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Issuance of Amendment 274 Re Changes to Perm Defueled Emergency Plan and Perm Defueled Emergency Action Level Scheme
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/27/2023
From: Tanya Hood
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
To: Fleming J
EPID L-2022-LLA-0099
Download: ML23236A004 (1)


D ec em ber 27, 2023

J ean A. Flem ing Vic e President, Lic ensing, R egulatory Af f airs, and PSA H oltec International, LLC Krishna P. Singh Tec hnology C am pus 1 H oltec Boulev ard C am den, N J 08104


D ear J ean Flem ing:

The U.S. N uc lear R egulatory C om m ission (N R C, the C om m ission) has issued the enc losed Am endm ent N o. 274 to R enew ed Fac ility O perating Lic ense N o. DPR-20 f or the Palisades N uc lear Plant (Palisades). This am endm ent c onsists of c hanges to Palisades lic ense in response to y our applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022 (Agenc y w ide D oc um ents Ac c ess and M anagem ent Sy stem (AD AM S) Ac c ession N o. M L22193A090), as supplem ented by letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022 (M L22312A451).

The am endm ent rev ises the Palisades P ost-Shutdow n Em ergenc y Plan and e m ergenc y ac tion lev el sc hem e to ref lec t the perm anently def ueled c ondition f ollow ing a suf f ic ient dec ay of the spent f uel, suc h that the risk of an of f site radiologic al release is signif ic antly low er and the ty pes of possible ac c idents are signif ic antly f ew er.

A c opy of the related saf ety ev aluation is also enc losed. The C om m issions m onthly Federal R egis ter notic e w ill inc lude a notic e of issuanc e.

In ac c ordanc e w ith Title 10 of the C ode of Federal R egulations 2.390, Public inspec tions, ex em ptions, requests f or w ithholding, of the N R C s Agenc y R ules of Prac tic e and Proc edure, a c opy of this letter w ill be av ailable elec tronic ally f or public inspec tion in the N R C Public D oc um ent R oom or f rom the Public ly Av ailable R ec ords c om ponent of the NRCs ADAMS.

AD AM S is ac c essible f rom the N R C w ebsite at https://w w /reading-rm /adam s.htm l.

J. Flem ing

If y ou hav e any questions c onc erning the abov e, please c ontac t m e at (301) 415-1387 or by em ail to Tany a.H

Sinc erely,


Tany a E. H ood, Projec t M anager R eac tor D ec om m issioning Branc h D iv ision of D ec om m issioning, U ranium R ec ov ery and Waste Program s O f f ic e of N uc lear M aterial Saf ety and Saf eguards

D oc k et N o. 50-255

Enc losures:

1. Am endm ent N o. 274 to R enew ed Fac ility O perating Lic ense N o. DPR-20
2. Saf ety Ev aluation

c c w /enc losures: Palisades ListServ

J. Flem ing


DATED D ec em ber 27, 2023


PUBLIC R idsAC R S_M ailC TR R esourc e RidsNmssDuwpRdb R idsN m ssR ef sFab R idsR gn3 M ailC enter R esourc e DScully, NRR G C urran, N R R ZG ran, N R R J Arc e, NSIR M Norris, NSIR

A D A M S A ccession N o.: M L23236A 004 O FFICE NMSS/DUWP/RDB/PM NMSS/DUWP/RDB/PM NSIR/DPR/RLB NAM E TH ood M D oell N D iFranc esc o (Ac ting)

DATE 09/05/2023 09/27/2023 10/10/2023 O FFICE NRR/DRA/ARCB/BC NRR/DSS/SCPB/BC NMSS/DUWP/RDB/BC NAM E KH sueh BWittic k SAnderson DATE 11/15/2023 11/22/2023 12/22/2023 O FFICE OGC - N LO ADM/DRMA NMSS/DUWP/RDB/PM NAM E AC oggins J D ougherty TH ood DATE 12/13/2023 12/18/2023 12/22/2023 O FFICE NM SS/DUWP/DD NM SS/D NAM E J M arshall J Lubinsk i DATE 12/22/2023 12/27/2023 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY



DOCKET NO. 50-255



Am endm ent N o. 274 R enew ed Lic ense N o. D PR-20

1. The U.S. N uc lear R egulatory C om m ission (NRC, the C om m ission) has f ound the f ollow ing:

A. The applic ation f or am endm ent f iled by H oltec D ec om m issioning International, LLC (H D I), on behalf of H oltec Palisades, LLC, dated J uly 12, 2022, as supplem ented by letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, c om plies w ith the standards and requirem ents of the Atom ic Energy Ac t of 1954, as am ended (the Ac t), and the C om m issions rules and regulations set f orth in Title 10 of the C ode of Federal R egulations (10 C FR ), C hapter I, N uc lear R egulatory C om m ission;

B. The f ac ility w ill be m aintained in c onf orm ity w ith the applic ation, as am ended; the prov isions of the Ac t; and the rules and regulations of the C om m ission;

C. There is reasonable assuranc e: (i) that the ac tiv ities authorized by this am ended lic ense c an be c onduc ted w ithout endangering the health and saf ety of the public, and (ii) that suc h ac tiv ities w ill be c onduc ted in c om plianc e w ith the C om m issions regulations set f orth in 10 CFR C hapter I;

D. The issuanc e of this am endm ent w ill not be inim ic al to the c om m on def ense and sec urity or to the health and saf ety of the public ;

E. The issuanc e of this am endm ent is in ac c ordanc e w ith 10 CFR Part 51, Env ironm ental Protec tion R egulations f or D om estic Lic ensing and R elated R egulatory Func tions, of the C om m ission s regulations, and all applic able requirem ents hav e been satisf ied.

2. Ac c ordingly, by Am endm ent N o. 274, R enew ed Fac ility O perating Lic ense N o. DPR-20 is hereby am ended to authorize rev ision to the Palisades N uc lear Plant (Palisades)

P ost-Shutdow n Em ergenc y Plan and e m ergenc y ac tion lev el sc hem e as set f orth in the HDI applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, as supplem ented by letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, and as disc ussed in the N R C staf f s saf ety ev aluation f or this am endm ent.

- 2 -

3. This lic ense am endm ent is ef f ec tiv e as of its date of issuanc e and shall be im plem ented w ithin 30 day s f rom that date.


/ RA/

J ohn W. Lubinsk i, D irec tor O f f ic e of N uc lear M aterial Saf ety and Saf eguards

D ate of Issuanc e: D ec em ber 27, 2023








DOCKET NO. 50-255


By applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, 1 as supplem ented by letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, 2 H oltec D ec om m issioning International, LLC (H D I), one of the lic ensees of the Palisades N uc lear Plant (Palisades) and an indirec t w holly ow ned subsidiary of H oltec International (H oltec ), on behalf of H oltec Palisades, LLC (H oltec Palisades), the other lic ensee f or the Palisades N uc lear Plant (Palisades), requested c hanges to the Palisades site em ergenc y plan and the Palisades em ergenc y ac tion lev el (EAL) sc hem e. These c hanges are c onsistent w ith the U.S. N uc lear R egulatory C om m ission (N R C, the C om m ission) approv al of related em ergenc y planning and preparedness (EP) ex em ptions, w hic h w as based on the C om m issions approv al of the lic ensees EP ex em ptions as doc um ented in Staf f R equirem ents M em orandum (SRM )-SECY-23-0043, Staf f R equirem ents SECY-23-0043R equest by H oltec D ec om m issioning International, LLC f or Ex em ptions f rom C ertain Em ergenc y Planning R equirem ents f or Palisades N uc lear Plant, dated D ec em ber 7, 2023. 3

Attac hm ent 1, Perm anently D ef ueled Em ergenc y Plan, of the lic ensees applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, c ontained a c opy of R ev ision 0 of the proposed Palisades perm anently def ueled em ergenc y plan (PDEP). Attac hm ent 2, Perm anently D ef ueled EAL Tec hnic al Bases D oc um ent, c ontained an EAL sc hem e, inc luding a desc ription and ev aluation of the proposed c hanges and rev isions. Attac hm ent 3 c ontained a c om parison m atrix to the EAL sc hem e prov ided in the N uc lear Energy Institute (N EI) doc um ent N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6, D ev elopm ent of Em ergenc y Ac tion Lev els f or N on-Passiv e R eac tors, issued N ov em ber 2012. 4

1 Agencywide Docum ents Access and Managem ent System Accession No. ML22193A090 2 ML22312A451 3 ML23341A181 4 ML12326A805

Enc losure 2

The supplem ental letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, prov ided additional inf orm ation that c larif ied but did not ex pand the sc ope of the applic ation as originally notic ed, or c hange the N R C s original proposed no signif ic ant hazards c onsideration determ ination as published in the Federal R egis ter (FR ) on Septem ber 6, 2022 (87 FR 54550).

1.1 Bac k ground

The Palisades site is loc ated in C ov ert Tow nship, Van Buren C ounty, M ic higan. The plant is bordered to the north by the Van Buren State Park and to the w est by Lak e M ic higan. Areas to the south and east of Palisades are sparsely populated, underdev eloped, or used f or f arm ing.

Interstate 196 and the Blue Star H ighw ay lie w ithin 1 m ile east of the site. The area around the site is dev oted m ostly to rec reation and tourism, w hic h produc e a f luc tuating and seasonal population.

By letter dated J anuary 4, 2017, 5 pursuant to Title 10 of the C ode of Federal R egulations (10 CFR) 50.82(a)(1)(i) and 10 CFR 50.4(b)(8), Entergy N uc lear O perations, Inc. (EN OI),

c ertif ied to the N R C that it had dec ided to perm anently c ease pow er operations at the Palisades f ac ility by O c tober 1, 2018. By letters dated Septem ber 28, 2017, 6 and O c tober 19, 2017, 7 ENOI updated its tim eline and c ertif ied to the N R C that it planned to perm anently c ease pow er operations at Palisades by M ay 31, 2022.

By applic ation dated D ec em ber 23, 2020, 8 as supplem ented by inf orm ation prov ided in tw o letters dated D ec em ber 23, 2020, 9, 10 and a letter dated O c tober 29, 2021, 11 ENOI, Entergy N uc lear Palisades, LLC, H oltec, and H D I subm itted an Applic ation f or O rder C onsenting to Transf ers of C ontrol of Lic enses and Approv ing C onf orm ing Lic ense Am endm ents requesting transf er of the Palisades lic ense to HDI, one of the lic ensees of Palisades and an indirec t w holly ow ned subsidiary of H oltec on behalf of H oltec Palisades, the other lic ensee f or Palisades (hereinaf ter c ollec tiv ely ref erred to as the lic ensee).

By letter dated D ec em ber 13, 2021, the N R C issued an order c onsenting to the lic ense transf er and draf t c onf orm ing adm inistrativ e lic ense am endm ents. 12 The lic ense transf er w as ex ec uted on J une 28, 2022, 13 c oinc iding w ith the transition of Palisades f rom an operational to a dec om m issioning status.

Palisades c eased operations on M ay 20, 2022, and all f uel w as rem ov ed f rom the Palisades reac tor v essel on J une 10, 2022. U nder 10 CFR 50.82(a)(1)(ii), by letter dated J une 13, 2022, 14 the lic ensee c ertif ied to the N R C that the f uel had been perm anently rem ov ed f rom the Palisades reac tor v essel and plac ed in the spent f uel pool (SFP) on J une 10, 2022. U pon the doc k eting of these c ertif ic ations, under 10 CFR 50.82(a)(2), the Palisades renew ed f ac ility operating lic ense no longer authorized operation of the reac tors or em plac em ent or retention of

5 ML17004A062 6 ML17271A233 7 ML17004A062 8 ML20358A075 9 ML20358A232 10 ML20358A239 11 ML21302A064 12 ML21292A145 13 ML22173A173 14 ML22164A067

f uel into the reac tor v essel. The spent f uel w ill be stored in the SFP and in dry c ask storage at the onsite independent spent f uel storage installations (ISFSIs) until it is shipped of f site.

By letter dated J uly 11, 2022, 15 the lic ensee requested ex em ptions f rom spec if ic portions of 10 CFR 50.47, Em ergenc y plans, and Appendix E, Em ergenc y Planning and Preparedness f or Produc tion and U tilization Fac ilities, to 10 CFR Part 50, D om estic Lic ensing of Produc tion and U tilization Fac ilities. The requested ex em ptions w ould allow Palisades to reduc e em ergenc y planning requirem ents and subsequently rev ise the Palisades Em ergenc y Plan c onsistent w ith the antic ipated perm anently def ueled c ondition of the station.

The lic ensee subm itted the proposed Palisades PDEP and EAL sc hem e to the N R C in ac c ordanc e w ith 10 CFR 50.54(q)(4), c ontingent on the N R C s prior approv al of c ertain ex em ptions f rom spec if ic requirem ents of 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. By letter dated D ec em ber 22, 2023, the N R C staf f granted the lic ensee ex em ptions f rom c ertain EP requirem ents in 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, in ac c ordanc e w ith 10 CFR 50.12, Spec if ic ex em ptions.

In granting the requested ex em ptions, the N R C prim arily relied on the Palisades site-spec if ic SFP heatup analy ses, w hic h prov ided reasonable assuranc e that (1) an of f site radiologic al release w ould not ex c eed the early phase protec tiv e ac tion guides (PAG s), prov ided in U.S. Env ironm ental Protec tion Agenc y (EPA) report EPA 400/R-17/001, PAG M anual :

Protec tiv e Ac tion G uides and Planning G uidanc e f or R adiologic al Inc idents, issued J anuary 2017, 16 at the sites ex c lusion area boundary (EAB) f or the rem aining design-basis ac c ident (D BA) applic able to the Palisades f ac ility in its perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition, and (2) in the highly unlik ely ev ent of a sev ere bey ond-D BA resulting in a loss of all c ooling to the spent f uel stored in the Palisades SFP, there w ould be a signif ic ant am ount of tim e betw een the initiating ev ent and the possible onset of c onditions that c ould result in a zirc onium c ladding f ire. This tim e prov ides a substantial opportunity f or ev ent m itigation.

Palisades is required to m aintain ef f ec tiv e strategies, suf f ic ient resour c es, and adequately trained personnel to m itigate suc h an ev ent. While a bey ond-D BA is unlik ely, if State or loc al gov ernm ent of f ic ials determ ine that of f site protec tiv e ac tions are w arranted, then suf f ic ient tim e and c apability w ould also be av ailable f or of f site response organizations (O R O s) to im plem ent these m easures using a c om prehensiv e em ergenc y m anagem ent plan (C EM P) or all-hazards approac h.17

The C om m issions approv al of the requested EP ex em ptions f or Palisades is doc um ented in SRM -SECY-23-0043. With the N R C s approv al of the requested EP ex em ptions, the lic ensee stated that the proposed Palisades PD EP w ill c ontinue to m eet the rem aining planning standards in 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirem ents in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted.

In addition to the proposed c hanges in the Palisades PDEP, the lic ensee is proposing to c hange the entire EAL sc hem e to ref lec t the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition of Palisades. In ac c ordanc e w ith Sec tion IV.B.2 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, the lic ensee

15 ML22192A134 16 ML17044A073 17 A CEMP in this context, also ref erred to as an em ergency operations plan, is addressed in the Federal Em ergency Managem ent Agency (FEMA) Com prehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101, Developing and Maintaining Em ergency Operations Plans, Version 2.0, issued Novem ber 2010 (http://www.fem ).

m ust rec eiv e N R C approv al bef ore im plem enting a c hange to the entire EAL sc hem e. The lic ensee stated that the c hanges to the Palisades EAL sc hem e are c onsistent w ith the m ethodology rec om m ended f or perm anently shutdow n and def ueled reac tors, as prov ided in NRC-endorsed N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6.


The lic ensees request f or ex em ptions states that the spec if ic portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, f rom w hic h ex em ptions are being requested are identif ied by using bold strikethrough tex t. The bold strikethrough portions of the rule language are the portions f rom w hic h the lic ensee is requesting the Palisades perm anently def ueled plant c ondition be ex em pt. The rem aining tex t w ill be the EP requirem ents applic able to the perm anently def ueled Palisades station.

2.1 Em ergenc y Plan

The N R C sets f orth the em ergenc y plan requirem ents f or nuc lear pow er reac tors in 10 CFR 50.47. Spec if ic ally, 10 CFR 50.47(a)(1)(i) states, in part, the f ollow ing:

no initial operating lic ense f or a nuc lear pow er reac tor w ill be issued unless a f inding is m ade by the N R C that there is reasonable assuranc e that adequate protec tiv e m easures c an and w ill be tak en in the ev ent of a radiologic al em ergenc y.

The requirem ents of 10 CFR 50.47(b) establish the standards that the onsite and of f site em ergenc y response plans m ust m eet f or the N R C staf f to m ak e a positiv e f inding that there is reasonable assuranc e that the lic ensee c an and w ill tak e adequate protec tiv e m easures in the ev ent of a radiologic al em ergenc y.

Sec tion IV, C ontent of Em ergenc y Plans, of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 prov ides the requirem ents f or the c ontent of the lic ensees em ergenc y plan.

In addition, 10 CFR 50.72(a)(3) states the f ollow ing:

The lic ensee shall notif y the N R C im m ediately af ter notif ic ation of the appropriate State or loc al agenc ies and not later than one hour af ter the tim e the lic ensee dec lares one of the Em ergenc y C lasses.

The EP regulations c ontained in 10 CFR 50.47(b) and Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 apply to both operating nuc lear pow er reac tors and perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tors. H ow ev er, the EP regulations are silent w ith regard to the f ac t that onc e a nuc lear pow er reac tor perm anently c eases operation and perm anently rem ov es f uel f rom the reac tor v essel, the risk s of c redible em ergenc y ac c ident sc enarios at the f ac ility are greatly reduc ed.

Theref ore, the c onsistent prac tic e f or perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tors has been f or the lic ensees to request ex em ptions under 10 CFR 50.12. These ex em ptions, if granted, allow c hanges to the f ac ility s em ergenc y plan c om m ensurate w ith the c redible site-spec if ic risk s that are present during dec om m issioning. Suc h EP ex em ptions generally rec ognize the reduc tion in radiologic al risk as spent f uel ages and the prec lusion of ac c idents that are stric tly applic able to an operating nuc lear pow er reac tor.

The prac tic e of granting ex em ptions f rom the C om m issions EP regulations is a w ell-established part of the N R C regulatory proc ess. This proc ess allow s lic ensees to address site-spec if ic situations or to im plem ent alternativ e approac hes in response to c irc um stanc es that are not nec essarily c ontem plated in regulations that are generally intended f or operating nuc lear pow er reac tors. The ex em ption proc ess, w hic h allow s the N R C to prov ide relief in appropriate c irc um stanc es w hen saf ety and sec urity c ontinue to be assured, is not unique to the dec om m issioning of nuc lear pow er reac tors or to the spec if ic EP tec hnic al areas. The C om m ission m ak es dec isions on ex em ption requests on a site-spec if ic, c ase-by -c ase basis, f ollow ing an established proc ess that inc ludes the N R C staf f s detailed tec hnic al assessm ent of indiv idual ex em ption requests. Ac c ording to 10 CFR 50.12, the C om m ission m ay grant ex em ptions f rom the requirem ents of its regulations that (1) are authorized by law, (2) w ill not present an undue risk to public health and saf ety, (3) are c onsistent w ith the c om m on def ense and sec urity, and (4) present spec ial c irc um stanc es.

The guidanc e in R ev ision 1 to NUREG -0654/FEM A -REP-1, C riteria f or Preparation and Ev aluation of R adiologic al Em ergenc y R esponse Plans and Preparedness inS uppor t of N uc lear Pow er Plants, issued N ov em ber 1980 (NUREG -0654), 18 prov ides guidanc e f or the f orm at and c ontent of an em ergenc y plan, w hic h c an be applied to the planning standards in 10 CFR 50.47(b). NUREG -0654, w hic h the c urrent Palisades Em ergenc y Plan is based on, theref ore prov ides an ac c eptable m ethod f or nuc lear pow er reac tor lic ensees to dev elop radiologic al em ergenc y response plans. In addition, Attac hm ent 1, Staf f G uidanc e f or Ev aluation of Perm anently D ef ueled Em ergenc y Plans, to Interim Staf f G uidanc e (ISG)

NSIR/DPR-ISG -02, Em ergenc y Planning Ex em ption R equests f or D ec om m issioning N uc lear Pow er Plants, dated M ay 11, 2015, 19 prov ides an ac c eptable m ethod f or the N R C staf f s rev iew of PD EPs f or sites undergoing dec om m issioning. It w as dev eloped to ensure dec om m issioning f ac ilities c ontinue to m eet the rem aining applic able ev aluation c riteria in Sec tion II, Planning Standards and Ev aluation C riteria, of NUREG -0654.

2.2 Em ergenc y Ac tion Lev el Sc hem e

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) requires that a lic ensees em ergenc y response plan c ontain the f ollow ing:

A standard em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and ac tion lev el sc hem e, the bases of w hic h inc lude f ac ility sy stem and ef f luent param eters, is in use by the nuc lear f ac ility lic ensee, and State and local response plans call for reliance on information provided by facility licensees for determinations of minimum initial offsite r esponse measur es.

This requirem ent em phasizes a standard em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and ac tion lev el sc hem e, thereby ensuring that im plem entation m ethods are relativ ely c onsistent throughout the industry f or a giv en reac tor and c ontainm ent design, w hile sim ultaneously prov iding an opportunity f or a lic ensee to m odif y its EAL sc hem e as nec essary to address plant-spec if ic design c onsiderations or pref erenc es.

18 ML040420012 19 ML14106A057

Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, states the f ollow ing:

1. The m eans to be used f or determ ining the m agnitude of, and f or c ontinually assessing the im pac t of, the release of radioac tiv e m aterials shall be desc ribed, inc luding em ergenc y ac tion lev els that are to be used as c riteria f or determ ining the need f or notif ic ation and partic ipation of loc al and State agenc ies, the C om m ission, and other Federal agenc ies, and the em ergenc y ac tion lev els that are to be used f or determ ining w hen and w hat ty pe of protec tiv e m easures should be c onsidered w ithin and outside the site boundary to protec t health and saf ety. The em ergenc y ac tion lev els shall be based on in-plant c onditions and instrum entation in addition to onsite and offsite m onitoring. B y June 20, 2012, for nuclear pow er r eactor licensees, these action levels must include hostile action that may adver sely affect the nuclear pow er plant. The initial em ergenc y ac tion lev els shall be disc ussed and agreed on by the applic ant or lic ensee and state and loc al gov ernm ental authorities and approv ed by the N R C. Thereaf ter, em ergenc y ac tion lev els shall be rev iew ed w ith the State and loc al gov ernm ental authorities on an annual basis.
2. A lic ensee desiring to c hange its entire em ergenc y ac tion lev el sc hem e shall subm it an applic ation f or an am endm ent to its lic ense and rec eiv e N R C approv al bef ore im plem enting the c hange. Lic ensees shall f ollow the c hange proc ess in § 50.54(q) f or all other em ergenc y ac tion lev el c hanges.

The N R C staf f s rev iew of the em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and ac tion lev el sc hem e is based upon a rev ision to the Palisades EAL sc hem e prov ided in the lic ensees applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022. As part of this rev iew, the N R C staf f assessed the site-spec if ic m odif ic ations m ade by Palisades to the guidanc e prov ided in NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6. The NRC endorsed the NEI 99-01 m ethodology by letter dated M arc h 28, 2013, 20 as an ac c eptable m ethod f or dev eloping EALs required by 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4), Sec tion IV.B.1 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and the assoc iated planning standard ev aluation c riteria in Sec tionII.D of NUREG -0654. In addition, the NEI 99-01 m ethodology prov ides guidanc e f or perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tors f or the dev elopm ent of a site-spec if ic em ergenc y c lassif ic ation sc hem e.


3.1 Perm anently D ef ueled Em ergenc y Plan

U nder the lic ensees c ertif ic ations of perm anent c essation of operations and perm anent rem ov al of f uel f rom the reac tor v essel under 10 CFR 50.82, Term ination of lic ense, no pow er reac tor operations c an tak e plac e, and the lic ensee is prohibited f rom m ov ing the f uel f rom the SFP to the reac tor v essel. C onsequently, the proposed PD EP desc ribes the lic ensees response to em ergenc ies that m ay arise at the Palisades f ac ility w hile it is in a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c onf iguration. R ec ognizing that there are no longer any c redible D BAs that w ould result in of f site dose c onsequenc es large enough to require of f site radiologic al em ergenc y preparedness (REP) plans in ac c ordanc e w ith 44 CFR Part 350, R ev iew and Approv al of State and Loc al R adiologic al Em ergenc y Plans and Preparedness, the PD EP no longer spec if ies the

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requirem ents f or f orm al of f site R EP planning. Additionally, the onsite EP ac tiv ities c ontained in the Palisades PD EP are reduc ed in sc ope. The PD EP spec if ic ally im plem ents the planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirem ents in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted by letter dated D ec em ber 22, 2023.

This saf ety ev aluation sum m arizes the N R C staf f s tec hnic al ev aluation of the Palisades PDEP, based on the planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirem ents in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, and using the rem aining applic able ev aluation c riteria prov ided in N U R EG-0654, as outlined in a ttac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -002. The proposed rev isions, as ex em pted f or Palisades, are show n w ith bold strikethrough tex t of the c urrent w ording assoc iated w ith the regulations.

3.1.1 Assignm ent of R esponsibility (O rganizational C ontrol)

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1) states the f ollow ing:

Prim ary responsibilities f or em ergenc y response by the nuc lear f ac ility lic ensee and by State and loc al organizations w ithin the Emergency Planning Zones hav e been assigned, the em ergenc y responsibilities of the v arious supporting organizations hav e been spec if ic ally established, and eac h princ ipal response organization has staf f to respond and to augm ent its initial response on a c ontinuous basis.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that the Shif t M anager position is staf f ed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day. This position is the senior m anagem ent position at the f ac ility during of f hours and is responsible f or m onitoring f ac ility c onditions and m anaging the ac tiv ities at Palisades. The Shif t M anager has the authority, m anagem ent ability, and tec hnic al k now ledge to c lassif y and dec lare a f ac ility em ergenc y and assum e the role of Em ergenc y D irec tor.

In addition to the Shif t M anager, designated on-shif t staf f positions inc lude one n onc ertif ied operator (N C O ) and one on-shif t radiation protec tion (R P) t ec hnic ian, along w ith sec urity personnel. The Palisades Em ergenc y R esponse O rganization (ER O ) is ac tiv ated at the dec laration of an Alert c lassif ic ation lev el and w ill augm ent the on-shif t staf f w ithin appr ox im ately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of the dec laration of an Alert c lassif ic ation lev el. H ow ev er, the ER O m ay be ac tiv ated, in part or in w hole, at the disc retion of the Shif t M anager/Em ergenc y D irec tor f or a N otif ic ation of U nusual Ev ent (U nusual Ev ent) c lassif ic ation lev el.

The norm al on-shif t staf f c om plem ent prov ides the initial response to an em ergenc y. The Shif t M anager dec lares the initial em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and assum es the role of Em ergenc y D irec tor. The Em ergenc y D irec tor is responsible f or direc ting and c oordinating the integrated em ergenc y response ef f ort during the em ergenc y. The Palisades PD EP also spec if ies the nondelegable and delegable responsibilities of the Em ergenc y D irec tor. M em bers of the on-shif t organization are trained on their responsibilities and duties in the ev ent of an em ergenc y and c an perf orm nec essary response ac tions until augm enting personnel arriv e or the ev ent is term inated. The m inim um staf f required to c onduc t routine and im m ediate em ergenc y m itigation is m aintained on shif t on a c ontinuous, 24-hour -per -day basis. The designated on-shif t personnel are those positions required to direc t or perf orm the site-spec if ic m itigation strategies required f or a loss of SFP inv entory.

Arrangem ents are in plac e w ith O R O s through letters of agreem ent f or am bulanc e serv ic es, treatm ent of c ontam inated and injured patients, f ire support serv ic es, and law enf orc em ent response as requested by the f ac ility. Appendix 1, Letters of Agreem ent, of the Palisades

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PDEP lists ev idenc e of these agreem ents w ith partic ipating loc al serv ic es.

O R O s that m ay respond on site, as requested, at the Palisades f ac ility inc lude the f ollow ing:

  • m edic al support organizations and personnel

- Bronson South H av en H ospital

  • f iref ighting organizations C ov ert Fire D epartm ent (f ire/am bulanc e)
  • law enf orc em ent agenc ies M ic higan State Polic e Van Buren C ounty Sherif f D epartm ent C ov ert Tow nship Polic e D epartm ent

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The Palisades PD EP adequately desc ribes the c onc ept of operations f or indiv iduals and organizations responsible f or responding to em ergenc ies at the site, identif ies the position of Shif t M anager/Em ergenc y D irec tor as the indiv idual in c harge of the em ergenc y response, and identif ies the m inim um staf f on duty at the plant during all shif ts to prov ide em ergenc y response. Additional personnel are av ailable on an on-c all basis to respond to plant em ergenc ies. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.A.1, A.2, A.4, and A.7 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades,

pertaining to assignm ent of responsibility (organization c ontrol).

3.1.2 O nsite Em ergenc y O rganization

The regulation at 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) states the f ollow ing:

On-shif t f ac ility lic ensee responsibilities f or em ergenc y response are unam biguously def ined, adequate staf f ing to prov ide initial f ac ility ac c ident response in k ey f unc tional areas is m aintained at all tim es, tim ely augm entation of response c apabilities is av ailable and the interf ac es am ong v arious onsite response ac tiv ities and of f site support and response ac tiv ities are spec if ied.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that the Palisades f ac ility on-shif t staf f positions are staf f ed on a c ontinuous 24-hour -per -day basis, inc luding a designated Shif t M anager, one N C O, and one RP tec hnic ian, w ho w ould prov ide the initial response to an ev ent. The Shif t M anager is the on-shif t indiv idual w ho initially dec lares an em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and assum es the role of Em ergency D irec tor. The Shif t M anager has the authority to im m ediately and unilaterally initiate any em ergenc y ac tions. The Palisades PDEP also spec if ies the nondelegable and delegable responsibilities related to the Em ergenc y D irec tor position.

As an ex tension of their norm al duties, Palisades personnel w ill be av ailable during em ergenc ies and w ill rec eiv e duty-spec if ic training to perf orm em ergenc y response ac tiv ities.

This inc ludes f ac ility on-shif t personnel, m aintenanc e, RP tec hnic ians, and sec urity personnel.

D esignated m em bers of the on-shif t staf f f ulf ill roles w ithin the ER O appropriate to their training and ex perienc e. The lic ensee spec if ies that additional personnel w ho are c alled to assist

operators w ith ac c ident assessm ent, c orrec tiv e and protec tiv e ac tions, and related ac tiv ities w ill rec eiv e appropriate training. The relationship betw een norm al and em ergenc y response positions f or the shif t personnel is unc hanged w hen an ev ent oc c urs.

Table B.1, Em ergenc y R esponse O rganization M inim um Staf f ing R equirem ents, of the Palisades PDEP depic ts the on-shif t and augm ented ER O positions that f ulf ill em ergenc y staf f ing c apabilities. This table prov ides a graphic representation of the f unc tional responsibilities f or designated on-shif t staf f and the augm ented positions that f ulf ill em ergenc y staf f ing c apabilities.

The Palisades ER O, w hen m obilized, augm ents the norm al on-shif t organization to respond to dec lared em ergenc ies. U pon the initial dec laration of an em ergenc y c lassif ic ation, the Shif t M anager assum es the responsibilities of the Em ergenc y D irec tor position, and m obilization of the ER O w ill be c onduc ted at the direc tion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor. Plans and proc edures are in plac e to ensure the tim ely augm entation of the ER O. The m inim um augm ented staf f c onsists of an RP C oordinator and a Tec hnic al C oordinator. The designated on-shif t and augm ented ERO personnel are c apable of c ontinuous (24-hour) operations f or a protrac ted period.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The Palisades PD EP identif ies (1) the onsite ER O and its relationship to the norm al shif t c om plem ent, (2) the on-shif t indiv idual responsible f or em ergenc y response as the Shif t M anager, w ho has the authority and responsibility to initiate the f unc tional responsibilities f or em ergenc y response, (3) adequate staf f ing to prov ide initial f ac ility ac c ident response in k ey f unc tional areas, and (4) the av ailability of a tim ely augm entation of staf f w ith response c apabilities. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.9, and C.1 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to the onsite em ergenc y organization.

3.1.3 Em ergenc y R esponse Support and R esourc es

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(3) states the f ollow ing:

Arrangem ents f or requesting and ef f ec tiv ely using assistanc e resourc es hav e been m ade, ar r angements to accommodate State and local staff at the licensees Emer gency O per ations Facility have been made, and other organizations c apable of augm enting the planned response hav e been identif ied.

The Em ergenc y D irec tor is authorized to request assistanc e, as needed, inc luding of f site f ire, am bulanc e, and loc al law enf orc em ent response. Letters of agreem ent are in plac e f or those loc al agenc ies that w ould respond to the site if requested and f or the loc al hospital that m ay be required to treat a c ontam inated injured indiv idual f rom the site, as designated in the Palisades PDEP. Sec tion 3.1.1 of this saf ety ev aluation disc usses these letters of agreem ent.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately desc ribes the arrangem ents f or requesting assistanc e f rom other organizations or indiv iduals in an em ergenc y and show s that this assistanc e is supported by letters of agreem ent. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f

c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(3) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.A.7 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to em ergenc y response support and resourc es.

3.1.4 Em ergenc y C lassif ic ation Sy stem

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) states the f ollow ing:

A standard em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and ac tion lev el sc hem e, the bases of w hic h inc lude f ac ility sy stem and ef f luent param eters, is in use by the nuc lear f ac ility lic ensee, and State and local response plans call for reliance on information provided by facility licensees for determinations of minimum initial offsite r esponse measur es.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that the em ergenc y c lassif ic ation sy stem is based on c onsideration of c onc eiv able c onsequenc es of potential situations ranging f rom inc idents in w hic h the ef f ec ts on the f ac ility and personnel are negligible to highly unlik ely releases of radioac tiv ity. The em ergenc y c lassif ic ation of these c onditions, both radiologic al and nonradiologic al, indic ates the relativ e sev erity f or im m ediate im plem entation of response ac tions. The PD EP prov ides a graded sc ale of response f or distinc t c lassif ic ations of em ergency c onditions, ac tions appropriate f or those c lassif ic ations, and c riteria f or esc alation to a m ore sev ere c lassif ic ation. The rev ised EAL sc hem e c ategorizes ac c idents and em ergenc y situations into one of tw o em ergenc y c lassif ic ation lev els (EC Ls) depending on em ergenc y c onditions at the tim e of the inc ident. The EC Ls applic able at Palisades, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, in order of inc reasing sev erity, w ill be an U nusual Ev ent and an Alert. The c lassif ic ation of em ergenc ies up to an Alert is c onsistent w ith the regulations f or an ISFSI in 10 CFR 72.32(a)(3), as w ell as the ex em ptions granted pursuant to Sec tion IV.C.1 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, w hic h elim inated the Site Area and G eneral EC Ls.

The Palisades EAL sc hem e, w hic h spec if ies EC Ls of U nusual Ev ent and Alert, is based on NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6, as applied to a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tor w ith f uel stored on site in the SFP and an ISFSI. When indic ations are av ailable to on-shif t personnel that an EAL threshold has been m et, the ev ent is assessed and the c orresponding EC L is dec lared. The lic ensee m aintains the c apability to assess, c lassif y, and dec lare an em ergenc y c ondition w ithin 30 m inutes af ter the av ailability of indic ations to plant personnel that an EAL threshold has been ex c eeded, c onsistent w ith Sec tion IV.C.2 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted, w hic h rem ov ed the requirem ent to c lassif y a c ondition w ithin 15 m inutes. Em ergenc y c lassif ic ations are to be m ade as soon as c onditions are present and rec ognizable f or the c lassif ic ation in ac c ordanc e w ith the applic able EALs, but w ithin 30 m inutes in all c ases af ter the av ailability of indic ations to operators that an EAL threshold has been reac hed. Attac hm ent 2 of the lic ensees applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, as supplem ented by letter dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, c ontains t he initiating c onditions, their c orresponding EALs, and the tec hnic al bases f or eac h c lassif iable EAL threshold.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies (1) an em ergenc y c lassif ic ation sy stem that c ov ers a spec trum of possible radiologic al and nonradiologic al em ergenc ies at Palisades, (2) a graded sc ale of response f or distinc t c lassif ic ations of

em ergenc y c onditions, (3) ac tions appropriate f or those c lassif ic ations, and (4) c riteria f or esc alation to a m ore sev ere c lassif ic ation. The PD EP desc ribes the spec if ic instrum ents, param eters, or equipm ent status f or eac h EC L in the EAL sc hem e. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.B.1, B.2, C.1, and C.2 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to the em ergenc y c lassif ic ation sy stem.

3.1.5 N otif ic ation M ethods and Proc edures

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(5) states the f ollow ing:

Proc edures hav e been established f or notif ic ation, by the lic ensee, of State and loc al response organizations and f or notif ic ation of em ergenc y personnel by all organizations; the c ontent of initial and f ollow up m essages to response organizations and the public has been established; and means to provide early notification and clear instruction to the populace w ithin the plume exposur e pathw ay Emer gency Planning Zone have been established.

The Palisades PD EP identif ies the Em ergenc y D irec tor position, w hic h is assum ed by the Shif t M anager, as responsible f or initiating notif ic ation to the State of M ic higan, Van Buren C ounty, and the N R C, as w ell as initiating c orrec tiv e and m itigativ e ac tions. All onsite personnel are notif ied of the em ergenc y dec laration, esc alation, or term ination of an em ergenc y by an announc em ent ov er the Palisades Public Address Sy stem. O nsite ER O personnel and the Palisades ER O personnel aw ay f rom the site at the tim e of the Palisades ER O ac tiv ation are notif ied through an elec tronic notif ic ation sy stem or telephone c alls, or both. The Em ergenc y D irec tor w ill mobilize the Palisades ER O. For all c lassif ied ev ents, initial notif ic ation shall be prov ided to the State of M ic higan and Van Buren C ounty prom ptly f ollow ing the dec laration of the em ergenc y, and w ithin 60 m inutes of the em ergenc y dec laration. The initial em ergenc y m essage w ill inc lude the f ollow ing inf orm ation if it is k now n and appropriate:

  • authentic ity (i.e., This is NOT an Ex erc ise (Drill) or This is an Ex erc ise (D rill)
  • loc ation of the inc ident
  • nam e and telephone num ber (or other applic able c ontac t inf orm ation) of the indiv idual prov iding the notif ic ation
  • date and tim e of the inc ident
  • em ergenc y c lassif ic ation and EAL
  • em ergenc y response ac tions underw ay
  • whether a release is in progress
  • wind direc tion, speed, and stability c lass
  • any request f or onsite support f rom O R O s
  • prognosis f or w orsening or term ination of the ev ent based on av ailable f ac ility Inf orm ation

The lic ensee stated that f ollow-up m essages w ill be prov ided to the State of M ic higan and Van Buren C ounty w ithin 60 m inutes of a c hange in em ergenc y c lassif ic ation or a c hange in radioac tiv e release c ondition. Additionally, f ollow-up m essages should be prov ided as needed or on agreed-upon interv als established w ith the of f site authorities. The c ontent of f ollow -up m essages is c onsistent w ith that prov ided f or initial notif ic ations desc ribed abov e, as k now n and appropriate.

If the c om m erc ial telephone sy stem is unav ailable, w ireless c om m unic ations c an be used to m ak e em ergenc y notif ic ations and m aintain c ontinuous c om m unic ations w ith the State and c ounty and c an serv e as a bac k up m eans of notif y ing and ac tiv ating the Palisades ER O. The Federal Telec om m unic ations Sy stem (FTS) c onsists of the Ev ent N otif ic ation Sy stem (EN S) dedic ated telephone sy stem used to notif y the N R C O perations C enter. The ENS is used to dissem inate operational c onditions as w ell as the initial notif ic ation f rom Palisades to the N R C. If the EN S sy stem is unav ailable, c om m erc ial telephones (inc luding w ireless telephones) prov ide bac k up m eans to c om m unic ate w ith the N R C.

The N R C w ill be notif ied as soon as possible af ter the State and c ounty notif ic ations and w ithin 60 m inutes of ev ent c lassif ic ation or c hange in c lassif ic ation. The N R C ENS is a dedic ated telephone sy stem used to notif y the N R C O perations C enter of an em ergenc y. If the EN S f ails, c om m erc ial telephone lines w ill be used to notif y the N R C.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately desc ribes the proc ess f or initiating notif ic ations to the N R C and State and loc al of f ic ials, as w ell as the c ontents of the em ergenc y m essages to be sent. The lic ensee, in c ooperation w ith the State of M ic higan and Van Buren C ounty, has established m utually agreeable m ethods and proc edures to notify O R O s c onsistent w ith the approv ed EAL sc hem e and the c ontents of m essage f orm. Follow-up reports are prov ided as additional inf orm ation desc ribing the em ergenc y bec om es av ailable, and on an as-needed basis, until the em ergenc y c ondition has been term inated. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(5) and the requirem ents of 10 CFR 50.72(a)(3) and Sec tions IV.A.6, A.7, C.1, C.2, D.1, D.3, and E of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to notif ic ation m ethods and proc edures.

3.1.6 Em ergenc y C om m unic ations

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(6) states the f ollow ing:

Prov isions ex ist f or prom pt c om m unic ations am ong princ ipal response organizations to em ergenc y personnel and to the public.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that v arious m odes of c om m unic ation are av ailable to f ac ility staf f to transm it inf orm ation w ithin Palisades and to v arious offsite loc ations during norm al and em ergenc y c onditions. There are prov isions f or 24-hour -per -day notif ic ation to State and c ounty authorities and the N R C, f or ac tiv ating the Palisades ER O personnel, and f or periodic testing of the em ergenc y c om m unic ation sy stem s. The Em ergenc y D irec tor is responsible f or the

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notif ic ation of State and c ounty agenc ies and the N R C, and f or initiating c orrec tiv e and m itigativ e ac tions w hen Palisades has m ade an em ergenc y dec laration.

The lic ensee states that c om m unic ations m ay be established by dif f erent m eans, inc luding radio, telephone, and public address sy stem w ithin plant buildings and betw een c ontrol room personnel and of f site support groups. The lic ensee spec if ies that the Palisades Public Address Sy stem is designed to prov ide alarm s and announc em ents f rom the c ontrol room. This sy stem is used to c all personnel and notif y onsite personnel of the dec laration, esc alation, or term ination of an em ergenc y, and to instruc t personnel on ac tions to be tak en upon an em ergenc y dec laration.

The lic ensee spec if ied that the c om m erc ial telephone sy stem is av ailable in the Palisades c ontrol room and throughout Palisades and is used f or onsite and of f site c om m unic ations, inc luding f or requesting m edic al, law enf orc em ent, and f ireand resc ue serv ic es through 911. It also serv es as the prim ary m eans of notif y ing and ac tiv ating the augm enting Palisades ERO positions. The lic ensee stated that the c om m erc ial telephone sy stem serv es as the prim ary m eans of prov iding em ergenc y notif ic ations to the State of M ic higan and Van Buren C ounty,

and it is used to prov ide initial and f ollow-up notif ic ations and f or general inf orm ation f low am ong these organizations. The lic ensee prov ides w ireless c om m unic ations that, if the c om m erc ial telephone sy stem is unav ailable, c an be used as a bac k up m eans to m ak e em ergenc y notif ic ations.

C om m unic ations w ith the N R C O perations C enter w ill use the N R C EN S c irc uit or c om m erc ial telephone line f or ev ent notif ic ation and status updates. The N R C EN S us es the FTS telephone netw ork f or em ergenc y c om m unic ations. The FTS line ex ists betw een the N R C O perations C enter and the Palisades c ontrol room. The EN S is used to dissem inate operational c onditions as w ell as the initial notif ic ation f rom Palisades to the N R C. If the EN S sy stem is unav ailable, c om m erc ial telephones (inc luding w ireless telephones) prov ide bac k up m eans to c om m unic ate w ith the N R C. The NR C w ill be notif ied as soon as possible af ter State and loc al notif ic ations and w ithin 60 m inutes of ev ent c lassif ic ation or c hange in c lassif ic ation.

All onsite personnel are notif ied of the em ergenc y dec laration, esc alation, or term ination of an em ergenc y by an announc em ent ov er the Palisades Public Address Sy stem. O nsite ER O personnel and the Palisades ER O personnel aw ay f rom the site at the tim e of the ER O ac tiv ation are notif ied through an elec tronic notif ic ation sy stem or telephone c alls, or both. A radio sy stem is also av ailable f or c om m unic ating betw een indiv iduals on site, inc luding indiv iduals in the Palisades c ontrol room. Sec tion N.2.1, C om m unic ation D rills or Surv eillanc es, of the Palisades PDEP desc ribes the periodic testing of the em ergenc y c om m unic ations sy stem.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately dem onstrates that prov isions ex ist f or prom pt c om m unic ations am ong princ ipal response organizations to em ergenc y personnel.

The c om m unic ation m ethods prov ide a reliable prim ary and bac k up m eans of c om m unic ation, and f or plant-to -of f site c om m unic ations w ith Federal, State, and loc al agenc ies. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(6) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.C.1, D.1, D.3, and E of

Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to em ergenc y c om m unic ations.

3.1.7 Public Educ ation and Inf orm ation

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(7) states the f ollow ing:

Information is made available to the public on a periodic basis on how they w ill be notified and w hat their initial actions should be in an emergency (e.g., listening to a local broadcast station and remaining indoors),[T]he princ ipal points of c ontac t w ith the new s m edia f or dissem ination of inf orm ation during an em ergenc y (including the physical location or locations) are established in adv anc e, and proc edures f or c oordinated dissem ination of inf orm ation to the public are established.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that c om m unic ations personnel w ill be notif ied of an em ergenc y dec laration and w ill serv e as spok esperson. Plant or c orporate m anagem ent c ould also perf orm the spok esperson f unc tion. The spok esperson m onitors m edia ac tiv ity and c oordinates w ith senior m anagem ent to address rum ors and dissem inate inf orm ation to the public. The spok esperson w ill partic ipate in new s c onf erenc es as appropriate.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the organization that inc ludes a c om m unic ations position that w ould serv e as the lic ensees designated spok esperson should an em ergenc y be dec lared at Palisades. The spok esperson is av ailable f or m edia inquiries, and the positional duties inc lude c oordinating w ith senior m anagem ent to address rum ors and dissem inate inf orm ation to the public regarding an em ergenc y at Palisades.

Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PD EP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(7), as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to public educ ation and inf orm ation.

3.1.8 Em ergenc y Fac ilities and Equipm ent

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8) states the f ollow ing:

Adequate em ergenc y f ac ilities and equipm ent to support the em ergenc y response are prov ided and m aintained.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that, f ollow ing the dec laration of an em ergenc y, the ac tiv ities of the ER O w ill be c oordinated f rom the c ontrol room, f rom w here the Em ergenc y D irec tor w ill assess c onditions; ev aluate the m agnitude and potential c onsequenc es of abnorm al c onditions; initiate prev entiv e, m itigating, and c orrec tiv e ac tions; perf orm onsite and of f site notif ic ations; and m aintain c om m unic ations. When ac tiv ated, the ER O reports to the c ontrol room.

D ue to the lim ited radiologic al c onsequenc es assoc iated w ith postulated ev ents at a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled pow er reac tor, and the lim ited of f site resourc es c onsidered nec essary f or an em ergenc y at the site, a designated f ac ility to ac c om m odate S tate and loc al staf f is no longer required. An onsite f ac ility w ill c ontinue to prov ide a plac e f or ef f ec tiv e direc tion and c ontrol in an em ergenc y. The lic ensee designated the c ontrol room as that onsite f ac ility.

This is c onsistent w ith Sec tion IV.E.8.a of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted, w hic h elim inated the requirem ents f or a separate lic ensee onsite tec hnic al support c enter, onsite operations support c enter, and em ergenc y operations f ac ility.

Annunc iator and c om puter alarm s are prov ided f or a v ariety of im portant param eters, inc luding the SFP and assoc iated sy stem s to indic ate SFP lev el and tem perature. The Palisades Perm anently D ef ueled EAL Tec hnic al Bases doc um ent details the m anner in w hic h the plants proc ess m onitors are used f or ac c ident rec ognition and c lassif ic ation. R adiation m onitors and m onitoring sy stem s prov ide c ontinuous radiologic al surv eillanc e. These m onitors, w hic h inc lude c ontrol room readout and alarm f unc tions, ex ist so that appropriate ac tion c an be initiated to lim it f uel dam age and c ontain radioac tiv e m aterial. The sy stem w arns personnel of potential radiologic al health hazards, giv es early w arning of c ertain equipm ent m alf unc tions that m ight lead to a radiologic al hazard or f ac ility dam age, and prev ents or m inim izes the ef f ec ts of inadv ertent releases of radioac tiv ity. Plant instrum entation also prov ides c ontrol room personnel w ith area radiation lev els and gaseous and liquid ef f luent m onitor readings to perf orm dose assessm ent s and determ ine the m agnitude of a potential release. In addition to installed m onitoring sy stem s, onsite portable radiation and c ontam ination m onitoring equipm ent is av ailable.

M eteorologic al data f or the area surrounding the Palisades site are av ailable in the c ontrol room. The data are used to determ ine the projec ted path and radiologic al c onsequenc es in the ev ent of an ac c idental release of radioac tiv ity to the env ironm ent. Sec tion P.8, Inv entory and M aintenanc e of Em ergenc y Equipm ent, of the Palisades PD EP disc usses the periodic inv entory, testing, and c alibration of em ergenc y m edic al response equipm ent and supplies that are c onduc ted in ac c ordanc e w ith approv ed f ac ility proc edures. This inc ludes, but is not lim ited to, portable radiation m onitors, em ergenc y m edic al response equipm ent, dosim eters, and portable radios.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the f ac ilities, equipm ent, and ER O personnel, w hic h report to the Em ergenc y D irec tor, that are av ailable to assess the situation; ev aluate the m agnitude and potential c onsequenc es of abnorm al c onditions; initiate prev entiv e, m itigating, and c orrec tiv e ac tions; and perf orm onsite and of f site notif ic ations as appropriate to the em ergenc y. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8), as w ell as the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.E and G of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to em ergenc y f ac ilities and equipm ent.

3.1.9 Ac c ident Assessm ent

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(9) states the f ollow ing:

Adequate m ethods, sy stem s, and equipm ent f or assessing and m onitoring ac tual or potential offsite c onsequenc es of a radiologic al em ergenc y c ondition are in use.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that station proc edures prov ide f or prev entiv e or c orrec tiv e ac tions to m itigate the c onsequenc es of ev ents. Instrum entation, c ontrol sy stem s, and radiation m onitors indic ate the saf e and orderly im plem entation of c orrec tiv e ac tions. These sy stem s

spec if ic ally indic ate SFP storage inv entory (lev el), tem perature, c ooling, and supporting sy stem s status.

Palisades m aintains proc edures and strategies f or the m ov em ent of any nec essary portable equipm ent that w ill be relied upon f or m itigating the loss of SFP w ater. These div erse strategies prov ide def ense in depth and am ple tim e to supply m ak eup w ater or spray bef ore the onset of zirc onium c ladding ignition, w hen c onsidering the v ery low probability of bey ond-design-basis ev ents af f ec ting the SFP.

Palisades m aintains and operates the onsite m onitoring sy stem s needed to prov ide data essential f or initiating em ergenc y m easures and perf orm ing ac c ident assessm ent, inc luding dose assessm ent, and determ ining the m agnitude of a release. The lic ensee c an perf orm dose assessm ent on a 24-hour -per -day basis. The lic ensees dose assessm ent is the responsibility of the Em ergenc y D irec tor and c an initially be perf orm ed by any qualif ied on-shif t indiv idual.

Certif ied Fuel H andlers (C FH s) are qualif ied to perf orm dose assessm ent s. The lic ensee m aintains at least one C FH-qualif ied indiv idual on shif t on a 24-hour -per -day basis. When augm ented, the RP C oordinator assum es the dose assessm ent responsibilities.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PDEP adequately identif ies the onsite c apabilities and resourc es av ailable to prov ide initial and c ontinuing inf orm ation f or ac c ident assessm ent throughout the c ourse of an ev ent. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(9) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.A.4, B.1, C.2, and E of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to ac c ident assessm ent.

3.1.10 Protec tiv e Ac tions

As ex em pted f or Palisades, 10 CFR 50.47(b)(10) states the f ollow ing:

A range of protec tiv e ac tions has been dev eloped for the plume exposure pathw ay EPZ f or em ergenc y w ork ers and the public. In developing this range of actions, consideration has been given to evacuation, sheltering, and, as a supplement to these, the prophylactic use of potassium iodide (KI), as appr opr iate. Evacuation time estimates have been developed by applicants and licensees. Licensees shall update the evacuation time estimates on a periodic basis. G uidelines for the choice of protective actions during an emergency, consistent w ith Federal guidance, are developed and in place, and protective actions for the ingestion exposure pathw ay EPZ appropriate to the locale have been developed.

The Palisades PD EP identif ies the protec tiv e ac tions f or station personnel, c ontrac tors, and v isitors (m em bers of the public ) loc ated on site and addresses ac c ountability and site egress m ethods. Station proc edures also prov ide the m eans to protec t personnel during hostile ac tions.

The Palisades PD EP states that personnel ac c ountability should be c onsidered and used as a protec tiv e ac tion w henev er a sitew ide risk to health and saf ety ex ists or at the disc retion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor. If personnel ac c ountability is required, at the direc tion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor, all indiv iduals at the f ac ility (inc luding em ploy ees w ithout em ergenc y assignm ents,

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v isitors, and c ontrac tor personnel) shall be notif ied of the em ergenc y and prov ided w ith instruc tions.

The Em ergenc y D irec tor has the authority to initiate personnel ac c ountability. Ac c ountability should be c onsidered and used as a protec tiv e ac tion w henev er a risk to health or saf ety ex ists, or at the disc retion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor. If personnel ac c ountability is required, at the direc tion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor, all indiv iduals at the f ac ility (inc luding em ploy ees w ithout em ergenc y assignm ents, v isitors, and c ontrac tor personnel) shall be notif ied of the em ergenc y and prov ided w ith instruc tions. Ac c ountability of all personnel inside the protec ted area should be ac c om plished w ithin 60 m inutes af ter ev ent dec laration and m aintained thereaf ter at the disc retion of the Em ergenc y D irec tor. Follow ing announc em ent of an em ergenc y dec laration, onsite personnel are responsible f or reporting to designated areas and aiding the ac c ountability process. If personnel are not ac c ounted f or, the Em ergenc y D irec tor is notif ied, and onsite announc em ents are m ade. If personnel are still unac c ounted f or f ollow ing the onsite announc em ents, searc h and resc ue operations are initiated. In the ev ent of a suspec ted radiologic al release, personnel are m onitored f or radioac tiv e c ontam ination bef ore leav ing the protec ted area. RP staf f or trained m onitoring personnel w ill perf orm m onitoring using instrum entation that is norm ally av ailable or spec if ic ally assigned f or this purpose.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the protec tiv e ac tions f or onsite personnel, inc luding station personnel, c ontrac tors, and v isitors (m em bers of the public ),

and ensures that protec tiv e equipm ent and supplies are m aintained to support an em ergenc y response. The PD EP also spec if ies that plant ev ac uees be m onitored f or radioac tiv e c ontam ination bef ore leav ing the Palisades protec ted area. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(10) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.C.1, E, and I of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to protec tiv e response.

3.1.11 R adiologic al Ex posure C ontrol

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(11) states the f ollow ing:

M eans f or c ontrolling radiologic al ex posures, in an em ergenc y, are established f or em ergenc y w ork ers. The m eans f or c ontrolling radiologic al ex posures shall inc lude ex posure guidelines c onsistent w ith EPA Em ergenc y Work er and Lif esav ing Ac tiv ity Protec tiv e Ac tion G uides.

The Palisades PD EP identif ies all reasonable m easures that are tak en to c ontrol the radiation ex posure to em ergenc y response personnel prov iding resc ue, f irst aid, dec ontam ination, em ergenc y transportation, m edic al treatm ent serv ic es, or c orrec tiv e or assessm ent ac tions to rem ain w ithin applic able lim its spec if ied in 10 CFR Part 20, Standards f or Protec tion Against R adiation. The Shif t M anager or Em ergenc y D irec tor has the responsibility to authorize em ergenc y dose c om m itm ents in ex c ess of the 10 CFR Part 20 lim its. This authorization is c oordinated w ith the assistanc e of the s ite R P C oordinator. Table K.1, Em ergenc y Ex posure Criteria, of the Palisades PD EP c ontains the guidelines f or em ergenc y ex posure c riteria, w hic h is c onsistent w ith Table 3-1, Em ergenc y Work er G uidelines, in the EPA PAG M anual.

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Indiv iduals authorized to enter radiologic al c ontrol areas (R C As) at Palisades are trained and issued personal radiation dosim etry. H igh range or elec tronic dosim eters or alarm ing self -indic ating dosim etry, or both, are used to m onitor em ergenc y w ork er ex posure during an ac c ident. The lic ensee stated that em ergenc y w ork ers are instruc ted to read self-indic ating dosim eters f requently, and dosim etry m ay be proc essed w ith inc reased periodic ity. Em ergenc y w ork er dose rec ords are m aintained in ac c ordanc e w ith proc edures. All reasonable m easures are to be tak en to c ontrol the radiation ex posure to em ergenc y response personnel prov iding resc ue, f irst aid, dec ontam ination, em ergenc y transportation, m edic al treatm ent serv ic es, and c orrec tiv e and assessm ent ac tions to rem ain w ithin the applic able lim its spec if ied in 10 CFR Part 20.

D uring em ergenc y c onditions, Palisades m aintains norm al plant dec ontam ination m easures and c ontam ination c ontrol lim its. H ow ev er, the R P C oordinator m ay m odif y these lim its should c onditions w arrant. C ontam ination c ontrol m easures are m aintained to address ac c ess c ontrol, drink ing w ater and f ood supplies, and the return of areas and item s to norm al use in ac c ordanc e w ith proper radiation and c ontam ination c ontrol tec hniques. The f ac ility proc edures c ontain the Palisades c ontam ination c ontrol c riteria f or returning areas and item s to norm al use. Em ergenc y equipm ent and supplies are stored at v arious loc ations throughout the site f or im m ediate use by em ergenc y f orc es.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the m eans f or c ontrolling radiologic al ex posures f or em ergenc y w ork ers. Em ergenc y w ork er dose lim its are established f or designated ac tiv ities and under spec if ic c onditions. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(11) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.E of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to radiologic al ex posure c ontrol.

3.1.12 M edic al and First Aid Support

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(12) states the f ollow ing:

Arrangem ents are m ade f or m edic al serv ic es f or c ontam inated injured indiv iduals.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that the lic ensee m aintains on-shif t personnel and equipm ent to prov ide f irst aid f or personnel w ork ing at the site. First aid equipm ent and supplies are loc ated in the f ir st aid room. In addition, traum a and prim ary response k its are av ailable throughout the f ac ility and are inspec ted and m aintained in ac c ordanc e w ith approv ed f ac ility proc edures.

In the supplem ent dated N ov em ber 8, 2022, the lic ensee asserted that the Palisades ERO onsite initial responders, as part of their position qualif ic ation program, rec eiv e fir st aid, c ardiopulm onary resusc itation (C PR ) and a utom ated ex ternal def ibrillator (AED ) training. The training c lasses use Am eric an H eart Assoc iation or Am eric an R ed C ross c ourse m aterials and are taught by their qualif ied trainers, respec tiv ely. ER O initial responders c onsist of C FH s and RP tec hnic ians, w ho are responsible f or responding to onsite em ergenc ies and f or prov iding f irst aid and C PR and AED assistanc e to injured, and if nec essary, injured c ontam inated personnel.

A m inim um c om plem ent of qualif ied C FH s and R P tec hnic ians are required to be on site on a c ontinuous basis.

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Arrangem ents are in plac e w ith the agenc ies listed in a ppendix 1 to the PD EP f or prom pt am bulanc e transport of persons w ith injuries inv olv ing radioac tiv ity to designated hospitals.

Suc h serv ic e is av ailable on a 24-hour -a -day basis. Loc al am bulanc e serv ic es are av ailable to transport seriously ill, injured, or radioac tiv ely c ontam inated injured personnel.

The c ontrol room obtains direc t am bulanc e dispatc h through 911. The dispatc her prov ides f or a c oordinated c om m unic ations link to the am bulanc es responding to Palisades or transporting c ontam inated or injured personnel f rom Palisades. Arrangem ents hav e been m ade f or the C ov ert Fire D epartm ent to transport injured, c ontam inated, and irradiated personnel to the hospital.

An agreem ent is in plac e w ith Bronson South H av en H ospital f or m edic al treatm ent of patients f rom Palisades w ho hav e injuries c om plic ated by radioac tiv e c ontam ination. The Bronson South H av en H ospital is loc ated in South H av en, M ic higan, approx im ately 6 m iles f rom Palisades. The hospital prov ides f ac ilities suc h as an em ergenc y room, a laboratory, a radiology departm ent, and a nuc lear m edic ine departm ent. The hospital has trained personnel f or handling radioac tiv ely c ontam inated patients.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies arrangem ents that are m aintained f or hospital and m edic al serv ic es loc ated in the v ic inity of the station and f or prom pt am bulanc e transport of persons w ith injuries inv olv ing radiologic al c ontam ination to the designated hospital. The lic ensee also m aintains onsite f irst aid supplies and equipm ent nec essary f or the treatm ent of injured persons w ith radiologic al c ontam ination or ov erex posures. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(12) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.A.6 and E of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to m edic al and f irst aid support.

3.1.13 R ec ov ery and R eentry

The requirem ent in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(13) states the f ollow ing:

G eneral plans f or rec ov ery and reentry are dev eloped.

The Palisades PD EP identif ies the Shif t M anager/Em ergenc y D irec tor as assuming total responsibility f or ov erall em ergenc y response ac tions and rec ov ery. U pon term ination of an em ergenc y and transition to the rec ov ery phase, the Em ergenc y D irec tor assem bles the rec ov ery organization to address the spec if ic em ergenc y c irc um stanc es of the term inated ev ent.

The Palisades PD EP div ides reentry into tw o c ategories:

(1) As direc ted by the Em ergenc y D irec tor, reentry during the em ergenc y phase of an ac c ident m ay be perf orm ed to sav e a lif e, c ontrol a release of radioac tiv e m aterial, prev ent f urther dam age to plant equipm ent, or restore plant equipm ent. If nec essary, this c ategory of reentry m ay be perf orm ed using em ergenc y ex posure lim its desc ribed in PDEP Part 2, Sec tion K. Brief ings and em ergenc y f orm s, rather than w ritten radiation

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protec tion proc edures, operating proc edures, and m aintenanc e proc edures, c an be used w hen m ak ing these entries.

(2) As direc ted by the Em ergenc y D irec tor or the rec ov ery organization, reentry during the rec ov ery phase is perf orm ed using norm al ex posure lim its and norm al proc edures, or proc edures dev eloped spec if ic ally f or eac h reentry. Surv ey results and all other pertinent inf orm ation c ollec ted f rom logs and other rec ords, or other indic ators, m ay be used to ev aluate the adv isability and the tim ing of reentry to af f ec ted areas.

The lic ensee stated that radiation ex posure to personnel inv olv ed in the rec ov ery w ill be k ept as low as reasonably ac hiev able and w ithin the stated lim its of 10 CFR Part 20. R adiation areas w ill be roped of f and posted w ith w arning signs and c ontrolled in ac c ordanc e w ith plant proc edures. The lic ensee spec if ied that ac c ess to these areas w ill be c ontrolled and ex posures to personnel entering suc h areas doc um ented. Shielding w ill be f ully em ploy ed, to the ex tent possible. The plan is to return f ac ility c onditions to w ithin t ec hnic al spec if ic ation lim its. The lic ensee also stated that a nuc lear saf ety /rev iew c om m ittee rev iew s and approv es rec ov ery operations in ac c ordanc e w ith its c harter and the tec hnic al spec if ic ations.

O nc e the dec ision is m ade to enter the rec ov ery phase, the ex tent of the staf f ing required f or the rec ov ery organization w ill be determ ined. A site R ec ov ery D irec tor w ill be appointed by senior m anagem ent and c harged w ith the responsibility f or direc ting the ac tiv ities of the rec ov ery organization. These responsibilities inc lude the f ollow ing:

  • Ensure an ev ent sum m ary report is prepared and transm itted to of f site authorities.
  • O v ersee the dev elopm ent of, and approve, a rec ov ery plan and any spec ial rec ov ery proc edures.
  • D eac tiv ate any of the Palisades ER O positions that w ere retained to aid in rec ov ery, in the appropriate m anner. D epending upon the ty pe of ac c ident, c ertain ER O positions m ay rem ain in plac e af ter initiation of the rec ov ery phase.
  • Approve inf orm ation released by the public inf orm ation organization that pertains to the em ergenc y or the rec ov ery phase of the ac c ident.
  • M aintain a rec ord or log of spec if ic rec ov ery ac tions tak en.
  • Work w ith senior c om pany m anagem ent to assist em ploy ees af f ec ted by the ev ent.
  • D eterm ine w hen the rec ov ery phase is term inated. R ec ov ery w ill be term inated w hen ac tions identif ied in the rec ov ery plan hav e been c om pleted.
  • Identif y and doc um ent issues relating to rec ov ery operations.
  • C oordinate the dev elopm ent and im plem entation of the rec ov ery plan and proc edures.
  • D irec t all onsite ac tiv ities in support of rec ov ery.
  • D esignate other rec ov ery positions required in support of onsite rec ov ery ac tiv ities.

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  • Inv estigate the ev ent in ac c ordanc e w ith the Palisades C orrec tiv e Ac tion Program.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the general goals f or plant rec ov ery and the organizational struc ture responsible f or c oordinating response and rec ov ery f rom em ergenc y c onditions at the f ac ility. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that,

c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(13) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.H of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to rec ov ery and reentry.

3.1.14 Ex erc ises and D rills

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14) states the f ollow ing:

Periodic ex erc ises are (w ill be) c onduc ted to ev aluate m ajor portions of em ergenc y response c apabilities, periodic drills are (w ill be) c onduc ted to dev elop and m aintain k ey sk ills, and def ic ienc ies identif ied as a result of ex erc ises or drills are (w ill be) c orrec ted.

The Palisades PD EP identif ies periodic ex erc ises and drills that w ill be c onduc ted to ev aluate m ajor portions of the lic ensees em ergenc y response c apabilities, as w ell as to dev elop and m aintain k ey em ergenc y response sk ills. Em ergenc y ex erc ises and drills are c onduc ted to train, test, dev elop, and m aintain the prof ic ienc y of em ergenc y responders.

The Palisades PD EP states that biennial ex erc ises shall be c onduc ted to test the tim ing and c ontent of the Palisades im plem enting proc edures and m ethods, as w ell as to ensure that em ergenc y personnel are f am iliar w ith their duties. O R O s are of f ered the opportunity to partic ipate in the Palisades biennial ex erc ises to the ex tent assistanc e w ould be ex pec ted during an em ergenc y dec laration. H ow ev er, partic ipation by of f site organizations is not required, nor are of f site response organizations ev aluated.

The Palisades PD EP also identif ied the f ollow ing periodic em ergenc y response drills and tests, w hic h c an be perf orm ed as part of any drill or ex erc ise:

  • C om m unic ation D rills:

The EN S used to c om m unic ate w ith the N R C is tested m onthly.

The c om m unic ation link s betw een the c ontrol room s and the State of M ic higan and Van Buren C ounty w ill be tested m onthly.

The c om m unic ation sy stem s listed below, as detailed in s ec tion F of the PD EP, are used f requently. Theref ore, periodic testing of these sy stem s is not nec essary.

public address sy stem

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c om m erc ial telephone sy stem s radio sy stem

  • Fire D rills: D rills are c onduc ted in ac c ordanc e w ith the Palisades Fire Protec tion Plan, w hic h has been rev iew ed and approv ed by the N R C.
  • M edic al Em ergenc y D rills: O n an annual basis, m edic al em ergenc y drills are c onduc ted and inv olv e an indiv idual w ho is sim ulated to be injured and c ontam inated. The C ov ert Fire D epartm ent and Bronson South H av en H ospital are inv ited to partic ipate to dem onstrate and prac tic e the rec eipt and treatm ent of c ontam inated patients.
  • R P D rills: O n an annual basis, R P drills are c onduc ted that inv olv e response to, and analy sis of, sim ulated airborne sam ples w ith elev ated lev els of ac tiv ity. These drills also inv olv e direc t m easurem ents of radiation lev els in the f ac ility. N orm al and em ergenc y radiation proc edures and proc esses are f ollow ed f or the sim ulated c onditions.

The Palisades PD EP states that a sc enario pac k age is dev eloped f or eac h EP ex erc ise or drill c onduc ted. The inf orm ation inc luded in the sc enario pac k age is in ac c ordanc e w ith f ac ility proc edures. C ontrollers or observ ers are assigned to ev aluate drill or ex erc ise perf orm anc e.

Follow ing eac h drill or ex erc ise, a c ritique is c onduc ted to ev aluate the ability of the partic ipants to im plem ent the PD EP and e m ergenc y im plem enting proc edures. Biennially, representativ es f rom the N R C observ e and ev aluate an ex erc ise, inc luding the lic ensees ability to c onduc t an adequate self-c ritic al c ritique. Identif ied areas of the EP program that require im prov em ent are entered, trac k ed, and resolv ed in the Palisades C orrec tiv e Ac tion Program. Feedbac k is prov ided to partic ipants through c ritiques, drills, or ex erc ise reports, or in ac c ordanc e w ith training program requirem ents.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the general goals f or ex erc ises and drills and the intent of ex erc ise sc enarios and ev aluates ex erc ise and drill perf orm anc e objec tiv es against m easurable dem onstration c riteria. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14) and the requirem ents of Sec tions IV.E.9 and F of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to ex erc ises and drills.

3.1.15 R adiologic al Em ergenc y R esponse Training

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(15) states the f ollow ing:

R adiologic al em ergenc y response training is prov ided to those w ho m ay be c alled on to assist in an em ergenc y.

The Palisades PDEP spec if ies that radiologic al em ergenc y response training is prov ided to those w ho m ay be c alled on to assist in an em ergenc y. Palisades ER O personnel rec eiv e initial, spec ialized, and periodic c ontinuing training. Training program details are m aintained in Training D epartm ent proc edures and are tailored to ensure prof ic ienc y in the assigned ER O position.

The lic ensee stated that new ER O personnel rec eiv e an initial ov erv iew c ourse that f am iliarizes

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them w ith the PD EP by prov iding basic inf orm ation in the f ollow ing areas, as w ell as spec if ic inf orm ation as delineated in the sec tions below :

  • planning basis
  • em ergenc y c lassif ic ations
  • ER O and responsibilities
  • ac tiv ation of the ER O

The Palisades PD EP states that personnel qualif ied as an Em ergenc y D irec tor rec eiv e spec ialized training in the f ollow ing areas:

  • em ergenc y notif ic ations
  • em ergenc y c lassif ic ation
  • m itigativ e and protec tiv e ac tions
  • em ergenc y ex posure c ontrol

Training program details are m aintained in Training D epartm ent proc edures and are tailored to ensure prof ic ienc y in the assigned ER O position. N ew ER O personnel rec eiv e an initial ov erv iew c ourse that f am iliarizes them w ith the PD EP by prov iding the basic inf orm ation listed abov e, as w ell as spec if ic inf orm ation in the areas of planning basis, em ergenc y c lassif ic ations, ER O responsibilities, and ac tiv ation of the ER O. In addition to the training rec eiv ed to qualif y f or their norm al duties, personnel responsible f or radiologic al assessm ent rec eiv e periodic training on dose assessm ent, basic m eteorology, and transportation of injured indiv iduals.

Training is of f ered annually to of f site organizations that m ay prov ide spec ialized serv ic es w hen responding on site during an em ergenc y at Palisades (e.g., f iref ighting, m edic al serv ic es, transport of c ontam inated and injured personnel). The training shall be struc tured to m eet the needs of that organization w ith respec t to the nature of its support. The training inc ludes topic s inv olv ing ev ent notif ic ation, site ac c ess, basic R P, and interf ac e ac tiv ities. The Palisades proc edures outline the proc ess to docum ent training of the ER O.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identif ies the lev el and depth of the EP training program that the indiv iduals are to rec eiv e. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PDEP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(15) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.F of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to radiologic al em ergenc y response training.

3.1.16 Em ergenc y Plan D ev elopm ent and R ev iew

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16) states the f ollow ing:

R esponsibilities f or plan dev elopm ent and rev iew and f or distribution of em ergenc y plans are established, and planners are properly trained.

The lic ensee stated that Palisades personnel w ho perf orm planning duties f or the EP program s rec eiv e ongoing training and ex perienc es to m aintain or im prov e their k now ledge related to em ergenc y planning. The lic ensee stated that the Palisades PD EP is rev iew ed on an annual

basis and updated, as nec essary, to m aintain its ef f ec tiv eness. The m anager responsible f or em ergenc y planning determ ines w hic h rec om m ended c hanges are inc orporated into the PD EP.

The lic ensee stated that it w ill ev aluate all proposed c hanges in ac c ordanc e w ith 10 CFR 50.54(q). C hanges to the PD EP are m ade w ithout N R C approv al only if suc h c hanges do not reduc e the ef f ec tiv eness of the PD EP, and the PD EP, as c hanged, c ontinues to m eet the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, as ex em pted. Proposed c hanges that reduc e or hav e a potential to reduc e the ef f ec tiv eness of the approv ed PD EP are not im plem ented w ithout prior approv al by the N R C. Tec hnic al rev iew s of the PD EP and em ergenc y im plem enting proc edures shall be c onduc ted in ac c ordanc e w ith f ac ility proc edures.

The Palisades PD EP prov ides that letters of agreem ent w ith of f site support agenc ies be rev iew ed annually. The agreem ents w ill be rev ised or rec ertif ied as appropriate. R ec ertif ic ation m ay inc lude a rec ertif ic ation letter or m em orandum, purc hase order, em ail, doc um ented telephone c onv ersation, or other c orrespondenc e. The lic ensee c oordinates an independent rev iew of the EP p rogram to m eet the requirem ents of 10 CFR 50.54(t). R esults of this rev iew are subm itted to the Palisades Vic e President. The m anager responsible f or em ergenc y planning ensures that any f indings that deal w ith of f site interf ac es are rev iew ed w ith the appropriate agenc ies. Written notif ic ation w ill be giv en to loc al agenc ies doc um enting the results of the audit and prov iding notic e of av ailability of the audit rec ords f or rev iew at Palisades.

R ec ords of the rev iew are m aintained f or at least 5 y ears. The Palisades Em ergenc y Telephone D irec tory w ill also be m aintained and updated at least quarterly.

The Palisades PD EP prov ides that periodic inv entory, testing, and c alibration of em ergenc y equipm ent and supplies be c onduc ted in ac c ordanc e w ith approv ed f ac ility proc edures. This inc ludes, but is not lim ited to, portable radiation m onitors, em ergenc y m edic al response equipm ent, dosim eters, and portable radios. Em ergenc y equipm ent and instrum entation w ill be inv entoried, inspec ted, and operationally c hec k ed periodic ally, as indic ated by the proc edure, as w ell as af ter eac h use. The Palisades PD EP states that suf f ic ient reserv es of equipm ent and instrum entation w ill be stoc k ed to replac e em ergenc y equipm ent and instrum entation rem ov ed f rom serv ic e f or c alibration and repair.

Based on its rev iew of the Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed abov e, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the applic able ev aluation c riteria of N U R EG-0654, as outlined in attac hm ent 1 to NSIR/DPR-ISG -02. The PD EP adequately identifies responsibility f or the issuanc e, c ontrol, and rev ision or updating of the PD EP, EPIPs, and support doc um ents. Based on this rev iew, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that, c onsidering the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled status of the f ac ility, the Palisades PD EP addresses, in an ac c eptable m anner, planning standard 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.G of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades, pertaining to em ergenc y plan dev elopm ent and rev iew.

3.2 Em ergenc y Ac tion Lev el Sc hem e

The lic ensee c urrently us es an EAL sc hem e based on N EI 99-01, R ev ision 5, with site-spec if ic m odif ic ations due to design issues or lic ensee pref erenc e. The lic ensee is rev ising its c urrent EAL sc hem e using the guidanc e in Sec tion 8, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Initiating C onditions (IC s) and EALs, and Appendix C, Perm anently D ef ueled Station ICs/EALs, of NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6, as applied to a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tor w ith f uel stored on site in the Palisades SFP and ISFSI loc ated at the Palisades f ac ility.

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As disc ussed in the N R C staf f s saf ety ev aluation assoc iated w ith the ex em ptions granted to Palisades f rom c ertain EP planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47 and requirem ents of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, there are no longer any D BAs at Palisades that c an result in a radiologic al release ex c eeding the early phase PAG s at the EAB. Theref ore, the N R C staf f s assessm ent of the risk s and c onsequenc es of a radiologic al release at Palisades, based on its perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition, c onc luded that, in ac c ordanc e w ith Sec tion IV.C.1 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted, the risk s and c onsequenc es are insuf f ic ient to w arrant a Site Area Em ergenc y or G eneral Em ergenc y c lassif ic ation lev el. As a result, the only EC Ls applic able to the Palisades f ac ility are an U nusual Ev ent or an Alert.

In its applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, the lic ensee subm itted its proposed EAL sc hem e f or Palisades to ref lec t a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition, along w ith its tec hnic al basis and the EAL num bering sc hem e. The proposed EAL sc hem e is unique to Palisades, as it c ontains site-spec if ic designations and desc riptions.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the proposed EAL sc hem e is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in sec tion 8 and appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6, to ensure that it m eets the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted, f or a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled nuc lear pow er reac tor w ith spent f uel stored on site in the SFP and ISFSI at the Palisades f ac ility. The N R C staf f rev iew ed the proposed EAL sc hem e, tec hnic al basis, c om parison m atrix, and all additional inf orm ation and f ound that the sc hem e has site-spec if ic m odif ic ations f rom the guidanc e in NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6, due to spec if ic plant designs and lic ensee pref erenc e.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the instrum entation and setpoints deriv ed f or the proposed EAL sc hem e are c onsistent w ith the ov erall dev elopm ent guidanc e, address the plant-spec if ic im plem entation strategies prov ided, and are c onsistent w ith a standard EAL sc hem e.

Although the EALs m ust be plant spec if ic, to ensure c onsistenc y and regulatory stability, the N R C staf f rev iew ed the proposed EAL sc hem e w ith respec t to f ollow ing the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e, f ound in the N R C-endorsed guidanc e of N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6:

  • c onsistenc y, inc luding standardization of intent, if not in ac tual w ording (i.e., the EALs w ould lead to sim ilar dec isions under sim ilar c irc um stanc es at dif f erent plants)
  • hum an f ac tors engineering and user f riendliness
  • potential f or EC L upgrade only w hen there is an inc reasing threat to public health and saf ety
  • ease of upgrading and dow ngrading the EC L
  • thoroughness in addressing and disposing of the issues of c om pleteness and ac c urac y raised in Appendix 1, Em ergenc y Ac tion Lev el G uidelines f or N uc lear Pow er Plants, to N U R EG-0654 (i.e., the EALs are unam biguous and are based on site-spec if ic indic ators)
  • tec hnic al c om pleteness f or eac h EC L

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  • logic al progression in c lassif ic ation f or m ultiple ev ents
  • use of objec tiv e and observ able v alues

The Palisades EAL tec hnic al basis doc um ent is an integral part of the EAL sc hem e. The m aterial in this doc um ent supports proper em ergenc y c lassif ic ation dec ision-m ak ing by prov iding bac k ground and dev elopm ent inf orm ation in a readily ac c essible f orm at, w hic h c an be ref erred to in training situations and w hen m ak ing an ac tual em ergenc y c lassif ic ation, if nec essary. The doc um ent is also usef ul f or establishing c onf iguration m anagem ent c ontrols f or EP-related equipm ent and ex plaining an em ergenc y c lassif ic ation to of f site authorities.

To aid in understanding the nom enc lature used in this saf ety ev aluation, the proposed EAL sc hem e f or Palisades inc ludes tw o EC Ls: U nusual Ev ent (U ), and Alert (A). ICs f or entry into eac h of the tw o EC Ls are spec if ied f or c onditions relating tothe f ollow ing:

  • Abnorm al R adiation Lev els/R adiologic al Ef f luent: PD-A
  • H azards and O ther C onditions Af f ec ting Plant Saf ety : PD-H
  • Sy stem M alf unc tion: PD-S
  • H azards and O ther C onditions Af f ec ting ISFSI: E-H.

This saf ety ev aluation uses the num bering sy stem f rom the proposed plant-spec if ic perm anently def ueled EAL sc hem e, w hic h is c onsistent w ith the num bering sy stem f rom the generic EAL sc hem e dev elopm ent guidanc e c ontained in N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6. The N R C staf f v erif ied that the num bering, sequenc ing, f orm atting, logic al progression, and ease of upgrading and dow ngrading f or these EALs are c onsistent w ith the ov erall dev elopm ent guidanc e and address the plant-spec if ic im plem entation strategies prov ided and are, theref ore, c onsistent w ith a standard EAL sc hem e, as required by 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4).

For eac h IC, spec if ic EAL threshold v alues w ould require the dec laration of an EC L. The EAL sc hem e is intended to prov ide m ultiple and div erse threshold v alues f or an U nusual Ev ent and Alert to ensure ac c urate c lassif ic ation and tim ely dec laration.

The lic ensee m ade c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e, throughout the proposed EAL sc hem e, as f ollow s:

  • N o longer use the f ollow ing def initions in NEI 99-01 prev iously used in the Palisades Perm anently D ef ueled EAL Tec hnic al Bases D oc um ent:

G eneral Em ergenc y Site Area Em ergenc y

  • R ev ise the def inition f or Alert to c hange plant to f ac ility and to delete of saf ety sy stem s.
  • C hange N otif ic ation of U nusual Ev ent to U nusual Ev ent.
  • R em ov e operating m ode applic ability, as it does not apply in a perm anently def ueled c ondition.
  • R em ov e Ex am ple f rom EALs sinc e they are no longer ex am ples.

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  • R ev ise the ref erenc e to plant to f ac ility to indic ate that Palisades is no longer an operating nuc lear pow er plant.
  • R ev ise the def inition f or N otif ic ation of U nusual Ev ent (N O U E) to c hange plant to f ac ility and to delete of saf ety sy stem s f or reasons detailed in the prec eding bullet.
  • D o not use the f ollow ing k ey term s in the Palisades Perm anently D ef ueled EAL Tec hnic al Bases D oc um ent f or reasons prev iously prov ided:

The k ey term, Initiating C ondition, w as rev ised to c hange f our em ergenc y c lassif ic ation lev els to tw o em ergenc y c lassif ic ation lev els bec ause the Site Area Em ergenc y and G eneral Em ergenc y are not applic able to a perm anently shutdow n and def ueled f ac ility.

The k ey term, Em ergenc y C lassif ic ation Lev el, w as rev ised to ex c lude ref erenc e to Site Area Em ergenc y and G eneral Em ergenc y bec ause the c lassif ic ation lev els are no longer c redible em ergenc y c lassif ic ations at Palisades, and no D BA or reasonably c onc eiv able bey ond-DBA w ill result in radiologic al releases requiring of f site protec tiv e ac tions.

  • Add site-spec if ic basis inf orm ation.

The N R C staf f determ ined that these c hanges are adm inistrativ e in nature and are, as suc h, ac c eptable, sinc e they do not im pac t the ov erall EAL sc hem e. The sec tions below ev aluate the ac c eptability of the proposed EAL sc hem e.

3.2.1 C ategory PD-A: Abnorm al R adiation Lev els/R adiologic al Ef f luent EAL PD-AU 1, R elease of gaseous or liquid radioac tiv ity greater than 2 tim es the Of f -Site D ose C alc ulation M anual (O C D M ) lim its f or 60 m inutes or longer

This EAL addresses a potential dec rease in the lev el of f ac ility saf ety as indic ated by a low-lev el radiologic al release that ex c eeds regulatory c om m itm ents f or an ex tended period of tim e (e.g., an unc ontrolled release). It inc ludes any gaseous or liquid radiologic al release, m onitored or unm onitored, inc luding those f or w hic h a radioac tiv ity disc harge perm it is norm ally prepared.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • Initiating Condition: inserted the O D C M as the site-spec if ic ef f luent release c ontrolling doc um ent
  • N otes, Bullet #3: replac ed "hav e stopped due to ac tions to isolate the release path" w ith hav e stopped due to isolation of the release path
  • added OR betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1: a dded Valid

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  • EAL #1: p rov ided Palisades site-spec if ic ef f luent radiation m onitors and c alc ulated threshold v alues
  • EAL #1: replac ed 2 tim es the alarm setpoint established by a c urrent radioac tiv ity disc harge perm it w ith the reading show n and inc luded Palisades site-spec if ic c alc ulated ef f luent radiation m onitor threshold v alues on w hic h to base the dec laration of an UNUSUAL EVENT
  • EAL #2: a dded C onf irm ed
  • EAL #2: i nserted O D C M as the site-spec if ic ef f luent release c ontrolling doc um ent

For the site-spec if ic c hange to ref erenc e the O D C M as the site-spec if ic ef f luent release c ontrolling doc um ent, the N R C staf f v erif ied that Palisades im plem ented the dev eloper notes f or identif y ing the site-spec if ic ef f luent release c ontrolling doc um ent c ontained in N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6, as the basis f or this spec if ic EAL. The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-AA1, R elease of gaseous or liquid radioac tiv ity resulting in of f site dose greater than 10 m R em [m illirem ] TEDE [total ef f ec tiv e dose equiv alent] or 50 m R em thy r oid C DE

[c om m itted dose equiv alent]

This EAL addresses a release of gaseous or liquid radioac tiv ity that results in projec ted or ac tual of f site doses greater than or equal to 1 perc ent of the EPA PAG s. It inc ludes both m onitored and unm onitored releases. R eleases of this m agnitude represent an ac tual or potential substantial degradation of the lev el of f ac ility saf ety, as indic ated by a radiologic al release that signif ic antly ex c eeds regulatory lim its (e.g., a signif ic ant unc ontrolled release).

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • N otes, Bullet #3: replac ed hav e stopped due to ac tions to isolate the release path w ith hav e stopped due to isolation of the release path
  • added O R betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1: a dded Valid
  • EAL #1: p rov ided Palisades site-spec if ic ef f luent radiation m onitors and c alc ulated threshold v alues

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  • EAL #2: p rov ided the site boundary as the site-spec if ic dose rec eptor point
  • EAL #3: a dded C onf irm ed
  • EAL #3: p rov ided the site boundary as the site-spec if ic dose rec eptor point
  • EAL #4: p rov ided the site boundary as the site-spec if ic dose rec eptor point

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-AU 2, U N PLAN N ED rise in f ac ility radiation lev els

This EAL addresses a loss in w ater lev el abov e irradiated f uel suf f ic ient to c ause elev ated radiation lev els. This c ondition c ould be a prec ursor to a m ore serious ev ent and is also indic ativ e of a m inor loss in the ability to c ontrol radiation lev els w ithin the f ac ility. It is theref ore a potential degradation in the lev el of f ac ility saf ety.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • added O R betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1.a: prov ided Palisades site-spec if ic SFP lev el indic ations
  • EAL #1.b: prov ided Palisades site-spec if ic area radiation m onitors

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-AA2, U N PLAN N ED rise in f ac ility radiation lev els that im pedes f ac ility ac c ess required to m aintain spent f uel integrity

This EAL addresses inc reased radiation lev els that im pede nec essary ac c ess to areas c ontaining equipm ent that m ust be operated m anually or that requires loc al m onitoring, to m aintain sy stem s needed to retain spent f uel integrity. As used here, im pede inc ludes

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hindering or interf ering, prov ided that the interf erenc e or delay is suf f ic ient to signif ic antly threaten nec essary f ac ility ac c ess. It is this im paired ac c ess that results in the ac tual or potential substantial degradation of the lev el of f ac ility saf ety.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • added O R betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1: p rov ided applic able Palisades site-spec if ic areas
  • EAL #2: rew orded to better align w ith the IC w ithout c hanging the intent of the EAL
  • EAL #2: e lim inated the w ord results bec ause the use of surv ey results is im plied
  • EAL #2: p rov ided applic able Palisades site-spec if ic areas

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable.

3.2.2 C ategory PD-H : H azards and O ther C onditions Af f ec ting Fac ility Saf ety EAL PD-HU1, C onf irm ed SEC U R ITY C O N D ITIO N or threat

This EAL addresses ev ents that pose a threat to f ac ility personnel or spent f uel c ooling sy stem equipm ent and thus represent a potential degradation in the lev el of f ac ility saf ety. Sec urity ev ents that do not m eet one of these EALs are adequately addressed by the requirem ents of 10 CFR 73.71, R eporting of saf eguards ev ents, or 10 CFR 50.72, Im m ediate notif ic ation requirem ents f or operating nuc lear pow er reac torsG eneral requirem ents. Sec urity ev ents assessed as H O STILE AC TIO N S are c lassif iable under IC PD-H A1.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • added O R betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1: p rov ided the Sec urity Shif t Leader as the Palisades site -spec if ic sec urity shif t superv ision

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

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Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in Sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-H A1, H O STILE AC TIO N w ithin the O WN ER C O N TR O LLED AR EA or airborne attac k threat w ithin 30 m inutes

This EAL addresses the notif ic ation of an airc raf t attac k threat or an oc c urrenc e of a hostile ac tion w ithin the o w ner-c ontrolled area. This ev ent w ill require rapid response and assistanc e due to the possibility of the attac k progressing to the protec ted area, or the need to prepare the f ac ility and staf f f or a potential airc raf t im pac t.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • added O R betw een the EALs as an operator aid to f ac ilitate EAL nav igation
  • EAL #1: p rov ided the Sec urity Shif t Leader as the Palisades site -spec if ic sec urity shif t superv ision

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-H U 2, H azardous ev ent af f ec ting SAFETY SYSTEM equipm ent nec essary f or spent f uel c ooling

This EAL addresses a hazardous ev ent that c auses dam age to at least one train of a sy stem needed f or spent f uel c ooling. The dam age m ust be of suf f ic ient m agnitude that the sy stem (s) train c annot, or potentially c annot, perf orm its design f unc tion.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • EAL #1.b: ex c luded t rain w ith Palisades site-spec if ic inf orm ation bec ause the Palisades SFP does not hav e train separation

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  • EAL #1 (b and c ): ex c luded the term SAFETY SYSTEM bec ause only those sy stem s required to m aintain spent f uel c ooling are nec essary in the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition, and t hese sy stem s, by def inition, are not SAFETY SYSTEM S

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-H U 3, O ther c onditions ex ist w hic h in the judgm ent of the Em ergenc y D irec tor w arrant dec laration of an U N U SU AL EVEN T

This EAL addresses unantic ipated c onditions not addressed ex plic itly elsew here but that w arrant dec laration of an em ergenc y bec ause c onditions ex ist that the Em ergenc y D irec tor believ es to f all under the ECL desc ription f or an U nusual Ev ent.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • rem ov ed num bering f rom the EAL bec ause only one EAL is assoc iated w ith the IC
  • replac ed SAFETY SYSTEM S w ith sy stem s needed to m aintain spent f uel integrity, as the term saf ety sy stem s is not applic able in the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable. EAL PD-H A3, O ther c onditions ex ist w hic h in the judgm ent of the Em ergenc y D irec tor w arrant dec laration of an ALER T

This EAL addresses unantic ipated c onditions not addressed ex plic itly elsew here but that w arrant dec laration of an em ergenc y bec ause c onditions ex ist that the Em ergenc y D irec tor believ es to f all under the ECL desc ription f or an Alert.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hange identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

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The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hange to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • rem ov ed num bering f rom the EAL bec ause only one EAL is assoc iated w ith the IC

The site-spec if ic c hange to the generic EAL sc hem e is adm inistrativ e and does not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable.

3.2.3 C ategory PD-S: Sy stem M alf unc tion EAL PD-SU 1, U N PLAN N ED Spent Fuel Pool tem perature rise

This EAL addresses a c ondition that is a prec ursor to a m ore serious ev ent and represents a potential degradation in the lev el of f ac ility saf ety. If unc orrec ted, boiling in the pool w ill oc c ur and result in a loss of pool lev el and inc reased radiation lev els. Esc alation of the ECL w ould be by PD-AA1 or PD -AA2.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in appendix C to NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • rem ov ed num bering f rom the EAL bec ause only one EAL is assoc iated w ith the IC
  • prov ided Palisades site-spec if ic tem perature f or the SFP

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable.

3.2.4 C ategory E: ISFSI M alf unc tion E-H U 1, D am age to a loaded c ask C O N FIN EM EN T BO U N D AR Y

This EAL addresses an ev ent that results in dam age to the c onf inem ent boundary of a storage c ask c ontaining spent f uel. It applies to irradiated f uel that is lic ensed f or dry storage beginning at the point that the loaded storage c ask is sealed. The w ord cask, as used in this EAL, ref ers to the storage c ontainer in use at the site f or dry storage of irradiated f uel. The issues of c onc ern are the c reation of a potential or ac tual release path to the env ironm ent, degradation of any f uel assem blies due to env ironm ental f ac tors, and c onf iguration c hanges that c ould c ause c hallenges in rem ov ing the c ask or f uel f rom storage.

A spent f uel storage lic ense c ontains tec hnic al requirem ents and operating c onditions (f uel spec if ic ations, c ask leak testing, surv eillanc e, and other requirem ents) f or the ISFSI and spec if ies w hat the lic ensee is authorized to store at the site.

The N R C staf f v erif ied that the lic ensees im plem entation of this EAL, ex c ept f or the site-spec if ic c hanges identif ied below, is c onsistent w ith the guidanc e prov ided in sec tion 8 of NEI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The lic ensee m ade the f ollow ing site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e:

  • rem ov ed num bering f rom the EAL bec ause only one EAL is assoc iated w ith the IC
  • inc luded the c ask-spec if ic EAL threshold v alues c orresponding to 2 tim es the c ask -spec if ic tec hnic al spec if ic ation allow able v alue f or eac h of the c ask sy stem s in use at the Palisades ISFSI

The site-spec if ic c hanges to the generic EAL sc hem e are adm inistrativ e and do not af f ec t the applic ability of the EAL.

Based on the abov e, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the plant-spec if ic im plem entation m ethod f or this EAL is in alignm ent w ith the k ey c harac teristic s of an ef f ec tiv e EAL sc hem e (identif ied in sec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation) and m eets the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) and the requirem ents of Sec tion IV.B of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Theref ore, the N R C staf f f inds this EAL ac c eptable.

3.3 C onc lusions

3.3.1 Em ergenc y Plan C onc lusions

Based on its rev iew of the proposed Palisades PD EP, as desc ribed in sec tion 3.1 of this saf ety ev aluation, the N R C staf f f inds that the proposed PD EP m eets the planning standards in 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirem ents in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted. The Palisades PD EP prov ides reasonable assuranc e that adequate protec tiv e m easures c an and w ill be tak en in the ev ent of a radiologic al em ergenc y at the f ac ility af ter doc k eting the c ertif ic ation of perm anent f uel rem ov al f rom the reac tor v essel. Theref ore, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the lic ensees proposed Palisades PD EP, as prov ided in a ttac hm ent 1 of the lic ensees applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, is ac c eptable.

3.3.2 Em ergenc y Ac tion Lev el Sc hem e C onc lusions

The N R C staf f has rev iew ed the tec hnic al basis f or the proposed EAL sc hem e f or Palisades in the perm anently shutdow n and def ueled c ondition; the m odif ic ations f rom N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6; and the lic ensees ev aluation of the proposed c hanges. The lic ensee c hose, in part, to m odif y its EAL sc hem e f rom the generic dev elopm ent guidanc e prov ided in N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6, to adopt a f orm at m ore in alignm ent w ith its c urrently approv ed EAL sc hem e, as w ell as w ith lic ensee-spec if ic w riters guides and pref erenc es. The N R C staf f determ ined that these m odif ic ations are adm inistrativ e in nature and do not alter the intent of any spec if ic EAL w ithin an EAL or EAL c ategory or w ithin the entire EAL sc hem e as stated in N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6.

The N R C staf f determ ined that the proposed EAL sc hem e uses objec tiv e and observ able v alues, is w orded in a m anner that addresses hum an f ac tors engineering and user f riendliness

c onc erns, f ollow s logic al progression f or esc alating ev ents, and allow s f or ev ent dow ngrading and upgrading based upon the potential risk to public health and saf ety. R isk assessm ents w ere appropriately used to set the boundaries of the EC Ls and ensure that all EALs that trigger em ergenc y c lassif ic ation are in the sam e range of relativ e risk.

Based on the abov e, as desc ribed in s ec tion 3.2 of this saf ety ev aluation, the N R C staf f s r ev iew determ ined that the proposed c hanges m eet the guidanc e in N EI 99-01, R ev ision 6; the planning standard of 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4); and the requirem ents in Sec tion IV.B to Appendix E of 10 CFR Part 50, as ex em pted f or Palisades. Theref ore, the N R C staf f c onc ludes that the proposed EAL sc hem e, as prov ided in a ttac hm ent 2 of the lic ensees applic ation dated J uly 12, 2022, is ac c eptable and prov ides reasonable assuranc e that the lic ensee c an and w ill tak e adequate protec tiv e m easures in the ev ent of a radiologic al em ergenc y.


In ac c ordanc e w ith the C om m issions regulations, the staf f notif ied the State of M ic higans of f ic ial on Septem ber 21, 2023, of the proposed issuanc e of the am endm ent. The State of M ic higan of f ic ial had no c om m ents.


The am endm ent relates, in part, to c hanges in rec ordk eeping, reporting, or adm inistrativ e proc edures or requirem ents. The am endm ent also relates, in part, to c hanging requirem ents w ith respec t to the installation or use of f ac ility c om ponents loc ated w ithin the restric ted area as def ined in 10 CFR Part 20 bec ause the am endm ent approv es an ac c eptable EAL sc hem e, w hic h is required f or operation of the f ac ility. The N R C staf f has determ ined that the am endm ent inv olv es no signif ic ant inc rease in the am ounts, and no signif ic ant c hange in the ty pes, of any ef f luents that m ay be released of f site, and that there is no signif ic ant inc rease in indiv idual or c um ulativ e oc c upational radiation ex posure. The C om m ission has prev iously issued a proposed f inding that the am endm ent inv olv es no signif ic ant hazards c onsideration, and therehas been no public c om m ent on suc h f inding as published in the Federal R egis ter on Septem ber 6, 2022 (87 FR 54550). Ac c ordingly, the am endm ent m eets the eligibility c riteria f or categoric al ex c lusion set f orth in 10 CFR 51.22(c )(9) and 10 CFR 51.22(c )(10). U nder 10 CFR 51.22(b), no env ironm ental im pac t statem ent or env ironm ental assessm ent need be prepared in c onnec tion w ith the issuanc e of the am endm ent.


The C om m ission has c onc luded, based on the c onsiderations disc ussed abov e, that w ith the issuanc e of this am endm ent, (1) there is reasonable assuranc e that public health and saf ety w ill not be endangered by operation in the proposed m anner, (2) there is reasonable assuranc e that suc h ac tiv ities w ill be c onduc ted in c om plianc e w ith the C om m issions regulations, and (3) the issuanc e of the am endm ent w ill not be inim ic al to the c om m on def ense and sec urity or to the health and saf ety of the public.

Princ ipal C ontributor: J eannette Arc e, N SIR

D ate: D ec em ber 22, 2023