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News Release-II-22-023: NRC Names Senior Resident Inspector at BWXT Nuclear Fuel Facility
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/17/2022
Office of Public Affairs Region II
News Release-II-22-023
Download: ML22231A200 (1)


No: II22-023 August 17, 2022


Dave Gasperson, 404-997-4417 NRC Names Senior Resident Inspector at BWXT Nuclear Fuel Facility Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials in Atlanta have selected Matt Doyle as the agencys new senior resident inspector at the BWXT Nuclear Operations Group Inc. nuclear fuel facility in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Doyle joined the agency in 2015 as a reactor engineer in the NRC Region III office in Lisle, Illinois. After completing his reactor inspector qualifications in 2016, he served as the acting resident inspector at the Perry nuclear power plant in Ohio and the Clinton Power Station in Illinois. In 2018, he moved to the NRC Region IV office in Arlington, Texas, where he worked as an operator licensing examiner in the Division of Reactor Safety.

Matt is an exceptional choice to serve as the NRCs eyes and ears at the nuclear fuel facility in Virginia," said NRC Region II Administrator Laura Dudes. He is well-trained with relevant industry experience, which will serve him well as he ensures the site continues to meet the agencys safety and security requirements.

Before joining the NRC, Doyle worked in the nuclear industry for a decade, including as a reactor operator at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio. He holds a bachelors degree in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M University.

The NRC has resident inspectors at two fuel facilities, BWXT and Nuclear Fuel Services in Erwin, Tennessee, and all commercial nuclear power plants. They conduct inspections, monitor major work projects, and interact with plant workers and the public.