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Partially Withheld Memo Forwarding Corrections to Transcript of 870504 Interview at Grand Rapids,Mi Re Allegation RIII-87-A-0042
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1987
From: Pirtle G
To: Weil C
Shared Package
ML20127J714 List:
FOIA-92-252 NUDOCS 9301250261
Download: ML20127J806 (131)


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          • JUN 0 41997 MEMOPAhDU:i FOR: C. H. Weil, Investigation and Compliance Specialist THRU: J. R. Creed, Chief Safeguards Section FROP: G. L. Pirtle, Fhnical Security Inspector SLEJECT ; REVTlw 0F tmh 5CRIPT -FOR PAY 4,1957 lh1ERVIEW WITF

{MR.]$%,( ALLEGAT10h: R111-67A-0042)

I beve reviewed the transcript for the-interview conducted with Hr.hE[4%onMay4,19P7atGrandRapids, Michigan. The enclosure to this r.emorandur includes the corrections l_ feel are recessary. >

Gary L.

Oh b irtle ,

Ihysical Security Inspector Enclosurt: As Stated 9301250261 921013' PDR: FCI A'-

.TUTAK92-252 PDR-

,lnf0Tmati'J3 in tN: record wn de!eted gyct e C ADS D1:cMace 11.the frcda of b4rW x %4m 2 .

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I REQUIRED C0kREC110NS TO 1FANstklR1 l'EPTH)A1 TheFay4,1987InterviewwittFr.{13 Pace line(s) Nature of Correction 4 15 Question mark should be a period.

8 I? "Filliroen" should read "millirerrs" 8 13 Add (Directed to the recorder) p 14 "your response" should read "their response".


0 16 "millircens" should read " millirems".

14 73 "diagran controls" should read

Diaphragm Controls" 15 1 " paragraph" should read " photograph *.

15 7 "paragt apb* should read "phctograph".

10 7 digram certrcis" shculd read

" Cia;tregn Cottro's' 20 17 "new" should read " lube

  • 24 1 "espect that to let" shculd read "es pect to get" .

24 it "diagr ar c or.t r cis' st.culd re ad -

  • Diapt ragn Controls .

% 21 "milliroens" should read " millirems".

33 1 delete "that" betwtt.n " technician" and "Was".

54  ?

  • protects" should read "Prc lechs" 59 3 10Ds" should read *TLDs" (1 21 "millircens" should read " millirems".

67 11 "millirires" should read "inillirems". .

73 10 " paragraphs" should read " photographs".

74 23 "Q" should read "A" 98 586 Delete "and that said witness was duly sworn by me to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" 4

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2 PAGE 3

i 5 ! Examination by Mr. Pirtle 3 6

7 8

9 10 j 11 12 13 14 f 15 ,

16 EXh1 BITS:

17 No exhibits marked i

! /w na <~ sp,)

3 i 1 Grand Rapids, Michigan 2 May 4, 1987 i

3 l I

4 KR. PIRTLE: I would like the record to show S that this interview is being conducted at the Boliday 6 Inn, North, motel room 322, Grand Rapids, Michigan. e 7 i Today's date is May 4, 1987, the time is 10:07 A.M.

8 Persons present at this interview are Gary 9 i Pirtle, spelled P-i-r-t-1-e, Inspector for the U.S. a

! n 10 l Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III, Glen Ellyn, 11 I11inois, ,Mr. 2$E9?lfiffffff74!7i)PdOA$ -

a previous 12 enp loyee of Consurers :'ever , is 21sc present.


15 !Q Mr. [gjpk I would like to confirm that you've been 16 advised that this interview is volontary in nature, 17 there have been no threats or coercion, and no promises 18 or f avors asked or received as a condition to this 19 interview.

20 'A Yes, that is correct. j l -

21 Q Additionally,fsir I would like the record to show that '

i; 22 you may decline to answer any question you choose not 23 to answer.

24 A I understand.

25 Q And to terminate this interview at any time you choose l j l

t I

.4 I to do so. Do you understand, sir? , ,

2 A I understand.

3 ,iQ Finally, I would like to confirm that you are advised l

4 that this interview would be conducted with your legal 5 counsel present if you so desire, and you declined to a

have your legal counsel present, is that correct sir?j 6

_q -

7 A That's correct. ,

8 0 Is it further understood that the information provided 9 { will be as truthful and complete as you can recall the-10 information?-

11 IA That is correct. ,

12 Q jfSir, the s

purpcTe cf this interview is to obtain v ,

13 - detailed information pertaining to concerns and

. i 14 l allegations you initially identified to the ' NRC on "

I 15 April 9, 19877 16 A That's correct.

17' Q This interview was requested so the full details-of 18 your concern could be documented,'and to assist,us in 19 our inquiry pertaining to your concerns and -

i 20 , allegaticns.-

l 21 A That'is correct.

22 Q i r. fg%Mhh would- you please provide, 'for - the record,:

L 23 your current address and telephone number?

24 A 25 e

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l 5

1 Q Okay, sir.

And would you provide a background 2

description of your experience since working with

  • i 3

Consumers Power? For example, how long have you been  !

4 with the company, what type of work do you do, what 5 experience do you have?

6 A I was employed hydf91#d$$k I was employed 7  ;

a ppro xi ma t e ] y g@d'Q?ggcA&WJFJWithitr t h a t who le .

8 periodoftJmebeingwiththe(fdD{l* ' Crew.

9 --n l Previous to that, I worked at @ M Er# M 10 lifKf7gErrfgi?M&tgfjMfMiqlgGC

% I worked thare '

11 approximately three years, three months. i 12 Prior to that, I worked for a company named 13 %1M3pgg?g;g;@gyg?g7;gp3{sgg I worked there 14 approximately one year, three months.

15 Prior to that, I was in the service, 16 '

O.S. Navy.

17 jQ Mr. h%9%)lt) what was the nature of the work that you do?

18 l Are you a mechanic?

19 A Mechanical repairman.

4 20 Q Hechanical repairman. And what type of work does this i l

21 include?

22 A Includes assembly, disassembly, overhaul, routine 23 maintenance, special maintenance, turbines, boilers, 24 nuclear reactors, refueling the reactors, fuel 25 transfer, nuclear reactors, valve maintenance.

...-__ .- . . . . - . . . - ._-- - . - F - . . ._ _ . - -._

6 1 Everything they have for me to do, including sweeping 2 the floor and painting.

3 3 jQ Okay.

l 4 A So -- (pause) 5 Q Is it correct to kind of summarize that you have a 6 large range of experience as far as maintenance work?

7 A I feel that I do, yes, sir, i

8 'O Okay. And also at nucicar plants?

- m 9 iA At nuclear plants -- I'd say out of the @,92($MhW) l i

10 l @fMMM77th?MI worked for Consumers Power, I spent d - -,

11 approximately ##8Af!$d2TdbrMet in a nuclear plant.

n 12 0 Okay,f;_ sir.p(Yousaidthat s yce verhed for the@TEDffs--

w .

Could you briefly describe what this 13 bT.k Crew.

14 hjlWRtQdMg} Crew is, and what they do? -

15 'A We were rainly involved in just outages, both coal-16 fired plants and nuclear plants. I don't know what

.17 else you want to say.

18 -Q Okay, that's good enough.

19 A TheyhavetwohE^)dEftcrews,oneisstationedout of(,

20 SMsds9@g)theotheroneisstationedoutof 21  ! h$$9A;.taMEMCf}M The one in hDid$)]is the @.(Db c J. 2 The one on this side of the state is the uFEfE$ crew-23

                             $ $ % ) M ] Crew.                                                                                                                ,

24 Q Okay, And sir did you work at Big Rock Point during 25  ; your last outage, which began, I believe, the latter i i t ' t

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7 1 part of December to mid-March? '


2 lA Yes, sir. And I believe I arrived on site January the 3  ; 6th, 1987. l 4 10 And do you recall,p/- sir , hon you left the site? Just 5 approxdmately. If you don't have the exact -- .. 6 A I would say it would bc February the 4th, 1987. 7 february the 5th, I'm sorry. February the 5th, 1987 8 0 Okay. 9 A Approximately. 10 lQ Okay. That may be a little later date than some of the 11 doeurrent s ar,d di scuss.on t hat we ' ve had. 12 A Okay. 13 ,Q It looks like it rnay have been around thc 7th of i 14 i rebruary, but we can clarify that point as we go, if 15 l you like. 16 ,A Bight. Let's just put it the first week in February,, 17 then, for the time being.

18 0 Okay. And what was the reason for your completing your 19 work at Big Rock Point?

20 .A Well, I had not completed my work at Big Rock Point. I l .. 21 had reached a Consumers Power allowable- :l 22 radiation dose, or had gotten very that 23 maximum allowable radiation dose. Therefore,-I was  ! l 24 ' transferred to a Karn 1-and 2 plants, K-a-r-n, I and 2, \ . ( 25 Bay City, Michigan. Coal fire plants, Bay City, L__.___._.__..._.._ - _ _ -. - - - - - - --.- f h - '

r- + - - - - - 1 Michigan. i

                                                                                                                                                          .i 2        ,Q            Then, at the time when you left the site, your i

3 i understanding is that it was primarily due only to the 4 j amount of radiation -- l

             '                                                                                                                                          1 5          A           Yes, sir.                                                                                                                 l I

6 Q -- exposure you had during that period? l , 7 A Yes, sir. And I challenged Consumers Power on that 8 point, because at that. point they did have bench work l l 9 going on, where a person with o high radiation doce 10 l could have stayed there and like picked up three or 11 four or five milliroens a week. 12 You don't urAerstand all this rilliroen 13 stuff. 14 iQ And what was your response to your challenge? 15 'A At that time, they said they needed people with at 16 least exporure of 500 milliroens left to continue the 17 outage. The only reason why I challenged then. on that 18 is our assignments are based on overtime, where the low 19 overtime f ellow goes to the high overtime job. I was a 20 low overtime fellow. .This was the highest overtime 21 -job. He leaving there cost me approximately two to 22 three - _$4,000 in a period of a menth. l l-23 , Q Okay. Would you provide, at this point, a summary of - 24 the concerns that you have identified to us, and then 25 , we can discutis specific details af terwards. l 1 L

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9 1 A Well, February 20th I was discharged, terminated from 2 Consumers Power, for allegedly making written and 3 j verbal threats, and for satotage of a nuclear power 4 plant. My experience, being a nuclear worker, I knew 5 that something as serious as sabotage should have been 6 reported to the NRC, and I just had a gut feeling that 7 Consumers Power didn't report this to the NBC, because 8 it's not true, as f ar as the sabotage goes. j 9 My initial contact with the NRC proved to me 10 l without a doubt that Consumers Power not only did not 11 report this alleged sabotage -- well, what do I want to 12 say new. I feel that this alleged salotage was 13 i strictly manufactured to discharge me from the company. 14 jQ okay. During previous discussions that we had,


15 ' [Mr.@[3fgihifIunderstandyoucorrectly,youalsosaid 16 you had some concerns about possible f alsification of 17 records. 18 A Well, I feel that sonewhere along the line -- I have no 19 positive proof, but in order for them to manufacture-i 20 these alleged sabotage charges against me, that they 21 would have to falsify or manufacture some f alse recoz 3s 22 stating I did this. These false records could involve 23 false maintenance orders, false work orders, false 24 radiation exposure doses, et cetera, et cetera, et 25 cetera. l

4. _ . , ~ . . , . . . . _ _ . . . _ - . . _ . . . . . . .

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            . . - -      ..    . . - - - - - -      -- . . J  - _ . . _ _ -   .

10 1 Q okay. So your concern, as f ar as the f alsified records

go, is primarily pertaining to radiation exposure 3 i records and work requests pertaining to work that you 4 did? i 5 & fes, sir.

i 6 Q Okay. And I take it that the maintenance requests and i 7 redisticto exposure records youre concerned about deal 8 with the work that you did the last uay or two of the , 9 site, since that's what's involved? 10 fA Right. Well,atthe-presidentialhearing,h ~ 11 f6,5927?#!46RAlffMdMFWDW7M saia he haa L J2 radiation e>posure sheett showino that pecple had tc 13 receive large amounts o' radiation dosage to correct 14 l the alleged sabotage thst I did. I don't believe that. 15 , I believe that those records that he had, and I should 16 have gotten them, but I didn't, were strictly false and 17 manufactured, manufactured just for my termination. 18 Q you used the term sabotage contributed toh.5% 19 Is that a phrase that he used? Did he specifically use 20 that phrase? 21 _A Yes, sir. 22 Q Okay. 23 Not only did he specifically use that term, but I have lA 24  ! a written document where Consumers Power Company, es 25  ; f ar as I'm concerned, on-and-out iccuses me of I e

                                               -..-..---.-..f._                -.         . . . .

11 1 sabotage. And,-Ilke I said, that is a written 2 document. 3 jQ May I see that document, sir? 4 A Yes. , a 5 MR. PIRTLE: Okay. Would the record show, 6 please, that the document referred to by- r. is , 7 undated. The subject is presidential hearing, 8  %(((gQQ$ji]ll date of discharge, February 20, 1987 4 9 consisting of 10 pages. l , 10 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): If I understand you correctly, 11 ](('r. k@i% you say this document, as you interpret it, c-12 accuses you of sabotaging the plant? 13 A Yes, sir. i 14 Is there a particular part in the ducument that you -- lQ 15 , (pause) 16 A Yes, sir. Page eight. The first full paragraph on 17 page eight. Consumers Pcwer -- do you want me to read 18 it? 19 Q If you would, please, i 20 !A It states, "Purthermore, it was determined, after the 21 grievance discharge, that(hemayhavealreadycarried 22 out one of the threats in retaliation against the f 23 plant. The work assigned to the grievant on i I 24 ,Pebruary 6, 1987 was reviewed as part of the normal 25 maintenance order closn-out. Because of the potential  ; L

  • v+ r* *r uTenTe.U tt' DAD'"T00 ('OPUN D1UTDC UT IC1C) Jt0.0007

i 12 1 defect in a valve body, another maintenance order was 2 initiated to perform a non-destructive exarnination of the valve. When this examination was attempted, the 3 4 technician assigned was unable to complete the work Further examination by 5 because the valve was too wet. 6 plant maintenance supervisor disclosed that the valve 7 packing gland bolts and nuts were backed off to the


8 point where the nuts were just started on the bolt 9 l threads and the packing gland was just laying on the 10 packing. Also, two bolts that held the valve stem and operator stem in place were loose. A maintenance order 11 12 was issued to cetrect these problems. 13

                                            '                           " Prior to the tirre the grievant worked on 14 CV-4050, the valve was functioning properly, and the only deficiency was a Icaking pipe plug.                                           The valve
                                   'S 16                        packing was net leaking." That's parentheses.

17 "The deficiencies found during post-18 maintenance review of the grievant's assignment should As 19 have been recognized and corrected by the grievant. 20 a minimum, it is a requiretrent that all nuclear plant workers identify a deficiency. This should have been 21 i 72 noted on the maintenance order assigned to the 23 grievant, or reported to a supervisor. As a result of 24 I corrective action noted atove, repair workers and 25 I technicians received significant amounts of radiation GF.AND RAPIDS, MI (616) 458-0987 wt'9T PICHIGAN REPORTING

( . - - -. . i 13 1 exposure." 2 Okay. I'm going to skip two paragraphs, 3 l because then they talk about something else. Then they 4 go back to the sabotage. 5 "The verbal and written threats of 6 retaliation by the grievant against Big Rock Point 7  ! Nuclear Power Plant have a double impact on Consumcrs 8 Pcwer Company. The threat of sabotage puts the safety 9 i of the plant, caployees, and the public in jeopardy. i 10 Evenifthegrievantclaimsfhedidnotintendto-11 I retaliate against Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant, 3 12 . hi written threats and verbal utterances put 13 management on notice. These threats had to be , i 14 l considered by Consumers Power Company as serious and-15 dangerous in nature.- 16 a0 Okay. I would like the record to show that we have a 17 copy of that docu: rent , and-so, therefore,(sir we'll 18 not request custody of it to rake another copy, okay? 19 lA Okay.


20 'O (. -Sir, we were in the process of summarizing your , y -. 21 concerns. I'd just like to bring up one other point.  ; 22 When I had discussions with you earlier --  ! 23 (Mr. Stephen Guthrie entered the examination 24 room at this point.) 25 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): When I had discussions with you _ a r.e e. e s, , e n , e . s . ~rsmnn~sw n - . v e. .~,~~~~ <>~. * - * * * *-- ~~~~


14 1 earlier, you mentioned some radiation protection 2 concerns in reference to the alarm on high rad doors. , 3 lA Yes, sir. Key logs. 4 Q Key logs. Do you continue to have that concern? 5 A Yes, sir. 6 Q And we can discuss that later. 7 4 A Okay. 8 MR. PIRTLP: I'd like the record to show that 9 there was a pause in between my question and Mr. 37 { 10 response. I'd like the record to show that Mr. Stephen i' 11 Guthrie, G-U-T-H-R-I-E, 20sident inspector for Big Rock 32 Point, is new also present for the continuatior, of the 13 . Intervi2w. I ~ - - 14 ;Q (BY V.R. PIRTLE): Mr.hin - ifwecould,[ sir - I'd like 15 to maybe go into rore detail on each of the concerns 16 that you raised. I'd like to start, primarily, with 17 the valve. 18 A Yes, sir. 19 0 Is this a correct drawing of_the valve, do you think? i ?O jA Yes, sir. I 21 MR. PIRTLE: Okay. Would the record show, 22 please,thatthedrawingthat[Mr.k reviewed is a P 23 drawing of diagram controls for a type 70-19 series 1 24 angle valve.

                                                             >-r.h 25         Q            (BY MR. PIRTLE):                And,)                  I would also like to t

t' PCT.WTOUTepp prp6DmTUO. PD?UM D%ptPC W9 ,fift 100 AAOM

1$ l 1 review a paragraph which shows this particular valve, f 2 i identified as CV-4050, in relation to two other valves i 3 l within the plant. Would you review that, sir

              .                                                                        ~

4 A That's it.  ; 5 Q Okay. , f 6 MR. PIRTLE: Would the record show, please, 7 that the paragraph that Mr.h reviewed shows valve 8 CV-4050 in relation to valve V, as in Victor, P, as in 9 l papa, 302, and V, as in Victor, P, as in papa, 330 10 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): Sir I know I'm going to have to ask 11 you to go back a f ew months, because you did the work 12 appro) irately the 6th of retruarya I believe, but I'd 13 ask you to describe, in your own words, the nature of 14 the work you performed on valve CV-4050 in the 15 l' recirculating pump room on February 6th.' And please 3-16 , try and be as detailed as you can recall,; sir.,

                 ,                                                                t.-    -

17 A On that date I was, you know, assigned to do a job. I 18 was given a maintenance order, maintenance order number 19 064275. Their problem, on Consurers Power Company's 20 _ own maintenance order, stated to redrill a 1/4-inch 21 hole to 3/8ths inch, tap and install pipe plug per I 22 attached EA for repair of damaged packing lubricating 23 pipe threads. I 24 The operation description on Consumers Power .

 -25                                  Company's own work order said measure thread depth of       ',

l L- _ - - -


                                                                                   - __ {         ._      . _ _ _ - -   _ _ _ _

l' 16 , 1 1/4-inch hole and machine drill bit for that -- I'm 2 , sorry. Mark drill bit for that length, use 37/64ths, 3

             ;                or 9/16ths-inch drill.                          Use 3/8ths by IF-Inch national 4                         pipe tap pipe thread, bottom tap, and tap hole.

5 Install 3/8ths pipe plug. . O 6 Q Could I ask you just one other question, i r] By 7 reviewing t'ne drawing, again, diagram control drawings, 8 would you indicate where that plug was that you -- 9 ;A Yes, sir. Right here where it says lubricator- plug. 10 }Q Okay, ir If you would, would you kind of just walk 3 11 through, as best you can recall, overything that 12 happened f roa the t ire you entered the recirculating -

13 pump room.

14 A Yes, sir. Prior to me going in the recirculating pump 15 room, I gathered the tools that I would need to 16 complete this task. They have tools i n that area, but l 17 most of the time when you get dressed out -- and I want i 18 to note that this is a high radiation area. You go in i 19 there, if you don't take the tools you need, you rely 20 on the tools that are already in thare. They're never l 21 the right tools, so I gathered the right tools that I 22 would need to complete this task. 23 I want to also note that this is not only 24 a -- this is a very high radiation area. I'm wearing a f 25 i s<ft of anti-C's, two sets of paper anti-C's, full f ace l g ,e e see g ( 4 #4 9 99 A % %9 hDDADM T %'# M* %$'N D%

  • I#* # -
                            -                                                                                               -       ,e-
                                                                =         .

17-1 mask. I don't like radiation. Kind of nervous about 2 being around it. I go down to do my job. Get down 3 l there, and the drill motor that I have with me will not i 4 accept the drill. The drill is too big for the drill 5 motor, so I'm not able to drill out the hole. I had a - 6 helper with me by the name of h h who is not 7 l suited <.ut. H was standing across the boundary. I 8 aske h g4[;ff h to get me a half-inch drill motor. 9 j Approxin.ately a half an hour, 45 minutes went by while 10 r . hi. and other members of the h@)$$$X&I Crew 11 were looking for a half-inch drill motor. None was to 12 be found. During that titre, I'm not standing in this 13 high radiation area, I'm standing behind a cement 14 shield, so that I don't pick up any more exposure than 15  ! was needed. 16 A half-inch drill motor is not to be found. 17 I was told by fM$9NM7afM0h]to come on out, unsult, 18 they would have to turn down the drill in a lathe to 19 fit in a three-eighths drill motor. I unsuited, came 20 out, alongwithMr.hf$7ffi who is my rad pro-21 technician that was assigned to be with me. During  ; 22 that period I was out, a half-inch drill -- or we were-23 using that. 24 Q CouldIclarifyonepoint,

l. 25 A Yes, sir.

WFCT >87CATCAN PPPCD*TWC CDRWh D*t'N- v' -*** ^^^'

( 18 1 Q When you say you were out, you were out of the 2 recirculating pump room, or were you just out of the , 3 j immediate area of the ve.1ves? i 4 'A When I was unsuited or still suited? 5 Q When you were suited up. I presume you.were still 6 within the recirculating pump room? 7 -A We were still within the recirculating pump room that 8 unlocked the alarm door, but we were out of the general 9 area of the valves. i 10 {Q And subsequent to that did you leave the recirculating 11 pump room and discard your protective clothing? 12 A Yes, sir. 13 Q okay. Sorry to interrupt. Go ahead, sir 14 ;A No problem. I'm not sure how much time went by from 15 the time that, you know, I came out, to the ti=e the 16 drill was turned down to fit in a three-eighths drill-17 motor. Do you want ne to give you times and stuff? 18 Q As much detail as you can recall would be appreciated. 19 A Well, I have to go to the log then, you know, the log 20 sheets. 21 Q Or approximate times, you know, would be okay. 22 A Approximately, you know, sometime after 11:00, 23:00 23 j hours, returned to the recirculating pump room to 24 complete the task. Suit back up, full face' mask, one 25 , set of cloth anti-C's, two sets of papers. He and L LTem wicutc1V.DepnD*TNC CDRMh D&DTOC. wT (61Al~ .C0-0007

   ,     .    .           . . . ,     .u    ,

g .,__ -_ o-

                                                                                                     . 19 1;                    r.         went 1sek in the? area.s 'I had the proper r                                                                                              ,

2 tooling._ I_vas able to complete the task.: .I drilled-3 out-the hole, sapped the hole,1put'a pipe plug,. picked-


4 up the tools,. begged the tools-I had,---left!the. 5 area. -The second time I'was in there,'I don't believe. 6 I was in there over a half-hour,-45 minutes,-at the g, 7 i vary moot. 8 Q was Mr. k % ith you on your second time you wenti -[ 4 9 into the ares? , sr , 10 ,A p Be vas with me. He ame down and did a quick surveyj'of

                   .       L.   -

11 I the area for airborne radiation, with a'. survey meter,- 12 and then sat behind the sarre:toundary that l' sat behind- - 13 waiting for them to get the drill motor on the:first 14 trip. 15 I completed my task, cate'out, unsuited, 16' i bagged all of scy tools, h5@@" ] % ) ook my bag'of 17 tools.- I'm not sure what-happened to them.after-.that.

18. I was done for the evening. I wrote my summary..onithe 19 work order. Do you want me to read my summary?

7 t '. 20 iQ If you like, yes. 21 A Okay. My summary of~ work performed. This is my 1: 22 _w riting.. Wrote, pipe plug was leaking,-removed the' T 23 leaking. plug and redrilled hole with nine-sixteenths-24 inch d-ill.. Tapped hole with three-eighths pipe tap, j 25 installed three-eighths pipe plug-with teflon: tape,. I e M WPCT ei4TfDTChU-D V DA D?iMC PDhWN'D>OThe UT /f1 ( k dfO Ah09

     ' ~                                             -         -            - ,            4 ,     ,     y     _ . , , .

20 1 1 tightened up. Could be a crack in:the valve body near l 2 top hole, this location. I draw a diagram on the work 3 j order where this cracked hole or crack could be in 4 relation to the hole. Signed off, and I was done with l-i 5 that particular task. l I 6 During that time I was in there, I didn't l 7 touch any other item, was not given a work order to 8 touch any other item, was not given a work order to l 9 check any packing, packing glands or anything else. I 10 l was given a work order to drill a hole, redrill a hole, ' 11 tap the hole and put a plug in. That's all I did, so 12 that's all I wanted to do. 13 .Q Okay. Does that cceplete your summary, sir?P 14 A Unless you have any other questions. J 15 Q Yeah, I do have a couple, if I may ask. 16 A Okay. Sure. 17 Q What vas the condition of the new plug at the time that 18 you looked at it? Did you have any leakage at all? 19 A It was spraying water. 20 Q It was spraying water? 21 A Yes, sir. When I removed the plug, water just gushed 22 out. 23 (Q Okay. But prior to removing the plug, you had a spray, i i 24 ) rather than a seepage, from the pipe? 25 A Yes, sir. There was a spray. i

                        . _ .             . -                   ---                                                                                                                                                  l
                                  ..---.,,~,,,,.e           ..., - -,v-      <-.s,-                           -.----                                                                   i,- ,<2 es .-- --a-

_ _ . _ _ _ ._..__...____.-__.(_.._..____.._____.

                                                                                                    ~l 21            i
                                                                                               't 1         Q          Okay. Were you concerned, when you were-drilling,                   ** .

2 about pressure or fluid in that particular line? 3 ;A I was. initially, but after 1 removed the plug and was 4 waiting for the drill motor to arrive for the nine-5 sixteenths drill, I went back dovn and I did check, you j l 6 know, . this hole, and the pressure had stopped and it l, 7 wasn't no more than a trickle that was coming out of 8 I this hole. l 9 IQ 1 Okay. Then, em I correct, do~I understand you 10 correctly, that when you initially checked the valve, a 11 4 spray was coming from the lube pluq? 12 A Yes, sir. 13 Q You -tere able to remove the lube plug and then the 14 l fluid in the line drained out to the point where you > 15 weren't concerned about it the second-time you vent 16 ba ck? 17 A Yes, sir. 18  : Q Okay. t 19 MR. GUTHRIE Excuse me. Could I ask a 20 question? f 21 MR. FIRTLE: Sure. j 22 MR. GUTHRIE: When you were waiting for the 23 half-inch drill motor --  ;

                                   -     e                                               l 24                              f MR. jf$$99k) Yes, sir.                                :

p ' 25 MR.-GUTURIE: --andhfwentbacktolook, j g - ._ V f? C m pyppyngy ppppptyyn guyyh p3pvec UT K 1 J 0.0007

i 22 1- was the scepage -- not a spray? Was it sceping. 2 at that tirne? 3 R. h] Just a trickle. 4 l MR. GUTBRIE: Was that prior to removing the , 5 plug? 6 MR.h34 No, that was a f ter I removcd the - 7 plug. 8 l MR. GUTERIEt I'm sorry. I thought X i. 9 understood you to say you were waiting for the half-10 ) inch drill motor and you vent back'in to look. 11 MR. hgv I went down there when the plug 12 is in. 13 MR. GUTBRIE: Okay. 14 tvMR . Gd:t The plug is it. cockeyed. Whoever 15 put it in-last time stripped-the threads. 16 MR. GUTdRIE: Okay, 17 There is a spray of water corting s MR. (Q3 18 out at that time. It was a steady, constant spray. 19 Okay? I removed the plug, because if the' thing hadn't=- 20 drained down, I wasn't. _ going to drill it with no 21 ' electric drill, you know. I mean -- (pause) t 22 'N- MR. GUTHRIE: Okay. I understand. I just 23 i wanted to get the sequence straight. 24 MR. e When I realized the nine-w 25 , sixteenths drill would not fit in the drill motor I ~

7 23 had, and I was waiting behind the shielding, .I did ge 1 4 2 back dovn and check one time to take sure that this I 3 l drainage had stopped, because if it hadn't stopped, I ! 4 wasn't going to Go the job with an electric drill 5 motor. l 6 MR, GUTHRIE: I understand. Thanks. 7 MR. hhfd32 k I went back down the second time, ! 8 and there was still a leakage, but it wasn't no more j < l 9 than a trickle. l 10 MR. GUTERIE: Okay. I've got it str ight

           ,                                                                                            i 11                 now.                                                                              '

12 Q -(BY MR. FIRTLE): Was]fkr.h or another rad chem y 13 tech with you when you vent in to_ check it the second

                                                                                                      -l l l   14                 time?

I 25 {A No, sir. l l I 16 jQ Did you go in on your own? l l 17 A well, I was still inside the recirc pump room, you l  % 18 , know. I mean, he was with me, but' he ptayed behind the


i 19 shielding.  ! l L 20 ;Q okay. I i 21 -A And the total time down there for checking the seepage 22 was whatever it took me to walk down the steps, take a l 23 look at the hole, and walk back up the steps, so it . . l- l l 24 couldn't have 1erted any more than two or three l 25 minutes. WEST MICHIGAN PFPOPTING cpAxp papinc. wT (cics ece one'

3 _ _ _ P 24 1 Q With your experience in this type of work,i r. 6%

                                                                 >~.                      l 2               with that type of spray, would you expect that to let I

3 some pressure and fluid on that line at the time you l 4 initial]y checked the valve? l t 5 A Yes, sir. I would say there was some pressure, but it  ! i~ 6 wouldn't necessarily have to be a pump pressure, j t-7 Q Okay. 8 IA The water had, from where this valve -- this 11ne-9 started, which is a poison system, which is -- I don't 10 know what level that is, same level as the crane or the I 11 emergency condenser to the recirc pump room, is 12 approximately 100 feet, so you knew the water had 13 pressure, would give you that steady constant spray, 14 ;Q OkayIsir. Let-me ask you to review the Crawing again. 15 And, for the record, I'm referring to the diagrar

  .                controls drawing that I identified earlier.

L 17 They have some bolts identified there as 18 hold-down plate bolts.- 19 A Okay. 20 Q For-the packing gland. l 1 g 21 lA Okay. l 22- fQ, Are those bolts correct, in relation to the lube plug, l l 23 as depicted on this drawing? 24 ,A As far as I remember, l i 25 iQ Okay. When you checked the valve, or when you were e WPCT MTrit7CAN PPPOPTTNC GP.1ND PSPTD9. W1 (616) 449-0007

       ,_ _         q    _   ___                                  _ _ _ _ .                      _

l - as l 1 down ther e ,' Mr . ff][j fdidyounoticeanyseepageor 2 leakage coming from the hold-down plete area of the 3 l pac:ing gland? 4 A I did not notice any seepage or leakage. To be real j 5 honebt with you, I didn't even look. l 6 Q okay, 7 ,A The reason why I didn't look, and 1 try to get my point 8 across, is this is a high radiation area. This 9  ; radiation stuff hiad of makes me a little bit nervous, !$ 10 I want to keep people in mind that I'm wearing one set i I 11 of cloths, two sets of papers, a full f ace mask. You 12 don't go to that extreme unless there's sore radiation 13 i .in the area. Like I said, this radiation stuff makes ' 14 me nervous. I'm not a good Samaritan, by any r.eans. I 15 j They gave me a job to do, that's what I do, is that job i 16 ' and, like I sta ted a little bit ea rlier, if they told 17 me to check packing glands, I would have checked 18 racking glands. They told me to drill a hole, redrill 19 i a hole, tap a hole, and that's what I did. I didn't do a i 20 anything else. 21 lQ j You coerented earlier that you noti ^ed what you thought 22 might have been a crack on the valve, valve casing? 23 A Valve body. + 24 Q And you annotated that on your work request? 25 A On my summary of work performed, I drew a sr.all



26 1 diagram, showed them the location of the crack, that lt i 2 thought could be a crack. n i 3 lQ If you would have noticed-Icakage from the packing i 4 gland, do you expect that you would have also entered 5 that on the work request?


6 A I believe I would have. The main reason being is after 7 this valve had drained down -- when I went down there, 1 8 this valve was completely vet. I mean, there was water j 9 dripping off of it because of the spray. After I 10 removed the pipe plug and let it drain for a while, the 3 11 valve body actually became dry, except for the trickle. 12 Q Okay. 13 ,A Now, you know, after thinking about it, and that's a 14 question that hasn't been thrown at ce yet, you know, 15 if the packing gland had been leakino extremely a lot, 16 you know, I'm sure the valve body would have never 17 dried. 18 Q So, as you recall it, and I realize this has been some 19 time, but, as ycu recall, once you replaced the 20 lubrication plug, the valve dried out, except for some I 21 , slight seepage from the plug, itself? I 22 A From the plug, itself, and that.was,'you know, at 190 23 degrees, you kncv, the very bottom of the hole. 24 ;Q Were you able to stop the leak totally from the , 25  ; lubricating. plug? WEST. MICHIGAN REPORTING GPAND PAP 1DC. W7 (61A1 d(0 6e07

                                                  --. -(   -             ---                                 -

L 27 .j 1 A I thought that I did. 2 Q Okay. 3 It appeared to me that it had stopped completely when I lA 4 left, other than this one crack, you know, or what 5 appeared to me to be a crack. Now, that was still wet. i 6 I didn't know whether it was going to dry out or not. l 7 That's part of the reason why I drew this diagram on I 8 the work order. A f 9 IQ okay. l 10 A You know, I'm not a persen from NDT, nor an I l I 11 I maintenance supervisor. I thought it would be better 12 for one of them felle;ws. 13 Q You mentioned two names, r. hMhl(([Mh, I believe , 14 it- wa s? 1 15 iA @MZM - 16 'O And who is r. h: M 6 25% please? 17 A At that time he was supervisor, my direct supervisor. 18 ;Q Okay. And you also mentioned the nam . [Mk$ 19 :A f@} 20 Q f[ $ h And who is he,2 fr$ 21 1A IIe was a fellow worker.  ; 22 Q Okay. The second person that was with you, in addition 23 to< f r.@$$$ ( 24 A Yes, sir. Butc r. h% was not dresse6 in anti-C's,

                                             =r                          Y                      r"                                                     ,

2$ - he 'wa s just there as an observer. e Fe ever even l r - 3  ! j

                                     !_                           ._._._                                                                           .__i
                                         ,we       ro , n a , r~ , v sysnmn~vn   evsvn res~ne     v~                            tr'# ' *-* ***~
          . . ,                   . . -       . .         - .    .       ..            .      .  . ~ ,      .  .- . .-            .

3 --

                                                                                                                         -2 8-
                                                                                                                                 --7 1                     crosaed the~ boundary.

2L Q Okay. 3  ; A: His main purpose for being;there was/if I needed a-tool' ~ 4 or had_a problem, he was.someone I'could' holler out/to- [ 5 across the boundary, fHe could make"phoneicalls or do


. 6 whatever is-necessary to help with'the' job. i,

7 Q Okay, sir. The work- that you did Lon that particular B I valve, on February 6th,-is that fairly clear'in your {' ,

9 , mind now?- 10 A Yes,. sir. 11 I Q Now'that-you_ reflect back on it? Okay. 12 You may. have already answered- the. question ~, 13 but. I'd like you to answer -it again. . -During your-worki U 14 on valve 1CV-4050, did you have any need to loosen' the 15 tuo bolts on the valve: packing gland __to relieve 16 pressure on the line in ~ order to control -the fluid?1 4 L 17 A Jus, sir. No, sir. ~ 7 + 18 Q_ Okay. ' Are you aware of anyone 'else who may' have

                  .19                     loosened the,two bolts on the packing gland?. Have you--

20 , been . advised before or af terwards?- 21 I'm'not: aware.- No. one told me - anything- like . that'. JA: t

        ,         22.      IQ~          -Okay.


23. A' As - a matter lof ' f act, .I . believe -- I know, 'that: when I L ,

f 24' , went down .there, - 1 was' told that there might be a - I 25  : little bit of water inE the .line, . but nothing - i , w mm Mw wH 97S? - M T CP ? r* R W - D Pomp'r t w - topun v > n e n ,- u, ir<, ....w..-

29 Fo l1- significant. ],

             =2            Q~       :Do':you recall'who_ told you:this?;                                                              L
             .3       ;: A                                                          himself. 4 Q Okay. And I'd just like to kind of suntmarize: and- 1 5 reconfirm.

                                                                                                                          -[ .

6 When you completed'your-: work on valve 7 CV-4050, the only Icak that-you noticed from the val' vel 8 was from the lobe plug, itself? It was a slight 1

                                                                                                                        'l, 9        ;             sec page ; is that correct?

, 10 A When I completed my task, is that?~ -t. 11 Q Yes. 12 A Yes. Well, to re it-appeared that.there wasjne_ seepage 13 j at all. It just appeared that this crack remained wet.: 7

- t P 14 l That's-how come I questioned it as to whether-there wa's '
                                                                                                                      ~ i:            ;

{ l_ 15 a crack or not. I 16 :Q Okay. 17 A It could have been a steam cut. It could Thave :been . l l 18 nothing at all, you-know._ -I'm:not sure. That's-how I' 19 come I made a poi.nt to draw this-diagram on the 20 , summary, on the work order,'for someone.else to go 21 check it. 22 Q Okay. And, again,~you may have answered this,ibutil'd-l, 23 like to ask you this specific question. Did you note , i , i 24 any loose bolts in the valve packing gland while_you , i 25 were working with it? l c WEST iM T CHIG AN _- P PPORTINC, _ nD 8xn "D P DJ "c

                                                                                        '" - ' ~ * " * " -
       .                             .     . .-             . -       .               -            ,              ~.
                         . ..w w     ~   --, w a-         a.+;  +-.u-        u.,.=-     ,+

1 h .


l' A 'I'did not: note.them, but to- b'e' real ' honest- with1you, JI: 2 did not look:at them. u'  !

        -3     Q      Okay.

o 4 A- You know, I mean -- like1I statedLbefore,;I'was_givenJa 5 specific job-to do. That job consisted of redrJ111ng'.-a 6 hole, tapping this hole and putting-the pipefplug in. 1, E 7 That's all I did. i' B Q From a craftsman's perspective,11f you were_vorking on 9 a valve like that and you noticed an irregularity withL j

      -10             the valve, in the past, would you have notified 1someone l        of it?-

11 12 A Yes, sir. 13 .Q Okay. i 14 A- To be real honest with you, if.this hadn'.t have been'ai-

15 high radiation area, I probably would--have looked ati 16 this. valve closely.. Being
in a high radiationi 17 area, knowing -I'm close to sy _ limit,-Twas ; kind of fin fa-t L 18 hurry. I hope somebody can understand that,[because-I

[ 19 I'd already received 2,250, Land I had -only.150 to ;go, y ' l 20 and the recire. pump room isn't the hanging i l ' 21  ; around if you've only-got 150 milliroens-to go. You said that you worked onithat: 1ubricating: 22 Q Okay.

      '23             plug. :Approximately how-long;did' 24             to drill it out, rethread it?1 25    ,A       Fifteen',_20 minutes, at the very, very most.


                      ..                : -.--.--...-.a 31    -

l 1 Q Okay. 4 i 2 A Set-up time might have been another 10 minutes, - because 1 3 electrical outlets are not real common in a recire purp 4 room, so I have to string an extension cord, find an j 5 outlet-that's not already being used, run that down i 6 there, so on. 7 30 Okay. And you spent approximately 15 to 20 minutes on 8 that valve, particularly working on the lubrication 9 i plug? 10 A Yes, sir. At the very most. 11 Q At the very most, okay. And the packing gland is 12 directly ateve the lutricating plug? 13 'A Yes, sir. 14 :Q If this drawing is correct, and you indicated that you 15  ! thought that it was --


16 A (Nods head) 17 Q -- but you didn't notice anything irregular with the 18 packing gland, although you didn't specifically 19 concentrate on that particular part of -- l 1 20 ;A I didn't notice. But, like I said bef ore , I didn't i 21 really look. .l 22 Q If there had been seepage from the packing gland, from 23 your -- you know, your craftsman's expertise and 3 24 that -- i 25 A I would have reported it. l

                                                                                                                                                    !      l

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ __ _J i vtem vienvrte noonottuc repen verene v' sc'c' *ra ^^a"

32 l-1 0 -- do you think you would have noticed it once you I 2 tightened up the plug? If-there'd been any seepage out 3 l of that packing gland, you think it would have been 4 noticed? ' 5 A Yes, sir.  ; i 6 Q Am I correct in assuming that you did not notice 7 , anything? 8 iA I did not notice. But,.like I said before, I didn't i I 9 really look. I'm sure that if it had been an extreme 10 amount of Icakage or scepage f rom this packing gland, ' 11 that the valve body would have never dried as it did 12 when I, you know, tightened up the plug. 13 Q Okay. I'd just like to go back and kind of confirm 14 with everything. I'm trying to visualize the wetness 15 of that valve when you first saw it. You said it was 16 very wet. Was liquid -- 17 A Dripping off of it. 18 0 -- actually dripping off of it? 19 A Yes, sir. 20 lQ So it was an obvious condition? 21 j A Yes, sir. As a matter of fact, lugging insulation 22 around it was saturated, and it was still scturated 23 when I left. 24 Q Okay.


25 jA So -- (pause) WPST MTCPIGAN PPPODTTNC CDBUh DPD'ac w' 'r dra a'-~

33 - I 1 Q And I understand that the rad chez technician that was 2 with you while you were in the recirculating pump 1 3 l room -- 4 A Yes, sir. Both times. 5 Q Did he observe any work that you did on the valve, or 6 was he primarily occupied with other duties? 7 A Well, he observed the initial problem that I had with 8 i the drill. I can't recall everything that happened,  ! l 9 - but I know that he was quite concerned about whether


10 this water that came out of the valve was, you know, l

1) - bot, radioactive. As a matter of f act, when he took 12 his air sample, we had to share the same extension cerd 13 because of, you know, like I said, lack of electrical-14  ; outlets down there. He had to use his airborne 15 sampler. The extension cord I ran, he had to use that, 16 and I had to wait until he got his air sample.

17 -Q Okay. Did he do any smears or do anything right -in the 18 immediate area of the valve? 19 A Yes, sir. l 20 :Q Be did? 21 A Yes, sir. 22 Q On the valve, itself, CV-4050? 23 A I'm not sure exactly what he smeared. I know he took a 24 good survey of the area. 25 'Q Okay. L__ - WEST HICHICAN REPOPTING GRAND PAPTDC. wT (Alci deo noo'

34 >' 1 1 jA Be told me vhat his -- you know, what I shouldn't stand I , 2 l around and what I shouldn't lean against. 3 !Q Okay. l 4 A Because not only was I concerned about my high  : 5 radiation exposure, but so was he. 6 Q Okay. So if I can just kind of summarize. If I 7 understand you correctly, although . h was 8 precent and he may have taken some smears in the 9 Immediate area, his responsibilities really weren't to i 10 observe the work that you did, he had other 11 responsibilities as far as radiation protection 12 procedures vent, and you pretty well did the work on 13 your own? 14 A Yes, sir. Ee did hold a work light for me while I was 15 drilling this hole, so I could get it straight. 16 Q Okay. 17 A Be could have did other things, but I don't rerember. 18 Q Okay. 19 A So that would be the extent of his being, you know, 20 with me, shoulder to shoulder.


21 ;Q One other point. When you annotated on the j Okay ,(J si -r . 22 work order that there was a crack, and indicated that l 23 j NDT was required, that acronym, NDT, is that for non-t 24 destructive test? 25 i A I did not write that. IbelievethatSupervisorjfy[hh t _ ___ t.*t' e e is7 r'tt* P # U T' t' ^ ^ D *

  • U " e "
  • U '* ## f * * ' * ****

4 _ , , . _ _ - - . . - . . -%-...-..-- - ~ . - .. _- l. 35 , 1 probably wrote that. , 2 Q- Okay. 3 IA And I think what it says is, crack was checked by NDT. i 4 And you're right, NDT stands for non-destructive-5 testing. } 6 Q Okay. And when you annotated that on the work request,- ] 7 was that with the full understanding on your part that i 8 someone would have to come back and determine if -- you 9 know, to look at that valve? 10 {A I Yes, sir. I wanted someone to come and look at that ' l 11 i valve, lecause if it's cracked, it's cracked. 12 0 I see. i 13 !A And there wasn't no repairing of a valve like that if i I . 14 l it's cracked. You're going to have to replace it, and ' 1 15  : I didn't want the responsibility of, you know, telling 16 them everything's oksy when everything wasn't okay, you 17 know. I didn't want that responsibility on my 18 shoulders. That's why I did what I did'and said that l 19 someone ought to check this. ? s 20 Q ' Nr.hf}j%Eh is there anything else that you can recall 21 pertaining to the work that you did on valve CV-4050 , 22 that we haven't discussed, or do you feel we have l 23 pretty well covered it in detail? ,l ' 24 A I feel that we have pretty well covered it in detail. I 25 If you've got any other questions, I'll be happy to  ; i k'V C T W T r u T C P. sf Uppqpette reatm v*ntwe us ar*ct ee . ....

                            ,                    . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,                                                                 _ ~ _ .      _ . - . _ _ _ . . . _ . , _ _ _ . . _

36 1 anover them,--so -- (pause)'

                           .,,.      ,/'}

2 O Okayf> air.(Didyoudoanyotherworkinthe


3 recirculating pump room after you completed the work on 4 CV-40507  !. 5 A No, sir. I was done. I was done.  ; f f 6 Q And when did you Icave the site, girx c i 7 ,A I believe it's the same day or the next day, depending 8 on what date that you want to une, because I believe  ; 9 this job overlapped, you know. 10 Q Yea, it did. 11 IA So, see, I'm sure the job would have overlapped. I 12 believe it was th( 6th I started the job. I believe it 13 was thes7th that I left the plant. 14 {Q Okay. P.arly in the morning of February 7th? 15 A Right. 36 Q okay. Did you leave the Charlevoix area that same day?- .17 A The 7th, yes, sir. I packed myself out of.the condo I 18 was renting, and-I was gone. 19 Q s Okay,[pir, . I 20 ,A You know, I wanted to get home. f I 21 okay4 sir While we are having our discussion, if lQ 1 22 there's anything else you remember about that 23 .particular valve that you think is important, or should 24 be brought up, picane bring it up. 25 jA okay.

l. . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

tr'c4 era aaa~ WEST MICHIGAN kVPOPT74c .noawn vsvene ut

(---.--- .- 37 . i 1 Q I'd like to go to another subject now, if we could, 2 that you 've rsent f or.ed. Would you like to take a pause I  ! l 3 J for a minute? 1 4 A Sure. 5 (Brief recess in the' proceedings.) ' 6 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): Okay. r.h8 I'd like to 7 l continue, if we could. I'd also like the record to 3 show that the parties present agree that during the 9 l period we were off the record there was no discussions 10 or couments pertaining to the specific ccncerns that: Il I you had. All coments so f ar that have been made in 12 reference to concerns are a part of the record. Do yet: 13 agree with that statement,

r. % fM 14 A I agree.

15 0 Okay. I S1 this point I'd like to go to another k.Efat


16 area, and you r.ay have touched on it briefly earlier. 17 I just want to confirm that you believe that Consumers 18 , Power plant management falsified some documents. Would 19 _ you describe again, ir, the specific documents that 20 you feel were f alsified, and the approximate time 21 period that falsification may have occurred? , i 22 A Like I said before, I have no proof positive that l 23 falsification did occur, but I feel a gut feeling that 24 some falsification had to take place to make it appear 25 that I sabotaged this particular valve. Documents  ; WEST MICI11GAN REPOPTING CDANn DADinC WT d*' ^^*'

38 1 would be work orders, maintenance orders, : a dia tion 2 exposure sheets, possibly even sursaries of work that 3 had to be perforrned to correct the al'Asged sabotage 4 that I did. 5 Q Okay, s{y y

                          .ir.) And do you believe that if there was any 6             falsification, it was limited to the work involved with-7             the CV-4050?

8 A Yes, sir. 9 -Q So we are looking at a fairly short time period and 10 work related to one valve, primarily, in that correct, l I 11 sir? 12 A Yes, sir. I would say the dates, just by what I've got 13 to go by, this f alsification could have taken place 14 would be.2/12/87 to 2/20/87. Possibly even efter 15 2/20/87. The reason why I feel this -- this is my 16 strongest evidence, is when I was terminated from 17 Ccnsumers Power employment, I was given a letter saying 18 I made verbal and written threats. 19 This letter is dated February 20, 1967, the 20 same day I was discharged, but yet March 18th, the day 21  ! I had my presidential hearing, I was told that not only 22


was I .: threatener, I was a sabotager also. So . 23 sor.ietime af ter February the 20th -- stop for a minute, 24 , I want to ask'yoc a question. 25 :Q As long as we can remain en the record. l WPST PTCF7GAN FPPOPTING CDAWD DADTnc. wT tc1ct er o noc t

        . .           _           .               .        --       _               .        .                ,         . ~ . .      _

[' _ ._ 1- A -Okay. -I -told you' before 1.- felt .that the sequence 2- of events 1 happened. want se to say1that?1 3 Q If you could. 4 A Okay. Consumers Power Company's own -- this;is their 5 own -- I believe it's called _ progressive steps. of-6 discipline. No, it's called-a constructive discipline ~ 7 policy and program. It states right in this policy _ 8 that abusive language to a supervisor-could result in 9  ; long-term or short-term disciplinary layof f. It' states i 10 nothing about discharge for first-time offense. l Il  ! They already fired me. I believe the legal 12 department at Consumers Power Cocpany'said hey, you 13 can't fire this guy, because your own policy says you t 14 can't fire this guy, so then I believe there 'vas: this-15 i f alsification of records that took place, because -they. 16 , had aircady fired me, and I believe :that 's when they .


17 - decided to hang this sabotage on me, because for 18 -sabotage, that is' a first-time firing offense, and I[I _ i ~ 19 ' believe that's how things happened. 20 Q Can I see that document sir, hat you're referring to? , 21 A Yes, sir.- . . . 3 22 )Gt . PIRTLE: 14t the record show, please,- i 23 that the document referred to by . is a union-  : 24 relations bulletin. bulletin . number 79-4, dated. _ 25 January 27, 1984, subject, constructive discipline


vren .orr~u,c>v'vvenuw=v" t'e s w v > vme - .u * ' ' * * * " '

                                                            . -           .-.        - -. ' . . ' r ' S ' '                            ,.
                                                                                                 ..                                            _p
                                                                                                                                 - 40 1:                policy.; and progra.m _ OMNC, I to personnel l directors.

2 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE) - .We! do_- not - have .'a' copyf of - thi s -  ;- J 3- ' bullet'in, Xr. Would : you ' be. agreeable ' to us I , 4 making a copy f or._ our . case file?. -

5 A . As long as I ~ can receive, you know, Lay copy back.-

6 Q We'll_ return it to you,Isir <  ! 7 A Yes, sir,'you can. ' e - 8 'Q Okay. Mr. Q@@]$ wby do you feel that Consumers Power 9 may have falsified some docur.ents? You implied . 10 was-to get rid of you?' Is it because of some-actions,, , 11  !. just because of some actions that you've taken, or=some= 12 verbal threats that you've made, ~ or._ something like 13 i that? you' feel 14 for falsifying docurents pertaining to_ work that you !' 15 l. did? n 16 ;A I believe that after the incident -- I've got1to find, f 17 this now._ The' previous' Big RockiPoint, that-18 they were.wanting-_to__make a the'. rest of.the

                 . 19                       employees that-they will not; stand for..certain. things.

20 l One of these things, you~know, graffiti, and'I:believe 21 ' I was!just,.you know, the brunt or, you. know,. caught 1 up 22 in their game.

                      . 23                                  Also,.you know, .I'm a pretty strong-willed person.      If, you know, it's a bright, - sunny day - outL and -                                          '

s - 25-g Consumers Power says, -you know, it's going to rain'in a-  : 1

            --'*W'n           +-                                      9-'   '.

e- y - c- W 1-1---4 e &w 7 y:*'re '

41- ,

        .1-              minute,gI'.m.not. going to: stand there and;say, well,--how-                   _



2 :much rain do you thinkiis going to be. .I.say,LI think 3- you guys-are crazy. It's at bright, sunny day out.:.- I-4 don't see:a'ny clouds inithe sky. .I don't necessarily: 5 agree with everything Consumers Power-l mays:or . 6- do. I don't consider myself ~ a troublemaker but, . then ~ 4 7 , again, I'm not going to let anybody run over me.-either. T 8 Q Okay,(sir.


9 :A So I believe that I probably rubbed:a few people the


10' wrong way, because of my attitude, but, you know, ;they 11 -l rubbed re'the wrong way, didn't bother me any,. 32 so -- (pause) < 13 Q. Did you feel'they were trying to use you as an example? 14 A I know that they were t'rying to-use me .as an example. , 15 The reason being, this is dated March the.llth, 1987, 16 subject being potential regulat'ory ' action,- graf fiti,. - 37 Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant. In this letter,-it~says, 18 , during the 1985 Big Rock -Point refueling outa'ge, 1 19 September 6, 198 5 to November 8,1985, : the ' Nuclear-1 20 , Regulatory Commission cited Consurers Power ' Company for:- 21 a breakdown in management control'and. plant, activities. y p 22' This citation:vas a level 3, and subject to a civil - 23 penalty. a 24 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission,-in their-1


25 presentation at-the enforcament-conference-, gave - WEST MICHIGAN REPORTING: GRAND ~ RAPIDS. MT- . (6f6)'AU-04R7

42 1 several examples of the loss of management control. 2 One of the things they cited was graf fiti on the 3 l containment building sphere.- Further-on in the letter 4 it says, during the 1987 refueling outage at Big Rock 5 Point, the control and performance of the fuel 6 maintenance services work force was much better. 7 However, the occurrence of another graffiti incident 8 significantly different from the 1985 incident has led 9 i the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, through the resident 10 l Inspector, to review our previous commitments in the 11 management control. 12 Because of the nature of the graffiti during 13 , the 1987 refueling outage involved threats to people l 14  ; and-plant equipment, both plant management and the l l 15 Nuclear Regulatory Commission eensider the incident to l 16 be more serious than the '1985 graffiti incident. 17 Plant management initiated a thorough review ! 18 for potential damage to plant equipment, and l 19 immediately r'estricted access to involved individuals. l l 20 The plant review committee, which reviews all safety L ! 21 issues and concerns, has reviewed the incident to l determine if other action is necessary. 22 The nuclear j 23 l regulatory commission is likely to review-the incident 24 and document future inspection reports. The Nuclear 25 Regulatory Commission will certainly consider the V CDRVn 01ptne wi ,ctcs - sco enen t' c " ufriJTCRM DVDnDTTUC

                       ]     -- -       . -        .,      -. -            . x.         ._

43 ,. 1 incident in our SALP ratings for the 1987 period. f 2 jQ Can I see the document, ir 3 l MR. PIRTLE: Would the record indicate, 4 pleane, that the document that{ .h read from is-5 an internal memorandum from ($@fM)to , 6 h$$?g5269ff5@fM3023% Deseription number is 7 (f[E3@ 6 'Q (BY MR. FIRTLE) I thank you, sir.  ! v j 9 ;A I take it you have a copy of this? 10 We have a copy of that, so I won't need to request that lQ I 11 docueent. That's okay. 12 A Ar d , f rotn our previous conver sations, you've told me 13 that you people consider graffiti very, very -- you i 14  ! don't even consider it, as a r.atter of fact, i 15 Q Well, I need to clarify that point. If I told you we 16 don't consider graffiti as anything, that was an error, 17 but I think in the perspective of that civil penalty on 18 the graffiti, there were four or five other areas that 19 wai ranted the com:ri s sion 's act ions, that it wasn't just 20 because t here was graf fiti in the plant. I 21 :A Right. 22 'o But, you knew, I need to clarify the point. If~I gave 23 you the perspective that we look upon graffiti as 1 24 nothing, you know, that's not the case. I think it has 25 to be looked upon in .i case -by-case basis in that, but l _ _ . _ _ - . _ . ~ _ _ - u _ _ wrc:T MTCHIGAN PPPOPTING CPAND PAPIDS, MI_ (616) 458-0987

f. ..-

44 1 the actions that they.were talking about, where the 2 commission-was concerned with civil penalty, was for 3 the previous outage, but-it was for some other, more i 4 substantial things, such as lack of work groups, work-5 done on wrong equipment and things of that nature, and 6 then together, collectively, the entire management of 7 the outage was a concern to the coraission. 6 jA But, as a whole, your opinion, or the Nuclear f 9 Regulatory Coraission, as a whole, on graffiti - is -- i 10 Q- I really can't, you know, give you the commission's 11  ! perspective on that. It is probably inappropriate. 12 A okay. 13 -Q I'm not trying to evade you, it's just that I -- 14 ;A Right. 15 !Q I can't give you -- 16 A Right. Would you like to say anything? 17 KR. GUTERIE: I want to say that during the 18 1985 outage there were seven separate incidents, of 19 which one was the graffiti. [ 20 Okay. (MR. h M k L 21 MR. GUTHRIE: And seven, in total, was what l 22 eventually led to a level 3 violation. l 23 .h Okay. If there had not been 24 l seven, there had only been one incident, the graffiti 25 i on the containment sphere, what is your opinion that wrcT W T r p 7 c t.M prpopTTNC ,GDEV" D2DThC WT ff'#4 #EO 0007

                               >                            N -N-                                                           M
    < ' .r I4$I

, 1 LNRC-would have looked at that as? - 2 '. MR . G U TH R I E : That very.:;likely would'have 3 been handled.atithe managerial = level; 4' MR . - For-Consumers Power? I-5 MR. GUTBRIE: ;And incorporated intofsni , u - 6 overall picture of management-effectiveness for running 7 1 outages. I 8 l 2[hR.h$Et Okay. You being a resident i JF" 9 , inspector, your opinion or graffiti -- l


10- MR. GUTHRIE: I_ find it representative.of~an. 'D 11 I attitude. 12 . .kMi okay. 13 MR. GUTHRIE: I'm speaking as an individual. *

14 - (MR. h hik Okay. Not as the_ commission?- i 15 l 7'MR. GUTHRIE
-That's correct.

16 'Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): And I'll probably have to: interject 17' I ! .- and say that that really calls for speculation or, our 18 part. If it had .l>een _ graf fiti only in- 1985, what - 19 perspective the comrission- would ha ce taken,1we: really: 20 can't say. It would just be speculation on our part. , 21 -A In your opinion, would you say that the 1985' and 'J 987-  : t. 22- graf fiti incidents- are the only time that that -ever 'I . 23 occurred at Big Rock Point, or-would you say that-this 1 i 24 is-an ongoing problem? 'i-25 MR. GUTHRIE I would say that I am not aware l. . k" pct MTCFTGAW'DPDADTTWC CDPUh D*"'"C ' ## #"" ^^^'

                     ..           _ - - , _ _ . .                      _.        -    _    _ _ _ _     _   ._".. _ - -. _             a-    . _ _ ,           , ,,

i 46- . 1 of other incidents. I 2 .,MR.(M I take it you have access-to all 3 parts of the plant? 4 HR. GUTERIE: That's right. 5 ' MR . k And you've never seen any other f 6 graffiti on any of the walls? l 7 i MR. GUTHRIE: Oh, no. I didn't say that. 8 Certainly there are things written all over every l 9 i facility, Inc.luding Big Rock Point, 10 l ,MR. @$[A Okay. Okay. 11 MR. GUTHRIE: The graffiti in this incident 12 was probably a little more intense than the typical-13 , graffiti. 14 MR. Okay, i 15 MR. GUTHRIE: Would you see that point? 16 .R.h% Pardon? 17 MR. GUTHRIE: Would you see that point? J. 18 mean, is that something you'd agree with? 19 R. No. 20 MR. GUTHRIE: Okay. 21 fMR. ;M,k No, you know, because I've been e 2 22  ; to every consumers Power plant they have, both nuclear 23 and coal fired. 24 MR. GUTHRIB: Uh-huh. 25 , . h h fh And graffiti is spread throughout i b WPST FICHIGAN RFPORTING ' CPAND PADihe. WT I f 1 K l . J ' * - 0 0 0

47 8 1 every plant. There's soric really detrirsental graf fiti 2- , certain places, much more serious and detrimental than 3 l what was written at Big Rock Point. 4 MR. GUTHRIE Let me sunmarize by making two 5 brief statements, and then I think, Cary, you want to 6 proceed. l 7 j Nun.ber one, Big Rock Point is relatively 8 cican in terms of cleanliness and plant physical i I 9 condition. 10 MR. (M Q h Okay. 11  ! MR. GUTHRIE: And graffiti of the type that 12 you describe is not as cormon there as I telieve it to 13 be at other facilities. 14 MR.h3 Okay. 15 l HR. GUTHRIE: Number two, P.he graffiti that 16 was described to me, the nature of it and the actual 17 words, led me to believe that that was of a mote i 18 serious nature than the typical graf fiti that you see. 19 ME . ($$f3 Okay. ! 20 MR. GUTHRIE: Now, with that, j 21 perhaps -- (pause) 22 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE): We'll be addressing the area of l l l 23 graffiti in a few minutes. l 1 24 A Okay. 25 Q At that point you can certainly -- whatever perspective I 8I$I% 0#^ ^^^* YDDT M I f U T $ k N - DI* DOD T I NO OD?UD DIDTDO UT


p. I I 48

      )           you feel is appropriate, you can certainly identify for          !

2 the record at that time. I 3 okay. 1 lA 4 'O so I think we have pretty well covered the nubject of- - f 5 the f alsified documents, the type of documents that you l' 6 feel may have been falsified, the possible motivation 7 for Consurers Power to falsify the doeurents, as 1 8 understand, that you believe was to make you an example j 9  ; or to use you as an'exanple. 10 lA Right. 11 !O To show management's concern and action that they will 12 take in reference to graffiti in the plant. I think we 13 also have a pretty good feel for the tite frame that 14 you feel the documents -- 15 A Bight. 16 Q 1s there any other area pertaining in falsified 17 documents that you feel we need to know about at this 18 time, or do you feel it's pretty well covered? 19 A I think I have pretty well covered it, but if you've 20 got any questions, you know, I'll be happy to answer i 21 them the test I could, you know, l s ' -+ f 22 Q And again 'sirf during the conversations, although we 23


may go to other subjects, if something does come to l j 24 l mind pertaining to falsified documents, your beller l l 25  ; that doeurents may have been falsified, please bring it l l u .

_f. _ __ _ . _ . . . _ __ ._____ _ _ _ 49 1 up 2 A I would like to say one thing to put thir, in a short i 3 l perspective. I feel that I was terminated, like I 4 say -- this is rainly a repeat -- feel I was terminated 5 on February the 20th,and, you kncw -- as well as I 6 know, anyhow, this, stuf f is all reviewed by the legal 7 i departrnent of Consumers "over. 8 Af ter 1 was terminated, I believe the legal 9 d e pa r tine nt -- this is how I see or feel the chain of

                                                                                                   . ~

10 events went down, said you can't fire this guy for 11 l this, because your own policy says you can't, and 12 thct's when I feel that things scre doctored up, af ter 13  ; February the 20th, so they could fire vie for a 14 first-tine offense, And, like I said before, their own 15 i policy bei ng t nat , you kncv, verbal t.Sreats or abusive 16 language to a rupervisor are short-term or long-team 17 disciplinary layoffs, first-time offense, not firing, 18 For satotage it is a first-tice firing of fense. 19 That's when I feel the sabotage was throvn 20 . into this ballgatre, was sometime af ter February the i I 21 20th. I'm sure, positive, a hundred percent, that's 22 what happened, otherwise, when I was given a letter of 23 termination ory February 20th. I'm sure they would have 24 put that right in it.

              !                             ,~

25 jQ sir. Okay,[b-j / w - . - - - - _ _ . . wret u wnict.w nypontinn on e wartne wv trict eco nor-

re '*u3'r "M D den-- 4+@* W ' g ,w, yep-es,_%r9 g4N=a-% P"4 =mwy,,Ai 6 e - 3.-., 50 , 1 A And do you have a copy of the letter of termination? < i 2 Q I believe that was the copy thet you read f rom not too ' 3 l long ago, l' 4 A Right. [ 5 Q Frybruary 20th $ l' 6 MR. GUTifRI E: Is that the one signed by  ; 7 i Mr.hd8 8 fMR. {$Q ,f Yes o atr.


9 MR. GUTilR 3 E! Yeah, I think we have a copy. 10 pkR.{fth$$e% Do you want to see it, y 11 or -- (pause) That's it. 12 Q (BY MR. 01 F 712 ) : Okay. If 3 could, I'd like to go on . 13 , to another subject, if I could, picase. 14 ;A Okay. 15 !Q And, again, hr. k i i f there's something pertaining 16 to the valve or to the falsifications of records that l 17 come to aind, please don't hesitate to bring it up and l l 18 discuss it, l l 19 I'd like to briefly discurs the area, now, of ! 20 the concerns you have about access control to high 21 radiation areas that you felt were very lax as they 22 port.ained to the alarm, i tself, and the key control.  ! -


23 'A Yes, ofr.  ; , 24 Q Would you briefly describe your concerns as f ar as the i i 25 ,

                      - alarm, itself, goes, and the key controls for the high I


              ...- ........,-..nnnr..~                                         a.-,.--         + . + . . . .       ...  are   ~~em

51 1 rad area. 2 A F;ey control for high radiation area is conson practice, j 3 j been conson practice as long as I've been going to the ' 4 plant, which is the early part of 1982. That one guy l 5 in the beginning of the shif t will check out the keys l t 6 for the high radiation area. That key could change 7 hands several times, 5, 10, 15 tires, in a period of 8 one work shift. I do not have a copy of the key log 9 record with me. I can probably get a copy. They show , 10 one person checking out the key in the beginning of the I 11 shift, and another person turning it in at the end of 12 the shift. 13 -Q Okay. 24 A And the common practice was one guy would go get the i key and, you inow, son.ebody else, af ter he coepleted 15 16 his task, needed the key, instead of going to check out 17 the key, he would just go see the guy who already had 18 the key, the key would exchange hands and, like I said, 19 the key log would verify that fact, because it shows i 20 right on it one person checking out the key at the 21 beginning of the shift, someone totally different 22 returning the key at the end of the shift. , 23 Q That transfer of keys, do you know if that was limited  : 1 24 to red chem technicians, or could it transfer to almost > 25 anyone? ' I t _ , . - _. .. g,*T* O m y t p11 V P , %* 7 ** ts *% % *' N t ' ** * * * * * * * ** *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $2 1            A               Well, I'm sure, I'm a hundred percent positive, that it 2                            was red chem technicians, and also certain operators 3           i had to go in certain areas to take the readings or l

4 whatever, and I know that the key changed hands with 5 them fellows, too. 6 Q Okay. Would you describe the concern you had with 7 reference to the alarm on the high rad area? 8 A That alarm doesn't rocan nothing. If you've got the 9 I keys, you can enter that door, you know, without 10 setting off an alarm, by a piece of wire. A1.1 it is is I 11 a microcwitch. You use a different term than I did. 12 You just hold up the leg, and if the Icg doesn't fa33 33 , down, the alarm doesn't go off, or that's the way it 1 14 i used to be. 15 Now, as I told you over the phone; before, in 16 the previous outage, I entered that area one time to 17 look for a tool. The rad chem tech was with me. 13e 18 was a contractor. J can't romerber his name. That's 19 how he entered the area. 11e had the key to the door. 20 , Instead of calling up on the phone, he wired the alarm 1 21 j so it wouldn't go off. We went in the area. We were 22 jn the area approximately minutes, and came back 23 out, looking for this tool. That was the previous 24 outage. This outage, as far as I know, that did not 25 , occur, at least with me present. I assume that the g,.*9 4 e ret g g e M tt9M%%* O 9" * * * * * * *9'* * * * * * * * * * * *

  • f 53- -;

1 .alarn 1.s still the same, so ~~ (pause) . f. 2 Q Then, you did, persona 111, observe'the actions you ' 3 described about circumventing the alarm on the high rad l', 4 door? ' 5 A Yes, sir. And I can give you names of the other l


6 fellows for the Crew that observed:that' 7 also, you know. l 8 Q okay. Would -you just give me a fev nam.cs then? - 9 i A (E5$&EW$L 10 t h M { M ?. Q il lA Yes, sir. Be can-verify that. 12 O And perhaps another name, please? 13 i A Probably h M r  ; 14 Q Okay. ' 15  ! A One thing I would like to interject at this tin:e, ' 16 approximatelytwoweeksago'Iraninto.h - I L 17 told kd$ % the reason why I got fired. He_said l L 18 that's a bunch of bull, that I wasn't in that'arsa long 19 enough to do anything besides the job that I was given 20  !

                                      -a work order for.

21 Q okay. All right. 22 MR. GUTHRIE: . Can I ask? Were you-done with  ! 23 that?  : 24 MR. }Yes, sir. t 25 MR. GUTERIE: Okay.' The transfer of the key  ;  :

                                 .hh(h NT[NY                      h b
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                                                                                                                                    . . ~ ...,. . . _ , , , . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ < , .

54- . I among plant personnel, d'id'-I understand you to say that ' i 2 was restricted to the group of rad protects and a 1 handful of operators? 3 l' ' 4 MR. As far as !-know, you know. I'm j 5 not a permanent, or never was a permanent. i 6 MR. GUTHRIE: No. No. Just based on what L; I , 7 you observed. q 8 R. k Just what I observed, you_know, _ 9 i J've been sitting in the rad pro's office, and who's 10 got the key, ao-and-so's got the key,-page so-and-so, l 11 l until they find him and go get the-key. 12 MR. GUTHFIE: Are you aware of any-incidents-13 where maintenance personnel, either plant or rave I crew or supervisors, carried the-key, or was it i 14 , 15 ' restricted to the rad crew? 16 Jt . ( I'm'not aware of that,=but that-- l 17 could.have happened, especially with in-plant people. 18 MR. GUTHRIE: .The lep11 cations of entering 19 the recire pump room by fixing the alarm implies. that . 20  ! there were no records of that entry, includin'g the i 21 l exposure that you. might have picked up. Is that a 22 correct assumption? 23 MR. Yes, sir.


24 MR. GUTHRIE: That wasn't logged any place on , 25 an entry log? . t

                         .G k                                          Di

_ .. 'P C T - W T f l2 T C > W. _ _ . _' P.^ D T 1 W C_ - - _ . CDhWD ~ D R U T h C ,- - W T

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1 . No, sir. But every time that I 2 know, and I can only state for certain that occurred 3 one time, you know. I know that it happened more than 4 that, but one time with me. You see, we -- you 're 5 f amiliar, being a resident inspector, you know where t 6 the tool area is? All we did was go up and look for a 7 i tool, We never did actually enter the recire punp 8 room, per se. 9 l HA. GUTHRIE: You went in the area where the 10 l cicanup pump is? 11  !

                                     ~(kR.k                        Yeah, up the little stairs.
)?                                      MR. GUTHNIE:                   Just inside the wire door and 13                    up the few steps?

14 h.hdh Yeah, where the tools are hanging 15 l on the wall and that little tool bin in. That's as far 16 as we went. And I know it was wrong, you know. I know 17 it was wrong, but when you've got somebody else with 18 you saying it's okay, you know, all we did was don a 19 set of plastic booties and a set of rubber gloves and 20 never put no papers on or anything, just went up there, 21 looked for the tool. If the tool had been there, we 22 would have thrown it in a plastic bag, bagged it and f 23 taped it, and walked -it out.  ;- 24 MR. GUTHRI E .I understand. 25 0 (BY HR. PIRTLE): Okay. So I can just kind of ( l em-('P O m %J 1 fil T O %* D U iN A D # * % % O O " I I' DI ** * '# # * * ' J

                                              ..._.4         _ . _ . _ _ - . .            . _ _ . _         _._  _ _ _ _ . - . . _ _ ._. _ .. _ _ .

56 1 sursarire that. As f ar as the tampering with the alare 2 on the door, there was at least one occasion on the i 3 I previous outage that you observed a contract rad chtm 4 l technician do it? 5 A Right. 6 Q To enable you and he to get in and look for a tool. 7 .A Now, I want to clarify sornething. The previous outage 8 I was there, not the previous outage that happened. 9 -Q What time f rame are we talking at<,ut, 82? 10 lA It would have been the previous outage to this outage, 11 so it would have been about ' 03. 12 MP. GUTiiR I E: It was June of '64 shen it 13 started. 14 , 7-kh h Yeah. That's when I was there. 15 Q (BY MR. P:RTLE): So that's the tite period we are 16 talking about? 17 A Yes, air. 18 Q Did you observe sirrilar incidents during this outage? 19 A No, sir. I did not. 20 ;Q Did you have discussionc with someone where they i 21 j commented that they saw this type of activity? 22 A Just among the f 6 $ (( fellows. 23 Q And the two names that you gave me, were they 24 individuals that may have observed the same thing 25 during this incident? i m_ _ __ ___ t *g, e op ga v et* 9 M % %e b e h ^ % ** 9 %*e em 4  %-* *4 **** t1* # # 8 7 4 8' * * -

  • m
                                - . - -    - - - - - .        . - - - . . ~ - - - - -    -      - . _ -

57 1 A 1 know that k Tjy d h without a doubt, he conveyed 2 that to me, that that's a bunch of bull about them 3 keeping an accurate log, because he, himself, stated to 4 ze that he had had a similar thing happen to him. S Q During this last outage? 6 A No, during an outage sometime. 7 Q Okay. 8 A You know, I'm not sure. I didn't question him about l 9 when the outage was. We were basically there for the 10 same outages, but he wasn't there for this outage. Il O Okay. All right. And then with the leplication being ,. 12 that shen this occur s , there's no record of entry into 13 the high radiation area? 14 lA No, sir. You don't call on the phone to let them know 15 you're entering, because when you call on the phone, i 16 i you knew -- I don't know wlether they turn off the ( 17 alare or they just ignore it when it goes off, as long 18 as they know someone's going in there, but an alarm i 19 l doesn't go off. All you've got to do is have the keys 20  ; to unlock the door, and that's not a very secure door, l' l l 21 no I even imagine a guy could get away without -- not 22 having the key. 23 O Okay. And then, in reference to the key control, you 24 personally know it is exchanged between rad chem 25 technicians? I l t -' l vre- u,re.r.v cenne-,vr re vm n,*,nc u,- ,,,,, , e ,- -,

a. 1 A I've seen it happen all the time. ~l 2 Q And operations ~ personnel, and there'may be other type's l 3 of people?  ! j 4 A There may be other types that I's.not aware of, but I ,

                                                                                                                            .i 5                      know for a fact that-it bappens all the time between_                                         j
                                                                                                                            -l        !
i. 6 rad chen people and operators,:know~that it happens.

1' 7 If I would have been on my toes,-I could have got a-I 8 copy of a log, you know, the key log,-- and proved that 9 to you.without a doubt. j 10 MR. GOTHRIE: Did you observe that transfer- . 11 of the key during this 1987 outage? 12 (kR. k Yeah.' :t 13 MR. GUTHRIE: Okay. 9 14 MR. h You know, I'd_be waiting _to go_to:- l 15 do a job, and we _had to wait for so-and-so to get back, 16- -because he's got the keys. So-and-so would get back, 17 and, you know, then we would go do our job. 18 Q (BY MR. PIRTLE) . Were there any other radiation , i-L 19 protection concerns that you had,.

                                                                                     .h             such as' -

l 20 l people not maybe carrying a dosirceter with them? Did i <

21 they have dosimeters with them?--

a 22 A Not.that I'm aware of. :As-far'as-i know, you know, and ll I L 23 feel, that, you know, your dosimeter and stuff like  ; i .

      '24                       that was all pretty straight up.-               I mean, straight-                       ,

25  ; business. I've got some questions to;how-they: read-  ;

            .;                                                                                                          .-           r i

c L . __


_ _ en <n.en _ - ,s.,. ._____ c.w,ne v, , c $ < i. e e e _ a nlo 4 :  :.

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59 1 their dosimeters, but as my own records of what I wrote 2 down abov, that I had a lot more exposure than what 3 they came up with, but I realize they take their TODs 4 and send them in. 5 Q Do you have a concern about your actual exposure during 6 the last outage? Do you feel that records or 7 , information that you've been provided is fairly 1 8 accurate? l 9 A I feel that it's accurate, yes. 10 Q You do not feel that that's an issue the commission 11 needs to look into? 12 A Well, I feel that I received a significant accent of 13 radiation unnecessarily. 14 'O Forwhatreason,fsir? 15 .A Well, I was trained to do a certain job, ISI, and the 16 i veek I arrived there to start the outage, they had me i 17 building scaffolding. 18 jQ Would you explain what the acronym ISI is? 19 !A In-service inspection. I 20 Q So you believe that you were assigned jobs that you-21 normally should not have been assigned that resulted in more radiation than you shvald have received? ' 22 23 A Yes, sir. I Okay. 24 Q 25 A And, to give you a number, I'll say I received 500 to e - e r* e e s

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  • P**4'" P*hThP U' # ( i l' % #F0 000*
                                                    -- -                   -.--        --/      --                                   .----...---- .

_..-9 1 00 ! 1 800 milliroens arre than what I should have received 2 tecause of -- 3 Q Job assignments? 4 A Because of job assignments, no foresight, no planning, 5 poor management. Not plant ranagement, I'm talking  ; Crew management. 6 -jigigy(;g'{ 7 10 I see. 8 A You know, that's my own honest opinion. And I also l 9 feel and know that there's 10 other fellows sitting in 10 , the same shoes as me. 11 Q Have they expressed the same concern? li A arc grieving it right new, because they got 13 , shipped out of there the same time I did, and, you 14 , know, they also lost the r.ame arount of money I did


because of no foresight, no previous planning. They 15 16 knew that they had to have scaffolding. They also kncv 17 that they had to do this ISI work. Well, they trained 18 us to do ISI work, okay? They knew we were going to 19 pick up a significant anount of radiation in the ISI, 20 but yet, you Know, they sent as into the high radiation area to build scaffolding. You can get anybody to 21 build scaffolding. You shouldn't have your people 22 23 there, trained to do a specific job, building 24 scaffolding. But that's probably not a concern of f 25 yours.



                         * *"r-    s
  • e t? ' e ' n' D o t h > + 1 1'c FD?ch OPPTB W F Ro.6097

i 61 1 Q Mell, I guess, to kind of surmarite your concern, , 2 because this is new, I don't recall us discussing it 3 before. 4 A Right. t I

      $          Q            In that you feel that the radiation dose data that was                                               .

I 6 provided to you as far as your exposure goes is l 7 4 probably accurate? 8 A Yes, sir. 9 jQ  !! o v e v e r , you feel that lack of proper planning on the , 10 part of Concurers Power, that you received a higher ' Il rate or dcce of radiation than you should have 12 received? 13 A Not prior planning of the plant, gM!$ Crew  ; 14 planning. 15  ! Q Okay. tk [ g43; % Crew planning. Okay, sir 16 A I don't feel that I received a significant arount more 17 than I should have; I know that I received a 18 significant arount more than I should have. 19 O Okay _sir .. 20 lA And, like I said, to give you an idea, of 500 to 800 i l 21 milliroens, .because I think I had 700 or 800 milliroens a l-l 22 before I started any ISI work. l l L 23 MR. GUTHRIE May I ask a couple on that one, 24 make sure I understood it correctly? You feel that the ( ( 25 responsibility as far as the planning problem rests L q .e 3 y , e g. , a gs . eve n *

  • u *a & 9 t * *- e * * *
  • f* (J ' 8/9#9 8** * * ~ *
  • ___.._ ._. _ . - - - . . ~ ~ ~--- - _ ~.---.-._ . --- - -- ~ -.. - .e.... _ . ~ . _ . , . . . .

I 62 1 with the(Travel} Crew? 2 HR. h 5 % Yrs, sir. Specifically,h 3  ; 2$ Crew. Specifically,fy 4 HR. GUTHRIE: Okay. And the second thing is l 5 that the nature of the training that you received for 6 ISI, was that grinding related for ISI? 7 (VHR. [QM Grinding, flapping, you know, for t 8 WDT to come in. 9 t MR. GUTHRIE l'or NDT? d' 10 'k,MR. ($$lk That's what it was, well prep. i Il KR. GUTHRIE: Yeah, okay. 12 h,MR. h k So there's scre dye, a per.etrant, e 13 i work involved, but we hardly ever get into that. It's 14 , all f or documentation purposes is all, NDT does it. 15 MR. GUTHRIE: Are you avare of any delays 16 that were incurred due to material problems; for 17 exanple, supplies or stores, or ere you aware of any? 18 Delays such as getting this ISI MR . {[{ 19 done? 20 HR. GUTHRIE: Yeah, that would have resulted 21 in additional exposure. 22 HR.[ Yeah. . 23 HR. GUTHRIE: Things that weren't there,  ! 24 coming out of the parts room? i 25 , HR. Yeah. As a r.atter of f act, it i i VDCT'NTONTOIN NYDODTI bDIU D I I'

     ....-.             4       .-.            --         - ....-.     -..>     . - .     .. -   . - .   .     ..

i 63 1 happened to me in my first ISI job. They said, yeah, 2 all these tools you're going to need to do this job are i 3 in that bag there. Well, you know, 1 guess, being 4 gullible, you know, and not checking that bag before 1 I 5 vent in the steam drum area, I went in there and the 6 teols I needed to complete that job, that ISI job, were 7 not i n that bag, so I had to come back out, get the 8 tools together and then go back in. I probably picked 9 up another couple hundred, 300 ts.arer because o steam 10 drum is not no area you just want to go in there and I 11 hang out. 12 M. GUTilP I E : No, that's not plearant. 13 . hh['h Yeah. That happened to me. And 14 I'll give you the guy's nar.e that was with se is 15 [${@yff,L] and that happened to him the same t f ee, 16 because we were assigned to do the r,arte job. I was 17 iirst justpe r . I was going to do the job, too, you 18 know, run my self-reader right up to the limit. I was 19  ! going to come up, and then he was going to continue the 1 20  : job, so -- (pause) l 21 i MR. PIRTLE: Steve, is there any more 22 questions in that area?  ! 23 MR. GUTilRIE: No. Thank you. are there any other  ! 24 Q (BY MR. P3RTLE): r. [ 25 concerns that you have in the area of radiation l )

                                                                                                                    < i
                                         -        _ . .                       .- ~-- -                        _
                                      $    3                                                           g Ik         l    f                $

64  ; 2 protection besides what we discussed so far? I 2 A Yeah. I've got one other one. They have got a lack of 3 anti-C clothing up there, especially on these big jobs i 4 where a guy is required to wear something too small, .

    $                 and you'll be taping it and stuff, and you'll start i

6 doing strenuous work and you'll tear your tape, so, you , 7 know, somebody's going to get their skin crapped up one i 8 of these days because of that. l 9 Q Okay. 10 A Probably docen't mean a whole lot, but it does to the Il  ! guy dressing up. 12 Q ok ay ,' s i r . Were there any other areas as far as 13 radiation protection goes? 14 A No, sir, not as far as I can know, but, like I said. i 15 before, if you've got any other questions,' I'd be happy 16 to try and answer them. 17 0 Okay, fine. The next area I was going to discucs dealt 18 with the comments you made, or the perspective you 19 have, that Consumers Power fabricated a case against l 20 . you to get you suspended or fired, and I think we have l 21 pretty well already discussed.that, what you feel the l l 22 motivation was and what documents might have been l-23 falsified and the approximate time frame. So if it's l 24 agreeable with you, I think we have about all the I 25 information we need in that area, unless you would like 1 L - ~ eve- u , c u , c , .. c r n , u e c c , .. - v , v , - -, ,a u , wa,

__ _ _.q _ - . . . .- - _ .f . . . _ _ _ _ 65 l I to provide any more information. 2 A Not unicas you have any specific questions. 3 Q 3 do have one question. During consurers rover's 4 inquiry into your alleged actions, did they contact 5 you? Did they interview you? , 6 A No, sir. 7 Y Anyone f rom Consumers Powers plant management interview 8 you about these alleged actions? one time, 9 A h, Ohhvasthefellow'sname. 10 11e asked me if I knew anything atout it, and. 7 bhe2{ Wanted 11 to know if I kncv anything about graffiti. Nothing 12 abc u t salotage. 13 Q And about when was this done, hh in, you know, just 14 time frame. We speak of alout February 20th to it  ! March 18th. Was it before your termination notice? 16 A Before my termination. I'd say it would be 17 approximately February the 12th, the 13th. 18 ,Q Okay. 19 A 14th. Probably the 12th or the 13th. 20 iQ At that time they advised you they were looking into l' 21 graffiti? 22 A Yes, sir. l 23 Q But they did not mention anything about valve work or l 24 anything like that? 1 25 A No, sir. Theyalsoquestione>Hr.hh about i k , . _ . _ - _ _ _ . _ __-

               ....,._...-..,r.,.     . . , . . . - . -             r,...-   e.  -- - u, ,c,,,       ,ee  "e,

66 I i 1 this graffiti. l l 2 0 Okay, fair $.

                                                                           /                                       L                              .

3 }A i And the same with him. I c-Okay.  ; 4 - Q I 5 A All that was scentioned was graf fiti. l l 6 Q Okay. All right. , 1 7 i (Brief recess in the proceedings.) 8 MR. PIRTLE: I would like the record to show 9 i that during the period that we were of f the record 10 there was no conversation or discussions of any of the 11 items or issues that have been addressed in your 12 concerns. 13 jQ (BY MR. PIRTLE): Do you agree with that statetent, i - 14

               ,                            e Mr . hk 15        'A                             Yes, I agree.

16 Q Okay,fsir. I'd like to continue, if I Inay, address the 17 issue of written and verbal threats or comments. And 18 o get your perspective, first of all, did { 19 jou vertally threaten the supervisors during the tint 20 , that you were working at Big Rock Point during the t 21  ! outage? I 22 A I had words with a supervisor, yes, sir. . 23 Q Did you -- 24 A I will not agree that it was a threat, but I will agree 25 l that I did have words with a supervisor, yes, sir. 1 P P h A F4W*%9O ODI%*b DI*T*O MY f[ [ M bbb

                          .**-###pt                       $$ 4 #9 T 99 M% %*

r 67 , 1 Q Well, was i t one supervisor? 2 A 'Ivo supervisors. ' 3 Q Okay. Would you identify their names, please? .' 4 A Jr . hh 5 Q Okay. 6 A ,kr. h @ Q $id.WJ i % The reason why I had words with 7 them is, like I expresced a little bit earlier, I had i 8

  • reached a very high dose. I had reached aImost my l


                                                                   .               quarterly dose.                          They st))1 had bench work that could i

l 10 l have been -- that I could have done, picked up three, ' i 11 i five, t en millirins a week. The reason why I had words 12 is I did lose t w :, three, f4,000 by not being able to 13 j remain at that outage.  ; 14 Like I said before, we are assigned to 15 cotages. The low overtire fellow goes to the high 16 overtime jobs, gets his chance to earn the voney i . I 17 was the lowest overtime fellow by a couple of hundred 18 dollars. I should have stayed there until the bitter 19 end of that job. As a r.atter of fact, I probably 20 j should have been the last guy to leave.  : y , 21 Q okay. Then, the verbal cocenents, you said you don't { 22 have the perspective of a threat. The verbal com:nents l 23 that you made to the supervisors was related to the 24 fact that you had to be pulled from the site earlier i 25 than you expected due to your radiation exposure?  ;

                                                                                                                                                               ~                               __

gatn m auw gg$ Aa* $ A 3 g W 4 4'm db * **9 't #

  • G '* *
  • 68  !

1 A *; a , s i r . Which, that exposure, as I expressed a ' 2 little bit earlier, it would never have been as high as ' 3 l It was if they had preplanned the scaf folding job. I 4 Q Okay. I see. Was there, in corrents that you made --  ! S the verbal comments that you made to the supervisors, i 6 was there any implied physical action that you were l 7 going to take against them? 8 A Not that I can recall. I i 9 jQ okay. 10 'A In this presidential hearing, as to what I said, is not 11 - an accurate staterrent, you know, as to what I said to 12 That is not ar. r.h M 7 d and{er. h2 [+7)$ d M D } 13  ; accurate statement. 14 !Q The statement that you described to to earlier, is that i 15 an accurate statement? 16 A Would you repeat that statenent? 17 -Q Well, it was the obscene statecent. Do you want to 18 enter it in the record? 19 A Well, I don't have a probler with that. Consumers 20 Power Company doesn't, apparently, have a problem with


21 it. You've heard it. She's the only one that would 22 have a problem with it. - I don't know. It's up to you. 23 Q Would you want it in the record or not? 24 . A I don't care. 25 ;Q Okay. Probably I would prefer to cursarize the comment i 9%$ 9M yp9 @4+ 4 4 $ $ 6

  • 4 9 F aD- W 6E- 4 **

1 - 69 1 an' Mr. @fE5f} described it to me, sometime subsequent to I 2 April 9th, as probably an obscene gesture vos involved. 3 A Okay. r 4 Q Would that be accurate enough for you,Z sir? 4 6 5 A Yeah, that would be accurate, j i 6 Q Okay, fine. So if I can just kind of summarize the l 7 area of the verbal comments, you did have verbal 8 l confrontation or comments with two supervisors? I 9 lA (Nods head) 6 10 Q You did not, at that time or now, consider them as a ' I 11 threat to the supervisors? 12 A No, sir. Like 3 taid -- I want to explain sor ething 13 , here. I'll be the first to admit, and put it real . 14 l bluntly, I was pissed off. I was very pissed off, i 15 i because I was losing all this roney that I should have 16 teen given the opportunity to earn. I've got no 17 probler with earning it, but I've got to be given the 18 opportunity to earn it. Itwastheirscrew-up,(e%W 19 $ Crew's management screw-up, that put me in that 20 rosition that I was in, high on my quarterly dose. 21 Q Okay. j 22 A So they're asking me to forgive them for making a 23 screw-up and forgiving them the two to three to $4,000 24 out of my own pocket. That's hard for anybody to take, 20 at least to me, you know. I know that to some people l i


__f..___..__._.______ . 70 , I two or $3,000 doesn't mean a whole lot. It means a lot 2 to me. i - 4 3 ;Q Okay{, sir. And these verbal comments -- you lef t the 4 site alcut the 7th of February. Were these comments 5 made a few days before that or just about that time  ; i 6 frame? 7 A A few days before that. Yes, sir. 8 lQ Had there been any other verbal comments made to 9 supervisors -- I won't say that word, threats -- that 10 could nave been interpreted as verbal confrontations 11 during the outage? Was this the only time? 12 A This was the only time that ! Knew of. Now, I did 13 speak with a couple plant people. I spoke with 14 Q]Ty@]atout it. I don't believe that anything 15 detrimental or obscene or anything was said with

      )6                                 .hr.gjf;)

17 Let's see. There'sanother(guy}thattheysay

      .18                                  I talked to.                  Now, I talked to thisTgu                  every day, 19                                   Mr. hj((Nfh                            {ilesays,youknow,             I nade a threat.

20 I don't take it as -- what I said, as a threat. 21 As far as' r. h@s,kan4 r. h[kM[ksaying 22 what I said, I don't think that was too far out of 23  ; line.

  • It was something they heard, not only every day, 24 l but they probably heard it several times every day.

25 3 And I want you guys to keep in mind that there was nine i I wrc, wwuwsv vventvsun er.n~ ~.~~~~ - - ~ - ~ -- - --

                                                 .._ _-_ _._ _ -                  .a                     - _ - _ _ _ , . _ _ .                       _ _ .

71 .o 1 other people in my same position that was ' leaving. l 2 Q Okay. 3 A And I know that some of those nine people even had more r


4-serious words than myself with:Mr. % and , 5 h IM l 6 Q So this 'is not an isolated occurrence, where you were [# 7 the only one out of the work group that had any verbal 8 conf zontations with the supervisors? - , 9 A No, sir. 10 0 And these verbal comtnents or confrontations-wc are II  ! talking about,.hr.@ were those part of the-  : i 12 corr.n+ nt s - t ha t Consuners Power had'used as a basis for-13 your termination not ice? 14 A Yes, sir. 15 0 Is there anything else in reference to verbal comments,--

                              =16           i               or verbal confrontations, that_you feel need to be on i

17 L- the record at this point? ' 1 l 18 ;A Yes, sir. There is. Through.these various comir.unts u 19  ; and so-and-so and so-and-so, consuners Power continues. 20 _ to state tha t . I made these verbal threats . to - l 21 individuals. and plant equipment. I never made;any 22 verbal threats to any plant equipment. Now,.I;want 23~ that on the record. f -- 24 Q- Okaye sir - t- - 25 A Now, I nover- said that I'm going to destroy this plant WPct- MTrin ct u o rtsat>'er e . ram a v a ***+-a - '--

                                                                                                                                                                      +  4 - + -

\; ~ , , - . . , . . - . , - . . . - . - . - -~-,:--., .

                                                                                          .   - . - - . , .            .,..~,,--:-,,              ..,--.a..,,,.,.-.--_                    ~       .-

j 72 l or I'm going to i ske this plant blow up or I'm going to ' 1 I 2 do this or I'm going to do this to plant equipment. I I I ' 3 never stated that at any time. l l l J 4 Q Okay. i 5 A All ay verbal statements were directed at individuals, i 6 not at plant equipment. i 7 10 Okay. What was the motivation for your comments? 8 Would you just summarize that? . 9 A I was lor,ing two to three to $4,000, and, like I said, 10 f you know, most - people -- I know some people, that, you 11 know, two or three or $4,000 doesn't mean-a whole Jot.

  ]?               To ne it neant a whole lot.                                             ,

13 Q Okay. 14 A You know. l 15 iQ Is there any other areas as far as the verbal l l 36 comn unications that you feel ve need to bring up at l-l 17 this time, or does that pretty well cover -- l' l 18 .A I feel it's pretty well covered.

                             < u 19     'Q                 % sir. A 1.1 right. Next, sir                   I'd like to address Okay,M l-      ,                        _
                                                                    -A I  20               the written graffiti on the walls at the Big Rock i

l 21 Point. 22 A Okay. L 23 Q Did you write graffiti on the wall during the outage at l-l 24 Big Rock Point? 25 A Yes, sir. I fully and truly admit I wrote some-u _- - - - - - -- ____ _. CDPVD DID1DO UT- Ifi#I ' # 4* ^ ^^"* W$T )d T fIl T C ). M D I' DOD T I N O

73 1 graffiti. Yes, sir. This is what I wrote. This is 1 2 all I'll admit that I wrote. i 3 MR. PIRTLE: Okay. I'd like the record to I 4 showaletterfromdhr.fkruceA.Dekraker,, spelled f

               -                                                                        i 5          ',dD-e-k-r-a-k-e-r     date of March 12, 1987, addressed to                i 6                                                                         I 6          fhrryHeyer, B-e-y-e,[              Consumers Power Company, 7             Grand Papids, Michigan.

8 In summary f orm, the letter stipulates some 9 j printingofhij@!iS$ and that the printing of the 10 ) four questioned paragraphs were printed by one and the i 11 i same person.


12 Q (BY MR. PIFTLE): ISir,'we car. return that to you. This 13 is one occasion. Were there others? Where was that 14 graffiti written atd

r. M l

15 . A I believe th3 s graffiti was written, you know, at the 16 frit, king station just as you enter. 17 -Q Did you write any graffiti at the recirculating pump 18 room at any time during the outage? 19 A Yes, sir. During the early part of the outage, yes, i 20  ; sir. I don't remember what it was, you know. There's i l 21 so much graffiti down there that, you know, everybody 22 writes graffiti. 23 Q Okay. t 24 A Everybody signs their name. 25 Q All right. WFST Mirn7 CAM PvnnoTTwc coann Lentne uv '<'t* *ea *^^-


                                                                                                                         'l 1       A      Everybody. signs their name and date, and most generally 2              everybody signs or writes something about somebody~

3 else. 4 Q Okay.  ; 5 A You know. And what I did was not out of line, you 6 know, with the common practice. It's been going on_  ! 7 ever since I've been at that plant. As a matter of 8 fact, at the recire pump room there's so much graffiti 9 written-there that if you wanted-to write some graffiti 10 you had to take a can of spray paint, spray on the. 11 wall, wait for it to dry before you could write your 12 owm graffiti.

      ,13     jQ       Did that situation exist during this outage?-

i 14 A- Yes, sir. I 15 Q In the recirculating pump room? 16 ;A Yes, . si r. The tool area at the recirculating pump 17 room.


18 'Q So I guess your perspective-is that written graf fiti' is 19 very common in.certain parts of the plant? 20 Yes, sir. lA 21 'O Do you= feel that your comments, your graffiti, 22 constituted a threat to any individuals of the plant?

     -23        Q      Now, I want to back up here'a minute. _You know,_I'm 24               admitting I wrote graf fiti, ~ and I'm admitting .I erote
25 .[ graffiti at the beginning of the outage.

I'm not l L

                  .wver ,,cu,cnu poonov,ue               c o > vn. c n ~  -ut     '<'<'   *c*      ---~
  ,x t                    ___                                   ._____._-                             -         c _-                                          ,__.
                                                                                                                                               - .                       1 75                    i 1                              admitting anything else.                         -I'm not admitting sor.ething ;I'                                      , h g

1 2 didn't do'. 1 >\ 3 Okay.

                       -Q 4         !A                   I, you know, didn't. write any threats or anything like                                                                     ,

I l 5 that to the plant or individualo. i f 6 Q okay, 7 .A You know. l 8 o Do you recall the general nature of the graffiti that , 9 you wrote? 1 f- 1 10 A Yeah, 7 drew a portrait of the k M J M I$ % . 11 !Q Ofthe( -- . I2 A t,}QMid% $wb 13 !Q I'm not familiar with the name. j 14 3A se'sjusta{gu)}wejoke.with'onthecrew, you know.- > 15 Be's !!;iAf3T*I$ T @ lf5 7. A bMi W % M 72 8 M . 16 , and, yos $'aw, what we do is -- everybody does: it. The - 17 h 7L4, t:h 9*$ % E M And they have got hr. % - 18 gi$ M 3 W Eg! W ,;and.Mrs; I9 t $ $ $ 8t2 E 3 k d D i G 52 M 9 7 P R'4fo),$2L t) > i 20 agg@biWT;Q1g*QClR(gyppQifht#f@3*Rrthh , s 21 M M % so on,-so on, so on. (_ - h 22 Q Okay, all right. Would you interpret the greffiti you 23 wrote as a threat in any way? j 24 A What graffiti are we specifically talking about? 25 Q Well, the. graf fiti you wrote in the recirculating pump l I e****** ****** - * * * ' ' " * * ' ' * * * * *

  • g . n e e, . p g r y, t e e g , ,m****mr****
                            - - - . - -                                                                    .w                                r     mu  . e-r

_. -.._ . .m.., . .. -_ ._ .- __ . ._ _ _ - -. .. , . . , _ _. _- a. _ . . _ _ _ _ -_._ , _ ___4

                                                                                                                          -76 :       ;

L1 room that you just told me about. 2 A. About r.[  ? 3 And the.graf fiti by the frisking- station that you said: lQ 4 that you wrote. l> 5 A No. You want to know if I construed it as threats?  : 6 Q Yes, at the time you wrote l't. , 1 don't consider it. construed as threats.  ! 7 A 8 Q And, to your knowledge, it's kind of in accord with the 1 9 other nature of graffiti that is found in various1 parts 10 of the plant?

0 11 A -Yes, sir.
                 !?            Q         Okay,     In addition to the recirculating pump room and ij                      the frisking. station, were there any other locations-14        j             where you wrote graf fiti?                                                                .
                                                                                                                                  *I 15        IA            I'll not' admit that I wrote graffiti in any other 16                      place.
17. Q -So the only.other location that you'll stat'e that'you-18 did write graf fiti was in the recirculating purp room 1

e 19 and the frisking station?

                -20LIA                   Yes, sir.

21 -Q -And graffiti at.that friskingistation'was the latter 22 part of the' outage? 23- 'A It was the same day. The same day that'I completed the , 9 24 task on the CV-4050. 25 !Q And the graffiti in the recirculating pump room was in j r RDDUM D3hTne UT Jif'f5 *** ^^** t

                                 .wPCT WTCM1 CAM DPDADTTMC

77 1 the early part of the outage? 2 A Earlier part of the outage, as I stated earlier. When 3 f we were building scaf folding I was in the recire pump - l 4 room. The scaffolding was going through the steam 5 drun, and the steam drum was directly above the 6 scaffolding, and they would lower the rope to -- they 7 had two guys up above the lower rope tying the 8 scaffolding off to the rope. They were pulling it up, i 9 Q Is there any other area in reference to graffiti or any 10 other per spective that you feel we need to know about? 11 A No, sir. 12 Q The next issue that I'd like to discuss very briefly is i3 1 any telephone contact you may have had with .h% 14 who was the[h TdNge.724 W8 d VA didd M that was with L _ 15 you. 16 1A Yes, sir. 17 -Q Did you telephone F-- r . [g at the plant after you lef t 18 the site? 19 A Yes, sir. l - 29 !Q Onhowmanyoccasionshr.hMM i 21 'A One, to the plant, that I know of. Now, I've got an 22 accurate, you know -- or could provide an accurate 23 thing, be accurate as to when I called him, and how 24 many times I called him and how long I talked to him, 25 because it's right on my telephone bill. .I used my t_ _ _ _ _ vrem utentcPe e cono* T e cr a m d'e'"e " *** ^^^"

78 1 credit card number to call him. I kncv that I called 2 him once at the' plant, and probably_twice at his condo. 3 0 So you contacted him'on three different occasions? 4 A Approximately. It could have been four. 5 Q And about what time frame are wc talking about, if-you 6 lef t the site about the 7th of February? 7 A It would have probably been, yau know, from the 12th to 8 the 19th of February. 9  ! Q So just about a week period, then? 10 A Yes, sir. I 11 ,0 What were the reasono for your calls to r.h%* ' 12 A I wanted to know what was going on. 13 -Q Okay. 14 ,A You kncv, up there, because after

                                                                    .r. MM]

15 i questioned me, I called him up to see it' he knew 16 anything. 17 Q What did r.h$%tellyou? 18 ,A Well,' .r. hjk told me .that things were getting kind 19 of crazy up there about this graf fiti, r.h 20 conveyed to me and, like I said, I' no proof I' 21 positive that this happened, this is-just what-he told 22 me. They had a big problem .with all the plant people 23 and all the rad pro people about this graffiti, because 24 there had been - people even signed graf fiti, you - 25 know, in the recire pump room saying they had, you , I

                                                                               -.___._     _-     u                              -
                                                                                                                       .79 1                 know - - I guess wha t he _' told 'me .was" Consumers: Pcrwer 2                 Company knew that they had a- problem with this 3                graffiti, and they would not.-tolerate it any.more!in.                       .

4 the future. That was our initial conversation..: 5 Q During your subsequent contacts withr; :did he 6 describe any contact to you that he had with Consumers 7 Power? 8 A Yes, sir. Told me that they- questioned him about what 9 I allegedly wrote. They want ed him to admit that h'e 10 witnessed me write this. I forget what the'date is. 11 Like I said, I can look up on my own phone records, if-12 you've got to have them. Basically what happened was 13 i it came down to the point where they called him into a f 14 room. What he told me, h.hT$$F8wasl 3 present in this-15 li room an(kr. u ( They had a statement written out-16

  • saying that I wrote certain things, graffiti. I.' wrote 17 i them at a certain, certain tirre, certain, certain date.

18 They wanted him to say that he witnessed-this, that it 19 l - happened, that- I did it, and they wanted'him to. sign a 2 0 --- statement. 21 He: told . them- that he wouldn't sign a- , 22 statement.- They, in turn, said either you sign this , 23 statement or we're going to- kick .you off site and- l 24 you'll never work for Consumers Power Company again. 25 Not only -did he say no, I won 't sign it, but he said j j-y

                                                                                                      '. .= ,.
       ,     .                             -                   ~                               .    .  - .          . -                   -           .

a I[ '"

               -f     1
,,.--..- - . - -- a zu-..: - 2- . _ - - - .


1. Eno,._I wonft'a more_ forceful._way. _At that? O 2 period 'they body counted him out,. kicked him of f " site.

3 . A-couple: days later, when I had another phone 4 conversation with him, I guess consumers Power company-5 came back and-said you're more than work-for_. 6 Consumers Power Company again, but not during this

                     =7                        outage.                                                                                                  ,

8 O' Ok ay . - Does that pretty well cover the extent of your Z 9 conversations with[ y.[{ M

10 .A Ir. h g 11 Q 'I'm sorry, r. g 12 A Yes, sir. -
                  - 13             Q          Okay.      'During the-contacts that you had with                           .

14 did he make any threats to you? 15 IA No, sir. im Nor=did I_make-any t As a r.atter:of' l- I f, fact,-I:-told-him to do whatever he's got'to do to save ' p j 17 his own job.- So like~I said, you know, I've-been in 18' thisoutagewiththisguhforsixweeks,7workingseven 19- days - a week,: six days a-week,: ten hours a day. You get ! 20 l to-know. people a little. bit af ter a period of time-like 21 that. We' joked and: things like that at work, so [ 22 to know him. -He'snotbutaf l you know. I mean, 23 he's [. 24 Q Uh-huh. .. 3 25 A I believe that was the reason why Consumers ~ Power-1 __ . e h*7 f M Q T OU T f k* Ti D DbY IIO . I ' I. t . . . .

1 Companydidwhattheydidtofbim I feel that they 2 felt they could coerce hitr into signing this piece of 1 3 l paper, you know, and coerce his kind of -- you know, 4 that's a word that's just a legal word in layman's , f 5 t e rms . It would be just blackmail. Either one of them  : 6 is against the law. 7 'Q Is there any other information you have pertaining to 8 contacts that you had with .h that you feel we 9  ; need to know about to look into your inquiries and 10 concerns? f 11 !A Not that I know of. Since my discharge, you know, I've 12 often thought about giving hirr a call, but I never have 13 given him a call, so -- (pause) 14 fQ Are you the only person, to your knowledge, , 15


who Consmners Power has investigated or held an inquiry 16 in reference to graffiti, or are there other people, to 17 your knowledge, that were investigated pertaining to 18 vriting graffiti on the wall? i 19 A There were three other fellows in the 1985 Big Rock 20 ,f outage. i i 21 ;Q But during this outage do you have any? l 22 A I'm the only one I know of, yes, sir. 23 Q Okay. And, if I recall, from earlier testimony that l f 24 you gave, or other statements you made, that you were l t 25 only contacted on one occasion by a representative from t .

                                                              .c-    ., c o , c , ,    .

7 . _ _ [  : 82 1 Conrurers Tower? I 2 ;A Yes, sir.

              ;                                                                                                                          )

3 iQ And that wcs in reference to graffiti only?  ! 4 A Yes, sir. And at that time I asked this fellow, his 1 5 namewashkk i f I was under investigation, and at 6 that time he told me by no means was I under 7 investigation for this graf fiti, but he had to 8 investigate it. ' i i l 9 Q Do you remember the approximate time frame? You may l 10 i have n.entioned that earlier, but I don't recall from 11 our conversations. Just roughly. It was prior to your 12 formal t e rn i na t i on?  ! l 13 , A oh, yeah, I believe it was the Thursday -- let 's see.  ; l 14 I'd have to say it was February the 12th that this l 15 conversationtookplace,hr.hhh was there. 16 2 r.h, (phonetic), alco, a company representative, i 17 was there. I was there and r. (iMeT)3%if}$ a 18 union representative, was there. l 19 Q Okay. 20 'A So prior to my being questioned they questioned l 21

r. h[
  • about that.

l 22 IQ Okay. 23 And, like I caid, at that time I asked if I was under lA 1 24  : investigation. They go, oh, no, no. By no means are 25 you under investigation, but we have to investigate 44 _.g.h-w.( N+W W m WM M4'N swen virusr~pv vvtmonive e s o v*~ nsnsbe u' *! *** ***-

83 1 this matter. You know, a week and a day later I was 2 terminated.

r-3 Q [Mr. @M did you threaten to drill holes in valve 4

kCV-4050, while in the locker room, on February.6, 1987, ' 5 about midnight?  ; i 6 A I might have said that. 7 ,Q In tne presence of other personnel? 8 A I m ght have said that. 9 jQ Wou .d you desezibe these coments, your rsood at the 10 l timer, and -- < 11 !A well, I'm still -- you.know, I'm still pissed off, 12 because I've get to it. ave. I kncv I was 1 caving, you 13 i know, and I might have said that. i l 14 !Q Do you recall saying that'? 15 !A I recall saying sorething like that. 16 'O Do you recall the general nature of your comment? i 17 A Yeah. I recall the general nature of my comment. Ib There's this guy there that -- as a matter of f act, I 19 i even know where you got that one from. 20 r.-[d7d@j$MQ} I believe that's how you spell his - 21 name, he always was a nosey kind of fellow, you know, , 22 and I believe I said those things just to see what he . 23 would do. , 24 Q Wa Mr. h{kpresent when this -- c 25 A IIe was in the locker room, the next e. isle over., vvem w t /*t11 C P U DVDADTTUC (*DPUB DPDTDC wY (K1C1 JCO_0007

                       ,. __ q               _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ - _ _ - _ . _         _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ - . . . . _

84 1 Q Were there of her people present? 2 iA Yeah, there were other people present. l 3 Q Did you just make the comment and then go on to your 4  ! work? Did anybcdy raise any question about it at the 5 time? 6 A I believe that's all that was said. Mr. h@ was 7 1 there also, so -- I believe that even 8 5r. ht[hhor . h[ h could have been 9 there. They were some plant people that used to be on 10 thehMdfMdsdishCrew that I knew pretty well. 11 As a matter of fact, t+ fore this outage, 7 12 vasn't even a nigned to work with the h (k 13 , crew. I was assigned to work directly with the plant, i 14 mainly, on this. I'm trying te remeeber the name of 15 it, but we moved some really high radiation ce,st out, 16 and I worked with r.h7[fh during that vhole 17 period of ti e. 18 'Q 1e.d when you rade tha t conr.ent , that was - you had 19 full knowledge that there were other peopic present 20 , when you made the cocunent? 21 IA Yes, sir. 22 Q Did you clarify that coma,ent to anyone later on? Did 23 you go back and talk to anybody about making that 24 l comment after you finished your work? 25 A No, sir. Not that I recall. t , k L vpCT W T rD T C P. W DrDADTTUC COPen e3ntne uw stiei see ea^*

                         ,                          /
                               .-------------.a            - - - - - . - - -

I_ _ . __._ 85 1 Q Did you do any unauthorized work or actions on valve 2 CV-40507 I 3 A N94 sir. And, as I stated to you- many, many times 4 before on the phone, I'm more than willing and look 5 forward and relish the thought of taking a polygraph  ; 6 test administered by you, the FBI, CIA, whoever you , 7  ! decide. And not only will I do a polygraph, I'll do a 8 truth serum and take a polygraph at the same time. c-9 iQ I Sir, as I rentioned to you carlier, it 's normally not i i

               ,C 10                 the commission's policy to administer polygraphs unless            i 11                 there's some extracrdinary safety issues raised.

12 Bewever, if you feel it's necessary or appropriate and 13 ' vant to have one administered by your own expense and 14 l suteit it to us, we would consider that with other 15 information that we have, but I don't_ expect'that the 16 commission will request that you take a -- 17 A If that's what you people want, I'll get it for you 18 somehow, some way. If that's what it takes to 19 i exonerate myself f rom this sabotage deal, I'm willing 20 to go that far, i 21 Q I can only just reiterate our position on this, that we- ( i 22 do not administer polygraphs unless we feel that ,! 23 there's extraordinary safety issues that need to be l i 24 addressed in a fairly short time period. However, if i 25 you, upon your own, decide that that's appropriate and _l

4- _ . _ _ ... _ w _ . - , _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - 86 1 vant-to have it administered and results submitted to , 2 us, that would be information, along with other i 3 l inforration that we discover during this process, that 1 4 would be considered. But I want -- 5 A If you give me a list of questions that you -- 6 Q But I want to emphasize that we are not making the fact 7 , that you take a polygraph be part of any investigative 8 actions that we take. We'll basically take the same 9 l course of investigaticn with or without any polygraph 10 results. f I j 11 lA Right. I understand that. Like I say, I relish the 12 thought of taking one, if that's what it takes tc 13 exonerate myself. All you people have to do is give me 14 a list of questions that you'd like for me to-answer, i 15 you know, at the polygraph examination, and I'll get it 16 done. 17 Q Why don ' t we just leave that issue open at this point, l l 18 and I-can contact you at a later time. , l 19 A No probler. . l 1 ! 20 Q I want to emphasize that we do not ct.oider you taking 21 a polygraph as being conditional on any investigative. l -7 l . 22 action that we take, sir. 23 A I realize that, and, like I say - I'll say it again, 24 just to put a strong emphasis on it. If that 's what it l l 25 takes to exonerate myself from the sabotage charges, l' l


copun onnene u, tr3r, era ene, wpCT W T e p T C P. w p r ono m ? we

81 1 I'll do it, because I'm not lying. I didn't do any 2 l sabotage. I didn't do any unauthorized work on any 3 i equipment, you know, and if that's what it takes, a 4 polygraph -- I will even go through hypnosis, whatever i I 5 it takes. I'm willing to go that distance, because I'm 6 not lying.  ! f* 7 0 k Mr. l I%$$,1Q are there at:y other concerns that you , e 8 believe the commission should be aware of pertaining 5 rat only to Big Rock Point, but any other nuclear plant 10 that you na.y have worked at? I 11 lA Not that I knew of. 12 O Okay,fsir.) '


y 13 A Not that I know of. 14 fQ If there are some more concerns, I would request that i 15 you contact our office like you have in the past and -


16 i advise us of those concerns so that we can look into 17 t them. 18 'A Okay, i 39 jQ I think probably my last question here is, would you 20 briefly describe the reasons for bringing your concerns 21 to the NRC.  ; 22 A Being a nuclear vorker for the last, approximately,k 23 gg@I knew from reading bulletin boards and hearing i 24 things and reading things in the paper that there are 25 certain things that the licensee is required to report l __. _.. _J

                                                                                         - , , - - ----                                                          .-       - -- -- - aa
                                         ,.-,.,u..-,,,c.,,.            ,,r---s.,-

4 - -. - - - . _. l 88 t I to the NBC. I felt that them charging me with sabotage 2 was of a serious enough nature that it should have been 3 , reported to the NRC, and I knew that this sabotage deal 4 vcs a lie. I knew it from the time I first seen it, i i 5 that this was atrictly manufactured. But even if it 6 was manufactured, seeing as they did charge me with it, l 7 i I felt that they ought to have told you people. And I 8 after my initial contact with you, and follow-up 9 i contacts with you, I kr.ev -- as a ratter of fact, I 10 believe you even conveyed to me that they bri never { 11 notified the NRC of any sabottge, alleged saletage, or 12 potential sabotage, so I feel that there's sore 1 j ing 13 going on here on Consurers Fewer's part. I feel that 14 they are hiding something from you people, and I feel 15 they are manufacturing something to hang on r.e, and I 16 don't like it. 17 Q Okay. 18 A And, you know, to be real blunt with you, I'm kind of 19 perturbed and pissed of f about losing my job the way I 20 did. And, like I've told you before, tnroughout my 21 . life I always did quality work, the best quality work i 22 I've been able to do. Sometimes I might not have did 1 23 . it right, but that's only because I didn't know how to > I i 24 do it right. Never have I intentionally messed up any ' 25 work or did sloppy work. - L_ _ -- WEST' MICHIGAN RFPOPTING GPAND DADThC - WT 8'* ^^**

 . . ._      -                           ,  .~          , - . _   .            _ _ . .         _ _        _.

gp 1 Q' Okay. { 2 ,A Never. And I've' been working. with:valvesi since I was 3  ; 17 ' years old 'and joined the Navy, so;I know- a little 41 bit about: them. Like I said,y you -know,;I'd- never do -;-. 5 Vi shoddy work, sloppy work, or intentionally do that kind'  : , 4  ;

                                                                                                                     -l 6                   of work.      You know, to the best=of my: knowledge:and                           IL 7          I         ability.     'I might have did that type of work) before,.

8 but _ that's = only because I- didn't have the knowledge .to' 9 do it the way it should have been done.'  ;

                       ;                                                                                             i --

10 Q Okay, sir Mr.[ do you understand fully what ' > 11 i your confidentiality-status is at thic-point? 12 1. Yes, sir. 13 'Q I'd like to enter that into the record, Lif 11 may, and 14  ; advise you that you have not'been'providedLformal 15 i written confidentiality. i 16 :A Right. 17 -Q Because that can on1'y;be adr.inistered by:-- or given 18 by the regional administrator or someone that- he ~ 19 designates. However, we have agreed not to identify I - 20 i you as the specific source of information during our- ' I 21 I investigation, -unless we feel: it's absolutely. critical, , 22 and necessary_ that weL do so to' help resolve: the- f 23 investigation. And I understand that you have agreed ,. F

        - 24                    to those conditions.          If ' we' do have to identify- you as             )

25 the- source of information, we have agreed to advise you - ' J L__

                            .WFST MICP]GAN PEPORTTNG'.npawn naprne out.                sciti s e s anam

90 1 ahead of tire that we felt a need to identify you as 2 the source of in'ormation, and you've requested that we 3 give you the identity of the Consurers Power 4 representative who receives this inf rmation. 5 A That's correct.


6 Q Okay, sir. I think that pretty well ties up or 7 , addresses the issue of confidentiality in your ir 8 particular case, 9 ,A Okay, 10 ,Q I I alsowouldliketoconfirmfortherecord,f,_sirkthat r p 11 ve have received your verbal concurrence to review any 12 docurer.ts that may pertain to your adverse rursonnel 13 action that ray surf ace as a result of the 14 investigation into the concerns and allegations that 15 < you've brought up.

  .16   -A         Yes, sir.

17 Q And, if necessary, you would be agreeable, in a 18 case-by-cace basi",, to sign any waivers or releases 19 that may be required for us to have access to those 20 documents? 21 A That's correct. But at this time, I'll be real honest i 22 with you, I think Consumers Power already provided you

 -23               people with more than they should have provided you, 24               without going through me.


  • c o " ^ a ~'

91 1 A You know.

         ?              Q         I take it that's an issue that you'll address with I

3 j Consuaers. 4 I A My lawyer or my attorney will address that issue with 5 Consumers Power Company. , 6 Q Okay/eir And finally, si I'd like to point out, at  ; a 7 i the beginning of the statement, although it wasn't 8 given under oath, the stipulation was that the i l 9 information would te truthf ul and complete, to the best 10 that you could recall. 11 A Yes, sir. 12 Q Are there any pcrtiens, upon reflection now -- are 13 there any portions of the comments that you've made 14 today that you wish to modify or change? 15 A No, sir. 16 Q I Sir,htefore the interview you asked to speak to me of f

                                 ?-     ;-

17 the record in ref erence to something. My preference is 18 that we address that issue, if you feel it's necessary. 19  ! on the record. Do you have any hesitation, or do you 20 vant to decline to address that issue on the record, , 21 particularly if it has any slightest potential of 22 having any impact on operation of the plant? l 23 A No impact on operation of the plant. This is strictly  ; 24 a personnel -- what's the word I want to use. It just . 25 concerns a particular person, but I don't want it on 4 I

               . _ . _ - , . _ _ -                                      ~ . _     _ _ _ .              _ - ~ _

93 I the record. , 2 0 Does it pertain to plant ranagement personnel, of plant 3 ranagement personnel? 4 A I don't want to answer no more than what I've answered.- 1 5 If you want to hear it of f the record, you know, we'll 6 go that route, but this is just a little tidbit, so 7 that's all it is. It doesn't involve safety of the i , 8 plant, you know, anything else. 9 Q Does it pertain to the concerns and allegations that 10 you've brought to our attention? 11 A No, sir. I? Q It doesn't? 13 1A No, sir. ( 14 lQ Totally separate issue? 15 IA Totally separate issue. 16 Q With no impact on plant operations or possible public l 17 safety concerns? 18 ,A No, sir. 19 >Q All right, Then, based upon your concents, we won't 20 address that on the record. Are there any other l l l-21 questions or comments that you have at this point?. 22 A No, sir. It's you guys' ball game nov as f ar as I'm . t 23 concerned. If you've got any .other questions you'd I  ; 24 like to ask or for me to answer, I'll do my best to 25 answer them for you. CDAWD DADThe WT 'ric3 ere_nne, WEST MICHIG AN - PFPORTTNC

_ - . . ._ _ - . .-_ __4 . . _ _ n. _ _ - -p - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ _ . 93 l' o' h. ~ I appreciate your; cooperation'.: You'veibeen


v 2 very cooperative with us. Wethave hadfa couple hours:

                                      - of segments - here, you've been very detailed, and I 4                           certainly appreciate.your' cooperation.
             $         A                 Is there anything that. we h' ave. talked.about that:you'd                                                ;

i 6 like- for me to explain in any: more detail? F 7 0 -I think we have a good understanding of the issues-that: r 8 you raised. If you like, I can go through the 9 documentation that you have and let you .know my . .

                                                                                            - _                                   .              L 10                               judgment, if we need any copy of it.                              What. I may like-11                                to do at this time is to go off the record-just-long 12                                enough to review the docunents and then return to the" 13                                record and identify those ' documents that we feel we 14                                need copies of.       Is that agreeable to-you, Mr.

l 15 !A Yes, sir. 16 (Brief recess in the proceedings) 17 MR. FIRTLE: J'd like the record ~to-show 18 that, reviewing the document s presented by . 19 the corraission- representatives present feel' that they 20 -have copies of all the pertinent documents that's ' 21 necessary. . g 22 During this period, . when- ve were reviewing l  : 23 the documents off the record, ~ a series of-documents j.

                                                                                                             .c ll 24-                              dealingwith.Mr.hy.s_m,T. ggg                   was    noted.           Mr.

25 stated that felt that this may have been'a

                        -Wpct bt T r3J T( R W . p?DADTTWC             CD2Uh DPtif'e.            U?         I('t%     df6' ^^^*

l 94 1 contributing f actor for Consumers Power's alleged 2 fabrication of a case against him to have him i 3 i terminated for employment. 4 Q (BY KR. PIRTLE): ,Mr. h[3 h for the sake of the  ; 5 record, would you please describe again the nature of . 6 the personnel actions or[9$hthat was involved? 7 iA ' 8  : 9 l :Jr . 10 l 11 12 13 1 14 , t 15 16 ey. 17 18 The week I returned back to work I was - 19 imediately given a Ictter of discipline for excessive 20 time of f the job due tohfiLEr.M%9dSI!$FA,% In fact, 21 1986 I n:issed less than four days of work due to 22  ??A I did not agree with their opinion. I 23 grieved it, and I did put Consumers Power Company's 24 Human Resources Department through their paces through 25 my grievances, j

95 1 Q Okay. < Mr. hf% do you agree, that while ve vere 2 reviewing the documents off the record, that this was 3 the only item of discussion that we had during that 4 period? 5 A Yes, sir, but I have some questions I'd like to ask 6 you. 7 Q As long as the answer isn't of a speculative nature, or dealing directly with this ir2vestigation, I'm prepared I 8 9 to answer. 10 A Okq . Do you want to look at any of that any rore? I il ;Q No, t'nat's okay. 12 A Okay, I'd like to know if Consurers Power Company 13  ; provided you with a copy of this letter dated March 23, 1987, 14 addressed to af.fhale E. Neil 15 concerning presidential hearing grievance number 87107, 16 'Q We have seen that. We have seen that document. 17 A And the company has provided you with that docurent? 18 iQ Yes, I.believe they have. 1 i 19 lA Okay. I feel that the company provided you that 20 docur ent out of line. I feel that's a very personal 21 record. I feel that the company should have come to me 22 for a written authorization for you to have that 23 document.  ; 24 Q Okay. Just let me. clarify one other point, if vc 25 could. As early as April 9th, when vc initially had L

                                                                               ,gic)   ,rO.h007 Vrem WTepTCPU OPDADmTUC                            PDPUn DPPThe   Uv

i 96 c I 1 our discussions, you authorized the commission, in the e 2 form of notifying me -- i 3 ,A Right.

              -- that we had your authorization to review whatever                              l 4    0 5             documents pertain to any personnel activities that.

6 you're involved in, is that correct, sir? _ f 7 ,A That is correct. That is correct, but also at that time you asked me if there's anything that they i 8 I

                                                                                           .o '

9 wouldn't -- if they wouldn't provide to you, if I would 10 i have a problem signing that. I don't have a problem 11 signing that, but I like to know what they are giving 12 you, you knew, concerning my personal -- you know, 13 before you get it. 14 I don't have a problem with you people having 15 anything at all, but I want to knew what they are 16 giving you. I've got no quales, no holdups or anything 17 else about what they give you, but I know what 16 they give you, and I feel that what they gave you here 19 is really out of line, and I feel my attorney -- that's 20 something he'll have to address with the company.- 21 !Q Okay,['sih And we are looking into your inquiries and . s

  !                r 22 1

concerns, based 'upon the agreement that you had the 9th f i 23 i of April, about having access to those documents. I j i 24 I won't be able to give you a listing of what documents l 25 i we have or received or what have you, because we are i

  !                                                                                        I vrce vieuTCRU pronDTTWC' CDEWn DBDTBC. WY            (415) J%9.nQ97

97  ! I really in the collection process at this point. It i 2 will probably be much rore than what we have at this 3 point. However, if you feel that there are any issues { 4 that warrant your attorney's action, obviously you can 5 address those. 6 A Right. Right. 7 Q Are there any other corrents sir that you feel that we need to address at this point? 8 9 A I can't really think of anything, but, like I said and , l 10 stated many times earlier, if there are atiy questions l 11  ! or anything you can think of that you'd like for me to 12 address, just throw th a at ce and I'll do my best. 13 lQ Okay,f[ sir.[Theniftherearenofurtherquestions, i

                                                                                        ;                                                S 14                   !              this interview will be formally terminated.                                                                                          ;

i 15 The time is about 12:25, May 4, 1987. 16 (Exarination concluded.) - 17 16 , 19 1 20 b' .! 21 li 22 23 24 25 t  ! WEST MICHIGAN REPORTING GRAND RAPIDS, MI (616) 458-0987


                          ^ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~        - - - - - - . . - . . - ,                                        .-

_ _ . - - . - - a. . _ . . STATE OF MICHIGAN ) 90

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 . COUNTY OF EENT                         )

3, TERI L. SCHULTE, Notary Public in and for i the County of Kent, State of Michigan, do hereby 1 l certify that the foregoing deposition was taken before me at the time and place hereinbefore set forth, and that said witness was duly sworn by me to tell the i truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and ther( .2pon was examined and testified in the foregoing _ deposition as appears. I FURTHER CER JFY THAT this depositior. was taken in thcrthand ty re and transcribed under my direction, and that it is a true and accurate transcript of cy original shorthand-notes to the best of my ability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ry '. hand this d f day of K/ ca.y ,_ 1987. d aw/I MM _(ERI Tf L. i4'6dLTE ~ RPR/CSR-2309 and Notary Public in and for the County of Kent, State of Michigan. My commission expires 06-10-90. ____L _ _ _ _- - - - _ _ - _ . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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M B1 khoat lant CONStDiLRS w.tR Date eb rua ry 18, 1987 CO!1 PANT Subject GRAITIT1 PROBLEM - Internal BIG ltoCI POINT PIANT Correspondruce

               / UFI # N/A ic Attach ~cnts:       1)   Interof fice Memorandum Dili 87-15                            i 2) 3)

Interoffice Mamorandum J1.B 87-09 I . , , r'# 'f f Interoffice Memorandum VJT 87-11 On February 16, circumstances related 19871 to

                                                           $Mh andh'[dM vas requested by @blem" the "graf fiti pro                                 whiIh to   had        review the surist'ed the previou seek. Attached are three internal memorandwns written by plant personnel the previous veek vbith can be referenced.             My reviev was separate and indt. pendant of  the investigation personnel       during the  conducted     by varioc:.

week of Februa iG'L,,@i4EGi@cajg]f3jg$R/9% ry 9, [1387. Bmd on my reviev of C< nt rol Room and Radiation Protection logs, Radiation Wrk Petuits, nintenaue work orders and interviews with various personnel, I concluded that t he graf fiti identified in the referenced memoranduas sas not in existence prior to the af ternoon shif t on February 6,1987 but did exist a f ter that shif t. Logs, Radiation Work Permits and maintenance work orde rs are permanent plant records available for future review. I have also concluded that the only personnel that entered the repitculation p (RC ) room urin ghag shift were Mr(@ g b % C3UGJ8 0 hfWNfDff7/$3MFMM40$'#EMN di and Mr M Although MrhE3I previously ude staten,ents tch h,1ff.93MfdGM2 g investigatife personnel that indicated that Mr(tG was the individual N res onsible for the graffiti, he no longer will verify the statements, Mr its$ vas requested on Februa ry 16, 1987 to provide a formal statement on the cirELutances cf his entries into the racirculation pump room. Ile has refused, teitially, I restricted his access to the site by requesting that be-leave the site (on the evening f rua ry 16, 1987) ; and I had his badge pulled by plant security. (Mr badge . been pulled on Februa ry 13, 1987.) My reasoning for restricting M . access was based on the uncertainty of facts because of his unvi lingness to provide any statement. Further investigations on February 17, 1987 lead me to believe that Mr has been threatened or feels threatened to the 4.xtent that he no longer vi p discuss the circtuistances of Februa ry 6,1987. I have informed his management that I do not believe that Mr took par in putting "'gra f fiti" on plant structures,that,hehasbeen@agood employee, bwt he should be reassigned to another facility, llis future assign- l ment s to Cortstuac ts power Company f acilities should not be rest ricted. This

                    /                                                      /

2 LC$M4fif3%.4WEd%% hbrua ry 18, 1987 Re: Graffiti Problem osition was c unica ted tv$'ir hdtM,144)and 5r(6625LK3CIC#$5ESA jfgf%%47 5 during two @lephone conve rs atioc's'* on Februa ry 17, 1987. Based on my review of the citcwestances surrounding the "graf fiti" issue and my first hand invo vesent in part of the conversations referenced in JLB 87 09, the individua.1 responsible for the "gr I 1 believe Mr h M to befurther believe thatthreatened point that he is afraid to makeor a co-worker further has statements. (Not e: Mrh Mr M one or aare telephone calls f rom outside ti.e plant which I believe 's,1y have been threats.) Finilly, I want to point out that the canagen.ent and staf f feel that the "use \ of graffiti" within Big Rock Point Plant to be totally unacceptable and if it gM' g involves thrests to employees or plant hardware it is t en intolerable. I

                        'legardler.s of the disciplinary action taken against Mr (q). I feel that he                                                                           :

should not be alle.ed to work at a nuclear plant agsin.' b L-i b w . c - + -+m-r ----a,-wwd-me-- - r .-y ,, w w- -

                                                                                                                                      -         -- -m-a  .,e y-  w-  ,  .-m,+w

l l *

                                                  .P.E. RSONAL AND CON.TI.DENTI                          AL p     3, to

y Tron If (1 CONSl'MERS

                                                        -)                                                                           IWER l          Date           feb ru a ry 16, 1987 COMPANY Subject DISC lJSSION VITHh2$M                                                                                     Internal BIG ROCK PotNT Pl. ANT Corretpondence CC             till # N/A                                                                                                      87-09 9 __

Thi interoffice emerandus is to documect a conversation the writers had with Mr TDOU2,?ilg}of fMMjdRDMtTM"%7A5 on February 5,1987. Mr [dD a r, relcaned face his Big Rock Point assigr. ment severa) weeks earlier

            'han aut ripated because his urumulated radiation dose was close to the quarterly ahinistrative limit.
                                                            !!e was appa r ently upset about this , tiot because of reachin5 the dose liait before the assignment ended, but because he ssid he was losing money (several weeks of lost overtime).

Ve explainedtoMrh} that the Health Physitt Dep a r tent doer, not a ssign the work toabout supervisor the Maintr oance erns and asked him if he had talked to his the situation. He said "no" and proceeded to tell us about his dissatisfaction with his supervisor. Ve told M ()%thattalkingtohis supervision was the prcper course of action to take i he had a problem with the way things were handled. lie continued to tell us of his dissatisfaction don't mind picking up tbc s2illiremsthe and made stee idle threats during course of the conversation such as, "I like everyone else, but don't like it vben they start taking money away from me. Ve vill remember this high dose the next ' t i ame v e c o me he r e to wo r k . forget this tool or that , etc." Ve enight t.ake a little longer to do the job, We and again explained that the conversation -nded,be should talk to his supervision if he had a problem i i

    '     IC0287-3232A-BP01
 . ,,/


                        $f(~QQ                                                                   ,

From ((C43*ll!Hd g ( CONSUMERS y:h^ ? a POWER Date February 19 1987 COMPANY Subject BIG ROCK POINT- Internal GRAFFITI PROBLEM Correspondence AO INTERVIEWS

                                                                                                                                     ' mnjff   87-12 CC A review of the Control Room log for Friday, Feb. S and for the weekend that followed showed Recire Pump Roos, entries on the following dates and times' February 6--

f3 ff, q Lff dCDXfNksAW lQ;fs%ra;}$.9% AMkECR&%&QQff.h%Q{tEL%fD NONZWAQ35 a Febrtary 7-- -

                                                                                                 ^ '
     ' W %" ~ $1S$!%&                                                                                       YbOb d OhE ; b                                                                               sit a M ar ikd      .
     ^y 9L-)1 D ca&s/LJW? h.M6fM5                                                                  .,         d's.WAQ%"RdsfM     #

February 8-- no entrien logged Fel p ry 9-- -

       &         Lf1N.jD83fv*hGir15diWt&ON$$5SESS Over the pnst few days, I have personally interviewed all of the AOs except forQATJ@&g'g,{about th gr fiti and when they felt it first appeared.                                                                      e r;.#4 a nd both stated that they vague 1y remember seeing some gra'fiti but did not pay enough a t t e n t i c,n to it to remember what van written or exactly when it first appeared. Both did feel that it appeared during this time period.

hMMd8N3 s t a t ed that he saw the graffiti that was by the frisker for the first time that weekend and also saw the graffiti written on the storage cabinet door. This particular graffiti, written on the inside of the HP storage cabinet door that is located nea ,,he CPD temperature recorder, was di scos ered by .

1. and n,vs e l f a t the same time on Feb. 9 as I prepare for my entry. Note that .I did t mention this in my other memo as I forgot about it un t i .1
              $ % sentioned it.

illing to write downw(hatI211%% he saw. he would be stated that

     ..-J_   k                  -.-a+A_A   w              ----h-              % o  . ---a--   --A- .

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Nb**fC T - N p b st4j'jao'tb0s f l y ei- ktba{ r3 W fA/xAl*/l/l ffxwhp((- , k #1 Febnary 20, 1987 fl , sjft1 I H Q ' gr O, jafV / i

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f& .; f O AY Y -Q; On or about Febnary 6,1987, you sade verbal and written threats shtte at work at Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant. As a resruit of this most serious misconduct, Consumers Power Cotnacy is discharging you from employment ef f ective February 20, 1987 an

              ;     w ggyp
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g e . cc: ,,_1.oc al 1 ll ersorce . Fila l; t f. i L

l Consumers Power Company tmm 3 BIG RvCK POINT NUCLEAR .>LANT 400K pggA I'60 b 19 fp__ N9300 100 CONTROL ROOM SUBJEC1 khhhb;$!hI fL ,1 u w n ukkhb

                      'L..EEC W             '
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Uonsumers Power Lompany BIC AOCK POINT NUCLE. R PLANT ,m I


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chg:JE j.L 2 M


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D.H I P ! 7 7 Bruce . De" raier D,>:ument / 060 Buck Creek CL / Grar.d Rapidt %chgan 4950! 41!4 W 24: 66f'

      .%r ch 12, 1987 Ha rvey Heyer Consumers Pwer Company 4000 Clay Avenue Grand Papids, Michigan                                                                                               '

Re: D>cument Examination Items received on 3-6-87: i questioned Writinc 4- Thotographs, Q- 1, Q-2, Q- 3, and Q-l. . Knew Vritint of $ $'/gf Tgf} & 7 - Pages of collected writing. K- 1, K- 2, K- 3, K- 4, K-5, E-f, and K-7. Results: It is cy opinion that the on the incvn printing of 'iftWCASMD ind the printins ~ four questicned photographs vere printed by or.e and toe same person.

                    \a Bruce A. De Kr ak e r Document Examinet I

a-:e n : I PERSONAL AND CONTIDLXTIAl To U 6 Tree m$$% , Big as int Plant


CONSutLRS PC'=T.R Date !tareh 11, 1987 COMPAXY Subject POTT.NT1AL REGULATORY ACTIGN - GPJJF1TI - Inte rna1 BIG ROCI FCINT PLANT Correspondence CC 87-28 UTI i N/A During the 1985 Big Rock Point refueling cutage (September 6,1985 t o November 8, 1985), the Nuclear Regulatorf Cennission cited Consweers Power Company for a

  " breakdown in management control of plant activities". This citation was a level 3 and subject to a civil penalty. The Nuclear Regulatory Coneission in their presentation at the Enforceoent Conference gave several exaeples of a loss of can4 3ement control.                    They included:
1. substs3tialoffsiteworkforccht2 MOM,MgfgNJffEiEfd.M((

24ryJ g * - was brought to the site without a single point contact within plant e.nage2ent to resolve p roblems / concerns .

2. Vorking c.n the "vrong" equipment. This involven improper witching /ta8E int orders and repair work on unauthorized equi;wnt.
3. Lack of rapid corrective action to the "vrong" equipment incident. In one exa ple the pr u:a ry system was being drained without prompt notification to Operaticos.
4. Graffiti on the containment building sphere.
5. IfyMUT&t!&;.?$ME pe rsonnel involved in public, prope rty dest ruc-tion.

Although itens 4 and $ in thesselves might not have resulted in a high level citation, in coabication with the others the Nuclear Regulatory Consission felt that the lack of control and poor performance by non-plant work forces was serious. The responsiveness of plant and corporate management to resolve the concerns led the Nuclear Regulatory Conraission to waive the potential civil penalty. 1987 refueling outage t Big Rock Point, the control and performance Du of the ring @thegg13$3N3Wggt!T(M vo r k f o r c e w a s mu ch be t t e r . However, the occur ren.:e of another graf fiti in ident (significantly dif fe rent frce the 1985 incident) has led the Nuclear Regulatory Coccission (through the Resident inspector) to review our previous cor.raitments and management control. Because of the nature of the graf fiti during the 1987 refueling outage involved threats to peuple and plant equipment, both plant management and the Nuclear Regulatory Cocnission consider the incident to be more serious than the 1985 graffiti incident. Plant management initiated a thorough review of potential damage to plant equipment and incediately restricted access of involved i IC0%7-3263A-Bp01

 %T L'sSi k in M DTE7.ldi                                                        3 arch 11 1987 Re:   Fotential Regulatory Action -

Graffiti individuals. na Plant Review Committee, which revim all safety issues and concerns, has rerleved the incident to deterstne if other action is necessary. The Nuclea r Re gulatory Ccesis sion is likely to review the incident and document in a future inspection report. ne Nuclear Regulatory Cemaission vill certainly consider the incident in our SA1.P ratings for 1986-87. If I can be of further assistance in the disciplinary process of the involved individuals, do not hesitate to call me, I l ( l l l l l IC0387 -3263A-BP01 l}}