

(Main Steam, FeedWater, or High Energy Line Break),


involves a change to any electrical component on the EQ Master List, or adds electrical components not on the EQ Master List, but are in a harsh environment with an RR c.

l or higher designation.


Drawings are required if the modification:

l is more than a simple replacement and involves multiple existing drawings, or a.


has a significant impact on control room or other baseline drawings (i.e., flow diagrams, electrical cicmentaries, circuit schedules, one and three line drawings).

will require generating new "use" type drawings.


Sketches may be used if:

the sketch does not affect configuration as depicted by existing drawings or documents, and a.


the sketch is attached to a reicased construction document.

yx w.

8 l

_b. '-

Sketches are used to convey information. They are not used to change the configuration of the plant. They may take the form of a " catalog cut" or photograph which clarifies information contained in an MD.


! 'd9-21-9810:28:16 1

y Number nuet,4, l


Modifications Revision No.




\\G U





  • l Preparation Date L

I QV Concurrence

--_ Date Approval Dato Reviewer Rev I

E2-1 cuo l


'09-21-98 10:28:16 g

Number wuctua ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 2 (Cont.)

MODIFICATION DOCUMENTATION 1.0 Py_rpose and Scooc: A cicar, concisc description of(l) the problem the modification will solve (including background information), (2) the system and other systems affceted; and (3) the scope of the modification.

2.0 Ennincerina Modification Design Concems: Engineering configuration concems from Exhibit 3 that apply to the modification must be addressed in this section. Be advised that other configuration concerns in addition to those listed in Exhibit 3 may exist.



Identify industry codes and standards governing the design, and GPU Nuclear or Architect Engineering documents, specifications and standards that are referenced in Sections four (4) through eight (8).

3.1 Safety Determination / Safety Evaluation.

3.2 Fire Hazards Analysis input and Status (unless Section 2.0 indicates that there are no conceivable fire related concerns).

3.3 Environmental Qualification input and Status (unless Secdon 2.0 indicates no concems).

3.4 Calculations if appropriate.

4.0 Ouality Assurance Reauirements: Identify all the quality classification boundaries and/or scismic classification of the change and where they apply. Quality assurance requirements shall be defined for the design, constniction, testing, materials, inspections, welding and operation of the modification as appropriate. If only a portion of the modification requires QV involvement, accurately describe that portion of the involvement in this section using a graded approach to QV involvement.

5.0 Desian Reauirements: Identify the codes and standards that apply to the operating, testing, and design of the change and the applicable system design and operating condition. Refer to EP-005 (Ref. 6.18) for typical design requirements to be considered. If an MDD or an SDD is written, this section should be a short summary of what is described in these documents, not a repeat of what is said in those documents. If the design is a change to the existing design basis as described in the design basis document, it is to be discussed here.

l 6.0 Desian Descriotion Provide a detailed description of the change to the system as well as a i

description of the operation of the modified system. 'Ihis is the section for addressing how the operators and other personnel will interface with the modified system. If an MDD or an 3DD is E2-2 l


'09-21-98 10:28:16 Number a,ueu4, ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP4)02)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 2 (Cont.)


l I:

written, this section would be a short summary of what is described in the documents, and not a repeat of what is said in those documents.

l 7.0

!*1Mian Soccifications Specify technical requirements for the modification not covered in the drawing or other referenced documents. Subjects to consider include:

7.1 Scismic support spacing requirements for electrical raceway or piping.



l 7.2 Spacing of pull boxes, maximum allowed cable tension. grounding requirements, cable bend radius, splicing requirements, termination requirements, cable and conduit tagging, etc.

j l

l i

7.3 -

Appendix R separation, App R components out of service, and separation requirements.

i 7.4 Cable and pipe penetration requirements to maintain pressure and/or fire barriers.

l l

7.5 Grouting requirements for equipment foundations and for penetrations.

7.6 -

Bolt torrtueing and locking requirements.

7.7 Requirements and limitations for cold bending of piping and installation tolerances l

7.8 Special valve, pump, and other component installation requirements.

7.9 Requirements for field verification of critical as-built conditions or dimensions. Identify if special measurement methods are needed, such as use of a survey crew.

I 7.10 Specify applicable cicanliness requirements not identified by other documents.

7.10.1 Required cleanliness level or class l

7.10.2 Criteria for cleaning and/or flushing and water quality requirements 7.10.3 Cleaning and flushing inspection and acceptance criteria 7.10.4 Limitations on introduction of contaminants such as chlorides, lead, and sulfur 7.10.5 ' Requirements to preserve cicanliness once it is established; e.g. by protective covers or inert atmospheres, layups for prolonged periods 4

a E2-3 i

09-21-98 10:28:16 g



Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 2 (Cont.)

MODIFICATION DOCUMENTATION 7.10.6 Painting 7.11 Specify any special precautions which must be observed during performance of the work.

7.11.1 Special System Boundpry isolation requirements 7.11.2 Special handling requirements for delicate equipment 7.11.3 High temperature / pressure precautions or limitations 7.I1.4 ALARA considerations 7.1 L.5 Identify any additional walkdown required to verify criticalinstallation details 7.12 Specify pipejoining methods, e.g. welding requirements.

8.0 Post Installation Testinn/ Documentation 8.1 Identify tests to be performed and boundary criteria to demonstrate functionality.

8.2 Specification of Test Requirements in the Modifications Engineering Package 8.2.1 Spccify all requirements for construction tests, functional test procedures, and implementation of existing plant procedures for functional test purposes.

Requirements for construction testing, functional testing aad inspections should be listed in separate paragraphs with a headmg (ex. 8.1 Insocctions) to make it clearer what types of testing / inspection are required. Different testing requires different approval signatures and separating these requirements will make it more clear what approvals should be applied. For construction testing, reference procedure numbers and specific tests such as TP200, Test 1, for example.

8.2.2 Vendor shop tests are specified in procurement documents. Reference to these procurement documents shall be included in this section, or in formal startup and test program documents.

8.2.3 Test requirements must include acceptance criteria if not specified elsewhere.

Acceptance criteria may include the number, percent, or a specific sample of the total possible components for which a particular construction test must bc I

satisfactorily performed.


'09-21-98 10:28:16 Number nuctua ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-73502 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 2 (Cont.)

MODIFICATION DOCUMENTATION 8.2.4 Appropriate testing shall also be specified to include components or systems not within the scope of the Modifications which may be adversely afTected by construction activitics, i.e. removal of a single component from a power supply may affect performance of the remaining components.

8.2.5 If applicable, the significance and sequencing of the specified test requirements relative to plant surveillance activities or other Modifications should also be identified to facilitate test planning and scheduling.

8.3 Provide information including any special, critical, or preferred operating strategies, along with associated basis for preparing or revising plant operating, emergency, maintenance or surveillance procedures. If surveillance testing is required include the frequency of testing and the basis for the prescribed frequency. If no periodic testing is specified, indicate that to be the case.

8.4 Identify those documents and drawings that will need updating in tt' post-installation phase, e.g. Calculations, SDBDs, SDD, FSAR, Abnormal Transient Procedures (ATP) at TMI and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) at Oyster Creek etc.

Machments (may or may not be integral to the MD)

- Material required to execute cl.ange (Bill of Material)

- Drawings, sketches, figures, or picturcs.

Document Numbering: A unique document number shall be assigned to all modification documents. The MD shall be numbered using the applicable Project Tracking Number eg. MD-F821-xxx.


'd9-21-9810:28:16 y

Nusnber uuctr4a ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIlllT 3 ENGINEERING MODIFICATION DESIGN CONCERNS Evaluate concerns listed below for applicability. Final resolution is required prior to relcase of the modification for construction.


Fire Hazards Analysis Reoort - In accordance with EP-013, the PM shall submit to the Fire Protection Program Coordinator (FPPC) the Section 1.4 of EP-013 Exhibit 2 (for the preliminary design) and the Fire Hazard Analysis input & Status Form (for the actual design) to ensure that configuration control with respect to the FHAR is maintained.

If a Fire Hazards Analysis input and Status form is NOT required, state why in section 2.0 of Exhibit 2 (i.e., there are no conceivabic fire related conccms, Appendix R conecms, fire barriers, penetrations, changes to fire protection combustibles, system configuration, ventilation effects).


Environmental Oualification of Electrical Components - If the modification involves electrical equipment which must be environmentally qualified in accordance with 10CFR50.49, the PM shall implement Engineering procedure EP-031 in order to have environmental qualification requirements established. The PM shall submit an EQlS form in accordance with EP-031 and forward it for review / concurrence to the Manager EP&l Engineering.

If an EQ input and Status form is NOT prepared, state why in section 2.0 of Exhibit 2 (i.e., the work is other, it does not involve electrical equipment, it is all in a mild environment, and it does not affect an EQ circuit / component).

When no EQlS form is submitted for a modification and a justification is provided in the change documentation, the originator is responsible for ensuring that compliance to 10CFR50.49 is maintained.


Environmental Concem - %c originator / preparer of any company document that directs activitics that could potentially result in an Environmental Concern shall perform an Environmental Determination in accordance with 1000-ADM-4500.03 (Ref. 6.5).

Any activity that causcs an environmental impact or increases environmental risk, compromises the l

effectiveness of environmental monitoring or compliance programs, or causcs the environmental regulatory status of GPU Nuclear to come into question. Activities that potentially result in an Environmental Concern are those that: use, store, or transport hazardous chemicals or generates E3-1 1

i A


'09-21-98 10:28:16 l

g Number suctrAn ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 3 (Cont.)


hazardous or regulated wastes; cause a direct or indirect release of any kind to the environment or causes a change to plant releases or withdrawals; directs work on systems that control, treat, or monitor releases :o the c tvironment; or results in land disturbances.

If an Environmental Determination Form is NOT submitted, state why in section 2.0 of Exhibit 2 (i.e., all answers are no).


Masonry Block Walls - If the modification involves the placement of NSR components within the fall radius of a non-scismically qualified block wall, or involves any changes to loads mounted on a seismically qualified block wall (additions, deletions or relocations), the PM shall notify the Manager, Mechanical / Structural Engineering, requesting that the changes be evaluated against the block wall stress analyscs and concurred with.


Electrical Loads - if the modification involves changes to electrical loads, the PM shall notify the Manager, EP&I Engineering, requesting analysis and approval of the changes. Prelimmary load information shall be submitted to EP&l prior to the PEDR for preliminary approval, and actual load information shall be submitted prior to the OMTCR for final approval. Exhibit 6 shall be used to provide loading information to EP&l.


TMI-l Relav Room Catwalk -If the modification involves changes to the loading of the relay room catwalk (355' 0" elevation Control Building) the PM shall notify the Manager, Mechanical / Structural Engineering, requesting that the changes be evaluated against the stress analysis and concurred with.


Pininn and Pioe Suooorts - If the modification involves new NSR piping or pipe supports, or changes to existing NSR piping or pipe supports, the PM shall notify the Manager, Mechanical / Structural Engineering, requesting that stress and flow analyses be updated. The PM should contac t the Mechanical / Structural Engineering section to detemiine what information should be provided.


Raceway Loads - If the modification involves changes to raceway loads or raceway supports at Oyster Creek, the PM shall notify the Manager, Mechanical / Structural Engineering, requesting that the changes be evaluated against the load analyses and concurred with. (For TMI-l raceways, the PM shall task Parsons to update the load analyses. All transmittals between GPU Nuclear and Parsons are the responsibility of the PM).


Containment Electrical Penetrations -If the modification involves routing through containment electrical penetrations, the PM sha!! notify the Manager, EP&l Engineering requesting approval to


use the penetration. 'the PM should contact the EP&l section to determine what information i

should be provided-l l


'b9 219810:28:16 1

Number l

ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 i


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXIIIBIT 3 (Cont.)


Control of Concrete Rebar Cutting - Concrete rebar cutting is not allowed unless absolutely necessary, if rebar cutting is absolutely necessary for the installation, the designer must conduct an evaluation of the structural integrity of the slab or wall, including a walkdown of the area to detect previously cut rebars. The design evaluation shall prove that the structure with cut rebars can still withstand the load combinations required by the FSAR and 10CFR 50 Appendix A Criterion 2.


Plant Comouter Configuration - If the modification involves hardware or software changes to controlled plant computer systems, the PM shall task the Manager, Process Computcrs to implement the changes in accordance with EP-034 (Ref. 6.27) and 1000-ADM-1230.10 (Ref. 6.3).

Controlled plant computer systems are identified in EP-034.


Human Factors - If the modification involves changes to the control room or to other plant control panels, the PM shall notify the Manager, Safety & Risk Analysis requesting approval of the changes. The PM should contact the Safety & Risk Analysis section to determine what information should be provided.


RF Interference & Electrical Noiss - If the modification involves instrumentation or components that provide trip signals to the reactor or vital support systems or will be located in proximity to components providing trip signals, the PM shall notify the Man,, EP&I Engineenng requesting that the modification be evaluated for the effects of RF interfere,.4 (i e., Walkie-talkie transmissions), and electrical noise interference in and around the modified components, such that inadvertent trips or false readings will not be initiated. EP&I will provide concurrence with the modification or recommend necessary precautions to prevent trips and false indications.


Aonendix R Commitment - Any modification performed in the areas that were part of the Appendix R evaluation which have the potential to create additional heat load and therefore impact the room temperature profile following loss of ventilatien, have to be evaluated in accordance with TDR-1000.


Corrosion Control - Any modification that involves changing the normal operation of a system, or altering of the fluid flow path (e.g. piping geometry change, changing of a valve type or characteristics, changing pipe material, coating, or systems operating characteristics) shall be evaluated by an engineer cognizant of wall thinning mechanisms such as Flow Accelerated Corrosion, General Corrosion Cavitation, or other mechanisms.

l 16.

A-46 Safe Shutdown Eauioment - If a modification impacts or involves any equipment on the USI A-46 Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) an evaluation of the effects of the modification on the i

SSEL component shall be performed in accordance with the methodology contained in the SQUG I


..d9-21-9810:28:16 I


Title Revision No.

Modifications i

1 EXHIBIT 3 (Cont.)

ENGINEERING MODIFICATION DESIGN CONCERNS Generic Implementation Procedure. GMS-2 contains a field which indicates if a component is on the SSEL. Modifications which impact SSEL equipment include: additions or changes to the component; replacement of any clectrical device which can change state (except for one for one replacement which are not considered moditications); changes in function, control or instrumentation; and mstallation ofitems in the proximity to any SSEL component. The following items must be evaluated:

Seismic Adequacy Mcchanical/ Structural Engineering Seismic Interaction / Proximity Mcchanical/ Structural Engineering (11 over i Issues)

Relay /Contactor/ Switch Chatter /

Mcchan cal / Structural Engineering Functionality SSEL Circuit Review EP&l Engineering System Functionality Mechanical / Structural Engineering 17.

Setooint Controh - Changes in plant set points shall be properly reviewed and documented per EP-053 (TMI) and 125.4 (OC).


C9mputer Software - 1000-ADM-1230.10 (Ref. 6.3), EP-034 (Ref. 6.27) and EP-007 (Ref. 6.19) are acceptable for software control as defined within those procedures.


GL 89-10 Design Assumptions -If a modification impacts or involves a system containing any GL 89-10 Motor Operated Valve (Actuator, Valve, Motor, or Supply Voltage) or System Characteristics such as fluid medium, temperature, pressure, or flow against which a GL 89-10 Motor Operated Valve must operate, the Site MOV Program Engineer must be notified so that he may evaluate the modification against GL 89-10 design assumptions. This requirement must be considered for any MOVs at the Oyster Creek site, not just the MOVs currently in the GL 89 10 program. Installation of any NEW MOVs must be evaluated by the site MOV Program Engineer for inclusion in the GL 89-10 MOV program.


Galvanic Corrosion - When dissimilar metals are in contact with one another, the possibility for galvanic corrosion exists. This is especially true when in a salt water system. When designing configuration configuration changes, galvanic corrosion concems should be addressed and action l

taken to prevent or mitigate it if required.


"b9-21-9810:28:16 Number ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 3 (Cont.)


OL 96-01 Reauirements - If a modification impacts any parallel logic, interlocks, bypasses or inhibit circuits that are required to perform a safety function or their failure could affect the safety function in the RPS, EDG Load Shedding and Sequencing, or actuation logic for ESF, then the modification has to be designed so that the contacts are testable (c.g., if two relay coils are installed in parallel and then one contact from each relay is in parallel with each other, a test switch or plug should be installed in series with each relay coil or with each relay contact so that the contacts can be independently tested.)


Plant Level Criteria - Review requirements of TMI SDD-TI-000, Div. I and OC SDD-000, Div. I for any impact on those requirements by the modification.


Maintenance Rule _- Ensure that any changes to the plant are reflected in requirements of the Maintenance Rule. Ensure functions identified in the Maintenance Rule are not degraded by the modification.


in-Service Testina Prouram - Evaluate plant changes for potential changes to the Nuclear Safety functions for existing IST components, and for additions / deletions to IST scope or testing requirements for pumps and valves. Consult with the IST Program owner to detennine if the component testing requirements or applicable procedures are affected.


Containment Leakane Testine flLRT/LLRT) - Evaluate plant changes for any impact on components (mainly valves) required for containment isolation and associated testing under 10CFR50, Appendix J.


_ = -. -.


09-21-98 10:28:16 U


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1



ame j


lil i i bl h




it u

i!i E

p g


l 5

g3 l5" 9

s i ldI I

ls' i

5 II i

Ill ll el 0003 a 4 s s s. a 4 6

o E4-1 l

'59-21-98 10:28:16 U


Title Revision No.

Modifications 1


Have Design Considerations of Edibit 3 been addressed?



Modifications Document e

Safety Review Requirements e

Fire Hazards Analysis e

Environmental Qualification Environmental Determination Calculations e


Has effects on the SAR (FSAR, Tech Specs) been addressed?


FSAR Revisions Tech Spec Change 3.

Has effects on Engineering Data Bases / Equipment identification been (Yes/No/NA) addressed?

KEY: A = Add; C = Change; D = Delete; NA Piping Line Comnonent Tan No. EO OCL GMS-2 Snecification Tan / Labels 1.






Have effects on procedures and Operating Aides been addressed?

(Yes/ NDNA)

Openting Maiutoes Emegency Abnormal Administrative Surveillance Alarm Response PM Fuse Control Other Documentation i

List affected procedures below:

l Comments Operatmg Aides Posted /Rensed ES-l l

'd9-21-9810:28:16 G U Nunber ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.06 DIVISION PROCEDURE (EMP-002)

Title Revision No.

Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 5(cont) 5.

Hast Equipment Operation & Morutonng requirenxnts been addressed?


Control Room Log Revisions OperatorTour Sheet Revisions Master Surveillance Sclxxiule Revision Tech Speclog Shoct Revision Equipment ControlTags Cimred TemporaryModificanons Cleared Valvc/ breaker lineups documented in an approved procedurelineup Valve /breakerlocks installed Equipment Setpomts revised or controlled Identified to the Autleri2rd Inspector for PA State Inspection applicability (Stamped Vessels) 6.

Has training for all affected diwiplines (ie; Techrucums, Engmeers, (Yes/No/NA)

Operators, instructors) been aldressed?

Class Room Training Pre-Shift Briefing Required Readmg Simulator 7.

Has Design and Drafbng bcoi notified of temporary /as-built drawings required to (Yes/No/NA) support tumover?

MCC Listing Computerinput Logic Security Oneline/Ihroc-line Flow Diagrams Elementary Underground Wiring Diagrams Piping laterconnection Pipe Supports Circuit Schedules Tubing Heat Trace Floor Drains Conduit Layout Tanks Communication ISI Lightmg & Receptacles StructuralSteel Panel Civil / Structural Lighting & Corr nunications Substaton (Applicable only if Design and Drafting has not prepared drawings / sketches)


'b9-21-9810:28:16 G (#


Title Revision No, Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 5(conti List Drawings Below:

Comments 8.

Has Equipment Maintolance been addressed?


New vendormanuals provxkxl?

Existing vendor manuals reviscd?

Spare parts ordenxi and stock levels specified?

Deleted obs6kte parts from warehouse?

PM tasks identified and requested?

PM tasks developed?

Special tools or test equipment provided?

Ops Survedlance tasks identified & requested?

Ops Surwdlance tasks developed?

Surveillance sclxxiule developed?


Has consideratyxi bcen giver, to the impact on plant computer systems and software? (Yes/No/NA)

Revise the sequence of alarm recorder Revise the sequence of alarm recorder log Revise the scquax:e ofalarm rcx: order procedurc Resise the plant computer sptem Any changes to the main annunciators will a&ct the above.


Miscellaneous (Yes/No/NA)

Pump Cune Book OperatorTraining Manual Limitorque Parts Book Mamtenance Training Requirements SDBD's Startup and Test Requirements ES-3

l I.*09-21-98 10:28:16 l

g Number NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 5000-ADM-7350.%


Title Revision No.

Modifications t



' Document No.


'Revasion No.

8/A No.


CCD (EMP 002)



Proiect Title Ongenstor Date Department Extension A/E or GPUN Design Engineer LOAD INFORMATION


-r m m,n Eauipment Tag No.

Approxiteate Date to be Connected or Disconnected:



or outage Manufacturer:

l Model No.

Equipment Desenption:-

Equipment Functen: _

Bus No. (SWGR, MCC. Panel, etc.) and Bus


Compartment or Breaker No.

Load to be Connected Lead to be n - _ __ 1, Name Plate Data Disconnected (for New Loads)

Actual Reted Power:


Rated Voltage Full Load Current Starting Current Power Factor Efficiency l

l Service Factor l

Demand Durstion j

Load Demand information (Event)

(Usage) Factor (Battery & Diesel Loads) l Dunng Normal Operations Minutes Dunng a Loss of Offsite Power Without e LOCA M'nutes During a LOCA With Offeite Power Aveieble Minutes During a LOCA With Loss of Offsate Power Minutes

  • To be provided by EP&l N5446 15/97) l

. - - ~.. _. - -


09-21-98-10:28:16 Number g


Tide Revision No, Modifications 1

EXHIBIT 6 (Continued)



Prolemmary Aoprovel; Det Final fleview Completed By Date Load Ana6ysis Short Circuit Analysis Voltage Drop Analysis Protector and Coordination Analysis Final Approvel:

Date I

w, COPY TO: Manager, Configuration Maintenance L

i l

l N54468 (5 976 E6-2