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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test Including,Type A,B & C Periodic Test Results
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1991
From: Roman W
Shared Package
ML20091P571 List:
NUDOCS 9202030176
Download: ML20091P572 (81)


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P DbKO00b46 FDR




I. : INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .




, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 III. -TEST DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Description of Containment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. Description of Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Temperature Instrumentation . ... . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Relative ilumidity Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Pressure Instrumentation. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Flow Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5. Ancillary Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C. Description of Computer Program. . . .. ... . . . . . . 12 i

-4 16 D. Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

E. 17 g' Description of Tests . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

[k_ / IV. 1ESULTS AND VERIFICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 V. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . 21 VI. FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 VII. APPENDICES A. Computer-Generated Report

1. Stabilization
2. Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT)
3. Controlled Leak Rate Test (CLRT)
4. General B. Type "B" and "C" Periodic Test Results
1. Introduction 2, 1990 Surveillance Test
3. -1991 Surveillance Test


.(v / 4. Summary and Conclusions

- . - - - - . , . ~ , , _ . - - - , . , , , . , . - --m.---, - - , - - - - - . _ - . - -

. . . - - _- . . .. . - - = - - - . . . . . . . - . - - - . _ . . . . . .-.

I. INTRODUCTION A periodic Type "A" Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) was performed on the containment structure of the Toledo Edison Company's Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS) pres-surized water reactor in October of 1991. The results of this test were anelyzed utilizing the " Total-Time" methr: ,

This test was performed for a period of 6'.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at a p res-sure equal to or greater than the calculated peak contain-ment internal pressure related to the design bases cccident and specified in'the Technical-Specifi ations. This report describes and presents the results of this periodic Type A test including the supplemental test method utilized for verification (Controlled Leak Rate Test or CLRT).



The test results are reported in accordance with the re-quirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Section V.B.2.,

ANSI N45.4-1972 and the intent of ANSI /ANS-56.8-1987.

In addition, Type "B" and "C" test results performed since the last Type "A"-test are included in this report (Appen-dix B) in accordance with the requirements-of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Section V.B.3.

i k


Prior to performance of the ILRT, Local Leak Rate Tests (LLRTs), were performed to verify containment integrity.

These Type "B" and Type "C" tests were performed on contain-ment electrical penetrations, mechanical penetrations, con-tainment isolation valves, fuel transfer tubes, equipment hatch, and air locks. The acceptance criteria for the LLRTs is that the total leakage does not exceed 0.60 (L,) where L, is the maximum allowable leakage rat at pressure P, (peak accident pressure) stated as a percent of containment free volume per day (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />). The total leakage from these tests was well within this limit, and the results are pre-sented in the ofricial copies of the associated Type B and C surveillance test procedures, DD-PF-03000 (Containment ves-sel Local Leakage Rate Test), which are on file at the DBNPS.

At the start of the ILRT, all valves were in their normal position for accident conditions. Exceptions to this valve line-up were identified in the official copy of acceptance test procedure DB-PF-10309 (Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test), w'ich is also on file at the DBNPS.




The first order least-squares fit analysis of the data uti-lizing the Total-Time method yielded a leak rate of 0.022770% per day with a 95% upper confidence limit of 0.061169% per day. These values are well within che allowable limit of 0.375% per day.

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C/ A. Description of Containment The containment for the station consists of three basic structurest a steel Containment Vessel, a reinforced concrete Shield Building, and the internal structures.

The Containnent vessel is a cylindrical steel pressure vessel with hemispherical dome and ellipsoidal bottom which houses the reactor vessel, reactor coolant pip-ing, pressuriser, pressuriser quench tank and coolers, reactor coolant pumps, steam generators, core flooding tanks, letdown coolers, and normal ventilating systems.

It is completely enclosed by a reinforced concrete a

Shie? auilding having a cylindrical shape with a shal-

. .g low dome roof. An annular space is provided between l

the wall of the Containment vessel and the shield Building. There are no structural ties between the containment Vessel and the Shield Building above the foundation slab. Above this, there is unlimited free-dom of differential movement between the Containment vessel and the Shield Building. The containment inter-nal structures are constructed of reinforced concrete and structural steel. These structures are isolated from the Containment' Vessel by steel grating panels with sliding supports which allow free differential e




( A. Description of Containment (Continued) movement between the internal structures and the vessel. The internal structures are supported by the massive concrete fill within the Containment vessel bottom head.

The non-field stress relieved Containment vessel was constructed in a two-stage operation and in a manner that conforms to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Article 14, N-1411. The vessel inside dianieter is 130 feet and the net free volume is approximately 2,834,000 ft3 The cylindrical shell and bottom head thickness, exclusive of reinforced areas, is 1-1/2" s

with a dome thickness of 13/16". The 180-ton polar x s-crane is supported from the cylindrical vessel shell by a 14' 6-1/2" deep by 5' 11" wide circular crane girder.

Access to the containment is provided by an equipment hatch, a personnel air lock, and an emergency air lock.

Electrical and mechanical penetrations are provided for services to the containment.

The Containment vessel is capable of withstanding an external pressure differential of-0.50 psi in accor-dance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, UG-28. The Containment Vessel is vented as required to eliminate pressure fluctuatione caused D

y A. Description of Containment (Continued) by air temperature changes during various operating modes. This is accomplished through ventilation purge connections which are normally closed while the reactor is in operation. Automatic vacuum relief devices are also used to prevent the Containment Vessel from ex-ceeding the external design pressure in accordance with the requirements of the AsME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Article 16. Multiple vacuum breek-ers are used to relieve pressure from the Shield Build-ing into the containment in case the containment vessel is subjected to excess external pressur6. These 'ralves ensure that external pressure differential on the Con-O i tainment vessel does not exce.d 0.50 psi.

The reinforced concrete Shield Building was designed in accordance with ACI 307-69, Specification for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Chim-neys, and checked by the Ultimate Strength Design '

Method in accordance with ACI 318-63. Load combina-tions specified in ACI 307-69 provide the design basis of the Shield Building. The Shield Building is designed to provide biological shielding during normal operation and from hypothetical accident conditions.

The building provides a means for collection and fil-tration of fission product leakage from the containment O

A. Description of Containment (Continued)

Vessel following a hypothetical accident through the Emergency Ventilation Syetem, an engineered safety feature designed for that purpose. In addition, the building provides environmental protection for the Containment Vessel from adverse atmospheric conditions and external missiles. The Shield Building annulus volume is 670,700 ft'. The Emergency Ventilation Sys-tem limits the temperature induced pressure transients in the annular space to 6 inches H,0 during a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Following the initial pres-sure transient, the annulus pressure is maintained

-between (-)l/4-and (-)l-1/2 inches water gauge.

The Containment vessel is designed for the following temperature and pressure conditions:

  • Maximum Internal Pressure - 40 psig
  • Design Internal Pressure - 36 psig, 264*r maximum Leakage Rate Test Pressure - 38 psig
  • Negative Pressure - 0.5 psig

- Service Metal Temperature - 30*r Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 120'r



- Maximum Operating Internal Temperature - 120*r

  • Pneumatic Test Pressure is 1.25 Times the Design Pressure - 45 psig

B. Description of Instrumentation A " state-of-the-brt" ILRT instrumentation system was utilized to allow leak rate determination by the "Abso-lute Method". The primary measurement variables in-clude containment pressure, relative humidity (dewpoint temperature), and dty-bulb temperature as a function of me. The Data Acquisition System or DAS utilized was a Fluke todel 2286. Two DAS devices were utilized with one as a primary while the second was available as a backup, Ancillary measurements include outside ambient temperature and barometric pressure. During the supplemental CLRT, containment verification ( f i x e d--

orifice) flow is also measured. Instrument readings were acquired at 15-minute intervals vi4 a data acqui-sirion system. The measurement system schematic is t ,

shown in Figure 3. The mass of (Q) is calculated by the Ideal Gas Law as follows:

P, V ( P, - P,,) V Q= =

RT RT where: P, = air partial pressure V = free volume R = gas constant T = temperature P =' total pressure, psia P, , = water vapor pressure, psia




D. Description of Instrumentation (Continued)

. 1 NJ

1. Temperature Instrumentation

-Thirty (30) Burns precision platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) were located through-out containment (see rigures 1 and 2) for the determination e' the volumetrically weighted aver-age dry-bulb e 'rature. The specified accuracy of the RTDr ;. '60', ,o 130'r range).

2. Relative Humid:., _

ion Ten (10) Phys-Chem *. udity vinsors (RHDs) were located throughout the containment (see rigures 1 and 2) for the determination of the

'(O) volumetrically weighted average relative humidity.

The specified accuracy of each of the sensors is 1 2h1 RH over a range of 0-100% RH.

3. Pressure Instrumentation Two (2) Paroscientific precision quartz pressure transmitters (0-100 psia) were provided (seo rigure 3) for the determination of containmant absolute pressure. One pressure transmitter wau utilized as a primary while the second was availa-ble as a backup. The specified accuracy of each of the transmitters is 1 0.02% of full scale.



~ . . . . . . - . .. - . . - . - .. - . - . . - - . _ . - . . . . - . - . . . - .

B. Descr!,ption of Instrumentation (Continued) f.

o 4.- Flow Instrumentation Two (2) Brooks full view rotameters with a range of 0 to 45 scfm were utilized during the supple-mental CLRT for verification flow (see Figure 3).

One rotameter was utilized as a primary while the second was available as a backup. The specified accuracy of each of the instruments is 1 2% of full scale.

5. Ancillary Instrumentation The outside ambient temperature and barometric pressure were measured utilizing existing site I meteorological instruments.

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' ~ - -- . . . ~ . . . . _ - . _ _ , , . _ _ . . . _ , _ , , _ , _ _, . ,, , , _ _ _ _

Instrument Sensor Location y Instrument-Sensor No.

CTMT Volume

-Fraction CTMT Zone CTMT Azimuth CTMT Elevation TEMPERATURE i RTD-1 0.036962 6 270' 785 RTD-2 0.036962 6 90' 785 RTD-3 0.036962 6 0' 773 RTD-4 0.036962 6 180' 773 RTD-5 0.036961 6 270' 761 RTD-6 0.036962 6 90' 761 RTD-7 0.037477 5 0' 736 '

RTD-8 0.037477 5 180' 736 RTD-9 0.037476 5 270' 724 RTD-10 0.037477 5 90' 724

-RTD-11 0.037476 5 0' 712 RTD-12 0.037476 5 180' 712 RTD-13 0.037477 4 270' 689 RTD-14 0.037477 4 90' 689 RTD 0.037476 4 0' 677 RTD-16' O.037477 4 180' 677 RTD-17 0.037476 4 270* 665 RTD-18 0.037476 4 90' 665 RTD-19 0.033933 3 225' 636 RTD-20 0.033933 3 45' 636 O RTD-21 0.033933 3 290' 628

{ RTD-22 0.033933 3 315' 628

'b RTD-23 0.033934 3 315' 619 RTD-24 0.033933 3 135' 619 RTD-25 0.020819 2 310' 594 RTD-26 0.020819 2 55' 594 RTD-27 0.020818 2 225' 575 RTD-28 0.020818 2 145' 575 RTD-29 0.020819 2 310' 575

-RTD-30 0.020819- 2 45' 575 RELATIVE HUMIDITY RHD-1 0.110886 6 0' 773 RHD-2 0.110885 6 180' 773 RHD-3 0.112430 5 270' 724 RHD-4 0.112429 5 90' 724 RHD-5 0.112430 4 0' 677 RHD-6 0.112429 4 180' 677 RHD-7 0.101799 3 225' 636 RHD-8 0.101800 3 45' 636-RHD-9' O.062456 2 310' 594 RHD-10 0.062456 2 55' 594 PRESSURE e PT-A 0.500000 N/A N/A N/A L PT-B 0.500000 N/A N/A N/A


C. Description of Computer Program


The computer program utilized for the performance of the Davis-Besse ILRT is written entirely in C_ language.

It is an interactive system that utilizes the Microsoft Windows operating environment. Windows provides a "shell" that allows programs to run within a window-based' user environment and provides sufficient multi-tasking utilizing the latest PC software.

Windows allows multiple programs to operate simultane-ously and communicate with each other. This allows the Data Acquisition System (DAS) program to communicate with the ILRT analysis program by passing data in t memory and providing a " device independent" way to interface with output devices. Windows includes an intuitive user interface _through the use of pull-down menus and provides multiple views of data simultaneous-ly thus allowing real-time updating of displays. All calculations can be performed automatically and-all-graphs and displays can be updated immediately on the screen upon receipt of new data.

The ILRT program consists of two (2) separate programs.

The main program called LEAK.EXE is a data _ analysis and reporting program. Its " personality" is derived from:a

l C. Description of Computer Program (Continued) configuration file. The ILRT program contains the tools-required to create and edit the configuration file. The second program called DATnwQ.EXE controls and provides interface to the DAS. The main program communicates with the DAS internally through a Windows facility called Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), allowing a standardized vay of communicating while' keeping the main program isolated from the actual details of data acquisition. The configuration file specifies all plant-specific information such as number of compart-ments or zones in containment, number of each type of sensor each compartment contains, individual sensor

( calibration constants, volume fractions, containment volume, etc. All configuration information is acces-sible within the program and easily accessed through standard Windows dialog boxes.

Prior to actual test performance, the program allows loop checkout and troubleshooting of data' acquisition all the way from the sensor proper to the computer.

This validates the configuration file and performs a consistency check. The confinuration file validation is automatically performed upon-initiation of data acquisition. Once pressurization begins, the Pressuri-zation Monitor allows monitoring of pressurization s-


} C. Description of Computer Program (Continued) trends until test pressure is achieved. At this point, the Temperature Stabilization window is utilized and determines when stabilization is achieved. This func-tion is formatted exactly like Appendix r of ANSI /ANS-56.8-1987. Once temperature stabilization is

-achieved, the ILRT start reading or sample number is selected and all leak rate calculations are performed up to the current reading. As subsequent data sets arrive, leak rate calculations are updated automati-cally. The leakage calculations are performed utiliz-ing both Total-Time ar.3 Mass-Point methodologies with Total-Time calculations performed in accordance with

( BN-TOP-1. Edit provisions exist within this program for failed sensors, corresponding volume fraction re-distribution, invalid data sets, etc. All calculations are updated automatically to reflect any changes of this type that are made. In conjunction with this, a continuous calculation of the Instrument Selection L

Guide (ISG) is performed during the test based upon test duration and number of sensors. This assures the ISG requirement is being met if. test duration is re-duced and/or unacceptable sensors are eliminated. Upon successful completion of the ILRT, the program calcu-lates a knownl leak in SCFM equal to L, for the CLRT.

l l

The actual leak that was imposed is manually entered x

s C. Description of Computer Program (Continued) and the program calculates the acceptance band for the verification test based upon this value. When all testing is complete and depressurization begins, the Depressurization Monitor allows monitoring of depre-ssurization trends until atmospheric pressure is achieved. Extensive reporting and graphical options exist within the program and are available in hard copy by utilizing the Print option.

Test parameters measured are pressure, dewpoint temper-ature, and dry-bulb temperature inside the containment.

,_s Instrument readings taken by the DAS are recorded on I the hard disk of the computer and from these data, the s

leak rate is calculated. All data, both raw and calcu-lated, can be displayed on the computer monitor. Use of the absolute pretsure method as described in ANS N45.4-1972 is the basis for the leakage calcula-tions performed by the ILRT system program. The methodologies utilized are the Total-Time analysis as described in BN-TOP-1 and the Mass-Point analysis as described in ANSI /ANS-56.8-1987.

O a

D. Error Analysis g The instrument system error analysis is based on the Instrument Selection Guide (ISG) formula stated in ANSI /ANS 56.0-1987, " containment System Leakage Testing Requirements." The ISG value shall not exceed 0.25 L,.

The formula is 2400 ' ep ' # 'et ' e pv ' '

ISG = + 2 +2 -- + 2  % / day t s P , ,T , i P , ,

f where, ep - absolute pressure measurement error divided by the square root of the number of sensors et - dry-bulb temperature measurement error divided by the square root of the number of sensors y

epv - vapor pressure. measurement error divided by

.the square root of the number cf sensors P = test pressure T- - test temperature (nominal) t - test duration in hours Test Pressure 52.7 psia-Test Temperature 75'r (535'R)

Test-Dewpoint 60'r (520'R) vapor Pressure 0.00913 psia /'r 2400 0.0036707 0.022 0.001145 *'N ISG = +- 2 ( -- )' + 2 ( )' + 2 ( )

24 52.7 535 52.7 J.

ISG (24 hr) =+ 0.012 which is <0.125% per day by weight

.T25% of L,)

ISG (6 hr) = + 0.048% per day by weight L

o s




E. Description of Tests f

'g The containment was made ready for the ILRT with final j

inspection, closure, and exclusion areas established at 1500 hourc on october 17, 1991. Prior to this, various tasks were completed such as instrument sensor instal-lation, in-situ testing, temperature survey, Type B and C testing, valve line-ups, etc. Various minor problems were encountered and resolved during this period. The details concerning these issues can be found in accept-ance test procedure DB-PF-10309, containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test, and the associated test log which are-on file at the DBNPS. l Pressurization of containment commenced at 1800 hour0.0208 days <br />0.5 hours <br />0.00298 weeks <br />6.849e-4 months <br />s-  ;

( on october 17, 1991, at approximately 9000 cfm with pressure achieved at 0935 hours0.0108 days <br />0.26 hours <br />0.00155 weeks <br />3.557675e-4 months <br /> on October 18, 1991 at i 53.01 psia. The average pressurization rate was approximately 2.5 psi / hour. Upon reaching P,, pressure was. decreasing more than anticipated.- This was attributed to-the fact that-containment. average-ambient temperature prior to close-out was approximately 67'F, As arresult, containment average temperature at P, was-being " dragged down" with a corresponding effect on pressure. .Thl= created a concern of being at less than P, prior to actual commencement of the ILRT. To avoid this condition, repressurization recommenced at 1215-


~_ . .. ...-_-- - - . . . - - - - - . . _.

3 E. Description of Tests (Continued) hours with pressurization secured at 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> at 54.0 psia. Stabilization began at 1330 hours0.0154 days <br />0.369 hours <br />0.0022 weeks <br />5.06065e-4 months <br /> and was satis-factorily completed at 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br />.

Tiia ILRT commenced at the exact time stabilization was achieved with time zero at 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br />. During this period, data were acquired at 15 minute intervals with one data set deleted at 2245 hours0.026 days <br />0.624 hours <br />0.00371 weeks <br />8.542225e-4 months <br /> due to apparent

" noise" in the system. This noise was attributed to portable radios being utilized for transm1Falon at that time at the ILRT station. As a result, the use of portable radios was banned for the remainder of the test period. The ILRT was satisfactorily completed at 2345 hours0.0271 days <br />0.651 hours <br />0.00388 weeks <br />8.922725e-4 months <br /> with a Total-Time Upper confidence Limit of 0.061169h per day and a Mass-Point Upper Confidence Limit of 0.034465% per day. Both the Total-Time Upper

-Confidence Limit and Mass-Point Upper Confidence Limit.

were well below the 0.-75 L, acceptance criteria.

At 2350 hours0.0272 days <br />0.653 hours <br />0.00389 weeks <br />8.94175e-4 months <br />, flow for the Controlled Leak Rate Test (CLRT) or verification test was initiated at 35.9 scfm.

Following the one hour-stabilization period, the CLRT commenced at 0050 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> on October 19, 1991, with data taken at 10 minute intervals. At approximately 0402 0

.i f j E. Description of Tests (Continued) hours, power was lost to the entire ILRT system due to the transfer of loads off the D2 bus, Power was restored at approximately 0436 hours0.00505 days <br />0.121 hours <br />7.208995e-4 weeks <br />1.65898e-4 months <br />. As a result, no data were acquired during this period with data acquisition recommencing and the CLRT satisfactorily completed at 0500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br />. The results yielded a Total-Time calculated leak rate of 0.579865% per day and a Mass-Point leak rate of 0.585541% per day. Both the ILRT and CLRT satisfied all the requirements of BN-TOP-1.

Depressurization commenced at 0928 hours0.0107 days <br />0.258 hours <br />0.00153 weeks <br />3.53104e-4 months <br /> and was com-Oj pleted at 1825 hours0.0211 days <br />0.507 hours <br />0.00302 weeks <br />6.944125e-4 months <br />. Total penalties for Type a and C tests with correction f actors per Table 1 of Attachment 6 of DB-PF-10309 equate to 1992.2 seem or 0.0010097% per day. There were no corrections for water level changes (sumps, Reactor Coolant System, etc.). This equates to a corrected total reported Type A leakage rate of 0.0621787% per day by weight.

_<v.. ~ y- , ,- y .,r-~y - - - w -~y - -----y w -y - w..y


,m-The ILRT was conducted for a period of 6.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> starting at 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br /> on October 18, 1991, with a total of 26 samples or data sets taken, and ending at 2345 hours0.0271 days <br />0.651 hours <br />0.00388 weeks <br />8.922725e-4 months <br />. The results of a calculated least-squares statistical fit of all data revealed-a Total-Time leak rate of 0.022770% por day with a 95-percent upper confidence limit of 0.061169% per day.

Adding a penalty of 0.00101% per day to account for the Type B and C leakage of applicable penetrations which were not exposed to test pressure yielded a total "As-Left" Type a test result of 0.062179% per day, based on the upper

s confidence limit.

Following satisfactory completion of the ILRT at p. , a 4.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> CLRT was performed with a total of 21 samples or data sets taken. This test was conducted by superimposing a known fixed-orifice leak approximately equivalent to La (0.5% per day) of 35.9 scfm. The calculated Total-Time leak rate for CLRT was 0.579865% por day.

Following valve repairs during the refueling outage, the total Type D and C minimum pathway leakage improvement was 0.00145% per day. Added to the "As-Left" results value above, this yielded an "As-Found" Type A test result of 0.063629% per day.

! V. CONCLUSIONS The Integrated Leak Rate Test at peak accident pressure provided acceptable results as evidenced by the computer printouts in Appendix A of this report. The computed leak rate is well within the specified limit. The acceptance criteria for the ILRT is as follows:

1. The maximum allowable operational leak rate shall not -

exceed 75% of L, (0.5% per day) at a pressure of not lees than P, (38.0 psig):

- 0.375% per day

2. The accuracy of the ILRT is verified by a supplemen-tal test (CLRT) where a calibrated leak is imposed on the existing leaks (L,,) in the containment system.

The superimposed leak rate (Lo) shall be between 75% .

and 125% of L,.



- Total-Time Analysis .022770 .061169 CLRT Induced Flow 35.9 scfm ( L, or 0.5%)

g .y.





  • Total-Time Analysis 0,579865 ,


% PER 24 IIRS BY WEIGitT CLRT LIMITS Total-Time Analysis

+ Upper Limit 0.65274 Lower Limit 0.40274 The computer-generated reports based upon verified data i

substantiate for:both the ILRT and CLRT that an acceptable test-has'been performed in accordance'with 10 CTR 50, Appen-O k) dix J, ANSI-N45.4-1972 and the intent of ANSI /ANS-56.8-1987.

t The "As-Tound" ILRT result of 0.063629% per day, based on addition of Type D and C leakage improvements to the above ILRT test results,-was also acceptable.



,f EL. 818'


s r ZONE 6 6TE-1 ATE-2 TE-3 TE-4 RH-; RH-2 6TE-0 ATE-6 EL. 740' T1*- 7 TE-B


TE-10 RH- ZOtE S (H-3gTE-9

_ TE-1166TE-12 ._

EL. 701' TE-13 6 TE-15 TE-16 A TE-14 RH-50A60 RH-6 6 TE-17 A TE-18 EL. 653' (j)

[ TE-19 RH 7 TE-21


TE- 22


TE-20 d0 RH-8 1

0 ZONE 3 A , O TE-24 TE-23 mm,. .

=== EL. 603' m e 6

_q33 s TE-25 ,_,

TE-26 ZONE 2 7 L 0 .-L _j

, k """"

h EL. 565'

' I TE-2p(TE-27 TE-28[TE-30

_ . ZONE 1


EL. 534'




,/ N, 90 TE-22

/ ,

1E-20 2 oORH-a TE-2sa TE-26 6 6 TE-24 10 TE-30 0- j ~ 100 V

TE-19 60 RH-7 6TE-23 O O '

TE-21 4 TE-27 93 TE-25 C RH-9

. s, O RTD O RHD I

270 NOTES:





e q m

. ._. _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . _ . _ . ~ . - . _ . _ _ _ . _ _-



_t wo. I nl lE."'U"J.unt_ _ , en at%j sw HELATIVt hum 6DITY RHDs

, in ami N - -

( DASKOMPUTER - -- -' - - - -- 'u}~

mtssunt z_ m T

Flow 17 I





Auxiliary Building A //////////// .L J

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APPENDIX A l Computer Generated Report for integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) ll l

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i l

BN-TOP-1 Temporaturo Stabilization """" l DAVIS DESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1



!T, -

T t 21 t 1 --


  • F/HR/HR


13I$U 73343 14:31 72.252 15:31 11.001 0.801 0.000 16:30 71.250 0.503 0.177 17:30 70.931 0.300 0.098



Containment Calculated Values ' * " "

DAVIS 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWEfl STATION Unit No.1 RDG TIME MASS TEMP VAPOR PRESS PRESSURE 79 13:30:58 769858.32 73.443 0.2077 53.8618 80 13:45:59 769921.29 73.023 0.2006 53.8227 81 14:00:59 769969.82 72.709 0.2049 53.7928 82 14:16:00 769985.55 72.461 0.2046 53.7687 83 14:31:00 769997.19 72.252 0.2049 53.7487 84 14:46:01 769995.50 72.076 0.2051 53.7311 85 15:01:01 760983.12 71.927 0.2054 53.7155 86 15:16:02 769975.39 71.792 0.2056 53.7016 87 15:31:02 769977.37 71.661 0.2058 53.0887 88 15:46:03 739979.85 71.544 0.2056 53.6770 89 16:01:03 769963.20 71.439 0.2000 53.6657 90 16:16:04 769962.76 71.338 0.2000 53.6554 91 16:30:24 769965.81 71.250 0.2052 53.6460 92 16:45:35 760939.26 71.165 0.2002 53.6366 93 17:00:35 769941.70 71.071 0.2066 53.6276 94 17:15:36 769921.08 70.997 0.2070 53.6192 95 17:30.36 769906.86 70.931 0.2073 53.6119

Raw instrumont Dato " " " " -



/ Reading # 79 Oct 1813:30:58 O

Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.865 53.858 Dew Points (voltsi

1. 8 2.094 2.0850 2.0028 2,0470 2.4785 2.3085 2.3799 2.3031 9.10 2.5821 2.543 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 109.35 109.4 109.38 109.30 109.37 109.35 109.3 109.3 9.18 109.31 109.33 109.35 109.32 109.15 109.26 109.04 109.13 17.24 109.03 109.04 108.78 108.77 108.77 108.77 108.77 108.73 25.30 108.55 108.55 108.35 108.4 108.27 108.33 flooding # B0 Oct 1813:45:59 Pressures (pala)
1. 2 53.826 53.819 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.7188 2.7043 2.0059 2.0538 2.5537 2.301 2.4004 2.39 9.10 2.5953 2.5715 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 109.21 109.25 109.25 109.23 109.23 109.21 109.18 109.19 9.10 109.19 109.22 109.22 109.2 109.03 109.12 108.92 109.01 17.24 108.93 108.93 108.74 108.73 108.74 108.73 108.73 108.09 f3 25.30 108.54 108.54 108.34 108.4 108.28 108.33 (v) fleading # 81 Oct 1814:00:59 Pressures (pslat
1. 2 53.796 53.79 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.7292 2.7200 2.0843 2.0823 2.4023 2.3029 2.4359 2.4218 9.10 2.6103 2.572 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 109.1 109.14 109.15 109.12 109.13 109.11 109.08 100.09 9.10 109.11 109.12 109.13 103.09 108.93 109.02 108.84 108.91 17.24 108.87 103.80 108.72 108.71 108.72 108.7 108.72 108.08 25.30 108.53 108.53 108.33 108.4 108.27 108.33 Y~%

i a


Raw Instrument Data DAVIS DESSE NUCLEAf1 POWEli STATION Unit No.1 floading # 82 Oct 1814:10.00 Pressures (peJa)

1. 2 53.772 53.705 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.7435 2.7487 2.7014 2.0981 2.4741 2.3793 2.4004 2.4474 9.10 2.0484 2.5829 Temperatures (otuns) 1., 8 109.01 109.05 109.00 109.04 109.04 109.01 109 109.02 9.10 109.03 109.04 109.00 109.01 108.84 108.94 108.78 108.84 17.24 108.84 108.81 108.71 108.09 108.7 108.09 108.71 100.00 25.30 108.53 108.53 108.33 108.4 108.28 108.33 flooding # 83. Oct 1814:31:00 Pressures (pala) 1., 2 53.752 53.745 Dew Points Ivolts)
1. 8 2.7024 2.7054 2.710 2.7175 2.4957 2.4099 2.4874 2.4095 9.10 2.0021 2.5980 Temporstures lohrns) 1., 8 108.93 108.97 108.98 108.97 108.97 108.94 108.94 108.95 9.16 108.97 108.97 108.99 108.94 108.77 108.80 108.74 108.8 17.24 108.8 108.78 108.7 108.08 108.09 108.07 108.00 108.05 25.30 108.52 108.52 108.33 108.4 108.28 108.34 Floading a 84 Oct 1814:46:01 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53,735 53.727 Dew Points (volts) 1., 8 2.7815 2.7802 2.7310 2.7354 2.5120 2.435 2.5102 2.4913 9.10 2.008 2.0039 Temperatures lohms) 10 108.87 108.91 108.91 108.9 108.91 108.88 109.89 108.89 9.16 108.91 108.92 108.93 108.88 108.71 108.78 108.71 108.77 17.24 108.78 108.75 108.09 108.00 108.08 100.07 108.08 108.04 25.30 108.52 108.52 108.33 108.39 108.28 108.34

Raw Instrument Data DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAll POWEll STATION Unit No.1 flooding # 85 Oct 1815:01:01 Pressures (psial

1. 2 53.719 53.712 Dew Points (voltel 18 2.7907 2.801 2.7474 2.7519 2.529 2.4001 2.5300 2.5088 9.10 2.0710 2.0080 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.81 108.85 108.80 108.85 108.85 108.82 108.83 108.84 9.16 10e f0 108.80 108.87 108.83 10B.00 108.75 108.09 108.75 17.24 108.70 108.73 108.07 108.05 108.07 108.00 108.00 108.03 25.30 108.52 108.52 108.33 108.39 108.27 108.34 Reading # B0 Oct 1815:16:02 Pressures (psial
1. 2 53.705 53.098 Dew Points (voltsi
1. 8 2.8138 2.8193 2.7598 2.7598 2.5427 2.4983 2.5485 2.5251 9.10 2.0703 2.0180 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.70 108.8 108.81 108.79 108.8 108.77 108.79 108.79 9.16 108.81 108.81 108.82 108.79 108.07 108.73 108.07 108.7 17.24 108.75 108.71 108.00 108.04 108.00 108.05 108.05 108.02 25.30 108.51 108.51 108.33 108.39 108.28 108.34 fleading # 87 Oct 1815:31:02 Prossures (psia)
1. 2 53.092 53.085 Dow Points (volisi
1. 8 2.8298 2.8335 2.7703 2.781 2.5572 2.5158 2.5037 2.5388 9.10 2.0844 2.f 50 Temperatures Iohms) 1., 8 108.71 108.74 108.70 108.75 108.70 108.72 108.74 108.74 9.16 108.70 108.77 108.77 108.74 108.05 108.7 108.05 108.08 17.24 108.73 108.7 108.04 108.03 108.65 108.04 108.04 108.01 25.30 108.51 108.5 108.32 108 39 108.28 108.35

Raw Instrumont Data " " " "


( Reading # 88 Oct 1815:40:03 Pressures (p6la)

1. 2 53.68 53.074 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8392 2.8472 2.781 2.7757 2,5084 2.5331 2.5702 2.55 9.10 2.6890 2.0324 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.67 108.7 100.72 108.7 108.71 108.08 108.09 108.7 9.10 108.71 108.72 108.73 108.7 108;64 108.08 108.03 108.07 17.24 108.72 108.08 108.03 108.61 108.04 108.63 1^9.03 108.6 25.30 108.51 108.5 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.35 Reading # 89 Oct 1810:01:03 Pressures tpatal
1. 2 53.069 53.662 Dew Points (voitsi
1. 8 2.8559 2.8033 2.7900 2.7946 2.5781 2.5553 2.5942 2.5059 9.10 2.0932 2.6408 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 100.62 108.00 108.07 108.00 108.07 106.04 108.05 108.05 9.10 108.67 108.08 108.7 108.65 108.03 108.67 108.62 108.06 17.24 108.71 108.07 108.02 108.61 108.03 108.03 108.02 108.59 20.30 108.5 108.49 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.35 O Reading # 90 - Oct 1810:16:04 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.659 53.652 Dew Points (volts) 1.. B 2.8005 2.8713 2.7802 2.7976 2.5928 2.5002 2.0135 2.5'107 9.10 2.7107 2.6464 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.58 108.02 108.63 108.02 108.03 108.0 108.01 108.01 9.10 108.63 108.65 108.07 108.02 108.01 108.06 108.61 108.05 17.24 0 8.09 108.06 108.01 108.59 108.03 108.61 108.01 108.58 25.30 108.5 108.43 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.36 i

Row Instrumont Dato ,


( ) Reading # 91 Oct 1810:30:24 '

Pressures (pslal l

1. 2 53.049 53.043 Dow Points (volts)
1. 0 2.8593 2.8791 2.7001 2.7338 2.0098 2.5855 2.0304 2 5925 9.10 2.7214 2.0553 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.54 108.58 108.59 108.58 108.0 108.50 108.57 108.58 9.10 108.0 108.0 108.03 108.0 108.01 108.05 108.59 108.04 17.24 108.09 108.05 108.0 108.b 8 108.02 108.01 108.01 108.58 l 25.30 108.49 108.48 108.33 108.39 108.28 108.30 Reading # 92 Oct 1810:45:35 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.04 53.033 Dew Polots (volts) 1.. D 2.8407 2.8773 2.7504 2.703 2.092 2.0148 2.0594 2.0104 9.10 2.7420 2.0058 Ternporatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.51 108.55 108.55 108.54 108.50 108.52 108.54 108.55 9.10 108.57 108.58 108.01 108.57 108.59 108.04 108.59 108.03 17.24 108.07 108.04 108.0 108.58 108.01 108.0 108.0 108.57 p)


v 25.30 108.49 108.47 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.30 Reading # 93 Oct 1017:00:35 Pr essures (psla)

1. 2 53.031 53.024 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8379 2.8534 2.7825 2.7083 2.7073 2.0503 2.0831 2.0359 9.10 2.7591 2.0817 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.48 108.51 108.53 108.51 108.53 108.5 108.51 108.52 9.10- 108.54 108.55 108.58 108.53 108.57 108.62 108.57 108.02 17.24 108.00 108.02 108.57 108.50 108.01 108.0 108.58 108.55 25.30 108.48 108.40 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.30 p) lv

Row Instrumont Dato '* *" '


. Unit No.1 Roadng # 94 Oct 1817:15:36 l Presswes (palel

1. 2 53.623 53,616 Dow Points (volisi l
1. 8 2.8394 2.8519 2.7759 2.7773 2.7235 2.6851 2.6972 2.6641  ;

9.10 2.7864 2.7052 Tempwatwos (ohms)

1. 8 108.45 108.48 108.5 108.48 108.51 108.47 108.5 108.5 l 9.16 108.52 108.53 108.55 108.52 108.54 108.6 108.55 108.61 17.24 108.04 108.6 108.57 108.55 108.6 108.6 108.57 108.55.

25.30 108.48 108.45 108.33 108.38 108.28 108.36 i i

Readng # 95 Oct 1817:30:36  !

Presswes (palal

1. 2 53 615 63.608 Dow Points (volts) i
1. 8 -2.8381 2.8486 2.7802 2.7809 2.7267 2.6966 2.7137 2.6953  !

9.10 2.7982 2.7289 l Temperstwes (ohms) '

18 108.43 108.47 108.49 108.46 108.49 108.46 108.48 - 108.47 9.16 108.5 108.51 108.54 108.5 108.52 108.50 108.53- 108.59 '

17.24 108.62 108.58 108.B6 108.54 108.59 108.59 108.56' - 108.53  ;

25.30 108.47 108.45 108.33 108.39 108.29 108.37 6

L i

i l:

,~<w. -e ~r -~-v-- ,, wee.,w,-w -..c.#.-- _rwww% w, .w.rg+ y %%-3,.e.,w--.~.,,e,e.wem,.,. .,ey,,w r . .w e , e- w r ee u w er='rw- r e si+ 19 v s- e m eW r' '+ w-~ -+ -'-

l Celibratod Instrumant Dato " " " "


( Reading # 79. Oct 1813:30:58 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.805 53.858 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 57.038 50.809 50.533 50.485 53.493 52.424 51.245 51.125 9.10 52.301 52.172 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 74.803 74.895 74.847 74.758 74.789 74.803 74.079 74.05 9.16 74.05 74.77 74.728 74.771 73.979 74.255 73.489 73.072 17.24 73.120 73.34 72.237 72.315 72.132 72.219 72.013 72.023 25.30 71.040 71.29 70.090 70.557 09.733 70 072 Reading # 80 Oct 1813:45:59 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.820 53.819 Dow Points (*F) 1., 8 50.74 50.51 50.057 50.084 53.804 51.837 51.377 51.204 9.10 52.457 52.432 Ternporatures (*F)
1. 8 74.221 74.209 74.252 74.103 74.148 74.221 74.13 74.147
9. 16 74.101 74.200 74.133 74.221 73.429 73.014 72.939 73.122 17.24 72.000 72.830 72.053 72.132 71.995 72.030 71.83 71.84 (N 25.30 71 71.244 70.05 70.557 09.779 70.072 r )

V' Reading # 81. Oct 1814:00:59 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.790 53.79 Dew Points ('F) 18 50.421 50.27 55.908 55.955 52.474 51.441 51.022 51.538 9.10 52.034 52.395 Temperaturen (#F)
1. 8 73.718 73.700 73.794 73.60 73.09 73.703 73.072 73 G89 9.16 73.735 73.807 73.721 73.718 72.972 73.157 72.b72 72.004 17.24 72.394 72.510 71.902 72.041 71.903 71.898 71.784 71.794 25.30 70.954 71.198 70.004 70.557 09.733 70.072


/ \


Calibrated Instrumont Data DAVIS.8 ESSE NUCl EAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 82 Oct 1814:16:00 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.772 53.765 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 56.184 56.153 55.744 55.777 52.352 51.335 51.851 51.738 9.10 52.966 52.51 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 73.305 73.294 73.382 73.294 73.279 73.305 73.305 73.368 9.16 73.368 73.441 73.401 73.351 72.56 72.791 72.298 72.343 17.24 72.257 72.287 71.916 71.949 71.812 71.852 71.738 71.702 25.30 70.954 71.198 70.004 70.557 69.779 70.072 Reading # 83 Oct 1814:31:00 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.752 53.745 Dew Points l'Fl
1. 8 56.032 56.023 55.037 55.677 52.91 51.514 52.105 51.94 9.10 53.004 52.632 Temperatures ('FI
1. 8 72.939 72.928 73.010 72.974 72.958 72.985 73.03 73.048 9.10 73.094 73.12 73.08 73.03 72.239 72.425 72.114 72.16 17.24 72.074 72.15 71.87 71.903 71.766 71.761 71.647 71.656


r 25.30 70.908 71.153 70.004 70.557 69.779 70.118 RondinD # 84 Oct 1814:46:01 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.735 53.727 Dew Points ('F)

1. 8 55.924 55.932 55.54 55.045 52.477 51.668 52.3*1 52.034 9.10 53.124 52.688 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 72.664 72.653 72.695 72.653 72.684 72.71 72.801 12.773 9.16 72.819 72.891 72.800 72.756 71.964 72.058 71.977 72.023 17.J.4 71.982 72.013 71.824 71.8'i2 71.72 71.761 71.601 71.611 25.30 70.908 71.153 70.004 70.511 69.779 70.118

Calibrated Instrumont Dato DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Urnt No.1 0

Randing # 85 0ct 1815:01:01 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.719 53.712 Dew Points l'F)
1. 8 55.861 55.865 55.487 $5.556 52.57 51.862 52.446 52.242 9.10 53.161 52.737-Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 72.389- 72.379 72.466 72.425 72.409 72.435 72.527 72.544 9.16 72.59 72.616 72.531 72.527 71.873 71.921 71.885 71.931 17.24 71.891 71.921 71.733 71.766 71.675 71.715 71.509 71.565 25.30 70.908 71.153 70.004 70.511 -69.733 70.118 Reading # 86 0ct 1815:16:02 Pressures (PSIA)

'1. 2 53.705 53.698 Dew Points ('F)

'1. 8 55.816 55.789- 55.398 55.422 52.632 52.07 52.596 52.376 9.10 53.166 52.799 Temperatures l'F)

1. 8' .72.16 72.15 72.237 72.15 72.18 72.206 72.343 72.315 9.16 72.361 72.387 72.302 72.343 71.781 71.83 71.794 71.702 17.24 -71.845 71.83 71.687 71.72 71.629 71.669 71.464 71.519-f 25.30 70.863 71.107 70.004 70.511 69.779 70.118


Reading # 87 Oct 1815:31:02 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.692 53.685-

. Daw Poirits ('F)

1. 8 55.759 55.757- 55.29 55.462 52.702 52.175 -52.673 52.481 9.10 53,249 52.829 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 71.931 71.875 72.008 71.967 71.997 71.977 72.114 72.087
9. 16 72.132 72.204 72.074 72.114' 71.69 71.692 71.702 71.611' +

17.24 71.753 71.784 71.595 71.674 71.583 71.623 71.418 71.473 25.30 70.863 71.061 69.958 70.511 69.779 70.164 l

l l """"

Calibrated instrument Data DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 88 Oct 1815:46:03 ms(PSIA)

1. 2 53.68 53.674 Dew Points l'F)
1. 8 55.679 55.676 55.183 55.196 52.737 52.319 52.763 52.516 9.10 53.301 52.899 Temperaturos ('F)
1. 8 71.748 71.602 71.824 71.738 71.769 71.794 71.885 71.903 9.16 71.903 71.975 71.891 71.931 71.644 71.601 71.611 71.565 17.24 71.708 71.693 71.55 71.583 71.537 71.577 71.372 71.427 25.30 70.863 71.001 70.004 70.466 69.779 70.164 Reading # 89 Oct 1816:01:03 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.669 53.662 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 55.627 55.661 55.107 55.212 52.797 52.514 52.91 52.685 9.10 53.356 52.944 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 71.519 71.509 71.595 71.555 71.586 71.611 71.702 71.075 9.16 71.72 71.791 71.753 71.702 71.598 71.555 71.565 71.519 17.24 71.662 71.047 71.504 71.583 71.491 71.577 71.326 71.382 25.30 70.817 0 Reading # 90. Oct 1816:16:04 71.015 70.004 70.466 69.779 70.164 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.659 53.652 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 55.5 55.567 54.893 55.114 52.91 52.587 53.07 52.715 9.10 b3.472 52.959 Temperatures l'F)
1. 8 71.336 71.326 71.412 71.372 71.403 71.427 71.519 71.491 9.16 71.537 71.654 71.616 71.565 71.507 71.509 71.519 71.473 17.24 71.57 71.001 71.458 71.491 71.491 71.486 71.281 71.330 25.30 70.817 70.969 70.004 70.466 69.779 70.21 i

Calibrated instrument Data DAVIS.BESSE NUCt. EAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 91 Oct 1810:30:lt4 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.049 53.043 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 55.318 55.471 54.507 54 208 53.003 52.749 53.203 b2.839 9.10 53.537 53.051 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 71.153 71.143 71.229 71.189 71.205 71.244 71.330 71.354 9.10 71.4 71.425 71.433 71.473 71.507 71.404 71.427 71.427 17.24 71.57 71.555 71.412 71.440 71.440 71.480 71.281 71.330 25.30 70.771 70.909 70.004 70.511 09.779 70.21 Reading # 92 Oct 1810:45:35 Pressures (PSIAl
1. 2 53.04 .53.033 Dew Points ('F) 1.. R 54.908 55.282 54.343 54.474 53.849 53.013 53.502 53.020 9.10 53.749 53.110 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 71.015 71.000 71,040 71.000 71.082 71.001 71.198 71.217 9.16 71.203 71.333 71.342 71.330 71.415 71.418 71.427 71.382 17.24 71.479 71.51 71.412 71.440 71.4 71.44 71.235 71.29 25.30 70.771 70.924 70.004 70.400 09.779 70.21 Reading # 93 Oct 1817:00:35 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.031 53.024 Dow Points l'F)
1. 8 54.855 54.925 54.473 54 399 53.919 53.4 53.017 53.200 9.10 53.87 S3.23b Temperatures (*Fl 1.. B 70.878 70.R23 70.954 70.000 70.945 70.909 71.001 71.079 9.10 71.125 71.190 71.204 71.153 71.324 71.320 71.330 71.330 17.24 71.433 71.418 71.275 71.3 b 4 71.4 71.44 71.143 71.199 25.30 70.725 70.478 70.004 70 460 09.779 70.21 l

Celibrated Instrumont Dato  !


/~ i

.( Raeding # 94. Oct 1817:15:36 Presswes (PSIA) i

1. 2 53.623 53.616 Dew Points l'F)
1. 8 54.741 54.782 54.323 54.402 53.997 53.652 53.76 53.454 9.10 54.14 53.431 .

Temperstwos (*F) i

1. 8 70.74 70.686 70.817 70.732- 70.854 70.832 71.015 70.988 I 9.16 71.034 71.104 71.007 71.107 71.186 71.235 71.244 71.29 17.24 71.342 - 71.326 71.275 71.308 71.354 71.44 71.098 71.198 25.30 70.725 70.832 70.004 70.466 69.779 70.21 l fleeding # 95 Oct 1817:30:36-Presswes (PSIA) 1., 2 53.615 -53.608 Dew Points ('F)_

1..- 8 54.686 54.665 54.28- 54.353 53.944 53.684 53.885 53.73

- 9.10 54.213- - 53.669 Temperoiw es ('F)

- 1. 8 70.649 70.64 - 70.771 70.64 70.762 70.786 70.924 70.851 ,

9.16 70.942 71.012 - 71.021 71.015- 71.0 % 71.143 71.153 71.198 '

17.24--71.25 71.235 71.229 -71.262 71.308- 71.394 71.052 71.107 M-- 25. 30 70.679 70.832 70.004 70.511 69.824 70.255 0

-s W

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i Average Pressure DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION j Unit No.1 54.2

. i i  :

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i i i '

i 54.0 -

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, i i

53.9 I - '

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53.4 -


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,_ _ ___ __._______ _ _ . _. _ _ _ _ . ___ _ . . _ .. . . _ _ . _ _ _ . . ~. .

i -- ..

rp Average Temperature t DAVIS-SESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATIOtt .

Unit No.1 75.5' s

t l l

!. L 74.4 - }

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Average Dew Point-i- OAVISAFttF NUCLEAR POWER STATION l" Unit No.1 '

i 54.9 l -'

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BN-TOP 1 Terrnination Criteria Evaluation for Reading # 120

1. The Trend Report based on Total Time calculations shall indicate that the magnitude of the calculated leak rate is tending to stabilire at a value less than the maximum allowable leak rate (<.75La).

Required Value: 0.375000 %/ day Actual Value: 0.022770 %/ day (Note: The magnitude of the calculated leak rate may be increasing slightly as it tends to stabilire. In this case the average rate of increase of the calculated leak rate shall be determined from the accumulated data over the last five hours or list twenty data points, whichever provides the most points, t : sing this average rate the calculated leak rate can then be .nearly extrapolated to u o 24th hout data point.

If this extrapolated value of the calculated leak rate exceeds 75% of the maximum allowabl6 leak rate (La) then the leak rate test is continued.)

Required Value: 0.375000 %/ day Actual Value: 0.000000 %/ day f


) 2. The end of test upper 95% confidence limit for the calculated leak rate based nn Tota) Time calculations shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate (<.75La).

Required Value: 0.375000 %/ day Actual Value: 0.061169 %/ day

3. The mean of the measured leak sates based on Total Tirm calculations over the last five hours of test or last twenty data points, whichever provioes the most data, shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate (<.75La).

Required Value: 0.375000 %/ day Actual Value: 0.045863 %/ day

, 4. Data shall be recorded at approximately equalintervals and in no case at intervals greater than one hour.

Required interval: < = 1 hr Maximum ActualInterval: 0.25 hr

5. At least twenty (20) data points shall be provided for proper statistical analysis.

Required # Data Points: > =20 Actual Data Points: 26

6. In no case shall the minimum test duration be less than six (6) hours, i

7 j Required Minimum Duration: 6 hr Actual Duration: 6.2 hr

Total Timo Loak Roto Anclysis " * " "


96 15.02 0.066661 . .

97 30.02 0.108568 0.108568 .

98 45.03 0.103169 0.111052 0.298235 99 60.03 0.128787 0.128938 0.197555 100 75.05 0.096282 0.116583 0.200436 101 90.05 0.076237 0.099233 0.183703 102 105.07 0.052471 0.078080 0.162369 103 120.07 0.051032 0.064434 0.139660 104 135.08 0.059030 0.058663 0.125168 105 150.08 0.039669 0.048208 0.109046 106 165.10 0.058746 0.047010 0.104086 107 180,10 0.046134 0.042611 0.095594 108- 195.12 0.047971 0.039955 0.089981 1

- 109 210.12 0.044638 0.037206 0.084691  ?

110 225.13 0.044724 0.035200 0.080753 l' 111 240.13 0.042394 0.033194 0,077043 112- 255.15 0.035838 0.030263 0.072328 *

-113 270.15 0.043393 0.029514 0.070845 114 285.17 0.041155 0.028545 0.009057 115 300.17 0.032228 0.026162 0.065387 116 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 117 330.18 0.042476 -0.023547 0.063385 ,

118 345.20 0.031106 0.022235 0.061039 .

119 360.20 0.037538 0.022265 0.000739 .

120 374.72 0.040062 0.022770 0.061169 l .;

V f

i l (N [


.. ~ .. a - . _....... .. ._.. .. . . . _ - _ . . _ _ , . _ . _ .


Moss Point Look Roto Anclysis DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWEH STA110N Unit No.1 O' RDG 95 TIME 0.00 Norm Mass MP leak

%Iday MP UCL

%Iday 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 90 15.02 0.99999 0.000001 0.00000 97 30.02 0.99998 0.10850 0.31508 98 45.03 0.99997 0.10790 0.13977 99 00.03 0.99995 0.12731 0.15754 100 75.05 0.99995 0.10985 0.13783 101 90.05 0.99995 0.089279 0.11905 102 105.07 0.99990 0.005753 0.10000 103 120.07 0.99996 0.053123 0.082451 104 135.08 0.99994 0.050505 0.073039 105 150.08 0.99996 0.040005 0.002000 100 105.10 0.99993 0.043020 0.000'/44 107 180.10 0.99994 0.039973 0.055148 108 105.12 0.99994 0.038910 0.051858 109 210.12 0.99993 0.037288 0.048549 110 225.13 0.99993 0.030390 0.040220 111 240.13 0.99993 0 035200 0.043923 112 255.15 0.99994 0.032540 0.040712 113 270.15 0.99992 0.032841 0.040125 114 285.17 0.99992 0.032599 0.039130 115 300.17 0.99993 0.030213 0.030572 110 315.18 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 117 330.18 0.99990 0.031201 0.030900 118 345.20 0.99993 0.029094 0.034055 119 300.20 0.99991 0.029123 0.034175 120 374.72 0.99990 0.020802 0.034405 O

Conteinmont Calculatod Vcluos DAVIS BESSE NUCLEM. POWER STATION Undt No.1


\ RDG TIME MASS 'lEMP VAPOH PRESS PRESSURE 95 17:30:30 709900.80 70.931 0.2073 53.0119 90 17:45:37 769901.51 70.803 0.2074 53.0048 97 18:00:37 709889.44 70.807 0.2074 63.5983 98 18:15:38 709882.02 70.747 0.2075 53.5918 99 18:30:38 709805.53 70.098 0.2070 53.5859 100 18:45:39 709868.23 70.042 0.2070 $3.5804 101 19:00:39 769870.10 70.580 0.2077 53.5750 102 19:15:40 709617.39 70.529 0.2070 53.5097 103 19:30:40 769874.10 70.481 0.2077 53.5047 104 19:45:41 709804.23 70.439 0.2078 53.5599 105 20:00:41 76D875.03 70.300 0.2077 53.5553 100 20:15:42 709855.01 70.353 0.2077 53.5500 107 20:30:42 769862.44 70.300 0.2079 53.5405 108 20:45:43 700850.82 70.207 0.2079 53.5422 109 21:00:43 709350.72 70.220 0.2080 53.5381 ,

110 21:15:44 709853.03 70.100 0.2080 53.5343 111 21:30:44 709852.43 70.155 0.2079 53.5300 112 21:45:45 709857.97 70.112 0.2080 53.5208 113 22:00:45 709844.19 70.080 0.2001 53.5233 114 22:15:46 709844.12 70.057 0.2082 53.5204 115 22:30:46 760855.14 70.015 0.2082 53.5170 110 22:45:47 769835.00 69.998 0.2083 53.5140 117 23:00:47 769831.88 09.970 0.2083 53.5110 118 23:15:48 769849.45 69.935 0.2084 53.5087 119 23:30:48 709834.57 69.910 0.2084 53.5058 120 23:45:19 709820.00 69.897 0.2085 53.5035 V

Rar; '.;strumont Doto " " " "


( Reading # 95. Oct 1817:30:38 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.015 53.008 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8381 2.8480 2.7802 2.7809 2.7207 2.0908 2.7137 2.0953 9.10 2.7982 2.7289 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.43 lu8.47 108.49 108.40 108.49 108.40 108.48 108.47
9. 10 108.5 108.51 108.54 108.5 108.52 108.58 108.53 108.59 17.24 108.02 108.58 108.50 108.54 108.59 108.59 108.50 108.53 25.30 108.47 108.45 108.33 108.39 108.29 108.37 Reading # 96 Oct 1817:45:37 Pressures (pala) 1., 2 53.008 53.002 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8387 2.8518 2.7798 2.7885 2.7372 2.7111 2.7298 2.7134 9.10 2.8022 2.7438 Temperatures (ohms) 1., 8 108.41 108.45 108.40 108.44 108.47 108.44 108.40 108,40 9.16 108.49 108.5 108.52 108.49 108.51 108.50 108.51 108.58 17.24 108.0 108.57 108.54 108.51 108.58 108.58 108.55 108.52

[ 25.30 108.47 108.44 108.32 108.38 108.20 108.37

$. ]*

Reading # 97 Oct 1818:00:37 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 63.602 B3.595 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8  ?*W 2.8554 2.785 2.7929 2.7401 2.7187 2.7408 2.7221
9. 10 3 w.% 2.7537 Temperatures (chms)
1. 8 108.4 108.44 108.44 108.43 108.45 108.43 108.44 108.44 9.16 108,47 108.48 108.5 108.47 108.5 108.54 108.5 108.50 17.24 108.58 108.50 108.53 103.5 108.58 108.57 108.57 108.5 25.30 108.40 108.42 108.32 108.38 108.3 108.37 Om


( j Reading # 98. Oct 1018:15:38 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.595 53.588 Dew Points (volts) 18 2.8473 2.8555 2.7948 2.7979 2.7554 2.729 2.7518 2.733r, 9.10 2.8091 2.7018 ,

Ternperatures (ohrnsi l

1. 8 108.38 108.41 108.43 108.42 108.43 108.4 108.43 1U 's
9. 10 108.45 108.40 108.49 108.40 108.40 108.53 108.49 1M.04 17.24 108.57 108.54 108.51 108.48 108.57 100.50 108.50 108.49 25.30 108,45 108.42 100.32 108.39 108.32 108.37 Reading # 99 Oct 18 ~8:30:39 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.589 53.583 Dow Points (voltsi
1. 8 2.8554 2,803.1 2.790 2.801 2.7020 2.7370 2.70 2.7433 9.10 2.8153 2.7082 Tornporatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.30 108.41 108.41 108.4 108.41 108.4 108.41 108.42 9.10 108.44 108.45 108.47 108.45 108.40 100.51 108.47 108.54 17.24 108.65 108.55 108.5 108.47 108.65 108.50 108.50 108.48

[] 25.30 108.45 108.41 108.31 108.38 1')8.32 100.38


Reading # 100 Oct 1818:45:39 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.584 53.577 Dow Points (volts)

1. 8 2.8347 2.860 2.7982 2.8075 2.7707 2.7442 2.7049 2.7545 9.10 2.8159 2.7745 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.35 108.39 108.4 108.39 108.4 108.38 108.4 108.4 9.16 108.42 108.44 108.40 108.44 108.44 108.5 108.40 108.53 17.24 108.54 108.53 108.48 108.40 108.54 108.50 108.54 108.47 25.30 108.44 108.4 108.3 108.39 108.31 108.3b b

Row Instrumont Dato " * " "

DAVIS DESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 rx Reading # 101 Oct 1819:00:39 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.578 53.572 Dow Points (vcits)
1. 0 2.8625 2.8685 2.8065 2.8136 2.7804 2.7537 2.7762 2.7614 9.10 2.8214 2.7807 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 0 108.34 108.37 108.38 108.38 108.39 108.37 108.39 108.39 9.16 108.42 108.42 108.44 108.43 108.43 108.49 108.44 108.51 17.24 108.5? 108.52 100.48 108.44 108.53 108.53 108.52 108.40 25.30 108.43 108.39 108.3 108.38 108.31 108.36 Reading # 102 Oct 1819:15:40 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.573 53.566 Dow Points (volts)
1. 0 2.8663 2.8727 2.8093 2.8186 2.7855 2.7588 2.7804 2.7701 9.10 2.8258 2.7863 Tomparatures (ohms)
1. 0 108.32 108.36 100.37 108.36 108.37 108.35 108.37 108.38 9.16 108.4 108.41 108.44 108.41 108.42 108.48 108.42 108.5 17.24 108.51 108.5 108.40 108.43 108.52 108.52 108.52 108.45 25.30 108.42 108.38 108.29 108.38 108.32 108.37 Reading # 103 Oct 1819:30:40 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.568 53.561 Dow Points (volts)
1. 0 2.8676 2.8766 2.8182 2.8216 2.7955 2.7653 2.7862 2.7766 9.10 2.8303 2.7933 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.31 108.35 108.36 108.35 108.36 108.34 108.36 108.37 9.16 108.38 108.4 108.42 108.4 108.4 108.46 108.41 108.49 17.24 108.5 108.49 108.45 108.42 108.51 108.51 108.5 108.44 25.30 108.42 108.38 108.29 108.39 108.31 108.37 d

Raw instrument Data '

DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAP. POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 104. Oct 1819:45:41 Pressures (pala)

1. 2 53.563 53.556 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.874 2.879 2.8224 2.829 2.8047 2.7727 2.7906 2.7817 9.10 2.8354 2.7973 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.3 108.34 106'3
108.35 108.35 108.33 108.35 108.36 9.16 108.37 108.39 108.41 103.4 108.39 108.45 108.4 108.48 17.24 108.49 108.47 108.44 108.4 108.5 108.5 108.49 108.43 25.30 108.41 108.36 108.29 108.38 108.31 108.37 Reading # 105 - Oct 18 20
00:41 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.558 53.552 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8749 2.8811 2.8235 2.8307 2.8088 2.7779 2.7966 2.7887 9.10 2.8387 2.804 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.29 108.33 108.34 108.34 108.34 108.31 108.34 108.36 9.16 108.36 108.37 108.4 108.38 108.38 108.44 108.39 108.46 17.24 108.48 108.44 108.43 108.39 108.49 108.49 108.48 108.42 25.30 108.4 108.36 108.29 108.38 108.31 108.36 Reading # 106 - Oct 18 20:15:42 Pressures (pala) 1., 2 53.554 53.547 Dew Points (volts) -
1. 8 2.8793 2.8835 2.8251 2 8404 2.8119 2.7875 2.8026 2.7937 9.,10 2.8439 2.8082 Temperatures tohms) o 1. 8 108.28 108.31 108.33 108.32 108.33 108.31 108.33 108.35 t.16 108.36 108.36 108.39 108.37 108.37 108.44 108.39 108.45 13.24 108.47 108.44 108.41 108.39 108.48 108.48 108.47 108.42 25.30 108.39 108.35 108.29 108.41 108.3 103.36 9

Raw Instrument Dato " " " "


( ) Reading # 107 - Oct 18 20:30:42 Pressures (psia)

1. 2 53.55 53.543 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8843 2.8895 2.6321 2.8446 2.8189 2.7893 2.8088 2.8004 9.10 2.846 2.8125 Temperatures lohms)
1. 8 108.27 108.31 108.32 108.31 108.32 108.29 108.32 108.34
9. 16 108.35 108.35 108.38 108.36 108.36 108.42 108.38 108.45 17.24 108.45 108.42 108.4 108.39 108.47 108.47 108.45 108.41 25.30 108.38 108.35 109.28 108.4 108.3 108.35 Reading J 108 - L.nt 18 20:45:43 Pressures (psia)
1. 2 53.540 53.539 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2,8874 2.3923 2.8375 2.8494 2.8239 2.7972 2.8141 2.8063 9.10 2.8485 2.8202 Ton.paratures (ohms) l 1. 8 108.26 108.29 108.31 108.31 108.31 108.28 108.31 108.33 I 9.16 108.33 108.34 108.38 108.35 108.35 108.41 108.37 108.44 l 17.24 108.44 108.42 108.39 108.38 108.40 10A 46 108.44 108.4 l [] 25.30 108.38 108.33 108.28 108.41 108.3 108/J5 l '

Reading # 109 - Oct 18 21:00:43 Pressures (psia)

1. 2 53.541 53.535 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.8946 2.8963 2.8447 2.8544 2.829 2.8011 2.8202 2.8099 9.10 2.8522 2.8206 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.25 108.29 108.31 108.29 108.3 108.28 108.3 108.32 9.16 108.33 108.33 108.37 108.34 108.34 108.4 108.30 108.43 17.24 108.43 108.41 108.37 108.37 108.45 108.45 108.42 108.39 l 25.30 108.38 108.33 108.28 108A 108.29 108.34 in f





/ \

,)- Reading # 110 Oct 18 21:15:44 Pressures (pala)

1. 2 53.538 53.531 Dow Points (volts) 1., 8 2.9035 2.8977 2.8472 2.8557 2.8372 2.8033 2.8271 2.815 9.10 2.8554 2.8248 Temperatures (ohms) 1., 8 108.24 108.28 108.29 108.29 108.3 108.26 108.29 108.31 9.16 108.31 108.32 108.36 108.33 108.33 108.39 108.35 108.42 17.24 108.42 108.41 108.37 108.36 108.45 108.45 108.42 108.39 25.30 108.37 108.32 108.27 108.4 108.29 108.34 Reading # 111 Cct 18 21:30:44 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.534 53.527 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9028 2.9017 2.8485 2.8606 2.8385 2.8078 2.8287 2.82 9.10 2.8583 2.8324 f amperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.23 108.27 108.28 108.28 108.28 108.26 108.28 108.3 9.16 108.31 108.31 108.35 108.32 108.32 108.39 108.34 108,41 17.24 108.41 108.4 108.36 108.34 108.44 108.44 108.43 108.38

/^N 25.30 108.37 108.31 108.27 108.41 108.29 108.34


'O Reading # 112 - Oct 18 21:45:45 Pressures (pala)

1. 2 53.53 53.524 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9096 2.9047 2.8566 2.8661 2.8419 2.814 2.8362 2.8254 9.10 2.8608 2.831 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.22 108.26 108.27 108.27 108.27 108.25 108.27 108.3 9.16 108.29 108.31 108.34 108.32 108.31 108.37 108.34 108.4 17.24 108.4 108.38 108.36 108.33 108.43 108.42 108.41 108.37 25.30 108.35 108.31 108.27 108.41 108.28 108.33 l


,/"^x I )

l \j l

Raw Instrument Data



I Reading # 113. Oct 18 22:00:45 Pressures (psia)

1. 2 53.527 53.52 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9062 2.9077 2.8601 2.8715 2.8477 2.8188 2.8383 2.o276 9.10 2.8636 2.8361 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.22 108.25 108.27 108.27 108.27 108.24 108.26 108.29 9.16 108.29 108.3 108.33 108.31 108.31 108.37 108.32 108,39 17.24 108.4 108.37 108.35 108.33 108.42 108.43 108.4 108.37 25.30 108.35 108.31 108.26 108.4 108.27 108.32 Reading # 114 - Oct 18 22:15:46 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.524 53.517 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9136 2.9109 2.8626 2.8766 2.8494 2.8193 2.8437 2.8329 9.10 2.8689 2.8379 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.21 108.25 108.25 108.26 108.26 108.22 108.25 108.28 9.16 108.29 108.29 108.32 108.31 108.3 108.36 108.31 108.4 17.24 108.4 108.37 108.34 108.32 108.42 108.42 108.39 108.36 25.30 108.36 1C3.3 108.26 108.41 108.27 108.32


Reading # 115 0ct 18 22:30:4G Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.52 53.514 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9204 2.9142 2.8674 2.8789 2.8573 2.8252 2.8476 2.8362 9.10 2.8692 2.844 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.2 108.24 108.24 108.25 108.25 108.22 108.25 108.27 9.16 108.27 108.29 108.31 108.29 108.28 108.35 108.31 108.38 17.24 108.38 108.37 108.33 108.32 108.41 108.41 108.39 108.35 25.30 108.34 108.3 108.26 108.4 108.26 108.31 O


Unit No.1 Reading # 116 Oct 18 22:45:47 Presswer ipsie) 1., 2 53.517 53.511 Dew Points (volts)

1. 8 2.9237 2.9176 2.87 2.8822 2.8621 2.8262 2.8478 2.8444 9.10 2.8727 2.8465 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 100.19 108.23 108.24 108.24 108.25 108.22 108.25 108.27 9.16 108.27 108.28 108.31 108.29 108.29 108.34 108.3 108.38 17.24 108.37 10R.37 108.33 108.3 108.4 108.4 108.38 108.35 25.30 108.35 108.29 108.26 108.41 108.26 108.31 Reading # 117 Oct is 23:00:47 Presswes (psla)
1. 2 53.514 53.508 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9255 2.9156 2.8754 2.8848 2.8628 2.8317 2.8528 2.844 9.10 2.8756 2.8466 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.19 108.23 108.24 108.24 108.24 108.21 108.24 108.26 9.16 108.26 --108.27 108.3 108.29 108.27 108.34 108.3 108.38
17. 24. 108.36 108.35 .108.32 108.3 108.4 108.39 108.37 108.35

'25. 30- 108.34 108.29 108.26 108.4 108.25 108.31


Reading # 118 Oct 18 23:15:48-Pressures (pala)

~ 1. 2 53.512 53.506 Dow Points (volte)

1. 8 2.9324 2.9217- 2.8756 2.8902 2.8694 2.8378 2.8573- 2.8491 9.10 2.8763- 2.8526-Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.18 108.22 108.23 108.24 108.23 108.2 108.23 - 108.25 9.16 108.25 108.27 108.29 108.28 108.27 108.33 108.29 108.36 17.24 108.36 - 108.34 108.31 108.29 108.38 108.39 108.37 108.34 #

25.30 109.34 108.28 108.25 108.41 108.25 .108.3

+ m . . - - wy- i%, ,.-.._,,.-4syor .,, ,.mr- --r-m--*,- r .-e =w w w - rwe - w-ee i ir v - y-"

Raw Instrument Data " * " "

DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWEH STAT 10N Unit No.1 Reading # 119 Oct 18 23:30:48 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.509 53.503 Dew Points (volts) 1., 8 2.9293 2.927 2.8809 2.8909 2.8724 2.8384 2.8596 2.8523 9.10 2.8791 2.8535 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.17 108.21 108.22 108.22 108.23 108.2 108.22 108.25 9.16 108.24 108.27 108.29 108.27 108.27 108.32 108.29 108.36 17,.24 108.35 108.34 108.31 108.29 108.39 108.39 108.36 108.34 25.30 108.33 108.28 108.25 108.4 108.25 108.3 Reading # 120 - Oct 18 23:45:19 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.507 53.5 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.934 2.9285 2.8859 2.8944 2.8748 2.8449 2.8642 2.8567 9.10 2.882 2.8552 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.17 108.2 108.22 108.22 108.22 108.19 108.22 108.25 9.16 108.24 108.25 108.29 108.27 108.26 108.33 108.28 108.36 17.24 108.35 108.34 108.31 108.29 108.38 108.38 108.35 108.33 25.30 108.32 108.28 108.25 108.4 108.24 108.3

j Calibrated Instrumont Data DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWER ST ATION I Unit No.1 Reading # 95 Oct 1817:30:36 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.615 53.608 Dew Points l'F)

1. 8 54.686 54.665 54.28 54.353 53.944 53.684 53.885 53.73 9.10 54.213 53.669 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 70.649 70.64 70.771 70.64 70.762 70.786 70.924 70.851 9.16 70.942 71.012 71.021 71.015 71.095 71.143 71.153 71.198 17.24 71.25 71.235 71.229 71.262 71.308 71.394 71.052 71.107 25.30 70.679 70.832 70.004 70.511 69.824 70.255 Reading # 06 - Oct 1817:45:37 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.608 53.602 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 54.;54 54.611 54.234 54.385 53.964 53.788 53.961 53.785 9.10 54+52 53.775

. Temperatures (*F)

1. 8 70d57 70.549 70.634 70.549 70.671 70.695 70.832 70.805 9.16 70.o96 70.966 70.93 70.969 71.049 71.052 71.061 71.153 17.24 71.159 71.189 71.137 71.125 71.263 71.348 71.006 71.061 25.30 70.679 70.786 69.958 70.466 69.824 70.255


Reading # 97 - Oct 1818.00:37 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.602 53.595 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.54 54.603 54.2 54.343 54.011 53.779 54.029 53.83 9.10 54.258 53.788 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 70.511 70.503 70.542 70.503 70.579 70.649 70.74 70.713 9.16 70.805 70.875 70.838 70.878 71.003 70.96 71.015 71.061 17.24 71.067 71.143 71.092 71.079 71.263 71.302 71.098 70.969 -

25.30 70.634 70.695 69.958 70.466 69.87 70.255

Cellbratod Instrumont Dato DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1

,7 l

) Reading # 98 Oct 1818:15:38 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.595 53.588 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.518 54.561 54.211 54.306 54.061 53.797 54.053 53.86 9.10 54.234 53.869 Temperatures l'F)
1. 8 70.42 70.366 70.496 70.457 70.488 70.511 70.695 70.667 9.16 70.713 70.783 70.793 70.832 70.912 70.915 70.969 70.969 17.24 71.021 71.052 71 70.988 71.217 71.257 71.052 70.924 25.30 70.588 70.695 69.958 70.511 69.962 70.255 4

Reading # 99 - Oct 1818:30:38 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.589 53.583 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.511 54.55 54.18 54,294 54.047 53.883 54.092 53.915 9.10 54.294 53.889 Temperatures (aF)
1. 8 70.328 70.366 70.405 70.366 70.396 70.511 70.603 70.622 9.16 70.667 70.737 70.701 70.786 70.82 70.823 70.878 70.969 17.24 70.93 71.098 70.954 70.942 71.125 71.257 71.052 70.878 7'~'] 25.30 70.588 70.649 69.912 70.466 69.962 70.301

{w- }

Reading # 100 Oct 1818:45:39 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.584 53.577 Dow Points (*F)
1. 8 54.461 54.533 54.116 54.315 54.084 53.907 54.056 53.984 9.10 54.257 53.909 .

Temperatures (*F)

1. 8 70.282 70.274 70.359 70.32 70.35 70.42 70.557 70.53 9.16 70.576 70.691 70.655 70.74 70.728 70.777 70.832 70.924 17.24 70.884 71.006 70.863 70.896 71.079 71.211 70.96 70.832 25.30 70.542 70.603 69.867 70.511 69.916 70.301 k

'l LJ

Cellbrated. Instrument Date DAVIS-8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 101 - Oct 1819:00:39 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.578 53.572 Dew Points (*F) +
1. 9 54.451 54.518 54.197 54.289 54.095 53.916 54.167 53.967 ~ r
9. 10 54.268 53.927 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 - 70.237 70.183 70.267 - 70.274 70.305 70.374 70.511 70.484 9.16- 70.576 70.564 70.695- 70.683 70.732- 70.74 70.832 17.24 70.793- 70.96 - 70.6 70.863 70.805 71.034 71.119 70.869 70.786 25.;30 70.496 70.557 69.867 70.466 69.916 70.301-
  • Reading # 102 - Oct 1819:15:40 -

Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 L 53.573 53.566' Dew Points ('F) ,
1. 8 54.444 .54.469 54,139 54.295 54.06 53.924 54.123 54.01 9..10 54.268 - 53.94 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8- 70.145- 70.137- 70.221 70.183 70.213 70.282 70.42 70.439 9.16 70.484 70.554- 70.564 70.603 70.637 70.686 70.649 70.786 17.24 70.747- 70.869 70.771 70.759 70.988 71.073' 70.869 70.74 25.30 70.45_ 70.511 69.821 70.466

['t% 69.962 _ 70.255

- Reading # 103 - Oct 1819:30:40 Pressures (PSIA)

- 1.,2-- 53.568 ^ 53.561-Dew Points (*F)

- 1. 8 54.414- 54.463 - 54.141 34.281 54.115 - 53.946 54.138 54.032 9.10: 4 5_.312 54.008 Temperatures (*F) 1;.8- -70.099- '70.091; 70.176 70.137 -70.167 70.237 70.374 -70.393 9.16 70.393 --70.508 70.472 70.557 70.545 70.594 70.603 - 70.74

17. 24 .70.701- 70.823 70.725 70.713- 70.942 71.028 70.777- 70.695 25.30 70.45 ' 70.511 69.821 - 70.511 69.916'- 70.255-

. v . suo , y ,-- - .r- - # , %-. - - .. .,-w -e-e ,- - w.. e- ,..m w. -m -g--,.= ,r ,.%3,,m---..s ,- y v-y . ryw- w-wi.e y-

Cellbrated Instrumont Date " " " "


Roadng # 104 Oct 1819:45:41 Presswes (PSIA)

1. 2 53.563 53.556 Dow Points l'F)
1. 8 54.475 54.486 54.139 54.31 54.162 53.976 54.138 53.997 9.10 54.318 53.962 Temperatwas ('F)
1. 8 - 70.053 70.045 70.176 70.137 70.122 70.191 70.328 70.347 9.16 -70.347- -70.462 70.427 70.557 70.5 70.549 70.557 70.695 17.24 -70.655 -70.732 70.679 70.622 70.896 70.982 70.732 70.649
25. 30 ~ 70.405 70.42 69.821 70.466 69.916 70.255 Readi' , # 105 Oct 18 20:00:41 Presswes (PSIA)
1. 2 53.558 53.552 Dew Points ('F) 1,. 8 54.398 54.464 54.107 54.299 54.16 53.942 54.154 54.023 9.10 54.307 54.028 Temperetwes ('F)
1. 8 - 70.008 70 70.084 70.091 70.076 70.099 70.282 70.347 9.16 70.301 70.371 70.381 -70.466 70.454 70.503 70.511 70.603

_ 17.24 70.61 70.634 70.576 70.851 - 70.936 70.686 70.603 25.30 70.359 - 70.42 70.594 69.821 70.466 69.916 70.21 1

Reading # 106 - Oct 18 20:15:42 Presswes (PSIA)

1. 2 53.554 53,547 Dew Points (*F)

- 1. 8 54.397 54.401 54.122 54.292 54.19 53.994 54.128 54.072 9.10 -54.315 54.026 Temperatwas ('F)

1. 8 -69.962 69.908 70.038 70 70.03 70.099 -70.237 70.301 9.16 -70.301 70.325 70.335 70.42 70.408 70.503 70.511 70.557 17.24 '70.564 70.594 70.542 70.576 70.805 -70.89 70.64 70.003 25.30- 70.313

- 70.374 69.821 -70.003 09.87 70.21

Calibrated Instrumont Date DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1-

- Reading # 107 Oct 18 20:30:42 1., 2 53.55 53.543 Dew Points (*F)

1. 8 54.402 54.415 54.147 54.29 54.215 54.012 54.146 54.138 9.10 54.292 54.068 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.916 69.908 69.992 63.954 69.984 70.008 70.191 70.255 9.16 :70,255 70.279 70.289 70.374 70.362 70.411 70.466 70.557 -'
17. 24- 70.472 70.503 70.496 70.576 70.759 70.844 70.549 70.557 25.30 70.267 70.374 69.775 70.557. 69.87 70.164 Reading # 108 - Oct 18 20:45:43 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.546 53.539 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.388 54,442 54.114 54.293 54.221 54.046 54.154 54.153 9.10 54.316 54.057 Temperatures l'F)
1. 8 69.87 69.816 69.947 69.954 69.538 69.962. 70.145 70.21 9.16 70.164 70.233 70.289 70.328 70.316 70.368 70.42 70.511
17. 24 ~ 70.427 70.503 70.45 70.53 70.713 70.798- 70.503 70.511 0 25.30 70.267 70.282 69.775 Reading # 1M - Oct 18 21:00:43 70.603 69.87 70.164 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.541 53.535 Dew Points ('F) 1., 8 . 54.457 54.394 54.183 54.298 '54.228 54.042 54.128 54.145 9.10 54.352 54.061 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.824 69.816 69.947 ~ 69.862 69.893 69.962 70.099 70.164 9.16 .70.164 70.187 70.244 70.282 70.271 70.32 -70.374 70.466

. 17.24 70.381 70.457 70.359 70.484 70.667 70.783 70.411 70.466 25.30 70.267 70.282 69.775 70.557 69.824 70.118 O{%

- -- , ,_, , -------e *e

Calibrated instrument Data DAVIS 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1

( Reading # 110. Oct 18 21:15:44 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.538 53.531 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.455 54.407 54.122 54.20e 54.264 54.021 5%.195 54.152 9.10 54.34 54.059 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.779 69.771 69.855 69.862 69.893 69.87 70.003 70.118 9.16 70.072 70.142 70.198 70.237 70.225 70.274 70.328 70.42 17.24 70.335 70.457 70.359 70.438 70.667 70.753 70.411 70.466 25.30 70.221 70.237 69.729 70.557 69.824 70.118 Reading # 111 Oct 18 21:30:44 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.534 53.527 Dew Points l'F)
1. 8 54.406 54.402 54.134 54.272 54.234 54.022 54.168 54.115 9.10 54.368 54.09 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.733 69.725 69.809 69.817 69.801 69.87 70.008 70.072 9.16 70.072 70.096 70.152 70.191 70.179 70.274 70.282 70.374 17.24 70.289 70.411 70.313 70.347 70.622 70.707 70.457 70.42 25.30 70.221 70.191 69.729 70.603 69.824 70.118


ReadinD # 112 Oct 18 21:45:45 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.53 53.524 Dow Points ('F) _
1. 8 54.427 54.388 54.127 54.325 54.267 54.04 54.24 54.125 9.10 54.306 54.076 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.687 69.679 69.763 69.771 69.755 69.824 69.962 70.072 9.16 69.981 70.096 70.106 70.191 70.133 70.183 70.282 70.328 17.24 70.243 70.32 70.313 70.301 70.576 70.615 70.366 70.374 25.30 70.13 70.191 69.729 70.603 69.779 70.072


l Calibratod Instrumont Date i DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION

- Unit No.1 Reading # 113 Oct 18 22:00:45

1. 2 53.527: 53.52 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 54.395 54.416 54.16 54.334 54.237 54.044 54.218 54.146 9.10 54.333 54.126 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.687 69.633 69.763 69.771 69.755 69.779 69.916 70.027 9.16 69.981 70.05- 70.061 70.145 70.133 70.183 70.191 70.282 17.24 70.243 70.274 70.267 -70.301 70.53 - 70.061 70.32 70.374 25.30 70.13 70.191 69.683 70.557 69.733 70.026 Heading # 114 Oct 18 22:15:46 Pressures (PSIA)

- 1. 2 53.524 53.517

- Dow Points ('F) 1., 8 54.379 54.403 54.184 54.339 54.211 54.097 54.227 54.155 9.10 54.426 54.1 Temperatures (*F)

1. 8 - 69.641 69.633 -69.672- 69.725 69.71 69.687 69.87 69.981 9.16 69.981 70.004 70.015 70.145 70.137 70.145 70.328 17.24 70.243 70.274 70.221 70.255 -70.53 70.088 70.615 70.274 70.328 N 25.30 -70.176 70.145 69.683 70.603 69.733 70.026 Q]

Ren&ng # 115 - Oct 18 22:30:46 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.52 - 53.514 Dew Points (*F)

1. 8 54.4' 54.391 54.144 54.361 54.287 54.063 54.222 54,187 9.10 54,344 54.159

' Temperatures (*F)

1. 8 69.595 69.588 69.626 69.679 69.664 69.687 69.87 69.935 9.16 69.889. 70.004 69.969 70.053 69.996 70.091 70.145 70.237

=17.24 70.152- 70.274 70.176 70.255 70.484 70.569 70.274 70.282 25.30 70.084 70.145 69.683 70.557 69.687 69.981

l l

Calibrated Instrument Data ' * ' ' "


( Unit No.1 b

( Reading # 116 - Oct 18 22:40:47 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.517 53.511 Dew ?oints ('F)
1. 8 54.431 54.381 54.169 54.35 54.29 54.073 54.224 54.18 9.10 54.42 54.14 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.b5 69.542 69.626 69.634 69.664 69.687 69.87 69.935 9.16 69.889 69.958 69.969 70.053 70.042 70.045 70.099 70.237 17.24 70.106 70.274 70.176 70.164 70.439 70.523 70.228 70.282 25.30 70.13 70.099 69.683 70.603 69.687 69.981 Reading # 117 - Oct 18 23:00:47 Presmros (PSIA)
1. 2 53.514 53.508 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.448 54.362 54.178 54.332 54.297 54 $26 54.229 54.176 9.10 54.405 54.141 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.55 69.542 69.626 69.634 69.618 69.641 69.824 69.889 9.16 69.843 69.912 69.923 70.053 69.95 70.045 70.099 70.237 17.24 70.06 70.183 70.13 70.164 70.439 70.478 70.183 70.282 25.30 70.084 70.099 69.683 70.557 69.641 69.981 Reading # 118 - Oct 18 23:15:48 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.512 53.506 Dow Points (* )
1. 8 54.469 54.419 54.137 54.383 54.317 54.099 54.23 54.183 9.10 54.411 54.156 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.504 69.496 69.58 69.634 69.572 69.595 69.779 69.843 9.16 69.798 69.912 69.177 70.008 69.95 70 70.053 70.145 17.24 70.06 70.137 70.084 70.118 70.347 70.478 70.183 70.237 25.30 70.084 70.053 69.637 70.603 69.641 69.935 I


Calibrated Instrumont Data DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STAT 10N Unit No.1 Reading # 119 - Oct 18 23:30:48 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.503 53.503 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.397 54.383 54.145 54.39 54.345 54.105 54.252 54.214 9.10 54.395 54.165 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.458 69.45 69.534 69.542 69.572 69.595 69.733 69.843 9.16 69.752 69.912 69.877 69.962 69.95 69.954 70.053 70.145 17.24 70.015 70.137 70.084 70.118 70.393 70.478 70.137 70.237 25.30 70.038 70.053 69.637 70.057 69.641 69.935 Raading # 120. Oct 18 23:45:19 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.507 53.5 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.441 54.397 54.192 54.337 54.326 54.168 54.296 54.256 9.10 54.38 54.181 Temperatures (*F)
1. 8 69.458 69.405 69.534 69.542 69.527 69.55 69.733 69.843 9.16 69.752 69.821 69.877 69.962 69.904 70 70.008 70.145 17.24 70.015 70.137 70.084 70.118 70.347 70.432 70.091 70.191 25.30 69.992 70.053 69.637 70.557 69.595 69.935 N.


e , .

i: -

p  :

i P

i Average:: Pressure - i l: , DAVIS-8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION .}

' Unit No.1 '

.53.80 t


. 53.72 -

1 1 i t'. i i

53.63 - it m.

N,,.s,, -

~ , , e

j N. .

p s i s i 1

6 53.55 - ..

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53.47 - -

l 2

1 3 .

e 4

f 53.38 )-

i' ,

i L



). 53.30'- , , _, , , , , , , , , ,

- 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 O.O - 1.5 . 2.5 3.5 4.0 . 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 - i l Time - Hours - [

i:  !


, s r e .c, . . . .se < - . - , . - . . .- - -~ '

, . -m i


. -t 4-l j

1 Average Temperature.


( , Unit No.1 ~l 72.5 -

s f 1

4 71.8 -

l -.

I, i


.tt a t i'

I l 71.0 - i*

i 4 i

! r

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! o

. p 70.3 - '


! 69.5 -

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i 4 +


i  :


, 68.8 - -[ '


! I i r l l

.i i  !


! i

) 68.0 , , , , , , , , , ,


, 0.0 - O.5 1.0 - 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 i i

j Time - Hours ' [


/  !


_q .! '

t V

Containment Mass.


Unit No.1 ~

770250' i

'..i 770125-i i

! f

{- .

t  !

770000 i

I b 769875 _

m -_



769750 'l i

'769625 769500 0.0 0.5- 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Twne - Hours

e a r I O O

'l o

Average Dew l Point?


Unit No.1 - ll 54.50


1 54.42 -

11 l


i 4

l - 54.33'-

i i

o i

t 54.25 -

i 1

4 1

54.17 -

54.08 -


i 54.00 , , , , , , , ., , , , ,

0.0 0.5 - 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 - 3.5 ~4.0 4.5 - 5.0 5.5 6.0 Time - Hours :I

- . . . . . . - . _ . _ , , . . . , _ . , ,,_.,.Y

r ' I i!i1,  ! ?i I'I.!!  : l;!jiiI!r'-:!It[,h!liii kt$ !r i ' ll.



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  • m

! ,  ! 4  ; l! ' ,l:i:;'

s Calculated Total Time Leak & Total Time Leak at UCL DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Total Time Leak at UCL Calculated Total Time Leak i

O.45 l

0.38 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =

l l

1 O.30 -  ;

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0.08 - f __.

! \ i j x x 0.00 I  ; , , , . . i + . > +

6.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Time - Hours

4 Measured Total Time Leak l,


d 0.45 4

i 0.38 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i i "



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1 0.30 - '



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4 -I i t i

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0.00 /

4 0.0 0.5 '1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 S.5 6.0 Time - Hours . -


s s i

Mass Point Leak & Mass Point Leak at UCL

. DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Mass Point Leak Mass Point Leak at UCL , i 0.45 I

i 0.38 - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

, 1 i

l t i

j .

1 0.30 - [i i

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4 m,.  ;

O.m f 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 l Time - Hourr

instrument Selection Guide DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATICN Unit No.1 2.0 l

1.7 t

l l


\ .

1.0 0.7 i - - - - - . . .


. j r \/ l o.o 6O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Tirne - Hours u ,


- Unit No.1 1


- 127 10.02 0.636630 - -

' 128 20.02 0.603603 0.603603 -

129 30.02 0.579603 0.578099 0.613797 130 40.03 0.625031 0.602405 0.749763 131 50.03 0.606010 0.60'!220 0.696039 132- 60.03 0.615858 0.607470 0.681002 133 70.05 0.599960 0.603199 0.663681 134 80.05 0.628556 .0.6t2535 0.670044 135 00.05 0.590189 0.604206 0.658332 136 100.07- 0.607034 0.604316 0.653268 137 110.07 0.586479 0.597894 0.644302-138 120.07 0.586225 0.593145 0.636646 139- 129.78 0.588459 0.590288 0.630961

- 140- 139.95' O.573610 0.584253 0.623537 141 149.97 0.602319 0.586548 0.625662 142 159.97- 0.587033 0.584957- 0.622204 143 169.97- 0.595713 0.585594 0.021847 144 179.98 0.607646 0.588602 0.625511

- 145 189.98 0.592'736 -0.588222 0.623824

) 146 249.78 0.579672 0.579865 0.615924

Moss Point Lock Roto Analycis DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 1


%/ DAY)



126 0,00 1.000000 - -

127 10.02 0.999956 0.636630- -

128 20.02 0.999916 0.603613 0,766894 129 30 02 0.999879 0.578706 0.627933 130 40.03 0.999826 0.610252 0.658782

  • 31 50.03 0.999789 0.607786 0.636712 132 60.03 0.999743 0.613044 0.633324

-133 70,05 0.999708 0.606195 0.622672 134 80.05 0.999651 0.617835 0.635639 135 90.05 0.999631 0.605514 0.624734 136 100.07 0.999578- 0.605751 0.621223 137 110.07 0.999552 0.597242 0.612777 138 120.07 ~ 0.999511 0.591645 0.605891 139- 129.78 0.999470 0.588811 0.601277 140 139.95 .0.999443 0.581757 0.594688 141 149.97 0.999373 0.586353 0.598532 142 159.97 0.999348 0.585025 0.595800 143 169.97' O.999297 0.586717 0.596404 144 179.98 0.999241 0.591464 0.601325 145 189.98 0.999218 0.591104 0.599956 (0 i t 146 249.78 0.998994 0.585541 0.593855 V

l- -

Containmont Calculatod Values " * " "


126 00:50:31 769663.70 69.770 0.2086 53.4795 127 01:00:32 769629.61 69.757 0.2086 53.4759 128 01:10:32 769599.12 69.743 0.2085 53.4722 129 01:20:32 769570.71 69.725- 0.2086 53.4685 '

r30 01:30:33 769529.96 69.716 0.2088 53.4650 131 01:40:33 769501.64 69.705 0.2087 G3.4618 132 ;01:50:33 769466.09 69.694 0.2088 53.4584 133. 02:00:34- 769439.07 69.679 0.2088 53.4550 134-- 02:10:34 -769394.76 69.675 0.2088 53.4515 135 02:20:34 769379.63 69.658 0.2087 53.4487 136 02:30:35 769339.03 69.649 0.2089 53,4451 137 02:40:35 769318.67 69.630 0.2088 53.4418 138 02:50:35 769287.49 69.617 0.?O89 53.4384 139 03:00:18 ' 769255.50 69.608 0.2089 53.4353

-140 03:10:28 7S9234.63 69.593 0.2089 53.4322

,141' 03:20:29' 769180.91 69.597 0.2090 53.4291 142' 03:30:29- 769161.78 69.578 0.2090- 53.4259 143 03:40:29' 769122.52 69.575 0.2089 53.4228 l 144 03:50:30 769079.15 69.572 0.2090- 53.4196-145 04:00:30 769001.81 69.554- 0.2091 53.4166

[ l ',b - 05:00:18' 768889.80 69.492: 0.2092 53.3986


l l


Row-instrumont Dato ' * " "



g Reading # 126 Oct 19 00:50:31 Presswes (pala)

1. 2 53.483 53.476 Dow Points (volts)
1. R 2.9522. 2.9409 2.9035 2.9083 2.8878 2.8563 2.8764 2.8677 9.. f 6 2.8919 2.8653 Twnperatwas (ohms) 1
1. 8 - 178.14 108.18 108.18 108.19 108.19 108.17 108.19 108.22 9.16 108.21 108.24 108.26 108.24 108.23 108.29 108.25 108.33 17.24 108.32 108.29 108.28 108.26 108.35 108.35 108.32 108.31
25. 30 '108.31 108.26 108.23 108.39 108.23 108.28 Reading # 127. Oct 19 01:00:32 Pressures (pala) 1.. - 2 53.479- 53.473 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9519 2.9426 2.9013 2.9113 2.8934 2.8558 2.8779 2.8713 9.10 2.8919 2.8673 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 '108.14 108.18 108.19 108.19 108.19 108,16 108.19 108.21

.9.16 108.22 108.22 108.25 108.24 108.23 105.29 108.25 108.33 17.24 108.31 108.29 108.28 108.25 108.34 108.35 108.32 108.31

-25.30 108.3 .108.26 108.23 108.38 108.23 108.27



Reading # 128 - Oct 19 01:10:32 Pressures (pala) ,

1. 2 - 52 1 53.469 Dew Points (volts)

-1. 8 2.9b  !.9415 2.9049 2.9126 2.8944 2.8571 2.o/63- 2.872 9.10 2.89A 2i8692 Temperatures (ohms)

1. 8- 108.I* 108.18 108.18 108.19 108.18 108.16 108.19 108.21 9.16 108.2 108.21 108.25 108.24 108.22 108,29 108.24 108.33
17. 24. 108.31 108.29 108.27 108.25 108.34- 108.35 108.32 108.3
25.30 108.31 108.25 108.24 108.38 1108.23 108.27 1

l l


I Raw instrumont Data DAVIS.8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 129 Oct 19 01:20:3 i Prat sures (psla)

1. 2 53.472 53.465 Dew Points (volts)
1. 6 2.953 2.9443 2.9081 2.9144 2.896 2.8601 2.8789 2.8747 9.10 2.8943 2.8698 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.13 108.17 108.18 108.19 108.18 106.15 108.18 108.2 9.10 108.2 108.22 108.25 108.22 108.22 108.29 108,24 108.32 17.24 108.31 108.29 108.26 108.24 108.33 108.35 108.32 108.3 25.30 108.3 108.25 108.24 108.38 108.22 108.27 Reaing # 130 Oct 19 01:30:33 Pressures (psla) 1., 2 53.468 53.462 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9597 2.9445 2.9116 2.9148 2.8908 2.8616 2.8851 2.8763 9.10 2.897 2.8718 Temperatures tohms) 1,.8 108.13 108.17 108.18 108.19 108.18 108.15 108.18 108.2 i

' 9.16 108.2 108.22 108.24 108.23 108.21 108.27 108.24 108.32 17.24 108.3 108.29 108.26 108.25 108.33 108.34 108.31 108.3 25.30 108.3 108.25 108.24 108.38 108.22 108.27 Reading # 131 Oct 19 01:40:33 Pressures (pala)

1. 2 53.465 53.459 Dew Poin;s (volts) 1,0 2.9564 2.9469 2.9127 2.9175 2.8979 2.8643 2.8871 2.8771 9.10 2.8973 2.8738 Temperatures (ohms) 1., 8 108.13 108.16 108.17 108.18 108.17 108.15 108.17 108.2 9.16 108.19 108,22 108.24 108.22 108.21 108.29 108.24 108.31 17.24 108.31 108.3 108.26 108.24 108.33 103.34 100.31 108.3 25.30 108.3 108.24 108.23 108.37 108.22 108.27

Row Instrumont Dato ' * " "


%eding # 132 Oct 19 01:50:33 Pra sowes (pele)

1. 2 53.462 53.4b5 Dow Points Ivolts)

, 1. 8 2.9566 29489 't.9161 2.9203 2.9022 2.8658 2.888 2.8817 9.10 2.8984 2.8750 Te'nporatures (ohms)

1. 8 108.13 108.16 108.17 108.18 108.18 108.15 108.17 108.2 9.18 108.19 108.21 108.24 108.22 108.22 108.27 108.23 108.31 17.24 108.31 108.29 108.26 108.24 108.32 108.34 108.3 108.29 25.30 108.3 108.24 108.23 .M.37 108.22 108.26 Reeding # 133 Oct 19 02:00:34 I Presswes (psis) i
1. 2 53.458 53.452 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9604 2.9499 2.9178 2,9222 2.9007 2.8053 2.8893 2.8822

, 9.10 2.8999 2.8755 Temperstwas lotwns)

1. 8 108.12 108.16 108.17 108.18 108.17 108.14 108.17 108.2 9.18- 108.19 108.2 108.24 108.22 108.2 108.27 108.23 108.32 17.24 108.29 108.28 108.26 108.24 108.32 108.33 108.3 108.29 25.30 108.29 108.24 108.24 108.37 108.22 108.26 Reeding # 134 Oct 19 02:10:34 Pressures (pale)

_1. 2 53._455 _53.448 .

Dew Points (volts)

1. 8 2.9631 2.9522 2.9162 2.9239 2.9056 2.8678 2.8894 2.8031 9.10 2.0003 2.8791 Temperstwos (ohms)
1. 8 108.12 10s.1 o 108.10 108.17 108.16 108.15 108.17 108.2 9.18 108.19 103.2 108.23 108.22 -108.21- 108.27 108.23 108.31  ;

17.24 108.3 108.3 108.25 108.23 108.32 108.32 108.31 108.29 25.30 108.3 108.24 108.24 108.37 108.21 108.25

Row instrumont Dato DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWEll STA110N Unit No.1

[' h I

\ ileading # 135 Oct 19 02:20:34 Pressures (pslal 12 53.452 53.440 Dow Points (volts)

1. 8 2.90 2.9547 2.9201 2.9243 2.9073 2.8727 2.8891 2.8849 9.10 2.9020 2.8780 Tornporaturen (ohms)
1. 8 108.12 108.10 108.10 108.17 108.10 108.15 108.10 108.19 9.10 108.19 108.2 108.23 108.21 103.22 108.27 108.23 108.J 17.24 108.29 108.19 108.25 108.22 108.31 108.32 100.3 108.28 25.30 108.28 108.23 108.23 108.38 108.21 108.25 floading # 130 Oct 19 02:30.35 Pressures (pala)
1. 2 53.448 53.442 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9058 2.9535 2.9213 2.9270 2.9099 2.873 2.8P81 2.8805 9.10 2.9022 2.8798 Temperatures tohms) 18 108.11 108.10 108.10 108.18 108.10 108.14 108.10 108.19 9.16 108.18 108.2 108.23 108.21 108.21 108.20 108.22 100.3 17.24 108.29 108.27 108.20 108,23 108.31 108.32 108.29 108.29

/O 25.30 108.28 108.24 108.22 108.38 108.21 108.25 Heading # 137 Oct 19 02:40:35 Pressures (pala)

1. 2 53.445 53.439 Dow Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9041 2.9540 2.925 2.9300 2.9102 2.8734 2.8920 2.8883 9.10 2.9041 2.0807 Temperatutos (ohms)
1. 8 108.11 108.15 108.10 108.10 108.10 108.13 108.10 108.19 9.10 108.18 108.19 108.22 108,2 108.2 108.20 108.22 108.3 17.24 108.29 108.28 108.25 108,22 108.31 10S.32 108.29 108.28 20.30 108.28 108.23 108.23 108.37 108.21 108.24 m


Row Instrumont Dato DAVl8 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STAT 10N Unit No.1 l


Reedng # 138 Oct 19 02:50:35 i Pressures (pols)

1. 2 53.441 53.435 1 Dew Points (volts) ['
1. 8 2.9698 2.9566 2.9253 2.9303 2.9097 2.8764 2.8953 2.8881 9.10 2.9055 2.8829 i Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.11 108.15 108.15 108.18 108.15 108.13 108.16 108.18 9.16 108.18 108.19 108.22 108.2 108.19 108.26 108.22 108.29 ,

17.24 108.29 108.27 108.25 108.22 108.31 108.31 108.29 108.28 i


25.30 108.28 108.23 108.22 108.37 108.2 108.25 i l

Reedng # 139. Oct 19 03:00:18 Pressures (pale) [

1., 2 53.439 53.432

- Dew Points Ivolts)

1. 8 2.9700 2.9581 2.9243 2.9322 2.9145 2.879 2.8954 2.8899 9..10 2.9074 2.882 Temperatures (ohms)-

' 1. 8 108.1 108.15 108.14 108.16 108.15 108.13 108.15 108.19 9.13 108.17 108.19 108.22 108.21 108.19 10P.26 108.22 108.3 17.24 108.28 108.26 108.24 108.22 108.3 103.31 108.29 108.28 25.30 108.28 108.23 108.21 108.37 108.2 108.25

  • Reedng # 140 0c.t 19 03:10:28 Pressure 9 (ps'el
1. 2 53.435 53.429 Dow Points (volts)

- 1. 8 . 2.9742- 2.9605 2.9251 2.934 2.9157 2.8766 2.8944 2.8033 .

9.10 2.9069 2480C i Temperatures (ohms) ,

18 108.1 108.15 108.14 108.16 108.15 108.13 108.15 108.18 9.16 108.17 108.19 108.22 108.2 108.19 108.25 108.21 108.29

17. 24 108.27 108.26- 108.24 108.21 108.3 108.31 108.29 108.28 25.30 108.28 108.22 108.2i 108.35 108.2 108.24 t


..- - - -, - - . ..,-.-. - ..--.- --. . . _ - -- . --. .-._..... ...- .- -.-,_. - - _ , a. - -

Row Instrumont Doto DAVIS 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 i

(j Reading # 141 Oct 19 03:20:29 Pressures (psla)

1. 2 53.432 53.420 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9733 2,90 2.9302 2.9353 2.9178 2.8774 2.8902 2.8905 9.10 2.9084 2.8856 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.1 108.14 108.15 108.16 108.15 108.12 108.1 b 108.18 9.16 108.17 108.19 108.22 108.2 108.19 108.25 108.22 108.28 17.24 108.27 108.27 108.24 108.22 108.3 108.31 108.29 108.28 25.30 108.28 108.22 108.22 108.30 108.2 108.25 Reading # 142 Oct 19 03:30:29 Pressures (psla)
1. 2 53.429 53.423 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.5.47 2.9621 2.9280 2.9367 2.9185 2.8827 2.8992 2.8934 9.10 2.9095 2.8807 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.1 108.14 108.14 108.16 108.15 108.13 108.15 108.17 9.16 108.16 108.19 108.21 108.19 108.19 108.24 108.21 108.29 17.24 108.27 108.25 108.24 108.22 108.29 108.3 108.28 108.28 25.30 108.27 108.22 108.22 108.36 108.2 108.24 V

Reading # 143 - Oct 19 03:40:29 Pressures (psia) 1., 2 53.426 53.42 Dew Polnts (volts)

1. 8 2.3722 2.903 2.9334 2.9357 2.9181 2.8819 2.8989 2.8951 9.10 2.9105 2.8882 Temperatures (ohms)
1. 8 108.1 108.14 108.14 108.15 108,14 108.12 108.14 108.17 9.16 108.10 108.18 108.21 108.2 108.18 108.25 107,21 108.29 17.24 108.27 108.28 108.23 108.21 108.29 108.31 108.29 108.27 25.30 108.27 108,22 108.22 108.37 108.19 108.24 l

1 f


Row Instrumont Dato ' * " "


Readng # 144. Oct 19 03:50:30 Presswes (pale) +

1. 2 53.423 53.416 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9741 2.9635 2.9332 2.C382 2.916 2.8827 2.9019 2.8964 9.10 2.912 2.8912 '

Temperstwes (ohms) '

1. 8 108.09 108.14 108.14 108.16 108.14 108.12 108.14 100.18 9.18 108.16 108.19 108.21 108.2 108.19 108.25 108.21 108.29 17.24 108.27 108.26 108.23 108.21 108.29 108.3 108.28 108.27

-25.30 108.27 108.21 108.21 108.36 108.2 108.24 ,

Reading # 145 Oct 19 04:00.30 Presswes (pale)

1. 2 53.42 53.41h Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9773 2.966A 2.9355 2.9405 2.9239 2.8842 2.9051 2.8996 9.10 2.9132 2.8912 Temperetwas (ohms) 1., 8 108.09 108.14 108.14 108.15 108.14 108.11 108.14 108.17 9.18 108.16 108.18 108.21 108.19 108.18 108.24 108.2 108.28 17.24 108.27- 108.25 108.23 108.21 108.29 108.3 108.28 108.27 25.53 108.26 108.22 108.21 108.36 108.19 108.24 Reeding # 146 Oct 19 05:00:18 Presswes (pale) +
1. 2 53.402 -53.396 Dew Points (volts)
1. 8 2.9854 2.9728 2.9463 2.9487 2.9312. 2.8936 2.9109 2.9086 I 9.10 2.9191 2.8967 .

, Temperetwas (chms)  :

1. 8 108.08 108.12' 108.12 108.14 108.13 108.11 108.13- 108.15 .

9.16 108.14 108.17' 108.2 108.18 108.17 108.23 108.19 108.27

  • 17.24 108.25 108.23-- -108.21 108.19 108.27 108.28 108.27 108.25 .

25.30 108.25 108.21 108.2 108.34 108.19 108.23  !

F 1


Celibrated Instrumont Dato DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Readng # 126 Oct 19 00:50:31 Pressures (PSIA)

, 1. 2 63.483 53.476-Dow Points ('F)

1. 8 54.439 54.384 54.23 54.425 54.321 54.149 54.284 54.233 9.10 54.431 54.197 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.321 69.313 69.351 69.405 69.389 69.458 69.595 69.706
9. 16 69.615 69.775 69.74 69.824 69.767 69.816 69.87 70.008 17.24 69.877 69.908 69.947 69.981 70.21 70.294 69.954 70.099 25.30 69.947 69.962 69.546 70.511 69.55 69.843 i Reading # 127 e Oct 19 01:00:32  !

Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.479 53.473 Dow Points l'F)
1. 8 54.479 54.4 54.252 54.368 54.374 54.144 54.298 54.224 9.10 54.388 54.211 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.321 69.313 69.397 69.405 69.389 69.412 69.595 69.66 '

9.16 69.66 69.683 69.694 69.824 69.767 69.816 69.87 70.008 17.24 69.832 69.908 69.947 69.935 70.164 70.294 69.954 70.099 25.30 69.901 69.962 69.546 70.466 69.55 69.798

  • Reading # 128. Oct 19 01:10:32 F40ssures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.475 53.469 Dow Points (*F)
1. 8 54.42 54.39 54.2 54.337 54.34 54.156 54.24 54.231 9.10 54.452 54.187 Tempora'* as ('F)
1. 8 69.321 69.313 69.351 69.405 69.344 69.412 69.595 69.66 9.16 69.569 69.637 69.094. 69.824 69.721 69.816 69.824 70.008 17.24 09.832 69.908 69.901 69.935 70.164 70.294 69.954 70.053 25.30 69.947 69.916 09.592 70.466 69.55 69.798 1.

- - . . - - . - - . . - . . - . - . . - . ., - . . - - _ . . - _ , - . . ~ - . - . . -

Calibratod instrumont Data DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWEH STATION Urnt No.1

, Reeding # 129 Oct 19 01:20:32 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.472 53.405 Dew Points ('F) 1., 8 54.447 54.410 54.231 54.397 54.356 54.142 54.222 54.214 9.10 54.411 54.192 Tornperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.275 69.207 69.351 09.405 69.344 09.300 09.55 09.015 9.16 09.509 09.083 09.094 69.733 69.721 69.810 09.824 09.902 17.24 69.832 69.908 69.855 69.889 70.118 70.294 03.954 70.053 25.30 69.901 69.910 09.592 70.400 69.504 09.798 Reading # 130 Oct 19 01:30:33 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.408 53.402 Dow Points (*F)
1. 8 E4.509 54.418 54.264 54.401 54.303 54.157 54.281 54.272 9.10 54.430 54.211 Temporstures (*F)
1. 8 09.275 09.267 69.351 09.405 39.344 69.300 09.55 09.015 9.16 69.503 69.083 69.649 69.779 69.676 69.725 09.824 69.962 17.24 69.786 09.908 09.855 69.935 70.118 70.249 69.908 70.053

/7 25.30 69.901 69.910 09.592 70.400 69.504 69.798 Reading # 131 Oct 19 01:40:33 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.465 53.459 Dow Points (*F) 1., 8 54.435 54.397 54.231 54.420 54.374 54.14 54.3 54.237 9.10 54.439 54.188 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.275 69.222 69.305 69.359 69.298 69.360 69.504 69.015 9.16 69.523 69.683 09.049 69.733 69.670 69.816 69.824 69.910 17.24 09.832 69.954 09.855 69.889 70.118 70.249 09.908 70.053 25.30 69.901 69.87 69.540 70.42 69.504 09.798 O

r Calibrotod Instrumont Dato DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Rooding # 132

  • Oct 19 01:50:33 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.462 63.455 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.437 $4.416 54.263 54.41 54.371 54.154 64.308 54.281 9.10 54.45 $4.204 Temperatures l'F)
1. 8 69.275 69,222 69.305 09.359 69.344 09.366 09.504 09.015 9.16 69.523 C9.637 09.049 69.733 69.721 69.725 09.779 09.910 17.24 69.832 69.908 69.855 69.889 70.072 70.249 69.802 70.008 25.30 69.901 69.87 69.546 70.42 09.504 69.752 Reeding # 133. Oct 19 02:00:34 Fressuses (PSIA)
1. 2 53.458 53.452 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.472 54.425 - 54.279 54.385 54.357 54.192 54.321 54.285 9.10 54.421 54.204 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.229 69.222 69.305 69.359 09.298 69.321 69.504 09.015 9.16 69.523- 69.592 69.649 09.733 09.63 09.725 09.779 09.902 17.24 69.74 69.862 69.855 69.889 70.072 70.203 09.862 70.008 25.30 69.855 69.87 69.b92 70.42 09.504 - 09.752 Reeding # 134. Oct 19 02:10:34 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.455 53.448_

Dow Points ("F) l

- 1. 8 54.454 54.404 54.204 54.4 54.403 54.173 54.279 54.251 9.10 54.468 54.238 Temperatures (*F)

1. 8 69.229 69.222 69.26 09.313 09.252 69.366 69.504 69.015' '

9.16 69.523 69.592 69.733 69.676 69.725 69.779 69.916 17.24 69.786 69.954 -69.809 69.603 69.843 '70.072 70.157 69.908 - 70.008.

25. 30. 69.901 69.87 09.592 70.42 69.458 09.706 h

F y w --,-vv> e,-,~=--+yy,yet,-- vg~--t+=~v, --v, y,i- , ,m , wweesse e - em ,-=e e -Em m' e e m m v+ -r= E-, erw ce w+=www e se m m- tme -- - -e-- *r-ve%=--= "- -w***+= '"

t Calibrated instrumont Dato DAVIS 8 ESSE NUC(. EAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reedng # 135. Oct 19 02:20:34 ,

Presswes (PSIA) i 1., 2 53.452 53.446 ,

Dew Points l'F) ('

1. 8 54.426 54.427 54.301 54.404 54.419 54.177 54.276 54.225 9.10 54.404 54.191 4 Temperetwas l'F)
1. 8 69.229 69.222 69.26 09.313 69.252 69.366 69.458 69.569 1 9.18 69.523 69.592 69.603 69.687 69.721 69.725 69.779 69.87 17.24 69.74 69.908 69.809 69.798 70.027 70.157 69.862 69.962

' 35.30 69.809 69.824 69.546 70.466 69.458 69.706 Reading # 138. Oct 19 0740:35 Presswes (PSIA)

1. 2 53.448 53.442 Dew Points ('F)
1. 8 54.479 S4.458 54.269 54.435 54.401 54.18 54.309 54.283 9.10 64.4 54.245 Temperatures (*F) ,
1. 8 69.183. 69.222 - 69.26 69.359 69.252 69.321 69.458 69.569 9.18 69.477 69.592 69.603 69.687 69.676 69.679 69.733 69.87 17.24 69.74 69.817 69.855 69.843 70.027 70.157 69.816 70.008  !
25. 30 69.809 69.87 69.5 70.466 69.458 69.700  !

- Reading # 137 - Oct 19 02:40:35 r Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 . 53.445 53.439 Dew Points l'F)

1. 8 54.463 54.383 54.304 54.42 54.404 54.184 54.309 54.258 9.10 54.418 54.211 Temperaturas (*F)
1. 8 69.183 69.176 69.26 69.267 69.252 69.275 69.458 69.569 $

9.18 69.477 - 69.546 69.557 69.641 69.63 69.679 69.733 69.87  !

17.24 69.74 69.862 69.809 69.798 70.027 70.157 69.816 69.962 25.30 69.809 69.824 69.546 70.42 69.458 69.66 P

L w 4 N e- e% wM .e wa,,r .,,-_4ey , , . ,g,_~4, 9m4. uw.,a,w-a-p.,.iyrw. g.-g,p.g. ,-,y,ywy g9-,99p g477,,,,7 .,y*epyyryr m,-wym g yr-,m- m gey ,w

< gywy,%,-- e, --W-=,%ww V- .-+- y

Calibratod instrumont Data " * " "

DAVIS.8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reading # 138 Oct 19 02:50:3'i Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.441 53.435 Dew Points ('F)
1. 0 54.471 54.401 54.306 54.417 54.399 54.17 54.335 54.256 9.10 54.431 54.231 Temperatures (* F)
1. 8 69.183 69.176 69.214 63.267 69.200 69.275 69.458 69.523 9.16 69.477 69.546 69.557 69.641 69.584 69.679 09.733 69.824 17.24 69.74 69.817 69.809 69.798 70.027 70.111 69.816 09.962 25.30 69.809 69.824 09.5 70.42 69.412 69.706 ReadinD # 139. Oct 19 03:00:18 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.439 53.432 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 54.438 54.415 54.254 54.435 54.444 54.237 54.293 54.273 9.10 54.449 54.223 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.137 69.176 69.168 69.267 69.206 69.275 69.412 69.569 9.10 69.431 69.546 69.557 69.687 69.F 84 69.679 69.733 69.87 17.24 69.094 69.771 69.763 69.798 0' '91 70.111 69 816 69.962 25.30 69.809 69.824 69.454 70.42 Os412 69.706 Reading # 140 Oct 19 03:10:28 Pressures (PSIA)
1. 2 53.435 53.429 Dow Points (*F)
1. D 54.471 54.438 54.262 54.452 54.413 54.172 54.283 54.262 9.10 54.444 54.226 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.137 69.176 69.168 69.267 69.206 69.275 69.412 69.523 9.16 69.431 60.546 69.557 69.641 69.584 69.633 69.687 69.824 17.24 69.649 69.771 69.763 69.752 69.981 70.111 69.816 69.962 25.30 69.803 69.779 69.454 70.328 69.412 69.06 I

I Celibrotcd Instrumont Doto ' * " "



t Reedng # 141. Oct 19 03:20:29 Presswes (P$tAl -


1. 2 53.432 53.426 Dew Points l'F)
1. 8 54.505 54.433 54.409 54.464 54.475 54.136 54.3 54.335 9.10 54.458 54.214 Temperetwas ('F)
1. 8 69.137 69.13 69.214 69.267 69.206 69.229 69.412 69.523 9.18- 69.431 69.546 69.557 69.641 69.584 69.633 69.733 69.779 17.24 69.649 69.817 69.763 69.738 69.981 70.111 69.816 69.962 25.30 69.809 69.779 69.5 70.374 69.412 69.706 Reedng # 142 0ct 19 03:30:29 Presswes (PSIA) 1., 2 53.429 53.423 .

Dow Points (*F) 18 54.475 64.452 54.252 b4.477 54.439 54.23 54.329 54.306 S.. !u' 04.426 54.225 Temperetwas (*F)

1. 8 '69.137- 69.13 69.168 69.267 69.206 69.275 69.412 69.477
9. 18 69.386- 69.546 69.511 69.595 698184 69.588 69.687 69.024 17.24 69.649- 69.725 69.763 69.798 69.935 70.065 69.771 69.962 25.30 69.763 69.779 69.b N.374 69.412 69.66 r

Reedng # 143. Oct 10 03:40:29 Presswes (PSIA) 1., 2 53.426 53.42  :

Dew Points (*F)

- 1. 8 54.452 54.418 54.296 54.425 54.435 64.222 54.283 54.279 9.10 54.435 54.239 Temperetwas l'F) ,

-1. 8 69.137 69.13 69.168 69.222 69.161 69.229 69.366 -69.477 9.18 69.386 69.5 69.511- 69.641 69.538 69.633 69.687 69.824 ,

17.24 69.649 69.862 69.718 69.752 69.935 70.111 69.816 69.916 25.30 69.763 69.779 69.5 70.42 69.366 69.66 I

Calibrated instrument Data DAVIS-DESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 Reeding # 144 - Oct 19 03:50:30 Pressures (PSIA)

1. 2 53.423 53.416 Dew Points (*F)
1. 8 54.47 54.465 54.295 54.491 54.416 54.23 54.311 54.291 9.10 54.449 S4.224 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 69.092 69.13 69.168 69.267 69.161 69.229 69.366 69.E 23 9.16 69.386 69.546 69.511 69.641 69.584 69.633 69,687 69.824 17.24 69.649 69.771 69.718 69.752 69.935 70.065 69.771 69.910 25.30 69.763 69.733 69.454 70.374 69.412 69.60 Reading # 145 Oct 19 04:00:30 Pressures (PSIA) 1., 2 53.42 53.413 Dow Points ('F)
1. 8 54.499 54.449 54.316 54.47 54.447 54.201 54.342 54.322 9.10 54.418 64.267 Temperatures ('F)
1. 8 03.U92 69.13 69.168 69.222 69.161 69.183 69.366 09.477 9.16 69.386 69.5 69.511 69.595 69.538 69.588 69.641 69.779 17.24 69.649 69.725 69.718 69.752 69.935 70.065 GP 771 69.910 25.30 69.718 69.779 69.454 70.374 69.366 69.66 Reading # 146 Oct 19 05:00:18 Piosauros (PSIA)
1. 2 53.402 53.396 Dow Points (*?)
1. 8 54.488 54.465 54.331 54.503 54.472 54.247 54.311 54.321 9.10 54.43 54.277 Temperatures ('F) *
1. 0 69.046 69.03') 69.076 69.176 69.115 69.183 69.321 69.386 9.16 69.294 69.454 69.466 69.55 69.492 69.542 69.595 69.733 17.24 69.557 69.634 69.626 69.66 09.843 69.974 69.725 69.824 25.30 69.072 69.733 69.408 70.282 69.366 69.614 s

4 Average Pressure DAVIS-8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Unit No.1 53.60 i 53.55 - I i

53.50 -

l .


[ 53.45 -

a 53.40 -

53.35 -

i '

5320 , , . . +

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 O.O O.5 1.0 Tirne - Hours

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3 Average Temperature DAVIS-SESSE N'.JCLEAR F3WER STATION Unit No.1 70.2 i

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O 1

O Average Vapor Pressure .

DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR ,*'OWER STATION Unit No.1 0.2125 0.2113 -

O.2100 -

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Configuration Dato '*'"'


Urdt No.1 l

i Station Name . DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STAT 10N Unit Name . Unit No.1 -

Containment Volume = 2834000.00 cubic feet imposed Leak = 0.50497 %/ day I La (Lt) = 0.500 %/ day Toet Prosoure = 38.00 PSIG i Total # Sensors = 42 Total # Press. = 2  ;

Total # Dew Pt. = 10 t Total # Temp. = 30 Start Temp Stab Rdo = 79, End Temp Stab Rde = 95 i Start Leak Rate Test Rdo = 95, Eruf Leak Rate Test Rdo = 120  :

Start Verif. Test Rdo = 126, End Verif. Test Rdg = 146 Raw Data File DB1091.RDA Test Data Ale DB1091.TDA.. 1 i

P i

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Scnsar Information DAVIS.BESSE NUCLEAR POWLH STA110N Unit No.1 tm



Pronores U CHAN SERIAL VOL CO C1 C2 C3 C4 FRACT 1 1001 IC 1.03.064 0.500000 0.0 1.0 - - -

2 1002 IC 1.03.005 0.500000 0.0 1.0 - - -

Dew Points U CitAN SERIAL VOL CO C1 C2 C3 C4 FRACT 1 40 IC 4.09.104 0.110886 0.0 20.0 - - -

2 41 IC 4.09.104 0.110885 0.0 20.0 - - -

3 42 IC 4.09.104 0.112430 0.0 20.0 - - -

4 43 IC 4.09.104 0.112429 0.0 20.0 - - -

5 44 IC 449.104 0.112430 0.0 20.0 - - -

6 45 IC 4.09.105 0.112429 0.0 20.0 - - -

7 46 BC 4/ 9.105 0.101799 0.0 20.0 - - -

8 47 10 *05 0.101800

. 0.0 20.0 - - -

0 48 lu ? .iOS 0.062456 0.0 20.0 - - -

10 49 IC 6.09.105 0.062450 0.0 20.0 - - -


Touperatures (V} U CilAN SERIAL VOL CO C1 C2 C3 C4 FRACT 1 30 IC 2.02.107 0,036902 425.9750 4.5801330 - - -

2 1 IC 2.02.141 0.036962 -425.60050 4.5754640 - - -

3 2 IC 2.02.134 0.036962 426.12630 4.5801210 - - -

4 3 IC 2.02.102 0.036962 425.61470 4.5754640 - - -

5 4 IC 2.02.132 0.036961 425.63240 4.5764860 - - -

f '

6 5 IC 2.02.110 0.036967. -425.9750 4.5801330 - - -

7 6 IC 2.02.125 0.037477 425.92920 4.5801330 - - -

8 7 IC 2.02.133 0.037477 425.70320 4.5777980 - - -

9 8 IC 2.02.140 0.037476 -425.7490 4.5777980 - - -

10 9 IC 2.02.111 0.037477 -426.22890 4.5824450 - - -

11 10 IC 2.02.139 0.037476 -425.60080 4.5754760 - - -

12 11 IC 2.02.123 0.037476 -425.92920 4.5801330 - - -

13 12 IC 2.02.116 0.037477 425.68920 4.5778090 - - -

14 13 IC 2.02.138 0.037477 -425.60050 4.5754640 - - -

15 14 IC 2.02.124 0.037476 425.92920 4.5801330 - - -

16 15 IC 2.02.117 0.037477 426.15820 4.5801330 - - -

17 16 IC 2.02.127 0.037476 425.73810 4.5754760 - - -

18 17 IC 2.02.131 0.037476 425.56890 4.5754640 - - -

19 18 BC 2.02.135 0.033933 -425.98800 4.5801210 - - -

20 19 IC 2.02.136 0.033933 -425.61170 4.5777980 - - -

21 20 IC 2.02.109 0.033933 425.79480 4.5777980 - - -

22 21 IC 2.02.104 0.033933 -426.21510 4.5824590 - - -

23 22 IC 2.02.121 0.033934 -425.66050 4.5754640 - - -

24 23 IC 2.02.137 0.033933 425.9750 4.5801330 - - -

[~ 25 24 BC 2.02.115 0.020819 -426.12630 4.5801210 - - -

(' )h 26 25 IC 2.02.114 0.020819 -425.88340 4.5801330 27 26 IC 2.02.128 0.020818 -426.41220 4.5824450 28 27 IC 2.02.129 0.020818 425.92920 4.5801330 - - -

29 28 IC 2.02.122 0.020819 -426.15820 4.5801330 - - -

30 29 BC 2.02.130 0.020819 425.84000 4.5777980 - - - ]



r i

r r

i i


Summary of 1990 and 1991 Local Leak Rate Tests (LLRT) i


E 5


m--w,e--mm-w,. -=.-,,--wtnawwe-rmw-w--renv-ee--rw-we..ewi-we-.eww-www.-=-----mm, sm-ur--w----w.--=wve-ww-e-,--v.<mwn.,w-



Introduction Appendix B summarizes the results of the Local Leak Bate Test (LLRT) data which was obtained from periodic testing I

performed since the September 1908 periodic Type A test.

Data is provided for surveillance testing performed in 1990 t

and 1991. The leakage rates that are listed in Appendix B i are individua? valve measurements unless otherwise noted.

The acceptance criteria for Types B and C testing is in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J. The combined leakage a d e for all penetrations and valves subject to Types B and C tests in 1990/1991 were well below the acceptance criteria ,

of less than 0.60L ' .

i O  :

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. - ~ . . _ . . . . , . , _ , . . _ , ~ . . . . . _ . , _ _ _ _ , _ , _ . . . _ , _ _ -

l O O 1 .

Page 1 cf 8  ;

1990 Surveillance Test  ;

i  !

l .

i Pn Test Equipment / Valve Sise As-Found Leekage As-Left Leakage l t

No. Systen Nase Type yelves (Inches) (SCCM1/Date (SCCM1/Dete f

j. P-1 Pressurizer Sample C RC240A(IC) 1 O/2-22-90 0/2-22-90 [

i RC240B(OC) 1 0/2-22-90 0/4-1G-90

l. .P-3 Component Cooling Supply C CC1411A(IC) 12 O/2-16-90 O/4-20-90 CC1411B (OC) - 12 Combined Combined P-4 Component Cooling Return C CC1407A(IC) 12 7420/4-3-90 5300/4-14-90 CC1407B(OC) 12
  • Indeterminate Combined i

i P-8A Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5070(OC) 8 29791/2-21-90 O/5-16-90 [

CV5080(OC) 8 42/2-21-90 Combined P-8B Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5071(OC) 8 20110/2-21-90 233/5-17-90 i CV5081(OCF 8 4876/2-21-90 O/5-22-90 P-8C Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5072(OC) 8- 1153/2-21-90 64/4-10-90 CV5082(OC) 8 1046/2-21-90 1046/2-21-90

P-8D Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5073(OC) 8 64/2-21-90 64/2-21-90 CV5083(OC) 8 81/2-21-90 81/2-21-90 P-8E Containment Vessel Vac. Br.

C- CV5074(OC) 8 82244/2-21-90 0/5-16-90  :

CV5094(OC) 8 4876/2-21-90 Combined l P-8F Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5075(OC) 8 636/2-19-90 95/3-31-90 '

350/2-19-90 4

CV5985 (OC) 8 350/2-19-90  !

l l 1 P-8G Containment. Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5076(OC) 8 4876/2-19-90 42/3-31-90 l

{ CV5086(OC) 8 1047/2-19-90 O/6-1-90  ;

l i

i t



f I


Page 2 of 8 j 1990 surveillance Test i

POn Test Equipment / Yalve Sise As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage

- N9 System Name Type Valves (Inchesi JSCCN)/Date (SCCM)/Date .

1 i i

- P-8H Containment Vessel ~Vac. Br. C CV5077(OC) 8 143/2-19-90 O/3-31-90 CV5087(OC) 8 106/2-19-90 106/2-19-90  !

i '

P-8I Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C' CV5078(OC) 8 O/2-21-90 O/2-21-90 i CV5088(OC) 8 O/2-21-90 O/2-21-90 t

P-8J Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5079(OC) 8 O/2-21-90 O/5-3-90 [*

1 CV5089(OC) 8 O/2-22-90 O/2-22-90

. P-12 Comp. Cooling to CRDMs C CC1567A(IC) 3 O/2-12-90 O/3-22-90 f j

CC1567B(OC) 3 O/2-12-90 O/2-12-90 l ,

l P-13 Cont. Ves. Nor. Sump Drain C' DR2012A(IC) 4 366/2-14-90 O/5-8-90

, DR2012B(OC) 4 321/2-14-90 321/2-14-90 P-14 Letdown to Purif. Demins. C MU2A(IC) 2.5 O/2-8-90 O/2-8-90  ;

MU3(OC) 2.5 11660/2-8-90 O/2-23-90  !

! P-16 Cont. Vess., Equip. Vent Hdr. C RC1719A(IC) 3 O/2-15-90 O/2-15-90 [

i, RC1719B(OC) 3 O/2-15-90 O/2-15-90  !

l P-17 Cont. Vess. Leak Test Line C CV343(OC) 8 98/2-5-90 98/2-5-90 {

f Blind Fig.(IC) 8 Combined Combined I r

! P-20 Normal RCS Makeup C MU33(OC) 2.5 N/A N/A l C. MU6422(OC) 2.5 O/2-5-90 O/3-30-90 (,

j P-21 .Demin. Water Supply C DW6831A(IC) 4 76/2-24-9) 76/2-24-90 t DW6831B(OC) 4 O/2-24-90 O/2-24-90 i 4


L 4


= __ _ . _. ~ -. . . ._. . _ . - . ._ _ . -

5 >

Page 3 of -

1990 surveillance Teet Test Equipment / Valve size As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage Pan (BCCM1/Date (SCCMI/Date No. System Name Type Valves (Inches)

P-23 Fuel Trans. Tube 1-2 Bellows B Bellows / Guard Pipe N/A O/5-10-90 O/5-10-90 0-Rings (IC) N/A 263/2-1-90 O/5-8-90 P-24 Fuel Trans. Tube 1-1 Bellows B Bellows / Guard Pipe N/A O/5-10-90 O/5-10-90 O-Rings (IC) N/A 109/2-1-90 O/5-8-90 l 2-25 Containment Spray C SA536(OC) 2 O/2-6-90 O/2-6-90 S A532 (OC) 2 Combined Combined CS1531(OC) 8 O/2-6-90 O/2-6-90 CS33(OC) 8 O/2-6-90 N/A CS17 (OC) 8 Combined CS33(OC) 8 207/2-6-90 207/2-6-90 CS17(OC) 8 O/2-6-90 O/2-6-90 Containcent Spray C SA533(OC) 7 368/2-7-90 368/2-7-9O P-26 SA535(OC) 2 Cc=bined Combined CS1530(OC) 8 233/2-7-90 233/2-7-90 8 O/2-7-90 O/2-7-90 CS36(OC) Combined CS18(OC) 8 Combined CS36(OC) 8 O/2-7-90 O/2-7-90 G 18(OC) 8 25785/2-8-90 4897/4-18-90

T 9


J o (V Page 4 of 8 1990 Surveillance Test Test Equipment / Valve Sise As-Found Leakage As-Left I,eakage Pan (8CCM1/Date ISCCMI/Dete Fo. Systen Name Type valves (Inches)

P-29 Decay Heat Suction C DH23(IC) 8 O/3-8-90 0/3-8-90 P-30 Cont. Emer. Sump Guard l

!ipe B Guard Pipe N/A C/1-30-90 O/1-30-90 l

P-31 Cont. Emer. Sump Guard Pipe B Guard Pipe N/A O/1-31-90 C/1-31-SO P-32 RCS Drain to RCDT C RC1773A(IC) 3 0/3-8-90 O/3-8-90 RC1773B(OC) 3 1590/3-8-90 1590/3-8-90 P-33 Cont. Vess. Purge Inlet C CV5006(IC) 48 477/1-27-90 623/6-7-90 C CV5005(OC) 48 Co=bined Co=bined Cont. Vess. Purge Outlet C CV5007 (IC) 48 636/1-27-90 530/6-7-90 P-34 CV5008(OC) 48 Combined Co=bined P-37 Main Feedwater Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/3-10-90 0/3-10-90 Main Feedwater Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/3-10-90 0/3-10-90 Main Feedwater Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/3-10-90 O/3-10-90 P-38 O/3-10-90 Main Feedwater Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A 0/3-10-90 Main Steam Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A 0/3-10-90 O/3-10-90 P-39 Main Steam Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A 0/3-10-90 0/3-10-90 Main Steam Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/3-10-90 O/3-10-90 P-40 O/3-10-90 O/3-10-90 Main Steam Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A

Page 5 of 8 1990 Burveillance Test Test Equipment / Valve size As-Found Leakage As-Left V,eakage Pen (SCCli) /Date (BCCM)/Date No. System.Name Type Valves (Inches)

P-41 Press. Quench Tk. Circ. Inlet C RC113(IC) 2 0/2-15-90 O/2-15-90 RC232(OC) 2 366/2-15-90 366/2-15-90 P-42A Service Air Supply C SA502(IC) 1.5 4876/2-2-90 0/5-18-90 SA2010(OC) 1.5 5088/2-2-90 0/5-18-90 j

P-42B Cont. Vess. Air Sample Ret. C C '3 24 (IC) 1 117/2-9-90 117/2-9-90

?"S( 10E (OC) 1.5 O/2-8-90 0/4-11-90 P-43^ Instrument Air Supply C .%501(IC) 1 346/3-5-90 346/3-5-90 IA2011(OC) 1 85/3-5-90 85/3-5-90 P-43B Cont. Vess. Air Sample Ret. C CV125(IC) 1 0/2-9-90 0/2-9-90 CV5011E(OC) 1.5 0/2-9-90 0/2-9-90 P-44A Core Flood Tank Fill & N2 636/2-13-90 Supply C CF15(IC) 1 G36/2-13-90 CF1541(0C) 1 303/2-30-40 1007/4-5-90 P-44B Containment N2 Supply C NN58(IC) 1 477/2-12-90 477/2-12-90 NH236(OC) 1 395/2-12-90 395/2-12-20 P-47A Core FJcod Tank Vent C CF2A(IC) (Note 1) O/2-10-90 O/5-18-90 CF2B(IC) (Note 1) 0/2-10-90 0/5-18-90 CF154 5 (OC) 1 0/2-10-90 212/5-27-90 P-47B Core Flood Tank Vent C CFSA(IC) (Note 1) O/2-12-90 0/5-8-90 CFSB(IC) (Note 1) O/2-12-90 0/5-8-90 CF1542(OC) 1 64/2-12-90 0/5-27-90


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Page 6 o' '3 1990 Burveillance Test PCn Test Equipment / Valve size As-Found Leakagn As-Left Leakage No. System Name Type Valves (Inches) (BCCM)/Date (BCCM)/Date P-48 Press. Quench Tk. Circ. Outlet C RC229B(IC) 3 42/2-2-90 42/2-2-90 RC229A(OC) 3 42/2-2-90 42/2-2-90 P-49 Refueling Canal Fill C DH88(IC) 8 4346/3-17-90 O/4-4-90 DH87(OC) 8 1686/3-17-90 O/5-30-90 P-50 RCS Makekup C MU6421(OC) 2.5 O/2-5-90 O/2-5-90 P-51 H2 Purge Exhaust C CV5038(OC) 4 O/2- J-9 0 O/2-8-90 CV5037(OC) 4 O/2-3-90 O/2-8-90 P-52 RCP Seal Water Supply C MU242(IC) 1.5 305/3-5-90 305/3-5-90 MU66A(OC) 1.5 O/3-5-90 O/3-5-90 P-53 RCP Seal Water Supply C MU243(IC) 1.5 O/3-5 90 O/3-5-90 MU66B(OC) 1.5 141/ ;-30 141/3-5-90 P-54 RCP Seal Water Supply C MU244(IC) 1.5 570/3 ' - eO 570/3-5-90 MU66C(OC) 1.5 0/3-5-S, O/3-5-90 P-55 77P Seal Uater Supply C MU245(IC) 1.5 199/3-5-90 199/3-5-90 MU66D(OC) 1.5 O/3-5-90 0/3-5-90 P-56 RCP Seal Water Return C MU59A-D(IC) 1 O/3-13-90 O/4-18-90 MU38(OC) 1 Combined Combined P-59 Sec. Side Chem. Cleaning Flanges B Flanges 8 64/1-31-90 53/5-5-90


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Page 7 of 8 1990 Burveillance rest Test Equipment / Valve Bize As-Found Leakags As-Left Leakage Pcn (SCCM)/Date (BCCM)/Date No. System Name Type Valves (Inches)

P-67 H2 Dilution Supply C CV210(IC) 4 795/2-6-90 O/4-11-90 CV5090(OC) 4 795/2-6-90 0/4-9-90 j P-68A Press. Quench Tk. Sample C SS235B(IC) 1 42/2-3-90 42/2-3-90 SS235A(OC) 1 78/2-3-90 78/2-3-90 P-68B Containment Air Sample C CV5011B(IC) 1 0/2-1-90 O/2-1-90 CV5010B(OC) 1 Combined Combined i

P-69 H2 Dilution Supply C CV209(IC) 4 42/2-8;-90 170/6-3-90 CV5065(OC) 4 O/2-6-90 0/2-6-90 P-71B Containnent Air Sample C CV5010A(IC) 1 0/2-10-90 O/3-19-90 CV5011A(OC) 1 Combined Combined l

P-71C Core Flood Tk. Fill & N2 1 427/2-13-90 427/2-13-90 Supply C CF16(IC)

CF1S44 (OC) 1 82/2-13-90 82/2-13-90 P-73B Containment Air Sample C CV5010C(IC) 1 O/2-13-90 O/4-12-90 CV5011C(OC) 1 Combined Combined P-74B Containment Air Saaple C CV5010D(IC) 1 O/2-1-90 0/2-1-90 CV5011D(OC) 1 Combined O/4-9-90 P-74C Press. Aux Spray C DH2735(IC) 1.o 0/2-10-90 0/2-10-90 DH2736 (OC) 1.5 0/2-10-90 0/3-24-90 P-80 Emergency Air Inck B Air Lock N/A 1814/2-16-90 0/5-29-90

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'Page.8 of 8-1990' Surveillance Test Pcn. Test Equipment / Valve Sise As-Found' Leakage Aa-Left Leakage No. System Name _ Type Valves (Inches). (SCCM)/Date (ECCM)/Dete P-81 Personnel Air Lock B JAir Lock N/A 1325/1-27-90 1193/5-29-90 P-82 Equipment Hatch B O-Rings N/A 0/1-28-90 O/6-3-90 P-101 Electrical Penetrations B O-Rings N/A 8247/3-9-90 O/3-9-90 P-102 Electrical' Penetrations B O-Rings N/A O/3-9-90 O/3-9-90 ,

t TOTAL * >234,845 23,309 f

NOTES 1. Individual valves are l' inch. Tested in parallel for nominal size of 2 inches. I

2. Each penetration leakage was increased as follows: I
a. 2% for 38 (+1,-0) psig.


b. 2%'for rotameter accuracy.
c. 2% for 60-70 degrees F.
  • PCAQR 90-0112 issued. Valve limit stops caused excessive lenAage through CC1407B.

MWO 7-90-0112-01 reset limits and valve tested satisfactorily (see Penetration No. 4).


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Page 1 of 8 1991 surveillance Test Pn Test Equipment / Valve Size As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage Nn. System Name Type Valves- (Inch, gel (8CCM)/Date (SCCM)/Date P-1 Pressurizer Sample C RC240A(IC) 1 0/9-12-91 O/9-12-91 RC240B(OC) 1 0/9-12-91 0/9-12-91 P-3 Component Cooling Supply C CC1411A(IC) 12 52/9-11-91 308/10-13-91 CC1411B(OC) 12 Combined Combined P-4 Component Cooling Return C CC1407A(IC) 12 3487/9-11-91 3487/9-11-91 CC1407B(OC) 12 Combined Combined P-8A Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5070(OC) 8 2072/9-13-91 515/10-10-91 CV5080(OC) 8 Combined 1242/10-14-91 P-8B Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5071(OC) 8 790/9-13-91 790/9-13-91 CV5081(OC) 8 592/9-13-91 0/9-18-91 P-8C Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5072 (OC) 8 5/9-13-91 5/9-13-91 i CV5082(OC) 8 5/9-13-91 5/9-13-91 P-8D Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5073 (OC) 8 O/9-13-91 0/9-13-91 CV5083(OC) 8 49/9-13-91 49/9-13-91 P-8E Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5074(OC) 8 0/9-13-91 237/10-11-91 CV5084 (OC) 8 Combined 15/10-14-91 P-8F Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5075(OC) 8 393/9-10-91 393/9-10-91 a CV5985(OC) 8 319/9-10-91 319/9-10-91 j P-8G Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5076(OC) 8 440/9-10-91 440/9-10-91  ;

CV5086(OC) 8 491/9-10-91 13975/10-15-91 r 4


O (a3 G(~h Page 2 of 8-1991 surveillance Test P;n Test Equipment / Valve Size As-Found Leakage As-Left-Leakage No. System Name Type Valves (Inches) (8CCM)/Dete (SCCM)/Date P-8H Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5077(OC) 8 O/9-10-91 0/9-10-91 CV5087(OC) 8 0/9-10-91 O/9-10-91 P-8I Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV507C(OC) 8 O/9-10-91 O/9-10-91 CV5088(OC) 8 16/9-10-91 16/9-10-91 P-8J Containment Vessel Vac. Br. C CV5079(OC) 8 55/9-10-91 55/9-10-91 CV5089(OC) 8 O/9-10-91 16/10-15-91 P-12 Comp. Cooling to CRDMs C CC1567A(IC) 3 0/9-6-91 O/9-6-91 CC1567B(OC) 3 0/9-6-91 0/9-6-91  :

P-13 Cont. Ves. Nor. Sump Drain C DR2012A(IC) 4 508/10-10-91 508/10-10-91 DR2012B(OC) 4 610/10-10-91 610/10-10-91 1 P-14 Letdown to Purif. Demins. C MU2A(IC) 2.5 O/9-9-91 0/9-9-91 MU3(OC) 2.5 0/9-10-91 O/9-10-91 P-16 Cont. Vess. Equip. Vent Hdr. C RC1719A(IC) 3 65/9-13-91 65/9-13-91 RC1719B (OC) 3 73/9-13-91 73/9-13-91 P-17 Cont. Vess. Leak Test Line C CV343(OC) 8 40/9-3-91 42/10-21-91 Blind Flg. (IC) 8 Combined Combined P-20 Normal RCS Makeup C MU6422 (OC) 2.5 32/9-19-91 22/10-17-91 P-21 Demin. Water Supply C DW6831A(IC) 4 56/9-16-91 56/9-16-91 DW6831B(OC) 4 60/9-16-91 60/9-16-91

Page 3 of 8 1991 surveillance Test Pen Test Equipment / Valve Size .As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage g_,_ 8vstem Name Type valves (Inches) (SCCM)/Date (SCCM)/Date P-23 Fuel Trans. Tube 1-2 Bellows B. Bellows / Guard Pipe N/A 11/10-9-91 11/10-9-91 O-Rings (IC) N/A O/9-11-91 O/10-14-91 P-24 Fuel Trans. Tube 1-1 Bellows B -Bellows / Guard Pipe. N/A O/10-9-91 O/10-9-91

, O-Rings (IC) N/A O/9-11-91 O/10-14-91 ,

P-2S Containment Spray C SA536(OC) 2 O/9-5-91 O/9-5-91 SA532(OC) 2 Combined Combined i O/9-5-91 O/9-5-91 CS1531(OC) 8 -

CS33(OC) 8 O/9-5-91 N/A CS17(OC) 8 Combined l

CS33(OC) 8 129/9-5-91 129/9-5-91 CS17(OC) 8 O/9-5-91 O/9-5-91 1

P-26 Containment Spray C SA533(OC) 2 453/9-6-91 453/9-6-91 i SA535(OC) 2 Combined Combined

+ !

- CS1530 (OC) 8 206/9-6-91 206/9-6-91 f

i CS36(OC) 8 84/9-6-91 N/A 4

CS18(OC) 8 Combined ,

I i l CS36(OC) 8 78/9-6-91 79/10-26-91 I

, CS18(OC) 8 25400/9-6-91 4820/10-26-91 i  !

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i Page 4 of 8 1991 Surveillance Test


Equipment / Valve Size As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage Pan Test System Name Type Valves (Inches) (SCCM.1/Date (SCCM)/Date No.

P-30 Cont. Emer. Sump Guard Pipe B Guard Pipe N/A O/9-5-91 O/9-5-91 P-31 Cont. Emer. Sump Guard Pipe B Guard Pipe N/A 0/9-5-91 O/9-5-91 P-32 RCS Drain to RCDT C RC1773A(IC) 3 0/9-12-91 O/9-12-91 RC1773 B(OC) 3 79351/9-12-91 O/10-24-91 l

P-33 Cont. Vess., Purge Inlet C CV5006(IC) 48 295/9-1-91 5717/10-24-91 I

C CV5005(OC) 48 Combined Combined l

P-34 Cont. Vess. Purge Outlet C CV5007(IC) 48 52/9-1-91 1430/10-25-91 CV5008(OC) 48 Combined Combined P-37 Main Feedwater Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-11-91 0/9-11-91 Main Feedwater Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-11-91 O/9-11-91 P-38 Main Feedwater Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-8-91 0/9-8-91 Main Feedwater Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-8-91 O/9-B-91 P-39 Main Steam Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-11-91 O/9-11-91 Main Steam Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-11-91 O/9-11-91 P-40 Main Steam Inbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-8-91 0/9-8-91 Main Steam Otbd. Bellows B Bellows N/A O/9-11-91 O/9-11-91 P-41 Press. Quench Tk. Circ. Inlet C RC113(IC) 2 35/9-14-91 35/9-14-91 RC232 (OC) 2 4934/9-14-91 158/10-15-91

Page . 5 o f 8 '

1991 Burveillance Test Pen Test ' Equipment / Valve Sise. As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage T~o . System Name . Me, Valves (Incheg1 (8CCM1/Date (SCCN)/Date P-42A Service Air Supply C. SA502(IC) 1.5 216/9-7-91' 216/9-7-91 SA2010(OC) .1.5 1364/9-8-91 911/10-23-91


P-42B Cont. Vess. Air Sample Ret. C CV124 (IC) 1 211/9-8-91 211/9-8-91 CV5010E(OC) 1.5- 15/9-8-91 15/9-8-91 P-43A Instrument Air Supply C IA501(IC) 1 364/10-9-91 364/10-9-91 IA2011(OC) 1 52/10-9-91 52/10-9-91 P-43B Cont. Vess. Air Sample Ret. C CV125(IC) 1 0/9-9-91 0/9-9-91 CV5011E(OC) 1.5 O/9-9-91 0/9-9-91 P-44A Core Flood Tank Fill & N2 Supply C CF15(IC) 1 133/9-14-91 133/9-14-91 CF1541(OC) 1 600/9-14-91 600/9-14-91 P-44B Containment N2 Supply. C NN58(IC) 1 184/9-7-91 184/9-7-91 NN236(OC) 1 243/9-7-91 243/9-7-91 P-47A Core Flood Tank Vent C CF2A(IC) (Note 1) 106/9-13-91 106/9-13-91 CF2B(IC) (Note 1) O/9-13-91 O/9-13-91 CF1545(OC) 1 0/9-13-91 0/9-13-91 P-47B Core Flood Tank Vent C CF5A(IC) (Note 1) O/9-13-91 0/9-13-91 CFSB(IC) (Note 1) O/9-13-91 0/9-13-91 CF1542(OC) 1 35/9-13-91 35/9-13-91 P-48 -Press. Quench Tk. Cire. Outlet C RC229B(IC) 2 55/9-14-91 55/9-14-91 RC229A(OC) 3 5920/9-14-91  ;

1143/10-14-91 g _ _.

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.7 3 Page 6 of 8 1991 Surveillance Test-Pen Test' Equipment / Valve 51se As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage No. System Egag Type Valves .Lluches) (SCCM)/Date (SCCN)/Date P-49 Refueling Canal Fill C DH88(IC) -8 O/9-8-91 O/9-8-91 DH87(OC) 8 0/9-9-91 O/9-9-91 P-50 RCS Makekup C MU6421(OC) 2.5 0/9-7-91 0/9-7-91 P-51 H2 Purge Exhaust C CV5038(OC) 4 21/9-10-91 21/9-10-91 CV5037(OC) 4 15/9-10-91 123/10-11-91 218/9-8-91 218/9-8-91 P-52 RCP Seal Water Supply C MU242(IC) 1.5 MU66A(OC) 1.5 0/9-8-91 0/9-8-91 P-53. RCP Seal Water Supply C MU243(IC) 1.5 0/9-7-91 0/9-7-91 MU66B(OC) 1.5 O/9-8-91 0/9-8-91 i

RCP Seal Water' Supply


P-54 C MU244(IC) 1.5 496/9-9-91 496/9-9-91 MU66C(OC) 1.5 O/9-9-91 O/9-9-91 P-55 RCP Seal Water Supply C MU245(IC) 1.5 O/9-9-91 0/9-9-91 MU66D(OC) 1.5 O/9-9-91 0/9-9-91 P-56 RCP Seal Water Return C MU59A-D(IC) 1 0/9-11-91 0/9-11-91 MU38(OC) 1 Combined ccabined P-59 Sec. Side Chem. Cleaning 24/9-3-91 47/10-23-91 Flanges B Flanges 8 Combined Combined P-67 H2 Dilution Supply C CV210(IC) 4 10/9-7-91 10/9-7-91 CV5090(OC) 4 0/9-9-91 288/10-10-91 i


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1991 Surveillance Test Test Equipment / Valve Sise As-Found Leakago As-Left Leakage Pen Type Valves (Inches) (SCCM)/Date (SCCM)/Date No, System Name P-68A Press. Quench Tk. Sample C SS235B(IC) 1 21/9-12-91 21/9-12-91 l

SS235A(OC) 1 119/9-12-91 119/9-12-91 l

P-68B Containment Air Sample C CV5011B(IC) 1 0/9-7-91 0/9-7-91 CV5010B(OC) 1 Combined Combined q H2 Dilution Supply C CV209(IC) 4 177/9-10-91 177/9-10-91 P-69 0/9-11-91 CV5065(OC) 4 0/9-11-91 P-71B Containment Air Sample C CV5010A(IC) 1 0/9-8-91 14/10-16-91 CV5011A(OC) 1 Combined Combined P-71C Core Flcod Tk. Fill & N2 360/9-12-91 Supply C CF16(IC) 1 360/9-12-91 CF1544(OC) 1 176/9-12-91 176/9-12-91 P-73P Containment Air Sample C CV5010C(IC) 1 0/9-8-91 0/10-10-91 CV5011C(OC) 1 Combined Combined P-74B Containment Air Sample C CV5010D(IC) 1 G/9-7-91 0/9-7-91 CV5011D(OC) 1 Combined Combined P-74C Press. Aux Spray C DH2735(IC) 1.5 0/9-7-91 0/9-7-91 DH2736(OC) 1.5 0/9-7-91 O/9-7-91 P-80 Emergency Air Lock B Air Lock N/A 402/5-1-91 182/10-10-91 l

P-81 Personnel Air Lock B Air Lock N/A 1315/4-30-91 113/10-14-91 l

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'Page 8 of 8 1991 Surveillance Test 1

I Pen Test Equipment / Yalve Sise As-Found Leakage As-Left Leakage h System Name TYDe Valves (Inches) (SCCM)/Date (SCCM)/Date

'P-82 Equipment Hatch B O-Rings N/A O/9-4-91 O/10-23-91 P-101 Electrical Penetrations B O-Rings N/A 0/9-11-91 0/9-12-91 P-102 Clectrical Penetrations B O-Rings N/A 0/9-8-91 O/9-8-91 s

TOTAL 134,090 42,974 r

NOTES 1. Individual valves are 1 inch. Tested in parallel for nominal size of 2 inches.

2. Each penetration leakage was increased as follows:
a. 2% for rotameter accitracy.
b. 1% for 38 (+1,-0) psig.


Summary and Conclusions 1990 Surveillance Test -


All tests were performed utilizing air or nitrogen as the test media at a minimum pressure of 38,0 psig (P,) for a minimum duration of 15 minutes after stabilization.



Total allowable (0.60 L,) . . . . . . . . 599,400 SCCM ,

Total "as-found". . . . . . . . . . . . . *234,845 SCCM Total "as-left" . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,309 SCCM ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:

The combined leakage rate of all Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.60 L, or <599,400 SCCM.


The combined as-found leakage rate of all Type B and C tests was = >234,845 SCCM. No Type A test or ILRT was performed i during this surveillance interval.

  • See 1990 surveillance test data for Penetration No. 4

- 1991 Surveillance Test -



All tests were performed utilizing air or nitrogen as the test media at a minimum pressure of 38.0 psig (P,) for a minimum duration of 15 minutes after stabilization.



Total allowable (0.60 L,) . . . . . . . . .599,400 SCCM

- Total "as-faund". . . . . . . . . . . . . .134,090 SCCM Total "as-left" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,974 SCCM ACLEiM NCE CRITERIA:

- The combined leakage rate of all Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.60 L, or <599,400 SCCM. _


The combined as-found leakage rate of all Type B and C 'ests was 134,090 SCCM which Je l J within the acceptance limit. Tha data substantiates that an acceptable test was performed in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J.

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