ML20237D959 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 08/21/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20237D953 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9808280058 | |
Download: ML20237D959 (7) | |
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TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D)
Action required when minimum conditions for operation are not satisGed. Also permissible to trip inoperable trip system. A channel may be p!sced in an inoperable status for up to six hoiirs for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE instrument channel in the same trip system is monitoring that parameter.
See Specification 2.3 for Limiting Safety System Settings.
Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for reactor protection system reset in REFUEL a.
Permissible to bypass below 600 psig in REFUEL and STARTUP MODES.
One (1) APRM in each OPERABLE trip system may be bypassed or inoperable provided the c.
requirements of Speci6 cation 3.1.C and 3.10.C are satisfied. Two APRM's in the same quadrant shall not be concurrently bypassed except as noted below or permitted by note.
Any one APRM may be removed from service for up to six hours for test or calibration without inserting trips in its trip system only if the remaining OPERABLE APRM's meet the requirements of Specification 3.1.B.1 and no control rods are moved outward during the cal;bration or test. During this short period, the requirements of SpeciGcations 3.1.B.2,3.1.C and 3.10.C need not be met.
The IRMs shall be inserted and OPERABLE until the APRMs are OPERABLE and reading at least 2/150 full scale.
Offgas system isolation trip set at 52,000 mrem /hr. Air ejector isolation valve closure time c.
delay shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Unless SRM chambers are fully inserted.
Net applicab!e when IRM on lowest range.
With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable in one ADS trip system, place the relay contact (s) for the inoperable initiation signal in the tripped condition within 4 days, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Speci6 cation 3.4.B.3.
l With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable in both ADS trip systems, restore ADS initiation capability in at least one trip system within I hour, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.
Individual electromatic relief valve control switches shall not be placed in the "Off" position for more than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> (total time for all control switches) in any 30-day period and on!y one relief l
,alve control switch may be placed in the "Off" position at a time.
J OYSTER CREEK 3.1-16 Amendment No.: 75,108,110,171,184,190,191,195 9808280058 980821 PDR ADOCK 05000219 p
If Specifications 3.4.A.7 and 3.4.A.8 cannot be met, the requirements of Specific tion 3.4.A.6 will be met and work will be initiated to meet minimum sin rability requirementsof 3.4.A.7 and 3.4.A.8.
W. core spray system is not required to be operable when the following conditions are met:
The reactor mode switch is iocked in the " refuel" or " shutdown" position.
There is an operable flow path capable of taking suction from the condensate storage tank and transferring water to the reactor vessel,and (2)
The fire protection system is operable.
The reactor coolant system is maintained at less than 212*F and vented (except during reactor vessel pressure testing).
At least one core spray pump, and system components necessary to deliver rated core spray flow to the reactor vessel, must remain operable to the extent that the pump and any necessary valves can be started or operated from the control room or from local control stations,and the torus is mechanicallyintact.
No work shall be performed on the reactor or its connected systems which could result in lowering the reactor water level to less than 4'8" above the top of the active fuel and the condensate storage tank level is greater than thiny (30) feet (360,000 gallons).
At least two redundant systems including core spray pumps and system components must remain operable as defined in d. above OR i
The reactor vessel head, fuel pool gate, and separator-dryerpool gates are removed and the water level is above elevation 117 feet.
NOTE: When fillingthe reactorcavity from the condensate storage tank and draining the reactor cavity to the condensate storage tank, the 30 foot limit does not apply provided there is sufficient amount of water to complete the flooding operation.
Automatic Depressurizationsystem 1.
Five el;ctromatic relief valves, which provide the automatic depressurization and
pressure relief functions,shall be operable when the reactoi vater temperature is greater than 212'F and pressurized above 110 psig, except as specified in 3.4.B.2 l
and during Reactor Vessel Pressure Testing consistent with Specifications 1.39 and 3.3.A.(i).
OYSTERCREEK 3.4-3 Amendment No.: 75,120,153
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If at any time there are only four operable electromatic relief valves, the reactor may remain in operation for a period not to exceed 3 days provided the motor operated isolatica and condensate makeup valves in both isolation condensers are verified dailyto be operable.
If Specifications 3.4.B.1 and 3.4.B.2 are not met; reactor pressure shall be reduced to 110 psig or less,within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
The time delay set point for initiation after coincidence of low-low-low reactor water level and high drywell pressure shall be set not to exceed two minutes.
Containment Soray System and Emercency Service Water System 1.
The containment spray system and the emergency service water system shall be operable at all times with irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel, except as specified in Specifications 3.4.C.3,3.4.C.4,3.4.C.6 and 3.4.C.8.
The absorption chamber water volume shall not be less than 82,000 ft' in order for the containment spray and emergency service water system to be considered operable.
If one emergency service water system loop becomes inoperable,its associated containment spray system loop shall be considered inoperable. If one containment spray system loop and/or its associated emergency service water system loop becomes inoperable during the run mode, the reactor may remain in operation for a period not to exceed 7 days provided the remaining containment spray system loop and its associated emergency service water system loop each have no inoperable components and are verified daily to be operable.
If a pump in the containment spray system or emergency service water system becomes inoperable,the reactor may remain in operation for a period not to exceed 15 days provided the other similar pump is verified daily to be operable. A maximum of two pumps may be inoperable provided the two pumps are not in the same loop. If more than two pumps become inoperable,the limits of Specification 3.4.C.3 shall apply.
During the period when one diesel is inoperable, the containment spray loop and emergency service water system loop connected to the operable diesel shall have no inoperablecomponents.
If primary containment integrity is not required (see Specification 3.5.A), the containment spray system may be made inoperable.
t OYSTERCREEK 3.4-4 AmendmentNo.: 75,153,167,170
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l Original Technical Specification Pages with Proposed Changes l
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TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D)
Action required when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied. Also ~
permissible to trip inoperable trip system. A channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to six hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE instrument channel in the same trip system is monitoring that parameter.
See Specification 2.3 for Limiting Safety System Settings.
Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for reactor protection system reset in REFUEL MODE.
Permissible to bypass below 600 psig in REFUEL and STARTUP MODES.
One (1) APRM in each OPERABLE trip system may be bypassed or inoperable provided.
the requirements of Specification 3.1.C and 3.10.C are satisfied. Two APRMs in the same quadrant shall not be concurrently bypassed except as noted below or permitted by note.
Any one APRM may be removed from service for up to six hours for test or calibration without inscrung trips in its trip system only if the remaining OPERABLE APRMs meet the requirements of Specification 3.1.B.1 and no control rods are moved outward during the calibration or test. During this short period, the requirements of Specifications 3.1.B.2,3.1.C ssd 3.10.C need not be met.
The IRMs shall be insened and OPERABLE until the APRMs are OPERABLE and reading at least 2/150 full scale.
Offgas system isolation trip set at.$.2,000 mrem /hr. Air ejector isolation valve closure time delay shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Unless SRM n hmmhars are fully inserted.
Not applicable when IRM on lowest range.
With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable'in one ADS trip system, place the relay contact (s) for the inoperable initiation signal in the, tripped condition within 4 days, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.
l With one or more instrument channel (s) inoperable in both ADS trip systems, restore ADS initiation capability in at least one trip system within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, or declare ADS inoperable and take the action required by Specification 3.4.B.3.
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OYSTER CREEK 3.1-16 Amendment No. '^* "" ""-
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If Specifications 3.4.A.7 and 3.4.A.8 cannot be met, the requirements of Specification 3.4.A.6 will be met and work will be initiated to meet minimum operability requirements of 3.4.A.7 and 3.4.A.S.
i 10.
The core spray system is not required to be operable when the j
following conditions are mets The reactor mode switch is locked in the " refuel" or a.
" shutdown" position.
(1) There is an operable flow path capable of taking I
suction from the condensate storage tank and transferring water to the reactor vessel, and (2) The fire protection system is operable.
The reactor coolant system is maintained at less than 212 F and vented (except during reactor vessel pressure testing).
At least one core spray pump, and system components necessary to deliver rated core spray flow to the reactor vessel, must remain operable to the extent that the pump and any necessary valves can be started or operated from the control room or from local control stations, and the torus is mechanically intact.
(1) No work shall be performed on the reactor or its i
connected systems which could result in lowering the f
reactor water level to less than 4'8" above the top of the active fuel and the condensate storage tank level is greater than thirty (30) feet (360,000 gallons).
At least two redundant systems including core spray pumps and system components must remain operable as defined in d. above OR (2) The reactor vessel head, fuel pool gate, and separator-dryer pool gates are removed and the water level is above elevation 117 feet.
NOTE: When filling the reactor cavity from the condensate sturage tank and draining the reactor the condensate storage tank, the 30 foot limit does not apply provided there is sufficient amount of water to complete the flooding operation.
Automatic Deeressurization System g
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Five electromatic relief valves v.de9n.stv6 haeh c. d fre.sturo c\\. te.k i
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, shall be operable when the reactor r
/ 1 water temperature is greater than 212 F and pressurized above
110 psig, except as specified in 3.4.B.2.
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l OYSTER CREEK 3.4-3 Amendment No.: 75, 120,153
-eut:ntic d:;;r:::urizatic function
=y be inoperdle er typ3se during Reactor Vessel Press)ure Testing consist
Specifications 1.39 and 3.3. A. (1).
If at an valves, y time there are only four operable electromatic relief the reactor may remain in operation for a period not to exceed 3 days provided the motor operated isolation and condensate makeup valves in both isolation condensers are verified daily to be operable.
If Specifications 3.4.B.1 and 3.4.B.2 are not met; reactor
pressure shall be reduced to 110 psig or less, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
The time delay set point for initiation after co be set not to exceed two minutes.
Containment Sorav System and Emeroency Service Water System 1.
The containment spray system and the emergency service water the reactor vessel, except as specified in Specif 3.4.C.3, 3.4.C.4, 3.4.C.6 and 3.4.C.8.
Theabsorptionchamberwatervolumeshallnotbelessthan 82,000 ft service water system to be considered orde 3.
If one emergency service water system loop becomes inopera its associated containment spray system loop shall be considered inoperable.
If one containment spray system loop and associated emergency service water system loop become/or its inoperable during the run mode, the reactor may remain in s
operation for a period not to exceed 7 days provided the remaining containment spray system loop and its associated emergency service water system loop each have no inoperable components and are verified daily to be operable.
If a pump in the containment spray system or emergency service water system becomes inoperable, the reactor may remain in similar pump is verified daily to be operable. operation A maximum of two same loop. pumps may be inoperable provided the two pumps are not in th of Specification 3.4.C.3 shall apply.If more than two pumps
~ 5.
During the period when one diesel is inoperable, the containment spray loop and emergency service water system loop connected to the operable diesel shall have no inoperable' components.
If primary containment integrity is not required (see Specification 3.5.A), the containment spray system may be made inoperable, OYSTER CREEK 3.4-4 Amendment No. :g, JM, jfrf,170