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Rev 4 to SD 3184-007, Div Sys Description for Solid Waste Staging Facility
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/1989
From: Hess J
Shared Package
ML20245K075 List:
SD-3184-007, SD-3184-7, NUDOCS 8908180304
Download: ML20245K121 (18)



+' 121Nusicar SD 3184-007 REv 4 i

ISSUE DATE Augusti898


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' DIVISION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FOR Solid Waste Stagina Facility l


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ENuclear 3184-007 Title Page 2 of 18

. Solid Waste Staging Facility System Description Rev.


OF CHANGE Approval Date 0 Initial issue per GPU Nuclear letter 4400- 82-L-005 9. # 4/82 1 Reissued per GPU Nuclear letter 4410-83-L-0078.

M# 3/83 Annual update. 7/85 2

3 Annual update.

& 7/87 4 Annual update. Revised Sections 2.1.2,, 2.4.9, and ,

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3184-007 j .. ,





Facility Function 4 2.1 S

2.2 References Design Basis 5 2.3 Summary System Description 6 2.4 Table 1 - Solid Waste Staging Facility Instrumentation 11 Table 2 - Instrument Setpoint Indexq 12 Table 3 - Operating Procedures 13 l

Attachment 1 - Shielding Analysis - Types of Hastes 14 l

Figure 1 - TMI Unit 2 Plot Plan 16 Figure 2 - Typical Layout SHSF System 17 Figure 3 - Sump Module A & B Flow Diagram 18 Rev. 4/00SlP

- 3184-007


The Solid Waste Staging Facility (SWSF) performs no active function. The facility is a passive system for temporary staging of nuclear radioactive waste prior to preparation for shipment and disposal to approved off-site burial grounds. The SNSF has been designed and is operated in such a manner as to provide assurance that:

A. The health and safety of the public will be protected; B. Occupational exposures will be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA); and C. There will be no significant adverse impact on the environment.

2.0 DESIGN DESCRIPTION 2.1 Facility Function 2.1.1 The SWSF is used for the collection and temporary staging of the radioactive waste (e.g., solidified /dewatered resins, filters, i sludges) generated during the cleanup operations at TMI-2, and operations at TMI-1.

2.1.2 The SHSF is located as shown on Figure 1, south and east of Unit 2 Natural Draft Cooling Towers within the area protected by the Flood Control Dikes.

Space was allocated to accomodate six (6) modular structures. Two modules ("A" and "B") are completed and space is available for three (3) of the four (4) additional modules. At this time, there is no intention to construct any of the additional modules.

2.1.3 Figure 2 shows the typical layout of the SHSF system. Each module is designed with 60 cells forming the compartments for storing the radioactive waste generated during processing. Each cell is designed to stage the radioactive waste contained in either one (1) 6 ft. diameter by 6 ft. high liner, or two (2) 4 ft. diameter by 4 ft. high liners, or 18 55-gaison DOT l specification drums. Each module is designed to accomodate any combination of the l radioactive waste containers as follows:

Total Wt. of One Filled l Container Quantity Container 1b.

I 6'x6' Liners 60 ( 1 per cell) 7,000 - 22,000 max.

or 55 gallon drums 1080 (18 per cell) 840 or 4'x4' Liners 120 ( 2 per cell) 4,500 - 5,000 max.

Rev. 4/0051P l

1 l - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ . -

3184-007 i A floor drainage system is incorporated into the module design which discharges into a common sump located between Modules

- "A" and "B". The total capacity of the sump is approximately 2750 gallons.

2.2 References 2.2.1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.143, July 1978, Design Guidance for Radioactive Management Systems, Structures, and Components Installed in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants.

2.2.2 Design Criteria / Input Record. GAI W.0, #04-4283-070.

2.2.3 Gilbert Associates, Inc. (GAI) Drawings: Excavation and Grading Plan. E-774-151. Plant Layout. E-012-006 E-014-004. i Structural. E-430-006 E-430-007 E-430-008 E-430-011 E-430-012 E-430-013 E-430-014 E-430-015. Building Services-Piping. E-311-873 E-311-874. Electrical. S5-308-417 B-256-031 E-266-011.

2.3 Design Basis 2.3.1 The SWSF is designed to comply with the requirements of Regulatory l Guide 1.43, July 1978. The facility is designed to provide a controlled but ready access for material handling operations and to ensure that the operator exposures are as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA).

2.3.2 The facility is designed to maintain the dose rates in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20 and to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 at the site boundary and beyond.

2.3.3 The shielding thickness was calculated to limit the contact dose rates at the outer surfaces of the module walls and the top of the cell covers to within 0.5 mr/hr and 2.5 mr/hr, respectively. The analysis was based on the types of waste defined in Attachment 1.

No credit was taken for the structure being partially underground.

Rev. 4/0051P

- 3184-007 2.3.4 Quality Assurance requirements for the design, construction, and l operation of the SWSF are consistent with those specified in

, Regulatory Guide 1.43.

2.4 Summary System Description 2.4.1 The ' concrete structure and individual cell covers provide the-necessary shielding from the radioactive waste' housed in the SWSF Module. Storage Cells.

The cell covers with gaskets protect the waste containers from the elements and.the ingress of precipitation. Slots and weep holes in the upper module structure.are provided to direct rainwater to-external drainage ditches. A drainage piping system prevents any spillage / leakage of fluids from accumulating in the cells (i.e...

floor drain hub in each cell); the system manifo'd discharges into a common sump.

-2.4.2 The sump compartment, a radwaste seismic concrete. structure, houses the pump, valves, piping, instrumentation, etc., necessary to perform the intended functions and control the disposal of any I effluent which may collect in the sump. The compartment is divided into two (2) levels, with the upper operator level shielded by a thick concrete floor from the sump. Access to the upper compartment is via a manhole in the concrete slab roof.

Access to the sump is via a removable ladder at the sump plug opening and a permanently installed ladder into the sump.

2.4.3 Thr flow diagram (Figure 3) shows the pumping system for the sump effluent. All operations are' local / mar.ual. The local alarms and sump level indication are housed in a weatherproof instrumentation panel mounted outside the Module "A" structure adjacent to the-sump compartment.

The sump pump, Solenoid Valve #WS-5 and three-way valve #WS-1 (extension spindle) are located in the lower-sump while the electrical distribution and control panels, valves, etc. are mounted in the operators compartment.

Sump level is measured by a variable capacitance sensor (SWS-LE-01) which transmits the signal to local and remote (Unit 2 Control Room) alarms. Sump influent flow alarms are provided.

The sensing elements (conductivity) Nos..SHS-CE-07 and SWS-CE-08 are mounted in the Module "A" and "B" drain system manifold. Sump Pumping Operations (See_ Figure 3)

The SWSF sump is controlled and disposal of the effluent is in accordance with the Unit 2 Procedures 4210-0PS-30ll.01 and 4215-OPS-3232.14. The sump compartment is posted'as a radiological controlled area and surveillance is required prior to entry to ensure operator exposure will be as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA).

Rev. 4/0051P

i 3184-007 On receipt of the alarm signal (approximately 50% sump level)

'in Unit 2 Control Room..the above procedures-are put into

- effect and the sequence of. operations is as follows: Recirculation Mode (sump effluent mixing to obtain represente'ive sample.for analysis)

A. All valves to be checked closed; B. Operate three-way valves WS-lito route pump d'ischarge-

-returned to sump; and

'C.- ._ Start pump. Sampling Mode (during Recirculation Mode)

NOTE: Radiologically monitor the collection of the sample with the appropriateLinstrument.

A. Solenoid valve WS-5 open; B. Valve WS-7 open; C. Collect sample; D. WS-5 and HS-7 closed; and E. Stop pump. - Discharge Mode (only after sample analysis is completed).

A. All valves to be checked closed; B. Connect hose to the tank truck (or portable vehicle) connection for effluent _ disposal; C. Operate three-way valve WS-1 to route pump discharge to truck discharge manifold; D. Valve WS-4 (WS-3) open; E. Start pump; F. Stop pump, disconnect tank truck (or portable vehicle);

G. Valve WS-4 (or WS-3) closed; and H Operate three-way valve WS-1 for recirculation mode and secure. ,

Rev. 4/0051P

i 3184-007 2.4.4 Major Equipment

-' A. Sump Pump (1): Gould Model 3171 1.x l-1/2 Capacity: 50 gpm TDH: 100 ft Fluid: Radioactive waste water / resin slurry pH approx. 7 Materials: Cast iron / bronze fittings.

Impeller: Open type Discharge Conn.: Flanged above mtg. plate Service: . Intermittent 5 yr. life B. Solenoid Valve (1):

1/2" nom. bore. 120 volt AC C. Instrumentation: See Table 1.

2.4.5 Facility General Arrangement: See typical layout figure 2. -The general arrangement, layout, and details of the SWSF systems are shown~in the drawings in Section 2.2.3.

2.4.6 Instrumentation and Controls The SWSF has three (3) instrument. loops as follows:

A. A level instrument string provides the alarm and level indication both local and remote. In addition, this loop provides a sump pump permissive at greater than 10% level.

B. The other two (2) instrument strings are conductivity flow loops providing local alarms. One (1) loop senses-input from the drain discharge manifold from Module "A" and the other from Module "B". Instrument Setpoint Index-(see Table 2).

2.4.7 System Interfaces There are five (5) interfaces associated with'this facility:

1. Processing Systems: Access road to and from waste and fluid processing facilities for transportation of materials and equipment.
2. Material Handling System: Facility will accept radioactive waste containers from the processing systems and are-compatible with the transportation and lifting equipment 3 (i.e., transfer shield and site cranage) (Manitowoc 4000 W mobile crane or equivalent).

Rev. 4/0051P


3. Cooling Water Pump (CHP) House: 480 V, 3 0 200 A feeder cable from Bus 2-61 shall provide power for the following:

A. 460 volts to the sump pump; B. 480 volt welding receptable; and l C. 25 KVA, 240-120V power center to energize lighting, l convenience receptacles, instrumentation, and control devices.

l NOTE: No permanent heat tracing required for sump l compartments.

l' 4. Control Room: Sump level alarm.

5. Chemistry Laboratories: Sump effluent samples for chemistry and radiological analysis prior to distribution.

NOTE: The sump pump discharge is not directly connected to any plant systems; a local hose station is provided.

2.4.8 Operations-Radwaste Handling The major operation performed s t the SWSF is handling the radioactive waste containers while loading / unloading the individual cells in accordance with the types of containers specified in Section 2.1.3. Handling of these containers is performed in accordance with Unit 2 procedures. The Manitowoc Mobile Crane, or equivalent, is utilized for handling activities along with appropriately shielded equipment.

Each celt has an individual concrete cover 8'3" square x 3'0" deep (Dwg. #B-430-015) weighing approximately 14 tons. Normally only one (1) cell containing radioactive waste containers within a-module system will be uncovered at any given time. If more than one (1) cover is to be removed at any one time, additional safety procedures will be exercised.

2.4.9 Maintenance Most operations including maintenance requires a RWP. Inner surfaces of the sump are epoxy coated to ease decontamination of the facility.

2.4.10 Acceptance Testing l Mechanical. Dwgs. #E-311-873 and E-311-874 A. Module "A" and "A" Drain Piping Systems.

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l Rev. 4/0051P I


i. ' Leak Test <in accordance.with ANSI B31.1.1977.

- Criteria: Static ' Head. (Fill system, water level top of drain hubs)

Holding _ Period: No minutes minimum.

Acceptance: No visual leakage.

11. Flow verification,. allow' leak test water to drain to' sump.

Criteria: No visible fluid in system.

L B. -Sump. Pump'"A" and. associated piping.

Initial Service Leak l accordance with ANSI B31.1,


Criteria: Pump discharge pressure.

Acceptance:-: No visual .: leakage, all welded joints ~

leaktight. Electrical / Instrumentation: ' Dwgs. #B-256-031, B-248-Oll , and SS-261-011 A. Continuity and megger tests were performed for all.


B. Instrument and cc'. col were tested and. calibrated in accordance with HTX 507.

- C. Sump Pump "A" tested in accordance with Electrical Preoperational Test Procedure WG-E01.

D. Solenoid Valve #WS-V05, tested in accordance with ,

Electrical Preoperational Test Procedure WG-E02. l l

l u

'I Rev. 4/0051P- i l

i I

i 3184-007 i f



Instrument Designator Model or Type Locations Functioy 1

SHS-LE-01 Drexelbrook 700-2-57 Mod A Sump Sump Level Sensor )

SWS-LT-11 Drexelbrook 408-6230 Mod A Opr. Floor Sump Level Transmitter SWS-LI-01 370-1104-401 Mod A Opr. Floor Sump Level Indication SWS-LI-01A International Instr. 1151 , Mod A Top Panel Sump Level Indication SWS-LSL-01 SETCON 401-100x Mod A Top Panel Sump Level Switch Low (Pump Permissive)

SWS-LSH-01 SETCON 401-100x Mod A Top Panel Sump Level Switch High SWS-LAH-01 PANALARM Mod A Top Panel Sump Level Alarm High SHS-LAH-01A PANALARM CR Panel 17E-24 Sump Level /.larm High SHS-CE-07 Level Lance 14-115V Sump Influent Flow Conductivity Element SWS-CAH-07 PANALARM Mod A Top Panel Influent Flow Alarm SWS-CE-08 Level Lance 14-115V Sump Influent Flow Conductivity Element SWS-CAH-08 PANALARM Mod A Top Panel Influent Flow Alarm i


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1 Rev. 4/0051P l




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3184-007 l



Procedure Number Description l


4215-0PS-3232.14 SHSF Sump Pump Operation 4231-0PS-4440.01 Transfer of EPICOR 4'x4' Liners 4231-OPS-4430.08 On-site Transfer of Radioactive Liners to SWSF/ Ship Cask 4231-0PS-4430.09 On-site Transfer of Radioactive Liner from SWSF 4231-OPS-4450.20 Transfer of 4'x4' Liner HIC from SWSF 1

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Rev. 4/0051P

,' 3184-007 ATTACHMENT 1

- SHIELDING ANALYSIS - TYPES OF WASTES NOTE: SDS vessels used in the.SDS processing system may not be stored in this facility unless resin has been removed.

Types of wastes considered are given below. A 3-month decay period was used in the analysis.

1. Natural Circulation Evaporator with Solidification Waste Form: 55 gallon drums (solidified) ..

Design Basis for Cell: C-D waste at VR* - 4.5, n** .6 18 drums per storage cell C-D waste analysis is given below or

2. Forced Circulation Evaporator / Crystallizer with Solidification Waste Form: 55 gallon drum (solidified)

' Design Basis for Cell: C-D-waste at VR = 22, n = .6 18 drum per storage cell or

3. EPICOR II Charcoal Filter Waste Form: Activated Charcoal in 4 ft. diameter x 4 ft.-high liner Design Basis for Cell: 2500 R/hr on contact '

Two. liners per cell or

4. EPICOR II-Demineralized Resins Waste Form: Dewatered Resins in 4 ft. diameter x 4 ft. high111ner  !

Design Basis for Cell: B-C waste at VR = 543 -j B-C waste analysis is given below


  • VR = volume reduction .
    • n - Packaging efficiency: ratio of volume of waste to total container volume A. Quantities: C-D Waste 83,000 Gallons - Reactor Coolant. Bleed Tank - A 83,000 Gallons - Reactor Coolant Bleed Tank - B 250,000 Gallons - Reactor Building Sump B. Isotopic Analysis (uCi/ml)'- Design Basis: C-D Waste 1

Isotope UCi/ml

Mo 99 - 180 Cs 138 - 120 Ce 144 - 100 1 I 131 - 8200 Ba 140 - 290 H3 --

1.2 j I 132 - 20 La 140 -- 160  !

Cs 134 - 82 Sr 89 - 1400 1 Cs 137 -- 330 Sr 90 - 120  !

o Rev. 4/0051P j l !


3184-007 C,. Isotopic Analysis (uCi/ml) - Design Basis: B-C Waste

. B-C Waste Isotope UCi/ml Isotope UC1/ml l Ba 133 2 E-1 Ba 140 7.5 E - 1 La 140 2.4 E.+ 0 Co 60 .l.4 E - 4 Cs 134 1.6 E - 1 Mo 99 2.7 E - 1 I 131 2.3 E + 1 Bi 207 2.2 E - 2 l Co 58 1.2 E - 3 Cs 137 7 E-1 i

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