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Emergency Operating Procedures Training Program Summary Description
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/28/1988
From: Mastrangelo P, Ziemianski E
Shared Package
ML20151C809 List:
PROC-880328, NUDOCS 8804130196
Download: ML20151C815 (4)


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~ Paul E. Mastrahgelo /

13 h(f W Date '


Chief Operating Engineer I

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f 3- z .r-tf-1 E. J. Ziemlanski Date 4 Nuclear Training Manager l

l l l 8804130196 880406 i PDR ADOCK 05000293 l MD F  :

23900/2 EHERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES (EOP) - TRAINING PROGRAM General The E0P Training Program has been developed with the guidance of existing regulations and guidelines. Among the major guidelines considered include NUREG-0899, Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures; INPO 85-002, the Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power .

Industry; and INPO 86-026 Guidelines for Simulator Training. The program has also benefited immensely from the BHROG - EPG development program and its seminars and training sessions. .

The goals of the E0P Training Program are to enable the operator to:

  • Understand the structure and technical bases of the E0P.
  • Develop a working knowledge of the E0Ps.
  • Use the E0Pb under adverse operating conditions. ,

The following description outlines the approach Boston Edison uses to

train current and new licensed operators and STAS on E0Ps, and to ensure that they are kept proficient and knowledgeable about future revisions to E0Ps.




All current operators, and Shift Technical Advisors (STAS) receive E0P training prior to E0P implementation. Current operators and STAS receive E0P training as a component of required Requalification Training. New operators and new STAS are to receive this training during licensing or STA qualification training. I Replacement operators - who hold inactive licenses, also maintain their ,

qualification by successfully participating in Requalification Training.

They receive the same E0P training as operators with active licenses.  !

No replacement operator is allowed to perform licensed duties until he/she meets all the requirements for an active license and completes E0P training.

Proaram Content E0P training for current, new and replacement operators and STAS consists


of two weeks (80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br />) of combined classroom, simulator and walk-through training.

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23900/3 In the classroom, lectures are supplemented with questions and answers and table-top exercises. The content is based on both Appendix B to the BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines (Rev. #4), "Detailed Discussion of Cautions and Operator Actions" and on human factors considerations used in the formatting of the E0Ps as presented in the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) Writer's Guide.

The training approach and content have been specifically tailored to PNPS and includes the following:

  • The bases for new E0Ps.
  • How to read E0Ps.
  • The bases for all cautions.
  • How to use E0Ps.

Additionally, the classroom trains on roles and responsibilities and communication skills. The table-top exercises allow crews to work-through each E0P step and resolve misinterpretations under controlled-stress condi-tions. Regularly scheduled homework assignments are provided to supplement the classroom presentations. Written and oral quizzes are utilized to test retention of this material.

The simulator segment of this training comprises approximately 501,of the training time. On Boston Edison's PNPS-Specific Simulator, crews exercise the E0Ps under operating conditions. Each scenario develops technical skills, E0P management techniques, crew management, team and communication skills. Because of the importance of communication and teamwork, these receive as much emphasis as technical competence in each scenario.

The simulator scenarios are designed to be as realistic as possible. The scenarios build expertise by starting with simple, singular failures and building to multiple simultaneous and sequential failures.

Appropriate repetition of E0Ps is provided to increase retention and avoid negative transfer. Retention is improved through coaching, feedback and critiques of performance conducted by both instructors and crews. Video taping of crews may be used in critiquing performance to enhance analysis of events and actions.

Walk-throughs are used in situations where steps have been sufficiently exercised, or when constrained by simulator or plant controls. Halk-throughs and simulation training focus on improving operator ability to use E0Ps, operator responsibility, information flow and interaction between operators in the control room.

Simulations and walk-throughs are conducted with operators performing as crews in their normal control room positions, to the maximum extent possible. To ensure the Hatch Engineer's ability in using E0Ps, he/she alternates as the Nuclear Operating Supervisor (NOS) in implementing E0Ps during training. This role alternation allows both the NOS and Hatch Engineer to become proficient in using E0Ps. As time allows, Reactor Operators are given an opportunity to rotate into or assist the N05.

23900/4 Evaluation i

Throughout the course, crew progress toward reaching established per-formance standards are continually monitored. The results are used to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of crews and individuals. As needed, training is adjusted to meet the needs ',1entified. Monitoring includes daily written quizzes and continual obsirvations of exercise performance, including a numerical tracking of , ammunication errors during scenarios. Operator performance during each s'aulator exercise is docu-mented via scenario evaluation forms. Both 'adividual and team performance are measured and evaluated against the esb' ahed performance standards.

At the completion of training, all trai e active personnel undergo e E0P certification process. Using the perfo mance standards, team and indi-vidual performance are observed and me sured. To attain certification, crews must prove technical competence and meet communication skills criteria. Prior to performing licens !d duties, all inactive personnel are likewise certified. .

REOUALIFICATION Maintaining Proficiency Proficiency in E0Ps is maintained thrc. gh required Requalification Training and by periodic in-plant observations 'nd critiques of communication skills as well as case studies or questions r lated to E0P use. At a minimum, four hours of each Requalification Tri,ning week are devoted to E0P review. This review consists of bott classroom and simulator components.

In this manner, all E0Ps and any re ,sions to the E0Ps are reviewed during the course of a retraining cycle.

Revision E0Ps are controlled procedv es. Revision to them is evaluated by the NUORG Procedure Review process. the Training Department participates in this review and selects appror iate training, as necessary. Requalification Training is used to train on major revisions and crews receive training on minor revisions through on-watch staf fing led by the Hatch Engineer or designee. Should major revisions be required, crews receive this training prior to implementation of the E0P.

Changes made for Requalification Training are incorporated in initial license or qualification training through the regular curricular control path used by training. Only controlled procedures are used in training.