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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures EPIP-5 Re General Emergency, EPIP-1 Re Classification of Emergency Conditions & EPIP-3 Re Alert
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/05/1983
Shared Package
ML20071Q358 List:
PROC-830505, NUDOCS 8306090031
Download: ML20071Q383 (232)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . . . EPIP-s lPese i cf 3 Jersey Central " '*""' u23/81 O f0E8E395/19/83 Power &tJght Company a. .cn % c. MN- General Emergency p Vice President and Director, O.C. AMX13vauCoricurrertes p,# F _ iW Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER 1 05/05/83 4 2 07/21/82 3 , 3 07/21/82 3 , ATTACHMENTS Attachment I (Page 1 of 2) 05/05/83 . 4 Attachment I (Page 2 of 2) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-5-1 (Page 2, 4 and 5 of 5) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-5-1 (Page 1 and 3 of 5) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-5-2 (Page 1 of 2) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-5-2 (Page 2 of 2) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-5-3 (1 page) 05/05/83 4 Fonn EPIP-5-4 (1 page) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-5-5 (Page 1 of 2) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-5-5 (Page 2 of 2) 07/21/82 3 EPIP-5-6 (3 pages) 07/21/82 3 r NON-CONTROLLED This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date _J OCC ovste' Creek w. I l B306090031 830606 . , DR ADOCK 05000

ge P-ocsoure No. General Emergency EPIP-5  % 2 3f 3 D 3 7/21/82 l l / 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define the conditions that shall l be regarded as a . General Emergency for Oyst'er Creek Nuclear Station and to: 1.1.1 Ensure necessary actions are taken to protect the health and safety of the public. 1.1.2 Ensure necesssry actions are taken to notify offsite emergency response organizations. 1.1.3 Mobilize the emergency response organizations to initiate appropriate emergency actions.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan 2.2 NUREG-0654 Rev. 1, FEMA-REP-1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." 2.3 OCNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP) 2.3.1 EPIP-1 Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3.2 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 2.3.3 EPIP-3 Alert 2.3.4 EPIP-4 Site Emergency' 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Director is responsible for implementing this procedure. l 3.2 Emergency Director responsibilities that may NOT be delegated l include: 3.2.1 Decision to notify offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.2 Making proteqtive action recommendations as necessary to offsite emergency management agencies. 1 3.2.3 Classification of Emergency Event. j 3.2.4 Determining the necessity for onsite accountability and/or evacuation based upon potential exposure to non-essential I personnel. 1 l 3.2.5 Authorization for emergency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation exposure limits. t l 1

Susiest: P sceows No.

                                                                ** " 9                    1  # 3  %s GENERAL EMERGENCY Memmon No.           Case 3              7/21/82 4.0   PREREQUISITES 4.1  The Site is in a condition that warrants General Emgergency declaration as defined by this procedure as, judged by the Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director.

5.0 REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Emergency Actions 5.1.1 The Group Shif t Supervisor / Emergency Director, shall upon recognition of inplant or site conditions that have exceeded " General Emergency, Emergency Action Levels" EPIP-5 Attachment 1, ensure " Emergency Director Checklis t-General Emergency " Form EPIP-5-1 is completed. i I l


l l l l l [

suaiecr: P scoeure No. N58 1 81 ? 4 488 GENERAL EMERGENCY EPIP-5 Rension No. Cote I 4 o5/o5/83 __ ATTACHMENT 1 l GENERAL EMERGENCY - EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.0 Emergency Action Levels INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 1.1 Actual or projected As indicated by any one of the following: dose rate offsite a. A projected dose rate calculation exceeds 50 mr/hr exceeding 50 mr/hr whole body or whole body or 250 mr/hr to the child thyroid 250 mr/hr to the using actual meterology and child thyroid calculated effluent leak rates. or b. Offsite radiological monitoring ActuaT or projected reports of greater than 50 mr/hr

            .           integrated doses offsite                     (gama) at any offsite location.

exceed 1 Rem whole - c. A projected integrated dose body or 5 Rem to calculated exceeding 1 Rem to thiji child thyroid whole body or 5 Rem to the child thyroid for'"the event. 1.2 Loss of 2 of 3 fission As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor ( product barriers with a from plant indications that 2 of 3 potential loss of the fission product barriers (fuel cladding, third reactor coolant boundary, primary con-tainment) have failed and there is a high potential for loss of the third. 1.3 Loss of physical control As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor of the p1 ant with a potential loss of the third 1.4 Other plant conditions are As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor / in progress or have occurred Emergency Director which may involve actual or a. Loss of coolant accident with iminent substantial core containment failure affecting the degradation or melting, with long term success of the ECCS. potential for loss of containment Core Degradation or melt in several integrity, or may make release hours without containment boundary. of significant amounts of b. Loss of coolant accident with radioactivity in a short failure of ECCS to perform lending time possible. to core melt degradation in minutes to hours. Loss of containment may be imminent.

c. Transient occurs plus failure of ,

requisite core shutdown systems  ! could lead to core melt in several l hours with containment failure I l ikely. l l J

l Sustect: 7-esacuro No. General Emergency EPIP-5 N48 2 =f 2 Nges Mennon NA Care 3 7 / 21 / 8 2 Al"fACIDfENT 1 (cont'd) i GENERAL EMERGENCY - EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS _

d. Shutdown occurs but decay heat removal capability is lost. Core degradation or melt could occur in ten hours with subsequent containment failure.

NOTE: In exercising the judgement as to the need for declaring a General Emergency, any uncertainty concerning the potential for large releases i of radioactive material, the length of time the uncertainty exists, and the prospects for the early resolution of ambiguities should be ' considered, i.e. significant uncertainty as to the potential for large releases of radioactive material I extending beyond a reasonable e time period is a sufficient k basis for declaring a General Emergency. l 1

W* Gen rcl Emargsney 1" 5 1 S

                                                                                           %       W Aension No. 3         cars 7/21/82

Form EPIP-5-1 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS 1.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director is responsible to complete this checklist, initial each action completed or mark N/A (No t applicable). 1.2 Upon recognition of site conditions that requires declaration of General Emergency Classification, the Group Shift Supervisor shall assume the duties of the Emergency Director. Da te/ Time / 1 2.1 Announce to Control Room' personnel that has assumed the duties of Emergency Director. 1.3 Assign a Communicator to make notifications to persons and agencies listed in Form EPIP-5-2 " Notification Checklist - General Emergency". , ( -

  \                               1.3.1      Provide the communicator with the Record-a phone and Adas VI messages deemed appropriate.


sua w P oceaure No. GENERAL EMERGENCY EPIP-5 P298 2 of 5 **M8 Aensson .% om o5/05/83 f 4 Form EPIP-S-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS 1.6 Emergency Support Centers Activated: 1.6.1 Ensure the pagers of the On-Duty Initial Emergency Response Team have bee'n activated by Security. 1.6.2 Ensure Security has unlocked and open the Emergency Centers. 1.6.3 Technical Support Center, EPIP-2'6 Time Operational l 1.6.4 Operation Support Center, EPIP-27 Time Operational 1.6.5 Environmental Assessment Command Center, EPIP-31 Time Operational 1.6.6 Nearsite Emergency Operations Facility, EPIP-25 f Time Operational 1.6.7 Farsite Emergency Operations Facility, EPIP-28 ( Time Operational 1.6.8 Parsippany Technical Functions Center, EPIP-17 Time Operational - t 1.7 Notification Messages l 1.7.1 Complete Form EPIP-5-3 " Initial Notification Message-General Emergency" and give it to a communicator for transmission. l NOTE: New Jersey State Police are to be notifed l I within 15 minutes after the recongnition that a Emergency Action Level has been exceeded. Ensure initial notification is received by: New Jersey State Police (division headquarters, ccmmunication center) and l

           '                                           OceanCountDheriff,CommunicationCenter l                                                                     and l

Lacey Township Police Department. and OceanTownshijPoliceDepartment. and Nuclear ReguIatory Commission Operatiens Center. 1.7.2 ' Complete Form EPIP-5-4 "Institue of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nucl' ear Insurers, Notification Hessage - General Emergency" and give it to a communicator for transmission.


    $analGCr*,                                                    hSCsSt#3 NO.

General Emergency EPIP-5 Nga 3 cf 5 Nges Rension No. 3 ,***7/21/82 Form EPIP-5-1 (cont 'd) EMERCENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - CENERAL EMERGE!EY l INITIALS Ensure initial notification is received by: l l Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) I and American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) 18 Followup Messages 1.8.1 Assign personnel to gather information for update message Forms EPIP-5-6 " Additional Information Message - General Emergency and EPIP-5-5 " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist - General Emergency" Ensure additional information messages are received by the Nuclear Regulatory Connaission Operations Center at regular intervals. Ensure Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist messages are (\ received (when requested) by the Bureau of Radiation Protection. Provide the facility contacts from INPO  ; and ANI with information requested when available and/or request assistance deemed l appropriat e. 1.8.2 Ensure appropriate followup actions are initiated in , accordance with administrative Procedures 10 6.1 Reportable Occurrence and/or 126 Pro cedure for Notification of Station Events. 1.9 As required, initiate (if not previously implemented) the following procedures and ensure all appropriate notifications are completed in a timely manner by a communicator: 1.9.1 Personnel Injury EPIP-7. Ensure notifications in thru 1.9 5.5 are completed as appropriate. 1 9.2 Fire EPIP-8. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.9.3 Toxic / Flammable Gas Release EPIP-15. Ensure notifications in 1.9.5 are completed as appropriate. 1.9.4 Search and Rescue EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate.

suoner: P oceawe No. EPIP-5 Pese 4 :f 5 Sup* GENERAL EMERGENCY Renmon NS Cote 05/05/83 4 l Form EPIP-5-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS 1.9.5 Notifications and request for offsite assistance (as required). l.9.5.1 Onsite Medical Department Telephone (609) 971-4890 or 4926 Lacey First Aid Squad / Fire Department Telephone (609) 693-6636. Comm6nity Memorial Hospital, Nursing Services Supervisor Telephone (201) 349-8000 Radiation Management Corporation ' Telephone (215) 243-2990. OCNGS Security Department l Telephone 4954 or 4950 Lacey Fire Department /First Aid Squad Telephone (609) 693-6636. l.9.5.7 Fire Protection Manager ( NOTE: Beeper activated with Initial Emergency Response Team beepers. 1.10 Initiate the following procedures and continually monitor reports: 1.10.1 Emergency Radiological Survey - Onsite, EPIP-10


Date Time 1.10.2 Emergency Radiological Survey - Offsite, EPIP-11 \


l Date Time 1.10.3 Site Evacuation, EPIP-13 / Date Time Ensure immediate notifications are made to: A. OCNGS Security Department via l ' Primary: Dark Green Phone, dial Code 24 Alternate: Telephone 4954 or 4950

8. Station Personnel via the Plant Page System per EPIP-13.


s,: h oess w o No. EPIP-5 **** 5 8f 5 %8 GENERAL EMERGENCY

                                                                   %: ion                       care             1 No. 4                    05/05/83    I Fom EPIP-5-1 (cont'd)

EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS If no personnel accountability completion report is received within 30 minutes after initiation of site evacuation contact Station Security for a status report. Report of personnel accountability received, personnel unaccounted for. 1.10.4 If personnel are unaccounted for, implement Search and Rescue, EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in 1.9.4 are completed. Date/ Time / 1.11 Emergency Director discretion, to initiate the following procedures: 1.11.1 Damage Control, EPIP-14. Date/ Time / ( 1.11.2 Emergency Dosimetry, EPIP-19. Date/ Time / ! 1.11.3 Thyroid Blocking, EPIP-23. Date/ Time / 1.11.4 Emergency Respiratory Equipment, EPIP-24.

                            .                  Date/ Time            /

1.12 IF recovery conditions have not been met and General Bergency, Emergency Action Levels are no longer being exceeded, de-escalate to a lower emergency classification by perfonning notifications in accordance with: i Date/ Time of reclassification / 1.12.1 Unusual Event, EPIP-2. or 1.12.2 AlerE EPIP-3. or 1.12.3 SiteTsergency, EPIP-4. 1.13 IF recovery phase conditions have been met, initiate the Ecovery Phase in accordance with EPIP-29. Date/ Time / 1.14 IF no further emergency actions are required, teminate the l Eneral Emergency. Date/ Time / 1.14 1 Ensure all offsite agencies and GPU Nuclear personnel notified of the General Emergency receive termination notification.

l l General Emergency 0@5"  % 1 g 2 hsaan No. 3 Oate 7/21/82 l l 1 FORM EPIP-5-2 ~  ! l NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS Initial each item upon completion i

1. With Emergency Directors approval announce appropriate lines of the following message over the Plant Page System:

Sound the " STATION ALERT ALARM" for 10 seconds. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL A GENERAL EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED. ALL ON-DUTY MEMBERS OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION REPORI TO EMERGENCY CENTERS. ALL OTHER PERSONNEL AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. l l EATING, DRINKING, AND SMOKING IS PROHIBITED UNTIL FUKIHER [ N0 RICE. (REPEAT THE ANNOUNCEMENT) ( 2. No tify OCNGS Security and direct them to activate the Record-a phone and Adas VI with the appropriate messages, activate the pagers of the Initial Emergency Response Team on duty and unlock the TSC, OSC, EACC, & NEOF. Instruct Security to contact one member to fill each position on the Full Mobilization Emergency Duty Roster. NOTE: The Emergency Advisor shall ensure the VP-Nuclear Assurance, the GPU-Nuclear Board of Directors and the GPU-Reading Dispatch Control Center are notified. Primary: Station Security / Accountability Line Dark Green Phone, Dial Code 24 Alternate: Ext. 4954 or 4950

3. Notify the New Jersey State Police within 15 minutes of classification. Transmit " Initial Notification Message -

General Emergency" EPIP-5-3 with Emergency Director approval. l Primary: State Hot Line (Notification Line) Gray Phone Al ternate: (609) 882-4200 (If Primary Is Out of Service) NOTE: IF State Police Verification Call is not received Ethin one minute, re-establish contact via state Hot Line and request verification call on the State Police l Verification Line immediately. IF Alternate Verification means is required instruct State Police to verify by dialing (609) 971-0220 or


(609) 971-4666. 1 P oesows No. GENERAL EMERGENCY EPIP-5 7 24* 2 :f 2 **ps Aemsson Nt cafe 05/05/83 4 FORM EPIP-5-2 (cont'd) NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST - GENERAL EMERGENCY INITIALS

4. Notify the Ocean County Operations Center Transmit " Initial Notification Message - General Emergency" EPIP-5-3 Primary: Ocean County Hot Line Alternate:
5. Notify Lacey Township. Transmit " Initial Notification Message
                                  - General Emergency" EPIP-5-3 Primary:      (609) 693-6636 Alternate:
6. Notify Ocean Township Police Department. Transmit " Initial  ;

i Notification Message - General Emergency" EPIP-5-3 Primary: (609) 693-4007 Alternate: 4008 or 4009

7. Notify the following agencies: Transmit " Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers Notification Message - General Emergency" EPIP-5-4 I A. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Tel: (404) 953-0904
8. American Nuclear Insurers Tel: (203) 677-7305
8. Notify the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission Operations Center Transmit " Initial Notification Message-General Emergency" EPIP-5-.

Primary: NRC-ENS Line (Lift receiver from cradle) Red Phone Alternate: (1) Commercial via Bethesda (202) 951-0550 . (2) Commercial via Silver Spring (301) 427-4050 (3) NRC-HPN Line - Dial 22 or *22 (Touch-tone) (4) Consnercial via Bethesda (301) 492-7000 NOTE: , Open-line communication with NRC is to be maintanined ) on ENS Line throughout the emergency situation.

9. When requested, by the Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) transmit " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist - General Emergency" EPIP-5-5 via, the B_RP_
                    -              Information Line located in the Emergency Command Center (Group Shift Supervisors Office)
10. Transmit additional information messages to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies directed by the Emergency Director using " Additional Information Message -

General Emergency" EPIP-5-6.




                               /                  NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE via State Hot Line (Gray Phone)
                               /                  UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION via NRC-ENS Line (Red Phone)
                             /                    OCEAN COUNTY SHERIFF CCMMUNICATION via Ocean County Hot Line (Light Green Phone)
                               /                  LACEY TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT via (609) 693-6636                                       .





1. This is at Oyster Creek (Name/ Title)

Nuclear Generating Station. A General Emergency was declared in accordance with our Emergency Plan at / (Time) / (Date)

2. Description of Emergency:

( (

3. Assistance requested:
4. Approved (Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director)
(Date) (Time)


5. Transmitted To: Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (404) 953-0904 To: American Nuclear Inqurers (203) 677-7305 l

(Communicator) (Date) l .. - -


1. Date and Time of Incident: Date: Time: (24-Hr. Clock)
2. Accident Classification: GENERAL EMERGENCY
3. Type of Release:(circle one) GASEOUS LIQUID
4. Cause of Incident and System Involved (if known):
5. Is Reactor Shutdown: (circle one) Yes No
6. Gaseous Release Information (a) Release Terminated: (circle one) Yes No (b) Estimated Duriation of Release: Hours

( (c) Type of Gaseous Release (circle one) Elevated Ground (d) Windspeed mph m/sec From: (0) Toward (0) (e) Wind Direction: (Compass Point)

                             .                  Affected Sector:                                                  .

(f) Stability Class: ' (. circle one) Unstable Neutral Stable (g) Release Rate Noble Gas: C1/Sec. (h) Release Rate Iodine (if known) Ci/Sec.

7. Liquid Release Information Yes No j (a) Release Terminated (circle one)

(b) Estimated Duration of Release: Hours (c) Estimated Release Concentration uCf/cc gpm (d) Release Rate

Sw. Poceeurs No. General Emergency EPIP-5 Na2 #f 2 D Movision No. :ste FORM EPIP-5-5 (cone'd) l 8. Projected Offsite Doses (a) Whole Body Di stance Miles) Dose Rate mrem /hr Time to Reach PAG (hrs. ) , 1. f 2. 3. l 4. 5. (b) Child Thyroid Distance Miles) Dose Rate Rem /hr Time to Reach PAG (hrs.')

1. '

2. 3. l 4. 5. l 9. Recommended Protective Actions: ( l 10. Status Checklist approved for transmission to NJBRP by Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director: (Signature) ( Dat e/ Time)

11. Status checklist transmitted to NJBHP:

Transmitted to: (Name)


(OCNGS Communicator) (Location) ( Dat e/ Time)

l P.gcedure No. Susie Gen ral Emargtncy EPIP-5 ' l '# 3 8*3** Rension No. 3 7 /21/8 2 FORM EPIP-5-6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MESSAGE - GENERAL EMERGENCY Che'ck (/) all appropriate statements to be transmitted as information is available

1. This is acting under the Direction of the Emergency (Emergency Director)

Director at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The following is provided as additional information for the initial notification of General Emergency.

a. Time: (24 hour clock)
b. Date: Month Day Year

(, 3. Plant Status

a. Reactor (circle one) is/is not shutdown.
b. Ihe plant (circle one) is/is not in a safe condition.
c. Reactor is suberitical, coolant is being maintained over the core, and containment integrity is satisfactory.
4. Type of release (circle one) airborne; liauid; surface soil.
5. Meteorological Data l a. Wind speed MPH
b. Wind direction (from) (toward)
c. Stability class (circle one) unstable; neutral; stable
d. Precipitation (circle one) rain; sleet; snow
6. Gaseous Radiological Data l
a. Noble gas release rate uC1/sce
b. Iodine 131 release rate uCi/see
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release:

P ecoeuro No, h188:*o EPTF-5 Nga 7 Of 3 kqes General Emergency hnsson No.  ::ste 3 7 /21/8 2 l FORM EPIP-5-6 (cont'd)

7. Liquid Radiological Data
a. Release cencentration uCi/cc
b. Release rate uCi/sec
c. italease (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release
e. Estimated total release uCi
8. Projected dose rates and integrated dose (Based on actual or projected duration of release)

Whole Body

a. Site Boundary ar/hr mhm
b. 2 miles ar/hr mRam
               ,      c. 5 miles                               ar/hr              mrem
d. 10 miles ar/hr mrem
9. Projected Io dine Co ncentration and Integrated Dose Conniement (Based on actual or projected duration of release).


a. Site Boundary uC1/cc mrem
b. 2 miles uCi/cc mrem
c. 5 miles nC1/cc mrem
d. 10 miles uC1/cc mrem
10. Estimate of Surface contamination _ dpm/100 cm (obtain from field date) mrem /hr
11. Emergency Actions in progess:
a. Radiological survey teams onsite
b. Radiological survey teams offsite
c. Onsite fire brigade
d. Offsite fire department
e. Damage Control
f. First aid teams onsite
g. Ambulance service
h. Medical support
1. Environmental surveys offsite
j. Other, specify s


P-ocsouro Na, Suotect: seges General Emergency rPTP-5 Pete 3 sf 3 Mensson N o. Oste 3 7/21 /8 2 FORM EPIP-5-6 (cont'd)

12. Additional support required (specify)
13. The condition may change to an (circle one) Unusual Event; Alert; Site Emergency
14. Of fsite population sector (s) (re fer to Emergency Planning Zona Sector map) affected are ,

9 9 9

15. Ihe following changes in protective measures are recommended for the population in these sectors.
a. None
b. Notify (projected offsite dose )
c. Take shelter (projected offsite dose )
d. Evacuate (projected offsite dose )
16. Approved (Baergency Director / Emergency Support Director)

(, (Date) (Time)

17. Transmitted To: ' TIME: NorIFIED/ VERIFIED.
a. United States Nuclear Regulatory Co mmission. /

l l

b. New Jersey Bureau of Radiation Pro tection. /

! c. /

d. /

1 (Communicator) ( Date) 1 l l I I l l \ l

i PY Page 1 Cf 3 Jersey Central ** 'T27f9/81 kWs3 5/u/83 power & tight Company Movemn $ cae 04/20/83 l* ' Classification of Emergency Conditions Aumcruse ay Vice President and Director, 0.C. l gcw^

jd 2 l

hWCGn*"NnC* _ Oyster Creek Nuciear Generatin'g Station LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER l 1 04/20/83 4 2 07/20/82 3 3 07/20/82 3

                      , ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 (Pages 1, 6 and 7)          04/20/83                      4
   <                    Attachment 1                                                           -.

07/20/82 3

   's                       (Pages 2, 3, 4 and 5) l l

NON-CONihbu iD ~ This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date i i rec nen.. em.,  !

 -4 p.scsouro No.
     % eves =                                                   ,
                                                                                           % 2 ef 3     8eges Classification of Emergency Conditions          EPIP-1 hsion Nc.                :ste 3             7/20/82 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define those conditions which shall be classified as emergency conditions at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) and to provide guidance in classifying such conditions.

Utilization of this procedure during continuous emergency assessment activities will aid in the identification of changing emergency action levels prompting emerg ency condition reclassification.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan 2.2 OCNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP) 2.2.1 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 2.2.2 EPIP-3 Alert 1 2.2.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency 2.2.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency ( l 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES l 3.1 The Group Shift Supervisor is responsible for the initial evaluation of abnormal or emergency site conditions and for directing immediate Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure actions as appropriate , once assuming the duties of the Emergency Director. The Group Shift Supervisor is responsible for implementing this procedure. 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 None 5.0 REQUIREMENTS 5.1 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 5.1.1 The Group Shif t Supervisor / Emergency Director upon recognition of inplant or site conditions that have exceeded or have a potential to exceed any emerg ency action level shall:

l i w P scoewe No. Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 N4e 3 =f 3 4 ;ss 4ewsion Me. 3 0***7/20/82 Immediately evaluate emergency initiating conditions for the highest emergency classification condition that may have been exceeded. l NarE: At tachment I (Matrix of Initiating Co nditions for Emergency Classification) , of this procedure will aid in rapid identification of the appropriate emergency classification condition. Classify the emergency condition upon confirmation that emergency action levels have been exceeded as defined in EPIP-2, EPIP-3, EPIP-4 or EPIP-5, as appropriate. NorE: Emerg ency classifications shall be made as soon as possible after confirmation of exceeding Emergency i Action IAvels to ensure that proper protective and corrective actions ! are implemented and that appropriate offsite authorities are promptly

 /                                                   notified (within 15 minutes) .-. -

1 Implement the appropriate Emergency

           .                              Classification Procedure and assume the duties of   the Emergency Director until' properly relieved.

1 l l l

I w ce: haceows No. Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 No 1 :f 7 Peges cota waion No. 4 04/20/83 l I ATTACHMENT 1 , I MATRIX OF INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PARAMETER EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNU5UAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 Radiological Effluent Releases Offsite/ Site Offsite/ Site Perimeter Perimeter Gaseous Tech Spec. Tech Spec. >5 mr/hr >50 mr/hr Iodine I.f mi ts Limits for 1/2 hr Whole Body Particulate Exceeded Exceeded by a Whole body >250 mr/hr

                                           ,              factor of 10          >25 mr/hr            Child Thyroid Child Thyroid Liquid                   10CFR20 Appendix B, Column 2          ------------           -------------       -------------

( Limits exceeded in discharge , canal l Projected Offsite Doses Whole ----------- >10 mrem >50 mrem >l Rem Body Child ----------- > 50 mrem > 250 mrem >5 Rem Thyroid Reactor Pressure >1110 PSIG >1239 PSIG >1375 PSIG -----------


                                                                                   . . .                                                                               l
                                                                              . ,                                                                                      1 g ,e.*                                                                                    ,

rS cesoura No. Classification of Emergency Cenditio,as EPIP-1  % 2 g7 6:;ss 1 4ension No. 3 Octe 7/20/92 1 l ATTACHMENT 1 (coEe'd) MATRIX OF INITIATING C_0NDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION .


PARAMETER E ERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING C0_KDITIONS UNUSUAL i SITE GENERAL EVENT AT.m , DfERGENCY EMERGENCY j EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 RCS Leakage (Into Primary Containment) Unidentified >10 gpm - leak rate , Total leak > 25 gpa >50 gpat' Known Loss of coolant rate or reactor accident with Ca Wes or - coolant containment requires system failure affect-the Raattsr leak ing the long to be.acram ed exceeds term success of available make- the ECCS. Core up capacity degradation or

                                                                                         ,                                                           melt in several bra without con-
  • tainment boundar-RCS Total Icdine >8.0 uC1/cc >300 uC1/cc Indication of Activity degraded core with possible loss of coolable geometry Of f-Gas Monitor Increase of >10,000 mr/hr Reading and 666 nr/hr . Fuel cladding Fuel Status in 30 mi.n /failbre 'I and/or -
                                                      >3,3 30 m /hr Safety /                                    Safety / relief _      , Main Steam                                   Steam Line Relief Valve                                Valve does not.         Lins Break                                    Break outside               ,

E close following with MSIV Containment Main Steam Isolation reduction of Malfusction w/o isolation valve Status applicable causing preJsure laakage into Turbine Building m_ .

           "#      Classification of Emergency Conditions        N1                      %        W 7    %

q ision No. 3 :ste 7/20/82 i I l ATTACfDfENT 1 '(cont'd) MATRIX OF INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PARMNTER EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNUSUAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 Raactor Reacter SCRAM Failure of Transient req- 1. Loss of Protection followed by a reactor pro- uiring opera- coolant accident Systems unplanned tection system tion of shut- with failure automatic to initiate & down systems of ECCS to ECCS initiation complete a with a failure perform lead-and discharge SCRAM which to SCRAM, no ing to core into Reactor brings the core damage melt degrada-Vassel reactor sub- evident tion in minutes i critical when to hours. Loss : called for of containment  ! may be imminent. )

2. Transient occurs*
                                                                                                      & failure of requisita core shutdown       I l                  -

systems could '


( lead to core melt in several l hours with containment failure likely + r i I l



Procesuro Me, Seaw:n 7 Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 719e 4 :f Setes mension M. Ne 3 7/20/82 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) MATRIX OP INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PARAMETER EMERGENCY CI ASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNUSUAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 Loss of Shutdown Containment required by -- Integrity other than normal cathods Ioss of 1. Requiring 1. ' Lo ss o f 1. Loss of 1. Shutdown Engineered shutdown by functions functions need- occurs but decay Safety Features - Technical necessary to ed for plant heat removal Specifications bring the hot shutdown capability and shutdown is plant to cold when hot shut- is lost. Core required other shutdown down is req'd degradation or than in a when cold 2. Sustain loss melt could normal manner. shutdown is of all or most occur in 10 l ' 2. Un- required. annunciEors hours with sub-

                      ,              anticipated,     2. Sustain           in Control          sequent contain-confirmed,       loss of all          Room coupled        ment failure.   .

alarm on any or most annun- with Plant - 2. Ioss of 2 of k two ares Eators in transient 3 fission radiation Control Room 3. Control product barriers monitors 3. Evacuation at local sta- with a potential simultaneously of Control tions not loss of the which cannot Room, Control established third. be corrected established within 15 mins. of any Process at local af ter Control Radiation stations with- Room evacuation. Monitor. in 15 minutes. 4. Major damage

4. Fuel hand- to spent fuel ling accident resulting in or other uncontrolled Ec'nt resulting release of radio-in unexpected active material increase of or uncontrollable inplant radio- da' crease in fuel activity levels pool water below top by a factor of of spent fuel 1000

um Pmesewo No. Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 PS38 5 of i- seine 3 "" 7/20/82 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) MATRIX OP INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PARAMETER EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNUSUAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 _ Toxic or Which could Which caters Eccers Vital flamma'ble gas affect habita- plant and Area and release - near bility required affects safe affects or onsite for normal operation of operation plant the plant of safe operation shutdown equipment, plant not in cold shutdown Security Security threat Ongoing Imminent loss Loss of Compromise og attempted compromise. of physical physical entry og control of control of attempted plant coupled plant occurs sabotage with intrusion. with intrusion in progress. ( Loss of Power Sustain loss of Offsite and Offsite and offsite power onsite power Onsite og ! or loss of both or vital D.C. Vital'D.C. l diesel generator power for exceeds 15 min. capabilities <15 min. during power operations. l l l l l l l l l g --

I seiesr: Noceewe No. Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 Nga 6 =f 7 Ages 4.=sion No. 4 este 04/20/83 l ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) MATRIX OF INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION  ;


PARAMETER EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNUAUAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 Natural 1. Sustain 1. Sustain Plant not in Phenomena windspeed >75 windspeed cola snutdown: Being mph. >100 mph 1. Sustain Experienced 2. Flood level 2. Floor or windspeed >125 -------------- or Projected with probable low waterTevel mph. ITeyond Usual flooding of potentially 2. Floed or Levels evacuation affecting low water 7evel routes operation of affecting

3. Earthquake safe shutdown operation of safe felt in plant. equipment shutdown equipment when required when required to to operate. operate.
3. Tornado 3. Earthquake causing
                                       -              strikes           major damage to equip-facility.         ment necessary for
4. Earthquake shutdown.

affecting plant operation


Fire Fire not under Potentially Affecting' function control within affecting the of plant safety -------------- 10 minutes. operability systems of any safety system. Plant not in Explosion cold shutdown: Unanticipated With damage causes severe , near or- affecting damage to safe onsite plant opera- shutdown equip- --------------- tions ment.

l s- n. . n Classification of Emergency Conditions EPIP-1 Nse 7 ef 7  %,s mension No.4 :ste 04/20/83 j ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) MATRIX OF INITIATING CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PARAMETER EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INITIATING CONDITIONS UNU5UAL SITE GENERAL EVENT ALERT EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EPIP-2 EPIP-3 EPIP-4 EPIP-5 Contam. or Potent-f ally Contaminated Requires l Injury transportation , offsite for --------- --------- l medical treatment Plant not in Aircraft Crash cold shutdown: or Onsite outside Within Affecting Missile Impact protected area- protected area vital plant l no, pl ant structures by structures impact or fire. affected

 <    Turbine                   Rotating         Resulting Failure                  component         in casing failure causing penetration          ------------          ------------

a reactor scram Plant Status Other plant Other plant Other plant Other plant or conditions conditions are conditions conditions are conditions are as evaluated in progress or are in pro- in progress or in progress or by GSS/ Emergency have occurred gress or have have occurred have occurred Director which may occurred which which may which may in- . indicate a may involve an involve actual volve actual or ( potential de- actual or or likely major iminent sub-gradation of potential sub- failures of stantial core the level of stantial plant functions degradation or safety of the degradation of needed for melting, with plant. the level of protection of potential for safety of the the pubife. loss of con-plant tainment integ-NOTE: . rity, or may In exercising the judgement as to the need for declaring make release of an emergency classification, any uncertainty concerning significant the safety status of the plant, status of functions needed amounts of to protect the public, potential for large releases of radioactivity radioactive material, the length of time the uncertainty in a short time l exists, and the prospects for the early resolution of am- possible. biguities should be considered, i.e., significant uncertainty extending beyond a reasonable time period is a sufficient basis for declaring an appropriate Emergency classification. l

l [IP-2 ' Page i of 4 I Jersey Central *$"",*'8 2 E8?/8Da3f'osn2/83 i Power & Light Company Rem!on No. Date , Subject Emergency Respiratory Equipmeng 1 11/23/82 ' Authonzed By Director-Station Operations . ) Approval / Concurrence A /d , Project Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station l LIST OF EFFECTIVE PACES DATE REVISION NUMBER 1 11/23/82 1 2 02/19/82 0 3 11/23/82 1 4 02/19/82 0


ATTACHMENTS At tachment 1 (1 page) 02/19/82 0 7 NON-CONTROLLED This Document Wi!! Not Be Kept Up To Date

                                                      ,                                 l OCC Ovster Creek

l l l Su8H**" Emergency respiratory Equipment '0Y-2Y p,,, 2j 4 p,q,, Revision No. O Cot

  • 2/19/82 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the method used to issue personnel respiratory protective devices during classified emergency conditions when the primary respiratory issue facility is not available for use. Other issue of emergency respiratory equipment is performed in accordance with Oyster Creek' Nuclear Generating Station Procedures.

2.0 ATTACMENTS 2.1 Attachment 1 - Emergency Respiratory Equipment Issue Location 3.0 MERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 3.1 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 3.2 EPIP-3 Alert 3.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency 3.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency 4.0 MERGENCY ACTIONS 4.1 , Initiating Conditions The issue of emergency respiratory equipment at the Forked River Site, Building 14, will be implemented when any of the following conditions exist: 4.1.1 Normal respiratory equipment is inaccessible due to emergency conditions. 4.1.2 Normal respiratory equipme'nt issue facilities have been damaged or compromised as a result of emergency conditions. 4.1.3 Site evacuation has been implemented. 4.1.4 Additional respiratory equipment is required due to the emergency condition. 4.2 Forked River Emergency Respiratorv Ecuipment Issue Location 4.2.1 Forked River Site, Building #14 (See Attachment 1) O G

sussesc Pescoeure No. Emergency Raspiratory Equipment EPIP-24  % 3 d'  % beson No. I cete 11/23/82


4.3 NOTIFICATIONS 4.3.1 Ihe Group Leader Radiological Support or his designee is responsible to notify the following when emergency respiratory equipment issue facility is activated. The' Radiological Controls Coordinator. The Environmental Assessment Coordinator. 4.4 ENERGENCY RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT 4.4.1 Raspirators for Emergency use will be obtained from the normal respirator issue station. Additional l .

                              . respirators are available in the warehouse.

l 4.4.2 Forms for respiratory equipment issue and record-keeping will be maintained at the Forked River Emergency Respirat.ory Equipment Issue Facility. I i 4.4.3 Respiratory equipment will be maintained and/or calibrated in accordance with applicable station procedures. 4.4.4 Spare parts, tools and other necessary equipment for the repair and cleaning or respiratory protective devices shall be maintained at the Forked River Facility. 4.4.5 Scott Air Pak cylinders requiring refilling may be refilled at the Forked River Facility provided that air samples taken in the intake area show lower concentrations of isotopes than list in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table I, Column I. 4.4.6 Air compressor for charging Scott Air Pak cylinders will be maintained in accordance with station procedures. 4.4.7 Under emergency circumstances, respiratory protective equipment may be utilized as ALARA devices, without regard for protection factor, to minimize exposure to airborne radiological and industrial contaminants. 9 l l l .

l l 3"** ' Emergency respiratory Equipment ET1 2D ,, 4j 4 ,,p, beica No. O care 2/19/82 45 Emergency Respiratory Equipment Use i 4.5.1 Emergency respiratory equipment issue and maintenance records will be maintained in accordance with applicable station procedures except as follows: Raspiratory equipment will be issued from and returned to the Forked River Emergency Respiratory Equipment Issue Facility (Attachment 1). I i If the in-plant REMS computer is unavailable for use, respiratory l qualification information will be

                 -                        transferred to the corporate computer in Reading, PA.       Reports of qualification information will be issued by Reading. If no computerized system is available, a manual record-keeping system will be instituted. h l i a- t -.



                                                    &                                                                         ) k i        f BLDQ.,,] 4 A       s

_ -(. i a s s NORTH GATE  ;  ; PARKING i s FORKED RIVER

!                  SITE 1                                                     .

9 m i b EMERGENCY RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT ISSUE LOCATION g Directions: From Oyster Creek Nuclear Gene' rating ' ' J 6 Station Proceed north on Route 9. Turn left at first road, after canal bridge. . Continue past JCP&L " Energy Spectrum" to OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR 1 Forked River Site Security. Park in East GENERATIAG STATION Parking Lot of Forked River Site. Enter Gate 45 to Bldg. 14. 1

                                                                                                                           /        %


Page 1 Cf 3 Cate lasuest EMacave Cate Jersey Cend 02/23/81 (05/09/83) 05/19/83 Power &tJght Company a.v=ca m ca. 4 5/ 5/83 seie==. A1ert Vice President & Director, O.C. AgipreveuConcurrence y,A f x f/ w g M j

       ;, +                        '

oyster Creek Nuclear denerating Station LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER ! 1 05/05/83 4 2 07/21/82 3 3 07/21/82 3 I ATTACHMDITS Attachment 1 (4 pages) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-3-1

                       .(Page 1, 2 & 5 of 5)             07/21/82                         3 Form EPIP-3-1 (Page 3 & 4   of 5)               05/05/83                         4 Form EPIP-3-2 (2    pages)              07/21/82                         3 Form EPIP-3-3 (1    page)               07/21/82                         3
     .           Form EPIP-3-4 (1    page)               07/21/82                         3 Form EPIP-3-5 (2    pages)              07/21/82                         3 Form EPIP-3-6 (3    pages)              07/21/82                         3 NON-CONTROLLED This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date necoym.cmo
                                                                    . s                   .             . . . .

i 1 se P oceswa No. Alert EPIP-3  % 2 ef 3 sp

                                                          %nsion No. 3            ste 7/21/82 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The     purpose of this procedure is to define the conditions that shall be regarded as an Alert for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station and to:

1.1.1 Ensure necessary actions are taken to protect the health and safety of the public. 1.1.2 Ensure necessary actions are taken to notify offsite emergency response organizations. j 1.1.3 Mobilize the appropriste portions of the emergency response organization to initiate appropriate emergency actions.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan 2.2 NUREG-0654, Re v. 1; FEMA-REP-1

  • Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in support of Nuclear Power Plants".

2.3 OCNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP) 2.3.1 EPIP-1 Classification, of Emergency Conditions 2'.3.2 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 2.3.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency ,

                                                                                                     'j 2.3.4      EPIP-5 General Emergency t

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES  ; 3.1 The Emergency Director is responsible for implementing this procedure. 3.2 Emergency Director responsibilities that. may NOT be delega'ted include: 3.2.1 Decision to notify offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.2 Making protective action reconmiendations as necessary to offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.3 Classification of Emergency Event. 3.2.4 Determining the necessity for onsite accountability and/or evacuation based upon potential exposure to non-essential personnel. 3.2.5 Authorization for emergency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation exposure limits.

                                                     --.    - . . . ... -. a.   ..    . . . - . , --                  . . . . - . , - . . . . .

Suarest: Moseewe No. AlGrt EPIP-3  % 3 of 3 paps beson No. 3 cote 7/21/82 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 The Site is in a condition that warrants Alert declaration as defined by this ' procedure as judged by the Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director. 5.0 REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Emergency Actions j 5.1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director shall, upon recognition of inplant E site conditions that have exceeded " Alert Emergency Action I.evels" EPIP-3 Attachment 1 and no emergency action level of a higher classification, ensure " Emergency Director Checklist - Alert" Form EPIP-3-1 is completed. j l l 6

                                                                 ,,4                        y

i Su88888: Pocacure No. e, r, _, Nga , of 4 Nges  ; Alort Monmon No. Oate 1 l 3 7 / 21 /8 2 ATTACHMENT 1 ALERT EKERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.0 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1 INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION . 1.1 Fuel cladding degradation As indicated by the following: (Reactor coolant system Total a. "Off-Gas Hi Radiation Alarm", Iodine activity > 300 uci/cc) Panel 10F, Window 5-12, and confirmed by sample and analysis

b. Of f gas Air Ejector Monitors l indicate > 10,000 mr/hr 1.2 Reactor Pressure exceeds As indicated by following alarms:

I 1239 PSIG, but 41373 PSIG a. " Safety or Relief Valve not Closed". Display B, Panel IF/2F, Windov 4-34 and verified by l

                                                                     " Steam Flow Steam Pressure                  :

Recorder:, Panel SF/6F. 9 1.3 Steam Ilne break with Indicated by: ) MSIV malfunction causing a. Alarms on any Turbine Building

       /                   leakage into Turbine                      radiation monitor
   ,                       Building                             b.    " Main Steam Valves-Off Normal"             ,

alarm, Window G, Panel 3F, Window 5-17

c. Both " CLOSED" and "0 PEN" indication ,

1 for MSIV's, Panel llF. 1.4 Reactor coolant system leak As computed from drywell equipment l exceeds 50 GPM but not drain tank readings plus gallons 100 GPM g causes or requires pumped from drywell sump per the Reactor to be scrammed elapsed time. 1.5 increased radiation or valid area radiation monitoring airborne levels within system indications and confirmed by the plant indicating a sample analysis or, direct severe degradation of monito ring . control of radioactive materials (increase by a factor of 1000 or more) f l 1.6 Loss of all Offsite power As indicated by a reactor scram l coincident with a loss of caused by a loss of power and a diesel generators for less disabled alarm on both diesel than 15 minutes. generators, neither of which i energizes the IC and ID 4160V busses. l

Alert N3 siga 2 of ~4 Nges i hasion No. 3 2ste 7/21/82 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) ALERT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.7 Loss of all Onsite DC power All battery voltmeters read zero for less than 15 minutes in the " Station Battery Position", Panel 8F/9F, and there is no light or control power available. 1 i 1.8 Complete loss of any As indicated by total loss of any of function needed for the following: plant cold shutdown a. Source and intermediate range. when cold shutdown nuclear instrumentation. is required. b. Reactor coolant flow and Shutdown Coclant Pumps coincident with loss of other means of main-taining reactor coolant temperature less than 2120 F. 1.9 Failure of a reactor pro- Any reactor scram setpoint being j tection system to initiate exceeded with: and complace a scram which a. No " Scram Solenoids-De-Energized"  ; brings the reactor suberitical lights on Panel 4F. , when called for. ,

b. The Neutron Monitoring System  !

indicating the. reactor is not I [ suberitical. ,

c. See Frocedure 506.5 l 1

1.10 Release or loss of control Indicated by one of the following of radioactive material valid conditions: within the plant from fuel a.  ? Fuel Pool Hi Radiation Alarm", , handling accident. Panel 10F, Window 2-10 '

b. " Reactor Operating' Floor Hi Radiation 1

Alarm", Panel 10F, Window 1-9

c. " Reactor Bldg. Ventilation Hi Radiation Alarm", Panel 10F, window 7-23 or
d. Direct RadiatiE readings or sample analysis. (increase by a factor of 1000 or more) 1.11 Fire potentially affecting As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor the operability of any based on his assessments.

safety system. 1.12 Sustain loss of all or most As judged by the Group Shift Suparvisor annunciators in the Control based on his assessments. Room. l i 1

P scoeura No, hates : Alert EPIP-3 page 3 :f 4 anges

                                                   %sion No.       3        llste 7/21/82 AlfACHMENT 1 (con't'd)

ALERT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.13 Radioactive effluents exceed As indicated by any of the following 10 times Technical Specifi- validated alarms and confirmed by sample cation 3.6A or 3.6B and analysis:

a. " Stack Gas Hi-Hi Radiation Alarms",

Panel 10F, Window 4-4 l b. " Radioactive Waste Discharge Monitor Hi Alarm", Panel 10F, Window 8-24 or l 8-32.

c. " Service Water Discharge Monitor Hi-Hi", Panel IR  ;
d. " Emergency Condenser Vent Hi Radiation Alarm", Panel 10F, Window 7-7 or 7-15
e. " Containment Spray Hi Radiation Alarm",

Panel 10F, Window 8-8 or 8-16

f. Actual or projected integrated deses offsite exceed 10 mRam whole body E ,

50 mRam to the child thyroid. l 1.14 Ongoing security compromise As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor , 1.15 Severe natural phenomenon As indicated by any of the following: being experienced. a. Tornado strikes facility

b. Sustain wind speed greater than 100 mph I as indicated by Wind Speed Recorder, Panel BR
c. Flood E owl water level potentially affecting operation of safe shutdown equipment when required to operate.  !
d. Earthquake affecting plant operation.

1.16 Other hazards being experienced As indicated by any of the following: I a. Aircraft grash or missile impact l within the protected area. j Known explosion damage affecting j b. I plant operation.

c. Entry of toxic g flammable gasses into the plant which, in the judgement of the Group Shift Supervisor, affects ,

the safe operation of the plant.  !

d. Turbine failure resulting in casing penetration.

Latest: Pacaeurs No. Alert E?IP-3 p ge 4 f 4 2:qos Mension Ns 3 :sa 7/21/82 ATTACSMENT 1 (cont'd) ALERT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.17 Other plant conditions are ~As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor / in progress or have occurred Emergency Director I which may involve an actual l or potential substantial

degradation of the level of l safety of the plant.

NOTE: In exercising the judgement as to l the need for declaring an Alert, l uncertainty concerning safety status of the plant, the length of time the uncertainty exists, and the prospects for early resolution of ambiguities, and the potential for substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant should be considered; i.e., uncertainty as to the existence of substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant extending

                                                      .       beyond a reasonable time period is a sufficient basis for declaring

( an Alert. 1.18 Evacuation of Control Room As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor j anticipated or requir'ed with t control of shutdown systems ' established from local stations within 15 minutes. i 1

s" Alert 3 1 5 g Na d Newsson No. 3 Care 7/21/82


Form EPIP-3-1 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - ALERT INITIALS 10 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director is responsible to complete this checklist, initial each action completed or mark N/A (Not applicable). 1.2 Upon recognition of site conditions that require declaration of Alert Classification, the Group Shift " Supervisor shall assume the duties of Emergency Director. Date/ Time / 1.2.1 Announce to Control Room personnel that has assumed the duties of Emergency Director. 1.3 Assign a Communicator to make notifications to persons and agencies listed in , Form EPIP-3-2 " Notification Checklist - Alert". ( , 1.3.1 Provide the communicator with the Record-a phone message deemed appropriate. 1.4 Announce (or instruct a communicator to announce) appropriate lines of the following message over the Plant Page System: Sound the " STATION ATM ALARM" for 10 seconds. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL AN ALERT HAS BEEN DECLARED. ALL ON-DUTY INITIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM PERSONNEL REPORT TO EMERGENCY CENTERS. I ALL OTHER PERSONNEL AWAIT FURTHER INSIRUCTIONS. EATING, DRINKING, AND SMOKING IS PROHIBITED UNTIL FURIBER NOTICE. (REPEAT THE ANNOUNCEMENT) 1.5 Immediately initiate Offsite Dose Assessnent, EPIP-9.

4 Suste8C 7.scseuro No. Alort EPIP-3 Mga 2 af 5  % 4ension No. 3 :ste 7/21/82 Form EPIP-3-1 (contd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - ALERT INITIALS 1.6 Emergency Support Centers Activated: 1.6.1 Ensure the pagers of the On-Duty Initial Emergency Response Team have been activated by' Security. 1.6.2 Ensure Security has unlocked and open the Emergency Centers. . l 1.6.3 Technical Support Center, EPIP-26 Time Operational 1.6.4 Operation Support Center, EPIP-27 Time Operational l 1.6.5 Environmental Assessment Command Center, EPIP-31 Time Operational l 1.7 Notification Massages 1.7.1 Complete Form EPIP-3-3 " Initial No tification Message-Alert" and give it to a communicator for ' (' transmission. NCTIE: New Jersey State Police are to be notifed within 15 minutes after the recongnition l that an Emergency Action Level has been exceeded. Ensure initial notification is received by: j New Jersey State Police (division headquarters, communication center) and Nuclear Regulator Commission Operations Center. 1.7.2 Complete Form EPIP-3-4 "Institue of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers, Notification Message - Alert" and give it to a communicator for transmission. Ensure initial notification is received by: l Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) l l l

r%scoeure No. sumeer: Alert EPIP-3 M98 3:1 5 N 4*8 maision No. :ste 4 05/05/83 Form EPIP-3-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - ALERT INITIALS 1.8 Followup Messages 1.8.1 Assign personnel to gather information for update message Forms EPIP-3-6 " Additional Information Message - Alert" and EPIP-3-5 " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist - Alert" Ensure additional information messages are received by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center at regular intervals. Ensure Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist messages are received (when requested) by the Bureau of Radiation Protection. Provide the facility contacts from INPO and ANI with information requested when available and/or request assistance deemed appropriate. 1.8.2 Ensure appropriate followup actions are initiated in accordance with administrative Procedures 106.1 Reportable Occurrence and/or 126 Procedure for Notification of Station Events. 1.9 As required, initiate (if not previously implemented) the following procedures and ensure all appropriate notifications are completed in a timely manner by a communicator: 1.9.1 Personnel Injury EPIP-7. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.9.2 Fire EPIP-8. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.9.3 Toxic / Flammable Gas Release EPIP-15. Ensure notifications in 1.9.5 are completed as appropriate. 1.9.4 Search and Rescue EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.9.5 Notifications and request for offsite assistance (as required). Onsite Medical Department Telephone (609) 971 4890 or 4926


i l smoteen Pesc3 ewe No. Alert EPIP-3 2" 4 8f 5% 4enmon Na cete 4 05/05/83 Form EPIP-3-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY OIRECTOR CHECKLIST - ALERT j j INITIALS t Lacey First Aid Squad / Fire Department , Telephone,(609) 693-6636 Community Memorial Hospital, Nursing Services Supervisor Telephone (201) 349-8000 Radiation Management Corporation- i Telephone (215) 243-2990 OCNGS Security Department Telephone 4954 or 4950. Lacey Fire Department /First Aid Squad Telephone (609) 693-6636. Fire Protaction Manager NOTE: Beeper activated with Initial Emergency Response Team beepers. 1.10 Initiate the following procedures and " continually nonitor reports: 1.10.1 Emergency Radiological Survey - Onsite, EPIP-10. I Date Time 1.10.2 Emergency Radiological Survey - Offsite, EPIP-11.


Date Time 1 1.11 Emergency Directors discretion, to initiate the following procedures: 1.11.1 Personnel Accountability, EPIP-12. / Date/ Time Ensure immediate notifications are made to:

 ' -                                            A.        OCNGS Security Department via l                                                          Primary: Dark Green Phone, Dial Code 24.

Alternate: Telephone 4954 or 4950 j B. Station Personnel via Plant page system per EPIP-12 If no personnel accountability . report is received within 30 minutes after initiation, contact Station Security for a status report.


     .%stest                                                   % cessa No.

Alort Epip-3  % 5 of -5 seres Memmon No. 3 7/ 21 /8 2 Form EPIP-3-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - ALERT INITIALS Report of personnel accountability completion received, personnel unaccounted for. 1.11.2 If personnel are unaccounted for, implement Search and Rascue, EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in 1.9.4 are completed. Da te/ Time / 1.11.3 Site Evacuation, EPIP-13. Date/ Time / ) 1.11.4 Damage Control, EPIP-14. Date/ Time / 1.11.5 Emergency Dosimetry, EPIP-19. Date/ Time / l 1.11.6 Thyroid Blocking, EPIP-23. Date/ Time /  ! 1.11.7 Emergency Respiratory Equipment, EPIP-24. Da te/ Time / 1.12 _I_F, F emergency action levels exceed those for an Alert, escalate j to the appropriate emergency classification: - Date/ Time of reclassification / 1.12.1 Site Emergency, EPIP-4. l


1.12.2 General Emergency, EPIP-5. I 1.13 IF recovery conditions have not been met and Alert Emergency I Action Levels are no longer being exceeded, de-escalate to an l Unusual Event emergency classification by performing i notifications required by EPIP-2. Date/ Time / 1.14 g recovery phase conditions have been met, initiate the Recovery Phase in accordance with EPIP-29. Da te/ Time / 1.15 g no further emergency actions are required, terminate the Alert. Date/ Time / 1.15.1 Ensure all offsite agencies and GPU Nuclear personnel notified of the Alert receive termination notification.

Lateen P-scoews No. Alcrt DIP-3  % 1 of 2  % hsion No. 3 Cote 7/21/82



1. With Emergency Directors approval announce appropriate lines of the following message over the Plant Page System:


2. No tify OCNGS Security,- directs them - to activate the -

Record-a phone with the appropriate message, activate the pagers of the Initial Emergency Response Team on duty and unlock the TSC, OSC, & EACC. NOTE: The Emerg ency Advisor shall ensure the VP-Nuclear Assurance, the GPU-Nuclear Board of Directors and the GPU-Reading Dispatch Control Center are notified. Primary: Station Security / Accountability Line Dark Green Phone, Dial Code 24 Alternate: Ext. 4954 or 4950 l 3. No tify the New Jersey State Police within 15 minutes of classification. Transmit " Initial Notification Message - Alert" EPIP-3-3 with Emergency Director approval. Primary: State Hot Line (Notification Line) Gray Phone Alternate: (609) 882-4200 (If Primary Is Out of Service) ! NOTE: IF State Police Verification Call is not received within one minute, re-establish contact via State Hot Line and request verification call on the State Police Verification Line immediately. IF Alternate Verification means is required instruct Este Police to verify by dialing (609) 971-0220 or (609) 971-4666. l l

Susiese: , P*sesswe No. nin 1 #198 o 8f 2  % Alert Mensson No. 3 Oste g PORM EPIP-3-2 (cont'd) NOIIPICATION CHECKLIST - ALERT INITIALS 1

4. Notify the following agencies: Transmit " Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers Notification Message - Alert" EPIP-3-4 A. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Tel: (404) 953-0904 B. American Nuclear Insurers Tel: (203) 677-7305
5. Notify the United States Nuclear Regulatory

Commission Operations Center Transmit " Initial Notification Message-Alert" EPIP-3-3 i i Primary: NRC-ENS Line (Lif t receiver from cradle) Red Phone l Al ternate: (1) Commercial via Bethesda (202) 951-0550 l (2) Commercial via Silver Spring (301) 427-4050 l (3) NRC-HPN Line - Dial 22 or *22 (Touch-tone) (4) Commercial via Bethesda (301) 492-7000 NOTE: Open-line communication with NRC is to be maintanined

                                      '      on ENS Line throughout the emergency situation.
6. When requested, by the Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) l

( ' transmit " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist - Alert" EPIP-3-5 via, the BRP Information Line located in the Emergency Command Center (Group Shift Supervisors Office)

7. Transmit additional infonnation messages to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies as directed by the Emergency Director using " Additional Information Message -


  • EPIP-3-6.

l l l


                                 /              NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE via State Hot Line (Gray Phone)
                                 /              UNITED   STATES   NUCLEAR     REGULATORY    COMMISSION via NRC-ENS Line (Red Phone)



1. This is at Oyster Creek (Name/ Title)

Nuclear Generating Station. An Alert was declared in accordance with our Emergency Plan at / (Time) / (Date)

2. Description of Emergency:


3. Assistance requested: -


4. Approved i (Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director)

(Date) (Time) l I i Time

5. Transmitted To: Insitute of Nuclear Power Operations 1404) 953-0904 To: American Nuclear Insurers (203) 677-7305 (Communicator) (Date) l i


1. Date and Time of Incident: Date: Time: (24-Hr. Clock)
2. Accident Classification: ALERT
3. Type of Release:(circle one) GASEOUS LIQUID ,
4. Cause of Incident and System Involved (if known):


5. Is Reactor Shutdown: (circle one) Yes No
6. Gaseous Release Information (a) Release Terminated: (circle one) Yes No (b) Estimated Duriation of Release: Hours {

(c) Type of Gaseous Release (circle one) Eleva,ted Ground l (d) Windspeed sph m/sec From: (0) Toward (0) (a) Wind Direction: (Compass Point) Affected Sector: (f) Stability Class: (circle one) Unstable Neutral Stable  ; (g) Release Rate Noble Cast C1/Sec. f (h) Release Rate Iodine (if known) C1/Sec.

7. Liquid Release Information (a) Release Terminated (circle one) Yes No (b) Esti$ated Duration of Release: Hours ,

1 (c) Estimated Release Concentration uCi/cc (d) Release Rate gpm I

hatest: P*scasuto No. Alert EFTP-3 M8 1 M 2 %s Aensson No. :htte 3 7/21/8 2 s FORM EPIP-3-5 (cont 'd)

8. Projected Offsite Doses (a) Whole 3ody Distance Miles)_ _De se Ra te mrem /h r Time to Reach PAG (hrs. )

1. 2.

3. ~
4. ~

5. (b) Child Thyroid Distance Miles) Dose Rate Rem /hr Time to Reach PAG (hrs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

9. Reconnaended Protective Actions:


10. Status Checklist approved for transmission to - MJSRP by Emerg ency Director / Emergency Support Director:

(Signature) ( 3 ate /Ilme)

11. Status Checklist transmitted to NJERP:

Transmitted to: (Name) s (OCNGS Communicator) (Location) ( Date/Ifxte) , I e

P.oenew2 No, l katoen , , I Alert EPIP-3 Nga 1 sf 3 se:ee mension No. 3 :ste 7/21/82 1 l FORM EPIP-3-6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MESSAGE - ALERT Check (/) all appropriate statements to be transmitted as 'information is available.

1. This is acting under the Direction of the Emergency (Emergency Director)

Director at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The following is provided as additional information for the initial notification of Alert.

a. Time: (24 hour clock)
b. Date: Month Day Year l 3. Plant Status
a. Reactor (circle one) is/is not shutdown.
b. The plant (circle one) is/is not in a safe condition.
c. Reactor is suberitical, coolant is being maintained over the core, and containment integrity is satisfactory.
4. Type of release (circle one) airborne; liquid; surface soil.
5. Meteorological Data
a. Wind speed MP H
b. Wind direction (from) (toward) l c. Stability class (circle one) unstable; neutral; stable
d. Precipitation (circle one) rain; sleet; snow
6. Gaseous Radiological Data
a. Noble gas release rate uC1/sec l '
b. Iodine 131 release rate uC1/s ee
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release:

l l

3amper , P*ocaoure No. Alert IPIP-3 7298 2 81 3  % Amsson No. > Cate 3 7j r FORM EPIP-3-6 (cont'd)

7. Liquid Radiological Data
a. Release concentration uCi/cc
b. Release rate uCi/sec
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release
e. Estimated total release uCi
8. Projected dose rates and integrated dose (Based on actual or projected duration of release)

Whole Body

a. Site Boundary ar/hr ' mrem
b. 2 miles ar/hr mrem
c. 5 miles ar/hr mrem
d. 10-miles ar/hr mRam
9. Projected Iodine Co ncentration and Integrated Dose Conmitment (Based on actual or projected duration of release).


a. Site Boundary uC1/cc mrem
b. 2 miles uci/cc mrem
c. 5 miles uCi/cc mrem
d. 10 miles uCi/cc mRam
10. Es timate of Surface contamination dps/100 cm (obtain from field date) mrem /hr
11. Emergency Actions in prczess:
a. Radiological t' N,' teams onsite
b. Radiologffs) av+ teams offsite
c. Onsite f. 9 b ?j /r
d. Offsite fire department
e. Damage Control
f. First aid teams onsite
g. Ambulance service
h. Medical support
i. Environmental surveys offsite
j. Other, specify

hcesours No, Seastocr*. Alert EPIP-3  % 3 sf 3  % 4ension No.  ::ste 3 7p i


FORM EPIP-3-6 (cont'd)

13. Additional support required (specify)

{ t

14. The condition may change to an (circle one) Unusual' Event; Site Baergency; General Emergency
15. Offsite population sector (s) (refer to Emergency Planning Zone Sector map) affected are ,
16. The following changes in protective measures are recommended for.the population in these sectors.
a. None
b. Notify (projected offsite dose )
c. Take shelter (projected offsite dose )

l d. Evacuate (projected offsite dose )

17. Approved (Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director) l l

( Data) (Time)

18. Transmitted To: TIME: NOTIFIED / VERIFIED.
a. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. /
b. New Jersey Bureau of Radiation Protection. /
c. /
d. /

(Communicator) ( Date) l I i l 1 I l

      '      ~

EPIP-12 page 1 ct 17 c==i=u e s. m em. Jersey Central 02/23/81 (05/09/83) 05/19/83 Power & tight Company a.v=m m. e M8C- Personnel Accountability

  • Vice Presi ent and Director, O.C.

ApprUvauCortcurrence e F = V{ ___ ^ ! 40 M Oyster Creek Nuclear' Generating Station I.HS OF M "IIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER I 1 05/05/83 3

2. 04/28/81 1 3 ,

05/05/83 3 4 04/28/81 1 5 05/05/83 3 6 04/28/81 1 7 04/28/81 1 8 05/05/83 3 9 05/05/83 3 10 05/05/83 3 11 05/05/83 3 12 04/28/81 1 13 01/27/82' 2 14 04/28/81 1 ( 15 04/28/81 1 16 05/05/83 3 17 05/05/83 3 l l l l NON-CONTROLLED  ! This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date I i '"r ov m ,c,.,,, l l _I

 ,-w-                  - _ -           _ , , _ - _       ,_.

proceews % gg PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 Ps9e 2 of 17 Peges Revision No. Cate DATE 1.0 DOCUMENTATION TIXF/ INITIALS 1.1 Ekergency Director's Documentation Sheet. / 1.1.1 Site Accountability ordered / l 1.1.2 Initiate Search and Rescue / l 1.1.3 Site Accountability Complei;e / i i


l ( e i l l I l l 1  ! l l l Q P= t -+

 - - = r
                 .e- - , -   y- -u- w       -       --                _,

1 1

                                                                              .-                            l l

1 sosiese: %esene ua. ) EPIP-12 Pete 3 of 17 psges . Personnel Accountability Aemmon No. Cote I 3 05/05/83 , J' l l i DATE 1.2 Control Room Documentation Sheet TIME / INITIALS 1.2.1 Notify Security that Site Ac-countability has been ordered. Telephone 4954,.4950, Station Security / Accountability Line (Green Phone, Dial Code 24). / 1 1.2.2 Notify personnel in protected

             -                            area that site accountability is ordered. (Sound alarm, an-I                                          nounce message, sound alarm, announce message).                        /



PERSONNEL IN RADIATION WORK l PERMIT AREAS LOCATED WITRIN THE REACTOR BUILDING AND TURBINE BUILDING, PROCEED TO THE MONITOR AND CONTROL AREA AND MUSTER WITH SECURITY. 1.2.3 Muster members of the Operating Shif t and any members of Senior Plant Management present in :he l Control Room by security badge slot numbers. / 1.2.4 Muster list submitted to Site Protection Sergeant (within 10 minutes of site accountabili-  ! ty announcement). / I l l l l

T Procoows No.

  • PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 Page 4 of 17Pagee Revision No. y Octe gg
   .                                                         DATE 13      Technical Support Center Documentation Sheet                                         TIME / INITIALS l

131 Personnel present in Technical l

                      .       Support Center mustered by see-                       .
urity badge slot number. /

l l l 132 Muster list submitted to Site Protection Sergeant. / l 1.4 Operations Support Center Documentation ! Sheet 1.4.1 Personnel present in Operations Support Center mustered by secur-( ity badge slot number. / l l l . 1.4.2 Baergency teams not present in 1 Operations Support Center mus-tered by security badge slot number. / 1.4 3 Muster list submitted to Site Protection Sergeant. / 4 obte

hatesc Proceewe Na Personnel Accountability EPIP-12 Pren 5 ef 17 Seps Monmon Na Cote 3 DATE 1.5 Security Department Documentation Sheet TIME / INITIALS 1.5.1 Verify that site accountabil-icy has been ordered. /

                          ,1.5.2       Notify Forked River Security                                            ~

! Department, Telephone (609) 971-4359, (609) 971-4361. / 1.5.3 Notify Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, . Training Annex (Bldg. #24), Telephone 4927, 4913. / 1.5.4 Notify personnel at Oyster ' Creek Nuclear Generating Sta-tion outside the protected area ( not elsewhere notified. / 1.5.5 Muster onsite Oyster Creek

  • Nuclear Generating Station

Security Personnel utilizing security badge slot number. / I 1.5.6 Open Gates 8 and 18. / __ 1.5.7 open entrance to Emergency Assembly Area - Door 131-D. / 1.5.8 Assign Sirn Protection Offi-cer(s) to collect accountabili-ty badges at the Emergency Assembly Area. / i 1.5.9 Assign Site Protection Offi-car to Monitor and Control Area to muster personnel exit-ing Radiation Work Permit areas. /

 '          ~

proceows No.

             "#    PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY                           EPIP-12                  page 6 of    17 pages g,;, ion so.

1 Od*4/28/81 DATE 1 5 10 Received accountability lists front o Control Room / o Technical Support Center / o Operations Support '

               .                                      Center                                /~            .

o Monitor and Control Area / 1 5 11 Received accountability badges from Baergency Assembly Area. / 1 5 12 Site accountability status determined; Emergency Director notified. / 1 ( l.5 13 Muster of adjacent areas o Forked River Construc-tion Site / o Training Annez / o Other personnel outside of protected area at Oyster Creek Nuclear Gen- I erating Station / 1 5 14 Alternate accountability

  • method used (if applicable) /
                                                                                                          $     4   $

I l l \ Procedwe No.

                "#         PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITT                        EPIP-12          page 7 of    17 Pages
                                  -                                     Revision No.


   ,                                                                                 1      Cote 4/28/81 i

l 2.0 ACTION LEVEL REFERENCES 2.1 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 2.2 EPIP-3 Alert 23 EPIP-4 Site Emergency 2.4 EPIP-5 General Daergency 30 PRECAUTIONS

31 Ninimum facility habitability standards will be main-l tained. (Radiation levels will not exceed 15 mrem /hr

! averaged over 30 days. Exposure during the course of l the accident will not exceed 5 Ram whole body). l 4.0 PROCEDURE This procedure establishes the abthod used to account for personnel within the protected area of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Described also in this procedure are the personnel muster and reporting requirements established for: o Areas at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

 .                                          located outside of the protected area.

o ' Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Training Annez (Bldg. #24) - o Porked River Construction Site. o The Energy Spectrum o Forked River Construction Site, Administration Building (Bldg. #12) o Porked River Construction Site, Building #1 l x l Q P=Im

sumasr: P sesawe No. Personnel Accountability EPIP-12 Pese g af 17 sepm Menmon Ns 3 '" 05/05/83 4.1 Initiating Conditions 4.1.1 Accountability of personn'el within the pro-tected area may be initiated during an Unusual Event or Alert classification. 4.1.2 Accountability of personnel within the pro-tected area will be initiated during a Site Emergency classification in conjunction with

                           -           the site evacuation.

4.1.3 Accountability of personnel within the pro-tected area will be initiated during a Gen- ' eral Emergency classification. i 4.2 Responsibility The Emergency Director is responsible to evaluate con- ' ditions which could require personnel accountability,' to implement the appropriate Emergency P.lan Implement- 1 ( ing Procedures, and to complete site accountability within 30 minutes of accountability initiation.  ! . 4.3 Emergency Assembly Area Location - Materials, Management Warehouse  ; 4.3.1 i 4.4 Notifications Upon implementation of this accountability proced-ure the Emergency Director will ensure the following notifications are made: i 4.4.1 Security, Telephone 971 4954, 971-4950 o The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Sta-tion Security Department will notify each of.the following that a site ac-countability has been ordered:

Procoows No. Personne1 Accountability EPIP-12  % 9 d 17 %s Movision No. Cate Forked River Security Department, Telephone (609) 971-4359, (609) 971-4361

                                           -       Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Training Annex, Bldg.#24, Telephone 4927, 4913 Ihis activity is occupied dur-ing normal work hours (Monday through Friday). If telephone
   .                                                   conununications cannot be esta-blished, the Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to en-sure that the Training Annex is not occupied.

Personnel at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station located outside - of the protected area and within the area defined on the north and south by the canal, the eas e by the ( security fence west. of Route 9, and

           .                                       on the west by the switch yard sec-urity fence.


I w Procoows No. Personnel Accountability EPIP-12 pees 10 of 17 mens Aewmon No. 3 Cate 05/05/83 4.5 Protected Area Personnel Accountability Method 4.5.1 The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will verify that a Site Accountability has been ordered by the Emergency Director. The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that site accountability status is" determined within 30 minutes. 4.5.2 After the accountability order has been verified, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Genera-ting Station Site Protection Sergeant will I ensure the following are notified a site accountability is ordered; muster and re- 1 l port required. Muster lists should be for ~ warded to the Oyster ' Creek Nuclear Genera- ' ting Station Site Protection Sergeant with-in 24 hours. o Personnel at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station located outside ( of the protected area and within the area defined on the north and south by the canal, the east by the securi-ty fence wes t of Route 9, and on the west by the switch yard security fence. o Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Sta-tion, Training Annex, (Bldg.924), Tele phone 4927, 4913. .

                                         -      The Supervisor Support Program Training or his designee is re-sponsible to ensure that all persons in the Oyster Creek Nu-clear Generating Station Train-ing Annex area are mustered, and the results of the muster forward-ed to the Site Protection Sergeant, Te lephone 4954, 4950, s


i Lateen Proceewe No. f EPIP-12 Pres li ef 17 Saps Personnel Accountability f 1 Rension No. Cote i 3 05/05/83 l i I

                                                  -        This activity is occupied during normal work hours (Monday through Friday). If telephone communica-tions cannot be established. .the Site Protection Sergeant is respon-sible to ensure that dhe Training Annex is not occupied.

o Forked River Construction Site Security Department, Telephone (609) 971-4359 or (609) 971-4361

                                                   -        The Forked River Security Depart-ment will request each of the fol-loving activities submit a muster list of personnel present to the Forked River Security Department.

Forked River Construction Site The Energy Spectrum, Telephone (609) 971-4931 or (609) 971-4932. ( Oyster Creek' Nuclear Generating Station Activities located in Building #12, and Building #1 at Forked River. ,. Upon completion of the muster, the Forked River Security Department will notify the Oyster Creek Nuclear Genera-cing Station Security Department that the muster is complete, Telephone 4954, 4950. 4.5.3 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that onsite Oyster Creek Nuclear Genera-ting Station Security Department personnel are accounted for utilizing a security badge slot number listing. 4.5.4 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that Gates 8 and 18 are open, immediately after site accountability is ordered, to permit personnel egress to the assembly area.

          ' ' ~ ' - -       --v,       .y
      .                                                              Procedwe No.

PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 Pop 12 of 17 Pope Revision No. Oote g7g 455 Be Site Protection Sergeant will ensure the south side personnel door (131-D) of the Materials Management Warehouse is open to allow personnel access to the Emergency Assembly Area. 4 5.6 The Site Protection Sergeant will assign a Site Protection Officer (s) to collect ac-countability badges from personnel report-ing to the anergency. Assembly Area. 457 Personnel reporting to the Emergency Assem-bly Area will retain their security badge and key card. 4.5.8 Department Managers / Supervisors will assem-ble their personnel by department. 459 The Site Protection Officer (s) assigned to the Baergency Assembly Area vill en-t sure collected accountability badges are transferred to the Main Gate Processing Center or the North Gate Processing Cen-(s ter, as appropriate. 4 5 10 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure i that collected accountability badges are l placed into the appropriate slots of the l Security Badge Storage Drawers. \ l 4511 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that the Security Badge Storage Drawers are inventoried by Security Badge Slot Number. A listing, by security badge slot number of the accountability badges not in the drawers will be taken to the Site Protection Sergeant. 4 5 12 Personnel assigned to the following areas Control Room Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Monitor and Control Area co-s-*

3,gg. Procedure No. PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 page 13 of 17 Pages Movision N o, Cote 1/27/82 shall be accounted for in the following manners o Control-Room - The Group Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all members of the opera-ting shift are mustered by security badge slot number. Additionally, members of sen-ior plant management present in the Control Room will be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite listing of the security badge slot numbers shall be sub-mitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of the site accountabil-ity being ordered by the Emergency Director.

                               . o   Technical Support Center (if activated) -

The Technical Support Center Coordinator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Tech-nical Support Center are mustered by securi-ty badge slot number. A listing of security

                                       ' badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of

( site accountability being ordered by the korgency Director.

                     .              o   Operations Support Center (if activated) -

The Operations Support Center Coordinator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Opera-tions Support Center are mustered by securi-ty badge slot number. Additionally, emerg-ency teams dispatched from the Operations Support Center shall be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite listing of security badge slot ndabers shall be sub-mitted to the Site Protection Sergeant with-in 10 minutes of site accountability being ordered by the Dnergency Director. o Monitor and Control Area - The Site Pro-tection Sergeant will assign a Site Pro-tection Officer to the Monitor and Control Area to muster all personnel exiting Radia-tion Work Permit Areas, and the Radiologi-cal Controls Technician assigned to Moni-tor and Control Area. A composite listing of the security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Ser-geant within 10 minutes of the site ac-countability being ordered by the Emerg-ency Director,

                                                                  ,    ,                       v-tm

gg Procedwe No. PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 Page 14 of 17 Ngee Revision No. y Cofe 4/28/81 i

   .                                                                                                      1 4 5 13 The Site Protection Sergeant or assigned                                  !

Site Protection Officer, will collate l accountability reports from the Control ) Hoom, the Technical Support Center, i the Operations Support Center, Security i Department, and the Monitor and Control l Area. This list is defined as the I Collated Listing. l 4 5 14 he Site Protection Sergeant or assigned ! Site Protection Officer (s) will compile a list , by security badge slot number, of l security badges not physically located at the Main Gate Processing Center or the North Gate Processing Center. This list is defined as the Compiled Gate List. 4.5 15 The collated listing from paragraph 4 5.13 will be compared to the compiled gate list from 4 514 to determine site accountability status. 4 5 16 Results of this comparison may result in l any condition listed below or a combination of Conditions 2 and 3 l

Condition 1 - All Personnel Accounted For l

l l o All security badge slot numbers on the Compiled Gate List correspond with the security badge slot numbers on the Collated Listing.

                                       -  Hequired Action: " Site Protection Sergeant - Notify the anergency Director that all personnel in the protected area have been accounted for, and accountability is completed.

Condition 2 - Missing Person (s) { Security badge slot number (s) appear on o the Compiled Gate List , but not on the Cellated Listing.

                                       -  Required Action: Page the missing person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do not respond in 2 minutes:

o n- a -,

                                                                                       ~~~       ~~     ~

p.' Procedwe Na PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EPIP-12 Poe 15 of 17Psee. Revision Ng y Ode 4jpgjgy Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at home (if the telephone number can be obtained) If all person (s) listed in Condition 2 above respond to the page or telephone call, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency ~ Director that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and accountability is completed. If any of the person (s) in Condition 2 above do not respond to the page or tele-phone call, the Site Protection Sergeant I will notify the Daergency Director that , accountability is completed, and provide the name(s) and security badge slot num- l bers of missing person (s). l The Energency Director will initiate Search and Rescue

                                           .    (EPIP-22).

( Condition 3 - System Error I o Security badge slot numbers appearing on the Collated Listing, but not on the Compiled Gate List.

                                    -   Required Action: Determine the source of the error (Eramples:

Accountability badge filed in the wrong slot in storage drawer; incorrect security badge slot num-ber recorded on Compiled Gate List or Collated Listing. Discrepancies will be resolved by the Site Protection Sergeant or his designee. Upon resolution, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and account-ability is conpleted. cu t-.

hoteen Preceows No. EPIP-12 Pton 16 sf 17 Paps Personnel Accountability Aension No. Cote 3 05/05/83 Condition 4 - Combination of Conditions 2 and 3 o Required Action: The Site Protection Sergeant or his designee shall perform the required actions listed in Condi-tions 2 and 3 of this paragraph. 4.6 Alternate Accountability Method 4.6.1 A DIGITAL Computer System is normally used to account for persons in the protected area at l Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. ' Should site accountability be ordered and this system be available for use, a listing f of all personnel within the protected area can be obtained from the computer system at the Central Alarm Station. 4.6.2 A muster will be conducted by security badge slot number in each of the follow-ing areas: l ( o Control Room o Technical Support Center o Operations Support Center o Monitor and Control Area o Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating l ' Station Security Department in accordance with the provisions of para-graphs 4.5.3 and 4.5.12 of this procedure. 4.6.3 The Site Protection Officer (s) assigned to the Emergency Assembly Area will muster all persons there by security badge slot number. This list-ing will be taken Lanediately, upon completion, to the Site Protection Sergeant. 4.6.4 The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that the listings of those persons muster-ed are compared to the computer listing in order I to determine the site personnel accountability status.

W Nosewe No. Nga 17 of 17 Seges Personnel Accountability EPIP-12 husson No. Cote 3 05/05/83 4.6.5 All Personnel Accounted For - The Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emerg-ency Director that all persons in the pro-tected area are accounted for and site ac-countability is complete. 4.6.6 All Personnel Not Accounted For - The Site Protection Sergeant or his designee will page the missing person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do not respond in 2 minutes: Attempt to contact the person (s) by celephone at home (if cele-phone number can be obtained) . o If all personnel are accounted for using the methods described in the paragraph above, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all s persons are accounced for in the pro-tected area, and accountability is com-( placed. o If any person (s) do not respond, also notify the Emergency Director that ac-countability is complaced, and provide the name(s) and security badge slot numbers of missing persons. The Emergency Director will initiate Search and Rescue Operations (EPIP-22) . i i

p [si 2*d E15 [tf gj l EPIP-7 Page 1 Cf 13 I Cate issued E.h Care Jersey Central 02/19/81 :05/02/83) 05n2/83 Power & tight Company e.mson = 3 care 04/20/83

            " M - Personnel Injury ag91             President and Director, O.C l

sam.ucana:amas N vr d !"J 1 Ovster Creek Nuclear Generatina Station l t l l LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER , 1 04/20/83 3 l 2 04/20/83 3 3 04/20/83 3 l 4 04/20/83 3 5 04/20/83 3 6 04/20/83 3 7 04/20/83 3 8 04/20/83 3 9 04/20/83 3* 10 04/20/83 3 11 04/20/83 3 12 04/20/83 3 13 04/20/83 3 ATTACHMENT l Form EPIP 7-1 (2 pages) 04/20/83 3 1 NON-CONTROLLED i l This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date DCC ovster Cra+k e . = -


suai.c : P-sessure so. Personnel Injury EPIP-7 *ssa 2 :f 13 s eges hsion M c. Octe l 3 04/20/83 1 I l 1.0 PURPOSE: This procedure provides the instructions necessary to assure prompt l medical care is provided injured persons with contaminated minor or major ( injuries. It provides guidance regarding the handling of contaminated or non-contaminated injured personnel and the methods used to prevent the unnecessary sp' read of contamination to areas such as an ambulance interior or a hospital.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES i 3.1 The Emergency Director is responsible to ensure that injured persons receive medical treatment and, if necessary, are transported to a medical facility. When the Operations Support Center is activated, the Operations Support Coordinator will be delegated this responsibility. 3."2 The Emergency 01 rector or his designee shall insure Form EPIP 7-1,

                              " Personnel Injury Checklist", is completed and the information contained on the form is communicated to the appropriate agencies.

3.3 The Emergency Director and/or the responsible physician will notify Radiation Management Corporation if he determines that the contaminated, injured situation exceeds the handling capability of the plant or supporting hospital (Community Memorial Hospital). 4.0 PREREQUISITES l 4.1 Hear proper protective clothing as directed by Radiological Controls. 4.2 Use proper respiratory protective devices as directed by Radiological Controls. 4.3 Hear proper dosimetry as directed by Radiological Controls. ,

7 scaeure No. seiec:: "So 3 :f 13 *cces Personnel Injury EPIP-7 nonsson so. " 04/20/83 - 3 l


l 4.4 Radiation exposure to individuals exceeding 10 CFR 20 limits is l restricted as follows: EMERGENCY EXPOSURE LIMITS PROTECTIVE OR LIFE SAVING ORGAN CORRECTIVE ACTIONS . ACTIONS Whole Body 25 Rem 75 Rem Extremities 100 Rem 300 Rem Thyroid 125 Rem No 1imit 4.5 Women capable of reproduction should not take part in actions requiring emergency exposure. 4.6 Emergency exposures for volunteers must be authorized by the Emergency Director. This responsibility may not be delegated. 4.7 All exposures will be maintained ALARA. 5.0 REOUIREMENTS 5.1 Initiating Conditions Transportation of any contaminated or potentially-contaminated injured person offsite for medical treatment shall initiate the Unusual Event class. A contaminated injured person, when provided medical care at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station and not requiring transportation to an offsite medical facility, need not be classified as an Unusual Event. 5.2 Immediate Notifications 5.2.1 Imme11ately upon being aware that an injury has occurred, the injured (if the wouild is minor), or someone else in the area, shall contact the Control Room and report the occurr2nce. l I P-sesawe No. l , e

                                                                              *198 4 :f 13 sges Personnel Injury                                       EPIP-7
                                                        % sion No.             

3 04/20/83  ! 5.3 Evaluation of Injury I The Emergency Director or his designee will dispatch a f 5.3.1 First Aid Team, comprised of a member of the plant shift trained in first aid and a qualified Radiological Controls i Technician to the injured person's location. The First Aid Team shall take, as a minimum, a First Aid Kit to.the location of the injured person. l 5.3.2 Based upon the First Aid Team observations of the injury, the Emergency Director or his designee will declare the injury to be a Minor injury (treatable on site) or a Major injury (requiring transport to offsite medical facility). 5.3.3 If the injury occurred in a Radiation Work Permit area and

   !                          appears to be minor in extent, the injured person should leave the area or be removed, as appropriate. Remove all protective clothing and frisk upon (as soon as pos.sible) departing from the Radiation Work Permit area.

5.3.4 If the injury is judged to be a minor injury with contamination, the injured person shall be escorted to the personnel decontamination area. 5.3.5 If the injury is judged to be minor, proceed in accordance with Paragraph 5.4 of this procedure. 5.3.6 If the injury is judged to be major, further disposition shall proceed in accordance with Paragraph 5.5 of this i J procedure. 5.4 Minor Iniury 5.4.1 If the an open wound, proceed as follows: EIf the injury is not an open wound (such as, a shalicw cut or l puncture), proceed to Paragraph 5.5.2 of this procedure.] l

i l P*oceews No. I Personnel Injury EPTP 7 h48 5 8f 13 %s weian No. are Decontamination of open wounds shall be performed i - by a qualified Radiological Controls Technician , ( in the presence of medical personnel. Cover the wound and decontaminate the surrounding area with Betadine Scrub. Uncover the wound and flush the wound using l sterile water (if available) for at least two minutes. If a foreign object caused the wound, the object j should be surveyed by a Radiological Controls  !


Technician for loose contamination. After the wound has been flushed, carefully blot dry the wound and surrounding skin area using sterile, absorbent material.  ; Survey the wound and the surrounding skin area using a thin window GM detector (such as the l HP-210). If contamination levels in or around the wound do no.t exceed 100 cpm above background, administer necessary first aid to treat the wound. [ If contamination levels in or around the wound exceed 100 cpm above background, proceed as  : l follows: o Use betadine scrub. o Dip a cotton swab in the betadine scrub and rub a small area of the skin immediately surrounding the wound, using a motion which

sg.c;: P sesoure No. EPIP 7 '~S* 6" 13 *"M' Personnel Injury Menuen Ns care l l starts by placing the cotton swab at the 1 edge of the wound and then moves away from the wound (do not rub towards the wound). Use as many swabs as necessary to clean an area 1-1/2" wide around the wound.

                               .o      Moisten a swab in sterile water if available, and rinse the detergent from the skin surrounding the wound, using the same motion as that used for applying the betadine scrub. Use as many swabs as necessary until the skin is completely rinsed.

( o Blot the skin dry using sterile, absorbent material. Survey the wound and surrounding area using a thin window GM detector. If contamination levels 1 in or around the wound do not exceed 100 cpm above background, administer necessary first aid to treat the wound. Document any decontamination performed on a Personnel Contamination Report form (Form No. 1556R). After reasonaole decontamination attempts are unsuccessful and the injury requires medical evacuation, the Emergency Director may authorize offsite transport of the contaminated injured person. The Emergency Director or his designee

sa, e. 7 oesawe No. Personnel Injury EPIP-7 N4* 7 :f 13 4488 hsion No. Oan 3 04/20/83 l will notify the Nursing Service Supervisor at I i Communtty Memortal Hospital, Telephone  ! (201) 349-8000, that a person with a contaminated minor injury is being transported to the hospital and provide patient data (Form EPIP 7-1). , The Emergency Director shall designate an individual to make the necessary arrangements for f transportation. A qualified Radiological Controls Technician ) shall accompany the injured person to the offsite l medical facilities. The Radiological Controls , I Technician will perform duties as listed in j

           .                                                                                         1

( Paragraph 5.6 of this procedure. 5.4.2 If the injury is not an open wound, proceed as follows: 1 1 Perform a complete body contamination survey

                                         'using a thin window GM detector.

l If contamination levels on the skin and the whole I body do not exceed 100 cpm above background, administer the necessary first aid to treat the injury. If contamination levels on the skin in the area of the injury and/or any portion of the body exceed 100 cpm above background, decontaminate in accordance with Radiological Controls Procedure 915.4, " Contamination Centrol". Document the decontamination in accordance with Radiological Controls Procedure 915.10, " Investigation of Radiation Incidents". I l

                                              '                                                   .;   ,l l                                                                                               .

l l se.c:. 7 sesewe No. roTD 7 ** A 8' 11 ** Personnel Injury nomsson no. Case l 3 04/20/83 -

                                                                  '                                  b    If decontaminatica is successful, administer necessary first aid to treat the injury. If decontamination is not successful, notify the Radiation Control Coordir.ator (RCC). l If the injury requires offsite medical attention, the Emergency Director shall authorize transportation of the contaminated injured person l I i ' to an offsite medical facility. The Emergency


1 Director or his designee will notify the Nursing l Service Supervisor at Community Memorial Hospital, Telephone (201) 349-8000, that a contaminated person with a minor injury is being transported to the hospital and provide patient data (Form EPIP 7-1). .1 The Emergency Director shall designate an, individual to mzke the recessary arrangements for' , 1 transporation. l A qualified Rkdtological Controls Technician l -shall accompany the injured person to the offsite medical facilities. The accompanying I Radiological Controls Technician will perform duties as listed in Paragraph 5.6 of this procedure. 5.5 Major Injury 5.5.1 The Emergency Ofrector or his designee shall notify first aid and rescue personnel:

gy P-acsawe na. NS7 " Personnel Injury

                                                        %sion No.             :ste 3          04/20/83     Notify the Lacey First Aid Squad, Telephone (609) 693-6636 to arrange for transportation. On-Site Medical Department 4890 or 4926
          .              Site Protection Sergeant 4954 or 4950                 l     Shift Radiological Controls Technician 4660 or 4661 or 4662 l

5.5.2 Upon arrival at the scene, the First Aid Team leader or designee will establish communications with the Emergency i Director and apprise him of the nature and severity of the ! injury. 5.5.3 The First Aid Tea'm'w'tii' administer first aid to the injured l person in accordance with established m'edical practices. { l 5.5.4 If the injured is located in a radiological control area j and the person's condition permits, move the injured (a stretcher may be required) to minimize radiation exposure f and/or contamination to the injured and First Aid Team l members. When making decisions concerning the disposition f of the injured, the injured's well-being and need for medical attention shall always take precedence over decontamination efforts. l 5.5.5 Survey the injured person for contamination. (If the j injured person is wearing protective clothing and his i 1

condition permits, remove the clothing prior to performing this survey.) Do not delay transport in order to perform survey or decontamination.

l l l l I

sai ;. 7 oceow No.

                                                                            #"* '^#    "
  • Personnel Injury me' -

banen N o. Oste 3 04/20/83 5.5.6 If contamination levels on the injured person exceed

  • 100 cpm (using a thin window GM detector), proceed as follows:

o The Emergency Olrector or his designee shall notify the Nursing Service Supervisor at Community Memorial Hospital, Telephone (201) 349-8000, that a person with a contaminated injury is being transported to the i hospital and provide patient data (Form EPIP 7-1). o Notify the Security' Department (Telephone 49S4, 4950)  ; 1 that an ambulance is enroute to the plant. When it { arrives, permit entry of the ambulance and attendants and escort it to the building entry closest to the I injured person, Issue dostmetry in accordance with Procedure 906.6. o A qualified Radiological Controls Technician shall accompany the injured person to the offsite medical l factittles, and perform duties as listed in Paragraph 5.6 of this procedure. 5.5.7 If contamination levels are less than 100 cpm, proceed as follows: The Emergency Ofrector or his designee shall notify the Nursing Service Supervisor at Community Memorial Hospital, Telephone (201) 349-8000, that a person with a major injury is being transported to the hospital and provide patient data (Form EPIP 7-1). l __ _

I seeiser. 7 scoews No. EPIP-7 P1** 11 :f 13 854** Personnel Injury hasan sa. 3 are j

                                                                                              ) Notify the Security Department that an ambulance i I is enroute to the plant. When it arrives, permit immediate entry of the ambulance and attendants, and escort it to the building entry closest to the injured person. Issue dosimetry in accordance with Procedure 906.6. A quallfled Radiological Controls Technician shall accompany the injured person to the offsite medical facilities, and perform duties as listed in Paragraph 5.6 of i:his procedure. 5.6 Offsite Medical Escort Responsibilities 5.6.1 The Radiological Controls Technician accompanying the ( ambulance is responsible (do not delay transport to accomplish these items) to: l Issue each ambulance attendant protective clothing (as appropriate). Take steps (as appropriate) to protect the ambulance interior from contamination (such as by the use of plastic sheeting). 5.6.1 3 If appropriate, check the hospital to ensure that i proper stsps have been taken to minimize the potential for contamination of the hospital, such as paper on the floor, etc. Issue a TLD and a dosimeter to each medical person who will be near the injured (if 300 mrem exposure is likely to be received). (Plant Procedure 906.6)

sei.c: 7 ocaeure ue. Personnel Injury cofo 7 '"' i ' '# """* 4enson Nm Oste 3 04/20/83 Survey the ambulance attendants and the vehicle t interior for contamination. o If contamination on the attendants is detected in excess of 100 com above  ; I background, decontamination should be , performed at the hospital. If the attendants are not contaminated, or after decontamination, collect all TLD's and dostmeters from the attendants, obtain the necessary data for the TLD Issue Sheet and release the attendants. Document the results of the contamtnat+on-wr-vey. ._.. I o If contamination inside the ambulance is detected in excess of 100 cpm above background and it cannot be decontaminate,d atthatlocation,contacttheRadiological Assessment Coordinator (Control Room) (609) 971-0220 or (609) 971-4666 for assistance. If the ambulance is not contaminated, or after decontamination, release it. Document the results of the contamination survey. Survey the hospital receiving and treatment areas. If contamination in any of these areas is detected in excess of 100 cpm above background, i decontaminate the areas. Document the results of i the contamination survey, before and after decontamination. ( - - - _

P senswe ua. swi.c= Personnel Injury coto 7 ** 11 :f 11 *"M8 i Menman N4 Oate 3 04/20/83 i I Collect any protective clothing used and any i' potentially-contaminated materials and transport them back to the plant. Record the results of each survey performed and , deliver a copy to the Emergency Director. Recover victim's dosimetry for evaluation. i w 1 1

l p sceawe me.  ; s ai.ce:

                                                                                         ** 1 d 9
  • Personnel Injury roto 7 beson N o. Care 3 04/20/83 FORM EPIP 7-1 ,


                       /                     Injured person report received.
                       /                     Shift member (trained in' first ald) and Radiological       ,

Control Technician dispatched to injured person's location. l

                       /                     On site medical department notified.

l Telephone 4890 or 4926

                       /                     Radiation Management Corporation notified (Emergency
Director's discretion).

Telephone (215) 243-2990

               .        /                    Offsite assistance requested (as required)
                        /                    o     Lacey First Aid Squad notified
                                                   . Telephone (609) 693-6636 Notify Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department 1* offsite medical assistance

( has been requested.

                        /                          Telephone 4954 or 4950 o      Nursing Service Supervisor at Community Memorial Hospital notified.

Telephone (201) 349-8000, and provided

  • with the following information:

INJURY Major Minor Life Threatening Non-Life Threatening Contaminated Non-Contaminated High Level Radiation Low Level Radiation Number of Patients RMC Notified RMC Not Notified l Transportation Used: l l ETA: ! Patient's Name/


Who is with patient:



f Pocaswa No. ( Suetosf: Personnel Injury rofo_7 h48 ? Of 9 HU8 i Mension No. Care 3 04/20/83 FORM EPIP 7-1 (Cont'd.) PERSONNEL INJURY CHECXLIST Description of Injury: } l Please forward patient status reports to OCNGS (Radiological Assessment Coo'd-r Inator) (Control Room). Telephone (609) 971-0220 or 971 4666. o 9 4 e i i i i

j Procoeure No. EPIP-11 lPagt 1 Cf 10 E[W*2.*43itsf M CJ *" C*= Jersey Centra! C'" 7/19/81 l("o5/02/s3)05/12/s3 7 c Power & tight Company $ g4,,,,,3

             *"M. Emergency Radiological                     M8N88 #Y Surveys Off-Site          .

Vice President and Director. 0.C. _

                        ""                              /$13y M

nye+** N=k Nuclear Generating Station i DATE _ REVISION NUMBER LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES __ 2 1 04/20/83 2' 2 04/20/83 2 3 04/20/83 2 4 04/20/83 2 5 04/20/83 2 6 04/20/83 2 7 04/20/83 , 2 8 04/20/83 2 9 04/20/83 2 10 04/20/83 ATTACHMENTS 2 04/20/83 2 Appendix A (2 Pages) 04/20/83 Appendix B (3 Pages) 2 04/20/83 2

           '              Appendix C (4 Pages)             04/20/83 Appendix 0 (2 Pages)                                             2 04/20/83                        2 Appendix E (2 Pages).            04/20/83 Appendix F (1 Page)                                              2 04/20/83                        2 Appendix G (1 Page)              04/20/83 Form EPIP-11-1 (2 Pages)                                         2 Fom EPIP-11-2 (1 Page)           04/20/83                        2 Forin EPIP-11-3 (2 Pages)         04/20/83                        2 04/20/83                        2 Figure EPIP-11-1 (1 Page)        04/20/83 Attachment 1 (13 Pages)

NON-CONT?iOLLED l ' i This Document Will Net Be Kept Up To Date DCC Oyster Creek j

  '          ~

e= . 10

  • apse ism,n -

EPIP-11 *ne 2 of Emergency Radiological Surwys Off-Site "**" 2 8 ' 04/20/83 '. 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide general guidance and specific technical instructions to those personnel perfoming radiological surveys offsite during emergency conditions. i


2.1 EPIP-10 " Emergency Radiological Surveys Onsite" 2.2 EPIP-31 " Environmental Assessment Command Center Activation and Operation" 2.3 Administrative Procedure 108.2, " Emergency Kit / Locker Readiness" 2.4 OCNGS Emergency Plan (Rev. 8) 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Emergency Director (ED) Make detemination to initiate emergency actions and )~ 3.1.1 radiological monitcring of offsite environs. 3.-2 Radiological Assessment Coordinator,(RAC) 3.2.1 For at least one hour after initial declaration of an Emergency classification and before the Initial Response 1 Emergency Teams assume their Emergency Outies and I , Responsibilities, the Senior Shift Radiological Controls Technician onsite will assume the position and responsibilities of the RAC.

'                                    3.2.2  The RAC/ Senior Radiological Controls Technician on-site may 1

dispatch on-shift Radiological Controls Technicians to perfom as off-site Radiological Survey Teams. 1

1 l P*senare % l soms: EDIP-11 '5

  • 1 *f in '5488 Emergency Radiological g  ;

Survey!,Off-Site  %,g 2 04/20/83 l The On Shift Radiological Controls Technician, l when directed by the RAC/ Senior Radiological f I controls Technician on site, shall perform offsite l air monitoring per Reference 2.1 (EPIP-10, Section 4.9.2) using the equipment provided in the onsite

                                       . emergency vehicle. All results are to be reported directly to the RAC/ Senior Radiological Controls Technician on-site in the Control Room. On-shift Radiological Control Technicians shall resume their on-site duties whenever the Initial i Response Emergency Outy Roster EAC and off-site' 1 s Radiological Survey Teams are briefed oil the . l 1

                                    .                                                               I
    '                                    current situation and assume their assigned Emergency Duties and responsibilities. Refer to Attachment 1. "Offsite Monitoring Points", for directions to locations. 3.2.3 Ofrect the Initial Response Emergency Radiological Survey Teams until relieved of that function and responsibility by the Environmental Assessment Coordinator (EAC). Direct Offsite Radiological Survey Team "A" to conduct a plume search by driving a predetennined J survey route ( Direct Offsite Radiological Survey Team "B" to the nearest Offsite monitoring point located downwind j of the plant, to obtain an atmospheric air sample and conduct a radiation survey (

suggest: hoceeure No, c'oTo 11 %a

  • in **4**

Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site %sron so. :ste 2 04/20/83 i 3.2.4 Conduct an infomation turn' aver and brief the Environmental

                     -               Assessment Coordinator whenever the EACC is manned and ready to assume its duties and responsibilities.

l l 3.3 Environmental Assessment Coordinator (EAC) 1 3.3.1 Relieve RAC of off-site monitoring responsibilities. 3.3.2 Of rect the offsite monitoring teams to appropriate monitoring locations. 3.4 Offsite Radiological Survey Team members 3.4.1 Implement the provisions of this procedure. l 3.4.2 Perform required surveys.and obtain samoles at locations designated by EAC. 3.4.3 Perfom surveys and obtain samples and results per Appendices B through F of this procedure. Follow Appendices ( instructions verbatim. 3.4.4 In the event that the EACC is not manned when the Offsite ' Radiological Survey Teams arrive, the teams will call the j t RAC in the Control Room to obtain infomation regarding type and amount of release, wind direction, etc. The RAC will direct the teams per 3.2.3, to perform the following: TEAM A: Proceed on Plume Search Route depending on wind direction (Figure EPIP-11-1). If the wind is from the north / northeast, proceed south from the plant on Route 9 to Route 539, follow Route 539 north to Lacey Rd., follow Lacey Rd. to Route 9, then return to the plant on Route 9.

saatese Pmesowe so. , me" Pne , of , A ges Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site. w aan No. :ste 2 04/20/83 If the wind is from the south / southeast, proceed north from the plant on Route 9 to Route 530 (So. j l  : Toms River), follow Route 530 to Route. 539, { follow Route 539 south to Route 72, follow Route 72 east to Route 534, continue east on Route 534 l to Route 9 in Barnegat, follow Route 9 north to , the plant. If the wind is from the southwest, proceed north ~ on Route 9 to Ocean Gate; however, 00 NOT proceed I to Seaside Heights / Island Beach State Park until comunications have been established with the EAC. Proceed to Seaside Heights and Island Beach State Park ONLY when directed to do so by EAC. If the wind is from the northwest, proceed south from the plant on Route 9 to Route 72 at Manahawkin, east on Route 72 to Long Beach Blvd. on Long Beach Island, proceed north on Long Beach Blvd. to Barnegat Lighthouse State Park. Retrace route to return to the plant. Perfonn plume search per Appendix B, Section C. l TEAM B Proceed to the nearest Offsite Sampling location l downwind and comence air sampling and radiation l survey per Appendices B a C. l 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 When using mobile radio units in emergency vehicles:

sw. Procoowe No.  ; Emergency Radiological EDIP-11 98 6 'f i n %*

       - Surveys Off-Site                                  n.,,,,an No.               :ste 2             04/20/83 4.1.1     Speak clearly, slowly, in distinct phrases and enunciate each word.

4.1.2 Preface each comunication with the title or name of the receiving party and your title or name. Example: "0yster Creek EACC; Offsite Radiation Survey Team Alpha". Wait for preface acknowledgment by EACC, then transmit the message in its entirety. 4.1.3 Report radiation readings as follows: " Radiation survey results at offsite monitoring point (0.M.P., Attachment 1): Closed Window (Gama) reading, mrem per hour; Open Window (Beta-gamma) reading, mrem per hour." Report radiation levels in whole number millirem . per hour. Example: 3.5 rem /hr as three-five-hundred millirem per hour,  ! 370 mr/hr as three-seven zero millf rem per hour. Report airborne sample results in counts per minute. 4.1.4 Transmissions containing numerical values should be repeated back to ensure transmission received and correctly understood. 4.1.5 End massage transmission with the appropriate tennination phrase. Example: "Offsite Radiation Survey Team Alpha; out'" l l

l sa.c: masawe na. m p_t* ** 7 *f in %s l Emergency Radiological 1 Surveys Off-Site n.,isian No. :ste ' 2 04/20/83 I 4.1.6 The normal communication channel for the survey teams is } the mobile unit in the emergency vehicles. The backup means of communication is any Bell System pay phone. Telephone numbers for the EAC are: At EACC At FEOF (609) 971-4033 (201) 367-8771 971-4061 367-8805 971-4029 or 367-8812 971-0335 at the NEOF 367-8814 A packet of dimes is provided in the emergency monitoring kit for the use of pay telephones.

                 -      4.2 Maintain all completed forms and checklists as permanent records to be submitted to EACC.

4.3 Follow Survey Team Radiation Protection Guideline, as practicable. Appendix F. i


5.1 Equipment i ' 5.1.1 Radiological monitoring instruments maintained in instrument locker at the EACC (Reference 2.3). 5.1.2 Two (2) emergency vehicles maintained in standby readiness at the Building #12 parking area, keys maintained at the l EACC on the work table by the Plume Tracking map. l 5.1.3 Offsite Radiological Survey Emergency Monitoring Kit, maintained in the emergency vehicles (Reference 2.3). 5.2 Offsite Radiological Survey Teams j l t 5.2.1 Six, two-man teams assigned to Emergency Duty Roster; i I 5.2.2 Two teams on call at all t'.T=s. \ ._.

l l 1

    .                                                                                           \

p-scaawe sa. , w Emergency Radiological FDio 11 **A *# 10 ** Surveys Off-Site me non sa. :ste 2 04/20/83 5.2.3 Teams may be augmented, as deemed necessary by emergency ! management personnel, with trained qualified individuals from Corporate HQ in Parsippany or from TMI. 5.3 Procedure . 5.3.1 Proceed to the Environmental Assessment Control Center (EACC) at Bldg. #12, Forked River site. 5.3.2 Obtain plant status and any hazard warning information from EACC personnel regarding the type and amount of release, wind direction, etc. If the EACC is not already activated, obtain plant status and hazard warning information from the RAC in the

                    '~ SCC.

I 5.3.3 Obtain the keys t'o the emergency. vehicles,. survey instruments and a copy of Procedure EPIP - 11 Emergency Radiological Surveys Offsite from the EACC. l


5.3.4 Initiate Form EPIP-11-1, " Emergency Offsite Monitoring Check List". 1 i 5.3.5 Perform instrumant pre-operational checks (i.e. battery checks, l source checks, etc.) per Appendix A, Instrument' Preoperational l checks. , Maintain a dose rate meter energized at all times. l Maintain all instruments in a warm environment as far as practicable. Observe Cold Heather Operations, Appendix G guidelines. 5.3.6 Proceed to emergency vehicle. 5.3.7 Verify offsite monitoring kit is sealed. If kit is not sealed, perform inventory using inventory checkilst located in the kit per Reference 2.3. 5.3.8 Obtain TLDs and self-reading pocket dosimeters from emergency kit , l 2 1 1

sg : P-sesowe No. j co" H 0 m Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site weian no.  ::are 2 04/20/83 and issue to team members. Zero dosimeters and fill out i


dosimeter issue card (Daily Exposure and Access Control Card). NOTE l When self reading dosimeter reading reaches 3/4 scale; enter reading on dose card (Daily Exposure and Access r l , Control Card) and rezero the dosimeter with dosimeter charger. 5.3.9 Plug the DC adapter on the end of the air sampler power cord and , test for operation using the Emergency Vehicle electrical system l with the engine running. The flow meter should indicate about 5.5 CFM. Turn the sampler off. 5.3.10 Operationally test emergency vehicle radio. Perform radio check with EACC or the Control Room. , 5.3.11 Report any equipment deficiencies (i.e., kit inventory incomplete, etc.) and radiation detection instrument status to l i EACC. ! 5.3.12 When departing the plant site or the Forked River Site, Building l 12, conduct a search for the plume, per Appendix B, Section C. I NOTE: See Section 3.4.4 5.3.13 Proceed to offsite locations as directed by EACC (or RAC). Inform EACC (or RAC) when at specified location. (See Attachment 1, "Offsite Monitoring Points", for directions to locations). i 5.3.14 Perform radiological surveys as directed by EACC. Appendix B, I'

                         " Beta-Gamma Radiation Survey".

5.3.15 Perform airborne activity samples and analysis as directed by the ( EACC. Appendix C, " Obtaining Emergency Air Samples in the Field".


 ,                                                                                           l P**csows Na, Paa , n of   ,,,,,, f, Emergency Radiological                       coro_33 Surveys Off-site                     g ,,,,   3,,           cm,                 ,

2 04/20/83 ! 5.3.16 Perfom surface contamination surveys as directed by EACC. Appendix D, " Surface Contamination Survey". 5.3.17 Obtain Biotic Media Samples as directed by EACC. Appendix E.

                        " Biotic Media Sampling".

6.0 TERMINATION OF OFFSITE MONITORING 6.1 The ED/ESD shall advise the EAC when offsite monitoring is no longer required. 6.2 The EAC shall recall offsite teams when advised by ED/ESD. 6.3 The^offsite survey teams, when directed shall: 6.3.1 Return to Forked River site. 6.3.2 Complete Fonn EPIP 1, take inventory of equipment and supplies expended from Emergency Kit, submit to EAC with Fonn EPIP-11-1. 6.3.3 Report to EACC and return vehicle keys to their storage location, submit all checklists and data foms to EAC for. review. 6.3.4 Fill out TLD Dosimetry Issue Forms as directed and submit with Daily Exposure and Access Control Cards to Group Leader Radiological. Support at the NEOF or forward to Rad Con Department if NEOF not activated.

 ~     ~

e g ,7, n-oceawe No. EPIP-Il *I # Emergency Radiological ' Surveys Off-Site n sion No. :sta 04/20/83 l APPENDIX A'  ! INSTRUMENT. PREOPERATIONAL CHECKS . 1 A. Prerequisites

1. Inspect instrument for physical damage.
2. Inspect all instruments for illegible labels.
3. Check calibration sticker attached to meter. Calibration should be current. If calibration is not current and calibrated replacements are not imediately available report situation to EAC. EAC may authorize temporary use of emergency equipment for offsite survey with past due calibration stickers.
4. Perfonn battery check by going to " BATTERY" or " BATTERY CHECK" position (s) as applicable. Meter display should be in the " BATTERY OK" region. Replace batteries if necessary.
5. If source check is not within the specified range and a source  !

checked replacement instrument is not imediately available, report , the situation to the EAC. Do not use survey meters that fail source check. l B. E-140/E-120 with HP-210 or HP-260 probe (CPM only)

1. Use button source (s) located in EACC instrument locker.
2. Leave the button source in the box with the lette:ing facing the instrument detector.
3. Place the range selector switch to the "X100" scale for the E-140 and to the "X10" scale for the E-120.
4. Allow reading to stabilize, reading should fall within the range indicated on sticker on face of meter.

suaiec : 7-sesaw. No. e" N* a *f M* Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site we,an N o. care 2 04/20/83


C. E-520/HP-177 Probe (mr/hr only)

1. Use button source (s) located in the EACC instrument locker.
2. Leave the button source in the box with the lettering facing the detector.
3. Place range selector switch on X1.0 scale.
4. Allow reading to stabilize, reading should fall within the range indicated on sticker on the face of the meter.

D. E-140/GM-1 Probe (Victoreen 6306 Detector Probe)

1. Use button source (s) located in the EACC instrument locker.
2. Leave the button source in the box with the lettering facing the
            ,           detector.
3. Place the range selector switch to the "X 100" scale.
4. Move detector probe horizontally over the source (in contact with storage box) to obtain the highest countrate.
5. If the countrate on the meter falls within the range indicated on l the sticker on the face of the meter, tource check is satisfactory.

E. TCS Industries EAS-1 (Emergency Air Samp1'er)

1. Install an unused Filter Absorber cartridge on sampler per Appendix C.
2. Plug power cord into any 110VAC wall outlet.
3. Start sampler by turning timer switch clockwise (no specific time required).
4. Adjust flow control knob to ensure the sampler can in fact obtain a ,

5.5 cfm flowrate. If the sampler is unable to obtain at least a 5.0 cfm flowrate, obtain another sampler.

5. Turn sampler off and disconnect from power supply.
                                                       %ceew. No Emergency Radiological                       EPIP-11       S4a 1 cf      3W Surveys Off-Site                     woon No.               

2 04/20/83 1 I APPENDIX B BETA-GAMMA RADIATION SURVEY l A. Prerequisites

1. Ensure meter operationally checked prior to use. Appendix A, " Instrument Preoperational Checks".
2. All surveys shall be taken at waist level (approximately one meter from
                .      ground) outside the emergency vehicle unless specifically directed otherwise by the EAC.
3. Observe cold weather operations restrictions, Appendix G.

B. Obtaining Survey

1. Energize the instrument if not already operating.
2. Allow meter to stabilize.
3. Switch to. the highest scale and scale down until an onscale reading is obtained.
4. Hold the instrument detector approximately one meter from ground (waist level) and scan area for maximum reading.

(a) Open probe window for Beta-Gama reading and record on Form EPIP-11-2, " Emergency Dose Rate Survey, Air Sample, and Biotic Media Survey Log," as " Window Open" reading. (b) Close the probe window for Gamma reading and record on Fonn EPIP-11-2 as " Window Closed" reading.

5. Compare the Beta and Gamma instrument readings to determine if Beta dose is being received.

GAMMA doserate (mrem /hr) = " Window Closed" reading. Compare " Window Open" reading minus " Window Closed" reading (wo - wc). l

suai.ce: 7 ocasw no. Emergency Radiological EPTP-11 PS** 2 8f 3 % Surveys Off-Site n 3., e.g.

6. Record readings on " Emergency Dose ~ Rate Survey, Air Sample, and Biotic Media Survey Log", Form EPIP-11-2.
7. Report results to EACC as window open (Beta-Gamma) reading and window closed (Gama) reading. ,

C. Pltne Search Technique When departing the plant site or Forked River site, Building 12:



a. Energize the instrument observing proper precautions for cold weather (Appendix G).
b. Allow meter to stabalize.
2. Continuously hold the instrument probe out the vehicle window, while in transit, and watch the instrument for a meter deflection.
3. When a meter deflection is observed, stop the vehicle and perfonn a beta-gamma survey of the area as follows:
a. Hold the instrument probe at approximately 1 meter (3 feet) from ground level and scan around the area for maximum meter deflection.
b. Open the probe window for beta gamma reading.
c. Record the " window open" reading (Fonn EPIP-11-2, " Emergency
                             . Dose Rate Survey, Air Sample and Biotic Media Survey Log").
d. Close the probe window for gamma reading.
e. Record the " window closed" reading (Form EPIP-11-2),
f. Compare meter readings to detennine if in a Beta field.

P oceawe Na, sasect: Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 *tse 3 :f 3 Sums Surveys Off-Site weien No ' Oare 2 04/20/83 NOTE: A gamma reading with zero beta reading indicates the plume is elevated or displaced. A gamma read-  : ing and a beta reading indicates that the plume l 1s at ground elevation.

4. Report the results to the Environmental Assessment Coordinator as follows:
a. Location:
b. mrem /hr gamma (closed window).


c. mrem /hr beta-Gamma (open window).

NOTE: If not at a predesignated survey point, use l known. landmarks, road intersections, grid coordinate's, etc., to identify the location. ( I 1 l 1 l



I a ,e 7 ocacute No. PS ** 1 of 4 maps Emergency Radiological EPIP-ll j Surveys Off-Site ,'""*" "" 0 * 2 04/20/83 l i: APPENDIX C -

            .          OBTAIf;ING EMERGENCY AIR SAMPLES IN THE " FIELD" A. Prerequisites and Precautions
1. Check calibration sticker on sampler. Calibration shall be maintained current.
2. The air sampler shall be placed outside of the emergency vehicle.

DO NOT place the sampler on the ground or on contaminated surfaces.

3. Handle used filter-absorber canisters with surgeon's gloves to prevent personnel contamination.
4. All samples SHALL be labeled and saved for further analysis. ,

Sample Label: SAMPLE DATA b Location Date/ Time SAMPLE MEASUREMENT Com Date/ Time Gen. Area (Bcpm) com com Filter-Absorber Bare Absorber (FAcpm) (Acpm) Initials

5. DO NOT open filter-absorber canister until immediately prior to use.

Place the filter-absorber canister into storage can, and seal can, immediately after taking sample. B. Using TCS Industries, EAS-1 Emergency Air Sampling System

s eper: enesowe No. - EPIP-11 PS9e 2 of 4 *stes ! Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site  %,g g, ,

1. Connect the air sampler (EAS-1) to the power supply by plugging the sampler power cord into the cigar lighter using the DC adaptor provided.
2. Label one of the filter-absorber storage cans. Open the can and check moisture indicator on can lid; if indicator is any color other than blue do not use
3. Remove the filter-absorber from storage cannister and mount over the central suction hole and stretch the rubber retainer over the outer end of the canister.
4. Start air sample by turning the timer to the 5 minute mark and adjust to SCFM as indicated on the flowrate meter using the flow

adjust knob. Recordsampledate,timeandlocationoncanlabeland (. on Form EPIP-il-2. l l S. The air sampler will automatically stop when the timer. reaches "0FF". Use a watch to ensure a 5 minute run time.

6. Remove the filt'er-absorber canister from the sampler and put it back s

in the labeled storage can. Reseal the can. NOTE The canister may be warm or hot to the touch. This is due to the absorption of moisture from I the air and @T radioactivity. Use surgeon's. gloves to handle used filter-absorber canisters, as particulate activity may now be deposited on the filter, to prevent personnel contamination. C. Counting EAS-1 Filter-Absorber with E-140/GM-1 Probe

suoi.e: hacaewe na Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 Pese 3 :f 4 **ps Surveys Off-Sit "'""*""' 0 8 04/20/83 2

1. Backgound Countrate
a. Sample count area must be less than 300 cpm with E-140/GM-1 probe. Relocate as necessary to be at less than 300 cpm background area. Perform general' area survey with the meter held at waist level.
b. Record Background countrate as (Bcpm) on the storage can label and Form EPIP-11-2, " Emergency Dose Rate Survey Air Sample and Blotic Media Survey Log".
2. Filter-Absorber Measurement
a. Open canister assembly storage can and remove ,

filter-absorber canister. CAUTION Use surgeon's gloves when handling used canisters.

b. Mount used canister on the EAS-1 air sampler and draw clean air through the used canister for 30 to 60 seconds to expell residual Xenon gas.
c. Insert the GM-1 probe into the air suction hole of the filter-absorber assembly.

NOTE Perform measurement several yards away from used canister storage cans to preclude back-ground interference.

1 j l 1 w, P sesows No. j j Emergency Radiological EPIP-il Pete 4 :f 4 se;es i 1 Surveys Off-Site " *' *" N S- 2 08 04/20/83  !

  ..                                                                                  ,1
d. Allow the countrate meter reading to stabilize. Record r.eter reading as filter-absorber countrate (FAcpm) on the j storage can label and Form EPIP-il-2.
e. Remove the glass-fiber filter from the absorber canister, and place it in the storage can.
f. Allow the meter reading to stabilize and record the reading as the Bare-Absorber countrate (Acpm) on the storage can label and Form EPIP-il-2. Record the date and time of the measurement on the storage can label and Form EPIP-il-2.
g. Return the absorber canister to the storage can, containing the glass-fiber filter and reseal the storage can.
h. Transmit the following information to the EACC:
1. Date/ time of Sample / Survey
2. Location of Sample / Survey
3. Date/ time of Sample Countrate Measurement
4. Background countrate for location at which sample is measured (Bcpm - must be ( 300 cpm).
5. Filter-Absorber countrate (FAcpm).
6. Bare Absorber countrate (Acpm).
1. Save the sample filter and absorber for further evaluation.

7 ocaawe No. Emergency Radiological No 11 *1 # 9

  • Surveys Off-Site w oon N o. :ste i 2 04/20/83 1 i

APPENDIX 0 SURFACE CONTAMINATION SURVEY A. Count rate meter checked satisfactory per Appendix A, ' Instrument Preoperational Checks' .

8. Perform Smear Survey i
1. Obtain smear discs and sample envelope from emergency monitoring kit.
2. Record date, time and survey location on sample envelope.
3. Wipe smear disc to obtain a sample of 100 cm*:

(a) Lazy S approximately 16 inches long. (b) Square area of approximately 4 in. by 4 in. C. Smear Count

    - - " - - -    - NOTE:. Background countrate must be less than 300 counts per minute (cpm) using the E-140 with HP-210 or HP-260 probe.                            ,


1. Determine background countrate. Record on Form EPIP-11-3 " Emergency
                           .Offsite Contamination Survey", as Background counts per minute (Bcpm).
2. Obtain smear gross countrate.

(a) Place detector probe within 1/2 in. of the smear disc. (Disc surface used for smearing toward detector). (b) Allow approximately 15 seconds (or until meter readout stabilizes) for accurate countrate.

3. Record maximum countrate on Form EPIP-11-3 " Emergency Offsite Contamination Survey" as Gross counts per minute (Gcpm).

l l l - --- --

I 1 sustect:

                                                     **:cacute No.

l refo 11 Nga , :f , Nges Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site a .. 3.,  : ,, l 2 04/20/83. I D. Calculation

1. Determine Net counts per minute (Nepm): (Gcpm) - (Bcpm) - Ncpm where:

Gepm - Gross counts per minute Scpm - Background counts per minute Mcpm Net counts per minute

2. Record Ncpm on Form EPIP-11-3, " Emergency Offsite Contamination Survey".

l l

3. Multiply Ncps by Meter Correction Factor (CF) of 10, to obtain disintegration per minute (dpm):

Ncom x (Correction Factor [CF1) = dpm 2 100 cm' 100 cm 2 Record dpm/100 cm and Meter Correction Factor,(CF) on Form EPIP-11-3, " Emergency Offsite Contamination Survey". Meter Correction Factor (CF) of 10 for all E-140/HP-210 countrate meters'.

4. Transmit sample location, time and contamination results (dpm/100 cm2 ) to EACC.
5. Place smear disc in labeled s, ample envelope.

l l l I l


il p.oceewe No. suaiece: EPIP-11 Page 1 of 2 *sges Emergency Radiological

                     -Surveys Off-Site                           %, g               g ,,,

l 2 04/20/83 APPENDIX E - BIOTIC MEDIA SAMPLING Soll and/or Snow. Water, and Vegetation A. Prerequisite

1. Dose rate meter checked satisfactory. Appendix A, " Instruments Preoperational Checks".

B. Soll and Snow Samples-  ;

1. Obtain sample container and trowel from emergency monitoring kit. l l
2. Labal container with time, date, monitoring location, type of sample dose r, ate, and team members' initials.

Example: Date: Time: Sample Type:

    \                                      Sample Location:

Contact Dose Rate: mrem /hr Team Member: i Initial

3. Choose a sample area free from leaves, grass and other vegetation.

Scrape approximately the top 1/2 inch of so11 or snow with trowel and place into container until full. Cap container.

4. Perform a contact dose rate survey of container with dose rate meter.
5. Record data on sample container label and on " Emergency Dose Rate I Survey, Air Sample and Biotic Media Survey Log". .

Form EPIP-11-2. l C. Water Samples

1. Obtain plastic screw-top sample bottle from emergency monitoring kit.

i l l

soeme: . Procoows No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 N4e 2 of 2 Nges Surveys Off-Site ,, g g,

2. Remove cap and submerge bottle in water to obtain a surface sample.

Take care not to disturb sediment. . NOTE Use precaution as bottle may now be contaminated.

3. Recap bottle and place in a plastic bag with absorbant material on bottom if available. Seal the bag.
4. Perform a contact dose rate survey of the bottle through the plastic bag. j l
5. Record date, sample time, location and dose rate on sample label and l on " Emergency Dose Rate Survey, Air Sample, and Biotic Media Survey Log". Form EPIP-ll-2. Initial sample label and log sheet and s

attacts sample label to the bag. l 6. Save all sample for further analysis by EACC. ' D. Vegetation Samples l 1. Obtain clippers and medium plastic bag from emergency monitoring kit.

2. Take as l'rge a a sample of green (living) vegetation as can be fitted into bag. Do ,not o include soll, large branches or roots. Place sample in bag.
3. Seal the bag and perform a contact dose rate survey on sample.
4. Record date, sample time, sample location and dose rate on sample label and on " Emergency Dose Rate Survey, Air Sample, and Biotic Media Survey Log", Form EPIP-il-2. Initial sample label and log sheet and place label on sample bag.
5. Save sample for further analysis by EACC.

se.ce: 7 oceews so. Emergency Radiological EPIP 11 *1 1 ** Surveys Off-Site w.,an so.  ::ste 1 2 04/20/83 ! k APPENDIX F SURVEY TEAM RADIATION PROTECTION GUIDELINES A. Respiratory Protection

1. Radiation Survey Team members should don respirators with GMR cannisters if the following conditions occur:

(a) A General Emergency is declared and the affected sectors have been evacuated; and measured dose rates are more than 100 mR/hr 8 eta: E (b) When directed by Environmental Assessment Coordinator: E (c) When field lodine. gross activity indicates greater than IE-7 uct/cc.

2. Respiratory equipment may be removed if the following is indicated:

(a) field measurement of gross iodine activity indicates less than lE-7 uC1/cc or the Environmental Assessment Coordinator indicates that no significant todine is being or has been released from the plant. I B. Plume Dose Rates j 1

1. Survey Teams should not remain in areas greater than 100mR/hr Gamma j i

Radiation any longer than necessary to collect required samples. j

2. Survey Teams should not proceed to areas greater than 1 R/hr Gamma Radiation unless directed by the Environmental Assessment f Coordinator.
3. Survey Teams SHALL NOT proceed to areas exceeding 10 R/hr, Gamma Radiation.

7 sesawe .va. se . Emergency Radiological EPIP 11 '' 1 1 **"* Surveys Off-Site n ,. .. .n ,y s  : r. - 2 04/20/83 APPENDIX G COLD HEATHER OPERATION

1. If outside temperature is greater than 32*F (0*C), instrument use .

I is unlimited.

2. If outside temperature is between 32*F O'C) and 0*F (-18*C),

no instrument should be used continuously for more than 5 minutes.

3. If outside temperature is between 0*F (-18"C) and -20*F

(-28'C), no instrument should be used continuously for more than 2 minutes.

4. If the outside temperature is below -20*F (-28*C), no instrument should be used unless special batteries (alkaline or Ni-CD) are in the instrument and this would increase the temperature range to
                 -40*F (-40*C). The instrument should only be used for very                  ,

short times (less than 30 seconds). .

5. Instruments can be used again after allowing sufficient time for i

batteries to warm up again inside the emergency vehicle. .  ; i 1 l t l l

l I proceewe ua.

w Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 Noa 1 of 2 %e Surveys Off-Site ,, g ,,, i l


1. Obtain copy of EPIP - 11 from EACC. 5.3.3
2. Obtain keyps to emergency vehicle from EACC. 5.3.3
3. Obtain survey instruments from FACC instrument locker. 5.3.3
4. Perform survey instrument preoperational checks. App. A Inst. Ser. No. Sat./Unsat.
5. Verify that the offsite monitoring kit is seale'd or 5.3.7 1

perform inventory (as applicable).

6. Obtain TLDs, zero and issue pocket dostmeters, initiate 5.3.8 daily exposure cards.
7. Test air sampler using emergency vehicle cigar lighter. 5.3.9
8. Test radio, perform radio check with EACC. 5.3.10
9. Report instrument and equipment check to EACC. 5.3.11
10. Proceed to survey locations as directed by EAC. 5.3.13
11. Perform radiological surveys as directed by EAC. App. C
12. Perform air samples as directed by EAC. App. B
13. . Perform Surface Contamination Survey as directed by EAC App. D
14. Perform Biotic Media Samples as directed by EAC. App. E l


                          ~ ~ ' '                             ~~


haiect: Noceow. No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 Psga 2 of 2 secu Surveys Off-Site ,,,,,,3,, 3,,,  ; 2 04/20/83 l

                                                             .              FORM EPIP-11-1
15. Terminate offsite monitoring when directed by EACC. 6.3
16. Inventory equipment and emergency kit supplies 6.3.2 Inventory Notas:

l l

17. Report to EACC, return vehicle keys and all completed 6.3.3 checklists and completed forms to EAC for his review.
18. Return TL0s to Group Leader Radiological Support at the 6.3.4 i NEOF.

Submitted / t l Team Leader Date / Time Assessment Coordinator Date / Time i 1  : l l i

                                                                                                                                                                              <~                                                                                                                 EPIP-11                      .


 ;                                                          TEAM                        _

a 4 Tjme Survey, RADIOIODINE AIR SAMPLES INST. SAMPLE DOSE RATES (mr/hr) INST. INIT. 4 (24 Hr. Point, Time Countrates Model/ or Window Window Model/ Clock) Location of Bkgd. Filt./Ab. Bare-Ab. Serial SURVEY Open (wo) Closed Serial


l Count (Bcpm) (FAcpm) (Acpm) Number TYPE

  • beta-gamnu (wc) gamma Number 1

i l i i l l I

  • Sample or Survey. Type: A. Area Dose Rate; B. Snow;

_C_ . Soil D. Water; E. Vegetation _ Signed: Reviewed: Team Leader Environmental Asses'sment Coordinator FORMS EPIP-ll-2

- 3 8


- 0 2 _ / 4 s 0 l a

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                                                                                             /r           ,E                                                               Routes k   ~,                   \,
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3 EPIP-11, Rev. 2, 04/20/82 Page 1 of 1 f + i, Ny @

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  • Routes
                                                                                                \,                                                                    EPIP-11, Rev. 2, 04/20/82
                                                                                                   \ %.                  b                                                                      Page 1 of 1
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gg P*scsoure No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-ll '54* 1 f 13 #**** Surveys Off-Site a,.. an ps :are 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION JIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) N1 - 0* 0.65/ East end of JCP&L Left onto Rt. 9, left just afterintake canal and proceed


1045.9 Energy Spectrum parking lot. to JCP&L Energy Spectrum N2 - 7* 1.2/ Intersection of Left onto Rt. 9, left onto 1930.8 Taylor Lane & Ken- Taylor Lane, proceed 0.2 mi. nebec Rd. at Gor- to Kennebec Rd. don's Restaurant N2a N-2 2* 1.8/ Lakeside Drive Rt. 9 North to Lakeside Dr.

                   -1                 2896.2                                             Left onto Lakeside Dr. to Cal-lahan residence, approx. 3/4 mi N3                -       352"    2.5/       Along curb adjacent                     Left onto Rt. 9 approx. 1.5 4022.5      to park at inter-                      alles to Lakeside Dr., left section of Lakeside                    onto Lakeside Dr. to Dear Head Drive and Deer Head                     Lake Drive.

Lake Drive x N4 N-4 354* 3.2/ Lacey Township Munt- Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614

                    -1                 5148.8     cipal Bldg. parking                     (Lacey Rd.), left onto Lacey lot. 110 AC                             Rd. 1.7 miles to Lacey Township Municipal Bldg. on right.

N5 N-5 354* 4.21/ North commuter park- Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614

                     -1                6757.8     ing lot at Forked                       (Lacey Rd), left onto Lacey Rd.

River Service Area to G.S. Pkwy., north on Pkwy. on G.S. Pkwy. 110 AC to Forked River Service Area. N6 - 356.5* 4.45/ Approx. 1/3 mile Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 164 8769.0 west of Central (Lacey Rd.), left onto Lacey Regional High School Rd. to G.S. Pkwy. North on along Pinewald-Kes- Pkwy. for 2.2 miles at overpass wick Rd. at junction of Pinewald-Keswick Rd. Mile with G.S. Pkwy. Post 77.2 N10 - 3* 9.6/ Ocean County Court- Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614 15,446 house (EOC) Toms (Lacey Rd.), Left onto Lacey ' River, 110 AC, park- Rd. to G.S. Pkwy. north to Exit ing lot 81, east on Water St. for 0.5 ml. to Main St., left one

 'a                                                                                       block to Washington St., right on Washington to 2nd left to Horner St.                            ,

w=m w- rm ,m- w ,v- - - - - - -

i l l p-ocsoure No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 h48 2 Of 13 4 488 Surveys Off-Site :ste a ision go. 04/20/83 i ! ATTACHMENT 1  ! j l OFFSITE MONITORING POINTS  ; EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9)  ; i SAMPLE STATE' AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS

                 #             METERS)                                                                      l

, LOCATION l N10a - 359' 8.75/ Left side of road Left onto Rt. 9, continue left l 14,078 before traffic light at Rt. 166 junction to G.S'. 1 at intersection of Pkwy. interchange approaching G.S. Pkwy., Rt. 530 intersection of Rt. 530 (Dover (Dover Rd.) and Rd.),left to roadside area be-I Rt. 9 fore intersection. l N20 N-20 351.5* 10.8/ Rt. 37, DOT Main- Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614 17,377 tenance Yard, W. (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy., l North to Exit 82H, 1.9 mi. west l Toms River to DOT Maintenance Yard on left i NNEl - 19* 0.45/ Rt. 9 mile marker 80 Left onto Rt. 9 to intake canal 724.0 at 0.C. Intake canal bridge at mile marker 80. NNEla - 23* 0.7/ Intersection of Bis- Left onto Rt. 9, 0.7 mi. to 1126.3 cayne Dr. & Nantuc- traffic light at Beach Blvd. ket Dr. ("Kinn" right on Beach Blvd. to residence) Biscayne Dr. (1st right) to ( Nantucket Rd. NNE2 NNE-2 23.5" 1.7/ Forked River State Left.onto Rt. 9, 1.6 mt. to-

                -1             2735.3     Marina SW corner of       Forked River State Marina.

parking lot, 110 AC i NNE3 - 24.5" 2.5/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9, 2.6 mi. to j 4022.5 9 & Sunrise Blvd. Sunrise Blvd. I NNE4 - 27* 3.7/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9, 3.9 mi. to 5953.3 9 & Laurel Blvd. Laurel Blvd. parking lot


NNES - 26* 4.6/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9, 4.9 mi. to 7401.4 9 & HOBM access road WOSM radio station access road. NNE6 - 24* 5.6/ Rt. 9, Pinewald Sub- Left onto Rt. 9, 5.5 miles on 9010.4 station, opposite right, beyond Serpentine Dr. Anchor Boat Sales at large metal utility poles. 32.5* 6.8/ . Edge of Bay, Bay Left onto Rt. 9, 6.2 mt. to Bay NNE6a - 10,941 Blvd. at Holly Park Blvd., east on Bay Blvd. to end Inn of road. NNE- 23.5* 6.0/ Rt. 9, Bayville, Left onto Rt. 9, approx. 6 mi. NNE7 7-1 9654.0 100 AC to Bayv111e. l

suoi.ce: Nosewe No. l Emergency Radiological EPIP-il M4* 3 :f 13 4488 Surveys Off-Site  % ,2, g, g 04/20/83 1 ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS  ! EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) NNE10 - 21.5" 7.55/ Intersection of Rt. Lef t onto Rt. 9, 7.6 mi . to 12,148 9, Veeder La., Ocean milti-point intersection, just Gate Dr.& Mill Creek past MacDonald's to parking Rd.' at parking lot. area near intersection on right. NNE10a - 22.5* 8.65/ Intersection of Left onto Rt. 9, 7.6 mi., go 13,917 Chelsea Ave & Ocean past MacDonald's, right on Gate Dr. Ocean Gate Dr. to Chelsea Ave. near end). NNE10b - 16.5* 9.9/ Intersection of Rt. Lef t onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614 15,929 37 & Vaughn Ave., (Lacey Rd.) to GS Pkwy. to Rt. lot on first jug- 37 (Exit 82) east approx. 2.9 handle exit from mi. to Vaughn Ave. Inter , Rt. 37 section right jughandle to station. NNE20 - 27.5" 10.5/ Bay Bridge Inn park- Left onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 614 16,894 ing lot near Rt. 37 (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy, Exit

                                                 & west end of bridge    82 to Rt. 37 east to bridge, at west shore of        right into parking lot.

Barnegat Bay. NEl - 47* 0.3/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9. 0.2 mi. to 482.7 9 & farm road first right at farm road. NEla - 42* 0.9/ #732 Bermuda Dr. Left onto Rt. 9 to first traf-1448.1 near Nantucket Rd. fic light, right onto Beach Blvd. to Bermuda Dr., right to end of road. Address #732. Just past Nantucket Rd. NEZ - 41* 1.6/ Captain's Inn, Lacey Left onto Rt. 9 to second traf-2574.4 Rd. Parking lot at fic light, right onto Lacey Rd. rear. to Captain's Inn (near end of road). NE3 - 42.5* 2.4/ Game Farm Ocean Res- Left onto Rt. 9 beyond second 3861.6 dential Group Center traffic light, right onto Game Farm Rd. (between concrete parking lot near buildings. NE4 - 51* 3.1/ End of Sail Dr. near Left onto Rt. 9, nortn 2.6 mi. 4987.9 intersection of Sun- to Sunrise Blvd., turn right, rise Blvd. go approx.1.4 mi . to Sail Dr. (at bend in road), left onto Sail Dr.

suoi se: P sesoure so. Emergency Radiological EPIP 11 M* 4 :f 13 Nges Surveys Off-Site n .,,,,, 3 ,  :,,, j , 2 04/20/83 1 i ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS i ENERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) NES NE- 47* 4.8/ Laurel Blvd. at first Left onto Rt. 9, 3.9 mi (past 5-1 7732.2 bend. Address #1063. second traffic light) to Laurel (NJ Location #1068) Blvd., right onto Laurel Blvd. to #1063 at curve (at street light. NE10 - 44* 9.5/ Intersection of Cen- Left onto Rt. 9, left at second 15,285 ral Ave & 14th St., traffic light onto Rt. 614 Seaside Park (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy., north to Exit 82E, east onto Rt. 37 over bridge to Rt. 35 South (Central Ave.), right onto Central Ave. to intersec-tion of Central Ave. & 14th St. NE20 - 37* 11.8 Near intersection of Left onto Rt. 9, left at second 18,986 Rt. 37 access road & traffic light onto Rt. 614 Rt. 35 North (Cen- (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy, tral Ave.) north to Exit 82, east on Rt. 37,~ cross bridge to Rt. 35 North, exit. At first traffic light, turn right, "U-Turn" onto service road area. ENEl - 70* 0.25/ Yellow NJ Natural Left onto Rt. 9 approx. 25 yds. 402.2 Gas Co. marker south of North Gate Access Rd. approx. 100 yds. on left. i north of main entrance ENE2a - 67* 1.15/ Intersection of Left onto Rt. 9 to ist traffic l 1 1850.3 Tampa Rd. & Sandy light (Beach Blvd.), right onto Hook Or. (#701 Beach Blvd. to Forked River Tampa Rd. "Ignoni" Bridge. Just over bridge turn residence) right onto Sandy Hook Dr. to 2nd left (Tampa Rd.) ENE2 ENE- 59.5' l.15/ Beach Blvd. to left Left onto Rt. 9 to ist traffic l 1850.3 side of road after light (Beach Blvd.), right crossing Forked onto Beach Blvd. to southeast River Bridge e.d of Forked River Bridge. ENE3 - 70* 2.3/ Intersection of Left onto Rt. 9 to ist traffic 3700.7 Beach Blvd. and light (Beach Blvd.), right onto Tamiami Rd. i Beach Blvd., over Forked River Bridge to next bridge (wooden), cor:tinue over bridge to right fork (Tamiami Rd.). i . I-l l l

s ,,,.cr: P-sesswe No. Emergency Radiological EPIP 11 #5'* 5 d 13 **"* Surveys Off-Site , ,,,,, 23 e ,, 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITEMQPITORINGPOINTS. EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS)- ENE4 - 58* 3.7/ Parking lot at Sun- Left onto Rt. 9 to Sunrise Blvd 5953.3 rise 8each Club Right on Sunrise to Capstan Dr. on left. Capstan Dr. straight to Sunrise Beach Club. ENE7 - 67* 6.3/ Island Beach State Left onto Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 10,941 Park Service Area light Rt. 614 (Lacey Rd.), parking lot between left on Lacey Rd. to GS Pkwy., North and South North on Pkwy. to Exit Swimming Area park- 82 E, easton Rt. 37 across ing lots. bridge to Rt. 35 south (Cent-ral Ave.) to Island Beach State Park, 3.5 mi. south of , Park entrance gate to swimming area parkinq lots. ENE10 - 60* 7.35/ Island Beach State Left onto Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 11,826 Park, 2.5 mi. south light, Rt. 614 (Lacey Rd.), of Park entrance at left on Lacey Rd. to GS Pkwy chained access road, North on Pkwy. to Exit 82E, ( east on Rt. 37 across bridge to on right. Rt. 35 South (Central Ave.) to Island Beach State Park. 2.5 mi. south of Park entrance gate to intersection of chained access road on right. El - 82* 0.3/ Opposite Main Gate Exit Main Gate road onto Rt. 9. 482.7 onRt.9l Ela - 87.5* 0.85/ Farm House, old Fin- Left onto Rt. 9, right at first 2976.6 ninger Farm (Ecolo- farm road (JCP&L) to second gical Analyststs left to farm house. Lab) E2 - 87* 1.6/ Intersection of Al- Left onto Rt. 9, right at first 2574.4 batross.Ct. & traffic light, to Forked River Orlando Dr. Bridge, cross bridge to Elks Club, right on Club House Dr., 4 blocks to Orlando Dr., left on Orlando Dr. to Albatross Court (2nd left) l

l I suse.ce: P ocaeure No. , Emergency Radiological EPIP-ll N986 f 13 N4** f Surveys Off-Site 3,,,

                                                                 %,, 2 ,                       04/20/83        )

l ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS j EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) j SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS j LOCATION # METERS) E7 - 94.5 5.9/ Old Coast Guard Left onto Rt. 9, left at 2nd  ; 9493.1 Station Watch Tower, traffic light onto Rt. 614 l Island Beach State (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy., Park, 110 AC north to Exit 82E, east on Rt. 37 to Rt. 35 South (Central Ave.) to Island Beach State l Park, to 7 mi. south of ent- l rance gate to station on left. j ESE1 - lil' O.3/ Yellow Marker (N.J. Right onto Rt. 9, approx. 0.1 1 482.7 Natural Gas Co.) 0.1 mile south of 0.C. Main Gate. l mile south of 0.C. Main Gate-ESEla ESE- 111* 0.8/ Fork area formed at Right onto Rt. 9, 0.5 mi., left I l-1 1287.2 intersection Bay left on Bay Pkwy. to intersec- l Pkwy. & Dock Ave. tion with Hillow & Dock Aves. l Willow also inter-sects here. \ ESE2 - 109.5" 1.85 End of Bay Parkway Right onto Rt. 9, 0.5 mi., left 2976.6 at Barnegat Bay on Bay Pkway. to end of street at Barnegat Bay. , ESE7 - 109* 6.3/ Island Beach State Left onto Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 10,136 Park southern end of light, Rt.164 (Lacey Rd.),  ! paved Park road left on Lacey Rd. to GS Pkwy. . North on Pkwy. to Exit 82E, east on Rt. 37 a' cross bridge to Rt. 35 South (Central Ave.) . to Island Beach State Park, go l 8.2 mi. south of Park entrance ) to southern end of paved road. SE1 - 126* 0.36/ Rt. 9, south of Right onto Rt. 9, over dis- ) 579.2 South Access Rd., charge canal bridge, just past l south of discharge South Access Road. i J canal bridge SEla - 140* 0.5/ Southeast corner of Rignt onto Rt. 9, lef t on Bay 804.7 Bay Pkwy., along Rt. Parkway. 9, next to residence at 2 Bay Parkway

hecaoute No, i Susies -. ' EPIP-il N98 7 8f 13 kges Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-S1te


y 3,,, 04/20/83 l l l ATTACHMENT 1 l OFFSITE MONITORING POINTS EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From.0CNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) SE2 - 130* 1.7/ South end of Shore Right onto Rt. 9, approximately 2735.3 Dr. and on Barnegat 0.75 mi., left onto Main St.,

                                                         . Bay, Waretown            0.4 mi. to Lighthouse Dr., left onto Lighthouse Dr. to Shore Dr., right onto Shore Dr., to end of Shore Dr.

SE7 SE- 127' 6.3/ Across the street Right onto Rt. 9, to intersec-10,136 from the Coast Guard tion of Rt. 72, left onto Rt. j Station on Bayview 72 to Long Beach Blvd., left  ; Ave., Barnegat onto Long Beach Blvd., to 6th  : Light Borough St. to Bayview Ave., right onto l

                                                                                        .Bayview Ave. and across the street from the Coast Guard Station.

SSE1 - 152* 0.75/ McGeorge's Restau- Right onto Rt. 9 to McGeorge's

                      .                           1206.7       rant                      Restaurant.

SSE2a - 164* 1.6/ Waretown, Ocean Twp. Right onto Rt. 9, 1.6 mi.,

   't                                             2574.4       Municipal Bldg.           right onto Rt. 532, I block, building on right.

SSE2 SSE- 154* 1.55/ Area east side of Right onto Rt. 9. 0.75 mi., 2-1 2493.9 Main St. & south of left onto Main St., 0.75 ml., Skippers Blvd. to just past intersection with Skippers Blvd. Right onto Rt. 9, 2.2 mi., left SSE3 - 164* 2.65 Lagoon (BBCA Recrea-4263.8 tion Area) near onto Barnegat Beach Dr., 0.6 ! Bonita Blvd. mi., right on Lagoon View Rd., 1-1/2 blocks, to area on left next to lagoon. SSE10 - 153* 8.3/ Intersection south Right onto Rt. 9 to intersec-13,354 Anchor St. with Har- tion of Rt. 72, left onto Rt. vey Cedars Water 72 to intersection of Long Stand Pipe Beach Blvd., left onto Long Beach Blvd. to intersection of West 80th St. to intersection with S. Anchor St. & Harvey  ; Cedars Water Stand Pipe. 52 - 184* 1.6/ 0.7 mi. west of Rt. Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 2574.4 9 on Rt. 532 Rt. 532 0.7 mi., just beyond t resident #172 and dirt lane.

l p, No. s.un.c: Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 ' Pte 8 :f 13 %38 Surveys Off-Site  %, g l ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS ' l EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS


S3 S-3 178* 2.3/ Haretown Substation Right onto Rt. 9, 2.5 mi . , 10

                    -1               3700.7                            yards in from Rt. 9, pole No.

R 144 Z, JC 83 Residence #13 (Harman). l S3a - 182.5* 2.6/ Along Rt. 9, Hare- Right onto Rt. 9, 2.9 miles, 4183.4 town Junction pole #8T 1545 and 4 in. x 4 in. timber with gas pipeline leakage tester attached. S4 - 176* 3.2/ Pebble Beach Water Right onto Rt. 9, 3.2 mi., 5148.8 Tower left onto Senaca Blvd. to intersection of Eighth St. and Water Tower. SS S-5 187* 4.45/ Roadside area, Bar- Right onto Rt. 9, two traffic

                     -1              7160.0    negat Service Pole       lights to Rt. 554 (East Bay
                                               #27 on East Bay Ave. Ave.), left 0.5 mi. to Water St., on-right.

S7 - 183* 6.3/ End of Taylor Lane, Right onto Rt. 9, 6.2 mi . , lef t ( 10,136 at Gate onto Taylor La. (dirt road) 1.6 mi. to end of road at gate. S10 - 186* 9.65/ Intersection of Bay Right onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 72, 15,526 Ave. & Rt.180 left on Rt. 72 for 2.5 mi., access road turn left, go 0.2 mi. to intersection of Rt. l'80. S20 - 169* 10.65/ Surf C1ty Stand Pipe Right onto Rt. 9 to Rt. 72, 17,135 east on Rt. 72 to end at Long Beach Blvd., left onto Long Beach Blvd., left onto N.14th St. to Surf City Water Pipe on right. SSW2 - 210* 1.7/ Intersection of Rt. Right onto Rt. 9 to right on 2735.5 532 & Laureiwyck Rd. Rt. 532 (Hells Mills Rd.), 1.3 mi. to entrance of development on south side of road. SSW4 - 205.5* 3.45/ End of Rose Hill Right onto Rt. 9, 4.4 mi. to 5551.0 Blvd. at Cemetary right on Rose Hill Blvd., I al. to cemetary. SSH5a - 210.58 4.5/ Opposite G.S. Pkwy. Right onto Rt. 9, to 2nd 7240.5 Maintenance Area on traffic light. Right on Rt. Rt. 554, east of 554/534 (Bay Ave.) to Pkwy. Garden State entrance area. Parkway. l

I l se.e: Faceawe No. P198 9 d 13 seps Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 Survays Off-Site a ,,,,,, 3 c .,, 2 04/20/83 > ATTACHMENT 1  ! 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) SSW5 - 193.5 4.35/ Union Township Muni- Right onto Rt. 9, 4.8 mi., 6999.1 cipal Building right on Rt. 554/534 (Bay Ave.) 50 yds. on right. SSW7 - 197* 5.8/ Rt. 9 & Taylor Lane Right onto Rt. 9, 6.2 mi., left 9332.2 onto entrance of Taylor Lane. SSW10 - 199* 7.5/ Southern Regional Right onto Rt. 9, 8.2 mi., , 12,067 High School right onto Parking Lot north  ! of buildings. SSW10a - 200* 9.0/ Entrance to Atlantic Right onto Rt. 9,10 mt . to 14,481 City Electric Co. paved entrance of substation substation on Rt. 9 on left side of road. SSW20 - 20l* 11.0/ 01nner Point Dr. Right onto Rt. 9, 11.9 mi. to 17,699 Staffordville Staffordv111e, left onto Dinner

                    -                                                  Point Dr., 25 yds. on left side of road.

s SW2 - 221* 1.8/ Ocean County Right onto Rt. 9 (to first 2896.2 Cemetary on Rt. 532 traffic light), right onto Rt. 532 (Hells Mills Rd.), 1.75 miles to cemetary. SW3 - 227.5* 2.15/ Intersection of Rt. Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 3459.3 532 & G.S. Parkway Rt. 532 (Wells Mills Rd.) to l Intersection with G.S. Pkwy.  ! SW4 SH- 219* 3.45/ Barnegat Toll Booth Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 4-1 5551.0 on G.S. Pkwy. 110 AC Rt. 532 (Wells Mills Rd.) to GS G.S. Pkwy. south. Right side of road just beyond toll booth. SW5 - 217* 4.5/ Parking area between Right onto Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 7240.5 First & Second Sts. light. Right onto Rt. 554 to l west of G.S. Pkwy. first right after G.'S. Pkwy. exit ramp, 110 AC exit (First St.). SW7 - 228.5" 7.2/ Intersection of Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 11584~ Meadow Rd. & Rt. 72 Rt. 532 (Hells Mills Rd.) to GS at Fawn Lakes Pkwy. south; South to Exit 67 onto Rt. 554 West to Rt. 72; South on Rt. 72 to Meadow Rd. at Fawn Lakes. 6 P scadwe No. Emergency Radiological EPIP 11' M9810 f 13 4 488 Surveys Off-Site , , , , , , , y, ,,, ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) SW10 - 229' 8.9/ Intersection of Hay Righ.t onto Rt. 9, south to Rt. 14,320 Rd. & Micaja's Rd. 721 right onto Rt. 72. Approx 1-NOTE: unimproved mately 100 yds. past G.S. Pkwy dirt road intersection to Recovery Rd. on south side of Rt. 72. Right onto Hay Rd. Approximately 3 miles to Micaja's Rd. SW20 - 214.5" 13.2/ Intersection of Rt. Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 21,238 539 & G.S. Pkwy. Rt. 532 to G.S. Pkwy. Take Pkwy. south to Exit #58 (Tuc-kerton and make right onto Rt. 539. Park along right side of road. , WSW1 - 249* 0.3/ Southwest corner of Right onto Rt. 9, over dis-482.7 0.C. Substation, 110 charge canal bridge, right on AC South Access Road to Substation  ; t

                                                                                                                                               ' ~~ T' '

45W2 - 247.5" 1.55/ G.S. Pkwy. Picnic Left onto Rt. 9, left on Rt. 2493.9 Area 614 (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy. Take Pkwy. north to Forked River service area on left. Make U-Turn and go south into picnic area on left at mile marker 71.5. WSW3 - 240* 2.5/ Ocean County South on Rt. 9, right on Rt. , 4022.5 Vocational School 532, 0.6 mi. beyond G.S. Pkwy. ' on left. ! WSW4 WSW- 251.5" 3.75/ Intersection of Rt. South on Rt. 9, right onto Rt. 4-1 6033.7 532 & Bryant Rd. 532, continue 4.4 mi. to dirt I road on right (Bryant Rd.) just i before steel guard rail. l WSW5 - 255* 4.35/ Intersection of Rt. Right on Rt. 9, right onto Rt. 6999.1 532 & dirt road 532, continue 4.85 mi. to dirt road on right. I WSW6- - 254* 5.3/ Junction Rt. 532 & Right on Rt. 9, right onto Rt. 8527.7 611 (Brockville Rd.) 532, 6 mi. to junction of Rt. opposite Southern 611 (Brockville Rd.) on left Ocean Landfill opposite Landfill entrance. entrance i

Focacure No. EPIP-11 75 " 11 of 1385 p8 Emergency Radiological Surveys Off-Site  % ,,," 2" ** ** 04/20/83 1 3 ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS ENERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS SAMPLE LOCATION # METERS) WSW10 - 252* 7.5/ Intersection of Rt. Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 12,067 532 & Rt. 72 Rt. 532 to intersection of Rt. 72 (Barnegat Rd.). WSW20 - 243* 11.45/ End of Rt. 608 Right onto Rt. 9, right onto 18,423 (Simm Place Rd.) Rt. 532. At intersection of Rt. at gate 532 & Rt. 72 and Rt. 610 go l straight on Rt. 610 to inter-section of Rt. 539, turn left, I mi. to Rt. 608, stop at end of road (Mr. Simm's). W2 - 270* 1.25/ G.S. Pkwy. left side Lef t on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 2011.2 grass area at mile light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey marker 71.8 Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy. north to service area, turn south on Pkwy. to mile marker 71.8.

                                                                                                                            ~ ~   ~

W2a N-2-1 269* 1.3/ G.S. Pkwy. picnic Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 2091.7 area at mile Marker light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey s 71.2 Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy. north to service area, turn south on Pkwy. to mile marker 71.2. W7. - 259' 6.7/ 0.6 mi. north of Rt. Right on Rt. 9 to ist traffic 10,780 532 on Jones Rd. light (Rt. 532), right on Rt. 532 through intersection with Rt. 611 (Brookville Rd.) 1.2 mi. to dirt access road on right (Jones Rd.), continue 0.6 mi. to fork. W10 - 260* 9.15/ Intersection of Rt. Right on Rt. 9 to Rt. 532. 14,722 72 (Barnegat Rd.) & Right on Rt. 532 to Rt. 72 Rt. 539 (Warren (Barnegat Rd.); North on Rt. Grove Whiting Rd.) 72 to intersection with Rt. 539 (Harren Grove-Whiting Rd.). W20 - 276* 14.0/ Intersection of Rt. Right on Rt. 9 to Rt. 532, turn 22,526 72 (Barnegat Rd.) & right onto Rt. 532 to Rt. 72 Rt. 532 North. Approximately 7.3 miles to left fork junction with Rt. 532.

                                                   -         Lebanon State Forest       (Off map).

W20a W- - 20-1 110 AC l

suai :: P ocaoute No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-ll N9812 :f 13 M488 Surveys Off-Site ,,,,,, 3,, ,,, ATTACHMENT 1 0FFSITE MONITORING POINTS EMERGENCY N.J. DISTANCE . (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) HNW1 - 284* 0.6/ Forked River Met Left onto Rt. 9, first dirt 965.4 Tower road'on left after end of owner control fencing-beyond intake canal bridge, west on dirt road to first left, curve right, then second left to next left, to met tower. HNH2 - . 291* 1.35/ G.S. Pkwy., mile Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic- ) 2172.1 marker 72.4 at Emer- light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey  ; gency Turnaround Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy. north to i Service Area, turn south on  ! Pkwy. to mile marker 72.4. l HNW10 - 285* 9.7/ Rt. 539 (Harren Right on Rt. 9 to ist traffic l 15,607 Grove Whiting Rd.) light, right on Rt. 532 to  ! where it crosses Rt. 72, right on Rts. 72/532 to ] over Chamberlain Rt. 539 (Harren Grove-Whiting , Rd.); north on Rt. 539, appro-Brook ( ximately 3.3 miles to Chamber- l lain Brook. . NH2 - 322.5" 1.7/ G.S. Pkwy. mile Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic


2735.5 marker 73.0 light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy. north to Service Area, turn south on Pkwy. to mile marker 73.0 l NH6 - 322* 5.95/ Rt. 614 (Lacey Rd.) Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 9573.5 0.1 mi. down dirt light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey road (west of Rd.) to mile marker 7, (3.2 Cranberry Bog) mi. west of G.S. Pkwy.), dirt access road on left after mile marker 7. NH10 - 314" 8.7/ Intersection of Rt. Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic 13,998 614 (Lacey Rd.) and light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey Good Luck Rd. Rd.) to mile marker 5, (5.3 mi. west of G.S. Pkwy.) at Good Luck Rd. intersection.

s or.e : 7 oceewe No. Emergency Radiological EPIP-11 PS4* 13 :f 13*ams Surveys Off-Site ,,,,,,, ,  ; ,,, ATTACHMENT 1 , OFFSITE MONITORING POINTS ( EMERGENCY M.J. DISTANCE (From OCNGS Main Gate & Rt. 9) SAMPLE STATE AZIMUTH (MILES / LOCATION DIRECTIONS LOCATION # METERS) NH2O - 317* 13.3/ Town of Whiting, Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic , 21,399 junction at RR light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey  ; tracks and Whiting- Rd.), past Bamber Lake to town - Lacey Rd. of Whiting (RR tracks). NNH3 - 340* 2.75/ Access road to Left on Rt. 9 to 2nd traffic > 4424.7 median, G.S. Pkwy. light, left on Rt. 614 (Lacey mile marker 74.4 Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy., north to service area (1/2 mi.) on left, enter service area, turn south on Pkwy. to mile marker 74.4 on left side, left into access rd. NNW4 - 348* 3.5/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9, left at 2nd 5631.5 614 (Lacey Rd.) & traffic light on Rt. 614 (Lacey G.S. Pkwy. Rd.) to intersection with G.S. Pkwy. .

                                                                                                                 ~ ^

331* 4.65/ Roadside at Pole Left onto Rt. 9, left at 2nd NNHS -

    '                                     7481.8~    #BT4112 at Rt. 614        traffic light onto Rt. 614 (Lacey Rd.) at Deep       (Lacey Rd.) (1.7 mi. west of G.S. Pkwy.) just past speed Hollow Creek (1.nter-mittant stream)           limit 50 sign.

NNW10 - 339' 7.9/ Just before inter- Left onto Rt. 9, left at Rt. 12,711 section of Pinewald- 618 (Central Pkwy. opposite Keswick Rd. & Rt. Butler Blvd.) to Rt. 530 t 530 (Dover Rd.) on Dover Rd.). NNH2O - 342" 12.55/ Intersection of Rt. Left onto Rt. 9, left at 2nd 20,192 37 & Northampton traffic light onto Rt. 614 Blvd. (Lacey Rd.) to G.S. Pkwy., i north to Exit 82, west on Rt. 37, 3.75 mi. from Pkwy. ( exit, turn right to offstreet park 1na. e l l

                          ,                                     ~ . .

m um , procaauro no. 88 * .' [4 L) vorn-13 Page i Cf8 Jersey Central o2/22/81 ~fs*/!J789n5/19/8' i Power &tJght Company a..en ne. 2 c. 05/05/83

                     ' - " Site Evacuation and Personnel                    Aumortzsc Sy Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation                Vice President & Director. 0.C.

ApprefaWConcurrence /U W/ % Propc= l Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station l l LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER 1 05/05/83 2 2 02/17/82 1 3 05/05/83 2 4 02/17/82 1 5 05/05/83 2 6 02/17/82 1 7 05/05/83 2 8 02/17/82 1 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 (Pages 1, 2, 6 & 8 of 8) 05/05/83 2 (- (Pages 3, 4, 5 & 7 of 8) 02/17/82 1 Attachment 2 (Pages 1, 2, 6 & 8 of 8) 05/05/83 2 l (Pages 3, 4, 5, & 7 of 8) 02/17/82 1 Attachment 3 (3 Pages) 05/05/83 2 Site Evacuation Instruction , Sheet / Evacuation Route Maps (2 Pages) 02/17/82 1 NON-CONTROLLED l This Document Will Not Se Kept Up To Date DCC O. ster Ciec t

Procsoure Na l up seges EPIP-13 P14e g af 8 Site Evacuation & Personnel Accountability After Site Evacuation ,,,,,,,3 g ,,' 2/17/82 DATE 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for the orderly evacuation of personnel from the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station protected area to the Remote Emergency Assembly Area (Berkeley Operating Headquarters). Additienally, described are the accountability requirements associated with a site evacuation. - Site evacuation can occur with accountability, not previously ordered, in progress, or completed. 2.O DOCI: MENTATION TIME /INIIIALS 2.1 Emergency Director's Documentation Sheet 2.1.1 Site Evacuation Ordered / . 2.1.2 Security Notified of Evacuation and route to Use (North cg; South) / 2.1.3 Site Evacuation Alarm Sounded; Personnel in Protected Area notified / 2.1.4 Remote Assembly Area Activation Order (EPIP-18) _, / 2.1.5 Radiological Controls Technician assigned to Remote Assembly Area / 2.1.6 Main Gate Processing Center Habitability Check Performed / 2.1.7 Energency Assembly Area Habitability Check Performed / 2.1.8 Initiate Search and Rescue (EPIP-22) (as applicable) / 2.1.9 Site Accountability Complete / 2.1.10 Site Evacuation Complete /

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Procoows No, Susper: 8 Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 p,,, 3 g ,,,, Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Memmon No. 2 Case 05/05/83 DATE 2.2 Control Room Documentation Sheet TIME / INITIALS 2.2.1 Notify security that site evacuation has been ordered. Telephone 971-4954, 971-4950. I Personnel accountability required. / 2.2.2 Notify personnel in protected area that a site evacuation has been ordered. / 2.2.3 Muster' members of the Operating Shift and members of senior plant management present in the Control Room by Security Badge slot number. / . 2.2.4 Muster list (by Security Badge l 4

 \                              slot number) submitted to Site Protection Sergeant.                        /

l t 1 l l

Suspct: Pmescure No. Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 Pace 4 of 8 Nges Accountability After Site Evacuation g,3,, g DATE 2.3 ~ Technical Support Cev. tar Documentation ' Sheet TIME /INITIAIS 2.3.1 Personnel presest in Technic'al Support Center mustared by Security Badge slot number. / 2.3.2 Muster list submitted to Site Protection' Serpant / 2.4* Operations Support Cente.r Documentation Shee t 2.4.1 Personnel present in Operations Support Center mustered by Security Badge slot number. / k 2.4.2 Emergency teams not present in Operations Support Center mustered by Security Badge slot number. / 2.4.3 Muscer list submitted to Site Pro-tection Sergeant. / e e e e.c 27- t ae

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__ - , - . - - . , . .k._ , _ _ , - - _ . , _ . . . _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . .-. _ . . . - . . . _ _ - - . - . -

i Site E'racuation & Personnel YS*l[' 5 g 8 Acccentability After Site Evacuation

           "                                               Memmon No. 2        Osto 05/05/83    !

DATE l 2.5 Security Department Documentation Sheet TIME / INITIALS 2.5 .1 Verify that site evacuation has been ordered and which route to be used. (Check one) North South . / 2.5.2 Remote Assembly Area Activated


(EPIP-18) 2.5.3 Notify personnel at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station outside the protected area not elsewhere notified that site evacuation ordered / , 2.5.4 Notify Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Training Annex, (Bldg. #24). Telephone 971-4913, 4927 that site evacuacion ordered. / ( 2.5.5 Notify Forked River Security Department Telephone (609) 693-4361, (609) 971-4359 that site evacuation ordered. / 2.5.6 Gates 8 and 18 Open. / 2.5.7 Open door 131-D (if personnel accountability ordered prior to site evacuation). ._


2.5.8 North Gate Processing Center, Main Gate Processing Center, and (if required) Emergency Assembly Area Site Protection Officers instructed to give i each person leaving the protected area a departure instruction sheet and  ; evacuation route map (Attachment 4). / , l 2.5.9 Site Accountability Status Determined, Emergency Director Notified. / , 2.5.10 Adjacent Areas mustered. / 2.5.11 Radiological Protection Coordinator i Contacted for Disposition of Collected Dooimetry. /

Procoows No, sw EPIP-13 Pste 6 8f 8 hps Site Evacuation & Personnel Accountability After Site Evacuation *" * * ' ' 1 2/17/82 3.0 ACTION LEVEL REFERENCES 3.1 EPIP-2 Unusual Event 3.2 CPIP-3 Alert . l 3.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency l 3.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency 4.0 PRECAUTIONS , a 4.l' Not applicable to this procedure., , 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Initiating Conditions Site evacuation may be initiated in the Unusual Event, Alert or Site Faergency conditions or by any initiating events within these" classifications. Site evacuation will be ordered in the event a General Emergency is declared. 5.2 Responsibility ( , l l The Emergency Director is responsible to evaluate conditions whica could require site evacuation and to implement the appropriate Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. 5.3 Remote Assembly Area Location 5.3.1 Berkeley Operating Headquarters t l


1 I

     #                                                EYIY-13                     7   8
       ' Site Evacuation & Personnel
  • Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation R w ston No. 2  ::ste 05/05/83 5.4 Emergency Director's Notifications The Emergency Director will ensure that each of the following j

are notified that a site evacuation is ordered: 5.4.1 Security, Telephone 971-4954, 4950 5 5.1.1 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department proceed in accordance wfeth paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6 of this procedure. 5.4.2 Personnel in the Protected Area . Sound site evacuation alarm, approximately 10 seconds. ! Announcement - Make the following I announcement on the Public Address System, as appropriate: 1 Site Evacuation, Accountability not previously , ordered. 1 ' ( ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A SITE EVACUATION IS ORDERED. ALL PERSONNEL WHO DO NOT HAVE SPECIFIC EMERGENCY ASSIGNMENTS SHALL LEAVE THE SITE THROUGH EITHER THE NORTH GATE PROCESSING CENTER, OR THE MAIN i GATE PROCESSING CENTER. PROCEED TO TE PEMOTE ASSEMBLY AREA AT THE BERKELEY OPERATING HEADQUARTERS. l Site Evacuation, Accountability previously ordered. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A SITE EVACUATION IS ORDERED. ALL PERSONNEL WHO DO NOT HAVE SPECIFIC EMERGENCY ASSIGNMENTS SHALL LEAVE THE SITE THROUGH EITHER THE NORTH GATE PROCESSING CENTER OR THE MAIN GATE PROCESSING CENTER. PERSONNEL IN THE EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY AREA DEPART THE SITE AS DIRECTED BY SECURITY I PERSONNEL. PROCEED TO THE REMOTE ASSEMBLY AREA AT THE BERKELEY OPERATING HEADQUARTERS.

susper: Proceewe No. N9e 8 of 8 Nges Site Evacuation '& Personnel EPIP-13 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation q ,,4,,,, 3,, g ,,, Alarm - Sound site evacuation alarm, approximately 10 seconds.  ! l Repeat the announcement. j Alarm - Sound site evacuation alarm for approximately 15 minutes. Deactivate the alarm when ordered by the Emergency Director. 5.5 ' Site ' Evacuation / Accountability Methods 5.5.1 Site Evacuation Ordered, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY NOT PREVIOUSLY ORDERED. Detailed method contained in Attachment 1.  ; 5.5.2 Site Evacuation Ordered, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY f PREVIOUSLY ORDERED, NOT COMPLETED. Detailed method contained in Attachment 2. 5.5.3 Site Evacuation Ordered, . - PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY _ COMPLETED. ( Detailed method contained in Attachment 3. 5.6 Activation of the Remote Assembly Area The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure the Berkeley Operating Headquarters is activated in accordance with EPIP-18. l

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i e l susiese P oceeure No. Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 p,,, 1 g 8 ,,,, Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation l Monson Nt 2 2ste 05/05/83


ATTACHMENT 1 SITE F7ACUATION ORDERED, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY NOT PREVIOUSLY ORDERED 1.0 VERIFICATION The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will verify that a site evacuation has been ordered by i the anergency Director and the evacuation route to be used (North or South). 2.0 SITE EVACUATION METHOD Af ter the site evacuation message has been verified, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will ensure each of the following are notified that a site evacuation is ordered; muster and report required. 2.1 Personnel at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station located outside of the protected area and within the area defined on J'- -' the north and south-by-the-canal;-the east -by the security- - fence west of Rout'e 9, and on the west by the switch yard ( security fence. l l 2.2 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Training Annex,

Building #24, Telephone 971-4913, 4927.

l 2.2.1 The Supervisor Support Program Training or his designee is responsible to ensure that all persons [ l in the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Training l Anner area are mustered, and the results of the muster forwarded to the Site Protection Sergeant, Telephone 971-4954 4950. l l ! This activity is occupied during normal work hours (Monday through Friday). If l telephone communications cannot be established, the Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that the Training Annex is not occupied. 2.3 Forked River Construction Site Security Department, Telephone (609) 693-4361, (609) 971-4359. 2.3.1 The Forked River Security Department will request each of the following activities submit a muster , li-t of personnel present to the Forked Piver Security Department. e e

Reesewe No. Lateen EPIP-13 8 Site Evacuation & Personnel png 2W maps Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Monmon Na 2 Cate 05/05/83



                  -               Forked River Construction Site. The Energy Spectrum, Telephone (609) 971-4931/4932

2. 3.1.3 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Activities located in Building #12 and Building #1 at Forked River.

2.3.2 Upon completion of the muster, notify the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security

 -                                     Department that the muster is couplete, Telephone 971-4954, 4950. The muster list should be forwarded to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant within 24 hours.

2.4 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that Gates 8 and 18 are opened immediately after site evacuation is ordered. 2.5 Personnel d'e parting the Oyster Creek-Nuclear Generating... .. - , l Station protection area will exit through either the Main l


Gate Processing or the North Gate Processing Center. Each { person leaving the area is responsible to: 2.5.1 Darn-in to the Site Protection Officer assigned to l the exit area (s) their dosimeters and TLD's for future collection, processing, and dose assessment. 2.5.2 Turn in Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badge to the Site Protection Officer assigned to the exit area (s). 2.5.3 Obtain departure instruction sheet / evacuation route map (Attachment 4) from Site Protection Officer assigned to the exit area (s). 2.5.4 Evacuate from Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station to the Remote Assembly Area in automobiles containing no less than 4 persons. 2.5.5 Follow the prescribed route (North eg South) to the Remote Assembly Area. 2.6 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that persons departing the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station protected area: 2.6.1 Turn-in their individually issued dosimetry. 2.6.2 Turn in their Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badge. 1

Suspen Procsoure No. Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 h44 S of 8 pages Accountability After Site Evacuation , ATTACBMENT 1 2.6.3 Are issued departure instruction sheet / evacuation route map (Attachment 4) with instruction for the proper route to use. 2.7 Personnel who evacuate the site shall proceed directly and expeditiously to the Remote Assembly Area following the designated route and shall wait there for further processing. ! 2.8 As personnel arrive at the Remote Assembly Area, they shall be logged in by the Sits Protection Officer (s) assigned. 2.9 Perscnnel shall be surveyed for contamination by a member of Radiological Controls. Skin contamination levels which exceed 100, cpm above background will require decontamination in accordance with EPIP-21. (The vehicle of a contaminated individual must be surveyed and decontaminated if necessary). ( 2.10 Further disposition of personnel will depend upon the nature of the emergency and anticipated persunnel needs-for recovery - operations. , ( 2.11 The Site Protection sergeant will contact the Radiaological Protection Coordinator for disposition of collected dosimetry. 3.0 SITE ' ACCOUNTABILITY METHOD 3.1 The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that site accountability status is determined within 30 minutes after site evacuation is ordered. 3.2 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that onsite Oyster l Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department personnel are accounted for utilizing a security badge slot number listing. 3.3 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that the Main Gate l Processing Center and the North Gate Processing Center meet l minimum personnel habitability requirements (less than 50 l mrem / hour). If the Processing Centers do not meet enese l requirements, the Radiological Controls Coordinator will ensure that a habitable area is designated for use by the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department. l l l l

      $diect:                                                Procsows No.

Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 h48 4 of 8 Nges Accountability After Site Evacuation g,,,,,, y ,, g ,,, ATTACIDiENT 1 3.4 Security badge storage drawers and collected security badges and dosimetry at the North Gate Processing Center will be transferred to the Main Gate Processing Center when directed by the Site Protection Sergeant. 3.4.1 Should the Main Gate Processing Center not meet habitability requirements, collected Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badges, Dosimetry and active security badge. storage drawers at both locations, will be taken to an area designated by the Radiological Controls Coordinator. 3.5 The Site Protection Sergeant will designate Site Protection Officers (as necessary) to place the collected Oyster Creek . Nuclear Generating Station security badges with dosimetry attached into the appropriate slots in the storage drawers. i These officers will inventory each security badge storage l drawer and compile a list of the badges not in the storage drawers by . security badge slot number. This list will be delivered to the Site Protection Sergeant, when completed. 3.6 Personnel assigned to the following areas l ( Control Room Technical Support Center Operations Support Center shall be accounted for in the following manner: 3.6.1 Control Room - The Group Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all members of the operating shift are mustered by security bedge slot number. Additionally, members of senior plant management present in the Control Room will be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite listing of l the security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Emergency Director. 3.6.2 Technical Support Center (if activated) - The Technical Support Coordinator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Technical Support Center are mustered by security badge slot number. A listing of security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Emergency Director. l

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Sootect: - Proceewe No. Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 PS98 5 of 8 Nges Accountability After Site Evacuation Remsion No. Cafe ATTACliMENT 1 3.6.3 Operations Support Center (if activated) - The Operations Support Coordinator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Operations Support Center are mustered by security badge slot number. Additionally, emergency teams dispatched from the Operations Support Center shall also be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite listing of the security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Emergency Director. . 3.7 The Site Protection Sergeant will collate accountability reports from the Control Room, the Technical Support Cente r, the Operations Support Center, and Security Department. This . collated listing of security badge slot numbers will be compared to the list of security badge slot numbers derived from the security badge storage drawer inventory. 3.8 Results of this comparison, may result in any condition listed below or a combination of Conditions 2 and 3. 3.8.1 Condition 1 - All Personnel Accounted For ( All security badge slot numbers on the security badge storage drawer inventory list correspond with the security badge slot numbers on the collated listing. NOTE: Required Action: Site Protec' tion Sergeant - Notify the Emergency Director that all personnel in the protected area have been accounted for, and accountability is completed. - 3.8.2 Condition 2 - Missing Person (s) Security badge slot number (s) appear on the security badge storage drawer inventory list, but not on the collated listing. NOTE: Required Action: Page the missing person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do not respond in 2 minutes: Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at home (if the telephone number can be obtained). 1 l w-t- l

Site Evacuation & Personnel N$NIE' '" 6 '# 8

                                                                                           ""#8 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Renmon Na,   2          Cate 05/05/83

ATIACHMENT 1 Attempt t'o contact the perscn(s) by telephone at the Remote Emergency Assembly Area at the Jersey Central Power & Light Berkeley Operating Headquarters via Stat' ion Security and Accountability Line DLM #8 Code 31 or, telephone (201) 244-IT14/4742. If all person (s) listed in Condition 2 above respond to the page or telephone calls, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and accountability is completed. If any of the person (s) in condition 2 above do not respond to,the page or telephone calls, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency ( Director that accountability is completed, and provide the name(s) and f security badge slot numbers of missing person (s).

    '                                           The Emergency Director will initiate Search & Rescue Operations (EPIP-22).

3.8.3 Condition 3 - System Error Security badge slot numbers appearing on the collated lieting, but not on the Emergency Assembly Area list. NOTE: Required Action: Determine the source of the error (Examples: Securicy badge filed in the wrong slot in storage drawer; incorrect security badge slot number recorded on Emergency Assembly Area list or collated listing). Discrepancies will be resolved by the Site Protection Sergeant or his designec. Upon resolution, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and accountability is completed.

I l Swepct: Proceeure No. Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 Page 7 of g Acces Accountability After Site Evacuation q,,,,,, 3,, g ,,, 1 2/17/82 ATTACEMENT 1 3.8.4 Condition 4 - Combination of conditions 2 and 3 Raquired Action: The Site Protection Sergeant or his designee shall perform the required actions listed in Conditions 2 and 3 of this section. 3.9 Alternate Accountability Method , 3.9.1 A DIGITAL Computer System is normally used to account for persons in the protected area at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Should site evacuation be ordered and this accountability systee be available for use, a listing of 'all personnel within the protected area can be obtained from the computer system at the Central Alarm Station. . 3.9.2 A muster will be conducted by security badge slot number in each of the following areas:

                              - Control Room Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.2 and 3.5 of this attachment.

3.9.3 The Site Protection Officer (s) assigned to the Remote Emergency Assembly Area will muster all persons there by security badge slot number. This listing will be conveyed immediately, upon completion, to the Site Protection Sergeant. 3.9.4 The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that the listings of those mustered are compared to the computer listing in order to determine the site personnel accountability status. 3.9.5 All Personnel Accounted For - The Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons in the protected area are accounted for and site accountability is complete. s e

Site Evacuation & Personnel E*1[' 8 g 8 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Aenmon N a, 2 :ste 05/05/83 l


ATTACHMENT 1 i l 3.9.6 All Personnel Not Accounted For - Page the missing l person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do not respond in 2 minutes: l Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at home (if telephone number can be obtained). Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at i the Remote Energency Assembly Area at the Jersey Central Power & Light Berkeley Operating Headquarters, via Station Security and Accountability Line DLM #8 Code 31 or telephone (201) 244-4728/4726 If all personnel are accounted for using the methods described in the paragraph above the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all I persons are accounted for, and accountability is completed. r , If any person (s) do not respond, notify the Emergency Director that accountability is completed, and provide ( the name(s) and security badge slot numbers of missing persons. The Emergency Director will initiate Search & Rescue Operations (EPIP-22). i

Site Evacuation & Personnel Y-15" 1 8 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation baion No. 2 cete 05/05/83 ( l ATTACHMENT 2 SITE EVACUATION ORDERED, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY PREVIOUSLY ORDERED, NOT COMPLETED l 1.0 7ERIFICATION The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant f will verify that a site evacuation has been ordered by the Emergency l Director and the evacuation route to be used (North cg; South). 2.0 SITE EVACUATION METHOD

         *Af ter the site evacuation message has been verified, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will ensure each of the following are notified that a site evacuation is ordered; muster and report required.

2.1 Personnel pt Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station located l outside of the protected area and within the area defined on the north and south by the canal, the east by the security fence west of Route 9,- and _ on. the . the_ svitch . yard. security fence. . 2.2 Oyster Creek Nucle'ar Generating Station, Training Annex [ (Bldg. #24), Telephone 971-4913, 4,9U . 2.2.1 The Supervisor Support Program Training or his designee is responsible to ensure that all persons in the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Training Annex area are mustered, and the results of the muster forwarded to the Site Protection Sergeant, Telephone 971-4954, 4950. o This activity is occupied during normal work hours (Monday through Friday). If telephone communications cannot be established, the Site Protection Sergeant is , responsible to ensure that the Training Annex is not occupied. 2.3 Forked River Construction Site Security Department, Telephone Number (609) 693-4361, 609 971-4359. 2.3.1 The Forked River Security Department will request each of the following activities submit a muster list of personnel present to the Forked River Security Department. Forked River Construction Site The Energy Spectrum, Telephone (609) 971-4931/4932

2. 3.1.3 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Activities located in Building #12 and Building #1 at Forked River.
 **   Site Evacuation & Personnel                 D-13"                   %

2 d 8 D Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Aenman Nm 2 g,,,05/05/83 ATTACEMENT 2 2.3.2 Upon completion of the muster, notify the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department that the muster is complete, Telephone 4954, 4950. The muster list should be forwarded to the Oys.ter Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant within 24 hours. 2.4 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that the Secondary Alarm Station opens door 130-D. 25 Personnel departing the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station protected area will exit through either the Main Gate Processing Center or the North Gate Processing Center. Personnel in the Emergency Assembly Area will exit the protected area through door 13 9-B . Each person leaving the protected area is responsibla to: 2.5.1 Turn-in to the Site Protection officer assigned to the exit ares (s) their dosimeters and TLD's for future collection, processing, and dose assessment. 2.5.2 Turn in Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badge to the Site Protection Officer assigned to the exit area (s).. 2.5.3 Obtain departure instruction sheet and evacuation route map (Attachment 4) from Site Protection Officer assigned to the exit area (s). l 2.5.4- Evacuate from Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station to , the Remote Assembly Area in automobiles cantaining no less than 4 persons. 2.5.5 Follow the prescribed route (North or South) to the Remote Assembly Area. 2.6 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that persons departing the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station protected area: 2.6 .1 Turn-in their individually issued dosimetry. 2.6.2 Turn in their Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating St: tion security badge. 2.6.3 Are issued departure instruction sheet / evacuation route map (Attachment 4) with instructions for the proper i Route to use. l 2.7 Personnel who evacuate the site shall proceed directly and expeditiously to the Remote Assembly Area following the designated s route and shall wait there for further processing. 2.8 As personnel arrive at the Remote Assembly Area, they shall be mustered by the Site Protection Officer assigned. I -

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w. Procoowe tw. I Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13  % Of 9 D' Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation g ,, ,3,, y ,, g ,,,

1 2/17/82 ATTACHMENT 2 1 2.9 Personnel shall be surveyed for contamination by a member of l Radiological Control. Skin contamination levels which exceed 10 0 j CPM above background will require decontamination in accordance with ' EPIP-21. (The vehicle of a contaminated individual must be surveyed and decontaminated if necessary). l 2.10 Further disposition of personnel will depend upon the nature of the emergency and anticipated personnel needs for recovery operations. 2.11 The Site Protection Sergeant will contact the Radiological Protection Coordinator for disposition of. collected dosimetry. 3.0 SITE ACCOUNTABILITY HETHOD 3.1 The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that site accountability status is determined within 30 minutes after site evacuation is ordered. 3.2 If not previously accomplished as a result of Site Accountability ( EPIP-12) , 'the Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that onsite Oys ter Creek Nuclear Generating Station Se curity Department I, personnel are accounted for utilizing a security badge slot number \ listing. 3.3 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that the Emergency Assembly Area meets the minimum habitability requirements. (less than 50 mrem / hour) . If the Faergency Assembly Area does not meet this ,. requirement , the Radiological Controls Coordinator will ensure that a habitable area is designated for use by the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department. s9= t =*

Procsows No, Suetecf* Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 N98 4 of a Nges Accountability After Site Evacuation Rension N o. Cote 1 2/17/82 l 1


ATTACHKENT 2 3.4 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that security badges and dosimetry collected at the North Gate Processing Center and the Main Gate Processing Center are transferred to. the Emergency Assembly Area. 3.4.1 Should the Emergency Assembly Area not meet labitability requirements, collected Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badges, dosimetry and secutity badge storage drawers will taken to the area designated by the Radiological Controls Coordinator. 3.5 The Site Protection Sergeant will designate Site Protection Officers (as necessary) to place the collected Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station security badges with dosimetry accached into the appropriate slots in the storage drawers. These officers will inventory e&ch security badge storage drawer and compile a list of the badges not in the storage drawers by security badge slot number. This list will be delivered to the Site Protection Sergeant, when complaced. J.6 Personnel assigned to.the.following. areas. ... _ - ( . Control Room Technical Support Center Operations Support Center shall be accounted for in the following manner:' l l 3.6.1 Control Room - The Group Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all members of the operating shift are mustered by security badge slot number. Additionally, members of senior plant management preserrt in the Control Room will be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite

 -                                 listing of the security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Emergency Director.

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Procsoute No, SM. Nges hee 5 of , Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 Accountability After Site Evacuation Revision No. Octe 1 2/17/8 2 ATTACHMENT 2' 3.6.2 Technical Support Center (if activated) - The Technical Support Coordicator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Technical Support. Center are mustered by security badge slot numbe r. A listing of security badge slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site Protection Sergeant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Emergeecy Director. 3.6.3 Operations Support Center (if activated) - The Operations Support Coordinator shall ensure that all personnel present in the Operations Support Center are mustered by security badge slot number. Additionally, emergency teams dispatched from the Operations Support Center shall also be mustered by security badge slot number. A composite listing of the slot numbers shall be submitted to the Site . Protection Serceant within 10 minutes of site evacuation being ordered by the Energency Director. 3.7 The Site Protection Serg eant will collate accountability reports from the Control Room, the Technical Support Center, the Operations Support Center, and -Security--Department."- This collated listing of -- security badge slot numbers will be compared to the list of security (, badge slot numbers derived from the security badge storage drawer inventory. 3.8' Results of this comparison, may' result in any condition listed below or a combination of Conditions 2 and 3. 3.8.1 Condition 1 - All P'ersonnel Accounted For All security badge slot numbers on the security badge storage drawer inventory list correspond with the security badge slot numbers on the collated listing. NCTIE: Raquired Action: Site Protection Sergeant - Notify the Faergency Director that all personnel in the protected area have been accounted ' for, and accountability is completed. 3.8.2 Con.dition 2 - Missing Person (s) a r- a -.

Site Evacuation & Personnel #ein434

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                                                                                  *f 8        l PT**           **W8 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Mensson No. 2        g,,, 05/05/ 83 1

ATTACEKENT 2 Security badge slot number (s) appear on the security badge storage drawer inventory list, but not on the collated listing. NOTE: Required Action: Page the missing person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do not respond in 2 minutes: Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at home (if the telephone number can be obtained). Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at the Remote Emergency Assembly Area at the Jersey Central Power & Light Berkeley Operating Headquarters, via Station Security and s Accountability Line DLM #8 Code 31 or telephone (201) 24424714/4742.

                           -                If all person (s) listed in condition 2 above respond to the page or telephone call, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director
                                          that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and accountability is completed.

l If any of the person (s) in Condition 2 l i above do not respond to the page or telephone call, the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that accountability is complet,ed, and provide the name(s) and slot numbers of missing person (s). The Emergency Director will initiate Search and Rescue Operations (EPIP-22). 3.8.3 Condition 3 - System Error

Procsoure No, Suotect: Site Evacuation & Personnel EPIP-13 #58' 7 8' A #'9" Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Revision No. Oofe 1 2 /17/8 2 ATTACHMENT 2 Security badge slot numbers appearing on the collated listing, but not on the Emergency Assembly Area list. NOTE: Required Action: De termine the source of the error (Examples: Security badge filed in the wrong slot in storage drawer; incorrect security badge slot number recorded on Energency Assembly Area list or collated listing). Discrepancies will be resolved by the Site Protection Sergeant or his designee. Upon. resolution, the Site Protection Se rgeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons are accounted for in the protected area, and accountability is completed. 3.8.4 Condition 4 - Combination of Conditions 2 and 3 Required Action: The Site Protection Sergeant - ( or his designee shall perform the required actions listed in Conditiens 2 and 3 of this section. 3.9 Alternate Accountability Method i 3.9.I A DIGITAL Computer System is normally used to account for persons in the protected area at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Should site evscuation be ordered and this accountability system be available for use, a listing l of all personnel within the protected area can be obtained from the computer system at the Central Alarm Station.

                           . 3.9.2     A muster will be conducted by security badge slot number in each of the following areas:

l Control Room Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.2 and 3.6 of this attachment. P= t =*

Site Evacuation & Personnel D M 3"" 8 8 Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation

                                                 %sson No. 2         2sto 05/05/83 ATTACEMENT 2 3.9.3     The Site Protection Officer (s) assigned to the Remote Emergency Assembly Area will muster all persons there by security badge slot number. This listing will be conveyed immediately, upon completion, to the Site Protection Sergeant.

3.9.4 The Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that the listings of those persons mustered are compared to the computer listing in order to determine the site personnel accountability status. 3.9.5 All Personnel Accounted For - The Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons in the protected area are accounted for and site accountability is complete. 3.9.6 All Personnel Not Accounted For - Page the missing person (s) using the Public Address System. Missing persons who do no,t respond in 2 minutes: Attempt to contact the person (s)-by-telephone at home - (if telephone number can be obtained). Attempt to contact the person (s) by telephone at the Remote Emergency Assembly Area at the Jersey Central Power & Light Berkeley Operating Headquarters via Station Security and Accountability Line DDi #8 Code 31 or, telephone (201) 244-4714/4742. If all personnel are accounted for using the methods described in the paragraph above the Site Protection Sergeant will notify the Emergency Director that all persons are accounted for, and accountability is completed. If any, person (s) do not respond, notify the Dnergency , Director that accountability is not completed, and provide l name(s) and security badge slot numbers of missing persons. The Emergency Director will initiate Search and Rescue Operations (EPIP-22). l t I

Site Evacuation & Personnel 1M13 ' 1 3 D Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation beson Ng 2 Oefe 05/05/83 l. ATTACHMENT 3 SITE EVACUATION ORDERED, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY COMPLETED 1.0 VERIFICATION


The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will verify that a site evacuation has been ordered by the Emergency i Director and the evacuation route to be used (North or South). 2.0 SITE EVACUATION METHOD Af ter the site evacuation message has been verified, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant will ensure each of the following are notified that a site evacuation is ordered: 2.1 Personnel at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station located outside cf the protected area and within the area defined on the north and south by the canal, the east by the security fence west of Route 9, and on the west by the switch yard security fence. ( 2.2 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Training Annex, ! Building #24, T'elephone 971-4913, 4927. 2.2.1 This activity is occupied during normal work hours i ' (Monday through Friday). If telephone communications cannot be established, the Site Protection Sergeant is responsible to ensure that the Training Annex is not occupied. 2.3 Forked River Construction Site Security Department, Telephone (609) 693-4361, (609) 971-4359,

2. 3.'l The Forked River-Security Department will request each of the following activities submit a muster list of personnel present to the Forked River Security Department.

l Forked River Construction Site. l l

                            '      The Energy Spectrum, Telephone 609 l

971-4931/4932 l l 1

Site Evacuation & Personnel D @ l3"" ' 2 8f 3

                                                                                           **U" Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation Monmon Ng 2           care 05/05/83 ATTACEMENT 3
2. 3.1.3 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
             -                           Activities located in Building #12 and Building #1 at Forked River.

2.3.2 Upon completion of the muster, notify the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department that the muster is complete, Telephone 4954, 4950. The muster list should be forwarded to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Site Protection Sergeant within 24 hours. 2.4 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that the Secondary Alarm Station opens door 130-D. 2.5 Personnel in the Energency Assembly Area vill exit the protected area through door 139-B. Each person leaving the protected area is responsible to: 2.5 .1 Turn-in to the Site Protection Officer assigned to the

  • exit area their dosimeters and TLD's for future collection, processing, and dose assessment.

2.5'. 2 Obtain depar,ture instruction sheet / evacuation route map ( (Attachment 4) from Site Protection Officer (s) assigned to the Emergency Assembly Area. 2.5.3 Evacuate from Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station to the Remote Assembly Area in automobiles containing no less than*4 persons. 2.5.4 Follow the prescribed route (North or South) to the Remote Assembly Area. 2.6 The Site Protection Sergeant will ensure that persons departing the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station protected area:

2. 6 .1 Turn-in their individually issued dosimetry.

2.6.2 Are issued departure instruction sheet / evacuation route map ( Attachment 4) with instruction for the proper route to use. 2.7 Personnel who evacuate the site shall proceed directly and ( expeditiously to the nem6ta f.?sembly Area following the designated route and shall wait there for fur'.her processing.

i l l I

   #         Site Evacuation & Personnel                Y*13                   3 3

Accountability Af ter Site Evacuation awimon No. 2 Oefe 05/05/83 l ATTACHMENT 3 t 2.8 As personnel arrive at the R' emote Assembly Area, they shall be l logged in by the Site Protection Officer (s) assigned. l 2.9 Personnel shall be surveyed for contamination by a member of Radiological Control. Skin contamination levels which exceed 100 CPM above background will require decontamination in accordance with EPIP-21. (The vehicle of a contaminated individual must be surveyed and decontaminated if necessary). j 2.10 Further disposition of personnel will depend ~ upon the nature of the emergency and anticipated personnel needs for recovery operations. 2.11 The Site Protection Sergeant will contact the Radiological Protection Coordinator for disposition of collected dosimetry. i 3.0 SITE ACCOUNTABILITY METHOD t 1 l 3.1 Personnel Accountability previously completed in accordance with , l EPIP-12. i

                                                                .                              t l C                                                                                     .
                                                                                               .l l

l t


1 l

SUBJECTS Elto Evicuation initructiort EPIP-13 shest/Evtcultion Rotito Map R2v. 1 *

                                                                                     -                                                                                                                                                                            Date: 2-17-* L nas 3.z____,,,

RT 530 NNewAt.ogg,,,cRno [ i


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                                                                                                                                                                                      .                                                                     r     y                                                                                                  y N               j.           OCNOS % b Oyster Creek                                                                                                                                               a 4,

g , Station Evacuation Routes

                                                       = Ec          =>                                                                                                                      w4                                                     =n                                                                                           ,


                                                                 *              *      *        *
  • SOUiN ROUTE 9 l l 4 4 +
                                                        *"'"""'"""""                                                                                                                                                                                                j     ROUIEest f IIpeubl. te.h .t e,oee-ov. )

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  • to the reekoey. ee 90U:5 Sectf Bd. M Doete SIS
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s. sieeta with the site ree-teetten offleen.

i Sulk 1ECr t Sita Evacuation instruction EPIP-13

r. hest /Evicultion Routo Map RIV. 1 -


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note assembly Aree ellt have to the sencia et liset erese en poste _ 530 Turn I to th_.RTT e


et loopt 4 occg ente. ' o,or. Go IsoWTE en Peetwey testeley eyerettene good. to service esos and double watets les the letti. C. Windowe end air vente poet te* back snerin to Leeer Rd. main cleoed. ce pacarr en Lacey 34. At E Gig teen nieurt. D. task es directed et the De- Tern LAft en Shoote'IW mte Aeoesely Asee. to the7 rteley operettene Iteedgmestess ten the letti. R. someter olth the Site Prea tection officer.



P- lPete1 Cf 14 Care lasuec E8feceve Cate Jersey Central m 3rsi cosfo2/e33 osn2/83 ' Power & tJght Company as== =. ciu l Rev.3 04/20/83  ; MN- Offsite Dose Projections Ae m g Vice P esident a Director, O.C.

                                      ,AA AnatoveuCancurrence EYX      m '! g L, F~M      Oyster Creek N'uclear. Generating Station LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES             DATE                      REVISION NUMB R 1                          04/20/83                                                  3 2                          04/20/83                                                  3 3                          04/20/83                                                  3 4                          04/20/83                                                  3 5                          04/20/83                                                  3 6                           04/20/83                                                 3 7                           04/20/83                                                 3 8                           04/20/83                                                 3 9                           04/20/83                                                 3 10                           04/20/83                                                 3 11                           04/20/83                                                '3 12                           04/20/83                                                  3 04/20/83                                                  3

(. 13 14 04/20/83 3 ATTACHMENTS Attachment I (1 page) 04/20/83 3 Attachment II (3 Pages) 04/20/83 3 Attachment III (1 page) 04/20/83 3 Data Sheet IV (1 page) 04/20/83 3 Attachment Y (3 pages) 04/20/83 3 NON-CONTROLLED This Occument Will Not Ge Kept Up To Date l CCC Ovsrer Craen

   "'"        Offsite Dose Projections                   ** **EPiP-9           g,. 2 g i4     se;..

mension Na 3 :ste 04/20/83  !

                                                                   .                                i f

l 1.0 PURPOSE . The purpose of this procedure is to provide: 1.1 Techniques and methods for calculating projected doses (whole body and child thyroid) which might result from airborne releases of radioactive materials from bCNGS. 1.2 Documentation and accountability, if 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 concentrations for liquid effluents have been exceeded in the discharge canal initiating an Unusual Event emergency classification.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan , 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Sh'ift Radiological Controls Technician will be responsible for implementation of this procedure until activation of the Environmental Assessment Command Center. l 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 None 5.0 REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Airborne Releases

                                                                 ,     ,  -w-y         -   -a

. . b N p. esaw. No. ' w l Offsite Dose Projections A ,

                                                            ' EPIP-9            N4* 3 :f 14                 M4*8            i i
                                                 'c    amsson No. 3 04/20/83
                                                         ~m                                                                 +

5.1.1 Obtaintseteorologicki parameters from Control Room f ti f nstrumentation located on the right of Panel 13R. Update meteorology approximately every fifteen minutes. NOTE: Offsite organizations for meteorological data are: Department of the Air Force Department of the Navy 609-724-3568/3994 201-323-2334

                      ,     Obtain wind direction (*) from chart recorder and record on Att. 4, (A-1) (wind is frcm this

direction). Calculate converted downwind value by t'he 4 following equtiens and record on Att.-4,-(A-2). If wind direction value from is between O' - 180*, then:

                    ,.                              (wir.d direction ( *) + 180*) =

converted downwind value ( *) l If wind direction value from t is between 181* - 360*, then: f .


(wind direction ( *) - 180*) = converted downwind value ( *) 2 - m eP hw ,

                                                                                                                         .              I 21 N;'

_M -


               , \i
                    , ( ,'

4, a,e. , . , 7 ocaawe No. Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 sue 4 =f 14 se:ss

                               ' - ,                ,"                                                                weien e. 3              0"'

04/20/83  ! 4 . Determine affected sector based on converted .) I 1 downwind direction using the following table. ) t l l Affected Sector Converted Downwind _0f rection (*) Compass Point 1 349 to 0, O to 11 N l 1 11 to 34 NNE  ! 34 to 56 NE y- 56 to 79 ENE l

                                            ,                                         79 to 101                                               E
             \                                                                        101 to 124                                              ESE s
                                                                                      '124 to 146                                             SE A _ .\ -                                                                                                                                        ,

s ,-N ' 146 to 169 SSE T N~% v 169 to 191 S 191 to 214 SSW 1 l 214'to 237 SW 237 to 259 WSW l 259 to 281 W 281 to 304 WNW s , 304 to 326 NW 1 ,,. 326 to 349 NNW ~

                                                                                   ' flecord affected sector (compass point) on Att. 4, (A 't, B-3, i .'.             -
                                                                   \      '

C-3) and Att. 1. s w a-  : r s i,- . x v~ N s ,

                              ;. ,                            {

p g~~' l ' l

X, v.*

l a. m. , k 3

i s . haceawe No. w Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 mese 5 =f 14 Same menman Ns 3 Osa 04/20/83 l I i Obtain At (temperature differential) between 380 l ft. and 33 ft. elevation of meteorological tower 1 and record on Att. 4, ( A-4). Determine stability class from 21 t(*), referencing the following graph and constraints. UNSTABLE NEUTRAL STABLE I I i i

                           -4.0                        -3.0      -2.0        -1.0
                                             -3.3      +(*F)            -1.1 o         Ifd t is between (-3.3*F and -1.1*F) condition is NEUTRAL.
       ~~  ~

o If At is <0(-3.3*F) condition is UNSTABLE. o Ifit is >>(-1.1*F) condition is STABLE. Record stability class on Att. 4, (A-5, B-7). Also, record on Att.1 for design basis accident dose projection, if applicable. Obtain wind speed in mph. Record on Att. 4, (A-6) and on Att. 1. Calculate windspeed in m/sec. mph X 0.45 m/sec = m/sec. mph Record results on Att. 4,(A-7) .Also, record on Att.1 for design basis accident dose projection, if applicable. Communicate windspeed (mph), converted downwind value, stabfif ty class and affected sector to the Emergency Ofrector.

m P*ocaawe no. Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 pise 6 of 14 Sams nenman No. 3 04/20/83 5.2. Design Basis Accidents - Initial Dose Assessment. 5.2.1. The following are FDSAR referenced design basis accidents:

                                            - Refueling accident
                                            - Control rod drop accident
                                            - Loss of coolant inside drywell l                                            - Steam line break outside reactor building Upon assessment of a design basis accident by the Emergency Directer, utilize Att. 1.               " Postulated Offsite Doses from Design Basis Accidents".

Determine dose in REM for the current stability class and windspeed as determined from Att. 1 top of the page. Basis Dose (Rem) = Dose (Rem) for 2 hour release Windspeed (m/sec) 5.2.2 Record results on Att. I and communicate to Emergency Director. 5.2.3 Perform further dose projections utilizing Sections 5.3 through 5.6. 5.3 Determine the source strength for an elevated release. Record data and results on Att. 3, Section B. j i

   ~ - . . , _ _                        .--             _.       , _ , . .     . , - -

9 3d

  • Offsite Dose Projections *% f P'-9  %,. 7 J4  %.

weien No. 3 :sta 04/20/83 5.3.1 Obtain stack gas monitor value from Panel 10F, Channel A or B in counts /sec., record results~ on Att. 3,. Section B. NOTE: If stack gas monitor is offscale, notify Radiation Controls to dispatch a technician to the downwind 0.25 mile location to obtain dose rate. Pro'ceed to Section 5.7 to project source strength from dose rate. 5.3.2 On Att. 3, Section A, circle each ventilation system that is operating (as verified by red light indication on Panel,11R) and sum to obtain total stack flow. NOTE: "New" Radwaste ventilation flow can be verified by contacting the New Radwaste Control Room, phone ext. 4683.

                     ,5.3.3        Verify A.O.G. in operation by flowmeter located on        .

Panel 10XF. If A.O.G. is verified operating or was secured for nomal plant evolutions, use the posted conversion factor for uci/sec per count /sec in Channel A or 8 from Panel 10F. 3 If A.0.G. was secured due to high radiation (suspected or actual fuel damage), use a default numerical valve of 150 uci/sec per count /see until Chemistry can derive a new value. NOTE: Use same Channel (A or B) for conversion factor as was utilized for stack gas monitor value.

w, 7 sesaw. No. Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 ese 8 :f 14 eges weien N o. 3  : 04/20/83 l 5.3.4 Determine the stack correction factor from the Graph  ; on Panel 10F as a function of total stack flow, record results on Att. 3, Section B. 5.3.5 Calculate the source strength in ci/sec based on the fomula: (Stack Monitor counts /sec) (Conversion Factor uCf /sec) (1.0E-06 Cf) Cf count /sec uCT = sec (stack correction Factor) 5,3.6 Record results in Row B, Column 10. 5.4 Detemine the source strength for a ground release. Record data and results on Att. 3, Sec' tion C. 5.4.1 Calculate source strength based on the formula: Air Sample Activity X Release Rate,.X Conversion Factor = Source Strength 3 uCi X ft X 4.72E-04 = Cf/sec - cc mTn ,. where: uCf/cc = Air concentration in source of release as detemined by Radiation Controls Dept. ft /3 min = Release Rate as assessed by the  ! Emergency Director or his designee 4.72E-04 = 2.832E+04 cc X 1 min X 1.0E-06Ci Tg3 Etniec ui!T l NOTE: If air concentration and/or release rate are unavailable, notify Radiation Controls j to dispatch a technician to the downwind ' l 0.25 mile location to obtain dose rate. ) Proceed to Section 5.7 to project source strength from dose rate. 5.4.2 Record results in Row B, Column 10.

h, 7 oesawe No. 44** Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 Nga 9 :f 14 wision N o. *" 3 04/20/83 5.5 Project offsite dose rate from source strength data. Record data and results on Att. 4. . 5.5.1 Record type of release Row B, Column 6 'E' for [ elevated (stack release), 'G' for ground. G.5.2 Enter '1' in " source strength method" (B-4) and (C-4) to indicate that source strength was detemined from plant parameters. l 5.5.3 Calculate whole body dose rate. Initially, project dose rate at 0.25, 2, 5, and 10 miles downwind (B-5), (C-5) based on the fomula: 1 Dilution Factor X 1 X Source Strength X Dose Factor = Dose Rate windspeed l 1 c -1 Xu (m-2) X 1 (m/sec) X Ci X mrem /hr = mrem , l T u sec C1/ma hr i


where': Xu = Atmospheric Dilution Factor from Attachment 2 i 7 based on type of release, stability class, and downwind distance (B-8). 1 = Inverse of windspeed in (meters /sec)-1 u Windspeed obtained from (A-7) to (B-9). Ci = Source Strength determined on Att. 3 to (B-10). ) ss t j i . mrem /hr = Whole Body Dose Factor from Attachment 2 as a i l C1/m3 function of time after shutdown. Obtain time i  ! after shutdown from Emergency Of rector or his 1 l designee (B-11) l l i j l i, ' l

wi.e. P ocaawe No. j se,es


Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 Ngo 10 =r 14

                                                  %: en so. 3            :ste 04/20/83 t

5.5.4 Project integrated whole body dose (B-14) by multi-  ; plying dose rate (B,12) X estimated duration of release (B,13). (B,13) is obtained by asking the Emergency Director , i or his designee (default value = 2 hours). l 5.5.5 Obtain integrated child thyroid dose and Radiofodine concentration in air by referencing Attachment 5, move whole body dose rate (B-12) to (C-6). Obtain projected exposure time (C-7) by asking the Emergency


Of rector or his designee (default value = two hours). Calculate child thyroid dose rate by dividing integrated child thy'roid dose (C-8) by projected exposure time (C-7) to obtain Rem /hr (C-9). Record Radiof odine concentration in (C-11). 5.5.6 Calculate " time to reach PAG" (Protective Action Guides-EPA-520) for whole body dose rate and child I thyroid dose rate by the fomulae: Whole body " time to reach PAG" (B-15) = 1000 mrem divided by whole body dose rate (B-12) Child thyroid " time to reach PAG" (C-15) = 5 Rem divided by Child thyroid dose rate (C - 9) I 1

g, Pocacute No. Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 %ge 11 :f. 14 %;es wsion No. 3 0 8 04/20/83 5.5.7 Once all data and calculations are recorded on Att. 4, communicate results to Emergency Director. Provide the noble gas release rate (B-10), estimated duration of release (B-13), whole body. dose rate , (B-12) and integrated dose (B-14), child thyroid integrated dose (C-8) and fodine concentration (C-11) for site boundary (0.25 mile), 2 mile, 5 mile, and 10 mile downwind locations. 5.6 If applicable, calculate integrated whole body dose and child thyroid dose from offsite monitoring data on rows D and E of Att. 4. . 5.6.1 Record monitoring location and azimuth - distance (degrees - miles) as detennined from EPIP-11, Attachment 1, in (D-4,5,6) and (E-4,5,6) respectively. 5.6.2 Obtain dose rate net counts per minutes (D-7) and  ! scaler efficiency (D-9) from monitoring team. Calculate air concentration in uCf /cc by the formula: uCf = NCPM x 7.5E-11 cc

  • Efficiency i where: 7.5E-11 = 4.5E-07 uCi/ dom x 100 %
  • I 6.0E + 5 cc l

Record results in (D-10) and (E-7).  ;


5.6.3 Compare air concentration (E-7) to projected exposure time (E-8) on Attachment 5 to obtain child thyroid dose (E-9) and whole body dose rate (E-10). l I l l

suct.c:: Offsite Dose Projections ***IfIf-9 m.12 j4 a wiesen No. 3 :ete 04/20/83 1 1 5.6.4 Calculate integrated whole body exposure (E-11) by multiplying dose rate (E-10) by projected exposure time (E-8) (hr.). 5.6.5 Once all data and calculations are completed, communicate results to Emergency Director. 5.7 Project source strength from offsite monitoring dose rate data util'izing Att. 4, Row F. 5.7.1 Enter '2' in source strength method (F-3) to indicate that source strength was detemined from offsite dose rate. 5.7.2 Enter type of release 'E' for elevated (stack release), 'G' for ground (F-4). 5.7.3 Enter monitoring location downwind distance in miles (F-5). 5.7.4 Calculate source strength based on the formula: l dose rate x windspeed = source strength dose factor x dilution factor l l ! mrem /hr x u (meter /sec) = Q mrem /hr x Xu (m-') Sec l C1/m4 17 l l where : mrem = whole body dose rate at downwind hr distance, from (E-10) to (F-6) u = windspeed in meter /sec from (A-7) to (F-7). mrem /hr = whole body dose factor from Attachment 2 Ci/m4 as a function of time after shutdown to (F-9) l 1

suaw. Offsite Dose Projections ****EIP-9 m 13 f4 2 ,, a vision No. 3 :ste 04/10/83 Xu = atmospheric dilution factor from F Attachment 2 based on type of release, stability class, and downwind distance to (F-10). 5.7.5 Project offsite dose rate at other downwind distances (Row B) using source strength detemined in Section 5.7.4. (F-12) to (B-10). Enter '2' in the " source strength method" (B-4) for each projection. Reference Section 5.5.3 through 5.5.6 for calculation methodology. 5.7.6 Once all data and calculations are complete, communicate results to Emergency Director. 5.8 Liquid Release - 5.8.1 If average diluted concentration of discharge canal exceeds 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 Ifmits as - detemined by chemistry sample analysis, notify Group Shift

                    -                                                                              4 Supervisor and/or Emergency Director and reconnend                    i declaration of an Unusual Event Emergency Classification.

10 CFR 20 Limits exceeded Time ~ Date NOTE: Include a copy of sample analysis with this procedure. 5.8.2 Confinn sample analysis results and notify Emergency Director. 5.8.3 Continue sampling Discharge Canal until sample analysis by j chemistry confirms that average diluted concentration of Discharge Canal is less than 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 limits. Record results on Liquid Release Sample Results and communicate to Emergency Director. 1

Pocacute No. 8"*'# Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 es 14 of 14 Mges weian na. 3 ate 04/20/83  ! LIQUID RELEASE SAMPLE RESULTS l

                                                                                                                                       . 5 Analysis Sample Location                 (Time)           Date               % 10 CFR 20              Confirmed by    Time / Initial s
1. // /


2. // /
3. // / l
4. // /
5. // /
                                                                                                                                         'n l
  • a l

l l l l [ l

Offsita Does Projscti 1 Of 1 EPIP-9 Rav. 3 04/20/83 ATDCHM!NT I PCS'IUUCED CFFSITE CCSES eM CESIGN BASIS N Note: All doses are in RDt itole Body DcJe for a 2 hour release at a windspeed of 1 agh (0.45 #sec)

1. Refueling Accident (amm) - Basis Dose Distance Stability Class Miles Stable Neutral Unstable
                     .                    N -04                  2.55E-04                                     4.00E-04 0.50                  2.09E-44              2.27E-04                                      3.45E-04 1.0                   1.45E-04              1.91E-04                                      1.73E-04 2.0                    8.82E-05              1.laE-04                                     6.27E-05
2. Control Rod Drop Accident (anno - Basis Dose Distance Stability Class (Miles) Stable Neutral Unstable 0.25 'fiiE-Il 3.09E-01 4.55E-01 0.50 2.64E-01 2.82E-01 4.00E-01 1.0 1.91E-01 2.36E-01 2.09E-01 2.0 1.27E-01 1.55E-01 7.82E-02
3. Isas of Q3olant Inside Dryw11 An-i%t (REM) - Basia Dose Distance Stability Class jMiles) Stable Neutral Unstable 0.15 W -06 7.5S?.-06 N 0.50 6.36E-06 6.91E-06 1.00E-05 1.0 4.64E-06 5.73E-06 5.09E-06 2.0 2.91E-06 3.64E-06 1.91E-06
4. Staes Line Break 02tside anactor Building (RDO - Basia Dose Distance ~ ~ ~ ~

windspeed Basis of 50ich, DO NOT DIVIDE BY WIND SPEED ~


teole Body Dose (Rem) (Miles) 0.25 3.6E-06 0.50 2.0E-06 1.0 8.6E-07 2.0 3.2E-07 5.0 6.6E-08 10.0 1.9E-08

                        *1CSItEASD TFSITE CDSES FCR DESIQi BASIS N' M3ESRE2"?

Date / / Time / Initials Type of Design Basis Accident / Affected Sector Wind Wind 0.25 mi 0.50 mi. 1.0 mi. 2.0 (Compass Stability Speed Speed Dose Dose cose Dose point) Class g w Sec) (aem) (nam) famm) (nam)



2. _



4. l 5.


6. 7.



Offsite Dose Projections EPIP-9 Rev 3 1 of 3 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT II Atmospheric _ Dilution Factors as a Function of Dowswind Distance and Atmospheric Stability Class ELEVATED RELEASE Dilution Factor )(t[ (m-2) Q i Distance (miles) Unstable Neutral Stable 0.25 4.57E-12 2.77E-21 1.31E-20 0.50 8.69E-07 8.64E-22 4.12E-21 1.0 3.40E-06 5.68E-12 2.39E-18 2.0 9.37E-07 3.32E-08 6.48E-11 3.0 5.25E-07 5.39E-07 3.24E-08 4.0 3.92E-07 1.08E-06 3.77E-07 5.0 3.29E-07 1.32E-06 1.12E-06 10.0 1.87E-07 1.20E-06 ~3.33E-06


From: "CRISO-Dispersion and/or Dose Isopleths for Emergency-Class A Model" by Pickard, Lowe, a Garrick, Inc.

EPIP-9 Rev. 3 04/20/83 2 of 3 l l l ATTACHMENT II (con't) Atmospheric Dilution Factors as a Function of Downwind Distance and Atnospheric Stability Class GROUND RELEASE Dilution Factor Xta (m-2) Q Distance (miles) Unstable Neutral Stable 0.25 4.83E-05 3.18E-04 8.91E-04 0.50 1.69E-05 1.35E-04 4.86E-04 1.0 4.15E-06 5.27E-05 2.26E-04 2.0 9.06E-07 2.16E-05 1.08E-04 3.0 5.11E-07 1.02E-05 5.81E-05 4.0 3.88E-07 6.95E-06 4.18E-05 5.0 3.26E-07 5.25E-06 3.21E-05 10.0 1.87E-07 2.11E-06 1.50E-05 From: "CRISO-Dispersion and/or Dose Isopleths for Emergency-Class A Model" by Pickard, Lowe, e Garrick, Inc.

EPIP-9 Rev. 3 3 of 3 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT II (con't) WHOLE BODY DOSE FACTOR AS A FUNCTION OF TIME AFTER SHUTDOWN TIME AFTER SHUTDOWN WHOLE BODY DOSE FACTOR 3 (HRS) mRera/hr per Cf/m 0 5.3E + 05 1.5 5.0E + 05 2.5 4.3E + 05 3.5 3.7E + 05 4.5 3.1E + 05 6.5 2.3E + 05 12.5 1.2E + 05


FROM: Federal Emergency Management Administration Course " Dose Projection" by Joe E. Logsdon

EPIP-9 Rev. 3 04/20/03

                                                                                               -                Page 1 of I AIIACHMENT III SOURCE STREETN DETERMINATION TABLE
1. Elevated Release i

Date / / A. IATAL STACK AIR FLOW Reactor Turbine Old Radwasta New Radwaste Standby Gas Other glda. ICfal glda. fCfa) B1da. fCfm1 Blda. ICfm1 Treat =aat (cfm1 (Cfm1 Istal ICfal Time / Initials (EF-1-5/ (EF-t-7/ EF-1-6) EF-l-6) 4 1.__11 000 . ___gl. gag __ 14.6ao sa.aae 2.6aa / 4 2.__6s.cae a2.aae 14.6aa sa.maa 2.6aa /

j. 3.__6s. nan a2.aos 14. sea sa.aae 2.6aa /

4.__61.19t___ a2.ana 14.6aa sa.eaa 2.6aa / 5.__61.300 ___RI ggt __ 14.6ag__ 3a.aen 2.6aa /


j B. STACK RELEASE SOueCE STRENGTM l Stack Monitor Conversion Factor Stack Correction (Counts /Sec) X f uC1/Sec ner count /seck X C1/uct-h. Factor a C1/Sec Time / Initials i 1.0E-06 / 1. 1.0E-06 / 2.

3. 1.0E-06 /
4. 1.0E-06 /
5. s.0E-06 ___/


!                                   Air Source of Release         Activity       RelgaseRate           Conversion (Area or incation)       fuC1/cci X ((1 / min)          X     Factor     a C1/sec      Time / Initials
1. 4.72E-04
2. 4.72E-04
3. 4.72E-04
4. 4.72E-04
5. 4.72E-04

i e i QO

                                                                                                                                                                                                        , 3,.

l 'e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [


m Chart Cony Affec At Stab Wind Wind < ' jg!* Rec Down Sector (* F ) Class Speed Speed  : E m/sec h;.;.3 8 ! < j Wind Wind Comp mph . Ei!!!ss E Dir val ( *) Point Oig; :!:g$g( ;; h 5 R 48' l Affec Source Dist Type Stab Xu (m-2) -l-u mg Cl mr/hr dose rate Houss ol int. dose Sector St Miles of Class a see Ci / m3 mr /hr Release mr machpag l' e n. Comp Meth release


X X X = X Ed Point 2m 53: u Affec Source Diet Whole Proj. exp. Child Chikithysold Iodine ( ) i Hrs. to

        -o  !              Sector St       amies bdy. esp. time                 Thyroid           Dose-rat
  • uCi/cc  :
                                                                                                                                                                                               *ch 5, :                                    mr/hr      hours                Dose (R)          R / hr                                                                                    : PAG c                 Comp Meth o al Point
    %a -.
-Z 00 Monit Dist azimuth NCPM Conversion  % uC
  • Loc Miles degrees Factor Efficiency cc o 3 j uCl/cc u)5 X 7.5E i- =
     ;R<u                                                                                           -

Monit Dist azimuth Air Projected Internal Whole Integrated Loc Miles degrees Concen. Exposure Child Body Whole us ** uCa[cc Time-Hrs. Thyroid Dose-rate Body ] Rom mr/ hr Dose-mr n n l j.

  • Source Type St of Dist Dose Miles Rate f

G m/ssc Dose factor D.I. factor mr / hr Xu(m-2) Source Strength

                                                                                                                                                                                                       $D eR

! u.15 Meth release mr/hr Cl / m3 Q Ci / sec o0 n2 X i v s

Offsite Dose Project: EPIP-9 Rev. 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT V PAGE 1 OF 3 1



  • 7o 2

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a. 0 x o W 3 W

4 8 z ! I e 5 2 7 g e

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                                                                                      ' Dos's Projection" by Joe E. Logsdon i
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Offsite Dose Projecti ' EPIP-9 Rev. 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT V PAGE 2 OF 3 e-_.___.~,.~_- . _ _ ___ . _ - __ _ . _ _ ___-__._ _ = = -. . = . =. . = = s -- , . . m e

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Offsite Dose Projectio! EPIP-9 Rev. 04/20/83 ATTACHMENT V PAGE 3 OF 3 8 3 3 y no

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D" om. is==a l Pac , et ,

a. % cm.

Jersey Central n,,,,,,, (05/09/83) 05/19/82 Power &tJght Company a.=ca % cm. 2 05/05/83 gg, Toxic /Fla:mnable Gas Release Ausncnzac Ey Vice President & Director, O.C. W J. A4 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISION NUMBER 1 05/05/83 2 2 05/05/83 2 3 02/10/82 1 02/10/82 4 1 ( 5 02/10/82 1 l NON-CONTROi L'dD I This Documer..: Wi'i Not j l 30 Kept Up T.) Date  ! 1 occ one, ; ' l ,e.. i i

Lateen Prossows No. Toxic / Flammable Gas Release EPIP-15  % 2 g 5 % beson No. 2 Cate 05/05/83 DATE 1.0 DOCUMENTATION TIME / INITIALS 1.1 Notification of plant personnel / i 1.2 offsite assistance requested (as required) o Fire Department (609) 693-6636 / o First Aid Squad (609) 693-6636 / o Medical Assistance, Comm. Mem'l. Hosp. (201) 349-8000 /


1.3 Notification of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security Department, if offsite fire.or medical-assistence ;2 has been requested. Telephone 4954 or 4950 / ( 1.4 Notified Fire Protection Supervisor or , his designee. Telephone 971-4907 ,


1.5 Termination of Toxic / Flammable Gas Release Condition ,


i Procoows No, suoper: l EPIP-15 PoGe 3 of 5 pages i Toxic /Flansnable Gas Release t Rension No. cote t 2/10/81 l l 1 2.1 EPIP-2 Unusual Event i I 2.2 EPIP-3 Alert , i 2.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency l 2.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency I


l l 3.0 PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Wear proper ' protective clothing as directed by l Radiological Controls. . . 3.2 Use proper respiratory protective devices as directed by , Radiological Controls. 1 . 3.3 Wear proper dosimetry as directed by Radiological Controls. 3.4 Radiation exposure to individuals exceeding 10CFR20 limits is restricted as follows: c l ( EMERGENCY EXPOSURE LIMITS


PROTECTIVE OR LIFE SAVING ORGAN CORRECTIVE ACTION ACTION Whole Body ,. 25 Ram 75 Ram Extremities 100 Ram 300 Rem Thyroid 125 Ram No limit o Women capable of reproduction should not take part in actions requiring emergency exposure. o Emergency exposures for voluntcers must be authorized l by the Emergency Director. This responsibility may not be delegated. o All exposures will be maintained ALARA. Ohte

Suspect: Proceeure No. P14e 4 of 5 ' ages Toxic /Flamable Gas Release EPIP-15 Rension No. Cote 2/10/81 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Initiating Conditions 4.1.1 Unusual Event - Near or onsite ,coxic or flamable gas release. 4.1.2 Alert - Toxic or flamable gas enters vital facility presents habitility problem. 4.1.3 Site Emergency - Toxic or flamable gas enters vi'tal areas and restricts necessary access. 4.2 Responsibility The Emergency Director or his designee shall evaluate the gas. release and implement the corrective and protective measures required. Offsite assistance will be requested, if necessary. 4.3 Notification 4.3.1 Notify Plant Personnel as follows (if announcement has not been previously made): - -- 8 ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: THERE HAS BEEN A


(TYPE OF GAS) GAS RELEASE IN (LOCATION). PLANT PERSONNEL (INSTRUCTIONS AS DETERMINED BY. THE EMERGENCY DIRECTOR). (REPEAT THE ANNOUNCEMENT) 1 4.3.2 The Emergency Director or his designee shall determine if offsite assistance is needed; he i shall notify the appropriate offsite agency (s). 1 o Fire Department, Telephone. Number (609) 693-6636 , i o First Aid Squad, Telephone Number (609) 693-6636 o Medical Assistance, Telephone Number (201) 349-8000 4.3.3 If offsite assistance has been requested, notify Plant Security to permit plant entry, and to escort offsite emergency response teams to the area designated by the Emergency Director. 39~ t =*

Proceewe No. Susteen Page 5 of 5 Pages Toxic /Flansnable Gas Release EPIP-15 Rension No. Cote t 2/10/81 4.3.4 The Group Shif t Supervisor is responsible to ensure the Fire Protection Manager (or his designee) is notified if

a. flanmaable gas release has occurred at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.

4.4 Termination of Gas Release Condition The Emergency Director or his designee shall determine when the gas release ceases to present a hazard to personnel or equipment. l I ( e l I 1 l

4 EPIP-2 D1 Of 3 Cazalasuect Effecnve Cate Jersey Central 02/23/81 (Os/09/83) 05/19/a: Power & tight Company a. en ua. car. 4 05/05/83

        ""7- Unusual Event                                                       Au!Ftcrizsc sy Vice President & Director, O.C.

_4 & amw== Oyster Creek Nuclear' Generating St'ation LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES DATE REVISICN NUMBER 1 05/05/83 4 2 07/20/82 3 3 07/20/82 3 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 , (Page 1 of 4) 07/20/82 3 Attachment 1 (Page 2, 3 & 4 of 4) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-2-1 (Page 1 & 2 of 4) 07/20/82 3 [\ . Form EPIP-2-1 (Page 3 & 4 of 4) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-2-2 (2 pages) 07/20/82 3 Form EPIP-2-3 (1 page) 07/20/82 3 Form EPIP-2-4 (1 page) 07/20/82 3

          . Form     EPIP-2-5 (2     pagen)         ,.07/20/82                                           3 Form     EPIP-2-6 (3     pages)           07/20/82                                           3 NON-CONTROLLED This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date DCC Oyster Creek

, I l t

                     .                                                                                                                          1 i

Sustec=, P*scsoure No. Unusual Event EPIP-2 pege 2 af3 ;seges beson No.  ::ste l 3 7/20/82 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define the conditions that shall be regarded as an Unusual Event for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station and to: 1.1.1 Ensure necessary actions are taken to protect the health and safety of the public. l 1.1.2 Ensure necessary actions are. taken to notify offsite emergency response organizations. 1.1.3 Mobilize the appropriate portions of the emergency response organization to initiate appropriate emergency actions. 1 l


2.1 OCNGS Emergency Plan l 2.2 NUREG-0654 Rev. 1, FEMA-REP-1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation l l of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of j Nuclear Power Plants." l l 2.3 OCNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP)

 #                                                    2.2.1                      EPIP-L Classification of Emergency Conditions -                                     -

( ! 2.2.2 EPIP-3 Alert 2.2.3 EPIP-4 Site Emergency 2.2.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Director is responsible for implementing this procedure. 3.2 Emergency Director responsibilities that may NOT be delegated include: 3.2.1 Decision to notify offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.2 Making protective action recommendations as necessary to offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.3 Classification of Emergency Event. 3.2.4 De termining the necessity for onsite accountability and/or evacuation based upon potential exposure to non essential personnel. 3.2.5 Authorization for emergency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation exposure limits. s

s suspen P scesuro No. ~; - Unusual Event EPIP-2 -- we3 ef 3' % Mewsson No. Oate 3 7/20/82 __m 1 g

                                                                                                                                         *        's, 4.0           PREREQUISITES
                                                                                                                                             ,s           s 4.1       The Site is in a condition that warrants Unusual Event declaration ~,                                         "

as defined by this procedure as judged by the Group Shift


Supervisor / Emergency Director. -- 5.0 REQUIREMENTS -

                              $.1 Emergency Actions 5.1.1                The Group Shif t Supervisor / Emergency Director shall, upon recognition of inplant or site conditions that -have exceeded only " Unusual Event Emergency Action Levels" EPIP-2 Attachment 1, ensure "Lnergency Director Checklis t
                                                            - Unusual Event" Forn EPIP-2-1 is completed.

f s

  • l l


A - - - _ t wo Pscaewe No.

                                , Unusual Event                                        EPIP-2                p,ge 1 of 4 seges

_ Aension No. 3 Oate 7/20/82 i

 ~ ~        .-


         ^ Edx                               '
                       ;                                 i*    UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS
s. v Q .0 INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION w' 1.'1 Reactor SCRAM followed by " Reactor SCRAM Contactor Open", alarm,
              -                        p uuplanned automatic ECCS                   Display J, Panel 5F/6F, Window 3-33 initiation and discharge                   followed by
                       ' ^-                                                          " Core Spray System 1 On" Alarm, Display B, into Reactor Vessel Panel IF/2F, window 5-5 and/or
                --          -                                                        " Core Spray System 2 On" Alarm, Display C,
                          ,%g Panel IF/2F, Window 1-1 s

1.2 2adiological effluent Valid Hi Hi Alarm on stack gas Technical Specifications radiation monitor or a Hi Alarm on 3.6.A or 3.6.B are exceeded Rad Waste Discharge Monitors as verified by sample and analysis. 1.3 Reactor coolant system activity, An indicated by one or more of the activity > 8 uci/ce, but following alarms:

                                             <300 uci/cc                             a.    " Reactor water Hi-Hi Conductivity" Display D, Panel 3F, Window 4-11
   /                                                                                 b.    " Main Steam Line Hi-Radiation"
   \                                                                                       Display H & J
c. "Hi Radiation Of f-Gas", Panel 10F, Window 5-13
                                                                                                      .and Confimed by sample analysis 1.4 Reactor pressure exceeds 1110 PSIC, but < 1239 PSIG 1.5 Primary system leak rate l

approaching technical specification limits

a. Unidentified leak >10 gpm As indicated by: "Drywell Sump Hi Leak l Rate" Alam, window F, Panel 3F and verified by recorder, Panel 3F.
b. Total leakage >25 gpm, but As indicated by: "DWEDT Hi Level"
                                                   <50 gpa                           alarm or "Both Pumps Running" alam and confirmed by leak race calculation using integrator readings.

1.6 RCS safety / relief valve Indicated by: failure to close following 1. " Safety Valve or Relief Valve reduction of applicable Not Closed" alarm, Display B, Panel pressure IF/2F, Window 4-34 and


l s a;.sn poemen No. . l EPIP-2  % 2 W 4  % I Unusual Event 4 "" 05/05/83 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION

2. Edgemeter display on Panet 1F/2F and verified by " Relief Valve 01scharge/ Relief Valve Downcomer Temperature Recorder", Panel 10F or Accoustical Ronitoring System.

1.7 A sustained loss of offsite As indicated by a of off-site power . power of or-A loss of onsite AC power capa- As indicated by " Emergency Olesel bility Generator #1 01sabled", Window 4-28, Panel 8F/9F and " Emergency 01esel Generator

                                                             #2 01sabled alarms on Panel 9F, Window 1-7 1.8 Loss of Containment Integrity         Any condition whereby Technical and shutdown required by other       Specification Limit 3.5.A.3 is exceeded in

than normal methods. the judgement of the GSS and shutdown is. ..

      \                                                       required other than in a normal manner.

1.9 Loss of Engineered Safety Loss of the ability to neet any one of features the conditions requiring shutdown

                             >                                by Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation and shutdown is required other than in a normal manner.

1.10 Fire in a permanent plant Group Shift Supervisor's judgement. structure which cannot be controlled by the Fire Brigade within 10 minutes of discovery 1.11 Security threat gr attempted Group Shift Supervisor's judgement. . entry gr attempted sabotage 1.12 Natural phenomena being As indicated by any one of the following: expertenced or projected a. Tornado or storm warning with probable beyond usual Tevels impact on plant.




sueteur: P sessure No. Unusual Event EPIP-2 P598 3 *f 4 854** 4nsion No. :ste 4 05/05/83 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont d) UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ACTION t.EVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION l b. Sustain winds greater than 75 mph as indicated by wind speed recorder, Panel l 13R. l c. Flood warning, probable impact on plant, closure of evacutation routes.

                                                          'd. Earthquake felt in plant 1.13 Other hazards being experienced As indicated by any one of the following:

or projected a. Onsite aircraft crash outside protected area not impacting permanent plant structures.

b. Unanticipated explosion near of I onsite. .
c. Near or onsite toxic or flammable gas release which could affect habitability required for normal plant operation.
d. Turbine rotating component _ failure

causing a reactor SC"?.". , i 1.14 Other plant conditions are Group Shift Supervisor judges that: in progress or have occurred a. Plant shutdown is other than normal, which may indicate a potential controlled shutdown degradation of the level of b. ' Plant is in other than normal condition safety of the plant. during operation and the abnormal condition is of such a nature as to warrant notification (e.g., cracking is

  • found in reactor coolant piping during operation)
c. Any other condition exists which has the potential for escalation into a higher level of emergency, and, therefore, I

I warrants notification. NOTE: In exercising the judgement as'to the need for declaring an Unusual Event, uncertainty concerning safety status of the plant, the length of time the uncertainty exists, and the prospects for early resolution of ambiguities should be considered; 1.e., uncertainty about the level of safety of the plant extending beyond a reasonable time period ( ' is a sufficient basis for declaring an Unusual Event. l


i someer: P oceewe No. PT** 4 *f 4 **pm Unusual Event EPIP-2 masson No. cote 4 05/05/83 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) UNUSUAL EVENT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 1.15 Transportation of any contam- As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor inated or potentially contan-inated injured person offsite for medical treatment. . 1.16 Unanticipated confirmed alarm Group Shift Supervisor judgement based on any two Area Radiation on cause of initiating event and evalua-Monitors simultaneously which tion of plant condition resulting from cannot be corrected or any initiating event Process Radiation Monitor 0 e a w - , - .,--- -- , . - . _ j

Segget MSCsCurJ NO, l EPIP-2 N98 1 :f 4 sm;ss Unusual Event con Mension No. 3 7/20/82 l r For= EPIP-2-1 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT INITIALS 1.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director is responsible to complete this checklist, initial each action completed or mark N/A (Not applicable). 1.2 Upen recognition that any of the Unusual Event Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded, the Group Shift Supervisor shall assume the duties of Emergency Director. Da te/ Time / 1.2.1 Announce to Control Room personnel that has assumed the duties of Emergency Director. 1.3 Assign a Communicator to make notifications to persons and agencies listed in Form EPIP-2-2 " Notification Checklist - Unusual Event". - f


1.4 Announce (or instruct a communicator to announce) the following message over the Plant Page System: Sound the " STATION ALERT ALARM" for- 10 seconds. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL AN UNUSUAL EVENT HAS BEEN DECLARED. PERSONNEL SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THEIR NORMAL DUTIES UNLESS FURTHER INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN (REPEAT THE ANNOUNCEMENT) 1.5 Immediately initiate Offsite Dose Assessment, EPIP-9. 1.6 Notification Messages 1.6.1 Complete Form EPIP-2-3, " Initial No tification Massage - Unusual Event" and give it to a communicator for transmission. NUIE: New Jersey State Police are to be notifed within 15 minutes after the recognition that a Emergency Action Level has been exceeded. s

Sustec:: hsceows No. EPIP-2 7We 2 of 4 *eges Unusual Event he Mension No. 3 7/20/82 f Form EPIP-2-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT INITIALS Ensure initial notification is received by: New Jersey State Police (division headquarters, communication center) and Nuclear Regulator Commission Operations Center. 1.6.2 Complete Form EPIP-2-4 "Institue of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers, Notification Message - Unusual Event" and give it to a communicator for transmission. Ensure initial notification is received by: Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) 1.7 Followup Messages \ 1.7.1 , Assign personnel to gather information for update message Forms EPIP-2-6 " Additional Information Massage - Unusual Event" and EPIP-2-5 "Eureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist - Unusual Event" Ensure additional information messages are received by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center at regular intervals. Ensure Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist messages are received (when requested) by the Bureau of Radiation Protection. Provide the facility contacts from INPO and ANI with information requested when available and/or request assistancee deemed appropriate. 1.7.2 Ensure appropriate follow up actions are initiated in accordance with administrative Procedures 106.1 Reportable Occurrence and/or 126 Procedure for Notification of Station Events. 1.8 As required, initiate (if not previously implemented) the following procedures and ensure all appropriate notifications are completed in a timely manner by a communicator:

l susper: Nesswe No. EPIP-2 >"2 3 *f 4 *n>8 Unusual Event Menman Ns core 4 05/05/83 Form EPIP-2-1 (cont'd)


EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT INITIALS 1.8.1 Personnel Injury EPIP-7. Ensure notifications in thru are ccmpleted as appropriate. 1.8.2 Fire EPIP-a. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.8.3 Toxic /Flamable Gas Release EPIP-15. Ensure notifications in 1.8.5 are ccmpleted as appropriate. I 1.8.4 Search and Rescue EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. 1.8.5 Notifications and request for offsite assistance (as l required). - Onsite Medical Department Telephone (609) 971 4890 or 4926 LaceyFirstAidhauad/FireDepartment Telephone (609) 693-6636 Community Memortal Hospital, Nursing Services Supervisor

                                                        . Telephone (201) 349-8000                   , Radiation Management Corporation Telephone (215) 243-2990 OCNGS Security Department Telephone 4954 or 4950 Lacey Fire Department / First Aid Squad Telephone (609) 693-6636 j 1 ' Fire Protection Supervisor Telephone Primary Office 971-4907 Alternate Beeper (201) 270-7929 1.9 If required, initiate Damage Control Procedure EPIP-14.

                                                                                                    /            '

Date / Time  : 1.10 If radiation levels onsite or offsite are expected above ' routinely observed levels initiate the following:

    ._m    _ - .

\ Pesseawe Ns sosiest: EPIP-2  % 4 8f 4  % Unusual Event

                                                                        ~ " '

4 ** 05/05/83 i Form EPIP-2-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT INITIALS 1.10.1 Emergency Radiological Survey-Onsite, EPIP-10. I Date Time 1.10.2 Emergency Radiological Survey-Offsite, EPIP-11. I Date Time 1.10.3 Environmental Assessment Command Center, EPIP-31. I Date Time 1.11 E Unusual Event emergency action levels have beer. exceeded, escalate to the appropriate emergency classification: Date/ Time of reclassification / 1.11.1 Alert EPIP-3.

                                     ,            or

( 1.11.2 Site Emergency, EPIP-4. of 1.11.3 General Emergency, EPIP-5. 1.12 E ' recovery requirements have been met, initiate Recovery Phase Procedure EPIP-29. / Date/ Time 1.13 E no further emergency actions are required terminate the Unusual Event. / Date/ Time 1.13.1 Ensure all offsite agencies and GPU Nuclear l personnel that were notified of the Unusual Event receive termination notification. l l l

w- Pocoowo NG Unusual Event EPIP-2 Nge 1 =f 2 Nges l l %sion No. 3 Cat: 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-2" NOTIPICATION CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT INITIALS Initial each item upon completion

1. With Emergency Directors approval announce the following message l over the Plant Page System:


2. Notify the On-Duty Shift Technical Advisor Primary: 4958 Alternate: Beeper (201)270-7907
3. Notify the On-Duty Emergency Director.

Team (1) Office 4777 Testa (2) Office 4772 Team (3) Office 4702-

 -{                           Beeper (201)270-7 765 Beeper (201)270-7799 Beeper (201)270-7859
4. Notify the On-Duty Emergency Advisor
            .                 NOTE:       The Emergency Advisor shall ensure the VP-Nuclear Assurance, the GPU-Nuclear Board of Directors and the j

GPU-Reading Dispatch Control Center are notified. 1 Team (l) Office 4010 Team (2) Office 4620 Team (3) Office 4774 l Beeper (201)270-7833 Beeper (201)270-7775 Beeper (201)270-7836

5. Notify the senior Radiological Controls representative on shift.

Primary: 4660 Alternate: 4988

6. Notify the New Jersey State Police within 15 minutes of classification. Transmit " Initial No tification Message - Unusual Event" EPIP-2-3 with Emergency Director approval.

Primary: State Hot Line (Notification Line) Gray Phone Alternate: (609) 882-4200 (If Primary Is out of Service) NorE: IF State Police Verification Call is not received within Ee minute, re-escablish contact via State Hot Line and request verification call on the State Police Verification Line immediately. IF Alternate Verification means is required instruct State Police to verify by dialing (609) 971-0220 or


(609) 971-4666. l I l l 1

t sustos . Pascacuro No. Unusual Event EPIP-2 Nga 2 :1 2 Mges hsion No. 3

  • 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-2 (cont'd)


7. Notify the OCNGS Manager-Comunicat' ion Services Primary: Beeper (201)270-7828 Alternate: Office (609)971-4020
8. Notify the following agencies: Transmit " Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers Notification Message -

Unusual Event" EPIP-2-4 A. , Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Tel: (404) 953-0904 B. American Nuclear Insurers Tel: (203) 677-7305

9. Notify the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comissio:i Operations Center Transmit " Initial No tification Message-Unusual Event" EPIP-2-3 Primary: NRC-ENS Line (Lift receiver from cradle) Red Phone Alternate: (1) Comercial via Bethesda (202) 951-0550 (2) Commercial via Silver Spring (301) 427-4030-(3) NRC-HPN Line - Dial 22 or *22 (Touch-tone)

(4) Commercial via Bethesda (301) 492-7000 k NorE: Open-line communication with NRC is to be maintanined on ENS Line throughout the emergency situation.

10. When requested, by the Bureau of Radiation Pro tection (BRP) transmit " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist -

Unusual Event" EPIP-2-4 via, the BRP Information Line located in the Emergency Command Center (Group Shif t Supervisors Office)

11. Transmit addition information messages to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies as directed by the Emergency Director i using " Additional Information Message - Unusual Event" EPIP-2-6.  !

Suarect: Procasure No. Unusual Event EPIP-2 gg. I g, i %, Monsion No. Oate



;           MESSAGE WILL BEGIN AND END WITH:                                                                     1 I                                                                                                         '


                           /                UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION via NRC-ENS Line (Red Phone) l (DATE)                                  (COMMUNICATOR )



1. This is at Oyster Creek

( Name/Ti tle) Nuclear Generating Station. An Unusual Event was declared in . accordance with our Emergency Plan at / (Time) / (Date)

2. Description of Emergency:
f.  ;
3. Assistance requested:
4. Approved (Baergency Director)

(Date) (Time) Time

5. Transmitted To: Insitute of Nuclear Power Operations (404) 953-0904 To: haerican Nuclear Insurers (203) 677-7305 (Communicator) (Date) x ww m - - , - , , .

Suevesc Nesoure No. Unusual Event EPIP-2 Nga 1 of 2 seres Monsson No. 3 "" 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-5 BUREAU OF RADIATION PROIECTION STATION STATUS CHECKLIST - UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Date and Time of Incident: Date: Time: (24-Hr. Clock)
2. Accident Classification: UNUSUAL EVENT
3. Type of Release:(circle one) CASEOUS LIQUID
4. Cause of Incident and System Involved (if known):
5. Is Reactor Shutdown: (circle one) Yes No
6. Gaseous Release Information (a) Release Terminated: (circle one) Yes No
              .(b) Estimated Duration of. Release:          -                  Hours 7

(c) Type of Gaseous Release (circle one) Elevated Ground (d) Windspeed aph m/sec From: (0) Toward (0) (e) Wind Direction: Affected Sector: (Compass Point) (f) Stability Class: (circle one) Unstable Neutral Stable (g) Release Rate Noble Gas: Ci/Se c. (b) Release Rate Iodine (if known) Ci/Sec.

7. Liquid Release Information (a) Release Terminated (circle one) Yes No (b) Estimated Duration of Release: Hours (c) Estimated Release Concentration uCi/cc (d) Release Rate gpm

Proceeuro No, Suotecr: EPIP-2 Ptge 2 sf 2 seges Unusual Event Mensson No. Oate 3 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-5 (cont'd)

8. Projected Offsite Doses (a) Whole Body Distance (Miles) Dose Rate mrem /hr Time to Reach PAG (hrs.)

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. -

(b) Child Thyroid Distance Niles) Dose Rate Rem /hr Time to Reach PAC (hrs.) 1. 2. 3.

4. -


9. Recommended Protective Actions:


10. Status Checklist approved for transmission to NJBRP by Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director: 3

(Signature) ( Date/ Time)

11. Status Checklist transmitted to NJBRP:

Transmitted to: (Name)


(OCNGS Communicator) (Location) ( Dat e/ Time)


Sumee. 7+ocsows No. l Unusual Event EPIP-2 p,q. l' W3 Sons menmon Nt Oate 3 7/20/82 I FORM EPIP-2-6 1 l l ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MESSAGE - UNUSUAL EVENT Check (V I ) all appropriate statements to be transmitted as i information is available. l 4

1. This is acting under the Direction of the Emergency (Emergency Director)

Director at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The following is provided as additional information for the initial notification of Unusual Event. .

a. Time: (24 hour clock)
b. Date: Month Day Year
3. Plant Status
a. Reactor (circle one) is/is not shutdown.
b. The plant (circle one) is/is not in a safe condition.
c. Reactor is suberitical, coolant is being maintained over the core, and containment integrity is satisfactory.
4. Type of release (circle one) airborne; liquid; surface soil.
5. Meteorological Data
a. Wind speed MPH
b. Wind direction ( from) (toward)
c. Stability class (circle one) unstable; neutral; stable
d. Precipitation (circle one) rain; sleet; snow
6. Gaseous Radiological Data
a. Noble gas release rate uCi/sec
b. Iodine 131 release rate uCi/see
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release:

Susiesr: P sesoura No. EPIP-2 Psse 2 =f 3 asgos Unusua1 Event 4emsson No. 2ste

                                              .                               3                 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-6 (cont'd)
7. Liquid Radiological Data
a. Release concentration uCi/cc
b. Release rate uCi/sec
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release
e. Estimated total release uCi
8. Projected dose rates and integrated dose (Based on actual or projected duration of release)

Whole Body

a. Site Boundary ar/hr mrem
b. 2 miles mr/hr mrem
c. 5 miles ar/hr - mrem,
d. 10 miles ar/hr mrem
9. Projected Iodine Concentration and Integrated Dose Commitment (Based on actual or projected duration of release).


a. Site Boundary uCi/cc mrem
b. 2 miles uCi/cc mrem
c. 5 miles uCi/cc mrem
d. 10 miles uCi/cc mrem
10. Estimate of Surface contamination dpm/100 cm2 (obtain from field date) mrem /hr
11. Emergency Actions in progess:
a. Radiological survey teams onsite
b. Radiological survey teams offsite
c. Onsite fire brigade l
d. Offsite fire department
e. Damage Control
f. First aid teams onsite
g. Ambulance service
h. Medical support
i. Environmental surveys offsite
j. Other, specify  :




                                                                                                     .            1 j

l Latest: P-scesura No. EPIP-2 P'24a 3 Of3 *eges Unusual Event heson No. Oate 3 7/20/82 FORM EPIP-2-6 (cont'd) l 12. Additional support required (specify)

13. The condition may change to an (circle one) Alert; Site Emergency; General Emergency
14. Offsite population sector (s) (refer to Emergency Planning Zone Sector map) affected are ,


15. The following changes in protective measures are recommended for the population in these sectors.

I a. None

b. Notify (projected offsite dose ),


c. Take shelter (projected offsite dose )
d. Evacuate (projected offsite dose )
16. Approved (Emergency Director) f ,
 \ ~

(Date) (Time)

17. Transmitted To: TIME: NOTIFIED / VERIFIED,
a. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. /
b. New Jersey Bureau of Radiation Protection. /
c. /



d. 1 1 (Communicator) ( Dat e) l l l , l { t l 1

Prococure No.

  • EPIP-4 Page 1 Cf 3 oste issuna E.m care Jemey Central 02/23/81 (05/09/83) 05/19/83 r Power & t.lght Company R==ca Na-4 C== 05f05/83 SubjeCC. Site Emergency Autricrtzsc Sy Vice President & Director, O.C.

W _ !U Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station l l DATE REVISION NUMBER LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES 1 05/05/83 4 2 07/21/82 3 3 07/21/82 3 l ATTACHMEh"fS Attachment 1 (5 pages) 07/21'/82 3 Form EPIP-4-1 (Page 1 of 6) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-4-1 (Page 2 thru 6 of 6) 05/05/83 4 Form EPIP-4-2 (2 pages) 07/21/82 3 07/21/82 3 i Form EPIP-4-3 (1 page) Form EPIP-4-4 (1'page) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIP-4-5 (2 pages) 07/21/82 3 Form EPIPe4-6 (3 pages) 07/21/82 3 l l l NON-CONTROLLEO ' This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date OCC Oyster Creek , t

                * * * *
  • a ...

hoper: P-oceeure No. Sito Em3rg:ncy EPIP-4 N4e 2 of 3 Ngse

                                                              %sion No.

3 " 7/21/82


1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this pro cedure is to define the conditions that shall be regarded as a Site Emergency for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station and to: 1.1.1 Ensure necessary actions are taken to protect the health and safety of the public. 1.1.2 Ensure necessary actions are taken to notify o f fsite emergency response organizations. 1.1.3 Mobilize the emergency re sponse organizations to initiate appropriate emergency actions.


2.1 OCNGS Emergency P1an 2.2 NUREG-0654 Rav 1 FDfA-REP-1 "Cri teria for Preparation and Evaluation .of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 2.3 OCNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP) 2.3.1 EPIP-1 Classification of Emergency Condition 2.3.2  :: PIP-2 Unusual Event 2.3.3 EPIP-3 Alert 2.3.4 EPIP-5 General Emergency 3.0 RESPONSI3ILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Director is re sponsible for implementing this procedure. 3.2 Emergency Director rasponsibilities that may NUr be delegated include: 3.2.1 Decision to notify offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.2 Making protective action recommendations as necessary to offsite emergency management agencies. 3.2.3 Classification of Emergency Event. 3 2.4 De termining the necessity for onsite accountability and/or evacuation based upon potential exposure to non-essential personnel.

w hoceews Na as;es Sito Enzrgsney EPIP-4 M94 3 cf 3 beson Nt 3

ste 7 / 21 / 8 2

( 3.2.5 Authorization for emergency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation exposure limits. 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 The site is in a condition that warrants Sita Emergency declaration as defined by this procedure as judged by .the Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director. 5.0 REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Emergency Ac tions 5.1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director, shall upon recognition of inplant or site conditions that have exceeded "Si te Emergency, Emergency Ac tion Levels" EPIP-4 Attachment 1 and no emergency action level of a higher classification, ensure "Emerg ency Director Checklist-Site Emergency" Form EPIP-4-1 is completed. l 1 i e

                          --,,-  y    , - -      ,   , , - - - - - - ------p-r,

i sustss:s 7 scaewo No. Site Emergency EPIP-4 h4e 1 =f 5 hess husson No. 3 ms 7/21/8 2 ATTACHMENT 1 SITE EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 1.0 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 1.1 Known reactor coolant system As indicated by automatic ECCS leak exceeds available makeup initiation due to either high capacity. drywell pressure or low reactor

                                                       .         water level 1.2 Degraded core'with possible            Indicated by any or all of the loss of coolable geometry            following alarms:
a. " Main Stsam Line Hi-Hi Radiation",

Panel IF/2F, Window 4-16

b. "Off Gas Hi-Hi Radiation", Panel 10F, Window 5-5
c. " Reactor Water Hi-Hi Conductivity",

Panel 3F and As confimed by sample and analysis

 ;                     1.3 Steam line break outside              As indicated by any or all of the containment without                   following verified alams:

isolation a. " Main Steam Valves Off Nomal" , Panel 3F, Window 5-17

b. " Main Steam Tunnel High Temperature", Panel 3F, Window 5-29
                    -                                            c.     " Area Radiation Monitors", Panel        1 10F    (Verified on 2R as Turbine        !

Building Monitors.)

d. " Stack Gas High Radiation", Panel l 10F, window 4-12 1.4 Loss of all offsite power As indicated by reactor scram and by l coincident with the loss loss of offsite power and disabled ]

of both diesel generators alarms received from both diesel  ; for more than 15 minutes. generators neither of which energizes j the 1C or ID 4160 Volt busses. 1.5 Loss of all vital DC power As indicated by the following: for more than 15 minutes a. All battery voltmeters read 0 in f the battery voltmeter position, I Panel 8F/9F and l b. There is no light or control power j available. I I 1 i l l

l l haceouro No. hates::  % 2 sf 5 am;ss Site Emergency EPIP-4 l Monsion No. Na 3 7/21/82 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont'd) ) I SITE EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS f INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION i 1.6 Complete loss of any As indicated by a complete loss of any function needed for plant of the following: hot shutdown when hot a. Ability to insert control rods in shutdown is required. conjunction with failure of standby liquid control system.

b. All means to control reactor pressure (EPR, MPR, Isolation Condensers & Electromatic Relief Valves).
c. Both normal and emergency makeup water to core.

1.7 Raaetor pressure exceeds Indicated by " Safety or Relief Valve 1373 PSIG Not Closed" Alarm, Display B, Panel 1F/2F, Window 4-34 and verified by: " Steam Flow Steam Pressure Recorder", Panels 5F/6F, ( indicating 1375 PSIG 1.8 Transient requiring operation Group Shift Supervisor judges that of shutdown systems with a SCRAM setpoint'has been exceeded SCRAM failure to SCRAM, no core has not occurred, a transient is in damage evident. progress drid the standby liquid control system has failed. I 1.9 Major damage to spent fuel Indicated by any or all of the follow-l resulting in uncontrolled ing verified alaras:

                                                              " Fuel Pool Low Level", Panel SF release of radioactive              a.

material 3 uncontrollable b. " Reactor Building Ventilator Hi decrease in fuel pool water Radiation", Panel 10F, Window below top of spent fuel 7-23

c. " Fuel Pool Area Hi Radiation",

Panel 10F, Window 2-18

d. " Reactor Operating Floor Hi-Radiation" Panel 10F, Window 1-9 1.10 Fire affecting the As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor function of a safety system 1.11 Sustain loss of nost or all As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor annunciators coupled with plant transient.

l h oceeurs No. Site Emergency EPIP-4 Pres, 3 sf 5 se;es j haon No. 3 Oste 7/21/82 I

                                     $TTACHMENT 1 (cont'd)

SITE EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 1.12 Actual or projected dose As indicated by offsite radiological rate offsite exceeds 5 monitoring or dose projections. ar/hr whole body for 1/2 a. A projected dose rate calculation hour or 25 ar/hr exceeding 5 mr/hr whole body for i to the child thyroid. 1/2 hour g 25 mr/hr to the child  ! or thyroid using adverse meterology Actua17r projected integrated and calculated effluent leak doses offsite exceed 50 mRea rates. l whole body g 250 mRea to the b. Offsite radiological monitoring I child thyroid reports of greater than 5 mr/hr l whole body for 1/2 hour (gamma) , at any offsite location.

c. A projected integrated dose calculation exceeding 50 mRam whole body E 250 mRea to the child thyroid for the event.

1.13 Imminent loss of physical As judged by the Group Shift Supervisor j ( control of the plant coupled with intrusion 1.14 Severe natural phenomena Plant is not in cold shutdown and any being experienced or project- of the following phenomenon are being

             ' ed with plant not in                 experienced or projected:

cold shutdown a. An earthquake causing major damage to equipment necessary ( for shutdown. ' b. Sustained hurricane or tornado winds greater than 125 MPH i

c. Flood or low water level
'                                                         affecting operation of safe shut-down equipment when required to operate.

l l

Sustect: . P*oceeurs No. EPIP-4 Nge 4 :1 5 Nges Site Emsrg:ncy Aemmon No. Oate 3 7 / 21 / 8 2 i ATTACHMENT J (cont'd) SITE EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 1.15 other hazards being Plant is not in cold. shutdown and any experienced or projected one of the following phenomena are with the plant not in being experienced or projected: cold shutdown a. Aircraft crash which, in the judgement of the Group Shift Supervisor, affects vital plant structures by impact or fire.

b. Explosion or missile damage which, in the judgement of the Group Shift Supervisor, cause s severe damage to safe shutdown equipment.
c. Entry of toxic or flammable gases into vital areas which, in the judgement of the Group Shift Supervisor, affects operation of safe shutdown equipment.

l.16 Other plant conditions are in As judged by the Group Shif t ( progress or have occurred which Supervisor / Emergency may involve actual or likely Director. major failures of plant functions needed for protection , of the public. NOTE: In exercising the judgment as to the need for declaring a Site Emergency, any uncertainty concerning the status of plant functions needed for protection of the public, the length of time the uncertainty exists, the pro spects for early resolution of ambiguities, and the potential degradation of the plant functions needed for protection of the public should be considered; i.e. , significant uncertainty as to the reliability of plant functions for protecting the public extending beyond a reasonable time period is a sufficient basis for declaring a Site Emergency.

Suetecr. 7-oceewe No. EPIP-4 729e 5 sf 5 Nges Site Emergency beson No. 3 *** 7/21/82 ATTACEMENT 1 (cont d) l SITE EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION l l.17 Control Room evacuation where Control Room is. evacuated control of the shutdown systems and control (or verifica-is not established locally tion of all of the following within 15 minutes systems or equipment is not established locally within 15 minutes:

a. Emergency Condensers
b. Reactor water level
c. Reactor pressure
d. Reactor Temperature
e. Drywell pressure
f. Control rods l

( l t l l l l

l l Site Emerg:ncy NM Pete 1 ef 6 asgos basen N o. 3 care 7/21/82 Form EPIP-4-1 ~ EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - SITE EMERGENCY INITIALS 1.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 1.1 The Group Shift Supervisor / Emergency Director is responsible to complete this checklist, initial each action completed or mark N/A (Not applicable). 1.2 Upon recognition of site conditions that require declaration of Site Emergency classification, the Group Shift Supervisor ) shall assume the duties of Emergency Director. ' Date/ Time / l 1 1.2.1 Announce to Control Room personnel ' that has assumed the duties of Emergency Director. 1.3 Assign a Communicator to make notifications to persons and agencies listed in Form EPIP-4-2 " Notification Checklist - Site Emergency". , 1.3.1 Provide the communicator with the Record-a phone and Adas VI messages deemed appropriate. 1.4 Announce (or instruct a consnunicator to announce) appropriate lines of the following message over the Public Address System: Sound the " STATION ALERT ALARM" for 10 seconds. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL A SITE EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED. ALL ON-DUTY MEMBERS OF THE E. M NCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION REPORI TO EMERGENCY CENTERS. ALL OTHER PERSONNEL AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCIIONS. EATING, DRINKING, AND SMOKING ARE PROHIBITED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. (REPEAT THE ANNOUNCEMENT) 1.5 Immediately initiate Offsite Dose Assessment, EPIP-9. l 1.6 Emergency Support Centers Activated: i 1.6.1 Ensure the pagers of the On-Duty Initial Emergency  ! Response Team have been activated by Security. I

  • usteen P oceewe No.

EPIP-4 PT** 2 21 6 Site Emergency Renmon as care 4 05/05/83 Form EPIP 4-1 (cont'd) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECXLIST - SITE ENERGENCY INITIALS 1.6.2 Ensure Security has unlocked and open the Emergency Centers. 1.6.3 Technical Support Center, EPIP-26 Time Operational 1.6.4 Operation Support Center, EPIP-27 Time Operational 1.6.5 Environmental Assessment Command Center, EPIP-31 Time Operational 1.6.6 Nearsite Emergency Operations Facility, EPIP-25 - Time Operational 1.6.7 Farsite Emergency Operations Facility, EPIP-28 Time Operational , 1.6.8 Parsippany Technical Functions Center, EPIP-17 Time Operational 1.7 Notification Messages 1.7.1 Complete Form EPIP-4-3 " Initial Notificat' ion Message-Site Emergency" and give it to the communicator for transmission. NOTE: New Jersey State Police are to be notified within 15 minutes after the recognition that a Emergency Action Level has been exceeded. Ensure initial notification is received by: New Jersey State Policy (division headquarters, communication center) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center  ; 1 1

p-oceewe No. seiose: EPIP-4  % 3 of 6 *sges Site Emergency

                                                                           ""      4 05/05/83 l

l Form EPIP-4-1 (cont'd) i EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - SITE EMERGENCY . INITIALS' 1.7.2 Ccuplete Form EPIP-4-4 " Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers. Notificatien Message-Site Emergency" and give it to a connunicator for transmission. Ensure initial notification is received by: 1 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) , 1.8 Followup Messages 1.8.1 Assign personnel to gather information for update

                                           ' message' Forms EPIP-4-6 " Additional Information Message
                                               - Site Emergency" and EPIP-4-5  Bureau of Radiation
                                             ' Frotection Station Status Checklist - Site Emergency"     Ensure additional information messages are

( received by the Nucicar Regulatory Commission Operations Center at regular intervals. Ensure Bureau of Radiation Protection Stat-ion Status Checklist messages are i received (when requasted) by the Bureau of j Radiaticn Protection. i i Provide the facility contacts from INPO and ANI with information requa:ted when i available and/o_r_ request assistance deemed < appropriate. 1.8.2 Ensure appropriate followup actions are initiated in accordance with administrative procedure 106.1 Reportable Occurrence and/or 126 Procedure for Notification of Station Events. 1.9 As required, initiata (if not previously implemented) 'the following procadures and ensure all appropriate notifications are completed in a timely manner by a communicator: 1.9.1 Personnel Injury. EPIP-7. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate. l.9.2 Fire, EPIP-8. Ensure notifications in thru are completed as appropriate.


\ proceowe so.


N :w.ce: h~ S!te Emergency EPIP 4 Nga 4 cf 6 Nges

                                                                     " *'*" N S                care y             ,

4 05/05/83 l

 .                                                  Form EPIP-4-1 (cont'd)
                                ,                                                                                        1 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - SITE EMERGENCY INITIALS ~                                                                                                 l 1.9.3 Toxic / Flammable     Gas      Rel' ease.      EPIP-15.      Ensure notifications in 1.9.5 are completed as. appropriate.

1.9.4 Search and Rescue, EPIP-22. Ensure notifications in l.9.5.1 thru are completed as appropriate. 1.9.5 Notifications and request for offsite assistance (as , required). . Onsite Medical Department Telephone (609) 971-4890 or 4926 1 Lacey First Aid Squad / Fire Department i

                                                    -         Telephone (609) 693-6636                                   j       Comunity       Memorial        Hospital,     Nursing

Services Supervisor .

                                                            . Telephone (201) 349-8000                                   ; Radiation Management Corporation Telephone (215) 243-2990.

                           ~                 OCNGS Security Department Telephone 4954 or 4950      Lacey Fire Department /First Aid Squad                   '

Telephone (609) 693-6636 l.9.5.7 Fire Protection Hanager NOTE: Beeper activated with Initial Emergency Response Team beepers. 1.10 Initiate the following procedures and continually monitor reports: 1.10.1 Emergency Radiological Survey-Onsite, EPIP-10.

                                                      -                                                      /

Date Time 1.10.2 Emergency Radiological Survey-Offsite, EPIP-11.


Date Time

Nesoure No. W Site Emergency EPIP 4  % 5 8f 6 %

                                                           ~ " '                  **

4 05/05/83 l i


i Form EPIP-4-1 (cont'd) g EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - SITE ENERGENCY INITIALS 1.10.3 Personnel Accountability, EPIP-12. Date/ Time / Ensure immediate notifications are made to: A. OCNGS Security Department via Alternate: Telephone 4954 or 4950 Primary: Dark Green Phone, dial Code 24 B. Station Personnel via the Plant Page System per EPIP-12. If no personnel accountability completion report is received within 30 minutes after initiation, contact Station Security for a status report. Report of personnel accountability completion received,  : personnel unaccounted for. 1.10.4 If . personnel are unaccounted for, implement Search and Rescue, EPIP-22. Ensure notifications j in 1.9.4 are completed. Date/ Time


1.10.5 Site Evacuation, EPIP-13 (upon completion of personnel accountability). Date/ Time /. , Ensure notifications in are completed. 1.11 Emergency Otrectors discretion, to initiate the following procedures: 1.11.4 Damage Centrol, EDIP-14. Date/ Time / 1.11.5 Emergency Dostmetry, EPIP-19. Date/ Time / 1.11.6 Thyroid Blocking, EPIP-23. Date/ Time / 1.11.7 Emergency Respiratory Equipment. EPIP-24. Date/ Time / l l 1

suavesr: Noceewe No. . EPIP-4 N48 6sf 6 Nges Site Emergency M=sion no. care 4 05/05/83 Form EPIP-4-1 (cont d) EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST - SITE ENERGENCY INITIALS 1.12 E emergency action levels exceed 'those for a Site Emergency, escalate to General Emergency classification, EPIP-5. Date/ Time / l , 1.13 E recovery conditions have not been met arLd Site Emergency Action Levels are no longer being exceeded, de-escalate to a l lower emergency classification by performing notifications in t accordance with: Date/ Time of reclassification / 1.13.1 Unusual Event, EPIP-2. , or 1.13.2 Alert, EPIP-3. 1.14 E recovery phase conditions have been met, initiate the - Recovery Phase in accordance with EPIP-29. Date/ Time / 1.15 If no further emergency actions are required, terminate the


Site Emergency. Date/ Time 1.15.1 Ensure all offsite agencies and GPU Nuclear personnel notified of the Site Emergency receive termination notification. 1 I


           #                                                                                P.ocesura ,No.

Sito Eastg:ncy EPIP-6 sq. 1 ef 2 Nges hason No. 3 Cate 7/21/82 FORM EPIP-4-2_^ NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST - SITE EMERGENCY INITIALS Initial each item upon completion

1. With Emergency Directors, approval announce appropriate lines of the following message over the Plant Page System:


       /                                2. Notify OCNGS Security, direct them to activate the Record-a phone
       \           '

and the Adas VI with the appropriate messages, activate the pagers of the Initial Emergency Response Team on duty and unlock the TSC, OSC, EACC, & NEOF. Instruct Security to contact one member to

                                             - fill each position on the Full Mobilization Emergency Duty Roster..

NOTE: The Emergency Advisor shall ensure the VP-Nuclear As surance , the GPU-Nuclear Board of Directors and the GPU-Reading Dispatch Control Center are notified. Primary: Station Security / Accountability Line Dark Green Phone, Dial Code 24 Alternate: Ext. 4954 or 4950

3. Notify the New Jersey State Police within 15 minutes of classification. Transmit " Initial Notification Message -

Site Emergency" EPIP-4-3 with Emergency Director approval. Primary: State Hot Line (Notification Qce) Gray Phone Alternate: (609) 882-4200 (If Primary Is Out of Service) NOTE: IF State Police Verification Call is not received within Ee minute, re-establish contact via state Hot Line and request verification call on the State Police Verification Line immediately. l F _IF, Al terrate Verification means is required instruct State Police to verify by dialing (609) 971-0220 or (609) 971-4666. t

susper: Neure No. Sito Emarg:ncy EPIP-4 N sa 2 ef 2  %:es hnsson No. 3 ste 7/21/82 / FORM EPIP-4-2 (cont'd) NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST - SITE EMERGENCY INITIALS

4. Notify the following agencies: Transmit " Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and American Nuclear Insurers Notification Message - Site Emergency" EPIP-4-4 A. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Tel: (404) 953-0904 l

B. American Nuclear Insurers Tel: (203) 677-7305  ! i S. Notify the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations , Center l Transmit " Initial No tification Message-Site Emergency" EPIP-4-3 Primary: NkC-ENS Line (Lif t receiver from cradle) Red Phone Alternate: (1) Commercial via Bethesda (202) .951-0550 (2) Commercial via Silver Spring (301) 427-4050 (3) NRC-HPN Line - Dial 22 or *22 (Touch-cone) (4) Consaarcial via Bethesda (301) 492-7000 NorE: Open-line communication with NRC is to be maintanined on ( ENS Line throughout the emergency situation.

6. When requested, by the Bureau of Radiation Pro tection (BRP) transmit " Bureau of Radiation Protection Station Status Checklist
                                 - Site Emergency" EPIP-4-5 via, the BRP Information Line located in the Emergency Command Center (Group Shif t Supervisors Office) l
7. Transmit additional information messages to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies directed by the Emergency Director using " Additional Inf ormation Message - Site Emergency" EPIP-4-6.

l i i

                       -- g  - m  ,w     w --     v,  ,-----.,m- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE via State Hot Line (Gray Phone)

                                    /                 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION via NRC-ENS Line (Red Phone)


 ^ - - ~ - '

w- , _ - ,_

Nosewo No. W Site Emergancy EPIP-4 gg, y 39 y g,;,, Momsson Nr Case 3 7/21/82



1. This is at Oyster Creek (Name/ Title)

Nuclear Generating Station. A Site Emergency was declared in accordance with our Emergency Plan at / (Tine) / ( Date)

2. Description of Emergency:

( 3. Assistance requested:

4. Ap proved (Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director)

( Data) (Time) Time

5. Transmitted To: Insitute of Nuclear Power Operations (404) 953-0904 To: American Nuclear Insurers (203) 677-7305 (Communicator) ( Dat e)

Pascoeur'J Na, g,,,. Site Emargsney EPIP-4 p,4, y ;f 2 p,,,,

                                                                 %sson No.                  Cote 3                     7/21/82


1. Date and Time of Incident: Date: Time: (24-Hr. Clock)
2. Accident Classification: SITE EMERGENCY
3. Type of Release:(circle one) GASEOUS LIQUID
4. Cause of Incident and System Involved (if known):
5. Is Reactor Shutdown: (circle one) Yes No l
6. Gaseous Release Information (a) Release Terminated: (circle one) Yes No (b) Estimated Duriation of Release: Hours (c) Type of Gaseous Release (circle one) Elevated Ground (d) Windspeed sph m/sec From: (0) Toward (0) l (e) Wind Direction: (Compass Point)

Af fected Sector: (f) Stability Class: (circle one) Unstable Neutral Stable (g) Release Rate Noble Gas: Ci/Sec. j (h) Release Rate Iodine (if known) Ci/Sec. i 1 7. Liquid Release Information Yes No l (a) Release Terminated (circle one) Hours (b) Estimated Duration of Release: (c) Estimated Release Concentration _uci/cc gpm (d) Release Rate

4 Sustect: hscoewe No. EPIP-4 Ng3 2 sf 2 Ngs3 Site Emergency Mensson No. llste 3 7 /21/A 2 FORM EPIP-4-5 (cont'd)

8. Projected Offsite Doses (a) Whole Body Distar.ce Miles) Dose Rate mrem /hr Time to Reach PAG (hrs.)

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. *

(b) Child Thyroid Distance Miles) Dose Rate Rem /hr Time "to Reach PAG (hrs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

9. Recommended Protective Actions:


10. Status Checklist approved for transmission to NJERP by Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director:

(Signature) ( Date/ Time)

11. Status Checklist transmitted to NJBRP:

Transmitted to: (Name) (OCNGS Consnunicator) (Location) ( Dat e/ Time) { i l l i l l l L __

w P sesoura No. Site Emergency EPIP-4 Nga 1 f 3 Ngse Aension No. Oca 3 7/21/82 FORM EPIP-4-6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MESSAGE - SITE EMERGENCY Check (!) all appropriate statements to be transmitted as inforamtion is available

1. Diis is acting under the Direction of the Emergency (Faergency Director)

Director at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The following is provided as additional information for the initial notification of Site Emergency.

a. Time: (24 hour clock)


b. Date: Month Day Year
3. Plant Status
a. Reactor (circle one) is/is not shutdown-
b. The plant (circle one) is/is not in a sdfe condition.
c. Reactor is suberitical, coolant is being maintained over the core, and containment integrity is satisfactory.
4. Type of release (circle one) airborne; liquid; surf ace soil.
5. Meteorological Data
a. Wind speed MPH
b. Wind direction ( from) (toward)
c. Stability class (circle one) unstable; neutral; stable
d. Precipitation (circle one) rain; sleet; snow
6. Caseous Radiological Data
a. Noble gas release rate uCi/sec
b. Iodine 131 release rate uCi/see
c. Release (circle one) has/has not terminated
d. Actual or estimated duration of release:


hocsouro No, Sustect: Sito Em3rgsncy EPIP-4 Nga 2 of 3 se;ss Mensson N o. Cafe FORM EPIP-4-6 (cont'd)

7. Liquid Radiological Data l
a. Release concentration uCi/cc
b. Release rate uCi/sec
c. Release (circle 'one) has/has not terminated f d. Actual or estimated duration of release t
e. Estimated total release uCi
8. Projected dose rates and integrated dose (Based on actual or projected duration of release)

Whole Body

a. Site Boundary ar/hr mrem
b. .2 miles ar/hr mrem
c. 5 miles ar/hr mrem I
d. 10 miles ar/hr mrem
9. Projected Iodine Concentration and Integrated Dose Cournitment (Based on actual or projected duration of release).
 ..     (                  THTROID
a. Site Boundary uCi/cc mrem
b. 2 miles uCi/cc mrem
c. 5 miles uci/cc mrem
                         'd.             10 miles                             uCi/cc                          mrem
10. Es timate of Surface contamination dpm/100 cm2 (obtain from field date) mrem /hr
11. Emergency Actions in progess:

l a. Radiological survey teams onsite

b. Radiological survey teams of fsite
c. Onsite fire brigade
d. Offsite fire department I

l e. Damage Control

f. First aid teams onsite i l


g. Ambulance service  ;
h. Medical support
i. Environmental surveys offsite l
j. Other, specify J l


w 7 scoeure No. Site Emergency EPIP-4 7248 3 2f 3 pe;ss Mension No. :ste 3 7/21/82 FORM EPIP-4-6 (cont'd)

12. Additional support required (specify)
13. The condition may change to an (circle one) Unusual Event; Alert; Ceneral Emergency
14. Offsite population sector (s) (refer to Emergency Planning Zone Sector map) affected are ,

9 9 9

15. The following changes in protective measures are recommended for the population in these sectors.
a. None
b. Notify (projected offsite " dose )
c. Take shelter (projected offsite dose )
d. Evacuate (projected offsite dose )
16. Approved (Emergency Director / Emergency Support Director)

( Date) (Time)

17. Transmitted To: TDfE: NCrrIFIED/ VERIFIED.
a. United States Nuclear Regulatory Conunission. /
t. New Jersey Bureau of Radiation Protection. /
c. /
d. /

(Consnunicato r) ( Dat e) A}}