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Rev 23 to Procedure 8.7.3, Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/22/1987
Shared Package
ML20195H630 List:
8.7.3, NUDOCS 8811300522
Download: ML20195H634 (19)




P1: GRIM NUCLEAR P0HER STATION NUCLE /R OPERATIONS DEPARTME 71/OBgG CM 4* 0y 15 BBB Procedure No. 8.7.3 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE TEST List of Effective Paaes 8.7.3-1 8.7.3-2 8.7.3-3 8.7.3-4 8.7.3-5 8.7.3-6 Attachments 8.7.3A-1 8.7.3A-2 8.7.3A-3 8.7.3A-4 8.7.3A-5 8.7.3A-6 8.7.38-1 8.7.3B-2 8.7.38 3 8.7.3B-4 8.7.3B-5


Approved N[learOperationsManager Date 7/M/



8.7.3-1 Rev. 23 f,$k OOS$f: b!0b 3 P

l I. 'MEROSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for performing the secondary containment leak rate test.

II. DISCUSSION This procedure should be performed at each refueling outage prior to refueling as required by PNPS Technical Specification 4.7.C.1.c.

III. REFERENCE HATERIAL A. FSAR, Section 7.1.18 and 12 B. PNPS Procedures

1. 2.2.50 Standby Gas Treatment
2. Inspection of Secondary Containment Dampers C. PNPS Technical Specification Section 4.7.C.1.c D. P&ID's
1. H-280, Heating and Ventilation
2. P&ID H-287, Plant Ventilation
3. P&ID H-321, Fan Room No. 1
4. P&ID H-322. H&V and AC Fan Room No. 3 and 2
5. P&ID H-323, H&V and AC Temperature Controls E. NOP-8301, Conduct of Operations F. NED Hemo #84-038, corresponds to FS&HC Hemo #84-015 G. Vendor Manual V-0529, Pacific Air Products H. Design Changes
1. PDC 85-14. Reactor Building Secondary Containment Isolation Dampers
2. PDC 86-70, Standby Gas Treatment System Hodifications I. NRC resolved concern, UNR 83-23-02 IV. PREREOUISITES A. Hatch Engineer's permission to perform test.
8. Turbine Pldg. H&V System operating with 2 exhaust and 2 supply fan in service. Turbine Bldg. operating floor should be less negative than

.03" H20. and condenser comp. less negative than .03" H20.

8.7.3-2 Rev. 23


.C. DPI-AA-22 and DPI-AA-32 calibrated. U D.

At least one door at each access closed.

E. Standby gas treatment system operable.

All automatic ventilation system i'...- ;o, dampers operable or secured I F.

in the isolated condition. j G. All manometers filled and zere R H. Secondary containment checkoff U m ' 6) considered and accepted.

I. Specific purpose for test performance to be noted in Attachment 8.7.3A-1, Sec. A.9.

J. Hind speed.( 15 mph.

V. APPARATUS A. Key for test switches B. Communications equipment VI. PRECAUTION _S A. Do not draw over 1" H2 O vacuum across the reactor building.

B. If this test is performed during reactor power operation, do not keep the reactor building isolated longer than 10 minutes as the nain steam tunnel temperature will start to rise.

C. A reading to the right of zero (downward) on the manometer is negative.

D. An individual base line reading outside of 0 0.1" H2 O indicates test results could be influenced and test should not be conducted until conditica is corrected.

VII. PROCEDURE A. Perform the test as follows:

1. Record ambient conditions.
2. Verify or position at required the SGTS as follows:

A Train B Train AON 99, 106, 108 Closed AON 99, 106, 112 Closed AON 135, 136, Open AON 135, 136, Open AON 112 Auto AON 108, Auto 8.7.3-3 Rev. 23

3. Place hand switches for both SGTS fans (Panel C-7) in the OFF position.
4. Simultaneously turn both keylocked secondary containment isolation system initiation control switches (RPHA/CS and RPHB/CS on Panel C-7) to the TEST position,
a. Allow 3 minutes for stabilization and take base readings on the 4 manometers in the reactor building elevation 91', and 2 manometers in the Turbine Building Elevation 51'.
b. Record data on Attachment A and review that average base line is within bounds.
5. Prior to res'atting test switches, turn all reactor building fan switches on Panel C-61 to the OFF position after noting which fans were operating.
6. Return the keylocked secondary containment isolation system initiation control switches (RPHA/CS and RPHB/CS on Panel C-7) to the OFF position.
7. Simultaneously turn the keylock reset switches for both reactor building isolation test switches to the reset position. Veri fy the Standby Gas Treatment System returns to normal and the reactor building dampers return to normal. Return the keylock reset switche,s to normal and remove the keys.
8. Perform the following when testing the A (B) Train:

A Train - Place the fan control switch (on Panel C-7) for the A SGTS fan in the AUTO position. Leave the control switch for the B fan in the OFF position.

B Train - Place the fan control switch (on Panel C-7) for the B SGTS fan in the MAINTENANCE position. Leave the control switch for the A fan in the OFF position.

HDIE Nhen the test switches are tripped, the signal will seal in, the reactor building will remain isolated, and the A(B) SGTS fan will remain operating until the system is reset. An SGTS trouble alarm may come in here and may not reset until the completion of the test.

9. Simultaneously turn both key locked secondary containment isolation system initiat'on control switches (RPHA/CS and RPHB/CS

-l on Panel C-7) to the TEST position.

8.7.3-4 Rev. 23 2. 'f

. 100 Record time necesse.ry for stabilization of manometer.

11. Record following Data on Attachment A:
a. Hanometer dP readings
b. OP-A-22 dP
c. DP-AA-32 dP
d. FI-8126, FI-8127
12. Verify Backdraft Dampers operate properly by placing ADN 112/108 in OPEN and by checking the non-operating fan for "back peddle" (Reverse Rotation). Record results on Attachment A. Return damper controls to AUTO.
13. Reposition truck lock doors as applicable; inner door open outer door shut or inner door shut outer door open. Take readings per step 10 and 11 for new door configuration.
14. Return the Fan Control Switch for the A SBGT fan to the OFF position and align dampers per Step 2 for the B Train lineup.
15. Repeat Steps 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 for the B SBGT System Fan in operation.
16. Close the following valves if open:

SV-5035 A&B 8" Drywell purge inlet SV-5036 A&B 8" Torus purge inlet SV-5042 A&B 8" Torus purge exhaust SV-5044 A&B 8" Drywell purge exhaust

17. Return the keylocked secondary containment isolation system initiation control switches (RPHA/CS and RPHB/CS on Panel C-7) to the OFF position.
18. Simultaneously turn the keylock reset switches for both reactor building isolation test switches to the reset position, Verify the Standby Gas Treatment System returns to normal and the reactor building dampers return to normal. Return the keylock reset switches to normal and remove the keys.
19. Reopen any valves closed per step ,
20. Return the reactor building fans to normal.
21. Return the control switch for the A SGTS fan to the AUTO position and the B SGTS fan to STANDBY. Return the control switches for A0-N-108 and 112 to the AUTO position.
12. Verify all components are returned to normal (two independent verifications required).

4 SmuAta. Obp '?) du. EAbd aw h/6/S$ b chy Ap IV

.a .se ic 8.7.3-5 Rev. 23 f 2. 3 l

l g

. . Independent verifications may be performed by:

a. Direct method - checking appropriate equipment and/or controls or,
b. Indirect method - observation of indicators and/or status lights An independent verification need not be performed if a person has the potential of receiving greater than 25 mrem whole body while performing the verification.

B. Documentation

1. Enter the performance of the test in the Control Room Log.
2. Completa the signoff sheet and forward to the Compliance Engineer.
3. Route to Control Room Annex for filing.


A. The test was performed as written with no unexplained discrepancies.

4 B. The individual Base Line Readings were equal to O r 0.1" H 20.

C. A 1/4" water vacuum on the secondary containment obtained with a filter train flow rate of eaual to or less than 4000 Scfm as determined from the perforated plate readings (DPI-AA-22/0PI-AA-32). ( 2. 3 D. That FI's 8126 and 8127 agree within i 201, of perforated plate dP conversion. (Not Tech. Spec. required.)

E. That backdraft dampers proven operable by no reverse rotation of standby fan.

IX. ATTACHHENTS A. Secondary Containment Leak Rate Signoff B. Secondary Containment Integrity Checkoff C. SGTS "A" Air Flow Vs Perforated Plate P.

O. SGTS "B" Air Flow Vs Perforated Plate P.

8.7.3-6 Rev. 23


1. Hatch Engineer permission to perform test. Initial 3 2 Turbine Building, H&V System operating at 2 .03 H2 O on operating floor and 1 .03" H 2O condenser compartment; two exhaust and two J.g.

supply fan in service. Initial

3. OPI-AA-22 and DPI-AA-32 calibrated. Initial J.B. {23
4. At least one door at each access closed. Initial J B-
5. Standby gas treatment system operable. Initia] G.F.
6. All automatic ventilation system isolation dampers operable or secured in the isolated J B-condition. Initial h 7. All manometers filled and zeroed. Initia] J.B.
8. Secondary containment checkoff considered 3,3, and accepted. Initial
9. Specific purpose for test performance is: Initial J B-B. Test Performance Performed test to demonstrate operability of i Secondary Containment prior to control rod drive venting.

Hind Direction .

210 I Hind Velocity 5 mph (115 mph)

Outside Temperature 65 .F Inside Temperature 72 'F l


1. Base Readings (Step 4)

Hanometer P Rx Bldg El 91' N (1) + .02 "HO 2 E (2) + .03 "HO 2 l

I. .

8.7.3A-1 Rev. 23 l

H (3) .03 *HO2

.03 S (4) "HO2

.03 Average " H2O (0" 10.1" H 2O)

Elevation 51' Turbine Buildina: ,

o Turb op. floor "H2O O

Condenser Compt. "H2O

?. SGTS A Performance Inner Truck Lock Door Open, Outer Door Shut.

2 Manometer Stabilization Time Min.

OPI-AA-22 1.3 "H2 0/ 3600 CFM E3 DPI-AA-32 0 "H2 0/ 0 CFM Total 3600 CFM FI-81'26 3900 CFM X

Standby fan reverse rotation yes no ,

Elevation 91' Rx. Bldg. manometer:

RAlt -

1911 .


+.02 .54 .56 N (1) "HO2 "HO2 "HO 2

+.03 .54 .57 E (2) "HO2 "HO2 "HO 2

.03 .5 .47 H (3) "HO2 "HO2 .. H 2O

'03 4 "HO *37 "HO S (4) "HO2 2 2 Average corrected manometer DP ~'493 "HO 2 Elevation 51' Turb Bida manometers' o

Turb op Floor "H2O O

Condenser Compt. "HO2 Net Change from Base Turb o "HO 2 0

Cond "HO 2 8.7.3A-2 Rev. 23

3. SGTS A Performance Inner Truck Lock Door Shut, Outer Door Open.

DPI-AA-22 1.35 "HO 3650 CFM '

2 DPI-AA-32 0 "HO O CFM I 2

Total 3650 CFM -

FI 8126 4000 CFM Standby fan reverse rotation yes no X Hanometer Stabilization Time 2.5 Min.

Elevation 91' Rx Blda Manometers:

3112 -

leit - Corrected N (1) +.02 "HO 7 "HO .72 "HO 2 2 2 E (2) +.03 "HO 2 7 "HO 2 73 "HO 2 H (3) 03 "HO 2 7 "HO 2

.67 "HO 2 S (4) .03 "HO 2

.6 =HO 2

.57 "HO 2 Average corrected manometer DP .673 "HO 2 Ilevation 51' Turb Bldo manometers:

Thrb op Floor .05 "H2O Condenser Compt. .05 "H2O Net Change from Base Turb .05 "HO 2 Cond .05 "HO 2

4. SGTS B Performance Inner Truck Lock Door Shut, Outer Door Open.

DPI-AA-22 0 "H2O O CFM t 4000 DPI-AA-32 "H2O CFM i Total 4000 CFM FI 8127 4000 CFM Standby fan reverse rotation yes no 1.5 Manometer Stabilization Time Hin.

8.7.3A-3 Rev. 23

Elevation 91' Rx Blda. manometers:

RAlf -

1911 - Corrected N (1) +.02 =HO2

.69 "


.71 "HO 2 l

.E (2) +.03 "HO .69 "

HO .72 " ,H2O 2 2 l H (3) .03 "HO2 7 "


.67 "HO 2 S (4) .03 "HO2

.6 a HO2

.57 "HO 2 Average corrected manometer DP .668 "HO 2 Elevation 51' Turb Bida Manometers:

Turb op Floor 0 "HO 2 l a Condenser Compt. O HO 2

Net Change from Base Turb 0 "HO 2 Cond 0 "HO 2

5. SGTS B Performance Inner Truck Lock Door Open, Outer Door Shut.

0 O

'TI-A.'-22 "HO 2 CFM 1.6 000 OPI-AA-32 "HO 2 CFM i 4000 Total CFH 4000 FI 8127 CFM Standby fan reverse rotation yes no 1.5 Hanometer Stabilization Time Min.

Elevation 91' Rx Blda Manometers:

BAlt -

1111 - Corrected N (1) +.02 "HO2

.72 "HO 2 .74 "HO 2 E ( 2 )_._ +.03 "HO2 .72 "HO 2 .75 "HO 2 H (3) .03 "HO2 .6 "HO 2 .57 "HO 2

.03 .68 65 S (4) "HO2 "HO 2 "HO 2

.678 Average corrected DP "HO 2 8.7.3A-4 Rev. 23

p. .

Elevation 51' Turb b1da manometers?

Turb op Floor o aHO 2 Condenser Compt. O "HO 2 Net Change from Base Turb o "HO 2 .

o a Cond HO2

6. System Returned to Normal: (Two Independent Verifications Required)

J. Bunning Date, 9/21/88 O. cafarcila Date 9/21/88 Discrepancies:

7. List Manometer lu number Calibration Date
a. N(1) 9/20/88 h, E(2) 9/20/88

, c. W(3) 9/20/88

d. 47DP18128 9/20/88 1


  • 8.7.3A-5 Rev. 23


  • Acceptance Criteria, as stated in Section VIII of the procedure was met.

G. Fic31er Watch Engineer Reviewed By G. Fiedler Hatch Engineer Test data forwarded to Compliance Eng. by Watch Engineer Date 9/21/88

8. Reporting Compliance Engineer submitted report to the NRC within 90 days.

P.F. Giardiello 11/22/88 Report Letter # BEco #88-160 Compliance Engineer Date

9. Route to Control Room Annex for Filing.

8.7.3A-S Rev. 23

~ '



The attached check-off sheets provide satisfactory (Sat) or unsetisfactory (Unsat) check-off for various secondary containment penetratior.s. Satisfactory check-off '

l will indicate the following:

Floor i

a. Rex plugs, hatchs, and doors; seals are in place and provide a positive seal around the perimeters of the seal area.
b. For dampers: Linkage system is clean and free of corrosion. Edge seals

. are in place and not otherwise damaged. Damper position corresponds to its associated switch position on panel C-7.

c. For drains: valves are lined up to a minimum 20% full collection tank, tank covers are installed.
d. For water level indication, no low water level alarms are present.

Conditions on s. : nan those listed require unsatisfactory check-off and discrepancies noted. Repairs to correct deficiencies shall be initiated.

Inspection of electrical penetrations and masonary for the' Reactor Building will be accomplished for all walls annually. Verification of these inspections wili be noted as satisfactory if all annual inspectiens are completed. Note: All fire barriers inspected per Procedure 8.B.29 and associated station instructions.

El 3' Reactor Aux. Bay No deficienciet noted - R. B. MacKinnon 9/21/88 HPCI Floor Blowout Panel & Plugs Sat X Unsat HPCI Escape Hatch Sat X Unsat .___

HPCI Equipment Hatch Sat X Unsat __

Note Discrepancies:

El 6' Radwaste Hiscellaneous Tank Drains Sat X Unsat.

Note Discrepancies:

Both Miscellaneous tanks, 20%

PASS Area _Above Machine Shop 2 ventilation dampers between Rx Bldg. & PASS sample station closed. i

, RSS l Verified 8.7.3B-1 Rev. 23 l

_m . _ _ _ _ ,

11 23' Reactor Buildina l X

Truck Lock Inner Door Sat Unsat Truck Lock Outer Door Sat X Unsat l l

X I Truck Lock Dampers Sat Unsat l

AO-N 114 X Unsat Sat _. l A0-N 115 Sat X Unsat A0-N 116 Sat X Unsat

  • AD-N 117 Sat X Unsat  !

Personnel Access to Aux. Bay Inner Door Sat Unsat Outer Door Sat Unsat_

Personnel Access to Access Control  ;

Inner Door Sat X Unsat Outer Door Sat X Un,at Note Discrepancies:

El 51' Reactor Buildina Access to HG Set Room X

Door "A" Inner Sat Unsat X

Door "A" Outer Sat Unsat X

Door "B" Inner Sat (Insat X

Door "B" Outer Sat U1 sat.

8.7.3B-2 Rev. 23

El. 51' Reactor Buildina (cont'd) I i


AO-N 90 Sat X Unsat j A0-N 91 Sat X Unsat-AO-N 96 Sat X Unst.t A0-N 97 Sat X Unsat Note Discrepancies:

El 74' Reactor Building Access to Fan Room 3 Inner Door Sat _ X Unsat Outer Door Sat X Unsat_ ..

Access to Fan Room 4 Inner Door Sat Unsat Outer Door Sat

  • Unsat Access to Fan Room 5 Inner Door Sat
  • l'q s at Outer Door Sat x Unsat Dampers AO-N 78 Sat X Unsat AO-N 79 Sat Unsat AD-N 80 Sat x Unsat A0-N 81 Sat Unsat L Note Discrepancies:


. l 8.7.38-3 Rev. 23

  • 'fl 91 Reactor Buildina Access to Fan Room 6 Sat X Unsar Inner Door Sat X Unsat Outer Door Sat X Unsat ,

Dampers X

AO-N 82 Sat Unsat X

AO-N 83 Sat Unsat Note Discrepancies:

El 117' Rg3ctor Butidina Roof Access (El. 158' - 4 1/4")

X Inner Door Sat Unsat X

Outer Hatch Sat Unsat Note Discrepancies:

8.7.38-4 Rev. 23


'f1 51 Turbine Buildina Dampers X

AO-N 92 Sat Unsat X

AO-N 93 Sat Unsat AO-N 94 Sat x Unsat X

AO-N 95 Sat Unsat Note Discrepancies:

R. Myrick/R. Stiles Inspected by /Date 9/21/88 Signaturc MR's issued for repairs as noted Reviewed by P.D. Smith /Date 9/21/88 CTE Approved by D. Williams /Date 9/21/8P.

Hatch Engineer 8.7.38-5 Rev. 23

g - ,




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