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Alternate Alerting Sys Design Description for City of Newburyport,Ma
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/1987
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ML20236Y482 List:
NUDOCS 8712140030
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                                                  . ram Seabrook Station 8712140030 B71209 3 DR  ADOCK 0500

Of h f sew amoshire Yankee i 1 1 ALTERNATE ALERTING SYSTEM DESIGN DESCRIPTION I FOR THE CITY OF NEWBURYPORT, MASSACHUSETTS I I December 9, 1987 s ECF Seabrook Station (" $$A2igggggg?jg gp F

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'I TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Parte Number 1,0 Introduction 1 2.0 Newburyport Alternate Alerting System 2 3.0 Design Overview 3 3.1 Neighboring Fixed Siren Coverage 3 3.2 Airborne Alerting System 5 i 4.0 Helicopter Alerting Routes and Flight Time Required to Complete Alerting 7 - 4.1 Acoustic Requirements 8 4.2 Effectiveness 9 4.3 Mobile Siren Classification 10 4.4 Availability 11 4.5 Acoustical Equipment 12 5.0 Route Alerting System 13 51 Acoustical Equipment 13 5.2 Availability 14 5.3 Operation 15 6.0 Summary and Conclusion 17 List of References F1gures

List of Firrures Figure 1 Fixed Siren Coverage for Newburyport, Massachusetts Figure.2 Geographic Areas Requiring Audio Levels of 70/60dBC Figure'3 Helicopter Flight Path Figure 4 Helicopter Facility and Location i Figure 5 Photograph of Acoustical-Package Mounted on Helicopter Figure 6 Back-Up System Initiation Procedure O i, y i

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t i' i,0 INTRODUCTION f k' This document describes the alternate alerting system for the City of 1


Newburyport which is within the Seabrook Station Plume Exposure Pathway Emcrgency Planning Zone (EPZ). A brief overview of the Newburyport j


Prompt Notification System (PNS) is presented, followed by an outline of the governing regulatory requirements and description of how the requirements are met. Descriptions of individual systems are presented which include hardware and control systems, system response time, loca-tion and coverage and maintenance and testing programs,


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  ,--                                                                             -2,0 NEWBURYPORT ALTERNATE ALERTING SYSTEM i d s_ /.

I The Newburyport public alerting system for the Seabrook Station has been f1 designed and installed to provide coverage to essentially 100 percent of  ! i the Newburyport population within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency ( Planning Zone. This system meets the requirements of 10CFR50.47 and i Appendix E (Reference 1) and is consistent with guidance contained in l NURLS-0654/ FEMA-REP 1, Revision 1 and Appendix 3 (References 2 and 3). a The City of Newburyport is located approximately 6 miles from Seabrook Station with the closest border 5 miles south of the plant. Newburyport has an approximate population of 16,400. Principal highways in Newburyport include Interstate 95, U.S. Routes 1 and 1A and State Route ('} L/ 113. Special facilities include a public school system with approxi-mately 3300 students, a general hospital, long-term care facilities ano day care center / nurseries. , l The Seabrook Prompt Notification System is comprised primarily of fixed sirens strategically positioned throughout the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ. A total of 147 fixed sirens had been installed in and around com-munities in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Twelve fixed sirens are located in the community of Haverhill, which is outside the EPZ. In September, 1987, Newburyport municipal authorities removed six of eight sirens providing alerting coverage to the city and refused permission for the remaining two sirens to be used for emergencies at the Seabrook Station. Without the eight sirens. existing sirens in natchboring com-1 p, munities provide overlapping siren tone coverage for approximately 60

   -/                                                                                  percent of the area covered by the original eight sirens.

1 i l

3.0 DESIGN OVERVIEW I ( Prompt Notification System (PNS) coverage for the City of Newburyport is provided by: fixed sirens in neighboring communities and an airborne alerting system with a route alerting back-up system. 3.1 Egighboring Fixed Siren Covera,ge l Nine fixed sirens strategically positioned in neighboring com-munities surround Newburyport and provide a major portion of the alerting system for the city. These fixed sireno are part of the ,, er'isting Prompt Notification System for the Seabrook Station Plume f Exposure Pathway En'ergency Planning Tone (Reference 4). Acoust.ical coverage from.these sirens is depicted in Figure 1 of thin report. (Reference 5). approximately 60 percent ef the city is adequately covered by these fixed sirens; an altert:ste alerting system () comprised of airborne alerting with route alerting bm.k-up provides coverage tar the remaining Newburyport area. 1

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l 1 Existing coverage depicted in Figure 1 la for 60 dB(C) and 70 dB(C)


r coverage. The following is a list of those fixed sirens by town:


s. dB(c) Rating Town Siren Type (100 ft.) Amesbury i AM-6 Whelen WS-3000R 123 l


AM-7 Whelen WS-2000R 115 i i Neubury NB-1 Whelen WS-0000R 123 ND-4 Whelen WS-3000R 123 NB-5 Whelen WS-3000R 123 Salisbury SA-1 Whelen WS-3000R 123 h A/ SA-5 Whelen WS-3000R i 123 SA-8 Whelen WS-3000R 123 West Newbury WN-2 Whelen WS-3000R 123 i l 1 k k 1 i e, O - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ . - _ _ _ - _ - _ _

3.2 Airborne Alertinfr System The airborne alerting system consists of an acoustical equipment O:./

 .A                                                  package carried by a helicopter based at Seabrook Station.                The helicopter and pilot will be maintained in a state of constant readiness. The airborne alerting system will be backed up by a (vehicular mounted) mobile alerting system which will be dispatched from Seabrook Station as necessary to supplement airborne alerting.

The airborne system will achieve the same acoustical coverage and operability requirements as the original system of eight fixed sirens. The helicopter facility is located at Seabrook Station between the north and south access roads (see Figure 4). This facility con-sists of a heliport office, helipad and adjoining runway, and hell-copter hanger. The helicopter will be pre-flighted and inspected daily by the pilot. Preventive maintenance procedures will be on-site periodically by a licensed mechanic. Additionally, a back-up helicopter has been arranged by contract with a vendor. (Reference 6). 1 4

(N The activation sequence for the hellcopter alerting system is as follows: c) . o The Short Term Emergency Director / Site Emergency Director will contact the NHY Offsite Response Organization ORO at the EOC following an emergency classification requiring alerting (normally Site Area Emergency or General Emergency). The ORO is continuously staffed (not activated) by a Communications Coordinator. The Communications Coordinator will then contact the helicopter pilot by dedicated phone. Prior to full power operation, in lieu of the above, the helicopter pilot will be contacted via a 24-hour manned Seabrook site security station. o The helicopter pilot launches and then communicates with the Communications Coordinator to coordinate activation of the alerting message / tone and timing. Communications required for the helicopter alerting system consist of the existing telephone lines between the Control Room and the EOC, the EOC and the helicopter pilot plus a VHF radio system for communications between the , EOC and the helicopter pilot once the helicopter is airborne. Whenever an Alert emergency classification level is declared for Seabrook Station, the helicopter pilot will be notified. It has been determined that it will require approximately four minutes for the pilot to launch and proceed to Newburyport for alerting required for the Site Area or Gen?rn) Emergency classifications (Reference 7). Since the alerting route takes approximately 15 minutes to complete (See Section 4.0), the primary design objective of 10 CFR Appendix E Section IV D-3, (to essential]y complete the alerting within about 15 minutes), is met.

  .                                                          -       -            _    ______ ._-__________..__ _ ___ _ __ _ _ o

NHY has contracted with a local vendor to provide the following services (Reference 6):

 ' /3 lj                                         o   One primary and one back-up helicopter o   Three primary and one reserve pilot (s) to provide 24-hours-per-day, 7-days-per-week coverage.                    Duty pilot to be based at Seabrook Station at the helicopter facility Periodic Seabrook Emergency Plan training for the. pilots wil' be conducted by New Hampshire Yankee, 4.0     HELICOPTER ALERTING ROUTES AND FLIGHT TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALERTING The helicopter alerting flight path is depicted in Figure 3.                                        The route will normally be flown at an altitude of 500 feet above ground level and at 40 miles per hour groundspeed as dictated by guidelines developed by Wyle Laboratories (Reference 8).

Whenever an emergency classification level is declared for Seabrook o Station, the pilot will be notified, The estimated time required to complete alerting is as follows: Time (min.) Event 0 Launch /Enroute to Newburyport 4 Begin Alerting Route 19 Complete Alerting Route Note: Actual time from start of alerting to completion of alerting is 15 minutes.

! Performance characteristics of the airborne alerting system were measured during field test's performed by Wyle Laboratories at Seabrook on November 4 and 5, 1987

 ' /'s

() (Reference 8). Based upon analyses of the test data, Wyle made predictions af the system's alerting capabilities and effectiveness and defined the system acoustic requirement operational procedures and the resulting effective coverage as described below: 4.1 Acoustic Requirements Acceptable system performance was based on the following: o The alerting message was assumed to correspond to a "known sente*nce" to the average listener. This pre-supposes that the public would be periodically reminded about the alerting process and the nature of the alerting message. o The message is to be recorded by a trained speaker and shall be (')


Intelligible essentially 100 percent of the time when presented twice ' in succession to untrained listenere under ideal " laboratory" conditions at normal conversational voice levels. o For alerting by voice, the average A-weighted sound level of the voice message when measured in the field with a sound level meter set to

                                                                    " Slow" response and A-weighting, must exceed the ambient average (Leg)     ;

l sound level by 14 db(A). l i o To achieve these levels for practical flight paths of the helicopter, the loudspeaker system will be driven with speech or siren signal i levels by the Applied Electro Mechanics, Inc. (AEM) amplifier system (or its equivalent) to obtain average free field sound levels of 120 dB(A) for voice or 120 dB(C) for a tone on the speaker array axis at a (m) distance of 100 feet. {

To' implement the acoustic requirements of the airborne alerting system, the following attributes were incorporated into the system: l r

     ;I          .

o The AEM loudspeaker (28-bell array) is mounted in the left side passenger door of the helicopter with its axis of symmetry approximate-ly 5 degrees below the horizontal (See photograph as Figure 5). o The helicopter must fly.on a straight and level path at an altitude of 400 feet to 600 feet above the mean ground level, o The recorded voice message is to be played back continuously with a pause of 2 to 4 seconds between the end~of one presentation and tije beginning of the next presentation. o Assuming that two successive presentations of the voice message last no. more than 25 seconds, the helicopter must fly at speeds equal to or less than 40 mph ground speed. 4.2 Effectiveness t With the above attributes incorporated, the results are as follows: o The width of the effective coverage band during a fly-by is expected to begin from 800 feet and end at 3500 feet to the left side of, and parallel to, the helicopter ground track within the urban center of Newburyport and 800 feet to 5700 feet in the outer fringe areas of the city, o Within thic effective coverage area, the intelligibility of the message, for an average listener outdoors, is expected to be 95%. t o Coverage may be reduced, depending on wind direction and speed. While { the speech message or siren signal is being delivered, the wind should i l t be coming from a direction between 0 degrees and 180 degrees relative t' i


to the helicopter heading. That is, the wind should be from either of ' g3

               )              the two quadrants on the right side of the helicopter. Alternate routes h

are planned to account for wind directional changes. k _ _ _ _ _ . ._____._________________m

4.3 MoSile Siren Classification rx The airborne alerting system meets the guidance of NUREG 0654 (p.3-16) and FEMA REP-10 (Reference 9, p.E-18) as a moolle siren vehicle. The following is a listing of the attributes of the helicopter alerting system for tiewburyport as compared to the elements addressed in a FEMA design report for a mobile siren system: Helicopter Alerting Design Report Element System Attribute Rationale for vehicle use Replacement for previous fixed siren system Siren configuration 28 speaker array mounted on left side of helicopter (see Figure 5) [\ - Siren testing procedures and To be developed operability

  • Sound attenuation computations Acceptable (References 8,10) '

for 60dDC and 70dBC sound pressure levels and a~: diction of distances where thor sound levels occur Analysis showing alert signal to public Helicopter alerting system within 15 minutes of decision to activate: meets intent of 10CFR50, Appendix E (i.e. about

                      - time required to execute necessary                 15 minutes) procedures
                      - time required to position necessary equipment Writte1 agreements with entity                       Signed contract; controlling alerting equipment and                    (Reference 6) operator Geographic areas covered by vehicle                  See Figure 2 i


             *0perability as outlined in FEMA REP-10, Appendix 4 (i.e. reliability)

4.4 Availability The overall availability of the helicopter alerting system is a combination f% h of the weather and aircraft ava11 abilities. The following is a listing of the overall availability taken from the contractor /nid No. MOERP-67: i

1. Weather - based on takeoff and in-flight minimums of 400 feet ceiling and 4 mile visibility:

Note: Minimum conditions for flight will be based on pilot's judgement, j 94 . Rt__ (Includes information from Pease Air Force Base weather data; Reference 11) *

2. Helicopter availability:

99.8% (Based on Vendor / Bid No. M0ERP-67) D' Overall availability: 94,8% X 99.8% = 94% e

4.5 Acoustical Equipment r-'s The acoustical package used for alerting is shown on Figure 5. The 1 package is designed by and manufactured by Applied Electro Mechanics, Inc. 1 and features a 3150 watt amplifier system and an array of 28 speakers uti-I lizing four amplifiers (to provide redundancy) mounted on the left side of

                                     -the helicopter (Reference 12).

There are 28 speaker drivers, and the loss of a single driver does not impair operation of the system, or prevent the system from performing its intended function.

  • The power supply, Nicad batteries, operates each side of the dual amplifier, and a sudden discharge or loss of a single battery would affect only 1/2 of one amplifier or 1/8 of the system while still allowing the unit to perform its intended function.

The acoustical package is capable of both public address and siren tone l modes. The siren tone has a fixed frequency identical to the tone of the fixed sirens in the Seabrook Station Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

l I 5.0 Route Alerting System

  .- --            The route alerting system has been established as a back-up system in the
  ^%d event the helicopter is unable to perform its primary alert function.                ;

it is designed to provide a " defense-in-depth" approach to public alerting capabilities in Newburyport. It is also included "...As a provision for corrective measures to provide reasonable assurance that coverage approaching the design objectives is maintained..." (NUREG-0654 Appendix 3. j J p.4). j There are no specific regulatory requirements for such a back-up system. i This system represents New Hampshire Yankee management's commitment to back-up alerting provisions for the City of Newburyport. The back-up system was developed to include acceptable dissonant sound levels for the sirens and messages on the route alert vehicles in accordance with NUREG-0654 (Appendix b} 3, pages 3-8 and 3-9) and FEMA REP-10 (page E-13). Route alerting as a  ; notification method has been demonstrated as acceptable to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA REP-10, AN-1) and has been accepted as

                                                                                                        'i part of the Emergency Plans at other nuclear sites (e.g. Maine Yankee, Shearon liarri s ) .

5.1 Aconstien1 Equipment FEMA interpretation of the design objectives of notification systems states that acceptable siren sound pressure levels are: 70 decibels (dBC) in areas of more than 2,000 people per square mile, and 60 dBC in other inhabited . j i areas (REP-10, page E-13). In addition, a discussion by FEMA on exercise l activities (AN-1, page I-5) states that " ..There is no hard and fast time requirement for completing the back-up route alerting progress: however, 45 O i ( )i minutes is a suggested objective for completing the process." l l 1


i The back-up method will consist of four existing Seabrook Station security


T vehicles, each mounted with bar sirens and flashing lights for route alerting. The bar sirens selected for the route alert vehicles will meet the acceptable siren sound pressure levels noted above. Vendor specifications-indicate sound levels of 119.5 dBC at ten feet, per 100 watts. Each vehicle will utilize two 100-watt sirens mounted back to back in order to achieve maximum coverage (Reference 13). 5.2 Availability . The reliability of the system is ensured by its incorporation of regularly serviced vehicles currently in use by the Seabrook Station Security Department. Maintenance of the trucks is consistently provided as part of the Seabrook Station on-site maintenance program. The trucks are used on a daily basis, and as such are dependable, even in inclement weather. In

      \s                   addition, four trucks would further provide a " defense-in-depth" approach:

If one of the four trucks fails, another security truck with mounted sound bars and flashing lights will replace the failed vehicle. l, l l r l I l l l) kJ 1 I L

Another major factor in reliability for this method is the fact that a large portion of Newburyport can be demonstrated to receive prompt notification (,) from sirens tone in neighboring towns. (See Figure 1: areas without suf-ficient siren tone coverage from nearby sirens are depicted in Figure 2.) The route alert system is to be initiated whenever the helicopter is declared inoperable. Procedures will require the notification of four truck drivers. The Emergency Plan procedures will identify the routes and provide the necessary maps and pre-recorded cassettes of emergency information. Periodic Seabrook Emergency Plan training will be conducted covering the drivers' responsibilities and duties. 5.3 operation The sequence for activating the back-up system will initiate when the heli-copter pilot has notified the Main Control Room Unit Shift Supervisor or designee of the non-availability of the helicopter (See Figure 6). The Main Control Room will verify the plant's mode of operation. If the operational status is llot Shutdown (MODE 4), Cold Shutdown (MODE 5) or. Refueling (MODE 6), the Main Control Room will take no further action. If the operating mode is llot Standby (MODE 3) or greater, the pre-designated route alert drivers will be notified. The drivers will be placed in standby status. In accordance with the Emergency Plan, when an Alert is declared, all drivers in the standby status will be notified to report ta their pre-designated vehicles. (O )

Route maps, alerting and communication equipment and procedures will be made (n) available to the trained drivers. Each route map has been verified for accuracy and time allotments. The vehicle driver will activate the electronic loudspeaker and initiate the alerting message by cassette recorder. To ensure proper audible coverage, the vehicles will travel at an average speed of twenty miles per hour. This conservative speed was chosen in view of topography and proper travel time to provide an intelligible alerting message. Each driver will receive by radio any additional information and instructions. (v j 1 1 1 1 l j 1

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,U I i I~ The above information demonstrates that the airborne alerting system l described in detail in this submittal will meet the same performance l objectives as the fixed siren system originally installed in the City of Newburyport. This is based upon the following considerations: o By virtue of the coverage already provided by sirens-installed and j operational in surrounding municipalities, a large segment of,the ] population of Newburyport will be notified of an emergency nt Seabrook Station even in the absence of the fixed siren system originally installed in the City. o With the substitution of the above alerting system for the fixed sirens, the public in the city will still be notified of an emergency V "within about 15 minutes" of the notification of public officials. o Computations made by Wyle Laboratories indicate that the siren tone j produced by the speaker array mounted on the helicopters would pro-I duce sound pressure levels which are consistent with the FEMA cri-teria for mobile siren capability. Further, for the rare circumstances in which the helicopters would be unavailable, New Hampshire Yankee has provided a back-up route alerting j I capability intended to achieve the objective of notifying the public in ' the City of Newburyport of an emergency. The siren system chosen for the i route alert vehicles will produce sound levels w'.tich meet the FEMA design objectives for mobile siren vehicles. O 1 l t

i i List of References i/ N (1) " Code of' Federal Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 50,  ; Appendix E"; Office of the Federal Register; Washington, D.C.; January, 1987. l j (2) " Criteria for the Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants"; NUREG-0654/ FEMA REP-1, Revision 1; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / Federal Emergency Management Agency; Washington, D.C.; November, 1980. (3) "Means.for Providing Prompt Alerting and Notification of Response Organizations and the Population"; Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654/ FEMA REP-1, Revision 1; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / Federal Emergency Management Agency; Washington,

  • D.C.; November, 1980.

(4) "New Hampshire Yankee Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Communities"; Seatrook, New Hampshire; September, 1987. (5) "New Hampshire Radiological Response Plan Revision 2; Prepared in cooperation with New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency O Technological Hazards Division"; O Seabrook, New Hampshire; August, 1986. l (6) Agreement Contract No. MOERP-67 between New Hampshire Yankee, agent for the Seabrook Station Joint owners, and Contractor, dated December 8, 1987. (Proprietary) (7) " Airborne Acoustical Alerting System Did No, M0ERP-67;" November, 1987. (Proprietary) (8) Wyle Laboratories, Inc. letter to New Hampshire Yankee dated December 7, 1987. (9) " Guide for the Evaluation of Alert and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants"; FEMA REP-10/ November 10, 1985; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Washington, D.C.; November, 1985, p

List of References (

  '0 (j
 '1 (10) Wyle Laboratories, Inc., lettvir to                                                              L New Hampshire Yankee dated December 8, 1987                                                       l l

(II) Pease Air Force Base, percentage frequency ) of occurrence data for Celling vs. Visibility l 1967-1970 and 1973-1979. U.S. Air Force Environmental; Technical Applications Center, Ashville, N.C. (12) Applied Electro Mechanics, Inc., letter to New Hampshire Yankee dated December 3, 1987 .1 l l (13) " Electronic Siren and Speaker Product"; (Catalogue) Scientific Prototype i Manufacturing Corporation; I New York, N.Y. i ( i l 1 l t i J V t > 1 1 1

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