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Rev 1 to Temporary Procedure Tp 86-85, RHR Intersys Leakage Assessment & Controlled Leakoff
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/16/1986
Shared Package
ML20204F710 List:
TP-86-85, NUDOCS 8608040295
Download: ML20204F743 (10)



i i




TP 86-85 l

I List of Effective Pages l

7 TP 86-85-1 TP 86-85-2 TP 86-85-3 TP 86-85-4 TP 86-85-5 Attachments TP 86-85A-1 TP 86-85A-2 TP 86-858-1 TP 86-858-2 Approved A L 4 A cee.easea

@leardp'erationsManager I Date G,//(, /%

! 8608040295 860616 PDR ADOCK 05000293 G PDR Expiration Date To!/6!Pfr l A4-1 TP 86-85-1 Rev. 1


To provide station personnel with a method of establishing a controlled leakoff of the RHR Discharge Piping to prevent increases in pressure due to leakage past the RHR Injection Isolation Valves. His proce: lure may be used to establish a controlled leakoff when the RER system becomes pressurized from leakage past its isolation valves, or in advance of such leakage.


Leakage past th'e RHR Injection Isvlation Valves, principally the MOV1001-28B and MOV1001-29B, have lead to repeated annunciation of the "PRR Discharge or Shutdown Cooling Suction High Pressure" alarm. Prior to maintenance on the MOV1001-28B valve, leakage was measured at .33 gpm at 975 psig. Mis procedure will establish a controlled leakoff from the RHR Punp Discharge Piping to the Torus via the 2" 100D valve bypass around the Punp Discharge check valve. His will prevent BHR punp discharge piping pressure from pressurizing when in-leakage rates less than 1.0 gpm are present.


A. P&ID M-241, Sheet 1 & 2 B. RHR Task Force Report, Revision 1 Dated 5/5/86 C. ESR Response 86-153 Dated 4/24/86 D. PDC 86-30 -


J A. Radiation Work Permit and Maintenance Request to accouplish testing.

l B. Watch Ihgineer's permission to start test as indicated on this L Procedure and/or Maintenance Request.

C. Inplementation of procedural step VIIA 4 will make 1 PHR pung unavailable. Se requirements of Technical Specification 3.5A5 nust be a$ dressed prior to inplementing procedure step VII.A.4.


A. When draining and venting systems that are potentially contaminated, Standard PNPS Radiological Protection practices nust be followed.

B. If an abnormal condition is encountered during the performance of this test, place the system in a safe condition, terminate the test and investigate the cause.

C. If a controlled leak-off is sucessfully inplemental by this procedure, a flow of approximately 1 GPM will be continuously

'IP86-854 Rev.1 A4-2 l


diverted to the torus. Operations should be aware of this inventory addition and the need for increased water level

, control for the torus.


A. Venting bottle B. BLbber hose, various lengths VII. PIOCEDURE:

STEPS A and B may be performed in any sequence. Step B may be performed separately for information purposes.

A. Determine the In-Ieakage Rate and Establish Controlled Leakoff NOIE: RHR IOCP 'B' MUST NOT BE IN SERVICE WHEN C0tOUCTING THIS STEP.


1. Record system pressures as indicated on attachment A before clearing alarm (if possible) by reducing system pressure, per alarm procedure annuncator B-7.
2. Close the 801001-10(D valve if open.

(Note number of turns to seat valve)

3. Iet system pressure reset to approximately 150 psi.

l 4. Close the 'D' BHR suction valve MO 1001-7D an interlock will prevent inadvertant pung start when there is no suction path, i

5. Attach hosing to the 3/4 inch vent connection that is on the l punp side of valve H01001-100D and connect other end to vent bottle.
6. Route petcock drain hose to floor drain , open the petcock.
7. Open the vent valves HD 1001-34(D and 341D.
8. Batablish a leak off flow rate to maintain a system pressure of 150 psig by slightly opening valve H01001-10(D note the nunber of turns open.
9. When pressure he stabilized at approx.150 psig close the petcock at the bottom of the vent bottle. Time the interval required to fill the bottle from the 1 gallon nark to the 5 gallon mark to measure the in-leakage. Record the time to fill the 4 gallons. A time of less thm 4 minutes is not i

acceptable per the acceptance criteria.

I 2P86-85-3 Rev. 1 l

l A4-3


i l

10. If the acceptance criteria is met, tie wrap the 1001-100D in its present position. If the acceptaice criteria is not met inform the Watch Engineer.
11. Close the BD 1001-340D and 341D valves and replace the vent l l cap. Double verification is required. l

} 12. Re-open MO 1000-7D with the control switch.

B. Conduct a Tenperature Survey of M Piping f

l 1. Tenperature sensitive monitors (self alhesive strips) have been installed on the M system piping at the locations as shown on Attachment B. Se indicators are located below the thermal insulation on the piping. m rigid insulation, a block of the insulation nust be removed prior to reading the tenperature indicators. m blanket type insulation, the insulation uust be pushed aside in order to real the tenpera-ture indicators. Insulation nust be restored to the as-found condition after each tenperature reading is taken.

Check the tenperature indicators for change and record the temperatures on Attachment B.

! 2. Use a portable temperature monitoring device to survey M system piping and record the location and present pipe wall tenperature on Attachment B.

3. Record M system pressures in locations indicated by Attach-ment B.

l 4. Forward the temperature survey data sheet to the STA on shift for further disposition by NED.

I e


A. His procedure will be suitable for controlling systect pressure i with system inleakage rates of 1 gpm or less. If system inleakage

! is greater than 1 gpm, a controlled shutdown should be initiated and a NED Disposition should be obtained.

B. Compare pipe wall tenperatures outboard of the nornelly closed <

isolation valve (i.e. 1001-28A or 1001-28B) to the saturation temperatures at the pressure indicated on the local guages (PI l 1001-80A or 1001-80B). If pipe wall tenperature is equal to or within 15 F of saturation tenperature stean void formation may be present. Inform the watch engineer of this condition, and request additional aid from NED.

'IP 86-85-4 Rev 1 A4-4

i l


i A. RER Leakage Assessment Setup and Data Sheet B. RHR Temperature Survey Data Sheet ,

l l

i l 'IP 86-85-5 Rev 1 1

A4-5 I

l 1


'IP 86-85 PHR Ieakage Assessment Set-Up md Data Sheet Watch Engineer's permission grmted to perform this procedure:

NHE date/ time / ,


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1. Initial Conditions: .8C }

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- 'Ihis investigation includes data for RER loops A and B.

To read loop pressures, slowly open the instrument root valves to obtain the readings, then close the root valves when the rea31ngs have been taken.

INS'IBUMENT FIEID I4 CATION READING (psig) NN BY PI 1001-30A in CIO shop west wall PI 1001-30B outside B RHR valve room PI 1001-80A A RHR Quadrmt at rack 2259 PI 1001-80B B RHR Quadrmt at rack 2262 Instrument root valves verified closed by: date

2. Ieakage Assessment / Controlled Ieakoff:
  • Close valve HD 1001-10(D (if open) record the ntmber of turns to seat the valve: turns
  • Iet RER system pressure rise to approx.150 psig.

'IP 86-85-Al Dev.1 l A4-6

'IP 86-85 RER Ieakage Assessment Set-Up and Data Sheet (Cont.) .

  • RHR pung "D" suction valve MO 1001-7D closed. Verified by:
  • Attach hose from venting bottle to the 3/4 inch vent downstream of B0 1001-100D. Performed by:
  • Venting bottle petcock drain hose routed to floor drain, petcock opened.

Performed by:


  • 3/4 inch vent valves HD 1001-340D , 341D cracked open.

Perfoned by:

  • Determine leakage rate by throttling HD 1001-10(D and maintaining approx.

150 psig on guage PI 1001-80B or test guage installed at HD 1001-341D.

  • When pressure has stabilized, close venting bottle petcock.
  • Measure the time required to fill the venting bottle from the lower mark to the upper mark. 'Ihis difference is 4 gallons. Record the fill time and the set pressure.

Fill time minutest secortis Set Pressure psig

  • Compute leakoff rate : 4 gallons / time (minutes)= apn
  • Acceptance criteria is 1.0 gpm or less ( or a fill time of 4 min or more)

Criteria met or Not met determined by If the acceptance criteria is met tie wrap the B01001-10(D valve securely in its present position.



NCPIE: If the acceptance criteria is not met, then inform the Watch 1 Ehgineer inmediately and return the B01001-100D vaJ ve to the closed position. A CCNfirmn SHLFIDOWN SHALL BE INITIA'ITD AE 'IHE NUCLEAR E2EINEERING DEPARIMENT ALER'IED 'IBAT ADDITICNAL EVALUATICN IS NEEDED.

  • Close the HD 1001-34(D and 341D 3/4 inch vent valves:

closed by: date verified by: date Forward this signoff sheet with the Shift Technical Advisor for m3ditional i

evaluation. When evaluations are couplete the Shift AA is to tratsmit this form to DOC for permanent record.


'IP86-85-A2 Rev. 1 A4-7

. - - - - - , . , _ - . _ , -_ _, r , , _ , . . , , , _ -

TP 86-85 Attachnnet B ME System Teaperature Survey Data Sheet Note: Tenperature sensitive monitors (self adhesive strips) have been installed on the Mm system piping at the locations as shown on the sketch below. 'Ihe indicators are located below the thermal insulation on the piping. On rigid insulation, a block of the insulation nust be removed prior to reading the tenperature indi-cators. On blanket type insulation, the insulation nust be pushed aside in order to read the tenperature indicators. Insulation nust be restored to the as-found condition after each tenperature reading is taken.

Note: An IMP is required for equipment room entry.

I4 CATION SKE7CH T Mm TEMPEPA'IURE MONITORS (Note: See data sheet on following page.)

A RIR IDOP B RIH 4 "RP A RIR Valve Room B RIR Valve Room LI[^U j 4

f 8 BG f '

m 4@/

3 F Q" A3 - m -A y M o roor-19A 3p aggy anB gg -c By i

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fao i ooi-28A Mo @/-( sa AL r-A2 2I - BL Vs5NXNNN\

f4 0; a >

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\ \ OOR

\ \ \\\\ \

I TP 86-85-B1 A4- 8

1P 86-85 Attachnnet B -

RRR System Tenperature Survey Data Sheet (Cont.)

Temperature Survey Instrument Used:

Time of Highest Current Data reation DM ina - DM ina DM ina Taken Bv Al l l l l l A2 l l l I I A3 l l l l l A4 l l l l l B1 l l l l l B2 l l l l l B3 l l l l l B4 l l l l B5 l l l l B6 I I I I I B7 l l l l l ,

B8 l l l l l


To read loop pressures, slowly open the instrument root valves to obtain the readings, then close the root valves when the readings have been taken.

INSIMMEtTP F M c L TATIm READING (psig) Tsat ( F) l PI 1001-30A in CIO shop west wall

! PI 1001-30B outside B RER valve room PI 1001-80A A RHR Quadrant at rack 2259 PI 1001-80B B RHR Quadrant at rack 2262 Instrument root valves closed by: date verified by: cete Compare current pipe wall tenperature readings Al, A2 with raturation tenperature at pressure of PI 1001-80A.

Compare current pipe wall tenperature readings B1, B2 with saturation temperature at pressure of PI 1001-80B.

If pipe wall temperature is equal to or within 15 F of the saturation tenperature, steam void formation may exist. Inform the Watch Ehgineer that NED assistece is needed for additional evaluation.

'IP 86 85 B2 Rev.1 A4-9

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9 ATTACHMENT 5 Temporary PNPS Procedure TP 86-84 RHR Discharge Piping Venting Procedure l

