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Technical Basis of LaSalle County Station Fire Damper Surveillance Program
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Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1984
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ML20095F741 List:
NUDOCS 8408270362
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{{#Wiki_filter:. o , 1 TECHNICAL-BASIS OF THE'

,                                                                                                   LASALLE~ COUNTY STATION FIRE DAMPER SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM L

i 4 i-t F J T


i O i 1 i i 4 t e i i-l- i l PROJECT NUMBER 6854-31 j 1. 1 AUGUST 1984 J i 1O (- [. 4 f-- 8408270362 840821 PDR ADOCK 05000373

i. F PDR I

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l TABLE OF CONTENTS J)b (: ' Page.

                  ' l'.          BACKGROUND                                                                                                                         1-
                  .3.            SUPPORTING DATA / REPORTS                                                                                                          5
                                - 3 .1 - Prioritizing'of Fire Dampers.                                                                                              5 3.3 , Smoke Removal and System Operation                                                                                          '6 3.3   Walkdown Report                                                                                                              7 3.4. Fire Damper-Modification Drawings                                                                                            8 3.5   Modification Cost Report                                                                                                     9 3.6    Safety Evaluations                                                                                                        11 3.7. Fire Dampers Without Pre-Op Documentation                                                                                  12 3.8   NFPA 90A Discussion of Airflow Testing                                                                                     14

() 3.9' ALARA and Personnel Safety 15

5. CONCLUSIONS AND COMMITMENTS 18 ATTACHMENTS A. Prioritizing of Fire Dampers B. Fire Dampers Required for Smoke Removal and System Operation C. Fire Damper Walkdown Report D. Fire Damper Modification Drawings E. Fire Damper Modification Cost Report F. Fire Damper Safety Evaluations G. Fire Dampers Without Pre-Op Documentation F

!O ii

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4 m ATTACHMENTS, Cont. H. 'NFPA 90A Discussion of Airflow Testing I; . .ALARA' and Personnel Safety for Surveillance Testing of. Fire Dampers i

J. Surveillance Procedure LTS-1000-35,
                               '" Fire Damper Operability Test"

K. - Surveillance Procedure'LTS-1000-36,

                               ~ " Fire Damper Visual Inspection" O

i l I I !o lii o

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1. BACKGROUND Prior to the LaSalle' Unit 2~ licensing process (November 1983), l there was no requirement for Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) to perform operability testing of fire dampers either through a commitment to a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard or an NRC. requirement. Technical Specification required a visual inspection. CECO's technical that visual inspection ensures lifetime operability, however, the NRC stated that surveillance _ programs without periodic operability tests have not assured operability (SSER 7, Sec. The NRC has provided no technical basis for this statement.

At an appeal meeting on March 28, 1984, CECO agreed to work with i- the NRC to develop a damper surveillance program. The program ' presented in this report is in response to that agreement and considers lifetime operability requirements, cost of the duct / access door modifications to implement the program, and ALARA and personnel safety concerns. The chronological milestones leading to the March 28, 1984, appeal meeting were as follows:

  • SSER 7, December 1983, stated the following in Sec.
                    "The plant Technical Specifications require a visual inspection of each fire damper and associated hardware once every 18 months. Fire damper operability acceptance tests were performed at the time of installation; however, operability tests will not be performed during the life of the plant with current surveillance procedures. In the past, our experience has shown that surveil-lance programs without periodic operability tests have not assured operability.

By letter dated November 23, 1983, CECO committed to develop a surveillance program to ensure operability of the dampers prior to exceeding 5 percent power. This program will include a 1 periodic operability test of a sample population of accessible dampers. Based on this commitment, we conclude that the surveillance program will assure the operability of the fire dampers and is, therefore, acceptable, j We will condition the operating license of Unit 2 for this surveillance program. " rN k._s  : 1


  • CECO appealed,the operability-test requirement in-a letter

-( ) dated January 27, 1984,1and submitted in response to SSER 7 N' a surveillance program dated March 13, 1984, which included the following statements:

              " 1. - The fire dampers at LaSalle County Station were purchased in 1976 and the applicable NFPA Standard is the 1976 edition of NFPA 90A. Appendix B in NFPA 90A is not mandatory and is included in the standard for-guidance only. According to Appendix B, Article B-7 of the 1976 standard, "Each fire door and fire damper should be examined once a year, giving hinges and other moving parts, to see that it is in good operable condition." This requirement is satisfied by a periodic visual inspection of all fire dampers. If the visual inspection reveals damage or corrosion, corrective action can be taken to resolve the problems. LaSalle County Station procedure LTS-1000-36 meets these requirements.
2. CECO's position identified in 1. above has been concurred with by Schirmer Engineering in a o ch 1, 1984, letter to Sargent & Lundy a

Engir. .rs:

                   "We have reviewed NFPA Standard 90A, Appendix B,  regarding procedures to be utilized at LaSalle County Station (LSCS) and the scheme of operation of the air handling systems serving selected areas.

We concur that a visual inspection program for fire dampers at LSCS meets the intent of NFPA 90A regarding periodic maintenance, provided that further investigation, including operation of the damper, should be conducted if the visual inspection reveals signs of damage, wear, corrosion, etc., which may affect the operation of the damper. It is my understanding that procedures in effect at LSCS incorporate the above. Such procedures would constitute good fire protection engineering. , practice and would be consfatent with actual l practices in the industry

3. A review of LER history of failed fire dampers, as maintained by INPO, does not indicate problems l that a good visual surveillance would not i
  ,_s              discover and correct.

(O 2

l l p-~ Conclusion j We are convinced that fire' dampers which are initially tested for operability to _ verify correct installation can be maintained operable throughout their lifetime by a good visual inspection of all fire dampers. LTS-1000-36 satisfies this requirement."

  • A March 14, 1984, letter from A. Schwencer identified the
     - NRC position prior to' the appeal meeting:
           "Apparently the applicant wishes to modify its recent commitment.regarding the operational testing of a' fraction of the fire dampers. To resolve this issue,.the applicant should provide a description of the fire damper surveillance program he deems appropriate to assure reliable damper operation over the life of the plant. The
          . licensee has indicated that some of the dampers are not accessible for test or inspection. The analysis should evaluate the safety significance of inaccessible fire dampers."
  • The March 13, surveillance program was not accepted by the NRC and an operability surveillance procedure that dropped dampers was submitted to'the NRC on March 15, 1984.

O (_)

  • SSER 8, March 1984, contained the following statement in Sec.
           "In Supplement No. 7 to our Safety Evaluation Report, we indicated that the licensee is committed to develop a surveillance program to ensure operability of the dampers prior to exceeding 5 percent power. By letter dated March 15, 1984, the licensee proposed a surveillance program of the fire dampers. This submittal satisfies the License Condition 2.c. (15) (h) . Prior to the first periodic surveillance, required by Technical Specification, to be conducted 18 months after the issuance of the license (June 1985),

the NRC staff intends to reassess the adequency of this Technical Specification on a generic basis."

  • CECO agreed to work with the NRC to develop a fire damper surveillance program at the March 28, 1984, appeal meeting.

~ n 3


p 2. METHODOLOGY b The Control Room and Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room (AEER) boundary dampers and dampers in walls separating redundant safe shutdown equipment are to be operability tested to provide greater assurance that these barriers maintain their fire rating-over the plant lifetime. The remaining dampers are to be visually inspected. To establish which dampers are to be operability tested and visually inspected, all fire dampers (excluding the Service Building) were prioritized according to their. safe shutdown significance. A field walkdown of all dampers identified dampers requiring modifications in order to be easily tested and inspected, or reset for the purposes of smoke removal and equipment cooling. The station smoke removal plans and habitability of the Control Room and AEER were considered when evaluating'necessary modifications. Sketches and costs for each modification were prepared to assess the benefits of testing fire dampers. Pre-operational test (pre-ops) documentation was reviewed to verify which dampers-had been tested during the pre-op program to assure correct installation. The importance of initial testing is to eliminate fire damper malfunctions during surveillance testing that might be caused by faulty installation. . n. ks ,,) The ventilation systems at the LaSalle County Station are not only , designed to cool equipment and people, but also to protect personnel from potential radiation hazards. Therefore, ALARA and personnel safety concerns are addressed in this report and credit is taken , for shutting off the ventilation fans in the fire fighting plans 4 for zones in which the fans do not automatically shutdown when a detector alarms. Section 3 contains a brief description and discussion of reports and data supporting the development of LaSalle's revised operational testing and visual inspection surveillance programs presented in this study. 4 m 4


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3.1 Prioritizing of Fire Dampers Attachment A is'the report documenting the process used to classify the fire dampers _at LaSalle in order of importance to safe shutdown. The fire-dampers in this report are listed in' ascending' order by the drawing number on which the damper is located. The distribution of fire dampers by priority.are: Priority Number of Fire Dampers 1 18 2 25 3 141 4 84 5 40 TOTAL 308 Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers in the fire barriers of the Control Room and AEER and in walls separating redundant i safe shutdown equipment are most significant regarding safe shutdown of the plant in the event of a fire. These 4 dampers will be operability tested. The remaining Priority 3, 4 and 5 fire dampers in fire barriers not separating

  ,                 redundant safe shutdown components will be visually inspected.

f f i 2 f 4 v 5 i

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      /      \.  . 3. 2.          Smoke Removal and System Operation
     - Q).

Attachment B is the report documenting the review of fire

dampers for smoke removal and equipment cooling. The study concludes that modifications, beyond
those identified as necessary to implement the fire damper surveillance procedures, are not required for one of-the following reasons:
  • Time available is sufficient to reset fire dampers or provide alternate ~ cooling.


  • Alternate means, as' identified in LaSalle's
                                                  ' Smoke Removal Plans, are available for removal of smoke.-

I O i f 0 t 4 i


6 4

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3.3 Walkdown Report

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X) . Attachment C is the report documenting the plant walkdown of 1 fire dampers at LaSalle. The report includes the drawing ' number on which the dampers are found, safe shutdown priority, pre-op tests documenting initial testing, and modifications recommended to assure access for surveillance testing.- Dampers are grouped by common areas 'O', Unit 1 and Unit 2; and are listed alphabetically within these three groups. Statistics of the walkdown are tebulated below: Damper Damper No. of Mfg. Position Dampers (Note 2) (Note 3) Seismic 308 72. (R) 82 H 162 (Note 1) 236 (AA) 226 V ' NOTES:

1. VS (Service Building) & VJ (Machine Shop) systems not included.

() 2. "R" indicates manufactured by Ruskin Mfg. Co.;

                 "AA" indicates Advanced Air Products.
3. "H" indicates Horizontal (floor) fire damper; "V" means Vertical (wall) fire damper.

, 7

 ~3.4- Fire Damper Modification Drawings Attachment D contains drawings proposing fire damper access
         -modifications to allow operability testing. These sketches are preliminary and were prepared-to estimate the costs of                                 ,

implementing the proposed modifications. 'The sketches are in numerical sequence from FDAM-1 through FDAM-87. O O l 8 i l

s 3.5 Modification Cost Report-

  =ip}--                                           ~
  ' \ /- -       Attachment E ' lists 'the dampers, - for which modifications are identified in the walkdown report -( Attachment C) , in order of theidamper's significance for safe shutdown (Priority No.).

The column " Mod. Sketch No." identifies the drawing in Attachment D used 'to prepare the costlestimate for modifying each damper in order to make the' damper accessible for operability. testing. -Note that some-damper modifications are straightforward, usually. requiring a larger access door. These. dampers in the " Mod. Sketch No." column are identified by "No drawing req'd". i The costs for all modifications identified in Attachment E are tabulated below: Modification Cost ($) Number of Dampers I- Type of Test Included Priority Operability Visual Operability -Visual 1 10,540 13  : 4 f '2 9,140 9 I SUBTOTAL $19,680 22 l

!                      3             65,150           4,540                                              63          8 4             13,920           4,480                                              17          5
5 2,980 750 8 2 i- SUBTOTAL $82,050 S9,770 88 i.

TOTAL $101,730* $9,770 110* 15 i h

  • Includes visual columns.
O i

9 i. l

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' * (^'s The costs include design,-materials and installation. They ( / are estimates and could change, in selected instances, when the design is completed. If the cost increase is significant, a safety evaluation will be performed to determine if the modification must be implemented. Assuming the cost to modify a fire damper does not change significantly, the ~ 22 modifications identified in Attachment E - for Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers will be implemented at an approximate. cost of $20,000. Thus, all Priority 1 and 2 fire

  .        dampers will be accessible for operational testing.

Again, assuming the cost to modify a fire damper does not change significantly, all Priority 3, 4 and 5 fire damper modifications required for visual inspection, except IVX35Y (see 3.6 for safety evaluation) , will be implemented. The cost to modify these dampers, which are listed below, is approximately $7,000. Priority 3: OVE40Y OVL57Y OVL58Y OVL62Y OVL78Y IVR76Y 2VT53Y () Pricrity 4: 2VV08Y OVA 26Y OVA 29Y OVA 37Y IVD42Y lVX35Y.... Note: This modification will not 4 be implemented. See 3.6 ! for the safety evaluation. I ! Priority 5: OVW42Y 1VT69Y i R -)  : 10  ! 1 A i

u d

      -3.6- Safety. Evaluations

Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers will be accessible for

            - conducting an operability test. With the exception of IVX35Y (Priority 4), the Priority 3, 4 and.5 fire dampers-will be accessible for visual inspection.

The modification to IVX35Y would be expensive ($2500) and would require a significant change to an existing seismic installation (Battery Room exhaust system ductwork and the Battery Room wall) . For justification not to inspect IVX35Y, see Attachment F, Fire Damper Safety Evaluations. O o G 11


  j 3.71 Fire Dampers Without. Pre-Op Documentation LaSalle's operating department' produced the pre-op documentation for 'all but 36 fire dampers. Attachment G lists 36 fire dampers
           - for which pre-op _ test documentation could not be found. Prior to pre-op testing by LaSalle's Technical Staff, all fire dampers were tested for proper installation during construction by either.the construction staff or the sheet metal contractor, or both,   iowever, records for these 36 dampers could not be-located to verify testing during construction.

The distribution of fire dampers not pre-op tested, by priority, is tabulated below (Table 3.7-1). All Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers have been pre-op tested. Of the 36 dampers not pre-op tested, 21 are currently accessible for testing and two are scheduled to be modified for the surveillance program (lVD42Y and 2VV08Y). The remaining 13 are accessible for visual Table 3.7-1 FIRE DAMPERS PRIORITY , NOT PRE-OP NUMBER TESTED 1 0 2 0 3 31 4 3 5 2 TOTAL 36 O 12

J 4 If.V-'f. inspection,Lbut would" require an expenditure of approximately .

                                 $12,000 if:they were to-be accessible for. testing. The 23
                               . fire dampers listed:in Table 3.7-2.will be' tested to document
- - correct installation. Table 3.7-3. tabulates the dampers that
                               'will, tested because the modifications are extensive and
                               . require an expenditure'of $12,000.

Table 3.7-2 1 - Dampers To Be Tested f I OVE47H OVL81Y lVV08Y OVE60Y. OVS160Y. IVV10Y 1 OVHilY OVS161Y 2VV07Y OVH15Y OVS163Y~ 2VV08Y* OVL71YA OVV31Y 2VV09Y ,' OVL71YB. OVV32Y 2VV10Y

                                                         'OVL74Y                                                             2VY13Y OVV40Y j                                                          OVL80Y                                1VD42Y*
                                                                                                                                                .f                                ;


  • Modification Required.

], Table'3.7-3 < i Dampers Not To'Be Tested 1 OVE48Y OVL76Y- OVL82Y l OVL63Y OVL77Y OVL83Y f OVL69Y OVL78Y OVL84Y


! OVL75Y a j t 1 i 1 i i a r 1-i 13 .

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y'] 3.8 NFPA 90A Discussion of Airflow Testing Fire dampers are tested and labeled (UL) -in accordance with UL555, Fire Dampers and Ceiling Dampers. Smoke dampers are tested per UL555S, Leakage Rated Dampers for Use in Smoke Control Systems. Combination fire / smoke dampers must meet the requirements of both UL555 and UL555S. LaSalle has fire dampers, not smoke or fire / smoke dampers. LaSalle also has a smoke removal plan for each fire zone that could affect safe shutdown. NFPA Standard 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, invokes UL555, and since UL555S is new (September 1983), it will appear in new editions of NFPA 90A. The only reference to NFPA Standard 90A is in LaSa11e's purchase specification for fire dampers. The fire dampers at LaSalle County Station were purchased

            -in 1976.and the applicable NFPA standard is the 1976 edition of NFPA 90A. Appendix B, Maintenance, in NFPA 90A is not a part of the NFPA standard and is included in the standard for information purposes only. Article B-7 (Appendix B) added the following sentence to the.1981 edition: "It is desirable to operate doors or dampers with normal system airflow to assure that they are not held open by the airstream."

This sentence was not in the 1976 edition of NFPA 90A. ()/ s-A request was made by Sargent & Lundy (S&L) , Consulting Engineers, on March 7, 1984, for an interpretation of this sentence by the NFPA 90A technical committee (see Attachment H). The response to this request was sent by letter dated . June 13, 1984, and disagreed with an " unofficial" verbal interpretation S&L had previously received implying that fire dampers in systems that shutdown upon detection of smoke need not be tested under airflow conditions (see Attachment H). The NFPA 90A technical committee is not aware that LaSalle has on-site at all times a trained fire brigade, fire fighting plans for each fire zone, generally low combustible loadings, and IEEE qualified cable. Since LaSalle's fire brigade is instructed to shutdown fans in the event of a fire, CECO's technical judgment is that operability testing of fire dampers with system airflow is not necessary. LaSalle also has no commitment to Appendix B of any edition of NFPA 90A. i A)


m 14 l l

'j 3.9 ALARA and Personnel. Safety

              .                                                               i l Attachment.I documents fire dampers for which specific cautions ;
            -(airborne radioactive particles,. high pressure, noise) must be exercised regarding ALARA and personnel safety matters when-conducting.surveillances. The surveillance procedures include these ALARA and personnel safety concerns.

The-ALARA fire dampers identified'in~ Attachment I are based on current plant. conditions. This list will be expanded if plant conditions change. O O 15

4. SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM psi i j .The surveillance procedures LTS-1000-35, Fire Damper Operability Test (Attachment J), and LTS-1000-36, Fire Damper Visual Inspection (Attachment K), were developed using the data in Section 3. The 10 year surveillance interval is taken from ASME Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Subarticle IWB-2400 (Inspection of Schedule). Based on the 10 year interval, Table IWB-2412-1 (Inspecting Program B) of ASME Section XI suggests samples sizes at'3, 7 and 10 year intervals as tabulated in Table 4.0-1. The reference to ASME Section,XI is solely'for guidance in defining an interval and sample size per inspection period. It in no way infers that fire dampers are classified as "important to safety" or " safety-related".


                             ;                                  l l         1st                7                  50                 67

("'s i (.. f 10 .l 100 100 13  ! I

                             ,         2nd           17                           ETC.
                             ,                       20         I-i                                                                      l 3rd          ETC.                          ETC.

l 4th ETC. ETC. 16


  ^,j'"S. The inspection can vary by one year and Subarticle IWB-2430 provides
( )
    ~     '7'.
          .-   guidance for expanding the sample if failure is encountered. A good mix'of the dampers at LaSalle should be selected for the first-i l

surveillance. Should a failure occur, then additional dampers of the type that f ailed should be . inspected at that time. The sequence of fire damper inspection established during the first interval should be repeated during each successive interval. The first 3 year inspection period is due November 15, 1986, since Unit 2 fire dampers were inspected (LTS_83-199) during the period from November'15, 1983, through March 2, 1984. The surveillance of the common ('O') and Unit 1 fire dampers ' commenced March 9, 1984 (LTS 8 4-79) . 1 O i 4 l i 4 s_- 17


   .I       i V

5.1 Conclusions The~ surveillance programs presented in'this report satisfy compliance with'all NFPA standards and replace previous commitments regarding' testing and inspection of fire dampers at LaSalle County Station. A revised Technical Specification will be proposed to replace the current Technical Specification. 5.2 Commitments

a. The surveillance program in Section 4 will be implemented prior to November 15, 1986.
b. The! modifications identified in Section 3.5 (36 total) will be completed prior .to the first scheduled surveillance.
c. The fire dampers identified in Section 3.7, Table 3.7-2, for which initial test documentation could not be found will be tested to document correct installation before start-up following the first refueling outages.
d. The fire plans for the applicable systems identified in
                            ' Attachment H will be- modified prior to start-up following the first refueling outage to permit LaSalle's fire
      . j                    brigade to shutdown system fans upon detection of a fire in areas served by that system.
e. Personnel responsible for surveillance testing of fire
dampers will be trained before-conducting surveillance tests. As a minimum, this will include a discussion of surveillance procedures.

4 i i f3. s 18 i

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4 9 I 4 f I, IO l ATTACHMENT A 1 (- l-4 PRIORITIZING ' OF FIRE DAMPERS + l b 1 4


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commonwealth Edison Company LaSalle County Station - Units 1 and 2 Project No. 6854-31 Revision Date Reason For Prepared By Numbsr Issued Revision Revised Pages Reviewed By Approved By [M L' g 0 05/25/84 Orig. Issue None 'r

                                                                                                   $h O

9 O

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CAR 2ENT Q LUNDY DC-FP-01-1-LS E N GIN E E R D ' Ravicion 0-CHICARO Page 2 PRIORITIZING OF FIRE DAMPERS Commonwealth Edison Company LaSalle County Station - Units 1 and 2

                                              -Table of Contents Page 1.0  Purpose..............................................                                                3 2.0  Definitions..........................................                                                3 3.0  Criteria.............................................                                               3 3.1   Priority 1......................................                                              3 3.2   Priority 2......................................                                              4
           - 3.3- P ri o r i ty 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.4 Priority 4......................................                                                4 3.5   Priority 5......................................                                              5 4.0   Procedures...........................................                                               5 k    5.0   Prioritizing of Dampers..............................

6 6.0 Acknowledgement...................................... 7 7.0 References........................................... 7 Appendix 1 - Designation of Fire Damper Importance to Safe Shutdown............. 9 Appendix 2 - Safe Shutdown / Safety-Related Fire Zones.............................. 40


6 b _ _ _

SARGENT Q LUNDY DC-FP-01-1-LS EN R9 jN Revision 0 Page 3 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to prioritize fire dampers according to their importance in fire barriers that separate safe shutdown and safety-related equipment. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Division - The designation applied to a system or set of components that enable the establishment and maintenance of physical, electrical, and functional independence from other redundant sets of components (IEEE 384-1977, Section 3). Note: LaSalle County Station has three divisions per unit. 2.2 Safe Shutdown Train - A combination of systems that provides shutdown capability. The shutdown capability for specific fire areas may be unique for each area, or it may be one unique combination of systems for all such areas. Safe shutdown trains are defined for each LaSalle fire area / zone in the FSAR, Section H.4. 2.3 Train - When referring to safety-related equipment not related to safe shutdown train, the terms division and train are used interchangeably. () 2.4 Non-Safety-Related Area 2- Any area containing no safety-related equipment or cable. Areas containing only divisional associated equipment or individual safety-related components may be considered non-safety-related based on the_importance of the component to safe shutdown. Areas that have individual safety-related components but were treated as non-safety-related areas are identified in Appendix 2 by notes. 3.0 CRITERIA The damper priority assignment criteria below was developed in conjunction with Messrs. H. L. Massin (CECO) and E. P. Ricohermoso (S&L-HVACD). 3.1 Priority 1: All dampers in barriers surrounding the Control Room, and surrounding and within the Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Rooms. Priority 1 was chosen for these areas due to the presence of safety systems of all divisions and their criticality to plant operation and safety. O 1

CAR 2ENT O LUNDY DC-FP-01-1-LS EN NEERO Ravicion 0 Page 4 3.2 Priority 2: All dampers in barriers separating O\ (1) redundant safe shutdown trains from each other, and T2) unit 1 - Division 2 and Unit 2 - Division 2 safe shutdown trains. Priority 2 was chosen for these dampers because of the critical need to prevent the spread of fire from one redundant safe shutdown train to another. Priority 2 includes fire dampers in barriers covered by 10CFR50, Appendix R, Article III.G.2. Division 2 - Unit 1, and Division 2 - Unit 2 have dedicated diesels. These divisions are considered redundant safe shutdown trains, since in the event of a loss-of-offsite power, one unit's Division 2 must be operable and the swing diesel (DG-0) would be operable to the other unit. 3.3 Priority 3: All fire dampers in barriers separating (1) safety-related divisions, (2) Unit.1 - Division 1 and Unit 2 - Division 1, (3) a safety-related area containing safety-related divisions, including safe shutdown trains from non-safety-related areas, and (4) shafts that communicate between floors containing safety-related divisions including safe shutdown trains. Priority 3 was chosen for these dampers because of the critical need to prevent the spread of fire from a safety-related division to another safety-related division, and to protect a safety-related division from fires in a non-safety-related area. In addition, Priority 3 was assigned Unit 1 - Division 1 and Unit 2 - Division 1 barriers since a fire in either unit could adversely affect operability of the swing diesel (DG-0). Both units' dedicated diesel generators (Division 2) would still be available for safe shutdown of their respective unit. Shafts provide a path for fire spread between safe shutdown trains located on different elevations. Fire dampers in shafts are assigned Priority 3 since two dampers in series must fail fcr a fire to propagate from one floor to another. 3.4 Priority 4: All fire dampers in barriers that separate areas containing safety-related cable or equipment in the same division or train. O

            ,                                                             CARGENT Q LUNDY                           DC-FP-01-1-LS EN jN         to                     Ravicion 0 Page-5 l

I ) " Priority 4'was chosen for dampers in these barriers

       'N    / '

because. only a single safety-related division or s&fe shutdown' train would be affected even if the' fire were 1 to propagate across the barrier.' the integrated nature of nuclear plant safety systems, it is assumed. that further damage in another fire area of the same train would not.further reduce operability of the train. These dampers have no safety significance from E the perspective of the fire protection safe shutdown

                                           - analysis.

3.5 - Priority-5: Dampers in barriers that. separate non-safety-related areas. Priority 5 is chosen for these

                                           - dampers since-these areas have no safety-related significance.

4.0 PROCEDURES 4.1 The procedure to prioritize a fire damper is as follows: Step 1: Use Figure H.2-1 of the FSAR and the HVAC physical drawing to determine which fire 1 zones are separated by the barrier in which . the fire damper is located. Appendix 1 4 summarizes the fire zones associated with each fire damper. Step 2: Use Appendix 2 to determine which divisions of safe shutdown and safety-related equipment are located in each fire zone. i Safe shutdown divisions were identified from information in the FSAR, Section H.4. Safety-related divisions were identified using the 4 FSAR, Section H.3 and FSAR Figure 9.5-la I (18 sheets). i Step 3: Knowing the fire zones on each side of a fire damper (see Appendix 1) and the safety-related divisions and safe shutdown trains (see Appendix 2), classify the priority of each ! fire damper according to the criteria in i Article 3.0. 1

4.2 Examples

                                          - a. Example 1:

What is the priority of fire damper 2VX41Y? Priority 2, since damper 2VX41Y separates fire zones 4D2 and 4D4 containing redundant safe shutdown trains. O u l f e- , s e._,., r- ..n,.--.,+ m. + ,.e,,,.-,m,, ,-g.m, ,, , , . . - ,,,,,..,,.yw.,,,. . , . , .e_. .. ,,w-

  .."                                                       CARGENTQ LUNDY                                          DC-FP-01-1-LS E N GIN EEns                                       Revision 0 C"'C^*

Page 6 F x/ b. . Example 2: Nhat is the_ priority of fire damper OVL77Y? Priorityf2,1since.the damper separates fire zones 5B13 and SCll containing Unit 1 - Division 2 and Unit 2 - Division 2 safe shutdown trains.

c. Example 3: What is the priority of fire damper

, OVA 43Y? Priority 3, since damper does not separate fire zones containing redundant safe shutdown trains ' [ Fire Zone 4B (Division 2) and Fire Zone 4C3 (Division 3)], but does separate safety-related equipment of different divisions [ Fire Zone 4B (Division 2) and Fire-Zone 4C3 (Divisions 1 and 3)]. i

d. Example 4: What is the priority of fire damper 1VX05Y?

Priority 3, since damper is located in a fire shaft.

e. Example 5: What is the priority of fire damper i 2VT53Y?

i Priority 3, since damper separates a safety-related 4 4 division [ Fire Zone SA4 (Division 2)] and a non-safety-related area (Fire Zone 5B3) .

f. Example 6: What is the priority of fire damper 2VX32Y?

1 Priority 3, since fire damper separates Division.1 cable between Units 1 and 2 (Fire Zone 4F2) .

g. Example 7: What is the priority of fire damper OVD06Y?

Priority 4, since fire damper separates areas containing safety-related equipment in the same division [ Fire Zone 7B6 (Division 1) and 7C3 (Division 1)]. 5.0 PRIORITIZING OF DAMPERS Based on the procedures discussed in Article 4.0, the dampers were prioritized as shown by the listing in Appendix 1. For the distribution of fire dampers by priority, see Table 1. 4 O

   . , . - . - .         , , - ,        ,-       - . - ~

r.. . , _ --.m .-,m--.w._,,- , _ , . , , , , , . . . ~ _ , - . . . . . * - - - -

SARGENT O LUNDY~ DC-FP-01-1-LS E N GIN E E R9 Ravision 0 cwicAs 7 [N


TABLE 1 f DAMPER / PRIORITY DISTRIBUTION I NUMBER OF PRIORITY FIRE DAMPERS 1 18 , 2 25 ) 3 141 4 84 5 . 40 I TOTAL 308 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the review of damper prioritizing, Mr. H. F. Behls was assisted by Mr. G. G. Benes (CECO-LaSalle Tech. Staff).


7.1 LaSalle County Station, Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Amendment 64, March 1984:

a. Figure H.2-1, Fire Area / Zone Locations.
b. Figure 9.5-la, Fire Protection System.
c. Section H.3, Fire Hazards Analysis.
d. Section H.4, Safe Shutdown Analysis.

b v _ _ . . . . . ~ - . _ .

                                                .CARGENT Q LUNDY
                                                                                                                 'DC-FP-01-1-LS ENOlNEERS                                             Revision'O


                                                                                                                   'Page 8

() V 7.2 IEEE Standard'384-1977, IEEE Standard Criteria for Independence of Class lE Equipment and Circuits, ' 4 Section 3.

              ~7.3            Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix R, Fire ~ Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities
- Operating Prior to January 1, 1979.

6 Y 4 6 5 l l I t i 1 i e 1 i L s 5 t t i I


           ; NUMBER         DRAWING     PRIORITY- FIRE ZONES IlVR76Y        M-1351-2            3      Note 3 lVR77Y       M-1351-2            3      Note 3 l

2VR76Y M-1352-2 3 Note 3 l 2VR77Y M-1352-2 3 Note 3


IVX28YA 3 Note 3

                              -1381 1)

lVX28YB ~f 3 1-1) 3 Note 3

IVX29YA M-1375-1 3 Note 3 j i

I IVX29YB M-1375-1 3 . Note 3 i

                            ~      ~

2VX28YA -3 3 Note 3 2) 2VX28YB 3 Note 3

                              - 38   2) i l   \~)-

DC-FP-01-1-LS' Ravision 0. l Pago 10

     ~3                                                                                            ,
               , DAMPER I NUMBER             DRAWING                 PRIORITY       FIRE ZONES 2VX29YA           M-1376-1                      3            Note 3 2VX29YB-          M-1376-1                      3            Note 3 OVE43Y            M-1377-1                      3   .        Note 3 OVE44Y          .

M-1377-1 3 Note 3 OVC62Y M-1377-2 1 4B-4Cl I OVC63Y M-1377-2 1 4B-4Cl O OVC64Y M-1377-2 1 4B-4Cl I OVC65Y M-1377-2 1 4B-4Cl OVL63Y

  • M 0 1)

OVA 42Y M-1377-3  ; 3 4B-4C3 O l [s

DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 11 J I DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES 1 OVA 43Y M-1377-3 3 4C3-4B l OVA 46Y M-1377-3 3 4C3-4B i

                         '                                     Note 3 OVE45Y        M-1377-3            3 OVE46Y     i  M-1377-3            3              Note 3 1VV06Y i      M-1379-1            3              Note 3 t                         !

IVV10Y  ! M-1379-1  ! 3 8 Note 3 ' I I -

                                     ~1 OVA 44Y                           3              4C2-4B (M-1377-1)                                      l OVA 45Y                           3               4C2-4B
                               - 3    -1)

OVA 47Y 3 4C2-4B 1377-1) OVC60Y M-1380-1 3 4C3-4B 4 5 i

           .. .. .       ~.  .           . . - . - - . -   . . . .          --        - - . . -                - _-
  • DC-FP-01-1-LS' Revision 0 Page 12
l. J 4 .
                    -DAMPER     i NUMBER    '


OVC61Y M-1380-1 3 4C3-4B OVE31Y M-1380-1 3 Note 3

OVE32Y M-1380-1 3 Note 3 4' OVC66Y M-1380-2 1 -4Cl-4B 4-i

                   .OVC68Y        'M-1380-2                         1                4Cl-4B
IVX15Y M-1381-1 3 Note 3  ;
i. ,

IVX16Y M-1381-1 3 Note 3 l 2VX15Y M-1381 l

                                                         ,          3                Note 3 i

l 2VX16Y M-1381-2 3 Note 3 , (M-1388-2) f) lVT53Y M-1387-1 i 3 5A4-5B13 i f I i i 6 g. O

           , ..           ...    .                        .               .                                                 .    .     . - . ..-                 . _ =


     -            c-4       -                                                                                                                    Revision 0 Page 13                                       l l

1 3

1 " DAMPER j-- NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVT60YA M-1387-1 4 -5A4-5B13 4 lVT60YB M-1387-1 4 5A4-5B13 IVV07Y M-1387-1 3. -5A4-5B3 t

i- IVX0lY M-1387-1 3 . Note 3 i M- 1387-1 . ^' 1VX05Y 3 Note 3 (M-1381-1) lVX36Y M-1387-1 4 4D3 j O IVX37Y M-1387-1 4 i-4D3 1VX38Y M-1387-1 4 4D3 i IVX39f M-1387-1 4 4D3 l l j IVX41Y M-1387-1 4 I' 4Dl-2/4D3 t. 1 1 i i i l- . I 1 . t

  .l j

DC-FP-01-1-LS~ Rsvision 0-Page 14 s

  . (/

l DAMPER NUMBER '_ DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES i IVX42Y M-1387-1 2 4Dl-2/4D2 lVX43Y M-1387-1 4, 4Dl-2/4D3

         , IVX44Y        M-1387-1       2         4Dl-2/4D2 i                                    !

lVX45Y M-1387-1 2~ 4Dl-1/4Dl-2 i e i IVX46Y M-1387-1 2 f4Dl-1/4Dl-2 I I . i i l 4D3-5A4 IVX56Y M-1387-1 4 l q l __ 1 2VX42Y M-1387-1 2, !4Dl-2/4D2 3 a i 2VT53Y M-1387-2 l 3 . 5A4-5B3  ! 2VT60YA M-1387-2 : 4 , SA4-5B13

} i 2VT60YB M-1387-2 . 4 l 5A4-5B13 I

T } v

1 DC-FP-01-1-LS l

                                                                                                                                            ' Revision 0                        ,

l Page 15 l l l l

                   ! DAMPER              !


;                     2VV09Y                    M-1387-2                                     3                   5A4-5B3 2VX0lY                    M-1387-2                                     3      ,

Note 3 1 -2 2VX05Y 3 Note 3 1 2) 2VX36Y M-1387-2 4 . 4D4 i 2VX37Y  ! M-1387-2 4 4D4 l

.                     2VX38Y             -

4- 4D4 !o 2VX39Y lM-1387-2

                                         ;      M-1387-2                                     4 4D4 I

2VX41Y M-1387-2 2 4D2-4D4 2VX43Y M-1387-2 2 4D2-4D4 2VX56Y M-1387-2 3 f4D4-5A4 i i


i f O

         ,-v---s       , - , . , ,.,r--,  - , ,  , , - - , , - - , - - - - - , - - - , ,  ,    ,e   , ,,.m--,-o,--,.,.,,.m,.-,.-y-,,,--,.n-,
                                                                                                                         .                               ,-e e - - -+-, ,,e z

DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 i Page 16

  ;f w

DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVL28Y M-1388-1 3 Note 3 OVL29Y M-1388-1 3 Note 3 OVL30Y M-1388-1 (Note 2) Note 3 OVL31Y M-1388-1 Note 3 (Note 2) 1 OVL36Y M-1388-1 4 4F3 i  ! ' OVL38Y , M-1388-1 4 4F3 O OVL41Y M-1388-1 4 4F3 g I OVL42Y M-1388-1 l 4 4F3

                               ,                           i

! OVL43Y M-1388-1 4 4F3 1 OVL44Y M-1388-1 4 4F3 l 1 1 l l~ t O

1 F DC-FP--01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 17

     .\s l


                    ! OVL47Y            M-1388-1               4                                    4F3 l                                               .

OVL48Y M-1388-1 3 Note 3 - OVL49Y M-1388-1 Note 3 (Note 2) OVL50Y j M-1388-1 Note 3 (Note 2) OVL51Y M-1388-1 3 Note 3 5 IVX13Y j M-1388-1 3 Note 3

O IVX30Y , M-1388-1 3 4F1 l

i i j IVX31Y > M-1388-1 4 4F1 ! I lVX32Y M-1388-1 4 4F1 l I r IVX33Y M-1388-1 4 . 4F1

I >

4 l ? l t i

  ..n.  ...- , ,. -     --              - , ~ , , , , - ,  -  - - -   . - . - - , , . - . , , - -        ~ ~ .    , .-,-a  ,,- ,. .-. . - .

l l DC-FP-01-1-LS I Revision 0  ; Page 18

 . ,- n.

a f DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVX50Y M-1388-1 2 4F1-5C11 lVX52Y M-1388-1 (Note 2) 4F1-5Cll IVX59Y M-1388-1 2 4F1-5Cll OVL52Y M-1388-2 4F3-5Cll (Note 2) OVL53Y M-1388-2 (Note 2) 4F3-5Cll OVL54Y M-1388-2 4F3-5C11

    /']                                    (Note 2) a OVL57Y                 M-1388-2               4F3-5C11 (Note 2)

OVL58Y M-1389-2 (Note 2) 4F3-5Cll OVL59Y M-1388-2 4F3-5Cll (Note 2) OVL62Y M-1388-2 4F3-5Cll (Note 2) + O i

                                                                                           -DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Pago 19 Ef N
       ,s A DAMPER NUMBER        DRAWING          PRIORITY                    FIRE ZONES 2VV07Y    M-1388-2                                               4F3-5C11 (Note 2) 2VX13Y    M-1388-2                               3                Note 3
                  '2VX30Y    M-1388-2                               4                  4F2 2VX31Y    M-1388-2                               4                  4F2 2VX32Y-   M-1388-2                               3                  4F2 2VX33Y    M-1388-2                               3                 SCll 2VX40Y    M-1388-2                                               4F2-5Cll (Note 2) 2VX52Y    M-1388-2                                               4F2-5C11 (Note 2)

OVL69Y M-1388-6 4F3-5Cll (Not 2)

OVL70Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3 i
            -- --          -  . . . - - . . , . - , - , , . - - . _ ,    ,-.,.m,.._          ..._-,,;,7, y_..,. - -,_-._, - ,, .           .,y

DC-FP-01-1-LS-Revision 0 Page 20 4 r ko J DAMPER

           . NUMBER-       DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVL71YA'  M-1388-6        3     Note 3 I

OVL71YB M-1388-6 3 Note 3 OVL74Y M-1388-6' 3 Note 3 l OVL75Y -M-1388-6 3 Note 3 i ~

           ~ OVL76Y     M-1388-6        3     Note 3 1

OVL77Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3 l 1 4- OVL78Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3 4 4

f. OVL79Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3

. OVL80Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3 i i OVL81Y M-1388-6 3 Note 3 1 i i l

'~ DC-FP-01-1-LS i: Revision 0 Page 21

                  -DAMPER NUMBER                                                DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVL82Y                                            M-1388-6        3      Note 3 OVL83Y                                            M-1388-6        3      Note 3 OVL84Y                                            M-1388-6        3       Note 3 OVE33Y                                            M-1389-1        3      Note 3 OVE34Y                                             M-1389-1       3       Note 3 OVE35Y                                             M-1389-1       1     4El/4E3-2 OVE36Y                                              M-1389-1      1     4El/4E3-2 OVE37Y                                               M-1389-1     1        4El OVE38Y                                               M-1389-1     1        4El OVS160Y                                              M-1389-1     4        5B13 O
  • J
  • J L.- s - d- , +-* 8-' - +- 4 DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 22 f



M-1389-1 4 5B13

IVT55Y M-1389-1 3 5B3-5B13 IVT59YA M-1389-1 2 5B13-5Cll IVT59YB M-1389-1 2 5B13-5C11 lVT59YC M-1389-1 2 5B13-5C11 L

lVT59YD M-1389-1 2 . 5B13-5Cll s r IVXO6Y M-1389-1  ; 3 Note 3

I IVX10Y 3 Note 3 M- 88 1) lVX12Y 3 Note 3

I i 4 4 v .i r g , , , , - m- - ----e,---------,-e,g- -~ = - - - - ~ = ~ , e- , , - - , , , , . ~ , - , - , ---,rs,-,m--,,-rv. -,e ~ . - r v

DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 23

   .N .

I I DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES i IVX34Y M-1389-1 4  ! 4E3-2 lVX35Y M-1389-1 4 4E3-2 lVX54Y M-1389-1 4 4E3-2/5B13 1VX57Y M-1389-1 2 4E3-1/4E3-2 i IVX58Y M-1389-1 '! 2 4E3-1/4E3-2 I  ! OVE39Y M-1389-2 3 Note 3 i OVE40Y M-1389-2 3 Note 3 OVE41Y M-1389-2 1 4E2/4E4-1 OVE42Y M-1389-2 1 4E2/4E4-1 l t i OVE49Y M-1389-2 1 4E2 , I l W h E 6 s------ - a = ~ e ,-,, -r., -my- 4rv.,-: ~e.r y,r_wr--- ,--,r---r-ev--gr,w,< --,-,-r-r ,w--- Y* r"we'---' -tT~-**-r*-

                                       . _ ~ . - _     .                        , -                              .                    .                             _ .     . -- . --. --.. _

< DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 - Page 24 l , i n DAMPER NUMBER -j_ DRAWING- PRIORITY FIRE ZONES-1 OVE50Y M-1389-2 1- 4E2

                              - OVE51Y                           M-1389-2                              2                      4E4/1-4E4/2 OVE52Y'                        M-1389-2                              2                      4E4/1-4E4/2

) OVE53Y M-1389-2 2 4E4/1-4E4/2 i i 2VT55Y M-1389-2 3 5B3-5B13 2VT59YA M-1389-2 2 5B13-5Cll j 4 2VT59YB M-1389-2 2 5B13-5Cll i E 2VT59YC M-1389-2 2 l' 5B13-5Cll i d 2VT59YD M-1389-2 2 i 5B13-5C11 l . i 2VV08Y M-1389-2 3 l 5B3-5B13 ) 4 I 4 l 4 i i 4 r.w y- -- ,

                 ---, -,-, ,- --r  -v eg,aw,,w. m cs     ,- --w,   ,~,i'sw   r --=-- e
  • n ww v em s - wwm m m w w w w w-e- w w ,-,t~w n mmt w -- w m~' m m w w- rv r- w?--~rt'r--*-,'+
   ,                                                     DC-FP-01-1-LS-Revision 0 Page 25 I-I DAMPER NUMBER     DRAWING       ,-PRIORITY     FIRE ZONES i

M-1389-2 2VXO6YA 3 Note 3 I i 2VX06YB M-1389-2 3 Note 3 l 9

2VX10Y 3 Note 3
                     - 3 1-2)
      , 2VX12Y         l   1-2) 3          Note 3' 4

2VX34Y M-1389-2 4 4E4-2 2VX35Y M-1389-2 4 4E4-2 i 2VX54Y M-1389-2 4 5B13/4E4-2 OVA 21Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 i OVA 22Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 OVA 23Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 f

DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0' Page 26

   >O V

l I DAMPER l l NUMBER f DRAWING l PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVA 24Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 + OVA 25Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 OVA 26Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 OVA 27Y M-1390-1 3 4C2-5A3 OVA 28Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 OVA 30Y M-1390-1 3  ! 4C2-5A3 l I OVA 36Y M-1390-1 4 i 4C2 i I OVA 37Y M-1390-1 4 4C2 OVC67Y M-1390-1 1 4B-4Cl i ) O

L DC-FP-01-1-LS Rnvision 0 Paga 27 ('f V l DAMPER l DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES NUMBER l OVE22Y M-1390-1 3 4C3-4C4 OVE25Y M-1390-1 3 4C3-4C4 OVE47Y M-1390-1 3 Note 3 OVE48Y M-1390-1 3 Note 3 OVE60Y M-1390-1 3 4C3-4C4 OVV31Y M-1390-1 3 4C4-5A3 I O I 1 i OVV32Y M-1390-1 3 4C4-5A3 1 OVV40Y M-1390-1 3 4C3-4C4 IVV08Y M-1390-1 3 l 4C2-5A3 I  ! OVA 34Y l M-1391-1 3 4C3 l O

DC-FP-01-1-LSL Ravision 0 Page 28 O . 4 DAMPER-NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES _ OVA 35Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-5A3

              - OVA 38Y         M-1391-1                  3   4C3-4C5 OVA 39Y         M-1391-1                  3     4C3

! OVA 40Y M-1391-1 3 4C3 i OVA 41Y M-1391-1 3 4C3 i i [ OVC37Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-4C5 OVC38Y M-1391-1 4 4C5 i ) OVC39Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-5A3 OVC46Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-4C5 OVC47Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-4C5 l a I i O

r, , , DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0-

                                            ,      4 Page 29 c


                             ;                          c
                                   'OVC48Y  M-1391              3       4'C3-4C5 OVC49Y  M-1391-1              '3'      4C3-4C5 OVC50Y  M-13'91-1              1       4Cl-4C5 OVC51Y   M-1391-1              1        4Cl-4C5 OVC69Y   M-1391             1        4B-4Cl

() 2VV10Y M-1391-1 3 4C3-5A3 OVD06Y M-1395 4 7B6-7C3 OVD40Y M-1395 4 7A3-7B3 s

                                    ~1VD14Y   M-1395                4       7BS-7C2 lVD40Y   M-1395                4       7Al-7B1


DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 l, ' Page 30 ., .3 t s, N

;si e-
                               . DAMPER NUMBER        DRAWING                  PRIORITY              FIRE ZONES                                      l
                                                          '                                      7Al-7B1 IVD42Y                                           4                                                       3
                                                  - 397)                                       ,
                                 -lVD43Y        M-1395                              4            7A2-7B2 2VD40Y'  -M-1396                                4             8Al-8B1 2VD41Y       M-1396                             4             8Al-8B1
g. __

$ 2VD42Y M-1396 3 8Al-8B1 2VD43Y M-1396 4 8A2-8B2 i-1 2VD44Y M-1396 4 8A2-8B2 i' , 2VD45Y M-1396 4 8A2-8B2 i I i 2VY12Y M-1396 3 8Al-8B1 i 2VY13Y M-1396 3 8Al-8B1 4 e LO l.

         . . ..      . - - . _ _ -            .   . - _ ~           . - .      - - . . - . . ,    . - - . - . - _ - . . . - - - . -

l DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 31 O  : 4 DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING i~ PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVD04Y M-1397 4 7A3-7B3 OVD05Y M-1397 4 7B3-7C3 OVD07Y M-1397 4 7B6 OVD41Y M-1397 4 7B2-7B5 lVD04Y M-1397 4 7B1-7B4 IVD05Y M-1397 4 7B1-7C1 lVD06Y M-139 7 4 7B1-7C1 lVD07Y M-139 7 4 7B1-7B4 IVD12Y M-1397' 4 7B2-7B5 lVD13Y M- 139 7 4 7B2-7C2 O

DC-FP-01-1-LS e Revision 0 Page 32 t-DAMPER NUMBER- DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES-lVD15Y M-1397 4 7B5 lVD41Y 4 7Al-7B1 M 95)

             .lVD44Y- M-1397       4      7B2-7B5 2VD04Y' M-1398       3     -8B1-8B3 2VD05Y  M-1398       3      8B1-8Cl                                                                  l 2VD06Y M-1398       3      8B1-8Cl 2VD07Y M-1398       3      8B1-8B3 2VD12Y M-1398       4      8B2-8B4 2VD13Y M-1398       4      882-8C2 2VD14Y M-1398       4      8B2-8C2 O

n'_e 4 DC-FF-01-1-LS

      '                                                                                                                           Revision O' Page 33                             ,




                                                      - NUMBER                  DRAWING        PRIORITY                 FIRE ZONES 2VD15Y.             M-1398                 4                        8B2-8B4
                                                      - 2VX60Y              M-1398                 2                      . 4F2-5Cll 2VY08Y              M-1398                 3                        8B1-8Cl 2VYO9Y              M-1398                 3                        8B1-8Cl lVD23Y:             M-1399-                4                        SDl-7C4                                   ,

() lVD24Y M-1399 4 5Dl-7C4 lVD25Y M-1399 4 5Dl-7C4 2VD23Y M-1400 4 5D2-8C3 2VD24Y M-1400 4 SD2-8C3 2VD25Y M-1400 4 SD2-8C3 O l-

      - _ _ - - _ _ - _ . . . - _ - _ - - . _ . _ , _      . . _ . - . - . _ _ . _ . . _ - _ _  _   _ - . _ _ . ~ . . - - _ . . _           - _ . . , , _ . _ . _ . .

I DC-FP-01-1-LS 0 Revision 0 j Pago 34 ("%

  %,,.A DAMPER FIRE ZONES NUMBER                 DRAWING           PRIORITY 2VY10Y              M-1400                    2               8Cl-8C5 2VYllY              M-1400                    2               8Cl-8C5 lVT61Y              M-1411-1                  3               4A-5A3 lVT62Y              M-1411-1                  3               4A-5A3 2VT61Y              M-1412                    3               4A-5A3 2VT62Y               M-1412                    3              4A-5A3 OVWO6Y                M-1413                   5                5B4 OVW32Y                M-1413                   5                SB4 lVT22Y               M-1414                   5               5B1-5B4 lVT29Y               M-1414                   5               5B1-5B4 l

l O

                ,-- ,   -c-,    - - - , , -            , - - -     - - - - - - - ,     . . - = . , ,   .      .  . <l

D'C-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 35 v l DAMPER NUMBER- DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVT35Y M-1414 5 5B1-5B4 1VT36Y- -M-1414 5 5B1-5B3 lVT76Y M-1414 5 5B1-5BS 2VT22Y M-1415-1 5 5B2-5B4-2VT29Y M-1415-1 5 5B2-5B4 l 2VT35Y M-1415-1 5 5B2-5B3 O 2VT36Y M-1415-1 5 SB2-5B3 2VT76Y M-1415-1 5 5B2-5B6 lVT44Y M-1416 5B1-5C11 (Not 1) lVT72Y M-1416 SB1-5C11 (Not 1) 2 5 3 f v

DC-FP-01-1-LS-Revision'0 Page 36 k ).- DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVT73Y M-1416 5B1-5Cll (Not 1) 1 i - 2VT44Y M-1417 5B2-5Cll

(Note 1).

4 2VT72Y M-1417 5B2-5Cll 4 (Note 1) 5-2VT73Y M-1417 5B2-5Cll (Note 1) lVT46Y M-1418-1 5 SD3-6D !' lVT69Y M-1418-1 5 SD5-6D i 2VT46Y M-1418-2 5 SD4-6D 1~ 2VT69Y M-1418-2 5 6D

l. lVT50Y M-1420 3 4A-5A3

!~ l IVT51Y M-1420 3 4B-5A3 r I 4 i P 4 4 ee---s-m-i w, , . - .w ey %#%.. e., --,,,,...m, wow.,, ,y,, ,,,,,_,,,,,,,,_,.,,y,.,w  %,y.em.. ,,,,,7


DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 I- - Page'37~ DAMPER NUMBER -DRAWING -PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVT52Y M-1420 3 4B-5A3 lVT80Y M-1421' 3 . Note 3 lVT81Y M-1421 3 Note 3 2VT50Y 'M-1422 3 4A-5A3 2VT51Y M-1422 3 4B-5A3 2VT52Y M-1422 3 4B-5A3 OVW89Y M-1429 5 6A OVW90YA M-1429 5 6A OVW90YB M-1429 5 6A OVW90YC M-1430 5 6A O


                   '-                                                                                                                                                                  Revision 0
                                                                                                                                                                                    ._Page 38 3

O , i DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES OVW90YD M-1430 5 6A l OVW90YE M-1430 5 6A OVW90YF M-1430 5 6A f OVW42Y M-1432-2 5= 6B3-6D i: i-i OVW78Y M-1432-2' 5 6D p ! OVW11Y- M-1435 5 6B1-6B2 4 OVW30Y M-1435 5 6B1-6B2 i , f 1 + OVW47Y M-1435 5 6B1-6B2 i 1 ! OVW50Y M-1435 5 6B1 1 4 1 4

IVD20Y M-1437 4 5D1 i

i I l I f i- 1 j- , i -l J i

    - . . ...c,,,_-.._.     . - . . . - - . . . . . . - _ . . . _ . _ . . . _ _ . , . -

+ .. DC-FP-01-LS- l R.; vision 0 1 Paga 39 f s


e n .J DAMPER NUMBER DRAWING PRIORITY FIRE ZONES lVD21Y M-1437 4 SD1 lVT41Y M-1438 5 5D5-5D6 IVT42YA M-1438 5 SD5-5D6 lVT42YB M-1438 5 SD5-SD6 2VD20Y M-1438 4 SD2 ['} 2VD21Y M-1438 4 SD2 g/  ? (Diesel Fire OVHilY M-1441 5 Pump Room) LSH (Diesel Fire OVH15Y M-1441 5 Pump Room) LSH NOTES:

1. Priority 3 according to the rules, however, priority changed from 3 to 5 since distance between penetration (fire damper) and Division 1 cable in Fire Zone SCll exceeds 50 feet.
2. Priority 2 according to the rules, however, priority changed from 2 to 3 since distance between penetration (fire damper) and Division 1 cable in Fire Zone 5Cll exceeds 50 feet.
3. Stairways, elevator machine rooms, and air shafts with penetrations (fire dampers) that communicate between floors with different divisions are Priority 3.
4. Service Building fire dampers not included since (1) the Service Building is not part of the plant, and (2) no panetrations with fire dampers are in the barrier between the Service Building and the plant.

(~N iv) i

P DC-FP-Ol'-1-LS Revision 0 Pago 40

                                                                         ~ APPENDIX 2 SAFE SHUTDOWN / SAFETY-RELATED FIRE ZONES d


2A - -

. 2B1 2 1,2. t-2B2 - 1,2 i l 2C - 1,2 2D 2 1,2 O 2E-1 2 ,' 3 2,3 J j

!                                      2E-2                                  1                                            1 1

i ! 2F-1 2 2 i 4

                                       'F-2 2                                     1                                            1 2G-1                                  2                                            2 i

2G-2 1 1 2H1-1 2,3 2,3 i 2H1-2 1 1 _.r . _ .-__y.m. , _, y._. ,. ,, my,. .- _ _ . .,, _ , , ,_ m . ..y_,..,,.,_,m__,__m.,,_,,__,,,-,, r,..- ,_y.. ,-,.,-___,_,-,,-ym--,,

' ,DC-FP-01-1-LS Ravision 0 Page_41


                                                       '2Il-1                                   2,3                                                   2,3 2Il-2                                   1                                                        1 1

2I2 3 3 ,- 2I3 2 2 p 1 2I4 1 1 2IS 1 1 i 2I6 - - 2J 1,2 1,2 i , t 1 2K - 1,2,3 i 3A - - 1 3B1 2 1,2 l i 3B2- - 1,2 ! 3C - 1,2 5 3D 2 1,2 s t

            - - - + .,,-, ,+e   - , . . - , .. , . . . ,       n.,   .,n.- .,. .,,   ,--.,,,.,m      e , , . _ , , , ,, , , , , , _,,  n,   ,.-,,.anc,.,-.-g,       ,.,.-,_--,,,.,.,,--,w_,n,,,.,        . . .

DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0 Page 42 SAFE SHUTDOWN SAFETY-RELATED (]. (j FIRE ZONES DIVISIONS DIVISIONS 3E-1 2,3 2,3 3E-2 1 1 3F-1 2 2

1,3 1,3 3F-2 (Note 5) (Note 5) 3G-1 .2 2 1,3 1,3 3G-2 (Note 5) (Note 5)
3H1-1 2,3 2,3 3H1-2 1 1
O 3H2 - -

3F3 2 2 3H4 1 1 1,3 1,3 3H5 (Note 5) (Note 5) 2,3 2,3 3Il-1 (Note 5) (Note 5) 1 1,3 1,3 3Il-2 (Note 5) (Note 5)

3I2 3 3 l 3I3 2 2
  ,Q                  3I4                                      1                             1                         1 V                                                                              ,                                     !
                                                                    ,--m -._-...__.m.       ,,_______v,,___.--..v.-,-,   ..-,--m. . , , - . . .


.   'v' 3IS 1,3                                             1,3 (Note 5)                                  (Note'5) 3I6                                                   -                                                  -
.                      3J                                                  1,2                                             1,2 3K-                                                  -

1,2,3 4 4A - 1,2 4B 2 2 . 4Cl 1,2,3 1,2,3 4C2 3 3 !. p 4C3 3 1,3 1 4C4 - (Note 1) 4C5 - (Note 1) r 4Dl-1 1 1 4Dl-2 2 2 4D2 2 2 4D3 2 2 4D4 1 1 i O  ! i

DC-FP-01-1-LS Ravicion 0 l

                                                                                                                   .Pags 44 I     I.                                   SAFE SHUTDOWN                                     SAFETY-RELATED As'          FIRE ZONES                       DIVISIONS                                         DIVISIONS 4E1                           1,2                                                      1,2'
                      -4E2                             1,2                                                      1,2 L

4E3-1 1 1 4E3-2 2 2 4E4-1 1 1 4E4-2 2 2 4F1 l ~- 1 4F2 1 1 4F3 1 1 5Al - - SA2 - - SA3 - - SA4 - 2 P 5Bl - - 5B2 - - 583 - - p U4 ~ (Note 2)

               -.   . - - . . . ...~   ,_,_ ..      __       . _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . , ,    . _ _ _ .      , . _ _ _ . _ . , _ . , _ . . ~ . . , - . - . . _ - . . . _ .


          -                                             SB5                                   -                                                       -

SB6. - - 1 E- ~5B7 - - i 4 5B8 - - i 5B9 - - f i 5B10 - - 2. SB11 - - 4 5B12 - - j SB13 2 2 i , Scl - -

,                                                       SC2                                  -                                                       -

SC3 - - ] SC4 - - SC5 - - j I i SC6 - - 1 i i i SC7 - - V O SC8 - - l ! SC9 - - i

      . , . . , - _ - - . .        . . _ _ _ , _ - . .     - , , , _ _ . , , - --.~.._m..       . . . - -       .--..-...._m,.m...._,..,,_,_._,,,--y                        ,
      ,                                                 ..        .                    . . . . ~- -_ .                                      .                                __

DC-FP-01-1-LS a Rsvision O. Page 46 Jf' .

                                                . FIRE. ZONES ;


SCll- '1,2 - I- 1,2 l

l' SD1 3' 3 SD2 3 3 SD3 - - SD4 - - 4 SD5 - - ! SD6 - - l 5El - - 1 1 SE2 - - i 6A - - t 1 6B1 - - 4 i ! 6B2 - - i t 4

6B3 - -

1 4 6C - - 4 6D - - 12 6E - (Note 3) i 4 v +--***-g-- n- yw y - - ,,v---, - - , - - - ,r,. -

                                                                      --re >et-   - --  4' e t-    -e p w - r   T-+-a we--+-.--~+w*    --++t-wwwrw-'er.-*--+**mse              :--e=m w- e-et--m'e** '-

te'- F-*---%4-


                                                   . DC-FP--01-1-LS Ravision 0-Page 47 SAFE SHUTDOWN   SAFETY-RELATED           )


    ' (,/ _   FIRE ~ ZONES   DIVISIONS       DIVISIONS              '

7Al 3 3 7A2 2 2 7A3 1 1 7B1 3 3 7B2 2 2 7B3 1 1 7B4 3 3 7B5 2 2 O 7B6 1 1 7C1 3 3 7C2 2 2 7C3 1 1 7C4 3 3 i 7CS 2 2 1 7C6 1 1 i 8Al 3,1 3,1


DC-FP-01-1-LS Revision 0

                                                                                                                                                                          .Paga 48 v .           .


                                                                                                                          ' DIVISIONS


                                                 . FIRE ZONES                                                                                          DIVISIONS 8Bl.                                                           ~3,1                               3,1 8B2                                                             .2                                   2-8B3                                                              3                                   3 t

4 , s 8B4 2 2 i 1 I 8C1 3 3 8C2 2 2 8C3- 3 3 i' 1 i 8C4 2 2 4 l 8CS 1 1 - l

b. 9A - -

N f l' 99 - - 1 i i 9C1 - - 1 ! 9C2 - - 1 )- 9C3 - - i j 9C4 - - 9D1 - - l. ] 9D2 - - i t k' i-


?' Rsvision.0

                                                                                    -Paga 49 (Last)              .

l['\ s FIRE ZONES'

                                      . SAFE SHUTDOWN-DIVISIONS-
                                                        -SAFETY-RELATED DIVISIONS 9E                   -                             -

10Al - (Note 4)

                        '10A2                -

10B1 '- (Note 4)' 10B2 - - 10B3 - - 10B4 - - 10Cl - - 10C2 - - 10C3 - (Note 4) NOTES:

1. Division 2 cables for room temperature control in conduit in this fire zone. These cables are not related to safe shutdown, there fore , are neglected for this analysis.
2. The turbine first stage and MSL (main steam line) low pressure switches are in this fire zone. These components in Fire Zone SB4 do not have any significance to safe shutdown.
3. The MSIV (main steal line isolation valve) leakage control system panels are located in Fire Zone 6E, however, these components do not have any significance to safe shutdown.
4. The Of f-Gas Building (Fire Area 10) has divisional associated cable in Fire Zones 10A1, 10B1, and 10C3. This facility is separated ~from the Unit 1 Reactor Building along Column Row A. These fire zones are treated as non-safety-related areas.
5. c<ivision 3 cables are in conduit embedded in walls, thus OA providing 3-hour protection to these cables.
6. Source: LSCS-FSAR, Amendment 64, March 1984, Tables H.3-1 (Safety-Related and Radioactive Equipment), H.4-8 (Fire Areas /
               ' Zones Not Affecting Safe Shutdown), and H.4-9 through H.4-106.

f 4 i i' ATTACHMENT B l 8 s i f 1 FIRE DAMPERS REQUIRED FOR i SMOKE REMOVAL AND i i SYSTEM OPERATION 1 s i I 4 1 1 i I. l l i a 6 I 6 i f 1 1 i i } i I f I I l l l s



COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY LASALLE COUNTY STATION - UNITS 1 AND 2 , PROJECT NO. 6854-31 Prepared By Revision Date Reason For Revised Pages Reviewed By Approved By Number Issued Revision 0 07/13/84 Orig. Issue None 4'.m..*y M- [ -

   <   ,                                                      y ,tws4           7-23 89 l


                                              .              Rsvicion: 0 Pago 2 of 5 1.0 SCOPE

v To evaluate the-location of the fire dampers and determine their necessity for smoke removal and system operation for habitability and equip =cnt cooling.


2.1 DC-FP-01-1-LS, Revision 0 (5/25/84), "Prioritizing of Fire Dampers". 2.2 LaSalle FSAR Appendix H, " Fire Hazard Analysis". 2.3 S&L Physical Layout Drawing Series M-1300 and M-1400 (latest revisions). 2.4 Smoke Removal Plan for LaSalle County Station - Units 1 & 2. 3.0 PROCEDURE With the use of the above references, each fire zone with safety-related and non-safety-related equipment and with fire dampers in its boundaries were reviewed as follows:

a. How a fire inside or outside each fire zone affected
 ,e-^3          the equipment and their fire dampers.
 \'~#'     b. Requirements for reopening the fire dampers; either for smoke removal or system operation for equipment cooling.
c. Preference location of fire damper access door for immediate access.
d. Impact of fire damper closing and necessity to reopen the damper af ter the fire for equipment cooling and smoke removal.



Fire dampers are installed in the ventilation openings of fire rated boundaries to maintain the fire resistive integrity of the floors and walls af fected by duct system installation. Fire dampers are designed to close and restrict the. spread of heat and fire through the duct system from one fire area to another. Closing of fire dampers will interrupt the airflow to the fire area and other areas of the plant served by that part of the air duct sy s tem. Interruption of airflow to the fire area is beneficial to the fire area as it minimizes the rate of l combustion, however, it is not desirable to uhe other j i (~} (/ areas outside the fire zone because it will affect the habitability and equipment operation.

CAROENT Q LUNDY FD-FP-01-1-LS ENGINEEno R:viaion: O CH4CAGO Page 3.of 5

 . /~,               .

[ } Fire' dampers of the duct system serving'the fire area and

 \/~           within the boundary of the fire area need not require immediate reopening after the fire unless the fire dampers are needed for smoke removal. However, the fire dampers of the duct system serving other areas -(adjacent. to or remote from the fire area) that are closed by the fire because the duct passes through the fire area will be reopened immediately af ter the fire. The objective for immediate reopening is to restore the airflow for-equipment cooling and avoid damage due to overheating.

In most cases, the air handling unit is located outside the serviced areas with its air duct system passing through other fire zones before it reaches the serviced areas. This

               . situation prompted the evaluation of a fire and damper closing inside and outside the fire areas (with safe shutdown 'and safety-related equipment) and how it affects the safe shutdown capability, habitability and equipment operation. The avaluation is discussed in Table 1, " Fire Dampers Required for Smoke and/or System Operation. "

5.0 HABITABILITY AND EQUIPMENT OPERATION The Control Room is the primary control center for all safety-related systems required for reactor shutdown. In the event a design basis fire damaged the Control Room equipment, the (~)) (_ alternate location for reactor shutdown is the Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room. The HVAC Systems for the Control Room and Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room are designed to provide habitability under normal and abnormal station conditions. The redundant HVAC eculpment is located outside the Control Room and Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room and their air duct system passes through other fire zones. The fire dampers affected'by a fire in an area surrounding or adjacent to these rooms are identified in Table 1. The other plant areas with safe shutdown and safety-related equipment which are served by an air duct system passing through other fire zones are as follows: HVAC System Diesel Generator Rooms VD HPCS Pump and Switchgear Rooms VD Division 1 Switchgear Rooms VX Cable Spreading Rooms VX RHR Service Water Pump Rooms VY Auxiliary Building Offices VA f Auxiliary Building Laboratory VL v __ _, _ , . . _ . . . . , _ . . _ . . _ . _ . ..m. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , . _ _ _ _ _ . _ .

7 CARZENT O LUNDY FD-FP-01-1-LS E EERO R3vicion 0 Page 4 of 5 x ( )- The fire dampers affected by a fire'in an area surrounding

     /       ,

or adjacent to these rooms are also identified in Table 1. 6.0 SMOKE REMOVAL CAPABILITY Generally, the HVAC Systems for LaSalle are designed to operate from a normal recirculating mode to a 100% outside air mode for smoke and odor removal. The systems with.this capability are those serving the following areas: HVAC System Control Room VC Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room VE Auxiliary Building Offices VA Auxiliary Building Laboratory VL The fire dampers that are required to be reopened after the fire for smoke removal using the HVAC Systems are all identified in Table 1. Portable exhaust equipment with flexible duct would also be used as an alternate method of smoke removal for the above areas. ( The ventilation system listed below also has the capability to operate at 100% outside air mode, however, their use for smoke removal is not desirable because it would pressurize the fire area and could spread the smoke to adjacent areas of the plant. Thus, it is preferable to use the portable exhaust equipment for smoke removal in the following areas served by the identified ventilation systems. HVAC System Units 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Rooms VD Unit 1 RHR Service Water Pump (A&B) Room VY Unit 2 RHR Service Water Pump (C&D) Room VY Units 1 and 2 Division 1 and 2 Switchgear Rooms VX Units 1 and 2 Electrical Equipment Room VX Units 1 and 2 Auxiliary Building HVAC Equipment Room VV 4

                    ,   . _ , _ + , ,        _
                                                     , - - , - - . .  . - - - -    ----------------orr<we   "* - - - ~


   .,m (N' )       The ventilation systems for the Reactor Building, Radwaste Building and Turbine Building are all once through design operating at 100% outside air all the time. The exhaust air from these buildings is discharged to the plant vent stack.

j Smoke in any fire zone within each building will be diluted with the large quantity of air for ventilation and shall not hamper operations post fire. The ventilation system for each building has limited fire dampers. The fire dampers for these systems (VR, VT and VW) are not included in Table 1 because they are not in the fire boundary of a safe shutdown or safety-related equipment room. The fire dampers for each system which are essential for system operation and smoke removal are listed below:

a. Turbine Building Ventilation (VT) System IVT61Y 2VT61Y lVT62Y 2VT62Y lVT46Y 2VT46Y
b. Radwaste Building Ventilation (VW) System OVW90YA OVW90YF OVW90YB OVWO6Y I OVW90YC OVWilY I O OVW90YD OVW90YE OVW32Y OVW47Y
c. Reactor Building Ventilation (VR) System IVR76Y 2VR76Y lVR77Y 2VR77Y

i t .. e

                                                                                               \       '

FD-FP.01-1-LS-UDI gev. No, O torw.r we it h Edason CoF party 1.aSalle - Unst s I .nd 2 FlkE DAMPEkS RIOUIRED F0f4 SatokE ELMOVA1. AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION - Date : 06/11/34 Project No. 6854-31 Page- I of 1 l l b _ N @ @ @ (F) @ 1 Fare Zones Wath Saf e Vent 11ation Assume A Fire Fare Dampers of Requnrements For Reopenang Access Door i Shiatdown or Safety System Insade @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Daripers: Preferred' Remarks Related Equapmer.t Ser- ang The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal 14 cation Fire Zone G (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fare Area By Fire bne See Bemarks hae This some is served by two separate ventilation affpf ART SUILDIE L;rFER VV Fire Inside systems for Units 14 2 sides of the floor

      @sT1LATIm 1.UUltHENT                     4A - Aua111ary Building                                                                            respectively. The vent ilat ion equipment FLt71 - 4A vpper                                                                               serving this rene is located within this sone.

tontaation detectors are provided la the retura This suae c=arains id W ventilation ductuork which trip the ventilation fans on

      .asety-re!.ted eq=tpment                      ic ipeent smoke detection. The controls can be manually and dwt . E t, st ay gas                                                                                                          reses and the system can be manually restarted system weiterin.: panel eaJ stw heater sullJang                                                                                                           to purge the area with 100% outdoor air, The i.elat Los d.mper coat tot                                                                                                       ductwork of the system did not penetrate any panel, fire bounJ4 ries, thus me fire dampers are provided.

Fire Dampers of Other Systems: l IVIISY For V1 System Operation one Side - 4A A fire la Zone 4A could damage the safety-IVZ28TA For VI System Operation one Side - 4A related equipment installed tlwrein. Fire-IvX28TB For VI System Operation One Side - 4A. hasard analysis indicates that this equipment IvX29YA For VK System Operation %e Side - 4A is not required for reactor shutdown. IV129TB For VI System Operation One Side - 4A g ,gg g 2V115Y For VX System Operation One Side - 4A j 2V128YA For VI Systee Operation One Side - 4A for the followlag systeest 2V128YB For VM System Operation One Side - 4A a. VE System - The fire dampers affected are i 2V129YA For VI System Operation One Side - 4A for heat recevery system. l 2V129YB For VI System Operation One Side - 4A Clusing of these fire dampers IVTblY Por WT System Operation One Side - 4A has ao significent af fect on the tvT62Y For WT System Operaticu One Side - 4A Vx System cooling eapecity. The 2V168 Y For WT System Operation tone Side - 4A heat recovery system fan is not 2VTb2Y For VT System Operation One Side - 4A saf et y-relat ed.

b. VT System - A fire in Zoswa 4A and SA3 could af fect the !$sted fire dampers.

Cloninit of theme fire dampers could interrupt the whole I - Turbine Building Ventilation System. A fire in Zone 4A near tlw VT vest fans and fire sampers

!                                                                                                                                                         would l>e small due to 31stred t

censhuntible temJing, hwever, il the fire disables the fans and er acces-tsibilit weses ytheto fire damh>e re>=ct t e (sire dampers t il t he f ans is not namessarg

                                                                                                                                                           %N $5se t                     $1 e     $re im*L'.*tetrite%'It:le*$te.

to t he Aualliary Building. F deepers acc.emstbility.fros Zone 4A is neccabary only af ter the fire tu the Tuibine butIding. 4 8 I i __ a

fx { l \

                      !      \                                                                f                                                                                               \

9 G 's' . FD-FP-01-1-LS, wealth Laason Corns r.y WI I Rey, ho. -0 LaS.11e - 1; mats I .nd 2 F3hE LAMPERS RICMJ1EFD FCA FMGEE ikEMWAL JJu/OR SYS7.>t OPI' RATION Dates 06/11/84 project No. 4854-31 Page 2 of - 50

       ,_ Fire with Saf e Ver.t a la t ion Assumie A Fire

Fire Dampers of Requir es.ents For Reopening Access Door (G} _ Shutdown or Safety Systems Inside $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preterred R rh ' Eclated Equngsent Servarm3 The Owtside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location l Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For Systess Operation And Eone No. ' Fire Area Py Fire AUX 8LIARY s0llSING VV es - Ventilation See Reeerks See Remarks - This !!re some is served by the same system h an v a ritailow equipment serving Zone 4A. The ductwone of the system gue rnEarr 61Anat - 43 Rom did met penetrate the fire bouisderies, thus no fire dampers prov14.d. This aces contains abe A fire la this zone could damage the safety-saf et y-se 84ted equipaect related equipment ir.cludlag the ventilation sat tedtag power, control system for the Control Room and Ausiliary anJ tast ress et tee. Electric Equipment. The affect of a fire s4bitas f r et.c Contrel la this sone on the Control Room and Aust!!ary suuen. Assiliary El w arte Electric Equipment Room are discussed Ee.irnees so.= Vent il- separately la Fire (hetoide Zones 4Cl and 4E. t a v.6 Systes and Ibe sc4cier Butiding A fire in this sons would close the fire to '6at ion .tmpe rs. damper OYlAlf and laterrupt the operation of the VL Systee llot Fume Ilood Exhaust. Should this happen. the fume hood makeup air supply systeen could be shutdoun to matarate the Laboratory Area as a negative pressure with

                                                                                                                                                            , respect to t'.e adjacent areas. Reopening of l,
                                                                                                                                                            ; the daeper is necessary for the Fume liced l Enhaust Systee operar $on af ter the fire la              ,

i* l Zone es. 1 I A fire in this mone would close the fire f deepers OVA 42Y OVA 43Y and OVA 46Y and laterrups the operat'on of the VA System. Reopeutag of these fire dampers is necesaa:y for the VA System operat toa af ter the fire in To.w 48. Lq

                      .    -     .                                         :n - - . __n-

_[  !# V) { id f IV-FP-01-1-LS' oner.wenit h I .12 son Cc npar.y I Rev. No. O Le e,13e - L; s 1 and 2 Project No. 6854-31 FINL LAMPERS RIOUIkED FOk SNKE REMOVAL AND/OR StSTEM OPLkATION Date: 06/11/64 Page 3' of 50

 .              b                     (8) .        (C)                  (D)                       (E)                     (F)                           (G)
 ! Fare wn th Saf e     Vertalataon  Assume A Fire         Fare Dampers of   Requirements For ReopenanQ       Access Door Shutdown or Safet y           System   Ir. side @ or         The Vent. Sys,    of Fare Dampers                   Preferred                       Remarks Es1sted Equgpnent         Servang The      Outsade           Serving Fire       1. For Smoke Removal              location Fire Zone @   (Surrounding)        Zone @ Affected   2. For System Operation         And Zone No.

Fare Area By Fire o wi not. m us - .g VC 4ct - Cast rul Room OVC67Y 162 une Std. - As lhe Cont rol Race la provided with area sache oVC66Y 162 One Side - 43 detectors together with the ionisation Thl. roue e. the pramary OVC68Y I62 cont rol center for all OVC69Y une Side - 4s detectors in the outside and return air duct 162 ur.e S1d. - 45 of the VC System. The area detectora provide saf et y-related systems OVC62Y !62 One Side - 43 an alare in the Control Room. On smoke required for re tor OVC61Y 1&2 One $1de - 43 detection in the return duct, the VC System rhusJuwn. Tham saue OVC50Y 162 cons sns malm s..nt rol One Side - 4C5 automatically recirculates the retura air Ovc51Y I62 One Side - 4C5 boarJa, cont rwt cable OVC64Y through the charcaol absorber. Stellarly, t rays med c.h tra.. 162 One Side - 43 emoke detection la the outside air would OVC65Y 1&2 One Side - 45 cause automatic routing of the outside air to the charcoal assorber. The VC System has the 1 capacity to purge the Control Room with 2003 1 outside air. A design basis fire to the Control Roos could damage the cables and control panels and would close the fire dampers and laterrupt the atrilows for this room. During the fire, abandoiument of the Control Room may be necessary to procad with the reactor shutdown throud the remote control panels inside the Ama111ary Electric Equipment Room (AEER). Reopening of the affected fire dampers is necessary af ter the fire for neoke removal system operation using the VC System in the 100% outside air mode. Smoke inside the Control Room can also be removed by employing portable eahaust equipment as outlined in the I.aSalle Smoke Removat Plaa. This method of smoke removal does not require reopentag of fire dampers.

                                                                                                                                                                    ,m              ' i' '
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FD-fib 01-1-LS U ros-cnmealth Idawn Capr.y TABLE 1 LaSelle - t;na t s 1 and 2 pey* No* O Project rio. 6654-11 F1kE DA:4PERS Rlec1 FED FOk smoke EE!%WAI. Af4D/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Detes h tttfaA Page 4 of 50 g b[s

   ' Fa re Zones With Saf e b.

ventilation b Assume A Fire I b Fare Lampers of b b b' Requirements For Reopening Access Door i Ehutdown or Safety Syst een Insade $ or The Vent. Sys. of F3re Dampers: Preferred psigted Equapmer.t Serving The Outside , g Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Eemoval Iacation Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone g Affected 2. For Systesa Operation And Zone Blo. Fare Area By Fire gpypost, nim - Sci VC' Fire Outside 4C1 OVC51Y 1&2 One side - 4C5 gh 4C5 - Mata A fire la Zone 4C5 woulJ Slose the fire dampers CVC50Y , 1b2 One Side - 4C5 and 1sterrugt the airflow only for this some. Securtry OVC47Y I&2 One Side - 4C5 Contro! OVC46Y I62 The VC Systee will at all continue operet tee to One side - 4C5 provide cooltag and preescriaat tou for the Cente r Centrol Room - 4C1. The auly paselbility that the smoke could ein with air to the Castrel Boos la threugh those fire d9rs utd.A are ', not atrtight. If seeke tafiltration becomes - 7 ~., Aarolerable, the VC Systes can be egetated ta p a r=r8e =de. ' Reopostas et the effected fire deepers != 2 ~ necessary only eeer the (Are for seeke removal and system operation setng the VC System at a 1001 outside air mode 4C) - Avalliary OVC48Y 2 One Side - 4C3 But! ding OvC49Y 2 One Side - 4C3 A fire im Zone 4C) woulJ close fire dampers gl. 768'-8"

  • OVC48Y and OVC69Y and could interrupt the Laborat ory airflow to the Main Security Cont rol Center Corridors 4C5 only. Airflow to Control Roos 4C1 will otill be m.statained during' the fire la Zone 4C),

I' Neupesina of the af fected fire damers le +


necessary only aftes'the fire to cooling ' air for Zone 4C5. , 4C4 - Computer b VC System Fire - - Room Dampers Affected d 4C2 - Auxiliary b VC System Fire - - Building Dampers Affected min Floor (Offices) i I

 .                                              . ~ . -              , .-           .                     --- +-           .

v'F-f\  : vl - v  %. J, Commor: wealth Idason Cm pany ^ FD-FP-01-1-LS LaSalle - Unats 1 and 2.. Rev..No. .l0

      ' Project No. 6854-31                                       FIRE DAMPERS kIOUIRED FOR SMOKE REMOVAL AND/OR SYS2EM OPERATION -                                    Date:      na r n ini Page       5 of . W N-      '



Fare Zones W7 t, Safe vent 11atson Assume A Fire (Ub Fire Dampers of 5 & (G] Requirements For Reopening Access Door

   - t Shutdown or Safety Related Equapment System       Inside 9 or             The Vent. Sym. of Fire Damperst      .

Preferred Serving The Outside Serving Fare ,Nh*

1. For Smoke Removal.- location Fire Zone $ (St.rrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No.

Fare Area By Fare OtNrmt. Ru W - 401 VC 45 = Auatllary Bldg Dd OVC66Y 1 & 2. One Side - 48 A fire in Zone 48 could damage the cables and 14wer Vent. OVC67Y 1&2-Equipment Room Side - 48 componente of the vent tlation systee for both OVC68Y 162 El. 786*-0" One Side - 43 the Control Race and Ausittary Electric OVC69Y 1&2 one $1de - 48 Egelparat Room. A fire would aise close the - OVC62Y 1&2 une Side - 43 . fire dampers to prevent the spread of fire to OVC63Y 162 One Side - 43 the Control Roam. OVC60Y 2- One Side - 48 OVC61Y 2 One Side - 48 OVC64Y 2 One Side - 43 1.oes of wentilation for the control Room would OVC65Y 2 cause the room temperature to reach the design One Side - 43 limite wichta 8 h. ors. Thus, restoration of t'.ne af fected went ilation camponents. includied a the reopening of fire dampets, will be necessary within 8 bours. Accese dets for remetting t!e fire dere could be through Fire Zone 48 and met necessarity from the Control Room based on the above postulatlan. The affect of fire la Zone 45 to other arena le discussed separately for each acne. l


N [

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FD-FP-01-1-I.S 1 AlsLl 1 Co:rnonwe.ith 1:dahon C~s per.y Rev. No. 0 1.aSalle - Unats I and 2 F;RE T&.PERS Al'QUDED FOtt SMOKE REMOVAL. AND/OR SYSTEM OPI. RAT 3ON

 /  Project No. 6H54-31                                                                                                                                        J Dates Mll/84 page     6 of 50 l              h                   @,            b                                                  b                       (F)                           @
   ' Fire Zones Wsth Safe        Ventilation  Assume A Fire        Fire Daimpers of      Requirements For Reopenang      Access Door Shutdown or Safety          System     insade @ or          The Vent. Sys.        of Fare Dampers:                 Preferred                       p,,,,g, Related Equspment         Serving The    Outside            Serving Fire          1. For Smoke Removal              location Fire Zone @  45urrounding)        Zone g Affected       2. For System Operation        And Eone leo.

Fire Area By Fire Ef1TN_ITY CONTkat CtN,Ill - VC 4C5 - Security OVC47Y I62 One Side - 4C5 A fire la this some could damage tlw safety-gp1 Control OVC46Y I62 One Side - 4C5 related cables, however. At will not affect plane Cer.t e r ovC50Y I62 One Side - 4C5 shutdown capability. Cables are not required for Thte sone cont.atna ESF OVC51Y !62 One Side - 4C5 shutJawn, A fire in this some would close Division I cont rol .ind the listed fire dampets and laterrupt the in= s ument at tun cab les airflow to 4C5. Roopenig of the af fected fire which are demuelated with dampers la necessary only after the fire for ate securit y Cmtrul maske removal and cooling using the VC System. Center's tempe rature Smoke remvat using portable exhaust equipment cont re! center, as an alternate method will not require reopening of fire dampers, tire outside 4C5 Une $1de - 4C5 CEt roTY4cm OVC50Y I62 A fire in the Control Rocas would close the fire OVC511 162 One Side - 4C5 dampers in the weatilation duct for Zone 4C5. OVC64Y I&2 One Side - 4C5 It may be necessary to deenergiae the equipment in 4C5 to avoid overheating and damage. The equipment la Zone 4C5 is not required for shutdown. 1 4C3 - Austilary OVC47Y I&2 One Side - 4C5 A fire 1e 4C) wou!J clone the fire dampers in autiding OVC48Y I&2 One Side - 4C5 the ventilat ion duct for the Security Control El. 768'-0" OVC49Y I&2 One Side - 4C5 Center. These deepers should be receened after i OVC46Y I&2 the Sida - 4C5 ovC38Y Toller Exhaust one Side - 4C5 the fire in 4C1 to restore alw airflow to the securit y Cont ral Cester. It may be nece.naary to OvC39Y Toilet Enhaust one Side - 4C5 deenergdiae the Security Control Center equi at OVC37Y Yoilet Enhaust Cne Side - 4C5 *d $e 4E'h'*'I"8 **4 d***8' d"'188 the e 48 - vent ilar ton ovC60Y 162 One Side - 48 4 fire in 48 would close the fire dampers la the Equipment OvC6tY I62 One Side - 48 ventilation duct for the Security Control Center. Room OVC65Y I62 One Side - 48 These dampers should be reopened af ter the fira El. 7t6'-8" in 45 to testore the airflow to Zone 4C5. 4


                         ,)                                                                                                                                         't
                       %,)                                                                                                                                           Nj

' FD-ir-01-1-LS 1ABLE 1 pey* ya* o-Csenror.wealt h Edison en 'pany 1asalle - Unnts 1 ar.d 2 FIRE DAMPERS RIQUIRED FC44 SMOME kDtOVAL AND/Ok SYSTEM OPERATION Det a om.11.nA Pr oject No. 6854-31 y

                      @)           (a)            (C)                  (Q                        (E)                      (r)                                 @)                           'l Assume A Fire         rare Dampers of   Requirements For Deoper.ang       Access Coor 7 ire Wath Safe       Ventilacion of Fare Dampers:                   Preferred                            Remarks
    $butdown or Safety           System    Insade @ or           The vent. Sys.

Related Equapment Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal location j Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And tone No. Fare Area av Fire Inside 4C2 1&2 m Side - 4C2  ; A fire la this acas could affect only componenti VA OVA 21Y. NlJII.f ANY SUIL.lJING OVA 22Y I&2 One Side - 4C2 an$ cables of the basic shutdown method. The mytout trtvirna 7sa' I&2 One St<he - 4C2 alternate method which to independent of this OVA 23Y QMJ[E Aufl.A- OVA 24T 1&2 One Side - 4C2 fire some can be used to briang the reactor to fitE ZONE 4C2 OVA 2ST &&2 One Side - 4C2 a hot shutdoes: condities. The safety-related OVA 26Y l&2 One Side - 4C2 componesta and cables are above the celltag This zone costales v.ario .  !&2 One $1de - 4C2 lemass of tiets fire acae. hocke detectors are safet y-related cablve. OVA 2n rpet 4 ahnwe the spettaa plenianedeich ull! OVA 28Y  !&2 One Side - 4C2 larm outly and in alw Cuatrol skw seine is OVA 29T I&2 One Side - 4C2 ~ I. *the ce !!ag canremoved be by portable enhaust One Side - 4C2 8P **r editch requires opealag of the estaall) CVA30Y I&2 4 egme"d fire deper AWOSY OVA 36Y 1&2 Gae Side - 4C2 OVA 3M - 1&2 One Side - 4C2 'AlistedfiredampersandshutS=dci fire la etw of f ste areas w I en a NhAb Stereas operen go,s. Reoreatng of the fire

                                                                                                                                    , dampers arter the f 8re le nece.sary f or eno&e
                                                                                                                                    . ranoval and conties using the VA System.

Fire net s tJe 4C2 I A fire la Zone SA3 could close fire damper

                                          $A3 - Turbine              OVA 2 n                   2               One Side - 4C2 Mata Floor                                                                       l OVA 2n to avoid fire from spreading to Zone 4C2.
                                                                                                                                  - Yhte damper le for toilet embaust. Clostag of this damper will mot affect the cooling capability of the VA System.

48 - w-at ilat ion OVA 42Y 2 One Side - 45  ; A fire in Zone 48 would close the fire dampers tauipment OVA 43Y 2 One $1de - 48 as listed and could laterrupt tLe weatilatton stoom OVA 44Y 2 One Side - 48 airflow to Zone 4C2. keepeatng of the fire OVA 45V 2 One Side - 45 dampers in eccess.ry af ter the fire la 4a to OVA 46Y 2 One Side - 48 restore the weatilarion atritone la Zone 4C2. It OVA 47Y 2 One Side - 48 may be necessary to decaergise the equipment la Zone 4C2 durf4 the fire la 2cae 45 to avoid overheatlag and damage. l

                     .m f'~     _

3 (w/ i\


T^ FD- Fl* 1 -LS Oc ear.wea t t le I d a sc n Cor g.a r.y I La.Salle - s 1 and 2 Rev. No. 8 Project.No. 6654-11 FIRE DAMPERS RIQUIRED FOR SMOKE kEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTIM OPERATION p g, _J/33/34 Page a of 50

                                           @     l                         (D)                     @                      - (r}                              (d) .

I Fare Zones hath Safe verit 11a t son Assume A Fire Fare Dampers of Requirements For Reopenang Access Door. Shutdown or Safety Syst ern Inside $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dampers: Preferred R m sks 2 slated Equipment. Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal location Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire ux 6LTANY bOIIDiNC VA laside 4C3 OVA 34Y 1&2 One Side - 4C3 A fire la this some could af f ect only componenta


iiisiffdN gry OVA 35Y 1&2 one Side - 4C3 and cablem of the basic shutdown method. There-gn cyg OVA 38T I&2 One $1de - 4C3 fore, the altsrnate method which is independent elk Oliid 4c) OVA)9Y I&2 One Side - 4C3 of this fire some can be used to bring the OVA 40Y 1&2 One side - 4C3 reactor to a hot shutdown condition. The . OVA 41Y !62 One Side - 4C3 safety-related cuponente and rabba are above the colling plenue of this fire %ne. Smoke - This some cont.nine L5F detectors are provided above too ceiling pienum Division 1 and tSF uhtch wtII alare locally and la the Control g Division 'l cont rol .ms Room. Smuhe in the colling plenum will be - in=t rurmutation cables removed by the portable enheust equipmen* which for Unit 2. requires opening of the normally closed fire - damper 2W10Y unty. A fire la this sone would close Ele listed fire dampera and interrupt the VA system operatica. Reopening of the af fected fire dampers to required only af ter fire f or ammoke removal and cooling in Zone 4C3. Smoke can be removed by the operation of the VA System la the purge mode.


                                                                                                                                                                           ,A U)                                                                        \



V-i yo-rp.01-1-LS 1ABLE 1- Rev. ha. O e- is 2 ' FIRE DAMPERS RIQUIRED FOR SMOVE isEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION .Date: 06 11-a4 -

 ' Project No. 6b54-31                                                                                                                                              . page '        e of w                          1 e
                                         @                                 (D)                    @)                         (r)                                 (c)

Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopening Access Door Fire Zones With Saf e Ventilation Preferred p,,,,g, Shutdown or Eafety Fystem Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Related Equipment Serving The 'Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Incat tort Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2.-For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire Fire inside 4El-1 OVE35Y 162 Side - 4E3 A fire in Zone 4El-1 could d.smage the safet y-pin 1 AUXILI ARY u ng . VE T lated equi ment 1aside that mone. Fire would tout pMurr leuuM - FlyE ZOpg OVE36Y I&2 ' Side - 4El ajaoclosea OVE37Y 1&2 One Side - 4El-1 e airflow for Zonefire dam 4El-2.pers and the During interrupt the fire in Zone s.El I&2 One Sava - 4El-1 4El-1. I would be cessa ei OYE38Y

                                                                                                                                           *P      I av'u"l'd AEl-2t'o'    iee #4overheat Peent      todaba d

inglig and damage.h a Zone e. This aose is divided into Removal plan for this anne is to use ither the Smoke tv.a subsones; 4El-1 located s,n the lef t-hand , of ***j I"p h , 't h Enh E t * $1'no"* side . sad has tin. RCIC g regegg re g s. ec ing of System, kHK Loup 3 ond necessar equipman to restore a ff b to cooling. a kkl..! for ' Aus utvision 2, and 4Ei-2 lucated un tlw right-hand sideand tus the remote shutdown p.snel. Fire fuside 4El-2 OVE37T 2 Gue Side - 4El-1 A fire in Zone 4El-2 would close the listed fire OVE38Y 2 une Side - 4El-1 dampers in the ventilat tom duct to this sone. Reopening of the fire dampers af ter the fire in this sone is necessary only for smoke removal using the VE System. If portable eahaust equipment is used for peake removal, reopening . of the listed fire deepers is not necessary. Fire astside 4gl OVE35Y 1&2 the Side - 4E3 A fire in Zone 4E3 would close the listed fire 4E3 - LInit 1 OVE36Y l&2 One Side - 4E3 dampers in the ventilation duct for Zones 4El=1 Division 2 OVE33Y I&2 One Side - 4E3 and 4El-2 and interrupt the airflow for those Switchgear OVE34Y I&2 One Side - 4E3 sones. During the fire. It would be necessary te goom deyeergize temporarily some equipawat and lighting in Zones 4El-1 and 4El-2. t.o avoid owesneating and damage. Insediately alter the fire, reopening of the affected fire dampers is nscessary to restore the airflow for Zones 4El-1 land 4El-2. Resterat10.e of airflow within 8 bc ars

                                                                                                                                       .is necessary to avoid room temperature to exceed sign limit a.

I I _2.-- ____u_ ___.-m-

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m ,r-N- / j 2 9 )- 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  't v

FO-FP-01-1-LS TA M 3 p,,, g,, o commor. wealth Edisor. Comgany LaSalle - Units. 1 and 2 F1kE DAMPERS REQUIRE.D FOR EMOkt REMOVAL Ar.D/OH SYSTEM OPEkATION Detes Der-II-84 Frojset No. 6854-31 Page _1(L of 50 h k Fire Zones with Safe b Vent 11ation b Assun.e A Fire b Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reoper42ng Access Door b

 . Shutdown or safety         System      inside A or           The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers:                                                                Preferred                            p    7g, R31sted Equipment        Serving The     Outside             Serving Fire      1. For Smoke Removal                                                               Incation Fire Zone @   (Surrounding)         Zone $ Affected   2. For System Operation                                            And Zone No.

Fire Area By Fire VE Fire luside 4E2-1 OVE41Y 1&2 One Side - 4E4*. A fire in Zone 4E2-1 could J.em,ese the safety- {f!T 2 AUXit.!ARY ELECTRIC e n g jif E C TIER - OVE42Y l&2 One Side - 4E4 related equipment inside that sone. Fire weeld g 3g OVE49Y  !&2 One Side - 4E2-2 also close the fire dampers and interrupt the OVE50Y  !&2 One Side - 4E2-2 J airflow for Zore 4E2-2. During the fire. it This rire sone is divided

  • v e * '; be necessary to deenergiae temporarily into two subzonen by . . % equipment and lighting in Zone 4E2-2 to 1-huur fire barrier eo avoid overheating and damage. Smoke Removal thet a f ire in onw plan for Zone 4E2-1 is to use cittwr the VE subsoiw dues not affect System in the purge mode or portable estiaust the others. The subsones equipment. Moe of portable exhaust will not are 46J-2. require reopening of fire dampers. keepentag od fire danpers 1smediately af ter the fire is -

necesserv to restore airflow in Zone 4El-2 for equipment cooling.


Fire Instde 4E2-2 OVE49Y 2 One Side - 4E2-2

  • A fire in Zone eE2-2 would close the listed fira OVE50Y 2 onw Side - SE2-2 devra and interrupt the airflow to the same sone. keepening of fire dampers is necessary only for smoke removal using the VE System.

If portable exhaust equipment is used for smoke removal, reopening of the listed fire damners is not necessary. Fire notside 4E2 4U4T onit 2 OVE39Y l&2 One Side - 4E4 A fire in Zone 4E4 woulJ close the listed fire nivision 2 OVE40Y I&2 One $1de - 4F4 dampers and interrupt the airf low to Zones Swit chgea r OVUlf I&2 One Side - 4E4 4E2-1 and 4E2-2. During the fire, it would be Koom OVFO Y I&2 Osw Side - 4E4 necessary to deenergiae temporarily some OVfysY 1&2 One Side - 4E4 . equipment aad light ing in Zones 4E2-1 and 4E2-2 OVE41Y I&2 path Sides - 4E4 & 4E2-1 to avoid ovetheat ing and damage. Ismediately OVE42Y I&2 Both Sides - 4E4 6 4E2-1 after the fire, reopening of the affected firs dampers is necessary to restore the airflow to Zones 4E2-1 and 4E2-2. Restoration of airflow within 8 hours is necessary to avoid room temperatures to exceed its design limit.


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                                                                                                                                                                                                   \j< -                     -

FD-FI601-1=LS -l TABLE I Rw ho.~ 1 _ l fl - t n 2 FIRE DAMPERS RIOUIRED FOk ! M E REMCVAI,AND/OH SYSTEM OPERATION Dater- Os/11/aa j

   , Pro pet leo. 6654-31                                                                                                                                                                   Page l of W L

A B C D E F C Ver.t 11a t ion Fire Dampers of Access Door Fare Zones with Safe AssuF.e A Fire Requireer.ents For peopentrg Preferred Shutdown or Safety System ,inside A or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Derpers: R N rks R31sted Equ2pment Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removat location Fare Zone A (Surrounding) Zone A Affected. 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fare Area Py Fire VE Fire out side OVE31Y I62 One Side - 4a A fire in zone 4a could das.ags the cables and ; UKIT I AND UNif J camp, aents of both the Aasalliary Electric AUXILIANY El_ECTRIC 4El and 4E2 OVE327 Normally Closed One Side - 45 gg!Irmart maws - OVE43Y 1&2 One Side - 48 48 - Vent 1*,ation OVE44Y- 162 One Side - 4B ] ,,penet ji g g Room i4 alsoand Control cloes Mdampers the fire MVAC Systeen, hs 20 TIES 4El AM) 4a.1 Equipment OVE45Y I62 One Side - 45 Rc : OVE46Y 1&2 One Side - 45 Loss of veset11stion for the Aus111ary Electric E9stament Room would cause the room temperature to reach the design limits within the 8 hours. Durtag toes of vent!!ation, it would he macessary to deemergiae temporarily some . l equiparet and lighting to avoid overheating and damage. Restoretton of the af fected vestilattoe , components including the reopentas of fire dampers (eacept QVE32Y) will be necessary within 8 hours.

O gs T t  !. . a j . u FD-l'P-01-1-t.S .

  %mmcr.wealt h tcibon CoPilasf*Y                                                                                                                                                              U
' t.aSalle - Unit s I ar.d 2                                                                                                                                     '. R ev. ' No.

-- 5>rojact No. 6854-31 FIRE LA!4PERS RIOUIRED FOR SMOKE EEMOVAL 7J4D/OR SYSTE!4 OPERATION ' 6/11/44 Da t e s-Page. 17 of 50 b b N N b 0 Fire Zones Wath Safe Vent 21ation Assume A Fare Fire Dampers of Re-quirements For Reopening Accee rt Door Shut down or Sa fe t y System inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dampers: Ralgted Equipment Serving The Preferred Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal la'ation th Fire Zone 8 (Surrounding) Zone 8 Affected 2. For System Operation .And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire l' NIT I DIVI 5luN i VD Fire inside 7A) OVD40Y 7 One S!de - 7A3 A fire in this area could af f ect only the kCIC, plEsil VENrit.ArsuN RAIR Loop A and ADS Div.1. Therefore. IsFCS'. rapirMENr mun Pike YONE 14) and ADS Utvision 2 are available for shutdoun. A fire in this some vould clo6e fire damper - OVD40Y and could disa le the ventilation fano , serving Zones 783, 7B6, 7C3 and 7C6 Some. Thi= sone contaton saf ety-related went!!ation equipment and lighting instJe Zoned 783. The, 7C3 and equi pment f or f ire si,nes temporar{C6 may need ly durt thetofire be Jcenergised in Zone 7A) so that m . in6. 7c3. n 6 ana it: 5::G*lt' tis.* 'h*" '""" "*28 *** "*"d virious ESF bivision 1

   " '"                                                                                                                               Reopening of the fire damper is necessary only after the smoke is removed from this sone and that the fan can be restarted. Smoke reepwal plan for this zone is to use a portable enhaust equipment which does require reopentag of fire damper DVD40Y.

Fire Outside 7A) 783 - Utese! OVD40Y 2 One Side - 7A3 Generator A fire in Zone 75.~ would close OVD40Y to avoid Room the spread of the fire from ttw Diese! Ceneratos Room to the Ventilation Equipawat Room. . Beopening of the fire damper is necessary only after the fire and amoke removat in Zone 733. i e'

_. _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . - _ _ . _ . _____-...__.7 h O, e () t v (v) Fu-rr-ol-1-g.s cc..w.o r. weal t h i d a ten Ct r g.a r.y T^EI I Rev. No. 0

   .1.aSalle - Unit s 3 and 2 Project Ik>. 1,654 33                                             F3kE DAMPLRS Rf003 BED TOR SMOKF hEMCVAL AND/OM .9YSTEM OPERATION                                     Detet        6/11/64 Page __1L of 50 b
      . F a r e Zor,es Wi t h Sa f e b            b                   b                         b                       b                                    b Ver.tilation   Assume A Fire      Fire Dampers of    Requirements For Reopening       Accens Door.

Shutdown or Safety Syst ern Inside $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Damperst' Preferred Related Equipa.ent Servira TI.e Outside Serving Fire 1. For.5moke Removal tu:.stion

                                                                                                                                                                 . q,,,gg, Fare Zone @    (Surrounding)      Zor.e g Af fected  2. For System operation        .And Zone No.

_ Fare Area By Fire 19 T. [ paylyl f .N. 3

                                                .VD Fire inside 753          OVDO4Y                    2                  One Side - 753   A fire la this some could af fect only the RCIC, ST A%8Y DI ESR - O MI RA D
  • OYDOSY 2 One Side - 753 ' RHR 1 mop A and ADS Dig. 1. ft.erefore. MFCS, lum W OVD40Y 2' One Side - 7A) ADS Div. 2 and RHR Loop B are still available FistE ZONE 7N) DVD41Y 2 One Side - 733 for sistdown.

A fire in this sons would close the-listed fire This sone cont In= tlw damper and interrupt the airfluus to sones 7A). Div. I standby J8ee.c4 786, 7C) and 7C6. Some equipment and lighting generator and tim cuntrol in ti.eme sones may need to be decuergised during and instrument.itton .2nd the fire in Zone 782 so that tlee temperatuse in power c.ebling nece==.ary these zones w!!! not esceed tie design limits, for it s operat tuu. This lleoPenin.g of the listed fire d9 ts is necessaiy diesel providen stdoJby only af ter the smoke is removed Irom Zone 733. {]'2 r j 8""ke reoval for this some is to use a portable exhaust equipment whleb does not require re-I opening of fire damper. l Fire tutstJe 783 i 7A3 - Diesel DVD40Y 2 One SiJe - 7A3 A fire in Zone 7A3 could futerrupt the venti. I Ventilation lation airflow for Zone 753. Refer to Zone Equipment 7A3 for the effect of fire to Zone 753 and

                                      ,f                    aoo.                                                                              .dj. cent areas.

I i


i i 1 l

                                        -.          . - - . +           e . - .     -        .-   - ~ ~ .     -

(N . ~ f ( (v ) TAU FD-n -o!-61.s cces.,nwealt h Edison Comier<y I Rey; sto, 0' L4 9.11e - Ur.a t s 1 ar.d 2 FIRE DAMi>ERS Rf QUIEED FOR smoke AEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPEPATION Project No, t,8 5 4 - 31 h t*** 6/II/s4 Page 14 of M C4

          ~ Fare 2cnes With Safe 09 Ventilation (O

Assume A Fire CD Fire Dampers of (0 Requirerients For Ecopenir.g m -l 60 Syst ern Access Door. Inside $ or. Shutdown or Safety The Vent. Sys, of Fire Damperst Preferred Related l'quipn.ent Serving T1.e outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location Remarks Fire Zone $ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire tin _Ir J DIy!53dN_4 VD Fire Inside 786 OVD04Y I&2 One Side - 753 A fire in this sone could' affect only the RCIC, DIEhEl, DA U ANK NW M OVD07Y l62 One Side - 75) RHR Icop A and ADS Die. 1. IiPCS, ADS Div. 2 t'imE ZONE 7Bi' are available for shutdown. A fire in this zone would close fire dampers Tils sone contains the DVD04Y and OVD07Y which are la the ventilation day tank for the Div.I duct for this zone. Reopening cf fire dampers is required only af ter the fire for man 4e diesel generator. We tank supplien f uel to the removal and airflows to thim. sono using the ventilation system. Div. I diemet sencrator wisich supplies at.andby power to Unit i ESF-1 and onit 2 FS pl . Fluc Ouralde 786 751 - Diemet OVD04Y 2 One Side - 7B3 A fire in Zone 783 would close fire damper . Generator OVD04Y and interrupt the ventilation for the koom Day Tank Room. Reopening of the fire damper. As necessary only alter the fire in Zone 783. f 1 N . l 2

                                     ,      _      .          .              .-- . . - ~ ,                   n . - . . - .                             .                 .
                  'm                                                                                                                                                          .J    )[

h ' 4 4.-

               ~.                                                                                    s                                                                         Wl FD-FP-01-1-LS
  %:vur> weal t h I da son Cce gar /j                                                             TABLE I
                                                                                                                                                                                                        'F LaSalle - Ur,1t s 1 and 2                                                                                                                                                 %g Project ho. 6854-31                                           FIRE DAt<PERS RIQU1hED FOh SMOKE EEMWAL AND/0R SYSTEM g tAA.I JOl*                                                  . 6fi!/86         -

Dates. Page 4 of W..

              .h                       b               b                   b                               b                         b                                 b I . Fi re Zories Wa t h Saf e    Ventilation  Assume A Fire         Fire Dampers of       Requirements For Reopening Ehutdown or Salety                                                                                                         Access Door Related Equip.ent Eystem .

Servarq The Inside $ or The Vent. Sys, of Fire Dar.perse preferred Outside Servang Fire 1. For Smoke Nemoval Location R m rks Fire Zone @ .(Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation' And Ecne No. Fire Area By Fire 1;Nif 1 DivlM*W 3 VD Fire inside 7C3 OVD05Y 1&2 'one Side - 733- A fire in this sone could af fect only the Dikstl R4L TAhE EMI OVD06Y 1%2 One Side - 783 RCIC system RHR 1. cop A and ADS Div.1. 1he Flu rohE Jc) NPCS, RMR toop 5 and ADS Div. 2 are available, for aktdown. Thie zone contain the A fire in Zone 7C) would close fire dampers .. dicew! fuel storage tank CVD05Y and OVDO6Y which are in the ventilation for the Divinson 1 duct for this sone. Reopening the tire dampero le stquired only af ter the fire for stash!by diesel gene rator ; amoke removal and cooling using the which to used as a standby ventilation system. mource of power for ESF-Ig i

                                !             ' Firc slut side 7C) 753 - Dieme t            DVD05Y                         2                   .One Side - 753 Cenerator                                                                                A fire in Zone 78) could close fire damper Roo.                                                                                     OVD05Y and interrupt the altflow to the Fuel Tank Room. Reopening of the fire damper is necessary only af ter the fire in Zone 733.

756 - Day Tank OVD06Y 2 One Side - 733 A fire in the Day Tank Room would close the atoon fire dampero and interrupt the airflow from Zone 7C). Reopening of fire dampere le necessary only af ter the fire and smoke removal in Zone 756. P 1 l 1 I

r 9 v 4. FD-FP-01-1-LS T/.LL.E' 1 Rev..Nb. 0 e- its r f FINE DutrERS RIQUIRED FOh SMOKE ELMOVAL AND/OR ' SYETLM OPEAATION . . Dates 06-11-84 Proj ect No. 6854-31 page 16 of 50 I h Fire b a t h Sa f e b Ver-talation

                                        .         Assume A Fire b

Fire Dampers of (E) Requirements For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred { R33ated Equipment Servirig The Outside serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Incation. p ,,,,,g, Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area .Bv Fire igj u. division _1, VX Fire Invide 4F1 IVX13Y 2 One Side - 4F1 A fire in this zone could affect only the ECIC, gssprRAMWJ]tygAN IVX50Y 2 One Side - 4F1 2184 Loop A and ADS Divtston 1. The re fore.

      !n>M - Fli(E Zohy. y                                                 IVX59Y                      2              One Side - 4F1       IIPCS and ADS Division 2 are still available.

IvX30Y 2 One Side - 4F1 A fire la this mone would close the listed fire This aose contains alw IVX31Y 2 One Side - 4F1 despers anJ could disable the ventitation fame EsF Division I switchgear IVX32Y 2 One Side - 4F1 located withis this sone. Reopening of the autor cont rol s enters. IVX33Y 2 One side - 4F1 fire despere le required only for system batteries and d-c power IVX16Y 2 One Side - 4F1 operation af ter the fire if ti*e fans are not supplies. IVX52Y 2 One $1de - SCll disabled. Seoke removal for this sono is to use portable exhaust equipment notich does not require reopening of the listed fire dampers. Fire out side 4F1 Scil - Corridor IVX50Y 2 One Side - 4F1 A fire outelde Zone 4F1 would close the listed of Diesel 1*I59Y 2 One Side - 4F1 fire dampere and interrupt the ventilatten Turbine IVX52Y 2 One Side - SC11 eirflow to Zone 4Fl. During the fire in Zone BuilJang SCll, some equipment and light ing 1:e Zone 4F1 Elevation should be devnergised temporarily to sintasse 710'-0" overheating and damage. Reopening of the fire dampers IVX50Y and IVX59Y af ter the fire in Zone SCll te necessary to restore the airflow to Zone 4Fl.


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PD-FP-01-1-Ls Ocamorwealth Edtsot, company Rev.'No. .0' LaSelle - Units ! nd 2 FIRE DAMPE RS RIQUIRED FOk EMOKE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION ' Date: 06-11-84 Project No. 6854-31 Page 1 of 1 - ,

             -(A) '                              bh           b                 ..
                                                                                           @                                $                           (F)                            @'

Fare Zones wath Saf e Ventilation Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopen 3ng Access Door Shutdown or Sa f.;ty Syst ern Inside S or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred Resnarks Related Equipment Serving The Outside' Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire VL Fire famide 4F3 OVL43Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 A fire 1:sside Zosee 4F3 could at'fect only the AUXIll AkY BUllDINd- One Side - 4F3 RCIC. RMR Loop A and ADS Division 1. The (; HOUND FLUOR ~(EA5 ARF 4 OVL44T I&2 FTE'E ZiiNETF) OVLe7Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 lose of d-c control pouer feed from MCC 121Y OVL42Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 and d-c distrioution panel lily to the remote This some cont ain - OVL41Y I&2 Osw Side - 4F3 shutdown panel has no af fect on the operation various ESF Division i C?I,38Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 of RIIR B. therefore, it le still available for cables for Unism I&2 OVL36Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 shutdown. ' A fire in thle some would close the uhich .are located .buve OVL48Y 1 & 2, One Side - 4F3 listed fire dampers and interrupt the VL System the suspended ceiling. OVL28Y I&2 One Side.- 4F3 operation. Fire dampers reopening af ter the OVL29Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 fire are necessary only for smoke removal and OVL51Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 cooling in the Lateratory An'em using tie VLHVAC " OVL57Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 Sy st em. Smoke removal for the ceiling plenum OVLS8Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 le the use of portehle en%eust equipment which OVL62Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 does not require reopening of the listed fire dampers except l'or the normally closed fire damper 2VV07Y. Fire Outvide 4F3 Scla - Yierbine OVL30Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 A fire outalde 4F3 especially in Zone SCll - isollding OVL31Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 would close the linted fire d.sapere and (:roimd Floor OVL50Y 'I&2 One Side - 4F3 interrupt the VL System operation. keepening Elevation OVL52Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 of the listed fire dampers is necessary only 710' OVL53Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 af ter the fire and emake le cleared in OVL54Y I&2 One Side - 4F3 tone SCll. . a i y v- - - , - - _ _._______-__m__

7- s , -~ g

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                                                                                                                                               *" I                                                                 FD-F i* 1 - LS comntnweal t h l a s son ccmpar.y                                                                                                                                                                                                O Lp.Salle - Unats I .nd 2                                                                                                                                                                                         Rev. ho.

Project No. 6b54-31 FIhL LR4PER5 RIOU3 FED FOk 5MOFE fiLMOV11 AND/Oh SYSTEM OFEkATION Dates 6/II/A4 Page 1 of 1 I Fare Zanes With Safe b b Ventilation b b b  ! b Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dan.pers: Preferred R31sted Equipment Servang The Outside Serving Fare 1. For Smoke Nemoval Incation Remrks Fire Lone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire tfNir i DIVIS10N 2 Vu Fire Inside 7A2 IVD43Y 2 One Side - 7A2 A fire in this area could aff ect only RHK DIESU. VFMiltAltuN Loop B and ADS Div. 2. Ttwref ore. HPCS, RCIC Fe,yl l',MDIT_lu 3 vt and ADS Division are available for shutdown. A fire in this zone could close fire damper IVD43Y and could disable the ventilation fans

          'this sone contalum safety,                                                                                                                                                    88W RS knn N. M. M aM M.

relat ed ventil.stlou equip. Some equ! ment auJ lighting inside Zones 752, 6 ment f or f ire zunen 182 785. 7C2 and FC5 should be deenergized cNrtna 755, 702 and 7C5 and the fire in Zone 7A2 no ther the temperature in various Est Division 2 these zonee will not exceed the design limit, c.eL i e n . Smoke removal for Zone 7A2 is to use a portable exhaust equipment whish does not require reopening of fire damper IVD43Y. Reopening of fire damper is necessary only after the booke is removed from Zone 7A2. g Fire outside 7A2 l 752 - utese! IVD43Y 2 One Side - 7A2 A fire in Zone 152 woulJ close fire d.emper i Cencrator IVD43Y to avoid the spread of fire from Zone Room 782 to Zone 7A2. Reopening of the fire damper is necessary only af ter the fire and smoke removal from Zone 752. I i i d

                                                                               ,             i l                                   I
                                                                                                                                                                                           " a m
j-R. ,.
                   .[m-                                                                                                                                                 f                    1

PD-FP-O l-1-LS .- Commor. wealth Pdison cogaray ' MBLE I

  • LaSalle - Units I and 2
                                                                                                                                                           'Rev. No.       0 Project No. 6854-31                                        FlkE DAMPERS h!OUIRED FCH TMOKF EDtOVAL AND/Ok SYSTEM OPERATION                               . De t e *. 6/11/84'
                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ ir Page 1L, og 50 ..

l ,h ~ @ @ @ @ (F) (G)

 ~ Fa re Wa th Safe Ventslation        Assume A Fire       Fire Dampers of   Requ1rements For Reopening      Access Door.

Shutdown or Safety Systen Inside $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dampers ' Preferred

                                                                                                                                                     .R     rh Eslated Equipment '        Servarq The    Outstae          Serving Fire      1.'For Smoke Removal               location Fire Zone @  (Surrounding)       Zone  $ Affected 2. For System Operation         And Zone No.

Fife Area By Fire (*NAT I DIVISlut. ! STAND 6Y VD Fire Inside 782 IVD12Y 2 One Side - 7B2 A fire in this none could af f ect only the kHR' t'ill.5il.7tMKATOR mmm IVD13Y 2 One S1Je - 7B2 loop B and ADS Div. 2. 1herefore, ADS Div. 1 fikk ZONE 752. IVD41Y 2 One Side - 7A2 MpCS, aclC and RhR A are st111 available for . IVD44Y 2 . Una Side - 752 shutdown. Thin zosm contains t he ' A fire in this gone would close the listed Diviolon 2 Standt,y Diese! ' fire dampers and interrupt the airflows to Generator and the contro! Zones 7A2, 785, 7C2 and 705. - Some equipment and amt instrumentation and lighting Inside these senes should be deenergiaird power cabling necessary during the fire in Zeue .752 su that t he t em . f or it s operat ion. 1his paratures in these mones will not esteed the diemet provide = mtandby design linita. power f or Duit I ESF-2. Smoke removal for this aone is to use a port-able ashaunt equipment which does not require.. reopening of fire damper. Beopening of the listed fire dampers is necem-sary only af ter the smoke la removed f rom this sone. Fire outs!Je 782 7A2 - Dieme! IVD43Y 2 One Side - 7A2 A fire in Zone 7A2 could interrupt the ventt-Ventilation lation airflows for Zone 7B2.' keler to fire Equipawnt. Inside Zone 7A2 for the ef fect on Zone 782 hoom and adjacent areas. I E

N . A_ q y b v -LJ FD- FP 1- LS D I Rev. 73. O Comonwealt h E.21 son Corr.pany LaSalle - Units 1 and 2 FIRE DAMPERS RICCIRED FOR S%KE hEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION g,g,.* 06-11-44 Project No. 6854-11 'Page 20 og '50

           .@                    Q)             ()                     (D)

Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopening (r} ' Access Door - I (c) Fare Zones with saf e ventilation Assume A Fire Preferred Shutdown or Safety Syst ern insade @ or The Vent. Sys, of Fire Danspers: g ,g, Eslated Equapment Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Incation Fare Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation .And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire Fire laatde 7BS IVD12Y .162 One Side - 732 A fire in this zone could affect ooly the IRIE VD 1. cop B and ADS Division 2. ; both IIPCS, RCIC, 12tlI L~DtVISlies 2 IVD15Y 162 One Side - 782 nitsu oh~5(b - ADS Divialon 1 and atR toop A are available . Flki ZohE ys) for ebutdown. A fire within rose would close fire dampers 1VD12T and IVDIST in the him sons cent sine the ventilation duct for this zone. Beopesang of' day case for etw Division thees fire dampers is required only after. the . 2 diesel generator. De fire for peoka removal and cooltag using the sank supplive fiael to the VD ventilation eyetas. Divt=Im 2 die =el generator whish supplies st W by powe r t o Un it 1 13F - 2. Fire that u tde 78% 782 - Diesel IVD12Y 2 One Side - 752 A fire in Jose 782 would cleme fire damper tene rat or IYD12Y and laterrupt the vent 11ation for the Room Day Tank Room. Reopening of the fire damper is necessary only af ter the fire la Zone 752. i

                                                                                                                      ,,                                                                                                                                     ,,~s

[ ( .[ )

                                 )                                                                                 \~j-                                                                                                                                    "\f FD-FP-01-1-LS romor.wowlt h idasG Cceper.y                                                                      TAh!.E 1                                                                                                                                   - g,y,  3,o *' o La!.elle - Units I and 2                                       F1ht LAMPENS DIOUlkrD FOR SMOFE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPE. RATION                                                                                                              page ' 3/11/34 troject No. 6854-31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - 21 g1 b                                       b-                                                b                                                                       b                                @'

Fare Zones Wath Safe Ventalation Assume A Fire Fate Dampers of Requirements For Re-opening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Insiue $ or The Vent. Sys, of Fire Dampers: Preferred Related Equapnent Serving The Outside Serving F1rt 1. For Smoke Removal -location [ Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. l- Fare Area By Fire 1 i l! NIT I plVISloN I 7C2 Fire inside 7C2 IVD13Y 1&2 Une Side - 782 A fire in this some could affect only the ! IIEstL Mt TANK mam IVD14Y 1&2 One Side - 782 But toop B and ADS Div. 2. Werefore, MFCS.. ! ylxr mur 7(2 BCIC, ADS Div. I and RHR Loop A are available ! for shutdown, l . A fire in Zone 7C2 would clone' fire dampers this zune contains tie IVD13Y and IVD14Y which are in the ventilation diesel f uel stor ge tauk duct for this aone. Reopening of the fire for the Diviolon 2 st nday dampers is required only af ter the fire for diesel generator which is smoke removal and cooling using the VD a mource of stanJby power ventilation system. to E56-2. Fire tNaside 7C2 One Side - 752 A fire in Zone 782 would close fire damper'. 752 - Diese! IVD13Y 2 Cene rat o r IVD13Y and interrupt the airflow to the a Noes Fuel Tank Room. Reopening of the fire damper . is necessary only af ter the fire and smAs removat in Zone 752. 755 - Tank IVD14y 2 One Side - 7B2 A fire in Zone 785 Day Tank Room would close unos fire desper IVDl4Y and interrupt the airflow to tle Fuel Tank Room 7C2. knopening of the fire damper is necessary only after the fire and smoke removal in Zone 755. i 1'

r- s g f. /*

  • 4

{ FO- t'P-tJ 1 LS 2w.sorrealth Idisvn Cuep r.y TAbLF 1 I FM ME kWsVA1. AND/0R SYSTI'r4 opggAT3oy No 43 6 t/M Page- 22 og g h Fire kath Saf e (@ Vent 31stion N Assume A Fire (@ Fire Dampers of h) Requirements For Reopening (F) Access Door j Shutocwn or Safety System Insade $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Damperst Preferred Related E3uiprent Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal- . Reurks :

                                                                                                                                                               . Location.

Fire 2one $ (Surrounding) Zone g Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fare Area Dv Fire t'N!T l blVf 53ON 2 VY Fire Inside 7C5 kne - - A fire in this area tuuld af f ect only the RAR


RHz nkvit.E Wart.N Loop 5 and ADS Div. 2.- Therefore, both the , pts ~kutw4 liPCS, RCIC, ADS Div. I and RHit Loop A are

         @ii rideM 7CS                                                                                                                                                     available.

This sone contains the Division 2 standby diesel generator cooling w. ster i

pump and st rainer. 1 hie l . zune alm.e contains Div. 2 l Rhu serv!<e water pumps and strainer IIN I F. J. I!! V I S igN ,l_ ,NH K VY Fire Inside 706 - None - .. Same as'above except for divisional designation.

MmVirE WMFM hlMr komet e lkE ZisNt' /Ch 1him sous coat.eins clic Div. I standby dienvl genwratur coottog water pump and strainct. 1hin zone also cont. sins Div. 1 4thk service w. ster pumps and strainer. Fire out side 70% 6 7Ch rarr 14 None A fire in the Ventilation Egulpment Nuom Venritation Fire Zones 7A2 & 7A3 rould disable slee Equipment Noom ventilation fans serving Fire Zones 7C5 6 7C6. , FA2 6 7A3 During the fire in Zone 7A2 or 7A3. it may be ' l necessary to deenergige temputarily some equipment and light ing in Zone FC5 or 706.

                                                                                                            .m.m___.-_-. -.. . _ _ . . . . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _

m ,~ {' 4 )



                      ;                                                                         %/ .                                                                        %/

FD-FP-01-1-I.S TABLE I Rev. No. 0 corpor.wealt h idiscr cor pany LeSalle - Unit s 1 and 2 FIRE DAMPERS hiQUIRED FOR S'40& E REMOVAL AND/Ok SYSTEM OPERATION Datet 06-11-84 Project No. 6b54-31 p,9, - .og . f (Bb b b Fire Zones With Safe Ver,tilation Assun-e A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred p.,ggg, Rylated Equ2pmer t Serving The Outs 1de Serving Fire 1. For Smoke hemoval Location Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Af fected 2. For System Operation And Zone lh. Fire Area By Fire IVI57Y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 A fire in r e .e 4E3-1 would close the listed fire 1:NIr 1. DIVISto u v1 Fire inside 4E3-1 One Side - 4E3-2 deepers la the ventilatten duct to thte same, gyg5gy 2 in,tM,B,,L, SWITCHGE x NOOM rire da.eer .ce..ath111ty i. nece.o ry ont, for m ,,3 systee operation af ter the fire and/or smoke in removed f r a thle sone. Sm>ke removal for this This fire zone was div!Ja d sene le to use portable exhaust equipment which into two subao4ws, tire not p quite opening of t h listed fire subaone 4El-1 la the * ** cable riser atste whis h - runt ains the ECIC System, RHN Loop A and ADS Divaston 1. Flee x pa Fire inside 4E3-2 IVI57y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 A fire in this sons would cicae the listed fire c . gyg5gy 2 One Side - 4E3-2 - dampers and could also disable the sent11ation end ADS Divistou 2. 2 One Side - 4E3-2 < fans which are located within this sone. IVXO6Y IVIl0Y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 , Roopentas of the fire dampers is required only i One Side - 4E3-2 for system operation af ter the fire if the f ans IVX12Y 2 IVX34Y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 g are not disabled. Smoke removal for this sone IVX35Y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 g is to use portable exhauet equipment which does IVX54Y 2 One Side - 4E3-2 gnot repire reopening of stes !!sted fire dampers  ;

                                                                                                                                        !                                                         l 4

s , l l Fi re out side 4E3 IVX54Y 2 a'e Side - $513 A fire in this sons would close the listed fire .i sat) - salance of damper IVXS4Y. Closing of this damper will not riant cable interrupt the airflow to Zones 4E314 4E3-2. Area b" F e it would alter the pressure differential between Zones 4E3 and 4El l. Reopening of fire deepers le necessary only if the pressure in Zone 4E3 becomes higher than 4El-1 and jeopardises the habitab!!1ty of the Auxiliary Electric Equipment Roce. 1


p T_ (m x 1%,' i FD-17-01-1-LS ' TAM I Rev, No- 0 Commor: wealth Edason Coripany Less11e - Unst s 1 and 2 FIRE DAMPERS RIO'JIRED FOR FMorE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Dates 6/11/84' Project No. 6854-31 Page 24 of 50 (A) I (B) @ ' (F) @ Fire Zones hath Saf e i ventilation Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopenang Access Door Shutdown or f.afety System inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred Remarks' R314ted Equipmer.t Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Resoval Incation Fire Zone 6 (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected Ry Fire 2 For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area t:st r i FIFCTRICAL FQt;1PMFX" VX Fire Inside 4D3 IVX05Y 2 One side - 4D3 A fire in this sone could af f ect only kHM B kaWIM (NPNG NET kuuM) IVIO1Y 2 One side - 4D3 and ADS Division 2 cables, therefore, both DIxE ZONE 4D) IVX36Y 2 One side - 4D3 BCIC and ADS Division 1 are available for. IVX37Y 2 One side - 4D3 shutdown. A fire la this gone could disable 1his zoue contatus in=tru- IVX38Y 2 One side - 4D3 the ventilation f ans serving this zone and mentat ion calbe f or RHR 5 IVX39Y 2 One side - 4D3 Zone 4D1 and 4D2. Therefore, reopening of and ADS Division 2 in IVX56Y 2 One side - 5A4 fire dampers for system operation (after adJation to the safety- IVX41Y 2 .One side - 4D3 smoke removat uslag portable eshaust equip-related HVAC equipme:nt IVX43Y 2 One side - 4D3 ment) is necessary only if the ventilation' which serve this zone as fans are operable af ter the fire. well as Zones 4DI and 4D2. Whet side 3,D3 5A4 - Cable Area. IVX56Y 2 One side - 5A4 A fire in Zone 5A4 would close fire dampers El. 749'-0" IVX56Y to avoid spread of any fire to Zone 4D3. the fire in Zone SA4 and closing of IVX56Y will not stop the ventilation system for Zones 4D3, 4DI and 4D2. 401-1 U.1 Cable IVX41Y 2 Oneside - 4D3 A fire in sone 401-1 would close the listed spreading IVX43Y 2 fire dampers in the ventilation duct for Area Zone 401 and 4D2. Closing of these fire dampers would increase the altflow to Zone 4D3. Which will help that gone pressuriae to avoid smoke infiltration.

                                                                                                      %                                                                                                               #N

h ,Y " ,


E1 FD-IT-01-1-1s. 2on.wr. weal t h i d a r.o rt Cal =ry LaSalle - Una t s 1 and 2 Rev. No. O Froject No. 6854-31 FikE DMiPERS E!CF.'ThrD FOR SMOKE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEN OPERATION Date On/II/a4 Page : 25 . og - 50 w b b b b b Fare Zones k'ath Safe Ventilatton Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopenang Shutdown or Safety Access Door

                                      $ystem       Insade @ or           The Vent. Sys,      of Fire Dampers:

pelat ed Servir.g The Preferred g ,g,ggs outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal location Fire Zor.e @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System operation And Zone No. Fare Area By Fire UNlt I CARL E SPitEADING'~ VX Insid 4D1-1 IVX45Y 2 One Side - 4DI-2  ; A fire in this subsone could af fect only the

  ~lujuM - Fille ZONYTDi~                                                     IVX46Y                   2                                        One Side - 4D1-2          ? RCIC system, RNR Loop A and ADS Division 1.

Therefore, the HPCS and ADS Division 2 re Thin zur.e was nubdivided  ; available for decay beat re moval. I re o 4Di ! in the A fire in S W subsone cou W c M e t h list d sable riser al le and . fire dampers and noterrupt the atrilow to

                                                                                                                                                                          , Subsone 4DI-2.               Interruption of airflow for Fire Subaune 4DI-2 is the                                                                                                             I cable spreading arc.e.                                                                                                               l                                     Zone 401-2 will not jeopardize the qualification
                                                                                                                                                                             ,g           ,, g                 ,g,     ,g,g g, g Yh!= sone cont aas t he                                                                                                                                                 ' Unit 2 VI System is available. Reopening of Division 2 cont rol av.d                                                                                                                                                   the affected dampers is necessary only af ter inst rume ut.t lon cabling                                                                                                                                                 the fire, Smoke removal for this zone is to fos Unit i le.eding into                                                                                                                                                   use portable eshaust equipment which does not the Cont rol Rme.                                                                                                                                                          require reopening of the listed fire dampers.

InnlJ. 4D1-2 IVX45Y 2. One Side - 4DI-2 { A fire in this subsone could only af fect the JVX46Y 2 One Side - 4D1-2 RCIC system, RNp Loop 8 and ADS Division 2. IVX41Y 2 ano Side - 4D3 Therefore, HPCS and ADS Division 1 are IVX43Y 2 One Stde - 4D3 available for decay heat removal. RNR loop B IVX42Y 2 One Side - 4D1-2 is available to bring the reactor to a hot tvX44Y 2 One Side - 4D1-2 ' shutdown condition. Closing of fire dampers 2VX42Y 2 One Side - 4D1 would interrupt the airflow to Zone 4DL-2 only

                                                                                                                                                                       . and would not stop the ventilation system to adjacent Unit! Electrical F,quipment Room Zone l4D3. Smoke removal for 4DI-2 to the same as
  • for 4D1-1.

I  ! out 4DI l 4D3 - Unit I IVX41Y 2 One Side - 4D3 i A fire in Zone 4D3 could close the ilsted fire Electrical IVX41Y 2 One Side - 4D3 fdampersandinterrupt the airflow to Zone Mutpoent  ; 4DI-2. Interruption of altflow for Zone 4D1-2

                                                        "***                                                                                                                 would not jeopardise the qualification of the .
                                                     .                                                                                                                ,      cables because a minimum airflow for Zone
                                                                                                                                                                      - 4DI-2 is availabic free Unit 2VI System.                             I 4D2 - tinit 2               IVX44Y 4%ble 2                                       One Side - 4DI          I A fire in Zone 4D2 would close the listed fire IVX42Y                    2                                      One SlJe - 401                  dampers to void spread of fire to Zone 4DI.

Sp read ing JVX42Y 2 One Side - 4DI j Closing of fire dampers have a neg!!gible affect on the vent 11ation airflow to Zone 4DI. i e I i

p. / /

Y .Y FD-FP-01-1-LS

 . Corsonwealth idison Conpany                                                                  TABL' I                                                                           %g_o
 - LaSalle - Ur.s ta 1 and 2                                     FIhE EAMPERS RIOulkED FOR SMCFE REMOVAL AND/GM SYSTEM OPEkATION                                                  Date       6/11/44       ' 1   ,

Psoject No. 6s'a4-31 Page 76 of 50 - h) b h) b (F) @ ,

    . F a r e Zones Wit h Sa f e Ventaletion    Assume A Fire         Fire Dampers of    Requirements For Reopening     Access Door                                                                             .f Shutdown or Safety           System       Inside $ or           The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers:                Preferred.

Remads  ! kalated Equissnent Servang The Outside Serving Fare 1. For Smoke Removal IAcation j Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. 'l Fire Area By Fire j t; NIT 1 HPt3 bit:511 VD Fire Inside 7Al IVD40Y '2 One Side - 7Al A fire in this sous could have an ef f ect on


irthd]ifiiiN EhilEM4 yr IVD41Y 2 one Side - 7Al components and cables associated with the basic gwM - FigE 2nNE 7At IVD42Y 2 One Side - 7Al shutdown settwhl. The alternate shutdown method which is independent of this fire zone can be used to bring the reactor to a shutdown. 1his zone contains s.afet Y- A fire in this sons would close the listed related wentilatica equi P* fine dampers and interrupt ties airflows to ment for Zones 753. 754 2 m a 783. 784, 7C1 and 7C4. A fire could else 7ct. 7c4 .ad various tSF disable the ventilation fans located within Division 3 cabica. this sons. Some equipment and lighting tumide 2ceen 7Bl.

                                                                                                                              ,a                        7B4, 7CI and 7C4 souid be deenergised temporarilr.

durlag ttw fire in Zmw 1A1 ao that the ten - g r these sones will not esceed the s Smoke removal for this sone la to use a portable ' i exhaust equipment which does not require reopen-  : i ing of the fire dampers.  ; Iteopeningofthelistedfiredampersisneces-g sary only after the seoke is removed from Zone 7A1. t Fiee 4%t side TAI l A fire in Zone 7Al would close fire damper 7 esel Ys~1 Di IVD40Y 2 One Side - 7At IVD40Y to avoid the spread of fire from the Gene ra t or Hous Diesel Cencrator Room to tlw Ventilation Equipment Room. Reopentag of the fire damper is needed only af ter the fire and smoke removal in Zone 781. k I

__ _ ,, _ _ _ . ~

                                                                                       . _ _ . _ . , -             .., .                ..              m_             s
                                                                                                                                                                               . G' -

FD-1"P-01-1-LS' A cos,monwe alth Edison comper y ' Rev. Iso.' O LaSalle - Unit s 1 and 2 FIRE DAr4PERS hf 0VihED FOk SMOKE kEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTLM OPERATION- $/11/64 Project pao, t,8 54 -31 Detea_. *

                                                                                                                                                                         .Page       27 of 50 b             Vb                      Db                                                      Ob                           bb Fire With Saf e     Ventilation    Assume A Fare          Fare Dampers of            Requirements For Reopening    Access Door
        . Shutdown or Safety            System       Inside @ or            The Vent. Sys,             of Fire Dampers                Preferred                    .R m rks Serving The Related Equipment                             outside             Serving Fire               1. For Smoke Removal            Location Fire Zone @    (Surrounding)          Zone   @ Affected          2. For System Operation      And Zone No.

Fare Area By Fire tis 3 Y l' HK5 bl ESE1.' - VD Fire Inalde 781 IVD04Y 2 One Side - 781 A fire in this sone could af fect only composant , a.thtMATOM RtA tM IVD05Y 2' .One Side - 781 and cables associated with the baste shutdown FD E 20NE 751 IVD07Y 2 One Side - 7B1 method. Therefore, the alternate shutdoun : IVD40Y 2 One Side - 7Al method, which is independent of this fire some. IVD41Y 2 One Side - 781 can be used to being the reactor to a abutdown Iht sone contains the condition. itKS ge.serator and A fire in this sone would clone' the listed fire the control and inst ru- i dampers and interrupt the airflows to Zones mentation and power 7A1, 784. 7C1 and TC4. Cnee toeposu-nts inside cabling swcesmary f or it* these sones could be deenergised during the operation. , fire la Zone 731 no that the temperatures w!!! act escoed the design limits. . Smoke removal for Zone FBI to to 'une a' rottable exhaust equipment which requires no spaning of fire damper IVD41Y.

 ,                                                                                                                                                Reopening to the other fire dampers is necessar' '

only after the smoke is removed from this gone. g uurnide 781 7Al - Diesel IVD40Y 2 One Side - 7Al A fire outside Zone 751 especially in Zone 7Al Ventilation would close fire damper IVD40Y and could dis-F.quipment able the ventilation f an serving 7bl. . Refer lloom to Zone 7Al for the effect of fire to sone 751 and adjacent areas.

                      /%                                                                                /se'wk  \                                                                     i i                                                                                   ?                                                                    i
                     /,       4                                                                         s w.

FD-Fi*-01-1-LS Ow.rrcr.we elt h ! is sc.r. Cs e par.y TA!'LE I py,, , , , , ~ LaSel le - 1.'r.i t s 1 ord 2 FIh t. D;J:FLkS EI OulhTD f oie sMort h!' tov;.L AhD/OH SYSTEM OPfhATION Froject ik) . 6154 31 Date: */II/84 Page ._.R of '>0 I Fire hath A s I b b b b ver.taletson Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requat ements For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Sa fet y System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred R21cted Equipner.t Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Reinovel location R rh Fire Zor.e O (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire im i i HFCS Di b EL VD Fire Inside 754 IVD04Y 1&2 One sida - 781 A fire in this zone could affett only the DM J At4K Wht! IVD07Y I&2 One side - 781 RPCS. Therefore, alternate shutdown method Ext: /UNE 184 which independent of this none, can be used to bring the reactor to a shutdown condition, n is zone contains the A fire in Zone 754 would close the listeJ

                    ,    [,                                                                                                                        f     dampers and interrupt the airflow to this tank supplies fuel to the HPCS diesel generator                                                                                                                    Reopening of these fire dampers is necessary which supplies htendby                                                                                                                       only after the fire for smoke removal and power to the HPts pump                                                                                                                       cooling using the ventilation system.

in case of loss of of f-site power. Fire ournide 754 781 - Diesel IVIM4Y 7 One Side - 781 A fire in Zone 781 would clase fire dampers Generator IVD07Y 2 One Side - 751 IVD04T and IVD07Y and interrupt the airflow < Nem to the Day Tank Room. Reopening of the l fire dampers is necessary only siger the fire j sad sooke removal in Zone 181. ' i t i i I i ! l i

                                                                                                             %' '                                                                                           .- A
                                                                                                                   $                                                                                             \


                        /                                                                                  }                                                                                                 G' Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                       -FD-FP-01-1-LS TA ' ' '

cornmonwealth Edison Cor.per.y Rev. No. i LaSalle - tinats I and 2 FIRE DAMPERS RI' QUIRED FOR SMOKE REMOVAL. AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Dr,ses na-It.aa Project No. 6954-11

                                                                                                                                                                                                       'Page 1 'of. E '
                @                                             b                       b                            b                       b                                                         b Fire Zones hath Saf e          Ventilation     Assume A Fire            Fire Dampers of     Requirements For Reopening          Access Door Shutdown or Safety                System        Insade $ or             The Vent. Sys.      of Fire Dampers:                     Preferred                                                   Remarks R$ lated Equapnent             Servarg The           Outside            Serving Fire        1. For Smoke Removal                  location Fire Zone @      (Surrounding)           Zone e Affected     2. For System Operation             And Zone no.

Fire Area By Fire


gn r i HrCS D1tSEL 60EL VD Fire luside 7C1 IVD05Y I62 One Side - 751 A fire in this zone could af fect only .


IVD06Y I62 One Side - 781 camponente and esbles associated with the basic

     --T5NK Riim - Flite 7 tint".                                                                                                                                        shut down. Therefore, the alternate shutdown 20.!                                                                                                                                                               method, tetich is independent of this fire zone.

Thie zone contains the can k used for r?.%tdaum. . . die el fuel stusage tank A fire in Zone FCI would close the fire dampers for etw hrCS diesel 1VD05Y and IV'J06Y which are to the weatilation generator which is used ducts for this anne. Beopening of those ter the blaudby power to fire dampers is requ! red only af ter the fire '. the HFCS pump in caw of for geoke resoyal and cooling uslug the a loms-ci-of f site peer. ventilation system. 1 Fire oorside 7CI 751 - piesel IVD05Y 2 One Side - 7s1. A fire in Zone 781 would close fire dampers t:ene rat or IVD06Y 2 One Side - 781 IVD05Y and IVD06Y and interrupt the atrilow Room to the Fu*1 Tank Room. Reopening of fire - dampers is necessary only af ter the fire and smoke removal la Zone 781. j l 1, 4 1 1 dm


h.. 5


dce.or.weEl t h I J s sor. Con g,or.y

  • I FD-FP-01-1-LS' ,

LaSa!!e - Unsts 1 and 2 Rev. ho. O Project No. 6854-31 FIkE DAMPERS RTOUIHLD FOR SMOFE REMOVAL AhD/OR SYSTEM OPEkATION Date 6/11/84 , Page 30 og .g h Fa re Zor.eis With Saf e (b) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Ventilation Assume A Fare Fire Dampers of Requiremer.ts For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: R31sted Equipment Serving The Outside Pre fe rred p a gg, Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Iociation Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone Mrs. Fare Area By Fire U:81Y I HPCS pakst:L VD Fire Inside 7C4 IVD24Y 162 One Side - SDI A fire in this sone could af fect only componets PUMP Mam IVD23Y 1&2 one Side - 5D1 and cables associated with the basic shutdown fikE ZONE 7C4 IVD25Y 1&2 one side - 5D1 method. The alternate shutduwe which is inde-pendent of this fire some can be used to bring the reactor to a sh' utdown condition. This sone cuntains th* HPCS diesel cooling water A fire in Zone 7C4 would close the listed fire pump and strainer without dampers which are in the vent 11ation duct for which the HPCS dienel this some and Zone SDI "HPCS Switchgear Area". cannot operate. Some itPCS mwitchgears should be deenergiread during the fire in Zone 7C4 so that the tempera-ture in Zone SD1 will not exceed the design limits. Reopening of the fire dampers is necessary only after the fire for smoke removal and cooling using the ventilation system. Fire o utside 7C4 501 - HPCS See Remarks Switchgear See Remarks , A fire in Zone SDI would clow fire dampers Area IVD23Y and IVD24Y and interrupt the airflow to the MPCS Switchgear Area. As a result of the fire damper closing, the atritow to the Fmp Room would increase helping to pressuriae the room to avoid smoke infilt rat ion. Reopening of the fire dampers is necessarr only af ter the fire and asuke removal in Zone 501. 1 f

                   .~.               . . . .         _ _                 - . . ~ . _ - . . _.   . . . _     - - - . - - _ -   -             . . -           --                   -
9. .
                  ,j                                                                                      w                                                                        (.-        J. I '

FD-FI-01-1-1.S TABLE I Rev. No. 0

            -     as        nd                                   FlkE DAMPERS RI'QUlfkED FOR SMOKE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPFhATION                                          Datet .06-11-44 ~
 . Project No. 6654-31 page . ,,}1_, of i h                                                                   b                                                 b                                  b Fate Zones With Safe      Ventilation    Assume A Fire            Fire Dampers of        Requ3resnents For Reopening        Access Door Shutdown or Safety          System        inside 9 or             The Vent. Sys.         of Fire Dempers:                   ' Pref errred -                      Romerks Related Equipment         Serving %          Outside              Serving Fire           1. For Smoke Removal                  Loca t iori .

Fire Zone A (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area Py Fire t;N!Y l HFCS SWilOICE.AK 'VD Fire inn.' Je 5DI . IVD20Y l62 One Side - 5DI A fire in this sone could af fect culy compunent. AREA - FIRE ZL)NE 508 IVD21Y I&2 hh-M eM emes anwiated win the basic shth .- IVD23Y I&2 One $1de - SDI method. Yhe alterante shutdown method. uhich to this z.,ne conta tus th, IVD24Y 1&2 One Side - 5D1 Independent of this fire sone. can be used to. swite hgear, motor cont rol IVD25Y 1&2 One Side - 5D1 bring the reactor to shutdown. center. 12W battery and 4-c power supply for tin tt A fire inside Zone SDI would close the !!sted . fire dampers and interrupt the airflow to the 1.' ESF Division 1 (NPCS) and suae ESF Div!=1un 3 sone. Accessibility of fire dampers IVD23Y. cables, IVD24Y and IVD25Y to necessary for smoke removal and cooling in this sone, lleopentra of fire dampers IVD20Y and IVD21Y for Battery Room ventilation is necessary only af ter the aunake removal'an Zone SDI. I fi r r Out s ide SDI 7C4 - HPCS Diesel IVD23Y I&2 One Side - SDL A fire outside SDI especially in Zone 7C4 Pump Room IVD24Y I&2 One Side - SD1 would close the listed fire dampers and - IVD25Y 1&2 One Side - SDL interrupt the airflow to Zone 5D1. Reopening of these dampera is required (af ter the fire in Zone 7C4) to restore airflow to Zone SD).


1 (

r. 4 A"


( I-- .(, 3 b

                                                                                                                                                                       .(m.,/ '

FD-FP-01-l'ELS' s.

  ' ;cem,r.wealt h Edison Crumper.y                                                            UMI                                                                                            '

pey. No._0'

  . !4Salle - tJnit s 1.nd 2                                   F1kE CMtPERS Rr0VIRE:) FOR SMOVE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTD4 C.PERA ION Project No. 66S4 31                                                                                                                                            Dateg 6/11/84 Page ' 32 'og : w b

Fare Wath Safe (b Ventilation b b @ b Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopenang Access Door

      . Shutdowr. or Sa f et y        System    Inside @ or         The Vent. Sys,      of Fire Dampers:               . Pre f e+. red                       p,,,,g, Related Equipment          Servir:0 The    Outside          Serving Fire        1. For Smoke Removal             location Fire Zone @  (Surrounding)       Zone @ Affected     2. For System Operation       And Zone No.

Fire Area By Fire imil 7 pivisioN 2 VD Fire inside 8A2 2VD43Y 2 One side - SAT A fire la Zone 8A2 would close fire damper Dal:$U. VENfliAtluN 2VD43Y and could disable the ventilation fano plJ t rMEN r IH M N4 , serving Zones 882, 884, 8C2 aml 8C4, Some com-Fs h ZuNE dA2 , ponente inside thehe zones could be deemergised

                                                                                                                                       ' during the fire im Zone 842 no that the tempera-t ture in these zones will not eaceed the deelge Ela zone cont. sine saf ety-                                                                                                     slimit.

related vens !!ation equ1P- , ment for fire unes as2e Smoke removal for Zone 8A2 is to use the port-884, 3C2 and BC4 and able exhaust equipment which does not require. various tSn* Division 2 reopening of fire damper 2VD43Y. cables. Reopentag of the fire damper le necessary only after the smoke le removed true Zone SA2. Fire Outulde 8A2 852 - Diesel 2VD43Y 2 Generator One Side - 8A2 A firm in Zone 8B2 would close fire damper Kous 2VD43Y to avoid the opread of the fire from the Diesel Generator Roce to the Ventilation Equipment Room. Reopening of the fire damper le needed only af ter the fire and smoke removal in Zone 882.

                                                                            .m                            ..            . . . .         m  _ ..                _m                ..
                                                                               ,.                                                                    v                                                                            %.-

l '- -Ycmonwealt h Edisnn TN I ' FD-Fl*-01-1-LS Rev. No. __0' ! LaSal le - Un n t s 1 ard 2 Project No. 68 W 31 FIkE LtdiPERS kIQUlkED FOR SMOFE hEMOVAL AND/OF: SYSTEM CPERATION Deger 6/11/84' l


Page J of L '. i Fare Zones dith Safe Ventilation Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of (E} Requirements For Reopen 2ng ( . Shutdown or Safety System Access Door

                                                                                               .Insade @ or            The Vent. Sys.       of Fire Dampers:                Preferred l                                                      Ralated Equipmer:t          Serving The     Outside              Serving Fire         1. For Smoke Removal                                                 Remarks tocation Fire Zone @   (Surroundanc)          Zone @ Affacted      2. For System Operation       And tone No.

l Fire Area By Fire UNIT 7 DIVISleaN 2 VD Fire Inside 882 2VD12Y 2 One Side - 882 ST_A,NDBY DI ESk8.-4.ERH a rON 2VD13Y A fire in Zone 852 would cleme the listed turaM 2 One $1de = 882 fire dampers and interrupt the airflows to 2VD43Y 2 One Side - 8A2 ' FIXE ZONE 882 2VD44Y Zones 8A2. 854, SC2 and 8C4. Some components 2 One Side - 882 inside these sones could be deener8lted during the fire in Zone 882 no that the zone tempera-i This sone contains the tures will not escoed the de=1 8 n limits. Division 2 Standby Diesel . .~ , i. Cenerator and the control Smoke removal for Zone 882 is to use a portable and instrumentation and euhaust equipment which does not require re - power cab 11ag necessary opening of the fire dampers. for its operation. .. Reopening of the fire dampers la necessary , only after the smoke is rem ved fora Zone 882. Fire (Ntside 282 8A2 - Diesel 2VD43Y 2 One Side - 8A2 A firc in Zone 8A2 could interrupt the venti-Ventilation ( Equipment lation airflow for Zone 652. Refer to fire

                                                                                                    . Room inside 8A2 for the ef fect on Zone 852 and adjacent areas.


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{N ( ' (/ E F D- F P 1-I.S Conwnorwe.ith Edison cc,p p.any . I I Rev. No. O LcS.13e - Unit s I and 2 FIRE DAMPERS RIQUIRED FOR CMOKE hENOVAL AND/Oh SYSTEM OPERA'!!ON Projset No. 6654-31 Dates ~ 0/IIl84 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~Page l of 50
 ^j                 @                (B)                (C)                     (D) '                      (E)                                                (F) -                               (G)
  } Fare Zones With Safe        Ventilation     Assume A Fire            Fire Dampers of   Requirqments For Reopening                                      Access Door 4,   Shutdown or Safety R31sted Equappent System       Inside $ or              The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers:                                                 Preferred Serving The        Outside               Serving Fire        1. For Smoke Removal                                           incation                          Romerks Fire Zone @     (Surrounding)            Zone g Affected    2. For System Operation                                    And Zone No.

Fire Area By Fire UNt r 2 DIVI 5lON 2 VD Fire famide sc2 2VD13Y I&2 One Side - 882 A fire in Zone 8C2 w uald close fire dampers DIF.%!. tn!. TANK 40 met 2VD14Y I & 2. One Side - 882 2VD13Y and 2VD16Y and interrupt the airflow M '/TES oc2 to this sone. Beepening of.these fire dampers are required Thim sone contalas the only after the fire for esoke removat using diesel fuel st.srage tank the ventilation system. for Div. 2 sten lby Jiesel generatur. Fire skaralde 8C2 852 - Diesel 2VD13Y 2 One Side - 882 A fire in the Diesel Cenerator Room would ' rene rat o r 2VD14Y 2 One Side - 882 close fire dampers 2VDI3Y and 2VD14Y and

                                             ,         he                                                                                                                interrupt the airflow 'o the Fuel Tank Boom.

l 1 Reopening of fire daLpers is necessary only a after the fire and smoke removal in Zona 6t2. 6 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .-. )


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km \ . FD-FP-01-l + IE ubtE 1 pey, go, O commonwealth Ediscn Cor*peny lasalle - Unit a 1 and 2 FIRE DAMPERS kIQUIRED FOR SMOF E kEMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION . Da t e s . 06-11-44 Projtet No. 6s54-31 p,g, .g ,g - g y @ (D) (E) @ @. Fire Zones With Safe Welt 11ation Assume A Fare Fare Dampers of Requirements For Reopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampersa. Preferred ' Remarks R31sted Equspment Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. Fire Area By Fire UNIT 2. DIVISION 2, VI Fire Inside 4E4-1 None A fire in Zone 4E4-1 will not af fect the fire ESSENTIAL SW;YOeGEAR NOOM - dampers of the VK System servtag 4E4. F1RE ZONE 4E4 Smka removal for this some is to use the -

     ,j gg3 ptaHe edant equip, Fire tuside 4E4-2         2VXO6YA                    2              One Side - 4E4      A fire in Zone 4E4-2 would close the listed 2VXO6Y8                    2              One Side - 4E4      fire dampers and could disable the ventilation 2VZ10Y                     2              One Side - 4E4      fans which are located within this zone. Fire 2VX127                     2              One Side - 4E4      deeper accessibility is required only for 2VX34Y                     2              One Side - 4E4      systee operation af ter the fire if the fans 2VX35Y                     2              One Side - 4E4      are not disabled. Seke removal for this zone 2VI54Y                     2              One Side - 4E4      is to use portable exhauet equipment which does not require reopening of the listed fire d w ers.

Fire Outside 4E4 ist) - Balance of 2V154Y 2 One Side - 4E4 A fire in this sane would close the listed fire plant Cat:le damper IVX54Y. Closing of this deeper will not Areas interrupt the airflow to Zone 4E4. However, it would alter the pressure dif ferential between Zones 4E4 and 4E2. Iteopening of the fire dampers is required only . if the pressure in Zone 4E4 becomes higher than 4E4 and jeopardissa the habitability of the Aus!!!ary Electrical Equipment Room.

                                                                                                                                                                           . _ _ _ .     ._J

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                                                      )                                                                                                                                           Kg' FD-tT-01-1-1.Sc Tormor.wealt h (Jison Cupany                                                                                           NL
  • Las.11e - Unit s 1 and J Eev. leo. 'O Project No. f.654-31 FlhL EM*PERS kIQUlkED FOR SMOFE ED40 VAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Dates D6/II/84-Page 1 of. d ',

I Fare Zones with Safe b b Ventilation b b b N b Assunie A Fire Fire Dampers of Requiren.ents For steopening Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Inside @ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Related Equipment Serving The Preferred Remarks Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location Fire Zone @ (Sutrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation _ Fare Area By Fire And Zone No. UNIT 1 Cf6 Q R yD DINC VI Fire Inside 4D2 2VX41Y 2 One Side - 4D2 A fire in thle sone could only affect the ,


kixEt - FlkE ZuNE 4D2 2VX4W 2 One Stde - 4D2 2VX42Y Division 2 cab!!ng. Tiwrefore, Division 1 is 2 One Side - 4DI-2' available to bring the reactot to hot shut down.

   "ar"7/""d"Ga inst rumentation cabling
                                                                                                    !"'s                                       ":n'":'"!1         ^"-<-"i->-'""'d"-a---

and interrupt the airflow for Zones 4D2 and for Unit 2 leading into 4DI-2. Interruption of airflow for Zone 401-2 the cont rol Rous. would not overhe4t the cables in that mone because airflow from the Unir ! VI Syrtee is still available. Beopening of the affected fire dampers is necessary to restore the - airflow af ter the fire in Zope 482. Smoke removal for this aone is to use a portable eahaust equipment which does not require reopening of these danspers. Fire ekstside 4D2 4DI Unit ! IVX42Y 2 One Side - 4DI-2 Cable IVX44Y 2 A fire in Zone 4D1-2 could close the listed One Side - 4Dl-2 fire dampers and interrupt the airflow for-Spreading 2VX42Y 2 One Side - 4D172 Room Zone 402. le.terruption of airflow for Zone 402 will not overhear the cables in that some because airflow from the Unit 2 VX System is still available. Reopening of these fire dampere la necessary only af ter the fire in Zone 4D2. 4De - Unic 2 2VX41Y 2 One Side - 4D2 E lect rical 2VX4W  ? Or e Side - 4D1-2 A fire in 4cne 4D4 could clo.w the listed fire Equipment dampers and interrupt it.e airflow for Zone 4D2. koon Interruption of alrilow for this sone will not. jeopardise the cable qualification because airflow from the Unit i VX System is still available. Reopening of the affected dampero le necessary only after the fire in Zone 4D4.

__ s . . ._ _m _ .- - ( s' (g 7g_ t

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4' commonweal t h Ldi t.un Ceiripar.y IAbli' I 'FD-F1'01-1-Ls- # LaSalle - Una t s 1 and 2 Rev. No. 1,. Frotect No. 6854-31 FIRE DA4PERS RIOU1hlD FCK SMJKE REMOVAL i.ND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION.


Dates 6/11/84 Page J ot &


Fare Zones With Saf e Ventilation h

                                                       . (C)

Assume A Fire

                                                                                  @                         @                    (F)                            @

Shutdown or Safety Syst ern Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopening Access Door ' Insade $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: Preferred Ralated Equapment Serving The Outside Serving Fare Remustka

1. For Smoke Removal locat ion Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone $ Affected 2. For System Operations Fare Area By Fire And Zone No.

Unit J He t:5 IH ESE1. VD Fire Inside 8Al 2VD40Y 2 One $1de - 8A1 A fire in Zone 8A1 would close the listed fire VENT 1LAf tom DritrMar" 2VD41Y 2 One Side - sal dampers anJ could interrupt the atrilows to m'6s 2VD42Y 2 she Side - SA1 Zones Sal, 883 act. SC3 and 8C5. A fire ' pfs MNE 8Al- could also disable the ventilation fans located with1m Zone sal. This sone contains mafety- Some compuuents Analde Zones 881, 882. 8C1 and related ventilatiou 8C3 should be deenergized during the fire la . equipewat for Zones 8bl. Zone SAI so that the temperatures in these 853. 8C1. 803 and sc5 sones will not exceed the design limits. and various ESF Div. 3 Smoke removal for this zone is to use a portabl P cables. enhaust equipment which does not require reopen-ing of the fire dampers. Reopening of the listed fire dampers in wes-sary only af ter the smoke is remved. fir.a Zone SA1. f-gre_ Out alJe 8Al 851 - Diesel 2VD40Y 2 A fire in Zone 858 would close f are damper Generator 2VD40Y to avoid etw upread of fire f rom the Room Diesel Cenerator Room to the Ventilation Equipment Room. Reopening of the fire damper is necessarv only af ter the fire and smoke removal in Zone 1631. 6 9


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   . communucalth f.dsson Cop per.y                                                            I Rev. Nc.' o' LaSalle - Units 1 and 2                                FIRE DANPERS k!QUthED FOk SMOKE REMOVAL,' AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Project No. 6854-31                                                                                                                                       Det'et     6/11/s4 .

Page! M of J M Fare Zones Wsth Saf e



                                                   &                  &                        (1) '                     (F}                              (G]

Assume A Fire Fire Dampers of- Requirements For Reopenang Access Door. Shutdown or Safety System Insade $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dempers ._ . Preferred ' R m rks

 . Rslated Equipment.       Serving The    Outside          Serving Fire       1. For Smoke Renoval               Incation Fire Zone $  (Surrounding). Zone g Affected    2. For System Operation         And Eone No.

Fire Area By Fire t: NIT 2 HPt.4 DIESE!- VD Fire Is side 881 2VDO4Y 2 One Side - 841 A fire in Tome 851 would close the listed fire GNFRAIUK Nonet 2VDOSY 2 One $1de - 851 dampers and interrupt the airflows to sones i f!RE EuME Bat 2VD07Y 2 .Une Side - 881 gag, 333, BC1, SC3 and SC5. Sm c=r nt s?. 2VD40Y .2- One $1de - SA1 inside these semes should be deenergized during - 2VD41Y 2 One Side - 881 the fire la Zone 851 so that the some tempera- "' ) This rune contains 44.e tures w111 not exceed the design limits. RPCs diesel generator and the control and Smoke removal for Zone SSI la to use a portable in=truncatation and puuer i each Wins reig of cabling necessary for its fire r M lf. operation. Reopening to the other fire dampers is necessar1 only efter the smoke is removed from Zone 381. Fire tNtstJe 851 SAI - Diesel 2VD40Y 2 One Side - sal A fire outside 881 especially in Zone Sa!- Ventilation would close fire damper 2VD40Y and could disabl<! Equipment the ventilation fan serving 881. Refer to Zone Room SA! for the effect of' fire to Zone 851 and adjacent areas. l

_ . . . _ _ . _ , . .m_. . ___ . .,__..__,.~.__4,___. ._.. _ . . _ _ . _ , , i ,

g. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -- Q


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -t            1

( ~ (f - FD-FP-01-1-Lsi

   - CorJoor.wealt h Ed16cn Con per.y                                                                                                                                                                                   Rev'. ho.'       _u_

145alle - Units 1 and 2 FikL DAMPERS Rf(CIRLD FOk SMovl REMOVAL AND/Ok SYSTEM OPEk% TION o Project No. 6854-31 _ Dates- h n A Page.. 40 of 1:: t (a} (C) @ h) (F) C Fire Zones bath Safe ventilation Assure A Fire Fire Dampers of Requirements For Reopensrig -Access Door Shutdown or Safety Inside @ or System The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dampers: . Preferred p,m g g, Related Equipment Servare The outside . Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Location a Fire Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Atfected_ 2. For System Operation .And Zone Blo, Fire Area Rv Fire 172It 7 HPCS Dibhq VD Fire leside 883 2VD04Y 1&2 one side - 883 TAsat inum - FIRE ZONE 883 2VD07Y I&2 One Side - 883 A fire la this sone in>uld close the listed I fire dampers thach are in the vent 11atles duct ~. 4 This gone contains B lae for this mone. j hy tank for the HPCS 4 die.el generatur. 8'*Pentag of these fire dampere le necessary only af ter the fire for moohe remwval estag the ventilatspa systes. i Fire (Naside 881 3a1 - Diesel 2VD04Y 2 One Sids - 883 Cenerator 2VD07y 2 One Side - 883 A fire la Zone 88)'would close fire dampere-8's e 2VD04Y and 2VD07Y and laterrupt the airflow to . ' the Day Tank Room. Reopening of f tre daepere . la needed only af ter the fire and sauke removal ta Zone 881.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ')  .

6 l


I i j I i i t


  .r t m.

m ( '\ ' y.f' .I. '  ; ;s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ' FD-Fl*-01-1-1.s TAUI' I                                                                                      kev. No.           O ccmrnonwealth Edison Corpeny ga Salle. - Units 3 erd 2                                . FIRE DAMFERS RIQUIhfD FOR FMOKE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION                                                                                            Date; 06-11-84 Project No. 6854                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page ,_61        of 1 '
                                @              @                                                           @                   @                              (F)                                                (d Fire Zones With Saf e     Vent 31stion Assume A Fare                            Fare Despers of.                Requirements For Reopening           Acce ss Door Shutdown or Safety           System    InLade A or                             The Vent. Sys.                   of Fare Damperst                        Preferred                                            R m rks Rslated Equipment         Servarq The     Outside                              Serving Fire                     1. For Smoke Removel                     Location Fire Zone @  (Surrounding)                            Zone @ Affected                 2. For System Operation             And Zone 980 Fire Area                                                    By Fire UNif 2 HPCS DIA.Sil t] n       VD     Fire lusade oC1                                                   2VD05Y              t&2                 One $1de - 881                          A fire la Zone 8CI would clone the fire deepers YANK IEXM - FikE ZONE                                                                                   IVD06Y              !62                 One Side - 881-                          2VM5Y and 2VD06Y and interrupt the airflow to this some.

g Asopening these fire daeoers is necessary only This pue contains t he after the fire for muoke removal using the diesel f uel staras, vetrilation system. tant for the HFCS dacmel generator. Fire o.ernide sci 881 - Diesel 2VD05Y 2 One Side - 881 A fira in Zone 888 would close fire dampers Cene r at or 2VD06Y 2 One Side - 881 2VD05Y and 2VD06Y and interrupt the airflow ~ . uoom to the Fuel Yank Room. Reopening of fire damperi is necessary only af ter the fire and smoke removal in Zone 851.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -i 1

i (


                    ]                                                                                                                                                    .





torcor. weal t ti i os son Cw g= r y , 'Rev.'Noj 48 - t.aSalle - Unlu s 1 and 2 FIRE DANPERS EIQUlkED FOR SMcKE hEatOVAL JJ4D/OR SYSTEM OPERATION D 6/11/g4 . Project No. 6854-31 Detes

                                                                                                                                                                      'page   42 : og 50 ,     >


                @                     @              b                  @                          b                       (F)            j (G)

Fare Zones with. Safe ventilatnon Assume A Fare Fire Dan >pers of Requarements For Reopenang Access Door. Shutdown or Safety System Inside $ or The Vent.' Syn. of Fire Dampers: . Preferred , gg, _R31sted Equipment- Serving The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal locc. tion Fire 2cne @ (Surrounding) zone @ Affected 2. For System Operation And Eone No. Fare Area By Fire tiNi f 2 HrCS D165R FtmP .VD Fire Inside 8C3 2VD24Y I62 Both Sides - 5D1 6 7C4 A fire in zone 8C3 would clonie the listed fire

    'gizwg .                                                           2VD21Y                   162               .Both Sides - 5DI & 7C4    dampers and interrupt the altflows to this flii rune El                                                       2VD25Y                   I&2                both Sides - 501 6 7C4    some and Zone SD2 "NPCS Switchgear Area".

The NPCS switchseer could be deemergized during the fire in Zoes SC3 so that the temperature This sone contains the la 2ame SD2 will not exceed the design limits. HPCS dine! cooling water pump and strainer, Roopening to the fire damper la necessary only after the fire for asuke reewval vetag the weatilation system. Fire Outside 8C3 SD2 - MrcS See Remarks .See Remarks .A ftre in Zone SD2 would close ftre dampers ' Sw4tthgear 2VD24Y and 2VD23Y and interrupt the airflow Area to the MPCS Switchgear Area. Closing of fire dampers would increase the airflow to - the Fiamp koon and becomes more posit ive with - respect to surrounding areas to avoid smoke inf11tratlon. I


                          \                                                                    {     r                                                                                           ,

l' ) ;v/ /


j _s FD-IT 1 -LS TAI 1LI I Rev. No - 0 (Projcct

     $ **ho.rat61s54-31 r 2                               FIRE LAMPERS Rf(yJII.rD FOH EMOFE REMOVAI ANL/Oh SYSTEM OPERATION                                                     Dates 06-11-84 Page 43 of 50 h                     h)              h_]                 (D)                         (E)                                   (F)  5 (G)

Fare Zunes Wath Safe Ventalataon Assume A Fare Fire Dampers of Requarements For Reopen 2ng Acetens Door Shutdowr. or Safety System Insade O or The Vent. Sys, of Fire Dampers: Preferred Remarks Related Equ pment Servang The Outside Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal Loc.ation ,6 Fare Zone @ (Surrounding) Zone @ Affected 2. For System operation And Zone No. l' F11e Area By Fire EN!T 2 HPCS SWIrntGt AN VD lire Inside SD 2VD20Y I&2 One Side - 5D2 A fire inside SD2 could af fect only components StEA - F INE ZOM SD1 2VD21Y l&2 One Side - $D2 and cables associated with the basic shutdown 2VD23Y l&; une Side - SD2 met hod. 1he alternate shutdown method, whidi This rune contains t he OVD24Y I&2 One Side - $D2 is independent of this itre zone, can be umed Ec switchgear. m> tor s.w t rol DVD25Y l&2 One Side - 5D2 bring the reactor to shutdown. A fire la this center. 125v battery and sone would close t he listed fire dampers and d-c power supply for interrupt the airflow. Iteopening of fire dampera 2VD21Y, 2VD24Y and 2Vu25Y le Unit 2. EST Diventon 3 necessary for es")he removal in this sone. (HPC5) and moes t3 F Elvision 3 cables Reopening of 2VD20Y and 2VD21Y for the Battery Room Ventilation is necessat y only af ter the smoke removal in Zone SD2. Deenerglains some equipment and lighting woulJ be nerensory during the fire and loss of ventilation to avoid overheating and damage. Fire ihas side SD2 st;3 - HPCS Diesel 2VD21Y l&2 thw Side - 502 A fire outstJe SD2 especially in Zone SC3 Pump Rous 2VD24Y  !&2 One Side - 5D2 would close the Itsted fire dampers and 2VD25Y I&2 One Side - 5D2 int er rupt t he a t ri tow t o Zone SD2. Reopening of these fire dampera is required (af ter the fire in Zone JC3) to remtore airflow to Zone SD2. Deenerglains some equipment and lighting would be necessary during the fire and loss of ventilation to avoid overheat ing and damage. 1

                                                                                                                                                                                           - yga



t, {. % ,1

  • FD-FP-01-1-LS TABLt 1 'Rev.'No. 'O
 -.**cemonwealth Eatson CoF54DY,                                                                                                                                                    -

[.aSalle . Units 3 and 2 FIRE DAMPERS RICUIRED FOR SMOFr REMOVAL AND/OR SYS7fM OPERATION ' ' Dates ,'/II/84 Project No. 6854-31 . p 9, ' 44 eg So GD (0 - (D (c) Fare Dampers of (0 - Raquirements For Reopen 3ng (O Access Door Cc) - Fare Zones Wath Safe ventilataos. Assume A Fire Shutdown or Safety System Inside $ or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dan.pers: Preferred p ,,,,gg, Related Equ2pment Servang The outside Serving Fare 1. For smoke Removal . tocation Fire Zone @ (Surro.anding) Zone @ Affected. 2. For System Operation. And Ione No. Fare. Area By Fire 17487 7 1.*vistuN i VI Fire tuaide 4F2 2V160Y 2 One side - 4F2 A fire im Zone 4F2 would close the lished . NiiFEhW[ 2V113Y 2 One side - 4F2 fire dampers and could disable the ventilation - FIRE ZamE 4F2 2Vt30Y 2 one side - 4F2 fans located wtania this sone. Reopening of - 2VX31Y 2 One side - 4F2 the fire dampers in required only for system This zone contains the ESF 2VX32Y 2 One side - 4F2 ' operation siter the fire if the fans are not Division i m m tgears, 2V140Y 2 One side - 4F2 disabled. motor cont rol centers, 2VEI6Y 2 one side - 4F2 re 1 for this a m is to b a p rt-batteries and de power able ashaust equipment which does require

     ""PPII***                                                                                                                            reopening of the listed fire dampers.

Fire outside 4F2 SC11 - Corridor 2VI52Y 2 one side - 4F2 A fire outside Zone 4F2 would close the listed Diesel / 2VI60Y 2 One side - 4F2 . fire dampers. Closing of fire damper 2VX60Y - Yurbine 2VX33Y 2 One side - SC11 would interrupt the ventilation airflow to 81ds. . Zone 4F2. laterruption of airflow f or Zone.- El. 710 4F2 will not jeopardise the environmental quellfication of the switchgears because minimius airflows are still available. During~ fire. some equipment and lightins should be doenergised to avoid temperat ure succeding the qualification of the switchgear. Neopening of this fire damper is necessary to restore the moutnum altflow to Zone 4F2. - A fire in Zone SCII would close fire damper 2VX33Y and could disable the ventilation f an for 125V Battery acas. Reopening of the fire damper (2VX33Y) la accessary caly for system operation af ter the fire f the f an is not disabled. l _ - __1 _ _ _ _ _

                             . . . _ _ _ .              _. _m                 ~ _      . . . . _ _ .           -.. --          _   _ . _ ,

_ m , 4 . .


f% _- ,

                 ,g t                                                                                          (N                                                                        r     1, Nd FD-FP-Ol+1-I.S' "IAbiL 1                                                                                    i:

Cw h I discr. Comp r:y o 2

                          ,.                                              F1kE DmPLkS k!Ouli1ED FOR SM0FE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERAT3ON                                                      4 gjg4.,

Page J of _$0-i b Fare Zones wath Saf e h) b h) b ' Ver.t a le t t ori Assume A Fare Fire Dampers of Requarements For Feopenang

    . Shutdown or Safety                 System          Insade $ or           The Vent. Sys.                                         Access Door Related Equipment                                                                                of Fire Danipers:

Servang The Outside Serving Fare 1. For Smoke Removal Preferrri. Remerks Fare Zor.e @ (Surrounding) 2one g Affected 2. For System Operation Location Fire Area By Fire And Zone 180 1%IT 2 IslV!5foN i Vy Fire Inside 8C4 None - F.HX SERVICE WATh.R


A fire in this area could af t'ect only the kult ELidP mdm Loop B and ADS Div. 2. Therefore, both the Dime ZuME 804 NPCS, RCIC, ADS Div. I and BHR 1. cop A are . available for shutdown. This zone contains the Fire outsfJe 8C4 See Remarks See Remarks - A fire in Zone SA2 could disable the Division 2 standby 8A2 - Ventilatior ventilation fan for Zone 8C4. It may be diesel generator cooling Equipsent necessary to deenergise t6mporarily the - t water pump and strainer. Room equipment and lighting in the Pump kooms to 1him sone also contains avoid overheating. Div!= ton 2 RHk service water pump and stratuer. Cru r 7 bevtStus 2 W Fire inside 8C) 7VYIOY I&2 One Side - 8C1 A fire in Zone HC5 would clone fire dampers muu axv ert wart.a 2WitY 1&2 One Side - 8C1 2VY10Y and 2 Wily and would interrupt time pimp gg vent ilat 8"n airflow t o this zone.

     -Visik"zdNE R:S Reopening of the fire damperm is necessary           't only af ter the fire or neoke removal using the ventilation system.

Fire Hurside HCS

                                                         #C1 - Tank koom              2VY10Y                              2       One Side - 8C1     A fire in Zone 8C1 would cIsac fire dampers 2VY11Y                              2       One Side - 8C1     2VY10Y and 2VYllY and interrupt the airflow to the Pump Scom. It may be necessary to dernergize temporarily the equipment and lighting in the Pump Room tu avoid overheating.

Reopening of fire dampers is neceamary only af ter the fire and emuke removal in Zone 8C1. { i i f 1 e

                                                                                                                                                                                                               'y fN g                                                                    /~N
                                                                                             !    1                                                                    1 4


                                                                                             \                                                                    \m. I TA111 1                                                          FD-FP-01-3-1.Si 3]#","

3 .n a t 3 gey,'po. o Frojtet No. 6b54-11 FIRE DMGERS kIOulk J FOF EMukE REMOVAL J.ND/Oh SYSTEM GPLkATION Detet '06/II/84 '

                                                                                                                                                            ... Pa ge ' 46 of L .

b b b b b b b Fare Zones ndith Saf e Vent 31stao'n Assume A Fare Fare Dampers of Requirements For Heopenang Access Door Shutdown or Safety System Insaae g or The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers: 331sted Equapment Servang The Outside Preferred g ,g g g, Serving Fire 1. For Sache Removdl location Fare Zone @ (Surrounding) tor.e g Affected 2. For System Operation And Zone No. F1te Area By Fire 65f r 2 El LCTutCA1JeCIND[ VI Fire !sside 404 2V10lY 2 One Side - 404 Rc 2VIO5Y 2 One Side - 4D4 A fire in this sone could affect only the RCIC,

   @M     arMG4D4 E ZONE    srr mounj                                              gyg4}y                   2 3MR Loop A and ADS Divistoa 1. Therefore, One Side - 4DI 2VI43y                   2               One Side - 4D2      MFCS and ADS Division 2 and RHR S are available
   ************                                                        2V1%Y                    2 for shutdown.

One Stda - 4D4 in=t rumentat Lm cabics for 2Vg37y 2 One Side - 404 ELIC. 3888 LOOP A mud ADS A fire in this sone cod 1d disable the vent!!- ation fans serving this zone and zones 401-2 b6 vision 1. Al.o lx ated 2 ne Side - 4D4 and 4D2. inerefgre, reopening of fire dampers fa this sone are etw 2 One Sida - 5A4 for system operation (af ter smAs removal salet y-related HVAC equipment which nerv' using portable exhaust equipment) is necessary th4m zone av we ll ** Only if the ventilatten fans are operable af ter the fire, Zuews 4DI-I and 4D2. fJre INrside 4D4 SA4 - Lable Area 2V156T 2 One Side = *A4 E1. 249'-On A fire in Zone 544 would close fire dmper 2V156Y to avoid the spread of any fire to Zone 4D4. A fire in Zone 5A4 and closing of 2VI56T will not stop the ventilation system for Zones 4D3, 4D1-2 and 4D2 and have no signif Scant affect in Zone 404 4D2 - IJott 2 2VX41y 2 One Side - 4D2 Cable 2VI43y 2 One Side - 4D2 A fire in Zone 4D2 would close the listed fire Spreading dampers in the ventilation duet for Zone 4D1-2 Room and 4D2. Closing of fire dampers in Zone 4D2 would increase the altflow to Zone 4D4 which will help that zone pressuriae to avoid smoke infilt ration. I


p_ s s

                                                         ')                                                            L
                                                                                                                         's i

FD-FP-01-1-1.S T; hL1 3 rom.anwealth Ldason c m pany hey. NO. 0

  • clalle - Unnt s 1 and 2 FIhE DAMPERS RIQUIRED Fok EMOVE FiL'MOVAL AND/CR SYSTEM OPLkATION Date: 06-11-84 Fro)tet No. 6854-31 page 47 of L '



(9_ _ - _9( U) M Fa re Zories Wat h Saf e Ventilataan Assume A Fare Fare Dampers of Requirements For he-openang Access Door

 ; Shutdom or Saf ety                                         System      Insade @ or        The Vent. Sys. of Fire Dampers:                    Preferred                      Rmth l
 . k21r,t ed 1.qu a pr.ent                                Serving The      Out.12de        Serving Fire      1. For Smoke Removal                 I.ncat tort Fare Zone @   (Surrounding)      Zone @ Affected   2. For System Operation           And tone No.

I Fire Area By Fire A fire in this zone, especially in the corridor Tt.hs tNE bulLDihG VT Fire Inside SC11 IVT44Y For VT System 2 One Side - 5C11 separating the Diesel Cenerator Rooms could t.bunu Flinia IVT72Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 damage unty one division of maiety-related


CFNERAL Aal IVT 73Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 equipment leaving the other division available Fact zomE Scll 2VT44Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 for hot shutdown. ! 2VT72Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 Thim zone cont. sins 4 2VT73Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 A fire in this zone would close the listed 125 V Eatterv kos.m nd fire dampers for the following systems l l 1s* sahlew im ibi t 2. IVX52Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 Est bivisson I power IVX50Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 a. VT System - Neopening of the fire dampers asad an=t r ument at ion IVX59Y For VT System 2 One Sidw - SC11 is required only after the

s. ables f or ttw ESF 2VX40Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 fire and smoke removat to D iv is ion. 1 s.J 2 2VX 33Y For VT System 2 One Side - SC11 restore the airflow to this i diesel generaturn area. Smoke removal for this l 1m ated in the two large OVL 31Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F3 ared ran be accomplished by eurr!darm ad).n ent t o e tw OVL49Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F3 opening access doors leading pienet traerator OVL30Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F) to the Turbine Cavit y, buttoing. OVL50Y For VL System 2 One $1Je - 4F3 OVL53Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F3 b. VI System - keopening the affnted fire OVL54Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F3 is required only after OVL52Y For VL System 2 One Side - 4F3 she fire in Zone SC11 to restoi r system operation.
c. VL System - kropening of the %L System fire dampers affected by the fire in Zone SC11 is required only af ter the fire to restore the airflow in the Laboratory Areas.

l l I s e i

                                          . - . ,                                                                          , "m                                                                         '
                                                       \                                                                 /      \

a *'Y FD-FP-01-1-Ls '

                     " ,r.rar..e . l t l. T d a u n C.f ;= r.y                                                           TAbbI I hA 0 Lrs.11e - Ur.a t s 1 at.d 2                                           FIRE LAMPEh5 haOUIkED IGk SMOKE hEMOVAL AND/OH SYSTEM OPEAATION Project No. 41554-33                                                                                                                                                       Ntes oh n irna Page 68 of 50 p__.__._.                   _ ._

Fare hatt. Safe Ventaletaon. Assume A Fire Fare Damgwrs of Requar en:ents For heopenang Access Door

                   . St.utdown or safety                   System     Insade O or           The Vent. Sys. of Fire Derpers:                    Preferred l Related Equapper.t                     Servang The      Outsade            Serving Fare       1. For smoke Removal                 location                               th l                                       Fare Zone O    (Surrounding)        Zone Q Affected    2. For System Operation           And Zone No.

Fare Area By Fire

                       @pgA                                      VT      Fire i n= 1Je SA4         IVT60YA                    162               One Side - 5A4          A design basis fire could result in damage to E JATIul h '-1C                                                             IVT60Ya                    162               One Side - SA4          some ESF-2 control and ir,strumentation cables; gm zone - ui                                                                IVT51Y                     I62               One Side - 551         however, the redunJant ESF-1 could be used 2VT60TA                    I&2               une Side - 5A4         during the shutdown.

2VT60Ya 162 One $1de - SA4 2VT53Y I62 One Side - 582 A fire could close the listed fire dampers and interrupt the airflow to Zone SA4. Reopening of these fire dampers is necessary only for l smoke removat using the VT System af ter the fire in this sone. Smoke removal using

                                                                                                                                                                     . Portable exhaust equipment will require reopening of fire damper IVT51Y only.

A fire la the adjacent areas will not affect the fire despers of the VT System serving Zone 5A4. 1 I I l I . e f i

e g ,e [ ,\ [ 'l 't :


1 Y


r Fo-rv-01-1-8.s 1AbLE 1 Rev. ko. 0-FIRE DAMPERS Rf QUlkLD FOR SMOFE REMOVAL AND/OR SYSTEM OPERATION Date: 06/11/g4 3g ][** as and 2 Projset No. 6854-31 page g of ,,3gg,1 C D E F G' A B . Assume A Fire rare Das.pers of Requirements For Reopenang Access Door , Fare Zones With Saf e Ventilation St.utdown or Safety System Insade A or The Vent. Sys. of Fare Dampers: Preferred Remarks 'I Serving The Outsade Serving Fire 1. For Smoke Removal location Reisted Equipment - And Eone 500. Fire Zone A (Surrounding) Zone A Affected 2. For System Operation Fare Area By Fire Fan Inside 4C4 OVE60Y 2 One Side - 4C4 A fire las1Je the Computer Nove could desage the omruYEx ment VV One Side - 4C4 FikE ZONE 404 OyE22Y 2 safety-related last rumentation cables and OVE25Y Bormally Clo e4 One Side - 4C4 comput e rs. The ingtrunestation and cableg This zone pria.ortly ovv31Y 2 One Side - 4C4 are not required to bring the reactor to safe OVV32Y 2 One Sids - 4C4 shutdown. cont ainab balance of One Side - 4C4 Pl ant cables, some uf Ovv40Y 2 A fire inside could 'also close the listed fire Which are routeJ in the dampers to avoid the spread of fire to adjacent ESF Division I cable stema. Reopening of tb f ate des is Pau and several LSF secessary only af ter the fire and smoke tg Div as ton 2 inar rume ntat i"' restore cooling for that tone. - c.sbles (tu individ at Inoke renoval for this zone la to use portable - conduit s) f or tantra i62, whitta are ass =:!stcJ with Behaust equipment edg{ch dggg ggg ggqq{gg t he Computer'. reopenlag of fire dampers. tengwrature matrol Fire Outside 4C4 .j "Y"I'"* 4C) - Auxiliary OVE60Y 2 One Side - 4C* .L fire outside the Computer Rous could damage the I Building OVE22Y 2 One Side - 4C4 backaged air conditioner serving Zone 4C4 and of fices/ Ovv40Y 2 One Side - 4C4 .:ould also close the fire dampers. Corr!Jore leopening of those fire dampers is necessary only biter the fire in Zone 4C3 and if the air i

onditioning unit is still operable.

SA} - Turbine OVV31Y y One Side - 4C4 A fire in Zone SA) could damage the packaged Building OVV12Y 2 One Side - 4C4 air conditioner nerving the Computer Room and Main Floor could also close the fire dampers, neopening of these fire dampers is necessary only af ter the fire and if the air condittoaing unit to still operable.

jq l) jilljJj];;1 1I4 ] i6 A soq ru D. m O l ss L nel at ot aci cac hn. tU l o e E nn luo b l S E l eet ed d w al B owd l 6 nrut e S A~0e ub an e Zoe A. l sy t i uet nl c dt et a ( a~z

                                                                               - T g t sca ssy ot y ol      e           rul                                        il amna n aj                ah e                  FF ts~ut J-h armor J

fSR C V'e Tst aci eSo oar CLP lf  !!. iI


N - s sm Av.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 13 05/01/84 FIRE DAM *ER WALKDOWN REPORT (NOTE 1)                                                                                                                              Rev. 2: 05/18/84:

Rev. 3: 08/01/84- Page 1 of 32 [ Method of Inspection

                                                            ;                    Drawing                      Visual              '    Operation                                     Damper. Damper i Safety Sequential i . Damper                                                Number    Prior. Pre-OP W/O                 W/ l        t W/O                                  W/    Mfg. Position ' Related haber                                   I Number              (M-)     it y    Test Mod.               Mod .1 No l Mod.                                   Mod. (Note 2)   (Note 3).~(Note 4)                                                                                   Comments
                                                              '                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.arger access door (6/6) needed (corridor).

1 OVA 21Y 1390 4 VA101 .X X Install new 10/18 (side) door on opposite side' (Locker Room). 2 OVA 22Y 1390-1 4 VA101 X X 12/12 (corridor) - Not accessible. 16/16 (side) Locker Room - accessible. Can't reach (small duct). Larger access door" 3 i OVA 23Y 1390-1 4 VA101 X X (4/4) needed (corridor). Larger 6/6 door not

                                                            !                                                                                                                                                                                                                possible (. balancing damper in Locker Room).

4 OVA 24Y 1390-1 4 VA101 X X Accessible from Men's Room. t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "                               I I                                                                                        4     VA101 5                                                 1390-1                  X                                           X vane.                                                                           .l, l
    ,                                                       I. OVA 25Y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .-

6 OVA 26Y 1390-1 4 VA101 X X New 10/10 (side) door from Men's Itoon. i 7 OVA 27Y 1390-1 3 VA101 ,X 'X , l 8 OVA 28Y 1390-1 4 VAIOl X X t > r i 9 OVA 29Y 1390-1 4 VA101 X X New 16/14 (side) door from Men's Room. 1 1

    ,                      10                                         OVA 30Y     1390-1     3     VA101  X                                           X l            e                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .t
                                                                                                                          !      I     i                                                     !                              I NOTES:                             1.               VS & VJ Cystems not included.                                                                                              3.  "H" indicates Horizontal . fire damper, while a "8 LANK" means
2. "R" indicates manufactured by Ruskin Manufacturing Company; Vertical fire damper.
                                                            " BLANK" indl. ares Advanced Air Products.                                                                                 4.  "S" means seismic; " BLANK" means non-seismic.
llj j llj1 lI1jl! l!lI Jllj:
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                                                                                                                                     .                       Y h                          3
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Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 1: 05/01/84-

                                                                                                                                                                   .;       Page 4 of 32'
                         '                                      Method of Inspection                                                     l Drawing                           Visual     t           0 1 eration                    Damper    Damper l' Safety I Srquential     Damper   Number       Prior- Pre-ci      W/0     W/ l               t W/0           W/ t          Mfg. Position ! Related
 !   r.uzber      Kumber     (M-)         icy   Test     Mod. Mod.4 No I Mod. Mod.                                (Note 2)  (Note 3) ' (Note 4)                               Comments 31         OVC49Y    1391-1        3    VC101        X                                            X                                     .S   Cannot reach because of hanger.

32 OVC50Y 1391-1 1 VC101 X X S New 16/16 (botton)' door. 33 ovc51Y 1391-1 1 VC101 X X S 1 cati n f m ess de r. Make c W w on Control Room side removable, i 34 . OVC60Y 1380-1 3 VC101 X X R H S / de r. l i 35 OVC61Y 1380-1 3 VC101 X X R ger (I8/ 8) door, H S

                                                                                                                                                          , g t
 ,            i 36         OVC62Y   1377-2         1    VC101        X                                         X              R         H Larger (18/18) door (side).                       i S

17-1/2/17-1/2 (inner door). Not accessible from top. No access door 37 OVC63Y 1377-2 1 VC101 X .X R H S from below (Control Room). Cascade door through OVC62Y. New 17/17 door (side). . t 38 OvC64Y 1377-2 1 %C101 X X R H .arger Nr 18 n si e to acc M ate S . OVC64Y. 17-1/2 x 17-1/2 inner doot. ~ Not accessible from top. No access door 3+ ovC65Y 1377-2 1 VC101 X X R H S from*below (Control Roon). New 17/17 (side) i door. Cascade through OVC64Y. 40 OVC66Y 1380-2 1 VC101 X X R H S Cannot reach. Presently, two doors with screws. Lower and larger door. l e i

1l iIlI1 jijj1 lI

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r% m m _J Rev. Os 01/02/34

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -Rev. 11 05/01/84 -

Page 7 of 32 Method of Inspection 5 Drawtug Visual Operation Damper Damper ' Safety

                                      ' Stquential                 Damper          Number    I'rior- Pre-Or        W/0       W/             W/0               W/       Mfg. Position     Related
                                 .                 Number          Number           (M-)       icy    Test         Mod. Mod.          No   Mod. Mod.                 (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4)                           Comuments 61      OVE38Y         1389-1        1    VE101         X                        X                                               S Link seen from elbow access door (15/15).

Bottom seen from 6/6 access door. Replace 16/16 62 OVE39Y 1389-2 3 VE101 X X S door (side) with 18/18 door. Must get into duct and go through outer annulus of vaned elbow. 63 OVE40Y 1389-2 3 VE101 x x g No access door. Put access door (18/18) in outer rolled section of elbow (side). I 64 OVE41Y 1389-2 1 VE101 X X R S Cannot reach. New 20/24 (side) door, 65 OVE42Y 1389-2 1 VE101 X X f S 66 OVE43Y 1377-1 3 1 X S Need scaffolding or ladder. VE101 f'


67 OVE44Y 1377-1 3 VE101 X X S Need scaffolding or ladder.

                                 !                        68      OVE45Y          1377-3       3     VE101         X                                        X                               S Need scaffolding. Larger (18/18) dcor (side) l                                                                                                                                                                 and loca,te. closer.

69 OV546Y 1377-3 3 VE101 X X S Need ladder or climb. New 20/20 (top) door  ; and locate closer. 70 OVE47Y 1390-1 3 - l X X R S Need to remove ceiling tiles in elevator lobby.

                                                                      . _ .      . _ _ .         .               _ . _ _ . . ._ _           , m          _

m ._, . . g ' '.

                   ,8%                                                                                                   C                                                                                  W -

U (v) (y/N'r. Rev. 0: '01/02/84' Rev. 1: 05/01/84-Page 8 of 32 I i Method of Inspection Drawing  ! Visual Operation Dampsr Damper Safety Sequential . Damper Number Prior- Pre-O W/0 W/ t W/0 . W/ Mfg. Position Related Kumber Number (M-) icy Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. .(Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) Comments Existing door on inside radius of vaned - i l 71 OVE48Y 1390-1 3 - X X R S elbow. New 18/18 door on outer radius. } j (side) .  ;. 72 OVE49Y 1389-2 1 VE101 X X R S 73 OVE50Y 1389-2 X X S N access door. Locate 18/18 door on side. 1 VE101 Must crawl in.

                                                                                                                                                                    'ho two hands on Ruskin damper. -Provide new                                ~!~

74 OVE51Y 1389-2 2 VE101 X X R S scetion of duct with access door.

  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              l' nn     reac an cannot locate access door 75                                  1389-2     2    VE101          X                                    X                R                           S l'                 k OVES 2Y                                                                                                                                        closer. Make access door larger.

L 7 f> OVE53Y 1389-2 2 VE101 X X R S e exi i 14/14) d r. Access through - OVE60Y 1390-1 3 - X X

    '     77             OVHl!Y                1441      5      -

X X j i . 78 OVH15Y 1441 5 - X X , t 79 OVL28Y 1388-1 3 VL101 X X New 12/14 (top) door from elevator corridor. j s 80 OVL29Y 1388-1 3 VL101 X X Accessible from top of duct - elevator ' i corridor, i s I 4

          . _ _         - .         _. ._ _ ..                . . _ _ . _ _       m           _.m.                  _                       m                         .                                       .-

(\ f% y \_ N


Rev. 0: 01/02/84.

                                                                                                                                                           ,          Rev. 1: 05/01/154 2

Page 9 of 32: 1 Method of Inspection

                  '         Drawing                           Visual           t     Operation j

g Damper Damper Safety . Ssquential  ! Damper Number ' Mfg. Prior- Pre-Oli W/0 W/ W/0 W/ Position ! Related i Number 3 Number (M-) ity Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)! (Note 4) Couments

!      81            OVL30Y 1388-1         3   VL101      X                               X 82           OVL31Y  1388-1         3   VL101      X                                            X                                            Larger access door needed. New 18/12 (top) door.f .

Above elevato'r corridor. 83 OVL36Y 1388-1 4 VL101 X X , 84 OVL381 1388-1 4 VL101 X X - , 85 OVL41Y 1388-1 4 VL101 X X 86 OVL42Y 1388-1 4 VL101 XI X l 87 OVL43Y 1388-1 4 VL101 X X New mitered elbow with 10/6 (top) i e door. l i. 88 OVL44Y 1388-1 4 VL101 X X Larger access door (6/6) needed (side). New 12/6 (top) door. , 1

  • I
  !    89           OVL47Y  1388-1        4    VL101     X                                X

90 OVL48Y 1388-1 3 VL101 X X New 8/14 (botton) door. Laboratory

  ,                                                                                                                                                 corridor.
; s e

e. .i > ll j i i

       -        -       . . . .   .                           . - .         .                 . - , . - . .           ~                  .        . . . . ..         _
  • f%


  • i
                '\                                                                                        \

(f ( Rev. Os 01/02/84. Rev. 1: 05/01/84'- Page 10 of 32 _ _ . . = . . . . Method of Inspection Drawing visual Operation Damper Damper Safety Sequential Damper Number Prior- Pre -on W/0 W/ W/0 W/ Mfg. Position l Related Xumber Number (M-) icy Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Hod. (Note 2) (Note 3)I (Note 4) Comments t . *

  !        91       I OVL49Y    1388-1        3  VL101    .X                                   X                                            New 8/1g (botton) door. Laboratory corridor.

I i 92 OVL50Y 1388-1 3 VL101 X X e


93 OVL51Y 1388-1 3 VL101 X , X 'New 18/18 (top) door. Elevator corridor. 94 UVL52Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X , i 95 OVL53Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X l 9 t> OVL54Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X t Larger accese door (6/6) needed. New 12/12 97 OVL57Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X (top) door, t Larger access door (6/6) needed. Duct (5/6) 98 OVLS8Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X too small, 99 Access door hits duct intermediate reinforce-i j OVL59Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X t . ment angle. Make hinged door removable. i  !


{ 100 OVt'62Y 1388-2 3 VL101 X X New 14/12 (botton) door. i l l ,

?                                                                                                                   .

] 1


_ ,_ ._ .._.. m _ _ _ ___. _ _ > _ __ _ . . _ - f3 m ,...-

                                                                                                                                   .v                                                                                 %/; .

Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 1: 05/01/84'

                                                                        . . . .                   . ._ . . . . . _ _ .                . _ .      . _ - . . _. . . .                               Page 11 of 32 I              Method of Inspection                         j l                                                                                                                        ,

Drawing l Visual ' Operation 8 Damper Damper ? Safety S?quential l Damper Number Prior- Prs-oi W/0 W/ W/0 W/ Mfg. Position i Related Number I Number (M-) try Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) Comments 101 ' OVL63Y 1377-2 3 - X X Cannot reach. New 20/18 (top) door. Put closer. 102 OVL69Y 1388-6 3 - X X R

                                                                                                                                                                                   **      "" "" kin "C" type damper with    !

g g"eg ecp sed 3. to 4 . Replace damper i 103 OVL70Y 1388-6 3 - X X R

                    ;                                                                                                                                                           Counting Room.

104 OVL71YA 1388-6 3 - X X R , v I 105 OVL71YB 1388-6 3 - X . X R I i ' ( 106 OVL74Y 1388-6 3 - X X R H l

                    ;        107         OVL75Y  1388-6      1     -

X x R H Linkage too deep in, hat section. 4 0 108 OVL76Y 1388-6 1 - X X R ,H Linkage too deep in hat sectfon. 1

                    !       109         OVL77Y   1388-6      3     -

X X R H Linkage too deep in hat section.  ; i 110 OVL78Y 1388-6 1 - X X R 11 Cannot reach and cannot see (curtain { recessed). If visual, make access , door 12/18. I

                                                          !                                  ,  ,!   !  i'         .i l             :i t       t                                                     .
      /                                                                       o       o
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n n .

 '                                                                                    a                                                     _

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  • D N

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                       . t     a Od c r /oW                   X       X                                                      X          X e

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                                                /d n

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Q./ - Rev. Os 01/02/84 Rev. 1 05/01/84 Page 14 of 32 1 Method of Inspection  !

                     '                                                                                        I Safety Drawing                   Visual     e    operation       Damper   Damper l Seq.+.ntial        Damper  Xumber    Prior- Pre-ci W/0 i W/ l           W/0    W/     Mfg. Position l Related
     !   Kumber      I Number      (M-)       try   Test  Mod. ' Mod. No   Mod. Mod.    (Note 2) (Note 3)! (Note 4)                        Comments 4

131 OVW78Y 1432-2 5

                                                                                                                         "             "       "# *     *  'E "*"

it W101 X X stops short. 132 uvW89Y 1429 5 W101 X X Shorten ater vane. M 12/M Netm) door. 133 OW90YA 1429 5 VW101 X X Disconnect damper linkage from operator to

     +                                                                                                                 test operation.
     '     134                    1429                                                                                 Disconnect damper linkage from operator to OVW90YB             5    W101    X                   X test operation.

135- "" " 8* #* OVW90YC 1430 5 W101 X . X i test operation. I 13f. - OW90YD 1430 5 VW101 X X Disconnect damper linkage from operator to  ;

                   ; e test operation.

137 OW90YE 1430 5 W101 X X Disconnect daeper 11akage from operator to test operation. - Disconnect damper linkage from operator to I I 138 OW90YF 1430 5 W101 X X I test operation. i 139 IVD04Y 1397 4 VD101 X X g i- .i 140 IVDO5Y 1397 4 VD101 I X H S . 6 I

                                                                                                                                                                      'I i                                         1                                                                 i 4



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        //      3 15 00      f                        s o                      t n                                                                 .
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8 6 1 1

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                                                                       ,                             N          N yed       )4 t t ea         e                                             S       S      S          S fl t         S   S        S     S      S  S ae         o S R (N jl 9:

I n) . ro3 ei pt e mit H H H aso don P(

                  -                    )

r 2 e pge l mft aMo D N - ( _ /d n Wo M X X n o o i i t . t a 0 d X X X X X X X X c r /o W e e M p p s O n I o N f o d . o /d h l a Wo t M e u M s _ i . V 0 d X X X X X X X X X X

                                 /o W M iil 3

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 , N J.                          l a

ir t e nb em 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4

                                                                                         -    8 4

9 4 0 5 uu qN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e S _ g[t I. l t1 I h

(" . s U sy )' Rev.'0: 01/02/114

                                                                                                                            .                         Rev. 1    05/01/84

__ _ . __ , _ _ . . _ . . . - . . . Page 16 of 32 l Method of Inspection Drawing Visual

  • Operation Damper Damper l' Safety -l.

Sequential Damper Number Prior- Pre y W/0 W/ W/O W/ Mfg. Position ! Related haber I haber (M-) try Yest bd . Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)8 (Note 4) Consments 151 IVD25Y 1399 4 VD101 X X .S Caanot reach (36" wall) 12/6 duct. 152 IVD40Y 1395 4 FPloi X X R H S Accessible from top through panels (4). 153 t IVD41Y 1397 4 FP101 X ' X ,R H S .


W access door. Make elixw removable

                                    '     ~

and install an access h r. 154 IVD42Y 1395 X X R H S I 155 IVD43Y 1395 4 ret 03 X X R H S Accessible from top through panels (4). 156 IvD44Y 13's7 4 FP101 X X R S Scaffolding required. ! 6/6 door on fuel load bay side. Redesign  !

157 IVR76Y 1351-2 3 VR101 X X I
                                                                                                                                . ductwork with door in Machine Room.

158 IVR77Y 1351-2 3 VRIOl X X


i 159 IVT22Y 1414 5 VT101 I X H - l' i' I t,0 IVT29Y 1414 5 VT101 X X I G n

                                 ,.._x    e,                                                           .                             .,e.--                       - _ . _ _ _ . _ _ ._ - _ _ _ . _ _ -

N ~

                                                                                                                                                                        .' V Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 12 05/01/84
                                                  . __     ._ ..          . _ . _   __ _ _ . .                ..                                   Page 17 of 32 Method of Inspection Drawing                    Visual        '

operation Damper Damper Safety Sequa tial Damper Number Prior- Pre-or W/0 W/ W/0 W/ Mfg. Position: Related k r.ber Weber (M-) try Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)3 (Note 4) Cosaments l 161 ' tvT35Y i 1414 5 VT101 X X H i 162 IVT36Y 1414 5 VT101 X X H t I 163 IVT41Y 1438 5 VT101 X X I I pil' Storage Area. Need to remove grille 164 IVT42YA 1438 5 VT101 X X


and backdraf t damper assembly (bolts and _ gasket). I 011 Storage Area. Need to remove grille 16% IVT42YS 1438 5 LT101 X X and backdraf t damper assembly (bolts and  !- l t tasket). *

!             I l     166       '

IVT44Y 1416 5 VT101 X X l

,              I i

+ 167 IVT46Y 1418-1 5 VT101 X X Must get into duct. ,a I i- 168 IVT50Y 1420 3 LT101 X X H Accessible from top (18/18) door. I 169 IVT51Y 1420 3 5T101 X X H' New 18/18 door. , { 170 IVT52Y 1420 3 JT101 X X Accessible from crane basket. Doors both I sides but vaned elbow on both sides.

  • l
                                                                                                                     ' ' ' ' - ' ~


r ~x (v TS) s-(/)

s. ..

Rev. 0: 01/02/84-

                                                                                                                                          ,             Rev. 1     05/01/84 Page 18 of 32 6

Method of Inspection Drawing Visual f Operation Damper Damper ,* Sequential Damper Number Prio r- Pre-or W/0 l W/ W/0 W/ Mfg. Position l Safety Eelated Number Number (M-) try Tent Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)i (Note 4) Comments I  !

 '                                                                                                                       i 171      ! IVT53Y         1387-1    3    VT101    X                              X                                         Redesign ductwork. New 20/16 (botton) door.                     .

172 IVT55Y Larger acce'as' door (8/8) required (bottom). g 1389-1 3 VT101 X X Door in elbow with vanes. I.ocate 16/16 (side) door on outer. radius. 173 IVT59YA 1389-1 2 VT101 X X H #*** "* * # "#"# I* Use ladder from below. 174 IVT59YB 1389-1 2 VT101 X X H #*"* "* "# **#"# "I" Use ladder from below. 175 IVT59YC 1389-1 2 VT101 X, X H #*** "* # **#"# "I* r- - Use ladder irom below. 176 IVT59YD ' 1389-1 2 VT101 X X H #'"' "'I # ***"# I" Use ladder from below. i 177 IVT60YA 1387-1 4 VT101 'X X H

  • l i

178 IVT60YB 1387-1 4 VT101 X X H E I - - 179 IVT61Y 1411-1 3 VT101 X X . i 180 IVT62Y I411-1 3 VTIO: X X E i

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: 9 o .

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ee a eoi cl s RR P cc . ane et t i cns .

  • ueo dep rp f co os n
  • moo ot t r -

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n) ro3 ei ~ pt e mit H aso don P( _ r


2 e pge mft R R aMo D N ( _ l'

                                       /d Wo                X
                          - no n

_ i i o t M t a 0 d X X X X X X X X X x c r /o e p e p WM _n s O _ I o N

                           . f o  e d                   .

o / d _ h t l a Wo M I e u M s i . V /0 d X X X X x X X X X x _ o _ WM _ p 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 i ut- s 0 0 0 O 0 0 01 01 0 ee 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 - - 1 rT T T T T T T V V X - P V V V V V V H H V r y _ i o c 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 5 5 5 5 r P gr n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ie) - - - - - - 8 6 6 4 1 1 9 7 0 9 7 wb a mM - 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 8 9 7 8 r u( 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 DN 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 _ rr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ee 9 2 3 6 0 1 6 7 8 u l pb 6 7 7 7 8 8 0 0 0 l C mm T T T T T T V V v V X au V V V V V V V V v V V DN I I I I I I I I I I I l'  ! lI

     '                                  l

_ a ir t e 1 2 3 4  % 6 7 3 9 0 - nb em uu 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 8 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 9 qN e - S lt  ! ' I l .

                                                                              .lI, 4   $
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               \                                                                                                   \.

l Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 13 05/01/H4 I Page 20 of 32 ( t Method of Inspection i Drawing visual t Operation Dampe r Damper Safety Sequential Damper Number Prior- Pre-Oi W/0 W/ W/O W/ Mfg. Position; Related Number

  • Kumber (M-) try Test Mod. Pku! . No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)'. (Note 4) Comments
 ;                6 l           Accessible if afreen and backdraft damper l j      IJ1             IVXO5Y  1387-1              3   VX101          X                     X                                                S    assembly removed. Can be accessible it spool l j                                                                                                                                                 niece aided with door.

I I i 192 , IVXO6Y 1389-1 3 VX101 X X S i i

                  !                                                                                                                                Must remove 6' x 8' backdraf t damper to                               &

193 IVX10Y 1389-1 3 VX101 X X S be accessible. Spool piece not adequate j (8"). Ilo space for spool piece, f Must remove 6' x 8' backdraft damper to be 194 1389-1 3 VX101 X X S accessible. Spool piece not adequate (8"). fIVX12Y Sufficient space for spool piece with door. I i l Plenum and control damper. Shaf t other side. 195 IVXI3Y 1388-1 3 VX101 x X S Cannot reach fire damper through control , 4 damper. I e 196 IVX15Y 1381-1 3 VX101 X X S , i

   ;                                                                                                                                               8 tt a of shaft. Not accessible through 197             IVX16Y   1381-1             3   VX10)          X                     X                                  ,H            S                                                                            ,

backdraft damper. l VX10' Accessible through control damper. Crating i 198  ! IVX28YA 1375-1 3 X X S in shaft. Accessible through control damper. Crating j 199 IVX28YB 1375-1 3 VX10' X X s in shaft, Accessible through control damper. Crating j 200 IVX29YA 1375-1 3 VX10 X X S in shaft, t i e e

i (^ ex

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,     T-Rev. 0: 01/02/84
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,      Rev. 1: 05/01/84
                                                                                    . . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ , _                . _ _ . . _ . . .      _      . . _ .        Page 21 of 32 l                                              }                                        Method of Inspection l                                                            Drawing                Visual I                          operation                  Damper   Damper              Safety Sequential     Damper    Number  Prior- Pre-o W/0          W/                           W/0              W/   Mfg. Position Related
  • Number (M-) try Test Mod. Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 7) (Note 3) (Note 4) Consent s I
                                 .                                                                                                                                                    Accessible through control damper. ' Crating 201          IVX29YB   1375-1     3   VX101  X                                          X                                                  S in shaft.              .

202 IVX30Y 1388-1 3 VX101 X X S 203 IV131Y 1388-1 4 VX101 X X H .S - 204 IVX32Y 1388-1 4 VX101 X X S - . I ! 205 IVX33Y 1388-1 4 VX101 X X H S l l g. j 20t> IVX34Y 1389-1 4 VX101 X X S , No access door. Incre ase alze of fire damper and 4 install access door on end plate of fire damper

                                 . 207          IVX35Y    1389-1         VX101               X                                            X                                   S l

I sleeve. , , t t I 208 IVX36Y 1387-1 4 VX101 X X H S f i

                                 !   209          IVX37Y    1387-1    4    VX101  X                                          X                                                  S                                                       [

e f { 210 IVX38Y 1387-1

  • VX101 X X S ,

1 { l

t. r- ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,y 4

{ l

                                                  's                                                                                                                                                                                              \v  l' Rev. Os ,01/02/84 Rev. 1: 05/01/84..
                                                                                                                                                                                                          .       Page 22 of 32 Method of Inspection Drawing                                 Visual           Operation                          Damper        Damper 'j' Safety Sequential , Damper          Number          Prior- Pre-Op W/0                W/        ! W/O                     W/      Mfg.       Position i Related Number     '

Number (M-) icy Test Mod. Mod. No l Mod. Mod. -(Note 2) (Note 3) - (Note 4) Comments 211 IVX39Y 1387-1 4 VX101 X X li S 212 IVX41Y 1387-1 4 VX101 X X S Larger 16/16 (botton) door. I 213 IVX42Y 1387-1 2 VX101 X X S Unweld screen and. install, bolts. ~ ~

I i i j
                           ;               214                   1387-1             4        VX101     X                            X                                                     S l IVX43Y                                                                                                                                 .                                                             ,

215 IVX44Y 1387-1 2 VX101 X X S 6 . 216 IVX45Y 1387-1 2 vX101 X X S Cannot reach. ' larger 20/16 (botton) door. Must get in duct.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          'f' 217          IVX46Y   1387-1             2        vX101     X                                              X                                   S Access door (6/6) sm. ell. Install new 12/14 access door on Imrton of elbow.
                           ,               218          IVX50Y  *1383-1             2        vX101                X                                   X         R                         S  No access coor. New 18/18 (side)                             .

door. I i 219 IVX52Y 1388-1 3 cK101 X X R - S L 220 IVX54Y 1389-1 4 JX101 X X R S t S 9


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s, ri e gt (w 44 88 rc au l d ff

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            . . e                    o         Ao vv    g                  C                            o ee   a                                    )           o                       ,

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                                                ) c              s                                        o 6 o             (                                       d
                                                /l .

0b e 8 0 1(l 1 2 ( b / / ra 8 6 1 l ev 1 l po . amm mae w e w e Sdr i j N yed )4 t t fl ea te S S S S S S S S ae o S R (N

 .                      .iI!

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r 2 e pge mf t R R r( . t D aMo

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-                    d                 .

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X 1 X 1 X 1 X 2 P 2 P D 2 D

-                               P         V          V     V     V                     F       F        V       V i

- r o y - i r t 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 r - P g n r 1 1 1 1 ie) - - - - wb - 7 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 a mM 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 r u( 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 DN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y . ee pb 6 7 8 9 5 4 5 6 7 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 mm X X X X D D D D

-                                au      V          V      V     V                    V        V        V       V DN       I          I      I    I                     2        2        2       2
   ^C 8'!l                                    .t      ,        .

l - f a . i r t e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 9 0 nb em uu 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 qN e S

  • l, .Ii , I .


r . ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ Rev. 0: 01/02/84

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,        ,  Rev. 1: 05/01/84'
                                                                                                                                                       . _ . - _ . _ . . .              _ _ _ _ _ _ . .            _ _ . _ _ _ . . .              . , - - - . -                                                    -    Page 24 of 32 Method of Inspection Drawing                                                                                                Visual    '           Operation              Damper    Damper                                       Safety l Sequential             Damper                                   Number                              Prior- Pre-01                                                 W/O     W/                  W/O     W/            Mfg. Position ; Related
        &      " t%er            Number                                         (M-)                                try                        Test                         Mod    Mod.       No        Mod. Mod.       (Note 2)   (Note 3)' (Note 4)                                                                   Cosmaents
        .       231             2VD12Y                                    1398                                        4                    VD201                             X                            X                                                                                      S 232             2VD13Y                                    1398                                       4                     VD201                             X                            X                             H                                                        S                                          .;

t l 233 2VD14Y 1398 4 VD201 X X R H ,S

  • New 20/16 door.

234 2VD15Y 1398 4 VD201 X X S

  • t
       ..       235            2VD20Y                                     1438                                       4                     VD201                             X                            X                                                                                      S 236            2VD21Y                                    1438                                        4                     VD201                             X                            X                                                                                      S I

i 237 2VD23Y 1400 4 VD201 X X S New 16/16 (botton) door.


238 - 2VD24Y 1400 4 .VD201 X X S i 239 2VD25Y 1400 4 VD20: X X S Cannot reach. Small duct (12/6). 36". wall. Existing 8/8 <loor. 240 2VD40Y 1396 4 FP20 X .T R H S Accessible from top through panels (4). .I

      !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i I
                                                                                                                                    ,                             Rev. Os 01/02/84 Rev. 13 05/01/84'
                                                                                                                                                          +       Page 25 of 32 Method of Inspection Drawing                    Visual         Operation       Damper   Damper l' Safety Sequential       Damper         Number     Prior- Pre-44 W/0     W/         W/O    W/      Mfg.

haber haber (M-) ity Test Mod. , Mod. No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) Position l (Related (Note 3). Note 4) Comments 241 2VD41Y 1396 4 Fr201 X X R H S Install door in block wall (like IVD41Y) or scaffolding from below. 242 2VD42Y 13 % 3 VD201 X X R H S 16/16 der on httom (Diesel knerator Room). .t 243 2VD43Y 1396 4 FP201 X X R H S hecessible fron' top through panels (4). 244 l2VD44Y

                                    ,                  1396         4    FP201   X                  X              R       H             S     Install door'in block wall (like IVD41Y)

{ .of scaffolding from below. Et h with vanes, heten outer vane ad 245 2VD45Y 1396 4 VD201 X X R H S new 16/16 (side) door. l [ 246 2VR76Y 1352-2 3 VR201 X X Larger (10/8) door. l 247 2VR77Y 1352-2 3 VR201 X X i i  ! 248 2VT22Y 1415-1 5 VT201 1 X H l t 1415-1 249 2VT29Y 5 VT201 X X . 2W 2VT35Y 1415-1 5 VT201 1 X H i i e i t l

                                                                             \                                                                           r                                                                        (my ^
                                                                                                                                                           ~                                                                         /

Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 1: 05/01/84

                                                                                                                        . .    .   . _ . , . _ . _ _ _ .          __               __                        Page 26 of 32
                                                                           ,                                    Method of Inspection                     l                       ,

Drawing Visual e Operation ' Damper Damper ! Safety

Sequential Damper Number Prior- l'r. 4g W/0 , W/ l W/0 W/ Mfg. Position ! Related 1 L:nber Number (M-) try Tese Mod. ' Mod . I No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3)! (Note 4) Comuments l

251  ! 2VT36Y 1415-1 5 VT201 X X H l 252 2VT44Y 1417 5 VT201 X X i 253 2VT46Y 1418-2 5 VT201 X X Must get in duct.

                          ,               254                                 2VT50Y  1422      3   VT201   X                                    X                      H                  Plust be accessible f rom top to reset
f. horizontal damper.
                         .                                               t
                         .                255                                 2VT51)  1422     3    VT201   X                    X                                      H t

Accessible from crane basket for visual 256 2VT52Y 1422 3 VT201 X X inspection. No door on Auxiliary Building side. l

257 2Vr53Y 1387-2 3 VT201 X X cate access door 118/14 in elb on outer radius.

258 2VT55Y 1389-2 3 VT201 X X 1 l 259 2VT59YA 1389-2 2 Vf201 X X H Crate welded for security. j.

                         !                                                                                                                                                                 Use ladder from below.
 !                                                                                                                                                                                         Crate welded for security.

260 2VT59Ye 1389-2 2 VT201 X X H 1 Use ladder from belnw. l r .s l 4 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .- .4
  '                                                                                                                                                                            ,\


m _ = t r -l!4!t , ,Ii _

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                       . M s i         .

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      \'                             l a

i r t e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 nb 6 6 6 6 em 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 2 7 2 uu qN e S _

                                                                     ,                   e I.'       '                !t

1 l ('~ t I^ ' ( I.


Rev. Os 01/02/84. Rev. 13 05/01/84 _ ... . . _ _ _ . - - - Page 28 of 32 i Method of Inspection i Drawing Visual Operation Damper Damper Safety Sequential Damper Number Prior- Pre-Ol > W/0 W/ , W/0 W/ Mfg. Position Related Number Number (M-) try Test Mod. Mod . I No Mod. Mod. (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) Cossments i i l 1 l 271 2VV07Y 1388-2 3 - X X R 4


272 2VV08Y 1389-2 3 X R 14/14 opening exists witimut' access door. x Install access door. 273 2VV09Y 1387-2 3 - X X R

  • i Access from Turbine N11 ding h taking off 274 2VV10Y 1391-1 3 - X X R smoke relief cap. l-t.

I 275 2VXOtY 1387-2 3 VX201 X X S g l 3 VX201 Accessible if screen and backdraf t damper 5 276 2VX05Y 1387-2 X X S assembly removed, or adding spool piece (none)' ' l i with door. I i 277 2VXO6YA 1389-2 3 VX201 X X S l l 1 278 2VXO6YB 1389-2 3 VX201 X X S j f Not.acc'essible for operational testing i g l 279 2VX10Y 1389-2 3 VX201 X X S unless grating prosided in shaft. Access , ( through 2VX12Y. j 280 2VX12Y 1389-2 3 VX201 X X S Increase access door width from 12 to 22. t i 4 i ( I l l

I s j'~'s


Rev. 0: 01/02/84 Rev. 1: 05/01/84 ___ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . - . . . . _ . - - Page 29 of 32 i Method of Inspection

  • Drawing Visual t Operation Damper Damper i Safety i

Sequential { Damper Number 4 Prior- Pre-Or J/O . W/ Wid W/ Mfg. Position Related haber I haber (M-) icy Test Mod. Mod. No Nd . Nd.l(Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) Comments i I 281 2VX13Y 1388-2 3 VX201 X X S Not accessible through control damper. 282 2VX15Y 1381-2 3 VX201 X X S I' ' 3 tt a of shaft. Not accessible through g 283 2VX16Y 3 VX201 X X H S 1388-2 backdraft damper. g 284 2VX28YA 1376-1 3 V1201 X X S Accessible through control damper.

    !   285         2VX28YB 1376-1       3   V1201   I                                X                                              S  Accessible through control damper.
    !                                                                                                                                                                                              l~

l 286 2VX29YA 1376-1 3 VX201 X X S' Accessible through control damper. l l i 287 2VX29YB 1376-1 3 VX201 X X S Accessible through-control damper. j t 283 2VX30Y 1388-2 4 V1201 X X . S O") 2VX31Y 1388-2 4 VX20) X X H S i i 290 2VX32Y 1388-2 3 VX201 X X S  ! 1

    -                                                                                                                                                                                               i l                                                           t                                                                                                                                        !

l l I f i 1- - -



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nxe ammuasncw:._. F/FVAT/W grsnaswy.cwta=n-CLIENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. @ SEISMIC ] NON-SEISMIC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION FIR E DAM P ER ACCESS " O' " " " " = " ' * - > , oAueEn No.ese sarcuaEr.owa.NO. Is 7 77 2. , MODIFICATION PREPARED BY M m p M ATE:7/Zd/89 SKETCH No. FDAM-2 SAMpH{. _ g,9, s2 a _




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      ^5E7W22M~L;tM6~N-/5               _


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      ~BE7WEeA'f L-AlMo /5-/G CLIENT:     COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.              @ SEISMIC                             0 NON-SE!SMIC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION t (,   PROJ. NO.: 6854 -31 DAMPER NO.OW68Y REF. DWG. NO. i380'f.


                                                 ~ ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 4 " U362 "._< ees. 4 s

                            -  -"N              .___


       ~3OR/Y~DZTCl-                                                                                .T/D. & M . W T/ DEL. 74/ $.9[1 k

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["'"[, , *,*[l'3, FIRE DAMPER ACCESS DAMPE R N O. .OVE3'9/REF. 0WG. NO. /389-/ , MODIFICATION PREPARED B d h DATE:7/FO/M ~ ~ SKETCH No. FDAM- 5 ""f. ees. 5 or

l g 4, b Elect /9/C~KE-~ = CABLE MANGE 18 l 30)</2 Ex/CT . - N (( 7/CE/-. 74/6 '9" _ f 1 _ _ _ s - 12.

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SKETCH No.' FDAM- 6 " " M=" E eese 6 a -

l ('l J (o ~ /6 l

     ~ HVAC                 =                                                               ~
        // ANGER ~~~                                                        \

M NCCESSlXC$l. .. 5/2E~/8N8 NNN._ . . 5 -tax 30 cycr ~ 75xao N\ T/O c:z_. 7 V4/ 49" T/QEE7#9 # N N - Il li 3 I a 3 I


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 ,0           "o = e ,3, _3, MODIFICATION DAMP 'ER NO. DVEMY REF.DWG.NO.                                               /889-Z PREPARED BY d h DATE: ~7/F#/fu samagg.
                                                               -  ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 7 g,9, 7 ,, _

i-lf} l d EM/577NG ACCES5~ DOQ9;SI22 /2kl2'.~



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SKETCH No. FDAM- 8 e.g. 8 a - l


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2tRs twv1PSUCC471Of

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                                                          ~   ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 9 **"II"E. ees. 9 a

l l l O 9 i #VAC _._  :. l lWEM5eJL ' I 7 g- D $/ # l l I I Il 3 l l O _. ['- C -


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l i I I I i l i I I I I l ELEVAT/Ob/ . FLR. FI PVATION 7/O'-Co "


_2t:LWEF.JI ,J-LAe5lO_~~~_.




SKETCH No.' FDAM-10 * * " * " "__ _ e.g. /0

                                                                                    .                 a
 ,m, IV


          ~EC Q 9;5/ZE N/x/4t-                                               '
                   /                               LNew LOCAT/OA/-
                                                   ~0F ACCESS DOOR
                                                   ~S/ EEL /o ?A/SMIN. ;
                                             l                   ~

L T/D.2L. 727'-5"


18x36 OJCTl l l l - W ll e - ! l O ll /js  :

                   -f         ,--
                                              --l                              l



SKETC H No.' FDAM-11 ' ees. M or

O 1 (V


              ~ HVKc
              ~FlANG#'r                                 ZL/"


           ~15X12^ DUCT


                . .___ f              l--                                  J F-
                                             .____                           Il A

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l l /// )\ ' ll

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i n l


FD</ST/AG Access - - \ _

                                                                                        ' 2V-2/5 coORis/zE /22/2                             f

NENAccess Door; SIZE /G"X/GM/Ff,~ n

                                                                             \'N    -


     " ' "                                                    RR E MM P ER EG%
 ,0 " DAMPER No.2VX441Y
              = " ' 4   3, fEF.DWG.NO.,333 z                  MODIFICATION i    PREPARED BYf WMDATE: 7227/N samaggg                     d ,, _

SKETCH No. FDAM-i2 ~ g,,,

o @ l 2V-250 - G '-2 " ~ -

                      \                           13d'X/6ZX/C /
                                                                      -   ~~~

_. ,__ ~T/D~EL. 702'- Y" ~ l hie i lI ' I / I Il l\ s/ O ll l '/x" l I I/ \

                          '  I
                                            ,                  V        \

Y l NEWAcca55 Door; size 30x MMIN._

                      ~[NN           _ ELEVATION Met._67# 'o" l

l l


ps7 ween cousmas N-wAno 22-23. CLIENT: COMMOt4 WEALTH E0! sot 1 CO. @ SEISMIC O NON-SEISMIC

 '" I ' ' =' "*^*' _" 3,                            FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O DAMPER NO. 2WlOf jREF.0WG.NO. /400 PREPARED BY O h DATE: 7hf9/TC f               ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 13 """I!"" . eese d or

                                                        .                                 - _ _ _ _     - - .l

EX/577^G /2"Xl'2." 8 - U o - ACCESS DCCR FDW s -, DAMPER OVA 4GY s \ x


N' x x K

                                                           'x                                                                 'x
          ^NEW~/GX/5~ ACCESS                               ',

N '

          . Doom SHOULD BE                                  '                                                                                  '


                                                                                                                              \'N N\
                                                           ,s         ' g
                              ~COVCRE72~-b cur 8                       N

(N i& 28~ .N


N,f d_/EL. J N',, 790'- #' s JN'x\ p x N;

                 .EX/ STING lCCA'EtW                                                                                E6        ','                  '8

_Cf12X/2. ACCFSS.-J u s NN DCOR R9KDN4MR - N

                ~CVA#2y                                                                                                       s O                                                                                                                                 N'N{ W5W
                                                                                                              / \             .

N \. ' s'


72"# - :) ' '

               .D.LCT                                       N                                                                                     ,.       OFACCESS
                                                                                                                                         \ 3 oxyy pop-
                                                                                                                              )  '
                                                                                                                                              'l DAMfER OVAVEy
                                                                                                                                       'b .

s / C"x /G,"

           ~~A&W f CCAT/ONoF                                                                                                                         N    .D#0E-
                                                                                                                     'ES S~x~'N


                                                                                                                                        ~       .


            /7XI7              :DCc8                        y

EX/ST/NG /8x/8 '

                                                                                                                                ,     s '-

Access cocvr . N'- / \ --/8 _ _- . 6's 'N . I l\ xNNExx x xxxxxxxxxx- ;xxx Ns NN~.' 7 ~

                                                                                                                                       \ :W----
       ~FMEDWPER EiETWEEN L-NAa:>20-2r                     LOCATIObl. RA.W FLKEL. 78G'-Ca* ~


                  "                                                                        FIRE MMPER EG%
   ,-O                = e ,3 4           3, MODIFICATION DAMP   'ER NO SEEMTcJ/REF 0WG NO /377 3 PREPARED BY:U.d_D h 0 ATE: 7/20 8G                                      ~
                                                                                            " " " " "                                       e.g. N a SKETCH No. FDAM-14

c 1 f's.- ((~ _ {- JV'


Nfh~ =


_~picTwoK l l N < NEWA: cess mo8 NO AEX'0"W-


O EX/ST/NG ACCEs5 G occa siz.e N t

            /c</2"    _    _
                                  /                                                                          '

FEM. EL. 786'-G' OV- Q L

_ELEvA' Tio^l I
           ,                      FLR. ELEVAT/ON 78G'-6" l


                                        ~             '

SKETC H No.' FDAM-15 e.2. /5 ,,

O @ ux22 -, n/gN/us _ 9*'3%~T- - lI

                        '. VM/e
                                                               /     ,

ll ll ll

                                                             !     /   g-_          l I __

EX/ST/NG ///x /At ACCES5 m N NEWACCEss Door 3/2.E 20">< 26 M/M. ,


D.EL. 8//'3" T/yX/8 OJCT y n N

                                    -            - . ~

g, y. MR. ELEVATIOM 78ca'-fa"

      &.11 WEEN. N-RND 15-IGl~L CLIENT:  COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                     @ SEISMIC                    O NON-SEISMIC
                           " " " * " ' "                                                                   l Tof E =,*,*[l_'3,                                FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O DAMPER NO. OV632Y REF.DWG.NO. /377-2             ,



SKETCH No. FDAM-i 6 . ees. M or 1


JO i _j p _ _ __ _

                                .TlaEL9aVs'-WL'                           /


  • _ _. k-7Z/S//NG \ N '- /g 12

_ v'ANE l .

                                                 \                    ll
                 .                                  x  '

a ll 4 77 ll  %

 ,0       (E)<tsT/HG Access           /        N          b           l m szs tsyzkiSfz'                   h'gi                     l MEs/Akms 200R;                                              '
            ~SZE 2OX/S~                                        .
                                                                          ..                           t ys by -

FEAKf f/.R. st. 73i10" \ Tt-uELwv1FETLM.ATicW'

      ~E&TWETEN U-Ln'o/O-!/


o @ ' M _ _ i,

h. h ' N' %' %

t ._____ c773roo~

                              /                                                                                 .
                                                                      ,.u TuRA//MG _.                                              ;i VANG                                                  k co A  k ll ruuuuu/>


                                                                          ~ 2dX18_ DUCT FYAN RAEL731'0" 'E/ DEL.                     _ ._ _ __ (


                  ~ 512E~/8"X /8' MIN.
                                                                    ~ SCM5T/NG ACCGSST
                                                                    ~ M ; 5 lZ E /(A K /Co '
                \                         /1,              /
                     \               /      l         , X l



l [ l

                                                        /                  x SECT /CN CLIENT:     COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                              @ SEISMIC            0 NON-SEISMIC To  ='^>'e'[l_'3                                            FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O' DAMPER NO. N39Y 1REF.0WG.NO.1669-2.                         , MODIFICATION PREPARED BYUh DATE: //B/d'9 SKETCH No[FDAM-18                                              """*3E.                ees. /0or

l 0 3 l9 24 Ti ,

                         &%                                        \\;

E % ' N' % % ' h

                                         '                         \       s-                           ux/8mo O                                                          sm             .     .         T/ DEL.745k7"           &


                                             ~ S/ZEj /8'k/8" PLAblet81t yaitou F/RE~ DAMPER ~LocA770+/                                                                                     ~K EETWEEN V-CN/9-20                                                                                            -


                    ,               ,                                                           FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O
                    ,,,,E ,        .ov, ov _ ,E,. o.. .             . ,see.,2            , MODIFICATION PREPARED BYif6 OATE:'7/74/[9                   ~     ~

SKETCH No. FDAM-19 ""*1" .

e. . /9 or -
        /'~T U
                                                                                               /-/VAC ~
                                                   /                                           NAAG E OV-ll      : ~~ ~                 _ygmporf-                         jaxgyzycy CFFCCE55 M)                    T/ DEL       ~.

j, _ 5M_/8"X /8 ~ - Il l l , 3 V/ b3 [' I l l

                                                                              /    /

LSh Il Il _ a, t_



                                                            =               =
                                                       //      ~EX/ST/NG_ ACCESS
                                                               ~D,coR; 7    yfy, 5,-lZE. - -


                                                   /:rg E/_EVAT/OA/ 73 /'-O d~       ~-
                 ~FIREEAMRER LocATIOhf l                  BE7WEEhl_Jf ~ANO 10-20 .-


                           = W@#6Y AEF.0WG.NO.                         ,


                                                                                /3]7-3 PREPARED B'i6.V I N DATE: 7/2d/f(             '    ~

SKETCH No 'FDAM-20 ""Y"!"E ees, 20 , i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

                                                              / /
                                                              /                 1!

g Rew&cc.4rizwcf -. /// -%  % Acce,ss igy ga - --coogsez.e-

                                                          -,   //
                                       /                               l l l
  ~o WXI& LX/G ^                                  l T/D.El-. 78TLM1"                                    ,

l, l

                                                                   -.-                        I

LOW 89 4,

                              ~EX/ST/NG AC?>=<S              !             l
                              .DocR; size /4k14'                    ,

H,AFI _ B X.24. '%8 '-0" 72/B5 DAMPE8_CCCA17%I

 ~~857 WEEN N-Kw6Ill-l5 CLIENT:    COMMONWEALTH EDISDN CO.           @ SEISMIC                    O NON-SEISMIC
                  ^       """ **'"

g [oI * . :,*BI'3, FIRE DAMPER ACCESS DAMPER NO. W64'8Y,. REF.DWG.NO. /390-/ , MODIFICATION PREPARED BY[I h DATE: 72E/D SKETCH No. FDAM- 21 SAM &y{,. g,9, 2 / a

j J ,5 1 1 W-3311 -_ IV-SS3 N 9

                                        '\                                                                                                                          .,

I exa :n 7fK/C Q1CT: MCC .~~36X/GLX/C 7~ T/D A .- TJb.p/ 72I* SYz" TIO.EL/272O'- l' , (72l'- G'/s."

                '/////--                 Y//1                  -
                                                                  --.(//)--. -                              -

y , 7 4 - - - q , /)/ - y _ . - - ._ ry,, If

  • I i l _I .l 7v_333 _/ 5- %
                           \ / .I X 1
                                  \l L__\                                     s M           ^~

s(EWAceE< 5 _

                                                                      ~                >

BBE D4h/M OVL46Yi~

      ~MSIZE 8%W                                                          pgwpccgsscoogyzyy%                   N

_NEWECCESS fxb8foR BEE 1MMeek CW-5/V Elne LPWIPer ovLiwY_ EbCVtSI2518x.lS~ -

           '~Ly*f5RK17E'78 )d'~- ^ }Q~g pgg y,g o_ y EiseLmM tocATIobl~-'-                                                                                                                                                i f.Ce L NEFd . Al-K- &lW~


                    -             .,                       -_m-.    ,      , - - - - -         ,,,__r,_,          .-_r,_   . - - , , , - - _ -- - -     ,,,.,_,,r,.

l I O g .__ l i TOX'2.0 DOC 7*~  ; T/D.El..~ 721L7" g 4ggg \ I u

                                        ~DOCW M"X/2" h               \
               .                          7URNING                              , 'N                 -

Ys NAME u-- gl

                     .                                                   * ~_

l l l

     .NEWLOCATIOh! OF~-                                                                l XC~W5S Door
  • l: .L
                                                                                   }N              T
                                                                                 ~                       ~

_ SLZ E / G~& / W /4lA. Z - O

    ~CE/L/NG ~             Q~~                                             %        x                                     ov-ac,i x

zi=LEVATIOA/ em eL 710'-ca"

   ~R5e OAMPER l-QGAT/oM
   ~~WEEld.L-h[ bbl 615 /4                -


                                                                       .                                  @ NON-SEISMIC
   ""-f 2 ='^e"^3l"3,                                                 FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O DAMPER NO. .OVL.'70'/ REF.0WG.NO. /%8-(,                                                                                       _

PREPARED BY U C e -DATE: 7//e/ff/ SKETCH No. FDAM- 23 """.1" . e.g. 28 y

8 o @ s Vffff///M/ __J

            ~~10X8 LXJCT
          ' 77a F=1 866'-10?                                                                                     -)

2 Il - / '

                                                                                      ,             /
    'b 7      _ 4/AC'7/4NK_ .                                 ll l E995777/S~Aaass
_gg,gl_gGO L o.__ X40Kl5flEGX6"

                  ~EX/5T/h/G R Ah/ '~ ~                            l



p _ 49" _ U ~

                      ^^ LOX 8 DUC Y h

_rja st. asc'-io" R ~ ~ ~ ~~ f _l 1 , . l d l ll \ I

                                 \[/l            l             lI                       '\             [

_ _ _ _ , g g 3- - - - T/OELDid'-D"

                                                        '             '~
     ~EEW LOCATTCH OE                       /                        5;~W-3'Z. 7~~



ElZE./GX/OM/N. g g g g 7 3 g g , g gg Las. EZ~8GCEO'~~ OMRA7?NS:EDL



 $bWuToSDE "


                                                              " "*3 E.
                                             ~ '

SKETCH No. FDAM- 24 Page or

O l N-

                                 90KLG~DUCW~~ '


                                                                 .NEW ACCESS ~DQQR]


                                                     \     '


                                               \Y                    EJ<!ST/A/G Access ~
                                                         / p'D00R; S/2.E /2x/L ~

8 / . s g g


IV- SI'l k pF2R. EL. 815'-O' I is_  ! u \ V/A i i V i

                                                                  /'      -  /A l


                          ~E2K. ET.EVATICVf8(S'-Q"~~ ~


                                             - '////,           _-

R- A Ii

8 l\ !l ~NEWACCE.55 g l \/ l acaFrEOCA7TOl s/7_s /&><201; I --

A l l;

                                     \     l lI I
                                 /                                      -
                              ,e       \                                                   ._

s , __

                                                /         /                                              _

IT ~ w ,ow -


J.z - 22X22 E2/CT l T/D.EL.758'-l'e" / T/MK22.~ l Ett'T ll h T/aa ll 158510lW 2 - a > >- ,e - -

                                     )k                                                                                        Ak ItG"-~                      ffWO A
                    ~M/HG DPR.                                                                     /

IV- /3/ _ El EVATIOW nREi.. Ms Lo 1 - NOTE 1^

                                                            ~ - ~ ~ ~                                      ~                 ~


    ~ BET 6 N-S AAc ///-/D CLIENT:   COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                            U SEISMIC                      @ NON-SEISMIC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O ""o'  "o =   334 3, DAMPE R N O. ./VT53Y REF. DWG.NO. /387-/                 MODIF1 CATION PREPARED BY & l h DATE: 7/208f4                  ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 26 ""*f . ees, 26 , --

                                                               ,N                                -
                                                 .2c, x22 cuct
                          /V-/So T/O.~EC71/243_ _

ix  !


g/, ./ ,

                              ,l, / l
                                      /7-- - - - - -('.h,/              U/N. //}

9,'/ / i i

                                          )            l l

TLIMII% vene > l , .L-- Y 9 -

                                                                    /              i
                                         ;                             new't.ocarion ce
                 'EX/ST///G AQCESS                                      Acc5SszDocgy---

DDR; SIZE 8x6 -. _sjz g_j g w c, " PLAN n a ei. . 73iw" i

        .ItMawuwtLOCADod B57vwmLNAm_id-t5 ._-

CLIENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. [ SEISMIC 2 NON-SEISMIC rnD $.:'^es[I3 FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O o ..E. ~0. ,vresv eE,.o, ,3so;_ , MODIFICATION PREPARED BY f , W e 0 ATE: 7/26 M d ~~~ SKETCH No. FDAM- 27 "" *3" . eos. '27o r 1 1 - - _

         -                                                                                                        I

( e

                                . 3 Gi X is' __


                                 \             l -      NEWACCESSTMB;
                                                '      :51&&_KEx20M               ,

EX/57/mACCES5__ l CCDR.; SIZE / ykill"~ I f . 8REAKAWA)f ~

                     %                                   COVNscTION ..

FLKELC . 7/O '-C" _ 2V- 2 M - 7 :===== y . _l El EVATIQ-__



  • E .- . e9 O or

0 @ 6@ K%%'EW'% RE OCATE CCt4PAAl/ON. ANGLE AFlER ACCES3 Exx)R ~ _ gy 39gj _ _ _ _ . t


l l I'" i i . N . _N ,7 il

                     /OXS U./CT                              I \                         /             l        l  l I

7/,7-/fe" l N l

      >-                                                     l           / N                                            _k i< f I

ll I ___t ig NEVI LOCATICA/OFACCESS .yN' COORlS/Z.E.)l)"X/O"M/H. _ H A N G P.iR # PLAN _ ..

                                               . FLR. ELEVATIOM 860 '-O" CLIENT:           COMMONWEALTH E0! SON CO.                                                      [    SEISMIC            @ NON-SEISMIC Tof S             '^>'e^='I.'3,                                                                FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O DAMPER NO. fV876Y ;REF.0WG.NO. /332.e.                                                         MODIFICATION PREPARED BY C % DATE:M /fd
                                                                                                  " "*3 E.

SKETCH No. FDAM- 29 , e.g. 29 a

!. ^ (O (5) N h 22xitouct *! - T/EE/175St-7/// 7[ ' 2V-290

                                       ,                      /.                     -

I y ( (e

                 'NEWLccA770A/                    \
                                                                                  \\                  f QFAcc2ss D00R                                       ._.

l S/Ze /8'X/#' -hNN gg_ _ O ENS 77NG ACCESS n .. - _cm-

                                                        --oc m ; g,z ,io xio
                                           ~L t-LAN fz.a. 22. 7y9'-o" l             CLIENT
  • COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. [ SEISMIC 2 NON-SEISMIC f 7af$,,,*,*((_','"*"'"" FlRE DAMPER ACCESS O ,,,,E, No. 2,7e,y ,E,. ,M,. ,,. ,es7 z MODIFlCATION PREPARED BY(..V M D DATE: 7/F48d SKETCH No. FDAM- 30
                                                                       " " * "                    . e 98      of




                               #                                ~

_s/ze /2'XVC

                                                                                                                                                                             /           1
                                                                                                            ,/,                                                             y/

D ci<omfr num - i ' 1 F fi l I l l 11 i I l' l Il I l ll l ll I m ,y i i l II l l Il I ll i I l ll  : l I 11  ! J~-- ~ L __ i

                                                                                                     ~?f /                                                                    '/, /

EX/ST/NG ACCESS \ m ;steinur - - ( d-

                        ~ ^PLAbl as. a. ,se-o" l


    "" f  , ,'*e*,^3 I'3,                                                                F1RE DAMPER ACCESS g DAMPER NO. fV[l2.Y ,REF.0WG.NO /M9-Z                                              ,

PREPARED BM (_Cm 4 ATE: 7/f4/fd ~ ~ SKETCH No. FDAM-M ""I!"5 e.g. 31 a 4 _,----_....._-_.___-_-.m_ _ . . _ ,..__.._,.-..__,.~..,_.,,,_-,,..m.,y.,,.,-_,-,,_,._,,_.-,.,..%y,,

                                                                                          ~S (o X L S D U C T .

l i

                                                              ~                         -                             -
                                                       .. 1                                                           EXISTING ACCE5E LXTOR; SIZE /GX/ Cot ~.T.

ii t l

                                                                                                                  '7 NEV/ACCE55 D008;--.

s/ZE /6M./9"

                                                                     -                                                                              .                      T1T i                           .
                                                                                                                   ~~           BREAKAWAY
                                                                                                                                                           ^             '

CONNECTIOb/ - 2.V-292 R R. EL 7lO' G"

                                                                              ~                                                                        -

! O N

                                                         ?/                                                          f/
                                                                                ,,      = =                          g/






 ----._-_------.------------,-,-----,,--,,----,,,,--e                                                                        e-    - -- ~rn,-   ,    - , -   ------,--w---ev-         --

1 V-3CX18 DUCT I i

                                                          ' EXISTING ACCESS
                                                          ' Door; size /6x/6 1

l zy-gryg l x M' 7

                                                              ~NEINACCEss Lxt?R; ~

Size /Gx20"

                                                                 . CON $ECYod


                                    ,N                      ,

LQ ix \ s rs. pi.7/o w _. W/ / Y

                                                              / //'/

_-----_ _[ / .

                                                               ^     ~
                            ..- L'~HEVATIOh!

s P

           . FIRE DNv1RER LocATIOM
          ~ BETWEEN L.-NAND 22-2ll CLIENT:       COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.         @ SEISMIC              [] NON-SEISMIC
          ;" T ;. .'""lll.J""" "'"" "                FlRE DAMPER ACCESS                                l DAMPER NO.fWO3Y ,REF.DWG.NO. ,ze s MODIFICATION                                      l PREPARED BY d, M 4 30 ATE: 7/20/f4

SKETCH No. FDAM- 33 ees. Eo r ~

0 REMOVE EXISTIAl& 18x 34 EL80W W I4x 14. A,'Di ' : . J. AND REPLACE W/NEW g taxes 770,m 33cy-ce EL6OW AS SHOWW. q+}

          .Qb}.h.                               ENDW #
                                                                                                          . WOTE: ELo0W 70 BE

Dt./C7" WORM ~ ._ l

                '                                         ~                                                                                                                   l ass                           ..

m ' _ A7 D. , N /," / - '

                  .l                       .
                                                        \,             \/

l l 3,,/ s \



                                                                \ '/

fX A 8,o '

                  . 7URA/       G                          -   -

j"  ; _ .. VA N E . . . .

                                                                                                                       .          'f2A. FEL.EV-              -

L. . 2$(o.'Ma** _____~__ .1

                                        ._ i /                                                                  i. _


           ~FlMWMLOCA77W BE7WEEH L-MMo 23-24 CLIENT:             COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                                                     2  SEISMIC                 _


, -1 OV- 75 l


fX/G T g; St. ~79K 1 Fb'

           \       \
                                            /         /                                 \
                    \                            /
             \        N                 I
               \        x       _



N ll I IlI k --l - /

                                  ,7 9;i::>iiMGGxG ACCE 55 Al2WLocA770^/DF ACCESS DCCR-                  -

MR , /8X/0M/^/. 72JANirJG / vanes . ELEVA770N FIR. Pi PVAZlaL2&S '-o!' l l l



i A AN" (GXiil'W.ic. [

               '                          -- W               _

7/D.EL77%8'/L'.' . 1


l ll ll II b l

                                       /\           \                    iI lo               .

TOCAT/06/0F \ g ~

                                                                                              'O%8l'    ^^


                            ~ACCE.55 Dout (NEW)
                             /0 X10 M/^/.


                                       .~ . FLR ELEVATtOh! 766'-O l


           ~ FIREDWP&R LocATicsL Edi!TWEGr>L L'MW /0;/I CLIENT:           COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                       ]   SEISMIC             3 NON-SEISMIC 22 2 ='^>'^3I.'3,                                              FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O          DAMPER NO..OW2(,Y _REF.0WG.NO. /890-/                         MODIFICATION PREPARED BY:C M M ATE: 7/2B//f SKETCH No. FDAM- 36
                                                          ~            ~
                                                                            ""*"-.                   eos. % or
                    ~ Z Y X i D D I.J C T ~

M/D. EL.7BI'-791" .. l T T_ 1 l V-1 Il ll 2

                      )                                      lI ll 7           I

(;O ii N y -- c _loCAT/OA/ OF


OV-80 ~

                  . ACCESS COOM.(dBN) i                _.16 xt4 Mtu .


                                 ~FL~.K FI M*VkTlQN_]Q0f-Q A i

l J l

    '                                                  FIRE DAMPER ACCESS
    O  "ao' "o = **34 3, DAMPER NO.WA2W .REF.0WG.NO. /390-/


i L l V) \/ i {

           -. /YX20 ~ DUCT ^ ~ ~~.-    7-
            .~ T/D. 2L. 78/'-771" TT_                     1 l F-il i


                'E                                      II                      7         I o                                     x ll                    -

r/ _ LOCATIObl of OV- 79 ACCESS C608(AIEW)

               /G X/6 /vl/N.       _


                             . FLK~ELEVA77ON 748 '-O d

FIRE DAMFER LOCATIC+l Ac7 wee (1-Naao-n CLIENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. O sersurC 3 NoN-sEisuiC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O eRoa. No.: 8834 -3i DAMPER NO. OVA 37Y' REF.0WG.NO. /390-/ MODIFICATION PREPARED BY[.I @ w 0 ATE: 7/26 /8 I SKETCH No. FDAM-38 ," " *3 E. I e.g. 8& a i ._ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ . - - . - . - -

i l O  : , l l ' M OCA776K/DF *

                      ~ACCES5.D0084- - - -                         GXGWCT~               _,

SIZE /2'x G" T/D EL.722 2ft ll I

                                                                      //                              ll
                                                                '/     //
                                                                    / . '//

I f

                                                                // /l SM                               ll T               'E            -

j l EX157/HGAccESS

                                                                                                                 'Y     '

1 Door; sits GM'


IV'3 YI l x l


N l caitina_ , . ~:




1 ' .~&LEl,EVATION 7/0?=G' 17RE DAMPEM LOCAT/06/


lrG PRoa. NO.: s es _3, MODIFICATION DAMPE R N O. OVL4 T/jREF.0WG. NO. /360-/ PREPARED BY(.8/4 R3 0 ATE: 7/7686 '


SKETCH No.' FDAM- 39 . e.g.39 a

N-), G><G Duct

NEWLOCATTod-- T/O.EL. 722' 2f2 "

OFACCESS EXC8; _5_wtdk6"^ I .NEW D./CT CDNs7RucTicw'cF-- ELBOW, W/VSMGS* [ . ll N E)</ STING D'.tCT d [^ . ll l 7 l consinucncw CFGL2CIM. l/ l 0 l I- EX1577NL_. ACCESS LXQ9 ~~ s/z.E fo"x6" N-3w. l


h i -

                                   -                   cawn             ,                     /,
                                           ~ ~FLR. EL e VA TIohl ~7to C C,"~




sxis r/NG ACCES5 Oxn; srz.s ty'xtN' --

                                                                                       - NGWACCESS DOCW:

size /6'x /6" ^ ~ ll . l l

                                                                      ////D o                                      I m

__ x \ . N-/99' sox 1s cocr T/D.EL. 699'-5%t" N FY AAl_ 67sl'o"

        .BE7 WEEN L-^/Aa> 8-9


   <O                                                                         MODIFICATION DAMPER NO. IVOE'/Y REF.0WG.NO. /999, PREPARED BY U Ydh a m DATE:7 M /fC              ~     ~

SK ETC H No. . FDAM- 41 ""P"3" . e.g. W or

                                                   -mJ O


                                      "$} SHOWW              .


         .J-/ANGEW T                                                                                  _                 ,


                                               .                      \      g                                        -

s s ,

          !                                                           9%                                         h.          I
  <O s       .s e
                                                                                     's                           %'

NN' h/ 'N tv /76 5'A/" N

                  ~ R.R.EL .

3 ' '  !

              \ 73G'-6          ,   ,                      \                                                     ,

N';7c 'n' ':x \ :, Qsg _ _

                                                                                                        }x'N;N;;Ns x

cs k s o NNx'N'N iN't- [N$

                                                       ,                                                 i l




       ;"of  .  "e'3l 3,                                   F1RE DAMPER ACCESS O


                                            ~          ~

SKETCH No. 'FDAM- 42 """ *3" . e.g. E or

878sc4wsn arATIOM Q Q N ee7 weed t-Nu 12-i3 ~

                                                                                                                                     ,o j                               (f         -


                                                                                                                                     ,i i

t i

                                             - ---y                               _

un aug;,yg o l -- f/ I r-~ -

                                                                                                                -] -                         FEAgcyd'T70 l                                '~ FAN /VX05G.

I 1 ,l __ p _ _ l

Ftnaav l

l 232-o" O - ,

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Q_ N F.D.

T'f Fe A . 7_ ' E

                                                                                                                                                    -_MME NENMMS I    I h


                                                                                                                                               ~h                  .       .

f l l ls Ra/ AID alc7 i COVnGCTED TD. 1 i l l 'fAM:/VXO5C_.: l l -- I

                                                                                         ]                          I N        f
                                                                                                   -. rg7 ,r;                    -


                                                                                                                                                  , //////////


                                                                                                            """*3 E.
                                                                                       ~     ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 43 e 98 of

1 b

                                          -                                   -                                  Y)


             ~NVAG           -       . . _


//ANGeT^L -~_ '

2Ma /,

                                                                                     .. g-
                               ,      u                                            -

[N ll e-- -/8x/2 Evict l ll T/DB.76318' -- I d l i o --- ,

                                                  <-             s EX/STWG ACCESS DOOR;_                                                           y_y, SIM /2k/2"                       --          -


                                                                                         /             _


pzx. a.scarrest 749L o* l l


 <g'                                                                         MODIFICATION l     OAMPER NO. WX@lY, ,REF.0WG.NO. I36~/-/                              ,

I PREPARED BY(_.I C m 0 ATE: 7/fe/f6 l

                                                                             " "*3 E.
                                                             ~       ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 44 ees. N or

o @- @

                                            +                         -
                                    '23/xl8 DUCT I
      -                                                      l                    Ex/5 TING.ACCEsq
                                      ,                                           ~ Door; size /4"X /4 I

r NEWACCESS LXM?R, ~~ S/z& /GX'2.0" l 2.V- 25G l / NYYT

             ,               \.                                                              PZM. E.~//O '-6#


                                      \_                                          I
                                        \                                 I               \
                //             )                                                           /
                       /,/       -         - -- -


        ~ BETWEEN H-J AND 22-2ll                                                                                         l 1


          ,,E , N o.. e,,           . o.. . ,e. ,me.

MODIFICATION PREPARED BY_C,f/If%i2> 0 ATE: //f#/A/ SKETCH No. 'FDAM- 45 """I!"U= . e.g. 45 ,,

  ~A I

g .

         .                         722KNING~ VAN 25^                         \     ~ENSTtHG~ACCESE DOOR SILE /y*x/4" NEW A CC&'5S LXCR stLE /G"x/&" ^ ~
                           ~~ 5 G XUFCf1CT
                            .T/D. EL70315
                        ?                         .

G '



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ELBOW TOMRSMowiD yym 8.2xWTb.~

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T/D.EZ~. 739L9


i [ , a e,, LU ,

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                                                                                                     '9EX WT._                  .

b,c t e s s poor , [



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Ov' S57 - - '

                                                                                          ,/                         .                              !

Q EX/s77MSAccsss j~,

       ,                        D'>oR .'>I72 8kS"
     <Q 1                                                                                                                   NEW /.OCATio^/05 l                                                                                                                   ACCES5 Dooft SIZE /8*x /8

_ G '- O _ 1 BG XIS D tCT

  • T/OEL.72.8'-0"

_.Q1 i P /-. A h / t u ir. s i. 7t o % "

                 ~FREDAr1P&R l.ct A 7?&                                                                                                               \


                 ,,os, ,, , . 3 3                     3,                                    FIRE DAMPER ACCESS (O          o- a ~o o ~"" itr o a ~o. f aas                                        ,


  • 8 . .. P.s. Y8 a

l v l 6


l- il' l

                                       /4                                                          / A
                                                                                  'i            L
                                                 .. i e ov" 35/. l                   !          '

t i -

                                                                                                                        .l 8 %/S 77M S M r E < S
      ,               Door SIZE 6'xG                    ,

th .

                                                                             /                                             '

NEh(/ OCATICH0f* ACCES5 DOOR _. SIZE 20"x20" G '- O

                                                            ~ '20 x /b CUCT T/D.EL.72.9'-3"
                                                                     'b' Pl A h/ fta.EL. 7/o % "
           ~FMDAMPER /-a:A71&


           ,,,,,,,....3,                                                     FIRE DAMPER ACCESS
                                                        "" "      ' a s    M         IFICATION
   'O       '""' " "          """ ' '5

PREPARED BY['Me DATE '7//d/F(/ 88"*!;3E,. _ ~ SKETCH No. FDAM '49' e.g. O a --

        --     s w e mw w - ~      , . w o m ., ,         e    .m    m.
            .                                                                                                                                              i i


                                                     ~                                             -

Q . OV-3// [ 24xso uci -d '

                                                                                   .Tib GL.70$lf l

I ll '2


y ll l' O wercAccess ocmf.- v lI sits /8xM _ ll E

                  .ELB.RL._687'O' ,-                                                                                                                     ,


O Q %j


i 0%'//8 -. g/,/

                                                                                              </           /                  )

2tavAcc,x,ssvar ggg e g- - - - -- o (L - I Exzs7/ucrAccess- C N /j II can; size iTxtr- ly 4, I trdxis Ducr - -  ? T/ DEL. G9G'-Q?~ l i

                                 ,uguiua VANES b                                        ;

f ,f (0 t r- - e

                                                                ~ 2/ hl Fute u s a2ho" i


9 uo I g _i .__ l


av- rn , Mc  ; _ A% ge WIWA .

i six _



s $X./8 W & tQ 20%%3-@&Arrn& 3,ang-1 exisms NEW ACCS SS i D C b M S I Z E 1 2 "X / 2 '-

ovech7twicfutc7 ak.4AiicWQE2TDCV7?ONAL tNfMcacx.

7 cat.xemuvoE we1Au.ea av wofw~w.' PLAA/ Fta. et7.77 '-o"

                                                                                                      )N I


CD R.) N --

                                                                                            ]@ 297-- 1 l                                                     1


                                                                                       ~T/D;EL G%'-f                    ,

lll l EX/STIA/4 Accc5.~ b

                                                                \                        pom;sizeAM
                                           \         -
                                                                                          - , , , ,, ,~ ,,,

NEWWATIONOE. \ h n n , , ,_,_,_,_,_ _,_) 8M \ l f : W/ RED FENCE -

             . FLR. EL. 69ILO'           ,               y                       Q l                  //                                    N xd                    -s ELEVATIOAl
          ~:F/RE BAN /ASE t0cA7/ON
          ~ )SETvVFEN 0-VM /S-/ Y ^


   ,O     .A..   , , o. . ,vr,,,y, ,E, . o. . o. ,, ,o Mmnaum PREPARED BYC//A4 OATE7/Po/8(/

SKETCH No. FDAM- 53 """*3 E. e.g. No r -

O g 1 i EX/ST/MG ACM j 2.V-287. hjfy'b --- N II

                                                                          ~   ~

r ,~ NEWLOCATIOhl 3gggg OFACCess

                .DUC /

TDoA; S/Z6 / q'y 79 * - ;-

                                               ~ ELEVATIOh{ELKeusa71o'
         ~F7AEDANIPE7i L.W770N' .

JE7WEEMM-VMon-Cr~~ CLIENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. O sErsNic Z NON-sErsuic [of " , ,,*,"ll_'3, FIRE DAMPER ACCESS DAMPER NO. 2VTl8/ REF.0WG.NO.1418 2 MODIFICATION PREPARED BY:(/,/221-M- 0 ATE: '//fe 8 # ~ SKETCH No. FDAM- 54 "" *3" . eese or l _- . -. - - . l

O e , f N N . NewAccess ooom hN size.; texw- . e>asrwG Access

            .ccc8 sizss N

R \r: s '- M O - l - 5. s4--4 l l

 'O            **"jW sexto a, P,


                                              )              l                              3 a20-                  \, \

y .

                            . PEAN ~ Mix b          71o'-P



SKETCH No.' FDAM- 55 """i" . . eos. 6 5 ,7 1


                     ~New ACCESS [608
                      .5/ZEL/G >< /G Af/A/.__ ^


         /8)(8EtJC[             -

i __ .__d d ~ ~ El EC,7 CABLE

                                         'TS7/                        I,      "Y I

I q-4 o a Ii l h// / ,, l l

                                            / .a N           II y
             'EX/S7*/N4 AccESSCt%Vf
              .S/zE_ .                           ..
                                                                         .. . _ oy370
                            ~                                 ~
                              -       PLAN                                                -


    .2/ME cnwierzoca71od
 ,   0     S. .*.^[).'3,                                  FIRE DAMPER ACCESS DAMPER NO. OV'C%Y_REF.'0WG.NO./12/_ /_


                                                            "       "M     .

e.g. 5 6 .r -

                                                                          ' f/RE DAMAER L.0 CAT /OA/

, (} /4- /7 ~sE7Weav M-Am /4-/7 - s 1 N

  • s
s. -

__ ___N_ ,

                                                                     ~ENST/MG Acc255~DOCW~

F /i


[ SfLE.. /2X/2 l

                          's N                                        .

OV-57/ N SECT /OA/ A-% A y b - ll. THis EL50FT6~~ l OW. IEEMoVAPE.8 ---- -

         - w.spLus MucKeotts,                                                          I                ')N
             '94\T% V40T*e j IboLTS I                                                  ll,
          /8X8 DUC7*                                                                Il

T/ DEL 777L 5" .

                                                          }                         f h
                                                          -                              f//


 'O o$I     S.' oosI 3, A.,E,so.0_v.c ,1,,e,.            . .~o.,,,,              ,      MODIFICATION PREPARED BYdd/2h DATE J/2e/F'/

! SK ETC H No. FDAM- Id " " *3 E. e. - 57 a -

0 R 12xei,/ NCI h .% TRNJSITIM - - - - - 0IbA/S- OldCT P/ECE




sizg ,.. ; A.D.. .9 , \ fELMATED _.


I - i i { , REN10 LIE 2 LANK-OFF G l~ ~ ~ l l> ( ~l lt y l SECT /oM OCF/RE DAMPER SLEEVE, AAID e

                                                                                   /AICREASE THEEUC7~

N n Siz.E To 7NE EDGE of.

                                                                    >               THE FIRE Q4MMR 1           k anve             .

I , =- _.

       !          SEC7/CA/ 8-8                       , ,

I __ M I i R l t i I g- - 7-e/Aavi' sutraC NarAW ecovenws.

        -                                             1 I         ,                Snea_.1am esa:s u nas.
     ;     F / R . F /. 7 3 / W 4                     ; I;     ,-                  MO\&OS%

o l , y oc e  %..c.o n. I N \

                                                                                       ~_5'/X/2 DUCTb ELEVATIOh/
  }~/A2 D4W/PER lCCA7'/W 8E7 WEEN N-Ahva /5-/6, 56~2 ME7dd FCAM-60~/


                                                                    '  "            " ' ' ' ' ~ * " "

p PROJ. NO.: 6854 -31 DAMPER NO. .OVL7t~>Y; REF. 0WG.NO./388-(, MODlFICATION  ;


PREPARED BY:U M DATE://20/M k as a-


SARGENT&LHW SKETC H No. FDAM- 5 8 = = . eese l

1 l I l 63 R

                                               ~J2)</8 LX/CT                             w=           ~'



TRANSIT /0Al /  : P/ECE . l

                     - weracete wear-iA.e.+*,ee-zgdo-q ui.aCMcE 3FiesL OAAPER.

l_EPJI653FTIEF T W 5Nk4 . E)</ST/NG e -a/cr EX/ST/A/S /8x/8 A.D. SIZE Q LOCATICA r.ELoc4 Tao ~ . = q t 1 - REMOVE ELANK-OFFSG1770^/ CFf/RE D4MPGW SLEEVE AAD k

                    */NcREAsE THE20CT SIZE,TO Q                                       _


 <                   DAMP 5K SLEEVE.                        l .            1
-/ r--
     ,                                                 I i                                                    -    --

I i i I

                                                                  -           !lliilill                   d_  -     --

I ! 1- R f_ I

                                                       ; i                                /fX/8 l                              DUCT 1 i
                ;   FLA.EL.73/ '-O"4                   ,'i         0- ei O        -                        0 Ofp          0 "p ,     0,    O           ??'.

(I n! nl

              /                                                                   .
                                                                                            'V                    a~





_- ___ l



                                                                                   =          '~
                            .       /2X/2 DUC7~                                                                 .

Y = TRANS/7/OA/ P/ECE . . 3DiFinoW1._2EEE,^4?EL. C' -- _ r __ m m e*,eesw wma= - l r :Xiesv7WriF~41PE e OfJi f.~- ~\ EX/S77A/6

                                                                     -             DUCT THE E)</ST/NG /2x/2 A.D. WILL                                   LOCATIOh/
               ~~ /NCREASE /N S/Z.E 70 /8)</2.



l l - - - --._. __._._ _ - - - -

                                                   ,I,                 Il!!!lli                    _

i l i l, _. /'2 N E i cucT IC ' - FM.EL. 7.5 / '-O"4 ,; 0 n' o l o oc g * *p . .

                                        .o                ??       .




                                                                , M@FCMM omeER NO..ovoav fEr.0wo.No. / ass-f,

PREPARED BYC@ DATE: //20/Pp'l SKETCH No.' FDAM-6a I smayn ,,,u g,,, so ,

                                                                                --                     - ,.          ,       --m---

o @- i OVL 75Y.1_~_ .~~- ._- NXOW MC  : :T ~~~~ - -. ~ _SEE 'A~

                                                                          . gggygg-.                SEEWSKE7CH                                              . ,

FDAMES W ^~ 5 env - - _ _ _

                                                                        \        ; I         Il ll sen     __


                                                                                 '                                           l                       '
                                                                      !                ;     j l                                               l l

( i l 'I !O , l I;' . l1 l . l!

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I l ! a

                                                                                                   !.                                    x     I !                 ,

3 _ f]__

                                                                              ~ Ovl77Y             ' /-- OVL78Y                           % * * * 
                                   . eX;                                 v-- /BX /2. .              -       l2x/Z LLCT >'>ce                ' ';'.

1 3 i OW-58 AN/-59

                                                                    -. EX157WG /NSTAl LAnad                                                                     --


                            ~F/RE DAMPER 5ABE.LOCA7ED RET %EEM N-Rowo /5-/G CLIENT:                    COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                    O SEISMIC                            E NON-SEISMIC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION PROJ. NO.: 6 854 - 3l
             -             DAMPER NO.s sarcN REF.DWG.NO. /388-G                              MODIFICATION PREPARED BYi~. C e DATE:7/EMA~M SKETCH No. FDAM- 60-1                                          samagm         ,,         , , ,

g,,, g/ , l

C "T


_ _ __ _~.1 T [V[~$0f-~ - s

                   ^NEW~DUCTC#1FM/0W MM7OM/NS7MLtEO I
                  .:ll/2*XIVzxj/8 "                                              ,      .

l 6

                                                          / //,lh /                              l
                                                               / // /                            l  l O  T                                                     3//                                    i

w/ /e/a$ 1l

                          'EX/S77AG ACCNM                                           -]       s         T fgam                       s/ze 9ye x9le                                                   x Ta%V
  • R&70VABLE D.lCT
                                                       /T                     = UO             ,


    ~ EE7WEEA/ J-LM18-/Al CLIENT:   COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                                  @ SEISMIC                   C NON-SEI.SMIC PROJECT: LA SALLE COUNTY STATION l

PROJ. NO.: 6854 -31

                                                                     'ClO' 'C ' D"^ t"d o E            o ^rCccc
                                                                                                      '\ N     ""

DAMPER No. /VX5W REF.0WG.NO. /389,-/ MODIFICATION PREPARED BY:[I/.lA'llh- 0 ATE:7/20/N SKETCH No. FDAM- 61 " "*3 E. ees. 62 a l

1 l O C:'a }lE W SGCYlOM of 0U47 O'7 MK/ST/NS EOC471M

                       ~OECCMPAh//OW '

l l-LANGE-. . a \. O 11 5 _ N

             ' ewurAT/oN                                            =

OF COM/MN/OA/_ id"  % FLANGE - . - - a .-- .-- si I 'l _

                               ~ BOXio lii/

ll ll 1 b' _D./C7" l 7' l ll l! l ll l l l I

                                                      \ lil o                     ~ NEW ACCESS ECOM
                        . 5/ZE /4tx24
                                                        \;                 --

1l~~ ~

            ^ BA77hRY RDCM ROOF"                                 ,

l l _ L . _. J l I I l l l l __l (__ l _ FI EVATIOW

     ~E/RE DAMFER LOCA7"/M                                                                                                      l
    'f2LC7 WEEN' (_-h/Mc17.-/8-CLIENT:     COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.                        [   SEISMIC                      [ NON-SEISMIC
    $$a S. :'^s s's _3i                                      FlRE DAMPER ACCESS
 'O oAmee      No .. eves,v ee,.o.e.No.,eze.e Mmrcem l    PREPARED BYClf5iii!b OATE: 7M/89 l

SKETCH No. FDAM- 62 """IEE e.g. 63 or l

  ,- ,                                                                                                            j l Is, AG.yJ. ACCESS Door.

_ siz.E G x to - , GD X8 ' WQ_ K \ NEWACCESS DOC 8 '

                                                 ~ l22AS~SHOWN
                                      ;                           4                                    /0.x24

MT s , k



                              ,/                    l,,/ /,,,
                                                                                                ,7 l                                                                                      7                         l

{ ( STN CCESS y [OV-/10 _8AT72RYROQ4 RCCF , I I I I I I I I I I

               ~ ~l ~     l   l              I         I        l         l    I             I           I I    I       I             I        I          I     l       l              l          1
                                           -      F_ G VA TIO Y
                                                                      """ *3"_

SKETC H No. FDAM- 6 3 . e.g. M o r__

            -                                                                                            ---                  15 '/8'@,18 GA.

SwftT usTAL Ev'-32# SCRtwS (SEEs NOTE __ vt 1) g[

  • 1E.ND / CAP lG"$,18GA,
                                                              \ 4__ g '___\!_____ ~                                                          '                                     i
                               ,                                 ,,                       $, _; ----T~~--                                by                l' oH 8"       'q


                               ' SEE NOTES 2 & 3
                                                                          b'/'                        ---E-                            P               '/8 V F

l b ~. * - [*. -

                                                                                                            !_         s t" ol A . l 7           g,y             y,Npg ,Q,NGS l



I,/ (SEE NOTE 4)

                                                                                                             ~              ~

I 0" 0"

                               ! IG elG SC8 TEEN                                   d in
                                                                                                                                                          '/s /
                                , OPNG.(SEE CE1'- A)  g_                g          ,,

_1 j ia [ t-i'/zkiF$5'/a A i 4 S* i\ /> sv i l

                                                                                           ,   Ti                '(-           ml e    gi                -

i t 2 i - - is"x ic'. 8 l ENO CAP

                                                                        -       -                 1/______N                 __ N
                                '(TN1[tInouo)                               /'                  i'4                                                           yic, V i- n' QLQ-Q
                                                                #)44.3L R
                                                                              -EtE.V ATlO N f wcesA%. sv. is-r- % w. ov Ac=
                                        ~~ ~ CQ DOCX       T*O .lBw \4 Adn 1 4 S T A L.L.


                                                                                                               '        ' 'C   '      F4AAj'DCg
                                                                                                                                      "'"                       '           N "CCC UU  l DAMPER NO./2WO8Y REF.DWG.NO./389-2,                              ,

MODIFICATION PREPARED BY:C h 0 ATE: 7/208d SKETCH No. FDAM- 68 " "*3 E. e.g. 6 5 ,7

l l 0 @ @

                                                                                                                              /5 g
                                    ~. HAAfGEB

l NEWAcrfSS S/ZE /6X/f_ W-i l Il R

                       /2X/fL_._                                                                                            l D'J CT                                                                       l  l T/D E M O

l 7Z/L Gk" l

                                            ,/,un- ~//n n,n/ ,                       _

EX/ST/AG~/2X/'E \ . ACCESS DCOM , IV-332. .

                               ~L        PEXM N~


       ~F7&E~ DAW /fers L.oCA77DN L                                                                                         -


(O R i2 x e t,/ DUCT. _ . .

                                                                                                                                          ,K 7RA^ls/T/OJ                                                                           -.            O Y WlS DIICE -


                                  .                                                                                 :TRN/S/T/OA/

EX/ST)h/G ~: PIECE . .-.

                 /2x2D A.D.. >p*&
  • size  : .'
                '. RE14 CAT _N                                                                                           _ . _
                           .         y                                                                                     _ _ _ _

l .. i i {s s; l'~ ~~ ^ l 5 i B'E/40V2 ELAh/K-OFF l l l l SECT /cht CfF/RE y DAMPER SLEEVE, AAIL>



                                                                                             >            \ THE FIRE CAMMR ~~..

s ) 51 EEVE. I',

x.  ;

s 1 l I _L. - d- _SEC7/OA/ 8-8 I

                                                                          , ,     _             $!I!II                                                      _

j i ~l i l- ' l l l

                                                                                                           -WetMeuL.ds4Ee.1 l'                          {- METfC
  • i l_ ,

Mts.d_D4E. /A9Cov6R3AYr ERW St.ApraS.

           ;      RR.E/_. 731 '-O Q
                                                                      -by,                '
                                                                                                                  ~~T NIE' SIOE Oh'LW '-                            ~
                                                    .                                 p                                                               . . _ . . . _

j l[ 00p Cp, .O, o  ??*. ) l' -Mx/2._cucr1

                                                        ~                                                                                   '                           '


         //RE DAMPER /CCAT/W



l PREPARED BY O d M ATE:M2o 8 5/ .i SKETCH No. FDAM- 66 * *

  • 3 5!.0 ee2e 07 r 4

N J /5 A' . 3&20Dk. / ~ I 7WANS/TIOb/ 2)UST/N6LLCT l

               .oucr         __

z s 770A/ d paviave euwx-og- - 1" " " f'#' SECT /QV O~F/M owspsgsteestspio:

                                         /scAuSE 7NeDicT l 7
                                                                          /          18 *'S A D 92E 7D 77/E E2%E M 7NE F/RE Zv-207

( 0 I


__ .,/_ _ z% __E15



                                              /                        r
                                            /                        '

S f x'20 l

                                  ./        ~ Duct FZA.EL.A
                                                                          //        ~73/LO/

l esmove.

  • wast /rarx.u e. $

EGEmwar .W~DentenK~


EstwasEYdinios wE1 P7EVA770A/ ~



                                                   ~   ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 67 . ees. M or


                 /8x8 DUCT
           \'    T/D. EL. 783 L-. 6

gis.t.o i A TE.- F xi+T, DUCT

                                             .A4.+4c w 4 k                         ,       EX/ST/NG Q'/c7*

WOM l 3 [ -


o . _ _. I t t ll N r 78X8 D'JcT* l T/D E/ EV !O s/ ii

                                                                                              = '- 4< - 7
                                 /               l~

II L EX/ST/tMAcc255 j' cx8szeaxa .. NEWAccess ' 3Inw== - l

                                                                /              ,

C4'-369 DoogStzE /4x/ro -W'" Ol -


cuc.v g f f

                                  ^NMwtoc47D4                                ,b         _


    """"=****.3,                                            FIRE DAMPER ACCESS O' DAMPER NO.OVk8Y' REF.0WG.NO. /09/ ,/                    MODIFICATION PREPARED BY:(#v'll' 2) DATE: 7/24/At SKETCH No. FDAM- 68                                     """I!""=                          . ees. O a

0 @- 8 l l l _ 1 , ANAl/0047kVl^ DF'CcMAMMoA/ T/DE/ EV FLAM55 To" 780 '-/" Msw ouct '~ - //- ' 1 g - o E c rio u T II I II $r O ' x  %?j (/g i j~ 7,



                             """ * ^" "

FIRE DAMPER ACCESS g' d. "e'e's7_"3, OAMPER NO.O C4'9V ,REF.DWG.NO. /39/-[ PREPARED BY:U)/ CAs,'DATE: 7/&78G '

                                                                  " "*3 E.

SKETCH No. FDAM- 69 e.2. 70 or

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 'O o     <a ~o.o 'asr . ate. ,0.NO.,3as.c PREPARED BY:(_(M DATE: 7/I d 8 F  '

SKETCH No. FDAM- 71 """""- - _ _ ._- . e.g. 72 , -- _

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2VX05Y~M-IS87-2 CLIENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. 2 SEISWIC [ NCN-SEISMIC PROJECTS LA SALLE COUNTY STATION p p - ' - - - - - PAOJ. s. : 6654-5: omeca NO.sesus raer.o.a.No. . MODIFICATION O " ' "* " ' " " ' c'"~ a ' ' "'" -

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_ _ . -- W RD75I[ JElEME CAMPERS LJ57ED 70 ,, M A C C &kS 5 l A t

  • B Y IJ S!N G - e M t;w MJe m r DAMPER..

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                                                             \. Ov'-05 i
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                                                       , MODIFICATION DAMPE R NO. MGOY' JtEF.0WG. NO.1880.j PREPARED Bf Y ///GillD DATE: 7 84/80    ~

SKETCH No. FDAM- 77 "" *1" . e.2. 78 a

l Q .lY -l5 g - I

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NN/hD ' 76x/G- ---

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! SKETCH No. FDAM- 80 "*f . e.g. 8 / a --


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                                                                        /                  A/R                AP kKArY*9 TO FIRE         g.CA. WIPST



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( Cl.j ENT: COMMONWEALTH EDISOri CO. Pm SEisuiC O:ori-stituic PROJECT: L A SALLE COU!4TY STATION eaa.,. no.. s es 4 . u FIRE DAMPER ACCESS DAMPE R N O.Eu6'7' lief. 0WG. NO.1EE IJ4f MODIFICATION (l] U eas eAaco ey TA3MudDATE:[27//%. SKETCH No. FDAM- 87 *'# ?3 E. eos. 8 8 - o r-l

   ,a, a-. e   s                          a_s.        -                                g    - --           .m                      - --- -     - ,----- --



i b 1 i i a i t 4 J 1 3 i 2 4 E !r

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(""5 p ,,- j 1 O 4 [J /y t FIRE OAMPCd minIFICATION COST REPORT Rev. 0: 08/01/84 Method of Inspection ~t Drawing Mod. Sketch Visual Operation Damper j Damper Safety-Damper Number No. (FDAM-) W/0 l W/ - W/0 W/ i Mfg.

  ! Priar try l, Numt,er j(M-)            L'os t ($)     Mod.l Mod.fNo           Mod. Mod. l (Note 2)l(Note Position    ; (Related
3) ' Note 4) Comments 56 I OVCTY 1391-1 X X S New 16/16'(bottom) door.
                                     $ 100 57                                                                               Bad location of access door. Make elbcw an Control
      !      OVC51Y      1391-1                               X                    X                                S 3 459                                                                                  Roma side removable.

1.arger (18/18) door (side). , 1 OVC62Y 1377-2 X X R H S 17 1/2/17-1/2 (inner door).

                                    $ E00 Not accessible from top. No access door f rom below I

1 OVCh 3Y 1377-2

                                    $ 600 X                    X       R          H             S      (Contr i Ro m). Cascade door through OVC62Y. New 17/17 door (side).

Larger door (18/18) on side to accommodate OVC64Y. OVC64Y 1377-2 X X R H S 1

                                    $ 800 17-1/2 x 17-1/2 inner door.

Not accessible from top. No access door f rom below 1 OVC65Y 1377-2

                                    $ 800 X                    X       R          H             S      (Control Room). New 17/17 (side) door. Cascade through OVC64Y.

3 Cannot reach. Presently, two doors with screws. I OVChhY 1380-2 X X R H S

                                    $ 900                                                       .

Lower and larger door.

  • access door. locate door on Elevation 786. New I OVC68Y 1380-2 X - X R H S
                                    $ 480                                                                                  27/10 (side) door.


  • 1 OVE35Y 1389-1 X X S Larger (12/24) door (bottom).

9 9 i 6 I OVE41Y 1389-2

                                   $ 950              X                            X       R                        S      Cannot reach. New 20/24 (side) door.

s No access door, locate 18/18 door on side.

1 OVE50Y 1389-2 X X S Must crawl in.
  .                                I 860 f

Hust be accessible from top to reset horizontal 1 OVC67Y 1390-1 - X X R H S

                                   $    9                                                                                  damper.

Must be accessible from top to reset horizontal t UVC69Y 1391-1 h X R H S g .__g damper. d A a i

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                     ..           /d
                      .           Wo             X         X         X            X      X           X          X          X       X      X      X M

n n i o io i} t t 0 d c a /o X e p e r WM s p n O r i o N f o ' d o /d h t l a Wo M e u M is . V /O d o X x X X X X X X X X X X WM h) k c- g r t M ) n g n eA $ o n d k D ( i i) 0 4 4 5 0 i 0 ) 9 0 7 o 8 o e SF ( t s w a g n d 5 f:

                                                                       . g 5    1   m i

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                                        -        1 9

1 1 7 7 7 7 0 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 r u( 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - DN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l!! rr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y pl\ ee pb 8 3 9 3 0 4 2 4 6 4 7 4 7 3 8 4 9 4 0 6 l h 5 2 mm A A A A A A C C C C C E au V V V V V V V V V V V V DN O O O O O O U O O O O O r y o t 3 3 3 3 1 i i 3 1 1, i 1 i 3 r P

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  • l . <  ! l 4 4 4

p j, e { f f

                                %                                                                                        %                                                                       \ ,N
             !                        l                                   Method of Inspection             l l
                          ;           iDrawing       Med. Sketch        Visual        Operation            i   Damper ;gDamper     Safety ;

Dar.per' Number No. (FDAM-) W/0 W/ W/O l W/ Mfg.  ; PosItton Related !  ;


Prior-lI ity r (M-) Cos-t M) Mod.l Mod.l No Mod.l Mod. (Note 2), (Note 3) (Note 4){ Corments 1

                                                                   .                                                   i i
  • 6 e '

3 OVE32Y 1380-1 - IX

  • X i R  ! S Cart climb. Larger (20/20) door. Must get into duct.

u 17 3 OVE34Y 1339-1 X X R S Larger (15/20) door (bottom).

                                                       $ 940 Link seen frde elbow access door (15/15). Bottom seen 1389-2 fr a 6/6 ac' cess door. Replace 16/1$ door (side) with                                  .' !

3 OVE39Y $ 8 X X S 18/18 door. Must get into duct and go through outer annulus of vaned elbow.

                                                                                                                                                 ******   "#*     "* *##***   "#  ( !        " "I'#

3 OVE40Y 1389-2 X X S

                                                      $ 860                                                                                  rolled section of elbow (side).

Need scaf folding. Larger (18/18) door (side) and 1377-3 3 OVE45Y X X S

                                                      $ 860                                                                                  locate closer.

No drawing 3 OVE46Y 1377-3 reg'd. X X S Need ladder or climb. New 20/20 (top) door and locate g 9,g-- closer.

                                                                                                                                               **     "E      " "" *      #" ""      '"* *     *
  • 3 OVE48Y 1390-1 X X R S
                                                      $ 840                                                                                  18/18 door on outer radtua (side).

3 OVI28Y 1388-1

                                                      $      f0       X                          X                                           New 12/14 (top) door .f rom elevator corridor.

3 OVL31Y 1388-1 65 X X

                                                                                                                                       . Larger access door nieded. New 18/12 (top) door.

9 3g AboNa elevator corridor. 22 3 OVL48Y 1388-1 3 .pg X X New P./?4 (botton) door. Laboratory corridor. No drawing 1 OVL49Y 1388-1 yy de . X X New fs/14 (botton) doer, l.aboratory corrido'r.

                                                      $ 3(b 6
                                                                                                                                                                                        -,=w                                       e


                   , - , .                                                                            ,m i                                                                               )                                                              .


                                                                                                   \'       /                                                              \

n/ ~J , Method of Inspection l . Drawing Mod, !. ketch Visual Operation 1 Damper { Damper Safety-Pricr- Damper Number No. (ITIAM-) W/O W/0 - W/ Mfg. Position Related W/ , No icy Number (M-) Cost ($) Mod. Mod.l Mod.l Mod.(Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) Comments 3 OVL51Y 1388-I X X New 18/18 (top) door. Elevator corridor. 30 No

                                       ""Q3* awing 3    OVL57Y           1388-2                           X                   X                                  Larger access door (6/6) needed. New 12/12 (top)
                                         $ 300                                                                         door.

3 OVL58Y 1388-2 ,X Larger qccess door (6/6) needed. Duct (6/6) too 3 5 3 X



                                      ~ho drawing 3    OVL59Y           1388-2  _r eg ' d ._     X                          X                                   Access door hits duct intermediate reinforcement angle.
                                         $ 2( O                                                                        Make hinged door removable.

No drawing 3 OVI.62Y 1388-2 reg'd. X X New 14/12 (bottore) door.

                                        $ 340 W dr% Ing 0                 3      reg'd.          X                          X                                    Cannot reach. New 20/18 (top) door.

3 34g Put closer. - i OVL69Y 1388-6 f*# rt q d "E X X R Accessible, but Ruskin "C" t ype damper with linkage s d 3" to 4"s Replace damper with Style A. 3 OVL70% 1388-6 X X R New 16/16 (bottom) door on vaned elbow in Counting

                                        $ 340                                                                          Room.
        's   OVLM2Y           1388-6
                                        $ 1000 X             X                     R               H            "' " " ***  **b " at section. Gnnot get at T book.

l DVL83Y 1388-6 X X R H Curtain set back in hat section. Cannot get at "S"

                                        $ 1003                                                                         hook.

3 OVLH4Y 1388-6 X X R H urtain set back in hat section. Cannot get at "S" l' $ 100) hook. . 25 I IVT51Y I420 7 33 X X H New 18/18 door.

              <                                                                                                                                                                  (

w o - b , l e . e

                                                                                                        .c        .

nu s ee e t li l r o

x. t ii bp b o n
   ,      -                                     b u

ra or d k' r o l b y i sl so if s se C n a f t a (. s o w m eo ec r l e D r t e cp ca d a d e c~ s cs cp . k t i r

                                                               ,            t    u          s         a r        as                e            c                             n              ..

s . u d a d a o .

                   .                                         o      ) o                               eo         et               i            b                              z*

h o m on n' r bf b n s , r i e t d g' e hg r o t o i p oe oi re o

  • b ) t s m t c t c ep u h n or e a a i h m o .

s s o b o d d rp rf t a r t r t ( o e es ef od h e t n o t d R t p pu t s . e D o b o d e) f a mo mS a tl e e r m ( aN f o - m r e . r d d ar l , - o 6 id ui e d . . ht b o C

                                                   .                            d          k          t)         t)               S n          i                              t t           1        qs         i           c                                              o    s                                              .

e / e( s a a"8 fa"8 fr( c s p ..

                ~                               k .         0        r                   . b                     r(                  .          e                              o              .

ss 2 6 ym d d rh c t ae )1 ao d k e k e eg c . bd i w 8/ b o n ct ct pu a m es N e /6 81 R a aa aa . mo ar k o r d bu b ur n ( ae n q qo dh o f ah e on e ' e eo l t N . rt co k

                                                               . rt oa li h

e r 8d a

                                                                                                                 - a               or r e o l b     r o

oc l c c x x h re . o b m do ea s t t t t p t . d i on ro w s L uM f

                                                                                                     ' o
                                                                                                                '6 nw oi          nm oa f

a r o ) s s t f 6 n c o

                                                                   'escs                n                                                                                      e
            .                                   f                                          i                                       cd          h                       8 w    u                . ni                   ee         eee                            s             d        /       c eo         d                    o r        e         vc         vcc              d e                                  0       c l b                   ce an l          oe         oee               nr          f              0        1       a bl           n                   s o       b .        mi         mii               ai           o             2        (

ie g a oo id ep epp f . / e . s i s rv od se r r m are 6 r br sd e d sv l l l uh 1 e e ee e gh h eo t o t oo nc t p g t p cn ca d r t 6 t cm so up s oo ea t m w r sm e ai /i ce upp l e a e a ua Av R Lw 6 w Ar MS MS s P r Bd N L Md yed )4 t t ea e - fl t S S S S S S ae o S R (r ro3 n) ei pt e H

  )Y                           mit aso 1

1 1 1 don f P( 6

                                           )                                                                                                                                             - '

r 2 e pge mf t aMo D N ( I * '

                  -                 /d
                  -                  Wo    M X        X         X           X                                                                          X        X          X n n i

o io gg t t 0 d c a /o e r W .M p e s p n o I o N X X X X X f o d . - o /d h t l a Wo M X e u M is . V /O d o X X X X . X X X X X X - WM - h) c-t ) t ew $( * , l I ., k SF l 0 2 6 2 g 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 I c 8 0 0 8 2; 4 2 g 4 g ( Y s 0 1 9 3 9 0 5 0 2 0 0 5 0 5 2 6 p 5 4 8 3 4 o 1 la. o C $ 3 $ $ $ S S S $' 3 3 3 MN *

                        .l g r n e)                        1          1          2           1        1              1               1 1

2 i 0 - - - - - - - 8 - wb a mM

                                           -        7 4

7 8 9 8 1 5 7 8 9 8 9 8 8 8 1 8 3 9 5 2 2 2 r u( 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 DN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y' Y Y - f ee pb 2 5 3 5 5 5 6 7 5 O 0 2 3 6 6 6 0 5 1 1 1 1 0 7 - mm T T T R X X X X X D R T au DN V I V I V I V I V I V I V I V I V I V 2 V 2 - V 2 r y o t 3 5 l i i 3 3 3 l 5 l 5 3 3 r P _ _'


                                                          ~                                                                                                           _

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4> M g 2 i# n

                                       .                                          i n                                    y        t                         t

_s i o l b . a r f a t(. t mr g r c eo d e p r so s k sd s c s e a e a n t h l . b i u . rt nY , o r ei u2 2 h l o pw 1 2 g a n o m gX . u u o d , a) nV o r o s s d e i2 t e r i . w s ' n t p h t n ved o s t o sh 2 m t . e b e f n eg 1 a e - m ri l c a( t u d e l m os e c r . o m l b e s o f a d e l r o l b a e C g n k c ah r o i v t n i t ce nt f r s o ei u ai o t s m kd ) ' o b p i s h n e e r sl 4 h t s t o c ai 1 t dl ae d c c e b u / i no rc i a e g e B 8 1 w aop ec pA w hg t .* b , ny ( s . ns o r u o o r ar t r e o o N t o ra r so eg r . o r o ci o io rn ot d h . . r d l o xd ci ff t . r r o mi d e sd a s t o o o ) ox s d eh s e f o o l e ru s . gs f a l s e l a d d f d fA s e ne i b c b h i i c r i n c i s H H e s en c nc eo si a s 9 0 v ( l o c ea p l s s f 1 2 o b a b , ed e e / / b 2 ir . ol id ce s c . W W a 1 so es l se cd a c ar 6 6 / so t u 4 a sv ai e a e . 1 1 w 8 ed ai 1 t eo v r t p o

c. o cd /s cm t o c t t m w w b w AN oa 4 n ce or n o oa e e l E N e

L r 1 I Ar N p I N Bd N N yed )4 ea te t t S S S S S S S S S fl ae o - S R (N ro3

                        'n )                                                                                                                                       ,

ei . pt e

      /             mit                                                                                        H          H      H       H s                  aso don L

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     \           f 7

r 2 e pge mf t R R

             -      aMo
             . D           N


                        / d Wo    M X         X                X                            X                           X      X       X        X n n o o              .

i i t t 0 d c a /o W e p e r M s p n O i I o N X X X X f o , d . o /d h t l a Wo M X X e u M s j i . v Od

                         /o           X                                    X         X        X     X          X          X      X       X        X WM h) c -                                                                                                                        g t M )$                                                                                                                      n eA                                                                                                                         i k D (            6              0              0           0                  0               )         3 0

SF ( t 7


34 3 4 6 0 3 4 7@5 5 7 1 10 9 1 8 0 6 3y 3g 1 45 3 m 0

                                                                                                                                                      .,0 s                                                                                           9       9       2   rd      3 l

C o 1 1 d'q oo MN S $ $ 3 $ g $ 9 9 $ oe$ Nr g 6 1 n r ie) 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 - 2 - - - - - - - - 8 8 6 1 wbnM- 2 7 9 7 9 9 8 1 8 9 9 9 9 a r :u ( 4 1 8 3 8 3 8 3 3 8 8 3 8 3 33 8 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 DN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 "                        rr           Y        Y              Y           Y         Y,       Y     Y          Y          Y      Y       Y        Y ee          2         3              8           5        0         2     3                     8                       8
      \L                  pb n

au m 5 T V 5 I' V' 0 V V O X V 1 X V 1 X V 1 X V 6 I X V 0 Y V 9 O Y V 2 I Y V 3 A V DN 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 O _ r y o c 3 3 i i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 r . P

                                                                                                                                              . ji


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aso don P(


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-                          aMo N D

( 8

                                /d Wo   M n n i

o io . t t 0 d c a /o e p e r WM s p n O l I o . e N X X X X X f o d . o /d h t l a Wo M X e u _ M is .

-                          V    /0 d                                                X o       X        X         X WM h) c-s tW e        W                                            7 8      0           9 kW S

( 8 5 0 0 5 6 8

                              .                    1 d .                                                  ,

. oo $ 9 MN , g _ n r 6 6 6 6 6 ie) - - - - - wb a mM - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 r u( 3 3 3 3 3 DN 1 1 1 1 1 s . rr ee y 5 Y 6 Y 7 y 8 9 Y

     '{i\                         pb            7       7          7         7       7 mm            L        L          L         L       L au            V        V          V         V       V DN             O        O          O         O      O r y o t                    )                    3       3 i

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                                 =        do                      o                   '


                                 =         e          r6 o               'ne            n       'n            *

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           .                              ))                                                                                             6          r 6e          t ro                f           f          f
                                          /d           cal                                                                   h          /            o                .

6i aL r r r .t 6 o r ( s a. n o o o i ( d o ( o o o w o r .i d d d r ) d o8 l l) r w o n o o o ) o1 are ) ) e


b d t e d/0 _ moip e d e l t d _ sd m d d e s o i s1 i a i i i s s s s b s s rd d e , ( ( e ce. wu(h r cog ( ( ( e r cr co 8 h c nn acn 0 4 6 e ao 1 t a lr e(i r c / 1 1



                                                                                                 /                            t                d    /              /

d n 0 6 6 i r 8 6 rl o e ah t ea 1 1 1 s e) gp 1 1 Jl rsn'n ea _ gtc r o w w w w w w e e e e e e a na aeb L Ir C n( N N N N 1 a. (t N N

                       -d ye       )4 tt e                                                                                                                           S               S eat ae o fl                                                                                             .

S R (N - ro3 n) ei pt e N)J

 '                     mit aso don                                                                                                                                                       .

P( 9


r 2 e pge _ mf t _ aMo N _ D ( l i*f

                             /d                                                                                                 X              X      X               X

_ Wo M X X X X n n i o io ig t t 0 d - c a/o ep r WM e _ s p n O _ I o N - f o .1 _ d o /d X h t l a Wo M X X e u 9 M is . - V 0 d X X X K I

                              /o WM

- h1 c- _ ) t M $ eA 1 g kD ( 5 0 7 3 g 0 4 g 9 1 g u 4 SF t 3 0 [ ) $ s g ( 3 3 J

                            .          s d . C         n                                                                                           g              g        :s            $

g g g o $ NN g n r I 1 1 1 l 1 1 i e) - - - - - - - 9 9 wb h 0 0 0 0 8 3 9 9 3 3 a aM 9 9 9 9 3 9 3 8 3 8 3 1 1 Drh( 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 [ Q rr ee pb Y 1 2 Y 3 2 Y 6 2 Y 9 2 Y 7 3 W 4 Y 4 4 L Y 5 2 D Y 4 J D ma A A A A A L a V V V V V W V V Dh W O O O O O O I I l ry iot 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i r P g 1 ~ f f !* e

                                                                                                                                                                                          . 1 4                              .                 !2       l            : 14   3 J4   . ii' ilji              '  j}],            iIj       llj
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  • m .

a l d l a e w

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  • f "6 3

s f t . o . n t c e e u t


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                                                         *lp                                2 1

C / * . ( . 2 d r _ 1 " n o t e o


l r

  • n d r o

d c u l *o o ) o a o n d l .. - w d " r o o l t ) a . .

                                            "6 s

s d o t o n o mr S o s e - 3 *e

  • b . t o n

( c s ( r t a c s o o .d v e h a 6 o b h8 c c 1 d ( c/ h a n c / a8 t e a a 6 b 6 e i r 1 l 1 rg w l l / / n t l #l r 0 6 t i s o # a # a e 2 1 ot n "t " t g ns n s s r w w nt a n n a e aa c i i L h N CE e

                            -d ye      )4 eat e

- t t - S S S S S S S S fl ae _ , S R (h n) ro3 ei ' pt e mit H H H aso don . P( *

                      .lg, 0
                                    )                                                                                          1 r        2                                                                                            -

e pge ef t R R R eMo I D ( h

             -                 Wo                  X       X          X        X     X                 X

_ n n o o t!. _ i i t t 0d c a /o e r W M p e s p n O -- I f h x X o g; _ d . - o /d h l X X t e ne a WM N s i gI V 0 d

                               /o           x                         X        X     X         X       X WM l

h ), c - tM )$ eA ( kD 2 0 3 4 0 5 0 6 0 0 7 0 _ SF ( t 4 0 0

                                                         '       g 4    6 8

4 0 9 4 6 8 0 5 4 0 0

                             .         s               1         g                               3         1 d .         o
                                    'L                 $         g     $        $      $                  $

_ Nb

  • g r i

n e) 1 1 9 $ - - 8 0 0 6 wb a mM - 9 3 9 7 9 0 0 4 8 8 3 4 r DE u( 1 m 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 I 3 1 rr Y Y 7 Y Y Y ee pb 5 2 5 3 1 4 4 1 3 2 5 2 W r. mm D X X D D D D au V V V V V V V Ds I g I I 2 2 2 2 r y o i st 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r P is9 9 .

y- /.

                                                                                                                                           \                                                                ,
                ~)                                                                                                                    N

Hethod of Inspection l

                   . Drawing  N J. Sketc)     Visual       Operarton
  • Damper Damper Safety- '
 ' Prior- Damper     Number   No. (FDAM-1l W/O     W/ ,        W/0 : W/                                     Mfg.                      Position: Related icy   Number       (M-)    Cost ($)    Mod. Mod.'  No   Mod.{ Mod.j(Note      l
2) (Note 3) (Note 4), Comments 5 OWilY 1435
                                    'I 3I.0 X                                lX
  • New 18/18 (botton) door.
                                                                                                                                                       New 6/6 door with cable tray below. New 20/20 5    OW30Y       1435                  X                                  X
                               $ 4to                                                                                                                     (botton) door.


     %    OW42Y      1432-2                        1                           X                                                                         No door. Ne'w 18/24 (side) d'or.


                               $ 410 New 12/18 (botton) door. Existing vane stops 5    OW78Y      I432-2    $ 300        X                                  X sho rt .

5? 5 OW89Y 1429 g Q X X N=-ed 12/12 (bot tom) door. g3 Bottom of duct access door not accessible due to 5 IVTb9Y 1418-1 3 g X X screen enclosure. New 18/18 (side) door on opposite side. 54 5 ZVTb9Y 1418-2 S 340 X X New 17/18 (botton) door. I5 2VT72Y 1 %I 7 3 1 X New 18/18 (botton) door. I ktes: 1. Mt Used. ,

2. " k' indicates mant.factured by Ruskin Manufacturing Company; "Bl.ANK" indicates Advanced Air Products.
3. "h" indicates fire d.amper, while a "BIANK" means Vertic.el fire damper.
4. "$" means seismic; " BUM" me.sns non-sci-mic.

(LAST) n .



l l p

   -s                                 ' ATTACHMENT F V


  • Equipment No.: 1VX35Y, which is in a Battery Room wall (see Drawing M-1389, Sheet 1).
        . Location:    Unit 1, Division 2, Essential Switchgear Room.
  • Fire Zone: 4E3-2
  • Essential Switchgear Room Size: 3500 ft2 with 17' ceiling.
  • Fire Loading: Less than 1 hour (75,000 Btu /f t2 including transients in the Switchgear Room).
  • Construction (Fire Bhrriers)
a. Essential Switchgear Room: Entirely enclosed by rated fire barriers.

gs b. Battery Room: Floor, walls, and roof have 3 hour fire () rating, all within 4E3-2. Combustibles: Primarily IEEE qualified cable insulation.

  • Smoke Detection: Area ionization detectors are located in 4E3-2. A photoelectric detector is in the Battery Room.

Manual Fire Fighting Equipment: Two hose stations, four portable extinguishers, one carbon dioxide hose reel. ANALYSIS A fire in Fire Zone 4E3-2 would remove power for the Unit 1, Division 2, Essential Switchgear Room, and would be contained within Fire Zone 4E3-2 by the fire barriers. The Battery Room is contained within 4E3-2 as shown in the sketch below. Division 2 Switchgear Room Battery Room


J n Fire Zone jI 4E3-2 O V 1 Fire Damper IVX35Y ' F1

I Fire damper IVX35Y, which is inaccessible for surveillance, is not


surveilled in the surveillance program. This action, (1) does not increase the probability of an occurrence or the consequence of an accident, or malfunction of equipment important to safety as previously evaluated in the FSAR, (2) does not create the possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than any previously evaluated in the FSAR, and (3) does not reduce the margin to safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification because: (i) A fire in Fire Zone 4E3-2 could affect only the RCIC system, RHR Loop B and ADS Division 2. The d-c control power to the remote shutdown panel from the 125-Vdc electrical equipment in this fire zone has no affect on ADS Division 1. Therefore, HPCS and ADS Division 1 are available for decay heat removal and reactor water makeup. RHR Loop A is available for suppression pool cooling to assist in bringing the reactor to a hot shutdown condition. (ii) The safe shutdown analysis for fire assumed a complete [i loss of 4E3-2, including the Battery Room. V (iii) A fire in the Battery Room disables the same safe shutdown train as a fire in the Switchgear Room. A redundant train, separated by fire barriers from 4E3-2, is available for safe shutdown. Y.] F2


 !                                                                                                        WITHOUT PRE-OP DOCUMENTATION l

j 1 1 i 1 l 4 4 I L 1 4 i i I e l 4 4 li i e i t f

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FIRE DAMPERS WITHOUT PRE 4aP IxCIPtENTAYION , Rev. 0 08/01/84 r Method of Inspection l Drawing lai

  • Visual e Operation Damper Damper 8 Safety f Segaential f Damper Wuaber Priar- tial W/0 W/ ; U/O W/ Mfg. [ Position Related 8
  . h-Ser             T.u=ber       (M-)     try   Test. Mod. Mod . ' No        %d . Mod. l(Note 2).(Note 3)' (Note 4)                         Comments l                l                                     s                  j                                                                                                    .t 70         govE47Y         1390-1      3             X                    X                R                    S     Need to remove ceiling tiles in elevator lobby. 3 g

e T l Existing door on inside radius of vaned 71 govE48Y 1390-1 3 X X R .S elbow. New IS/18 door on outer raJius. (side). I -; fOVE60Y 1390-1 3 X X

                                                                                                                            ,                                                      l h
  !     77          ' dVH11Y       1441        5            X                     X 78       )ovu15Y           I441        5            X                     X l

i j

                                                              .                                                                                                                   t l              -

I t 4- . I i' i  :- l 1 t ! i l t i -- i I- ! 101 ovt63Y 1377-2 3 X X act reach, h 20/18 (top) door. - l Put closer. i l Accessible, but Ruskin "C" type damper with v 102 OVIA9 Y 1388-6 3 X X R linkage recessed 3" to 4". Replace damper

  • with Style A.

l l l mnES- 1. M Usd. 3. "H" indicates Horizontal fire damper, while a "SI.ANK ' means Vertical fire damper.

2. "R" indicates houf actured by Ruskin Manuf acturing Compaany; "5 LANK" indicates Advanied Air Products. 4. "S" means wismic; "8 LANK" means non-selsaic.
                                                                                 *                  *           >-           tI!             . .

l i* 4


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                                                                                                ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                kv   l-l'. age 4 of 4 FIRE DAMPEKS WITMDUT PRE-OP DOCUMENTATION (Cont'd)

I .

                                                                                                              ,                                    !       Method of laspection Drawing        Int
  • Visual ' operation Damper Damper i' Safety Sequential f Damper Number Prior- tialj W/0 W/ j W/0 W/ Mfg. Position j Related Number- Mar (M-) try Yest! Mod. hd . ' Mo Mod. Mod. (Note 2)8 (Note 3)- (Note 4) Comments I I i

t I


189 IWO8Y 1390-1 3 X X R I I

                              )                                                                              . IW10Y          1379-1      3            X                .               X                                                                                                                                     '            '

l  ? $ l 271 2vWO7Y 1388-2 3 X X R . 14/14 p ning u tste witt a t acess door, j I 272 2Vvo8Y 1389-2 3 X X R Install access door. g 273 . 2WO9Y 1387-2 3 X X R l 1 3 Access from Turbine Building by taking off a 274 2W10Y 1391-1 3 X X R s smoke relief cap. t j- l I 310 2VY12Y 13 % 3 X X K H S Elbow above floor to be removable.

  • 1 313 2W13Y 13 % 3 X X R H S e 9 g.

I e h

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .                                                                                             g e

a e 4 __ .. ,.. . , ',.w , ,,--_-_-.-r.-- - - -

I ATTACHMENT H NFPA 90A DISCUSSION OF AIRFLOW TESTING There are 308 fire dampers in the plant at the LaSalle County Station. Systems that shutdown on detection of smoke are: System No. of Dampers VA (Auxiliary Building) 24 VD (DG Building) 43 VL (Laboratories) 38 VV (Miscellaneous) 11 TOTAL 116 Systems that do not shutdown automatically are: System No. of Dampers (~'} V VC (Control Room) 19 VE (Auxiliary Electric 26 l Equipment Rooms) VH (Lake Screen House) 2 VR (Reactor Building) 4 VS (Service Building) 3 l VT (Turbine Building) 51 VW (Radwaste Building) 15 VX (Switchgear Rooms) 66 VY (Equipment Core Cooling 6 Systems) TOTAL 192 Systems VC and VE should not be shutdown upon detection of smoke. Thecc cyctcmc arc de:igned to continuously operate to protect IEEE-323 qualified electrical equipment in the Control Room and , Auxiliary Electric Equipment Rooms. In the event of serious fire l these ventilation systems can be shutdown by trained personnel and, therefore, the fire fighting procedures will be modified accordingly. l 1 The two Lake Screen House (VH) fire dampers are in walls between the pumphouse and diesel-driven fire pump rooms. These dampers fe'3 need not be shutdcwn on detection of smoke, they will close on (' ) temperature (165'F). With a fire damper closed, cooling air for , the diesel engine and pump is obtained from outside the building through a louver with a control damper. H1

 <q  To control contaminants, the Reactor Building System (VR) will Q continue to operate in order to maintain a negative pressure in the Containment Building. The four fire dampers in the VR system
   , are in the supply ducts to the two Elevator Machine Rooms, and in exhaust (relief) openings between the Elevator Machine Rooms and the fuel loading bay.

The VT, VW, VX, and VY systems should remain operational on area smoke detection and be shutdown at the discretion of personnel responding to a smoke alarm. To accomplish manual shutdown of these systems, LaSalle's fire fighting procedures will be modified to incorporate this requirement. Based on the above discussion, and the fact that LaSalle has fire dampers and not smoke dampers, Sargent & Lundy (S&L) requested from the NFPA Standards Council an interpretation of Article B-7 of the NFPA 90A-1981 (see Page H3). O l


I l O 11 2

t 6-4 i 23 ARGENT A LUND,Y a:wann:xna

(' rouuono sees - es.t Asf MoNRot STRECT

                      .                     ,                                  enscAco, entwois sosos (seal aeo-sooo TWK SiO.aas a807 l

March 7, 1984 6 l l


! Secretary, Standards Council NFPA l Batterymarch park Ouincy, Massachusetts 02269

  • Subiect: Request for Formal Interpretation in Accordance with Section 16 of Regulations Governing Committee projects


NFPA Standard 90A-1981, Appendix B-7, (page 36) problem Statement: The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) has requested our client (Commonwealth Edison Company) to conduct periodic airflow tests on all fire dampers at their LaSalle Nuclear Station. The basis for the NRC's request is NFPA 90A-1981, Appendix B-7. f O A (/' Sargent & Lundy designs systems in nuclear power plants to both shut down and cont'inue operation on detection of smoke. These systems are not engineered smoke systems, but simply systems containing fire dampers (not smoke dampers) . All fire dampers l are UL-labeled and installed in accordance with UL-555. 1 ~ Ouestion tio. 1: For ventilation, air conditionin,g, and exhaust # systems that shut down automaticallv on detection of smoke, is the intent of Appendix D-7 to test fire dampers with the systen in operation to assure that they are not held open by the air-

              .           stream?

Ouestion No. 2: For ventilating, air conditioning, and exhaust systems that are manually shur: down at the discretion of personnel responding to a smoke alarm, is the intent of Appendix B-7 to test fire dampers with the system in operation to assure that they are not held open by the airstream? l' l Ouestion 'o. 3: For ventilating, air conditionina, and exhaust systems that do not shut down on detection of smoke, is the

intent of Appendix D-7 to test fire dampers with the system in
operation to assure that they are not held open by the airstream?

l l l H3 .

                                                                                                          - . _ _ _ ,,_--,,,_.m.         _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ , _ _ , , _ _ _ -


                 *  *~                                                 SARGENT & LUNDY
                                                                 ,         ENOfNCERS 6                                                           cHicace Secretary, Standards Council                                                                         March 7, l'984 NFPA                                                                                                 page Two K";-


      - v                        .

Ouestion No. 4: Is the int.cnt of the first sentence in Appendix B-7 to test each fire damper periodically against system airflow, l or is a _o_ne-time preoperational tent adequate to demonstrate the ability of a fire damper to close? - The subject plant is licensed but cannot go above St power until all outstanding concerns are solved. Sargent & Lundy requests your timely responso since cach day the plant does not operate costs our client a minimum of $500,000. If any question needs to be clarified, please contact me since the committee's responses will be applied by the NRC to all new and existing plants in the United States. Yours very truly, e i C. Y 11 . F. Behls Supervisor, IIVAC Division

              .                                                                                             (312) 269-3881 HFB:rc

, bcca John Bouchard William Schmidt e l l i , - f O a 11 4 j g- a --, - - - -...-_,..-n.,. ,. , . , , , ,. .. - - . - - , , , - . - - ,,_,m.,,--,. _ , , - ,~.,_.,.ne,-ny.n ,,.w,


N< s

             % W N A ONA_
                                                                                                         = R E o ao- EC-~ O N O                                                                                                        ASSOCIA                                ON NFPA "Moveng Monkond Toward $afety from fore" Life Sa'ety rield Service Engiesenng Service. Dm on June 13, 1984 H.F. Behls Supervisor, HVAC Division Sargent & Lundy Engineers 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603

Dear Mr. Behls:

Your request for formal interpretation of Appendix B-7 of the 1981 edition of the NFPA 90A, Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems Standard, has been processed by the Committee. The formal interpretation results are attached. This formal interpretation will be published in the NFPA FIRE NEWS, as (] V well as other trade publications. Sincerely, w (- Ron Cots Life Safety Specialist RC/kjf Attachments: SIS Form Ot t 4 .i,0 eet. . n.o o,0, to.t .. t o,oce..ea . .cco,a.s. sec t.o, t. oe t . . .. . .i*w... ee. oe,e...og co-.. nee .,,,,. .a.~1.e co. ae,e4 in. o.f.e,.. po..i,o e, rea e, .a, oe .f. corn,..n.e. 44 .n.,i aot e. e on..,ie..o to e. oo, ,e, e i onoo .. . ,y,. ie,.,p,ei e ma EXECUTIVE OFFICE B ATTERYM ARCH PARK. QUINCY. M ASSACHUSETTS U S A 02269. TELEPHONE 6 t?) f f0 3000

  • TELEX 940120 The non prett tecPa<ai and educaficas, orgamration to proteos, the .c ene esd i<mperj.e tae metmoq. of fire proterl'oa s*<f proveet on to otsta n end Circulele safoffnetson on the.e .wbiect. Sad to .ecute the co 00er stion of it. FeerPDe'. Srid the 9u03 4 in e.t ab8>.hieg D' aper .a'*que'd. egsie.t m.. of Is's 411 property by fire

From: Ron Cote Date: June 12, 1984 . Formal Interpretation V) .' Number: F.I. Air Conditionino & Ventilating Systems NFPA 90A

                   - Document:

(Number) Edition. 1981 Reference. Appendix B-7 QUESTION NO. 1: For ventilation, air conditioning, and exhaust systems that shut down automatically on dete.ction of smoke, is the intent .of Appendix B-7 to test fire dampers with the system in operation to assure that they are not held open by the airstream? QUESTION NO. 2: For ventilating, air conditioning, and exhaust systems that are manually shut down at the discretion of personnel responding to a smoke alarm, is the intent of Appendix B-7 to test fire dampers with the system in operation to assure that they are not held open by the airstream? b, )i QUESTION NO. 3: For ventilating, air condit.ioning, and exhaust systems that do, not shut down on detection of smoke, is the intent of Appendix B-7 to test firedamperswiththesysteminoperationtoassurethattheyarenotfieldopen l by the airstream? l (Qi- GO ANSWER es, it is the intent of Appendix B-7 that fire dampers be tested with the system in its normal operating mode. QUESTION NO. 4: Is the intent of the first sentence in Appendix B-7 to test each fire damper periodically against system airflow, or is a one-time prenparational _ test adequate to demonstrate the ability of a fire damper to close?

  .                  ANSWER: Yes, it is the intent of Appendix B-7 that fire dampers be tested periodically.

O, U issue Edition:.___19B1


ADPendiLB-7 Date: 6/12/84 sm se n. H6 __- _--_ r n_-_______


   ./' N                                    ENG2NEERS

( ) ROUNDED 8090 g

                    /                    55 EAST MONROE STREET CHICA00, ILLINOIS 60603 (318) 269 8000 TWX 900 221 2 007 July 6, 1984 Secretary, Standards Council National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park Quincy, Massachusetts    02269


Formal Interpretation of NFPA Standard 90A-1981, Appendix B-7. Gentlemen: We received NFPA's response to our request for an interpretation of Appendix B-7, Standard 90A (copy attached). Commonwealth Edison Company and Sargent & Lundy, Consulting Engineers, wish CI to appeal NFPA's interpretations, and be allowed to present our arguments to the 90A committee. Yours very truly, H. F. Behls Supervisor, HVAC Division HFB:cas Attachment Copies: R. Cot'e H7

               ;"9                 v NA ONA_

(  ; sj 3

                                                                                                        -. R                3 R O-._            : C.. O N u             3                                                                       ASSOC                        A ON NFPA "Moveg Mankond Toward Safety from fee" ARTHUR E. COTE. Assistant Vice President July 19, 1984 H. F. Behls Supervisor, HVAC Division Sargent & Lundy 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60603

Dear Mr. Behls:

I am in receipt of your letter of July 6, 1984, regarding a Formal Interpretation on Appendix B-7 of NFPA 90A-1981. The purpose of a Formal Interpretation is to provide a [V\ formal explanation of the meaning or intent of any specific provision or provisions of an NFPA Document. A request for a Formal Interpretation is submitted to letter ballot of an Interpretation's Subcommittee made up of five or more members of the Technical Committee or Subcommittee having primary jurisdiction of the document or portion thereof covering the subject under consideration. If you disagree with the Formal Interpretation rendered by the Committee on Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems on Appendix B-7 of NFPA 90A-1981, please forward to my attention any additional information which you feel should be reviewed by the Interpretation's Subcommittee and I will forward this information on to the Subcommittee for their consideration. Very truly yours, d Arthur E. Cote, P.E. Secretary, Standards Council AEC/ams (m)I ( cc: R. Cote' L. Taraskiewicz v 770 3000 EXECUTIVE OFFICE. BATTERYMARCH PARK. CUINCY. MASSACHUSETTS U S A C2269 e TELEPHONE (617) L. .s e TELEX 94 0720 The wrofe nochmcol and educohonal organirohon To prom 4 xience and irnprove N roeshods of fere protection ond prevenhon; to obeam ord circulo*e aformohon on hse sub ects i and so secure N cwion of its enembers and the pubhc e essobhshing proper safegwords ogoens loss of life and proper *y by fire. H8


                                          - ---- --- n


                                              -OF FIRE DAMPERS It is necessary to shutdown ventilation systems during fire damper surveillance tests for the following plant (ALARA) and system (high pressure / noise levels) conditions.
1. ALARA Fire dampers in airstreams exhausting potentially radioactive air or in radioactive zones are as follows:
a. Radwaste Building Exhaust System OVW42Y OVW90YC OVW89Y OVW90YD OVW90YA OVW90YE OVW90YB OVW90YF
b. Laboratory Exhaust Systems OVL58Y OVL78Y OVL59Y OVL83Y OVL63Y OVL84Y OVL77Y
2. System High Pressure and Noise Levels Fire dampers in system plenums or ducts that have dangerous
pressures or noise levels are as follows
a. Turbine Building Ventilation System l lVT46Y 2VT46Y lVT50Y 2VT50Y lVT51Y 2VT51Y lVT52Y 2VT52Y

!- IVT55Y 2VT55Y lVT61Y 2VT61Y

IVT62Y 2VT62Y o


             ~b.  'Radwaste-Building Ventilation System OVWO6Y           OVW32Y
     ;-               -OVWilY           OVW78Y.
c. Auxiliary Building HVAC System
                      -OVA 42Y.         OVA 44Y d .'  Diesel Generator Ventilation System OVD40Y           2VD40Y
     ,                 lVD40Y           2VD43Y lVD43Y
e. Switchgear Room Ventilation System IVX15Y 2VX15Y.


f. ~ Auxiliary Electric Equipment Room Ventilation and Exhaust Systems OVE39Y OVE40Y

( , l t i l i cO f f I2 1


                                           " FIRE DAMPER OPERABILITY TEST" l

.l i


i E i 1 I e i \ \


                                              ""                             August 1, 1984 Page 1         ;


 -(x_-) :

A. PURPOSE At least once every 10 years, test the operability of all Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers (see Ref. B. 4) . B. REFERENCES

1. LAF-900-23, Fire Barriers, Fire Dampers, Fire Penetrations and Fire Floor Plugs.
2. LTS-1000-36, Fire Damper Visual Inspection.
3. M-1300 and M-1400 Drawing Series.
4. Prioritizing of Fire Dampers, Sargent & Lundy Document DC-FP-01-1-LS, dated May 25, 1984.
5. Article 3.7.6, Limiting Condition for Operation.


1. Contact the Radiation Protection Department for radiation levels in areas to be inspected.
2. Contact the Shift Engineer and Fire Marshall before inspection of areas.
3. A ladder or scaffolding may be needed to inspect fire dampers.
4. When inspecting and testing fire dampers, it may be necessary to shutdown the ventilation or exhaust system to safely remove access doors to gain access to dampers.

See surveillance log (Attachment A) for these dampers. Any fan can be shutdown at the discretion of the Inspector.

5. When a control damper is in front of a fire damper, disconnect the control damper operator before reaching through the control damper to test the fire damper.


1. All Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers in the plant are to be tested. The inspection of Priority 3, 4 and 5 fire

(~ ) dampers is covered by LTS-1000-36. V DOCUMENT ID 0031T/

                                         ~2 ARGENT O LUNDY                                                                       LTS-1000-35 E N GIN E E RO                                                         Ravicion 0 August 1, 1984 Page 2 l
   . (~}

k- ^

2. Fire damper nonconformances must be brought to the l l

attention of the Shift Engineer and Station Fire Marshall as soon as possible. Refer . to the Technical Specification,- Article 3.7.6, and adhere to the action statement. In addition, perform LAP-900-23. F._ PROCEDURE

1. General: Visually inspect and test all fire dampers listed I on the surveillance log (see Attachment A).

The fire l dampers associated with a fire damper number may be more than one. Floor or wall dampers may be an individual

                ' damper.or an assembly of individual dampers, while floor dampers (individual or an assembly) may be two in series.
Each damper-in'an assembly must be inspected and operability t


2. Visual Inspection: Enter all items not in conformance with the following criteria on the surveillance log. If there are no nonconformances, enter "none". Corrections,
-if possible, should be made on the. spot. Items to be visually inspected follow.
a. Closure Springs: Closure springs, if provided, must.

be intact and in place. All floor dampers and "Ruskin" O wall dampers have closure springs.

b. Debris: No debris or obstructions shall be in the fire damper sleeve or in the ductwork upstream from the fire damper. If possible, remove all debris on the spot.
3. Operability Test
a. Disassembly: Two styles of linkage assemblies will be encountered during the inspection. One linkage has "S" hooks (see Figure A) , and the other straps (see Figures B and C). Use a spreader-type-pliers to uncrimp "S" hooks. In some cases, the blade assembly is packed tight thus causing tension on the linkage assembly. In these cases, pry-up the blade assembly and then release the linkage.


b. Acceptance Criteria: Unhook fusible or electro-thermal link and release damper. Enter all items not in conformance with the following criteria on the

- surveillance log. If there are no nonconformances, enter "none". i f- DOCUMENT ID 0031T/ i l I , - , , , , . , , , ,

CARGENT O LUNDY LTS-1000-35 E N GlN EE Rs Revision 0 c"'C^S August 1, 1984 Page 3 (]


bl. Closure: Fire damper must close. b2. Latching: Fire damper-blades with closure springs must engage both latches (one each side) .

c. Raise the damper blades and hook the fusible link to the linkage strap. "S" hooks must be completely 4 closed (see Figure A). For dampers without "S" hooks, the metal straps'must be adequately bent around fusible link (see Figures B and C). Electro ~

thermal link wiring shall be located so that wiring will not interfere with the future operation of the-fire damper (see Figure C).

4. Sign and date the surveillance log (Attachment A) as each damper is inspected.
5. Prepare a Work Request for each fire damper needing repair.

When corrective action is acceptable, sign and date the surveillance log (Attachment A). G. CHECKLIST Attachment A, Fire Damper Surveillance Log. ( H. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REFERENCES Article 3/, Surveillance Requirement for Fire Rated Assemblies. O


l SARGENT & LUNDY LTS-1000-35 { ENG1NEERS Revision 0



                       'r N           _

m3 ' D 3 G  ; f FRAME G - Q "

                               .                    Y



                                              " $dE[oo                   g e is s     ",

1 1984 (~/Y s. . DAMPER BLADES (CURTAltD n I 1 J _) G g FRAME G O 1 O

                                 %                                    ^V BEND STRAP TO UNH00K, THEN DROP CURTAIN i                                           FUSIBLE LINK OR ELECTR0 THERMAL LINK FIGURE B FIRE DAMPER LINKAGE WITH STRAP ONLY'(N0 "S"-HOOKS)


l l SARGENT Q LUNDY LTS-1000-35  : EN NEERS Revision 0 August 1, 1984 i Page 6 1


{} ( I



            //                                      TH ERM AL LINK l



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                                                                                                    . Revision 0 ATTACHMENT A - FIRE DAMPER SURVEILLANCE LOG (Cont'd)           August 1, 1984 Page 9 DAMPER INSPECTION            CORRECTIVE DAMPER                  DAMPER        MUST FAN NUMBER                 LOCATION SATISFACTORY /        INITIALS /  ACTION TAKEN BE OFF7               INOPERATIVE             DATE    INITIALS /DATE M-1389-1 OVE38Y                  L.6-13.8 731 AB M-1389-1 lVT59YA                R-9 731 AB M-1389-1
IVT59YB R-10.2 731 AB M-1389-1 lVT59YC R-11.2 731 AB M-1389-1 1VT59YD R-12.8 J

731 AB 1 M-1389-1 lVX57Y 13.2-J.2 731 AB i M-1389-1 1VX58Y 13.2-J.1 731 AB M-1389-2 l OVE41Y L.7-17

731 AB 1

M-1389-2 OVE42Y L.7-17 731 AB DOCUMENT ID 0031T/

c. \

O LTS-1000-35

                                                                             -Revision 0                     4 ATTACHMENT A - FIRE DAMPER SURVEILLANCE LOG (Cont'd)   August 1, 1984 Page.10 DAMPER INSPECTION            CORRECTIVE DAMPER       DAMPER       MUST FAN     SATISFACTORY /     INITIALS /     ACTION TAKEN NUMBER      LOCATION      BE OFF?       INOPERATIVE          DATE       INITIALS /DATE M-1389-2 OVE49Y      L.3-16.9 731 AB M-1389-2 OVE50Y      L.9-16 731 AB M-1389-2 OVE51Y      L.8-17.3 731 AB M-1389-2 OVE52Y      L.6-17.3 731 AB M-1389-2 OVE53Y      L.6-17.3 731 AB M-1389-2 2VT59YA     N.9-20.8 731 AB M-1389-2 2VT59YB     N.9-19.8 731 AB M-1389-2
2VT59YC N 9-18.8 731 AB M-1389-2 2VT59YD N.9-17.1 731 AB DOCUMENT ID 0031T/
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[( M A D SP IO TN AI E S R I F N ? A A F F F T N T O E S E M U B H M C - A T _ T A N 12 17 19 18 9 9 RO - . - . - . - . , . . EI 03B 16B 16B 16B 81G 02G 02G PT 91A 91A 91A 91A 92D 02D 02D / MA 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - T AC 188 128 128 188 170 134 134 1 _ O - .6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 7 3 D. L MJ7 MN7 MN7 MJ7 MJ7 MN6 MN6 0

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                                      " FIRE DAMPER VISUAL INSPECTION"                                                                 l l


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SARGENTQ LUNDY LTS-1000-36 EN Revision 0 j,NEERS August 1, 1984 ) Page 1 ) []-


FIRE DAMPER VISUAL INSPECTION A. PURPOSE At least once every 10 years, perform a visual inspection on all Priority 3, 4 and 5 fire dampers (see Ref. B.4). B. REFERENCES

1. LAP-900-23, Fire Barriers, Fire Dampers, Fire Penetrations and Fire Floor Plugs.
2. LTS-1000-35, Fire Damper Operability Test.


3. M-1300 and M-1400 Drawing Series.
4. Prioritizing of Fire Dampers, Sargent & Lundy Document DC-FP-01-1-LS, dated May 25, 1984.
5. Article 3.7.6, limiting Condition for Operation.


1. Contact the Radiation Protection Department for radiation levels in areas to be inspected.
2. Contact the Shift Engineer and Fire Marshall before inspection of areas.
3. A ladder or scaffolding may be needed to inspect fire dampers.
4. When inspecting fire dampers, it may be necessary to shutdown the ventilation or exhaust system to safely remove access doors to gain access to dampers. See surveillance log (Attachment A) for these dampers. Any fan can be shutdown at the discretion of the Inspector.


1. All Priority 3, 4 and 5 fire dampers in the plant and Lake Screen House are to be visually inspected. The inspection of Priority 1 and 2 fire dampers is covered by LTS-1000-35.



  • Revision 0 August 1, 1984

_. Page 2 (v)

2. Fire damper nonconformances must be brought to the attention of the Shift Engineer and Station Fire Marshall as soon as possible. Refer to the Technical Specification, Article 3.7.6, and adhere to the action statement. In addition, perform LAP-900-23.


1. Visually inspect all fire dampers listed on the surveillance log (see Attachment A). The fire dampers associated with a fire damper number may be more than one. Floor or wall dampers may be an individual damper or an assembly of individual dampers, while floor dampers (individual or an assembly) may be two in series. Each damper in an assembly must be inspected.
2. Inspection Criteria: Enter all items not in conformance with the following criteria on the surveillance log. If there are no nonconformances, enter "none". Corrections, if possible, should be made on the spot.
a. Blades: Blades (curtain) of fire dampers must be completely folded and held in place by a fusible
   %                link or an ETL (Electro-Thermal Link).
b. "S" Hooks or Metal Straps: "S" hooks must be sufficiently closed to prevent disengagement from the strap (see Figure A). For dampers without "S" hooks, the metal straps shall be adequately bent around fusible link (see Figures B and C).
c. Electro-Thermal Links: ETL wiring shall be routed so that wiring does not interfere with closure of damper (see Figure C) .
d. Closure Springs: Closure springs, if provided, must be intact and in place. All floor dampers and "Ruskin" wall dampers have closure springs,
e. Debris: No debris or obstructions shall be in the fire damper sleeve or in the ductwork upstream from the fire damper. If possible, remove all debris on the spot.
f. Corrosion: Corrosion should be evaluated to determine operability of damper. If corrosion appears to affect damper closure, the damper shall be operability tested in accordance with LTS-1000-35.


CARGENT Q LUFIDY -LTS-1000-36 j, " " $j,c",",ozns Revision 0 August 1, 19 84

         - m                                                                                          Page 3


3. Sign and date the surveillance log-(Attachment A) as each i damper is inspected.
4. Prepare a Work Request for each fire damper needing repair.

When corrective action is acceptable, sign and date the surveillance log (Attachment A). G. CHECKLISTS Attachment A, Fire Damper Surveillance Log. H. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REFERENCES Article 3/, Surveillance Requirement for Fire Rated Assemblies. O J l e O l DOCUMENT ID 0030T/

SARGENT & LUNDY LTS-1000-36 EN NEERS ROViSion 0 August 1, 1984 Page 4 LIflKAGE STRAP h DAMPER BLADES (CURTAIN) N, _ ., V C-

                                                                   <                                    -_3 G                                                                             f        FRAME g                                                                          l 1


SARGENT & LUNDY LTS-1000-35 ENGINEERS Revision 0 l August.1, 1984 Page 5 O DAMPER BLADES (CURTAIN)

                                               \            '

G N 9a


3 G g FRAME G O 5 O

                                            &                                                                                                 l 4




August 1, 1984 Page 6 (


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(-- _ j -- LTS-1000-36 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT A - FIRE DAMPER SURVEILLANCE LOG'(Cont'd) August-1,.1984 Page 18' DAMPER INSPECTION CORRECTIVE DAMPER DAMPER MUST FAN SATISFACTORY / INITIALS / ' ACTION TAKEN NUMBER LOCATION BE OFF? INOPERATIVE  !._ DATE INITIALS /DATE M-1388-6 OVL76Y N.7-15.3 735 AB M-1388-6 OVL77Y N.7-15.3 YES 735 AB M-1388-6 OVL78Y N.7-15.3 YES 735 AB M-1388-6 OVL79Y N.7-15.3 735 AB M-1388-6 OVL80Y N.7-15.3 818 AB M-1388-6 OVL81Y N.7-15.3 818 AB 1 DOCUMENT ID 0030T/ i

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                                                                                                . Revision 0 ATTACHMENT A - FIRE DAMPER SURVEILLANCE LOG (Cont'd)      August 1,.1984 Page 20 DAMPER INSPECTION            CORRECTIVE DAMPER        DAMPER        MUST FAN     SATISFACTORY /     INITIALS /     ACTION TAKEN NUMBER     LOCATION         BE OFF?.      INOPERATIVE          DATE      INITIALS /DATE M-1389-1 lVXO6Y     J.1-10.6 731 AB M-1389-1 1VX10Y       ("-     -'

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