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FOIA Request for Listed Documents Re Facility,Including Summary of 810126 Meeting on QA Reorganization,Stated Insp, Enforcement Conference & Investigation Repts & Stated SALPs
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1990
From: Person J
To: Robinson L
FOIA-90-270 NUDOCS 9008070328
Download: ML20056A419 (10)


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  • * ' June 13, 1990  :::',,".'jA;;.

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liAND_.DELIVEREn FREED? Of IMF0EIAll3N ACT _ REQUEST Director, Division of Freedom of Information and Publication Services y ppp% .

Office of Administration / h j fd U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,-D.C, 20555 Attention Ms. Linda Robinson Ret F.racIlon_.nL_Inf.o.rmation Ac.t_.RequeJs1

Dear Ms. Robinson:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. S 552, el acq., as supplemented by the NRC's implementing regulations, 10 C.F.R. S 9.11, c1 Eeg., we hereby request.that you produce for inspection and copying the documents described in the attachments to this letter. This request primarily involves documents relating to the design and construction of Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP-2), NRC docket no. 50-410. Set forth in Attachment A hereto is the list of the categories of documents we would like to review. These categories include all documents related to the specific NRC meetings, correspondence, inspections, and reports identified in Attachment A. Set forth in Attachment D is a detailed description of some of the particular types of documents that we would like to review relating to each of the categories identified in Attachment A.

As used herein, the term "NRC" includes all offices and divisions within the Agency having any involvement with the subject matter of this request, including the NRC Regional Office 9000070328 900613 PDR FOIA

.PER90N90-270 PDR i



2 for Region I, the NRC Resident Inspector's office at the NMP-2 site, and the Office of Inspection and Enforcement. As also used herein, the term " document", unless otherwise specifically ,

limited, means all correspondence, letters, memoranda (internal and external), records of telephone conversations, notes, reports, 6grooments, guidelinos, procedures, mooting slides, and' the like, whether in draft or final form, that are in any way relevant to the categories of documents identified in the attachments.

We look forward to your response within tho time limits proscribed by the regulations. We would note that in the event you consider any document to be exempt from production, the non-exempt portions of the document should be released. We also appreciato that this FOIA request is fairly extensive, and we are more than willing to-provide you with any additional information or offer any clarification you may need in processing this request. Further, due to the potential voluminousness of the initial production for inspection, we would ask that you considor 1.31oasing the documents to us in stages as you accumulato them rathor than waiting until all documents subject to production l have boon accumulated. '

Finally, consistent with the regulations, we agroo to pay whatever charges are incurred in processing this roquest.

Please give me a call at (202) 955-6790 if you have-any questions.

on those matters.

Very)truly yours,

,I $. /.Y John C. Person I


Newxaw & Hot.Tztwoma. P. C.

At.tachment_.A Following below are the specific categories of documents for which we are seeking related documents, as described more fully in Attachment B.

1. Letter from Kenneth L. Kiper, NRC Project Manager Licensing Brar.$ Mr - 1, to Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. (NMPC),

dated March 4, 1981, re Summary of meeting held January 26, 1981 to discuss the reorganization of NMP-2 QA.


2. Al'. personal files, memoranda, and notes of W.

Kiper,-W. Haass, J. Gilray, and P. McKee that relate to the meeting held on January 26, 1981 to discuss the reorganization of NMP-2 QA.

3. Letter from Eldon J. Brunner, Chief of the NRC Projects Branch No. 1, Division of Resident and Project Ins ection, to NMPC, dated September 4, 1981, re: Inspection 50-410 81-08 performed at NMP-2 f rom August 4-6, 1981.
4. All personal files, memoranda, and notos of R.A.

Fell and H .B. Kister that relate to Inspection 50-410/81-08 performed at NMP-2 f rom August 4-6, 1981.

5. Meeting between NMPC and Region I held in Bethesda, Maryland on or about January 13, 1982.
6. Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) Inspection 50-410/81-13 dated March 17, 1982, conducted between November 30, 1981 and December 18, 1981 at NMP-2.
7. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of S.K.

Chaudhary, R.J. Paolino, S . D. Reynolds, L.E. Tripp, R. Schultz, and S.D. Ebneter that relate to CAT Inspection 50-410/81-13 conducted between November 30, 1981 and December 18, 1981 at NMP-2.

8. NRC Inspection Report No. 82-03 transmitted to NMPC by letter dated June 19, 1982, summarizing inspection conducted between March 29, 1982 and April 30, 1982.

O. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.D.

Schultz, , . , Varela, H.B. Kister, and R.W. Starostocki that relate to . C Inspection Report no. 82-03.

10. Moeting between the NRC and NMPC concerning Inspection 50-410/81-13 held at the Region I of fices on or about April 14, 1982.
11. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.T.

Carlson, S.D. Ebneter, E.J . Brunner, L.E. Tripp, and S.K.


N ewx A w & Hot.Tz No r.n. P. C.

Chaudhary that relate to the NRC meeting on Inspection 50-410/81-13-held on April 14, 1982.

12. Management Meeting Report No. 50-410/82-06 dated June 1, 1982, as transmitted to NMPC by letter dated June 18, 1982.
13. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.W.

Starostecki, E.J. Brunner, H.B. Kister, and R.D. Schultz that relate to the NRC management meeting summarized in Report no. 50-410/82-06.

14. Enforcement Conference Report No. 50-410/82-08 dated July 6, 1982, as transmitted to NMPC by letter dated September 1, 1982,
15. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of E.J.

Brunner, S.D. Ebneter, D.J. ilolody, R.W. Starostecki, and R.D.

Schultz that relate to the enforcement conference referred to in Report no. 50-410/82-08.

16. Enforcement Conference Report No. 50-410/82-13 dated October 20, 1982.
17. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.C.

Ilaynes , D.J. Holody, H.B. Kister, R.D. Schultz, and R.W.

Starostecki that relate to the enforcement conference referred to in Report no. 50-410/82-13.

18. Letter from the NRC's Starostecki to NMPC dated October 28, 1982 (references a meeting held on October 20, 1982).
19. NRC Investigation 50-410/1/-82-078 conducted between November 1-4, 1982.
20. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.A.

Natukas, R.K. Christo Fitzgerald that relate to NRC investigation 50-410/pher, and J.A.


21. Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) report for NMP-2 dated December 12, 1982, covering the period October 1, 1981 through September 30, 1982.
22. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.W.

Starostocki, T. Martin, E.G. Groenman, H.B. Kister, R.D. Schultz, and M. Lynch that relate to the SALP report for NMP-2 dated December 12, 1982,

23. NRC Inspection No. 83-01, conducted from Janur.ry 3, 1983 through February 4, 1983.

Fewwis & Hot.Tz Noen. P. C.

24. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.D.

Schultz, J. Grant, H.B. Kister, and R.W. Starostecki that relate to NRC inspection 83-01.

h$W'ih f

. Enforcement Action Letter 50-410/EA-83-16, dated April 26, 1983, concerning an NRC inspection at NMP-2 conducted between August 30, 1982 and September 30, 1982.

26. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.

Abbott, J. Ash, C. Austin, W. Baker, J. Bebko, D. Cordone, J.

Dillan, D. Dise, A. Kordalewiski, T. Loomis, C. Millian, J. Ptak, R. Smith, C. Stuart, C. Terry, J. Warner, C. Silczek, Jr., G.

Wilson, A. Zallnick, K. Ward, and R. Pulsifer that relate to the inspection conducted between August 30, 1982 and September 30, 1982 at NMP-2.

27. Management Meeting Report No. 50-41/83-09, dated May 23, 1983.
28. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of S.D.

Ebneter, R.B. Keimig, H.B. Koister, and R.W. Starostecki that relate to the management meeting referred to in Report No. 50-41/83-09.-

CE hg> Ill at&T@ 29. Enforcement Action Letter 50-410/EA-83-16, dated

~ udust 7, 1983, concerning NRC audit conducted between August 30, 1982 and September 30, 1982.

30. NRC Inspection 83-12, conducted between August 8, 1983 and September 21, 1983.
31. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of R.A.

-Gramm, J. Grant, R.M. Gallo, and R.W. Starostecki that relate to NRC Inspection 83-12 for NMP-2.

32. Enforcement Conference Report No. 50-410/83-14, dated August 30, 1983.
33. All personal files, memoranda, and actes of J. A.

Allan, S.D. Ebneter, R.M. Gallo, R.A. Gramm, J.M. G ant, E.H.

Gray, D.J. Holody, H.B. Kister, T.T. Martin, L.M. Narrow, and R.W. Starostecki that relate to the Enforcement Conference referred to in Report No. 50-410/83-14.

34. Minutes dated December 29, 1983 of a meeting held on December 12, 1983 concerning the NMP-2 SALP evaluation for the period October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983.

. 4 Newxrn & Hot.nsworn R C.

! 35. All personal files, memoranda, and notos of R.W.

Starostocki, H.B. Kister, A. Schwencor, R.M. Gallo, S.J. Collins, L.H. Bottonhausen, N.P. Haughoy, and R. A. Gramm that relate to the NMP-2 SALP Report dated December 12, 1983.

36. Moeting betwoon the NRC and NMPC held on or about January 30, 1984, re: SALP/ CAT Audit Results.


37. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of J.

Milhoan, J. Gilray, G. Naputa, M. Haughey, and M. Jones that relate to the-mooting between the NRC and NMPC held on or about January 30, 1984 concerning tho SALP/ CAT audit results.

38. CAT Inspection Report 50-410/83-18 dated January _

31, 1984, concerning inspection conducted at NMP-2 betwoon November 7, 1983 and Docomber 9, 1983.

39. All personal filos, memoranda, and notes of A.B.

Beach, G.B. Georgir, W.A. Hanson, D.B. Osborne, H.W. Phillips, H.J. Wong, J.M. Grant, R.M. Compton, D.C. Ford, W. Marini, E.Y.

Marindalo, F.A. Pimontal, and R.P. Heishmann that relate to CAT Inspection 50-410/83-18.

OFM , A 1 d 40. Enforcement Action Lottor EA 83-137, dated March 20, 1984, re CAT Inspection conducted in November and December 1983.

41. NRC Inspection 84-06, conducted at NMP-2 between April 9, 1984 and May 11, 1984.
42. All personal files, m(yp;anda, and notes of R.A.

Gramm, W.H. Bateman, S.J. Collins, M. Haughey, and J. Spraul that relate to NRC Inspection 84-06.

43. Meeting between the NRC and NMPC held on or about May 23, 1984.
44. All personal filos, memoranda, and notes of M.

Haughey,--A. Schwencer, N. Srinivasan, A. Ungaro, J. Knight, and M. Plegoc that relato to the meeting betwoon the NRC and NMPC held on or about May 23, 1984.

45. Moeting between the NRC and NMPC held at Region I on or about. January 11, 1984 concerning the 1983 SALP results.
46. NRC Mooting at Region I hold on or about November 15, 1984 relative to an NRC order dated March 20, 1984.
47. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of A.B.

Beach, R.A. Gramm, R.H. Harris, R.P. Heishman, S.D. Hudton, R.W.

Nr.wx An & IloLTz xoen, P. C.

Starostecki, T.R. Murley, S.D. Reynolds, H.B. Kister, and S.J.

Collins that relate to the NPC moeting at Region I held on or about November 15, 1984 relative to an NRC Order dated March 20, 1984.

'48. NRC Region I SALP review and evaluation dated March 28, 1985, covering the period October 1, 1983 through January 31, 1985.

49. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of S.J.

Collins, J.P. Durr, R.A. Gramm, J. Linville, and A. Schwencer that relate to the NRC Region I SALP Review and Evaluation summarized in a document dated March 28, 1985.

50. Meeting held between the NRC and NMPC on or about April 25, 1985 at Region I to discuss the April 17, 1985 SALP report.
51. All personal files, memoranda, and notes of T.

Murley, R.W. Starostecki, S. Collins, J. Linville, R. Gramm, J.

Durr,-S. Ebneter, and A. Schwencer that relate to the meeting held between the NRC and-NMPC on or about April 25, 1985 to discuss the April 17, 1985 SALP Report.

52. NRC Independent Measurements (NRC VAN) taken at NMP-2 between December 9, 1985 and December 20, 1985.

l l


-httachment-B The topics or events identified in Attachment A for which we.are seeking to review relevant documents fall generally within the following categories: (1) letters and other corre-spondence; (2) meetings and meeting minutes; (3) inspections and inspection reports; and (4) other reports. The following is a-description of the types of documents we would like to review for each of these four categories.

1. Letters and Other correspondence (a) The final draft, including attachments, and all nonconforming copies.

(b) A31 prior drafts.

(c) All documents that relate er pertain to the reason or reasons for writing the letter.

(d) All responses to the letter.

-(e) All correspondence, memoranda, and other communications between any offico and division of the NRC, including communica-tions to and from Region I and the Resident Inspector at NMP-2, relating or portaining to the letter.

(f) All intra-divisional and intra-office correspondence and memoranda concerning the letter.

(g) All personal notes, memoranda, files, diary entries, or logs that relate or pertain to the letter.

(h) All documents relating to any meetings :. eld in response to or in connection with the' letter.

2. Meetings a.Dd Meeting 41nutea (a) The final draft, including attachments, and all nonconforming copies.

(b) All prior drafts.

(c) All documents that relate or pertain to the reason or reasons for holding the meeting._

(d) All agendas, flip charts, and handouts prepared in connection with the meeting.

(e) All correspondence, memoranda, and other communications between any office and division of the NRC, including communica-1

14 N E W M A N & II O1,7 71 N O P.2. P. C.

tions to and from Region I and the Resident Inspoctor at NMP-2, relating or portaining to the mooting.

(f) All intra-divisional and intra-office correspondenco and memoranda concerning the meeting.

(g) All personal notes, memoranda, flies, diary entrios, or logs that relato or portain to the meeting.

3. Inunctiona_And_lnapnticmleporla (a) All documents that relate or portain to the selection of the inspection team, including the selection of any-consultants or third parties to serve as team members.

(b) All documents relating to the reason or reasons for conducting the inspection.

(c) All documents sotting forth the goals and objectivos of tho inspection.

(d) All documents sotting forth the guidelines, rules, or procedures to be followed in the inspection.

(o) All documents that portain'or relate to the selection of functional areas subject to evaluation and the actual measurement of offectivoness in theso areas.

(f) All documents that relate or pertain to the critorion by which the ovorall conclusions or results of the inspection were measured.

(g) All reports, ovaluations, or analyses prepared by any consultant or third party in connection with tho inspection.

(h) All correspondence, memoranda, and other communications betwoon the officos and divisions of the NRC, including communications to and from Region I and the Resident Inspector at NMP-2, relating or pertaining to the investigation.

(1) All intra-divisional and intra-offico correspondence and memoranda concerning the inspection.

(j) All personal notes, memoranda, files, diary entries, or logs that relate or pertain to the investigation.

(k) All other documents prepared as the result of or in connection with the inspection.

r 3

4.. O Nr.ww Ax & IIOLT71No r.O. l' C.

4. Other Reports l (a) All documents that relate or pertain to the reason or reasons for preparing tile report.

(b) The final draft, including attachments, and all nonconforming copies.

(c) All prior drafts.

(d) All documents prepared as a result of or in response to the report.

(e) All minutes or notes from any meeting held in connection with or in response to the report.

(f) All correspondence, momoranda, and other communications between the offices and divisions of the NRC, including communications to and from Region I and the Resident Inspector at NMP-2, relating or pertaining to the report.

(g) All intra-divisional and intra-office correspondence and memoranda concerning the report.

(h) All personal notes, memoranda, files, diary entries, or logs that relate or pertain to the report.

_ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -