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Partially Withheld Memo Providing Followup to 870416 Memo Re Allegation of Valve Tampering at Plant
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/1987
From: Pirtle G
To: Creed J
Shared Package
ML20127J714 List:
FOIA-92-252 NUDOCS 9301250253
Download: ML20127J783 (6)


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/#R 21 1987 4.

MEMDRANDUM FOR: James R. Creed, Chief, Safeguards Section FROM: Gary L. Pirtle, Physical Security inspector SUfuECT: ALLEGATION AT BIG ROCK POINT (VALVE TAMPERING) ,

(DOCKET NO. 50-155)

(ALLEGA110N NO. Rlll-87-A-0042)

This is a followup to my April 16, 1987 I closed that memorandum by advising you that I had memorandum, lef t'a messagesame on Mr.subject @. .


answering machine to return my call. The purpose of my call to Mr. J;f Owas to arrange a time and place for him to be interviewed.

, Mr. M and I talked on three occasions on Thursday (April 16,1937). During the Te* that we wanted to talk to him so we could clarify irstall call, of Ihis advised concerns. Mr.@I a@'ir@c aavised him that he would be receivin .

letter from us formally advising him that we had received his allegations.

Duringthisconversation,IadvisedMr.h that we had initiated our onsite ingairy through the Resident lnspector and t at l' would be at Big Rock Point the week of the 20th of April 1987. I asked Mr. if we could talk to him sometime during the week of April 27th. He stated that we could, and Monday, April 27 weald oe the most convenient time for him. He declined to have th'e interview at his home and told me that he would advise ne where the interview could be conducted.

Mr.% asked me if we had received any documents from Consumers Power. I i

-advised him hat we had and were in the process of. reviewing the documents. I advised Mr, that we had received information that a document examiner had con ac t at h wrote at least one piece of graffiti'at the plant. 1 asked M r . i# how he could explain that conclusion. He stated that he did write-some ra iti by the frisking station. The graffiti, as described by Mr. l

.[FETW stated " Hey, Mr. Hoffman Get Ready Next Outage." He stated he wrote the i graf ti n February 7,1987, but he did not intend it to be a thre . j Mr. M stated that graf fiti was common at the site. I asked Mr. if-.. J there wa~s ther grafitti he may' have written during the outage. At this oint,. ,

tated that he has .not admitted writing graf fiti to anyone else 'and.


he wanted to decline addressing this issue until we talked to him on the 27th of April 1987. He said be was still angry about having to~ terminate ork at ,

the site and that the graf fiti was not intended to be a threat.

Mr. had previously~ denied writing graffiti at the plant during my initial contacts with pm.. -

9301250253 921013 '

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Jares R. Creed 2 APR 2 7 19B'l m

I asned MrffE &when he left the site. Qi staf ed that he lef t the area abn dnight orMebrtfary 7,1987. l .a sked Mr.(fS~ if he had called Mr.

6a&rbM{fd7DP42E,G3t*J/DD#$ by telephone after had had left th ite. I said that he tja He thought thf calls were made between february 13-15, 1987.

He and Mr Qldt had worked together on sev ral occasions and he looked upon Mr.%JBjas a competent worker. Mr.hf$ , aid he had heard Mr.[M ,had re been writing contacted graffiti atbythe a Consumers plant. Mr. O Power rg;rpentative d b said that r etohimWdFf told him hat, Consumers Pcwe had interview 3d hii and wanted hir< to sign a tatement that he Qf~J! pad seen Mr.NM rite graf fiti a the plant. Mr also stated that Mr.I. fD]declin j to' provide such a statement and his{ site access was te rminated because of his refusal to prepare the alleged ~ statement.

In my initial contacts with Pr(~Jd he said that some records were fais1fied, I asked him which specific records he believed to have been falsified. He stated that he believed maintenance work orders and radiation exposures records were f alsified to show followup work on valve CV4050 was necessary becauss of his alleged tampering with the valve. He believed the need f or f ollN;) work was f abricates to support Consumers Power adverse personnel action initiated agairst him.

M r .kh raised a new allegatico during this conversation. Te llegation porGined to personnel control f or "gh rediation areas. Mr. ( alleges that high radiation door keys r4 L- sigred out by one ;erson 'ut re given to other persons without on accurate record of who ha s beer, issued tha kejs. He said that a revien of the Hid:d key log would shc+ that the person returning the ney wcule, at times, Le - e:,e othcr than the per _n that signed out the key. He also suted that the alarm on the Hi-Rad dcor (irrplied door was the one that leads to the recirculation pump room) could be easily circunented by tying off the contact switch. I ask ed Mr (d&$@if he had ever observed the Hi-Rad door alerrn being circumvented. He stated that daring a previous cotage at Big Rock Point, cont act Health Physics errployee tied of f the alarm at a Hi-Rad believed door this toso tu.he a coe,55M3 could retrieve some tools in theMr.

Lor. practice. area.He ST did state th such actions during the lat(st outage at Big Rock Point.

Af ter our conversation, I brief ed C. Weil on the contents of the conversation.

I also briefed R. Paul and R. Greger or, the allegation pertaining to the ccntrols for high radiation doors.

called me a second time on April 16, 1987. He atvised me that he had Mr.h just received a letter dated March 23, 1987 f rom a Mr. Spring to a Mr. Dale Neil 4

9 i

James R. Creed 3 M. ' ! Ic. ~

of the Michigan State utility Warkers Council, AFL-CIO. Mr 4209 read the letter to rne. The Resident inspector har received a cop ti duringhisinitialinquiriesintoMr.(t.2503Wallegations.

that he would be willing to provide a copy o1 the letter to us uring Mr. %eletter stated our April 27, 1937 interview with hin.

After discussions with C. Weil April 16, 1987. I advised Mr.k@I ca led Mr. Gdk in the a t hat siice he did not want to have our interview conducted at his homF,' we ere prepared to conduct the interview at the Grand Rapids Nor th Holiday Inn if he was agreeable to drive to Grand Rapids. He stated that the hotti location was agreeable to him but he wanted to contact his ettorney before formally agreeing on a time or place for tht irterview. He said he F 3d nothing to hide but felt it was necessary to contact s attorney to assnre his interests were being protected. I advised

$ that I f ully under st sad and we would also be agreeable to condacting Mr.{inte the ses at his at orney's office if he or the attorney felt is was cppropriate. Mr. d 3 said r e would call me af ter he tal6ed to his attor ney.

< Cn Monday rnorr ing, April ?0, '937, IcalledMr.IfMIjandas*edhimifhehad tal)ed to his attorney yet in r e to our 'nteriiew with him. He stated that he had net. I advised Mr. e@

r,qng!t h a ' I would call hirt later in the week in reference to tne irtervico, a ter Ie had a*. opportunity to talk with his attorney.

I will be at Big Rock Point frc. April 20-24, M97 to initiate ons te -

ir,spection efrari with the Resident Ins,aector in ref t rcnce to Mr. $


At.903A Ga ry i. . Pi rtle Physical Security inspector cc: C. Weil



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