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Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Functional Requirement to Provide Interlock Permissive Which Ensures Source of Cooling Water Available Via Core Spray Sys Prior to Depressurization
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/10/1996
Shared Package
ML20129C052 List:
NUDOCS 9610230202
Download: ML20129C069 (4)


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TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip

[ tripped]

OPERABLE Action Function Setting Shutdown Refuel Startuo Run Trio Systems Trio System ' Reauired*

D. Core Soray Consider the respective

1. Low-Low X(t)



X 2


core spray Reactor Water Level loop inoperable,

2. High Drywell 5 3.5 psig X(t)


X(t) X 2(k) 2(k)(pp) and comply Pressure with Spec. 3.4 1

3. Low Reactor 2 285 psig X(t)



X 2


Pressure (valve permissive)

E. Containment Sprav Comply with Technical Specification 3.4 F. Primary Containment Isolation

1. High Drywell 5 3.5 psig X(u)


X(u) X 2(k) 2(k)(oo) Isolate 1

Pressure containment or PLACE IN

2. Low-Low 2 7'2" above X(u)


X(u) X 2


COLD SHUT-Reactor Water TOP OF DOWN Level ACTIVE FUEL CONDITION G. Automatic Depressurization

1. High Drywell

< 3.5 psig X(v)


X(v) X 2(k) 2(k)

See note h.

Pressure i

2. Low-Low-Low 2 4'8" above X(v)


X(v) X 2

2 See note h.

Reactor Water TOP OF Level ACTIVE FUEL

3. Core Spray Booster Pump d/p Permissives: > 21.2 psid X(v)


X(v) X note i.

note i.

See note i.

I OYSTER CREEK 3.1-11 Amendment No.: 44, 79,112,160,171 Change 4; Correction: 5/l1/84 9610230202 961010 PDR ADOCK 05000219 P


..__m TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D)

Action required when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied. Also permissible to trip inoperable trip system. A channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to six hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE instmment channel in the same trip system is monitoring that parameter.

See Specification 2.3 for Limiting Safety System Settings.


Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for reactor protection system reset in REFUEL MODE.



Permissible to bypass below 800 psia in REFUEL and STARTUP MODES.

One (1) APRM in each OPERABLE trip system may be bypassed or inoperable provided the c.

requirements of Specification 3.1.C and 3.10.C are satisfied. Two APRMs in the same quadrant shall not be concurrently bypassed except as noted below or permitted by note.

Any one APRM may be removed from service for up to six hours for test or calibration without inserting trips in its trip system only if the remaining OPERABLE APRMs meet the requirements of Specification 3.1.B.1 and no control rods are moved outward during the calibration or test. During this short period, the requirements of Specifications 3.1.B.2,3.1.C and 3.10.C need not be met.


The IRMs shall be inserted and OPERABLE until the APRMs are OPERABLE and reading at least 2/150 full scale.

j Offgas system isolation trip set at $2.1/5 Ci/sec where E = averag, gamma energy from noble gas in e.

offgas after holdup line (Mev). Air ejector isolation valve closure time delay shall not exceed 15 minutes.


Unless SRM chambers are fully inserted.


Not applicable when IRM on lowest range.


With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable in one ADS trip system, place the relay contact (s) for the inoperable initiation signal in the tripped condition within 4 days, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.

With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable in both ADS trip systems, restore ADS initiation capability in at least one trip system within I hour, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.

Relief valve controllers shall not be bypassed for any more than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> (total time for all controllers) in any 30-day period and only one relief valve controller may be bypassed at a time.

OYSTER CREEK 3.1-16 Amendment No.: 75,108,110,171

TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D) i.

With two core spray systems OPERABLE:


A maximum of two core spray booster pump differential pressure (d/p) switches may be inoperable provided that the switches are in opposing ADS trip systems

[i.e., only: either RV-40 A&D or RV-40 B&Cl. Place the relay contacts associated with the inoperable d/p switch (es) in the de-energized position, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Restore the inoperable d/p switch (es) within 8 days, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3; or, 2.

If two inoperable d/p switches are in the same ADS trip system [i.e., RV-40 A&B or RV-40 C&Dl, place the relay contacts associated with the inoperable d/p switch (es) in the de-energized position, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Restore the inoperable d/p switches within 4 days, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.

With only one core spray system OPERABLE:

If one or more d/p switches become inoperable in the OPERABLE core spray system, declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.


Not required below 40% of turbine rated steam flow.




4 i

i OYSTER CREEK 3.1-16a Amendment No.: 184

TABLE 4.1.1 (cont'd) a Instrument Channel Check Calibrate Test Remarks (Apply to Test & Calibration)

29. Drywellliigh N/A Each re-Each re-Radiation fueling fueling outage outage
30. Automatic Scram N/A N/A 1/wk Note 1 Contactors
31. Core Spray Booster Pump Differential Pressure N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of a test pressure

' Calibrate prior to startup and normal shutdown and thereafter check 1/s and test 1/wk until no longer required.

LEGEND: N/A = Not Applicable; 1/s = Once per shift; 1/d = Once per day; 1/3d = Once per 3 days; 1/wk := Once per week; l/mo = Once per month; 1/3 mo = Once every 3 months; l/20 mo = Once every 20 months; 1/24 mo = Once every 24 months Note 1:

Each automatic scram contactor is required to be tested at least once per week. When not tested by other means, the weekly test can be performed by using the subchannel test switches.

Note 2:

At least daily during reactor POWER OPERATION, the reactor neutron flux peaking factor shall be estimated and flow-referenced APRM scram and rod block settings shall be adjusted, if necessary, as specified in Section 2.3 Specifications A.1 and A.2.

Note 3:

Calibrate electronic bistable trips by injection of an external test current once per 3 months.

Calibrate transmitters by application of test pressure once per 12 months.

The following notes are only for item 15 of Table 4.1.1:

A channel may be taken out of service for the purpose of a check, calibration, test or maintenance without declaring the channel to be inoperable.


The Channel Test shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:

1) Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
2) Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
3) Instrument controls not set in operate mode.
4) Instrument electrical power loss.

OYSTER CREEK 4.1-6 Amendment No.: 63,80,108,116,141,152, 171; Changes: 5,7