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Partially Deleted Memo Discussing 851202 Anonymous Call by Male Making Allegations Re Plant.Caller Stated That Several Errors & Deficiencies Not Being Dispositioned or Reported.Details of Assist Re Util Investigation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1987
From: Emerson M
Shared Package
ML20213F915 List:
FOIA-87-91 NUDOCS 8705180082
Download: ML20213G010 (7)






b, , /g ARUNGTON, TEXAS 79011 g' ]

MEMORANDUM T0: File 85-A-123 4 FROM: Mark Emerson, Allegations Coordinator


RECEIPT OF ANONYMOUS ALLEGATION On December 2,1985, at approximately 2:30 p.m., a male called the Region IV l Allegation Coordinator and stated he wished to make allegations regarding the '

Comanche Peak facility. Tha call, stated h hed to keep his identity a

, secret and referred to himself as. tated he was currently a ,

Ebasco Corporation walkdown engin r at oman Peak and stated several errors l and deficiencies were not being properly dispositioned or reported.

stated that several walkdown engineers at Comanche Peak had dis ere rawing  ;

errors such as flange sizes while conducting thei ties. id these I engineers were instructed by the program manager that these 1 drawing errorr dimensions."]

"not said our that oncer " and "not responsible for t had created a " climate.of fear" of accuracy of h

I reporting def- encies and unusual occurrences to either Ebasco or the licensee.

stated that ncouraged the~ system of quantity versus quality.

all ignore encies and problem areas in order to increase odu on. said that ad previously six engineers who were I

statistically th low producers reg ding the walkdowns and had informed them that if they did not increase production that they would loose employee privi-leges such as paid travel days and other benefits. Memphasized the fact that because of the different requirements regarding each job and that some jobs would be faster than others this s stem of arbitrarily picking the six low producers was unfair and illogical. said that no consideration was to the type of walkdown inspections conducted and that the emphasis by%giv was mainly geared toward production. ,

Madvised he would research specific examples of drawing errors which had been ignored and further to uncover any specific information regarding his allegation. Madvised he would call the allegation coordinator when and if 1

h,e was able to uncover this information.

Thomas Westerman Chief , Comanche Peak, Region IV Group assisted in the questioning ofM On 12/2/85, Richard Her OI was advised of this telephonic allegation. Herr stated that he believed - information should be referred to 01 for at minimum an OI inquiry.

j l In 'ormation in this record was deleted g in accordance wit the Freedom of Information U Act, exemptions E0lA Eb4I 8705180082 870513- , ..u_..nM W '=N :c.' -'

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E01A S 91 _

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f-,i s W fl DETAILS OF ASSIST Purpose of Assist The purpose of this assist was to review a Texas Utilities Generating Company corporate security investigation of allegations of harassment and intimidation against walkdown engineers by the program manager for the Unit I cable tray hanger as-built walkdown group and allegations that the program manager had given instructions to the walkdown engineers to violate procedures.


[. tn December 2,1985, an anonymous alleger who identified himself as a walkdown i engineer at Comanche Peak, made an allegation to the on egation Coordinator that an Ebasco supervisor by the name of had

,l inst cted kdown engineers to ignore certain erro and de cienc' s and that ad created a " climate of fear" among the engineering staff. On Decem er 3,185, this alleger also made the same allegations to TUGC0 officials. On December 6,1985, TUGC0 corporate security 1,nitiated an investigation into these allegations. This investigation was completed and the results reported to he T 0E utive Vice Pres -Nuclear December 18, 1985. As a result, an were j

removed from their posi ons at Coma he eak. ,

l On February 14, 1986, the Region IV Regional' Administrator requested that the Region IV Office of Investigations Field Office assist in reviewing the TUGC0 in nstigative report to evaluate the adequacy of the utility's investigation and to make reconraendations as to the sufficiency of the corrective action taken by the utility related to potential wrongdoing.

Interview With David _ Ah'mus, TUCCO Corporate Security Directior On February 18, 1955, David ANDREWS, TUGC0 Corporate Security Director, made the utility's internal investigation available for review to the NRC Office of Investigations. The utility's report consisted of 26 interviews which included the alleger, walkdown engineers ard QC inspectors, and the two Ebasco supervisors accused of creating a climate oi fear. ANDREWS explained that at the conclusion of this investigation, he made a verbal report to the Executive ,

i Vice President-Nuclear, William COUNSIL, on December 1 1985 AND s g l that COUNSIL subsequently requested that Ebasco from Comunche Peak. ANDREWS reported that both g

since left the Comanche Peak site. ANDREWS stat at he icula deficiencies identified by the alleger and the interviewees are reviewed by engineers and in a large percentage of the cases, the deficiencies were verf fied. ANDREWS said the deficiencies identified during the investigation f had already been corrected by the engineering staffrrformation la this record was deleted j i et,ex m ons Review of TUGC0 Investigative Interview Reports ,F01A- il A review of the to reports interview en e utili dur their investi ion disclosed tha alkdown engineer 1

q Case No. A4-86'-003

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lw t Comanche Peak, alleged that (1) nad caused

' ncor cume ation to be created, (2) that contrary to' procedure, had instructed engineers not to take independent measureme l erify d,mensions of supports, (3) that in advance of an NRC audit, '

instructed the engineers to follow the procedure requiring the engi ers t l take independent measurements, but then once again instructed th rs to violate the procedure once the NRC audit was completed, (4) that knowingly ignored defi nc hat were reported to him regardi ange packages, and (5) that set quotas for so called " low producers" and threatened their trave pay.

The interviews with the walkdown engineers disclosed that procedures required the engineers to take measurements of the dimensions of cable tray hangers rather than just verify the dimensions taken by QC inspectors. The walkdown engineers interviewed indicated that they understood the procedure required independent messurements and said they had attended classes which specified that they must take measurements independent of the QC inspectors rather than just verifying the measurements taken by QC. The QC inspectors interviewed g confirmed that they were also reouired by procedure to take, measurements.

TWG corporate security's investigation disclosed that had, contrary to y e dure, ordered the walkdown engineers to merely rify th measurements taka bi lC related to the dimensions the su orts. The investigation also detert hyd that prior to the NRC audit tol eers to return to fel b f,Mi procedure, but that after e NRC a dit again instructed inem to forego following the proccdure re to. dependent meuurements. The investigati a neluded that ad set quotas I

fm certain engineers and that ad conducte a mee for so-called

" low producers" during which t limita ion of their travel pay was discussed.

The investigation also concluded that cable tray hanger support as built pro ram und wa wa the procedural violations. The investigation disclose that hen was interviewed, he denied knowledge of the incidents which led t the

. allegations. However, the testi ak from the interviewees contained specific statements ttrib d to by the engineers and QC personnel whir.h demonstrated comp icity i the procedural violations. ,


) The utility's investigation report consisted of 26 reports of interviews.

Review of these interview reports indicated that the utility investigators explored not only the particulars of the original alleger's concerns, but also pursued other concerns raised by the interviewees. The results of these

" interviews appeared to be complete and frequently contained quotes of the individuals interviewed to better express their particular perspective on the facts developed during this investigation. Based on the nunter of people interviewed in all disciplines affected, the expedient corrective action taken by the Executive Vice President-Nuclear in the areas of rectifying the

'! personnel problem as well as the hardware deficiencies, it is the opinion of

' this investigator that the utility's investigation and corrective action

! related to these allegations was sufficient to resolve the allegations.

1 I

Case No. A4-86-003 2 i

e Closure Infonnation I

This assist did not identify any issues related to potential wrongdoing which reinain unresolved and would merit investigation by the Office of Investigations. This assist is completed, and the results are referred to l Region IV for whatever action ceemed appropriate. l

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I Case No. A4-86-003 3 1

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dL b AM 11eged that (1 d, (2) that con rary to rocedure, had caused t to take independent mec ureme s to hat in advance of an NRC audit, V - 2 he procedure requiring the engi eers t hen once again instructed th s to uditwascompleted,(4)that were reported to him regardi hange quotas for so called " low producers" and lineers disclosed that procedures required if the dimensions of cable tray hangers

>ns taken by QC inspectors. The walkdown

they understood the procedure required tey had attended classes which specified

-l lependent of the QC inspectors rather than

.l an by QC. The QC inspectors interviewed ed by procedure to take nieasurements.

stion disclosed that had, contrary angineers to merely rify t e measurements i

1s o the su orts. The investigation also I dit, told ee eers to return I

I ter t RC a dit, again the procedure re d to ndependent so concluded that had set quotas 1

WELL had conductei a meet g for so-called mitation of their travel pay was discussed.

l i The investigation also concluded thatI cable tray hanger support as built program under was ware the procedural violatfor.s. The investigation disclo d that en was interviewed, he denied knowledge of the incidents which led to the I allegations. However, the testi tak from the interviewees contained

[ specific statements attribu ed to by the engineers and QC' personnel which demonstrated comp icity i the procedural violations.


The utility's investigation report consisted of 26 reports of interviews.

,I Review of these interview reports indicated that the utility investigators explored not only the particulars of the original alleger's concerns, but also pursued other concerns raised by the interviewees. The results of these interviews appeared to be complete and frequently contained quotes of the individuals interviewed to better express their particular perspective on the facts developed during this investigation. Based on the number of people interviewed in all disciplines affected, the expedient corrective action taken by the Executive Vice President-Nuclear in the areas of rectifying the personnel problem as well as the hardware deficiencies, it is the opinion of this investigator that the utility's investigation related to these allegations was sufficient to resolve the allegations.

Information in this record was deleted



in accordance with h e d mofInformation Case No. A4-86-003 2


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I l t Comanche Peak allegedthat(1) thadcaused ncorre ocume tation to be created, (2) that contrary toarocedure, j had instructed engineers not to take independent measureme s j ' verify mensions of supports, (3) that in advance of an NRC audit,

) instructed the engineers to follow the procedure requiring the engi ers t take independent measurements, but then once again instructed th ine s to violate the procedure once the NRC audit was completed, (4) that i knowingly ignored deft ies that were reported to him regardi ange packages, and (5) that set quotas for so called " low producers" and threatened their trave ay.

1 The interviews with the walkdown engineers disclosed that procedures required

! the engineers to take measurements of the dimensions of cable tray hangers rather than just verify the dimensions taken by QC inspectors. The walkdown i engineers interviewed indicated that they understood the procedure required independent measurements and said they had attended classes which specified

} that they must take measurements independent of the QC inspectors rather than Just verifying the measurements taken by QC. The QC inspectors interviewed I confirmed that they were also required by procedure to take measurements.

. TUGC0 corporate security's investigation disclosed tha ad, contrary j to procedure, ordered the walkdown engineers to merely ri e measurements taken by QC related to the dimensions orts. The investigation also

, determined that prior to the NRC audit, told eers to return to following procedure, but that after e NRC dit, again 3

instructed them to forego following the procedure re ndependent 1 measurements. The investigati n als neluded that had set quotas

, for certain engineers and thatl had conducte a meet g for so-called

, " low producers" during which tW limi tion of their travel pay was discussed.

The investigation also concluded that  !

cable tray hanger support as built pro ram unde was the

, - procedural violations. The investigation disclo hen, as ,

h interviewed, he denied knowledge of the incidents which led te the I h allegations. However, the testi taken from the interviewees contained i

specific statement attri to y the engineers and QC personnel which demonstrated comp city i the procedural violations. 1


FINDINGS P The utility's investigation report consisted of 26 reports of interviews.

Review of these interview reports indicated that the utility investigators explored not only the particulars of the original alleger's concerns, but also 1 4

pursued other concerns raised by the interviewees. The results of these I

interviews appeared to be complete and frequently contained quotes of the 1 individuals interviewed to better express their particular perspective on the facts developed during this investigation. Based on the number of people i interviewed in all disciplines affected, the expedient corrective action taken '

by the Executive Vice President-Nuclear in the areas of rectifying the personnel problem as well as the hardware deficiencies, it is the opinion of j this investigator that the utility's investigation related to these l allegations was sufficient to resolve the allegations.

I '

Case No. A4-8_6-003 _

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