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Supplemental Motion in Opposition to Applicant Request for Exemption Under 10CFR50.12(a) & (B).Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1985
From: Love A
Shared Package
ML20129H806 List:
FOIA-85-304 NUDOCS 8507230166
Download: ML20129J603 (14)



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{ Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel I O i

In the Matter of  :



Limerick Generating Stations Units 1 and 2  : NOS. 50-352 and 50-353 l



I TOR AN EXEMPTION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 50.12(a) and (b).

N t

, I. INTRODUCTION l i The Inmates hereby incorporate by reference their initial h Motion in Opposition to the Applicant's Request for an '

Exemption O

y under-10 C.F.R. 50.12(a) and (b) from the Requirements of Emer-I E

f gency Planning listed in 10 C.F.R. 50.47(a) and (b). The app 11-i .

l ', cant has requested this exemption fron the emergency planning l l \

l l requirements outlined above as they apply to the radiological l-

i I

]emergencyresponse plan of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Corrections

l. e I y with regard to the State Correctional Institute at Graterford, el j  ;; Pennsylvania. In the applicant's request for said exemption,

i Il they led the Licensing Board to believe that they were ready to l I ascend to full power,~but for the continuing litigation of the Graterford Inmates. New evidence suggests otherwise, thus the-Inmates file this Supplemen't.

s 8507230166POIA 8505W PDR PDR .'

ABELg5-304 O

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. II. LEGAL ARGUMENT - The apolicant has misled the Board as to I

( its state of readiness at the Limerick Generating Station with i regard to its recuest to ascend to full power.


On February 7, 1985, the applicant filed a Motion entitled,

" Applicant's Motion for Exemption from the Requirements of 10 i


! C.F.R. 50.47(a) and (b) as they Relate to the Necessity of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Consideration of Eva uation Provisions of the Emersency Plan for the State Correctional Institute of Graterford". Attached to the applicant's Motion was an affidavit

", executed by V.S. Boyer, purported to be the Vice President of t i

d the Philadelphia Electric Company (see Exhibit "A"). In this af-p fidavit, Mr. Boyer states in paragraph 3, that the Limerick i

Generating Station is a plant that "will be ready to proceed to I

pover levels greater than allowed under our existing license by

-l March 1, 1985".

The applicant supplementedthisMemorandumb'ywayl

[ of letter and attached affidavit on March 18, 1985, at which time

, they included a second affidavit signed by V. S. Boyer, Vice Prest-li dent, Philadelphia Electric Company, stating in paragraph 4, "The o

t schedule for the power ascension phase of operation of Unit 1 of $

i I

the Limerick Generating Station is such that the plant w*ll be l l;readyto proceed to power levels greater than allowed under our l  !

existing license by the end of March, 1985." (See Exhibit "B".)

The applicant uses this affidavit in support of their contention i

that a grant of such an exemption under 10 C.F.R. 50.12 would be


.. U 0 ti

.i i

(( in the public interest. On page 7 of their Motion, they're-li a y iterate that the " Limerick facility will be physically ready to E

i; begin operations above 5% power by March 1, 1985. They further li l' state that "any delays in its preparatien are beyond the control of the applicant" (see page 8). They then go on to cite numerous financial arguments that they contend will result in a consider- '

able loss of money if said exemption is not granted.  !

I On March 15, 1935, the same Vincent S. Boyer, Vice Presi-dent of the Philadelphia Electric Company filed an application 9 with the Delauare River Basin Commission raquesting yet another ,

e::emp t io n frou the 59 degree temperature constraints on with-t drawals of water-from the Schuylkill River. In a letter to the n .  ;

Delaware niver Basia Commission by Eduard G. Bauer, Jr., also a  !

t Vice President and General Counsel for the Philadelphia Electric e

Company, he indicates the. "In order to proceed with the pow r ascension program after issuance cf the license, it is necessary

]tohavein place a supplemental cooling water system." (See N

!j Exhibit "C" attached.-) Upon examination of this request, it I J  ;

would appear to the Inmates that the Limerick Generating Station f is not yet ready to begin its power ascension. pre-l viously stated in Mr. Boyer's affidavics supporting their request for an exemption from further emergency planning now pending .

a .

.l! before this Licensing Board.. The Inmates. contend that Mr. Boyer, i


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- misled the. Licensing.

Board in an attempt to gain the exemption l requesied herein. -The Inmates request a clarification on this i

1: 1ssue and believe that the Board should take this matter into li j' consideration in their deliberations regarding the applicant's Ik b-request for said exemption.

!! Respectfully submitt ,

<t f

I kN6US'R.

At> .A b O E , ' ES QtIIKE 3 Attorney f r Inmates, SCIG i1 E 'l a

i j s


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, Befere the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel

In the Matter of


Licerick Cenerating Stations I
!! nits 1 and 2
NOS. 50-352 and 50-353 I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Angus R. Love, attorney for the Inmates at the State Correcticna*. Institute at Craterford, hereby certify that a true ii and accurate copy of the Supplemental Motion of the'Graterford Inmates in Opposition to the Applicant's Request for an Exemption

, under 10 C.F.R. 53.12(a) and (b), in reference to the above- ,

ce.>tiened matter, was mailed first ciasc, postage prepaid, on l

. March 26, 1985, to the following list:

ll h Ad=inistratise Judge Helen F. Hoyt Martha W. Bush, Esquire

' Atemic Fafety & Licensing Ecard Municipal Services Building i

' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccemissica 15th & JFK Blvd.

Wa 2.ingten, D.C. 20555 Philadelphia, PA 19107 A&:inistrative Judge Jerry Harbour Acceic Safety & Licensing -

kcnic Safety & Licensing Board Acpeal Board Panel l C.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccr.rissicn U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissicn j; Washington, D.C. 20555 l Washington, D.C. 20555 1 1

' A&dnistrative Judge Richard F. Cole Robert J. Sugarman, Esquire

!: Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Sugarran, renworth & Hellegers 4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cocnission 16th F1, Center Plaza Washington, D.C. 20555 101 North Broad Street

[,AnnP. Hod; den, Esquire Philadelphia, PA 19107
  • Counsel for NRC Staff Docket & Service Section hlOfficeoftheExecutivelegalDirector I

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ComLasion

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corrission Washington, D.C. 20555 (3 copies)

Washington, D.C. 20555


.- i I l

1 Mr. Robert L. /e.thony Troy B. ccmer, Jr. , Esquire i103VernonIs.e, Box 106 Conner & Wetterhahn .

h1bylm,PA19065 1747 Penna. Ave. IN suite 1050 ji Washington, D.C. 20006 l David Wersan, Esquire '

h Asst. Cosnuter /dsocate Jay M. Gutierrez, Esquire

!! Office cf Censwer Adsacate U.S. Nuclear Ecgulatory Corrission

i 1425 Streherry Scu re Region 1 1 Earrisburg' PA 7I20 631 Park Avenue ,

King of Prussia, PA 19406

[ ,

Atonic Safety & Ilcensing Board Panel

U.S. It
clear Eegulator'v Cocnission Phyllis eitzer Washington, D.C. 20555 rick y=0.


Box {/61cology Act:,.cn ,

y;7,q py,, 762 Queen Street -

l 61 Fcrest Avenue Pcttstown, PA 19464  :

' ATbler, PA 19002

. Charles k. Elliott, r. squire Ecri G. Te: Pin, Esquire Comsel for Iherick Ecologf Action Govem='s E:.crgy Cr.ncil 025 N. 10th Street P.O. Box S010 Easten, Pa 16042 1625 N rr
  • ct ~

harrisE-or'PA1i105 6'

Eugene J. Era diey, Esquire Counsel for Philadelphia Electric Mr. Tnc=s Gerusi7, Director 2301 Marl p t Street 2 rezu - -

c: ,naciation Protectica Philadel Fa.ia* PA 19101 '

'ept. Of EnviTreneci Parcurces .

1 Pu1 ca ?:c.k h i1dir.g, 5tir F1. E? =0 G =M . -

~hird cnd ' css: Streets '# 2 " . and Gmeral' ' Earisb =g, PA 17120 h.lacelfaa Electric co. ,

. 2301 Mare. Street 3

kSpenceW.Per:y,Esquirc Philadelphia, PA 19101

! + Associata General Counsel 3 m. . For' 840 Ste m P. Eer sey, Esq.

5 hr Str2et, sg C::n .mity Legal Services, Inc.

,e-p a ;p3 m<


D r' 204'3 5219 Chestnut Stract g Philadelphia, PA 19139

- la m s WLggins

! Sr. Eesident Insnector U.S. Nuclear Fdulato:v Ccen:issico r-P.O. Box 47 .A , '


. Sr.:.cega, PA 1:464 _/

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o Ti ethy R.S. Cgbell,' rirector

' sept. of Serd.ces b ! L f /4 mess. Lu'"/.ww1,J^s u

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'i 14 East Biddle S4eet Id.:ntgenury /I:: hates, SCIGC aoty 0bestChester,P. 9380- Comsel fo .

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ifDirector,- -( -1

' Penna.~ Frergencv Manage c.: Agency -i jl Base:nent, Transportatien & Safety 31dg .


Earrisburg, PA 17120 l

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Affidavit of V. S. S'yer

'/ . S. scyer, being first duly swcrn, states as follows:

.. "; nara is v. S. Scyer. I a-- Senicr Vice President,

.:uclear Pnuer of Phi'.ade lph i: Electric Company, ("the C ::c. a ..r " ) r owner and cparator of the ~, merick Generating St. tion. I have been deply involve 1 with t'. e c:ns"ruction, licensing, and cperation cf the Limerir?. Generat].ng c :a ; _ c. .'." T" C-'c Ve r s e e the ef:. orts or.

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nunlear generating stations. . I am awara of the status of and responsibilit". for enargenc" c.lanning efforts .

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-:ans prent Agency, local governments and the Nuclear Regulatory Cor.ission.
2. Anne :<. I to P.ppendix I of the Eureau of Correction's Emeraency Plan -

the Radiological Emergency Res.oonse Plan for the State Correctional Institution of Graterford ("Graterford Plan") has been prepared by the Bureau of Correction of the Commonwealth of .

Pentsv.ivania. Although the Company has provided assistance to many entities with radiological emergency planning responsibilities, neither the Pennsylvania EXHIBIT "A' 4

Wm ,. u n

.g Emergency Management Agency nor Bureau of Corrections requested the assistance of Philadelphia Electric Company in the development of the Graterford Plan. The company is, however, providing certain equipment required for the . implementation of the plan and requested by the Commonwealth.

3. The schedule for the power ascension phase of operation of Unit.1 of the Limerick . Generating Station is such that the plant will be ready to proceed to power levels greater than allowed under our existing license by March 1, 1985-
4. Delays in the issuance of approval for proceeding to full power will result in a delay in the commercial' operation'of the unit. Such delays will increase the costs - of Limerick Unit 1 by $28 million ; per month.

This cost figure is made up of $23 million per month AFUDC and SS million per ' month operational, security and maintenance costs. .In addition, the fuel costs of the Company's customers will be increased by 515 million a month for each month of delay.

. 5. Any delays in the authorization for full power for Unit 1 may also impact on the restart of construction of Unit 2. The Pennsylvania: Public Utility Commission is


presently holding hearings on - whether construction at Unit 2 should be continued, but in compliance with a -

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prior order issued by the PUC construction of No. 2

( unit has been suspended until No. 1 is placed in i .

! commercial operation.


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l Senior Vide President Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1985.

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/ Notary Public garen M. Thompson My commission expires: July 1, 1986 e

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FHIDIE.IHIA ELECTRIC CCMFlf.Y  : Docket l'os. 50-352 ,

(Lice:ick Generating Statica  :  :

Unit 1)  :

AFFIDA"IT OF V. S. E0YER V. S. 20YER, being first duly sworn, states as follows:

1. My name is V. S. Boyer, I am Senior Vice President, Nuclear l'we2 cf Philadelphia Electric Conpany ("the Applicant"), owner 'and operator of the Limerick Generatin; Station.
2.  !!y affidavit of Febmary 7,1933 in support of. Applicant's ttotion for Exemptica from the Requirenents of 10 C.F.R. Section 50.47(a) and (b) provided, inter alia, certain infomation relating to Limerick Unit 1 operating schedules and costs of delay in achieving commercial operation.
3. As a result of Applicant's current evaluations of the status of Limerick Unit 1 and' costs of delay it is necessary to update certain of the infomation provided in =y Febinary 7,1985 affidavit.

Tne schedule for the power ascension. phase of operation of Unit 4.

1 of the Limerick Generating Station is such that the plant will'.be ready to prcceed to power levels greater than allowed. under our existing _ license _by_the -


end of liarch,1985 EXHIBIT "B" ~



3. Delays in the issuance of approval for proceeding to full power will result in a delay in the corr.ercial operation of the unit. Such delays uill ircrease the ccsts of Lircrick Unit 1 by $34 nillica per conth. This cast fi .;ur.: is made up cf $24 r.illion per centh .AFJDC and $10 million per r.c a .h ,nerational, security and maintenance ccsts. In addition, the fuel costa ei the Co.mpanv's customers will be increase! by $15 millica a e.cnth for each conth cf 'ela;. .
6. The recaindar of my Febn:ary 7,1983 affidavit is unchanged.

V. S. Soyef Sybscribed and sworn to


before ne this /4 day

f .'! arch,1935.


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P.O. BOX 8699 PHILADELPHI A. PA.19101 . ,,

soMAmos.eAusa.J4 fat S) 841-4000 0 ,

'.".7.7.*.'."' ....  % ,

aussas J. e= AoLEY k

DOMAL.ObAMMEM muooke.1 A. CMeL6sMe .


7. M. M AME R C.RN ebb .


..M A.. .. C u 6us a. e =. March 15, 1985 TMoM AS M. MIbbs2. J R. .


Ms. Susan Weisman, Secretary Delaware River Basin Comission P. O. Box 7360 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628

Dear Ms. Weisman:

Transmitted herewith for filing with the Commission is Philadelphia Electric Company's Application under Section 3.8 of the Compact for approval of the temporary substitution, during 1985. of in-stream monitoring of dissolved oxygen levels in place of the 590F temperature constraint on withdrawals for Limerick Generating Station Unit No.1 incorporated in Docket Decision 69-210CP (Final) November 5, 1975, and as necessary release of varying amounts of water, not exceeding 32.5 cfs, from water supply storage during 1985.

This filing consists of six copies of the following documents: a) completed DRSC application form, including Attachments 1 and 2 and Exhibits 1 through 8 thereto; b) completed DREC Environmental Form; and c) completed Applicant's Statement - Project Review Fee Fom.

Enclosed is Philadelphia Electric Company's check in the amount of $100 to cover the Project Review Fee.

The affidavit of Vincent S. Boyer, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power, Philadelphia Electric Company, which is part of Attachment 2 of the application, indicates that issuance of a full power license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Limerick Unit No.1 can be anticipated about May 1, 1985; that in order to proceed with the power ascension program after issuance-of the license it is necessary to have in place a supplemental cooling water ~

system; that delays in proceeding to full power.will delay commercial operation of the unit, and that the cost of not operating the unit for lack of water is estimated to be $49 million per month.

l l

l EXHIBIT "C" , ,

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. n . . . . ..

Accordingly, the Company requests immediate action on its application, pursuant. to Section 2-3.9(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure to protect the public interest and to avoid substantial and irreparable injury to the public and to the Company.

Communications regarding this application should be directed to the undersigned.

Very truly yours, s

.. p Edward G. uer, Jr.

EGB,JR:pke -

Enclosures 4

e C

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Type of Application: (Check one or more - see reverse side) .

J (c) Addition lo the Comprehensive Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( )

(b) Change in a Comprehensive Plan Pro ject. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( )

(c) Approval under Section 3.8 of the Compact. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . (X)

(d) Inclusion in "A-List" of the Water Resources Program... ...... ( )

Pursuent to the Delowere River Bosin Coinpoet and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the For Use of Commission Delowere River Bosin Commission, cpplication Docket No.

is hereby mode for review of the project des- Date Received cribed below: Action by Commission 1

(A) Applicotton From: "

Nome' Philadelchia Electrie -

cerrany Mciling Address 2301 Market Street ,

Philadelchia, PA 19101 Telephone (215) 841-4000 Nome of Counsel Edward G. Bauer, Jr.

and E.: gene J. Bradlev Nome of Engineerv. S. Boyer (B) Type of Project: (Check) .

(I) Impoundm ent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) (4) Stream Encrocchment. . . . . .. ( )

(2) Withdrcwal of Water. . . . . . . . . (x) . (5) We l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )

(3) Disposal of Westes. . . . . . . . . . .( ^ ) . (6) O t h e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )

(C) Description of Project: -

For 1985, withdrawal of wate- fm, tM Sc*ylieill Wa #c mae ~*4 . e.

at Limerick Generatino Station Unit tb.1 by tarcorarv substhu*f en of in-stream monitorine of dissolved exvceit levels in olace of 59 F tame *a***a constraint incorporated in Cocket No.69-210 CP (Firal) (Noventer 5,1975); ,

and as necessary, release of varyino ar cu-ts of m &.,- m* av,- af m w a; < se, frcrn water sacolv stcrace as meemrf m+a. *M el es.r -e+--m 4 -* m, *= 4 m.a 4.

a.4d decket to be inacolicable to any such releases. .

Signciure of Authorized Person l

Nomey. never l

Title senior vice _Presidarm_.

l .

DateJ//_g_gt gpjeg_p.mer

, . n w ~, .

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4 4

  • 3
Delowere River Bosin Commission e
_ _ _ . .__ '- _ _ . . _ .__ ENVIRONMENTAL FORM ..


Applicant Philadelphia Electric Cmpany Date 3/ff'/pf Title of Project Interim Constnptive Water Supply

$ Location Limerick Generatirs Station DRBC Docket No.

1-j l. List any significant environmental impacts, beneficial and adverse, caused by the proposed action.

De beneficial impact of the requested tarporary substitution of instream renitoring of dissolved oxwen levels in olace of the 590F temnerature constraint and the recuested

release of water frm the Blue Marsh Reservoir er other basin water sucolv storages as a back-co sucolv will be to oermit scheduled operation of Limerick, already evaluated by the DRBC. See, DRBC FEA for Neshaminv Water Sueoly System (Aucust 1980); DRBC Is/el B Studv

and AIC/NRC FES for Limerick (Novenber 1973 ard April 1984). Dere will be no ad/erse impacts frm t:he towrary suspension of the 59CF tanperature constraint. (See Paragraph

  • below). Bere will be no a6/ arse ir aacts frm the release of water Em Blue Marsh Pese-vt See, CCE E S for Blue Marsh (Acril 1971); the Sueolerent to the cm w for' Blue Marsh amw 1973); and the DRBC Isiel B Study (May 1991) . See Attachat 1.
2. What measures will be used to reduce or alleviate the adverse environmental impoets ?

There will be no a&/erse insacts frm the terocrarv suspension of the 590F terrerature constraint. Decradation of water cuality of the Schuv1 kill River below the Limerick Generatine Station will be crecluded by instream frenitorine of dissolved oxveen levels and releases frm unter sucolv stcrace when DO levels fall beim an -,* Ale levels, here will be no a&Je*9e 'i"*Mf**E f*P *b4 far""*t her4 *p1mmtse of1.m*me fem t.m*e*

sucolv stc* ace. '151 w . **n ai *icm *i v7 man an test r.=M ha tmr8=**=1rer .

3. Summarize the of ternatives considered.

We alternatives censidered t.ere (1) no action, (2) release of wate.r frm the Ontelaunee Reservoir, and (3) release of water frcm Green Iane Reservoir. See Attactnent 2.


! s .

4 . .


4. List any known objectors to the proposed action. I None. I WG s e e 6 A m -- s-. - - . __ _. - - - - -W


- x ., /. .~. - . .a - . x .. x - w- . .. . .-

DInwers Rivar B sin Commisslan

' N9 ' 4501 APPLICANT'S STATEMENT - PROJECT REVIEW FEE (See Reverse Side For AdditionalInformation)

1. Name and Address of Applicant Phil e lphia Electric Ccupany 2301 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19101
2. Name of Project
  • Limerick Generating Station Interim-Ccmst=ptive Water Supply Docket #
3. Type of Project Check Applicable Item (s) *

(a) impoundments (b) diversions of water into or out of the Delaware River Basin (c) industrial water use and waste treatment facilities (d) electric generating and transmission facilities (e) petroleum product pipelines (f) stream encroachrnents: and (g) withdrawal of ground water

4. Project Cost Factors (Complete all lines using Zero where applicable)' ,

item .

Estimated Cost .

, a. Design $ 0

b. Supervision of Construction $ 0
c. Legal Services -

$ 0

d. Contract Administration $ 0
e. Land $ 0

'. Materials $ 50,000- *

g. Constructiori and Fabrication , ,

$ 45,000 .


  • TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ' . t Footnotes / Remarks ron-struct"ral - L=@ary susce'sion n of 59CP' m--reture constraint arri release of va' finJ amounts ret exceeding 32.5 cfs of water supply smge frcm Blue Marsh Reservoir or other basin water supply smge, as aww ~ 1 ate in L983 ..
5. Filing Fee 9chedu[e (Check applicab'e item (s))

(The filing fee is the greater of (a) or (b)) .. Computation:

X (a) minimum fee: $100. for any projects or (a)$ 100.

(b) alternative fee: . ,

, (b)

(1) 1/10, of,1%' of estimated ,p'roject cost up to $1,000,000. (1)$

(2) 1/50 of.1% of remaining cost above $1,000,000; but not



to exceed'a maximum fee of $50,000 as to any one project,

~ ~ ~

exclusive of added environmental fies..

Total $ 100.00

6. Filing Fee Required with Applie'ation

'Please enclose check in this amount with application. Check should bimode payable to Delaware River Basin Commission. ,

NOTE: Should this project require an EnvironmentalImpact Statement or an Environmento! Assessment, you will be notified at a later date and on Applicant's Statement. Environmental Review Fee will be forwarded for completican and payment of a ficable fee.

Signature of Certifying Officia!

Date '

/ [-

Senior Vice Presidents Nuclear Power e v,se. ,


Received Check No. I dated Bonk No. ___

in omount of COP!ES (1) Administrative Division Copy - whMe 3;gggggy,

. (s) AFFLtCAlff - Reteam This Copy - pinh ,

(s) Appliennt - DRSC Roselsted copy - renew tel Frejeet Review Copy - blee emog n .- ---- ---
