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FOIA Request for Ofc of Investigations Probe of Control Room Mishap on 850701 & NRC Probe of Util Confidential Whistleblower Program for Plant Workers
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/1986
From: Sedgwick D
To: Hayes B
FOIA-86-519 NUDOCS 8701230004
Download: ML20207Q086 (1)



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.Lw,y, AA,jan asses t'sf7)s7f.sssa FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Ben Hayes Q Q-f&ef Offico of Investigation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Q.// --[h July 9, 1986

Dear I r. Hayca:

'Jnder tF e feiar31 Freedo:o of Information Act, I am requesting a ecpy of the proto conducted by your office of a control room.,ishap at the Fermi II Nuclear Flant on July 1, 1985 Since this rrote has been closed, I understant the docucent is available to the public.

In t sepsrate request, I an seeking a cory c f a nrebe conducted b; the "30 of Idison's confidential ahistle-blower p r o : r '.1 for, tant workers. I un :erstand that prc; ram is kno wn

=.5 4 A F3 "'EAF:.

Sirce it is in the tublic interest. I u requesting that

.T.."'L"* r yc. waive fees for copying these documents. Th ank you.


Sincerely, D1 C

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vm h David Oed wick 3

fi. < w. b :.,:!/ ; li i rp< p er G70123OOO4 860709 PDR FOIA SEDOWIC86-619 PDR
