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Safety Evaluation for LaSalle Nuclear Station NF500 Cylindrical Refueling Mast
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1991
From: Biglieri N, Ortega F, Rousar D
Shared Package
ML20100Q167 List:
RDE-39-0791, RDE-39-0791-R01, RDE-39-791, RDE-39-791-R1, NUDOCS 9202060215
Download: ML20100Q191 (6)



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'stDC-3 9-07 91, Sov.1



D.L.Rousar, Engineer

,- Servicing Equipment Design Reviewed by: _ F.f< Ortega an'a'ge r servicing quipment Design Reviewed by: /A c.

D. L. Taulstich Se or Program Manager Reviewed by- / A o _l4-r I J.D.~ Friday Licensing approved by: 'It/(8uBiglidri,

_ M A/TB_ Manager N. J.

Reactor Design Engineering

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9202060215 920121 PDR ADOCK 05000373 PDR

DISCLAIMER OF RESPollSIDILITY This document was prepared by the conoral Electric company.

lioither the General Electric company nor any of the contributors to this documenti

a. Make any warranty or representation, express or implied, completeness, or usefulness with respect to the accuracy,in this document, or that the of the information contained use of any information disclosed in this document may or may not infringe privately owned rightsi or
b. Assuno any responsibility for liability or damage of any kind which may result from the use of any information disclosed in this document.

The information contained in this report is believed by General Electric to be an accurate and true representation of the facts-known, obtained, or provided to General Electric at the time this report was prepared.

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RDE-39-0791 f

DRF F15-00040 I. INTRODUCTION This cafety evaluation addresses the replacement of Lusalle's current refuelit g mast with GE's new HF500 design refueling mast.

The refueling mast is used insido the Reactor Building for reactor core efueling operations, i The only The NF500 mart zicorporates several Lee features.

l design change of significance in this safety evaluation is the additional weight of the NF500 mast relative to current mast designu. The NF500 mast weighs approximately 420 pounds moreThe than GE's current product line of fering, the 762E974 mast.

additicnal weight necessitates changes in the LaSalle platform h

setpoints for detecting overload cor.ditions on the refuelingThe overload se assembly and top platform hoist.the force and the resultant stresses on the tue) guide to be well within the allowable limits for theseThesev setpoint changes wi components.

bases for the Technical Specification and the FSAR.

II. SAFETY EVALUATIch The only e.ccident that could potentially be impactedAbyFuel the design change is the ruel Handling Accident (FRA).

Handling Accidenc (FRA', is pdttulated to occur as a consequence It is of a failure of the fuel bundle 'ifting mechanism.

postulated that this results in the dropping of a raised fuel bundlefuel ontestorage fuel bundles racks.

either The most loaded severein the fuelcore handlingor stored in accident spent from the radiological viewpoint is the The dropping FSAR radiological of the fuelrelease assembly onto the top of the core. fuel rods. The calcularions are based on the f ailure current reload licensing basis, as referenced in the FSAR of 124 (NEDE-240ll-P-A) calculatec failure of 104 fuelThe accident based on the weight of the NF400 mast.

rods for this calculated number of fuel rod failures for theTherefore, FRA with the the radiological increased weight of the NF500 release for themast FMAisvith 116therods. NF500 mast as calculated by current approved methods is Icos than the release documented in the FSAR.

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4 The use Sf the HP-500 mast does not involve a change to the FSAR.

However a change to the Technical Specifications la required, and the criteria of 10CFR50.92 are applied to the change in the NF500 mast design, particularly with regard to the FRA in the reactor building. The licensing assessment concludes the foll; wing:

1. The change in the refueling mast design will not increase the possibility or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. The NF500 mast is designed to match or exceed all aspects of the 762E974 mact now in use. The probability of failure of the NF500 mast and of the 762E974 mast are both judged to be very small. In addition, the consequences of a FRA contained in the LaSalle FSAR are conservative for the NF500 compared te current calculations of radiological releace.
2. The change in the refueling mast will not create thefrom any possibility of a new or different kind of accident accident previously evaluated. The Nr500 mast is similar enough in design and function to the 762E974 mast so as not to create the possibility of a new or dif ferent kind of accident. The LaSalle platform structural integrity is not degraded by the additional weight and stresses are below allowables.
3. Using the new mast will not reduce the margin of safeti in Refueling the basis of any Techniccl Specification.

platform hoist setpoints serve no safety function. These i

setpoints exist to prevent damage to reactor internals (such as the fuel suppo't r piece) caused, for example, by a stuck bundle or similar anomaly. The setpoint changes only allow for the increased weight of the new mast, i.e., the difference betwoon the new setpoint and the weight of the NF500 mast is approximately the same as the difference between the current setpoint and the weight of the 762E974 mast.

III. CONCLUSION It is concluded that the installation and use of the NF500 mast at LaSalle (1) will not involve a significant hazards consideration per the criteria of 10CFRbO.92, and (2) it will

. require a change to the Technical Specifications to account for the changes in the setpoint values identified in the GE supplied

?esign documentation.

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' ~ GE Nuclear Energy NIS[ET, .. :,. nc. i ,:m

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EB0 91 527 October 15, 1991 Mr. J. D. Williams Ccmonwealth Edison Company la Salle County Station RR #1, Box 220 Marseilles, il 61341 StoJECT: SAFETY EVALUATION FOR NF500 CYLlHORICAL REFUEllNG MAST ROE-39-0791, REVISION 1 LA SALLE COUNTY STATION


1. Ceco Purchase Order No. 340517, dated June 21, 1991.
2. GE Letter EB0 91 404, Same Subject, W. Arndt to J. Williams, dated August 5, 1991.

Dear Mr. Williams:

Attached is GE's revised input for Ceco's safety evaluation for the la Salle County Station NF500 Cylindrical Refueling Mast. This report is part of GE's software scope of supply under the Reference 1 Purchase Order. At the r< quest of Ceco's R. B. Williams, this report revises GE's original Safety Evaluation (Reference 2) to add a statement regarding the increased overload setpoint selection to the introduction, to change references to the current nast to the applicable assembly number, and to attach a revised mark-up of La Salle's Technical Specification.

The attached report provides the technical justification to conclude there are no significant hazards considerations associated with the installation of the GE NF500 Cylindrical Refueling Mast at la Salle. The NF500 is bounded by the existing fuel handling accident (FHA) analysis addressed in the la Salle FSAR.

Because of the increase in weight of the tubular mast compared to the current triangular mast, the Technical Specification set points required change. A copy of the limiting conditions for Operation and the Surveillance Require-ments, Section 3.9.6 and 4.9.6 have been marked up to reflect the normally recomended set points and are included for your information.

Per discussions between GE's D. L. Faulstich and Ceco's R. B. Williams, it is technically acceptable to use a tolerance of +50/-50 lbs for the load interlock, however it will (as discussed) increase the chance of an inadvertent trip due to operational considerations. Additionally, it is acceptable to interpret the hoist jam as 1650 +/-50 lbs.

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4 2- October 15, 1991 J. D. Williams GE thanks you for the opportunity to provida this service. Please do not hesitate to call me, or Dave Faulstich at (408) 925 6414, if you have any questions regarding the attached report.

Sincerely, 1

(Y /, /{

W. D. Arndt dentor Customer Service Engineer -

(708) 573-3964 cc: [Kg GE V. V. Masterson J. C. Elliott R. H. Mirochna 0. L. Faulstich w/o att J. V. Schmeltz J. E. Kusky R. B. Williams File: 4.J36.0 Chron System

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