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Exam Rept 50-280/OL-85-01 on 850408-11.Exam Results:All 10 Candidates Passed
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/1985
From: Douglas W, Wilson B
Shared Package
ML20126M004 List:
50-280-OL-85-01, 50-280-OL-85-1, NUDOCS 8506200220
Download: ML20126M041 (150)



ENCLOSURE 1 EXAMINATION REPORT 280/0L-85-01 Facility Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company P. O. Box 26666 Richmond, VA 23261 Facility Name: Surry Facility Docket No. 50-280 Written, oral and simulator examinations were administered at Surry near Gravel Neck, Virginia.

Chief Examiner: (ddh M.

William G. Douglas Mdu M APR 8 5 Date Signed Approved by: m v Br0ce A. Wilson, Section Chief S!M Date'51gned Sunnary:

Examinations on April 8-11, 1985 Written, oral, and simulator were administered to 7 candidates; all candidates passed. Written re-examinations were administered to 3 candidates; all candi-dates passed.

m D DR G

Enclosure .1 2 May 9,1985 REPORT DETAILS

1. Facility Employees Contacted:
  • J. Bailey, Superintendent Nuclear Training
  • L. Buck, Senior Instructor - Nuclear C. Curfman, Senior Instructor - Nuclear
  • B. Marshall, Senior Instructor - Nuclear
  • H. McCallum, Supervisor, Training - Power Station Operations
  • Attended Exit Meeting
2. Examiners:
  • W. G. Douglas, Region II T. Rogers, Region II B. A. Picker, EG&G-Idaho P. Doyle, OLB-HQ (Observer)

J. Hwang, Taiwan, AEC (Observer)

S. Lie, Taiwan, AEC (Observer)

  • Chief Examiner
3. Examination Review Meeting At the conclusion of the written examinations, the examiners met with J. Bailey, C. Curfman, B. Marshall, and H. McCallum to review the written examination and answer key. The following comments were made by the facility reviewers:
a. SR0 Exam
1. Question 6.06 Facility Comment: Another remote monitoring panel was recently installed. All choices of question are monitored on one of the two remote monitoring panels. There is no correct answer to ques-tion.

NRC Resolution: Comment verified during plant tour. Question i

deleted from exam.

2. Question 6.24 Facility Comment: The correct answer to part C is DECREASE.

3 May 9,1985 NRC Resoultion: The reference (Precautions, Limitations, and Setpoints - PLS) used to write the exam says REMAIN THE SAME. According to the Technical Specifications the answer should be DECREASED.

The answer key was changed to accept DECREASE as the correct answer.

3. Question 6.25 Facility Coment: The correct answer to part j is NO.

NRC Resolution: Verified correct answer as N0 according to reference given in answer key. Answer key was changed to accept N0 as the correct answer.

4. Question 7.25 Facility Coment: The requirements for placing the reheat system in service were recently changed. None of the choices for part 5 are correct.

NRC Resolution: Comment verified by Surry Design Change DC-84-17. Deleted part 5 from exam and redistributed points over the remaining four parts,

b. R0 Exam
1. Question 3.16 Facility Coment: Loss of station service (2/3) is one of the two auto signals to start TDAFW pump. Other is 2/3 low low S/G level from 2/3 S/G: none of selections given are totally correct.

Choice (C) is the cl_osest although not tech-nically correct.

NRC Resolution: Not accepted - answer will not change. As question is worded the candidates must choose one answer, of the distractors "C" is the only correct choice when the term " Blackout" is defined as loss ci all AC power.

2. Question 3.23 Facility Coment: Another remote monitoring panel installed recently' by design change which adds more parameter indications.

NRC Resolution: Accepted. Added 4 additional parts to answer from material supplied by utility.

i 1 Enclosure 1 4 May 9,1985

3. Question 4.01(5)

Facility Comment: Same as 7.25.

NRC Resolution: Same as 7.25.

4. Question 4.15(f)

Facility Comment: Visitors' limits - If classified as radiation worker; limits sets by the visitors' employer.

If classified as a non-radiation worker; limits are:

(a) if he does not enter a restricted area -

125 mrem /QTR (b) if he enters a restricted area - 300 mrem /QTR NRC Resolution: There is no 300 mrem choice; therefore, key will remain as indicated.

4. Exit Meeting At the conclusion of the site visit the examiners met with representatives of the plant staff to discuss the results of the examination. Those individ-uals who clearly passed the oral examination were identified.

There was no generic weaknesses (greater than 75 percent of candidates giving incorrect answers to one examination topic) noted during the oral examination.

It was noted that the simulator capabilities were improved since the last NRC exam visit and that continuing improvements were being made. The cooperation given to the examiners during the exam visit was also noted and appreciated.

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Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side only.

Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at

. Teast 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination starts.



________ ______ ___________ ________ 6.


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___I__0 __ __'5 ' 1._ _ ___________ ________ 8. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS 120.00 100.00 TOTALS FINAL GRADE _________________%

All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

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Which of the following does NOT provide assurance that the enthalpy rise hot channel limits are not violated? (1.0)

a. Axial power distribution is maintained within limits.
b. Control rod banks are sequenced with proper overlap.
c. Control rod insertion limits are maintained.
d. The MTC is within its analyzed temperature range.

QUESTION 5.02 -(1.00)

Concerning the values of equilibrium Samarium-149 (Sm) reactivity, which of the following statements is correct? (1.0) s.- 50% equilibrium Sm reactivity is one quarter of 100%

equilibrium Sm reactivity.

b. 50% equilibrium Sm reactivity is one-half of 100%

equilibrium Sm reactivity.

c. 50% equilibrium Sm reactivity is three quarters of 100%

equilibrium Sm reactivity. ,

d. 50% equilibrium Sm reactivity is equal to 100%

equilibrium Sm reactivity.

QUESTION 5.03 (1.00)

The -1/3 OPM SUR following a reactor trip is caused by: (1.0)

a. The decay constant of the longest-lived group of delayed neutrons,
b. The ability of U-235 to fission with source neutrons.
c. The amount of negative reactivity added on a trip being 3reater than the Shutdown hargin.
d. The doppler effect adding positive reactivity due to the temperature decrease following a trip.

QUESTION 5.04 (1.00)

Which of the following tensile stresses is highest on the outer wall of the reactor pressure vessel? (1 0)

a. Pressure stress,
b. Composite (Total) stress during cooldown.
c. Cooldown stress (due to delta T only).
d. Heatup stress (due to delta T only).

l l


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. The reactor-is' producing 100% rated. thermal power-at a core delta T

'of 60 degrees-and a mass flow rate of 100% when a blackout occurs.

Natural circulationJis established and core delta T goes to 40 degrees. If decay heat is 2%, what is the core mass flow rate (in i  %)? . (1.0)

a. 1.3
b. 2.0
c. 3.0
d. 4.0 QUESTION 5.06 (1.00)

I During a Xenon-free reactor startup, critical data was inadver- '

tently.taken two decades below the required Intermediate Range j (IR) level (1-E-10 amps). The critical data was then taken at j the proper IR level (1 E-08 amps). Assuming RCS temperature and boron concentrations did not changer which of the following j- statements is correct? (1.0) a.. The critical rod position taken at-the proper IR level is LESS'THAN the critical rod position taken two decades below the proper IR level.

i b. The critical rod position taken at the proper IR level

is THE SAME'AS the critical rod position taken two decades below the proper IR level.
c. The critical rod position taken at the proper IR level  !

! is GREATER THAN the critical rod position taken two t

] decades below the proper IR' level.

d. There is not enough information given to determine the I relationship between the critical rod position taken at i the-proper IR. level and the critical rod position taken two decades below the proper IR level. .

i OUESTION 5.07 (1.00) -

Which of the following statements is correct if the discharge

[ valve from a centrifugal pump'is being partially closed from .

the position? (1.0)  !

a. Pump head decreases as head loss decreases.
b. Pump head increases as head loss increases.
c. Volume flow rate increases as head loss decreases.

i' d. Volume flow rate decreasses as head loss decreases.

J b

i 4

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Which of.the.following statements concerning Xenon-135 production and removal is correct? (1.0)

a. iAt full power, equilibrium conditions about half of the xenon is produced by iodine decay and the other half is produced as a direct fission product.
b. Following a reactor trip from equilibrium conditions, xenon peaks because delayed neutron precursors continue
to decay to xenon while neutron absorption (bornout) has ceased.
c. Xenon production and removal increases linearly as power level increases; i.e., the value of 100% equilibrium
renon is twice that of 50% equilibrium xenon.
d. At low power levels, xenon decay is the major removal method. Atfhigh power levels, burnout is the major removal method.

GUESTION 5.09 (1.00)

Which of the following is the units of heat flux? (1.0)

a. Watts / cubic centimeter
b. BTU / (hr square ft)
c. Calories / gram
d. kW / ft DUESTION 5.10 (1.00)

From the following, choose the event that tends to make the Fuel Temperature Coefficient more negative over core life. (1 0)

a. Buildup of Pu-240
b. Clad Creep
c. Pellet Swell
d. Lower Effective Fuel Temperature 1

i GUESTION 5.11 (1.00)

At BOL, the components of the power defect in increasing order of significanc? (reactivity value) are: (1 0)

3. Void, Doppler, MTC -
b. Void,. MTC, Doppler
c. MTC, Void, Doppler
d. MTC, Doppler, Xenon

(. 3



5. THEORY OF HUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND PAGE 5 g--------------------------------------
QUESTION 5.12 (1.00)

Which of the following nuclear parameters are ALL contributors to differential rod worth? (1.0)

a. Local samma flux, peak samma flun, slowing down length, thermal diffusion length.
b. Local neutron flun, peak neutron flun, slowing,down length, thermal diffusion length.
c. Local samma flun, average gamma flux, slowing down i i length, thermal diffusion length.
d. Local neutron flun, average neutron fivu, slowing down length, thermal diffusion length.

QUESTION 5.13 (1.00) 1 The main condenser must remove more heat energy to. condense ... (1.0)

a. One pound of steam at 0 psia.
b. One pound of steam at 300 psia.
c. Two pounds of steam at 600 psia.
d. Two pounds of steam at 1200 psia.

QUESTION 5.14 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning pump characteristics l 1: ecreect? (1.0)

2. The difference between pump suction pressure and the
saturstion pressure of the fluid being pumped is called net positive suction' head.
b. For a centrifugal pump, the volume flow rate is inversoly proportional to the speed of the pump.
c. As VCT temperature decreases, mass flow rate from the
positive displacement charging pump remains unchanged.
d. Pump runout i s the term used to describe the condition of a cent.ifugal pump running with no volume flow rate.

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. 5. THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND PAGE 6 3 g----------------------~~--~~----------

QUESTION 5.15 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the power defect is

. correct? (1.0)

a. The power defect is the difference between the measured power _ coefficient and the predicted power coefficient.
b. The power defect increases the rod worth requirements necessary to maintain the desired shutdown margin following a reactor trip.
c. Because of.the higher boron concentration, the Power defect is more negative at beginning of core life.
d. The power defect necessitates the use of a ramped Tavs program to maintain an adequate Reactor Coolant System subcooling margin.

QUESTION 5.16 (1.00)

The reactor is critical at 10,000 ces when a S/G PORV fails open.

Assuming BOL conditions, nc rod motion, and no reactor trip, choose the answer below that best describes the values of Tavs and nuclear power for the resulting new steady state. (POAH = point of adding heat) (1.0)

a. Final Tavs greater than initial Tavg, Final power above POAH.
b. Final Tavs greater than initial Tav3, Final power at POAH.
c. Final Tavs less than initial Tavs, Final power at POAH.
d. Final Tavs less than initial Tavs, Final power above POAH.

QUESTION 5.17 (1.00)

The' Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) varies with certain plant conditions. Concerning these variations, which of the following is correct? (1.0)

a. The MTC becomes more negative as baron concentration is increased.
b. The MTC causes axial flux distribution to be tilted towards the top of the cor e at BOL.
c. The MTC varies as temperature changes because of the .

non-linear density changes of water as temperature changes.

d. The MTC is not permitted by Technical Specifications to

'be positive in any plant operating modes.

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5. THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND PAGE 7 l ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QUESTION 3.18 (1.00)

Durin3 fuel loading, which of the following will have NO effect on the shape of a'1/M plot? (1.0)

a. Location of the neutron source in the core.
b. ' Strength of the neutron source in the core.

c .' Location of the neutron detectors around the core.

d. Order of placement of fuel assemblies in the core.

QUESTION 5 19 (1.00)

Which of the following nuclear related factors or ratios have a normal value of less than one? (1.0)

a. Importance Factor (I)
b. Reproduction Factor (Eta) c.. Fast Fission Factor (Epsilon)
d. Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)

GUESTION 5.20 (1.00)

Which of the followtng statements describe the relationship between integral and differential rod worth? (1.05

a. Integral. rod worth (at any location) is the slope of the differential rod worth curve at that location.
b. Integral rod worth Ist any location) is the total area under the differential rod worth curve from the end of.

the rod to that location. ,

c. Integral rod worth (at any location) 1s the square.of the differential rod worth at that location.
d. There is r.o relationship between inta3r al and differential rod worth.

t s

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QUESTION 5.21 (1.00)

Which of the followin3 statements about Shutdown Margin (SDM) is correct? (1.0)

a. The maximum SDM requirement occurs at EOL and is based on a rod ejection accident.
b. A SDM calculation includes the effects of the hi3 hest worth rod and one other rod remaining fully withdrawn.
c. The SDM requirement is less below 200 degrees because of the possibility of a positive moderator temperature coefficient.
d. The SOM must be 3reater than 1770 pcm for critical operations.

QUESTION 5.22 (1.00)

Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following.

a. During a RCS heatup, as temperature gets higher, it will take a smaller letdown flow rate to maintain a constant pressuri:er level. (0.5)
b. Increasing condensate depression (subcooling) will cause BOTH a decrease in plant efficiency AND an increase in' condensate (hotwell) pump available NPSH. (0,5)

QUESTION 5.23 ( .50)

A good moderator should have a large scatterin3 cross section, a small absorption cross section, and a large energy decrease per collision. TRUE or FALSE? (0.5)

GUESTION 5.24 (1.50)

During a reactor startupe equal increments of reactivity are added and the count rate is allowed to reach equilibrium each time. Choose the bracketed (C3) words(s) that describe what is observed on the Source Range recorder _and/or SUR meter.

a. The change in equilibrium count rate is Clarger] Cthe same3 Esmaller] each time. , (0.5)
b. The time required to reach equilibrium is Clonger] Ethe same] Cshorter] each time. (0.5)
c. The point _of supercriticality can be identified by a(n)

Cincreasing] Cconstant] Cdecreasing] positive SUR several seconds after the reactivity addition is terminated. (0.5)


QUESTION 5.25 (2.00)

If steam goes through a throttling process, indicate whether the following parameters will INCREASE, DECREASE, or REMAIN THE SAME.

a. Enthalpy (0.5)
b. Pressure (0.5)
c. Entropy (0.5)
d. Temperature (0.5)

QUESTION 5.26 (2.00)

The reactor is operating at 30% power.when one RCP trips.

Assuming no reactor trip or turbine load change occur, indi-cate whether the following parameters will INCREASE, DECREASE, or REMAIN THE SAME.

a. Flow in operating reactor coolant loops (0.5)
b. Core delta T (0.5)
c. Reactor vessel delta P (0.5)
d. Operating loop steam generator pressure (0.5)

OUESTION 5 27 (2 00)

For the following definitions, give the term that is defined. ,

3. The amount of reactivity that is needed to go from hot ero power to hot full power. (0 5)
b. The fractional change in neutron population per generation. .


c. The amount of heat required to change 1 lbe of water into 1 lbm of' steam. (0.5)
d. ' Heat transfer due to relative motion between two bodies. (0.5) 6


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1 Which of the following i s NOT a reason for the S/G 1evel program? (1.0)


a. Minimi:e cooldown of RCS following a steam break.
b. Maintain constant mass in S/G at all power levels to facilitate chemistry control.
c. Miniet
e containment pressure following a steam break.
d. Minimi:e inadvertent low low S/G 1evel reactor trips following a load reduction.

j GUESTION 6.02 (1.00)

Which of the following water sources can NOT supply a direct source of water to the auxiliary feed pumps. (1.0)

a. The 110,000 gallon Condensate Storage Tank (1-CN-TK-1).
b. The 300,000 gallon Condensate Storage Tank (1-CN-TK-2).
c. The 100,000 gallon Condensate Storage Tank (1-CN-TK-3).
d. The Site Fire Main.

QUESTION 6.03 (1.00) l Concerning the operation of the emergency diesel generators (EG),

which of the statements is NOT correct? (1.0)

3. If EG3 is supplying power to Unit i due to an under-voltage problem, it will automatically shift to Unit 2 in the event of a Train 'B' SI on Unit 2.
b. EC1 and EG2 will start on Train 'A' t ri-Hi CLS and/or SI signals from their respective units.

j c. The starting air pressure for the EG's is maintained automatically by a pressure controlled compressor.

d. The EG overspeed trip is set at 115% of normal operating speed and wt11 be automatically reset at 85% of normal operating speed following an overspeed trip.

QUESTION 6.04 (1.00)

Which of the following signals is NOT directly determined by the value of turbine first stage pressure? (1 0)

a. Programmed S/G Level
b. High Steam Flow SI Setpoint

, c. programmed Pressurizer Levet J

d. Tref

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Which of the following reactor trip or SI signals is NOT blocked by permissive P-7? (1.0)

a. Low P:r Pressure trip
b. Low P:t Pressure SI
c. High P:t Level trip
d. Low RCS Flow trip QUESTION 6 06 (1.00)

Which of the following indications is NOT available on the Remote Monitoring Panel? (1.0)

a. 7. Reactor. Power
b. S/G Pressure
c. Cold Le3 Temperature
d. S/G Level 4

00ESTION 6.07 (1.00)

Which of the following is NOT an input to the Core Cooling Monitor

, System? (1.0)

a. Auctioneered high thermocouple from each core quadrant.
b. Hot les temperature from Loops A, B, and C.
c. Cold les temperature from Loops At Be and C.
d. RCS wide range paessure.

QUESTION 6.08 (1.00)

Which of the following statements about temperature detectors is correct? (1.0)

a. The thermocouple is connected to one les of a bridge l circuit and as the temperature changes the output

. voltage across the bridge changes.

b. When a thermocouple fails open it will respond in the same manner as an RTD and will indicate a full scale reading on the meter,
c. When a faster responding temperature signal is needed a direct immersion (wet bulb type) RTD is used instead of the thermowell mounted RTD..
d. A RTD is comprised of two wires of dissimilar metals in i contact with each other and generates a voltage that is proportional to the temperature difference between the open ends of the wires.

1 1

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i 1 OtfESTION 6.09 (1.00)

Which of the following statements describes the signal path from the j Source Range detector to the Source Range level meter on the MCB? (1.0)

3. Detector, Pre Amp, Discriminator, Los Integrator, Meter
b. . Detector, Los Integrator, Pulse Shaper, Pulse Counter, Meter
c. Detector, Pre Amp, Los Integrator,' Discriminator, Meter
d. Detector, LoS amp, Meter GUESTION 6.10 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Rod Control 2

System is correct? (1.0) 4

a. If nuclear power is greater than turbine power, the power mismatch unit will generate'a signal to insert rods.
b. Only one.of the three (movable,. stationary, and lift) ,

i coils are energized at any one time. '

j c. During overlap, two banks move in unison, group one i from both banks stepping together, and th~en group two i from both banks.

, d. The variable gain unit uses a higher gain as turbine power increases.

7 I

1 QUESTION 4.11 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation detectors is correct? (1.0)


a. Operates in the proportional region of the gas amplication i

, (detector characteristics) curve. -

I b. Uses inner chamber current to cancel out gamma current in '

! the outer chamber.

I c. Uses Boron Trifluoride gas to make it neutron sensitive.

j d. It.s output is calibrated by doing a secondary heat balance.

I l.

1 i

l 4


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Which of the following flowpaths correctly-describe how power is normally supplied to Vital Bus Distribution Panel.1-II? (1,0)

a. 480 VAC from vital bus, rectified to 120 VDC, inverted to 120 VAC, and supplied to Panel 1-II.
b. 480 VAC from vital bus, 120 VAC, and

. supplied to Panel 1-II.

c. 120 VDC from battery, inverted to 120 VAC, and supplied to Panel 1-II.
d. 120 VAC from Panel 1-IV is supplied to Panel 1-II.

QUESTION 6.13 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the S/G Blowdown System is correct? (1.0)

a. The blowdown filters and ion exchangers are bypassed unless the blowdown radiation monitors detect a high blowdown activity.
b. The inside and outside containment trip valves are automatically closed by any signal which automatically starts the auxiliary feed pumps.
c. The normal discharge flow path of the cooled and treated blowdown liquid is to the CW outlet piping from water-boxes A or C.
d. The S/G blowdown lines join together to form a common header upstream of the blowdown coolers, t

GUESTION 6.14 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Spent Fuel Pit System is correct? (1.0)

a. The fuel pit cooling system consists of two pumps, one heat exchanger, suction chest, connecting piping, and associated instrumentation and controls.
b. All penetrations for the fuel pit systems are at least twenty feet above the top of the fuel.
c. The service water system from either Unit 1 or Unit 2 may be lined up to the fuel pit coolers.
d. The charging system blender is used to provide makeup to the fuel pit if fuel pit water loss is due to evap-oration and/or leakage.



Which of the following statements concerning the turbine trip protection and fivid systems is correct? (1.0)

a. If the reactor trip breakers are open, the EH fluid system is depressurized and the autostop oil system is pressuri:ed.
b. The autostop oil system is supplied high pressure oil from

' the bearin3 oil pump.

c. A mechanical overspeed will trip the turbine by dumping the EH fluid without affecting the autostop oil.
d. of the two generator output breakers are open, the anti-motoring turbine trip protects the turbine from j bladin3 overheating.

GUESTION 6.16 (1.00)

Durin3 normal full power operation on Unit 1, which of the following i describes the power supply path to Component Cooling pump 1A? (1 0)

, a. Offsite, reserve station service transformer C, transfer bus F, bus 1H, stub bus 1H.

b. Main generator, station service transformer C, transfer bus F, bus 1H, stub bus 1H.
c. Offsito, reserve station service transformer A, transfer bus D, bus 1J, stub bus 1J.
d. Main generator, station service transformer A, transfer bus D, bus 1J, stub bus 1J.

QUESTION 6.17 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Steam Dump Control System is correct? (1.0)

a. The steam dump valves fail open on loss of air.
b. In order to cooldown below 543 degrees, the steam dump made selector switch must be momentarily taken to ' Reset
  • and returned to ' Steam Pressure'.
c. When in the Tavs mode, the steam dumps are armed by the reactor trip breakers opening.
d. In the load rejection mode, the steam dump valves may
receive a signal to modulate open or.a signal to trip open depending upon the magnitude of the error signal.

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QUESTION 6 18 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Consequence Limiting Safeguards (CLS) i s correct? (1.0)

a. Upon Hi-Hi initiation, containment pressure must decrease belcu the Hi reset point before Hi-H1 can be reset.
b. Both the Hi and Hi-Hi relays must be energi=ed to initiate CLS actuation.
c. The CLS system uses eight pressure transducers: 4 for the .

! Hi subsystem and 4 for the Hi-Hi subsystem.

j d. To manually initiate the Hi subsystem, both trip pushbuttons

' on the control board must be simultaneously depressed.


GUESTION 6.19 (1.00)

Which of the follo4ing fuel handling components is hydraulically '

.; operated? (1.0)


a. Conveyer Car
b. Reactor Vessel Stud Tensioner
c. Gripper
d. Peactor Cavity Side Lifting Frame (Upender)

QUESTION 6.20 (1.00)

Which of the following sets of pressurizer pressure setpoints is i correct? (1.0) i a. 2335 psig - PORV opens

2350 psig - High Pressure alarm 1 7370 psig - High Pressure trip i b. 2210 psi 3 - C/U heaters on
2100 psi 3 - Low Pressure alarm l 1875 psig - Low Pressure trip

! c. 2370 psis - High Pressure trip 1973 psig - Low Pressure trip l, 1715 psis - Low Pressure SI i d. 2335 psis - PORV opens 2100 psis - PORV block 2000 psis - Low Pressure alarm i

e i

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Which of the following statements correctly describe the normal lineup of the Containment Spray system for Unit 1 with Unit 1 operating at 100% power? (1.0)

a. Spray pump suction valves open, spray pump discharge valves shut, chemical addition tank valves shut,
b. Spray pump suction valves open, spray pump discharge valves shut, chemical addition tank valves open.
c. Spray pump suction valves open, spray pump discharge valves open, chemical addition tank valves shut.
d. Spray pump suction valves shut, spray pump discharge valves shut, chemical addition tank valves shut.

QUESTION 6.22 (1.00)

Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following.

a. The RHRS is designed to reduce RCS temperature from 350 degrees F to 140 degrees F within 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. (0.5)
b. The design heat load handled'by the RH Tref by e. 48 spm 2 degrees f. 72 spa
4. Withdrawing Bank 8 in Manual position-
5. Automatic insertion with Tavs > Tref by 5.5 degrees J

1 l




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.0UESTION 7.01 (1.00)

According to 10CFR20, which of the following is NOT equivalent to a dose of one ren? (1.0)

a. .A dose of 1 roentgen due to gamma radiation.

b.. A dose of 1 rad due to beta radiation.

c '. A dose of 0.3 rad due to neutrons.

d. A dose of 0.05 rad due to alphas.

QUESTION' 7.02 (1.00)

Which of the following is NOT a Critical Safety Function? (1.0) a.- Subcooling

b. Heat Sink
c. Suberiticality
d. Inventory.

QUESTION 7.03 (1.00)

Following a reactor trip, the turbine did not automatically trip and the manual control room trip was unsuccessful. According to EP-1.00,

). ' Reactor Trip / Safety Injection', which of the following statements

- is NOT an-acceptable method of securing the turbine. (1.0)

a. Close main steam' trip. valves.
b. Stop EHC pumps.
c. Manually runback turbine.
d. Locally trip turbine.

QUESTION -7.04 (1.00)

Which of the following is NOT a-requirement prior to commencing a Fast Trip Recovery? - (1.0)

a. If the reactor trip was caused by.a turbine,tript the, cause of the turbir' trip has been corrected.

b.-'Less than four hours has elapsed since the-reactor trip.

c .- HAn estimated critical position has beeri calculated.

d.' Three RCP's, two condensate pumps,-and on~e main feed pump-are operable and in operation.

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GUESTION 7.05 (1.00)

Which of the following Precautions and Limitations associated with refueling operations is NOT correct? (1.0) i

a. Only greene blackr or red tape may be used around or in the refueling cavity.
b. A minimum count rate of 2 cps must be detectable whenever 8 or more fuel assemblies are in the reactor vessel.
c. The refueling crew shall consist of a SRO who is to i

directly supervise core alterations and at least one licensed RO.

d. If a HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN alarm is actuated during move-ment of fuele return the fuel to the position it occupied prior to the alarm before evacuating the containment.

QUESTION 7.06 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning radiation protection and control is NOT correct? (1.0)

a. All personnel shall wear the TLD on the forward upper torso with the Beta window facing outward.
b. An individual shall immediately leave the Restricted Controlled Area (RCA) if his/her dosimeter reads 80%

of full scale.

c. A Radiation Work Permit is required for all enteries into the RCA.
d. Operations personnel may receive the High Radiation Area key from the Shift Supervisor for routine containment entries.

QUESTION -7.07 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the immediate actions for a comp}ete. loss of component cooling water on Unit 1 is NOT correct? (1.0) ab Stop charging flow by' closing FCV-1122 and-letdown flow by closing HCV-1200Ar B, and C.

b. The _RCP's are tripped two minutes after either the upper or' lower motor bearing temperature reaches 200 degrees.
c. Shift reactor containment air. recirculation coolers to

'4 chilled component cooling.

'd. Prepare to backup containment instrument air with turbine building instrument-air.


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According to EP-1.01,

  • Reactor Trip Recovery', which of the following is NOT a proper indication of natural circulation? (1.0)
a. RCS cold les temperature near saturation temperature for S/G pressure.
b. RCS subcooling greater than 50 degrees.
c. Core exit thermocouples stable or slowly decreasing.
d. Core delta temperature (Thot - Teold) greater than full power delta temperature.

QUESTION 7.09 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the S/G Tube Rupture procedure EP-4.00 is correct? (1.0)

a. Cooldown may be commenced prior to-isolating the ruptured S/G.
b. Cooldown rate is limited to 100 degrees / hour.
c. Using one p:r PORV is the preferred method of depressuri-nation.
d. The RCS should be borated to the' cold shutdown require-ments prior to commencing cooldown.

QUESTION 7.10 (1.00)

The Unit Startup Procedure states that the shutdown banks must be fully withdrawn whenever. reactivity is being changed, e:: cept with permission of the Superintendent of_ Operations and... (1.0)

a. the shutdown margin has been calculated to be greater than 1770 pcm.
b. the RCS is borated to the cold shutdown concentration.
c. the reactor is in the Source Range with the HIGH FLUX  ;

AT SHUTDOWN alarm operable.

d. the actual boron concentration is-greater than the predicted critical boron concentration.

~~~~R ID56LU55E L E5 sis 5t GUESTION 7.11 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Immediate Actions for nuclear instrument malfunctions is correct? (1.0)

a. If a source range channel fails while a startup is in progress and reactor power is below P-6, insert all control banks to nero steps.
b. If an intermediate range channel fails while a startup is in progress and reactor power is above P-6 but below P-10, the power increase may continue using the operable intermediate range channel.
c. Failure of one power range channel during shutdown precludes a reactor startup until the failed channel is returned to operable status.
d. Failure of both source range channels while shutdown requires boration to the cold shutdown specification and disabling the primary makeup dilute function.

QUESTION 7.12 (1.00)

Which of the following statements describe the RCP Trip Criteria following a valid safety injection initiation? (1.0)

a. Less than 50 degrees subcooling and pressuriner level less than 10%.
b. Less than 50 degrees subcooling and safety injection is on.
c. PCS pressure less than 1600 psis and safety injection is on.
d. RCS pressure less than 1600 psig and pressuriner level less than 10%.

QUESTION 7.13 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the use of Inverse Count Rate Ratio (ICRR) plots is correct? (1.0)

a. ICRR plots are required for all startups where the reactor has been shutdown for less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
b. The ICRR value is calculated by dividing i by the observed count rate,
c. Rod withdrawal increments between successive ICRR data points should not be more than 50 steps.
d. Count rate data must be taken off the NI counter-scalar with a minimum count time of one minute.





i QUESTION 7.14 (1.00)

According to the Foldout Pager.which of the followin3 is the SI  ;

Reinitiation Criteria following a loss of reactor coolant? (1.0) L l a. RCS pressure less than 2000 psis, RCS subcooling less

~; than 50 degrees, or pressurizer level less than 20%.

b. RCS pressure-less than 1715 psis, RCS subcooling less than 50 degrees, or pressuri=er level less than 20%.
c. RCS pressure less than 1715 psis, RCS subcooling less i than 20 degrees, or pressuriner level less than 10%.
d. RCS pressure less than 1600 psis, RCS subcooling less
than 20 degrees, or pressurizer level less than 10%.

QUESTION 7.'15 (1.00)

Which of the following conditions;would prevent restarting a RCP following a loss of a RCP bus? (1.0)

a. VCT pressure of 20 psig.
b. Seal injection flow of;8 spa to each RCP.

4 c. No. 1 seal return valve shut.

d. Differential pressure across No. 1 seal of 300 psid.

{ QUESTION 7.16 (1.00) l Which of the following is the correct action ift following a reactor '

triPr only one AC emergency energized? (1.0)

a. Try to restore power to de-energized AC emergency bus

, while continuing EP-1.00r' Reactor Trip / Safety Injection".

] b. Go to ECA-2r ' Loss of-All AC-Power'.

c. Restore power to de-energized AC emergency bus before

.- continuing EP-1.00.

d. RGo-to.FRP-C.1r ' Response to Inadequate Core Cooling'.

4 I



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~~~~R 56 UL55iCAL C6sTR5t l

00ESTION 7.17 (1.00)


Which of the following is a basis for this warning? (1.0) a.. Prevent pressurized thermal shock.

j b. Prevent voiding reactor vessel head.

Prevent returning to criticality due to moderator c.

temperature vffects.

d. Prevent RCS inventory loss through Residual Heat Removal System relief valves.

, QUESTION 7.18 (1.00)

According to FRP-P.1, ' Response to Imminent Pressuri=ed Thermal Shock', a RCS system temperature soak is required ift (1.0) l

a. RCS system pressure has increased by more than 1000 psi in any 60 minute period.

J b. RCS system cold leg temperature has decreased by greater than 100. degrees in any 60 minute period.

c. RCS system pressure has decreased by more than 500 psi i in any 60 minute period.
d. RCS system cold les temperature has increased by greater

, than 50 degrees in any 60 minute period.

QUESTION 7.17 (1.00)

Procedure FRP-I.3Ar ' Response to Void in Reactor Vessel's attempts

to collapse any reactor vessel voids by which of the following 4

methods? (1.0) 4

a. -Holding pressure stable and decreasing temperature in 50 degree increments.
b. Holding temperature stable and increasing pressure in 50 psi increments.
c. Using SI flow to take RCS system solid-and increasing pressure in 100 psi increments.
d. Holding pressure and temperature constant while opening head' vents.

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If two or more control rods are not fully inserted following a reactor trip, how much boration is required for each rod not fully inserted? (1.0

a. 300 ppm
b. 150 ppa
c. 100 ppm
d. 50 ppm OUESTION 7.21 (1.00)

During a natural circulation cooldown following a reactor trip, which of the following criteria determine the amount of RCS subcooling required? (1.0)

a. RCS cooldown rate.
b. Reactor po"er history (decay heat rate).


c. Pressurizer level.
d. Number of CRDM fans running.

QUESTION 7.22 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the procedure for a dropped RCCA is correct? (1.0)

a. Upon starting recovery of the dropped RCCAr an URGENT FAILURE' alarm will occur because the lift coils for the other rods in the group have been disconnected.
b. The delta flu:: target band is not applicable during a dropped RCCA malfunction and recovery.
c. If two or more RCCA's have dropped, manually trip the reactor and proceed in accordance with EP-1.00.
d. Recovery from a dropped RCCA willHbe facilitated if Tavs is higher than Tref prior to commencing withdrawal of.the dropped RCCA.

4 1


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4 ~~~~R5655LUU165L C6UTRUL j QUESTION- 7.23 (1.00) 1

Which of,the following automatic actions associated with the  ;

1 specified high radiation alarm is correct? (1.0) l a '. RI-GW-101 (Process Vent) - closes waste gas release valve.

b. RI-RMS-160 (Containment Gaseous) - sends purge exhaust a through HEPA and charcoal filters.
c. RI-FMS-157 (Control Room Area) - shifts control room 4 ventilation system to recirculation mode.
d. RI-LW-108 (Liquid Haste Disposal) - increases dilution l
- flow. through waste release valve.

j GUESTION 7.24 (1.00)

- Which of the.following is the MINIMUM RCS leak rate above which the operator is required to manually trip the reactor? (1.0) i a. 100 spm l


j b. 75 spm j c. 50 spm

d. 25 spm l 00ESTION 7.25 (1.00) 5-2 - In the event of a-rapid decrease in refueling cavity level, an I

immediate action of AP-22 is to immediately commence make-up to j the refueling cavity. -Which of the following is the-first j priority make-up flowpath? _ (1.0)

a. LHSI or HHSI pumps with suction.on containment sump.
b. HHSI pumps with unaffected unit's RWST providing suction '

l vai RWST-cross-connect valves.

c. HHSI pumps with affected unit's suction on affected unit's I


d. LHSI pumps'with affected unit's suction on affected unit's RWST.

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o QUESTION 7.26 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning a loss of one RCP at less than 35% power is correct? (1.0)

a. After meeting the precautions and limitations associated with starting a RCPr restart the affected RCP.
b. Defeat affected loops delta T and Tavs signals and commence unit shutdown.
c. Immediately trip the reactor and proceed in accordance with EP-1.00, ' Reactor Trip / Safety Injection'.
d. Power operations may continue for up to four hours while attempting repair and restart of the affected RCP.

QUESTION 7.27 (1.00)

Which of the following statements describing the method of unit shutdown from 2% power to hot shutdown is correct? (1.0)

a. Using manual rod controle insert control banks Dr C, Br and A to =cro steps. Maintain the shutdown banks fully withdrawn.
b. Using manual rod controls insert control banks Dr Cr Br and A to five steps. haintain the shutdown banks fully withdrawn.
c. Using manual rod controlr insert control banks Dr C, Br and A to :ero steps. Using group selectr insert shutdown banks to zero steps. Open reactor trip breakers. Reset reactor trip breakers. Using group selectr fully with-drew shutdown banks.
d. Using group selects insert all rods to five steps. Open resetor trip breakers. Reset r ea c t o r. trip breakers.

Using group selectr fully withdraw shutdown banks.

QUESTION '.23 (1.00)

Which of the following is the ma::imum quarterly whole body adminis-trative dose that you are allowed to receive at Sorry without any special approval or concurrence? (1.0)

a. 0.75 Rem
b. 1.25 Rom
c. 1.75 Rem
d. 2.75 Rem

~~~~R A5i5L55isAL C5 TR5L QUESTION 7.29 (1.00)

Match the evolutions in Column A to the Power that they are normally parformed at during a power increase in Column B. (1.0)


1. Perform heat balance a. 15%
2. Verify proper S/G chemistry b. 35%
3. Start second main feed pump c. 50%
4. Place steam dumps in 'Tavs* d. 60%
5. Place reheat system in operation e. 70%
f. 90%

GUESTION 7.30 (1.00)

Complete the following statements by filling in the appropriate number,

s. If criticality occurs at less than _______ pcm below the ECP (0.2) or has not occurred by _______ pcm above the ECP, the control (0.2) rods must be inserted.
b. When the RCS temperature is greater than _______ degrees, a (0.2) bubble shall exist in the pressuriner.
c. If the source range count rate increases by a factor of _______ (0.2) during boron dilution, stop the dilution.
d. During boron concentration changes of _______ ppm or 3reater, (0.2) the pressurizer spray should be operated to equaline the concentrations in the reactor coolant loops and pressuricer.

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According to the Technical Specifications, certain conditions must exist-for the RWST to be operable. Which of the following is NOT one of these conditions? (1.0)

a. Less.,than maximum water temperature.
b. Greater than minimum water temperature.
c. Less.than maximum water volume.
d. Greater than minimum water volume.

a QUESTION 8.02 (1.00) 1 .

Which of the following individuals (by title) can NOT relieve the Shift Supervisor as the Station Emergency Manager in the event of an emergency at the station? (1.0)


a. -Station Manager-
b. Superintendent Operations
c. Superintendent Health Physics

, d. Superintendent Technical Services GUESTION 8.03- (1.00)

Which of the followin3 is NOT a basis for the control rod insertion limits? (1.0)

a. Control 50% load rejection without reactor trip.
b. Maintain required shutdown margin.
c. Minimize consequences of rod ejection ~ accident.
d. Provide for acceptable nuclear peaking factors.

QUESTION 8.04 (1.00)

According to Technical Specifications, which of the following is NOT part of the Accident Monitoring Instrumentation? (1.0)

a. RCS Subcooling Monitor
b. PORV Position Indicator
c. Containment Hydrogen Monitor
d. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate b

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00ESTION 8.05 (1.00)

Which of the followins require. activation of the TSC and OSC? (1.0)  :

a. Either an Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emersency, or General Emergency.
b. . 'Only an Alert, Site Emergencyr or General Emergency.
c. Only a Site Emergency or General Emergency.
d. Only a General Emersency.

QUESTION 8.06 (1.00) 1 The process of determining an instrument's accuracy by visually comparing the indication to other independent instrument channels j neasuring the same parameter is defined in Technical Specifications as a: (1.0)

a. Channel Calibration
b. Channel Check
c. Channel Functional Test
d. Channel Verification GUESTION 8.07 (1.00)

Which of the followins statements concerning the axial flux differ-ence (AFD) requirements is correct? (1.0)

a. Above 90%,. within 30 minutes of soins outside the target bandi either restore indicated AFD to within the' target band or reduce power to less than 90%.
b. If the axial flux difference alarms are out of servicer the axial flux difference shall be lossed every hour for the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and half-hourly thereafter until the alarms are returned to operable.
c. .Below 15% powere penalty points are accumulated at one half point for every minute outside the target band.
d. Power level shall not be increased above 50% unless the AFD is within the. target band.

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If during a reactor plant cooldown using the RHR system the safety injection system is actuated, the nor mal EP SI termination criteria do not apply. .Which of the following would be the SI termination criteria in this condition? (1.0)

a. No criteriar terminate SI immediately. ,
b. RCS pressure stable or increasing AND RCS subcooling 3reater than 10 degrees.- ,
c. RCS pressure stable or increasing AND RCS subcooling 3reater~than 50-degrees AND at'least one S/G greater than 65% wide range level.
d. Initisting condition is cleared.

QUESTION 8.09 (1.00)

Following a reactor trip where the reason for the trip is clearly understood and corrected and ru) significant. malfunctions of safety-related or important equipment occurred, which of the fo110 win 3 is responsible for making the decision to restart the reactor? (1.0) '

a. Assistant _ Shift Supervisor
b. Shift Supervisor
c. . Superintendent of Operations (or SRO on call)
d. Station Manager OUESTION B.10 (1.00)

If an operator ~is' returning to shift after a three-week vacation, e he/she is required to: read and initial the loss for-the previous

_______. (Choose one answer from below) (1.0)

a. I day I b. 7 days
c. 14 days
d. 21. days QUESTION .8.11 (1.00)

Which of the following can be completed AFTER the~ Shift Supervisor has: assumed the watch? (1.0)

a. Review and initial the Shift Order Book.

j b.. ' Read-and initial Require Reading.

c. Complete and sign the Minimum Equipment-List.
d. Review the Balance of Plant Checklist.

5 4 -



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i QUESTION 8.12 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the Control Room

_ Operators Los is correct? (1.0)

a. During periods of high work load, los frequency may be reduced to one complete set per shift, provided prior ,

Superintendent Operations' concurrence is obtained.

i b. Abnormal or unusual reading shall be noted with a red asterick (m) and reported to the Shift Supervisor.

[ c. When the plant computer _is unavailable at least asterisked '

l (m) items shall be taken.every two hours.

d. If los reading are.not started within two hours of the specified timer the reason will tua recorded in the remarks section of the los and reported to the Shift Supervisor. -

i 4-OUESTION R8.13 (1.00)

Which of the following is the basis for the high pressurizer water level reactor trip? (1.0)

a. Prevents solid operations while the reactor is critical.
b. Prevents exceeding containment design pressure in event
of LOCA with all RCS fluid flashing to steam.
c. Prevents loss of pressure control due to spray no::le being submerged.
d. Protects the pressuriner~ safety valves against water i relief, i

QUESTION 8.14 (1.00)

E:: cept during low power physics testsr the_ reactor shall not be made critical at any temperature above which-the' moderator tem-j peraturer_ coefficient is more-positive than: (Choose one) (1.0) i a. +3 pcm/destee from 0 to 50% of rated powercand i

linearly decreasing to O pcm/ degree at rated power.

b. O pcm/ degree for all power.s up to~ rated power.
c. &3 pcm/ degree for all powers up to-rated. power.. '
d. +3 pcm/ degree at 0% of rated: power and linearly decreasing to O pcm/ degree at rated powe'r.


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Which of'the following signals cause BOTH a safety injection and a steam line isolation? (1.0)

a. High Containment Pressure
b. High-High Containment Pressure
c. High Steam Line Differential Pressure
d. High Steam Flow (with Low Tavg)

GUESTION 8.16 (1.00)

Which of the following statements concerning the action required if the spray and sprinkler system for the cable tunnel is declared inoperable is correct? (1.0)

a. Within one hour establish a fire patrol to inspect the area at-least once per hour,
b. Establish a continous fire watch, with backup fire suppression equipment, within one hour.
c. Establish a continous fire watch within one hour,
d. Be in hot shutdown within one hour.

QUESTION 8.17 (1.00)

According to the Technical Specificationst which of the following is the minimum shift crew composition with two units operating? (1.0)

a. 1 SSr 2 SRO, 3 RO, 3 AD, 1 STA
b. 1 SS, 2 SRO, 2 RO, 3 A0r i STA
c. 1 SSr i SRO, 3 RO, 3 AD, 1 STA
d. 1 SSr 1 SRO, 2 R0, 3 A0, 1 STA QUESTION 8.18 (1.00)

During a non-emergency situation, a temporary change to an operating procedure which clearly does not change the intent must be author-iced by which of the.following? '(1.0)

a. Shift Supervisor-only
b. ' Shift Supervisor and another' licensed SRO
c. . Shift Supervisor and STA
d. Licensed SRO'and licensed RO-L



Which of the following sequences giving the four classes of Emer-sencies'in increasing order of severity is correct? (1.0)

a. Alert, Unusual Event, Site Area Emergency, General i Emergency
b. Unusual Evente Alert, General Emergency, Site Area Emergency
c. Alert, Unusual Event, General Emergency, Site Area Emergency
d. Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergencyr General Emergency GUESTION 8.20 (2.00)

Answer TRUE.or FALSE to the following statements concerning ADM-29.77 . Operations Department - Operation, Maintenace, and Tagging.

a. In cases-when equipment cannot practically be tagged, mainte-nance may be performed with an ' operator standing by'. (0.5)

. b. Whenever available, an atmospheric drain and/or. vent between the equipment to~be worked upon and sources of pressure shall be tagged in the OPEN position. (0.5)

c. When more than one department is to work on the same equip-ment, one set of tags can be issued to cover all maintenance activities. (0.5)
d. .If, after a partial removal of tags, a re-issue of the tags are desired, the new tags must be added to a new Tagging Record. (0.5)

GUESTION S.21 (1.00)

Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following!


a. Operations personnel may adjust or operate any setpoints, etc.,

inside the control consoles provided such action is specifically 6

called for in an approved procedure. (0.5)

b. All dusting and cleaning of control consoles, instrument panelse and computer consoles will be performed by shift operating per-sonnel. (0.5) i 1

5 I


. , (


Complete the following statements concerning Refueling Operations '

by filling in the correct number.

a.- At least _______ feet of water shall be maintained over the top of the reactor pressure vassel flange during movement of fuel assemblies. (0.5)

b. When the reactor vessel head is unbolted, a minimum boron concentration of _______ ppm shall be maintained in all filled portions of the RCS. (0.5)
c. No movement of irradiated fuel in the reactor core shall be accomplished until the reactor has been suberitical for a period of at least _______ hours. (0.5)

GUESTION 8.23 (1.00)

When a system, subsytem, train, component er device is determined to be inoperable solely because its' emergency power source is inoperable, or solely because its normal power source is inoperabler it may be considered operable for the purpose of satisfying-the requirements of its applicable Limiting Condition for Operation, provided two conditions are mot. List these TWO conditions. (1.0)

OUESTION 8.24 (1.50)

When (times or events) must a core quadrant power balance be determined if the reactor is operating above 75% of rated power with one encore nuclear channel out of service? (THREE answers required) (1.5)

GUESTION 8.25 (1.50)

According to the Technical Specifications, what.THREE conditions would require that a control rod be declared inoperable? (1.5)

GUESTION 8.26 (1.00)

ADM-38 indicates that entry into containment during reactor oper-ations exposes personnel to four distinct-hazards. List.these

-FOUR hazards. (1.0)


~ . . . _ - - .. - . . . . - .. , . . ._ . . . _ . .,. . - . . .

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) QUESTION. 8 27 (1.50)

.. Standing Order 12.authori=es the use.of te'aporary Control Board 4 Markers. ~What THREE' conditions (requirements) are necessary for their use? (1.5)

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4 i

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  • I/2 3t' 3


. = **, C "

<E = 1/2 mv a=(/f - 13 )/t A = A.1 A = ; e' 3

PE = mgn 1 =V + at * = e/t A

= In2/t)g = 0.693/t./2

,d ' " P

D2 tl/2' *

(=1"}(b) 3, A= ri. ..

4 " "l/2) . t 'Y J g = 931 :.m

. , m = V,yAo -Ex Q = mah I=Iec Q = mCp at 6 = UAci I = I g e~"*

p e = 4 ,sh I = I,10-*/U '

TVL = 1.3/u sur(t) HVL = -0.693/u P = P*10t P = Po e /

SUR = 26.06/T SCR = S/(1 - K,ff)

CR, = S/(1 - K,ffx)

SUR = 25o/t* + (s - o)T CR)(1 - K,ff)) = CR2 II ~ '#eff2)

T = (t*/o) + ((a - oy Io] M = 1/(1 - K,ff) = CR)/CR 3 T = t/(o - s) M = (1 - K,ffa)/(1 - K,ffj)

T = (s - o)/(Io) SOM = ( - K,ff)/K,ff a = (K,ff-1)/K,ff = aK,ff/K eff L' = 10 seconoj I = 0.1 seconds a = [(t*/(T K,ff)] + [I,ff /(1 + IT)]

=Id I)d) 2 ,2 gd2 P = (IoV)/(3 x 1010) I)d) 22 2 I = eN R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (meters)

R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (f,,g) .

Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions, 1 gal. = 8.345 lem. 1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 eps 1 ga]. = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 lem 1 ftJ = 7.48 gal I hp = 2.54 x 103 Btu /hr Density = 62.4 1 /ft3 1 mw = 3.41 x 10'3 5tu/hr Density = 1 gm/c. lin = 2.54 cm Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/ lcm *F = 9/5'C + 32 Heat of fusion = 144 Stu/lem 'C = 5/9 (*F-32) 1 Atm = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. Hg. I BTU = 778 ft-lbf I ft. H O 2

= 0.4335 lbf/in.

e = 2.718

, . v _w

i, I VLlume, ft'/lb Enthalpy. Blu/lb Entropy. Stu/lb a F 1 P l I P Water Evap Steem Watst Evap Strom Catet Evrp Stum Wg Ag A pg Ag 8p Syg 3, Fg Wpg J

3305 -0 02 1075.5 1075.5 0.0000 2.1873 2.1873 32 32 0.06859 0.01602 3305 294S 2948 3 00 1073.8 1076.8 0 0061 2.1706 2.1767 35 35 0.09991 0.01602 2446 2446 8 03 1071 0 1079 0 0 0162 2.1432 2 1594 40 40 0 12163 0 01602 2037.7 2037.8 13.04 1068 1 1081 2 0 0262 2 1164 2.1426 45 45 0.14744 0 01602 1704.8 1704 8 18 05 1065 3 1083 4 0 0361 2.0901 2.1262 50 50 0 17795 0 01602 1207.6 1207.6 28.06 1059 7 1087.7 0.0535 2.0391 2.0946 60 60 0.2561 0.01603 868 3 868 4 38.05 1054.0 1092.1 0.0745 1.9900 2.0645 70 70 0.3629 0.01605 633.3 633 3 48 04 1048.4 1006.4 0.0932 1.9426 2 0359 80 80 0.5065 0.01607 468.1 468.1 58.02 1042.7 1100.8 0 1115 1.8970 2.0086 90 80 0.6981 0.01610 100 0.9492 0.01613 350.4 350.4 68 00 1037.1 1105.1 0.1295 1.8530 1.9825 100 '

265.4 265.4 77.98 1031.4 1109.3 0.1472 1.8105 1.9577 110 110 1.2750 0.01617 203.25 203.26 87.97 1025.6 1113.6 0.1646 1.7693 1.9339 120 ISO 1.6927 0.01620 157.32 157.33 97.96 1019.8 1117.8 0.1817 1.7295 1.9112 130 130 2.2230 0.01625 122.98 123.00 107.95 1014.0 1122.0 0.1985 1.6910 1.8895 140 140 2.8892 0.01629 97.05 97.07 117.95 1008.2 1126.1 0.2150 1.6536 1.8686 150 150 3.718 0.01634 77.27 77.29 127.96 1002.2 1130.2 0.2313 1.6174 1.8487 160 '

160 4.741 0.01640 62.04 62.06 137.97 996.2 1134.2 0.2473 1.5822 1.8295 170 170 5.993 0.01645 50.21 50.22 148.00 930.2 1138.2 0.2631 1.5480 1.8111 180 l 180 7.511 0.01651 40.94 40.96 158.04 984.1 1142.1 0.2787 1.514S 1.7934 100 ,

190 9.340 0.01657 33.62 33.64 168.09 977.9 1146.0 0 2940 1.4824 1.7764 200 1 j 200 11.526 0.01664 0.01671 27.80 27.82 178.15 971.6 1149.7 0.3091 1.4509 1.7600 210 230 14.123 i

26.78 26.80 180.17 970.3 1150.5 0.3121 1.4447 1.7568 212 l 232 14.696 0.01672 '

0.01678 23.13 23.15 188.23 965.2 1153 4 0.3241 1.4201 1.7442 220 220 17.186 230 0.01685 19.364 19.381 198.33 958.7 1157.1 0.3388 1.3902 1.7290 230 20.779 16.304 16.321 208.45 952.1 1160.6 0.3533 1.3609 1.7142 240

- 240 24.% 8 0.01693 0.01701 13.802 13.819 218.59 945.4 1164.0 0.3677 1.3323 1.7000 250 250 29.825 l

0.01709 11.745 11.762 228.76 938.6 1167.4 0.3819 1.3043 1.6862 260 260 35.427 0.01718 10.042 10.060 238.95 931.7 1170.6 0.3960 1.2769 1.6729 270 270 41.856 0.01726 8.627 8.644 249.17 924.6 1173.8 0.4098 1.2501 1.6599 280

280 49.200 0.01736 7.443 7.460 259.4 917.4 1176.8 0.4236 1.2238 1.6473 290 j 290 57.550 300 67.005 0.01745 6.448 6.466 269.7 910.0 1179.7 0.4372 1.1979 1.6351 300 2

77.67 0.01755 5.609 5.626 280.0 902.5 1182.5 0.4506 1.1726 1.6232 310 l 310 89.64 0.01766 4.896 4.914 290.4 894.8 1185.2 0.4640 1.1477 1.6116 320 l 320 117.99 0.01787 3.770 3.788 311.3 878.8 1190.1 0.4902 1.0990 1.5892 340 340 153.01 0 01811 2.939 2.957 332.3 862.1 1194.4 0.5161 1.0517 1.5678 360 360 340 195.73 0 01836 2.317 2.335 353.6 844.5 1198.0 0.5416 1.0057 -1.5473 380 c.01864 1.8444 1.8630 375.1 825.9 1201.0 0.5667 0.9607 1.5274 400 400 247.26 0.01894 1.4808 1.4997 396.9 806.2 1203.1 0.5915 0.9165 1.5080 420 420 305.78 ,

0.01926 1.1976 1.2169 419.0 785.4 1204.4 0.6161 0.8729 1.4890 440 440 381.54 l 0.0196 0.9746 0.9942 441.5 763.2 1204.8 0.6405 0.8299 1.4704 460 460 466.9 0.0200 0.7972 0.8172 464.5 739.6 1204.1 0 6648 0.7871 1.4516 480 l j 450 566.2 1 0.0204 0.6545 0.6749 487.9 714.3 1202.2 0.6890 0.7443 1.4333 500 1 500 680.9 0.0209 0.5386 0.5596 512.0 687.0 1199.0 0.7133 0.7013 1.4146 520 I 520 812.5 0.0215 0 4437 0 4651 536.8 657.5 1194.3 0.7378 0.6577 1.3954 540 540 962.8 i 0.0221 0.3651 0.3871 562.4 625.3 1187.7 0.7625 0.6132 1.3757 560 SED 1133.4 0.0228 0.2994 0.3222 589.1 589.9 1179.0 0.7876 0.5673 1.3550 580 580 1326.2 0.0236 0 2438 0.2675 617.1 550.6 1167.7 0.8134 0.5196 1.3333 'A0 600 1543.2 0.0247 0.1962 0.2208 646.9 506.3 1153.2 0.8403 0.46S9 1.3092 620 l 620 1786.9 '

0.0260 0.1543 0.1802 679.1 454 6 1133.7 0.8656 0.4134 1.2821 640 640 2C59 9 0 0277 0.1166 0.1443 714.9 392.1 1107.0 0.8995 0.3502 1.2458 660 660 2365.7 i

0 0304 0.0808 0.1112 758.5 310.1 1068.5 0.9365 0.2720 1.2086 680 640 2708.6 0 0366 0.0386 0.0752 822.4 172.7 995.2 0.9901 0.1490 1.1390 700 i 7C0 3094.3 0.0508 0 0.0508 906.0 0 906.0 1.0612 0 1.0612 705.5

! 705.5 32032 l


A.3 f

Enthstpy.8;uS) Er.trtpy Stubb a F [nergy. Stubb Volume. IDMb Press Temp g ,gy, g, p gg,,m wgg,, Evrp 5 term Wete' Evap 5 teem Water 5 team N ." -

Pese psia F vr V q V s

he hq h, s, s,o s, er g er 3302 4 0 00 1075.5 1075 5 0 2 1872 2.1872 0 1021 3 0.0836 0.0446 ' 32 018 0.01602 3302.*

2945 5 3 03 1073 8 1076 8 0 0061 21705 2.1766 3 03 1022.3 0.10 0.10 35 023 0 01602 2945.5 0 0271 2 1140 2 1411 13.50 1025 7 0.15 0.15 41 453 0 01600 2004 7 2004 7 13 50 1067.9 1081 4 1526 3 21 27 1063 5 10347 0 0422 2 07?8 2.1160 21.22 1028 3 0.20 0.20 53 If,0 0 01603 1526 3 32.54 1032 0 0.30 001604 1039 7 1039 7 32.54 IC571 1069 7 0 0641 2 0163 2 0809 0.30 64 484 0.0799 1.9762 2.0562 40.9/ 1034 7 0 40 l

' 72 869 0 01606 792.0 7921 40 92 1052 4 1093.3 O.40 641.5 641.5 47.62 1048 6 1096 3 0 0925 1.9446 2.0370 47.62 1036 9 0.5 0.5 79.586 0 01607 53.24 1038.7 0.6 85.71S 001609 540 0 540.1 53.25 10455 1093 7 0.1023 19186 2.0215 0.6 466 94 58 10 1042 7 1100 8 03 1 8966 2.0083 58.10 1040.3 i' ,

0.7 90 09 0.01610 466 93 6239 1041.7 0.g 08 94.38 0.01611 411.67 411.69 62 39 1040 3 1102 6 01117 1.8775 1.9970 368 43 6624 1038 1 1104 3 01264 13606 1.9870 66J4 1042.9 0.9 0.9 98.24 0.01612 368 41 333 60 69.73 1036.1 1105 8 0.1326 1A455 1.9781 69.73 1044.1 1.0 1.0 101.74 0.01614 333 59 0.1750 1.7450 1.9200 94A3 1051A 2A 2.0 126 07 0.01623 173.74 173.76 94.03 1022.1 1116.2 118 73 109.42 1013.2 1122 6 0.2009 14854 1.8864 109 41 1056.7 3.0 3.0 141 47 0.01630 118 71 0.2199 1.6428 1.8626 120.93 1060.2 4.0 4.0 152.96 0.01636 90 63 90 64 120.92 1006.4 1127.3 73.515 73.53 130 20 1000.9 1131.1 0.2349 1.6094 1A443 130.18 1063.1 5.0 5.0 162 24 0.01641 61.967 61.98 138 03 996.2 1134.2 0 2474 1.5820 12294 138A1 1065.4' 6.0 6.0 170 05 0.01645 144.81 1067.4 7.0 7.0 176 84 0.01649 53 634 53.65 144 83 992.1 1136 9 0.2581 1.5587 1A168 47.328 47.35 150 87 988 5 1139.3 0 2676 1.5384 1.8060 15034 1069.2 8.0 8.0 182 86 0.01653 156.28 1070.8 9.0 9.0 188 27 0 01656 42J85 42 40 156.30 985.1 1141.4 0.2760 1.5204 1.7964 38.404 38 42 161.26 982.1 1143 3 02836 1.5043 1.7879 161.23 1072.3 30 10 193.2) 0.01659 26.782 26.80 18017 970.3 1150.5 0.3121 1.4447 1.7568 180.12 1077.6 14.696 14.696 212.00 0.01672 i

26.274 26.29 181.21 969.7 1150.9 0.3137 1.4415 1.7552 181.16 1077.9 15

15 213 03 0.01673 20 20 227.96 0.01683 20 070 20 087 196 27 960.1 1156.3 0.3358 1.3962 1.7320 196.21 1082.0 30 250 34 001701 13.7266 13.744 218.9 945.2 1164.1 0 3682 1.3313 1.0995 218 5 1087.9 30 40 267.25 0 01715 10 4794 10 497 236.1 933.6 1169A OJ921 1.2844 1.6765 2360 1092.1 40 8.4967 8.514 250.2 923.9 1174.1 0.4112 1.2474 J.6586 250.1 10953 50 50 281.02 0.01727 80 292.71 0.01738 7.1562 7.174 262.2 915.4 1177.6 0.4273 1.2167 1.6440 262.0 1098.0 80 70 302.93 0.01748 6.1875 6205 272.7 907A 1180 6 0 4411 1.1905 1.6316 272.5 1100.2 70 80 312 04 0.01757 5 4536 5 471 232.1 900.9 1183.1 0.4534 1.1675 1.6208 281.9 1102.1 30 90 320.26 0 01766 4.8777 4.895 290.7 894.6 1185.3 04643 1.1470 1.6113 290.4 1103.7 90 100 327.82 0.01774 4.4133 4.431 298.5 888.6 1187.2 0.4743 1.1284 1.8027 298.2 1105.2 100 120 341.27 0.01789 3 7097 3.728 312.6 877A 1193 4 0.4919 1.0960 1.5879 312.2 1107.6 120 140 353 04 0 01803 3.2010 3 219 325.0 568.0 1193 0 0.5071 1.0681 1.5752 324 5 1109.6 140 160 363 55 0 0;815 2E155 2 834 336.1 859.0 1195.1 0.5205 1.0435 1.5641 335.5 1111.2 100 0.01827 2.5129 2.531 346.2 850.7 1196.9 05328 1.0715 1.5543 345.6 1112.5 100 180 373 08 200 351 80 0 01829 2.2689 2.287 355.5 842.5 1198.3 0 5438 1.0016 1.5454 3542 1113.7 200 1.9745 1.8432 3761 825 0 1201.1 0 5679 0 9585 1.5264 375.3 1115.8 250 250 400 97 0 01865 300 417 35 0 01839 1.5235 1.5427 394 0 8089 1202.9 0.5882 0.9223 1.5105 3923 1117.2 300 1.3064 1.3255 409 8 7942 1204 0 0 6055 0 8909 1.4968 4086 11181 350 350 411.73 0 01913 1.1610 424.2 7804 1204 6 0 6217 0 8630 1.4847 422.7 111E 7 400 400 44460 0.0193 1.14162 450 455 28 0 0195  !=01224 1.0318 437.3 767.5 1204.8 06360 0 8378 1.4738 435.7 1118.9 450 0 90787 0 9276 449 5 755.1 1204.7 0.6490 0.8148 1.4639 447.7 1118 8 500 500 467 01 0 019S 550 476 94 00199 0 82183 0 8412 460 9 743.3 1204 3 06611 0.7936 1.4547 456.9 1118 6 550 0 74962 0.7695 471.7 732.0 1203 7 0.6723 0.7738 1.4461 469.5 111E.2 600 400 485 23 0 0201 0.63505 0 6556 491.6 710.2 1201 8 06928 0 7377 1.4304 488.9 1116 9 700 700 .502 08 0 0205 0.54809 0.5690 509.8 689 6 11994 0 7111 0.7051 1.4163 506.7 1115.2 000 830 514 21 0 0209 900  !~s! 93 0 0212 0 4796S 05009 526 7 669 7 11 % 4 0 7279 06753 1.4032 523 2 1113 0 900 1000 5 " *.53 0 0216 042435 0 4460 542 6 650 4 1192 9 07434 06476 1.3910 5306 11104 1000 1100 SEE 2d 0.0220 0 376f 3 04005 557.5 631 5 11691 0757S 06216 1.3794 553 1 1107.5 1100 1200 i6719 0 0223 0 34013 0.3625 571.9 613 0 1184 8 07714 0 w69 1.3633 556 9 1104 3 1200 1300 ' E77 42 0 0227 0 30722 0.3299 585 6 594.6 1180 2 0.7842 05733 1.3577 580 1 1100 9 1300 .

4-l 14C0 $37 07 0 0731 0778/1 0 301B 59S 8 5765 1175 3 07966 0 5507 1.3474 597.9 1037.1 1400 }:

02b372 0 27/2 611.7 5504 1170 1 0.8035 0?233 1.3373 605 2 1093.1 1500 1500 5 % 20 00235 2000 ;635 80 00257 0 16? % 01883 672 1 4652 1133 3 0 BW 04256 1.7881 662 6 10~36

, 2000 2500 0 02r f 010209 01307 731 7 3616 1093 3 C.9139 0 3206 1.2345 718.5 1032 9 2500 65d 11 3000 0 0343 0 050/3 0 0850 801 8 218 4 10203 0 9725 01E91 1.1619 7822 973.1 3000 695 33 32982 00%3 0 0 050d 906 0 0 906 0 1.0612 0 10612 875 9 875 9 32081 701 47 TABLE A 3 PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM AND SATURATED WATER (PRESSURE)


Tempwitwes, F Abs p,,,s.

600 700 000 900 1000 1100 . 1200 1300 1400 1500 f 200 300 400 500 ,

(s le p) 100 l


, 0 0161 397 5 4573 511.9 571.5 6311 690 7 l l

1 > 66 00 11502 1195 7 1741 8 1283 6 1330 1 1384 5 2 0:09 211L2 21722 2.2237 2 2708 2 3144 (101 74} s 0 1295 e 00161 76 1411** to 24 107374 8 1741 114 1789 21 126 2 13359 13e43 15 138 1433 08 15001 6 1453 !El7%4 7 1534 1525 173 86 185 7 1639 6 169378?197 701g015 17440 209 62 5 a 68 01 1140 6 (167 24) s 017v5 18716 1.9369 19943 2 0460 2 0932 2 1309 21776 2 2159 2 2521 2 28 % 2.3194 2359 y 0 0161 3994 44 93 51 03 57.04 6303 64 00 74 #3 to 94 85 91 9787 98 84 los 80 110 76 116 72 10 6 68 C2 1146 6 1193 7 1240 6 12u? 8 1335 5 13840 14334 14h35 1534 6 1M56 1639 5 169 (192.21) s 01295 1.7928 13593 1 9173 1.9692 2 0166 2 0603 2 1011 2 1394 2 1757 2.2101 2 2430 2 v 00161 0 01M 29E99 33 M3 37.985 41 966 45.978 49 964 53 946 57.926 61 905 65 882 69 858 15 6 48 04 168 09 1192 5 1229 9 1287.3 1335 2 13835 1433 2 1483 4 1534 5 1580 5 1639 4 1693 (213 03) s 0 1295 0.2940 1 8134 1 8720 1.9242 1.9717 2.0155 2.0 % 3 2.0946 2 1309 2.1653 2.1982 222 k

- e 0 0161 0 01M 22.356 25 428 26 457 31 466 34 465 37.458 40 447 43 435 46 420 49 405 52.3 l 30 h 68 05 16811 1191 4 1239.2 1286 9 1334.9 1383 5 1432 9 1483 2 1534 3 1586 3 1639 3 1643 (227.96) s 0 1295 0.2940 1.7005 1.8397 1 A921 1.9397 1.98M 2 0244 2 0628 2A991 2.13M 2.1M5 2.1979 e 0.0161 0 0166 11 035 12 624 14 165 15 685 17.195 18 499 20 199 21 697 23 194 24609 26'1

~f 40 e 68 10 168 15 1186 6 12M 4 1285 0 13336 1382.5 1432.1 1482.5 1533 7 15858 16388 1992 (267.25) s 0.1295 0 2940 1.6992 1.7608 18143 12624 1.9065 1.9476 1.9860 2.0224 2.0569 2.0899 2.1 i e 0.0161 0 0156 7.257 8354 9 400 10 425 11 43S 12 446 13 450 14 452 15.452 16.450 17.448 to a 68 15 165 20 1181 6 12335 1283 2 1332.3 1381.5 1431.3 14815 1533 2 1585 3 1638 4 169 (292.71) s 0.1295 0.2939 1.6492 1.7134 1.7651 1.8168 1A612 1.9024. 1.9410 1.9774 2.0120 2.0450 2 e

0.0161 0 01 % 0.0175 6218 7.018 7.794 4.540 9 319 10 075 to 829 11581 12.331 13081 13 229 14 to & GS 21 168 24 269.74 1230.5 12813 1330.9 1300 5 1430.5 1481.1 1532 6 1584.9 1638 0 1992.0 1 (312 04) s 0.1295 0 2939 0 4371 1 6790 1.7349 1.7842 13289 1 8702 1.9039 1.9454 1.9000 2.0131 2A446 2 e 0 0161 0.01 % 0 0175 4 935 5 588 6.216 6A33 7.443 8 050 8655 9 258 9 860 10.440 11AGO 11 659 100 h 65.26 168 29 269 77 1227.4 1279.3 1329 6 1379 5 1429 7 1480 4 1532.0 1584 4 1637.6 1991.6 17 (327A2) s 0.1295 0.2939 0 4371 1.6516 1.7088 1.7546 13036 13451 13839 1.9205 1.9552 13083 2A199 2.050 e 0 0161 0c1M 00175 4 0786 4 6341 5.1637 5 6831 6.1923 6 7006 7.2060 7.7096 S.2119 S.7130 9.2134 120 4 GS 31 16833 269 El 1224.1 1277.4 1328.1 13784 14288 14798 1531.4 1583.9 1637.1 1991.3 17462 1

(341.27) s 0 1295 0 2939 0 4371 1.6286 1.6872 1.7376 1.7829 IJ2M 1 8635 190C1 1.9349 1.9600 1.9996 2.030 o 0 0161 0 01M 0 0175 3 4651 3 9526 4 4119 4A585 5 2995 5.7364 6 1709 6.4034 7.0349 7A052 7 294 140 6 68.37 168 38 269 85 12208 1275.3 1326.8 1377.4 1428 0 1479 1 15308 1583 4 16M 7 1990.9 1745.9 1 (353 04) s 0 1295 0 2939 0 4370 1.6065 1.4686 1.7196 1.7652 13071 1A461 12828 1.9176 1.9508 1.9B25 2.0129 o 0 0161 0 01M 0 0175 3 0060 3 4413 3 8480 4.2420 4 6295 5 0132 5.3945 5.7741 6.1522 4 5293 ~4.905 160 h 68 42 168 42 269al 12174 1773 3 1325 4 13764 1427.2 1478 4 1530 3 1582.9 16M.3 1890.5 1745.6 18 l (363 551 s 01294 02938 0 4370 1.5906 1 6522 1.7039 1.7499 1.7919 1A310 1A678 1.9027 1.9359 1.9676 1 990 e 00161 0 0166 0 0174 2 6474 3 0433 3 4093 3.7621 4.1064 4 45C5 4.7907 5.1289 5 4657 5 2014 6.13 180 4 68 47 16647 269 9/ 1213 8 1271 2 1324 0 1375 3 1426 3 1477.7 1529 7 1582.4 1635.9 1640 2 17453 J (373C61 s C1294 02i38 04370 1 5743 1 6376 14900 17M2 1.7784 1 A176 18345 12894 L9227 1 9545 1.9849 2

= 001El 0 01M 0 0174 2 3598 2.7247 3.0583 3 3783 3 M15 4 0008 4 3077 4 6128 4.9165 52191 5.520 1210 1 12690 1322 6 1374.3 1825 5 1477.0 15291 1581.9 1635 4 lest 8 1745 0 1800 9 ;

200 a 6452 1E8 51 269 96 1.5593 1.6242 1677G 1.7239 1.7663 1.8057 1 8426 18776 1.9109 1.9427 1.973

, (33'a &O) : 0 1294 0 2935 04359 e OC161 0 0165 0 0174 0 0156 2 1504 24M2 2 6872 2.9410 3 1909 3 4382 3 6837 3 9278 4 1709 4 4131 4 6 250 6 68 66 168 63 270 05 315.10 12635 13190 13716 1423 4 1475 3 1527 6 1580 6 1634 4 1684 9 1744 2 18 1.5951 1.6502 1 6976 1.7405 1.7601 1 8173 1 8524 1.3458 1.9177 1 9482 1.977t ;

(400 *7) s 01294 0 2937 0 43% 0 M67 e 00161 0 0165 0 0174 00186 17655 2 0044 2 2253 24407 2 6509 2 6555 3 0643 3.2688 3 4721 3 67 300 >! 66 79 IH 74 27u !4 375.15 1237 7 1315 2 1368 9 1421.3 1473 E 1526 2 15794 1633 3 1688 0 1743 1.5703 1.6214 1.6758 1.7192 13591 1.7964 12317 1A652 18972 1.9278 1.957;!

(417 35) s 01294 02937 04D7 C5%5 e 0 0161 0 0105 0 0174 0 0186 1.4913 1 7028 1 8970 2 0332 2 2652 2 4445 2 6219 2 7980 2.9730 3.1471 350 4 08 92 1ES 55 2702% 375 21 12515 13114 1366 2 14192 1471 6 1524 7 1578 2 1632 3 1647.1 1742 6 179 (431.73) . 0 1293 029 % 043G7 0 5664 1.5483 1 6077 1.6571 1.7009 1 7411 1 7787 18141 1A477 13795 1.9:05 1.

= 00161 0 O!E6 0 0174 0 0102 1 2841 1 4763 1 6493 18151 19753 21339 2 2901 2 4450 2 5957 2 7515 7 400 e 69 05 16897 270 33 375 27 12451 1307.4 1363 4 1817 0 1470 1 1523 3 1576 9 1631.2 1686 2 17419 1 (444 60) s 01293 0293h 04365 0 5tG3 1.5232 1 5901 1 6406 1.6850 17255 17632 1.7988 18325 13647 1.8955 e 0 0161 0 0100 0 0174 0 0186 0 9919 1 1584 1 3037 1.4397 1.5708 1 6932 1 8256 1 9507 2 0746 2 1977 500 m (9 32 Its 01292 02934 to 27051 o43643'5 38 12311550s 0 R60;I49?!

2 12991 13577 le!? 7 1466 6 1520 3 !$74 4 16291 16844 1740 3 17 16'23 1 65/8 16990 1 7371 1.7730 1 8069 13393 18702 1 893 :



Tempertirse, F I m ,,,ss.

msg la. 1000 11007 1200 (ul.lesip) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1300 1400 1500

  • , 0 0101 0 0106 0 0174 0 0186 0 7944 0 9456 1 0726 1 1892 13008 14093 1 5160 16711 1.7752 1 8284 19309 600 6 69 58 169 42 270 70 37549 12159 1290 3 1351 8 14083 1463 0 1517 4 15719 1671 0 168? 6 1738 8 1795 6 14590 153?9 1tB44 16351 16769 17155 17517 178t9 1.8154 1 84's4 I8792 (486 20) e 01292 0.2933 04302 0 % 57

, 0 0161 0 0166 0 0174 00186 0 0704 079?R 0 9072 10102 1 1078 I?C23 1 2948 13858 1 4757 1 5647 16530 700 6 69 04 169 65 270 89 375 01 487 93 1281 0 1345 6 1403 7 1459 4 15144 15694 1674 8 1%G7 17372 1794 3 1 1 50's0 1.%'3 16154 1.65S0 16970 17135 17679 180h iEila 18617 (503cs)o 01291 0.2932 04MO O  % 55 0 68M e 0 0161 0 0166 0 0174 0 0186 0 0704 0 6774 0 7823 0 8759 0 9631 10470 11289 1 2093 1 28?5 1 3609 14446 000 A /0 11 169 88 271.07 315 73 487Bd 1271 1 1339 2 13991 1455R 151! 4 1566 9 16?? 7 167E 9 17h 0 1792 9

($182.) . 0.1290 02930 0 4358 0 % 52 0 6885 1 4669 1 5484 1.5950 1 6413 I M07 1.7175 17522 1 7851 1 8164 1 8464 e 0 0161 0 0166 00374 00186 0C2ue 05869 0 6E58 07713 0 8504 0 92E2 099%S 10720 1 1430 1 2131 1.2625 900 6 70 37 170 10 271.26 375 84 487.83 1.4659 1260 6 1332 7 1394 4 1452 2 15C8 5 1564 4 1620 6 1677 1 17341 1791e 0 1290 0.2929 0 4357 0 5649 0.6881 1.5311 1.5822 16263 1.6662 1.7033 1.7382 1.7713 IbO28 18329 (531.95) s e 0 0161 001 % 0.0174 0 0186 0 0204 05137 06080 0 6875 0.7603 0 8295 089M 09622 1.02H 1.0931 1.1529 70.63 170 33 271.44 375 96 487.79 1249 3 1325.9 1389 6 1448 5 1504 4 1561.9 1618 4 1675 3 1732 5 1790 3 j

1000 6 0.2928 0.4355 0.5647 06876 1.4457 1.5149 1.5677 1.6126 1.6530 1.6905 1.7256 1.7589 1.7905 1.8207 i

(544.58) s 0.1269 I e 00161 0 01 % 0 0174 0.0185 0.0203 0 4531 0 5440 0 6188 06865 0 7505 08121 0 8723 0 9313 0 9894 1.0468 1100 & 70 90 170.56 271 63 376 08 487.75 1237.3 1318 8 1384 7 1444 7 1502 4 1559.4 1616 3 1673.5 1731.0 1789.0 '

1.4259 1.4996 1.5542 1.6000 1.6410 1.6787 1.7141 1.7475 1.7793 1.8097 i

(5M28) s 0.1269 0.2927 0.4353 0.5644 0.6872 e 0 0161 0 0166 0.0174 0 0185 0 0203 0 4016 0 4905 0.5615 0 6250 0 6845 0 7418 C.7974 0 8519 0.9055 0 9584 1200 4 71.16 170.78 271.82 376.20 487.72 1224 2 1311.5 1379.7 1440 9 1449 4 1556 9 1614.2 1671.6 17294 1787.6 (567.19) s 0.1288 0.2926 0.4351 0.5642 0.6868 1.4061 1.4851 1.5415 1.5883 1.6298 16679 1.7035 1.7371 1.7691 1.7996 e 0.01(,1 0 0166 0.0174 0 0185 0 0203 0.3176 0 4059 0 4712 0.5282 0 5809 0.6311 0 6798 0 7272 0.7737 0 8195 1400 & 71.68 17124 272.19 376 44 487 65 1194.1 1296.1 1369 3 1433 2 1493 2 1551.8 1609 9 1668 0 1726.3 1785.0 (587.07) s 0.1287 0.2923 0.4348 0.5636 0.6859 1.3652 1.4575 1.5182 1.5670 1.6096 1.6434 1.6845 1.7185 1.7508 1.7815 e 0.0161 0 01 % 0.0173 0.0185 0 0202 . 0.0236 0.3415 0.4032 0 4555 0.5031 0 5482 0 5915 0.6336 0.6748 0.7153 1600 6 72.21 171.69 272.57 376 69 487.60 616 77 1279.4 1358.5 1425.2 1486 9 1546.6 1605 6 16643 1723.2 1782.3 (604 87) s 0 1286 0 2921 0.4344 0.5631 0.6851 0.81?9 1.4312 1.4968 1.5478 1.5916 1.6312 1.6678 1.7022 1.7344 1.7657 .

e 0.0160 0.0165 0 0173 0.0185 0.0202 0.0235 0 2906 0 3500 0 3988 0 4426 0.4836 0.5229 0.5609 0.5980 0 6?43 3800 a 72.73 172.15 272.95 376 93 487.56 615.58 1261.1 1347.2 1417.1 1480.6 1541.1 1601.2 1660.7 1720.1 1779.7 (621.02) s 0.1284 0.2918 0.4341 0.5626 0.68*3 0 8109 1.4054 1.4768 1.5302 1.5753 1.6156 1.6528 1.6876 1.7204 1.7516 I

e 0 0160 0.0165 0.0173 0.0184 0.0201 0.0233 0.2488 0.3072 0 3534 0.3942 0 4320 0.4680 0.5027 0.5365 0.5695 '

2000 & 73.26 172 60 273.32 377.19 487.53 614 48 1240.9 1353 4 1408 7 1447.1 1536.2 1596.9 1657.0 1717.0 1777.1 (635.00) s 0.1263 0.2916 0 4337 05621 0.6834 0.8091 1.3794 1.4578 1.5138 1.5603 1.6014 1.6391 1.6743 1.7075 1.7389 ,

0 0160 0.0165 0.0173 0.0184 0.0200 0.0230 0 1681 0.2293 0 7712 0.3068 0.3390 4 3692 0.3980 0 4259 0.4529 -

e 2500 & 74 57 173 74 274 27 377 82 487.50 612.08 1176.7 1303 4 1386.7 1457.5 1522.9 1585.9 1647.8 IN92 17704 i (468.11) s 0.1280 0 2910 0.4329 0 5609 0.6815 0 8048 1.3076 1.4129 1.47M 1.5269 1.5703 1.6094 1.64 % 1.67 % 1.7116 '

e 0 0160 0 0165 0 0172 0 0183 0 0200 0 0228 0 0982 0 1759 0.2161 0.2484 0.2770 0.3033 0 3282 0.3522 0.3753 3000 4 75 83 17tS8 275.22 378 47 487.52 610.08 1060 5 12670 1363.2 1440.2 1503.4 1574.8 1635 5 1701.4 17(1.8

, (695.33) s 0.1277 0.29e4 0.4320 0.5597 0.6796 0 8009 1.1966 1.3692 1.4429 1.4975 1.5434 1.5641 1.621d 1.0561 I M88 e 0 0160 0 0165 0.0172 0 0183 0 0199 0.0227 0.0335 0.1588 0 1987 0.2301 0.2576 0.2827 0.3065 0.3291 0.3510 3200 a 76 4 175.3 2756 378 7 487.5 809 4 800.8 1250 9 1353 4 1433.1 1503.8 1570.3 16343 1698.3 1761.2 f705.08) s 0 1276 0 2902 0.4317 0.5592 0.6788 0.7994 0.9708 1.3515 1.4300 1.48M 1.5335 1.5749 1A126 1.6477 1.6806 e 0 0160 0 0154 0 0172 0.01E3 0 0199 0 0225 0 0307 0.1364 0.1764 0 2066 0 2326 0.2563 0.2784 02995 0.319?

3500 4 77.2 176.0 276.2 3791 487.6 608 4 779 4 1224 6 1338 2 1422 2 1495 5 1563.3 1629.2 1693 6 17b7.1 s 0.1274 0.2899 0 4312 0 5585 0 6777 0.7973 0 9508 1.3242 1.4112 1.4709 1.5194 1.5618 1.6002 1.6355 1.6691 e 00159 0.0164 0 0172 0 0182 C.0198 00223 0 0287 0 1052 0 1463 0.1752 0 1994 0 2210 0 2411 0.2601 0 2781 4000 A 7s.5 177.2 277 1 379 8 487.7 606 5 763 0 1174.3 1311.6 1433 G 1881.3 1552.2 1619.8 1685 7 1750t s 31271 0.2993 0.4304 0 5573 0 6760 0 7940 0 9343 1.2754 1.3807 1.4461 1.497G 1.5417 1.5812 1.6177 1.651(-

e 0 0159 0 0164 0 0171 0 0181 0.01 % 0 0219 0.0268 0 0591 0 1038 0 1312 0 1529 0.1718 0 1663 0 2050 0 220 5000 a 81 1 179 5 2791 381.2 . 488.1 604 6 746 0 1042 9 1252.9 13646 1452.1 1529.1 1600 9 1670 0 17373 s 0.1265 02651 0 4267 0.5550 0 6726 'O.7880 0 9153 1.1593 1.3207 1.4001 1.4582 1.5061 1.5481 1.5E63 1.621(.

e 0 0159 0.0163 0 0170 C M O 0 019b 0 0216 0 0256 0 0397 0.0757 0.1020 0.1221 0.1391 0.1544 0.1684 0.1811 6000 4 43 7 181.7 281 0 362 7 APS 6 602 9 7361 9451 1168 8 1323 6 1422 3 1505 9 15620 1654 2 1724J s 0 1258 0.2670 0 4271 0 5528 0 6693 0 7826 0 9026 1.0176 1.2615 1.35 M 1.4229 1 474S 1.5194 1.5593 1590 e 0.0158 0.0163 0 0170 0 0180 0 0193 0 0713 0 0248 0.0334 0 0573 0 031 A 01004 01160 0129E O1424 0.154' 7000 h 86.2 184 4 283 0 384 2 489 3 601 7 729 3 901.8 1124 9 1281 7 1392 2 1492 6 15631 1639 6 1711.'

s 0I?b2 0 2859 0 4256 0 5'.07 06463 0 7/?? 0 8926 10350 12055 1.3 D 1 11904 1.44u6 14938 1.53-5 I.573!



A.6 3



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J MM "

M 7/W 10 1 12 13 14 is Is 17 tauoor r In 19 20 24 22 22 FIGURE A.5 MOLLIER ENTHALPY-ENTROPY DIAGRAM A.7

. .~

PROPENTIES OF WATER l Density c (fbstit?;

PSIA Temp Saturated 2300 2400 2500 3000 1000 2000 2100 2200

(*F) Liquid 62.888 62.909 62.93 62.951 63.056 .

62.414 62.637 62.846 62.867 l 32 62.822 62.846 62.87 62.99 62.55 62.75 62.774 62.798 50 62.38 62.446 62.465 62.559 62.371 62.390 62.409 62.427 100 61.989 62.185 60.606 60.702 60.53 60.549 60.568 60.587 200 60.118 60.314 60.511 57.836 57.859 57.882 57.998 57.537 57.767 57.79 57.813 300 57.310 54.342 54.373 54.529 54.218 54.249 54.28 54.311 400 53.651 53.903 53.95 54.11 53.86 53.89 53.925 410 53.248 53.475 53.79 53.825 53.46 53.50 53.53 53.69 53.025 53.36 53.40 53.425 420 52.798 53.065 53.09 53.265 52.925 52.95 52.99 53.02 430 52.356 52.575 52.56 52.275 52.45 52.475 52.51 52.54 440 51.921 52.125 52.42 52.41 52.10 52.14 52.175 52.21 52.065 450 51.546 51.66 52.025 51.96 i

51.64 51.68 51.725 51.76 460 51.020 51.175 51.56 51.61 51.22 51.25 51.30 51.50 ,

50.505 50.70 51.1 51.14 51.175 i 470 50.78 50.825 51.035 50.20 50.62 50.66 50.7 .50.74 480 50.00 50.35 50 575 50.175 50.22 50.265 50.31 4iG 49.505 49.685 50.13 49.714 49.762 49.81 49.858 50.098 500 48.943 49.097 49.618 49.666 49.152 49.203 49.254 49.305 49.56 510 48.31 48.51 49.05 49.101 48.625 48.68 48.735 49.01 47.85 47.91 48.46 48.515 48.57 520 48.096 48.155 48.45 47.29 47.86 47.919 47.978 48.037 530 47.17 47.56 47.89 47.23 47.296 47.362 47.428 47.494 540 46.51 46.93 47.27 46 658 46.726 46.794 46 862 550 45.87 46.59 46.142 46.216 46.29 46.66 45.25 45.92 45.994 46.068 560 45.54 45.62 46.02 45.22 45.30 45.38 45 46

' 570 44.64 44.93 45.36 44.50 44.585 44.672 44.758 44.844 530 43.86 44.205 44.68 43.825 43.92 44.015 44.11 550 43.10 43.73 43.226 43.33 43.434 43.956 42.321 42.913 43.017 43.122 600 42.432 42.55 43.14 41.96 42.08 42.196 42.314 610- 41.49 41.616 42.283 41.083 41.217 41.35 41.483 620 40.552 40.950 41.44 J 630 39.53 40.388 640 38 491 39.26 650 37.31 38.008 660 36.01 36.52 670 34.48 34.638 633 32.744 32.144 690 30.516 TABLE A.6 PROPERTIES OF WATER, DENSITY i

. A.8 ,


ANSWER 5.01 (1.00) d REFERENCE Surry, TS 3.12-16 and 17 ANSWER 5.02 (1.00) d' REFERENCE NUS, Nuclear Ener3y Training - Reactor Operation, p. 10.5-1 -4 Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-5.77 - 79 ANSWER 5.03 -(1.00) a REFERENCE <

VEGP, Training Text, Vol. 9, p. 21-47 Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-3.17 & 19 4 ,

ANSWER 5.04 _, (1.00) d )

REFERENCE NUS, Nuclear Energy Training - Plant-Performance, pp.,10-1.8 & 9 ANSWER 5.05 (1.00) c REFERENCE General Physics, HT & FF, Section 3.2


.- i i

i g.v


ANSWER 5.06 (1.00) b (1.0)


-NUS, Nuclear Energy Trainin3, Module 3, Unit 6 Westinghouse Reactor Physics, Sect. 3, Neutron Kinetics ANSWER. 5.07 (1.00) b REFERENCE.

General Physics, HT & FF, p. 328

. ANSWER 5.08 (1.00) d REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-5.63 - 76 ANSWER 5.09 (1.00) b REFERENCE' General Physics, HT & FF, p.-229 ANSWEP 5.10 (1.00) a REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor-Physics, p. I-5.22 ANSWER 5.11 (1.00) b

p- -

4. .-

REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-5.12, 25, and 27 ANSWER 5.12 (1.00)

'd REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-5.36 - 50 ANSWER J5.13- (1.00) ,



REFERENCE-Steam Tables ANSWER 5.14 (1.00) a REFERENCE '


General Physics, HT & FFr pp. 319, 320, 322r & 327" ANSWER 5.15 (1.00) b-REFERENCE

'4estinghouse Reactor Physics,-pP. I-5.26 a 27 ANSWEP 5.16 (1.00) ,

d ,

s REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physicer Section I-5r'MTC and Power Defect 0, ' ,\ '

x .

, d, l

e .-

5. . THEORY OF NUCLEAR. POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND PAGF. 40 gg--------------------------------------

ANSWERS --- SURRY 182 ' -85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

ANSWER 5.17 -(1.00) c-REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-5.2 - 16

' ANSWER- 5.18 (1.00) b


Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-4.19 - 24 ANSWER .5.19 (1.00) a REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, pp. I-2.30 & I-3.10 and General Physics,

.HT&FF, p. 228 ANSWER 5.20 (1.00) b REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physicsr p. I-5.40 ANSWER 5.21 (1.00) d REFERENCEL Surry, TS 3.12-2 and'12 s


.-,I -


ANSWER 5.22 (1.00)

a. FALSE (0.5)
b. TRUE (0.5)

REFERENCE General Physics, HT&FF, pp. 155 and 320 and Subcooled Liquid Density Tables ANSWER 5.23 ( .50)

TRUE (0.5)

REFERENCE Westinghouse Reactor Physics, p. I-2.19.

ANSWER 5.24 (1.50)

3. LARGER (0.5)
b. LONGER (0.5)
c. CONSTANT- (0.5)

REFERENCE j' Westinghouse Reactor Physics, Section I-4 1

' ANSWER 5.25 (2.00)

b. DECREASE (0.5)
c. INCREASE (0.5)-
d. . DECREASE _ (0,5)

. REFERENCE Steam Tables t


.W* ,eh'- se w --- - +y-wi wm- /'- w-y 1e i

e -.


l r


ANSWER- 5.26 (2.00)

a. INCREASE (0.5)
b. INCREASE- (0.5)
c. DECREASE (0.5)
d. DECREASE (0.5)

REFERENCE' General Physics, HTFF - Fluid Flow Applications for Systems

.and Components ANSWER' 5.27 (2.00)

a. Power Defect (-0.25 for power coefficient)
b. Reactivity
c. Latent Heat of Vaporization (condensation) d.. Convection REFERENCE NUS, Nuclear Energy Training - Reactor Operation and Plant Performance Westinghouse teactor. Physics, pp. I-5.26 and I-3.2 and General Physics, HT&FF, pp. 38 and 99 l


r v



ANSWER 6.01 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sve r y r. Instrumentation Manual, Sect. 8, p. 8.2 ANSWER 6.02 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, S/G Auxiliary Feed System,-pp. 1 &9 ANSWER 6.03 (1.00) d REFERENCE Sorry, Emergency Power and Distribution, pp. 4-8, 14, and 24 ANSWER 6.04 -(1.00) c REFERENCE Surry, Instrumentation Manual, Process Protection Instrumentation, p. 4 ANSWER 6.05 (1.00) ,

b REFERENCE Sorry, Instrumentation Manual, Process Protection Instrumentation, pp.

1 and 2 ANSWER 6.06 (1.00)

X Guesh ow b \.A A

- ,f , - - . , ~

l l


REFERENCE Sorry, Instrumentation Manuale.PNL-REM (Remote Monitoring Panel), p. 5 ANSWER 6.07 (1.00) a REFERENCE Sorry, Instrumentation Manual, Core Coolins Monitor System, p. 1 ANSWER 6.08 (1.00) c REFERENCE Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Systems Manual, Ch. 4 ANSWER 6.09 (1.00) 3 REFERENCE FNPr Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System, Fig. 7 Surry, Instrumentation Manualt Excore Instrumentation System, p. IV-1.29 ANSWER 6.10 (1.00) c REFERENCE VEGP, Training Text, Volume 6, pp. 6a-7, 8, & 19 Surry, Instrumention Manual, Rod Control System, pp. 9, 13, and 14 ANSWER 6.11 (1.00) d REFERENCE Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Systems Handbookr Ch. 2 e


ANSWER 6.12 (1.00) 8 REFERENCE Surry, Vital Bus Distribution, pp. .6-1 -5 ANSWER. 6.13 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, S/G Blowdown System, pp. 1 -4 ANSWER 6.14 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, Spent Fuel Pit System, pp. 2-5 ANSWER 6.15 (1.00) d REFERENCE Surry, Turbine Protection, pp. 7-1, 4, 6, and 7 ANSWER 6.16 (1.00) a REFERENCE Sorry, Emergency Power and Distribution, pp. 4-2, 16, and 17 ANSWER 6.17 -(1.00) d REFERENCE Surry, Instrumentation Manual, Steam Dump Control System, pp. 2-5


ANSWER 6.18 (1.00) c REFERENCE Surryr, Consequence. Limiting Safe 3uards, pp. 1, 10, and 11

, ANSWER 6.19 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, Fuel Handling System, pp. 4, 5, 10, and 13 ANSWER 6.20 (1.00) c REFERENCE Surry, Instrumentation Manuale Control and Protection, Attachment I and

p. 2 ANSWER 4.21 (1.00) a REFERENCE Surry, Containment Spray SDr pp. 2 and 9 ANSWER 6.22 (1.00)
b. FALGE REFERENCE FNP, Residual Heat Removal System, p. 4 '

Sorry, Residual Heat Removal System, pp. 1 &8 i

I i


ANSWER 6.23 (1.00)

a. YES (0.25)
b. NO (0.25)
c. YES (0.25)
d. YES (0.25)

REFERENCE FNP, Health Physics and Radiation Protection Lesson Planse pp. 41-46 William J. Price, Nuclear Radiation Detection, pp. 43 - 46, 77, 138, and 1?6 ANSWER 6.24 (1.00)

3. DECREASE (0.25)
c. E "*'" :: :^;'; 9 DECR O SE (0.25)

REFERENCE FNPr Tav3, Delta Te and Pimp, pp. 16 & 17 Surry. I :t-:::-t-t.m., ..suvoir 5vuw. 7, p. Av s.s T 5 , S ec4 teas 2. $

ANSWEP 6.25 (2.00)

(0.2 pts each)

i. NO
j. m NO Q PEFERENCE Sorry, Safety Injection Systemt pp. 27 - 2?a

-85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

ANSWERS- - SURRY 1&2 ANSWER 6.26 (1.50)

(0.3 pts each)


e. MODULATED REFERENCE 1 Sorry, Chemical and Volume Control System, p. 52 ANSWER- 6.27 (1 50)
1. -c (0.3)
2. d (0.3).
3. d or P (0.3)
4. e -(0.3)
5. a (0.3)


Sorry, Reactor Coolant System, pp. 1 & 2 and Fig. 2-1 ANSWER 6.28 (1.00)

(0.2 pts each)

1. e
2. e
3. b
4. e
5. f REFERENCE Sorry, Instrumentation Manual, Rod. Control System, pp. 15 and 16-t i

an-- e m , g r re e , N - e -, , ., . -ep .-e,


~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~R d6YUL 5 EdL ddUYR L ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-000GLAS, W.

ANSWER 7.01 (1.00)

C REFERENCE 10CFR20,-Sec.-20.4c ANSWER 7.02 (1.00)

.3 REFERENCE Sorry, Status Trees, F-0.1 - F-0.6

. ANSWER 7 03 (1.00)

B' REFERENCE c orry, EP-1.00, .p. 3 ANSWER 7.04 (1.00)_



-Surry, 1-OP-1.59.p. 3 ANSWER. 7.05 (1.00)

C REFERENCE Sorry, OP-4.1, pp.-4, 6, and 10 ANSWER 7.06 .(1.00) 1

~d 1

l 1



y .i.

Y '





' ~~~ TEA 5f6[65fcE[~E6Nikb[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ANSWERS--- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-00UGLAS, W.


Sorryr-.HP'. Manual, pp.~1.3-1, 1.3-2r 2.1-1, and 2.12-2

~ ANSWER 7.07 ( 1,.00) b -



LSurry, 1-AP-15, pp. 3 and 4 f

' ANSWER 7.08- (1.00) 4 d

[ REFERENCE l Surry, EP-1.01r -p. 8 ,

i ANSWER .7.09 (1.00) d 4

REFERENCE Sorryr EP-4.00', pp. '9, 11r and 12 2- ANSWER 7.10 (1.00) a i

b i'

Sorry. la0P-1.1, P. 6 1

ANSHER 7.11 (1.00)

d REFERENCE j Sorry, 1-AP-4, pp. '5, 7, and 8 i

4 .

4 b


l 1

I-i' 4


, . . , , . . _ _ . - - _ ,4 ., , _ - - - , - - - . . . . . , _ . , _ , _...-_ ,,,,- .. ..,,,,._,_ . . , _ . , , . . - , ._...;.,-


~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c ~~~~R A5i5t55fEAL d6 TE6L ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

ANSWER 7.12 (1.00) i c


j. Sorry, EP-1.00, Foldout Page L

ANSWER 7.13 (1.00) c REFERENCE Sorry, 1-OP-1.4, p. '7 and Appendi>: A ,

ANSWER 7.14 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, EP-2.00, Foldout, p. 16 ANSWER 7.15 (1.00) c REFERENCE j Surrve 1-OP-5.2 ANSWER 7.16 (1.00) a REFERENCE Sorry, 'EP-1.00, p. 3 ANSWER 7.17 -(1.00) c G

t I

r; -


~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

R b5EL65 E L d6 TREL

-85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.


~ REFERENCE Surry, ECA-2, p. 10 ANSWER 7.18 1(1.00)


b REFERENCE Surry, FRP-P.1, p. 14 ANSWER 7.19 ,

.(1.00) b REFERENCE Surry, FRP-I.3A, p. 3 ANSWER 7.20 (1.00) a REFERENCE Surry, EP-1.01, p. 4 ANSWEP 7.21 (1.00) d REFERENCE Sorry, EP-1.02A, p. 6 ANSWER 7.22 (1.00) 3 REFERENCE Sorry, 1-AP-1.4, pp. 3 - 5

i l




~~~~R d656L6656 L 66NTRUL'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i' ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

r 1

ANSWER 7.23 (1.00) 4 a REFERENCE j Sorry, AP 5.1, 5.2, 5.7, and 5.8

- ANSWER 7.24 (1 00) c REFERENCE Surry,-AP-16, pp. 4 - 6


ANSWER 7.25 (1.00) 4 j

g ^w ._ .1 s _..

. _ .  %.I - L 1

_ . . . - - _ _ _Q f Q i REFERENCE.

Sorry, AP-22, p. 5 i,

l ANSWER 7.26 (1.00)

b 4


- Sorry, AP-43, p. 2 l

ANSWER 7.27 (1 00)

  • j REF.ERENCE j Sorry, OP-3.1, p. 5 ANSWER 7.28 (1 00) a i

9 I

Y 6


.. ._ . . . . = _- .. .


  • /

l 1



'-~~Ed6f6[65fddL E6 TREL'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-000GLAS, W.

I REFERENCE I Sorry, HP Manualr p. 1.'2-3 ANSWER 7.29 (1.00)

(0.25 Pts each) 9

1. e
2. b
3. d 4.- 6 i 3. b DELEMD - 9 REFERENCE Surry, 1-OP-2.1, pp. 7- 10 4

1 ANSWER 7.30 (1.00) l

a. 250 (0.2)

(0,2) 400 350 (0.2) f b. (100 en hea46*P) (0.2)

c. 2
d. 20 (0.2)


Surry, 1-OP-1Ce p. 5 and 1-0P-1.4, pp. 6, 8, and 11 1



i I



l i

.. .. ~ _ . . . . .

4 s


[ ----------------------------------------------------------

ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-00UGLAS, W.  ;

i ANSWER 8.01 (1.00)

- b



.Surry,ETS 3 4-1 ANSWER 8.02 (1.00) c REFERENCE

, Sorry, SEP, p. 5.7 ANSWER' 8.03 -(1.00) 1 a

REFERENCE j Sorry, TS 3.12-11 and 12


ANSWER 8.04 (1.00) c 1


! Sorry, TS 3.7-21 4

AriSWER 8.05 (1.00) i b


2 VEGP, EmerSency Plan,.p. 3-3 i S u r r'y , EPIP-3.02, p. 1 and EPIP-3.03, p. 1

$ ANSWER 8.06 (1.00) b j-I F



ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-00UGLAS, W.

REFERENCE McG, TS, p. 1-1 Surry, TS'1.0 'Cate TS, p. 1-1 ANSWER 8.07 (1.00) b REFERENCE Surry, TS 3.12 6 ANSWER 8.08 (1.00) b REFERENCE Surry, Standing Order No. 6 ANSWER 8.09 (1.00) c REFERENCE Surry, ADM-14, pp. 3 and 4 ANSWER 8.10 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, ADM-29.1, p. 23 ANSWER 8.11 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, ADM-29.1, p. 24 6




-85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.


' ANSWER 8.12 (1.00) c-REFERENCE Surry, ADM-29.2, pp.1-1'6 R-6 and ADM-29.3, pp. 17 & 118 ANSWER 8.13' .(1.00) d REFERENCE

-Surrye TS 2.3-7 ANSWER- 8.14 (1.00) a REFERENCE Surry', TS 3.1-18 ANSWER. 8.15 (1.00) d REFERENCE Surry,LTS 3.7-18

'ANSHER 8.16 (1.00) b REFERENCE Sorry, TS 3.21-3 ANSWER 8.17 (1.00)

C REFERENCE Sorry, TS 6.164

o -




-85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

' ANSWERS - .SURRY 182 l

. ANSWER. 18.18 (1.00) b REFERENCE-Surry, ADM-60, pp. 16 and 18 ANSWER- -8.19 (1.00) d REFERENCE Surry, Emer3ency Plan, p. 4.2 ANSWER .lB.20 (2.00)


.0.5) a.

b. TRUE (0.5)
c. FALSE (0.5)
d. FALSE (0.5)

PEFERENCE Sorry. ADM-29.77 pp. 6r-12, and 14

'ANSWEP 8.21 (1 00)

b. TRUE REFERENCE Surryr ADM-29.2r pp. 16 and 6 ANSWER .

.8.22 (1.50)

a. 23 (0.5) 2000 '0,5) b.
c. 100 (0.5)

REFERENCE Sorry, TS 3.10-3 l


1 1


y I

o .

e - -



-85/04/08-000GLAS, W.

ANSWER 8.23 (1.00)

1. Its corresponding normal ~or emergency source is operable, and (0.5)
2. All its. redundant components are operable. (0.5)


Surry, TS 3.0-1 ANSWER 8.24' (1.50)

( 0.5)

1. 'Once-per day
2. Power change.> 10% (0 5)
3. More than 30 inches of rod travel (0.5)

REFERENCE Surry, TS 3.12-9 ANSWER 8.25 (1.50)

1. Cannot be moved by drive assembly (0.5)

Misaligned from bank by > 12 steps (0,5) 2.

3. Drop time excessive (> 1.8 seconds) (Untrippable) (0.5)

REFERENCE Sorry, TS 3.12-8 ANSWEP 8.26 (1.00)

(0.25 pts each)

1. Radiation
2. Heat
3. Differential Pressure
4. Potential Oxygen Deficiency REFERENCE Svery, ADM-38, p. 3 E


c :m a





. ANSWERS -- SURRY 182 -85/04/08-DOUGLAS, W.

ANSWER 8.27 (1.50)

1. They-do-not-hide any indicators (0.5)

~ 2. They'aro; dated (0.5) 3._ .Tiiev have name-ofl person posting it on it (0.5)


'Surry, Standing Order # 12 9

s 5




i ,


~ .


0 &kssktr1 jz kEACTCE TYPE: _fhE-hfC2________________

/4 Ajc d'gg,, t CATE ACPINISTEPE0:_tfifffff________________

R./forkhel/ E)""IFth' _EICEEE2 I4_--_-----___--

APFLICAFT: _________________________

IbSIELLIJCb!_lL_tffiliatli Use separatt pap (r tcr ttc ans.ers. krite answers cr cne sice crly.

Stapit ctesticr srtet cr tcp cf tr( inswer sheets. Pcints fcr eact questsen are ircitatec ir rarertheses after the cuestler. The Fassirs gract recuires at least iCt in eget cstescry and a firal grace cf at least 8Ct. E>aniraticr refers will te picksc up six (6) totrs after tre (3atineticr starts.

1 CF


__2ALLt. _3C111 ___5sfri.__ _kALLI__ ______________fAIECCEl_____________

.302L5._ .'7779 z.s.sQ ...________ ________  !. P41NCIPLFS CF AUCLEAE PChEE PLAT.T QPCFATIChs THEFPCCYbAPIC5s FEAT TDANSFEF thC FLLIC FLCh

29. 6 24.6 %

.- Mrr M __ _f7 si4#.__________ ________ 2. PL4NT DESIGF IFCLLCING SAFETY ANC EP7PCFhC) SYSTEPS 77./o T"

.3 G a s s _ 777t9 5#. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________  ?. INSTRUPENTS thf CCNTELL5 Zs./OS*

.2GasC__ _t2TtiS#.__________ ________ 4. FALCE0VFES - NCPMALs tebCGPALs EFE4GENCY AhC FACICLCCICAL CChTPCL (19..Yo t 20. ' ; _g ICCaLL

_ ___________ ________ TCTALS i It il GraLE _________________1 all wcrk ccre cr ttis (>atiraticr is n) c>n.

r;iver rcr rectiu c sic.

I nove neither APPLICANT'S SIGAtTLRE '


  • l l




.La..'tklULLELES EE tLELEbE.ELh:1.ELibi CEsiAllES1 FecE 2 l JbsitCE3titlC14 btel JEAUSEEs_lbi ELLlE ELCE i l

i GLE511Ch 1.01 (1.CC)

As tre Ccre Escss thE ritiC cf EL239 3tcEs to U235 StcRs increases.

Fcr'tre sant reactivet) Ecciticr t t is ct3nginq ratic causes:

a. reactcr pericd te decrease.
t. the Vcid (cefticient tecones less recitive.
c. Fccer a tcr Tenper a ttre Cce t f ic ient tc cecome less negative.
c. tre dels)ec nectrcn tracticn tc increase.

QLESTICh 1.C2 (1.CC)

The -1/3 [FN Ste fclickirs a re4ctcr trip is causec ty

a. .i t t cecay ccrstert cf ttt lo r.g e s t-l i v e c crcLp cf delayEC rettrcrs.
c. Itt Etility cf l-235 tc fissior witn source neutrors.
c. Ite a"ctrt cf resative re6ctivit) audac cr e trip te ing great (r trar ttc Snttccwr targin.
c. Itc ccFFler eff(ct 3ccin; rocitivc reactivity due tc tre tenrerettre cecr(tse tcilckir; a trir.

Q L 6 311 t r. 1. ( 3 (1.((1 Apprcsinatti) tch ntr) tctrs coes it take for Xencn-tc react ICC2 oculistritn ccr.certr ticr after tre reactor is trctstt to foil Fcker fron s Jercr free cccciticr?

a. 20-4C retrs
c. 4C-60 tetrs
c. t.C-6C tetrs
c. 6C-ICC tccrs e


L a..'t E l k C 12 L L E. C t . L L C L L b E . E C d L S . E L i k 1.C S E S h il L31 FACE 3

. s ;, 1ktStLC1bitlC12 tLh1.15Ab5E55.lts ELLlD.ELDk QLESillb 1.C' (1.CC)

If t r. e reacter trippec after i 2C c a) rur at 50% Faber, ECLs > Pat bculc te tre Feak reactivit) value cf Xeror in DCP?

a. 2C6C

.t. ".247C

c. 411C c- 412C CLEsilch 1.C5 (1.CC)

As tre cort ages, celta 1 at ICC% eculltrium Xencrt

a. renairs-tre same.
t. teccats acre resativt cue tc nere nesative PTC.
c. teccret less re:stive cLe tc sanarlun.
c. tectnes less resative cue tc recistribution.

QLES11th 1.Ct (1.CC)

Ctr iry a steen la M trce the n ain steam heecer to tre strospreres a ttrcttilr; frccess is crcitec. brich prccess telck will cccur7

a. Entratr> cf tre staan wi'll cecrease.

(L . LetrcF) cf tre stean kill ircrease.

C. 5FeCifiC vciLee Cf tre stean k ill Gscrease.

c. LLt&T tenrerittre kill retain ( t e: sane.




-La. 1kikL1 ELE 1.Lt.kLCLEAE.ELbk3.ELikl.C25sh11CB1 FICL 4 JbfBtLElkAtlC14 bsal liAblfil.fkL fLLlS.ELEM

-QLES11Ch 1.C7 (1.CC)

The reacter is prccccirs 1CCt r atec thern al power et a core celta 1 cf 6C ce2rees art s nass flow rate cf ICC4 when e bitckout cccurs.

hattral circtietler is estaclistec and ccre oalta T soes tc 4C cesress. It cect) teet is 2tr > tat is the core mess ficw rite (ir

7. ) ? ,
s. 13
c. 2.C
c. 3.C
c. 4.C QUESTILA 1.CE (1.CC)

Ccncernins tte teravicr cf Sararltn-149, wtich cre cf the ,

fcilc>ir] statenerts is tree?

a. -Crce cetillbrica $arariun is estitlisheds Samarlun reactivity coes rct cnansc regarcless cf pcter level ctarges.

L. tCt tetillerite Senarite rc3ctivity is ecual to ICC2 ectilitrita Statriun reactivity.

c. Sentritn is orl) recevcc ty raciasctive cecay.
c. Sentritn is prccccec ty tte cecay of Iodire.

CLESi;Ch 1.CS (1.CC)

The reacter las teer strrtec op or a rek core anc tts actievec 1CC%

pcwer mitt.tecilitritn >(rcn. 9Crcr concentratior is at 9CC rps.

A reactcr trir ccetrs. A s s c r i r. ; ALL rocs trip, .tet is the arprcal-nate settecer nargic inneciatel) titer tne trip?

a. '4 14
t. "t.14 ce "t.t%
c. 'i.14




La. 2kikCLELL1 CE.bLCL tE ELbCE.ELLLJ CBEkh11CU1 'FbGE t \

JushtCIIbiflC12.htAl.JEADSE53 thE fLLID_ FLEW I

-QLESTICh 1.1C (1.CC) htich of tre f c lic> lrg is the urits of heat flux?

a. batts / cttic certireter
c. SIC / (tr scuart ft)
c. CaIcries / cran
c. kb / ft f

OLES 11th j 1.11 (2.CC)

Ircicate cr >ctr answer 's t e e t wtetrer tre followirg statenents are inLE cr FALSE.

a. PonF rtrett is the tern usec tc descrite the corcition cf a centrittsel Flap rtrrir] witt bC volune flow rate. (C.5)
t. If the spced cf 2 certriftsal FLnp is coubled, tte flow, rate AAC cisctarse presstre will ccttle. (C.5)
c. It the speed cf a pcsitivt cisplacenent pume is dotblecs the flow rate vill.dcutit. (C.t)
c. E 'c r tec ccrtriftsai FLnp; ir SELIESs the contined celivery fick rate is ecLEI tc the son cf the indivicual Funp fick rates it tr( sane ptnr speec. (C.5) i QUES 11Ch 1 12 (1.CC) fron the felic>ir:s checse the evert that tends tc nske tre Ftel ~j 1enperature Ccefficient nere re;stive ovsr core life.
a. ELilcop cf'Fu-24C ' '
c. Clic Creep
c. Fellet $well -
c. Lc>tr Elfective Feel Tenrersture


t t

d ,',




r ic__'filhCIfLIS Ef_tLSLEAE_ffh:3_Elfbl_CEE5aIICSz Pact e ItihtCEltitlG54 htAJ.JIAh5E55_1h! ELL 10_ELOW CUES 11Ch 1.12 (1.CC)

-10 hitt reactcr pcter at 1*lt angss a SLR cf .7 CPF is establistec.

-t Lsirs 141C 'anFs as the FCabs Fo* long will it take the power tc rescr tre FCAF?

4 a..- 26 wirttes

t. 5.7 nirttes
c. 28.61 nirttes a

c.- 4.25 eirttes QLES11th 1.I' (1.CC) htien statenert telo, ccrrectly ctscrites what becpers to Bets-tar-eff as the ccre asesi

a. Its vi 6te cecreases citsir; tte re actor to resperd faster tc reactisit) cterses.

to its valte cecrease5 catsir; tre resctor to resperd sicher tc reactisity crarses.

c. Its valte ircreasts Catsin; tre re actor to resperd sicwer to reactisity ctsr*,ts.
c. Its valta ircreases catsing tre reactor to resperd faster te reactisity ctances.

QLESilch 1.15 (1.CC)

At ECLs the ccnFcrents cf tre pcmer defect in ircreasirg creer cf sigriticarce'(reactivit) silue) aret

a. Vcics CtFplers PIC
t. kcics Plc, EcFFler
c. PICS %cles CcFFler C. PICS CCFFlers )Lrce e e

Ic..thlbCLELE1.LE.tLCLEle.ELbii.ELibl CEEEbilLU1 FtGL i

  • lbtEtCC3titlCI .th21_Jf4 LIE;E.fti_ELLlC.ELCW GLES11th 1 16 (1.CC)

A reactcr is Fresently stttccan >itf e Keff of .9C erd sobree ranse ccLnts at JC css. Ite cperstcr ir:erts reactisity until tre scurce rarse rests 65 cps. 'ahit is the new Keff1

a. C.9C
t. C.95
c. C.9E ,
c. Instificiert cata tc calculate QLES11Ch 1.11 (1.CC)

Consicer tre tcliceir; statenents-ccncerring unit efficiency at a steacy statt pcwtr icve1. Using triy t r e ' 'F a r s e t t e r change incicatecs etccse the FCSI (CEFECT ststenert..

a. trit t f f ic ie ncy incrcises if cre low pressure feedwater heater is c)Fissed.
t. trit (fisciercy incr(tscs if 4 5. 5 G L L 1 ': ccncanser pressure changes frca 1 psis tc 1.25 rsia. s
c. trit etficiercy ren irs tre sant if tctal Stear Cereratcr 81chec>r fictrtti i's crarget 'f r.c 7 25 tc 40 3pn.
c. Lcit efficitrc) arcrtises if h'twell,tenperaft're c

rises frcm 9C-ICC F.

N l

QLESTIch 1 16 (1.CC) ,

~ k" ~ ,

htich of tt( fcilcwirs rtclear paraneters are iti ccrtributcrs tc cifferectist rcc wcrth?

3 Lccti sanna fitas peak 9 gens ficx, slowirc cour lerstns ttETR?l Cift(siCf leC3th.

t. Lccti r(Ltrce fitas peak rtutron flux, sichirc dowr ltrstts'thereal cifftaicr .lcrath.
c. Lccal genna flL>r-tverast Larw1.fluir sichIra conn lerytt, trerwal cittu,ior- len;th.

c.. LccEl ntLtrcn f l( irs statements ccncerning the peker cefect i s corr (cti

a. Ttt rcker cefect is the cifference betwcer the neastrec rc>er ccefficiert anc the Frcaicteo rower ccefficiert.
t. Tre pcker cefect increases the rce worth recuirenerts recessary tc nairtain the cesirec shutccwr nargin fclichirs a reactcr trip.
c. Eecatse cf the tigter tercr cor.centraticr, the powtr ceteet is ncre resative at Desinning of ccre life.
c. Ite Fcher CefeCt recessitites tre use of a raspec la%G Fregran tc aalrtain an acecuate Reactor Ccclent Systen sttccclirs aarser.


The reacter is cFeratirs at 9Ct cf ratec thereal pcker mitt Tavg er presras arc ectilitribn )eron. Tre secencar> instronerts ircicate stein pressure Et ett psis. The ccnpeter shows feectater tenFerattre at 44C f. besatt ar> trer;y adcec ty tre RCP's 3rc assume all lictics at sattraticr. vtat is tre nass ficwr3te in the sectrcery systen.


a. 3.21*1C lta/tr t
t. IC.Sc*1C ltn/tr t
c. 12.l?*1C ltn/rr t
c. 3.57*1C ltn/tr Q L E S 11 C r4 1.21 (1.CC)

The tcceratcr lenpera ttre Ccef f iciert (PTC) varies wItt certair plart ccociticrs. Ccccerring ttese variations, wbict cf the fclicwir; is ccrrect?

a. ite Plc teccnes mere nagative as toren ccccertreticn is ircreasec.
t. Ite PlC catses aslat flux cistriottion tc tt tiltec tcbarcs tre tcF cf the ccre at.SCL.
c. Ite Plc varies Es tempertttre cbinges tecstse cf tre rcr-lirear cersit) crarges cf water as terrerature ctzrses.
c. Ite t1C is nct Fermittec t) Tectnical Specificatiers to te pcsitive ir ar) plart creratins. modes.

lo..tilkLLELES.Lt.bLCLE15.ELhth ELlll CEEEA11DU1 FAGE s 1biStCL1tt:1Cla.hth1.1 Ebb 1EiE lhL ELLlC.ELCa QLES11Ch 1.22 (1.CC) htich cf tre fcilc>ir; statenants cescrite the relaticeship tetween integral arc cifferertieI roc *crtti

e. IrtcGra1 rce wcrtt (at ar) locaticn) is tre slope cf tre


differertial rcc bortt ctrve at ttat lccatien.

t. Irtesrai rce wcrth (at ary Iccaticn) is the tctal area Lncer tte cifferertial rec wortt curve frcn tre enc cf tre rce tc that lccaticn.
c. Irtesrel rcc Scrtt (at ar) locaticn) is tre scuare cf the cifferertial rcc mortt at that iccation.
c. Trere is nc relationstip tetween integral arc differential FCC bcrit.

QLESTICN 1.22 (1.CC) i Ans>er 1RLE cr FALSE tc tre fclickirj.

a. LLrins E GC5 teatts, Es ten;ersture gets higher, it will teK( t spiller litCChr flcp FEtt t0 naint3in a cCnstart tresstrizer leve1. (C.5)
t. increasirs ccreersate cepressicr (succooling) bill cause EC1F cecresse ir plant efficiency AhC an increese in ccrcersite (tctwell) Ftrp avallable hPSH. (C.5)

QLESlIlh 1.2' (2.CC)

The reacter is creratins at 3C0 pcher wten one RCP trips.

Assteins rc reacter trip cr tLrtire Icac crange cectr, inol-cate > tetter tte fcilcwIrs peraneters will I r1C R E S S E , CECPEASEs cr PLtAlh 1FE $2PE.-

a. Flch ir cperstirs reactcr coolart loops (C.5)
c. Ccre celta 1 (C.t)
c. Reactcr vesseI celta P (C.5)
c. CFerstirs Iccf stean ;eneratcr pressure (C.5)

QUES 11CN 1.25 (1.CC)

CLrins a reacter stertL;r critical cats was insevertently taken t>c cecaces teIc> tre rectirec Interneciate Range (Ic) level.

Tre critical cet: >as'tter taker at the prcper I? level. 'notic the critical rcc pcsiticr at the prcper IR level be FIGEER TFth, IFE LATE A$s cr LChEs TFth tne critical roc positier taken the cecaces belcv tre prcrer IF leveli

la__ttibCIE111_II_hLCLEJE_fCaEE_Ittil_CBEEjl1032 FAGE IC JttEtCL2titlG24_tEAI_lEAbSEEE itL_ELLIC_ELOM QLE511Ch 1 26 (2.CC)

Fcr the fcilcwing cefiriticoss sise the t-3rr that is CefireC.

a. Ite inctrt cf rcactivity trat is needed to go frcn tct zert Fceer to hot foll poner. (C.5)
t. Ite.fricticral ctan;e in reutrcr populaticr per g er er s t icr. (C.5)
c. Ite anctrt cf heat rectirec to change 1 lbn of i

=ater irtc 1 ten cf stean. (C.5)

c. Fest trarsfer cte to reittive notion betweer two tccles. (C.5)

QLES11th 1 27 (1.CC)

Steen emitirc tre FP tortire is at 785 psis, 90: coality. Stean enterir; tre LF tortine is superheatec to 100 F. htet is tre entralp) cterse cf tte ststr?

a. et ETL/Itn
t. 14C dit/ltn
c. 154 ell /Its
c. 7C5 61Ltitn End of Category 1 1 , . , ,


Zo _fLAhl.I113Gh.JhCLLflbf_SafSII_thi_EtEsGEhC1_3131111 PAGE 11 GLES11Ch 2.Cl (l.CC)

Ire crifices ir tre Peacter Heac tert lines are irstElled tc ...

a. crcp tre presstre dcknstrean tc 311cw the isolation valves tc
close repicl> ir ar emersercy.
t. linit tre fick tc tre capEcity cf c single CVCS ctergirs Funp.
c. lirit fick tc prevert liftir; s control rod due to the celta P at the_rce peretraticr.
c. linit tre fick errcs icn tc tne tpstreat valve tc an acceptatie vatte.

1 GLES11Ch 2.C2 (1.CC)

Tre Frinary Mekets c ecirculation FLnps will start arc rur hitt ncrnal switct Eliserent when cf the fellcain; occurs 1

s. Lc. terk tenFerattre tra/cr risF ccrcuctivity.
t. Ircretsirs nskets fict 2rc/cr i c<- l o pressure.
c. Fesr ccrctctivit) Erc/cr increasing naheuo fic>.
c. Lc-Ic rressere arc /cr loss cf pcwcr.

OLES 11CF 2.C3 11.CC) hbict of tre fellcwirs water scurces can NCT sucoly z cirect source cf *6ter tc tre-atxiliary fecc ptnts.

a. Its 11CsCCC sallcr Cercersate Stcrage Terk (1-CN-Tk-1).
c. ~1re 3CCsCCC gallcr Ccncersate 5 tora;e Tark (1-C N-T k- 2 ) .
c. Ite ICCsCCC sallcr Ccncersite storage Tark (1-CN-Tk-3).
c. 1re Site Fire Ptir.

i Zo_.Tk a bl.L 131E t _ ItC L L Clt f _54 ESI1_lbI_f EE SSf bC1_11111 t3 FAGE 12 CLES11Lh 2.C4 (1.CC)

The cperatcr is alertec tc a Low Fressurizer bypass spray fick t):

a. Lck tenpersttre afirm.
b. 1 pray valve rcsiticr switch.
c. Lc5 fick alarn.
c. c> pass velve positicn switct.


The $atet) Irjecticn tc recirculaticn roce transfer for the FFR systen car te tyrassec t) mears cf contral coarc switetes crly curing knat ccrciticr.

a. Safety Injecticr hitt oc spra) requirec.
t. hct-stardt).
c. Satet) Injecticn termiration.
c. LEfuelirs.

QLESTICA 2.Ce (1.CC) hhich cf the:fclicwir; ficwpatts ccrrectly cescrites Pcw FCher is ncrnail) Suppliec tc titil SLs Cistributico Panel 1-117

s. 4EC VAC frca sitEl ttss rectified to 12C VCCs inVertec tc 12C \tCs arc sLppliec tc Parti 1-II.

L. 4EC VtC frcn 9itil tts, transferxeo to 12C \ACs ard stpflied tc PEreI l-II.

c. 12C SCC frca tatterys in%ertec 10 120'V8Cs Erd -sLPf l ieC tc peret 1-11.
c. 12C ttC frca farel 1-IV is supplica to Pare 1 1-II.

l a..'t L a b l. L L 112 b .1 b C L L C 1 b 2. 5 b E 511. L b l.E ti E G L L C1. 5131 E t FICE 13 CLES11Ch 2.C7 (2.CC)

Irc ic ate 1 ELE cr FALSE fcr eact cf the fcliowing:

a. Lott cttside r e c i r cu lit i cr spray sotsysters are startec ty a Corsectences Limitirs Safe;tarcs initiation after s 2 nirtte tine celt). (C.5)
t. The Service Water frC# e3CP CCCler Of the outsice reCirCLlatice sprgy sttsystem is scnitcrec fcr racistion arc >111 autcneticly shutocwr stctic leskise De incicatec. (C.5)
c. The cutsice recirculation PtnFs can te stoppec t) placirs their centrcl switch te 'LOCKCUT' with a CLS initiaticn tot tre irsice recirctlaticr systen can not te stoppec t) placios its ccetrci switch t ' LOC 8 CUT' urtil the CLS is reset. (C.5)
c. Tc c r. s t r e the hPSF ct the cutsice recirculaticn spray pters is net, en crifice was installec tc linit fick tc ?CCC spn. (C.5)

QLES11th 2.CE (1.CC) htich ct tre fcilchir; stttenerts ccncerrirs the Corsecuence Liestirc Safestarcs (CLS) is ccrrect?

a. UFcn Hi-Hi in it is t icrs ccnt31nnent presstre mtst decrease reich ttr hi r5 set pcirt tefere bi-hi c?r te reset.

L. Ecth tre re and Hi-Fi relsys most be erergized tc iritiate CLS Ecttstecn.

c. Ite CLS system uses eiGtt pressbre trarscucers: 4 for the Fi setsysten ard 4 for tr e Hi-hi sucsysten.
c. ic nartelly initiste the Fi sut syst us bctF trip postcottors cr the ccrtrci bcarc mtst te sinultanecosly depresscc.



2c__flah3_LISIsh_JBCLLElts_S4EEIJ_ftL_EtSBSfbC1_SISIftS PAGE 14 GLES11th 2.C5 (1.CC) hhich of tre fcilcmirs sets of pressurizer pressure setpoints is ccrrecti

a. 2335 ps is - PCRV cpers 235C Fs is - hish Pressurc slarr

,237C rsig - hisb Presstre trip

t. 221C rs ig - 9/U teaters cr 21CC psig - Lcw Fressure Elarm 1675 psig - Lcw Fresscre trip
c. 251C rs is - Fish Pressure trip

]E75 ps is - Lcw Fressure trip 1115 rs is - Lcw Fressure 51

c. 2335 Fs is - PCFV cpers 21CC rs is - PCFV block 2CCC rsig -

Lcw Fressure stare QLESTICh 2 1( (1.CC)

The Lcarcrcrt Ccclirs Watcr systen in cenaunction with the EbF sys te n is cesisrec tc rectce tre ECS tenperature to _____ F'withir

___ _ hcurs after shutdckn tasec cr 3 river water tenperature cf 55 f.

a. 3tc, IE
t. 120, 24
c. EtCs 1E
c. 14Cs 2C QUES 11CA 2.11 (1.CC)

The tackdF E ir stpply fcr the pressurizer.PCRV's was cesignec tc...

a. alicw fcr 2C ain. ct rornal cFer3 tion with rc cFerater actice.
c. pcrnit IC nir. ct centinucus cycling nith ne creratcr act ion,
c. prcvict five cycles cf eact PC6% in a 20 min. period with oc cperatcr scticr.
c. allca fcr 1 recr cf creretice with nc restoraticr cf nernal air cr cperetcr acticr.

1 Zo..Etabl_If51sh.ltLLLLlbs_SoEfIJ_thE_ftf3GEbC1_SISI!!S PACE 15 QLESTICb 2 12 (1.CC)

Indicate Stetrer the Cver Fower Celta Terperature trip setpcirt will ibCREASEs CECGEASE, cr REFAlb ihE SAPE for tre fcilching paraneter cterges. Ccos ic er eact separately.

a. Ircreasirs Tavs
c. Tavs less than ratec tcher Tavs
c. Leita I t e c c mi r. g nere negative
c. Presstrizer Prestre cecreasirs QLESTICh 2.13 (2.CC) t Fcr tne relicking conpcrents, i rc icate ahether they will receive an CFEh, CLCSEs cr 60 signEl open safety injection Irltiaticn.
a. Centrcl recm stpk 13 anc exPatst accts
t. Fair fecc tyress valves
c. SI sectnulatcr cosctstge iscletion valves
c. hernal chsr; irs teacer isciaticr valves
e. Pair steen isciaticr salves
f. kh51 tc Lc Hc SI ptar sucticn valves
c. Seal 6 ster rettrn isclaticn valve
t. Ccarorert ccclin; iscisticn silve fron RHOS
1. Ccnrcrert cccler; isciaticn frcn letcckn heet e> changer J. Stein strply valves tc tercice-criven feed purp CLESTICh 2.I' (1.CC) b e. i c t of tre tclicairs is hCT a r e a s c r. for the S/G level prcgrar?
a. P ir in iz e cccicc>r of RCS fcitoking 3 steer treek.
t. Ptirtair ccrstgrt nass ir S/G at all power levels tc ticilitate crenistry ccntrcl.
c. P ir in i z e c'c r t a i: r n e n t presstre tallowing e stear treak.
c. Pirinize iricvertent ice icw S/G level reacter trirs fcilckir; a icsc rectcticr.

- - h


Ec..tLabl LEh1St 1LCLLClbl SaEE11 lhL EtthSEUC1_1151521 FbGE lt

-CLES11Ch 2.15 (1.CC)

Tre Ccaporert Ccclics bater Raciatico r.critors use a scintillation type cetectcr and caLses tre cverficw vent to ___....___ ._ .. cn an alarm.

a. civert tc FCET
t. civert tc haste Foletr Tark
c. close
c. civert tc ficcr dreirs QUESTICA -(1.CC)

Fatct tre tclich irs r eactcr ccncit icns in Column A witt the red speec ir Ccitar E.


1. witter swir s StLtcc>n Eank e in Shutccwn a. C sFm Eark E pcsiticr b. E sFm
2. w i trcr aw in g tark E ir Control bank e c. 16 sFm Scsiticr c. 24 spe
3. Actceatic irsertior mitr Tavs > Tref by e. 48 SFm E cegrees f. .72 sFn
4. kitnorewins Eark 1 in tartal Scsiticn
5. Attenatic inserticr >itn lavs') Tref by t.5 degrees QLESTith 2 17 (1.CC)

The AnVSilE EL5SES' stFFliec;frcm_1H and lJ are ce-erercizec when whict cf tre fcilchirs ccnciticn occtrs?

a. ecs vcitage is redLceC by .T c r e than 251.
t. The Safety Injecticr start cf tre ciesels.
c. .The_lceds sLFFliec t> the stLt tus wtere not Frevictsly rtnnirg.
c. 43 ciesel is trarsferec to tnt Lnit l' side.


Ze__fLALJ If flSt_ItCLLElh6_SAEEIl_thE_f tEEGEL'El_SI!If!! FAGE 11 QLES11Ch 2.1E (2.CC)


a. Energency Ciesel 42 will stpply the Lnit on a p r ior i ty tesis witt the FIES1 stirt sisrsls eitter Lndervoltaga or Safety Irjecticr. (C.5) yyn b . Cnce startec cr a $1 fcr Lnit 1, s3 ciesel will ret trarsfer tc

---45 Lnit *)2 i f a n L n c e r % c i t a g e ccctrs. (

c. If 43 ciesel is supp ly in; Uri t 1 ano 'a SI or CLS occurs or Lnit 2 tre #3 ciesel will attcmatici) transfer to Unit 2. (C.5)
c. The 93 cieseI will sLpply either the lh or 2H tts > ten atic-naticl> started. (C.5)


u QLES11Ch 2.1% ll.CC)

Reactcr Ccclert Fonp a3 is startec durir; shutdcwn'after a seel replacenert. After cperating fcr approxicately PC n inttes th e fellchir; is ctserwec.

1. 41 stil ceits F >4CC4
2. Starcrire ic> sevel
3. 41 scal leskcft has increasec.


1. Flart rresstre is it 4CC#
2. Seal irjecticr at t.cpr.

Which cf the tcliceir; is a protatle catse for tre etrcreal incicatiorst

a. a3 seal failtre.
b. VC1 presstre is low.
c. al seal typiss is cren.
c. PCCl presstre bas increasec.

l 24 _fteb1_IE53Eh lhC1LClbs_53EEIJ_lbE_ftfESfbCI_IISIEt3 FAGE 1E GLES11Ch 2.2C (1.CC)

RCP fl>>nteI is cesigrec tc...

a. extenc cesstcc>r fcr tearins Frctection.
t. n a r i a. i z e fick str;es catsec b) Fower line fluettEticDs.
c. prctice startirs inertia tc prevent sudden ficw spikes at S/L.
c. cxtenc ccastdche fcr Frctecticn of the core.

QLESTICh 2 21 (1.CC) htict cf tre fclic> irs ccre parancters cces the CT delta T prctective circhit prevert txce.cing1

a. Pcher-densit)

C. Ceparttre frcn Nucleite deilirs-

c. letsi ccre scher
c. kedistrittticn QLESTICh 2.22 (1.CC) hhicn of the tLrbire trips telch is initiated to erstre sufficient ccoling fcr tre CLS systems?
a. Mein ktedwster psTF trip.
t. 4/4 tertine stcp valves shtt.

=#" c . (le ft. ir tre intakt canal.

c. 2/3 Stean Cereretor levels FICF.


En .ftehl.Cf51Gh_ltC1LLitt.SaEEI)_JAL_ftfBGEUCI_!!!IIt3 FAGE 15 co QLES11th 2.22 (1.54J knicn of tre fatic>in; ciesel ersirc/;enerator shttdcwns are enatled durirs'ar esersency stirt cf the ciesel? fcre than cre arsber aay te ccrrect.

a. Fist Icte cil terperstcre
t. higi Jacket ccclart terferattre
c. Ciesel csersfetc.
c. Gereratcr differectial current.
e. Gerer ster cverctr rert.
f. he;ttive Frase secterce.

G. Ciesel ich lute cil Fresscre.

h. Reverse Fceer.
i. Generstcr srconc..

CLE511CS 2.24 (l.CC)

Tre 1259CC cistritutsen tittery s3 stem is sized to carry tre recairec shutdckn Icics tcr ___... tccrs.

a. 1.
c. 2.
c. 4.-
c. 5.

CLES11CN 2.25 (2.CC)

a. E c w' cc the F resstrize r power cFeratec r e lief valses ( PCR b 's )

Fresert'cverpressurizztice at Icw re3ctor coolart terperature ccnciticrsi (C. )

t. k r. a t alerts the cFerster tc the f ac t- tlia t PC V cverpressure.

Frctecticn is reqtirec? (C.5)

c. 1h0 act ices aust the cFeratcr. take to previce autoratic cverpresstre Frctecticn.frcit tre PORV's? (1.C)

Zo__ fkabl_E ESlEt_ltCLLClh C_S AESII_thE_f cEEGESCX_SISIf t3 FAGE 2C

. ~*


-cues 11th 2.2e (- .5C) 1 TRUE cr FALSE ,

ite autcmatic switchever'cf the ctargins pumps frem the VCT tc the RhS1 is des isrec tc n eint ain prcper sea t injectior flow 1to the FCF's.

i End of Category 2 1

i 1

l r

A 11 4

l l

) ')

l l

,. . . _. ,__. . ,, ._. , _ . . . . - . . . - . . . _ _ . , . . . r .:- . , . _ - - , . , _ _

ac__1hS15htEblS_stL_CLb1 ELLS FtGL 21 QLES11Ch 3.C1 (2.CC)

Match'tre sittenert in Ccicmn A tc the proper Stear Eunp acce in (clunn E.


a. Operates Stein Cear >ith a 1. Turbire trip 5 F ceSisticr (Tavs-1ref).
2. Steen presstre
b. has twc indepercent creratirg acces. 3. Loso rejecticn 1
c. Ccntrcls cnly t>c ccrcenser steen 4. Tavs dump valves.
c. Crer3tes steem cung with rc cead.

tacc (lasc-Tref). CC.5 esch]

QLESTICh 3.C2 (1.CC)

The 1 FRET irrtt sisrels tc tne Steam Generstor Water Level Ccntrcl are

a. Tavgs ccngersated feed ticws tr comp e rs sted stean fick.
b. Feed fic>s consensated stean ficas - water leveI crecr.
c. Ecngersatet fecc flchs water levels corpensatec steen fic>.
c. Lrecar ersa te d f eec fIces conpersatec stear ficw, water level.

QLES11Ch 2.C2 (1.CC) hticr cf tre fCllChiPG is used tc cre 3tc the l? vel prcCrannin$' signal fcr the Steen Gererator bater Level Centrol Systen?

a. Averige bl-pcker.
b. Atcticreered low hl rcher.
c. Tertire.1st stase instise pressore.
c. Aucticreered hi N1 FCber.

. . ~. . _ __

l l

l ko..thbliUttk13.ltL.LLb1 ELL 2


FtGE 22

i. .

CLES11Ch 2.C4 (1.CC) hhict et tre fclic> irs statecents stcut tenperature cetectors is ccrrecti

a. Tre treraccctrie is cornectec tc one leo cf a tricge circLit arc as the tevperature changes tre cutput scitage acrcss the tricge changes.
c. hter a trerscccurie fails cpen it ,ill rescene in tre saae msnrer as in QTC arc vill incicite a fcil scale reeding er tre atter.
c. hhen a faster resfordirs temperettre sicral is neccec a direct inmersicr (aet tutt type) FTC is tsee Instead ct the treracwell ecuctec LTC.
c. A CIC is ccmprisec cf twc cissirilar retal: le certact with each ctrer arc generates a vcitage that is FrcFcrticnal tc the tenpergttre cifference between tre cren ends cf the wares.

QUES 11Ch 2.C! (1.CC) htice cf tre tclicairs stitenents descrites the sigral path from tre Scurce earse cetectcr tc tre Sccrce Rarge level reter er the PC87

a. Cetectcrs Fre ters L isc r imina tcr s Lcg Integrators Peter L. Cetectcrs les Inte;ratcrs Fulse Stapers-FLise Cocnters


c. Cetectcrs Fre t r. r s Les Ir te;r dtcrs 31scrisirators Peter
c. Cetectcrs Les ters reter QLES11CN 2.C6 (1.CC) bhicn et tre; stitecerts ccncerning the Fewer Range Fuclear instrcaentstier detectcrs is ccrrect?
a. Orerates er tre rrcpcrticrzi regicn of tre g*s'arplicaticr

-(detector ctaracteristics) curve.

t. Uses inner chinter ctrrert to carcel out ganea currert ir tre cuter crimter.
c. Uses Ecrcr iriflucride ;ts te eske it rettrce sensitive.
c. Ottpot is calitratec ts tse cf a seconcery test talarce.


l l

3c__fbS186tibl5_etL_CChlEC15 PAGE 23 l

  • 1 l

CLES11Ch 3.C7 (1.CC) hhich cf tre tclicwirs statenents ccncerning the S/G Bicwcc>r Systen is ccrrecti

a. The tic >dc>r filters anc icn exchangers are bypassec onless the tic >dchn raciation nonitors detect a tigt t ic>c ckn ac t ivi ty.
c. lhe irside and cutsice ccrtainnent trip valses are a uttn a t ic a ll y cicsed by any signal hbich attenatically starts the atxiliary feed pumps.
c. It( rcrnal cischarge flow path cf the cocied and treatec tic >ccwr lictid is to the CW cutlet pipirg frcn water-tc>es A cr C.
c. Ire S/G tiowccwr lines jcir together to fern a connon teacer (pstrean cf the ticwdowr ccolers.

QLESTICh 3.CE (1.CC) hhicn cf tre fclic irs ststenents ccncerring the Stesm Curp Ccntrcl Systen is ccrrecti

a. Tre stein dump salves tail open on loss of air.
c. Ir crder tc cccidcen belcw 543 cegrees, the stean cunp ncde selectcr switch ntst te nonentarily taken to " Reset" arc returrec tc 'Stean Pressure".
c. hter ir the Tavg moces tte steen cumps are ernec by the retetcr trip treakers opering.
c. Jr tre Icac regection noces the steam cunp salves nay reCeibe a sIsnel to ncCulate cpen or a sigral tC tilF cFer deFercirs LFcn the nagnituce of the error sigral.

QLESTith 3.Cc (1.t()

Referring tc pregicec Fistre 3- 1, iraicate whether tre following valves receive er CPEhs PODULATEC, cr CLCSEO signal for the giver cakets node selectcr switet pcsiticr.

a. 114A in AU10
b. 113E in EllLIE
c. 1142 in tL1 01LLTE
c. 114E in EOGA1E
e. 1134 in MANU AL l

i l


lo- iklULlELES LE tLLLEbE ELars ELibi CEEEb11CS1 FecE 2

. itsitCC3 tit 1C12 bkhl'3EauSEEE lb5 ELUlL ELLE l

CLES11Ch 1.01 (1.CC)

As tre core escss tre r e t ic of FL235 stens to U2.71 stons increases.

Fcr tre sent reactavIt) ECciticr t t. i s c h 3 n j i r,1 ratic CEUSes:

a. reacter Ftried te decrease.
t. the Veid (cefficient tecoces less ces3tive.
c. Pccerstcr lenptrittre Ccefficient tc beccne less negative.
c. the dels>ec nettrcn fracticn tc increase.

QLESTICh 1.C2 (1.CC)

The -1/3 [FN SLR tclic> irs a reactcr trip is caused ty:

a. 1tt etcty ccrstart cf tbc longest-livec grctp cf cEliyEc rectrcrs.
t. Itc Etility cf L-235 tc fissior with scurce neutrors.
c. Ite acctri cf resative reEctivity acdec cr e trip te ing creater trer tre Snttcc>r targin.
c. Ite ccprler eff(ct 3ccin; rocitivc reactivity due tc tre tenrerattre cecrease fclic>ir; a trip.

Q L E S 11 L t. 1.C3 (1.CC)

Apprcxinately tch ntry tctrs coes it take for.Xencn tc react ICC3 ecu ilit r i tn ccccertrcticr Efter tre reactor'is brcestt to fell pcker frcn s )ercr free ccrciticr?


a. 20-4C retrs
b. 4C-6C tctrs
c. tC-EC t etr s.
c. 6C-ICC tctrs .


FtGE 3 lht3 TLC 3hitlC24.hibl.JElb5! ELL'lD.ELOh a

CLESlith 1.C' (1.CC)

-If tte reacter trippec atier 1 3C c a> rur at 50% powers BCLs > tat bculc te tre peak reactisit) value cf Xeror:in DC P 7-

a. 2C6C


t. 247C
c. ".411C
c. 412C CLESIICh 1.C5 (1.CC)

As tre cort ages, celta I at ICC% eculltrice vencra

a. renairs-tre same.-
t. tectnes nere reGative cue tc nere negative FTC.
c. teccnes less re:stive cue tc sanariun.
c. teccnes resative-cue tc recistricution.

CLES11CS 1.Ct 11.CC)

Ctrir; a steen laan-trce the nain steam heecer to the strospreres a ttrcttlir; prccess is cre1tec. brich prccess celch kill ccCur?

a. Entralp) cf tre steen will cecrease.

L. .Cetrcp) cf tte stean kill ircr*Esq.

c. bpecific vcitne Cf tre steen k ill 06 crease.
c. Steta tenstrEture >ill r e .T a i n t I ri s' a n e .


$ tm v

i lo__Tilbf1E151_CE.tLGLffE_EIbE3_filtl_Cffiellfuz FACE 4 lbfBtEIltatlCla_bse3_31ASSfiE_ftL_fLLlL_ELCW 4

QLESlICh 1.C7 (l.CC)

The reactcr is prccccles ICC'. rattc thernal power et 3 core celta T cf 6C ce3rets arc a ness flow rate cf ICC4 when a bisckout occurs.

hattral circtisticr is estEblisrec and ccre aalta T sees tc 4C cegrees. -If'cect) ttat is 2tr > tat is the core ress ficw rate (ir

7. ) ?
a. 12
c. 2.C
c. 2.C
c. 4.C QUESTILS 1.CE (1.CC)

Ccncernins tre teravicr cf Sacaritn-149, which cre cf the fclichir; statenerts is trte?

a. 'Crce ectilltrica San ariun is est3blisheds'Samarius resctivit) cots rct ensnse regarcless cf pcter level ctarges.

L. tCt sctilitrica 5:earite reactivity is ecusI to ICCt ectilitrics Santrium reactivity.

c. Sintritn is orly rencvec-t> raciasctive cecay.
c. $srerion is prcctcec t> tre cecay of Iodire.

QLEST.Ch 1.(c (1.CC)

The reacter tas teer stsrtec cp or a r.e>-core and bss actievec ICCt pcmer >itt.ectilitritn )erCn. "CrCr corcentr3 tier is Et.9CC Fpn.

A reactcr trip ccctrs. . /ssuring.ALL rocs trips . Pet is tre sFproxi-ratt stttcc>r nErsie inneciately site r tne trip?

a. '4.$4
t. ^5.14 ce "t.t8 C, '7.$4

- - - r --


FtGE l

. 1c- thlbL1ELEE CE.bCCLLLE.ELUCE ELLL1 CEEbb11D21 itEhtCL1 bit 1C12 kkhl.15eUSE55 Abl ELLlG ELCM I

QLESTICh 1.1C (l.CC) htict of tre fcliceirs is the urits of heat flux?

a. hatts / cttic certineter
t. 91L / (tr scuare ft)
c. C s icries / cran
c. kb / ft

' QLES11th 1.11 (2.CC)

Ircicate cr >ctr-answer steet wretter tre followirs staterents are inLE cr FALSE.

a. FLnF-rtrctt is the tern usec tc descrite the corcition cf a centrittsal Ftnp rtrrir] nitt SC volune flow rate. (C.5)
t. If the speed cf g certrifugal Ftnp is coublecs tte flow rate AAC ciscrarse pressure will ccttle. (C.5)
c. If the sreed cf a pcsitive cisFlacenent pume is dottlecs the flow rate vill dcutte. (C.t)
c. Fcr twc certriftsal Ftnp; ir SEEIES, the conbintd celivery fick rste is ectst tc the stn cf the indivicual'Funp ficw rates et ttt ssne FLnF speec. (C.5)

QUESTIC6 1 12 (1.CC)

Fron t r. e tcllctir;s chcese the evert that tends ~tc nthe tre Ftel z Tenperature Ccefficient nere nesative over ccre life.

a. ELilcts cf Fu-24C c.- Cisc Creep
c. Fellet Shell
c. Lcher' Effective FLet Tenrerittre i

-La. thlbC12LES.LE.LLLLLA5.ELh:3 2Libl CBE5allCUz PAGE t

ItthtLL1ttt1L51 tib1 lhAb5E55 lht ELLl: ELD'd CUESIICb 1.12 (l.CC)

-1C hitt reactcr pc>cr at 1*1C anpss a SLR cf .7 CPF is establistec.

-t Lsirs 141C enF1 as the FCAbr Fow long will it take the power tc react-tte FCAF?-

a. 26 wirttes
t. 5.7 nirttes
c. 28.61 nirotes
c. 4.25 nirttes QLESTICh 1.14 (1.CC) htien statenert telcm ccrrectly cescrites what beppers to Bets-tar-eff as the ccre esesi
a. Its vsite cecreases cEtsir; tre reactor to resperd faster tc reactisity ctarses.

te its valte cecreases CEtsir; tre reactor to resperd slower tc reactisit) ctarges.

c. Its valte ircreases catsin; tre reactor to resperc sicwer to reactisit) ctarges.
c. Its valts ircreases catsing tre reactor to resperd faster te reactisit> crances.

QLES11Ch 1.15 (1.CC)

At ECLs tre cenperents cf the pcker cefect in ircreasics creer cf sigrificarce (reactivit) stlue) art:

a. bCiCs CCFplers flC
t. %cics P1Cs EcFpler
c. PlCs \cies CcFpler C. PICS CcFFlers )trcn

Oc. fElhClfLEI Cf_tLCLs1E_fthis_Ittbl CEEEAIIES4 FACE 7

.lbsEtLC1tstic2 tsbl.1EAbhEEE LtL ELL 15 ELCM CLES11Ch 1.16 (l.CC)

A reactcr is presently stttccan witt e Keff of 9C erd source range cconts at 3C crs. Ite cpe r s tcr - irserts reactisity until tre sccrce rtrge retcs 65 cps. 'ahit is the new Keff1

a. C.9C
t. C.95
c. C.St
c. Instfficiert cita tc calculate QLESTICh 1.11 (1.CC)

Consicer tre tclichits statenents ccncerrina unit efficiency at a steacy statt_rc>tr livet. Using cr ly tre parameter change incicatecs etccsc the PC51 (CEFECT ststenert.

s. Lrit e f t ic ie ncy incrcises if cre low pressure feedwater heater is typasstd.
b. trit Effscitrcy incr(iscs if 8E5GLLT': ccncanser pressure changes trcs 1 psis tc 1 25 rsia.
c. trit etficiercy r en irs tr2 sant of total Stern Cereratcr Bic>cc>r fic>ritt is .ctarg(c trcT 35 tc 40 spn.
c. trat etficitrcy accreEses if tctwell tanperattre rises frca 9C-ICC F.

QLESTICS 1 16 (1.CC) htien et tre fclicwing rtclear paraneters are ALL certributcrs tc cifferertial rcc >crtt?

a. LccEl gcana fitas peak 9trns, flux, slokirG ccwr lergtns trernel cifttsicr len;tt.


c. Lccal rettrco fitas paak r t'J t r c c fluxs sichirs dokr lergtts trernal cifftsior leratt.
c. LccEl genna fitas averagt sarns fluxs slewiro down lerstt, trermal ciffusior lenstb.
c. Lccsl nettrcn fitxs avtrast neutrcn 'luy, sicking cc>n Ierstri trernal ciffLiicr lerstt.

in__fEIhCIELf5.Cf hLCth35_ffhEE_Etabl_CfffallCUz PACE E JtLEtLL1tetlC51 bEel.3Ehk3E52.AbE ELLlL.ELCE QLESTIC6 1 19 (1.CC) htict cf tre fcilc>ir; statements ccncerning the pcker cefect is ccrrecti

a. Itc pc>tr cefect is the cifference betweer the neasurec Fcher ccef f iciert anc the prcaicted rower ccefficiert.
t. lte pc>tr cefect increis(s the TcC north recuirererts recessary tc nairtain the cesirec shutccwr norgin fclic> irs a reactcr trip.
c. Eecatse cf the tister tercr concentratior, the power cefect is nere regative Et Deginning of ccre life.
c. Tre Fcker ctfect recessitates tre use of a rawpec Tavs Frcgran te nsirtain an acecuate Reactor Ccclent Systen sttccclirs narger.


The reacter is creratirs at 9Ct cf ratec thereal pcker bitt Tavg en presran arc ectilitrica )eron. Ttt seccncery instronerts ircicate stein pressure at dCt psis. Tne ccnetter shows feec>ater terrerattre at 44C f. besatt ar> erersy adcec ty tre ECF's arc assure all lictics at s&ttraticr. vtat is tre ness f icwr 3t e in the sectrcary systen.


a. 3.21*1C lta/tr t
t. 1C.Sc*1C ltn/tr t
c. 12.l?*1C lta/rr e
c.*1C ltn/tr Q L E S i l C ri 1.21 (1.CC)

The rccerztcr lenpera ttre Ccef f iciert (FTC) varies witt certair plart ccociticrs. Cercerrin; trese variationss wbict cf the fclicair; is ccrrect?

a. Tre PTC teccnes acre neg s tive ss toron ccrcertratico is ircreasec.
t. Ite PlC catses Eti31 flLX cistriottion tc te tiltec tc>srcs tre tcp cf tre ccre at SCL.
c. Ite PlC varies Es tenpe r ittre crinces becstse cf tre rcr-lireer.cersity charges of aater as terreraturr CrirGes.
c. Ite PIC is nct termittec ty Technical Specificaticrs to te pcsitive ir try piirt crerating modes.

Ic..tilbCLELES LE.LLCLELE.ELhEE ELib1 CEE5bilDU1 FAGE s 1bi8tCL1hatlL52 bis 3 JEbb5EEE lhE tLLlD ELCd QLESTICh 1.22 (1.CC) htir,n cf tre fclic>ir; statenants cescrite the relatiership tetween integral arc cifferertial roc wertt1

s. IrtcGral rcc wcrtt (at ar) locaticn) is the slope cf the differertial rcc >crth ctrve at trat lecstien.
t. Irtesrtl rec wcrth (at ar) leccticn) is the tCtal Ere3 unter tre cifferertial rcc worth curve fren the enc cf tte rcc tc that lccaticn.
c. Irtecral rcc >crtt (it gry locaticn) is the scuare cf the cifferertial rcc wortt at that iccation.
c. Trere is nc relationstip tetween integral arc differential rce >crtt.

QtES11Ch 1.23 (1.CC)

Answer iglE cr FALSE tc tre fclichirj.

a. LLrinc E GCS teatLFs is t e n f e r s t 'J r e Jets higherp It WIll tant a sneller letec>r fica rite to raintain a ccnstart Fressorizer level. (C.5)
t. Increasir; ccreersate cepressicr-(sLtccoling) >lli cause EC1F E CECreise if p l i f. ! efflCiency AhC 30 increESe in ccrcersste (tet ut il) FLep availtLle hPSH. (C.5)

CLES11th 1.2' (2.CC)

The reacter is cretating it 3C* pcwer wren one RCp trips.

Assen ins rc re ac ter trip cr tertire Icac crange ccetr, inci-cEte > tetter tte fCllCwir$ PEraneters will INCREtSE, CECREASEs cr kLPAlh 1FE 5 APE.

a. FIcb ir CPerstir$ reactCr cOClart loops (C.i)
t. Ccre celts T (C.5)
c. Gesctcr vessel celta D (C.5)
c. Cperatir; Icc; stean ;ertretcr pressure (C.5)

QLES11CN 1.25 (1.CC)

CLring i reEcter startt;r erstical cats was in1dvertently tsken tec cecaces telck tro-reetirac Intermeciate Rance (Ic) level.

Tre critical catt >as trer taker at the prcper 10 lesel. hotic the critical rcc1pcssticr at the prcper 1H level-te FIGFER ThtN, IFE-5 APE A!, cr LChEs IFeb Ine criticti_ roc positier taken twc cecaccs beice the prcper IE leveli

lo..filhC1ELEI.Cf _htCLEJE_f CBEE ELitl.CEEEalic'Ja FAGE IC itEEtCL1Lat1C12 tE21.1EbbEEEE.LtL ELLLC. ELDS QLE511Ch 1 26 (2.CC)

Fcr the felichirs cefiriticoss sise the term that is cefirec.

s. Ite inctrt cf reactivity ttat is needed tc 50 frcn tct zerc pcmer to hot ftll power. (C.5)
t. Ite fr cticral ctan;e in reutrce populaticr per gercraticr. (C.5)
c. Itc ancLrt cf hett rectirec to change 1 lbn cf wster irtc 1 len cf stean. (C.5)
c. Fest trarsfer cte to reittive action betweer two tccies. (C.5)

QLEsilth 1.21 (1.CC)

Steen esitirs-tre FP tortire'is at 785 psis, 90: ctality. Stear enterir; tre LF tortine is superheatec to 100 F. Wtst is tre entralF) ctarse cf tre stese?

a. Et ETL/ttn
b. 14C d1l/tta 3
c. Its dTL/Itn
c. ?Ct STL/Its 4

End of Category 1

2Labl Lt31Gb.ibCLLLibt.5bl511 lbl EEEEGEbC1.21115t3


Zo FACE 11

. e GLES11th 2.Cl (1.CC)

The crifices ir tre Reactcr Heac ttrt lines are instilled tc ...

-a. crcp the presstre.dcknstrean tc 311ch the isolation valves tc close refict) ir ar emersercy.

t. l i n i.t tre/ fick tc the capacit) cf a single CVCS chargirs Funp.


c. linit fick tc preVert liftir$ 2 Control rod due to the ccita F at the rce Feretraticr.
c. linit tre fick er'rcIicn tc tne tpstreat valve tc an acceptable vette.

GLES11Ch 2.~C2 (l.CC)

Tre Frinar) Mehelp Recirculation FLnps kill start arc run bitt ncruel switct slisenent when cf the folicwing occurs?-

a. Lcn tark tenFerattre tra/cr hisF corcuctivity.
t. Incretsirs askets fick arc /cr ic-lo pressure.
c. Fssr'ccrctctivid) Erc/cr increasing nakeup ficw.
c. Lc-Ic pressure arc /cr loss cf Fcwcr.

t OLESTIch 2.C3 (1.CC) hhict of tre fellcwirs water scurces can ECT supoly a cirect source cf

  • ster tc tre styiliary fecc FunFs.


a. Ite 11CsCCC sallcr Ccreersate Storage Terk (1-C N-T k-1 ) .
c. 'i t e 3CCsCCC salter Ccncersate 5torage Tank (1-C N-T k- 2 ) .
c. Ite ICCsCCC ;sticr Ccncersste Storage Tark (1-C N- T K- 3 ) .
c. Ite Site Fire tair.

9 k



l. '


{ $ ,

,. Y t

t v

Zo__iteh3_LE31st_JhCtLCitC_3AESI2_1tI_EEESSEhCI_SIIIftS FAGE 12 GLESilCh 2.C4 (l.CC)

- The cperatcr is slertec te a Lcw Fressurizer bypass spray flow t):

a. Lck tenpersttre alsrm.
b. Spray 5sive tcsiticr switet.
c. Lcm ficw naarn.
c. c) pass vsive positicn switet.

QLESTIch 2.Ct (1.CC)

The $atet) Irjectico tc recirculaticn moce transfer for the RFR systen car te tyrassec ty mears cf contrci boarc switetes crly curir.s >nst ccrciticr.

a. Safety Injectico bitt no spra). requirec.
t. hct stErdt).
c. Safety Injecticn termiration.
c. Eefuelirs.

QLESTICh 2.Ce (1.CC) hhich of the fcllchir; ficwpatts ccrrectly cescrites hem pcker is nernally suppliec tc titti 3Ls Cistribution Panel 1-II?

a. 4EC VAC frca vital tts, rectifiec to 120 VCC, invertec tc 12C ttC, arc sLppliec tc Panel 1-II.

L. 4EC LAC frcn vital tts, transfer.Tec to 12C %ACs and sLFrlied tc Parel 1-II.

c. 12C %CC frcn tatterys irgertec to 120 VaC, and stppliec tc Farei 1-11.
c. 12C \AC frca farel 1-IV is supplico to Parel 1-II.


Za__ftabl_C111Ch_JtCLLG2ht_Saf5II_ltI_ftfhSEhC1_IY311t! F A C- E 13 CLES11Ch 2.C7 (2.CC)

Ircicate TELE cr FALSE fcr eact cf the fclicwing:

a. Lctt cttside recirculitice spray sutsysters are startec ty a Ccosectences Limitirs Safe;tarcs initiation after f 2 nirtte tine ceIs>. (C.5)
t. The Service Water frca each cccler cf the outsice recirctlatice s p'r t y sttsystem is scnitcrec fcr raciation arc will autcrsticly

-shutocwr stctic leaktse be incicatec. (C.5)

c. The ottsice recirculstico ponFs can te stoppec t> placirs their centrcl switch tc 'LOCKCUT' with a CLS initiaticn ttt tre i rs ic e recirctlatice systen can nct te stcppec t> riacirs its cco tr c i suitch tc ' LOC 8 CUT' urtil tre CLS is reset. (c.5) c.- Tc erstre tre hP5F cf the cutsice recirculaticn spray ptars is nets en crifice was installec tc linit fick tc 3CCC spn. (C.5)

Q L E S 11 C r. 2.CE ( 1. C C I htich cf tre fcilower; statenerts ccncerrirs the Corsecuence Linstir.5 5 fegtgrcs (CLS) is ccrrect?

a. Urcn Hi-Hi initisticrs ccntale"ent presstre mtst decr ase reich ttr he ros=t pcirt *efere Fi-mi eer te reset.

L. Scth tre Fi and Hi-Fi reli>s etst be erersized tc iritiate CLS Ecttaticn.

c. Itc CLS system uses eistt presstre trarscucers: 4 for the F1 setsysten ard 4 for tre hi-bi sucsysten.

C. Ic nartElly inats:tc the Fi sutsyat!Ts tett trip pottDtttens cr the Ccrtrcl bcarc mts.t te sinultanecusly deprcsscc.


< ~ _


.k .  %

O q s' x a s


, M

Zo__PLthl_LISlLh_lbELLLlts_SLEEII_ttL_fESSGfbCI_SISIftS FAGE 14 GLES11Ch 2.C5 (1.CC) bhich cf tte fcilchir; sets of pressurizer pressure setpoints is ccrrecti

a. 2335 psig - FCRV cpens 225C Fsig - h ish Presstr e alarm 237C Fs is - hisb Fresstr e trip
t. 221C Fsis - 9/V teaters cr 21CC psig - Lck Fressure Elarm 1675 psig - Lcw Fressure trip
c. 211C psig - Fish Fresstre trip 3615 psis - Lcw Fressure trip 1115 rsig - Lcw Fressure $1
c. 2335 Fsis - PCEV cFers 21CC rsis - FCFV tiock 2CCC Fsis - Lcw Fressure alare QLESTICh 2.1C (1.CC)

The (cnrcrcrt Ccclirs WE ter systeF in cCnjLnCtion kith the EbF ssste e is cesisrec tc rectce the 6CS tenperature to _____ F witFir hcurs after shttdc>n tasec cr i river water tenperature cf 55 F.

a. 3tCs It
t. 120, 2'
c. EtCs 1E
c. 14Cs 2C QUESTICN 2.11 (1 <C) lte cacher a ir stpply fcr the pressurizer FCRV's was cesignec tc...
a. allcw fcr 2C eir. cf rarTal cFcr3 tion with re cFeratcr acticr.
c. pcrnit IC nir. ct centinucks cyclin; nith no crereter act ion.
c. FrCwiCe five Cycles CI c3ct PCFh in a 20 min. pericd hith PC cFer3tcr ECtacr.
c. allc. fcr 1 tcLr cf cFersticr with nc restoraticr cf ncrnal air cr cperatcr acticr.

ac__ELAbl_I151sh_ltCLLCIbs_S4Efl1 thE_tti3GEbCZ_SISIft3 PAGE 15 QLESTICh 2 12 (1.(C)

Indicate Stetter the Cver Power Celta Tenperature trip setpcirt hill IbC4 EASES CECEEASEs cr REFAlb THE SAFE for the fclichirs paraneter cterges. Censicer eact separately.

a. Ircreasirs isvg
c. Tavs less then ratec Ecwer lavs
c. Leita ! teccming nere nc;ative c.- Presstrizer Presure cecreasirs QLESTICh 2.13 (2.CC)

Fcr tne teilcwing conpcrents, i rc icate abether they will receive an CPEh, CLCSEs cr h0 signal Lpen safety inacction Iritiaticn.

a. Centrcl recm stek13 anc exhatst occts
t. Fair tecc tyriss valses
c. SI acctnulatcr cascrarse iscistion valves
c. hornal chsr;irg rescer isciaticr valves
e. Fair steen isciaticr salves
f. k%51 tc Lc Hc SI ptnr sucticn vsives
s. Seal *Eter return isclaticn yalve
t. Ccarorert eccling isciaticn Silve frca RHQS
i. Lcnrcrert ccclert iscliticr frcn letecwn best enchanger J. Stein strpl> Salves t c ttr t i n e-cr i v en feed punp QLESTIch 2 1' (1.CC) bhicr of tre tclic. irs is hCT a reason for the S/G level prcgrar?
a. P6rinize cocicc>r of RCS fcliowing 3 stean treak.
c. Ptirtair ccrstart nass-ir S/G at all power levets tc facilitate crenistry centrcl.
c. Pininize c e r t i ir r n e n t presstre tallowinc e stean treak.
c. P ir in i z e Iractertent ic> Icw S/G level reactor trips fclickirs a icsc rectcticr.

La_.fLbbl.LLh1Sk 1LCLLL1ht.SAEE11_ bbl.EttEGEUC1 1111E21 FRGE lt CLES11Cb 2.15 (1.CC)

Tte CcrForert Cccling hster Raciaticn F.critors use a s c i r. t l l i s t i c r, type cetectcr and caLses tre cverficw vent to ______.....,_____ cn an


a. covert tc FCET
t. civert tC h4ste FClCLF Tark C. Close
c. civert tc ticcr drairs QLESTICh 2.It (I.CC)

Patct tre fclic>lrs reactcr ccnciticns in Column A mitt the red speec ir Ccitar E.

CCLLtt t CCLLFh 8 l 1. witterswirs $httcc>n Eank 0 in Shutcchn a. C SFr Eark E Fcsiticr t. E, sFm

2. wittcrawing Esrk B ir Control Bank E c. 16 sFm Fcsiticr d. 24 sFm
3. Autceatic irsertior with Tavs > Tref ty e. 46 sFm i cegrees f. 72 sFn
4. hithorsking Eark 1 in tantal Fcsiticn
5. Attenatic insertior >ith Iavs > Tref b) t.5 dagrees OLESTICh 2 17 (1.CC)

The AnV 'SILE ELSSES' stFFliec f r cm 1H and IJ are c c-e rer s i z e c unen whict cf tre f clic> irs conc i t icn occLrs?

a. tus vcitage is redtcec by acre then 251.
t. The Jafet) Injecticr start cf tre ciesels.

I .The Iceds stFFliec ty the stot tus > tere not Fregictsly rtnnirs.


c. ' 43 ciesel is trarsferec to the Lnit 1 side.


1 Zo__fteh].E1515t_JtCLLIlts_5AEfIl_JhE_EEESGESCI_SYIIit5 FAGE 11 l

QLES11Ch 2.1E (2.CC)


a. Energency Ciesel 43 will sLpply the unit on a priority tasis witt 4 the FIES1 stirt sisreis eitter Lndervoltage or Safety IrJecticr. (C.5)

QC(h b

p. Unit

---wk Cnce startec cr a 51 fcr Lnit Is

  • )2 it an Lncer)citage ccctrs.

s3 diesel will ret trarsfer tc (C.5)

c. If 43 ciesei is supplyin; trit I ano a SI or CLS occurs or Lnit 2 tre #3 cieseI will attcmatici) tr ansf er to Unit 2. (C.5)
c. The 43 cieseI will stFFly either the lh or 2H tts hten auto-natici) started. (C.5)


u QLES11Ch 2.1% (1.CC)

Reacter Ccciant Ftnp a2 is startec durir; shutdcun after a seal replacenart. After cperating fcr approxiestely PC ninttes the felicwir; is ctserwec.

1. 41 seEl ceits F >4CC4
2. Starcrire 1cv levei
3. al seal leskcft has increasec.


1. Flart rresstre is it 40C4
2. Seal irJeclicr at f Gpr.

bhich cf the tcliceirs as a prctatie catse for the strcreal incicatiorst

a. 43 seei f a lltre .
b. kC1 pressere is low.
c. el seal t> pass is cren.
c. FCC1 Fresstre ta. Increasec.

-24__fLabl_EE51Lh_lhC1LCitf_53ffl3_JtL_ItfaSfbC1_IIIIEtS FAGE It l

GLESTICh. 2.2C (1.CC)

RCP fly >nce1 is cesigrec tc...

a. extenc ccastcc>r fcr tearing Frctection.
t. ninimize fick str;es cELsec b) Foder line flucttstions.
c. prctice star t irs ine r tia tc prevent sudden ficw spikes at S/L.
c. extenc ccastdc>r fcr Frctecticn of the core.

QLESTICh 2.21 (1.CC)

! htich cf tte fclickirg ccre paraneters cces the CT detta T prctective circuit prevert exce*cing1

a. Pc>cr densit)
c. Ceparttre frcn Nucleite Scilirs
c. Total ccre Ecker
c. kedistrittticn QLESTICh 2.22 (1.CC) bhicn of the tLrcire triFs Leick is initiated to erstre sufficient ccoling fcr the CLS sy s tems?
s. Mein ktedwater scnp trip.


t. 4/4 tortine stcp valves shtt.

L 4 c. 41e ft. ir tre intake canal.

c. 2/3 Stean Gereratcr-levels FIGF.

- Zo__ftabl_CESlft JhC1LLJhs_SoEEI]_1ht_EEEBGEUC1_IYSIEtS FAGE IS 00 QLES11Ch 2.23 (1.54J khich of tre falicking ciesel ergire/ generator shttdcwns are enabled dtrirs er enersency start cf the diesel? Fere than ore arsher na) te ccrrect.

a. higt lute cil-terperstcre be hist. jacket ccclart tenperature
c. Ciesel cherspeec.
c. Generster differential current.
e. Gererstcr'cvercLrrert.
f. hegative prese secterce.

G. Liesel ich lute cil fressure.

h. Reverse pcker.
i. Generstcr SrcLnc.



QLES11th 2.24 (1.CC)

Tne 125VCC cistritution tettery system is sized to carry the requirec shutdcwn Icacs fcr ______ tccrs.

a. 1.
t. 2.
c. 4.
c. 5.

QLES11Ch 2.2$ (2.Cl)

a. Ecw oc the p re sstriz e r power crer etec relief valses (PCRV's) prevert everpressurizitice at icw reactor coolart tenperature ccncitiersi (C.:)
t. knat eierts the cpertter tc the fact that PCDV cverpressure protecticn is reqtirec1 (C.")
c. What ih0 actions must the cperstcr take to previce autonatic cverpresstre prctecticn from tre P0kV's? (1.C) 4 9s. - ,

x d

Zo_ fkeh1_LESlGA lhCLLClbC_SaffII_thi_ftfSSESCY_SISIft3 FAGE 2C >

r GbE511Ch 2.26 ( .!C)


'IteSutcmatic switchever'cf tne ctargin; pumps frer-the VCT tc the R hS T -i s d e s i sr e c tc ' r e in t a in p r cp e r s e a l. injectior flow to the kCF's.

l i

i j

End of Category 2 i'

i 4

4 Y

4 2

f-i i

k r

I i

i .

I 1


1 4

, ~ - + 7r . -, , , , - - , y m , -* r -- '~ *T*~-*'-~T--* ' * - I* ** - T " -

- ~ *

  • a c._l'b 5IE L t f h 35_ A L E _ CIblt I15 FACE 21 QLES11Ch 2.C1 (2.CC)

Match tre statenert in Ccican A tc the prorer Steer [urp acce in (clunn E.


a. Oper.ates Stean Conp with a 1. Turbire trip b F ce5isticr (Tavs-1ref).
2. Stean pressore
b. has twc ir de pe rC t r t Crer8tirG ncces. 3. Loso rejecticn
c. Contrels cnly t>c ccrcenser steen 4. Tavs dump vsites.
c. Cperates steam cuts >lth rc cead tanc (lanc-iref). (C.5 each) i QLES11Ch 3.C2 (1.CC)

I The IFHEe irFLt sigrals tc the Stean Generator Fater Level Ccntrcl are

a. Tavgs cenrersated feed ticw, trcompensated stean ficw.
b. Feed fichs compensated stean ficas water level errer.
c. Cctrersstec feec ficw, water levels corpensated stear fick.
c. Lr ccer er ss te d f eec f Icks conpersitec stele fick, wster level.

i-3.C2 Q U E S 11 L t. (1.CC) brict cf the fclichirG is LSed tc cre ate the level Fregrannins signal fcr tre steen Cererator bater Level Centrol Systen?

a. Averige 61 pcker.
b. ALc ticr eert d low bl rcher.
c. Tertire 1st stage initIse preistre.


c. Aceticreered bl N1 rcmer.

~ _ . . _ _

ac..ThSIfutitlS_ ate.CLb1E(15 FAGE 22 QLES11Ch 3.C4 (l.CC) htict ct tre fclichirg statements stout tenperature cetectors is ccrrect?

a. Ite trefacccuple is cornectec tc one leg of a bricge circtit arc as the temperature changes the cutput ,

scitage acrcss the tricse changes.

D. krer a therneccuple fails cpen it will rescend in the sane manrer as an RTC arc will incicite a ftll scale reading cn tre meter.


c. hhen a faster respondirs temperatore sional is neecec a direct irmersicr (met tutb type) RTO is tsee Instead et the trerreneli mountec ETC.

. c. A E1C is comprisec of the > ires of oissimilar retals in certact with each other are generates e vcitage that is prcrcrticnal tc the tenperature cifference between tre cren ends cf the wires.

II QLES11Ch 3.Ci (1.CC) f bhicn cf tre fclichirg statements descrites the sigral path fror the Scurce Earse cetecter tc tre Scorce Range level reter or the PCB7

a. Cetectct, Fre Ants Ciscriminatcri Log Integrators Peter
t. Cetectcr, Lcg integratcrs Fulse Staper, ptise Counter, heter

, c. Cetectcr, Pre Ants Les Irte;ratcrs Olscrieirators Peter

c. Cetectcrs Les Anr, Meter QLES11Ch 3.Ce (1.CC) i hhicn of tte fcliceirs sistemerts the rower Range Fuclear
Ins t ron en t a t ier det ec tc r s is ccrrcct?

i j a. Orerstes er tre rrcpcrticral regicn of~tte gas arplicaticr

, (detector ctaracteristics) curve.

j t. Uses inner chanter currert to cancel out genia currert ir tre cuter cramter. .

c. Uses Ecrer 1riflucrice ;ss tc rake it reutrcn sensitive.

] c. OLtptt is calltratec ty tse of a seconoary test talarce.

i 4


3a..lb51ELtibl5.Att CChlEC11 PAGE 22 QLES11Ch 3.C7 (l.CC) hhicn of tre tclichirs statenents ccncerning the S/G Elcwcc>r System is ccrrecti a.- The tic >dc>r filters anc icn exchangers are typassec onless the tic >dchn raciation nonitors detect a tist tic >cckn activit).

c. 1he irside ard cutsice certainnent trip valves are t uttn a t ica l l y cicsec by sn) signal which attenatically starts tre atziliary feed pumps.
c. Itc rcrnal cischarge flow path cf the cocled end trestec cic>ccur lictid is to the CW cutlet pipirg frcn water-tc>ts A cr C.
c. itt S/C tiowcc>r lines Jcir together to fern a cornos teacer (pstrett Cf the tickdcwr ccolers.

QLESlich 2.Ct (1.CC) htien cf tre fellc. irs statenents ccncerring the Steem Curp Ccntrcl Systen is ccrract1

s. Itt stean dump valves fall open on loss of tir.
t. 1r cr der tc ccc idcnn nelch 543 cegrees, the steam cunp ncdt selectcr switch ntst te nonentarily taken to " Reset" arc retyrrec tc S t e a n Pressure".
c. hter ir the TavG moces tre steen cumps are Ernec b) tre

] reteter trip trtthers optring.

c. Ir tre Icac re;ection ecces the stcae cung galves na)
receive a signal to ecculate cren cr a cisral tc trip

! crcr derercir; trcn the n agnituce of the error sicral.

4 i QLESilth 2.C9 (1.t()

Referring tc prcticec Fistre 3- 1, iroicite whether tre folichins valves receive ar CFEh, POOLLATECs er CLCSEO signal f or the giver

, caketr node selectcr switct positicr.

a. 114A in AU10
t. 113E in CILLIE
c. 114e in All 01LLIE
c. 114E in E05 ATE
e. 113A in MANUAL t


2c__thSIELEEh13_ItC_CCb]EL13 PAGE 24 i

QLES11th 3.1C (1.CC) htict statenert telen is correct ccrcerring the Red Control 5) sten?

a. The pcber cabiret presloes AC Fcwcr FLiscs to drive the centrcl roc drive nechannsn.
b. The reactor ccrtrcl Lnit sererates a rco speed are di rection j sigral ir response tc two errcr signals.
c. P inpulse previces slGnals tc tre rate comparater, leac/ leg trit l _end the varittle sair unit ir tre rce control circuits.
c. noc pcber is suppliet ty twc nctor generator sets with a 26CVCC CLtput ttrctst en isclaticn trarsformer.

QLESillh 3.11 (1.CC)

The centrcilirs tresstri2er level ctarnet (459) falls righ chrirs I C C ?. power creraticr. Assumin; N0 cperator actice is taken, prich cf tte fellc> irs test cescrites the resporse cf the plart?

a. Ltar; ins f Ic w gces t c ainintr Ezr level decreases, letcc>n isciates ard the plant certiruec tc operate at tre same pcher.

l t. Ctargirs fIcw sees tc rinimum, Fzr level cecreases, letcc>n l isciat(s and tre plant trips cn high pzr level.

c. Cnarjing ficw sces t he m a x imum, p zr level increases enc tte plant trips or bish rar level.
c. Charjint tic. romains the sanes bzr level increeses che tc l

letco>n iscletirg ard the plant trips cn high par level.

e l


3 4 _ . f b 5 1 E L t i t l ! . J t L L C S J E C 1'5 FACE 25 i

CLES11Ch 3 12 (2.CC) incicate wreteer tre fclic>ing statements concarrir; tre hoclear j Irstrcaent 5) item are 16 UE or FALSE. j a

a. Ite sctrce rarse irstrument uses a fission charter for I (C.!) ;

cetectirs rettrces.

te keer er irterneciate rtnge cetector is cver ccerersetec tre seter reacirt will te' thar tre settal r2utron fity level. (C.5) j c. Ite pcber range Chabbit CL;kEhl CC..?Sa4ATCC (lecsted in tte a cccFartter and r ate crawer) cttruts an 41are if any ctarrel  ;

ctvintes t) nore trar 2" full pc er f r e e. eny etter ctanrel. (C.t)

c. Ec er rarse cranrel M44 is tscc by tre reector Frctectice anc icsic s>tter fcr irput te.tte s tc ae Jenerater ich level arc Ick-Ic. lewel setscents. (C.5) i


i QLESTICb 2.12 (2.CC)

Corir; cperatier et
C4 t t. e 0 0'. T A C L oro in tre ccid les of

^i Iccr cne ealftnctices a r. d its si;nti cutput IN0 CEASES ty 6F. Emelair tre sffe:tt cr the f e l l c w i r .; indicatiers, para?eters or contrcl 3

systens irceperdertly. tssure ne cr3ratcr ictiens arc all cortrcl systses are ir sottnitic.

, a. kcc ;crticI (C. )

c. L:cf al, 01 deltal setsclot (C.t) i 4

i c. ecc irtertler licits (C.t) 1 4

o. Fresss,i,,r it,ei (C.s) 4 1

l 4

i i

ac__thSIELtELIS_AtI_GsbjE[1] FAGE 2t CLES11Ch 3.14 (3.CC)

Patet tre ccoditices of cclunn A tc the power level in Colunn 3.


a. Biccks rce actior if.1/4 crannels 1. 22 cf Fo>tr rarge reactt! ...
2. 751
c. Attcraticly tiocks t reacter trips when reactcr Fc>er arc tLrbine power are ... 2. IC3%
c. Block rcd withcrawai if interneciste 4. IC1 range Ecker is ..__ . c c u i v s l e r t sno itself is rot ticchtc. 5. 2 C f.
c. F-8 on Stan 3/4 hl's trc t e l o w ____ p o we r . 6. 4&C
e. Trips sll te(d pun pss isclates 7. Itt feedwster arc trips turcine if 2/3 Fi-Hi $/C levels )..... 8. 3tt
f. AlicW totenttic rce centrcl 20cvc

.... rcwer.

[C.5 cach]

QLESTICN 3 15 tl.CC)

Cr nr autenatic reactor trip, tre trip treakart irterrtpt ...______

sc*er tc tht red ccrtrci pcwcr c at iret s.

a.- 2c0 VCC

t. 120 VCC
c. 2tC VAC
o. 14C VtC

ac__ftsIELEttJS.AtL_CCSJECtj FAGE 21 CLES11th 3 16 (1.C()

Listsc telck are all of tre conci t iens which will start the E t e r ', e n c y fetchiter fumps.

1. 2/1 Ich-Icw S/G levci frcs ar s 5/G
2. 2/3 ~ 1ck-Icw 5/G levei frer 2/2 S/G
3. All esir feec pLips trip
4. 61schcLt
  • Safet) Injecticr 4 .

brich ccnciticrs telcw miti cause crly the TUPAIhE-CFIVEh purF tc. start?

! 'a. I arc t t b. 3 arc 4

c. 2 ara '


c. 2 arc i QLES11Ch 3.17 (1.CC) lte n esetcr tessel Level 1rlicaticr Systen uses
  • Fat type of irstrLaert tc cetersine the water irventcry of the vessel?


a. eIL's I
c. Iternecctriea
c. Fissicn chanpert
c. Celta P cells CLESilCh 1 16 (1.CC)

, ire restitsrt ledicaticr cf tne keactor Vessel Lcvel Ircicaticn Systta is ccrrected ter adverse certaineent conriticrs ty

t. Ltnsirg line testersttress a l de r a n g e. 1 hots arc FCS pressores.

I t. LcrtJinnert air tomretaturess ccntalrncnt prasstre anc '

! trarsmitter lectticr.

ce kcacter vessel well tanperaturep #CS l av;s inc icop presstre.

c. ( c r. t a l r n e r t tenperettres cortairrent pressure arc cperator ust cf a grart.


3c..[hilELttbl5.ltL.CChlEL11 FAGE 26 l .

, QLESTICt- 3.19 sl.CC)

Stear Generatcr cverfill cculo lead to ...

a. hater acceleraticr canase tc tre Aux Feec turtire.
t. a pcsitive acderrter temperattre coefficient.


) ce f a l l'u r e cf tre ttree elevent S t e .a m Generator kater-Level controller.

c. seistic statility cf the piping cue tc the esss cf the hater.

QLLS11th  ?.2C (1.CC) kr.lch ircicaticr telca is the DIPEC1 cutput of an RIC?

a. Iret l
t. lavs
c. trct i c. csiti 1 QLES11Ch 1.21 (1.CC)

Fcw wcLl1 ttt failurc Ick cf the dersity ccrpensaticn signal cn any Ltest Garcrater . ICC2 power affect the High $ tear fick slgral

tc tru k2tetcr Frctecticr systes?


8. trcreases density cenpensattor recoces the Pict fick signal.
t. Ver) R4rcr *ffect ht ict cculo ircrease or secre35e cepencing j c r. tne sctare rect entratcr creraticr.
c. LtcrJases dersity ccmpensattor increasts the tish flow siscal.
c. he effects hist steam flow signal is nct density ccepensatec.

I i

l I

3o..lb51ELEih15 lts.CshlEC15 FAGE 2s l

-QLESTICh 3.22 (1.CC) ,

htict indicaticr telc. is the ccrrect rethoc of ceterrining tre statts cf E FressurlIar $EfLt) \alvt?

a. Leserve rcsiticr irdicaticn and t eilpipe teeper a ture.

g b. Otserve tzilripe tenteratores scoustic moniters anc position arcicetter.

j i c. Coserwe acctstic teriters anc pcsiticn indicaticr.

c. Otserve tailpipe tenteratores arc accustic neriters.


QLES11CN 3.?? (1.C C I List the FOUA cifferent raranater iroicaticns proviced on tre Rercte Pcritcrirs Fane1. (1.C) i WLESTICA 3 24 ( .5()

i ibLt La F2LSF I

ite FIkil 14C tarricrs tc the releas9 of tisslor Arctucts are tre

, primary cccitet ririrq arc tne reactor containeent.

i l QLE311LN 3.Et (1.CC)

I brict. cf tre tcliceir; sisrals is BOT 'Jirectly ceternired b) the vslue et tortine ferst stage pressore?

1. FrcGrsanec'5/C Level i
t. Fist $ tear Flch '1

. Setroint

c. Gregrammec Fresstr Zer L(vel
c. Iref End of Category 3 i

4 4

- . ,, - . - , , . . . . . , . - - , 9.%_r._g _ - _ . . _ -- , ,-


' bc..tiCLELLELS.:.tLELLL2 15hCotaL1.EEStkthC1 bu* FACE 3C i EAGICLCGlCAL_ILh1EC1 QLE511Ch 4.C1 (1.CC)

Patch tre evcitticos ir (cluen a tc the power trat ttey are rcrnally perforrec at dLr irs a p u we r increase in Column n.


1. Perfern heat talarce a. 15%
2. ker if y Frcrer 5/0 chemistry t. 35%
3. Start seccrd nair-feed runp c. SC%

4 Place stear dcaps ir 'Tavs" c. 60%

0. *:.;2 . '::' :3;;;- '- -^e st':n-= , e. 7C%
r. 7 &4 ,g.

tY QLESTILA 4.C2 (l.CC) hhich cf tnc f c lic> ir c s t atun cr ts descr IDin; the netted cf shutccan frcn 24 pc er tc het stutdcwn is correct?

s. Lsirs atrLal r cd cartrci s insert control barks Cs Cs Bs arc t tc zerc sters. Pairtlin the shutdc>r tanks fully
  • itherswr.
t. Using nintal red contrcls losc r t control tarks Os Cs Bs ard a to five sters. Fairtain the shutecwr banks fLily alttcrawn.
c. Usirs eantal red contrcl, insert contres berks Os C, 0, and A te zero steps. Osirs ;rcup selects insert shttocwn banks tc 2erc sttrc. Cper resc+cr trip t r e ak e rs. Reset ftrcter trip tret kers. Usiq; .roup selects folly with-draw stttecen t ar ks.
c. Usirs grctp selects irsert all rec. to five steps. Cpen reacter trir treakers. Cesat re3ctor trir treskers.

Usirg GrcLp selects full) witncrik sbutcc>r banks.

- QLES1!LN 4.C3 (l.CC)

If tac cr acre ccrtrcl rcds are nc t 'ull y insertec fellowirs a reactor trifs hc. nLet boraticn it r<scuiroc for cact rce rct full > trsertect

4. 3CC FFn L. l!C rrn
c. ICC Fra
c. '. C rra


io__feLCfDLE11_:.BLEtaL4_lfLLEteta StEESthE1_ab2 PAGE 31

, i4LILLEGlLAL.IChItLi QLESTILN 4.C4 (1.CC) htico of tre fcilcair; statecerts ccncerning the precectre fcr a l crcrpec 4CCA is ccrrect?

t i 2. trcr startir; reccvery of the cropped PCCA, 3r URGEh1

, FAILLkE alare vill cccur tecause the lift cells fcr the

! ctttr rcds ir tre ;rcce rive teen ciscenrectec.

I t. Ire celta fita target tsrd is rot applicatic curing a j crcfrec NCCA galfcncticn ar1 recovery.

c. If t>c or scre F CC A 's h av e er cpp e d, waruelly trip the I reacter arc prccccc ir acccrcarce with EF-1.CC.

I c. Cecc5er) frcs a droppec CCCA -ill be facilitated if lays is tigher trar Iref prior to ccigencirg bittdrawal Cf the a

drcrrec FCCa.


QLESilCN '.C5 (l.CC)

Coring a nattral c i r cc i s t i:n cccleckn f clicwing a reacter trips htich cf the tcIlc.irg crit? rid Ctterrire the arctnt of DCS stecccling recuirec?

4 b($ ccciccur rat <.

I c. Feactcr rc er r is tcr) ( d t c as beat rate).

y c. Frststrizer level.


c. htnter cf C-CM fars r u r.n i r s .

QUESTAsh 4.Ct (1.CC) brict cf ttc; it thi ccrrect .ctico if, fello>ing 4 reacter j trips crly cre A( 6Tff;ency Ots is thersizec?

de Ir) tC restCrt [C>tr Ic dt-Mn t r ;i 200 AC eR(rfenC) Lb5

> tile c cr t i r u ir s E A-1.C C s "4< a c t e r T r i n / S s f e t y Irjectior".

t. Cc tc ECA-2, "Lcss of All AC Pchsr".
c. =tstere rowcr tc ce-trertitec AC gevrsency tus befert c cr t t r t ir s c F- 1.CC.

, c. Gc te 'S turense tc Inaaecuate Core Ccolirs".


l io..fdCCEILE15_:_tCatiL4_1fhC3taL2_E!EEGESC1_300 FAGE 32

., EAL1LLLSlCAL_LCL1ECL QLESTICh 4.C7 (1.CC) hhicn cf tte tclichirG ccnciticrs >culc prevent restarting a FCp folicnir; a icss cf a ECF tus?

a. bCl presstre cf EC psis.
t. Seal trJecticr ficw cf 8 spm to eacr RCD.
c. bc.I seal retcrn valve srct.
u. Cifferential pressure acrcss No. I seal cf 3CC psic.

QLES11Ch 4.06 (2.CC)

List ALL 19 in n e dia te acticn steps for a "kesctor Trip / Safety Injecticn* rtr EF-1.CC.

i QLLS11th 4.Cs (1.CC) kr.ich cf tre icilc>lrs statenerts ccncerning the S/G Tute Repture procectre tF-4.CC is correct?

a. Cccicc>r nay te ccinercec trior to isolatirs the rLptured 5/0.
c. Cecicc>r rate is lin.tec tc ICC cecrees/tetr.
c. Lsirs cre p2r FCE% is tb< preferrea methcc cf cepressuri-2sticr.
c. 1rt nC1 snctld te bor attd to the cold stttccwn rectire-ntrts pr6cr tc ccatercing coclecwr.

CLESILLN (1.CC) 1he trit Starttp Frecectre states trat the snutdobe tanks ecst te fLily >lthcrs>r >ter,ever re)ctivit) is beir.) changeds tucept bitt pernissicr cf the Strerintencent cf Creritions anc...

a. tre shutdcwr margin tas tten celcL1stec tc te great (t tttr 117C Fcn.

L. tre >C$ is terstad tc the cole shttcown corcertraticr.

c. tre reacter is in the $ctree WanGe with the HIGH FLLX A1 5FLICChh tiern cperstle.
c. tre actusi tcrcn concertraticn is greater trse the Frtcicted criticsl terce CCncentration.



QLES11Ch 4.11 (1.CC) hhich cf the fcliceiry stateterts ccncerning the Imtediate Acticos fcr nuclear irstromert nsifuncticrs is correct?

a. If a sctrce ranse channel fails ntile a startop is ir

.presress anc reactcr pcwcr is below p-6, irsert all ccrtrcl tanks tc 2erc steps.

t. If er Irternedist( ranse c t a r r.e l fails while a starttp is ir prccress arc reactcr power is abcve F-6 but telow F-1Cs tte pc er ircrease naf cortinue usirs the cperable irterreclate rarse crannel.
c. Fsiltre cf cne rcher ranse channel curing stutdown preciLces a reacter starttp until tre 'ailec chinnel is returred to creratie stEtts.
c. Failtre cf cott scurce rsrse chanrels while stutcomn


rectires toraticn to the cele stutoown specificaticn anc cisstlirs tre primar> nahttp citute furcticr.

QLESilth 4.12 (1.CC) htien cf tre tellcuirs stateverts ccncernin; the inseclate acticrs for a ccnplete Icss et ccapccent ccclin; water on Urit 1 is NCT ccrrect1

4. Stcp ctsrsir; fic> by cicsin; FCV-1122 arc letcowr flo>

t) cicsirc FC%-12CCA, a s arc C.

L. I t '. CCF's tr e t r ippeu twc ninutes after eitter the opper cr icker nctcr tsarir, tenperaturc reaches FCC decrets.

c. $ tift reactcr ctrtairn:nt air r ecircul at icr cccler s 'tc crillec ccerorert coclic;.
c. FrcFart tc LachtF conttirnent instrutent air ulth thrtine tLilcles sestrtnert sir.

QLESlich 4.13 (1.CC)

C t r i r '; torcr cercentssticn ctarget to tre ECs AT PCvtR the cFtratcr nost ctserwe cre ct thc effects entsac tj tne borcr charge. bhat are tre Tb0 effacts't

a. (cntrcl tarh Pction and chir;ts in 9C3 Tavg.


b. Lpray valvt acttst6cn anc NI $cher cnange.


c. Contrcl terb meteen inc NI power enan,,ts.

ce Charges ir NC$ Tavs and Spray valve actuation.

l l


CLES11th 4.14 (1.CC)

If actcal critical rce pcsition is >250 per below the Estimatec Critical Fcsiticr, OF-lC states trat you st3118

s. $nctdc>r tre reacter, recalculate ECC.


t. Ccntirte with sttrtLF, recalctlete ECC.
c. Eeergerc) Ecrate, stttcowr the reactors recalculste ECC.
c. Trip tre reactor, Energency 9 crate, recalculate ECC.

QLESTILN 4.1! (3.CC)

Patch tre terns ir ccitnr A to the values in colunn 2 fcr the raciaticn (>Fcstre glicellres. asstme wtole bocy ccse enless ctherwise sttted. CaLTICbt Sc*e erswers could be (sec Fore than crc (.


a. i. % C linits/ctr 1. 0.* DEP
t. Strry limits /ctr 2. 1.25 EEP 2
c. Fresnart .cner linittststatior 3. 1.C REP
c. hpC gercral FLLlac linit/ year A. 0.75 FE"
e. N6C CLsrterl) linit vith i Fern 4 t. 5 JEF 4
f. Surry visitcr linit t. 3 ?EP i
1. .125 EEP LC.! eact) l T


,v.- - -- - , &,- -


-io__fECCECLilS_ tCtfeta_lfhCSEAL2_f!E2GEhC1_dS2 FAGE 35


Fatch tre ccrcitecn in cclumn a tc the action reqLired in COIL #n B.


a. Eter;erc) Litsel 42 trip cr S I . ( A P-17 ) 1. Eecute plart Icac.

L. RCh lesk > 15C spn. (AP-It) 2. Reset-autc start cisable.

c. Leercrert Ccclics FtnFs tripped. (AP-15)
3. Stcp Charsirs fic>.
c. Concersete FLns trip. (AP-21)
4. Fisce Recs in
e. FZk presstre centrci crannel fails eerust.

hi;t. (AP-32)

5. Safety inject.
f. First stage tLrcine tressure fails Fest. (AF-1.2) 6. Cicse sprey valve 4t!A.

CC.5 eachJ QLESTICh 4.17 (1.CC) hhich cf tre tclichirs is bCT i Critical Safety Furetion?

s. SLtccclirs
t. Feat Serb
c. 5Ltcr6ticality
c. Irverter)

QLES11Ch 4.16 (1.CC) hhict cf tre fclichirs is the wintnth CC3 I s ev rate thet rectires tre Lperatcr tc nartally trir the reactcr?

a. ])C spn L. ICC Crn
c. $C GFn
c. 1C tre


io..PECCILLE!!_:.tLEEtta_litCd!AL4_itfdGibC1_AUC FACE 26 EhCLLLCSlLLL.LCk11CL

- CLESlICh 4.15 (I.CC)

Felicwir; a reactcr trips the ttrtire cid not autcretically trip arc the tantal ccrtrci rcca trip was unsuccessful. Accercirs tc EP-1.CC, "Reacter 1rir/ Safety Irjection", vhicn of the follomirs statenents is bli an acceptatic rethcd cf s e c t r e n <, the turtire.

3. Cicst aair stean trin vaIves.

4 c. 5tcp EHC staps.

c. Partally rtrtack tureire.
c. Lccall) tric tortinc.

QLES11Ch 4.2C (1.CC) hhicn cf tre tclic> irs is bC1 3 rectirement prior tc ccamencirs a Fast irlp Feccser>?

a. If tra reacter trir was c asec ty a turoint trips the catse cf tre ttreire trip tas tien acentitiec enc ccrrectec.
c. Ltss ttar fctr hours cas slipsec since tte reactcr trip.
c. tr estinatec cr i t ic al ;csition has teen calculatec.
c. Irret k(F's, tkc concersttt purps, and cre nelr feec ttnF tre cperatic arc ir c ; e r a t i e r. .

GUESilth 4.21 11.Cl) i k r i c t, cf tte f c lic> ir ; stttceents ccncerrir; 9 loss cf cne FCF at less tran 217 Fcetr as ccrrect1

4. ttttr eattir2 tre prtctuticos Inc lieitttiers asscciatec witt Its.rtir3 a G(o, restart tre affectec CCP.
t. Cefeat affetttc icops celtt i enc T3vg slgrals arc 4 ccnnerce unit stutdc.n.
c. Inneciately trip ttt riacter 2nc proceec Ir accorcerce kitt EF-1.CL, 'Stictcr Trir/Safet, Injecticr".
c. Gcker cperaticrs na) ccn t irue fcr up to fctr tours utile a tten pt irs t eri er and resttrt cf th.a af'ectic CCP.

PAGE 37 sc .fhCGEGLEf5_:_tcitLL _tibCB!aL2.EtEEG5hC1_LUD


Acccrcirs tc AF-2C, "Psir Control.Ecom Inaccessicility", if tre reacter ncr any ectirnent car tc tripped frcm the control recF, which inneciate acticr telc= is the cFerstors FIW5T PRICRI1Y?

a. Tri F Iccal reacter trip treakers.
t. Trip tre tLrting if CF er atics.

co Trip the icec pusps Iccally.


c. Initiate E F I F-1 01 S t a t i c n EncrJency Panager Certrollirs Prccectre.

QLESilCh 4 23 (1.CC) hhat are TFEEE indicaticrs useJ te noni tor plant ccc lechn atring hat tr al Ci rctl a t ice a c c c r d i r. ; to ECF-1.C247

a. RCS TFcts lagg and Core exit IC's.
t. keacter bessel Level, Ccre exit TC's, Subcooling.
c. nGS Tccice t tactcr %tsstl Lev (is Sutccclina.
c. $ctcoctors, Ccre ealt TC's, ECS Trot.

QLE511th 4.24 (1.001 After iritiatirs tne "Lcss of Reacter Ccclent" rrocecure EP-2.CCs at uhat cecreasirs pressure sust tre Reacter Coolant Pusps be stcFFect se 13CC psis

t. 14CC rsig
c. It:C FsiC
c. IcCC Ftis l


fr o__ P.1 C C I D L E f !_ _ t C E N L 4_ i t h C EC AL4_ E E EE G s h C 1_ AUD FAGE 36 ELLlLLLLlLAL.LCb1ECL QLESTIlh- 4.2t (1.CC) krien ci the tclicairs ccaditicrs >culd hCT require re-Initletien cf i' safety inaccticn'acccrding to EF-2.C1 "SI Terminatier fclichirs less l cf scactor Ccciant"?

i- 6.C S FEESSLEE SLSCCCLIbG FZR LEVElt i a. 17CC 6C 15 i,

. b. 16CC 4C -10 4

I ce 175C SC 25 I c. ISCC 35 30 i

1 a

i End of Category 4 e

t 4

1 I

t i

t 4

i i



a h

d j

. . . _ _ . - . . , . - . , , . . _ . = . , - . . .- __ . - - _ , . , , . - _ _ _ . _

1 s'



. g f = .34 .' v = s/t Cycle efficiency = (.1er werk cut)/(Energy in) 1

,=q s = 1,t - 1/2 at'

{=X 41 = 1/2 mv a = (Vf - 13 )/t A = 13 A=Ae' 3


pg = gn s .

yf=y + at d = a/t A ='tn2/t1/2 = 0.593/t1/2

,j , , j

r 0 2 C1/2*
  • U *1

A= 4 ((t ) + (t))]

i = 931 ma -

-Ex a = V,yAo ,

Q = mCpat Q = UAai I = I e' pwr = w,2 I=I 10~^# M T.1 = 1.3/u HVI. = -0.593/a P = o.- P 10,sur(t)

? = Po e' '

,- SUR = 25.06/7 SG = 5/(1 - K,ff)

G, = 5/(1 - K,f,x)

SUR = 25e/ t* * (s - s)T G j(1 - K,ff1) = G2II ~ "eff2)

. T = ( t*/s ) + ((s - s '/ Is ] M = 1/(1 - K,ff) = G1 /G 3 '

7 v(s - s) M = (1 - K ,ffa)/(1 - K ffi)s T = (a - a)/(Is) SCM = (1 - K,ff}/K,ff a = (X,ff-1)/K,ff = M aff/ *eff t= = 10 seconds c I = 0.1 seconds ~'

s = ((1*/(T K,ff)] * (I,ff /(1 + IT)]

Idlt*Id 2 ,Z g#

2 7 = (rat)/(3 x 1010) Idjj 22 ,

t = sN R/hr = (0.5 CZ)/e(meters) ,

R/hr = 6,CE/cI (feet) ,

'datse Par meters . Misc 11$ceousC:nverstens

- 1 gal. = 3.345 lem. I curie = 3.1 x 1010 gas 1 irg = 2.21 tem 1gja.=3.7811

= 7.48 gal.tars Ino=2.54x10}Stu/nr

. 1 f.

Oensity = 62.4 lbep/ft3 1 m = 3.41 x 100 5tu/hr Density = 1 gm/c:n3 lin = 2.34 ::s Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/les 'F = 9/5'O + 32 Heat of fusion a 114 Stu/les 'O = 5/9 ('F-32) 1 Aca = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. Hg. 1 STU = 778 ft-lbf 1 ft. H 2O = 0.4335 Itf/in.


- - ~ - ,


i j -



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-DATE M 13 - - - -

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ll4A CONTn0L E

( P.G.

FCV-114A r- "I O 1 I  ! sOnlC c )(

  1. Cv-iijs SLENDER FCv-il3A g i I!5b i 3A -

Ih '

  • U TO -





Lo..EhlkCLELE1.EE.bLLLish SLk51 ELahl CEEhhllD31 FtGE 39

. 3tE3tCC1hetlL14_bEAJ.Jt2S5Eif ltI_ELLIL_ELEW AAShERS -- SLhFi 1E2 -85/C4/C8-PICKEF, E.

AhSWE9 1.01 (1.CC) answer: 3. (1.C)

WEFEhESCE SLrry se3ctcr itecry, 1-5.EC AhSWEE 1.C2 (1.CC) s REFEkthCE VEGF, Trairirs Tests %ci. 9s p. 21-47 ,

bestir rctsc Ceecter Atysics, pp. 1-3.17 6 19 AhSwER 1.C3 (1.CC) ,

arsvers t. (1.C) 4 sEFEfthCE


Strry Ctrve.Eccks p. 31s )ener reEctivity worth fcilcwing startup.

ANSWE'- 1.C4 (1.CC) ans>cr: o. (1.C)

FEFboEbCh Scrry-Ctrve eccks p. 33, )er on r e E c t i v i t~y ' w o r t h ttlicup felicting Ra trip AhSntk 1.C! (l.CC) ansetr: c. (1.C)

REFEstoCE Surry feacter 1recry,-Section as rp 52 --

Ac- f513 CIEL 11 Cf.hkCL515.FChfE_filtl CEEEalILUA FtGE AC

., .ltiSECC1 bit 1C12 btbl litbSEii LLC LLLlC ELCM AAShEFS -- St>>Y 1(2 -85/C4/08-PICKEEs B.

Ah S h E 6. 1.Ct (l.CC) t


- Strry hIFF FF 94-96

'AhSWER 1.C7 (1.CC)

C R E F E k E h C 6' General Ptysicss FT E Fts Secticn 2.2 f

AhShEh 1.CE (l.CC) c REFEFEhCd blSs hLclear Ertr;> Trairir., - aeactor.CFerations p. 1C.5 4

j. bestingrotst Lcacter Pr> sics, pp. 1-5.77 - 79' A6Shth 1.CG- (l.CC) c REFisthCE. ~


Surry'Ctrve Ecck,-pF 21s 27s:29, 3Cs 32s 51 I

AhShtP 1.1C~ (1.CC) t

-REFEFEhCE General-Pr>sicssibi'e'FFs F. 229 ,


l l



~1o_ filbCINLff.Cf hkCLfff ffbE: 5L!b3_CfffAIIChi FACT 'I

., 1ttttLL1 tat 1C1a.tL21 Jiab1EEE AkL ELL 1C ELCd AhShEe5 -- 5LEft 1E2 -95/04/08 DICwEE, E.

j t

Ah5hEv' 1.11 1 2.CC)

Se Falst.

t. False.
c. 1 rut.
c. False. CC.! es.]

REFEFEhCE Strr) best-1rarsfer arc fici: Flchs pp. 122-334 l

'AhSitR 1.12 (1.C()

i a REFEstNCd

. b e s t i r. ; t e t s e E tzcter Frysics, p. I-t.22 Ah5~n EF 1.13 (1.CC) i C

EEFE-thCE sorry A tactcr Trecry, F. I-3.15

Ah5mEr. -1.14 . (1.CC) 1 a

~RcFEkihCE Surry Acacter.irecrys F. I-3.9 Ah5htk 1.11 (1.CC) t .t REFEstNCE' b e s t i r.; t e t s e P(a cter . Frys icss pp. 1-5.12s 25, and 27. i 4

-. , ,w .. ,aem-. + y 4 .f+ p--- y ,e 1

1 Ac..iY1bL1ELES LE.LLCL5tE.ECati ELLh1 CESSh1LCUz FtGE 42

. '1b5stCC1 tit 1Cis.bshi JEAUSEEE AbL EL%15 EL2M i AhShEES -- SLFF) 162 -85/C4/0e-PICKEFs 9.

l AhSWER (1.CC)

C REFEFthC3 Strry seactar Trccry, F. 1-4.26 AhShEn 1.17 (1.CC)

C REFtEEhCE bestingrctse Trernc-tycrztlic Prirciples ano Applicistien tc FhRs I I, cb. 12 pp 21-26 Surry h1FF, pp 112-Itc A h S h E *- 1.lE (1.CC) c AEFEr.ENCE hestir,rctse ~esctcr Frysicss 99 1-5.36 -

SC AAS'Em= 1 19 (1.CC) t REFEFEhCd hestin;tctse Retttcr Ptysics, pp. I-5.26 E 27 AhSnEn. 1.2C- (1.CC) t REFER:hCE Sorry-FIFFs F. 379 AASnEE 1.21 (1.CC)




lo__EhlbCIELE!_CE huCLEtt_EfhE3_ftetl_CESEallLUz FACE 43 )

. Iti8tCC1hatlC12_htAI_lfALSESS_ItC_ELLIS. ELDS ANShERS'-- SLPWY IE2 -85/C4/08-PICKEEs B.


-hestinctetse Seacter F rys ics s pp. 1- 5. 2 - 16 AhShEs 1.22 (l.CC) t REFEFEbCs bestincrotse &tacter Frysicss p. 1-5.40 AhSh'Ek. 1.'23 (l.CC) s.- FALSE (C.5)

t. ThlE (C.5)

REFExthCE Geceral Ptysicss.FT6FF. FF. 155 arc 320 anc Subcoclec Liquic Censity latics Ah5wtR 1.24 (2.CC) a .' 16CEstSL ~(C. )

b. 15ChitSE (C.5)
c. L h C e s t 5 F. (C.5)
c. LeLedtSt (C.5)

WEFEnthCE Gencrel Ptysicss FIFF -

FIci1 Flow Applications fcr Systers anc CcnFcrerts AhShEm 1.25 (1.CC)


TFE 5 APE. 45 REFE*EhCE. _ . _

l blS, hcclear Erers) Trairiras rectie _ 3, Lnit 6-  ;

hostingrotse Rea(tcr1Ptysicss Sect. 3, heutron Kinet ics I


f l1a..$$AbL12L55.LL.LLCLEAt.EthLi ELLbl CEsis11581 ptGE ss

'. 1tLEtCL1ktt1C12.hth1.'3Elb5ESE abL. ELL 15.ELCu AhShtk5 -- SLELY IE2 -85/C4/08-PICKEEs P.

4 AhSWEk 1.25 (E.CC) a.. Fomtr (EftCt (-C.25 tcr scher ccefficient) to Reactivit)

c. Latert(Fest cf 'e s p c r 1 2 s t i e n (ccrdensation) c.. Ccrvecticr


REFEkthCE blSs Nucleer trerG) Treiring - heactor Cperaticr anc olent Ferforsance bestirgtclse Gesctcr Ptysicss .e p . 1-5.26 ar.c I-3.2 arc General Frysicss FitFFs rp. 2E anc SS

- A h S 'a t h 1.27 (l.CC)

c 1

, . PtG6EchCE

  • Sorry FIFF pf 62-96; pr 143-144 ,

t 7

1 s

4 I

4 4


- - ,,,c - - - - . , .

. . . . _ _ . . _ ._ .._ _ _ . _ . . . _m . . . - . - _ _ . . . _ .


'la- $ Lek 1 LLS1Gh 1kCLLGlhL.Sht511 lhl LEkSSEbC1 51115th FtGE 45 AhShEAS.'---5tEFY 162 - 85/04/08-PICKEF, B.

l l

' AhShER 2.Cl (1.CC)



Strry Irstronertatier Partel; Cr !!, p. 1 AhShEN 2.C2 (l.CC) e c.

REFEFEhCE' Strr).$3stenLCescriptiers;-Vci. II, Sec. I, Ch. 6s pp 1-3 Ah$wtk 2.C? (l .CC ) _

t REFERthCd 1

Strry, S/C.At>iliary F-tc !)
ter, pp. 1 f. 9 abs %EK 2.C4 (l.CC) a.



Strry $3stcn cescriptiers; yet I,1cr 1, p.- 21

- Ah5heK- 2.C5 ' (1.CC)

.c .' .

REFE8ENCE Strri 5) sten C(scripticrs; Vcl Is -Sec. 4, ch 1, r p .4 E. Ef4t Ah$hl4 2.Ct (l.CC)


.Surrys bittli. bis [istrittticos pp. 6-1 -[-5


  • w e-
  • f =m >a ey - - ,--w:-

24..fkabl CtSish21hCLLsikf_Saf3II.lti.EtEEGEbCI_SISIftS FAGE 46

'AhShERS -- SLEE) 1E2 -85/C4/0a-PICKEF, E.

Ah5 hen 2.C7 (2.CC)

a. False t.' Falso
c. Trce
c. Trte [C.S esch)

REFEkthCE Surry-5> sten Etscripticrs; vol Is Sec. III, c5 4s or 1-6 Ah5hER 2.CE (1.CC) a 9EFE>EhC6 Scr ry s. Carsecterce Limitir: Safestaross pp. 1, ICs ard 11 Ah5%Eh 2.CC tl.CC)

C REFEeEhCE Surr>s arstrteertaticn PtrLats Certrol -arc Protecticrs Attactnent I arc F. 2 ,

Ah5mth 2.l( (l.C()


-REFEFehC-Sorry $3 sten-Cescripticrs;1Vcl ils Sec.Els ch Ss p.  !

Ah5nEF 2 11- (1.CC) t.

AtFtktbCE Surry'5> sten Cescriptierss Vol. Is Sec. Is Ch. 1s-p. 22 l


s - Za__Elabl_L f110 h lbCLL Llbs_1 AfEILui_EEE355bCL1211f t1 FAGE 47 b 'A b S h E R S -- ' 51.'k k i 1E2 -85/C4/09-PICKEF, B.


_AhS=tR 2.12 (1.CCl~

a. CtCE tASE (C.25)
t. E E P. A l b TFE S2PE (C.25)
c. kEFAIA TFE StPE # ek d ec. (C.25)
c. FEPAI6 1FF SAFE (C.25)

EEFEREACS FhP, IEv;s Celta 1, Erc Finp, pp. 16 6 17 Strry, .Instrttertaticr Ptrtal, Sect. 9,.p. IV-5.5

AbShEk 2 13 (2.CC)

(C.2 pts eget)

a. C L C 5 6.
c. CPto'
c. CLCS{



vC ## e6m64jk % S}y L*to

h. CLC55
i. rC ,

-J. W Ala 1


Surr>r 5afat) .tr ecticr 53stce, pp.27- 293 4

AhS h ts - 2 14 (l.CC)

I t.

l REFLhEbu.

Strryr In s t r tn e r t a t i c n P t r t's.I, Sect. 6, . p . 6.?

i . .


. (1.CC) c.

.REFtPEhCc Strr> $3 sten Cescripticrs; kol'. IIs Sec. Is Ch. 13, pp 5, 6s 13 I


la-$E&kiLE51GLiLCLLCithShiillAhCEE5h353C15111523 F E C* E 4E Ah5*.t=5 -- 5L 5) IE2- -85/C4/Ce-PICFEE, E.

~A h 5 '. E d 2.16 (1.CC)

(C.Z' pts tact)

1. e-
2. C
3. - 't
4. t
  • . t REEEAEhCE Strrss In s t r t a e r. t a t i c r 'artals Occ Contrcl Syster, pp. 15 anc.16 A h S 'n E n - 2.27- (l.CCI


REFEEct.Ch-Strry 53 sten C e s c r i p t i c r s ; V ~c l . II, Sec. IVs Ch. *, p. 17 AhS t= 2.lE (2.CC)

a. False
t. -irte
c. 1 rue
c. Fils; LC.5 eacti-REFErth($

Strri 52 sten Cescriptiert; vel Ils Sec.-4, Ch.

5, p.-E AhP.Ea' '2.15 -(1.CC)

.t R Ef t s thCE-

-Strrs 5)stes Cescriptices; vel. I, Ch. 13, pp_10, - 11 (peratic, Frecectre 5.2, F.4 lAh$ HEC -2.2C f(l.C()


RsFEfthCE --

Strry-sisten-Lescripticrt. Vol. I s - S e c . li C h. 2, p . ' _

Zo..fkabl_II!lGB.ltCLLSlbs.23EIII_lbi.ftE3GtSC1_!13Jft3 PAGE 49

'AhShtg5 -- SLECY IE2 -85/C'/C8-PICKEFs C.

Ah$nEW 2.21 (l.CC) t REFEnENCC Strry Irstrtnertiticr Partal; Ct. Ss F. t.4 AhShEP 2.22 .tl.CC) c.

kEGEREhC6 Scrry 5) sten cescripticrs; Vci ils Sec. IIIs Ch 3s c.5 I

so AhSWEN 2.'23 t l .T6)

Cs Cs C E--C . '. - _ C N 3 O-A REFEAchCE Strrs 5) sten cescriptiers; vol. 11, Sec. As ch. 5s ps 37-44

----* - '. : t ;--  ;;rt ur:: ;;t;;l;::;;:::::ece+^^-t:: == ,,

AhS ER 2 24 (1.CC) t REFEkthC-Strry Syst(c CescriFticrs; Vci. Ils Sec. Its C t . -7 s r. 3 AAShE? 2.2t (2.CC)

s. -Tr.e avtriresstrc saticints are r2stce; fron ncrnal at pcker sctroirts tc Ich tinFtrattr( -stipcints. (C.5) c.- 1re~"FG26 bCl C t t n F C. E 15 t 9 E SYSTEM k E r. ' C al arn arronciate s. (C.5)
c. A. Tbc hE) (per&tec switcnes (cot for eacn velwel are 5kItchec rrCF c i s s t'l e - t c trttle.
2. JCEt'cleck selves are ~ operec cr verifiec cper. (1.C)


.Surry 5) sten C escr ipticri; Vol. Is Sec. Is .C h. Is p. 22A.



2 4__ ElsS J.C f !1s S J S C L L C l t C.S A ESII_ t h C_it E E Sf;!.iC2_SI!]!!! FAGt SC AbSktsS -- ELLEY IE2 -8t/C4/C8-01CKEks E.

Ah5WEF 2.26 ( .5()

FALSE REFEkENCE St.rrs 33 sten Cescripticrs, Vcl. Is sec. 1, ch. S, F. le S t. r r y FLS Fccks F. At

Ja._ h532kfit31.ill_$Chlf!13 FACE $2

'h5kERS A - $tw?Y 1E2 -45/Cs/Ca-PICKEF, 6.

Ah5hE'k 3.01 (2.CC)-

8. 3
c. 4
c. 2
c. I CO.i esch) (2.C)


.5crry Irstron(rtiti:r rrrtal; Cr. cs:pp As 6, 7 arc Fic. 5-Ah$hbk: R1.02 (l.CC) t REFEEshCE Surry Ir:trtnertitier Partal; Cr. E, F i;. Ah$nEs I.C3 (l.CC)


'EFlattCe Surrj 1rstrtnertati;r Pirtal; C r . -- E s Fig.-1

-Ah5wt- 3.C' (1.CCI C.


'htcl(arfecter-Flirt irstrttentitice.5ystecs M9nb$1s CF. 4

. AhShEs 73 0 t_ LI.CC)-



.FhPs tsccre;htclear Irstr.tsentatier systeep ' Fig. 7

.Strry, Instrteertaticr Part31, Exccr?'Instruenntaticr;Systers p. IV-1.25 L_u .



34._Ihsliktfb1!.AbC CLh15C15 FACE 52

AhSbE*5 -- SLEEY 162 -85/C4/Ca-PICKEF, E.


-Ah5hfe 3.C6 (1.CC)

C i

REFtRchCb huclear ,9cter Flert Irstronentaticr Systses Hanctccks Ct. 2 Ah$hEs 3.C1 (1.CC) l t

4 ,

l REFEEthCE Surr>s S / G -- E l c s c c u r. ~ S i s t e n s pp. 4 f


Ah$' nth 2.Ct (l.CC) 4 C

1 i

REFEPchCE Strrys Instroncrtaticr

  • trtsi, Stein Cun F Contrcl Systems pp. 2 .t 4

f f

Ah$ E8 3.(c


(C.3 pts etct) f' a. P C C L L t 1 E r, i

t. L L L 5 Yl-
c. LFEb.

1 ~ c. CLC$dC:

e. JCCLLt1EC REF6ELhCC Strry, C n s. n i c a l arc lettne Certrol-Systees'p. SP

'AhSwER, - 3 1C ( 1. C r. ) .




l. 'Surry irstrtnartiticr;Ptrtal; Ct. As rp 2 L 6s Fig.

1-b v -NN e= mm ee~. mm a s - - v -

. . _ . _ . . . . _ . . ._ _ ._ . _ . .~.

I l

-34__Ib!IfLtih1S_ths CESIE[15.

FACE $3 l ANShEkS -- ElsFY-1E2 -35/C4/08-PICKCF, @.

= Ah5kEk 3.11 (1.CC) t.

REFEFthCE Scrra Irstronertstice kartal; Cr. ICs P:r level lecttre AhSiEk 3 .~ 12 -(2.CC) i

a. FALSi-
t. 1=LE
c. T a t t.
c. 6ALSE. LC.i esct]


.Strry Irstronertatier Psrtst; Ct. is pp 5-11 b

A N S 'n E 4 3.13 (2.CC) '

a. The rcc certrel Lysten ..ill sce an ir. creased Tave-Traf ce5ictice src recs > ill ir ser t. (C.5)
t. hLNc- Itt C1 c e l' t s i ' t e t r c i r t ' i s ;wnirated usir;'protecticn EIL's. (C.5)
c. SL iF1ECl-- acc irsertien 1 6 - i t s - a r e .7 0 4 e r cerercert. Cecreasec cstt3 1 in p lics -Icwc r power. FIL ccaputir uses ruct. Fi celta 1, sc trere *ctic ts rc c h a r.c e ir CIL's. (C.5)


c. Ire ircretsec aLct. live will c s.a s t p r e s s u r i z e r' rr egr an Itvel .

setrcirt tc .ircrease. (C.5) -

REFEAthCE' Sorry irstrtnertitice-Partti; Cr. 9, pp 1-1$

AASmEF- 3.14 . ( 3. C ( ) .

a.- 3

t. 4

, c. 3

c. t

, e .~ 2 f. -7 'LC.: eacti .


, -y ..m,.- . . . , , . - , - -


3c__llLIiwtitJ5.!!L_;fSJ:Lil Fact 34

'A h S 'a c R S -- 5thEi IEC -et/C4/09-c!Cdcc, E.

nEFlethCt Sorry irstrtnertatice .srtal; * :P. 11 anc PLS teck CC5 secticn AhShtW I.11 (l.CL)

C3 4tFt-thCE Strry irstrtnertitier Fartal; .' t . Is F. c AhS%Es (1.tC) c.

h E F t ' L h i '-

Strry 53 tin Cescrir.ticr5; ecl. I, Scc. ! '.1, Ch. 3, rp 7, 6 chS%E- 3.17 (1.Cr) c.


Strr, tr;tronertsticr >trti t i .r. 14s 2 1 Ahd Ek (1.CC) a.

n E F t s t h i. ;

Strri Ir;trtnertaticr .trtti;

  • Cr. 14, re  ?, 3 abs'nE* 3.lC (l.CC) 5.

EEFEAthCf SLrry irstrtaert P a r t *a l i it. es FF 1- 3 AhS%Ek 3 2C (l.CC) c.

&c..lbSitLiftld.ShE CLblEC1) FACE 55

'jhSb'Ewt -- StGFi IE2 -90/C4/CS-DICKEt, E.


-Scrry Irstronert Pantal; Ct. 9, pp- .2s 5.3 Ah5 hem 3.21 (1.CC) c.

REFEkthCE Scrry-Irstrtnertstier Ptrtal; CP. Ils p. 3 ANSnik 3 22- (1.CC) c.

NEFEHerCE Surr3 Irstrenertaticr.Martal; Cr. '3s Cperaticc,cf Safety inc FCfVs re.rcrsecun 1/7/90 are 3/21/8C Ah$h6R 3 22 (l.CC) 5/G Fresstre Pet,q. j ee d Iccic [Q,s u de.nuvjs (4 3 4 egEre/)

Scurce 43rse AI


s+sa Qt . LM-.

Irtersectatt & arts NI Rc5 h Fl9EC.b' sac"1 (l.C) htFtsthCE Surry i r s t r t e c r t s't i c r. Partal, Ct. 12, L s s i :.n change trairing AN5 ate- 1.24 (.t(1-FALSE ELFirchC+I

-Strry shstrtnertatier krrtel th. 3 p. 1

.AhSwEn  ?.2t (1.CC)

C kEFEbEhCS-Surry, lettrontrtaticn ?.grt31, Frccess;Frotectier Irstrewentation, F. 4

$4_.lil'ijk: . 11.:.tC:isL2_iLS 22L2.itSt$ tic 3.JSC FAGE tt

. thC1CLLklCaL.LCbl:CL Ah5St.s5 -- SC.*1 It2 -dt/C4/C9-PICKEF, 8.

A hh a t- 4.Cl (l.CC)

(C.2fsts 5 Ect)

1. e
2. t
3.  ;
4. L L- t -c mepc*cNC-Scrry, 1-CF-2.', pp.  ? - IC A t. S n t a c.Ci ti.CCI C

PtftacNC3 Strryr L 3-1.1 f. 5 AhSe: A 4.C ? (l.CC) i a t f t * *. h f -

Stre s, t?-1.C1 F. '

Ahs te .C4 tl.CC) a REFEethC:

Strris 1-4F-1.', rr. 3 -

A h 5 a t '- '.C' (l.CC) d Rect

SLrr>> EP-1. Cit, T.

.s .,s - - .%.

,. .r  ? ,. 1,s.c - -- - Lt-e e --t 2 - .: .; .n c .;

a r. c

. w , .st . .c .o -- -- .----

.. v :s ~ -


- '~*


. . z . s' .r .e .r .r . .r .t L .c r. .> 1 a.s r-Absac a5 -- SC,5Y IE2 -55/CA/C* ;Ir<:c, s.

Ah5=tr 4.05 ( .001 kEF ~5bCs Sorts E's - 1 . C C , f. 1

! Ah!.t- 4.Ci (l.CC)

C l &EFi-LhC5 l Scrry, 1-Cf-t.2 A P 5 '. l - 4.04 ( I . C f. )

1. Vr rit) 5(scter 1ri;

! 2. ". crit) lut t are trip

3. '. t r i t ) IC ttsEs trer;i;;;

4 Ort:* if SI :ctivattc

3. k-rit * *sr fetcstt<r Is;lrtice
t. '. rif) Erts( ! A s c l e t a c r.
1. '. c r i t y t&b FL*cs (*-rtn, T-stp. it c:+;+c)

E. Strity IF, \ziv- als,r tr*

4 .arif) :Fh Fl:.

IC. %e.ri') -(1 Ftit ;e cs?l

11. Les:w -Ci - raistr(
12. \srif) 5 9 tre5 (CP/5!-r 6, '.c w(3 . -2 tn)
13. '. s r i ' ) 51 %Ils.. :ttrs. :Is;rtirt 14 %Eri?) Si rice it. bcrif) Ccrt. Fressert ',st ati ci .

It. O r t *. tcr Fi;t (cr*. PresJ.

17. trick fcr Fe;t-et;r (crt. Cress.

Ic. treca (crt. Spray 5 ) i t <a i

15. s. e c k Ccrt. st: arc. tir sy 2,311 ;. [C.!Cf tact]

FEFLeLFCE Strry tvergerc) Ercea:trc:, R-1.CC A A ra c a 4.CC (l.CC)


$c._[dLCISL511_:.t[itiL2.libCffdLz.itS $fSC1_300 F A C- E E

. htLICLLClCel.CCtliCL AhShl85 -- SL*5Y 1E2 -d$/C4/CA-PICKEEs E.

REFEREhCE Strry, EP-4.CCs FF. 9, 11, 3rc 12 Ah5%EE 4.lC (l.CC) t kEFEEthCe Strry, 1-CF-1.1, p. t AhSaEs 4.11 (1.CC)

C REFEnthCE Strra, 1-AF-4, fr. 5, 7, e r. c :

AhSWE> 4.12 (1.CC) t kEftftNC5 Strry, 1-AF-15s rp. 3 arc 4 ahSwEs 4.13 (1.CC) a.

htFEachCE Sorts FLS, C\ css p. ~7 AhShts 4.I' (1.tC) ,


mEFLnfh(c Strry (F-IC, r.t, rete

m ,

- se_[ILLAGLEIS..tCE"st'z_'llbLit3La_ft5dSibC1_a$2 ' FACE SS

' '. thL1LLLL1LLL.LChliCL AhSstsS -- SLEG1 IE2 -S$/C4/CS-FTCKEF, E.

Ah5 HEP 4 .1! ' (3.CC)

'a. 2 . 0. . g ,o g a n C.

  • \i 1

M . Jei,$.d5w cePI "

.C. i~

e. t or L
t. 7. LG.5 cactl' ELFtsEht:

Strr) a scisticr Frctactice, 'ccticr i 2.ds pr 1,  ?

A h 5 h' E F 4 .' I t. 13.C()

4. 2r to i C. 2^
c. I
c. e
t. * [C.51cierJ kEFEkthC4 Strt> AF-1.2 It '16, - 11, 21 32 Ah5aCr 4.17~ tl.CC) a P L F E r t h C *i _

5Lrr), Stetts 1rees, F-C.) -

F-C.6  :

Ah5=Er- 4 16 (l.C()


'C REFEathCe

'Strris-19-1*,.FF.':4- 6 Ah5kEw. 4.1G -(l'.(()


e lha..ttCCiGLEii.:.kC?tsL2.lthC2:1L2.EELLGLUG1 a3C F A C- E EC s; IEALLLLLG1CbL.LLLikCL A6ShEES - .$tEF.Y 162 -

85/G4/08-PICKEks B. ,


.Strry,-EP-1.CCs F. 3 AhSnER 4.20 (l.CC) a

.ShFEkthCE Surrys 1-CF-1.ts F. 3 r

A h 5 h E s. 4.21 (l.CC)

t-REFEnENCE Sorrys,AP.-42,.r. 2-Ah$ntW 4 22 (l.CC) t.

k E F i r. t h C E Sorry Atrcrnel Frccettrcs; AP-2C- .,

AhSWLe 4'.23 (l.CC)

' 9hs M.

1 REFththCE Strry EF-1.C2as r. $

- A h 5 'w E k : 4 24' '(1.CC) c.

-kEsEsthC .

Strry EF-2.CCs fciccct Ftie r


+ 4r.-, y.. , . m , ,4 y ,y + ,



ha..$'J C C L Q L L t h.~.t LL CL L2. L:bC :0b2.L

  • LEG 2bC1 h3C FDCE t1 e, ELLLLLLC1 CAL.5Lki:CL Ah5.Er5 -- !L 51 ILE -ot/C4/C8-DICKEF, E. i Ah5%th 4.21 (l.CC)


v. t F t : c N C 'i Sorry ti-2.Cis fcic;tt ris-

~ . ,